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《Three-Body》 Summ

At the beginning of the 21st century, the basic science of the earth was shaken like never before. Many scientists became desperate and crazy and committed suicide.On the eve of the approaching storm, many sensitive people faintly smell the breath of destruction.

On this day, nanoscientist Wang Miao (played by Zhang Luyi) was invited to the Joint Operations Center by the rude police officer Shi Qiang (played by Yu Hewei), and then learned that the deaths of the scientists seemed to be related to an organization called “Science Frontier (ETO)”.The operations center hopes that Wang Miao will infiltrate the organization and investigate their relationship with death scientists and even a mysterious game-Three-Body.

Wang Miao and Da Shi are deeply confused and curious by the constant countdown numbers in front of them, the flickering of the universe predicted by ETO leader Shen Yufei (played by Li Xiaoran), and the continuous destruction and rebirth of civilizations in Three-Body.As for the seemingly ordinary elderly scientist Ye Wenjie (played by Chen Jin), her appearance leads everything to the unknown a few light years away...

The film is adapted from Liu Cixin's science fiction novel of the same name.

《Three-Body》Episode 1 Details

List of suicides shocked Wang Miao

Hong'an's warning and Liangxiang's revelation

Deep in the remote Hong'an base, a mysterious message was suddenly received in the listening room: “Don't answer!Don't answer!Don't answer!”.This concise and repeated warning seems to have traveled across the abyss of the universe and attracted people's attention.Staff member Ye Wenjie, faced with this unknown information, made an unexpected decision: She secretly pointed the transmitter at the sun, as if responding to the mysterious warning, or conveying some kind of message to the unknown universe.information.

Thirty-eight years later, time has taken away many secrets and brought new miracles.Thanks to human wisdom and efforts, the Liangxiang accelerator base, which stretches for several kilometers, has risen from the ground and is magnificent.The completion of this accelerator not only represents a new height in human exploration of microphysics, but is also a major leap in the progress of human science and technology.

List of suicides shocked Wang Miao

The first experiment of this accelerator is to verify the superstring model of theoretical physicist Yang Dong.This model attempts to explain the most basic material structures in the universe and the interactions between them.The success or failure of the experiment will have a profound impact on human physical cognition.

Wang Miao, as the person in charge of the nanocomponent part of this high-energy accelerator project, also came to the accelerator base.He is full of expectations for the upcoming experiments and is also full of curiosity about Yang Dong's superstring model.

At a critical moment in preparation for the experiment, a young woman attracted Wang Miao's attention.She concentrated on checking the data, showing a simple smile from time to time.Her beauty and intelligence attracted Wang Miao's attention.Just when Wang Miao was about to step forward to talk, the woman suddenly raised her head and looked into the distance, as if sensing something.She took out her mobile phone and took a picture of the scene in front of her, and this scene was accidentally recorded by Wang Miao with her camera.

This woman is none other than Yang Dong herself.Her smile reveals her curiosity about the unknown and her pursuit of truth.Her presence seems to add a different color to this magnificent accelerator base.

The experiment began, and as the accelerator started, the entire base was immersed in an atmosphere of excitement and tension.Wang Miao, on the other hand, was also staring closely at the data on the screen, looking forward to the experimental results.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the mysterious information from Hong'an Base and Ye Wenjie's decision.He couldn't help but have a question in his mind: Is mankind's exploration of the universe to find answers, or to satisfy its own curiosity?

As the experiment progresses, the answer seems to gradually emerge.But no matter what the outcome, human beings’ exploration and pursuit of the unknown will never stop.Because in the process of exploration, human beings not only found the answer, but also found themselves.

《Three-Body》Episode 2 Details

Wang Miao’s knowledge of physics was subverted

Wang Miao and Ding Yi: Physics Enlightenment on the Billiard Table

In Ding Yi's residence, an unexpected visitor broke the silence of the night.Wang Miao's arrival does not seem to be a surprise to Ding Yi.Ding Yi sat under the dim light, drinking glass after glass of wine, with unspeakable depression in her eyes.

Their conversation inevitably turned to Yang Dong, the once energetic and talented female physicist, and her shocking suicide.Wang Miao remembered Yang Dong's confusion and despair during his lifetime. The assertion that "physics does not exist" in his suicide note weighed on his heart like a huge boulder.

Ding Yi suddenly stood up and pulled Wang Miao to the pool table.He picked up his cue stick and began to use the motion of a billiard ball as a metaphor for the collision of accelerators.Every ball-to-ball collision seems to be simulating those complex and exquisite scientific experiments.Ding Yi explained while fighting that things that were once considered impossible were now truly unfolding before their eyes.This is not only a scientific breakthrough, but also a challenge to the entire physics community.

Wang Miao felt an inexplicable fear in his heart as he listened to Ding Yi's explanation.He understood that the scientific community was facing an unprecedented problem.This question is not only about theory, but also about human beings' understanding of the universe and nature.

Wang Miao’s knowledge of physics was subverted

Ding Yi's account also revealed another disturbing detail.On the night when Yang Dong's experiment failed, they came to Professor Manfei's residence.There, they discovered a shocking fact - the professor was dead.What is even more shocking is that at the scene of death, Dongyang discovered data that was earlier than her own experiment.That data was like a strange prophecy, foreshadowing the tragedy that was about to happen.

Wang Miao imagined that scene and felt a chill in his heart.He began to understand that Yang Dong's despair was not only because of the failure of the experiment, but also because she was aware of some deeper problem.That question may be the huge challenge facing the physics community now.

As Ding Yi spoke, various complex scientific theories and experimental scenarios flashed through Wang Miao's mind.He began to understand why Yang Dong wrote the words “physics does not exist” in his suicide note.Perhaps what she is referring to is not the demise of physics, but the limitations and prejudices of human understanding of physics.

This unexpected visit gave Wang Miao a deeper understanding of the issues in the scientific community.He began to understand that the development of science is not smooth sailing, it is full of challenges and unknowns.As a scientist, he needs not only courage and wisdom, but also the exploration of the unknown and the pursuit of truth.

As Ding Yi's billiard ball was pocketed with the last shot, a new determination surged in Wang Miao's heart.He knew that he had to face this challenge, no matter how many difficulties and unknowns lay ahead.Because only in this way can he find the truth hidden behind science and find a real answer for Yang Dong and the pioneers who devote themselves to science.

《Three-Body》Episode 3 Details

A countdown appears in front of Wang Miao

Weird events in digital countdown

In a peaceful residential area, Wang Miao's life was suddenly broken by a strange event.He is a general photography enthusiast who likes to capture every moment in life.However, the photos that were developed recently made him fall into deep confusion and panic.

The incident happened in a set of daily photos Wang Miao took of his family.After developing the photos, he was surprised to find that different numbers appeared on each negative.These numbers are irregular, sometimes big and sometimes small, sometimes clear and sometimes blurry, as if they are telling an unknown secret.

Wang Miao did not want to believe that this was a malfunction of the camera. He repeatedly developed and took pictures, trying to find the reason for this impossible event.He borrowed a neighbor's camera and asked his wife Li Yao and daughter Doudou to participate in the shooting, hoping to find out the truth through comparison.However, these mysterious numbers appeared on every photo he took, while everything else looked normal on the photos taken by others.

A countdown appears in front of Wang Miao

As time passed, Wang Miao discovered that these numbers turned out to be a set of countdowns.He was horrified and didn't know what this meant.He picked up his camera and decided to go to a professional repair shop for help.However, just as he was driving out of the community, Shi Qiang's car followed closely.It turned out that Shi Qiang had been secretly monitoring Wang Miao's actions, and he became very interested in Wang Miao's abnormal behavior.

On the way, Wang Miao suddenly saw a flashing digital countdown in front of his eyes.He was so frightened that he suddenly stepped on the brakes and almost caused a car accident.Upon seeing this, Shi Qiang immediately stepped forward to inquire about the situation and learned about Wang Miao's experience.He decided to help Wang Miao uncover the truth behind this.

After a series of investigations and experiments, Shi Qiang discovered that these digital countdowns were mysteriously connected to Wang Miao's personal information.It turned out that these numbers were some kind of advanced technological means to monitor and warn Wang Miao.Wang Miao's life has been involved in a conspiracy beyond ordinary people's cognition.

With Shi Qiang's help, Wang Miao gradually got rid of his fear and confusion.They faced this strange incident together and bravely uncovered the truth behind it.In the end, Wang Miao regained his peaceful life and became filled with new curiosity and awe about the world.Shi Qiang continued his investigative work, looking for more secrets hidden in the lives of ordinary people.

《Three-Body》Episode 4 Details

Wang Miao declares war on Shen Yufei

Wang Miao, a scientist obsessed with research on nano-flying blades, has recently faced an unprecedented dilemma.He came to the Nano Center looking haggard and exhausted.Tormented by the countdown, he seemed to be overwhelmed by endless difficulties.

For some time now, Wang Miao has been trying to break through various difficulties in nano-flying blade research.However, these problems were like mountains that kept him away.Exhausted, he finally made a difficult decision: to suspend the experiment.

The moment the instrument stopped running, the countdown in front of him also disappeared.However, this did not make Wang Miao feel relaxed.Instead, a surge of anger arose in his heart.He questioned Shen Yufei, thinking that she might be playing some kind of trick to try to get him to give up his research.

Wang Miao stated that he would restart nanotechnology experiments in three days and at the same time declare war on Shen Yufei.He welcomes her to play her tricks on a larger scale because he believes he can overcome any adversity.

Faced with Wang Miao's anger and determination, Shen Yufei seemed unusually calm.She told Wang Miao in a calm but chilling tone: "In three days, the entire universe will flash for you."%

Wang Miao declares war on Shen Yufei

This sentence gave Wang Miao a chill.He didn't know what Shen Yufei meant, but he knew that it was definitely not a simple empty talk.He began to doubt whether his research was really meaningful and whether it would really bring benefits to mankind.

However, Wang Miao did not back down.He decided to continue to persevere, no matter how big the difficulties and challenges he faced.He believes that only through unremitting efforts and exploration can the real answer be found.

Three days later, Wang Miao restarted the nano experiment.He found that the experiment went more smoothly than ever before.This increased his confidence and strengthened his belief.

However, he did not forget Shen Yufei's words.He began to wonder if the entire universe would actually flicker for him.He began to pay attention to some phenomena and data that he had never noticed before.

In the end, Wang Miao discovered an astonishing fact: his research on nano-flying blades was inextricably linked to some mysterious phenomena in the universe.His research is not only to promote the development of science and technology, but also to explore the mysteries of the universe.

This discovery shocked and excited Wang Miao.He realized that his research had far-reaching significance and value.He began to devote more efforts to research, hoping to uncover more secrets of the universe.

Although Shen Yufei's words made him feel uneasy and confused, they eventually became his motivation to explore the universe.He thanked Shen Yufei for the reminder and the challenges and opportunities she brought to him.

With Wang Miao's unremitting efforts, his research on nano flying blades finally achieved a breakthrough.His achievements not only bring more convenience and welfare to mankind, but also provide new ideas and directions for exploring the mysteries of the universe.

Wang Miao's story tells us that we should not give up easily when faced with difficulties and challenges.Only through unremitting exploration and hard work can we find the real answers and value.At the same time, we should also be grateful to those who bring us challenges and opportunities, because they may be the best help for our growth and progress.

《Three-Body》Episode 5 Details

Wang Miao saw the universe twinkling with his own eyes

Revealing the suicide case of scientists: Confrontation between new media reporters and scientists

On a quiet night, a new media reporter Mu Xing deliberately bumped into Shi Qiang's car in an attempt to take the opportunity to talk to him.Mu Xing's purpose is not simple. She is investigating a suicide case of a scientist, hoping to find some clues from Shi Qiang.However, Shi Qiang saw through Mu Xing's trick and turned off her voice recorder without revealing any information to her.

Mu Xing's investigation did not stop, and she turned her attention to radio astronomy observation base stations.Here, she met scientists Wang Miao and Sha Ruishan.Wang Miao came here hoping to find evidence of overall fluctuations in the cosmic background from the observation base station.However, Sarisan is skeptical and believes that such fluctuations are impossible.

Wang Miao saw the universe twinkling with his own eyes

At one o'clock in the morning, at the time agreed with Shen Yufei, there was a sudden fluctuation in the monitoring equipment.The smile on Sha Ruishan's face instantly froze, replaced by a horrified expression.He repeatedly confirmed that this was not an instrument failure, and finally all the instruments confirmed an amazing fact - the universe is indeed twinkling!

This discovery shocked everyone, especially Mu Xing.She realized that the suicide of a scientist might be inextricably linked to the phenomenon of cosmic flickering.As a scientist closely related to the case, Shi Qiang's silence and vigilance seem to have reasonable explanations.

Mu Xing decided to continue the in-depth investigation and uncover the truth behind the scientist's suicide.She realizes that this is not just an ordinary suicide case, but may also involve the boundaries of human understanding of the universe and the bottom line of scientific ethics.In this process, Mu Xing will have to face Shi Qiang's obstruction and vigilance, as well as Sha Ruishan and Wang Miao's confusion and fear about the flickering phenomenon of the universe.

As the investigation deepened, Mu Xing gradually discovered some disturbing facts.It turns out that Shi Qiang, as a key figure in the scientist's suicide case, has been concealing an important secret.And this secret is inextricably linked to the phenomenon of cosmic flickering, and may even change humankind's understanding of the universe.

Mu Xing decided to confront Shi Qiang and reveal the truth of this secret.In a heated conversation, Shi Qiang finally revealed the truth to Mu Xing.It turns out that he has been studying the phenomenon of cosmic flickering and discovered a power that may change the destiny of mankind.However, this power also brings an unforeseen danger, leading to the bizarre deaths of some scientists.

Mu Xing was shocked by Shi Qiang's discovery, and at the same time realized the huge crisis hidden behind this scientist's suicide case.She decided to make this discovery public so that more people could understand this dangerous phenomenon and seek solutions.

In the end, Mu Xing successfully spread this discovery to the world, causing widespread attention and discussion.Scientists began to study the phenomenon of cosmic flickering in depth, hoping to find a way to deal with this crisis.And Mu Xing continues to stick to her position as a new media reporter, using her writing style to reveal the truth of the world.

Although the scientist's suicide case seems to have been solved, the problems it reveals are far from over.Mu Xing knows that her mission will continue, in order to reveal more truth and for the future and destiny of mankind.

《Three-Body》Episode 6 Details

Chang Weisi saw the countdown photo

Countdown to the secret: the tracking of Shi Qiang, Wang Miao and Chang Weisi

On a global scale, Wang Miao became the first person to see a countdown in front of his eyes.This strange phenomenon has attracted widespread attention from the scientific community and the police.Shi Qiang, a detective with keen insight, showed Chang Weisi the countdown photos taken by Wang Miao.Chang Weisi, an authority figure with a deep understanding of science, although he seemed to know nothing about the countdown, Shi Qiang noticed that there was a deeper secret hidden in his eyes.

Wang Miao's countdown seems to be the key to unlocking the truth.In order to investigate more deeply, Shi Qiang accepted the task of “Undercover” Scientific Frontier and established a close cooperative relationship with Wang Miao.In order to better cooperate, Shi Qiang specially customized a countdown vest for Wang Miao. The numbers on it were synchronized with the countdown in Wang Miao's eyes.

During the tracking process, Shi Qiang learned that among the scientists Shen Yufei had contacted, in addition to Wang Miao, there was also Ye Wenjie.But Ye Wenjie is currently doing fine, which makes Shi Qiang fall into deep thought.In order to strengthen the investigation force, Shi Qiang asked Chang Weisi for reinforcements, but Chang Weisi only sent one assistant-Xu Bingbing.Xu Bingbing is an information security expert in the Criminal Investigation Brigade. Although Shi Qiang initially doubted her ability, Xu Bingbing proved her worth with practical actions.

Chang Weisi saw the countdown photo

Xu Bingbing not only quickly completed the investigation tasks assigned to her by Shi Qiang, including background checks on Ye Wenjie and Mu Xing, but also ridiculed Shi Qiang for some unwise directions in his investigation.Her professionalism and efficiency won Shi Qiang's respect.Immediately afterwards, Shi Qiang arranged for Xu Bingbing to investigate Sha Ruishan, hoping to find more clues about the countdown.

At the same time, Wang Miao is also trying to adapt to the countdown in front of him.He even began to use this countdown to calculate time, which surprised his wife Li Yao.Li Yao thought Wang Miao might be too nervous, but Wang Miao did not explain.He visited Ye Wenjie again with Yang Dong's photos, hoping that she could answer his questions about the flickering of the universe.Ye Wenjie's answer made Wang Miao think deeply.Maybe it's just that what we think of as physics no longer exists, she says.This sentence made Wang Miao realize that the countdown and cosmic flicker he experienced might be a completely new phenomenon that is beyond the scope of human understanding.

As the investigation deepens, Shi Qiang, Wang Miao and Xu Bingbing gradually discover that there may be a huge secret organization hidden behind this countdown, and their goals may be far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.As a key figure, Ye Wenjie's attitude and behavior have become more and more attention-grabbing.

The hunt for countdowns, cosmic twinkles and scientific truths continues.The three-person team of Shi Qiang, Wang Miao and Xu Bingbing will face more challenges and unknowns.But they firmly believe that as long as they work together, they will be able to uncover the mystery and restore the truth.

《Three-Body》Episode 7 Details

Wang Miao enters《Three-Body》game

Wang Miao’s Three-Body Game Journey

Wang Miao stepped into the mysterious Three-Body game world and gave himself an ID name - “海人”.The scene in front of him was a desert, and the endless sea of ​​sand seemed to indicate the extraordinary world.

In this desert, Wang Miao unexpectedly encountered King Wen of Zhou and his followers.They carried heavy hourglasses on their backs, walked resolutely, and headed towards a place called “Chaoge” with a clear goal.Wang Miao became curious and decided to go with them.During the journey, he learned about the current situation of this Three-Body game world - it is in the so-called “Chaos Era”.

In this era, the birth, setting, and movement patterns of the sun are completely chaotic and unpredictable.Extreme heat and extreme cold occur alternately, bringing great disasters to the world.People are unable to carry out orderly production activities, and even basic survival has become a problem.In order to cope with such an environment, people in the game have developed a special ability-dehydration.They can dehydrate their bodies and turn them into dry skin when the environment is harsh, waiting for the stable “Eternal Era” to arrive before “soaking” and resurrecting.

Wang Miao enters《Three-Body》game

Wang Miao was deeply shocked and realized that this game was not simple.The survival rules of the Three-Body world have not been discovered. Even with powerful wild survival skills, people like Shi Qiang have to dehydrate in the game and be forced to leave.

He began to guess at the goal of the game.Perhaps, it is precisely to use the player's intelligence and understanding to analyze and study various phenomena and grasp the laws of the sun's movement, so that civilization can continue to survive.Wang Miao decided to accept this challenge. He believed that only through continuous efforts and exploration can he find hope of survival in this Three-Body game world.

As Wang Miao gained a deeper understanding of the game world, he gradually discovered the secrets hidden in the desert.He began to work with King Wen of Zhou and his followers to study the movement of the sun and explore the mysteries of the world.Every discovery and breakthrough made him strengthen his belief.

Wang Miao's Three-Body gaming journey was full of unknowns and challenges, but he never gave up.He believes that as long as he keeps working hard, he will be able to find the rules of survival in this world and allow civilization to continue.

《Three-Body》Episode 8 Details

Scientist protection plan encounters Waterloo

Destruction and rebirth in the world of Three-Body

In the world of virtual reality games, Wang Miao witnessed the magnificent and tragic scene of Civilization No. 137 being destroyed in the severe cold.This civilization has evolved to the level of the Warring States Period, and its complexity and prosperity are breathtaking.However, just like the rise and fall of countless civilizations in the real world, this civilization also came to an end in a sudden disaster.

The voiceover of the end of the game slowly sounded, and Wang Miao was withdrawn from the immersive experience.He knew that although the civilization in the game was destroyed, the seeds of civilization still existed, and it would be restarted and given new life in the near future.Wang Miao was deeply shocked by this cyclical and endless view of the universe.

Scientist protection plan encounters Waterloo

After leaving the game world, Wang Miao couldn't wait to share his gaming experience with Shi Qiang.He said that the sense of reality was unprecedented, as if he was really in the world of the Warring States Period, experiencing life and death with the people there.This extreme reality made him feel that the design of the game was simply incredible, and the production efforts behind it were even more unimaginable.

At the same time, Chang Weisi also formulated new strategic goals for regional combat centers around the world.He realized that in today's world of rapid technological advancement, the ideas and technological achievements of top scientists are valuable resources that countries compete for.In order to ensure the safety of these scientists and the integrity of their research results, he decided to closely monitor the top scientists in the core fields of each theater.Once signs of contact or penetration by scientific boundaries are found, protective measures will be initiated immediately.

Shi Qiang also met Mu Xing by chance again.The reporter seemed particularly interested in Shi Qiang's actions, and her spying became more blatant.Shi Qiang was keenly aware that Mu Xing's investigation direction seemed to coincide with his own, which made him have a strong interest in this reporter.After getting rid of Mu Xing, Shi Qiang ordered Xu Bingbing to conduct an in-depth investigation of the reporter.

In order to cooperate with the scientist protection plan of the combat center, Wang Miao began to recall the process of his participation in the scientific boundary gathering.He tried hard to recall the faces and names of the scientists participating in the meeting, hoping to provide valuable clues to the operations center.After some effort, he provided a list of participating scientists.This list became an important reference for the operations center's protection plan.

The combat center conducted a thorough investigation of these scientists and learned about their research fields, social relationships, and recent developments.Afterwards, they communicated with these scientists one by one and explained the importance and necessity of the conservation plan.After gaining the understanding and cooperation of the scientists, the combat center took individual isolation and protection measures to ensure their safety.

In this era full of unknowns and variables, all countries are working hard to protect their scientific and technological resources and talents.In the Three-Body world where virtuality and reality are intertwined, the destruction and rebirth of civilizations are constantly being staged.The efforts of Wang Miao, Shi Qiang and others may add a glimmer of hope to the future of this world.

《Three-Body》Episode 9 Details

Shi Qiang and Wang Miao questioned Shen Yufei

Revealing the truth behind the secret: the psychological battle between Chang Weisi and Hu Xiaoxi

In a tense and delicate interrogation, the contest between Chang Weisi and Hu Xiaoxi became the focus of the operation center.Hu Xiaoxi's provocative attitude seemed to be intended to show his strength and to use psychological tactics to scare Chang Weisi.However, in Chang Weisi's eyes, such behavior is more like a clown's performance.

Chang Weisi knew very well that Hu Xiaoxi was just a scapegoat, and the power hidden behind him was the real mastermind.His understanding of Hu Xiaoxi is far less in-depth than that of Shi Qiang, Wang Miao and others.In Chang Weisi's view, if someone leaks the secret, it can only be him, because he is the only one who knows the whole truth.He vigilantly imagined that there might be some invisible force that could peer through the iron walls and see everything.

At the same time, the quarrel between Pan Han and Shen Yufei, who secretly controlled everything, also intensified.Pan Han scorned Shen Yufei's approach and believed that Wang Miao's survival and continued nanotechnology research was Shen Yufei's failure.Shen Yufei insisted that the master behind them wanted Wang Miao to join them.The differences between the two were fully exposed in this incident. Although they shared the same subject, the huge difference in attitude made people more curious about the truth behind it.

Shi Qiang and Wang Miao questioned Shen Yufei

Mu Xing was also involved in this complicated contest.She didn't expect Pan Han to touch such a high level of confidentiality, so she asked Pan Han again.However, Pan Han avoided answering Mu Xing's inquiry about the boundaries of science. Instead, he once again tempted her with a large amount of global-level information, hoping that she could continue to report in depth.Such behavior can't help but make people more suspicious of Pan Han's motives and the conspiracy behind it.

In this psychological battle, everyone is trying to take the initiative, but the real truth is hidden in layers of fog.Chang Weisi's calmness and wit, Hu Xiaoxi's provocation and concealment, Pan Han's cunning and ambition, Shen Yufei's contradictions and persistence, and Mu Xing's confusion and curiosity all constitute the complex elements of this contest.

As the story progresses, we can't help but start to think: Who is the real mastermind?Who can have the last laugh in this contest?And what is the truth behind it?

This seemingly simple interrogation and quarrel actually hides a profound psychological analysis and a complex power struggle.Each character is trying to uncover the truth in their own way, but the real answer always seems out of reach.

However, it is this suspense and unknown that makes this contest even more fascinating.We look forward to gradually uncovering these fogs and revealing the truth behind them as the story progresses.At the same time, we are also worried and curious about the fate of Chang Weisi, Hu Xiaoxi, Pan Han, Shen Yufei, Mu Xing and others.In this contest, can they find their own direction and stick to their beliefs?

Only time will tell.But in any case, this psychological battle and the truth behind it are worthy of our continued attention and exploration.

《Three-Body》Episode 10 Details

Ye Wenjie, an educated youth went to the countryside and met Bai Mulin

The Mystery of Yang Dong: Physics, Love and the Legacy of Silence

At the same time, Xu Bingbing shuttled around Ding Yi and others, trying to solve the mystery of the last stage of Yang Dong's life.Her mission is to sort out the timeline before Yang Dong's death and restore her behavior during her lifetime, in order to find the real cause of her suicide.In the eyes of everyone, Yang Dong seemed to have found inner peace after learning the shocking news that physics may no longer exist.She decided to give up her beloved theoretical physics research and return to ordinary home life, renovating the house with Ding Yi and preparing for the wedding.However, no one knows what lies behind this decision.

Shi Qiang was keenly aware that Yang Dong's mother Ye Wenjie never seemed to mention her daughter's changes, which was inconsistent with common sense.He suggested that Wang Miao talk to Ye Wenjie, and maybe he could find some clues.At this moment, Ye Wenjie sent a signal to Wang Miao for help.

Wang Miao came to Ye Wenjie's home. In addition to comforting the mother who had lost her daughter, Wang Miao was also invited to give a lecture on applied physics to Ye Wenjie's students.After the lecture, the conversation between the two naturally turned to Ye Wenjie’s experiences when she was young.Ye Wenjie was once an educated youth under the call of the country. She spent her youth in the Daxinganling Mountains.There, she not only experienced hard work, but also met Bai Mulin, a reporter from Dasheng Daily.

Ye Wenjie, an educated youth went to the countryside and met Bai Mulin

Bai Mulin is translating a book about forests - Silent Spring -.This book deeply attracted Ye Wenjie, and the environmental protection ideas mentioned in the book also inspired her love and desire to protect nature.Bai Mulin said that he was inspired by this book and hoped to write a letter to the central government to reflect the irresponsible and nature-destroying behavior of the Construction Corps in the construction of the Daxinganling Mountains.Ye Wenjie agreed very much with this idea. Because Bai Mulin's hand was injured, she even copied the letter by hand.

This memory made both Wang Miao and Ye Wenjie deep in thought.Perhaps it was this experience that planted the seeds in Yang Dong's heart, giving her a different understanding of science and life.And the news that physics may no longer exist may be just the straw that breaks the camel's back.Yang Dong's suicide may not be simply due to the collapse of scientific belief, but because some persistence and belief in her heart were touched.

However, the real answer remains shrouded in mystery.Xu Bingbing, Ding Yi, Shi Qiang and Wang Miao will continue to explore, hoping to find the key to unlocking the mystery of Yang Dong.And this journey of exploration may also give them a deeper understanding of life and science.

《Three-Body》Episode 11 Details

Ye Wenjie's collapse

Ye Wenjie’s memories: In that silent spring

In a corner of the room, Ye Wenjie sat quietly, the rustling sound of pen scratching paper echoing in the air.The faint smell of pine sawdust reminded her of her father.Since her father's death, such tranquility and peace have become especially precious to her.

After Ye Wenjie completed the manuscript, he carefully handed the work to Bai Mulin.Their fingers touched inadvertently, and the electric shock at that moment made her quickly withdraw her hand.She tried to cover up her inner panic with busyness and picked up Bai Mulin's clothes to wash, but he gently refused.He urged her to go home and get some rest.When leaving, Bai Mulin revealed that he wanted to report the situation to her superiors, hoping that she could be transferred back to her original position.But Ye Wenjie hesitated. She didn't want to leave. She had too many memories and emotions here.

Day after day, Ye Wenjie continued her work. In her spare time, she would always look into the distance, as if searching for something.However, the good times did not last long, and a piece of bad news broke the tranquility.She was told to go back to see Director Zhang of the Political Department, who took out the report letter she had written and insisted that it was written by her.When questioned, Ye Wenjie explained that he copied it for someone else, and that person was Bai Mulin.But Bai Mulin denied it and insisted that Ye Wenjie was the mastermind.

Ye Wenjie stood in front of Bai Mulin, her eyes filled with disbelief.She couldn't believe that he, who was once gentle and gentle, could become so strange.What chilled her even more was that no matter how she explained, no one believed her anymore.Director Zhang angrily asked her to reflect on her mistakes, and Bai Mulin also turned and left.

Ye Wenjie was locked in a dark room alone, and the cold air made her tremble all over.No one cared about her situation, and she could only endure it all silently.Just when she felt desperate, Cheng Lihua appeared.She did not treat Ye Wenjie differently because of her mistakes, but comforted her with a warm tone.She told Ye Wenjie that it is inevitable for young people to make mistakes. As long as they recognize their mistakes and correct them, they will have the opportunity to start over.

Under Cheng Lihua's persuasion, Ye Wenjie gradually let down her guard.She listened to Cheng Lihua's personal experience and felt the sincerity and kindness of the other party.However, when Cheng Lihua took out the document and asked her to sign it, she hesitated.She didn't know what signing meant, and wasn't sure if she could accept that outcome.

Ye Wenjie's collapse

Cheng Lihua patiently explained the meaning and consequences of the signature. She told Ye Wenjie that the signature only expressed her attitude and position and would not have much impact on her.She also encouraged Ye Wenjie to believe in the organization and that there is hope for the future.

But Ye Wenjie still couldn't make up her mind.She stared at Cheng Lihua silently, her heart full of contradictions and struggles.She knew she needed to make a choice, but it was too difficult for her.

In that silent spring, Ye Wenjie began to think about right and wrong.She thought of what she had done and of those who had been hurt.She began to reflect on her past and try to find answers to her questions.

In the end, Ye Wenjie made her choice.She didn't sign or give up her beliefs.She chose to face reality and bravely took on her responsibilities.She knows that this road is not easy, but she is willing to work hard for her future.

Ye Wenjie left the northern forest farm and started a new life with full of emotion and new understanding.She knows that there is still a long way to go, but she believes that as long as she persists in her beliefs and pursuits, she will be able to move towards a brighter future.

《Three-Body》Episode 12 Details

Mozi introduced the double-shell model to Wang Miao

Shi Qiang and the Three-Body Game: Exploring Ye Wenjie’s Complex World

In the vast universe, each individual is like a unique star, and Ye Wenjie, the woman who left a deep imprint on Shi Qiang's heart, is more like a complex galaxy, full of unknowns and mysteries.The more he got to know her, the more he felt that her world was like a huge maze, full of inextricably linked connections and unpredictable variables.

Shi Qiang is a keen policeman who is good at finding the truth from complex clues.In his intuition, Ye Wenjie has some unfathomable connection with seemingly unrelated things such as Yang Dong, Shen Yufei and Three-Body games.This connection is like gravity in astrophysics. Although it is invisible and intangible, it affects everything invisibly.

In order to uncover the truth of all this, Shi Qiang decided to push forward the Three-Body game with Wang Miao as the core.Sha Ruishan also volunteered, hoping to find a breakthrough through games.However, they soon discovered that their experience with traditional games simply didn't work in Three-Body games.Their characters were dehydrated in the game, which forced them to calm down and revisit the game.

Mozi introduced the double-shell model to Wang Miao

Xu Bingbing realized at this moment that perhaps the game itself was a filtering mechanism.Only those who can truly understand the purpose of the game can survive in this world.And Wang Miao, as a key figure among them, entered the game again, hoping to find the answer.

When he entered the game again, he found that the environment, vegetation, and even the pyramids he saw when he first logged into the game had changed.These are signs of civilizational changes, which deeply shocked him.However, his goal is still to predict the changing patterns of the sun in the game.

At the top of the pyramid, Wang Miao met Mozi.This ancient wise man created a huge model of the universe to simulate the movement of the sun and use it to predict the future.The principle of this model is based on Mozi's theory: the universe is a large hollow ball suspended in a sea of ​​fire.There were many small holes in the ball and one big hole. The light from the sea of ​​fire came through these holes. The small holes were stars and the big hole was the sun.The stars, sunrise and sunset seen in the Three-Body game are all caused by the rotation of this big ball.

Wang Miao was deeply attracted by this model, and he began to understand that perhaps the real meaning of this game lies in revealing the laws of the universe.As for Ye Wenjie, one of the creators of this game, her complex world may be the embodiment of this pattern.

After Shi Qiang learned all this, he strengthened his belief.He knew that to truly understand Ye Wenjie, he had to go deep into the world of the Three-Body game.And he also believed that as long as they could find the theme of the game, they would be able to unveil Ye Wenjie's complex world.

Therefore, Shi Qiang and his team continued to invest in the exploration of the Three-Body game. They hoped to find the key to Ye Wenjie's complex world through this game.And all this is just the beginning of their journey.

《Three-Body》Episode 13 Details

Ye Wenjie recalls the past at Hong'an Base

The Mystery of the Flying Star and the Hidden Truth

On the road of scientific exploration, every researcher may encounter insurmountable obstacles.Regarding the study of flying stars, Wang Miao seems to have touched the edge of the answer, but every time he tries, he feels deeply frustrated.He is only one step away from the truth, but it seems he will never be able to cross that final distance.At this critical moment, Shi Qiang made a suggestion, hoping that Wang Miao could ask Ye Wenjie for advice again.

However, this suggestion was not Shi Qiang’s whim.Xu Bingbing was keenly aware of Shi Qiang's true intention. He was guiding Wang Miao to get closer to Ye Wenjie.Behind this subtle motive, there may be a deeper secret.The relationship between Wang Miao and Ye Wenjie may become the key to solving the mystery of the flying star.

At the same time, Mu Xing keenly captured key words such as “lord” and “we” during his contact with Pan Han.She realized that there was a huge organization hidden behind Pan Han, and the power of this organization was beyond imagination.Mu Xing's intuition told her that this organization may be inextricably linked to the mystery of the flying star.She begins formulating a plan to uncover the true nature of the organization.

Ye Wenjie recalls the past at Hong'an Base

Shi Qiang came to Mu Xing to try to understand the progress of her investigation.Mu Xing did not directly tell Shi Qiang what she had discovered, but hinted to him that she hoped to pursue it with him.Shi Qiang's experience and wisdom are undoubtedly a valuable asset for Mu Xing's plan.

Just as they were getting closer to the truth, another scientist was killed in Europe.This incident made global operations centers realize that their enemies were far more powerful than imagined and their behavior was completely unpredictable.Is this powerful enemy related to the mystery of the flying star?Is it the organization that Mu Xing investigated?

In order to find the answer, Wang Miao found Ye Wenjie again.Ye Wenjie calmly told him her next story.After that incident, she was helped by her father's student, Yang Weining, chief engineer of Hong'an, and entered a place called Hong'an Base.This is a highly confidential national defense key project, and Ye Wenjie started her new life here.

At the Hong'an base, Ye Wenjie first engaged in some basic equipment maintenance work, supervised by security personnel.However, she didn't care about this. She often looked down at the former Construction Corps from the top of the mountain, hoping to stay in Red Bank for the rest of her life.Behind this wish, is there some kind of expectation she has for Feixing?What is the connection between Hong'an Base and Feixing?

As the story progresses, more and more mysteries begin to emerge.How will Wang Miao, Shi Qiang and Mu Xing uncover these mysteries and find the truth about the flying star mystery?And how will that powerful organization hiding in the dark affect their actions?The answers to all this have yet to be revealed.

《Three-Body》Episode 14 Details

Launch Section

Ye Wenjie's Red Bank Years: Trust and Suspicion

Deep in the Hong'an base, Ye Wenjie's story slowly unfolds.Ever since she stepped into this mysterious and solemn scientific research palace, her life has been given an unusual meaning.As a new scientific researcher, her first task is to participate in the maintenance and repair work of the base.This is not only a test of her professional skills, but also a test of her will and character.

In that special era, Hong'an Base gathered many top scientific research talents.Political Commissar Lei Zhicheng and Chief Engineer Yang Weining are both core figures in the base, but their views often diverge.After a fierce dispute, an important decision was made: Let Ye Wenjie replace the outgoing Lao Liu and enter the core position of the Launch Department.This change is undoubtedly a great recognition of Ye Wenjie's ability, and it also means that she will assume more important responsibilities.

Launch Section

In the process of taking over the new position, Ye Wenjie gradually understood the true purpose of the experiment.Political commissar Lei Zhicheng told her that this experiment was to detect and attack enemy satellites and protect the country's security.However, this explanation did not completely eliminate her doubts.Ye Wenjie couldn't help but question the chief engineer Yang Weining, why he didn't trust her before and didn't tell her the true purpose of the experiment.This question not only reflects her serious attitude towards her work, but also reflects her persistence in scientific research integrity.

Ye Wenjie's story aroused great interest in Wang Miao.As Ye Wenjie's listener, Wang Miao became very interested in this period of history.However, as his understanding deepened, Shi Qiang became more suspicious of Ye Wenjie.He believes that Ye Wenjie's experience in Hong'an may be inextricably linked to her future choices.This suspicion undoubtedly cast a stone into Ye Wenjie's peaceful life and caused many ripples.

During her years at Hong'an, Ye Wenjie experienced the transformation from maintenance and overhaul to core backbone. She continued to move forward on the road of scientific research, and at the same time struggled between trust and suspicion.Her story is not only a review of the scientific research process, but also a testimony of spiritual growth.This period of history will also become an eternal mystery in the hearts of Wang Miao and Shi Qiang, waiting to be solved one by one over time.

《Three-Body》Episode 15 Details

Wang Miao reveals the basic structure of the Three-Body world

Wang Miao’s revelation and Mu Xing’s decision

Wang Miao, a scientist in trouble, unexpectedly became a source of inspiration for him through a game with Doudou.In this seemingly ordinary game, there are profound mysteries of the universe hidden.Doudou's question, like Ye Wenjie's explanation of Feixing, goes straight to the core of the problem.Before this, Wang Miao had been bound by preconceived notions and unable to see the truth of the problem.

In the game, Wang Miao is placed in a European medieval environment, a place where ideas collide and confront each other.Pope Gregory was the supreme ruler, while scientific giants such as Aristotle and Galileo proposed their own theories and methods.However, Wang Miao saw different possibilities.He proposed the concept of the Three-Body world, a system of three suns that form complex and unpredictable movement patterns under the influence of mutual gravity.When the planets orbit one of the suns stably, it is a constant epoch; when the other suns come within a certain range, the motion of the planets will become unstable, which is a chaotic epoch.

Wang Miao reveals the basic structure of the Three-Body world

Wang Miao's theories caused an uproar in the world. He was regarded as a heretic and even faced the danger of being burned to death.However, at the most critical moment, the terrible "three-day volley" phenomenon occurred.Civilization No. 183 in the Three-Body world was destroyed in this disaster.However, the game system prompted Wang Miao at this moment. He successfully revealed the basic structure of the universe, and the Three-Body civilization ushered in its first leap.The game entered the second level, and Wang Miao was able to enter the next stage of the game.

Wang Miao reveals the basic structure of the Three-Body world

At the same time, Mu Xing also began to understand the truth about the boundaries of science.Her contact with Shen Yufei gave her a deeper understanding of the Lord.In the mouths of Shen Yufei and Pan Han, the Lord shows different appearances.Mu Xing began to fall into deep thought, and she gradually realized that it was time to make a choice.

The story of Wang Miao and Mu Xing, one is a scientist looking for the truth in the game, and the other is an explorer looking for answers in the real world.Their experiences all tell us that when facing unknowns and difficulties, we need the courage and wisdom to reveal the truth, and the determination and courage to make the right choices.Only in this way can we find our own direction in a complex world and achieve self-transcendence.

《Three-Body》Episode 16 Details

Wang Miao encountered a three-day streak in the game

Shi Qiang and Xu Bingbing reveal the secret behind Shen Yufei

During the investigation of Shen Yufei, Shi Qiang and Xu Bingbing discovered a series of shocking details.Shen Yufei's husband, a little-known mathematician, has been working on a complex calculation for a long time.Shen Yufei's company, on the surface, looks like an ordinary commercial entity, but in fact it is also silently cooperating with this calculation research.

In Shen Yufei's daily life, her attitude towards her husband is almost alienating, but whenever she talks about her computing career, her eyes sparkle with enthusiasm and longing.This contrast makes Shi Qiang and Xu Bingbing wonder, what is the driving force that makes a woman so indifferent to her husband, but so obsessed with a seemingly insignificant calculation?

After in-depth investigation, they discovered that the computing research conducted by Shen Yufei's husband was inextricably linked to the Three-Body game.In the Three-Body game, after the computer had been running for one year and four months, a rare astronomical phenomenon occurred in the game world - three days in a row.When the gravity of the three suns is superimposed in the same direction, the game world begins to lose weight, landslides and ground crack, sea water rises into the sky, and everything on the surface of the entire Three-Body world is sucked towards the sun.Civilization No. 184 was destroyed in this disaster, and this civilization has evolved to the stage of the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution.

Wang Miao encountered a three-day streak in the game

At the same time, Mu Xing also encountered an unexpected conversation at home.Pan Han, this mysterious figure who had been hiding in the dark, suddenly appeared in her home, and the topic pointed directly at extraterrestrial civilization.He did not shy away from revealing more truth about alien civilization to Mu Xing, trying to win over this reporter who had been brainwashed by him, hoping that she could become his pawn to attack more people.

However, Mu Xing did not go as Pan Han wished.In the recent series of events, she has developed a deep trust in Shi Qiang and the combat center.Therefore, she decided to secretly steal the information from Pan Han's computer, collect evidence, and contribute her part to uncovering the truth.

As the investigation deepened, Shi Qiang, Xu Bingbing and Mu Xing gradually discovered that Shen Yufei, her husband, Three-Body Games and Pan Han, these seemingly unrelated people and things, were actually closely connected.It constitutes a huge and complex conspiracy.And they are the key figures to uncover this conspiracy.

《Three-Body》Episode 17 Details

Ye Wenjie takes Wang Miao to visit the abandoned Hong'an base

The train to Hailar that Shi Qiang and Wang Miao took did not bring about the peaceful journey they expected.On the contrary, they accidentally got involved in the criminal police's handling of the case on the train, and learned shocking news: a murder had occurred on this train.This unexpected episode made the two of them immediately alert. They realized that another powerful force was secretly eyeing Shen Yufei.

Although this new force is mysterious, its power cannot be underestimated. The contest between them and Shi Qiang and Wang Miao has quietly begun.In this seemingly invisible battle, everyone must be careful, because any negligence may lead to irreparable consequences.

Wang Miao quickly called Ye Wenjie. Ye Wenjie did not conceal her whereabouts. She told Wang Miao that she was waiting for him in Qijiatun.With the closure of the Third Hong'an Base, Ye Wenjie no longer had any reason to stay in Qijiatun.However, what she is most concerned about is Shen Yufei's safety.

Ye Wenjie takes Wang Miao to visit the abandoned Hong'an base

After learning that Shen Yufei might be in danger, Ye Wenjie hoped that she could leave as soon as possible and go to a safe place to hide.She herself decided to stay in Qijiatun and wait for Wang Miao so that she could face possible crises with him.

Shen Yufei felt deeply warmed by Ye Wenjie's concern, but she believed that she had been completely exposed in front of the enemy, and she should be by Ye Wenjie's side at this moment.However, Ye Wenjie insisted that the top priority was to complete the calculations of the model and avoid unnecessary sacrifices.Under Ye Wenjie's persuasion, Shen Yufei finally chose to leave to seek a safer environment.

Shi Qiang and Wang Miao quickly rushed to Qijiatun after learning that Ye Wenjie was safe and sound.There, they met Ye Wenjie and followed her to visit the long-abandoned Hong'an base.During the visit, Ye Wenjie continued to talk about her past at the Hong'an base. Those past glories and setbacks have become valuable assets in her life.

As the story progresses, Shi Qiang and Wang Miao gradually learn about the deep friendship between Ye Wenjie and Shen Yufei and the difficulties they face.They decided to join forces to fight against the mysterious force and protect the safety of Ye Wenjie and Shen Yufei.In this contest, they will face countless challenges and tests, but no matter what the outcome, they will stick to their beliefs and principles and fight for justice and truth.

《Three-Body》Episode 18 Details

Ye Wenjie learns the true purpose of Hong'an Base

Ye Wenjie and the Secret of Hong'an

Ever since Ye Wenjie was transferred to the secret surveillance department, her life trajectory has undergone tremendous changes.Political Commissar Lei Zhicheng's respect and trust in her made her feel warm and grateful, but Chief Engineer Yang Weining's attitude made her quite confused.Not only did Yang Weining object to Lei Zhicheng's arrangements many times, he was also very picky with Ye Wenjie at work, which made her dissatisfied.

However, as Ye Wenjie gradually learned the true situation of the Hong'an Project with the help of Yang Weining, she began to realize the hypocrisy behind Lei Zhicheng.The true face of the Red Bank Project is far more complex and profound than she imagined.She found that once she got to know Red Bank, it was extremely difficult to leave.What shocked her even more was that knowing the truth about Hong'an meant that she would never be able to leave this mysterious place.

Although her heart was full of gratitude to Yang Weining, Ye Wenjie still firmly stated that she was willing to know the truth and stay in Hong'an.It turns out that Hong'an's real job is not simple monitoring, but the search for extraterrestrial civilizations.This ambitious goal shocked Ye Wenjie and made her full of expectations for future exploration.

Ye Wenjie learns the true purpose of Hong'an Base

Recalling Hong'an's past, Ye Wenjie's voice was full of emotion.She recounted her past experiences plainly, but revealed her infinite hope for the future.The forward thinking of the top decision-maker of the Hong'an Project not only shocked Wang Miao, but also moved Ye Wenjie.She knew that such a project would be of immeasurable value to mankind.

When Wang Miao left Hong'an, he expressed regret for Ye Wenjie.Such a great and meaningful undertaking was interrupted due to the delay in any discovery. The closure of Red Bank is undoubtedly a huge loss.However, Ye Wenjie firmly told him that she was still waiting for an old friend here.

Standing on her favorite high platform in the past, Ye Wenjie silently looked at the sunset, her eyes full of expectation.She knew that while work on Red Bank had ceased, her journey of discovery would never end.She will continue to wait here, waiting for that old friend who may never appear, and waiting for the response from extraterrestrial civilization.

Ye Wenjie's story is a story about persistence, courage and exploration.Her experience in Red Bank gave her a deeper understanding of the insignificance of human beings and the vastness of the universe.However, it was this contrast between smallness and vastness that strengthened her belief. She believed that as long as humans did not give up exploration, the mysteries of the universe would one day be revealed.

《Three-Body》Episode 19 Details

Ye Wenjie confronted Evans face to face

Wang Miao and Shi Qiang join forces to reveal the secret, Ye Wenjie and Evans have conflicting ideas, and the mystery of Three-Body gradually emerges

As Wang Miao and Shi Qiang met, an exchange of information about the fate of mankind began in the silent night.The two exchanged the information they had. Although Shi Qiang still expressed doubts that all this was just a coincidence, he also knew that the most important thing now was to piece together the clues and reveal the truth behind it.

They decided to set off back to Beijing, and at the same time let Xu Bingbing continue to investigate Shen Yufei's whereabouts.This mysterious woman seems to be inextricably linked to the entire incident.

At the remote Hong'an base, Ye Wenjie's meeting with a foreigner attracted people's attention.This foreigner's name is Evans, and he is the actual leader of ETO and the Adventists.His conversation with Ye Wenjie was full of tension and conflict. As leaders of the Three-Body organization, the two had completely different philosophies.

Ye Wenjie believed that Evans was not conveying the Lord's will, but using the Lord to satisfy his own desires.However, Evans insists he will soon be able to prove who the Lord is on his side.They agreed to hold a meeting within the organization, and the person who lost the main support would completely hand over leadership within the organization.

Ye Wenjie confronted Evans face to face

After parting with Evans, Ye Wenjie felt as calm as water.She has experienced a long time and the baptism of fate, and has long looked down upon the disputes in the world.She knew that no matter the outcome, she would stand by her beliefs.

At the same time, Wang Miao and Shi Qiang reported the results of their trip to the operations center after returning to Beijing.They suspected that the entire incident was related to extraterrestrial civilization. This discovery plunged the entire operations center into a tense atmosphere.

At this time, someone reported that his life was threatened.The person who reported the crime turned out to be Shen Yufei's husband Wei Cheng.The mathematician is described as a world-weary genius who once searched for inner emptiness in temples. Finally, under the guidance of a monk, he began to study the Three-Body problem and became obsessed with solving this difficult puzzle.

Wang Miao and Shi Qiang realized that Wei Cheng might be the key to unlocking the entire incident.They decided to conduct an in-depth investigation into Wei Cheng, hoping to get more clues about the Three-Body problem from him.

As the investigation deepened, they gradually discovered that there seemed to be some connection between Wei Cheng and Shen Yufei.This connection not only involves the fate of individuals, but also the future of mankind as a whole.

In this contest about the fate of mankind, Wang Miao, Shi Qiang, Ye Wenjie, Wei Cheng and others are all working hard to reveal the truth.Can they successfully uncover the secret of Three-Body?What fate will mankind face?The answers to all this are gradually emerging.

《Three-Body》Episode 20 Details

Wang Miao brings Wei Cheng’s research results into Three-Body game

The Mystery of Three-Body: Temple Encounter and Ultimate Reveal

In the ancient and peaceful temple, incense is burning brightly, and the prayers of believers are heard one after another.Here, every moment is filled with awe of the unknown and devotion to the gods.However, in this tranquility, a seemingly ordinary moment opened a door to the unknown world for two people with very different destinies.

Shen Yufei, a seemingly ordinary woman but full of curiosity inside, walked into the temple not to pray for blessings, but to find inner peace.And Wei Cheng, a mathematician obsessed with three-body operations, seems to have only numbers and formulas in his world.The encounter between the two seemed to be arranged by God. The draft in Wei Cheng's hand records his many years of exploration and pursuit of the Three-Body issue.

Wei Cheng's obsession with Three-Body computing has made him almost isolated from the world.The emergence of Shen Yufei provided him with the best computing hardware and life support.She saw the determination and persistence in Wei Cheng's eyes, and felt his pure pursuit of science.With the help of Shen Yufei, Wei Cheng was able to devote himself wholeheartedly to his research. They became husband and wife and faced the pressure and difficulties from the outside world together.

Wang Miao brings Wei Cheng’s research results into Three-Body game

The peaceful life did not last long.Pan Han, a mysterious figure, suddenly appeared and threatened Wei Cheng to stop his research.Faced with threats from the outside, Shen Yufei chose to side with Wei Cheng. She even threatened Wei Cheng and forced him to continue studying the Three-Body problem.Such double pressure made Wei Cheng feel that his life was threatened, and he had to seek help from the police.

During his days in the detention center, Wei Cheng still did not give up his research.He completed the final calculation of the Three-Body model and handed the USB flash drive containing key data to Wang Miao, hoping that he could enter the game for verification.This USB flash drive seems to carry the secrets of the survival and destruction of Three-Body civilization and earth civilization.

Wang Miao, as the successor of Wei Cheng and Shen Yufei's years of research results, once again stepped into the world of Three-Body games.With their expectations and beliefs, he explored the mysterious and unknown world of Three-Body.Perhaps, only in this virtual world can we find the answer, solve the mystery of Three-Body, and also reveal the truth about the intertwined fate of two real-world characters.

The temple bells ring slowly, seeming to tell a story about faith, science and destiny.As for Wei Cheng and Shen Yufei, their fates also quietly changed during the exploration of the mystery of Three-Body.Regardless of the outcome, their story will become a legend and will be remembered and celebrated by future generations.

《Three-Body》Episode 21 Details

Wang Miao attended Three-Body game offline party

In the face of inquiries, Pan Han took his time; revealing the secret of Three-Body, Wang Miao embarked on a new journey

During the rigorous police investigation, Pan Han behaved calmly and without panic when facing police inquiries.The conclusion of surveillance video, ballistic analysis and blood spatter morphological analysis gradually became clear: Shen Yufei's death was a suicide, not a homicide.This result allowed Pan Han to get rid of the murder charge and temporarily calmed everyone's suspicion of him.

According to Wang Miao, Shen Yufei chose to commit suicide out of despair.While everyone was still delving into Pan Han's motives and background, Wang Miao received an unexpected notification - an offline gathering of Three-Body games.This news immediately aroused his interest, and he decided to attend the party in person to get more clues.

Wang Miao attended Three-Body game offline party

After Shi Qiang and the combat center learned of the location of the gathering, they immediately made careful arrangements and preparations to ensure Wang Miao's safety.At the party, Pan Han revealed a surprising news to all participants: there are other civilizations outside the earth, and the Three-Body world is one of them.

Faced with the curiosity and surprise of everyone present, Pan Han further asked: If the Three-Body civilization decided to find a new home, what would everyone's views be?After careful consideration, Wang Miao cautiously expressed his support.Pan Han immediately reached out to him and welcomed him to join this mysterious and huge organization.

After the party, Wang Miao immediately reported the situation to Shi Qiang.He confirmed the existence of the Three-Body civilization and revealed that this civilization possesses advanced technology beyond imagination.This civilization survived one destruction after another and developed an organization called ETO on Earth.

Wang Miao attended Three-Body game offline party

This news is undoubtedly a huge shock to the world.After receiving the instructions from the leader, Chang Weisi immediately began to prepare for battle.He quickly informed all war zones around the world of the situation and called on all countries to unite, share information and trust each other absolutely.Facing the threat of alien civilization, mankind must unite to face this unprecedented challenge.

With Wang Miao's in-depth investigation and Shi Qiang's unremitting tracking, the contest between humans and Three-Body civilization gradually surfaced.In this unknown contest, everyone is working hard for the future of the earth, hoping to find a chance to survive in this game.

《Three-Body》Episode 22 Details

Chang Weisi forced to stop Three-Body game

Ye Wenjie and Wang Miao reveal the secret of Three-Body

In a quiet afternoon, Ye Wenjie learned of Shen Yufei's death, and her heart was filled with grief and anger.She knew that the Adventist faction was the culprit behind all this, and Pan Han also played an indispensable role in this incident.In order to mourn this former companion, Ye Wenjie came to the temple and silently paid homage.

At the same time, Wang Miao and Shi Qiang are also working hard to solve the mystery of the Three-Body problem.From the different attitudes of Shen Yufei and Pan Han towards this issue, they inferred that there were differences within the Earth Three-Body Organization (ETO).This gives them a breakthrough and may be able to reveal the true face of Three-Body.

In order to investigate further, Wang Miao decided to continue to delve deeper into the game.At this moment, the combat center found the location of the game server from the decrypted data on the USB flash drive.However, Pan Han had already noticed their actions, and he decisively shut down the Three-Body game server.

Chang Weisi forced to stop Three-Body game

Wang Miao, who was playing the game, suddenly received a reminder telling him that the server was about to close.He logged in nervously and found that the game had switched directly to the final scene.Here, he was shocked to learn that the Three-Body world was about to set sail, and at one-tenth the speed of light, it would reach the nearest galaxy to the Three-Body galaxy in four hundred years—another galaxy four light-years away.There is a heavenly eternity there.

The atmosphere in the operations center was extremely active. Based on the information in the USB flash drive, they successfully attacked the European ETO branch and forced the Three-Body game to stop, achieving their first victory.However, Chang Weisi felt vaguely uneasy about this. He felt that this victory came too easily, as if everything had been designed.

Wang Miao and Shi Qiang also felt solemn. They knew that the threat from the Three-Body people had not been eliminated.Four hundred years later, these alien creatures will arrive on Earth, but they don't know when the Three-Body people set out.This mystery weighed on their hearts like a heavy stone.

No matter how difficult the road ahead is, Wang Miao and Shi Qiang are determined to uncover the secrets of Three-Body and protect the earth from it.They know that this is a war without gunpowder, but they are willing to fight to the end for the future of the earth.

《Three-Body》Episode 23 Details

Ye Wenjie purges Adventists at ETO

Earth Three-Body Organization: Secrets, Betrayal and Truth

When Wang Miao received the email from the Earth Three-Body Organization (ETO) gathering, he had mixed emotions.He knows that this is an opportunity and a challenge.Chang Weisi's order allowed him to temporarily put aside his arrest of Chen Xue, and this decision seemed to deepen his confusion.

After a series of investigations and the collection of clues, Wang Miao and his team confirmed Chen Xue's identity - she was a member of ETO and the daughter of Ye Wenjie's sister.Chen Xue's behavior on the K1303 train and her murder of Mu Xing all point to her identity and motives.And her life experience, being abandoned by her mother, and being sponsored by Ye Wenjie to study abroad, all this is like a complicated mystery waiting to be solved.

However, when all the clues pointed to Ye Wenjie, Wang Miao began to feel confused.He didn't know Ye Wenjie well, but he knew that this woman was not simple.Her wisdom and determination make her a core figure in the Three-Body organization on Earth.And now, she seems to be the key to the whole incident.

Wang Miao regained his composure and prepared to attend the upcoming ETO conference.He knows that this is a dangerous mission, but he also understands that this is his only chance to uncover the truth.The operations center has made preparations and they will capture ETO members at this conference.Chang Weisi ordered Shi Qiang to take charge of on-site command to ensure the smooth progress of the operation.

Ye Wenjie purges Adventists at ETO

At Ye Wenjie's home, Chen Xue asked her again.But this time, Ye Wenjie made a shocking decision.She approved the document enabling the nuclear bomb at the convention, which meant she intended to purge the Adventists at the convention.At the same time, she also realized that the deleted files on her computer had been recovered.The recovery date was the day when Yang Dong went home to pick up the birch stool before his wedding.This shocked her because she realized that Yang Dong had read all the information on the computer and knew her secret ETO identity.

Before the conference, Ye Wenjie came to Yang Dong's cemetery.Here, she met a man who also came to visit the grave.What is this person's identity?What is his relationship with Yang Dong?These questions lingered in Wang Miao's mind.

The ETO conference was held in an old chemical plant.Many ETO members gathered in the staff canteen.Some of them knew each other, while others were meeting for the first time.On this special occasion, their shared purpose and beliefs bring them together.

The conference did not go as smoothly as expected.In the center of the hall, everyone began to question why Pan Han wanted to murder Shen Yufei.Pan Han denounced Shen Yufei as a traitor to the Adventists, and this accusation triggered a split within ETO.Wang Miao finally understood the truth behind the internal split in ETO: the Adventist faction behind Pan Han advocated letting the Lord descend to the earth to purify mankind.This idea conflicted with Ye Wenjie's ideas, leading to conflicts and divisions between them.

As the conference progressed, Wang Miao and his team gradually revealed the secrets of ETO and the Adventists.They found that the existence and development of these organizations are closely related to the future of mankind.At this critical moment, Wang Miao and his team must make the right choice to protect the future of the earth and mankind.

《Three-Body》Episode 24 Details

Ye Wenjie uses the sun as an amplifier to transmit signals

Ye Wenjie and the Signal from the Universe

Deep in the Hong'an base, Ye Wenjie stood in front of huge equipment, her eyes filled with desire and curiosity about the depths of the universe.As a senior physicist, she is well aware of the hardships of exploring the universe, but her passion and determination have never diminished.

Faced with the vastness and unknown of the universe, Ye Wenjie came up with a bold idea: using the sun as a natural amplifier to send signals into the universe.This star-level energy is nearly 100 million times more powerful than all the emission power that the earth can use.The shocking idea of ​​this idea is self-evident. Once successful, humans will truly leave their mark on the universe.

However, her idea was strongly opposed by Political Commissar Lei.In the view of Political Commissar Lei, such an experiment is too risky and may expose the coordinates of the earth and bring unpredictable dangers to mankind.But Ye Wenjie was not swayed by his opposition. She firmly believed that her research direction was correct.

By chance, Ye Wenjie took advantage of the opportunity to repair the malfunction and secretly carried out this experiment.At that moment, her heart was filled with anticipation and nervousness, but the results of the experiment did not appear immediately.

Ye Wenjie uses the sun as an amplifier to transmit signals

In the days that followed, Ye Wenjie and Yang Weining started a family, and their lives were peaceful and fulfilling.But Political Commissar Lei has been secretly stealing their research results, an act that made Ye Wenjie deeply indignant.

At the same time, the outside world is also undergoing tremendous changes.The smoke of war fills the air, and nuclear weapons have become the Sword of Damocles hanging over the earth.Ye Wenjie deeply felt that human madness had reached the pinnacle of civilization history, and she became more determined in her research direction.

Until October 21, 1979, a special day.That day, Ye Wenjie received a message from another world in the universe.It was a simple but shocking warning: “Don't answer!Don't answer!!Don't answer!!!”.

Ye Wenjie was deeply shocked by this information.She knew that this meant that other civilizations in the universe had discovered the Earth, and their attitudes were one of vigilance and concern.This piece of information made Ye Wenjie think deeply. She began to reflect on whether her research really brought danger to the earth.

But regardless of the outcome, Ye Wenjie has become an important figure in the history of human exploration of the universe.Her story will remain in the history of human civilization forever, inspiring future generations to continue exploring the mysteries of the universe.

《Three-Body》Episode 25 Details

Ye Wenjie was arrested and brought to justice

At the top of Radar Peak, Ye Wenjie's dialogue with the Three-Body world opened a new era in human history.At that moment, she not only sent a message to the unknown universe, but also determined the intertwined fate of human beings and alien civilizations.

Three-Body civilization, a distant and mysterious existence, longs for a new world and new life.And Ye Wenjie, as the bridge between humans on earth and Three-Body civilization, is under unprecedented pressure.Every decision she makes affects the future of hundreds of millions of lives.

When Ye Wenjie pressed those decisive keys on Radar Peak, did she foresee what kind of storm it would trigger?Perhaps she just wants to find a new possibility for this world and open a new door for the future of mankind.However, what she didn't know was that this decision not only changed the fate of mankind, but also put her on a path full of thorns.

Ye Wenjie was arrested and brought to justice

When Ye Wenjie became a mother, when she learned that she was pregnant, was she happy or worried?Has she ever thought about what kind of world her children will grow up in?A world intertwined with Three-Body civilization, full of unknowns and dangers.

In the silence of the hall, Ye Wenjie told her story, her choices, and her regrets.She told Wang Miao about the importance of nanomaterials and how they threaten the advent of Three-Body civilization.The helplessness and determination revealed in her words made people admire her courage and wisdom.

However, when Wang Miao mustered up the courage to ask about the cause of Yang Dong's death, Ye Wenjie chose to remain silent.For her, Yang Dong's death is an eternal pain and an unspeakable secret.She could only say helplessly that for the powerful Three-Body civilization, everything humans did was in vain.

Just when the atmosphere was solemn, the special operations team members led by Shi Qiang rushed into the venue.Faced with Chen Xue's threat, Shi Qiang showed his wisdom and courage.He defeated Chen Xue's psychological defense with a simple message, and then resolved the crisis with precise marksmanship.

At this moment, Shi Qiang not only saved Ye Wenjie, but also protected the future of mankind.His bravery and wisdom became the key to the confrontation between mankind and the Three-Body civilization.

However, Ye Wenjie's story does not end there.Her decisions, her sacrifices, and her regrets will all become part of human history.Her story tells us that facing the unknown universe and powerful alien civilization, human beings may be small, but our courage and wisdom can create miracles.

Ye Wenjie, an ordinary yet extraordinary woman, her choice changed the fate of mankind.Her story will forever be remembered in the history of mankind.

《Three-Body》Episode 26 Details

Ye Wenjie admits to killing Lei Zhicheng

Ye Wenjie’s choice and historical trajectory

Shortly after learning the good news that she was pregnant, Ye Wenjie's life was interrupted by the sudden intervention of Political Commissar Lei.He discovered the Three-Body message received by Ye Wenjie. This message contained the wisdom of unknown alien civilization. Political Commissar Lei wanted to monopolize this message to become the first person to discover alien civilization.Ye Wenjie's heart sank to freezing point again, and her understanding of human nature was once again brutally refreshed.

In order to protect this information and his own safety, Ye Wenjie carefully planned an accident.She faked an equipment failure and lured Lei Zhicheng to come for repairs.However, to her surprise, her husband Yang Weining also appeared at the scene and insisted on helping Lei Zhicheng.Faced with this sudden change, Ye Wenjie had no time to hesitate. She decisively took out a hacksaw and cut the rope.Under the rope, Lei Zhicheng and Yang Weining fell into the abyss.

Shi Qiang was hospitalized due to injuries in an accident, and Wang Miao came to visit.Although Shi Qiang pretended to be relaxed on the surface, his worries did not subside. He urged Wang Miao to return to the operations center as soon as possible to follow up.However, the physical examination form brought by Xu Bingbing showed that Shi Qiang had been infected with radiation.This news made Ye Wenjie realize again that no matter how history changes, human nature and behavior patterns are always surprisingly similar.

Ye Wenjie admits to killing Lei Zhicheng

In the interrogation room, Ye Wenjie recalled the days from when she was pregnant with Yang Dong to when Yang Dong was born.It was the most peaceful, distant, and fulfilling time in her life.More than two years after Yang Dong was born, Ye Wenjie received notice that both her and her father's cases were completely vindicated.At the same time, she also received a call from her alma mater and could return to work immediately.However, in the face of all this, Ye Wenjie behaved extremely calmly, showing no excitement or excitement.She left the Red Bank base where she once thought she would spend her whole life and returned to her alma mater.

After leaving Hong'an Base, Ye Wenjie never received any news from the Three-Body world.History seems to be back on track, but Ye Wenjie knows that human nature and behavior will not change.She took Yang Dong to visit her mother, Shao Lin, but found that the gap between mother and daughter still existed.My mother has never felt guilty about the accusations against her father.

Ye Wenjie's story is a story about choice, sacrifice and exploration of human nature.When she faced information from alien civilization, she not only had to protect her own safety, but also faced interference from her husband and Political Commissar Lei.Although her choice was cruel, it was also out of protection for herself and humanity.The trajectory of history has once again proved that no matter how the times change, human nature and behavior are always difficult to change.Ye Wenjie's story makes us think deeply about how we should make choices when facing unknowns and challenges, and how we should face the complexity and contradictions of human nature.

《Three-Body》Episode 27 Details

Ye Wenjie confesses the founding process of the Earth Three-Body organization

Conversation between Ye Wenjie and Evans

After Ye Wenxue disappeared without a trace, Ye Wenjie decided to find the three Red Guards who participated in the interrogation of her father.She invited them to the playground where her father was killed, hoping to find some answers there.However, these former interrogators did not show any remorse, but simply claimed that all this had become “history”.

At the same time, Shi Qiang was still undergoing examination in the hospital, while Wang Miao joined the scientific advisory group that interrogated Ye Wenjie, and Ding Yi served as the leader of the advisory group.The interrogation of Ye Wenjie continued, but her heart had already drifted far away.

University life started again, and Ye Wenjie chose to go to a remote mountainous area in the northwest for investigation.Here, she learned a shocking news: Evans, a foreigner, had planted trees here for three years just to save an endangered bird.Ye Wenjie was curious about Evans's motives, and Evans' answer was even more unforgettable for her.

“Be the savior.” Evans said.He believes that there is no essential difference between saving a bird or insect and saving a human being because life is equal.This is the basic program of species communism that he believes in.

Ye Wenjie confesses the founding process of the Earth Three-Body organization

Three years later in the spring, Ye Wenjie received a postcard from Evans.It simply said: “ Come here and tell me how to survive.” Ye Wenjie came to the village with mixed emotions, but was surprised to find that almost all the trees planted by Evans had been cut down by the villagers.Faced with this reality, Evans felt complete despair and disgust towards human beings.

Ye Wenjie tried to tell Evans that human civilization could no longer improve on its own.But now, other forces exist.She told Evans the story of Red Bank and the world of Three-Body, hoping to touch his heart.

After listening to Ye Wenjie's story, Evans was silent for a while.Then, he extended his hand to Ye Wenjie.

Although Evans inherited a huge inheritance, he did not choose to inherit his father's business.Instead, he used the money to build a giant ship named “Judgment Day”, which also served as the Second Red Bank Base.

At that moment, Ye Wenjie and Evans held hands tightly together.Although they come from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, they find resonance in the path of saving lives and pursuing truth.How will their story continue to develop?This is a future worth looking forward to.

《Three-Body》Episode 28 Details

Ye Wenjie tells the reason why Yang Dong committed suicide

Ye Wenjie’s answer reveals the truth about Three-Body

In a silent interrogation room, Ye Wenjie's voice seemed particularly clear and firm.Every word she said hit the hearts of everyone present like a heavy hammer.Six years ago, the Three-Body world launched two protons into the solar system. This was a little-known secret, and these two protons have now reached the Earth.

As a scientist, Chang Weisi is sensitively aware that the existence of these two protons may have a profound impact on human science.His guess was correct. These two protons were like a lock given to the earth by Three-Body, blocking the progress of human science.In the past four and a half centuries, because of the existence of these two protons, humankind's path to scientific exploration has been completely blocked and no significant progress can be made.

Ye Wenjie tells the reason why Yang Dong committed suicide

This news left everyone present deeply confused.These two protons are so tiny that they almost don’t exist, but their influence is everywhere, like the sword of Damocles hanging over human civilization, threatening the future of mankind at all times.

Wang Miao asked to see Ye Wenjie alone. He had many questions about Yang Dong that needed to be answered.Ye Wenjie told him that the real reason why Yang Dong committed suicide was because she saw the information on her computer.It turned out that Yang Dong discovered that physics no longer existed. This did not break her. What really broke her was that she discovered that her mother was the person who caused all this to happen.In her mind, physics and motherhood were the two most important pillars, and now both pillars have collapsed.

Ding Yi and Wang Miao were confused by Yang Dong's suicide note. They tried to analyze what the two protons might do after arriving on the earth, but they could never find the answer.For the operations center, the most important task now is to find the Judgment Day where Evans is located and obtain information related to the Three-Body star. This is their only way out of the predicament.

With Ye Wenjie's answer, the conspiracy of the Three-Body world gradually emerged.Humanity is facing unprecedented challenges, but they have never given up hope for the future.Let us wait and see what kind of wisdom and courage humans will show in this contest with Three-Body.

《Three-Body》Episode 29 Details

Wang Miao witnessed the Judgment Day being cut up and disintegrated

Project Guzheng: Flying blades cut through the Judgment Day, revealing the secrets of the Three-Body world

In the battle between technology and wisdom, Shi Qiang's idea of ​​cutting the Judgment Day with a flying blade lit up the way to explore the Three-Body world like a bright star.Although this idea seemed like a fantasy when first heard, it quickly gained support and recognition from everyone.This action not only demonstrates human determination, but also highlights our desire and exploration of unknown territories.

With the close cooperation of global operations centers, the Guzheng Project was quietly launched in the Panama Canal.The Judgment Day slowly sailed into the Gaillard Waterway where flying blades were deployed. Everything was ready, just waiting for that critical moment.When the Judgment Day slowly passed through the waterway, the flying blade was like a precise sword blade, instantly cutting it into pieces.This scene not only stunned Wang Miao, but also excited the global operations center.

As the Judgment Day disintegrated, the Three-Body information monopolized by Evans and the evidence of the crisis he created were intercepted by the operations center.This is not only a technical victory, but also an affirmation of human wisdom and courage.In the main control room of the disintegrated Judgment Day, a 28G hard drive became the focus of everyone's attention.The game client - Three-Body - hidden in the hard drive is produced by ETO based on Three-Body information.It is not only a game, but also a bridge connecting the Three-Body world and the earth.

Wang Miao witnessed the Judgment Day being cut up and disintegrated

In the game, Listener No. 1379 appears at the listening station in the Three-Body world.As a Three-Body person, he received a message from another planet for the first time - the letter from Hong An introducing the earth and looking forward to contacting extraterrestrial civilizations.This letter is like a beautiful messenger, crossing the interstellar gap and conveying the beauty and wisdom of the earth to the Three-Body world.

Listener No. 1379 knows that once the Three-Body government receives information from the Earth, the position and distance of the Earth will be exposed.This will be an unpredictable disaster for the earth.So, he was infected by the beauty of the earth and issued a warning message “Don't answer”.This message is not only the protection of the earth, but also the awe and respect for the unknown realm.

The success of the Guzheng Project not only allowed us to obtain valuable Three-Body information, but also gave us a deep understanding that courage and wisdom are equally important when exploring unknown areas.At the same time, this also reminds us that in the face of unknown challenges, we need to be more cautious and reverent to ensure that every step we take is steady and powerful.

《Three-Body》Episode 30 Details

Ye Wenjie returns to Hong'an Base

The game between Shi Qiang and Wang Miao continued, and they gradually learned that the Three-Body Listening Station was surprisingly similar to the Red Bank Base on Earth, both of which were silently monitoring information from space.At this moment, thousands of listening stations scattered throughout the Three-Body world also received this message that the Three-Body civilization had been waiting for hundreds of millions of years.

As the game time progresses, 85,000 Three-Body hours have passed.The head of state announced that the Three-Body fleet had set sail 20,000 Three-Body hours ago. Although their goal had only one general direction, their determination was rock-solid.And half a Three-Body hour ago, the Three-Body world received a response from the earth. It was Ye Wenjie's response, and the position and distance of the earth were locked.

After four and a half million Three-Body hours, the Three-Body fleet will be able to reach the planetary system where the Earth is located.

The rapid development of earth civilization has made the Three-Body people feel deep fear.In order to curb the development of earth civilization, the Three-Body aliens formulated three plans: the dyeing plan, the miracle plan and the sophon project.Among them, the goal of the Sophon Project is to transform a proton into a super-intelligent computer. This is a major measure they have taken to master and control the earth.

Ye Wenjie returns to Hong'an Base

At this point in the game, all the mysteries are solved.Those so-called miracles such as suicide and solar countdown that once troubled scientists were all caused by the two small sophons launched by Three-Body towards the earth.At this time, shocking news came from the observation department of the combat center: the sun countdown had disappeared!

However, this news did not bring joy and celebration, but instead plunged mankind into greater worry.Five words appeared in front of everyone in the combat center: “You are bugs!”This is the contempt the Three-Body people have for the people on Earth, and it is also their confidence in their own power.

When Wang Miao and Ding Yi faced the news, they became extremely drunk.The impending arrival of the Three-Body people makes everything at this moment seem so meaningless.However, even in such a desperate situation, they are still unwilling to give up.Because they know that only by persisting can they find a chance of survival.

In this game, Shi Qiang and Wang Miao not only learned the secrets of Three-Body civilization, but also saw the fragility of earth civilization.They understand that in the face of the powerful Three-Body civilization, people on earth need to unite to win this battle for survival.The outcome of this war will determine the future direction of earth civilization.