Home TV My Lethal Man
《My Lethal Man》Episode 8 Synopsis

Episode 8

Shen Manning and Yan Xingcheng held an engagement party

Episode 8

Shen Maning finally made some noise. When he heard that the rescue vehicle had arrived, Yan Xingcheng immediately carried Shen Maning into the ambulance.Mr. Zhuang was very angry. He had already lost a daughter when something like this happened in his company. He never wanted his granddaughter to make any mistakes. He scolded Zhuang Meixuan and Zhuang Jiakai for their poor management practices. Before leaving, he urged Yan Xingcheng to get engaged to Shen Maning as soon as possible., and the momentum must be loud to shut up those outside who are eyeing the company.

After Mr. Zhuang left, Yan Xingcheng told Shen Maning that there was no fire in the company, but that someone put cigarette cakes in the vent. The vent directly faced Shen Maning's office. It was obvious that the other party had ulterior motives and had designed it in advance.Shen Manning took Yan Xingcheng's hand and proposed an engagement. The thrilling scene happened yesterday. At that time, she had nothing to rely on and thought she would die, but Yan Xingcheng rushed in and rescued her in the thick smoke.Seeing Shen Maning's pure eyes, Yan Xingcheng asked her if she had seriously considered that once she got engaged to him, she would fall into this trap. It was impossible to figure it out, and she knew nothing about his identity or figure..Hearing Yan Xingcheng's doubts, Shen Manning also began to retreat. Yes, can you trust someone with an ominous identity?

Yan Xingcheng walked outside the bedroom door and waited for Shen Maning to think about it. After two long minutes, the bedroom door finally opened. Yan Xingcheng impulsively pressed Shen Maning against the bedroom wall and asked her if she had made a decision.Looking at Yan Xingcheng's handsome jaw, Shen Manning said frankly that she didn't know if she was ready. There were no more people around her to trust, so she could only take a gamble.Yan Xingcheng promised to tell the truth about himself after getting engaged.

In the early morning, Tang Lin smiled evilly at Tang Qi. Tang Qi was wondering about his sister's condition. Tang Lin showed her brother the brochure in her hand. The jewelry launched by Zhuang Xinyan was “Twin Flowers”. This time, Blue Ocean won completely.Tang Qi was very unhappy. After all the planning, he lost. He asked his sister who was happy for her reaction. Tang Lin encouraged her brother not to be discouraged. The two major jewelry companies have been fighting for so long. No one can survive without strength.

Rao Mina often drew some comic illustrations during her work breaks. The first time she saw how handsome Yuan Shuai was, she made him the prototype of the comic protagonist. This time, she even bought a cake and prepared it for Yuan Shuai early. Fang Xiang also thought Rao Mina was very handsome.It’s interesting. Just when I was about to say that Marshal Yuan didn’t eat desserts, Marshal Yuan had already picked up the cake and started putting it into his mouth.Rao Mina couldn't help but say that she had a best friend who also loved desserts. She didn't know why she didn't reply to her messages recently. When she heard that Rao Mina's best friend was Shen Manning, she opened her mouth in surprise and immediately talked to the former commander.After escaping from Rao Meina, the two discussed not to tell Yan Xingcheng about this matter. Otherwise, with Rao Meina's strength, Yan Xingcheng would not be able to let her stay in the company.

After experiencing the jewelry design plagiarism incident, Shen Manning investigated all members of the company's management and removed all the bad apples who had been hiding within the group. One of the department managers was unconvinced and publicly accused Shen Manning of having just arrived at the company., he uses his power to bully others before he has learned his business skills.Yan Xingcheng stood up directly, produced evidence, and exposed in public that this person took advantage of the chairman's illness to control the financial department, bribed the design director, deliberately produced and plagiarized other people's entries, sold the shares at high prices and sold them at low prices, and now fired himIt's already a minor crime, but if he takes this to court, it will be enough to put him in jail for several years.

The fired manager was speechless, and Shen Manning then announced that he would be engaged to Yan Xingcheng in a week.At the engagement party, Shen Manning put on her wedding dress and was exceptionally beautiful. Yan Xingcheng looked at her with affectionate eyes. At this moment, Rao Meina appeared. When she saw that the bride looked exactly like her best friend, she was surprised and shouted out on the spot.Shen Manning's name!