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《Being A Hero》 Summ

Three years ago, Wu Gang was killed by drug cartel K for being involved in drugs. His son Wu Zhenfeng was expelled from the police for reckless violation of disciplines.Wu Zhenfeng was heartbroken and was blocked by his brother Chen Yu from leaving the country. The two were almost kidnapped on the way. Wu Zhenfeng was kidnapped by drug dealers to save Chen Yu and was never heard from again. At this moment, the fate of the two was completely changed.

Three years later, Chen Yu became an anti-drug policeman. Unexpectedly, Wu Zhenfeng returned again and was implicated in a murder case.After Wu Zhenfeng was cleared of suspicion, Chen Yu discovered that he was inextricably linked to drug trafficking groups.In order to completely annihilate the drug trafficking group, Chen Yu obeyed the instructions of his superior department and took off his police uniform to start a new journey in his anti-drug career.

At the same time, he learned that Wu Zhenfeng was actually a lone hero lurking in a drug cartel.Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng broke into the drug trafficking group one after another. The two cooperated tacitly and fought side by side. Finally, under the deployment of the public security, the drug trafficking group was wiped out.The two brothers continue to devote themselves to the public security anti-drug cause, never forgetting their original intentions and keeping their mission in mind.

《Being A Hero》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

On a night of lightning and thunder, two men were chasing each other in the overgrown woods. One of them accidentally slipped and fell into the lake.At this time, Chen Yu woke up from his nightmare. He looked at the clock behind him and it was 5:30 in the morning. He got up and picked up the mineral water and drank it. He had just calmed down his nervousness. At this time, the phone rang and Chen Yu answered it.He frowned after the phone call.Later, Chen Yu and police officer Liu Guang from the police station went to the scene of the crime at Weixiang Restaurant. The owner Yang Shengguang was being questioned by the police. He explained that he had nothing to do with the whole incident, saying that he rarely came to the store and only collected bills.It's time to come.After Chen Yu looked around the scene, he asked Yang Shengguang to cut the potatoes himself and see his knife skills. At this time, the director Wang Kai came and reprimanded Chen Yu for not doing his job properly and not asking about the case.

Then, Liu Kaihua, the captain of the anti-narcotics brigade, also arrived at the scene, and Chen Yu immediately handed the items he had just found to him for inspection.The items were numerous and complicated, so Liu Kaihua simply handed them over to Leng Feng for examination by the Physical Evidence Department.Chen Yu speculated that the murder was an impromptu attack. It was not a murder. There was only a boning knife with blood stains. He also found some shoe prints of different weights at the scene. He guessed that the murderer was a left-handed man who had just asked Yang Shengguang to cut vegetables., just to prove that he is not left-handed and has nothing to do with this matter.Just as he was about to leave, he found an emerald green pendant fragment on the ground thoughtfully.Chen Yu also wanted to talk about the next insights enthusiastically, but Wang Kai sent him out to investigate the driving recorder.After Chen Yu had just left for a while, Captain Liu talked about Chen Yu's past. He felt that the time had come for Chen Yu to return to the anti-narcotics brigade.Wang Kai did not give a direct answer after hearing this, but asked Captain Liu to go through the process normally. When the process was completed, Chen Yu went back to the anti-narcotics brigade naturally.

Soon after, Chen Yu returned to the anti-narcotics team and was about to meet Director Lin Dezan. He happened to see his old captain Gong Wei guarding the door there, which made Chen Yu have mixed feelings.When he arrived at the director's office, Lin Dezan asked why Chen Yu was transferred to work at the police station. According to his qualifications, this would not be the case. He is a top student in the anti-drug major.Chen Yu seemed unwilling to tell what happened back then, but was forced to do so by Lin Dezan.Chen Yu had no choice but to clench his fists and recall what happened that year.

Three years ago, Chen Yu received a call on an arrest mission. The arrested person was named Du Dajun, who was related to the murder of Wu Zhenfeng's father, Wu Gang, and the content of this call happened to be heard by Wu Zhenfeng.Chen Yu didn't want Wu Zhenfeng to be exposed to this case. After all, it was about his father, so he found an excuse to lock Wu Zhenfeng in the office while he put on his equipment and rushed to the scene.At the arrest scene, the police had already deployed their control and were just waiting for everyone from both parties to the transaction to arrive before arresting people. Unexpectedly, Wu Zhenfeng's appearance at the critical moment ruined the entire plan.During the arrest mission, Gong Wei was shot and disabled for life, and was no longer able to perform missions on the front line.The commander of that arrest mission was Lin Dezan. Lin Dezan was well aware of the situation at that time, but he forced Chen Yu to speak out, hoping to open up Chen Yu's heart and rejoin the team.

Subsequently, Chen Liwen, deputy director of the municipal bureau, personally went to the Public Security Bureau where Chen Yu worked to provide guidance on the murder of Hu Qingshan at the Weixiang restaurant. Liu Kaihua made a simple analysis of the case and believed it was a case related to drug dealing.Chen Yu observed a special mark at the crime scene and guessed it was related to the drug case three years ago, so he suggested a joint investigation. Chen Liwen also ordered that the case must be solved within a week.Drug criminal Lao Zhang sneaked into Yunhui Pharmacy to borrow money from drug criminal Ba Peng. Ba Peng was dissatisfied that the money owed by Lao Zhang had not been repaid. Lao Zhang mentioned that Hu Qingshan had died and the price of rhubarb capsules would inevitably increase.Therefore, he also promised to pay back all the previous money.At this time, Wu Zhenfeng came to the store and closed the store without saying a word, hoping to buy rhubarb capsule medicine. Ba Peng wanted to deny selling medicine, but Wu Zhenfeng knew that Ba Peng had sold medicine for Wong Tai Sin before.Peng also thought of Wu Zhenfeng in front of him, drew his sword and stabbed Wu Zhenfeng, and the two sides started fighting.But Ba Peng and Lao Zhang were no match for him, and they were forced to reveal the location of the drug.Wu Zhenfeng took the medicine and left without saying a word. From now on, he asked Ba Peng to call him Brother Feng when he saw him.

At the end of the meeting, the Forestry Bureau saw Chen Liwen off in the car.At this time, Liu Kaihua received an anonymous alarm call at 110, and he hurriedly led the police to Yunhui Pharmacy.Just as Chen Yu was setting off, he passed by Team Lin who happened to be standing at the door. He suddenly remembered that he had seen Yunhui Pharmacy's shopping bag on the other party's desk.I couldn't help but have doubts in my heart.While he was thinking, his teammates shouted and interrupted his thoughts.

On the other side, Ba Peng also received the notification and knew that the police had arrived. He handed the rhubarb capsule to Lao Zhang and asked him to leave.Wu Zhenfeng has been secretly spying on all their actions.When the police rushed to search, Ba Peng insisted that the business was legal. Chen Yu still found a rhubarb capsule in the drawer, and Ba Peng was arrested on the spot.After Lao Zhang left, he immediately called Wong Tai Sin and told him about the investigation of Ba Peng Pharmacy. He took the opportunity to ask to replace Ba Peng in the future. Unexpectedly, Wong Tai Sin did not agree and asked him to make up the payment for the goods within three days.and scolded him for breaking the rules.

In the anti-narcotics brigade, Captain Lin was listening to Ba Peng’s interrogation in the interrogation room with headphones.Chen Yu on the side asked the other party doubtfully from behind him if he knew him.Captain Lin was a little frightened, avoided Chen Yu's eyes and left calmly.In the end, they did not get any useful information from Ba Peng. They could only confirm that the capsules were just ordinary fake medicines, so they had to release Ba Peng.

《Being A Hero》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Chen Yu carefully compared the obvious mark and found that it was a jade fragment, so he guessed that Wu Zhenfeng had been to Weixiang Restaurant, and then suggested that the investigation be merged with the case three years ago.Lin Dezan reacted greatly when he learned about it and just asked him to file the evidence.After Ba Peng went out, he called Wong Tai Sin. Wong Tai Sin ordered Wu Zhenfeng to be killed and all the medicines to be handed over to him.Ba Peng then called Lin Dezan again and claimed that the person who killed Hu Qingshan was Brother Feng, but he did not know the specific name. He made an appointment to meet with Brother Feng in the evening.Chen Yu has also been secretly watching Ba Peng's every move, watching him riding a motorcycle alone to the chemical plant in the suburbs at night.

After seeing Ba Peng staying in the chemical plant for a long time, Chen Yu called his colleague Yang Yi and asked him to come to the chemical plant to assist him. He also specifically told him to only inform Liu Kaihua about the matter to avoid the news from leaking out.At this time, Ba Peng and several people negotiated in the chemical plant how to subdue Wu Zhenfeng and hand him over to the police for being framed as a drug trade target. At the same time, Chen Liwen was also reprimanding Lin Dezan, thinking that he had not been able to control Wu Zhenfeng since he became the director in the three years., the anti-drug work here is getting more and more serious.While Wu Zhenfeng was fighting with Ba Peng and others, Liu Kaihua arrived with the police and rushed in with Chen Yu to subdue several people. Wu Zhenfeng took the opportunity to slip away. Ba Peng drove and poured water on the trunk of the car in order to destroy the evidence.Put on gasoline and burn.

When Wu Zhenfeng left, he looked back at the anti-narcotics policemen who were fighting the fire in the chemical plant, with unnoticeable envy in his eyes.Lin Dezan rushed over angrily and scolded Liu Kaiwen for not reporting such a big clue. He asked everyone to write an inspection and scolded everyone for destroying his deployment for the past month.Chen Yu picked up a pendant again at the crime scene. Although he could not see Wu Zhenfeng's face clearly at the time, he was sure that Wu Zhenfeng was inside and strongly requested that the case be investigated. However, Lin Dezan believed that this thing could not be proven to be Wu Zhenfeng's., what the eyes see may not be the truth.Lin Dezan lost his temper at Chen Yu and then took the initiative to apologize. Chen Yu also left the office angrily.

It turned out that when Wu Gang passed away, Lin Dezan thought Wu Gang's injuries were suspicious and speculated that Wu Gang might be a drug dealer.When Wu Zhenfeng heard this, he became furious and cursed Lin Dezan as the one who should be investigated. He had been investigating drugs for so many years, but he had made drug trafficking more rampant.Thinking of this, Lin Dezan felt uncomfortable and called Liu Kaihua to make an appointment to chat.Yang Ling had been waiting for Chen Yu to get off work and wanted to celebrate Chen Yu's return to the anti-narcotics team, but Chen Yu had no intention of it. When he took a shower, his mind was filled with Lin Dezan's words and Lin Dezan's suspicious behavior.at.At the same time, Lin Dezan also talked to Liu Kaiwen about finding Ba Peng. Knowing that Ba Peng had rhubarb capsules, he forced him to investigate the murder of Hu Qingshan in the Weixiang restaurant and uncover the entire drug trafficking network..

Lin Dezan felt the existence of a sales network and admitted that he had informed Ba Peng about the search. However, Liu Kaiwen also became suspicious of Lin Dezan and asked Lin Dezan to give a reasonable explanation.Chen Yu also talked to Yang Ling about what happened three years ago. Wu Gang died three years ago, but was said to be a drug criminal. This was unacceptable to Wu Zhenfeng. Since Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng had known each other since they were children, he was asked to accompany Wu Zhenfeng.In addition to appeasing your emotions, you also want to find out the actual situation.Wu Gang was in the jade business back then, and when Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng separated, they each gave them a jade pendant.Due to Wu Zhenfeng's sudden appearance, the arrest operation failed, Gong Wei was even injured, and Chen Yu was suspended. Therefore, Chen Yu went to Wu Zhenfeng and asked Wu Zhenfeng to go back and clarify.

The two people were pushing and shoving more and more loudly, and they even accidentally bumped into a man next to them.Chen Yu noticed that the man had a gun and thought that the man might be a drug criminal, so he quietly informed Chen Yu of the man's identity.The two looked at each other tacitly, then turned around and prepared to leave, but it was too late. The drug criminals in the car stood up one after another. Seeing that the situation was not quite right, the two had to use their fists to rush out of the encirclement.

《Being A Hero》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

In the early hours of the morning, Zhou Bowen, a police officer from the Anti-Narcotics Brigade, was still typing on his computer. The computer was still on the Ba Peng account page. After a while, a message notification came from the computer.On the other side, Wu Zhenfeng was holding instant noodles in a panic while scrolling through his phone, and he also received the same message as Zhou Bowen.Chen Yu and Chen Ling told about the fight with drug dealers on the bus. Wang Yikun, the drug criminal K's man, came with people to find Wu Zhenfeng and forced him to hand over his things. At the same time, he also told Wu Zhenfeng that he should know if he wanted to go to Mengka.The head of Mengka was Erliang, and Wu Zhenfeng also guessed the identity of the other party. Wu Zhenfeng asked if his father was killed by them, but Wang Yikun said nothing and just shot at the passengers to force Wu Zhenfeng to hand over his things..

Chen Yu rushed over and took Wang Yikun hostage, threatening to take Wu Zhenfeng away.The two of them fled all the way into the bushes, with countless people chasing them. They slipped and fell many times in the heavy rain. Chen Yu held on to Wu Zhenfeng, hoping that he would follow him back, but Wu Zhenfeng refused to go back. Being chased like thisKilling must have proved that the direction of his investigation was correct. He couldn't find out what to say and left without saying anything. Seeing that the pursuer was about to arrive, Wu Zhenfeng suddenly pushed Chen Yu, broke away from Chen Yu's grasp and jumped into the deep water.Chen Yu also jumped down, but did not find Wu Zhenfeng. He just picked up the jade pendant in the water.Chen Yu was transferred from the inspection team because he left the country without permission and worked as a policeman at the local police station for three years. He blamed himself that if he had not answered the phone in front of Wu Zhenfeng, it would not have caused the drug epidemic in Yunhe in recent years.

Yang Ling looked at Chen Yu who was so sad and put her hand on his shoulder, hoping to give him comfort and strength.Lin Dezan told Liu Kaihua his plan, but told him not to tell Chen Yu, fearing that Chen Yu would not be able to hold his anger because he was young and would spoil the matter.After Wu Zhenfeng thought deeply, he called Erliang, claiming that he had made some good medicines. If he could find a good supplier and submit a certificate of submission, it would definitely be a big gain. However, he was tricked by Brother Dong.After almost being caught, Erliang reminded Wu Zhenfeng to be careful and careful, and if it didn't work, go back.Erliang hung up the phone and talked to Sister Qiong about rescuing Wu Zhenfeng three years ago. He was also glad that he did not save the wrong person. His ability was nothing to say, but he was more difficult to deal with than Brother Dong.

As the leader of the armed forces outside Erliang, Sister Qiong seems to be relatively calm. She believes that business will always be slow, but no matter how difficult it is, this business must be discussed.The two stood up to leave, and dozens of people around them stood up to follow.Wu Zhenfeng looked at the messages and transaction information sent by Huang Taixian and others on his mobile phone without saying a word, while Zhou Bowen, who also read the messages on Ba Peng's mobile phone, had already mastered the content of the information and was paying close attention to everything.And the news was reported at the meeting, and the transaction would be held at the bus station at 11:30 noon. Lin Dezan ordered that no matter whether the information was true or false, it should be dealt with first.When the police rushed to the bus stop, Wu Zhenfeng also rushed there, and saw Chen Yu disguised as a sanitation worker all the way there.

When Wu Zhenfeng was about to leave, he saw the license plate number of a car. Three years ago, Wu Zhenfeng was caught in a small warehouse by Dong Ge's subordinate Jiang Lei and beaten up. Wu Zhenfeng promised to help find the person who was carrying Dong Ge's pharmaceuticals.But he also asked to see Brother Dong, but he was greeted with another beating.When Jiang Lei left, Wu Zhenfeng noticed that his license plate number was exactly this.Wu Zhenfeng took the initiative to talk to the people in the car and specifically told Jiang Lei that the police were on duty and that it was impossible for him to catch Wong Tai Sin. At this time, Jiang Lei actually dialed Liu Kaihua's phone number and tested that Liu Kaihua was outside on duty, which was also confirmed.What Wu Zhenfeng said is true.Wu Zhenfeng took the opportunity to ask to see Brother Dong, but was kicked down by Jiang Lei.

It happened that Chen Yu saw this scene and chased Wu Zhenfeng out of control. Team Liu was afraid of disturbing the situation, so he only let people wearing sanitation uniforms chase him together. The others stayed put, but the person in charge of the transaction also left quickly.Chen Yu dropped his headphones while chasing Wu Zhenfeng, and Wu Zhenfeng also took the opportunity to run to the roof, but was still chased by Chen Yu. Chen Yu pointed a gun at Wu Zhenfeng and forced him to stop. There happened to be a mirror above.Wu Zhenli used the reflection of the mirror to shine into Chen Yu's eyes, and he took the opportunity to jump off the building and escape. Because of the failure of Chen Yu's action, he was severely reprimanded by Liu Kaihua when he returned. Liu Kaihua blamed Chen Yu for failing to catch the person.Chen Yu explained that those who must be captured alive cannot be shot.In order to arrest Wu Zhenfeng, the police had to issue an arrest warrant. They quickly got the information and rushed over.

However, the police were still a step late. Wu Zhenfeng had already left by bus in advance and passed by the approaching police car.The police searched Wu Zhenfeng's room and found only two rhubarb capsules.At this moment, Wu Zhenfeng actually came to the police station to surrender. Wu Zhenfeng received the call and rushed over.Wu Zhenfeng was arrested on suspicion of homicide and two drug dealing cases.Wu Zhenfeng was escorted into the police car by Chen Yu, and he also recalled some of the difficult journeys of chasing him in the past three years.After Chen Liwen learned that Wu Zhenfeng was escorted back to the anti-narcotics brigade, he immediately ordered a surprise interrogation overnight and demanded a flawless result.Chen Yu looked at Wu Zhenfeng, who was sitting across from him, and his interrogation tone gradually became louder. As a result, he was kicked out of the interrogation room by Team Liu after questioning Wu Zhenfeng for a few words.On the other side, policewoman Lan Anran was checking surveillance in the monitoring room and accidentally discovered a suspicious place.

《Being A Hero》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Chen Yu got up and left the interrogation room, and went to the next door to hear Captain Liu asking Wu Zhenfeng why Chen Yu didn't arrest him at the arrest scene.Chen Yu did not expect these words, but Wu Zhenfeng chuckled and asked Captain Liu if he didn't believe Chen Yu.Lin Dezan was afraid that Chen Yu would think too much, so he stated that these were normal procedures.But Chen Yu didn't care, he just hoped to catch the person behind it.

At the same time, Lan Anran discovered Lin Dezan's figure when he was checking the surveillance in the monitoring room, so he immediately called Chen Liwen and proposed to report the situation alone.In the interrogation room, Wu Zhenfeng said that he reported Ba Peng. He felt that Wong Tai Sin wanted to blame him for the murder at the Weixiang Restaurant.

Forensic doctor Leng Feng was doing a DNA comparison and suddenly found Wu Zhenfeng's hair among them. He hurriedly found Chen Liwen to report the matter, and Lan Anran also came to Chen Liwen's office with the surveillance video.When Lan Anran was brought to the police station for catching a drug offender, Lin Dezan believed that girls should try not to do such things. At that time, she was not afraid at all, but the image of her parents dying due to drug involvement was still lingering in her mind.Lin Dezan saw that Lan Anran was so brave, so he suggested that she take the anti-drug major and then work in the police force.

In the interrogation room, Chen Yu wanted to know what happened to Wu Zhenfeng, so he took out the fragments of the jade pendant and showed them to Wu Zhenfeng for inspection.Wu Zhenfeng recalled the time when he went to Weixiang Restaurant to find Hu Qingshan. Because Hu Qingshan was also a drug criminal, Wu Zhenfeng wanted to ask him where Dong Ge was, but Hu Qingshan didn’t know and at the same time he didn’t dare to let Dong Ge know about his drug trafficking.A fight broke out over a disagreement, and Wu Zhenfeng's jade pendant broke into pieces during the fight, but he did not kill Hu Qingshan.Wu Zhenfeng lied that he only bought du from Hu Qingshan and that Hu Qingshan had drugged the wine. He had always been in a state of fragmentation, but he was sure that he had killed Hu Qingshan. This time he surrendered after seeing the notice. He believed that the government couldGive him his innocence.

After Chen Yu knew that the call to the police was indeed made by Wu Zhenfeng, he pointed out that a drug addict would not report others for selling drugs. However, Wu Zhenfeng's interrogation did not make much progress in the end. On the contrary, Chen Yu felt that the more the interrogation, the more chaotic it became.Wu Zhenfeng's surrender was premeditated because he knew that the police had already arrested him, so before he surrendered, he called Erliang and asked him to help him keep an eye on a gangster, and that gangster was the person who followed Brother Dong before.Now being locked up in a drug rehabilitation center, he must do everything he can to find that person.

Huang Wenlin scared Lao Zhang. After knowing that Jiang Lei was Dong Ge's man, he locked Lao Zhang in an iron bucket. The punishment for him not paying back the money was to light firecrackers in the iron bucket. The old man was frightened.Zhang repeatedly begged for mercy.

On the other side, Jiang Lei came to the home of Gou Sheng, a drug criminal, and asked him if he had betrayed him when he was arrested by the police.The drug criminal Gou Sheng said that he did not, but Jiang Lei was still unwilling to let him go because he had not paid back the money he owed, so he beat and kicked Gou Sheng.After the mother saw this scene, she immediately took out her cell phone in fear and called the police.At the same time, according to the trajectory provided by Wu Zhenfeng, it was proved that on the day of Hu Qingshan's accident, he went to Yi Ming Chuan Chuan Xiang to buy medicine from Huang Wenlin, and the two got into a fight because they could not agree on the price.The police found Wu Zhenfeng's figure on the monitor. Based on the time of his appearance, he had an alibi, so Liu Kaihua asked Wu Zhenfeng to confirm again whether Huang Wenlin was Wong Tai Sin.

After a while, Wang Kai from the police station received the alarm call, and then immediately called Liu Kaihua, who was actually Jiang Lei's uncle.After Liu Kaihua learned the whole story, he wanted to hit Jiang Lei in anger, but saw that he was still wearing a police uniform, so he put it down.Liu Kaihua apologized to Gou Sheng's family on behalf of Jiang Lei and also offered to pay the other party some medical expenses.After the two left the police station, Liu Kaihua kicked Jiang Lei hard and then accused him of doing nothing.Liu Kaihua just hoped that Jiang Lei would stop causing trouble before going to see his mother.As for money, Jiang Lei's explanation was that he and his mother asked for 150,000 yuan to buy a car. The 50,000 yuan was eaten and drank, and only 100,000 yuan was lent to Gou Sheng. Liu Kaihua didn't think much after hearing this.

At the same time, Chen Yu and Lan Anran came to the interrogation room and asked Wu Zhenfeng about Wong Tai Sin.Wu Zhenfeng said that Huang Wenlin was Wong Tai Sin, and also told Wong Tai Sin's lair, but he felt that the police could not find any useful clues. Like the Ba Peng case, he was actually hinting that there was a mole in the two police teams.

Regarding the clues provided by Wu Zhenfeng, Chen Yu and Lan Anran decided to test the authenticity of the clues, and they also called Yang Yi together.After the three of them arrived at the place, Chen Yu and Yang Yi planned to meet them outside, while Lan Anran pretended to be a woman sitting on the stage and went to Huang Wenlin to get the medicine, claiming that Ba Peng introduced her.But what Lan Anran didn't know was that Ba Peng had no idea where to get the medicine in the bar, so her visit this time aroused Huang Wenlin's suspicion.

《Being A Hero》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Lan Anran wanted to know if Chen Yu believed what Wu Zhenfeng said, and felt that the relationship between Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng must be very unusual, because Chen Yu also had a jade pendant on Wu Zhenfeng.However, Chen Yu felt that what Wu Zhenfeng said could not be confirmed yet, so he went to a bar in Wong Tai Sin to conduct investigations before revealing the truth. However, he could not report the matter to his boss because the last time he arrested Bo Laobao, someone leaked the secret.If they fail, the two of them are not enough. If they call Yang Yi together, they should have a better chance of winning. After all, Yang Ye is still trustworthy now.At this moment Yang Yi passed by, so Chen Yu told him the matter. This surprised Yang Yi and wanted to tell Lin Dezan and the others. When Chen Yu saw that Yang Yi was going to do something bad, he stopped him.

After the three people went to the bar, Yang Yi always felt that they should report to their superiors, but Chen Yu insisted that the three of them complete the task, otherwise they would be ruined if the secret was leaked, but they must also strive for opportunities for meritorious service.Yang Yi and the others put monitors on Lan Anran and entered the bar to keep track of her situation.

Wong Tai Sin was negotiating with a Hong Kong drug dealer in the bar. He wanted to give him all the rhubarb capsules in his hand. He also said that his current situation was very dangerous. After all, he was making drugs on Dong Ge's territory and he would definitely not spare him if he found out.Their price was very low, so the Hong Kong drug dealer asked Wong Tai Sin to arrange the trading location for the next day before making a decision.

Just after the Hong Kong drug dealers left, Lan Anran went in and told Wong Tai Sin that he had been selling goods at Lao Ba's place to eat for himself, but Wong Tai Sin knew that Lao Ba didn't know that his bar was also a gathering place. This made Chen Yu and Yang Yi outside very upset.Worried, he quickly rushed in to rescue him.At this moment, Wong Tai Sin discovered that there were police officers and asked people to light all the rhubarb capsules. After they lit them with detonators, Chen Yu went in, took the detonators with his bare hands and ran out and threw them directly out the window. Captain Liu also led people to rushArrived, Wong Tai Sin and his party were all captured and brought to justice.

After returning, Team Liu scolded Chen Yu severely, blaming him for being unorganized and undisciplined. Lin Dezan also felt that Chen Yu and the others should report back in advance. Fortunately, Yang Yi told them so they didn't, otherwise it would be too late to regret.However, Yang Yi felt that Chen Yu was not rewarded for his eagerness to perform meritorious service when he returned home. This made Chen Yu very angry, but Lan Anran also intervened. It was because he failed to arrest Lao Ba last time that he was not rewarded. This made Lin Dezan feel uncomfortable., asked Lan Anran to directly name the suspect, but they still held back. After all, there was no conclusive evidence that it was Lin Dezan.Later, Lin Dezan asked them to write an examination and submit it, but Chen Yu felt that Wu Zhenfeng should be interrogated because he felt that Wu Zhenfeng still had many things that he had not said.

Team Liu interrogated Wong Tai Sin and wanted to know where he was on the night of the 9th when Hu Qingshan was killed, but Wong Tai Sin claimed that he was singing incense sticks.

Chen Yu interrogated Wu Zhenfeng and told him that Huang Taixian did not admit that he was at the Weixiang Restaurant, so all the evidence proved that Wu Zhenfeng killed Hu Qingshan. If he did not tell the truth, no one would be able to help him.Wu Zhenfeng told Chen Yu that he was drugged by Wong Tai Sin and the others, and he didn't know anything after he fainted, but he convinced Chen Yu that he definitely did not kill anyone.

Lan Anran went to learn about what happened when Wong Tai Sin was a custodian in the pharmaceutical factory. When Wong Tai Sin was working as a custodian, the warehouse was often stolen, and their deputy director Li Zhengqiang often tried to cover up Wong Tai Sin's mistakes, so after returningHe gave the information to Chen Yu, and the result was completely consistent with the Li Zhengqiang accounted for by Wu Zhenfeng. This proved that Huang Taixian and Li Zhengqiang often used their identities in the factory to steal raw materials for making rhubarb capsules, so Huang Taixian was interrogated, and Huang Taixian was interrogated in front of the evidence.Daxian had no choice but to admit that Li Zhengqiang killed Hu Qingshan.

It was Li Zhengqiang who called Wong Tai Sin before and learned that a man named Brother Feng wanted to tell Brother Dong about their production of rhubarb capsules. So Li Zhengqiang wanted to kill Wu Zhenfeng and asked him to ask Brother Feng out. As a result, he gave him in the drink.Wu Zhenfeng drugged him, which made Wu Zhenfeng very angry. As a result, Huang Taixian took Wu Zhenfeng away and then copied his fingerprints to frame him for killing Hu Qingshan.The reason why he wanted to kill him was because Wu Zhenfeng wanted to take goods from Dong Ge's territory, but Dong Ge didn't agree, so he wanted to use them as a surrender certificate for Dong Ge.

Hao Dong, nicknamed Dong Ge, led people to find Li Zhengqiang, and beat Li Zhengqiang severely after he had led people to blow up an arm of Lao Zhang before.

Huang Taixian told Team Liu that Li Zhengqiang's hiding place was in the abandoned warehouse of the pharmaceutical factory, so Chen Yu led people fully armed to rescue people.

《Being A Hero》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Li Zhengqiang and Jiang Lei were beaten to the point where they were willing to surrender 50-50 and promised that as long as Brother Dong let him go, everyone would have a way to survive. However, Brother Dong was not satisfied and signaled his subordinates to throw Li Zhengqiang down from upstairs on the spot.He fell to death, and he left when he learned that the police had arrived.

Lin Dezan was very angry when he heard that Li Zhengqiang was dead. As long as Li Zhengqiang was not brought to justice, the case of the rhubarb capsules could not be finalized. He demanded a strict investigation of the warehouse location. Chen Liwen arrived at this time and asked about the investigation process. Liu Kaihua reported the current investigation results.The person who killed Hu Qingshan was basically Li Zhengqiang, and Wu Zhenfeng was cleared of suspicion.

Chen Liwen believed that there was insufficient evidence and Wu Zhenfeng could only be released. Lin Dezan proposed that Wu Zhenfeng be transferred to a drug rehabilitation center. According to Leng Feng's test results, the content in Wu Zhenfeng's body did not reach the level required to enter a drug rehabilitation center. But for now,This is also the only way to temporarily control Wu Zhenfeng.

Wu Zhenfeng achieved his goal and was successfully taken to the drug rehabilitation center. He looked more relaxed than ever before and jumped into the police car bound for the drug rehabilitation center. In the car, Wu Zhenfeng expressed his gratitude to Chen Yu, which at least proved that he was not a murderer.But Chen Yu said with a cold face that arresting Huang Wenlin was also what the Public Security Bureau should do.Wu Zhenfeng also recalled the situation when the two of them were riding in a car together three years ago, and apologized for causing Chen Yu to go to the police station to work as a police officer because of him. However, Chen Yu didn't seem to mind, and instead said that he had been there for three years but practicedWith his sharp eyes, he could tell at a glance whether he was a drug offender. He also emphasized that if Wu Zhenfeng had followed him back three years ago, he would not have taken the current car to go to a drug rehabilitation center.

Chen Yu questioned Wu Zhenfeng and learned from Huang Wenlin that Wu Zhenfeng was here to discuss business with K. Whether it was true or false, Wu Zhenfeng did not make any answer. He just thought of asking Jiang Lei about Dong Ge's whereabouts. He was selling drugs.Because of this, he blamed Brother Dong for breaking the rules on the road and wanted to argue with him, but he was warned to get out if he wanted to survive.

Wu Zhenfeng knew that Chen Yu did not believe Huang Wenlin's words, because these people had long recognized Wu Gang as a drug criminal and also identified him as a drug criminal. Even if he explained that he had investigated the cause of his father's death, no one would believe it. Wu Zhenfeng told ChenYu, as long as he can prove Wu Gang's innocence, then he is also innocent.

Chen Yu personally imprisoned Wu Zhenfeng in a drug rehabilitation center. Wu Zhenfeng looked back at the closed door and Chen Yu who was standing outside the door without saying a word and followed the doctor inside.

The rhubarb capsules made by Li Zhengqiang were all transferred to Brother Dong. Brother Dong was worried that the matter of rhubarb capsules had attracted the attention of the police. The investigation was currently tight and all transactions were deliberately delayed. At the same time, Jiang Lei was ordered to investigate Wu Zhenfeng.whereabouts.

Yang Yi and Lan Anran arrived at their sister Yang Ling's place, and Chen Yu happened to be here too. Yang Ling thought that Chen Yu spoke too much and hoped that he could apologize to Yang Yi, but Chen Yu was still sullen towards Yang Yi, and Lan AnranI am also dissatisfied with Chen Yu's always wearing a straight face.

Chen Liwen reprimanded Lin Dezan for being dissatisfied with his work. Lin Dezan explained that his arrangement was to uproot K's sales network in one fell swoop. However, Chen Liwen did not agree with it and concluded that Lin Dezan's work had failed. Not only had there been no results in the past three years,, instead, K’s sales network spread all over Yunhe County.

Yang Yi took the initiative to apologize to Chen Yu. He had indeed gone too far. Chen Yu then told Yang Yi about his suspicion of Lin Dezan and blamed Yang Yi for not reporting to Lin Dezan, but Yang Yi thought that he suspected Lin Dezan.It's unfair to praise. If you have doubts, you should ask clearly. The two had a disagreement and quarreled again. Yang Ling came up with something and happened to hear the argument between the two. In Yang Ling's heart, Lin Dezan was a good person and a good policeman. His motherShe was killed by a drug criminal and her father fled abroad. She grew up in an orphanage for ten years, and it was Lin Dezan who took care of and visited her. Every time they met, Yang Ling would ask if she had found her father. Lin DezanShe felt very guilty and offered to be Yang Ling's father. She also played with her on the swing and gave her birthday gifts. She also met Yang Yi in the orphanage and always called Yang Yi brother. Because of her relationship, Lin Dezan alsoHe takes great care of Yang Yi.Yang Ling believes that Lin Dezan should not be doubted no matter what.

Yang Yi unconditionally chose to believe Lin Dezan, and Lan Anran was also in pain. Without Lin Dezan, she would not have become a policeman. Chen Yu also said that he was not losing his temper, but just hoped that the incident at Ba Peng Pharmacy would not happen again. SeveralYoung people have also untied their knots.

When Jiang Lei returned, Liu Kaihua was sitting in the living room waiting. He also warned Jiang Lei not to do anything just to make money, and not to let his mother know about some things. Jiang Lei agreed politely.

Chen Yu also talked about Wu Zhenfeng and felt that he had been searching for the truth about his father's death. Lan Anran suddenly felt that Chen Yu seemed to be very affectionate whenever he mentioned Wu Zhenfeng. Chen Yu wanted to restart the case three years ago, and Yang Yi was worriedLiu Kaihua would not agree, especially since some cases had been finalized. Chen Yu proposed to let Lan Anran and Yang Yi help him.

At night, Chen Yu repeatedly thought about Wu Zhenfeng's various behaviors and the case three years ago, and his heart was shaken. Maybe Wu Zhenfeng was right, as long as he could prove Wu Gang's innocence, he could also prove his innocence.At the same time, Wu Zhenfeng, who was in a drug rehabilitation center, was also thinking about every conflict with Chen Yu. Chen Yu once asked him if he was willing to trade his innocence for Wu Gang's innocence.

The next day, Wu Zhenfeng found Li Shougui, who was also in a drug rehabilitation center.

《Being A Hero》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

The Anti-Narcotics Brigade made a work report at the meeting to summarize the rhubarb capsule case. It felt that the current case could be closed because all the people involved had been eliminated. Li Zhengqiang and Hu Qingshan were dead, and Wong Tai Sin had also been brought to justice. However, Chen Liwen felt that the case was far away.It is far from over yet. After all, all the drugs have been stolen. The case must be recovered without missing a gram, and all the K Group must be brought to justice.

Wu Zhenfeng went to the drug dealer Brother Bones to find out who the ghost hand was. It turned out to be K and wanted to know his current location, so Brother Bones told Wu Zhenfeng the appearance and characteristics of the ghost hand, so Wu Zhenfeng went to find the ghost hand.He wanted to ask him to go out with him, but Gui Shou didn't look down on Wu Zhenfeng. Wu Zhenfeng felt that Gui Shou was disrespectful, so he went up and beat him up, and was taken away by the supervisor.

Chen Yu went to Liu Kaihua to review Wu Gang's case three years ago, hoping to review all the files. Although Liu Kaihua felt that Chen Yu should spend all his practice on the rhubarb capsule case, he finally agreed to him, and thenHe called Lin Dezan to report the matter, and Lin Dezan asked Liu Kaihua to cooperate with Chen Yu in the investigation.

After Chen Yu returned, he told Yang Ye and Lan Anran, which made them very happy. The three of them hurried to the archives room and moved all the files out for review.Chen Yu told the two of them to go back and that he could handle it. As a result, Chen Yu found clues in a file.One of them, Hu Daming, was on the bus with Wu Zhenfeng and others, but he ran away with them after the accident.After Yang Ye and Lan Anran landed ashore the next day, Chen Yu told them about Hu Daming and asked Yang Ye to go to the prison with him to find Hu Daming, while Lan Anran went to Hu Daming's wife to check on social relations.

Jiang Lei found out the news about Wu Zhenfeng and took the initiative to go to Jiduo to surrender. So Dong Ge asked someone to go to the drug rehabilitation center to teach Wu Zhenfeng a lesson.

Gui Shou wanted to know the origin of Wu Zhenfeng, but he didn't expect Wu Zhenfeng to know that Gui Shou secretly took five kilograms of mogu from others before. This made Gui Shou very nervous and got up and left.

Chen Yu and Yang Ye went to the prison to meet Hu Daming. When they talked about the drug dealer they met on the bus, Hu Daming also remembered Chen Yu.However, after Wu Zhenfeng pushed Chen Ye off the cliff and fell into the water, Hu Daming ran away with Wu Zhenfeng. As a result, he was caught by drug dealers. At the critical moment, Mengji's militiamen appeared and rescued them. Later, they were rescued by Mengji.After being imprisoned for more than half a year, they were released, but Hu Daming never saw Wu Zhenfeng again after that.However, Hu Daming was surprised when Wu Zhenfeng took drugs and tried to rehab. When they were together before, they didn't take drugs at all.This made Chen Yu know that Hu Daming was lying, because when the three of them were together, Wu Zhenfeng did not take drugs. However, Hu Daming and Wu Zhenfeng never saw each other again after they separated, but they firmly said that Wu Zhenfeng did not take drugs, which is proof.Hu Daming and Wu Zhenfeng met recently.Hu Daming felt that he had spilled the beans, so he had no choice but to confess. Hu Daming had been in the heroin business, and Wu Zhenfeng was also working while investigating the death of his father Wu Gang. Wu Zhenfeng finally found out that in addition to Du San who killed Wu Gang, there was also a big drug lordLi Linfan is also related.

Lan Anran went to find Hu Daming's wife, but she turned out to be very resistant to the anti-narcotics brigade. She felt that if they captured Hu Daming, they would not care about her and the child's life or death. Now they can only make a living by making simple tailoring.Wu Zhenfeng was kind to them and helped their mother and son maintain their lives.

Wu Zhenfeng got into Gui Shou's account through connections. Gui Shou felt that Wu Zhenfeng was really up to something, but he was still unconvinced by Wu Zhenfeng. Gui Shou was beaten up by Wu Zhenfeng and became honest.So Gui Shou asked Wu Zhenfeng to say a few nice words to him in front of Brother Dong. As a result, Wu Zhenfeng told Gui Shou that he didn't know Brother Dong either. This surprised Gui Shou. He originally thought of asking Wu Zhenfeng to say something nice in front of Brother Dong to let him go., but Wu Zhenfeng asked him to take him to see Brother Dong.However, Gui Shou originally obtained the goods through a person named Brother Shu, and Brother Shu obtained the goods from Brother Dong. As for whether Brother Shu could see Brother Dong Gui Shou, I don’t know.Wu Zhenfeng felt that Guishou was dishonest and did not tell the truth. If Guishou did not tell the truth, no one would be able to help him and he would stay in a drug rehabilitation center for the rest of his life.

Chen Yu went to the security room to visit Gong Wei with a gift. Chen Yu apologized to Gong Wei for the first time in three years. After that, Gong Wei secretly sent a message to Lin Dezan to tell him that Chen Yu had passed away and wanted to apologize to Gong Wei three years ago.case to understand.When Lin Dezan arrived, he was very angry at Chen Yu's behavior. Gong Wei could not speak and was deaf because of an injury three years ago. He felt that Chen Yu went to Gong Wei just to cause trouble.However, Lin Dezan also gave an explanation to Chen Yu's questions.Three years ago, they went abroad to arrest Li Linfan, but he broke out of the encirclement. However, they found something with K among the items left at the scene, so they thought K was also involved.But Chen Yu felt that it was wrong for Li Linfan and Du San to kill Wu Gang when they were considered gangsters. Because Du San was also shot and killed later, he felt that their killing of Wu Gang was a frame-up for vendetta.However, Lin Dezan asked Chen Yu to speak with evidence. He wanted to solve the case more than Chen Yu, but the case could not be solved without evidence, and the two broke up unhappily.After Chen Yu left, Liu Kaihua also went over and told Lin Dezan that Wu Zhenfeng had been transferred to the prison cell. This surprised Lin Dezan and asked them to find out what Wu Zhenfeng wanted to do in the drug rehabilitation center.At this moment, Lin Dezan’s daughter called. She had passed the IELTS exam and wanted to go abroad. She needed more than 20,000 yuan in tuition, but Lin Dezan couldn’t get the cash for a while, so Liu Kaihua and Gong Wei worked together to get Lin Dezan.Lin Dezan was very grateful that his daughter's tuition was paid for.

When Wu Zhenfeng was eating, he passed by alone and warned him to be honest and not talk nonsense in the drug rehabilitation center. After leaving, he hurried back to Mengqi. He also told him to be careful about Guishou. He would never let him go if he stole Dong Ge's goods.Scared, Gui Shou went to Wu Zhenfeng to discuss countermeasures, so Wu Zhenfeng told Gui Shou to follow him from now on.

《Being A Hero》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Chen Yu went to the drug rehabilitation center to see Wu Zhenfeng and told him that he had met Hu Daming and learned that Wu Gang was hunted down because he ordered Li Linfan. He wanted Wu Zhenfeng to tell him all the news he had learned in Mengka for three years.But Wu Zhenfeng realized that it was impossible for his father to sell drugs without money, and Wu Gang was framed.

Wu Zhenfeng remembered that he was chased by Dong Ge's people and almost lost his life, but he had not seen any big drug lord in the past three years, so Chen Yu couldn't tell the result if he wanted to call him now, but thank Chen Yu for Wu GangThe case is not given up.

After Wu Zhenfeng left, Dr. Li went over and felt that Wu Zhenfeng was not qualified to go to their drug rehabilitation center at all, because Wu Zhenfeng was also the first to smoke moxa, and according to the standard, he could be detained for a few days at most. This surprised Chen Yu, and then he went to the drug rehabilitation center to ask for help.After receiving Wu Zhenfeng's blood test report, they claimed that he had taken rhubarb capsules. This made Chen Yu very puzzled. The urine and blood tests could prove that Wu Zhenfeng did not take drugs, but he entered a drug rehabilitation center.Yang Ye felt that someone must be helping Wu Zhenfeng to enter the drug rehabilitation center. Furthermore, Wu Zhenfeng must have found someone to get in, and the person who helped Wu Zhenfeng enter was one of their internal staff.Lan Anran told Chen Yu that Wu Zhenfeng had been in close contact with Guishou after entering the hospital, but Chen Yu felt that if it was proved that Wu Zhenfeng was not rescued and released from the drug rehabilitation center, Wu Zhenfeng would also be in danger, and what they had done beforeEverything is finished.

Chen Yu went to Lin Dezan and discussed taking Wu Zhenfeng home to live together, so that he could better monitor Wu Zhenfeng and protect Wu Zhenfeng's safety.Lin Dezan felt that there was no reason for Chen Yu to take him home, but Chen Yu felt that he and Wu Zhenfeng were young and could take Wu Zhenfeng home for that reason. Lin Dezan agreed to Chen Yu, but told Chen Yu to report at any time.situation, nothing can happen.

After Chen Yu returned home, he discussed with Yang Ling that Wu Zhenfeng should stay with them for a while. Although Yang Ling was very generous, she was very resistant to the fact that Wu Zhenfeng was a drug addict. When the two were quarreling, Lin Dezan came over and hoped that Yang Ling would accompany him.Take him to her father Yang Xingquan's house.

Lin Dezan was very unwelcome when he showed up at Yang Xingquan's house, which made Lin Dezan very embarrassed. He originally wanted to ask Yang Xingquan to help check Wu Zhenfeng's previous experience in Mengka, but Yang Xingquan was very repulsive to Lin Dezan.They have been helping Lin Dezan to inquire about information for several years, but they have not gained anything in return and have lost a lot. Lin Dezan apologized for the harm he caused to Yang Xingquan. Although Yang Xingquan did not want to help him, he still wanted to do it for the sake of his daughter.Promise to help him once.

Several drug addicts were about to be released after successful drug rehabilitation. Wu Zhenfeng told Gui Shou to rest assured that he would lead him to do great things after he got out. However, he saw Chen Yu as soon as he left, so Wu Zhenfeng asked Gui Shou to leave him first to see what Chen Yu was going to do.What to do.Chen Yu asked Wu Zhenfeng to get in the car and go home. He knew that Wu Zhenfeng was being hunted again in Yunhe County. He also returned the jade pendant that Wu Zhenfeng had dropped before and was willing to help Wu Zhenfeng investigate the Wu Gang case. Wu Zhenfeng felt thatWhat Chen Yu said made sense, so he got in the car and followed him back.

Chen Yu was worried that Yang Ling would look down on Wu Zhenfeng when he returned home, so he told him to rent a house to stay temporarily. Maybe the landlord would look down on them and tell Wu Zhenfeng not to worry about it.Wu Zhenfeng took a bath, thinking about whether the words of everyone around him would be beneficial to him, and then went out. Chen Yu asked Wu Zhenfeng to sit down and eat together, and introduced Yang Ling to Wu Zhenfeng as his girlfriend. Although Yang Ling was veryI wasn't satisfied with his presence, but for Chen Yu's sake I didn't say anything.Chen Yu wanted to know how Wu Zhenfeng got into the drug rehabilitation center, so Chen Yu told him whoever signed was the one who helped him get in.

After Guishou went out, he was found by Du Hai. He learned that it was Wu Zhenfeng, a regular in the drug rehabilitation center, who helped him out. Guishou also wanted to introduce Wu Zhenfeng to Du Hai's casino to box, but the conversation between them was ignored.Someone overheard.After that, he secretly put some drugs in Yang Ling's store and left.

Early the next morning, Yang Xingquan was very angry when he learned that Wu Zhenfeng, a drug addict, was living in Yang Ling's house. He insisted on driving Wu Zhenfeng out, and was furious with Chen Yu and the others. When they were arguing, Wu Zhenfeng heard it, so he wanted to takeHe took the bag and left, but in the process of tearing it, he bumped into a vase, and a bag of drugs appeared inside. This made Yang Xingquan even more convinced that it belonged to Wu Zhenfeng, but Chen Yu told everyone not to move, and went upstairs to take pictures with his mobile phone as evidence., and then call the police.After Director Wang arrived, he recorded and videotaped the scene and asked them all to go to the institute to take notes and cooperate with the investigation.

The Anti-Narcotics Brigade conducted a thorough investigation of Du Hai and learned that he had opened a casino and a black boxing competition in Yunhe County, but he was cunning enough to announce his location before the start of the competition, so it was difficult for them to catch him.They have been reported to be involved in drugs before, but they have also caught very few drug addicts, and there is no evidence as to whether the casino is involved in drugs.

Chen Yu told Lin Dezan that they had called nearby surveillance cameras, which proved that someone had secretly put drugs in the store, and that someone had framed Wu Zhenfeng for drug involvement.

《Being A Hero》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

In the director's office, Chen Yu and Liu Tiehua discussed the current situation with the Forest Bureau. Chen Yu believed that Wu Zhenfeng was finding this casino, so this place must be related to K.In view of the fact that no evidence was found during the two previous arrests, Team Liu was not sure this time. If he wanted to capture the evidence, he must arrange for people to investigate and collect evidence in advance. Only when he has conclusive evidence can he act. Team LiuWe have also searched for the information and social relationships of the people involved in the case before, hoping to find someone who might be able to get in without arousing suspicion. One of them, Wan Mengmeng, happened to be someone Lan Anran knew.

Yang Ling called Lin Dezan and told him that Lin Ting had arrived.Captain Lin suddenly realized that he had misremembered the date of his daughter's arrival, so he hurriedly arranged a few strict control orders and left.

The Lin Bureau came to give Lin Ting money, especially hoping to go out for a meal with her daughter. However, Lin Ting did not want to talk to him at all. She was not willing to give Lin Dezan even two hours. Lin Dezan was afraid that Lin Ting would be hungry., wanted to give Lin Ting some food, but Lin Ting’s car had already left when they chased her out.Wu Zhenfeng looked at all this and couldn't help but insinuate that the other party's money came from a shady way. The Lin Bureau did not explain it, but warned Wu Zhenfeng to pay attention to his words and deeds when he lived here in Yang Ling.

Yang Ling was angry that the Forestry Bureau arranged Wu Zhenfeng to live with her, which made her not close to her father, and now she was looked down upon by his father. Lin Dezan comforted Yang Ling and promised to explain to her father.In the evening, Chen Yu came to see Yang Ling. Knowing that Yang Ling was in a bad mood, she immediately apologized. Yang Ling also blamed Chen Yu for promising that nothing would happen, but something happened on the first day, and she finally knew what Magu looked like.

Chen Yu ran to Wu Zhenfeng and asked him if he had been framed by K. Wu Zhenfeng did not explain.Chen Yu kicked him on the butt and reminded him to get up and eat, but also warned him that he must apologize to Yang Ling today because it was only his first day here but he had caused so many things.

At the same time, the Forestry Bureau also went to Yang Xingquan to apologize. The Forestry Bureau believed that Chen Yu values ​​​​love and justice, and he would not let anything happen to Yang Ling. However, Yang Xingquan did not understand it at all, thinking that the police just wanted Wu Zhenfeng to provide information to such a person.It must be unsafe for people to stay at Yang Ling's place.

During dinner in the evening, Yang Ling expressed her belief that Wu Zhenfeng had not released Wu Zhenfeng, but she also understood why her father was angry. Back then, Yang Xingquan reported drug criminals to Lin Dezan, but he paid a heavy price, and his mother also lost her life., and his father disappeared for many years, and the family was ruined.Her belief in Wu Zhenfeng was actually based on her belief in Chen Yu, but she instinctively rejected and hated Ma G. Yang Ling would never allow poison to happen around her, and she believed the same was true for Yang Xingquan.Yang Ling warned Wu Zhenfeng that she did not want drugs to appear in the store again. If he could appreciate Chen Yu's kindness, this situation should not happen again.

Wu Zhenfeng also thought of his father. At least Yang Xingquan was still alive, but his father was a drug criminal in the eyes of these policemen. In their eyes, his father seemed to deserve to die and to go to hell. He hoped to avenge his father..Chen Yu hopes that Wu Zhenfeng can tell everything he knows, because he can't do anything by himself and will instead help himself. But for Wu Zhenfeng, this is the purpose of Chen Yu taking him in.

Yang Xingquan has always been very repulsive to Wu Zhenfeng. Although he cannot prove that Wu Zhenfeng is involved in drugs, he can be sure that the place in Mengqi is related to drugs. And Wu Zhenfeng has been there for three years, so it is impossible that it has nothing to do with it. That is why he feels that Lin DeZan was selfish and put such a dangerous person in Yang Ling's shop in order to solve the case.

Lan Anran also pretended to be a young man who went astray in society, and successfully contacted Wan Mengmeng. He hoped that Wan Mengmeng could introduce him to the D game, and lied that he had lost hundreds of thousands and wanted to make money this time., Wan Mengmeng had no doubts, but thought Lan Anran was a big fish, and specially agreed to meet during the boxing match in the evening.

Wu Zhenfeng has been asking Guishou to investigate a man named A Shu, and when he learned that there was a boxing match that night, Wu Zhenfeng guessed that this venue must have something to do with K.In the evening, Wu Zhenfeng also set off by car. Guishou was worried that the lives of the two of them would be lost, but Wu Zhenfeng was not worried at all. He knew that he was not the two of them, and he also knew that Captain Liu had already arranged for Chen Yu to follow him. He had already thought about itresponse plan.At the same time, Lan Anran also got into Wan Mengmeng's car. Team Liu also summoned the police elite to set off and, according to Lan Anran's positioning, locked the abandoned car park in the suburbs.

There is a strange world in this abandoned auto repair shop. There are so many people inside, it is like another world. The boxing match is in full swing. Lan Anran uses the excuse of going to the toilet to look around. Chen Yu also mixes Wu Zhenfeng in.The news of going in was told to Lan Anran, reminding her to pay more attention.Lan Anran found a suspicious warehouse and wanted to go there to collect evidence and check, but was pulled away by Wan Mengmeng.

In the boxing ring, the person on the stage turned out to be Wu Zhenfeng. Lan Anran was shocked. Wu Zhenfeng also saw Lan Anran standing outside the fence. A Shu also saw Wu Zhenfeng in the ring and ordered Wu Zhenfeng to be beaten to death.Wu Zhenfeng knew that the police had completed the control, so he reminded his friends that if they were arrested by the police, they should say that they were here for boxing.

Ah Shu also knew that Wu Zhenfeng was here to mess with him, so he quickly stopped the game. At this time, Wu Zhenfeng had already defeated the people in the ring.After the game, Ah Shu asked someone to notify Wu Zhenfeng to meet him. Wu Zhenfeng took Lan Anran with him and identified Lan Anran as the policeman in front of Ah Shu.

《Being A Hero》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

The police have been watching every move inside through the camera carried by Lan Anran. Chen Yu recognized that the man in the camera was the person who chased him and Wu Zhenfeng three years ago. At this time, in the D scene, Wu Zhenfeng deliberately killed Lan Anran.After taking down An Ran's bag, he had already discovered the camera installed inside. He also took a close-up of the evidence of the D-blog on the desktop and Ah Shu's face to collect evidence. Liu Kaihua quickly ordered someone to close the network for fear of causing a big incident.

The work of closing the network was quickly completed. Wu Zhenfeng also expressed his willingness to cooperate with the investigation and was taken away together. Ah Shu was also arrested during this operation. After Dong Ge learned the news, he was also worried that Wu Gang's death would be found out, and everyone would run away by then.No, although Ah Shu has never met Brother Dong, Brother Dong knows that Ah Shu betrayed Wu Gang three years ago and will still betray Wang Yikun, who is now in contact with him. And Wang Yikun is Dong Ge's direct confidant, so he will naturally be implicated.When more inside stories were revealed, Wang Yikun knew that Ah Shu was most worried about his mother and proposed to bring his mother as a hostage.Brother Dong acquiesced to Wang Yikun's idea and reminded Wang Yikun that the two of them had a fateful friendship and must not let it go just because of a mouse.

Wu Zhenfeng saw Ah Shu being taken into the car by the police, and reminded Chen Yu that he must investigate clearly and determined that there must be something wrong with this person. Chen Yu also knew that the scar on the man's face was caused by Wu Zhenfeng, and he went to the arena on purpose..

Wan Heda, the boss of Wanlutong Logistics Company, came to Lin Dezan late at night. Wan Mengmeng was his daughter. Wan Heda guaranteed with his life that Wan Mengmeng was not a bad person and produced a certificate issued by the hospital. Wan Mengmeng wasMeng had epilepsy since childhood and was prone to seizures. Wan Heda was worried that Wan Mengmeng was in danger. Lin Dezan first called Liu Kaihua and asked about Wan Mengmeng. When he learned that nothing was asked, he asked her toThe person went through the formalities and let Wan Mengmeng leave.

Lan Anran told Chen Yu that Wu Zhenfeng went in and snatched her bag to collect evidence. Although he didn't know what his purpose was, he was certain that Wu Zhenfeng could be used.

When Ah Shu faced interrogation, he denied that he had done anything illegal and believed that he was just a puppet who was pushed out. As for Wu Zhenfeng, Ah Shu also lied that he did not know him. Liu Kaihua warned Ah Shu to think carefully. Through the evidence collection tonight, heIt was impossible to get out.

When Wu Zhenfeng was being questioned, he repeatedly reminded Chen Yu to check Ah Shu. Ah Shu was inevitably related to Wu Gang's death, but Chen Yu ignored it at all. Instead, he asked Wu Zhenfeng if the purpose of coming here was to contact K. This madeWu Zhenfeng was very irritated, thinking that Chen Yu should interrogate Ah Shu instead of interrogating him. Ah Shu must be confused now, and he would always cheat and be accurate. However, Chen Yu continued to ask Wu Zhenfeng about the purpose of coming here. As for interrogating Ah Shu, he was from the police.The problem is, it's not Wu Zhenfeng's turn to take charge.

Wu Zhenfeng admitted that his only purpose in the past three years was to avenge his father, but all the clues were fragmented. Only when he saw Ah Shu in the arena today did he feel that he was so close to the truth for the first time. His intuition told him that Ah ShuThe rat must have something to do with his father's death.

After Wan Mengmeng was released, she saw Lan Anran in police uniform and angrily accused Lan Anran of cheating her this time. Lan Anran also reminded Lin Dezan that she should not be released and that she should investigate carefully. She and Ah Shu must be related., but Wan Mengmeng has evidence of illness. If there is a problem in custody, no one can take responsibility.

Team Liu also ran to the Forest Bureau's office, thinking that Wan Mengmeng had been involved in drugs three times and should not be let go so easily. However, the Forest Bureau told Team Liu that Wan Mengmeng was caught on the front foot, and Wan Heda came to the office. This shows thatThe person they moved was very well-informed, and what they were searching for today was K's sales den. Therefore, Wanheda must have something to do with K. If they wanted to arrest him, they would have to seize the evidence at once so that he could not stand up.

According to the information obtained by the police, it can be learned that A Shu’s original name is He Jiashu. His previous resume shows that he has been working in Wu’s Jade Shop, and this place happens to be the shop opened by Wu Gang. He Jiashu has also lived a relatively low-key life in recent years.All the income was given to my mother's medical treatment in the nursing home, and she even had a kidney transplant a few years ago.

Liu Jun was in charge of the jade shop in Wu Gang and naturally knew He Jiashu. Chen Yu came to Liu Jun to find out about He Jiashu and learned that He Jiashu was a bad gambler and owed a lot of debts outside., so the debt collectors from the D shop came to ask for the debt. Liu Jun was so angry that he wanted to beat He Jiashu and drive him out of the store, but he was opposed by Wu Gang. Wu Gang knew that He Jiashu wanted to give him money.His mother was very talented in treating diseases, so he asked Liu Jun to take out the money from his account and wanted to go to the hospital to settle the account of He Jiashu and also treat He Jiashu's mother.But later He Jiashu was bribed, and the car that Wu Gang was involved in was also installed by He Jiashu. On the day of Wu Gang's accident, He Jiashu also led people to hunt down Wu Gang, and drugs were found in Wu Gang's car, which made the police think that he was a gangster.Chen Yu believed that He Jiashu's bribery was directly related to Wu Gang's death, and Wu Gang's death was also framed.

Chen Yu hopes to discuss cooperation with Wu Zhenfeng. Even Wu Zhenfeng's involvement in drugs was due to revenge. Lin Dezan believes that Wu Zhenfeng actually took advantage of Chen Yu to take down the boxing gym. He is a double-edged sword to them. Bureau LinThinking that everything should be done with caution, he also told him to tell Captain Liu about the incident.

Wang Yikun and Wan Mengmeng have been on good terms for two years, but Wan Heda has always denied it. He came to see Wan Heda and told Wan Mengmeng that Wan Mengmeng brought Lan Anran into the arena. If this matter is known to Brother Dong, Wan Mengmeng willLife is not guaranteed.Wan Heda had no choice but to admit the relationship between Wang Yikun and Wan Mengmeng. Wang Yikun wanted to frame Wu Zhenfeng and take the police there, so he might be able to get away with it.

Chen Yu and Lan Anran interrogated Ah Shu again in the middle of the night and informed him about his mother's kidnapping.

《Being A Hero》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

The police investigated surveillance and A Shu's social connections, and found that the person who took A Shu's mother away was Jiang Yu, and that he changed his license plate number after leaving the nursing home.But Ah Shu's mother left in a hurry without taking the medicine she took every day, which would put his mother's life in danger at any time.

Ah Shu realized the seriousness of the situation and begged Chen Yu to save his mother. Chen Yu asked Ah Shu who the person above was. Ah Shu also emphasized that if he could not save his mother, he would not say a word.of.The police had already found Jiang Yu's hideout and saw He's mother who was seriously ill and sent him to the hospital.

Wang Yikun, who was in a stalemate with Wan Heda, suddenly received a call and learned that A Shu's mother had been rescued. This made Wang Yikun very scared and hoped that Wan Heda could help keep the secret, otherwise he would not end well if Dong Ge knew about it.But he was sure that A Shu would not betray him.Wan Heda also confirmed the information he wanted, ensuring that Wang Yikun would pass the matter of taking the police to the boxing ring to Wu Zhenfeng.

Chen Yu got the news that A Shu's mother had been rescued. A Shu's mother even called her son specifically to ask him to cooperate with the police and honestly explain everything.Later, Ah Shu also revealed that his boss was Hu Qingshan. Three years ago, Wu Gang gave him money, and Hu Qingshan came to him. He said that Wu Gang had ordered his boss and he wanted to take revenge on Wu Gang. He also gave him a lot of money.Let him frame Wu Gang for drugs.Although Wu Gang gave Ah Shu money, hundreds of thousands could not save his mother's life. Faced with the huge amount of mother's medical expenses, Ah Shu agreed to frame her.

However, Chen Yu knew that Hu Qingshan betrayed K a year ago, and K would not let Ah Shu go. This proved that Ah Shu was lying. In fact, there was someone else who was looking for Ah Shu, but Ah Shu was unwilling to go any further.He also claimed that he was lucky if he didn't kill Chen Yu three years ago. If he really told him who the boss was, Chen Yu wouldn't be able to find out.But Chen Yu insisted on knowing who was above A Shu.Ah Shu deliberately revealed that Team Liu’s nephew Jiang Lei was his boss.

Wan Heda and Wang Yikun went to meet Hao Dong together and passed all the responsibilities to Wu Zhenfeng.Hao Dong was not a fool, but he did not reveal the truth. He just told Wan Heda to take a good look at Wan Mengmeng. He also knew that Wu Zhenfeng was about to be released, so he ordered him to have his legs broken and thrown out of the country.

Wu Zhenfeng was targeted by Jiang Lei as soon as he came out. Wu Zhenfeng went to pay homage to Wu Gang's grave. He sat in front of the tombstone and blamed himself for never having seen his parents in the past three years, but he also blamed% his father for leaving in a hurry without giving any clues.He stayed. He had paid too much and experienced too much to find the truth in the past three years. He didn't know if he could continue to persevere.Chen Yu brought flowers to pay homage and promised to continue the investigation. Now clues have been found. Wu Zhenfeng saw that the tombstone was very clean and knew that Chen Yu had come here often in the past three years. He was very grateful to Chen Yu. Chen Yu persuaded Wu ZhenfengDo not cooperate with the police alone.Wu Zhenfeng told Chen Yu that it was best to stop the investigation. He knew that the closer he got to the truth, the more dangerous he was. He especially believed that the police force was not a safe place.

Guishou drank with Wu Zhenfeng and curiously asked Wu Zhenfeng what he wanted to do, which made him feel completely helpless. However, Wu Zhenfeng said that he came back to become the king of poison, and that he would follow him to eat well and drink hot food. Just as he finished speaking, a noodle truck came over.It crashed directly into the food stall, and Wu Zhenfeng was also hit by Jiang Lei's car against the wall.Ah Shu tore off Jiang Lei's mask while helping Wu Zhenfeng fight, and immediately recognized Jiang Lei. Wu Zhenfeng was also shocked and took advantage of the chaos to escape. Jiang Lei and others chased after him.

The two came to an alley one after another. Wu Zhenfeng was hiding in the dark and suddenly rushed out and knocked the dagger out of Jiang Lei's hand. He asked Jiang Lei to call Dong Ge, but Jiang Lei sarcastically said that Wu Zhenfeng was not worthy at all.At this time, Brother Dong was also reprimanding Wang Yikun, scolding him for his inability to do things well, and actually asked someone to rescue He Jiashu's mother. If He Jiashu bites anyone, he will die. This is also his rule.

At this time, Wu Zhenfeng used Jiang Lei's mobile phone to call Dong Ge. Dong Ge asked Wu Zhenfeng to let Jiang Lei go so that he could leave Mengka with his life. At this time, Jiang Lei had been beaten by Wu Zhenfeng and was lying on the ground unable to move.Brother Dong had no choice but to agree to meet Wu Zhenfeng.

Because of the fight at the night market stall, Gui Shou was also brought to the police station. Captain Liu personally interrogated him and asked why Wu Zhenfeng wanted to find Brother Dong. In fact, Gui Shou really didn't know about this. He only knew that Wu Zhenfeng had said that he wanted to be the drug king.Liu Kaihua asked Gui Shou to honestly tell everything Wu Zhenfeng had said. This was also an opportunity they gave Gui Shou, and Gui Shou immediately nodded and agreed to tell the truth.

Wu Zhenfeng escorted Jiang Lei to the suburbs to look for Brother Dong. Several cars had already been parked in the woods on the outskirts, and even grave pits had been dug. However, the person who came to see Wu Zhenfeng was not Hao Dong, but Wang Yikun, and Wu Zhenfeng alsoThinking of meeting Wang Yikun in the car three years ago, and being chased by Wang Yikun on a rainy night, Wu Zhenfeng mistakenly thought that Wang Yikun in front of him was Brother Dong. Seeing people swarming from all directions, Wu Zhenfeng was a little panicked, and hurriedly explained that it was two liangLet him discuss business.

But obviously the other party did not believe it. Seeing everyone pressing closer, Wu Zhenfeng reminded everyone to kill Jiang Lei if he came forward again. At this time, the real Hao Dong appeared and expressed his willingness to talk to Wu Zhenfeng, but the condition was that Wu Zhenfeng let Jiang Lei go.Lei, Wu Zhenfeng thought for a moment and threw the dagger, and pushed Jiang Lei away to express his trust in Hao Dong.But as soon as he let go of Jiang Lei, Jiang Lei punched Wu Zhenfeng hard. Hao Dongye said coldly that he didn't even believe his own, but he didn't expect Wu Zhenfeng to dare to believe him.

Hao Dong had someone throw Wu Zhenfeng into the dug pit. He didn't believe Wu Zhenfeng at all. He could come in as soon as he came in and leave as soon as he said he wanted to go out. He could also lead people to the boxing ring. How could he trust such a person?, but because of Wu Zhenfeng’s belief in him, he could leave a whole body for Wu Zhenfeng.At this time, Wu Zhenfeng's cell phone rang, and Wu Zhenfeng loudly told Hao Dong that the person calling was his childhood friend and a police officer, so he could enter the police station conveniently. Hao Dong may not want to have a relationship with the police, or he may be dissatisfied with Wu Zhenfeng.He was dubious about his words, and actually gave him a chance to leave, asking him to go back and tell Erliang that there was no business to discuss.

Wan Heda had been waiting for Hao Dong to come back, but did not see Wu Zhenfeng. Wan Heda thought that another life had been caused and was very angry. She blamed Hao Dong for always killing people and then the business could not be done. But when he heard that Wu Zhenfeng was not dead, Wan HedaOnly then did Heda lose his temper.Because Hao Dong and Wan Heda talked with anger, he felt that when his father and Wan Heda were doing business, it was suspicious that one was alive and the other was dead, and the quarrel between the two was about to break out.

《Being A Hero》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Wu Zhenfeng returned to his residence after escaping death. He was still frightened when he thought of the scene just now. He straightened his hair in the mirror and looked at his embarrassed appearance. Wu Zhenfeng remembered Chen Yu's words about hoping to cooperate with him. At this time, he also realized that he had single-handedly fought withThe disparity in Hao Dong's confrontational strength is too great.I wanted to call Chen Yu, but after thinking about it, I still didn't make the call.

After Hao Dong and Wan Heda had a conflict, they took the initiative to apologize. Wan Heda earnestly persuaded Hao Dong not to continue to have a stalemate with Mengja. It would be of no benefit in the end, but Hao Dong thought that there would be no harm in touching it first.

Wu Zhenfeng appeared in front of Chen Yu in a state of embarrassment. Chen Yu asked Wu Zhenfeng where he went last night. Wu Zhenfeng lied that it was revenge in the boxing ring and had a fight with someone at a food stall. Chen Yu did not believe these prevarications at all.Continuing to ask, Wu Zhenfeng finally told Jiang Lei's name. Strictly speaking, Chen Yu did not lie, but concealed the meeting with Hao Dong. Chen Yu also remembered He Jiashu's words and did not continue to question Wu Zhenfeng.

When Jiang Lei went home, he happened to bump into Captain Liu who was going to work. When he saw Jiang Lei's face covered with injuries, he asked him what was going on. Jiang Lei lied that he was beaten alive by a contractor to fool him..

Chen Yu also had a good talk with Wu Zhenfeng, hoping that he would turn around, because he knew that Wu Zhenfeng was involved in drugs because of revenge. He believed that the drug involvement was not deep, and he was worried that Wu Zhenfeng would die if he continued to investigate, and he was also helping Wu Zhenfeng. Wu Zhenfeng could see thatChen Yu was sincere, saying that he would tell Chen Yu as soon as possible if he found evidence, and hoped to gain Chen Yu's trust. His promise to Chen Yu was that if he was involved in drugs, the police could arrest him at any time.Later, Wu Zhenfeng gave Chen Yu the USB flash drive hidden in the crack of the bag, which was all the information of Wu Gang's company.

Chen Yu went to the office to find Bureau Lin, hoping to investigate Wu Gang's affairs, win Wu Zhenfeng's trust, and let him cooperate with the police to seize the K line, especially since the car that hit Wu Zhenfeng was a Wanheda company car. LinThe Bureau agreed to let Chen Yu investigate, but reminded Chen Yu not to tell Wu Zhenfeng the progress of the investigation.Team Liu had been worried that Chen Yu would be deceived at a young age, but Bureau Lin saw Team Liu's shadow in Chen Yu and asked Team Liu to keep an eye on Wu Zhenfeng. If Wu Zhenfeng was involved in drugs, Chen Yu's safety must be guaranteed.

Lan Anran and Chen Yu came to Wan Heda and asked bluntly whether Wan Heda knew Wu Gang, hoping that Wan Heda could provide the driver's information.At the same time, Hao Dong was also dissatisfied with Wan Heda always putting pressure on him. He wanted to fall out with Wan Heda. At the same time, he also opened an account for Wang Yikun so that he could share the money with him in the future. Wang Yikun seemed to be dissatisfied with Wan Heda.Money is not interested and he values ​​feelings more, but this makes Hao Dong even more angry, reminding Wang Yikun that he and Mengmeng have been together for so many years without Wan Heda's consent, simply because he has no money, and he cannot tolerate it forever. Falling out isSooner or later.

Because Wan Mengmeng was addicted to drugs, the nanny called Wan Heda. Wan Heda did not bother to talk to Chen Yulan safely and asked his subordinates to handle it. As a result, his subordinates did not have time to handle the driver's information and handed it over to Chen Lan and the others., Wanheda ordered that the things must be snatched back.

Wan Heda hurriedly took Dr. Yu back to see Wan Mengmeng, who was suffering from drug addiction. Wan Mengmeng was eager to take drugs, but Wan Heda refused and asked Dr. Yu to inject a sedative.When Wu Zhenfeng and Chen Yu were checking the information, a group of people suddenly broke in. Wu Zhenfeng held on to the information and refused to let go, but several people forcibly held Wu Zhenfeng down and burned the information. Yang Ling downstairs heard the voice upstairs.The police were also called, and several people left in a hurry. Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng's rescue materials were only left with a few fragmentary pages.

Wang Yikun went to Kundu to talk to Acan about the rhubarb capsule deal. Doctor Yu also finished injecting Wan Mengmeng with the drug and persuaded Wan Heda to send him to a drug rehabilitation center. However, Wan Heda did not want people to know that he had a drug-addicted daughter., the doctor was so angry that he scolded Wan Heda, thinking that he was a selfish person who did not care about his daughter's life and death for his own face, just like those who take drugs. It seems that everyone has their own reasonable reasons, but in fact they are nothing..Wan Heda was also scolded by Doctor Yu and was stunned for a moment. She stretched out her hand to express her gratitude to him, but Doctor Yu disliked it for having bacteria on her hands.

Guishou called Wu Zhenfeng and asked Wu Zhenfeng to pick up someone tomorrow. He claimed to be from K's side and said he knew Wu Zhenfeng.At this time, Lin Dezan also brought the police over, blaming Chen Yu for taking the information back to the store instead of to the police. Those who dared to steal the information must be prepared. The key is that the police did not know the forces behind them..

Wu Zhenfeng had just appeared on the scene, and the police had already gotten clues. Wu Zhenfeng left without telling Chen Yu. Team Liu ordered to closely monitor all the vehicles of Wanheda's company, and also to keep an eye on Wu Zhenfeng to see if he came back with others.

《Being A Hero》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

At the market in Walin Town, Wan Heda sat on the roadside eating noodles. Then he stopped Wu Zhenfeng and asked him to call Erliang to tell him that the person who told him about the transaction had arrived.Wu Zhenfeng hoped that Wan Heda could tell him the truth about Wu Gang's death, but Wan Heda refused. Will anyone believe the truth about Wu Zhenfeng when it comes from his mouth?Wan Heda reminded Wu Zhenfeng that he was lucky to escape from Brother Dong this time, but this kind of luck does not always come.At this time, Erliang drove someone over and was very friendly when he saw Wu Zhenfeng. Wu Zhenfeng had been out for two months and must have suffered a lot from the hard work.

Erliang sat opposite Wan Heda and lamented that they had not seen each other for three years. Wu Zhenfeng on the side also remembered a previous mission with Erliang. Erliang knew that Wu Zhenfeng had been investigating Wu Gang's death to no avail, so he persuaded Wu Zhenfeng to give up.Suddenly, their car was attacked, and Wu Zhenfeng almost lost his life trying to save Erliang. From that time on, Erliang trusted Wu Zhenfeng.

Wu Zhenfeng drove Wan Heda, whose head was covered, to the armed base, intending to cooperate again.On the other hand, Gui Shou was forced by Jiang Lei, hoping that he could follow Jiang Lei, and asked Gui Shou to find a few people who could make tea cakes. If the matter is settled, let's forget about it until now. Jiang Lei also warned Gui Shou to face Liu Kaihua's questions.In other words, you can put all the questions on Wu Zhenfeng. How did he order Ah Shu's boxing gym in the first place, and now he has to order Wu Zhenfeng.

Wanheda took a look at the drug manufacturing base where Erliang was located, and was very satisfied with the products produced, and quickly reached a deal. Erliang hoped that Wu Zhenfeng would be the pledger, but Wanheda felt a little uncomfortable, and talked about SanWhat happened years ago, their original cooperation ended with Wu Gang's death, and now it started with Wu Zhenfeng's pledge, which made him somewhat uncomfortable. Wu Zhenfeng stood aside and clenched his fists, all the anger in his heart condensed inOn his hands, Wu Zhenfeng believed in the two pairs and insisted on using them. Wanheda was not able to say anything and asked Wu Zhenfeng to call his brothers in Yunhe on the spot to confirm. Wu Zhenfeng contacted Guishou by phone and informed him that he was at the Nanshan border.Wait.

After sending Wan Heda away, Wu Zhenfeng angrily beat Erliang hard, blaming Erliang for not saying a word even though he knew that his father-killing enemy was Hao Dong, and for letting him almost lose himself in Yunhe even though he and Wan Heda had known each other for a long time.life.Erliang allowed Wu Zhenfeng to beat him up, and then explained to Wu Zhenfeng that in fact Erliang had known for a long time that Wu Zhenfeng was Wu Gang's son. That time Erliang went to Yunhe to trade with K, but Wu Zhenfeng was also there and recognized what happened to Du San.After the dispute, the police also surrounded the scene. Hao Dong arranged for Wang Yikun to ambush and kill Du San in the dark. At that time, Erliang knew that there was no deal at all, K just wanted his life, and Du San actually died in his place.

Although he knew that Hao Dong was going to kill him, Erliang had to cooperate with Hao Dong. Everything was for money. Erliang persuaded Wu Gang to be able to afford it and let it go. It was also proved that Wan Heda could come here today.I didn't misjudge the wrong person, and I didn't save the wrong person.

On that rainy night three years ago, Wang Yikun led people to chase Wu Zhenfeng. Seeing that Wu Zhenfeng was about to be killed, Erliang stepped in to save Wu Zhenfeng, and completely broke up with K. Both of them had saved each other's lives. Wu Zhenfeng thought that they wereIt's even.The main reason why Erliang wanted Wu Zhenfeng to go to Yunhe was to lure Wan Heda to come to discuss cooperation. Erliang also officially recognized Wu Zhenfeng as his brother, and also promised to avenge Wu Zhenfeng, but it depends on the right opportunity.Erliang also took Wu Zhenfeng to meet Sister Qiong, who was willing to give Wu Zhenfeng a chance to try.

The police found out about Wu Zhenfeng's suspicion of leaving the country and speculated that he must be investigating the cause of Wu Gang's death. This is why Chen Yu did not think Wu Zhenfeng was a drug lord.Chen Yu assured Lin Dezan that if Wu Zhenfeng came into contact with drug criminals, it must be to invite him to the urn, and said excitedly that without getting complete information, he would rather believe Wu Zhenfeng than anyone else. Lin Bureau was so angry that his veins were exposedShe yelled Chen Yu's name.At this time, Bureau Lin received a call from Yang Ling, and her tone became gentle.After hanging up the phone, Bureau Lin angrily asked Chen Yu where to buy the stuffed toys. Chen Yu also angrily told him to go to the department store, and then left the office angrily.

At Yang Ling's Cafe, seeing that Director Lin and Yang's father had not come up, Yang Ling went to call the two of them, but heard the two arguing again. Yang Xingquan blamed Lin Dezan for not letting Wu Zhenfeng here, because Wu Zhenfeng was leaving the country now.It was obvious that there was something wrong, and Yang Ling's appearance stopped the quarrel between the two.Lin Dezan gave him his own gift, seventeen dolls, which proved that Lin Dezan had given them seventeen years ago.Yang Xingquan was unhappy and asked how many more years Lin Dezan planned to send him away. The implication was that his father had come back and Lin Dezan no longer needed to play the role of father.

Yang Ling's heart was like a mirror, knowing that Yang Xingquan was jealous, and quickly asked Yang Xingquan what he had given her. Yang Xingquan took out the laptop he had prepared. Yang Ling hugged Yang Xingquan, pretending to be very happy, hoping to make Yang Xingquan feel better.But before eating and blowing out the candles, the dispute inevitably happened again. Yang Ling toasted Lin Dezan and habitually called her Dad Yang. However, when toasting Yang Xingquan, Yang Xingquan reminded Yang Ling that there is only one father, and againWhen Wu Zhenfeng was mentioned living here, Yang Ling was dissatisfied and reprimanded the two of them, blaming them for always rehashing old scores, and it was because of Yang Ling's words that the two stopped talking.

After Jiang Lei returned, he deliberately talked about the secret recruitment in front of Liu Kaihua. He found him here and was not sure whether to do it. Team Liu immediately asked Jiang Lei to help find out the details of the recruitment.

Walking out of the house, Chen Yu repeatedly thought about the danger Wu Zhenfeng might encounter now. Wu Zhenfeng also thought about what Chen Yu once said. He knew that Wu Zhenfeng was seeking revenge, but he was worried that Wu Zhenfeng would suffer a loss alone. At this time, Wu Zhenfeng knew in his heart that Chen YuYu really cares about himself.

In a secret drug-making factory, rhubarb capsules have been made and tested on mice.On the other side, Team Liu also ran to Gui Shou and asked about the recruitment task straight to the point. Gui Shou did not dare to lie and tell the truth.

《Being A Hero》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Hao Dong came to Hong Kong drug dealer Lao Zhuo alone. Lao Zhuo was also curious about why Hao Dong would join forces with Mengqi again three years later. Hao Dong came this time not to talk about joining forces with Erliang, but in the hope of joining forces with Erliang.Lao Zhuo teamed up to squeeze out 2 liang, and did not want to sell 2 liang of white powder.But in Lao Zhuo's view, it is not Hao Dong who has the final say on what to sell in Hong Kong. He has the final say on his territory. Colleagues also hope that Hao Dong will not always think about sabotage. The most important thing is to do his own business well, not to mention the twoThe deposits have already been paid by both parties, and we don't want any problems to arise.Hao Dong knew that Lao Zhuo wanted white powder, so he also said that he would definitely help Lao Zhuo get the goods. Not only that, he could also get Lao Zhuo Xiaoma and Dahuang capsules. These two products would definitely be more attractive to Lao Zhuo.Da, in fact, no matter what Lao Zhuo's attitude is, Hao Dong has already made up his mind that Mengqa's goods will not get away from him. The reason why he came to Lao Zhuo was just to say hello in advance, so as not to be accused of not knowing the rules in the future.

Liu Kaihua came to Gui Shou and asked about today's recruitment information. Gui Shou was obviously helping Jiang Lei find someone, but was warned by Jiang Lei in advance that he had to say that he was looking for someone for Wu Zhenfeng. Wu Zhenfeng just called Gui Shou again to inform Gui Shou to meet.The location made this frame-up look particularly perfect.After returning, Liu Kaihua reported the situation to Lin Dezan. The drug shipment was made into tea cakes, and the location was Yang Xingquan's tea factory. He hoped that this operation would prevent Yang Yi and Chen Yu from participating, but Lin Dezan objected.It is recommended that Liu Kaihua Jiang and the others be brought along. If they are really suspicious of the two of them, this operation can also be used as a test.

Wanheda specially used an oversized truck to transport tea for Yang Xingquan Tea Factory. Yang Xingquan also had some doubts about this. He was worried that he did not have that much goods, and worried that the tea cakes were more delicate and would be smashed when the time came.Heda repeatedly made promises, but Yang Xingquan had no choice but to give up.

Chen Yu knew that there was something going on at night and was worried that Wu Zhenfeng was doing something. He specially made an appointment with Wu Zhenfeng to meet at Wu Gang's grave. Chen Yu gave Wu Gang's family photo to Wu Zhenfeng, but Wu Zhenfeng confirmed that such a precious thing was not suitable for him, and stillGave it to Chen Yu for safekeeping.Chen Yu deliberately proposed to wait for Wu Zhenfeng to go back for dinner in the evening. Wu Zhenfeng's evasion made Chen Yu's heart tremble. Wu Zhenfeng seemed to notice Chen Yu's temptation, but he did not challenge it.After the two of them said goodbye, Wu Zhenfeng called Chen Liwen and told him that there was drug transportation at Guangguangshan Tea Factory at 12 o'clock in the evening. The transportation vehicle should be owned by Wanheda and would definitely pass through Yunhe. The Yunhe police had also noticed it.He ordered Wu Zhenfeng to closely monitor the transportation of this shipment and not to take action. He would lead people to control it.

After the Forestry Bureau assigned the task, they planned to take action. Chen Liwen and his people arrived in time and stopped the Yunhe police from arresting people on the grounds that the provincial department supervised the operation. What the Yunhe police had to do was to closely monitor and cooperate with the actions of the Hong Kong police. Lin DezanAlthough he was unwilling, he had to issue an order, requiring all personnel to only monitor and collect evidence, but not to take action.Chen Yu wanted to bring his mobile phone but was rejected by Lin Dezan. Chen Yu was worried that Wu Zhenfeng would call, so he specifically told Lin Dezan to answer the call when he saw it.

Team Liu returned home and put a watch with a camera for collecting evidence on Jiang Lei, hoping that Jiang Lei would collect evidence while working. Jiang Lei felt panicked and was worried about dying because of it, so he hoped not to wear the watch. Liu Kaihua did not take back the watch., but told Jiang Lei to put safety first. If no evidence can be collected, there is no need to collect it, but the police will find him based on the position of the watch to ensure his safety.The flustered Jiang Lei received another call from Hao Dong. Hao Dong heard something unusual in Jiang Lei's trembling voice asking for the reason. Jiang Lei did not dare to tell the truth, so he had to calm down and answer loudly that there was no problem. Hao Dong told Jiang Lei to do things today.Be pretty.

Jiang Lei hung up Hao Dong and called his subordinate Gou Zi, arranging Gou Zi to pick up the goods on his behalf and confessing that the other party was his boss.

Lao Zhuo and Hao Dong had dinner together, waiting for Sister Qiong to arrive. Privately, Hao Dong reminded Lao Zhuo to be careful not to say things he shouldn't have said. Sister Qiong did not notice anything unusual when she arrived, and toasted to the three-party cooperation.

Late at night, Chen Yu and Yang Yi used binoculars to look at the hillside in front of them and found a person coming down from above, it was Wu Zhenfeng.

《Being A Hero》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

At night, when Yang Yi and Chen Yu went on a mission, Yang Yi sneaked into the phone booth on the pretext of going to the toilet, but Chen Yu had no idea.

Before Erliang left, he received a phone call. The other party asked Erliang to follow his instructions. This made Erliang a little embarrassed, but for the overall situation, Erliang had no choice but to do it. Although Wu Zhenfeng did not hear the content, heSomething feels wrong.

Team Liu led his men and horses to surround the teahouse, but the Forest Bureau and Chen Liwen were at the headquarters to closely monitor the scene and direct the operations.Chen Yu had been worried that Wu Zhenfeng would also appear, which made Yang Yi very angry. He felt that if Chen Yu accidentally leaked the news, their actions would be over.Yang Yi saw that Wu Zhenfeng had been using Chen Yu, and Wu Zhenfeng was also a real drug criminal.​

Jiang Lei told Gou Zi to kill both Gui Shou and Wu Zhenfeng at night. This made Gou Zi a little surprised, but Jiang Lei did not dare to disobey and had to compromise.

The ghost hand appeared within the surveillance range of Chen Yu and the others, and soon Wu Zhenfeng and his party drove to the woods. They told Wu Zhenfeng that safety was the first priority for the first time he shipped goods, and that he must save his life even if the goods were lost.

Wu Zhenfeng held the box and went to see the ghost hand alone. Yang Ye quickly reported to Lin Dezan and the others, and Chen Yu's vehicle left behind and headed towards the tea factory. The Lin Bureau ordered Chen Yu and the others to continue tracking at the headquarters.

Soon Wu Zhenfeng rushed to the tea factory with Guishou, but he smelled a strong smell of diesel. People at the factory told them that the machine was being repaired because it was old, so Chen Yu asked someone to start inspecting the goods.But Gouzi on the side discovered that the goods turned out to be lime powder, which surprised several people.So Gouzi asked someone to lock Wu Zhenfeng and the others in a room and were not allowed to leave. Jiang Lei also called Hao Dong to report the matter without telling Team Liu's surveillance. Hao Dong arranged for Jiang Lei to kill Wu Zhenfeng and set fire to the scene as planned.Burn.

When Captain Liu saw the fire at the scene, he quickly reported it to Chen Liwen, so he arranged for someone to rush in and control the situation.Wu Zhenfeng and Gui Shou were trapped in the room and could not escape. The two people quickly picked up wood and smashed the window open. As a result, Wu Zhenfeng ran out, but Gui Shou was burned to death inside.By the time the anti-drug brigade arrived, the house had collapsed. Wu Zhenfeng was very sad to see the ghost hand burned to death inside, but it was already too late.

Hao Dong called A Kun and told him that the police had been transferred and told him to take advantage of the opportunity to ship the goods. It turned out that Hao Dong had already calculated the direction of the matter, and it was A Kun who really wanted to take the goods.Wan Heda was very angry when he knew that he had been plotted by Hao Dong. He felt that he had come forward to talk to Erliang before, but now he had betrayed him. Mengji would not give up, but Hao Dong could not control so many generals.The call was immediately hung up, which made Wan Heda almost helpless and angry.

Yang Xingquan's tea factory was reduced to ashes in a fire. When he arrived, he fell down and was sent to the hospital.

After Wu Zhenfeng was captured by the anti-drug brigade, he kept thinking about the direction of the matter. Unexpectedly, he was also betrayed without knowing that the goods were fake, and Guishou also died in the trading center.Team Liu could also see that Wu Zhenfeng had no idea and hoped that he could explain who asked them to do the deal.

After Jiang Lei and some Ma Zi were arrested, they confessed that Gou Zi had called them over and blamed Wu Zhenfeng for everything. Chen Yu felt that Jiang Lei knew Wu Zhenfeng, but Jiang Lei denied that it was just the first time they met.However, in Chen Yu's memory, Jiang Lei hit Wu Zhenfeng more than once. This made Jiang Lei right, so he continued to ask him if he knew He Jiashu.But Jiang Lei told them that he was called by Liu Kaihua to perform the mission.

Team Liu on the other side is also interrogating Wu Zhenfeng, wanting to know whether he knew about the police action from Chen Yu, and whether there is a protective umbrella behind Wu Zhenfeng. He hopes that he will explain everything.As a result, Wu Zhenfeng admitted that his leader was Jiang Lei, which made Team Liu very angry, thinking that Wu Zhenfeng was deliberately looking for trouble.

The Lin Bureau took the police to the hospital to visit Yang Xingquan, but at this time Yang Xingquan hated them so much that he had lost his family and his family because of helping the police.

Hao Dong went to see Lao Zhuo and Sister Qiong, which made Sister Qiong very angry. She picked up the gun and asked Hao Dong what he meant.

《Being A Hero》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

In the hospital ward, Lin Dezan brought Liu Kaihua to the hospital, ostensibly to visit the injured Yang Xingquan, but actually to interrogate him, because based on his understanding at the time and the situation of the arrested people, it was found that none of them were tea factory workers and could enter smoothly.Those who package the tea factory need to be workers. As the boss, Father Yang also appeared near the packaging workshop after the drug traffickers entered the tea factory. There is reason to suspect that Father Yang may know about this.Yang Xingquan was very annoyed with Team Liu's suspicion. Seeing the Lin Bureau who had his back turned to him, he sternly asked him to face him. Yang Xingquan believed that the reason why these people came to visit him should be related to the fact that he sent people to Mengka to investigate Wu Zhenfeng. The purpose wasWanting to give him or Lin Dezan a warning, Lin Dezan remained silent.

Sister Qiong learned that there was a problem with Mengqi's goods and ran to find Lao Zhuo. She believed that Lao Zhuo had known about it before. Hao Dong arrived before Lao Zhuo could answer. Sister Qiong pointed a gun at Hao Dong and accused him.Hao Dong dealt with her people, clearly wanting to kill them with the help of the police.Hao Dong was not afraid, and instead accused Erliang of being uninterested and bringing lime powder there. Sister Qiong knew clearly that she had fallen into a trap, but she had no evidence.Lao Zhuo wanted to be a peacemaker and persuaded Sister Qiong to put down her pistol, hoping that there would be no problems with the next cooperation, but Hao Dong said that as long as he was alive, Mengqi's goods would not be able to enter Hong Kong.Hao Dong was angry that his father was killed because of Mengqi's manipulation, and now he wants revenge.

Wan Heda and Wang Yikun also had a quarrel. Wan Heda accused Wang Yikun of not telling him what happened this time. He had killed many people before. Wu Gang was poisonous first and then second. Such a person is not suitable to be with Mengmeng., Wan Mengmeng heard the quarrel between the two and insisted on finding the answer from Wang Yikun. Wan Heda also told Mengmeng truthfully that the person she liked was a murderer. Should she still want to be with such a person? Wang Yikun staredLooking at Wan Heda, he angrily scolded Wan Heda not to go too far.

Chen Yu carefully watched the video taken by Jiang Lei and concluded based on the on-site survey that Jiang Lei deliberately failed to capture important things. Especially when Wu Zhenfeng took out the fake, he should have gone to talk to KThe relevant people contacted him, hoping to get the next step of instructions, so Chen Yu suspected that the whole thing was actually a conspiracy, and Jiang Lei was a major suspect. This sentence also angered Liu Kaihua.

Wang Yikun pointed out that Hao Dong came back for revenge. The death of Hao Dong's father Li Linfan should also be related to Wan Heda, because after Li Linfan died, all his businesses became Wan Heda's. Before Li Linfan's death three years ago, Wan HedaDa has also been to Mengji, and all the company's drivers were on holiday that day. This is why he did not tell Wan Heda about Hao Dong's actions. Wan Heda stared at Wan Mengmeng, and realized that Wan Mengmeng was betraying him.himself.Wan Heda just asked Wang Yikun if he would tell Hao Dong these words?Wang Yikun said that he loved Wan Mengmeng, but Wan Heda was Wan Mengmeng's father. He would not tell Hao Dong, but he also hoped that Wan Heda would pay attention to his attitude when Hao Dong came back.Wan Heda was so angry that he drove away Wang Yikun. Mengmeng wanted to chase Wang Yikun but Wan Heda pushed him to the ground and warned Wan Mengmeng that if there was a next time, he could also destroy her.

Team Liu also analyzed the problem from Jiang Lei's point of view. He believed that some things were not photographed because he was worried about being retaliated for it. He felt the danger and found a safe place to hide, so it was normal to photograph some insignificant things. Chapter 2It is only human nature to participate in this kind of evidence collection work at one time.Liu Kaihua accused Chen Yu of making a wrong judgment about Wu Zhenfeng, which led to the incident at the tea factory. Liu Kaihua once suspected that Wu Zhenfeng got the news from Chen Yu, so he changed the contract and took the lime powder to the tea factory. Liu Kaihua felt thatChen Yu should be glad that nothing happened to Jiang Lei today.

Chen Yu repeatedly thought about Wu Zhenfeng's appearance when he saw him. Wu Zhenfeng might indeed have noticed his actions at night from him, but he also thought about Wu Zhenfeng's other words. As long as he found substantive evidence, he would notify Chen Yu as soon as possible, hoping again and again.Chen Yu can believe him.

Chen Yu returned home and saw Yang Ling closing the cafe to take a rest.She sat alone downstairs in silence. Chen Yu returned to the room without saying anything. He was in a particularly bad mood. His mind was filled with words about Wu Zhenfeng and Liu Kaihua. He punched his fist bag to vent his anger, feeling that he trusted Wu Zhenfeng so much.But he was used.Downstairs, Yang Ling was crying. When she heard the voice upstairs, she rushed up to hug Chen Yu and comforted Chen Yu. Everything was not his fault. Chen Yu blamed himself for making the same mistake as three years ago, butSo far, he has found no evidence of Wu Zhenfeng's crime. Yang Ling promised to find someone to help Chen Yu investigate Wu Zhenfeng.Thinking about twenty years ago when he hid under the bed and watched her mother get into trouble, blaming herself and regretting not being able to protect her mother until her father came back, Yang Ling burst into tears looking at her mother lying on the ground, her heart filled with fear.Yang Xingquan wrote a letter and told Yang Ling to find Lin Dezan.

Chen Yu listened to Yang Ling's words and held her hand to express comfort. Yang Ling also held his hand and told Chen Yu that Wu Zhenfeng's betrayal three years ago and this time were all the knots in his heart, and her own knot wasHer mother was murdered three years ago. Only by catching the criminals can she and her father reconcile. Only by catching the evidence of Wu Zhenfeng's crime can Chen Yu's heart be opened.

Chen Liwen came to Wu Zhenfeng and asked who replaced the lime powder. If he had not made preparations in advance, it would have been impossible to do it in a short time.Wu Zhenfeng did not answer Chen Liwen's words, but instead mentioned the tragic death of Guishou. A living person died in front of him. Wu Zhenfeng knew that Wu Gang's last call three years ago was to Chen Liwen, but nothing was found in the past three years.And as soon as he gave the information to the police, he was almost killed. This showed that there was a K person in the police. Chen Liwen also said that he would definitely find out and give Wu Zhenfeng an explanation.

Team Liu also went to the detention center to see Jiang Lei, hoping that he would be released soon after staying there for a few days.Yang Ling helped Chen Yu analyze the information at Wanheda. She believed that now all offices are electronic, even in her small store. It is even more impossible for Wanheda to not have electronic versions. It must be Wanheda's deception.Got Chen Yu.Chen Yu sneaked into Wan Heda's company at night and accidentally tripped over a bucket, which attracted the attention of the patrolman upstairs.

《Being A Hero》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

In the interrogation room, Chen Liwen angrily scolded Wu Zhenfeng. He believed that the other party was willing to join forces with him just to avenge his father.He recalled that Wu Zhenfeng came to him three years ago and learned that it was because Wu Gang's last phone call before his death was to him, thinking that he was the person his father trusted.Therefore, Wu Zhenfeng proposed cooperation, and the police caught him and took revenge, a win-win situation.It was only with Chen Liwen's help that Wu Zhenfeng entered the drug rehabilitation center and found the ghost hand.However, this time because of Wu Zhenfeng's insistence, Director Chen believed that he would be the one who died in the future.In the past three years, Wu Zhenfeng did everything he did, but found that nothing had changed, and he began to wonder what he should do.Chen Liwen knew that in Wu Zhenfeng's heart, his innocence was as high as the sky, but in Chen Liwen's view, Wu Gang deserved his death.

Chen Liwen said that he could understand Wu Zhenfeng's mood, but as long as the drugs are still there, even if Wu Zhenfeng gets revenge, there are countless people like him who have been harmed by drugs, and the fear of those people will be everywhere. Chen Liwen believes that Wu ZhenfengUnwilling to see those situations arise, only the complete eradication of drugs can solve everything. Wu Zhenfeng returned to his cell. In the dark night, he chewed Chen Liwen's words over and over again.

Hao Dong went back to meet with Wan Heda and said that by doing so, he could at least separate Wan Heda and not offend Meng Ka. He also warned Wan Heda to keep a distance from Meng Ka, and was suspicious both inside and outside of his words.Mengji and Wan Heda colluded to kill Li Fanlin.At the same time, Erliang and Sister Qiong are also worried that so much goods cannot be exported. Mr. Yu must also find a way out for the goods. If Hao Dongfei wants to find someone to take the responsibility for Li Linfan's death, that person can only be Erliang., Erliang asked Sister Qiong what she would do if such a day came.

Erliang called Mr. Yu and informed him about Wu Zhenfeng's arrest. Mr. Yu said that he did not trust Hao Dong and asked Erliang and Sister Qiong to use Wan Heda's brain. He believed that K was responsible for this matter.

Hao Dong came to the laboratory and brought a large sum of money, hoping that the experimenter would maintain shipments, and this person was Dr. Yu from the drug rehabilitation center.Brother Dong said that he could guarantee that his money would be worry-free.Dr. Yu is studying rhubarb capsules, but requires a very precise ratio. He is worried that if the dosage is improper, it will kill people. He hopes that Hao Dong will give himself more time to study.But Hao Dong was in a hurry to ship the goods, so he quietly grabbed a handful of rhubarb capsules with the wrong ratio and left, hoping to find someone to try them.

Hao Dong gave the stolen capsule to Brother Man and asked him to give it to others to try.Yang Ling's friend Xiao Zhang found out that the place Wan Mengmeng often went to was the Yundian Disco.

Yang Xingquan held a workers' meeting to investigate who brought those people in in the first place. He promised to go to the police station as soon as possible to settle the case. He could also take care of his wife and children, but if he was found out, he would not treat anyone.polite.Suddenly Yang Xingquan discovered the symptoms of employee Jiang Yizhe after sucking pony again. He guessed that it must be him and hit Jiang Yizhe on the leg with a stick. Jiang Yizhe was frightened and said that Brother Lei asked him to bring him in. This scene was driven awayYang Ling who came was also shocked when she saw it.Jiang Yizhe confessed in Lin Dezan's office that Gouzi came to him the day before the tea factory was burned down and secretly opened the door and came in. If he didn't tell the boss, he would get 20,000 yuan.He heard Gouzi talking on the phone to a man named Brother Lei. Later, that man entered the workshop and drove them away as workers. What he was doing was unknown.

Yang Ling came to the Yundian Disco Bar alone. Brother Man also secretly gave the medicine to one of them in the disco, and several people actually shared it in the private room.Yang Ling searched around the Yundian Disco and found that a person in one of the private rooms looked like he was taking drugs. Brother Man also spotted Yang Ling and seemed to have seen her at Wu Zhenfeng's residence, so he called Hao Dong to tell her.

Chen Yu came to Wanheda Logistics Company alone to investigate. He accidentally stepped on a bucket and made a noise. He was almost discovered by the patrolling security guard. Chen Yu sneaked into the office to look for information and found several suspicious CDs.I happened to receive another message and location information from Yang Ling.

When Yang Ling was about to leave, she was stopped by Brother Man, who forcibly dragged Yang Ling into the private room and asked her what she saw, otherwise she would give Yang Ling rhubarb. At this time, she learned that those who tested the medicine had gone crazy.When Hao Dong heard the news, he quickly brought everyone back who had taken the medicine. Brother Man didn't care about Yang Ling and wanted to leave when people saw him.Chen Yu rushed to Yundiandi Bar and heard Yang Ling calling for help. He rushed in and was knocked unconscious when he was about to take Yang Ling away.A girl from Mingjiao Tongtong took too much medicine and set herself on fire. The scene caused chaos. Wan Mengmeng was so frightened that Hao Dong ordered Brother Man to leave the scene with his people. Brother Man was still there where Chen Yu was before he left.Pills were sprinkled everywhere.

The police then arrived and took control of the scene. Liu Kaihua also led the team and learned that Chen Yu was here to inquire. Chen Yu said that he wanted to find evidence of Wan Mengmeng's drug use so that he could investigate Wan Heda, but Liu Kaihua blamed Chen Yu for not doing so.Report in advance.Gouzi faced Liu Kaihua's questioning and lied that he got the pills from Chen Yu, and also claimed that Chen Yu also had them at home. Liu Kaihua obviously didn't believe it, but he couldn't find any evidence.

In view of the fact that Chen Yu entered Wanheda Company privately and the Yundian Bar case was still under investigation, the Forest Bureau announced that Chen Yu would be suspended from following the case.

《Being A Hero》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Although Team Liu did not believe that Chen Yu was hiding drugs, he did find rhubarb capsules in his room. On the one hand, he asked people to take Chen Yu back for investigation, and on the other hand, he ordered people to search for nearby surveillance cameras.

Yang Xingquan rushed over after hearing the news and blamed Chen Yu for letting Yang Ling go to such a dangerous place. Yang Ling protected Chen Yu and hurriedly explained that she ran there in a hurry and had nothing to do with Chen Yu.Hao Dong was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he gave Brother Man a sum of money to hide out for two days. As soon as Brother Man left Wang Yikun, he came and claimed that he had hidden Mengmeng. He also told Mengmeng that nothing would be possible.Speaking externally, Hao Dong was furious, thinking that Mengmeng was a burden and that she would kill Wang Yikun sooner or later. As long as the police found Wan Mengmeng, they could find evidence of Wan Heda, and he couldn't hide Wan Mengmeng for a few days.

After returning, Team Liu angrily scolded Chen Yu and asked Chen Yu where he had gone. Chen Yu admitted that he was wrong, but was willing to take all responsibilities. He just wanted to investigate the matter clearly and asked to see Lin alone.Dezan.

He had tolerated the tea factory being burned before Yang Xingquan, but now it had affected Yang Ling and he couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to find Lin Dezan and ask Chen Yu to move out. Although Yang Ling knew that she shouldn't worry Yang Xingquan, she still had toHelp Chen Yu get Wu Gang's information from three years ago.Yang Xingquan was worried that Yang Ling would be like him and end up paying a heavy price in order to help others.Yang Ling felt sad and understood Yang Xingquan's hatred of drugs. She was not helping Chen Yu now. In fact, she was also helping them themselves. She could no longer bear the pain of separation between her father and daughter.Yang Ling also hoped that Yang Xingquan could accompany her to face all this. Yang Xingquan bandaged Yang Ling's wounds with tears in her eyes.

Wu Zhenfeng asked to see Chen Liwen and told him how he felt when he lit incense. He watched the incense grow longer and shorter. He felt that he was ready for everything. But when he arrived, he realized that many things were so unexpected. A vivid statement couldSo burned to death in front of them, each drug dealer so unscrupulously destroyed everything in front of them.In the past three years, he thought he had seen all the drug dealers. It was not until that moment that he truly felt that drug dealers were far more terrible than drugs. He also thought about whether his father had experienced all this and experienced this.A painful despair.

Chen Liwen comforted Wu Zhenfeng. At this time, he could already empathize with his father, and he should be able to understand how great Wu Gang's sacrifice was. Faced with such a situation, don't be afraid. You can't do anything if you just immerse yourself in pain. As a police officer,He had no choice, he was burdened with a mission and a heavy burden.

Chen Yu met with the Lin Bureau and gave him the vehicle information of Wanheda Company that he had brought, hoping to investigate the relationship between Wanheda Company and drugs.

After Tongtong was burned to death, an autopsy found burning particles in her stomach, proving that she had taken imitation rhubarb capsules. At the same time, Zhou Bowen also discovered from surveillance that someone had sneaked into the cafe and placed drugs in Chen Yu's room..Chen Yu was cleared of suspicion and returned to the team. He believed that Wan Mengmeng and Tongtong appeared in the same box at the same time and Wan Mengmeng should be investigated. However, Lin Dezan suspended Chen Yu because of his improper behavior in sneaking into Wanheda Company.Follow this case.

Chen Liwen announced that a lot of drugs had been discovered in Hong Kong, flowing in from the Yunhe River, so the tea factory incident could only be a cover-up. The real drugs had flowed out. As the direct leader Chen Liwen reviewed, he was sad that no one noticed this kind of intrusion..Chen Liwen severely reprimanded Lin Dezan and others, and ordered the entire case to be investigated as soon as possible, the source of the imitation rhubarb capsules to be investigated, and a reasonable explanation given to society.

Bureau Lin and Team Liu stood up and were willing to take all responsibilities. Chen Yu and all the police officers stood up one by one and expressed their willingness to take responsibility together. Chen Liwen knew how difficult it was for everyone. With a meager salary, he endured pain and grievances while working. Chen LiwenHe firmly believes that everyone has already infiltrated this cause into their lives, and he also hopes that everyone will raise their heads and straighten their backs. At this time, the more they must believe in themselves, their comrades, and their iron will.I hope everyone can use the courage and strength to defeat drug dealers and eliminate all drugs.

Hao Dong was severely reprimanded by the developer in the laboratory, blaming him for stealing things privately for experiments and causing such a big incident. He even wanted to punch Hao Dong to death. Hao Dong explained that there were not many rhubarb capsules now, and heIt's because of impatience.The system administrator drove Hao Dong away and also warned Hao Dong not to come to his territory in the future. Hao Dong did not dare to speak in front of him.

Yang Yi took the initiative to admit his mistake to Team Liu and admitted that he called Yang Ling on the day of the operation to remind her not to go back to the tea factory. Team Liu did not blame her deeply and asked Yang Yi to write a detailed report.

The Forestry Bureau also asked Chen Liwen to replace the director of public security. He had been working as an anti-narcotics police officer for many years and had always hoped that he would have a happy ending when he retired. Chen Liwen understood him and apologized to the other party. He did doubt the other party, especially the old man.After Ba's death, he once sent Lan Anran to monitor his every move, but from today on, he will no longer doubt him, and hopes that the Forest Bureau can trust him without reservation.

Together with the Lin Bureau, Chen Liwen told Wu Zhenfeng what happened three years ago when Wu Gang rented a Vanheda vehicle to transport goods and was brutally killed. Wu Gang was framed and killed by drug dealers because he reported drug dealer Li Linfan. Wu Gang's subordinate He Jiashu was bribed and secretly killed Wu Gang.The heroin was hidden in the cargo. The truck driver did not follow the scheduled route. Instead, he quietly drove the truck into Warin Town and killed Wu Gang with the poisonous trio who had been ambushing there in advance. The truck driver was Wang Yikun.

《Being A Hero》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Wu Zhenfeng cried loudly while holding the Wu Gang's innocence certificate sent by Lin Dezan, and finally promised to cooperate with the police to catch all the drug dealers, fulfilling the obligations of an ordinary person who hates drugs deeply.As a result, Wu Zhenfeng was quickly released and successfully contacted Erliang.

On the one hand, the Forest Bureau sent people everywhere to look for Wan Mengmeng. On the other hand, Yang Yi and Lan Anran went to Wan Heda's house to have a look. If Wan Heda didn't agree to go in and check, don't force it.Chen Yu persuaded Bureau Lin not to let Wu Zhenfeng off so much and to investigate carefully, for fear that he would never come back after leaving and the clue would be cut off. However, Lin Dezan asked Chen Yu not to worry about Wu Zhenfeng's affairs.Wu Zhenfeng asked Bowen to help find Wu Zhenfeng's location. Bowen looked embarrassed, and Chen Yu couldn't force it.

Wang Yikun had killed people abroad before, and it was Hao Dong who saved him. He has been following Wang Yikun wholeheartedly, but at the same time, he also emphasized that half of his life was given to Hao Dong and the other half to Wan Mengmeng. Hao Dong no longer has too muchHe also realized the importance of Wan Mengmeng to Wang Yikun.

Wan Heda arrived at this time and beat Wang Yikun angrily. What he could not accept was that his daughter actually escaped with a drug dealer, but Hao Dong sided with Wang Yikun. Wan Heda warned Hao Dong that this road belonged to him.This was how Li Fanlin lived before, and this path would not work without his consent.Hao Dong persuaded Wan Heda not to act too hastily, especially Wan Mengmeng's matter. Wan Heda left first, expecting Hao Dong to give a good answer.

Chen Yu went to the police station to ask Xiaoguang to help retrieve the surveillance video, hoping to find out the whereabouts of Wu Zhenfeng, but Xiaoguang was afraid that Chen Yu would make another mistake and refused to give it. Director Wang happened to hear it, and Director Wang found a reason to send Xiaoguang to the police station.Called away, Chen Yu found Wu Zhenfeng's figure on the open computer.

Knowing that Wu Zhenfeng had gone to the cemetery, Chen Yu also went to the cemetery. Seeing Wu Zhenfeng going from the cemetery to Wan Heda's house, Wu Zhenfeng was just about to find Wan Heda for questioning when Lan Anran and Yang Yi came. Wan Heda had no choice but toWu Zhenfeng was asked to hide first. After Lan Anran and Yang Yi left, Wu Zhenfeng once again asked Wan Heda to call Erliang. Wan Heda was stubborn and refused to call back, but seeing that Wu Zhenfeng had no intention of leaving, he had toHe called Erliang and asked Erliang to order Wu Zhenfeng to get out. As for the holiday between Hao Dong and them, he didn't know.Seeing the stalemate between the two parties, Wu Zhenfeng grabbed Wan Heda's phone and told Erliang about Wan Mengmeng's disappearance.Although Wan Heda did not need Erliang's help, Erliang still ordered Wu Zhenfeng to ensure that Wan Mengmeng was brought back safely no matter what method he used. This sentence also warmed Wan Heda's heart, and he promised to do so as long as Wan Mengmeng came back.

The police also checked nearby hotels one by one to look for Wan Mengmeng. Wan Mengmeng found out that she might be pregnant, so she ran to Kangxi Pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick. The news quickly spread back to the police, and Team Liu led people to arrest Wan Mengmeng.At the same time, Wu Zhenfeng also asked his subordinate Ah Hui to follow Wang Yikun to the hotel where Wan Mengmeng lived.

Wan Mengmeng confirmed that she was pregnant and insisted on not eating the pony, hoping to keep the child. Wu Zhenfeng broke in when Wang Yikun was persuading Wan Mengmeng. Wu Zhenfeng persuaded Wang Yikun to send Wan Mengmeng to Wan Heda. For Wan Mengmeng,Menglai said that was the safest place. Wang Yikun agreed to Wu Zhenfeng and asked him to take Wan Mengmeng away.Chen Yu has been squatting outside, watching Wu Zhenfeng take Wan Mengmeng away, and immediately wanted to stop him, but he didn't stop him in the end.Later, Lan Anran and Yang Yi also came here. Chen Yu angrily blamed Lan Anran and Yang Yi for not being obedient and not following Wu Zhenfeng. As a result, Wu Zhenfeng ran away with Wan Mengmeng.

After Wan Mengmeng returned, she apologized to her father, admitted that she was pregnant, and blamed herself for being involved in drugs. At this time, Chen Yu was so angry that he lost his temper in the Forest Bureau's office, and begged that he could follow Wu Zhenfeng for twenty hours.In desperation, he blurted out and ordered Chen Yu not to touch Wu Zhenfeng's line. Before Chen Yu could recover from the shock, Bureau Lin hurriedly changed his words and asked Chen Yu to write an in-depth review and hand it to Team Liu.

On the one hand, Wan Heda found a doctor to treat Wan Mengmeng, and on the other hand, she called Erliang, knowing that Erliang wanted to kill Hao Dong, and the two planned to jointly act.Erliang asked Wu Zhenfeng to answer the phone and told him that he could leave and his mission had been completed.

《Being A Hero》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

At night, Doctor Yu gave Wan Mengmeng a sedative to make her fall asleep. When he was about to leave, Wan Heda asked him to abort the child in Wan Mengmeng's belly, but Doctor Yu refused.

Later, Wu Zhenfeng came to see Wan Heda. He asked Wan Heda to call Erliang, but Wan Heda refused again. At this time, there was a knock on the door outside. Wan Heda hid Wu Zhenfeng again, but found someone coming.It's Hao Dong.Hao Dong went straight to the point and asked Wan Heda if Wu Zhenfeng was here. Wan Heda did not answer, but was curious about how Hao Dong found this place.Hao Dong did not answer, but just persuaded Wan Heda to agree to let Wan Mengmeng leave with Wang Yikun. There was also a threat in his words. If Wan Heda did not agree, he might not be able to be a father.Hao Dong's implication was that Wan Mengmeng should also take drugs. The best way now is to leave this place and start over, and pointed out a way out. Wan Shengda did not make a fuss, but hoped that Hao Dong could give him time to accompany Wan.Mengmeng, after Hao Dong left, Wan Heda called Erliang and asked him if he still wanted to kill Hao Dong. Erliang did not answer directly, but told Wu Zhenfeng that his mission was over and he could leave. Wu Zhenfeng left.Afterwards, Wan Heda asked Erliang to pick up Wan Mengmeng no matter what method he used. When the time came, he went to Mengja to find Wan Mengmeng, and the two also discussed the action plan and route.

Wan Heda pretended to agree to let Wan Mengmeng and Wang Yikun leave, and agreed to Hao Dong's plan. This time, Wan Mengmeng and Wang Yikun were allowed to smuggle drugs, and they left directly after the matter was completed.In fact, Erliang had already told Erliang the route, and Erliang intercepted him halfway to grab goods and kill people, and took Wan Mengmeng to Mengjia.

Erliang called Wu Zhenfeng and asked him to go to Walin Town to join the bones, but the specific task was not informed. This was also a test for Wu Zhenfeng by Erliang. As long as there were no problems this time, he was trustworthy. Sister Qiong also said that he would let himPeople follow.Wu Zhenfeng didn't know much about many things, so he could only grasp the key points from a few words and call Lin Dezan to report, asking Lin Dezan to send someone to follow Wan Mengmeng and Wang Yikun, and also told Lin Dezan that he was going to Walin Town., the next day, Lin Dezan quietly made arrangements for people to follow Wu Zhenfeng's whereabouts, but found that Chen Yu was following Wu Zhenfeng.

Team Liu called to ask Chen Yu to come back, but Lin Dezan asked Chen Yu to continue to watch. Evidence can be obtained, but it must not be exposed.Although Bones met with Wu Zhenfeng, he did not say anything specific and asked Wu Zhenfeng to wait for news tomorrow.

Jiang Lei came to see Wan Mengmeng and specially arranged a car for Wan Mengmeng. However, Wang Yikun did not come with him, which made Wan Mengmeng a little worried. The police were also keeping an eye on Wan Mengmeng's movements, knowing that sheAlready left.Bones also drove a truck to pick up Wu Zhenfeng. There was a monitor installed in the car. Wu Zhenfeng was not allowed to talk to anyone on the way or leave the car. He asked Wu Zhenfeng to drive to the next destination. He also confiscated Wu Zhenfeng's mobile phone and gave it to him.Wu Zhenfeng’s temporary mobile phone.

Hao Dong prepared a car for Wang Yikun and also gave him a bank card. Wang Yikun was very grateful to Hao Dong and said that he would come back at any time if needed. However, Hao Dong did not want him to come back and hoped that he could be with Wan Dong.Mengmeng lives a good life with her children.Hao Dong arranged for Wan Mengmeng to drive first, and Wang Yikun followed behind to avoid the target being too obvious and being targeted by the police.

Lin Dezan has not contacted Wu Zhenfeng since he took the last call. He was not sure whether there were drugs in Wu Zhenfeng's car or whether it was a drug dealer testing him, so he called Chen Liwen. Chen Liwen ordered him to continue to watch and be on guard.This time Wang Yikun was involved in drug trafficking.

Lan Anran found a tractor following Wan Mengmeng's car, and hurriedly reported it, and confirmed that the car following Wan Mengmeng was Wang Yikun.Chen Yu followed Wu Zhenfeng to the Canal West Toll Station and quickly reported to Lin Dezan, requesting interception and inspection. However, Lin Dezan ordered to let him go and asked Chen Yu to return quickly. Chen Yu refused to listen and hung up the phone.

Lin Dezan has basically locked the drug dealer's destination and notified Liu Kaihua and everyone rushed to Savage Mountain. Bones and Erliang were monitoring along the way. They also identified Wan Mengmeng and Wang Yikun's car and intercepted it midway. At this timeWan Mengmeng already knew that the person behind was Wang Yikun, so she hurried back to the car to find Wang Yikun. Lan Anran followed behind. When she discovered the situation, she suddenly activated the siren and rushed over. The two or two others hurriedly left.Jiang Lei had been secretly watching, and Jiang Lei quickly called Hao Dong to inform Hao Dong to cut off the goods.Wan Mengmeng and Wang Yikun accidentally rolled down a hillside while escaping, causing a miscarriage.

Sister Qiong was monitoring Wu Zhenfeng's every move from the monitor. Chen Yu suddenly overtook Wu Zhenfeng's car and forced it to stop and called the police as a traffic accident.Erliang believed that the sudden appearance of the police was Wan Heda's snitch, and was so angry that he called Wan Heda to blame Wan Heda. Wan Heda was very anxious when he heard that Wan Mengmeng had an accident.

The police cut up Wang Yikun's car and found a lot of rhubarb capsules in the car. Wan Heda and Hao Dong discussed that now that Wan Mengmeng and Wang Yikun have been arrested, the person most likely to confess is Wan Mengmeng.

《Being A Hero》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Hao Dong was cutting wood for carving. Jiang Lei told him that Erliang successfully escaped from the encirclement due to the sudden attack by the police. He was extremely angry and vented all his emotions on the wood.Jiang Lei looked at Hao Dong, who was almost going crazy. He felt scared and quickly unplugged the power cord to calm him down.

Hao Dong suspected that Wan Heda was responsible. Wan Heda came angrily at this time, grabbed Hao Dong by the collar and blamed him for secretly putting drugs in Wan Mengmeng's car. Hao Dong also believed that it was Wan Heda.He told Meng Ka the route, which led to the leak of the news, and the two had a fierce quarrel. Wan Heda angrily accused Hao Dong of never believing him. The reason why he and Meng Ka were like this today was all because of Hao Dong. If this continuesEveryone will die together.

In the hospital, Wan Mengmeng was undergoing surgery and needed a parent's signature. Lan Anran quickly found Wan Heda's phone number from Zhou Bowen and informed Wan Heda to go to the hospital to go through the procedures. Wan Heda looked up at Hao Dong.

Chen Yu intercepted Wu Zhenfeng's car and dismantled it for inspection. All the goods were removed. Wu Zhenfeng blamed Chen Yu for always sabotaging plans. He blamed the police for Chen Yu being always so impulsive and not trusting him. Sooner or later, he would be killed., Chen Yu was unable to say a word after being scolded by Wu Zhenfeng.In the end, he insisted on arresting Wu Zhenfeng. Everyone in the office was analyzing the affairs of Wang Yikun and Wan Mengmeng. Chen Yu blamed Lin Dezan for not telling him that Wang Yikun had been caught. Lin Dezan also blamed Chen Yu for not answering.Telephone.Chen Yu received a call at this time and the inspection results came out. There were no drugs in the car. Lin Dezan asked to let him go quickly.

Hao Dong believed that Wan Mengmeng had woken up and Wang Yikun had been arrested. The person most likely to betray them was Wan Mengmeng, so he decided that Wan Mengmeng must be eliminated. Wan Heda was so angry that he beat Hao Dong, and Hao Dong alsoI won’t retreat, but I also hope Wan Heda will think clearly.Wan Heda cried and cried in grief, but Hao Dong told Wan Heda that if he was caught, he would have to carry it to the end. If he couldn't carry it, he would die, but Wan Mengmeng couldn't carry it at all.

Hao Dong believed that Wan Mengmeng's ending was doomed since the first day she took drugs. It was impossible for her to successfully quit drug addiction. In the end, she could only die. They might as well send Wan Mengmeng on the road in person. Wan Heda cried silently.

The police also found out that Brother Man found someone to hide drugs in Chen Yu's room, which proved Chen Yu's innocence. Chen Yu also officially resumed work. Lin Dezan arranged for Chen Yu to interrogate Wang Yikun.When Lan Anran interrogated Wang Yikun, she blamed Wang Yikun for letting the pregnant Wan Mengmeng transport poison. Wang Yikun was obviously shocked. He seemed not to know that Wan Mengmeng's car was poisonous, but he was willing to bear all the blame for Wan Mengmeng.

Lan Anran told Wang Yikun that Wan Mengmeng's child was not saved and she almost died. Wang Yikun asked to see Wan Mengmeng, but Chen Yu refused.Wan Heda had already arrived at the hospital and asked to see Wan Mengmeng. After being refused by the police, Wan Heda forced her way into the ward. Now Wan Mengmeng is out of danger, but a new danger is approaching.Wan Heda knelt in front of Wan Mengmeng's bed and held her hand. Jiang Lei pretended to be a doctor and sneaked into the ward to inject toxin into Wan Mengmeng's medicine. Wan Heda suddenly held Jiang Lei's hand tightly to stop them.During the dispute, the medicine fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Wan Heda hugged Wan Mengmeng and refused to let go. Jiang Lei knew that police reinforcements were coming and hurriedly left via the stairs.

Just as Jiang Lei came out of the stairs, he happened to meet Captain Liu bringing someone over. The moment they passed each other, Captain Liu saw a familiar figure. He widened his eyes and looked at the back of Jiang Lei as he hurriedly left.

In the interrogation room, Wang Yikun identified Chen Yu as Wu Zhenfeng's protective umbrella and someone from Mengjia. He hoped that Chen Yu would let him go and promised to give him a lot of money, more than what Mengjia gave. Wu Zhenfeng looked on coldly without saying a word.Wang Yikun.He also realized that Wu Zhenfeng must have mentioned him in Mengqi or K. Besides saving his life, Chen Yu couldn't figure out what Wu Zhenfeng wanted to do.

Team Liu investigated the hospital's surveillance video and discovered that the fake doctor who had sneaked into the ward was the familiar figure he met at the door, especially the pair of shoes under his feet.

Wan Heda was not willing to kill Wan Mengmeng. Hao Dong would leave after returning. However, Wan Heda believed that Wang Yikun would not necessarily keep secret. It would not be safe for him to leave by plane at that time. He hoped that Hao Dong could follow him to Mengka.But Hao Dong believed that he had become Wan Heda's hostage, and blamed Wan Heda for betraying Wang Yikun and now betraying him. Wan Heda did not explain, claiming that he would leave at night. If Hao Dong wanted to leave, he would do it again.Go find him.

Jiang Lei also persuaded Hao Dong to leave with Wan Heda, which would at least be safer. Although Hao Dong didn't believe Wan Heda, there seemed to be no other way at this time.

Hao Dong gave all his money to Dr. Yu who helped him research Ice D. If he comes back, it will be the capital for a comeback. If he doesn't come back, there is no use keeping it.

When Jiang Lei returned home, Captain Liu slapped him in the face. Jiang Lei spoke harshly and claimed that he was just helping, but he did not kill anyone.

《Being A Hero》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

In the evening, Chen Yu and Yang Yi were investigating what happened on the day the tea factory was burned.They analyzed that Wanheda went to Shengjiang, and then a large number of drugs appeared in Hong Kong. Therefore, they speculated that Wanheda might have gone to Shengjiang to smuggle drugs, and actually used the tea factory to cover up the drug smuggling.When Wu Gang's accident happened, Wang Yikun also went to Shengjiang, so it is speculated that all drug transportation may be related to Shengjiang.

On the other side, Team Liu led people to send Wan Mengmeng to a drug rehabilitation center, and the doctor in the drug rehabilitation center was Doctor Yu. Doctor Yu received a call from Hao Dong again, hoping that he could kill Wan Mengmeng. Doctor Yu neverEven if he can't kill people, Hao Dong warns Doctor Yu that Wan Heda also knows about his affairs, and Wan Mengmeng will betray him if he doesn't.

While Wan Heda was escaping, she saw Hao Dong behind her who had been busy making phone calls, urging them to hurry up. The two of them did not dare to take the main road, and walked through dense forest ditches to a sparsely populated place.

Chen Yu insisted on investigating the tea factory's current accounts. Yang Yi persuaded Chen Yu to report to Lin Dezan. After all, Yang Xingquan's tea factory was involved, and Chen Yu and Yang Ling were in a relationship.Chen Yu was worried that the report would yield no results, just like Jiang Lei's matter, which he had reported separately but was not approved for investigation. Chen Yu suspected that Bureau Lin had an extraordinary relationship with Captain Liu and Yang Xingquan, so it would be best not to saychoice.

Team Liu found a mobile phone in Jiang Lei's room and saw the call records inside. At the same time, he thought about the tea factory and the ghost hand. Team Liu realized that he was actually being used by Jiang Lei. ChenYu once said that he doubted Jiang Lei, but he didn't believe it.

Team Liu was angry and wanted to take Jiang Lei to the Public Security Bureau. Jiang Lei knelt on the ground and begged, begging him to let him go. If he entered the police station, he would die.

Captain Liu walked heavily to the door of the police station and wandered around. He saw Gong Wei inside the guard. At this time, Captain Liu seemed to understand Chen Yu. How he felt when he saw Wu Zhenfeng suspected of being involved in drugs for the first time. He would rather believe it.None of that is true.It happened that the forest bureau was also off work at this time. He saw that the team was also in the guard room, so he took the initiative to go in.The Lin Bureau informed the two of them of the result of Du San's murder, suspecting that it was done by the drug trafficking group to silence them. He apologized to Captain Liu and Captain Gong.

When something happened to Captain Gong, he chose Captain Liu to be the captain, and he still feels that he made the right choice. Captain Liu was even more tormented because he betrayed this trust and was worried about taking off this military uniform in the future.

Yang Yi took the initiative to find Yang Ling for help and asked to check the tea factory's account books, hoping Yang Ling could help. Yang Ling glanced at Chen Yu sitting next to him and knew it was what he meant. Chen Yu hurriedly explained that he wanted to check the Guangguang Camellia.Yang Ling agreed.

Wan Heda arrived in Walin Town and called Erliang to ask for a meeting. Erliang was also worried that taking them both over would be a recipe for disaster. Sister Qiong persuaded Erliang to take this opportunity to completely pull Wan Heda over and isolate Hao Dong.Wu Zhenfeng took the initiative to go to Walin Town to explore the situation. Erliang gave Wu Zhenfeng a phone call alone and asked him to keep in touch at any time.Wu Zhenfeng took this opportunity to take a photo of Erliang and Sister Qiong and sent it to Lin Dezan.

Doctor Yu secretly changed the medicine prepared by the nurse while he told the nurse to take good care of Wan Mengmeng. He anxiously wandered in the room, waiting for the results, looking at the clock in the room, counting the time, and after ten minutes the medicine was gone.The injection was successfully injected into Wan Mengmeng's body. Wan Mengmeng suddenly became short of breath and painful. The nurse hurriedly looked for Dr. Yu. As soon as she reached the door, Dr. Yu rushed over with the medicine she had prepared in her hand.Help Wan Mengmeng detoxify.Lin Dezan was furious when he heard the news. He didn't expect that someone would do something in a drug rehabilitation center.

Hao Dong and Wan Heda settled in a small hotel in Walin Town, while Wu Zhenfeng was monitoring their every move in the hotel opposite. Hao Dong had been worried about Wan Mengmeng's affairs, and felt that it was almost time to call Dr. Yu to inquire about the results., Dr. Yu truthfully expressed that he did not dare to harm anyone, and Wan Mengmeng was also taken away and rescued, and it is estimated that she will not be sent to a drug rehabilitation center.Hao Dong cried and lamented that he could never go back. Wan Heda saw that Hao Dong was asking about Wan Mengmeng's situation unusually, and reminded Hao Dong that he could only live if Wan Mengmeng was alive. Hao Dong knew that he could not go back.Yes, I have made up my mind that the two of them are like grasshoppers, and they can never live alone.

At this time, the local police arrived and asked Wan Heda and Hao Dong for their IDs. When the two were nervous, a voice from outside distracted the police, allowing Wan Heda and Hao Dong to escape.

Chen Ying is the nurse in charge of dispensing medicine, and Dr. Yu's real name is Yu Miao. Although she saved Wan Mengmeng, it also aroused police suspicion, especially when Chen Ying said that she had not notified Dr. Yu yet.

In the interrogation room, Chen Yu told Wang Yikun about Wan Mengmeng's assassination, hoping that he could tell who wanted to kill Wan Mengmeng.

《Being A Hero》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Wu Zhenfeng sent someone to distract the police, found Hao Dong and Wan Heda, beat Hao Dong, and took a recent photo of Hao Dong and sent it to Lin Dezan. The police quickly checked the information and investigated Hao Dong.Dongyuan's name was Li Xiandong, and he was the son of Li Linfan.

Chen Yu and Lan Anran also questioned Miao. In order to cover up that he rushed to the rescue in time, Yu Miao told that he had rescued Wan Mengmeng before and hoped that the police would keep him secret.

Chen Yu told Wang Yikun about Wan Mengmeng's murder. He believed that there would be another assassination attempt and that Wang Yikun must know who did it. Wang Yikun remembered that Hao Dong once said that Wan Mengmeng was a burden. Although he knewIt was Hao Dong who did it, but he didn't say it. Instead, he blamed the police for their inability to protect a woman.

Hao Dong and Wan Heda were taken to Erliang. It was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. Several people caught Hao Dong and wanted to bury him alive. Hao Dong kept calling Wan Heda to keep his promise, and Wan Heda begged Erliang.He let go and walked around Hao Dong, but Erliang remained indifferent and still asked people to throw him down.

Wan Heda broke free from her captors and begged Erliang to be released, but Erliang was indifferent. Wan Heda jumped down to die with Hao Dong. Sister Qiong looked at Wan Heda for a long time and called out Wan Heda's name.Sister Qiong thought that Hao Dong was desperate and hoped to kill him and do business with Wan Heda, but Wan Heda firmly disagreed. If Hao Dong was not released, there would be no need for discussion between the two.

Wang Yikun lied that he was the Dong brother that others called him, but Chen Yu took out Hao Dong's photo. Wang Yikun took all the responsibilities on himself, claiming that he was Li Fanlin's adopted son, and Li Fanlin also gave K to him., and said that there was a man in Yunhe who robbed Li Fanlin of his business, and they killed that man's wife for revenge. Later, Li Fanlin sent his son Li Xiandong abroad for fear that the man would come back for revenge.As for the other drug trafficker, he didn't know who he was. He only knew that it happened more than 20 years ago.

This incident also reminded Lin Dezan of the murder of Yang Lingling's mother twenty years ago, and Yang Xingquan was overseas at the time.Hao Dong only came back after Wu Gang was killed three years ago. According to Wang Yikun, everything was done by him and had nothing to do with Hao Dong.

Yang Yi looked through the photo album at Yang Ling's place and saw a photo of Aunt Qiong and Yang Ling who had come to see Yang Ling when she was a child. This person was Sister Qiong. Yang Yi did not explain the reason, but offered to take the photo away., Yang Ling had doubts written all over her face.

Erliang blamed Wang Yikun for wanting to kill him and ended up killing Du San. Hao Dong admitted this, but also blamed Erliang for playing a role in Li Fanlin's death three years ago. Sister Qiong admitted it, but thought it wasLi Fanlin broke the rules, so he was killed.Wan Heda blamed herself for forcing Hao Dong into this situation. She also reminded Sister Qiong and Erliang that Hao Dong was still Brother Dong, and blamed herself for not bringing Hao Dong here.Wan Heda believed that Li Linfan was responsible for his death, and Hao Dong also killed Mr. Yu's wife for revenge.

Hao Dong suddenly asked Wu Zhenfeng next to him what the relationship was with Chen Yu. Wu Zhenfeng admitted that Chen Yu was his brother and his protective umbrella in Yunhe. Hao Dong didn't believe it at all and suggested that Sister Qiong check Wu Zhenfeng. He thought that he had the same father.He has a wife, and if he is unlucky today, it will be Sister Qiong who will be unlucky in the future. However, Sister Qiong said that this is Mengqa's family matter and it is not anyone else's turn to worry about it.

After Chen Yu interrogated Wang Yikun, he couldn't calm down for a long time. Seeing that the photo was taken so clearly, it must not have been taken secretly. Recalling the previous incidents and the attitudes of Chen Liwen and Lin Dezan when they saw Wu Zhenfeng, it gradually became clear to him that he guessed that the insider was Wu Zhenfeng.

Bureau Lin sat in his office, repeatedly thinking about his conversation with Yang Xingquan and everything Wang Yikun confessed. He had doubts in his heart. He called Chen Liwen to report and requested an investigation into Yang Xingquan's ten years of experience abroad.

Yang Yi brought the photo of Yang Ling and Sister Qiong to Chen Yu. Chen Yu was very confused and asked Yang Yi about Yang Ling's reaction at that time. In fact, Yang Yi was not sure about this.Chen Yu also guessed that Wu Zhenfeng must not have a high status in Mengji, so he always used his name as a cover. Mengji always asked him to do things that were dangerous and cover up. Lan Anran felt that Wu Zhenfeng was in the tea factory.When the explosion occurred, he was able to risk his own life to save Guishou, which shows that he is a saveable person.

When Team Liu returned home, Jiang Lei bought him his favorite takeaway. Team Liu once again expressed the hope that Jiang Lei could follow him to the police station and that he would also help Jiang Lei apply for meritorious service. However, Jiang Lei believed that he would be successful if he went in.After being killed, Captain Liu also asked Jiang Lei to choose whether to surrender or he would arrest him. Jiang Lei begged, hoping that he would let him go.Team Liu did not relent, and took the phone and asked Jiang Lei to call himself to surrender. Jiang Lei burst into tears and did not call the police. Instead, he called his mother.

The mother blamed Team Liu for failing to take good care of Jiang Lei. She had brought him up without any problems, which showed the problem of elders' discipline. She also hoped that Team Liu could give him two months. After two months, she would pick up Jiang Lei when she got the green card.The team returned to the bedroom in silence.

When Chen Yu investigated the accounts of Wanheda Company, he discovered that he had been in contact with the Guangguang Mountain Tea Factory three years ago, but then suddenly broke off. Director Lin was shocked when he heard the news.

《Being A Hero》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

In the evening, Yang Ling copied the bill from the tea factory and brought it back to Chen Yu and Yang Yi. Yang Ling saw Chen Yu's concerns and truthfully told Chen Yu that she had not told Yang Xingquan about this.

Team Liu repeatedly thought about the phone call with his sister and looked at the certificates in the room. His heart was full of entanglements. On the one hand, it was his relatives and family, and on the other hand, it was the national honor. In pain, Liu Kaihua swept all the honors to the ground and cried..Jiang Lei, who heard the noise, walked over and looked quietly at Team Liu who was sitting on the ground crying in pain.

Chen Yu, Yang Yi, and Lan Anran checked the data and found that everything was correct. They didn't know whether Lin Dezan knew about it, and they weren't sure whether he would condone Yang Xingquan after telling Lin Dezan, knowing that Jiang Lei's information was reported., but Lin Dezan kept refusing to investigate, and the three of them didn't know who to trust in Yunhe for a while.

Chen Yu even began to suspect that all of this might be a huge game, because there were too many things that didn't make sense, and he didn't even dare to continue thinking about it.

Yang Ling sat quietly in the corridor downstairs listening to music on her mobile phone. When she saw Chen Yu standing in front of her, she could probably guess what it was, but she hoped to hear Chen Yu say it himself.Chen Yu told Yang Ling the truth, but Yang Ling couldn't believe it because Yang Xingquan was so hateful that it was impossible to do this. Chen Yu hoped that Yang Ling could keep the secret, at least not to let Yang Xingquan see it.Yang Ling suddenly asked Chen Yu if he doubted her?Chen Yu asked Yang Ling how she felt. At this time, someone was paying the bill in the store, and neither of them spoke anymore.

In the police station, Chen Liwen announced that the rhubarb capsule case was basically solved. He caught the main members including Wang Yikun, also seized the rhubarb capsules, and awarded the third-class collective merit. In the end, it was decided that Lin Dezan was transferred to Cangnan Province Deputy DetectiveDivision Chief, and Liu Kaihua also took off-the-job training for three months. During this period, Liang Hao took charge of the anti-drug brigade.Chen Liwen also announced that the anti-drug task force was disbanded on the spot and everyone returned to their original units.

Chen Yu heard that Liu Kaihua had returned from studying and was promoted to deputy director. He didn't know whether it was true or not, so he went to Lin Dezan to inquire and also raised suspicions about Jiang Lei. Lin Dezan said that he believed Liu Kaihua. As for Jiang Lei and Lin DezanI think even the police have family ties.Chen Yu also told Lin Dezan about the suspected Guangguang Mountain Tea Factory. Lin Dezan was shocked. Chen Yu discovered that there were accounting transactions between the Guangguang Mountain Tea Factory and Wanheda Company, and that Yang Xingquan might also be involved in drugs.Lin Dezan told Chen Yu that even if his suspicion was true but there was no evidence, Yang Xingquan could still be said to be a normal tea transportation account. Lin Dezan believed that if he wanted to investigate, he must investigate clearly and come up with ways to find out.

Chen Yu once again asked Lin Dezan whether Wu Zhenfeng was involved in drugs. Lin Dezan believed that Chen Yu should know better. They were neighbors and always pursued Wu Zhenfeng to investigate, and even stopped Wu Zhenfeng's car at the risk of his life. He was more concerned about Wu Zhenfeng's matter.Have a say.But Chen Yu felt that he was stupid. After interrogating Wang Yikun for the second time, he felt that he was stupid. After forcing Wu Zhenfeng's car to stop, he also felt that he was stupid. Looking back now, the tea factory was burned and Ah Shu was arrested., the rhubarb capsules were seized, he was very stupid about these things.Lin Dezan advised Chen Yu to always keep a sincere heart in his work and not to doubt the efforts he has made.Chen Yu choked up and asked Lin Dezan if he really wanted to leave. Lin Dezan had no choice but to comply with the organization's decision. At the same time, he also persuaded Chen Yu to appease Yang Ling. Although it was just a sentence, he knew that Chen Yu understood what he meant.

The police issued a notice that the task force was canceled and the rhubarb capsule case was solved. Wan Heda thought that he could go back, but he was afraid that this was false news and a smoke bomb released by the police. Several people turned their attention to Wu Zhenfeng, hoping that he could get along with him.Contact Chen Yu and ask.Wu Zhenfeng refused to call, but Sister Qiong and Erliang handed the phone to Wu Zhenfeng.

Chen Yu returned to the police station, and he couldn't help but curiously asked Wang Kai, was it true that Lin Dezan was transferred?There was always some doubt in his heart. This incident was too sudden, but Wang Kai thought that since the withering order had come, it might be true.At this time, Wu Zhenfeng called. Chen Yu couldn't hang up the phone. Erliang called again. Wu Zhenfeng just said that he was safe and hung up the phone.

Everyone began to wonder whether Chen Yu was Wu Zhenfeng's protective umbrella, but Wu Zhenfeng thought that Chen Yu might be in a meeting, and it was normal for a policeman to be inconvenient to answer the phone.After Wu Zhenfeng thought about it, he called back again. Wu Zhenfeng specifically reminded Chen Yu that the day after tomorrow was the anniversary of his mother's death. Chen Yu remained silent and thought of the date carved on the tombstone. Wu Zhenfeng asked Chen Yu to help pay homage to his mother, and also askedChen Yu helped with the car claim. A few days ago, because Chen Yu forced him to stop his car, he had already filed an insurance claim.

Wu Zhenfeng talked a lot. Chen Yu was a little nervous and didn't speak. But as soon as he opened his mouth, he cursed Wu Zhenfeng and blamed Wu Zhenfeng for causing him to suffer. Now he has left the anti-narcotics brigade. He helped Wu Zhenfeng again and again, but in exchange forThis is the result.Seeing that Chen Yu was about to hang up the phone again, Wan Heda quickly grabbed the phone and asked about Wan Mengmeng's situation. Chen Yu deliberately told Wan Heda to ask Hao Dong. Hao Dong was afraid that Chen Yu would say too much and grabbed the phone in a hurry., asked whether the reported matter was true or false, and Hao Dong was relieved after receiving the confirmed news.

Chen Yu directly asked to talk to Wu Zhenfeng, and was too lazy to talk to others. He hoped that Wu Zhenfeng could go back and stop messing around outside.Wu Zhenfeng threw away the phone in his hand. Chen Yu's words also proved to everyone that his protective umbrella was Chen Yu. He also explained all his previous behaviors and eliminated everyone's suspicion. Wu Zhenfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Yu was also relieved.After taking a breath, he turned around, only to find Lin Dezan standing behind him.Lin Dezan asked Chen Yu what they had talked about, and Chen Yu told Lin Dezan everything. Lin Dezan smiled with satisfaction, and Chen Yu also solemnly gave Lin Dezan a military salute.

Erliang also persuaded Wan Heda to sell the goods quickly, otherwise these people would cause trouble after a long time while waiting to eat and drink.

《Being A Hero》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

In the evening, Chen Yu came home from get off work.When he got home, Yang Ling told him that Yang's father was already waiting for him upstairs.Yang Xingquan also knew that Chen Yu was investigating his tea production accounts. He told Chen Yu that actually if you want to check your own accounts, you don't have to go to such trouble. You only need to ask Lin Dezan. The relationship between the two of them is just a matter of one sentence.

Chen Yu curiously asked Yang's father how he became an informant for the Forest Bureau, and Yang's father also recalled the past.He said that he was just a waiter in the teahouse at the time and knew that Lin Dezan liked Pu'er tea. Every time he saw Lin Dezan, he would talk about tea. Until one day, Yang Xingquan suddenly told Lin Dezan that the karaoke bar next door sold drugs.Dezan led people to arrest him, and he was rewarded.

Later, Yang Xingquan gave information several times and it was very accurate. However, Yang Xingquan later gave less and less information, but the number of drugs seized increased, which also gave Lin Dezan the opportunity to perform meritorious service and get promoted.Later, Yang Xingquan suffered retaliation and gave Yang Ling to Lin Dezan to be raised, while he fled abroad and worked in a tea factory.

In fact, the so-called tea factory is a base for growing opium. The cash that can be turned into after purifying those things fascinated him. Later he met the boss's daughter, Sister Qiong, and saved her life in the most critical moment. From then on, QiongBeing with him, my sister opened up a new place for him and changed his life.

Chen Yu didn't say much, just listened silently, and guessed that the tea factory was the source of drug cultivation. At the same time, Lin Dezan also told Gong Wei about this matter, but he was angry that he was deceived by Yang Xingquan.More than ten years, and during these years, he has always felt ashamed to help Yang Xingquan take care of his children.Ten years ago, Yang Xingquan suddenly thought of Lingling and came back, and specifically contacted Lin Dezan. In order to make up for the debt, Lin Dezan took Yang Ling to see Yang Xingquan. He would try his best to help Yang Xingquan wherever he could.

Yang Xingquan deliberately asked about the relationship between Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng, and whether Wu Zhenfeng was his informant. Chen Yu lied that he got nothing from Wu Zhenfeng, but only use and deception, but he also expressed his understanding of Wu Zhenfeng from the beginning.He hated him until later he realized that Wu Zhenfeng was pitiful. Perhaps anyone would change if he encountered that situation. He lamented that when Yang Xingquan met a good person, there were good results, but when Wu Zhenfeng met a drug dealer, there were no good results.

The Lin Bureau also knew that Yang Xingquan was involved in drugs more than 20 years ago. He reported others just to eliminate dissidents. However, he found out that he had been deceived 20 years later. He also figured it out and planned to investigate Yunhe before leaving.

The Forestry Bureau ordered an investigation into drug dealing and possible hiding places in various places, launched a large-scale investigation and manhunt, and posted notices everywhere to stay away from drugs.Lin Dezan kept all his honors. He felt that the mistakes he had committed in his life could not be offset at all. The reason why Lin Dezan had been reluctant to leave Yunhe all these years was because of his unfulfilled ambition.

Yang Ling bought a lot of Chen Yu's favorite foods and put them in the refrigerator. She also wanted to be clean for a few days. At the same time, she persuaded Chen Yu to find another place to live. She also kept thinking about what Wu Zhenfeng said. At least Yang Xingquan could still be alive.When he comes back, there will be someone who can prove his innocence. Yang Ling also believes that Chen Yu will not doubt anyone without reason, but she can't change the fact that Yang Xingquan is her father.Yang Ling just wanted to know the exact big case. Are Chen Yu's suspicions correct? Chen Yu hugged Yang Ling and felt a little distressed. He also said that he would not lie to Yang Ling, and he must find out the truth and find the evidence to do what he thinks.The right things, and he believed these were what Yang Ling had always wanted.

Lao Zhuo always urged Hao Dong to ask for rhubarb capsules. If he couldn't pay for it, he would give it to him. Lao Zhuo didn't want to interfere with his grievances with Mengqi, but he had to get the goods he wanted.Hao Dong also thought about it and planned to stop, but Sister Qiong thought that he was no longer in control. Since he had done this, he would never be able to get rid of it. Those buyers and brothers would not let him go, and even if he stopped today,It will still be cleaned up tomorrow, and the implication is that I hope Hao Dong will continue to cooperate in drug trafficking.

Hao Dong proposed to meet Mr. Yu. If he did not meet Mr. Yu, he would not discuss business and would not return to Yunhe. This was a necessary condition for him to sell the goods.That night, Hao Dong and Wan Heda followed a car to the Chinese border. There were already people waiting to take them to see Mr. Yu. But what Hao Dong never dreamed of was that Mr. Yu turned out to be Yang Xingquan., Yang Xingquan told Hao Dong that Lin Dezan was leaving soon, Liu Kaihua was not here, and Wan Mengmeng hadn't woken up yet so he couldn't say anything. This was the best time to sell the goods. Hao Dong proposed that he would have the final say in everything this time.The profit must also be increased by 20%, because he wants to wash his hands in a golden basin, and he will also give the developed rhubarb capsules and M ancient capital to Yang Xingquan.Yang Xingquan agreed and promised that if Hao Dong needs his help in the future, he will definitely help.

Hao Dong met Jiang Lei and asked him to find his mother. He could not stay here any longer. Jiang Lei cried.Hao Dong also proposed to make a large batch of 200 tons of raw materials this time, and leave after finishing it, never to do this business again.All this was under the control of the police, and Lin Dezan quickly reported to Chen Liwen.

《Being A Hero》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Chen Yu had been watching Wan Heda's actions and suddenly saw Jiang Lei and Liu Kaihua meeting at the gate. Chen Yu secretly filmed the video of the two and reported it to Lin Dezan, suspecting that Liu Kaihua was going to pledge money for Jiang Lei..In fact, Jiang Lei made an appointment with Liu Kaihua to ask him to find a way to guarantee the goods, because this time Hao Dong ordered hundreds of tons of raw materials to be transported into Yunhe and he also wanted to go abroad after completing this order. Liu Kaihua is nowHe was not from the criminal police team, so even if something happened, he would not be implicated. Liu Kaihua was very angry at Jiang Lei's shameless request. Jiang Lei reminded Liu Kaihua that if something happened to him, his sister's life would not be easy, and Liu Kaihua's eyes dimmed.

Lin Dezan ordered Chen Yu to follow Liu Kaihua's car, but not to act rashly. Lin Dezan also watched Liu Kaihua and Jiang Lei's car from the monitor at all times. When they arrived at the toll station, with the help of Liu Kaihua, the vehicle also quickly passed the toll station, and Chen Yu took the video.

Liu Kaihua then borrowed the duty car to follow, but he also called Jiang Lei and said he could only send it here. Jiang Lei persuaded Liu Kaihua to follow him, but Liu Kaihua hung up the phone directly.Liu Kaihua followed Jiang Lei's vehicle to Haodong's carving factory, followed closely by Chen Yu.

Liu Kaihua kicked open the door of the factory and broke in. Hao Dong reminded Liu Kaihua not to forget who raised him and who made him what he is today. Jiang Lei is his relative, and Jiang Lei's mother is also Liu Kaihua's.My benefactor, if a person doesn't even have family ties, he has no face to speak morally. Hao Dong's words also sent Liu Kaihua away.

After seeing Liu Kaihua leaving, Chen Yu also went to find an informant of Wu Zhenfeng and asked him to report any information about Wu Zhenfeng immediately. At the same time, Lin Dezan also ordered that Wanheda Company and Haodong Engraving Factory be monitored 24 hours a day.

As expected, Wu Zhenfeng dialed the informant's number under Erliang's instruction and asked him to prepare a car to meet him at the southern border. However, Erliang didn't believe Wu Zhenfeng at all and asked Gu Gu to stare at Wu Zhenfeng from behind.Lin Dezan also reported to Chen Liwen, who ordered Lin Dezan to rush to the provincial department immediately to prepare for the arrest mission at any time.

Chen Yu saw Wu Zhenfeng and Bones pledged the goods together, and drove directly to stop their car. He was deliberately dissatisfied that Wu Zhenfeng was transporting the goods without telling him, and asked for a share. Bones pointed a gun at Chen Yu, but Chen Yu snatched the pistol backhand. Wu Zhenfeng was busyMake peace with him and tell Chen Yu that he will not be missing a penny when he transports two hundred tons of goods this time.Chen Yu requested that they must pass through the Jingbei cordon, and he waited there. If they could not see the vehicle, then they would not be able to leave Yunhe.

Jiang Lei called Liu Kaihua and apologized to Liu Kaihua for causing trouble this time. He persuaded Liu Kaihua to find a wife and live a good life in the future instead of being single for the rest of his life. Liu Kaihua listened silently without saying a word from beginning to end.

When loading the goods, Bones arranged for Wu Zhenfeng to rest and loaded twenty vehicles in a row, but it was not known which vehicle had the goods. Wu Zhenfeng and Jiang Lei jointly escorted one vehicle, while Chen Yu followed behind.

《Being A Hero》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

After more than 20 cars came out, they drove to different places. The police were unable to determine which car contained drugs. The Ministry of Public Security attached great importance to this arrest operation and appointed Chen Liwen as the commander-in-chief of the on-site arrest.

Hao Dong was at Lao Zhuo's place in Hong Kong. Lao Zhuo paid tribute to Guan Gong and asked Hao Dong to go too. Hao Dong kept carving objects in his hands. He didn't believe in those dead objects at all. He only believed in his father, but in Hao Dong's mindWang Yikun's figure emerged, and the carving knife in his hand was a gift from Wang Yikun.

Liu Kaihua took a flight to Shengjiang at the airport, and the police quickly grasped the information. Just after passing the toll station, Jiang Lei asked Wu Zhenfeng to go to the gas station to refuel, but suddenly asked Wu Zhenfeng to get off the car and told Wu Zhenfeng that he had finished his work and was not far away.His reward was on the overpass, and the password was also given to Wu Zhenfeng.Seeing Wu Zhenfeng being kicked out of the car, Chen Yu, who had been following him, was also stunned. Chen Yu quickly reported to Lin Dezan. Wu Zhenfeng also called Chen Liwen to report the situation. Wu Zhenfeng was suddenly kicked out of the car. Chen Liwen could only ask Wu ZhenfengHelp keep an eye on Liu Kaihua, because Chen Yu has already gone to keep an eye on Jiang Lei. He thinks that Liu Kaihua's visit to Shengjiang is not a coincidence.Chen Liwen asked Wu Zhenfeng to report Liu Kaihua's whereabouts at any time, but he should not act rashly. Ensuring safety is the first priority.

Several vehicles entering Shengjiang also entered different docks. The vehicle driven by Jiang Lei also entered the port. Police forces were deployed at both the dock and the port in Shengjiang. Chen Liwen ordered to search for Wanheda, as long as he could find it.Wanheda can basically determine which terminal the drugs are at.

Jiang Lei, who Chen Yu had been following, had not shown up for half an hour. This made Chen Yu a little worried and sent a message to Lin Dezan. Lin Dezan suggested arresting him as soon as possible, fearing that the goods would disappear under his nose again, but this timeThe arrest mission is planned to be in Hong Kong and cannot be carried out. Lin Dezan is worried about what if the other party does not transport it to Hong Kong this time. At the same time, he is also worried that if it is loaded onto the ship and sails into the high seas, even the Hong Kong police will not be able to do anything. Chen LiwenWe can only wait for the results for now.

Jiang Lei had already met with Wan Heda, and the people who cooperated with Lao Zhuo began to inspect the goods and prepare for shipment. Yang Xingquan in the tea factory was also pacing back and forth, restless.Wu Zhenfeng followed Liu Kaihua, and Liu Kaihua went to the dock warehouse to check whether Jiang Lei's truck had entered.

Yang Yi lied that Yang Ling asked him to find some information and asked Yang Xingquan to have a drink. Yang Xingquan readily agreed and planned to invite Lin Dezan to drink together. Yang Yi deliberately told Yang Xingquan that Lin Dezan and Liu Kaihua had both gone to the province.City study.

Team Liu arrived in Shengjiang and kept looking for Jiang Lei, but to no avail. Liu Kaihua had no choice but to call Jiang Lei. Jiang Lei didn't want to answer, but finally couldn't bear to secretly call Liu Kaihua. Liu Kaihua told Jiang Lei where he was.position, and also told Jiang Lei that the task force was disbanded. On the surface, he was going to study, but in fact he was dismissed. Everything was over for him. The main reason was because of Jiang Lei. After thinking about it, Jiang Lei told Liu Kaihua where he was.Wu Zhenfeng, who had been following Liu Kaihua, also reported to Chen Liwen that Liu Kaihua was going to Binhai Pier from the route. Chen Liwen immediately called Chen Yu to rush to Binhai Pier to meet Wu Zhenfeng.

After Jiang Lei and Team Liu contacted each other, Wu Zhenfeng notified Chen Liwen on the phone. Jiang Lei also told Liu Kaihua to load the goods at eight o'clock in the evening, arrive in Hong Kong tomorrow morning, and put Liu Kaihua on the ship.

After Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng met, Chen Liwen ordered Chen Yu to go find out after dark, but asked him to protect Wu Zhenfeng and remember that the finishing work was not here, but at the Hong Kong dock.

Wu Zhenfeng proposed to go to find out, but was rejected by Chen Yu. Wu Zhenfeng was worried that something might happen to Chen Yu, so he insisted on going together. Chen Yu did not go back with him three years ago, so he must go together this time. If he encounters any problems, he can still be there at any time.After all, Chen Yu did not agree, which reassured Wu Zhenfeng that he was just going around in a circle and would be back soon.

When Chen Yu was checking the situation, he suddenly heard someone exclaiming that there was someone in Area B. Liu Kaihua was discovered when he was inspecting the vehicle and cargo.

《Being A Hero》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Liu Kaihua had been sitting in the cabin after boarding the ship, waiting for Jiang Lei to come over to deliver food. He caught him and asked Jiang Lei about the whereabouts of the goods. Jiang Lei refused to tell and shouted for help. His younger brother happened to hear him break in.When they came in, Team Liu beat Jiang Lei unconscious without any hesitation, and forced his younger brother to take him to Area B of the warehouse. He saw the goods in the car, but was discovered by patrolmen again.

Chen Yu heard the noise and went over to cooperate with Team Liu to fight the drug dealers. Wan Heda in the cabin also took people over when he heard the noise. Chen Yu noticed that something was wrong and called Chen Liwen to report the matter. Chen Liwen took urgent measures to implement it.The original plan to arrest them all in Hong Kong failed. During this arrest, Chen Yu was injured and was sent to the hospital. Wan Heda arrested forty-six drug dealers, including Wu Zhenfeng, who asked Chen Liwen for instructions.Bones escaped from here and went straight to Hong Kong, hoping to catch drug dealers in Hong Kong. Chen Liwen agreed.

Wu Zhenfeng took Acan and Gu Gu directly to Hong Kong on a speedboat. As soon as he arrived in Hong Kong, Wu Zhenfeng escaped alone. Gu Gu and A Can fell into the hands of Lao Zhuo's subordinates. Liu Kaihua also arrested Jiang Lei and surrendered.He wrote a letter of apology to Lin Dezan for his mistake. He used to risk everything to arrest drug dealers, but in the end he failed to pass the test of family ties and made a mistake. He felt sorry for Lin Dezan and the police uniform he wore.

At the same time, the person who arranged for Lao Zhuo to inspect the goods had called the labor police about the arrest. Lao Zhuo had already collected reservation money from many customers, and he was anxious and angry.At the same time, Yang Xingquan, who was accompanying Yang Yi to eat, also received a call from Sister Qiong and knew something was going on over there., Yang Yi could have lied, but he didn't. Instead, he blamed Yang Xingquan for deceiving Chen Yu, Yang Ling, and the Lin Bureau.Yang Yi wanted to arrest Yang Xingquan and go back to confess, but he was killed by Yang Xingquan instead.

Yang Ling waited all night without seeing Yang Yi come back. Yesterday, she received a text message from Yang Yi, reminding her not to go back at night. Yang Ling realized that something was wrong and rushed home on an electric bike. Lan Anran and Zhou happened to be together.Bowen informed Yang Xingquan that Yang Yi's body had been found. The gunshot wound should be from a drug dealer from abroad. Yang Ling cried and wanted to see Yang Yi. Lan Anran held Yang Ling in her arms distressedly.At the same time, Bureau Lin also went to the hospital and told Chen Yu about Yang Yi's sacrifice. Chen Yu blamed himself very much. He was the one who called Yang Yi to go to the tea factory because he could not find the drugs and hoped that Yang Yi could help.But I didn't expect this result.

When Hao Dong saw only the bones coming over, he was worried that his people would be caught, but he did not believe that Jiang Lei would betray them. The bones told Hao Dong that Team Liu was on board, and one sentence destroyed Hao Dong's self-confidence.

On the way back after picking up Chen Yu from Bureau Lin, Yang Ling called Chen Yu. Talking about Yang Yi's death, both Lin Dezan and Chen Yu burst into tears. Chen Yu covered his mouth to hide his inner grief, but Yang Ling could notZang asked Chen Yu why Yang Yi died, but Chen Yu could only comfort Yang Ling and wait until he returned.

After hanging up the phone, Bureau Lin and Chen Yu could not hide their grief at losing Yang Yi.

《Being A Hero》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Hao Dong still couldn't believe that Jiang Lei would betray them. Azhuo asked Hao Dong about his next plan. As soon as Hao Dong said there was no plan, Lao Zhuo asked his men to take Hao Dong down. Hao Dong knew what he would face next, and he was afraid.Call him Rhubarb Capsules. I said before that all the goods have been handed over, which is actually not a lie, because Hao Dong has been studying Rhubarb Capsules, and he also has a way.At this time, Wu Zhenfeng called and asked to see Lao Zhuo, hoping that he would treat Sister Qiong well before going.

Chen Yu was very angry when he learned from the Lin Bureau that Wu Zhenfeng had gone to Hong Kong. Although he went to Hong Kong to seize the only opportunity to catch all the drug dealers, he knew that he was taking Wu Zhenfeng's life to go to D.com. Chen Yuze and Gao Lin Bureau did notWhen he agreed, Bureau Lin told Chen Yu that Chen Liwen had a line that might be able to help Wu Zhenfeng.

Chen Liwen's lead was Uncle Sha, the white powder king who had been in the underworld. After receiving Chen Liwen's words, Uncle Sha took the initiative to find Wu Zhenfeng. It was Chen Liwen who helped Uncle Sha embark on the white road. It was also Chen Liwen who saved Uncle Sha's life. Uncle ShaThinking that he would never have to repay in this life, Chen Liwen never looked for him, but he didn't expect to look for him anyway. Under the leadership of Uncle Sha, Wu Zhenfeng met Lao Zhuo.

Wu Zhenfeng suggested that now that Wan Heda was caught, only he could transport the goods. Sister Qiong scolded Wu Zhenfeng for being too arrogant. Obviously no one believed Wu Zhenfeng. Uncle Sha was about to take Wu Zhenfeng away but was stopped by Sister Qiong. Sister Qiong asked Hao BrickRegarding the whereabouts of Dongdahuang capsules, Hao Dong admitted that they were gone, but he also found someone to take care of them.

The police also analyzed the counterfeit rhubarb capsules that had been discovered. Yu Miao had used the drugs in rhubarb capsules when he rescued Wan Mengmeng. In addition, his reaction at the time and his previous contact with Wan Mengmeng, as well as the information obtained by the police, revealed thatHao Dong was studying rhubarb capsules and found things neatly arranged in the laboratory behind Hao Dong's engraving factory. This was obviously the work of someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the same was true in Yu Miao's office. It was speculated that Yu Miao wasThe person who made the poison for Hao Dong was also the person who assassinated Wan Mengmeng but saved Wan Mengmeng out of fear.Lin Dezan also suspended his transfer and still insisted on working in Yunhe. At the same time, under the auspices of Chen Liwen, he also bid farewell to Yang Yi's body.

Under pressure, Hao Dong had to tell the whereabouts of the materials and people, but someone needed to get them. Sister Qiong planned to take the goods to Mengjia to do it.

After Chen Yu and Director Lin went back, they went to see Yang Ling. Yang Ling closed the door and sat in the room crying. Chen Yu held her in his arms distressedly, and Director Lin clenched his fists.Chen Yu told Yang Ling that he was the one who called Yang Yi to go to the tea factory, so he had reason to believe that Yang Yi died in the tea factory. Chen Yu also vowed to bring the drug-related person to justice.He also directly guessed that Yang Ling died at the hands of Yang Xingquan. Yang Ling actually had such a guess in her heart but was unwilling to admit it. Chen Yu hoped that Yang Ling could pretend to be nonchalant and not be noticed by Yang Xingquan.

Bureau Lin came to Captain Gong's guard room again, blaming himself for not protecting Captain Gong, not protecting Captain Liu, and not even protecting Yang Yi. He couldn't even protect these people, and he was not worthy of being the chief of the government at all. Lin DeZan was a little unwilling to retire like this.He didn't know if he was too incompetent or if it was fate, but if this was really his fate, he had to admit it.

Chen Liwen took all the police officers to bid farewell to Yang Yi. Looking at the heroic monument, everyone felt heavy.

Yang Ling came to visit Yang Yi's tombstone. She knew that as long as she came to see Yang Yi, Yang Yi would be happy. Chen Yu, who was not far behind him, looked at the scene in front of him, left silently, and called Lin Dezan to propose a meeting..

Sister Qiong negotiated with Lao Zhuo and asked Hao Dong and Wu Zhenfeng to go to Mengqi, while she stayed as a hostage. Lao Zhuo did not embarrass Sister Qiong and let her go back because he believed in Mr. Yu.

Chen Yu came to the employee wall, looked at Yang Yi's photo, and recalled the past with Yang Yi. He took out Yang Yi's photo and put it in his chest pocket.Bureau Lin told Chen Yu that Wu Zhenfeng believed in him far beyond Chen Yu's imagination, otherwise Meng Ka would not make such a call to him again.Chen Yu proposed to break into the enemy and cooperate with Wu Zhenfeng while ensuring Wu Zhenfeng's safety. Maybe the enemy did not believe him, but he had the rhubarb capsule as a bargaining chip, and the enemy had to believe it. This was the only way at present. Lin Dezan saw that Chen YuYu has no chance of winning at all, but Chen Yu is sure to protect Wu Zhenfeng, even if he sacrifices his life to protect Wu Zhenfeng. He blames himself for not standing next to Wu Zhenfeng three years ago, and now he doesn't want to watch Wu Zhenfeng go into danger alone. Lin DeAgreed.

Hao Dong was locked up as soon as he arrived in Mengka. Wu Zhenfeng offered to call Chen Yu. After all, they still needed Chen Yu's help. Sister Qiong agreed. Chen Yu took the opportunity to ask for a meeting. Sister Qiong agreed to meet at Wu's Jade Shop., Sister Qiong asked Chen Yu to help take care of Yu Miao.

《Being A Hero》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

In the next room, Yang Xingquan had already entered early and listened to the conversations of several people outside. At the same time, he gave Chen Yu a watch as a token. Chen Yu asked Sister Qiong to ensure Wu Zhenfeng's safety and to think about how to divide the accounts in advance. Chen Yu alsoPromise to get the formula for rhubarb capsules.

Chen Yu said goodbye to Lin Dezan, and also said goodbye to Yang Ling, hoping that if something goes wrong with him, he would ask Lin Dezan to take good care of Yang Ling, just like he did when she was a child.Lin Dezan claimed that he did not like this way of saying goodbye, and he ordered Chen Yu to come back alive for the people he cared about.

Chen Yu packed his things and was about to leave. He told Yang Ling that the room upstairs could be rented out directly. For the sake of their peaceful life, he must leave today. Yang Ling knew that this must be a very dangerous mission, otherwise Chen Yu would not be so serious.After saying goodbye, Chen Yu held Yang Ling's hand and put his jade pendant in. He also hoped that Yang Ling would believe that he loved Yang Ling and hoped to continue to protect this love.

At the lecture of drug treatment experts, an endless stream of people poured in. Chen Yu came alone and found Yu Miao in the background. He took out the watch and gave it to Yu Miao. Yu Miao excitedly held the watch and asked anxiously where he was., Chen Yu guessed that the rhubarb capsule was made by Yu Miao, and believed that he wanted to kill Wan Mengmeng and stopped temporarily, but Yu Miao acquiesced.When Chen Yu was about to take Yu Miao away, the police outside had already arrived. Lan Anran saw Chen Yu taking Yu Miao away and reported to the Forestry Bureau that the plan was in progress.Chen Yu told Yu Miao that the police already knew what he had done, and he could never go back.

Wu Zhenfeng and Hao Dong had been locked in a large cage outside, and were suddenly let out to eat watermelon. Hao Dong devoured it, and Yang Xingquan suddenly appeared behind Hao Dong and raised the grievances that had lasted for more than three years.However, debts cannot be written off, and a blood debt can only be repaid with blood, but Hao Dong believes that even drug-related debts cannot be repaid with blood.In particular, the death of Yang Xingquan's wife was caused by himself. If Yang Xingquan hadn't tipped off the police, his wife would not have died. Yang Xingquan loaded the pistol with bullets and handed it to Wu Zhenfeng.Hao Dong admitted that he killed Wu Gang, but it was Yang Xingquan who did the killing.

Chen Yu asked Yu Miao why he changed from a pharmacist to a drug maker. Yu Miao admitted that he was just a pharmacist assistant back then, and his income was far from enough to cover expenses. At that time, in order to make more money, he helped people detoxify.I met Hao Dong when I was detoxing from drugs.Hao Dong became addicted to drugs because of his father's incident, but later he found Yu Miao in order to avenge his father and wanted to detoxify. Yu Miao witnessed Hao Dong's detoxification process, and he has never been addicted to drugs since he successfully detoxified., and later Hao Dong would always introduce some private work to Yu Miao.Three years ago, Hao Dong avenged his father and took over his father's business, so he asked Yu Miao to follow him. From the moment he got the first money, he felt what dignity was and what rebirth was.He was also looked down upon by his girlfriend's family because of his poverty, so he got involved in drugs. Chen Yu suddenly felt that it was a pity for Yu Miao. He was originally a hand that could save people, but he became a drug trafficker. However, he has never been able to win against Hu Qingshan. He has not studied it yet.Chen Yu deliberately told Yu Miao that he had the formula for rhubarb capsules.

On the other side, Hao Dong didn't believe that Yang Xingquan really dared to kill him. If so in a few years, someone would avenge him and kill Yang Ling. Yang Xingquan killed Hao Dong in a rage, scaring Wu Zhenfeng to huddle in the corner. Yang XingquanTell Chen Yu that he will be next.

Chen Yu loaded Yu Miao into the container along the way, and the police also monitored the situation along the way. Yang Ling made an appointment with Lin Dezan to go to the orphanage. She grew up here and had long forgotten that she had a father. She only wanted to know about Chen Yu.Where has Yu gone and what can she do?Yang Yi, Chen Yu and Lin Dezan are all her relatives, and she also hopes to do something for her relatives.

When Yu Miao came to the border, the police also received news that Yang Xingquan had appeared on the scene an hour ago. Chen Yu and Yu Miao were brought to Mengka. Wu Zhenfeng proposed to talk to Mr. Yu before he was willing to hand over the formula. Yu Miao heard that HaoHe heard the news that Dong was killed, and blamed himself that Chen Yu had lied to him.

Chen Yu was imprisoned with Wu Zhenfeng, but both of them smiled when they met. At the same time, Lin Dezan also reported Yang Ling's request to Chen Liwen. Yang Ling already knew Yang Xingquan's true identity, and she hoped toIn cooperation with the police in the arrest, Lin Dezan also expressed his trust in Yang Ling.

《Being A Hero》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng were locked together. Wu Zhenfeng also talked about Hao Dong's death. When Hao Dong died, he thought he would be very happy, but he didn't feel that a great revenge had been avenged. Chen Yu asked Wu Zhenfeng where he had lived in the past three years. Wu ZhenfengPointing to one of the houses, he told Chen Yu that the room was not big, but he had lived there for three years and found it very comfortable.

Yang Xingquan personally came to persuade Yu Miao to work for him to show his true value. He could also give what Hao Dong could give, and he could also help Yu Miao obtain the formula of rhubarb capsules, which was something Yu Miao had always asked for.He could even rename the rhubarb capsule. Yu Miao was persuaded and promised that as long as he got the formula, he would do a good job. Yang Xingquan also showed a satisfied smile.

Chen Yu wants to protect Wu Zhenfeng, but Wu Zhenfeng wants to protect Chen Yu like he did when he was a child, because he is alone and has nothing to worry about, and Chen Yu also has Yang Ling.Wu Zhenfeng proposed that after his death, Chen Yu should remember to bring good wine to pay homage. The two treated life and death as if they were talking about other people's affairs.

Early the next morning, Wu Zhenfeng and Chen Yu were brought to see Yang Xingquan. He didn't believe Chen Yu at all, and the same was true for Wu Zhenfeng. He didn't believe that Uncle Sha would get involved so easily. After all, he had washed his hands in a golden basin for many years, and Wu Zhenfeng had lied.He said that Uncle Sha owed Wu Gang a debt of gratitude, and he came out this time to repay this debt.Yang Xingquan let Wu Zhenfeng see Lao Zhuo leading people to beat Uncle Sha through a video. Uncle Sha's face was covered in blood. He also told Wu Zhenfeng that he had paid off the debt he owed, and also asked Lao Zhuo to share the profits when the goods were successfully sold.Give him half, and he can ignore today's action.

Yang Xingquan pointed a pistol at Chen Yu, but suddenly gave Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng a gun each, and ordered that they could only live alone, and the one who survived could negotiate business with him. Wu Zhenfeng and Chen Yu looked at each other,Suddenly they cooperated and pointed a gun at Yang Xingquan and Yu Miao.Yu Miao reminded Yang Xingquan that if he died, nothing would be lost, and if Chen Yu died, the formula would be gone.

Yang Xingquan and Erliang took away the guns of Wu Zhenfeng and Chen Yu, and suddenly knocked them to the ground. Yang Xingquan grabbed Chen Yu's hair and asked him if it was the police setting up a trap. Chen Yu was not afraid at all, and claimed that Liu Kaihua could no longer do anything.The police were called, but he was unwilling to do it. Now he just wanted to transport drugs and make money, but Yang Xingquan could not believe these words. Yang Xingquan ordered people to beat and kick Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng.

Sister Qiong also came to persuade Yang Ling to find Yang Xingquan and told Yang Ling how much he valued and loved his daughter. Yang Ling was indifferent and asked Sister Qiong why Yang Xingquan didn't come by herself. Sister Qiong did not answer the question directly, but told Yang Ling Chen YuAlso, if Yang Ling really has any questions, she can ask them herself.

The police are also paying close attention to the situation on Yang Ling's side. As long as Yang Ling can meet Chen Yu and hand over the things to him, Chen Yu can send the location to the police.Just when Wu Zhenfeng and Chen Yu were severely beaten, they suddenly received a video from Uncle Sha. Now Uncle Sha's people had the upper hand, captured Lao Zhuo and others, and warned Yang Xingquan that if something happened to Wu Zhenfeng, their goods would be lost.Enter Hong Kong.

Yang Xingquan was very happy to see Yang Ling coming, and opened his arms to hug Yang Ling. Yang Ling stared at Yang Xingquan and asked about Chen Yu's whereabouts. Seeing Chen Yu locked in a cage, Yang Ling felt heartbroken. Chen Yu promised Yang Ling that as long as heIf he leaves here alive, he will definitely live a simple and happy life with Yang Ling. I hope Yang Ling can believe in his love.Yang Ling recalled what Chen Yu said when he left, and it was almost the same as what he said now.

Listening to Chen Yu's words, Sister Qiong also remembered her relationship with Yang Xingquan and held Yang Xingquan's hand tightly. Yang Ling glared and asked Yang Xingquan to let Chen Yu go. She wanted water and medicine to save Chen Yu. Sister Qiong looked atYang Xingquan remained indifferent, snatched the key from Erliang and opened the cell door.Sister Qiong pulled Yang Xingquan away. She recalled that she believed in Yang Xingquan so much at the beginning and was willing to hand over her life to each other.

At this time, Uncle Sha called via video and reached an agreement with Yang Xingquan and Lao Zhuo to deliver the goods, but Uncle Sha proposed that he must see Wu Zhenfeng before delivering the goods.

Although Yang Ling was able to open the cell door to deliver medicine to Chen Yu, she was unable to let Chen Yu out. While delivering medicine and water, Yang Ling brought the locator, and Chen Yu told her while hugging Yang LingHide the stuff first, now it's not safe to leave it at his place when it's not sure when the drug will be transported.

At dawn, Chen Yu and Yu Miao were caught and put into a car and taken away. Yang Ling, who was sleeping, did not notice. Yu Miao and Chen Yu were taken to the Chinese border together, where Erliang was waiting., he has also made preparations and brought everything from Yu Miao's laboratory.However, Chen Yu proposed that if Yang Xingquan did not agree to the conditions, he would not hand over the formula. Chen Yu proposed to meet Yang Ling and Wu Zhenfeng, and he could also provide samples, otherwise he would never agree to production.

Before Yang Xingquan took Yang Ling to leave, he always felt a little uneasy, so he hugged Sister Qiong tightly and kissed her. With Sister Qiong, he could return to Yunhe and relax for a few days. Sister Qiong offered to stop, but Yang XingquanThinking that there is no turning back.

《Being A Hero》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

In the laboratory, Chen Yu was comparing rhubarb capsules. He looked at the watch in his hand from time to time, while Yu Miao on the side was anxiously circling back and forth, wanting to see what Chen Yu was mixing, but Chen Yu alwaysHe used his body to block it and did not give Yu Miao a chance to peek.

Yang Ling was brought here first by Yang Xingquan. Chen Yu demanded to see Wu Zhenfeng. The results of the experiment were not yet completed. Yang Xingquan could only agree to Chen Yu. Yang Ling handed the tracker to Chen Yu. When the tracker was turned on, the police immediately tracked it.Signal.

Chen Yu mixed the rhubarb capsules and conducted experiments on mice. Yu Miao proved that they were rhubarb capsules. Chen Yu insisted not to do it, which made Yang Xingquan lose his patience and pointed a gun at Chen Yu's head. Chen Yu proposed to at leastHe called Wu Zhenfeng to confirm that he was still alive. Yang Xingquan agreed, and Chen Yu also agreed to make 100 kilograms. However, Wu Zhenfeng needed to personally guarantee the goods, so Yang Xingquan had no choice but to agree.

The police have all set off for their destination. Chen Yu wrote down the formula for rhubarb capsules. Under the supervision of Yu Miao, Yang Xingquan's men also started the drug production process intensively. At the same time, Chen Liwen was appointed as the chief arrest officer this time.command.Chen Liwen ordered that all drug manufacturing dens must be removed today.

Wu Zhenfeng followed Gu Gu into the country from the border road. While waiting for Yang Xingquan's instructions, Wu Zhenfeng and his younger brother who came to meet him subdued Gu. They called Chen Liwen. Chen Liwen informed Wu Zhenfeng that the mission was over, but Wu Zhenfeng insisted on cooperating with Chen Yu.He couldn't watch Chen Yu take risks. It would be more than an hour before the police came to start taking action. He couldn't let anything happen to Chen Yu.Wu Zhenfeng turned a blind eye to Chen Liwen's order and decided to go to the tea factory to find Chen Yu.

At the drug manufacturing site of the tea factory, Chen Yu looked at his watch anxiously, and the special police were also rushing here. Wu Zhenfeng came to the tea factory with the bones. The police also released drones to understand the geographical situation. The Hong Kong police also investigatedWhen Lao Zhuo was sending money to Sister Qiong, he could be arrested. The Hong Kong police and the mainland police jointly acted.

The police suddenly attacked the Mengji stronghold and arrested Sister Qiong. At the same time, the tea factory also began to close the net, surrounding the tea factory from all sides. All the workers who were making drugs were also captured. Wu Zhenfeng came over with the bones.Chen Yu also caught Erliang and told Yang Xingquan that the drug was fake and that his identity had never changed and he was always a people's policeman.At this time, gunfire rang out outside, and Yang Xingquan also realized that everything was over. Yu Miao almost went crazy looking at the fake rhubarb capsules, and was caught by the special police who rushed in while he was still doing research.

Erliang and Gu Gu broke away from Wu Zhenfeng and Chen Yu, and led the men to shoot at them with a hail of bullets. Seeing Gu Gu and Er Liang getting closer and closer, Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng opened their bows left and right and cooperated with each other to rush out of the encirclement.Yang Xingquan came out in despair and saw Yang Ling sitting there making tea. Yang Ling claimed to make the last cup of tea for her father. Yang Xingquan saw that Yang Ling actually knew that Chen Yu was pretending to surrender.Yang Ling burst into tears and accused Yang Xingquan of what kind of life he had given her. Lin Dezan also arrived at this time and told Yang Xingquan that it was poison that destroyed his family and that he deserved to be here today. Handcuffs were placed on Yang Xingquan's wrists.On the show, Yang Ling burst into tears watching Yang Xingquan being taken away. Lin Dezan also announced that from today on, he is Yang Ling's biological father.

Wu Zhenfeng was shot and fell to the ground during the fight. Chen Liwen trembled when he heard someone was shot. Chen Yu covered Wu Zhenfeng's wound and burst into tears. Wu Zhenfeng told Chen Yu that he looked handsome in his ship's police uniform. Chen Yu promised that as long as Wu ZhenfengHe put on his police uniform and showed him alive.Chen Yu carried Wu Zhenfeng on his back and walked forward. He kept talking to Wu Zhenfeng while walking forward, and kept telling Wu Zhenfeng to hold on.

After this battle between justice and evil, all drug-related criminals were arrested and received the punishment they deserved.