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《Ipartment Season 1》 Summ

In the cosmopolitan city of Shanghai, a grand wedding is about to be held in a rather ordinary apartment.As the saying goes, God's calculation is not as good as that of man. Although careful preparations were made before, the intrusion of several evil couples who were entangled in love and hate, as well as various unexpected situations, caused the wedding to develop in an unpredictable direction.After that, the apartment was officially renamed “Love Apartment”, and seven young men and women from all over the world, engaged in different professions and with different personalities, were naturally welcomed, Lin Wanyu (played by Zhao Ji), Chen Meijia (played by Li Jinming), Lu Zhanbo (played by Jin Shijia)), Lu Ziqiao (played by Sun Yizhou), Guan Guqiji (played by Wang Chuanjun), Hu Yifei (played by Lou Yixiao) and Zeng Xiaoxian (played by Chen He).

In the days that followed, these new people fell in love, quarreled, made jokes, and spent noisy and unforgettable days.The buds of love are also flourishing in their hearts...

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Lu Zhanbo, a talented young man who graduated from MIT majoring in computer science, finally returned to China after several years of further studies.With his extraordinary technical strength, he was quickly spotted by a well-known domestic network company and took up the position of network engineer.

One day, Lu Zhanbo was preparing to take the bus home at the airport, but unexpectedly met Lin Wanyu, a wealthy woman who had left Lin's company.

As the bus drove, they gradually realized that they were going in the wrong direction, but now they were on the side of a sparsely populated country road, surrounded by desolation.

Episode 1

Lu Zhanbo originally planned to go to his sister Hu Yifei, who was reorganizing his family, but unexpectedly he got lost.At this time, Hu Yifei was busy preparing for a wedding in her apartment.As one of the residents of the apartment, Zeng Xiaoxian was entrusted to be the host of this wedding.However, he and Hu Yifei had serious differences over the wedding execution plan. The two argued endlessly over the details, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Just when Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu were anxious on the highway, they could only stop a tractor. Unexpectedly, the car broke down halfway through the ride. A wedding car happened to be passing nearby. The driver promised them to drag them away, and then aThe car passed them, but Wanyu was not convinced and asked the driver to catch up.

When the police saw this scene, they told the intercom that a car was being followed by a tractor that was racing and trying to overtake.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

In the love apartment, Ziqiao and Meijia, a pair of happy enemies, always bring a lot of surprises to people.They cleverly moved into the apartment as a couple, which not only deceived everyone, but also successfully enjoyed the sweetness of their world.However, life is always full of variables, and the haze of financial crisis gradually enveloped the young couple.The pressure of rent forced them to consider finding a roommate to share the cost.

Episode 2

Just as the two were worrying about this matter, a handsome and gentle man unexpectedly walked into their sight.He is the cartoonist Sekiya Miracle, a young man who comes from a foreign country and is not very familiar with the local environment.Guangu's original destination was the Essen Hotel, but due to a mistake, he accidentally entered the love apartment.This lost opportunity was captured by Zi Qiao.

The arrival of Guangu is undoubtedly like rain from heaven for Ziqiao and Meijia.They acted quickly and took advantage of Guangu's language barrier and unfamiliarity with the local environment to launch a unique deception war.Under the clever guidance of Ziqiao and Meijia, Guangu confusedly agreed to move into the iPartment and became a new member of this big family.

When Meijia was helping Guangu pack her luggage, she accidentally discovered the drawing of a love tripod cat hidden in the suitcase.This comic work immediately attracted the attention of Meijia, who loves comics.She marveled at Guangu's talent and creativity, and took a keen interest in this new roommate.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Yifei found a note with strange lyrics in the trash can.She looked at the note and couldn't help but think of Zi Qiao's recent abnormal behavior.Zi Qiao, her good friend, who had always been optimistic and cheerful, has now become taciturn and often alone.Yifei began to feel worried. She was worried that Ziqiao might be in trouble.

In order to figure out Ziqiao's abnormal behavior, Yifei began to consult various medical journals, hoping to find the answer.At the same time, she also found Xiaoxian, hoping that he could help Ziqiao together.After careful analysis, they came to a surprising conclusion: Ziqiao may be suffering from depression caused by emotional frustration!

Episode 3

Yifei and Xiaoxian felt apologetic and became more concerned about Ziqiao.They inquired after each other and tried their best to make Zi Qiao feel warm.However, they didn't know that all this was deliberately pretended by Zi Qiao for the sake of petty profit.Ziqiao noticed their concern for him and decided to take advantage of them and continue to play the role of a melancholic patient.

However, Yifei did not give up helping Zi Qiao.She decided to take Joe to see a psychiatrist, hoping to help him get out of his predicament.In the doctor's office, Zi Qiao accidentally discovered the secret that had been hidden in Xiao Xian for many years.It turned out that Xiaoxian had also fallen into depression because of emotional problems, but he chose to bear it alone and never told anyone.

The fire could not be contained, and Ziqiao's incident of pretending to be depressed was finally exposed.After everyone learned the truth, they were very angry, and the consequences were serious.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Xiaoxian appeared in front of everyone with his usual bright and tidy image, wearing a professional outfit and an excited expression on his face, which seemed to indicate that he was about to usher in a major change in his life.For a long time, entering the television industry has been his biggest dream, and today, this dream seems to be within reach.

Xiaoxian accidentally learned on the radio that a brand new TV program was looking for a host, and the producer of this program was LISA Rong, whose name he had admired for a long time.He secretly rejoiced, feeling that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Although his first meeting with Lisa on the radio did not go well and was ridiculed by the other party, he did not give up.With his excellent eloquence and witty response, he finally won Lisa's favor and got the opportunity to have a detailed discussion.

Episode 4

The venue for this detailed discussion was the bustling love apartment.Xiaoxian was both nervous and looking forward to it. He knew that this would be an important step for him to enter the television industry.In another corner of the love apartment, Wanyu, who is new to the world, has also ushered in a new chapter in her life.She unexpectedly became an encyclopedia salesperson. Although this job was not well known to the public, she was full of enthusiasm and drive.

Wan Yu decided to conduct sales practice in the love apartment. She introduced the unique features of this encyclopedia to the residents in the apartment.With vivid language and rich knowledge, she showed everyone the value and charm of this encyclopedia.Although her first attempt did not go well, she was not discouraged but continued to sum up her experience and improve her sales skills.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Yifei's online store business once fell into a downturn. Seeing that all her hard work was in vain, she did not choose to give up.Instead, she decided to find a new product that would attract customers.By chance, she discovered a popular fragrance from India—and it was love at first sight.This aromatherapy attracted Yifei with its unique aroma and meaning. She believed that this aromatherapy could help her recover the losses of her online store.

At the same time, Sekiya's manga - Love the Three-Legged Cat - gained recognition from a prominent publisher in Japan.This is undoubtedly an affirmation of his talent and makes him full of expectations for the future.However, success did not make Guangu lose his way. Instead, he decided to slow down his life, find the girl who could make his heart beat, and start a romantic love journey.

Episode 5

After Meijia learned about Sekiya's wish, she couldn't help but feel ripples in her heart.She has always been secretly in love with Guan Gu, but failed to express her love for various reasons.This time, she decided to seize the opportunity and purchased the Love at First Sight aromatherapy water from Yifei, preparing to secretly plan a romantic date with Guangu.

Meijia's plan did not go so smoothly.In order to spend quality time with Guan Gu, she had to negotiate with Zi Qiao on their respective date times.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Zi Qiao took the subway to work as usual.The carriage was full of people, and he stood in the corner, playing relaxing music in his headphones, trying to isolate himself from the noise of the outside world.At this moment, a talent scout who claimed to be from Southeast Asia's largest entertainment agency broke into his life.

This talent scout, known as Sister Shan, looks different in her dress and conversation.Wearing bright clothes and exaggerated accessories, she is full of jargon and self-righteous humor when she opens her mouth.Although Ziqiao felt a little uncomfortable with her behavior, the aura and dreams of the entertainment industry shone in his heart.

Sister Shan showed Zi Qiao the contract in her hand and claimed that as long as she signed the contract, Zi Qiao would be able to embark on the road to becoming a star.Faced with such an attractive opportunity, Ziqiao's heart began to waver.On the one hand, he felt that he was not ready, and on the other hand, he was attracted by the unattainable dream.In the midst of contradictions and struggles, he finally decided to sign the contract and returned to his apartment, the love apartment, with a piece of paper and full of enthusiasm.

Episode 6

Word quickly spread throughout the apartment.As a good friend of Zi Qiao, Guan Gu came to congratulate him on the signing of the contract.During the chat, Guangu mentioned one of his works and hoped to recommend it to a famous director through Ziqiao's relationship.Zi Qiao happily agreed, thinking that this was not only helping a friend, but also a test of his own connections.

The next day, Zi Qiao took Guan Gu to find Sister Shan.However, things didn't go as smoothly as they imagined.Sister Shan was not interested in their works and even seemed a little impatient.Ziqiao and Guangu returned disappointed and began to doubt their dreams and choices.

At the same time, Xiaoxian is also experiencing ups and downs in the workplace.He was very dissatisfied with the work attitude of his telephone editor, Judy, who felt that her work efficiency was low and she often made mistakes.It happened that Wanyu was looking for a job, so Xiaoxian took advantage of the situation and gave Judy a long vacation so that Wanyu could take over her job.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

In the eyes of everyone, Zhanbo is undoubtedly a winner in life.As a top student from the Turtles, he has outstanding academic achievements and enviable career prospects.He looks upright, young and promising, full of vitality and vigor.More importantly, he has excellent character, good reputation, and is deeply loved and respected by those around him.However, such a seemingly perfect man still maintains an astonishing zero record in the relationship column.

Episode 7

Zhanbo's journey of chasing girls can be described as full of twists and turns, with repeated defeats.It's not that he lacks charm or that he doesn't understand romance, but he always seems to lack a little bit of luck and fate.Whenever he confidently confesses his love to the girl he likes, the result is always disappointing.Repeated failures made Zhan Bo gradually become discouraged. He began to doubt his own charm and value, and even developed fear and avoidance of relationships.

At this critical moment, Yifei appeared.As a good friend of Zhanbo, she is well aware of Zhanbo's pain and dilemma.In order to save Zhanbo's self-confidence, Yifei decided to come up with a clever plan.She found a young actress in the bar and hired her to put on a good show, pretending to be Zhanbo's suitor.This plan seems to be perfect. Just waiting for the east wind to arrive will allow Zhanbo to regain his confidence and courage.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Meijia is always full of enthusiasm and wants to do something for Guangu. However, her enthusiasm often backfires due to carelessness.

Sekiya is both touched and helpless by Meijia's enthusiasm.He remembered that Meijia once burned six pairs of trousers due to negligence, which made him tremble every time he thought of Meijia's “kindness”.In order to slow down Meijia a little and distract her attention, Sekiya decided to give her a surprise.

He bought a mysterious gift, hoping that this gift would become Meijia's new focus and make her temporarily forget those %overzealous things.In order to prevent Meijia from discovering it in advance, Guangu decided to hide the gift with his friend Wanyu first.

Episode 8

However, things did not develop as Guangu expected.In a moment of panic, Zhanbo accidentally knocked over the box containing the gift, and everyone was panicked for a while.Although Meijia didn't know what happened yet, her intuition told her that this matter must be related to Sekiya.

At the same time, Xiaoxian worked day and night at the unit to improve the radio's listening rate.During a chat with Zi Qiao, Zhan Bo accidentally mentioned the Korean girl in the company, which made Zi Qiao fall in love with her.When he learned that Yifei had two tickets for TVXQ, his heart ran like a wild horse.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

With Lisa's strong recommendation, Xiaoxian finally realized his long-held dream and successfully broke into the television industry.Not only that, he was also honored to be a guest on the high-profile TV talk show - Ruyu has a date.This news is like a spring breeze, bringing endless joy and expectation to Xiaoxian.

For this TV trip, Xiaoxian specially rented a fashionable convertible car and prepared to go to the TV station in a stylish way to have a good time.And his friend Zhan Bo took on the role of the royal driver without hesitation.

Just as they were preparing to set off, Guangu, who had just been driven 13 times on the Central Ring Road by the taxi driver, also returned home.Although he felt helpless about the traffic jam, he still looked forward to it, hoping that there would be no traffic jams on the way to the TV station.

Episode 9

The seven soldiers divided into two groups and went to the TV station to support Xiaoxian.Xiaoxian, Zhanbo and two other friends got into the convertible. They drove toward the TV station with radiant faces and full of expectations.The scenery outside the car window flew past their eyes, while inside the car they excitedly discussed the upcoming TV program and possible interactive sessions.

Under Yifei's instigation, Zhanbo couldn't help but show off his driving skills, skillfully overtaking a green JEEP and staged a drag racing drama.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Sekiya's masterpiece failed to be published as he wished, and his breakup with Xiaoxue made him depressed. The financial difficulties made him feel even more stressed, and the rent became a big burden on his mind.

Life is always full of unexpected turns.Just when Guangu was in trouble, Meijia extended a helping hand.She tried to help Guangu tide over the difficulties, but Guangu's macho mentality made him instantly reject Meijia's kindness.Although Mika's original intentions were kind, Sekiya's stubbornness made her powerless.

At this moment, Meijia found Ziqiao by mistake, hoping that he could negotiate with Guangu to help him.Although Ziqiao was a little surprised, he still agreed to Meijia's request.They decided to help Sekiya relieve financial pressure by playing poker.However, in the poker game, they introduced a very weird set of rules, which put the unsuspecting Sekiya into a dilemma.

Episode 10

After a few rounds, Guangu's wallet was full, which made Ziqiao dumb and miserable.Guangu mistakenly thought that his good luck was a God-given opportunity, and proudly called himself the “God of Gambling”.However, he didn't know that behind all this was the clever arrangement of Meijia and Ziqiao.

The game of Poker Landlord continues, and Guangu's good luck seems to continue.Ran

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Xiaoxian's radio program ushered in the important milestone of the 600th issue, which is undoubtedly a huge success for him in the broadcasting industry.Lisa, as a partner of the show, decided to bring a surprise to Xiaoxian on this special night - inviting a female guest to co-host with him.When the news came, Xiaoxian's colleagues congratulated him one after another, and the whole atmosphere was full of joy and expectation.

At this festive moment, the arrival of an uninvited guest caused waves in the originally calm water.The sudden arrival of a flower basket and the name “Lora” written on the greeting card made Xiaoxian's heart freeze instantly.For Xiaoxian, this name is not only the pain of the past, but also a memory that he does not want to touch.

Episode 11

Under questioning from Wanyu and Yifei, Xiaoxian finally opened his heart and shared the entangled love history between him and Lora.Many years ago, Lora let Xiaoxian taste the sweetness of love, but also made him taste the bitterness of betrayal.The pain of that time made Xiaoxian deeply doubtful and uneasy about relationships.

Before Xiaoxian could get over the shadow of the past, Lora appeared in his life again.Her appearance made Xiaoxian feel uneasy and at a loss.Facing this woman who once made him cuckold, Xiaoxian's heart is full of complicated emotions.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Zeng Xiaoxian got off work from the radio station. The bright lights of the city at night reflected the complicated emotions in his heart.The hustle and bustle of the radio station is a thing of the past, and his thoughts drift to the distance, where there is his old love-Lora who has been away for many years.

They once had an unforgettable love affair, but a trick of fate separated them.Years later, they unexpectedly reunited on the radio.Lora's style remains the same, and time seems to have left no trace on her body.She talked about her various experiences over the years, the glory and the trough, which made Xiaoxian both shocked and ashamed.He knows that his world with Lora has drifted away, but his obsession and concern for her have never diminished.

Episode 12

That night, Xiaoxian invited Lora to go home for the night.Early the next morning, the two flirted at the breakfast table, and their feelings for each other seemed to have returned to years ago.However, such a scene is unbearable to those around them.They couldn't accept Xiaoxian's % decline, and they couldn't understand why he was still so obsessed with Lora.

However, at this moment, Lora suddenly knelt down and proposed to Xiaoxian.This scene completely shocked everyone. They couldn't believe that this woman who once played in the world would do such a thing.Xiaoxian was also shocked and confused. He didn't know how to respond to Lora's proposal.

At the same time, Yifei is worried about being alone on Valentine's Day.She called Zi Qiao and Guan Gu to discuss, hoping that they could be her backup candidates.However, to her disappointment, both of them already had verbal appointments with Meijia.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

One night in the love apartment, an unexpected kiss made the relationship between Zeng Xiaoxian and Yifei subtle and tense.At the moment of the wrong kiss, Zeng Xiaoxian's heart was filled with panic and guilt. He knew that his behavior might have caused a lot of trouble to Yifei.In order to make up for this mistake, he asked Zhanbo to deliver an affectionate letter of apology to Yifei, in which he frankly expressed his apology and regret.

However, after apologizing, Zeng Xiaoxian seemed to be burdened with a heavy psychological burden, and finally chose an extreme method - leaving a note and mysteriously disappearing.The note was brief and vague, giving no indication of where he was going or when he would return.This sudden change shocked and worried everyone in the iPartment.

During the month when Zeng Xiaoxian disappeared, Zhanbo tried to find traces of him through various means.By chance, he found some clues from Xiaoxian's bank statements.The bill showed that Zeng Xiaoxian's whereabouts were actually in Vietnam.This news surprised everyone in the apartment, and everyone speculated why he would choose such a remote place.

Episode 13

Three months later, when everyone was about to forget Zeng Xiaoxian, he suddenly came back.He didn't notify anyone in advance, but showed up unnoticed at a bar near his apartment.His appearance made everyone excited, and everyone gathered around to ask him where he had been and what he had experienced in the past three months.

With a mysterious and proud smile, Zeng Xiaoxian invited everyone to reunite at his new residence.There, he recounted his legendary experience over the past three months in detail.It turned out that he chose to go to Vietnam because he heard that there was a mysterious meditation center there that could help people cleanse their souls and find inner peace.During his time in Vietnam, he experienced many adventures and challenges, and also gained many valuable experiences and insights.

When Zeng Xiaoxian learned that Yifei already had a very wealthy boyfriend, he couldn't help but feel jealous.He once deeply loved Yifei. Although the wrong kiss incident made him feel guilty and lost, he never really let go of his feelings for her.Now that he saw Yifei with another man, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

The weekend sun shines lazily into the love apartment through the gaps in the curtains.For most people, this is a long-awaited rest day, but for Xiaoxian, it is a day full of unknowns and surprises.

Amid everyone's calls and expectations, Xiaoxian decided to move back to the love apartment.This is not only a nostalgia for the past, but also a new expectation for future life.Meijia and Guangu, as the warm-hearted people in the apartment, are duty-bound to help Xiaoxian move things.However, in the process, they accidentally discovered a strange-looking creature!

The creature quickly became the center of attention in the apartment with its astonishing growth rate.It was running around, seemingly curious about everything around it.While everyone was surprised, they were also full of curiosity and speculation about this mysterious creature.What exactly is this creature?Where does it come from?What changes will it bring to the apartment?

Episode 14

At the same time, Zi Qiao still maintains his daily routine of picking up girls.Whether in a bar or online, he's always looking for his next target.This time, however, his plan doesn't seem to be going smoothly.Yifei pretended to be a netizen and cleverly sabotaged Ziqiao's dating plan, making him miss it.Although Zi Qiao was a little disappointed, he did not give up and still maintained his optimism and humor.

But this weekend, Yifei did not go on a date with Mr. Shen, but started a unique egg-fried rice cooking competition with Wanyu.Two competitive women started a fierce battle in the kitchen.Zhan Bo was recruited by Yifei to serve as the referee. He sat at the dining table and watched the two ladies busy in the kitchen, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

This cooking competition is not just a simple competition, but also a reflection of the friendship and competition between two women.They show their talents and charm through cooking skills, and at the same time enjoy the happiness and satisfaction in the process.Although Zhanbo was a bit dull, he was also infected by this atmosphere and couldn't help but cheer for the two ladies.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

The night falls, the stars twinkle, but the love apartment is a bustling scene.Tonight, a unique party will be held here, and the instigator of all this is none other than the naughty guy in the apartment - Zi Qiao.

Zi Qiao has always attracted the attention of many girls with his unique charm, and tonight, he took this opportunity to invite many beauties to his home for a carnival.In order to deceive others, he even borrowed the community's elderly amateur art troupe to perform, drawing other people's attention elsewhere.

Episode 15

However, Meijia accidentally learned the voicemail Ada left for Zhanbo and learned about tonight's party.She decided to stay and find out, so she pretended to be sick in an attempt to sneak into the party.However, her little trick did not escape Yifei's discerning eye.

Yifei, Zhanbo and Ziqiao fell ill at the same time, which aroused everyone's suspicion.In the end, Ziqiao's conspiracy was exposed in public, and he had to tell what happened at the party at night.After learning the truth, everyone was very excited and expressed their intention to join the carnival.

Ada and her party arrived at the love apartment on time, and their arrival added an exotic atmosphere to the party.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Ziqiao's friend accidentally lost Hu Yifei's DV player, which caused quite a stir in the circle of friends.Zhanbo, Guangu and others were also involved and could not stay out of the matter.After Ziqiao learned the news, he decided to go to DV's missing swimming pool to search for it himself.

When he put on an exaggerated swimsuit and prepared to search in the water, he was greeted by his long-lost godfather, Alexandre Dumas, who had returned from traveling.The meeting between father and son was a joyous occasion.Dumas' humorous conversation and charming temperament quickly won the love of everyone present.However, Zi Qiao was a little worried about this, worried that the appearance of Alexandre Dumas would bring more variables to this dispute.

Episode 16

At this moment, Hu Yifei came back and asked Zi Qiao about the DV.Alexandre Dumas was also present. After he understood the ins and outs of the whole incident, in order to make up for the losses caused by Zi Qiao to Hu Yifei, he generously wrote a check for 20,000 yuan.He said that in addition to being used to purchase a new DV player, the remaining money will be donated to Hu Yifei's school to support the development of education.

Hu Yifei expressed gratitude for Dumas's generosity, and Zi Qiao also breathed a sigh of relief.This dispute over the DV machine was successfully resolved through the mediation of Alexandre Dumas.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Wanyu is an intellectual and gentle woman, her eyes always reveal her keen observation of the world around her.During a chat with her friend Meijia, she learned that her friend Ziqiao had a new love and planned to break up with Annie.In Wanyu's view, Annie is not only smart and beautiful, but also has unique insights and experience in beauty.Such Anne is undoubtedly the envy of many people.

Wanyu knew very well the deep feelings between Annie and Zi Qiao. Considering her friendship with Annie, she decided to tell Annie the news in advance.When Anne heard the news, she was devastated and threatened to make Zi Qiao regret it.This kind of emotional catharsis makes people feel heartbroken for Anne.

Episode 17

The development of things is always unexpected.The next day, Zi Qiao suddenly regretted his decision, which surprised everyone.It turns out that the variables in love are always so unpredictable, and the emotional entanglement makes people unable to let go easily.

At the same time, in another corner of the city, Zhanbo also experienced ups and downs in the workplace.Due to Xiaoxian's carelessness, he wrote down the wrong interview time, and Zhanbo lost the interview opportunity he originally expected.However, as the saying goes, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. It didn't take long for Zhanbo to receive a more satisfying job opportunity.This makes people lament that the workplace is unpredictable, but there is always a path that suits you.

Yifei is preparing for the upcoming guest-Shen Linfeng.In order to please her boyfriend, Yifei asked Guangu about how to make Japanese food.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

One late night, Wanyu still didn't come back, leaving Zhanbo sitting on pins and needles at home, waiting anxiously for her return.

Just when Zhanbo was extremely anxious, Meijia ran into Wanyu at the elevator entrance, and she found that Wanyu was being harassed.After Zhan Bo heard the news, he immediately stepped forward and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty.However, in the chaos, he accidentally injured Wanyu's old classmate Atai.Meijia has always been hostile to Atai. She was worried that Atai had plots against Wanyu, so everyone decided to leave Wanyu and Atai alone to reminisce about the past, while they left first.

Atai's handsome and unrestrained appearance made Zhan Bo feel jealous. He didn't want the relationship between him and Wanyu to be shattered like this.However, when Zhanbo saw Atai again, he found that he was unconscious in bed, and Wanyu looked extremely flustered.This can't help but make Zhan Bo have more doubts about Artest: Is he really not a good person?

Episode 18

At the same time, Hu Yifei finally completed her drama after many days of hard training.She looked forward to receiving everyone's appreciation and blessings. However, Zeng Xiaoxian made sarcastic remarks about her drama work, which made Hu Yifei unhappy.

Zeng Xiaoxian decided to write and perform an interactive drama - The Death of Optimus Prime - overnight, and invited everyone to watch it.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

The atmosphere of Valentine's Day is gradually spreading in the city, and the roses and chocolates filling the streets seem to remind everyone that this is a day full of love.On this special day, Zhan Bo had a special wish in his heart - he hoped to give Wan Yu a special gift to express the deep emotions in his heart.

Zhanbo racked his brains for this gift.He knew that Wanyu's preferences were not easy to grasp, so he decided to ask Ziqiao for help.Although Zi Qiao usually seems careless, at critical moments, he can always come up with some unexpected ideas.This time, in order to make a small profit, he took the initiative to take on the task of finding gifts.

After some searching, Zi Qiao finally found an exquisite coat online at a high price.He placed the order without hesitation, hoping that the gift would bring good luck to Zhanbo.When the gift box was delivered to Wanyu's house, an unexpected misunderstanding quietly occurred.

Meijia, an observant girl, saw this gift by chance.She mistakenly thought that this was a Valentine's Day gift prepared by Zi Qiao for Wanyu, and she was infinitely moved in her heart.In her opinion, although Zi Qiao is usually careless, he has delicate emotions deep inside.This sudden tenderness made Meijia develop deeper feelings for Ziqiao.

Episode 19

Faced with Meijia's tenderness, Ziqiao hesitated.He knew that if he told the truth, he would not only hurt Meijia's feelings, but also make Zhanbo's plan fail.So, he decided to hide the truth for the time being and let this gift become a beautiful memory between them.

However, the development of things is often unexpected.Zhan Bo changed his mind at the last moment and decided to give Wanyu a more special gift.But when he learned that Meijia had tampered with Ziqiao's coat, he was in trouble for a while.He neither wanted to hurt Meijia's feelings, nor did he want Wanyu to receive inappropriate gifts.

In order to solve this problem, Zi Qiao had to find ways to raise money.He hopes to be able to compensate Zhanbo for the money he spent on the gifts, and at the same time, he also wants to find a solution that will not only satisfy Meijia but also surprise Wanyu.

《Ipartment Season 1》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

In a bustling city, there live several young people with different personalities.Among them, Zi Qiao, a young man with extraordinary wit, always comes up with some unexpected ideas.Zhanbo, on the other hand, is a dull and honest young man who always seems a little at a loss when it comes to emotional matters.Hu Yifei and Xiaoxian are a pair of happy enemies. The quarrels and reconciliations between them always make people laugh.

One day, Zi Qiao decided to teach Zhan Bo the secrets of pursuing girls, hoping to help him get rid of being single.As a result, Zi Qiao began to overturn his past love history and taught Zhan Bo how to get along with girls by his own example.However, due to Zhanbo's character, he was not able to use these skills well.By chance, Zhanbo confessed his love to Wanyu, but the result was not as beautiful as imagined.Wan Yu was baffled by Zhan Bo's confession. She excused herself and said she was going to Hong Kong tonight for work reasons, which made Zhan Bo feel disappointed.As a result, the two broke up unhappy, and Zhan Bo's mood fell to the bottom.

Episode 20

At the same time, Xiaoxian apologized to Yifei for his mistake in putting out the fire.However, Yifei didn't buy it. She thought Xiaoxian's apology was not sincere.At this moment, the community held a 3VS3 basketball game.Hu Yifei joined the boys' team without hesitation. Her strength and fighting spirit impressed everyone.After the game, Yifei suffered from a severe cold due to overexertion.Upon seeing this, Xiaoxian took the initiative to take on the responsibility of taking care of her.He took good care of Yifei and made her feel warm and caring.

On Valentine's Day night, a typhoon suddenly came and flights were canceled one after another.Zhanbo seized this opportunity and confessed to Wanyu again.This time, his confession finally succeeded.Wan Yu was moved by Zhan Bo's sincerity, and the two decided to get together.Zi Qiao, on the other hand, was slapped on the ground by a Tathagata palm from Meijia because he lost the bet.