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《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》 Summ

Kaito Tendo, the son of the chairman of Tendo Memorial Hospital, one of the few large hospitals in Japan, did not become a doctor due to a quarrel with his father. Instead, he worked as a reporter for a weekly magazine in a publishing house.Before proposing, he heard his father was involved in the incident and went to Paradise Memorial Hospital.Taking this as an opportunity, Kaito, who knew his father's true intentions, decided to fight against the power of the large hospital in order to retrieve the important things his father had built and to protect the people he loved...

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Tenten Memorial Hospital, Japan's leading large hospital.Tendo Kaito, the son of chairman Tomonobu Tendo, hates hospitals and his father and works at Shinei Publishing.On the night when Kaito was about to propose to his lover Asahina Haruge, Kaito received the news that Tomonobu was ill.

Kaito walked towards the hospital hesitantly.Walking into Tomonobu's ward, her aunt and dean Tendo Ichiko, her son Tendo Yuma, and the chief of surgery Ayukawa Kenji were all standing there.

Kaito looked pained.Late at night, Kaito hears about the new ward project from Tomonobu's secretary, Minoru Takamura.Chishin wants Kaito to be the director of the hospital and give him the project.Kaito strongly refuses.Haruge takes care of her younger sister Asahina Misaki, who suffers from heart disease, while working as a nurse at “Paradise Memorial Hospital”.The newly appointed doctor, Otomo Ikumi, came to Yang Yue's ward.

It is said that he is a famous cardiovascular surgeon who left many achievements in his previous hospital.On the other hand, Yang Yue told Kaito that if he seriously considered the future with me, he also wanted me to meet Kaito's father. Kaito made up his mind and went to the hospital.

However, Chinobu's condition suddenly deteriorated in the ward, and Ikumi was undergoing emergency treatment.Tomonobu's condition finally stabilizes and Ikuya greets Kaito.At this time, Zhixin woke up...Finally, Kaito's fate began to change drastically.

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

All important things were taken away!? On the day of the funeral of his father Tendo Tomonobu, Tenten Kaito was attacked.Five months later, he woke up in a clinic deep in the mountains.

On the day of his father Tomonobu Tendo's funeral, Kaito Tendo was attacked and lost consciousness.Five months later, he woke up in a clinic deep in the mountains.A call to her lover Asahina Haruge was rejected, so she went to a publishing house and was fired.Zhixin went to Tiantang Memorial Hospital, a large hospital where he serves as the chairman, and wanted to explain the situation to Yang Yue, who was a nurse, but the other party ignored him because he said "what happened now".During the period of unconsciousness, he lost his job and his lover.

At that time, the board of directors of Tendo Memorial Hospital announced a new structure, and Kaito's aunt, Tendo Ichiko, took office as the new chairman.Moreover, there is also Otomo Ikumi on the council...

Kaito returned to the apartment and looked at the message box.There were several messages sent by Yang Yue in it. The last sentence “I will put the key in the mailbox” ended, and Kaidou was stunned.At this time, Saya Kinoshita, a junior from the publishing house, came to visit.“If what the senior said is true, he must prove that he has been sleeping.”After listening to her words, Kaito and Saya went to the clinic together.The clinic that took several hours to arrive was empty, and even the bed where I slept in the morning was gone.The name of strong anesthesia was written on the IV bag that fell to the ground.Moreover, this clinic closed over 20 years ago.Kaito fell asleep by someone's hand...

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

In order to reveal Otomo Ikumi's true identity, Kaito came to work in the propaganda department of Paradise Memorial Hospital.Who is Ikumi? Who killed his father Tomonobu??

Tenten Kaito suspects that his father, Tenten Tomonobu, who was the former chairman of Tenten Memorial Hospital, was killed by Otomo Ikumi.In order to reveal Ikumi's true identity, Kaito bowed his head to his grandfather Koichiro Tendo who was the president and worked in the propaganda department of Tenten Memorial Hospital.Kaito, with the help of his cousin Tendo Yuma, who also works in the propaganda department, looks at the surveillance cameras from the day of Tomoshin's sudden death.As a result, he found that the images before and after the sudden change in his condition disappeared.Check the surveillance video and find Ikumi's name...

One day, the Tiantian clan held a dinner.For some reason, Ikumi also appeared there.Koichiro introduced the new plan for the new ward project proposed by Ikumi.This is not Zhixin’s long-cherished wish to establish a cardiovascular surgery center, but a preventive medical center.Ichiko Tendo, the aunt of the new Chairman KaitoDissatisfaction with Ikumi erupted, but Koichiro severely criticized Ichiko and sided with Ikumi.

On the other hand, Kaito's junior in publishing days, Kinoshita Saya, met Kaito's former lover Asahina Haruge during an interview.Saya told Yang Yue that Kaito had really been slept with for 5 months, but Yang Yue couldn't believe it.At this time, Kaito learned from the nurse that Ikuya was the doctor in charge of Uzuki's sister, Asahina Misaki, and that Ikuya and Uzuki were engaged.Who killed Tomoshin? And who is Ikumi...?

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Tenten Tendo Kaito slept for 5 months, and the mastermind behind the murder of Tenten Tendo Tomonobu, the former chairman of Tenten Memorial Hospital, was Kaito's aunt Tendo Ichiko.The news was leaked, and Kaito, who was doing publicity in the hospital, was forced to struggle to deal with it.The president of the hospital, Koichiro Tendo, called an emergency meeting.This is to elect a new chairman to replace Ichiko.I thought that Vice President Miwa Kosekai would be successfully elected, but Otomo Ikumi raised his hand, and the election of a new chairman will be held in 4 days.On the other hand, Kaito suspects that Ikumi has leaked internal information of the hospital to the media, and asks Kinoshita Saya, a junior from the publishing house era, to help obtain evidence.

Miwa appeared next to Kaito and said to him: “Let's get back the cardiovascular surgery project promoted by Toshin.” Kaito, who agreed with the proposal, suggested that the Minister of Pediatrics, Tetsuya Ogasawara, vote in three rounds, but was rejected.To such Kaito, ex-lover Asahina Haruge spoke to him...

Then, Haruge said that she hoped that through the cardiovascular surgery project, her sister Asahina Misaki could undergo surgery, and apologized for not believing in Kaito.Ikumi saw the two of them in the dark...

Kaito heard from Miwa that Ikumi had two directors.As long as Ikumi gets one more vote, he has no chance of winning in the three rounds.Kaito returns to Ogasawara again.What is the result of the new chairman election?

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Is the next chairman of the board Tendou Kaito or Otomo Ikumi... Asahina Haruge and Kinoshita Saya's respective love hearts have also undergone great changes.

Tenten Kaito participated in the chairman election in order to prevent Otomo Ikumi from becoming the chairman of Tenten Memorial Hospital.However, as the president, Koichiro Tendo said that he would suspend the election of chairman.The murder of Kaito's father, Tomonobu Tendo, caused a sensation in the media, and many supporters had their loans revoked.Koichiro appointed the person who got the loan within a week as the new chairman, and the project of the new ward building was also entrusted to the new chairman with full authority.

The aid workers were called together and a briefing session on the incident was held.Kaito greeted the executive of the medical device company, but was coldly rejected.On the other hand, Ikumi greeted the CEO of the investment fund and felt good.Kaito was restless.Ikumi's fiancé Asahina Harugetsu saw this scene and was accosted by Satake Tetsu...Moreover, the symptoms of Asahina Misaki, Harugetsu's younger sister, who suffers from heart disease, are getting worse.Although surgery is required, it is difficult to cope with the current equipment at Paradise Memorial Hospital.Yangyue's feelings are complicated because her fiancé Ikumi opposes the cardiovascular surgery project.

At this time, Kaito received a commitment from Usami Yoshimitsu, president of the Tokyo branch of a foreign bank.Kaito brings his junior from the publishing house era, Saya Kinoshita, to the banquet.After dinner, Usami and Saya, who had similar spirits, went to the bar where Usami often went.On the other hand, Kaito went to his usual izakaya, and Haruge came...

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Tenten Kaito, who won the battle with Otomo Ikya, became the chairman of Tenten Memorial Hospital.Kaito immediately embarked on the cardiovascular surgery plan, his father's long-cherished wish for Chairman Tendo Tomonobu.On the other hand, Ikuya has information about the scandal of Rays Capital, the investment fund Kaito received financing from.He leaked the news to a weekly magazine and made suggestions to the hospital's president, Koichiro Tendo: “ Kaito should be removed from the position of chairman before the matter gets bigger.”

Kaito had dinner with Saya Kinoshita, a junior from his publishing days, and learned about the scandal from a phone call from his secretary, Minoru Komura.I hurried back to the hospital and called Ryotaro Agawa from Reyscapital, but I couldn't get in touch.Kaito truthfully told Koichiro about the sponsor's scandal and apologized, but Koichiro smiled and told Kaito that there was no contract in the first place.According to Koichiro's judgment, the contract was broken in advance.

In addition, Koichiro also prepared new investors.“Produce results corresponding to this price!” Kaito was encouraged.

Meanwhile, Asahina Haruge's sister Misaki, who suffers from a heart attack, receives emergency treatment after suffering a heart attack.Although the situation is grim, hospitals lack the necessary equipment and may not be able to handle operations that are physically taxing.Yang Yue became increasingly uneasy.So, Kaito, who couldn't believe Ikuya, told Ikuya to withdraw from the project...

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Asahina Haruge's sister Misaki is undergoing surgery at Tenten Memorial Hospital.Misaki is in a dangerous state due to blood vessel bleeding.As a surgeon, Otomo Ikaya appealed to Chairman Tendo Kaito to stop the operation, but the surgery was successful because the chief surgeon, Chihiro Okada, cleverly escaped death.

Yangyue cried and thanked Kaito, and Kaito hugged Yangyue tenderly.Moreover, the success of Misaki's surgery and the launch of the cardiovascular surgery plan became big news because of Kaito's junior in publishing days, Kinoshita Saya.President Koichiro Tenten also expressed his condolences to Kaito in a happy mood.

While Haruge was taking care of Misaki in her hospital room, Ikuya showed up and planned to treat her arbitrarily.Kaito saw what he was like and stopped him and asked him to take a vacation.Ikuya confided in Kaito his need for the project, but Kaito ignored him on the grounds that Ikuya was just jealous of him.A few days later, Yozuki, who was worried about Misaki's high fever, discussed with Kaito to have Okada, the chief physician, check it out.

The next day, a press conference was held to announce the success of the operation and the announcement of the project.However, Misaki's fever rose and her pulse quickened.Haruge wanted Okada to see a doctor for her, but Okada went to the meeting with Kaito instead.Then... Misaki finally lost consciousness. The panicked Yozuki ran out of the room and wanted to call the doctor, but neither Okada nor Ikya was in the ward.At this time, the press conference at the press conference had already begun.

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Asahina Haruge's sister Misaki passed away.Tenten Kaito heard that something might have gone wrong during the operation.Kaito's decision is...

Asahina Haruge's sister Misaki passed away.Kaito Tendo, the chairman of Tendo Memorial Hospital, heard from doctor Yusuke Wakabayashi that the chief surgeon, Chihiro OkadaMaybe something went wrong during the surgery.Pathological autopsy can determine the cause of death.Wakabayashi called for a pathological autopsy to be conducted on Misaki's family before she was cremated.

Kaito told the president Koichiro Tendo the whole story, but was told to forget about it.Then, Kaito asked Okada about the medical error. Okada said that he was not at fault. Even if there was a mistake, it cannot be confirmed until now, so Kaito started to treat the next patient.

Kaito, who went to Uzuki's house, was shocked when he heard that surgeon Otomo Ikaya suggested Uzuki perform a pathological autopsy on the day Misaki died.Yangyue didn't want to hurt Misaki's body anymore and rejected Ikumi's proposal.

Yang Yue was worried whether her judgment was wrong.Later, a description of Misaki's death was posted on the hospital's homepage.It stated that the hospital was not at fault and the autopsy was not performed in accordance with the wishes of the bereaved family.Wakabayashi protested to Kaito, but Kaito retorted: “At this point, there is nothing I can do.”At that time, the publishing house where Kaito used to work received an email that Misaki's surgery might have been a medical error...

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Tenten Kaito is under investigation by Otomo Ikya for concealing suspicions of medical errors during Asahina Misaki's surgery.Then things took a turn for the worst.

Kaito Tendo, the chairman of Tendo Memorial Hospital, is under investigation by Ikumi Otomo for concealing suspicions of Asahina Misaki's medical errors.Kaito insists that the evidence in Ikumi's hand is not true.Doctor Wakabayashi Yusuke is forbidden by Kaito to reveal his doubts, and he is confused about whether it is appropriate to continue like this.President Tenten Koichiro told Kaito not to make a mistake in dealing with Wakabayashi, so Kaito invited him to a dinner party.Ruo Lin came to the restaurant, and his parents were also there.Kaito told his parents that he wanted to recommend Wakabayashi to be the deputy director of the center.Ruolin looked at his happy parents and couldn't say anything.

Kaito then invited Kinoshita Saya, a junior from the publishing house era, to his home.Saya wavers between liking Kaito and not being able to fully trust Kaito's feelings.Kaito's mobile phone received a message from his ex-girlfriend Asahina Haruge, "Can we meet tomorrow?" After seeing it, Saya asked "Will we go to a movie tomorrow?" Kaito lied and refused his invitation.

The next day, Yang Yue and Kaito went to China Town and ordered large portions of ramen, dumplings and rice.That was one of the things that her deceased sister Misaki left behind after she recovered.Uzuki told Kaito about the pain of Misaki not being around, and Kaito hugged Uzuki tightly.On the other hand, Wakabayashi accepted the position of deputy director of the center hesitantly, considering his pregnant wife and his parents who were happy for the promotion.Kaito was relieved with joy.At this time, Ikuya called Kaito out...

《Re:Revenge-At the end of desire》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Asahina Haruge heard the story about the death of her younger sister Misaki Asahina from Otomo Yuya, a doctor at Tenten Memorial Hospital.It is possible that Misaki died due to a medical error during the operation, and it is said that Chairman Tendo Kaito covered up this evidence.Haruge wants to confirm with Kaito, but Ikuya tells him to wait until next week's weekly magazine to publish a report about it.However, the following week's weekly magazine did not publish the relevant report.Kaito is steadily advancing the “cardiovascular surgery project” and embarking on the construction of a new ward building.

Yangyue went to see reporter Kinoshita Saya, but was told that she jumped from a tall building a week ago.At this time, Yusuke Wakabayashi, the doctor who was silenced by Kaito, asked Kaito about the weekly magazine report, but Kaito only said that the matter had been resolved.

Yangyue didn't think Saya jumped down, so she talked directly to Kaito.Yang Yue said that he met Saya before she jumped and heard everything.Kaito hides the medical error.Taking advantage of Saya's affection for Kaito.Kaito said it was all speculation and told him not to tell anyone else.Ikumi, who was brought in for discussion by Yang Yue, urgently convened a council meeting and questioned Kaito in front of the directors.For this reason, Wakabayashi's testimony is indispensable.Yang Yue visits Wakabayashi's home and asks him to testify at the council.Then the next day, an emergency council was convened...