Home TV The Farewell Song
《The Farewell Song》 Summ

Ma Zhuo was born in Ya'an, Yucheng. At the age of eight, his mother Lin Guoguo took him to Chengdu to live together. He grew up with Xia Gang's son Xia Ze. The two childhood sweethearts became each other's first love.Lin Guoguo and Xia Gang were accidentally involved in a bizarre murder case. From then on, Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze were emotionally dislocated and their fate was twists and turns. They searched for the truth about their fathers amidst dangers and thorns.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Ma Zhuo woke up from a disturbing nightmare at five o'clock in the morning. At this moment, she had just finished her studies in Shanghai. As an intellectual, she had successfully returned to her hometown of Linjiang.After attending a meeting, she reunited with several familiar elders. However, facing the familiar but slightly unfamiliar faces around her, Ma Zhuo felt an indescribable sense of alienation in her heart.Despite this, everyone still enthusiastically welcomed her and talked about the pleasant scenery around the city center.

Although he was in a happy atmosphere, Ma Zhuo knew that he would have to deal with some difficult things when he returned.In this regard, Mr. Xiao expressed his willingness to lend a helping hand at any time and provide necessary help to Ma Zhuo.Later, Ma Zhuo met another female acquaintance. She took the initiative to say hello, but the other party's reaction was quite cold and she responded only out of politeness.The three of them came to the reserved restaurant to eat together. Mr. Xiao tried to ease the slightly awkward atmosphere and suggested that everyone order whatever they wanted.However, even though we were gathering with long-lost friends, there was still an invisible barrier permeating the dining table, making the entire party atmosphere slightly depressing.

On the way back after the meal, Ma Zhuo accidentally caught a glimpse of Xia Ze, her childhood sweetheart, in the car.This situation can't help but bring back Ma Zhuo's memories of the two people's past in 2006.At that time, they were both students, and Ma Zhuo made a special trip to watch Xia Ze's boxing match.While the people around her were cheering, she rushed to the ring worriedly and tried to dissuade Xia Ze.Although others were indifferent, she still went alone, but after her reminder, Xia Ze turned around and left with a smile.The two then had dinner together, but Xia Ze was obviously disturbed by the game and had no appetite at all.

After dinner, they rode home, but Ma Zhuo's mother suddenly appeared.To avoid further questioning, they pretended that nothing had happened and went home.After her mother left, she took off her sunglasses and earnestly persuaded Ma Zhuo to put on the clothes she had prepared for the party the next day.However, Ma Zhuo had no interest in such social activities and only wanted to concentrate on his studies.Faced with her daughter's stubbornness, her mother suddenly lost control of her emotions and severely accused Ma Zhuo of becoming useless by being associated with Xia Ze.

Despite his mother's strong objections, Ma Zhuo still insisted on accompanying his friends through the trough period after the exam, drinking milk tea and sharing their thoughts together.Later, she got her wish and spent happy time with Xia Ze again.On the other side, Xia Hua had a dispute with her parents because of her desire to open a hot pot restaurant, and even suffered unreasonable harassment from outsiders.At a critical moment, Xia Ze stepped forward to protect his sister, but accidentally injured her sister, causing the police to intervene.Ma Zhuo could only watch Xia Ze being taken away by the police car, with mixed feelings in his heart.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

As time goes by, Xia Ze and his sister Xia Hua jointly run a hot pot restaurant named “Wai Meier”.With the hard work of the two people, the store business is booming day by day.One day, when Xia Ze was busy alone in the store, he heard someone else mention his sister's abnormal condition. He immediately put down what he was doing and hurried to deal with the trouble.In order to calm the situation, Xia Ze promised to entertain the other party in the future and pointed out that his sister's behavior was abnormal.The troublemakers present saw this and chose to stop and leave.Afterwards, Xia Ze decisively pulled his sister to the kitchen and sternly warned her not to act recklessly, otherwise the hot pot restaurant might not be able to survive.However, Xia Hua turned a deaf ear to this. After an argument between the two parties, Xia Ze returned to the front desk to serve customers.

At this moment, Ma Zhuo, who was sitting in the car, was silently paying attention to everything in the store, with mixed feelings in his heart.She chose to keep a low profile and quietly observed Xia Ze's busy figure without revealing her whereabouts.Soon, store staff noticed Ma Zhuo's presence, but she had quietly driven away and was nowhere to be found when she was chased out.

The tired Xia Ze returned to the room and dug out the letters Ma Zhuo had sent him.Those letters were full of care and encouragement, especially when he was arrested and imprisoned for the injury incident. Ma Zhuo's words gave him hope and comforted him not to fall into self-blame because of the past.Looking back on his memories, Xia Ze's thoughts drifted back to that hot summer day, when Ma Zhuo used a letter to support him through the difficult years.

At the same time, Ma Zhuo was admitted to Shanghai University of Political Science and Law with excellent results and had a bright future.After serving his sentence, Xia Ze returned home with his bags on his back.Although his family welcomed him happily, they could not help but compare him with the academically successful Ma Zhuo, hoping that he could imitate his sister.Faced with his father's harsh criticism, Ma Zhuo stood up, affirmed Xia Ze's merits, and defended him.However, Xia Ze encountered unfairness on the way to find a job. He was repeatedly rejected and bullied due to his own experience, and was never able to find a stable job.

Upon seeing this, his father personally came forward to find a job opportunity for Xia Ze. However, he was humiliated by Jasmine in a company and left angrily. He went to the river alone to meditate.Upon learning that Xia Ze decided to return to the boxing gym, Ma Zhuo understood deeply and rushed there without hesitation, picking up his schoolbag.Upon arrival, she walked straight onto the ring, put down her backpack, and faced the opponent in front of her.When the other party saw that it was Ma Zhuo, she wanted to give up the competition, but Ma Zhuo's determined eyes told the other party that there was no need to be merciful, and that she was ready to accept the challenge.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo had a boxing duel.Facing Ma Zhuo's aggressive offensive, Xia Ze chose to dodge, and the surrounding audience urged him to fight back.However, Xia Ze did not fight back, but Ma Zhuo was not disturbed by the bystanders and attacked decisively, knocking Xia Ze to the ground in a short time.Seeing Xia Ze's poor condition, the bystanders started talking about it.Xia Ze stood up to fight back amid the shouts of the crowd, but when he was about to hit Ma Zhuo, he suddenly stopped.Ma Zhuo took advantage of his unpreparedness and punched Xia Ze fiercely.Xia Ze quickly counterattacked and suppressed Ma Zhuo to the ground, winning warm cheers from the audience.

After the game, Xia Ze revealed that he did not want to go home, knowing that his parents would be worried about it.He told Ma Zhuo to return to Shanghai as soon as possible to continue his studies.Ma Zhuo proposed to watch the stars together, but Xia Ze refused because he was in a depressed mood and wanted to leave on the grounds that it might rain.Ma Zhuo had anticipated this and carried an umbrella with him.She told Xia Ze that when she was a child in Ya'an, she longed for her mother to come and pick her up every rainy day. Her feeling of hoping that the weather would clear after the rain made her feel the same and almost shed tears.Xia Ze took off his coat and gave it to Ma Zhuo, hoping that she would never look back after leaving.Ma Zhuo understands that Xia Zeruo doesn't want to stay here. With his talent, he can make a difference wherever he goes.She encouraged Xia Ze to face the twists and turns of life, and that every experience is the only way to grow.

Although Xia Ze did not fully understand, he still felt that Ma Zhuo's words were quite reasonable.As the two interacted, Ma Zhuo noticed a subtle affection developing between them.On the occasion of separation, Ma Zhuo took the initiative to kiss Xia Ze, and the two looked at each other and smiled, showing their reluctance.When Ma Zhuo returned home, he found that his mother was still asleep and was questioned about her whereabouts.Ma Zhuo tried to avoid questioning by being coquettish, but her mother solemnly told her that her future love partner must obtain her consent and must have a master's degree.Ma Zhuo pretended not to hear and quietly avoided.Despite this, Ma's mother was aware of what Ma Zhuo was hiding.The brief time Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze spent together was full of joy.

Xia Ze heard that his master was willing to teach him cooking skills. He was grateful and determined to endure any hardships.Master encouraged him to regain his confidence and fight together with Ma Zhuo.Facing the teasing from his best friend, Ma Zhuo seriously expressed his preference for humorous people.At this time, Yu Anduo confessed that he liked Xia Ze, which made Ma Zhuo speechless for a moment. He was afraid of hurting his friend, so he had to deal with it vaguely.Xia Ze heard that his master had traveled to Mexico and deeply admired his knowledge.Xiao Zhe was shy towards Ma Zhuo, while Yu Anduo enthusiastically brought the two together.Xiao Zhe thinks Shanghai is acceptable, mainly because he wants to fulfill his father's wish.When Ma Zhuo mentioned going to a second-hand bookstore, Xiao Zhe expressed his willingness to go with him, but Yu Anduo felt that he was too dull and did not fit in well with Ma Zhuo.Ma Zhuo made an excuse to go to the bathroom and met Xia Ze by chance, and the two started talking.When Yu Anduo came to see Ma Zhuo, she bumped into her and Xia Ze together. She misunderstood that Ma Zhuo was laughing at her and felt resentful. She thought that Ma Zhuo, whom she had regarded as a close friend for many years, had now become a joke.

Ma Zhuo explained to Xia Ze that Yu Anduo was dissatisfied because he was not told about their relationship.Xia Ze is nervous about meeting his parents for the first time.However, when he witnessed his father and Ma Zhuo's mother presenting their marriage certificate, he was shocked to find that they were married, which meant that his relationship with Ma Zhuo changed from lovers to brothers and sisters.Ma Zhuo found it difficult to accept this, thinking that his mother both despised Xia Ze and insisted on marrying Uncle Xia.Facing Ma Zhuo's questioning, her mother slapped her angrily.Ma Zhuo left sadly, and Xia Ze looked at his father. The latter did not express his position, but his heart was heavy. He sat alone in the courtyard, silently calming down his chaotic emotions.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Xia Ze was about to go to the market to buy ingredients for his master. Seeing that Xia Ze was about to leave, Ma Zhuo hurriedly called him and asked him why he had deliberately avoided him recently.Xia Ze knew in his heart that the marriage between his father and Ma Zhuo's mother was a foregone conclusion and could not be changed.Ma Zhuo has doubts about this. She firmly believes that there is a hidden secret behind the union between her mother and Uncle Xia. After all, her mother has never mentioned Uncle Xia's existence for many years.Xia Ze is well aware of his father's deep affection for Ma Zhuo's mother for a long time, but he feels powerless when faced with Ma Zhuo's proposal to give in, accept the status quo, and continue to love Xia Ze.Xia Ze knew that the twists and turns in the first half of his life had already dragged down his father. He did not want his father to suffer because of him anymore. He understood that he could not do whatever he wanted, let alone abandon his father and sister.

Xia Ze knows very well that his father has raised his two siblings alone for many years, and now he cannot be too selfish.Ma Zhuo heard the rejection in Xia Ze's words.Although Xia Ze believes that time may dilute everything, and Ma Zhuo may gradually forget himself in the new environment, he still feels pain in his heart every time he sees Ma Zhuo's leaving figure.Ma Zhuo was indifferent to the luggage that his mother had carefully prepared for him. He thought that his mother did not need to bother so much and he was not grateful.Ma Zhuo's mother believed that she had completed her mission and successfully trained her daughter to become a college student, worthy of her late husband's spirit.However, Ma Zhuo felt that her mother often used this as a bargaining chip to put pressure on her.Xiao Zhe came to pick up Ma Zhuo and leave. Ma Zhuo got into the car without hesitation, not noticing his mother who was following silently behind him.Xia Ze watched Ma Zhuo leave, feeling full of reluctance, but knowing that he could not stop Ma Zhuo from pursuing a higher goal.When Yu Dekai saw Ma Zhuo returning, he happily invited her to visit the office, mistakenly believing that Ma Zhuo would not return again.

Ma Zhuo quickly changed the topic and praised Yu Anduo's stylish recording studio.Yu Dekai complained that Yu Anduo was out all day long and even having dinner had to make a reservation in advance.Ma Zhuo asked about Xia Gang's current situation, and Yu Dekai regretfully informed that there was still no news about Xia Gang. Ma Zhuo expressed his willingness to continue waiting.Xiao Zhe was quite disgusted with her father's control. When Ma Zhuo asked if she needed help, she declined Xiao Zhe's kindness and expressed her gratitude for his help.Xiao Zhe secretly took a few photos while Ma Zhuo was stretching. After being discovered by Ma Zhuo, the two agreed to meet on the rooftop.Xiao Zhe proposed to visit Officer Geng together on Saturday.Officer Geng was very pleased to see Ma Zhuo, but regretfully told her that even though seven years had passed, there were still no clues about Xia Gang.

Ma Zhuo stared at the photo of his mother, and his thoughts drifted back to his childhood, recalling the past when his uncle imprisoned and beat his mother.She missed the first time she met her mother, which was also the first time she met Xia Ze who was being bullied.When he first arrived, Ma Zhuo once asked his mother why she was only caring about him now, and he felt a trace of resentment towards his mother in his heart.She remembered that her mother placed her in the house and then left alone without leaving a word.Xia Ze once had a fierce conflict with a group of enemies. Since he was outnumbered, he relied on his agility to take advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness and hid in Ma Zhuo's house to avoid disaster. The two truly got to know each other.

Ma Zhuo witnessed his mother returning home drunk and guessed that she might not have been able to see her uncle.Her mother comforted Ma Zhuo, saying that her uncle would never cause trouble, and solemnly promised to take good care of her in the future. She taught her that money is both a necessity in life and may also bring disaster. She promised not to let Ma Zhuo be trapped by money in the future, andShe is guaranteed to receive adequate financial support.Ma Zhuo knew his mother's sincerity well and was moved in his heart, so he considerately handed her a cup of herbal tea.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Because Xiao Ma Zhuo came from Linjiang, his accent had not improved yet, so he was left alone with the teacher to tutor him. After teaching him many times, he could not correct his accent, and the teacher was a little angry.Also when playing with his classmates, Xiao Ma Zhuo was often laughed at by his classmates for being stupid, because Xiao Ma Zhuo didn't learn anything when he was with his uncle, and it was difficult for him to adapt to everything here.The classmates also laughed at Xiao Ma Zhuo and said that Xiao Ma Zhuo was a flower from the countryside and stayed with men all day long. Xiao Ma Zhuo was very angry after hearing this. She was very angry that these people said that her mother often hangs out with men.But the opponent had a large number of people, so Xiao Ma Zhuo was injured.

Ma Zhuo's mother was very angry when she saw her daughter being bullied at school. It was obvious that these parents were bothering her and they still wanted to reason with her. She directly said that her child had learned kung fu and had learned one-finger Zen after six years of further study. She told the parents that it was easy toThe children were injured and then said they would take their daughter home to teach her a lesson.Xiao Ma Zhuo is happy that her mother stood up for herself in front of others.Ma Zhuo's mother told Ma Zhuo not to fight and bought food for Xiao Ma Zhuo. Xiao Ma Zhuo also felt that he was not wrong. They were the ones who told his mother first.

Ma Zhuo's mother comforted her daughter that she would definitely help her daughter when she was bullied in the future.Ma Zhuo was sent to Xia Ze's home by his mother to learn boxing. Xia Ze enthusiastically encouraged Ma Zhuo to practice boxing.In this way, Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze established a profound friendship.When Ma Zhuo saw Xia Ze being beaten, he would come to Xia Ze's rescue and apply medicine to Xia Ze.Xia Ze was a little jealous when he saw that his father doted on Ma Zhuo very much. Chen Guoguo saw that Xia Ze felt uncomfortable and hurriedly told Xia's father intentionally or unintentionally that Xia Ze won first place in the school sports meeting. Xia Ze heard his father praising him for being very good.Happy.

Seeing his father's happy expression, Xia Ze took the opportunity to ask his father not to hit him again. Xia Ze's father smiled and patted Xia Ze's head dotingly.Ma Zhuo also praised Xia Ze, and Ma's mother also praised that everyone in the family is both civilized and military. They are really both civilized and military. These people were very happy to take pictures together.Ma Zhuo's mother is very indifferent to her and very kind to Xia Hua. She feels that her mother is annoying her now and even regrets taking her out.Ma Zhuo's mother also felt that this child was really going too far, and it was ultimately her fault that she spent money on her.

Ma Zhuo was sulking alone by the river. Xia Ze knew that Ma Zhuo was not in a good mood, and even said that he wanted to treat Ma Zhuo to a meal, but Ma Zhuo was forcefully dragged away.Xia Ze also had difficulties in enlightening Ma Zhuo and Ma Zhuo's mother, and wanted to make Ma Zhuo think more openly.Ma's mother was very worried about Ma Zhuo. Seeing that Ma Zhuo came back and confessed her mistake, Ma's mother hugged her daughter. Ma Zhuo would think of this and secretly made up his mind in front of his mother's grave to find Xia Gang and give his mother an explanation.

Ma Zhuo looked like Xia Ze, so people quickly followed Xia Ze.Xia Ze came here to find Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang seriously asked Xia Ze why Xia Hua didn't come and whether he didn't want to recognize his father.Brother Zhang kept provoking Xia Ze and asked Xia Ze to kill him and then find his father who killed him and live a comfortable life.Xia Ze suppressed his anger and asked Brother Zhang what he wanted to do. Brother Zhang asked Xia Ze to close the hot pot restaurant. Xia Ze disagreed and the two waves of people started fighting. Ma Zhuo happened to arrive and saw those people and quickly called the police, hoping that they would leave.Unconsciously, he chased the two of them and started fighting.

Xia Ze ran away with Ma Zhuo. Ma Zhuo asked indifferently whether Xia Ze was still driving this car. Xia Ze told Ma Zhuo that he had not changed over the years, but Ma Zhuo had changed.Ma Zhuo couldn't believe that Xia Gang didn't contact Xia Ze.Xia Ze said that if he could find his father, he would call the police and let the police handle the matter. He was always thinking of doing everything possible to make up for Ma Zhuo.Ma Zhuo felt that there were no people left.Those compensations were of no use at all. Seeing Xia Ze carrying the necklace she gave him, Ma Zhuo trembled slightly in his heart.

Ma Zhuo was brought home by Xia Ze. Ma Zhuo didn't understand why the blind man still lived here.Xia Ze said that it was for the convenience of his father to go home.

Xia Hua was also very reserved, and Ma Zhuo knew that they had visited her mother's grave.Xia Hua told them that she had a boyfriend at the time and was scared away when she heard that her father was a murderer.Ma Zhuo wanted to see what Xia Gang left behind.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Ma Zhuo never expected that Xia Ze would carefully preserve those old yellowed photos. When she saw these images, her heart was cut like a knife.Although Xia Ze always believed that his father had true love for Ma Zhuo's mother and believed that he would never do anything that betrayed his feelings and that there must be something unspeakable behind it, Ma Zhuo was skeptical.Back in 2008, Ma Zhuo was studying on campus and Xiao Zhe invited him to have dinner.At first, Ma Zhuo was quite resistant, but in the face of Xiao Zhe's enthusiasm, she was unable to refuse.

During the dinner, Xiao Zhe was full of praise for Shanghai. Ma Zhuo realized Xiao Zhe's love for this city and thought it was completely different from Linjiang.Xiao Zhe revealed that Yu Anduo actually valued his friendship with Ma Zhuo very much. Just as Yu Anduo was about to go to Shanghai, he hoped to take this opportunity to get the two of them together to repair or enhance their relationship.Ma Zhuo, however, believed that after experiencing something, the relationship between them had deteriorated and there was no need to meet.Xiao Zhe sincerely pointed out that the reason why Yu Anduo had a sense of distance and worry about gains and losses was because Ma Zhuo rarely shared his heart with her, making her feel neglected.Ma Zhuo said that he was not ready to face it yet and suggested that we discuss it later.At this time, Xia Ze was learning cooking from his master, especially a dish of braised pork.Master noticed Xia Ze's deep concern for Ma Zhuo, and Xia Ze also determined that Ma Zhuo liked this dish.Ma Zhuo was writing a letter to his mother, lamenting that the time spent with her was the most beautiful and missed the aroma of hot pot at home.

Xia Ze had a drink with his master. The master knew that although Xia Ze was in Linjiang, his heart was in Shanghai. He advised him to understand that to capture a woman's heart, capture her stomach first, and encouraged him to see the reality clearly.Be brave and pursue.When Ma Zhuo was concentrating on studying, he learned that someone was looking for him. He ran out of the classroom excitedly, only to find that Xia Ze looked sulky.She deliberately pretended to ignore Xia Ze, but Xia Ze didn't mind and kept talking about his recent situation.Ma Zhuo blamed Xia Ze for not contacting him for a long time. Xia Ze explained that he had been in prison and did not want to damage Ma Zhuo's reputation.However, Ma Zhuo made it clear that he didn't care.Xia Ze hugged Ma Zhuo tightly and expressed his love for her affectionately. Ma Zhuo was moved and happily accepted Xia Ze, and the two shared a sweet time.Xia Ze boldly expressed his love on the street, which made Ma Zhuo shy. The two were so immersed in happiness that they forgot the time and had to stay outside for one night.

Xia Ze seemed quite nervous and admitted that he was physically and mentally exhausted during these days. Ma Zhuo knew that they both cared about each other.Xia Ze looks forward to making enough money to open a restaurant in Shanghai one day, and will invite Ma Zhuo's classmates to taste it together.The two were fascinated by the blueprint for the future.However, a phone call broke the tranquility, and Ma Zhuo learned that his mother had met with misfortune.She suddenly felt dizzy, and Xia Ze accompanied her back home.Unexpectedly, Ma Zhuo would see his mother in the morgue. He could not accept the fact that his mother passed away suddenly, and his thoughts drifted back to the good times he spent with his mother, as if it was yesterday.In the chaos, Ma Zhuo was shocked when she heard the police mention that her mother's death seemed to be related to Xia Gang.Yu Dekai comforted her distressedly.

Ma Zhuo is full of inner conflicts and doesn't know how to face Xia Ze, and Xia Ze cannot understand Ma Zhuo's inner struggle.Ma Zhuo once again expressed to Xia Ze that she really couldn't accept the bad news of her mother's death at the moment.Xia Ze tried his best to comfort Ma Zhuo, promising that everything would get better when his father returns.However, what was waiting was the police coming to the door, and Xia Ze was stunned for a moment.When he heard the police mention Xia Gang for investigation, Ma Zhuo knew that he must reveal the cruel truth to Xia Ze at this moment.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

When Xia Ze heard someone knocking on the door, he thought it was his father who was back. When he opened the door, he was dumbfounded. Officer Geng brought a group of people to find Xia Gang. Before Xia Ze could recover, Officer Geng took out a search warrant and asked to enter the house.During the search, Xia Ze didn't think about anything at the time. Ma Zhuo sat in the back feeling conflicted and looking forward to it. She desperately wanted to know the truth, but she was afraid that it would really be related to Xia Gang.Xia Ze asked Officer Geng what happened to his father. Officer Geng did not answer Xia Ze's question directly, but asked Xia Ze when he last saw Xia Gang. Xia Ze felt a little strange after answering seriously.When he heard Officer Geng asking Xia Hua, Ma Zhuo also came over, his face expressionless and indifferent.

Officer Geng asked Xia Hua if it was possible to contact Xia Gang. Xia Ze said that he didn't know either. When Officer Geng heard his accomplices say that Xia Gang had not been found, he told Xia Ze meaningfully that if Xia Gang came back, Xia Ze should inform him immediately., if you know and fail to report, you will be jointly and severally liable.Xia Ze was confused and seemed to understand something.Officer Geng learned that his colleague had found the murder weapon. Based on the examination of Chen Guoguo's body, Officer Geng deduced that the murderer had too much resentment in his heart and stabbed the body several times.Officer Geng still wanted to know the news about Xia Gang. After visiting residents, he learned that Xia Gang drove the car directly to the direction of the crime scene, but further verification is still needed.

Officer Geng realizes that all clues currently point to Xia Gang, and the top priority is to find him.Xia Ze kept calling Xia Gang. Ma Zhuo was upset when she saw Xia Ze nearby. She told Xia Ze bluntly that the police meant that Xia Gang killed his mother and ran away. Xia Ze felt that the matter had not been finalized yet.There is no reason to misunderstand my father like this.Ma Zhuo felt that Xia Ze had no brains, and Xia Ze felt that Xia Gang would never do such a thing. Ma Zhuo suddenly became angry and said very hurtful words. Now she feels that it is difficult for Xia Ze's family to think like this if they want to fight and kill all day long., after all, Xia Ze also went to jail for this.

Xia Ze was hurt when he heard that Ma Zhuo thought this way. Ma Zhuo also realized that what he said was wrong and left silently.Ma Zhuo returned home and worked hard to clean the room, trying to recall the traces left by Chen Guoguo, but now she realized that this mother had become very important in her heart.Xia Hua came back after getting the news, and felt distressed when she saw Xia Ze's appearance.Xia Hua didn't want this either, but she didn't believe that Xia Gang would kill someone. She knew that she had been the one causing trouble for so many years, and now that she thought about it, she felt sorry for Xia Ze.

Xia Hua feels that what Ma Zhuo needs most now is Xia Ze to cheer up Xia Ze. Ma Zhuo knows that Xia Ze is outside, but she is really complicated and conflicted when facing Xia Ze.Ma Zhuo regretted not taking a good look at Chen Guoguo when he left.Ma Zhuo originally wanted to talk to Xia Ze, but after hearing the news broadcast, Ma Zhuo went completely crazy. Now when she sees Xia Ze, she will think of Xia Gang.Xia Ze promised Ma Zhuo that he would definitely find Xia Gang and give Ma Zhuo an explanation.

Ma Zhuo and Xiao Zhe came to Yu Anduo for dinner. Ma Zhuo saw Xia Ze's master Hu Wan subconsciously feeling a little uncomfortable. When he was about to order, Xia Ze appeared. Ma Zhuo pretended not to see Xia Ze.Xia Ze deliberately pretended that nothing was wrong and came to feed Ma Zhuo.Yu Anduo was very happy to chat with Xia Ze. She pretended to be smart and asked about the necklace on Xia Ze.Mistake after mistake, Ma Zhuo actually knew that Xia Ze said these words to himself on purpose.

Ma Zhuo told Xia Ze intentionally or unintentionally that some things would disappear over time. Looking at the street in front of him, he no longer recognized it.Xiao Zhe knew that Ma Zhuo was feeling uncomfortable and sent Xia Ze away. Xiao Zhe told Xia Ze that he was doing it for Ma Zhuo's own good. After all, Ma Zhuo's life now has no connection with Xia Ze.Yu Anduo saw that Ma Zhuo was feeling uncomfortable, and told Ma Zhuo through alcohol that her home was her home.When Ma Zhuo went out to eat in the morning, Yu Anduo's mother's attitude changed drastically after she found out that Ma Zhuo was Chen Guoguo's daughter, which made Ma Zhuo very sad.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Back in 2000, Yu Dekai held a birthday party for Yu Anduo, and there were many guests present.In fact, the relationship between Jasmine and Yu Dekai is not as loving as everyone sees. There seems to be an invisible distance.It was also at this birthday party that Yu Anduo, Xiao Zhe and Xia Zema Zhuo met for the first time.While everyone was eating, Chen Guoguo came on stage and sang a song to wish Yu Anduo a happy birthday. At that time, Jasmine saw Chen Guoguo's face suddenly changed, and she was very resistant to her daughter being close to Chen Guoguo.

Yu Anduo could actually tell that her mother didn't like Chen Guoguo very much. When she came out and saw Xia Zema Zhuo and the others boxing, she came over and wanted to join them.Unexpectedly, she was forcefully pulled away by Jasmine who had just arrived. Jasmine was afraid that these two people would bully her daughter.Sean saw that Ma Zhuo actually worked in his company and had some experience. He really didn't want Ma Zhuo to be here, so he quietly told Yu Dekai that Ma Zhuo was not like that here and would be gossiped about by outsiders.Yu Dekai felt that Ma Zhuo was here as a special fate and had no other meaning.

Yu Anduo invited Xia Ze over when he was about to release a new album, hoping to get Ma Zhuo and the others to sit down together and have a frank talk.Xiao Zhe envied Ma Zhuo for being able to do what he wanted to do, but he was controlled by his father and felt depressed. In fact, what he really wanted to do was music.Xiao Zhema Zhuo also came to the live performance of Yu Anduo's new album.Xia Ze was sitting behind Ma Zhuo and Xiao Zhe. Seeing the interaction between Ma Zhuo and Xiao Zhe, Xia Ze felt very sad.

Xiao Zhe warned Xia Ze not to appear in front of Ma Zhuo for the time being, and if it was really for Ma Zhuo's good, don't make Ma Zhuo sad again.When Ma Zhuo heard that Xia Ze had also come to the scene, he felt a little uncomfortable because of what happened when he was a child. In addition, he heard Yu Anduo say that many people were invited to dinner. Ma Zhuo, who was afraid of society, decided to leave first. While waiting for the bus, Xia ZeSeeing Ma Zhuo driving the car in front of Ma Zhuo and letting Ma Zhuo get in, Ma Zhuo looked indifferent.

Xia Ze asked Xiao Zhe why he let Ma Zhuo go home by himself.Ma Zhuo did not answer Xia Ze's question, but asked why Xia Ze sent flowers to Yu Anduo.Xia Ze was speechless.Yu Anduo could see that Xiao Zhe was still worried about Ma Zhuo. Xiao Zhe saw Yu Anduo making fun of him and said coldly no.Yu Anduo looked at Xiao Zhe's indifferent expression and asked Xiao Zhe if he wanted to be an assist.Xiao Zhe refused. He didn't want Yu Anduo to tell his father what happened when he was a child. To be honest, he was still a little afraid of his father.

Ma Zhuo had mixed feelings when she saw Xia Ze bringing her here to eat her childhood meal. She could only pretend that she didn't pay attention to anything, but her attitude towards Xia Ze changed.Ma Zhuo wanted to tell Xia Ze that he saw Yu Anduo's mother had a strange attitude yesterday, but he paused just as he was about to say it.As soon as Xiao Zhe made an appointment with Ma Zhuo, his father told him that something had happened and asked him to postpone the appointment. He was also warned not to be with Ma Zhuo.Xiao Zhe wanted to tell his father that Ma Zhuo was actually a very good girl, but his father told him that Ma Zhuo was a very scheming person and asked him to stay away from Ma Zhuo. Xiao Zhe wanted to resist his father but still did not have the courage to speak out.

Yu Dekai asked Sean how his recent project was going, and then intentionally or unintentionally asked how the Xia family's two children were doing. He heard that a new hot pot restaurant was opened. Yu Dekai didn't say anything, but after get off work When he was young, he secretly went to a hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot. Xia Ze was also very happy to see Yu Dekai coming.Xia Ze asked Yu Dekai if there was anything wrong. He was very concerned about whether Yu Dekai had found the news about Xia Gang. Xia Ze originally wanted to refuse Yu Dekai's help, but was stopped by Xia Hua. Yu Dekai also pretendedDidn't see Xia Ze's expression.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Xiao Zhe told Yu Anduo distressedly that his father didn't like Ma Zhuo. He guessed that he might have some prejudice against Ma Zhuo's mother. After all, Chen Guoguo's case had a great impact on Xinhai and it has been delayed until now.The case has not been closed yet.Yu Anduo is a little confused about whether this matter has anything to do with Ma Zhuo, and Ma Zhuo has done nothing wrong. Yu Anduo doesn't understand why Sean has such an attitude towards Ma Zhuo when he is such a sensible person..Xiao Zhe is also very lonely. Growing up, his parents have always interfered in everything he does, including what to eat, what clothes to wear, and what friends to make. They always think that they are the right one, and sometimes they don't even know what to do.You won't consider your own feelings.

Yu Anduo felt that it would be over if Xiao Zhe didn't listen. Xiao Zhe told Yu Anduo that it wasn't that easy at all. On the day she filled out her application, her mother sat at the computer desk until three in the morning because she was afraid that she would change her application.This feeling is simply suffocating.Yu Anduo advised Xiao Zhe to leave here quickly. As long as he is here for one day, he will always be under the control of his father.Xiao Zhe felt that Yu Anduo didn't understand him, and now he was just following their instructions to prove to them that he could do it.Yu Anduo speculated whether Xiao Zhe would still live with his parents after getting married. Xiao Zhe felt that his mother had already laid the groundwork, and this was a certainty.Yu Anduo joked that Ma Zhuo could only change his career to medicine, and casually asked Xiao Zhe for a birthday gift.

Ma Zhuo was very happy to go home and eat braised pork. Yu Anduo invited Xia Ze to attend the birthday party. Xia Ze said that he was going on a business trip and would make up for it when he came back.Yu Anduo was also very happy to see her father delivering a bag to her mother.Jasmine appeared happy but looked unnatural.Xiao Zhe also came. When Jasmine saw Ma Zhuo also coming, she left with a very unnatural expression. Xiao Zhe's mother didn't like it very much and watched her husband's expression carefully.Seeing Jasmine's unsettled look, Yu Dekai kept comforting Jasmine and told her to pretend even if she was asked to do so.Jasmine said that she would think of something as soon as she saw Ma Zhuo, and Yu Dekai asked Jasmine to calm down quickly.Xiao Zhe brought Ma Zhuo to his mother and introduced him and said that Ma Zhuo was very good. When Xiao Zhe's mother heard that Ma Zhuo was Chen Guoguo's daughter, Xiao Zhe's mother said with a smile on her face that she looked so familiar.Ma Zhuo quickly caught Xiao Zhe's mother's meaningful smile.

Ma Zhuo came out in a bad mood. Xia Ze saw that Ma Zhuo was in a bad mood and stopped Ma Zhuo. At this time, Ma Zhuo could no longer hold back. She didn’t understand why those people still didn’t let her go after so many years.Mother.Ma Zhuo felt strange when he heard that Xia Ze didn't like Yu Anduo's mother either.Xia Ze told Ma Zhuo that Ma Zhuo was not in Linjiang and that Jasmine once lived in a mental hospital for a period of time. As time goes by, some people have forgotten about it.Ma Zhuo heard that Jasmine fell ill only after her mother died. Ma Zhuo thought it was too much of a coincidence.Xiao Zhe felt that his mother was going too far, and he really didn't know why he was so prejudiced against Ma Zhuo.Xia Ze knew that Jasmine had been suspicious all day long and suspected that Chen Guoguo had snatched Yu Dekai. This situation was normal, so he comforted Ma Zhuo to be more open-minded.

Ma Zhuo was very grateful to Xia Ze for comforting him.Xiao Zhe asked Ma Zhuo to come down and apologize to Ma Zhuo, and comforted Ma Zhuo not to feel any psychological pressure.In Xiao Zhe's eyes, Ma Zhuo never knew when he became different from others. In his own eyes, Ma Zhuo was a unique scenery.Ma Zhuo rejected Xiao Zhe's specialness and told Xiao Zhe that he still had some things he couldn't let go of.Yu Anduo was very worried about her mother. She thought her father was also strange and suggested that her father find a doctor for her mother, but Yu Dekai was used to it.There seemed to be a gap between Xiao Zhe and Ma Zhuo.Jasmine had the urge to avoid Yu Anduo, and Yu Dekai also hid by the river in a complicated mood and drank alone, as if he was missing someone who was silently hiding in his heart.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Xia Hua enthusiastically set the table and enjoyed it. She attached great importance to her cooperation with Yu Dekai. Yu Dekai even reimbursed Xia Hua Hua for her money, which made Xia Hua very happy. Just when she couldn't get along,When Zui came to the front desk to go through the formalities, he turned around and met Jasmine. Xia Hua immediately stopped her expression. When she saw Jasmine asking Xia Hua in a nasty tone why she appeared here, Xia Hua was not afraid of the stage and directly said it was Yu De.Kai let himself come.Jasmine said calmly that she was here to catch a thief, without giving Xia Hua any face. She also asked the front desk person to search Xia Hua's pockets to check whether Xia Hua had stolen anything.When the staff was in a dilemma, Ma Zhuo came out to rescue Xia Hua. Jasmine looked sarcastic when she saw Ma Zhuo appearing. She felt that the two of them were simply working together and were clearly a gang.

Xia Hua couldn't help it when she heard this. Jasmine was a little too insulting now.Xia Hua couldn't help but say that Jasmine couldn't stand her husband being suspicious all day long. Ma Zhuo saw this and pulled Xia Hua away quickly.Jasmine still thinks that Xia Hua is a thief, and says that she doesn’t know how Xia Hua will die if she is too arrogant.Jasmine went directly to where Yu Dekai was having a meeting and asked Yu Dekai to give her an answer in front of a big client.Xia Hua directly said that Jasmine was a crazy woman. Xia Hua recalled that she had been going out all the time. In order to help her open a hotpot restaurant, Chen Guoguo took her to Yu Dekai's class reunion to help her make connections.It was Xia Hua's first time to see such a big scene.I happened to meet Jasmine that day, and Jasmine handed the bag directly to Xia Hua. Xia Hua actually felt very uncomfortable.At the wine table, Jasmine and Xiao's mother kept sarcastic about Chen Guoguo and slapped Xia Gang in the face.

Xia Hua was wearing a lady's shawl outside. When she saw money in her bag, she had an evil thought and wanted to count it. Unexpectedly, she was spotted by Jasmine who just came out and was called a thief.Chen Guoguo was insulted by Jasmine in order to protect Xia Hua. Looking back now, Xia Hua is very touched that Chen Guoguo saved her. If Chen Guoguo hadn't been arrested, she would have been imprisoned.Xia Hua always felt that Jasmine was mentally ill and was confused and suspicious all day long, always suspecting that her husband was cheating on her.Ma Zhuo asked Xia Hua what the relationship was between her mother and Yu Dekai. Xia Hua felt that there was affection between them, but to be honest, it would mean nothing.Ma Zhuo recalled that he had seen his mother discussing her with Yu Dekai before, and Yu Dekai also gave Chen Guoguo a large amount of money.

Ma Zhuo was very angry at the time. Chen Guoguo actually knew that Ma Zhuo seemed to have discovered something. Ma Zhuo was very resistant to her mother from then on.When Yu Dekai returned home, he was scolded by Jasmine. Jasmine went crazy and made the house full of smoke. Yu Anduo also resented Yu Dekai.Ma Zhuo sincerely wished Jasmine a good life. Yu Anduo felt that her mother was dragged down by this marriage. In fact, her parents quarreled every day.Yu Anduo also felt very tired. Jasmine suspected that Yu Dekai had someone outside all day long. It seemed to Yu Anduo that she had been escaping and sometimes felt that she was quite selfish.

Jasmine was always paying attention to Yu Dekai's movements, and sometimes she even felt anxious.Jasmine looked at Yu Dekai. She felt that she was very clear-headed and wanted to divorce Yu Dekai. She didn't have to worry about money. She even felt that if it hadn't been for her, Chen Guoguo would have been with Yu Dekai.Yu Dekai told Jasmine that divorce was impossible. When he got married, he vowed to take good care of Jasmine. To be honest, Jasmine was actually very moved when she heard this.Officer Geng felt that there must be something hidden between Yu Dekai and Jasmine. Jasmine's condition was not announced to the public, which was of great benefit to Xinhai.

Ma Zhuo came to see Jasmine and was very concerned about Jasmine's health. Ma Zhuo asked Jasmine directly why she didn't like her. Jasmine apologized to Ma Zhuo and said that it was better not to say some things, so as not to say that persistence would harm other people. This sentenceMaking Ma Zhuo very sensitive, Jasmine felt that Ma Zhuo suspected that she had broken down and left.Jasmine told Yu Anduo that she was very sorry for her. Yu Anduo felt a little strange seeing such a mother, so she came to live with Ma Zhuo.Ma Zhuo knew that Yu Anduo was unhappy, so he persuaded Yu Anduo and sent Yu Anduo home.Yu Dekai didn't pay attention to the call from Jasmine. When Yu Anduo and Ma Zhuo came back, they found Jasmine committing suicide in their swimming pool, which frightened Yu Anduo.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Yu Dekai looked at the swimming pool in a daze. He never thought that Jasmine would choose to commit suicide out of mind.Officer Geng and the others judged that Jasmine died by suicide based on the surveillance video. They were curious about whether Jasmine had any strange behavior during her lifetime.Yu Dekai told the police that his wife had actually been mentally unstable for many years. She had a lot of social activities on the day of the incident, so she never received a call. Looking back now, he blames himself.Officer Geng told Ma Zhuo that he would investigate Chen Guoguo's matter and did not want Ma Zhuo to be involved in the murder.

Ma Zhuo told Xia Ze that Jasmine was somewhat responsible this time. If he had not asked about her mother, Jasmine would not have become emotional and committed suicide.Xia Ze saw Ma Zhuo complaining and blaming himself, but actually he felt very distressed in his heart.Ma Zhuo doesn't even know how to face Anduo in the future.Yu Anduo never expected that her mother would leave her so early. At this time, she resented her father even more.Xiao Zhe hugged Yu Anduo to comfort her.

Ma Zhuolai came to Yu Dekai to express her apology. She took the initiative to tell Yu Dekai that Jasmine had asked his mother Chen Guoguo about Chen Guoguo before she was alive. It may be that this incident caused Jasmine's mental disorder and such a problem occurred.Ma Zhuo wanted to find out what the relationship was between her mother Chen Guoguo and Yu Dekai. She asked Yu Dekai when she saw him in the same room with her mother.Yu Dekai told Ma Zhuo that because there was some misunderstanding between Xia Hua and Jasmine, he went over to apologize to Chen Guoguo and nothing else. Moreover, Chen Guoguo later returned the money.himself.After asking Yu Dekai, Ma Zhuo felt that Xia Gang might have heard Jasmine's instigation and then killed his mother.

Xia Ze was afraid that Ma Zhuo was sad and when he called Ma Zhuo, he found that Ma Zhuo was not in a good mood.Yu Anduo asked her father why he tied up his mother's things.She now seriously suspects that her father and her mother only married for her grandfather's property, and there was no real love.Ma Zhuo knew that Yu Anduo was sad and came to comfort Yu Anduo.Ma Zhuo told Yu Anduo that he had asked about her mother before Jasmine was alive.Yu Anduo felt that Ma Zhuo had been doing the same thing in front of her for so many years, and what was even more disgusting was that Ma Zhuo still suspected that her mother had hurt her mother.

Yu Anduo suppressed her grief and drove Ma Zhuo out. Now she felt extremely lonely and was very afraid that Xia Gang had hurt her mother.Xiao Zhe really didn't expect that Ma Zhuo and Yu Anduo would have a falling out.Yu Anduo complained that real friends are not people like Ma Zhuo who stab her in the back.Xia Ze came to comfort Ma Zhuo. Ma Zhuo asked Xia Ze not to meet him again, but he would clearly reject him next time and finally waited until Ma Zhuo came back, not wanting the two to be separated again.

Xia Ze saw how Ma Zhuo hated himself. He was a little helpless and wanted to take Ma Zhuo away from this place to relax, but Ma Zhuo didn't appreciate it at all.Xia Hua felt that Xia Ze was not in a good mood recently, and would come to pack his luggage and ask where he was going, but he would not tell him. She met Ma Zhuo and wanted to have a good talk with Ma Zhuo. In Xia Hua's view, Ma Zhuo and Xia HuaThere are many misunderstandings between Ze and Ze that have not been resolved.When Yu Anduo sang her new song, she really had mixed feelings in her heart, and her expression was numb, like a puppet with strings on it.

Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo seemed to be separated by a Pacific Ocean and could never reach each other.Ma Zhuo was also very sad. At this time, he was lonely and helpless in Linjiang. He thought about it for a long time and wanted to send a message to Xia Ze, but he backed off after thinking about it.Xia Ze felt that some quiet time was needed between the two of them, so he packed his luggage and went on a business trip to a distant place, trying his best to give Ma Zhuo some independent private space during this sad time of Ma Zhuo.Xiao Zhe also compromised with his parents and followed their parents' arrangements to go on blind dates again and again.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

One afternoon half a year later, the sun shone through the window lattice into the Xia family's living room. Xia Ze revealed his ambitions to his sister Xia Hua with bright eyes: Sister “, I discovered a wasteland with excellent natural scenery.Developed into a B&B.Hearing this, ” Xia Hua's eyes flashed with surprise and joy. She put down the tea cup in her hand and carefully looked at the once confused and decadent brother in front of her, but now she was firm-eyed and confident. A sense of pride and joy suddenly arose in her heart: “ Xia Ze, you have really grown up and have your own ideas.What a wonderful thing it would be if you could turn this wasteland into a B&B!I fully support you, just go ahead and do it, our Xia family can have our own industry.”

After some discussion, the siblings decided to transfer the “Waimeier” hotpot restaurant they had worked so hard for many years and raise funds to invest in the construction of a B&B.As their friend and partner, Hu Wan also agreed with this innovative transformation plan and promised to provide full assistance.As a result, the three of them worked together to find a suitable buyer to take over the hot pot restaurant, and at the same time, they were busy preparing for all aspects of the B&B.Time flies by, and a year later, the once barren land has taken on a new lease of life under Xia Ze's careful work.A series of simple and elegant wooden houses are inlaid in the green mountain forest, with clear streams meandering, birds singing and flowers fragrant, just like a paradise.Huaze B&B, the place that carries Xia Ze’s entrepreneurial dream, finally opened with great success in the spotlight.

At this time, Yu Anduo was leading the band members to collect music around Qingcheng Mountain to seek creative inspiration.By chance, they discovered this paradise hidden in the mountains and rivers - Huaze B&B.Yu Anduo recognized Xia Ze who was busy at a glance. Surprised, he quickly stepped forward to meet him again.The two reunited after a long absence. Although there was a brief embarrassment, they soon regained their former kindness and tacit understanding.At the same time, Ma Zhuo has spent a year working hard at the law firm.With her solid professional knowledge, rigorous work attitude and excellent professional abilities, she has emerged in the workplace in just one year, has achieved outstanding results, and has won widespread praise from her colleagues.Xiao Zhe, who had been on a business trip in Shanghai for a year, also successfully completed his work tasks at this time, returned triumphantly with a major project, and was about to receive the good news of promotion.

Yu Dekai was very satisfied with Xiao Zhe's performance and ordered him to accompany Yu Anduo, who had just returned from overseas, home so that her family could better understand her current situation.Xiao Zhe readily accepted the task. Considering the close relationship between Ma Zhuo and Yu Anduo, he specially invited Ma Zhuo to go with him.However, when the four of them arrived at Huaze B&B, the moment Ma Zhuo got out of the car, the scene in front of her made her heart tighten.Yu Anduo was seen having an intimate conversation with Xia Ze, and they behaved very close to each other. This made Ma Zhuo feel a little jealous. She suppressed her inner fluctuations and greeted everyone with a smile.

Xia Ze warmly greeted his old friends and cooked a sumptuous table of delicious food himself, hoping to use food to relieve everyone's fatigue and enhance friendship.However, despite the tempting food and bursts of laughter at the dinner table, the relationship between the four people seemed delicate and tense due to subtle emotional entanglements.Everyone has their own thoughts surging in their hearts. Under the surface harmony, there are hidden emotional undercurrents.This reunion dinner after a long absence did not seem to be as relaxed and happy as expected, but instead added a bit of subtle embarrassment and tension.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Xiao Zhe drove Ma Zhuo and Yu Anduo out of the picturesque B&B and returned to the bustling urban area of ​​Linjiang City.Yu Anduo returned to her home happily and shared dinner with her father Yu Dekai.The father and daughter had been separated for a long time, and now they reunited. Yu Dekai felt his daughter's long-lost care and warmth, which filled his heart with relief and joy.

Ma Zhuo also returned to his home. When he opened the door, he was pleasantly surprised to find Xia Ze standing at the door, holding a piece of native pig bacon made by himself.Xia Ze's eyes were full of longing for Ma Zhuo. He expressed his love to Ma Zhuo affectionately, making Ma Zhuo's heart full of sweetness and happiness.

However, this happiness did not last long.Xia Ze suddenly received a call from Officer Geng and learned that his father had been found, but sadly, he had passed away.This news was undoubtedly a huge blow to Xia Ze, and he fell into deep grief.After Ma Zhuo learned the news, he immediately came to comfort Xia Ze and help him deal with Xia Gang's funeral.

In the process of dealing with his father's funeral, Ma Zhuo felt deeply that the misunderstanding between himself and Xia Ze was too deep.They were estranged because of a murder case, and Ma Zhuo deeply regretted it.She hopes to make up for past mistakes and bring their relationship back to its former self.With Ma Zhuo's comfort and company, Xia Ze slowly emerged from the shadow of his father's death. He cherished his relationship with Ma Zhuo even more, and only hoped that the two could never be separated from each other and spend every day together in the future.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Out of condolence for Xia Gang, Yu Dekai provided a pension to Xia Hua.However, after Xia Ze learned that Xia Hua had received the money, he angrily scolded her for being blind to money and ignoring right from wrong.Xia Hua felt aggrieved under his reproach, and family disputes resurfaced.

In order to comfort Xia Ze, Ma Zhuo decided to temporarily put down the big case in his hands and hurried to Huaze B&B with his luggage.She hopes to be by Xia Ze's side and provide him with warmth and support.The two relied on each other to face this difficult time together.

In each other's company, Xia Ze gradually regained his calm.He decided to re-investigate the hidden knife at the crime scene.Ma Zhuo supported his decision without hesitation, and the two went to Nantian Ancient Town to search for clues.In Nantian Ancient Town, they discovered that Xia Gang had indeed ordered this Tibetan knife.This discovery convinced the two that their parents truly loved each other back then.This realization made the two people feel happy, and they decided to relax in the hot spring hotel and spend this wonderful time together.

At the same time, Yu Anduo invited Xiao Zhe to drink together.The two spoke heart-to-heart to each other, pouring out their inner pain and confusion.Yu Anduo was troubled by his love, while Xiao Zhe felt deeply painful that he had been betrayed by his friendship.Under the influence of alcohol, their emotions were released, and they unexpectedly spent the night together.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

The relationship between Yu Anduo and Xiao Zhe has undergone subtle changes.One morning, when the two of them woke up from their deep sleep, they both noticed an indescribable difference.Yu Anduo, the girl who always smiled, began to attend various dinner parties frequently, and even once went on a blind date with a handsome boy.Xiao Zhe watched all this silently, and the possessive desire in his heart surged like a tide.

Xiao Zhe, the once carefree and informal boy, began to become anxious.He couldn't stand the sight of Anduo getting close to other boys, and the jealousy and uneasiness made him decide to take action.He began to actively pursue Yu Anduo, sending flowers, writing love letters, and even waiting at her door.His actions became more and more bold, until one day, he confessed to Yu Anduo that he hoped she could become his girlfriend.

Yu Anduo was a little surprised and a little moved when faced with Xiao Zhe's confession.She understood that Xiao Zhe's feelings for her were sincere, but she also needed time to think about it seriously.So, she promised Xiao Zhe that she would think about it carefully and give him an answer.

At the same time, Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo returned from a trip to the ancient town, and their relationship became even deeper.They strolled through the streets of the ancient town, tasted local delicacies, and talked to each other.The tranquility and beauty of the ancient town created a perfect love atmosphere for them, and the two seemed to be in a sweet dream.

However, at this moment, the underage girl Luo Didi suddenly broke into their lives.Luo Didi was an eccentric little girl. She made a big fuss in the Xinhai Group and insisted on meeting Yu Dekai.In order to investigate Luo Diudi's background, Ma Zhuo took the initiative to contact her.He discovered that Luo Didi's father, Luo Cheng, had been missing for many days, and Luo Didi was running around because he was worried about his father's safety.

Ma Zhuo decided to take Luo Didou home and take care of her temporarily.However, this little girl brought them a lot of trouble.She is smart and can always come up with various tricks to keep Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze in a hurry.Not only do they have to take care of her daily life, they also have to deal with her sudden pranks.Although they felt a headache, their hearts were filled with love and care for the little girl.

As time goes by, Yu Anduo's feelings for Xiao Zhe gradually become clear.She began to realize that Xiao Zhe's care and care made her feel warm and at ease.Xiao Zhe also became more mature and considerate in the process. He understood that love requires dedication and tolerance.

In the end, Yu Anduo agreed to Xiao Zhe's confession, and the two began a sweet journey of love.Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze also gradually adapted to life with Luo Didi. Like new parents, they accompanied the little girl to grow up with love and patience.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo's life of raising children is full of joy and challenges.Every day, they take turns playing with Luo Didi or patiently helping her with her homework.Luo Didi was smart and lively, and could always come up with all kinds of novel ideas to test them.Sometimes, she would play tricks on the two of them mischievously, leaving them in a hurry; sometimes, she would say touching words in a childish voice, making their hearts melt instantly.

Although they sometimes felt tired, Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo enjoyed their time with Luo Didi more and more.They began to feel in advance what life would be like after having children, which would include both laughter and trouble, but more importantly, it would be a sense of responsibility and warmth.They gradually understand that raising a child is not only to take care of her daily life, but also to accompany her to grow and teach her how to face various challenges in life.

At the same time, the relationship between Yu Anduo and Xiao Zhe is also developing steadily.The two began to communicate in depth about each other's emotional values ​​and share each other's growth experiences.Xiao Zhe told Yu Anduo that he longed to have a close partner with whom he could live a long and smooth life.Yu Anduo opened her heart to Xiao Zhe, telling her about her loneliness and helplessness after losing her mother, and her struggle after breaking off diplomatic relations with Ma Zhuo.

Xiao Zhe's company and support made Yu Anduo feel unprecedented warmth and peace of mind.She gradually understood that Xiao Zhe was the person who could accompany her through the trough of life.As time passed, the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper, and they began to think about their future life.

One day, Xiao Zhe and Yu Anduo took their parents to have dinner together, and during the dinner they proposed the idea of ​​getting married.Both parents were happy with their decision and expressed their full support for their marriage.

At this critical moment, Ma Zhuo is also working hard to find Luo Cheng's whereabouts.He learned that Luo Cheng loved his daughter very much and never missed her birthday.As Sunday was Luo Diudi's birthday, Ma Zhuo came up with a plan.He decided to hold a special birthday party, inviting everyone who might know Luo Cheng's whereabouts, hoping to use this opportunity to find Luo Cheng and allow Luo Didi to have a complete birthday.

This birthday party is not only to celebrate Luo Diudi's birthday, but also to find clues about Luo Cheng.Ma Zhuo, Xia Ze, Yu Anduo and Xiao Zhe all put a lot of effort into preparing this party.They hope that through this party, they can bring an unforgettable birthday memory to Luo Diudi, and at the same time, they can find the whereabouts of Luo Cheng and reunite the little family.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Luo Diushi fell to the ground and lay on the guardrail, silent and extremely depressed.Xia Ze noticed something was wrong with her and asked Ma Zhuo to comfort her.Luo Didi felt that Ma Zhuo, as a lawyer, might be able to give her some help.Ma Zhuo gently persuaded Luo Didi not to be too depressed and degenerate, and that the outcome should be fought for by oneself.Luo Didi responded in a calm tone, she was only 16 years old, what could she strive for?She revealed that she was named after her mother, who left her when she was three years old.Now, her dearest father is leaving her, which makes her feel like the whole world is abandoning her.

After hearing Luo Didi's experience, Ma Zhuo told her empathetically that he was actually an orphan as well.Luo Didi took Ma Zhuo's hand, and the two seemed to have become sisters who share the same fate.Luo Didi opened up her heart to Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze, revealing a secret: She was tired of studying, and once secretly skipped school and went home to play with her mobile phone, but she overheard a conversation between her father, Luo Cheng, and a man.It turns out that in order to protect her, her father agreed to convict Sean under Sean's threat to take the overall situation into consideration.

Luo Didi came to the company to find Yu Dekai, but there were many people there. She was worried that leaking the information would be dangerous to herself, so she chose to hide it.Ma Zhuo assured Luo Didi that they had treated her like their own sister and hoped that she could trust them.Luo Didi continued to tell Ma Zhuo that she had been left behind by someone who claimed to be able to find her father, but in fact he was threatening her.In desperation, she could only turn to Ma Zhuo.Ma Zhuo comforted her that life is full of unknowns, and the only thing she can do is to make herself stronger to face these difficulties.

Xia Ze was shocked that Da Gang was still doing those illegal things. He felt that these people had accumulated many entanglements of interests and twists and turns over the years.Ma Zhuo believed that Yu Dekai did not know about this.Ma Zhuo hopes to find a breakthrough in the conflicts between these people.Luo Cheng's arrest made the news, and both Yu Dekai and Sean saw it.Xia Huakai's B&B business is booming, and many people come to make reservations.Xia Hua was surprised by Hu Wan's propaganda ability and thought that he was simply her lucky star.

Hu Wan was eager to improve his status in front of Xia Hua, but when Xia Hua proposed to increase the number of fans to 1 million before talking, he felt that this was far away.Ma Zhuo sent Luo Didi to school, and Luo Didi reluctantly turned around in three steps.Ma Zhuo told Yu Dekai about the conversation with Luo Didi, and it happened that Sean passed by and heard their conversation.While Xiao Zhe was at work, Sean came to urge him to marry Yu Anduo.

Xia Ze feels that the time with Ma Zhuo is his happiest time.When Ma Zhuo heard Xia Ze's confession, she was a little hesitant because she had never considered these issues and didn't even know what the meaning of marriage was.Xia Ze saw Ma Zhuo's hesitation and left a little disappointed after hearing her explanation.Xiao Zhe told his parents directly that they did not want to accept the arranged wedding at home and felt that what their parents imposed on them was selfish.But Sean was very angry after hearing these words, and the father and son broke up on bad terms.

Yu Anduo noticed that Xiao Zhe was in a bad mood.She also had her own troubles. She wrote many songs but was not famous, and was even considered to be playing with her father's money.Yu Anduo invited Xiao Zhe to sing together, and Xiao Zhe's rap performance won cheers from the audience, which made him more confident.Xia Ze told Hu Wan that he had lost interest in life and proposed to Ma Zhuo a few days ago but was rejected.

Hu Wan comforted Xia Ze and believed that marriage was not the purpose and that some things would fall into place.Xiao Zhe went back to apologize to Sean and revealed that Yu Anduo wanted to invite him to dinner.Xiao Zhe felt sad knowing that Sean wanted to deprive him of his business.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Xiao Zhe and Yu Anduo took photos together, and Xiao Zhe wanted Yu Anduo to listen to the songs he composed.Yu Anduo feels that Xiao Zhe's lyrics are well written, but the music needs to be improved.Xiao Zhe jokingly expressed that he was willing to give all his wealth to Yu Anduo and let her help improve the music.Yu Dekai and Sean were talking about the two children. They believed that the meeting of the two children was fate and should be allowed to take its course.Xiao's mother liked Yu Anduo very much. She felt that she had a premonition that she would become her daughter-in-law from the moment she picked up the newborn Yu Anduo.Although Sean felt that his wife's premonition was a bit exaggerated, Xiao's mother insisted that Jasmine was present at the time and could testify.

Xiao's mother also recalled the scene when Jasmine was there and expressed that she would take care of Yu Anduo for Jasmine.Sean and Yu Dekai talked about the fate between the two children and hoped that they could become in-laws.Yu Dekai hoped that his daughter would be happy and did not say anything directly.Xiao Zhe promised Yu Dekai that he would let Yu Anduo live a happy life.Yu Dekai asked about his daughter's feelings for Xiao Zhe, and Yu Anduo said that they were childhood sweethearts, had a deep understanding of music and a common language.Although Yu Dekai was worried, he didn't want to expose it. As long as he could make his daughter happy, he was willing to pretend not to know.

Yu Dekai told Yu Anduo that no matter what happens, he must tell himself that even if the whole world betrays her, as a father, he will not hurt her.Officer Geng saw Ma Zhuo sighing all the time, so he advised her to face her feelings honestly and tell the other person her true thoughts.Ma Zhuo asked Xiao Zhe when they would get married, and Xiao Zhe revealed that they planned to travel to get married and not hold a wedding.

Ma Zhuo invited Xia Ze to eat together, but Xia Ze responded coldly, saying that if he couldn't finish eating, he could put it in the refrigerator.Sean took Ma Zhuo to do the project, and the other party was full of praise for Ma Zhuo's talent.When Ma Zhuo took Luo Diudiu home, Luo Diudiu gave her some advice, hoping that she could recover Xia Ze.Although Xia Ze said on the surface that he was not in a hurry, he still hoped that Ma Zhuo could send him a text message.On Ma Zhuo's birthday, she turned down a gathering of colleagues and hoped that Xia Ze could accompany her to dinner, but Xia Ze refused because he was busy.Although he felt sad, Ma Zhuo was still very happy to see the gifts carefully prepared by Xia Ze and others after returning home.

Xia Hua, Hu Wan, Xia Ze and Luo Didi all came to celebrate Ma Zhuo's birthday, making this birthday very unforgettable.Xia Ze bought the room where she lived for Ma Zhuo, which moved Ma Zhuo to tears, and finally agreed to Xia Ze's confession.Ma Zhuo told Xia Ze that she wanted to be honest with him.Xia Ze was actually quite happy when she heard Ma Zhuo say that she was sad for ignoring her these past few days.However, Ma Zhuo was tricked by Sean. Although she didn't realize it yet, Sean wanted to give her a chance, which resulted in her being revoked.Xiao Zhe wanted to plead for Ma Zhuo, but to no avail.Ma Zhuo feels that there must be a mastermind behind this incident, and Sean has begun to mess up his position.Xia Ze thought their plan was very effective and decided to continue the investigation so that Ma Zhuo should stop worrying.Luo Didi was grabbed by a stranger when she was out of school. She wisely called Ma Zhuo for help.After Ma Zhuo took out his lawyer's card, the other party's attitude immediately changed.The man revealed that Luo Cheng and Xinhai conspired to kill them all.Ma Zhuo and the others guessed that Sean was the real controlling shareholder of the company, and they made a lot of money secretly without telling Yu Dekai.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Xia Hua saw Ma Zhuo sitting there alone in a depressed mood, so she cooked hot pot and wanted her to try it.However, Ma Zhuo seemed to have no appetite.Xia Hua understands that Ma Zhuo, like her brother, likes to keep things in his heart.Xia Hua comforted Ma Zhuo with her own experience, saying that even if the sky falls, she must fill her stomach first.Ma Zhuo thanked Xia Hua for her concern and said he was fine.

Xia Hua decided to take the initiative to talk to Yu Dekai about Ma Zhuo's suspension. She thought there was a misunderstanding.Yu Dekai was surprised when he heard the news because he didn't know about it.Xia Hua told Yu Dekai that Ma Zhuo was suspended because he was accused of taking kickbacks from his clients.Yu Dekai knew Ma Zhuo's character well, so he expressed doubts about this matter.He decided to talk to Sean, hoping that he could solve the problem and not let Ma Zhuo's career be damaged.

In Yu Dekai's office, Sean tried to respond to the matter in an understatement, but Yu Dekai obviously didn't trust him.He hinted that Ma Zhuo had told him that there were problems within the company, but Sean pretended not to understand and insisted that it was all a misunderstanding.Yu Dekai angrily asked Sean to investigate the truth, but Sean changed his face immediately after leaving.

At the same time, Ma Zhuo carefully summarized the rules and regulations in the B&B, hoping to make the B&B run better.However, the arrival of the gang broke the calm.Xia Ze refused to let him stay in the B&B, but Dabang forced his way in in front of the internet celebrity girlfriend's live broadcast.He deliberately mentioned the past between Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze at the dinner table in an attempt to stir up trouble.In addition, he also revealed to his girlfriend that Xia Ze had been in prison.

Yu Anduo and Xiao Zhe finally got married and originally planned to travel to Europe, but Xiao Zhe was unable to make the trip due to company affairs.Yu Anduo felt a little uncomfortable when she saw the wedding gift from Ma Zhuo. Ma Zhuo hoped that she would always be happy.Xia Ze told Ma Zhuo that he had had a girlfriend after they separated, which made Ma Zhuo very angry.Xia Ze quickly explained that he was lying to her.

Dabang’s girlfriend used Internet public opinion to accuse the B&B of having surveillance cameras, causing the B&B’s business to plummet.Xia Hua was very anxious, and Ma Zhuo took the initiative to find Da Bang's girlfriend, hoping that she would take down the video.It turned out that this video was shot by Da Gang’s girlfriend. They originally wanted to use Internet public opinion to extort money from the B&B.Ma Zhuo warned them that they would face serious consequences if they were caught, and the internet celebrity girlfriend was worried after hearing this.Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze hope to resolve the matter peacefully and minimize the damage to the B&B.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

After Ma Zhuo's investigation, B&B's innocence was finally proven, and everyone was happy about it.Xia Hua is extremely grateful to Ma Zhuo because the B&B means a lot to her.When the clarification video was posted online, they managed to pull off a great comeback.What is even more gratifying is that Dabang was criminally detained for intentional slander, which made everyone feel happy.

Hu Wan also agreed with this. He believed that those who practice crooked ways will eventually be punished, because evil will not suppress good.However, what Xia Hua and the others did not expect was that despite the release of clarification certificates, netizens still insisted that they were public relations masters and wanted to clear their names.This statement made Xia Ze feel a little distressed, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Xiao Zhe also moved into a new office, and his colleagues celebrated his promotion.After all these years, Xiao Zhe was finally recognized by the company, and he was very happy.Seeing that everyone supported him, he decided to treat everyone to dinner in the evening to express his gratitude.In the new office, Xiao Zhe felt very happy.When Sean saw his son holding Yu Dekai's favorite tea, he meaningfully hinted that he should work hard and have better development in the future.Yu Dekai also told his son-in-law Xiao Zhe that work and career should be equally important, and he should also spend more time with his daughter.

Although Yu Anduo longed for her husband to spend more time with her, her strong character prevented her from saying these words.The B&B was in trouble due to negative public opinion online, and no one had the intention to continue operating it.Ma Zhuo advised Xia Hua to be more open-minded and suggested preparing an exclusive secret hot pot to boost morale.However, Xia Ze's financial difficulties made it difficult for him to maintain the operation of the B&B, let alone apply for subsidies or find partners.Xia Ze felt very depressed.

Yu Anduo went home happily and wanted to have dinner with Xiao Zhe, but Xiao Zhe was unable to go home because of his busy work.This made her feel a little disappointed.Xiao Zhe followed Yu Dekai to accompany his clients to dinner. He wanted to achieve results to prove his ability.Yu Anduo feels that Xiao Zhe has become too focused on his career after getting married, and she hopes he can pay more attention to her.Ma Zhuo felt very uncomfortable when he heard Xia Hua calling to seek financial support for the B&B.

She asked about the operating conditions of Xia Ze's B&B and suggested that he transfer it first to relieve financial pressure.However, Xia Ze firmly opposed this idea and said he would not give up the B&B even in the face of difficulties.Xia Hua told Xia Ze that Ma Zhuo lent her money to solve an urgent need, but Xia Ze wanted to return the money to Ma Zhuo.Ma Zhuo knew that Xia Ze was strapped for money to pay the down payment, so she insisted that Xia Ze solve the problem first.In the end, Xia Ze reluctantly accepted Ma Zhuo's help.

Looking at the beautiful sunrise, Ma Zhuo encouraged Xia Ze to believe that their lives would get better and better.Yu Dekai also realized that there may be human factors behind this online reporting incident, and he suspected that it was related to Sean.In order to help Xia Ze's B&B tide over the difficulties, Yu Dekai decided to use his influence to promote it.When Ma Zhuo tentatively asked Yu Dekai if he would help them deal with Sean, Yu Dekai chose to avoid the topic.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Yu Dekai carefully planned a coronation ceremony and specially chose to bring Xiao Zhe to appear when Xiao Zhe was meeting with the legal department staff.He enthusiastically praised the talented people in the legal department, and then announced Ma Zhuo's promotion, promoting her to the business director of the corporate department.Xiao Zhe was also sincerely happy for Ma Zhuo.However, there seems to be a deeper meaning behind it all.

Yu Dekai then turned to Sean, thanked him for his contributions over the years, and announced that Sean would be promoted to vice president.This sudden promotion caught Sean a little off guard, but he still tried to stay calm and let the employees continue with the meeting.After the meeting, Sean felt something was wrong. He planned a meeting for the afternoon, but was told that the meeting had been canceled and tomorrow's meeting had been postponed.He began to feel a little uneasy.

Sean flipped through Yu Dekai's remarks in the magazine and gradually understood Yu Dekai's intentions.He went to Yu Dekai unwillingly, but was told that Yu Dekai was not in the office.Sean tries to stay calm when he encounters Ma Zhuo.At the same time, Xia Ze told Ma Zhuo that the popularity of B&B was recovering, and he praised Ma Zhuo for his intelligence.

Xiao Zhe heard about the conflict between Sean and Yu Dekai, and he tried to speak for his father in front of Yu Dekai, but Yu Dekai refused to talk about Sean.Xiao Zhe and Yu Anduo realized the seriousness of the problem between the two fathers, and they planned to find time for both parties to sit down and communicate.However, Yu Dekai's investigation of Sean behind the scenes continues.

Xiao's mother also joined the dispute, implying that Yu Dekai was evading Xiao Xiao's power.Yu Dekai unabashedly told Sean that he could go on vacation, which made Sean feel angry and humiliated.Yu Anduo sensed the tension between her two fathers and proposed a vacation plan, but was strongly opposed by Sean.Xiao Zhe did not dare to disobey Xiao En, which made Yu Anduo very angry.

Yu Anduo was disappointed with Xiao Zhe's compliance. She thought Xiao Zhe would not stand on her side.She asked Sean to either divorce or go to the music festival. After Xiao Zhe was accused by Yu Anduo of being a dad's boy, he angrily said that she was just like Jasmine.Sean felt that Yu Dekai did not give him any face when he emptied his power. He believed that Yu Dekai did not care about the friendship that he had for many years.However, Yu Dekai explained that the reason why he did this was to take into account the friendship of many years and save face for Sean.Sean threatened Yu Dekai and said that he had evidence to prove that what Yu Dekai did was unclean.Yu Dekai was forced to compromise and agreed to give Sean 200 million.

However, Sean's approach made Yu Dekai very dissatisfied.On the way out of the company, Yu Dekai encountered a car accident. Fortunately, he was not injured and was sent to the Public Security Bureau.After learning that Sean had gone to the Public Security Bureau, Yu Dekai's expression suddenly changed.He came to talk to Xiao Zhe, hoping that he could take good care of Yu Anduo.Xiao Zhe noticed something was wrong with Yu Dekai.Yu Dekai showed deep reluctance and pride in front of Yu Anduo, but he told her that he was not her pride.He advised Yu Anduo to properly handle emotional issues and not let conflicts intensify.Later, when Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze received a call from Yu Dekai for an appointment, they found that he had a serious face.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Yu Dekai stepped out of the car with a solemn expression, asked his assistant to light a cigarette for him, and told the assistant to leave and leave him alone.With a heavy heart, he came to the place where Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze lived when they were children and looked around.When Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze arrived, Yu Dekai began to tell his story.

While studying in the United States, Yu Dekai once met an eminent monk.This eminent monk chose an extreme way to become a Buddha: being locked in a small, dark wooden barrel without eating or drinking until he died.However, the eminent monk felt unprecedented fear and hesitation when facing death.His path to becoming a Buddha was blocked, and all his grievances turned into grievances, causing the death of people around him.

Xia Ze understood that Yu Dekai was paving the way for what he would say next, so he urged him to speak frankly.Yu Dekai recalled his days in Linjiang in 1983. At that time, his family was in a difficult situation and he received help from Xia Gang so that he could continue to go to school.Jasmine and Yu Dekai are good friends, but the appearance of Chen Guoguo changes their relationship.Chen Guoguo once came to see Yu Dekai, but after meeting the people around him, she broke up with him and left disappointed.

Later, Jasmine and Yu Dekai got married and got the support of her father-in-law, but there was still a shadow in Jasmine's heart.When Yu Dekai met Chen Guoguo again, he learned that she was married and had children.He gave Chen Guoguo the position of lobby manager and introduced Xia Gang to her.Yu Dekai once tried to tell his father-in-law that he wanted to help the surrounding villagers, but he was rejected by his father-in-law.

Xia Gang and Chen Guoguo came to see Yu Dekai together, and Yu Dekai revealed to them that he wanted to transfer funds from his father-in-law to his own company so that he could have the power to help those who had helped him.Soon, Chen Guoguo, Yu Dekai and Xia Gang reached an agreement to secretly set up a company, from which Yu Dekai took the money and gave it to Chen Guoguo and Xia Gang.

Jasmine was angry about Dekai's behavior of helping Chen Guoguo. She felt that this made everyone in the resort mistakenly think that Chen Guoguo was Yu Dekai's little lover, which made her very embarrassed.Yu Dekai assured Jasmine that there was no relationship between him and Chen Guoguo. He just hated his father-in-law's control and wanted to get rid of the constraints.Jasmine felt comforted after hearing this and decided to believe her husband.

However, at the party, Jasmine accidentally saw Xiao Xiahua stealing money.She wanted to take this opportunity to drive Chen Guoguo away.Yu Dekai tried to mediate, but Xia Gang felt distressed when he saw his daughter being wronged and decided to give up cooperation with Yu Dekai.Xia Gang is Yu Dekai's right-hand assistant, and his departure makes Yu Dekai feel even more pressure.In order to keep Xia Gang, he even asked Chen Guoguo to persuade him.Although Chen Guoguo no longer wanted to live a poor life, she still tried hard to persuade Xia Gang to stay.

While relaxing with Xia Gang, Chen Guoguo made a hidden knife for him and agreed to marry him.This made Xia Gang very happy, and he promised to give Chen Guoguo a good life.However, the father-in-law discovered that the resort established by Chen Guoguo and Xia Gang had made false accounts, and believed that this had a lot to do with Yu Dekai.He angrily asked Yu Dekai to solve the problem as soon as possible, otherwise he would destroy Yu Dekai.This sentence made Yu Dekai feel even more stressed. After his father-in-law left, his face became ugly.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

In his memories, Yu Dekai mentioned that in the summer of 2008, his friend Xia Gang gave him a Tibetan knife on his birthday.That sentence "Brothers working together to break gold" deeply touched him and made him feel that the time he spent with Xia Gang and Chen Guoguo was so precious and lucky.At that moment, his mood was very complicated. Although he wanted to toast to celebrate the friendship between them, he also had some words hidden in his heart that he had not said out loud.Chen Guoguo noticed that Yu Dekai was a little depressed, and something seemed to be bothering him.Yu Dekai hesitated for a while before telling them that Jasmine's father already knew what they had done and asked them to deal with it within three days, otherwise they would call the police.

This news frightened Chen Guoguo, while Xia Gang believed that it was unlikely that Jasmine's father would actually send his son-in-law to court.However, Jasmine knew nothing about it, and Yu Dekai decided not to tell her because he knew Jasmine's father was serious this time.Xia Gang felt that this problem was difficult to solve, and he couldn't think of any good solution for a while.Yu Dekai told them that he had thought about it for a long time and there was only one solution: one of the three of them must stand up and take responsibility.Xia Gang hesitated when he heard this suggestion because he was no longer alone now.

Yu Dekai went on to say that Xia Gang and Chen Guoguo are both men and Chen Guoguo cannot be allowed to bear this responsibility.Xia Gang looked at Yu Dekai and knew what he was going to say next.Yu Dekai felt that Xia Gang was here just waiting for his decision.He went on to say that if he went in, there would be no one to run the company, who would fix the loopholes, what would happen to the children, and who would take advantage of him.Xia Gang thought for a while and decided to take on this responsibility himself.Although Chen Guoguo was unwilling, she had no other choice.Chen Guoguo wanted Yu Dekai to think of other ways, but Yu Dekai said there was only this one.Chen Guoguo felt that Yu Dekai must have thought of this plan long ago.

At this time, Jasmine happened to see Yu Dekai and Chen Guoguo hugging each other outside, and heard Yu Dekai say that he owed Chen Guoguo and the others.But Jasmine only believed what she saw with her own eyes, and she slapped Chen Guoguo.When Xia Gang came back and saw this scene, he mistakenly thought that Chen Guoguo and Yu Dekai were having an affair. He couldn't accept it and felt that he had been deceived.In the chaos, Chen Guoguo was hit on the head and died.Xia Gang was also stabbed to death during a dispute with Yu Dekai.Jasmine stopped Yu Dekai from calling the police, saying that she couldn't live without him.In this way, Xia Gang was covered to death by Yu Dekai.Sean also knew about the incident and cleaned up the scene.

Xia Ze was very angry when he heard the news. He pushed Yu Dekai to the ground and punched him several times.Ma Zhuo tried to hold Xia Ze.Yu Dekai knew that Sean had gone to the police station, and he decided to tell Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo the truth.Xia Ze believed that Yu Dekai had no real remorse, otherwise he would not have waited until Sean went to the police to tell the truth.He thinks this is Yu Dekai's own choice.Officer Geng took away Yu Dekai.This news shocked everyone, and Yu Anduo couldn't accept this fact.Ma Zhuo began to wonder if she would make the same choice if she went back in time.Officer Geng tried to comfort her and asked her not to blame herself too much. Although Chen Guoguo made mistakes, as a mother, she was great.

Hu Wan also advised Xia Ze to be more open-minded, and Xia Ze was also worried about Ma Zhuo's condition.He began to wonder if the truth they had been searching for all these years was really what they thought.Xiao Zhe asked Yu Anduo to go up, but she resisted.Xia Ze was worried that Ma Zhuo would not be able to think about it, so he asked her to go out to relax and vent his emotions by boxing with her the way he did when he was a child.Ma Zhuo felt much better, and she told Xia Ze that many possible truths appeared in her mind, but she never expected it to be like this.Years of hard work came to nothing and she didn't know what to do next.She and Xia Ze have also been on and off for nearly ten years. She doesn't know whether this truth has any meaning.

Ma Zhuo feels that there may be no fate between them, while Xia Ze thinks that some things have changed and some things have not changed.He felt that fate was playing tricks on people.In the end, Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze decided to take some time apart to see how their lives would develop.

《The Farewell Song》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Three years later, Ma Zhuo has become well-known in the legal community. Her kindness and professionalism are deeply loved by everyone, and people often give her souvenirs enthusiastically.Once, Aunt Xue specially brought her old bacon from Ya'an. Ma Zhuo felt that it was hard to refuse the kindness, so she happily accepted it.In the car, she listened to Yu Anduo's singing and had mixed feelings in her heart, but gradually, the singing brought her relief.The manager was also full of praise for Anduo's changes. She is no longer immature when she sings this song, but is full of positive and cheerful attitude, which is deeply loved by the public.

Although Yu Anduo wanted to work overtime, her partner left early because he wanted to go home to celebrate his wife's birthday.When a friend asked why Xiao Zhe didn't come to pick her up, she reluctantly explained that Xiao Zhe had changed jobs and now had his own law firm and was very busy.

Xiao Zhe came to see Sean and told him that his mother had recovered well.Sean finally became concerned about the matter between Xiao Zhe and Yu Anduo, and he realized that as a father, he might have let his son down.Sean recalled that he was just a few points away from being admitted to a university in Shanghai, and stayed in this small place, feeling full of unwillingness.He once hoped that his son's life would have fewer regrets, but now he is not sure whether he did the right thing.Xiao Zhe admitted that although Sean had given him a rich material life, he was more eager to pursue a career that he truly loved.

Sean told Xiao Zhe that if he has children in the future, he should not control them too closely, otherwise being a father will be very tiring.He told Xiao Zhe to live a good life and not to see him again in the future.Xiao Zhe tearfully thanked Sean for his understanding and support, which made Sean very happy.

Ma Zhuo told Xia Hua that he planned to resign and travel elsewhere.Xia Hua is very supportive and invites Ma Zhuo to go home as a guest.At Xia Hua's house, Ma Zhuo was invited to become the child's godfather.Hu Wan and Xia Hua live happily. Xia Hua is grateful to Hu Wan for his tolerance and love, which makes her understand what true love and family are.Hu Wan's attentiveness and obedience also impressed Ma Zhuo.

Xia Hua feels sorry for Ma Zhuo's departure and wants to know if she has any regrets.Ma Zhuo did not answer directly, but Xia Hua and Hu Wan both lamented the regret between Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo.Yu Anduo decided to divorce Xia Ze, and Xiao Zhe still wanted to travel with her, but he chose to pretend not to hear.Yu Anduo told Xiao Zhe seriously that it would be good for both of them to separate.She was grateful for Xiao Zhe's constant care and hoped that he could find his true happiness.

Xia Ze felt guilty for not fulfilling his promise to Anduo, but he also thanked her for her support and help.Luo Didi was reluctant to leave Ma Zhuo and revealed that Xia Ze built a small villa for the two of them in Ya'an.Ma Zhuo told Luo Didi not to tell Xia Ze about his situation.Luo Didi felt that there were wonderful similarities between Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo.When Xia Ze learned that Ma Zhuo was leaving, both of them felt scared and timid.

Yu Anduo finally felt relieved after meeting Ma Zhuo.Yu Anduo told Ma Zhuo that she was divorced and hoped that she could find true happiness because she was his best friend in adolescence.Yu Anduo finally said the words "I'm sorry" and apologized to Ma Zhuo on behalf of Yu Dekai.Ma Zhuo encourages Yu Anduo to look forward and live a good life.Before leaving, Ma Zhuo left a letter.Brother Tangyuan also felt sorry for Ma Zhuo's departure.Suddenly, Ma Zhuo felt the car shaking, as if an earthquake had occurred.She hurriedly returned and informed Xia Ze, and the two eventually reunited in the ruins.After experiencing this disaster, Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze cherish each other even more and are determined to work together no matter what happens in the future.