Home TV Joy of Life 2
《Joy of Life 2》 Summ

Continuing from last season, Fan Xian (played by Zhang Ruoyun) led the mission to return. The second prince threatened Fan Xian with the safety of Fei Jie, Fan Sizhe and the Teng family orphans, forcing him to surrender to him. The conflict between the two aroused.The puzzle that Fan Xian faced in Baoyue Tower and the ensuing Chunwei crisis were all traps carefully laid by the second prince for Fan Xian.

Fan Xian and Lin Waner got married as they wished. Immediately afterwards, Fan Xian took over the inner treasury, but found that the inner treasury was heavily in debt.Fan Xian refused the help of Qing Yutang's big shopkeeper and decided to solve the internal treasury crisis on his own. Fan Xian invited all the merchants in the city to gather in Cangshan Mountain and raised more than 20 million silver taels by selling % of treasury debts, solving the internal treasury crisis.Library empty problem.

At the Xuankong Temple, Emperor Qing suffered three consecutive assassinations. Fan Xian came to the rescue, but his martial arts skills were completely disabled.Surrounded by crises and increasing pressure, Fan Xian has no choice. He must go to the south of the Yangtze River in this body to challenge the huge forces and established rules of the game in order to completely regain the inner treasury.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

The story of the first season ended with people sighing. Fan Xian was pierced through the body with a sword by Yan Bingyun from the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. His fate touched the hearts of countless people. The author of this novel, Zhang Qing, suddenly stopped writing.The students asked Professor Ye about Fan Xian's life and death one after another. Even the cleaning lady in the library was very concerned about Fan Xian and couldn't help but ask Professor Ye quietly. Professor Ye was very disturbed and she also wanted to know the final result.Zhang Qing finally showed up and handed the second season of the novel to Professor Ye, who read it overnight.

Fan Xian was ordered to escort Sean and Si Lili as envoys to Northern Qi. The little emperor Zhan Doudou of Northern Qi used him to get rid of the heavy hand that covered the sky. Fan Xian went through hardships and dangers and exchanged Sean for Yan Bingyun, who was betrayed by the eldest princess. Not only did heSean learned from his mouth the location of the temple that everyone longed for, and unexpectedly learned that he was not Fan Jian's illegitimate son, but the child of Emperor Nanqing and Ye Qingmei.Before his death, Zhong Sheng also revealed to Fan Xian that the second prince Li Chengze and the eldest princess had joined forces to engage in smuggling trade with Northern Qi and made huge profits. Fan Xian led the delegation to leave Northern Qi with these three shocking secrets.

The second prince was worried that Fan Xian would expose his and the eldest princess's conspiracy when he returned, so he sent Xie Bian with heavy troops to intercept the mission halfway and give each of Yan Bingyun and Fan Xian a letter.Li Chengze persuaded Yan Bingyun to join him, and also threatened Fan Xian with the lives of Teng Zijin's wife and children, Fei Jie and Fan Sizhe. They were the people Fan Xian cared about most. Fan Xian would rather die than surrender. He and Yan Bingyun fought side by side, and Xie Bi'an led the peopleSurrounding them, Yan Bingyun pierced Fan Xian's body with his sword, and Fan Xian fell into a pool of blood.

When the news of Fan Xian's death reached the palace, the formerly majestic Emperor Nanqing immediately panicked. He was so frightened that he could not choose a way out and asked Eunuch Hou to immediately call Chen Pingping, the director of the inspection institute.Chen Pingping admired Ye Qingmei very much and regarded Fan Xian as her own. When he learned the bad news, he fell out of the wheelchair out of anger. Chen Pingping sent Yan Ruohai to summon everyone in the courtyard and sent themThey split up to look for Fan Xian's body.

Chen Pingping was ordered to come to the palace, and Fan Jian also came after hearing the news. He was heartbroken because of Fan Xian's death. He poured out all his anger on Chen Pingping and scolded Chen Pingping for letting Fan Xian go to Northern Qi to take risks. Chen Pingping was also very sad., he vowed to die to apologize after avenging Fan Xian.Emperor Nanqing received the second letter from Fei Ge and learned that Yan Bingyun had killed Fan Xian. He was so sad and angry that he locked himself in the palace without seeing anyone. Chen Pingping and Fan Jian had to leave in anger.

Yan Bingyun and Xie Bian discussed burning Fan Xian to death and resuscitating him for free. Yan Bingyun lit the pile of firewood himself. The fire burned fiercely and soon burned to ashes. Xie Bian sent someone to deliver a message to Li Chengze. He wanted to start fromI found a piece of Fan Xian's remains in the ruins and went back to deliver the report.Li Chengze suspected that Fan Xian had faked his death, but Xie Bian brought the remains back to him.

Chen Pingping knew that Yan Bingyun was a loyal and patriotic person, and he would never do anything against Fan Xian. Fan Jian also felt that something was wrong and suspected that Fan Xian had faked his death. He couldn't help but sweat for Fan Xian. Fan Xian would be blamed for bullying the emperor.After the end of the world, Fan Jian wanted to go back to the emperor to plead for mercy and suppress the news of Fan Xian's death. Chen Pingping stopped him and wanted to use Fan Xian's death as an opportunity to turn the Qing Kingdom upside down.

As expected by Chen Pingping and Fan Jian, this was a fake death carefully designed by Yan Bingyun and Fan Xian. The sword used by Yan Bingyun was given to Fan Xian by the senior brothers from the Third Division of the Inspection Institute before leaving.A retractable sword. Fan Xian also used a chicken blood bag. Wang Qinian dug a hole under the firewood pile in advance and replaced Fan Xian with half a pig. The remains picked up by Xie Bian were pig bones.Fan Xian asked Yan Bingyun to lead the mission and continue on their way. He and Wang Qinian rushed back to rescue Teng Zijin's wife and children, Fan Sizhe and Fei Jie.

Fan Jian hurried back to his house and quietly told his wife Liu Ruyu the truth. He also asked his servants to set up a funeral tent in Fan's house to pretend that Fan Xian was dead. Fan Jian was worried that Fan Ruoruo would suddenly fall ill, so he asked Liu Ruyu to take more care of Fan Ruoruo.Talented and intelligent, she did not believe that Fan Xian was dead, but instead comforted Liu Ruyu.

Fan Xian and Wang Qinian rushed to the capital. They saw altars set up at the city gate and on both sides of the streets. People took to the streets to express their condolences to Fan Xian. Vendors were selling Fan Xian's poetry collection and products named after him. Fan Xian was shocked.He was stunned. He didn't expect the news of his death to spread throughout the capital so quickly. Guessing that it was Li Chengze's doing, he didn't dare to show his true face, so he had to follow Wang Qinian home to escape for a while.

Li Chengze deliberately spread the news of Fan Xian's death among the people, just to prove that Fan Xian had faked his death to deceive the emperor. He sent people to surround Wang Qinian's home. Thanks to Wang Qinian's home digging a secret passage outside the city, he and Fan XianXian took advantage of the darkness to return home through a secret passage and successfully evaded the officers and soldiers watching outside. However, his way was blocked by the traps set up by Mrs. Wang. Wang Qinian spent a lot of effort to get over these traps and put Fan Xian in place.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Wang asked her daughter Wang Ba to wake Fan Xian up for breakfast. Fan Xian saw Mrs. Wang's magnanimity and was infected by Wang Ba's intelligence. The three of them happily finished the breakfast.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Fan Xian sent Wang Qinian to inquire about Teng Zijin's wife and children, but found nothing. When he found out that Fan Xian's death was not only widely spread among the people, but also in the officialdom, Wang Qinian hurried home from a secret way to report the news to Fan Xian, and persuaded Fan Xian to fly away.Otherwise, he would definitely die if he faked his own death to deceive the emperor. Fan Xian ignored Wang Qinian's dissuasion and decided to go to Emperor Qing to explain the situation.

Fan Xian pretended to be an assassin and broke into the palace, asking Eunuch Hou to report to Emperor Qing. Eunuch Hou knew that this might lead to his death, so he advised Fan Xian to leave as soon as possible, otherwise his life would be at risk.Chen Pingping arrived in time to stop him. Fan Xian hated Chen Pingping deeply. Her life had been hanging by a thread many times in Northern Qi, but Chen Pingping had sworn to protect his black knight but never showed up. Chen Pingping saw the murderous look in Fan Xian's eyes, and heNot wanting to explain too much, he agreed to persuade the emperor and reminded Fan Xian to be prepared for bad things and not to implicate Fan's house. Fan Xian handed the temple map he drew to Chen Pingping.

Chen Pingping came to see Emperor Qing tremblingly and told the news that Fan Xian was alive. He put in good words for Fan Xian in front of Emperor Qing, but Emperor Qing didn't buy it and forcibly drove Chen Pingping away. He thought twice before reluctantly agreeing to see Fan Xian.Fan Xian knelt down in front of Emperor Qing for the first time and truthfully reported his experience in Northern Qi. He repeatedly defended his fake death and reported in detail the crime of Li Chengze and Li Yunrui colluding with the Jinyi Guards of Northern Qi to smuggle and make huge profits. Emperor Qing ignored him.With his back turned to him on the bed, Fan Xian had no choice but to tell Emperor Qing the location of the temple, and Emperor Qing slowly stood up, but soon lay down. Fan Xian kept expressing his loyalty to Emperor Qing, and even though he said nice things, it was of no avail.Emperor Qing suddenly yelled "Get lost". Fan Xian knew that Emperor Qing would not kill him for the time being. He was relieved and hurriedly got up and left.

Fan Xian came to Yanhua Palace to find Prince Li Chengqian. Li Chengqian pretended to know nothing and acted stupid in front of Fan Xian. Fan Xian told Li Yunrui and Li Chengze that they had secretly colluded with Northern Qi to smuggle. Li Chengqian was dumbfounded. He did not believe that this was the case.Indeed, Li Yunrui was clearly on his side, and he also regarded Li Yunrui as his backer. Fan Xian spoke conclusively, telling everything Li Yunrui and Li Chengze had done.Li Chengqian just woke up from his dream. He agreed to cooperate with Fan Xian and sent people to investigate Li Yunrui and Li Chengze. In order to block the news, he also executed all the guards outside the door.

Wang Qinian learned that Fan Xian had gone to Li Chengqian to cooperate and complained that he was too reckless. Fan Xian wanted to prove Li Yunrui and Li Chengze's crimes before Yan Bingyun led the delegation back to Beijing, so that he could ask Emperor Qing to pardon him for pretending to die to deceive the emperor. Fan XianIt also frees up time to continue searching for the whereabouts of Teng Zijin’s wife and children.Wang Qinian found out that Fei Jie was away from the capital on a business trip, and that Fan Sizhe was safe and sound, except that he left early in the morning and came back late every day. He also found out that Teng Zijin's wife and children were taken to Baoyue Tower.Chen Pingping and Yan Ruohai were imprisoned. They were always paying attention to the changes in the current situation and praying that Fan Xian could turn the danger into safety.

Baoyue Tower is a brothel with high standards and strict guards. It also implements a membership system and ordinary people cannot enter.Fan Xian was worried about how to enter Baoyue Building to find someone, when he suddenly saw a ring set up next to him to hold a memorial service for the deceased Fan Xian. People came on stage one after another to imitate Fan Xian's drunken chanting of poems, and Fan Xian and Haitang Duoduo dancing swords for the Queen Mother.In the clip, the two people who performed the best were allowed to enter the Baoyue Tower, and the girls surrounded them.

Fan Xian wanted to use this method to find people in Baoyue Tower. He was worried about being recognized. Wang Qinian persuaded him to sneak in while it was dark. Fan Xian learned from Mrs. Wang that the boss of Baoyue Tower was Yuan Meng. Yuan Meng used to beThe courtesan who flows through the river, Mrs. Wang has opened a rouge shop, and the girls from the brothel are regular customers in her shop. Mrs. Wang also revealed that Wang Qinian is very familiar with the singer Sang Wen. Sang Wen is now in Baoyuelou. Wang Qinian defended in every possible way, heIt had nothing to do with Sang Wen, but he was still slapped hard by the madam.Wang Qinian obtained his wife's consent and took Fan Xian to find Sang Wen.Sang Wen came to the satin shop to choose fabrics, and Wang Qinian brought Fan Xian to her for help.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

After meeting Sang Wen, Fan Xian learned through questioning that Baoyuelou was a newly opened brothel. He then asked about Teng Zijing's wife and children but did not get any clues. He heard Sang Wen mention Miss Jin who failed to escape.Sang Wen wanted to leave Baoyue Tower to seek help from Fan Xian, but Fan Xian promised to find Teng Zijing's wife and children to help him redeem his life.

Li Chengze concluded that Fan Xian would come to Baoyue Tower to find someone. He used the memorial service to distribute tickets to Fan Xian, but Fan Xian never showed up. Fan Wujiu, one of Li Chengze's eight closest confidants, led people to squat outside Wang Qinian's house, always waiting.When Wang Qinian and Fan Xian were not seen, Li Chengze sent Fan Wujiu to capture Wang Qinian's wife and daughter as hostages.

Wang Qinian and Fan Xian were squatting on the street and saw Baoyuelou's purchasing convoy slowly approaching. Wang Qinian covered Fan Xian and hid in the vegetable basket. Fan's vegetable seller Lao Jin was also hiding in the basket. He wanted to go to Baoyuelou to rescue him.Daughter, they both sneaked into Baoyue Building smoothly.Lao Jin briefly told his experience. He delivered vegetables to the palace, but was deducted in every possible way because he had no money to give gifts to Mr. Dai, the vegetable picker. In the end, he owed five hundred taels of silver. His daughter had to sell herself to pay Lao Jin, and Lao Jin only had to pay back the money.I want to see my daughter and redeem her as soon as possible.

Baoyue Tower was heavily guarded, and Fan Xian didn't know where to find anyone for a moment. He wanted to find Teng Zijin's wife and children through Lao Jin, so he took out all the money he had and asked Wang Qinian to help. Finally, he collected enough to pay the ransom of five hundred taels.Give it to Lao Jin and let him perform at the memorial service to win the door.Lao Jin performed Fan Xian's drunken recitation of poetry. He performed the role perfectly, and got the house number of Baoyue Building as he wished. Lao Jin happily entered Baoyue Building. Before entering, he turned back to signal to Fan Xian. Fan Xian vowed to find Eunuch Dai.Settlement of accounts.

Fan Wujiu brought people to Wang Qinian's house, but failed, so he had to go back and report to Li Chengze.After the memorial service, people dispersed. Fan Xian and Wang Qinian sat outside Baoyue Building and waited. Lao Jin came out alone. He staggered towards Fan Xian. Fan Xian learned that the ransom had increased to ten thousand taels, and heThe five hundred taels they collected allowed Lao Jin and his daughter to meet for two hours. Lao Jin found out that the owner of Baoyuelou was coming tomorrow. He apologized to Fan Xian repeatedly and wanted to sell the vegetables and then return them to Fan Xian.

After taking two steps, Old Jin fell to the ground and died. Fan Xian discovered that he was beaten all over. The thugs from Baoyue Tower dragged Old Jin away and used brooms and buckets to clean up the blood stains at the door. Fan Xian was furious.He gritted his teeth and wanted to rush in to find the shopkeeper of Baoyuelou to settle the score. Wang Qinian tried his best to stop him and persuaded him to come back to life and investigate the matter thoroughly.

Wang Qinian and Fan Xian returned home from a secret passage and found that Mrs. Wang and her daughter were missing. Guessing that they had been kidnapped, Wang Qinian wanted to save people in Baoyuelou, but Fan Xian stopped him.Fan Wujiu worked overtime to review his homework, hoping to obtain meritorious service in the spring of this year. Li Chengze couldn't help but tease him. Fan Wujiu was puzzled as to how Wang Qinian's wife and daughter escaped.

Wang Qinian watched Fan Xian go to Baoyue Tower with his own eyes. He came to Li Chengze to inform him about Fan Xian's fake death to deceive the emperor. He also revealed that Fan Xian went to Baoyue Tower to meet his employer. Li Chengze did not believe that he would betray Fan Xian. Wang QinianExpressing his loyalty to Li Chengze, Li Chengze asked Wang Qinian to lead the way to Baoyue Tower to catch Fan Xian.

The big boss is coming to Baoyuelou to check the accounts today. Yuan Meng called the girls together and asked them to do their best to please the big boss. He also specially reminded Sang Wen to behave well.Fan Xian hid on the beam and sprinkled a handful of white ash on Sang Wen's piano. Sang Wen looked up and saw Fan Xian and nodded to him.The boss hurried over and couldn't wait to take out the account book to check. Yuan Meng asked Sang Wen and others to sing for him to entertain him. Fan Sizhe was very impatient and kicked Sang Wen and others out.

Fan Xian was stunned with shock. He never expected that the big boss of Baoyue Tower was his own brother Fan Sizhe. Yuan Meng stood by and fanned Fan Sizhe. Fan Sizhe couldn't bear the disturbance and forcibly kicked Yuan Meng out. He wanted to concentrate on settling accounts.Fan Xian came down from the beam. Fan Sizhe couldn't help but smile happily when he saw Fan Xian come back from the dead.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

When Fan Xian saw Fan Sizhe and learned that Fan Sizhe was the owner of Baoyue Tower, he was so angry that he beat him up and wanted to make him pay for his life for Lao Jin and others.

Fan Xian suddenly collapsed due to the recurrence of his old injury. Fan Sizhe called all the thugs from Baoyuelou, but he was worried that Fan Xian would be charged, so he had to come back alone to see Fan Xian. Fan Xian was exhausted and vomited blood.Fan Sizhe asked Fan Sizhe about the whereabouts of Teng Zijin's wife and children, but Fan Sizhe didn't know anything about it. He kept claiming that Baoyuelou was not a brothel that dealt in skin and flesh business in the traditional sense. The girls he chose were all well-educated. Fan Xian saw that he was not lying and guessed that someoneBehind the scenes.

Yuan Meng came after hearing the news, and Fan Xian hurriedly hid. Fan Sizhe tried his best to find excuses to cover up the fact that he was beaten, and asked Yuan Meng to bring Sang Wen to play a song. Yuan Meng gave Sang Wen a thousand instructions to accompany her well.Fan Sizhe.Yuan Mengmeng was eavesdropping outside and was driven away by Fan Sizhe.Fan Sizhe learned from Sang Wen that Baoyue Tower forced girls into prostitution at the expense of human lives. He was so frightened that he revealed to Fan Xian that Baoyue Tower was opened by him and the third prince, who was the son of Liu Ruyu's sister Yi Guibi.

The third prince came to Baoyue Tower for inspection and gave Yuan Meng a lot of rectification suggestions. Yuan Meng obeyed him and urged him to go upstairs to see Fan Sizhe. The third prince only wanted to make more money and was not interested in the account books, so he returnedYuan Mengda talks about business.

After the third prince inspected the work, he asked Yuan Meng to take him to see Fan Sizhe. Fan Sizhe sent Yuan Meng away, and Fan Xian took advantage of him and knocked the third prince unconscious from behind.

Li Chengze sent people to surround Baoyue Tower, and then led Wang Qinian, Fan Wujiu and others to rush into Baoyue Tower in a big way. Yuan Meng and the thugs were so frightened that they did not dare to come out. Fan Xian had been waiting for a long time and asked Fan Sizhe to let him go.Li Chengze went upstairs.Fan Xian exposed Li Chengze's plot to assassinate him face to face, and Li Chengze confessed to it. He moved out and threatened Fan Xian with fake death to deceive the king and Baoyuelou, selling people privately and forcing girls into prostitution. He also tried his best to instigate the relationship between Wang Qinian and Fan Xian. Wang Qinian begged Li ChengzeAfter releasing his wife and daughter, Li Chengze had to admit that Wang Qinian's wife and daughter were not in his hands, and they had escaped long ago.

Li Chengze offered to reconcile with Fan Xian and promised to release Teng Zijin's wife and children, otherwise Fan Xian would be killed without mercy.Prince Li Chengqian arrived in time to relieve the siege, and officers and soldiers from Kyoto Prefecture also came together. Li Chengqian gave an order to put all the people under Li Chengze's charge under guard. Li Chengze listed Fan Xian's crimes of pretending to die to defraud the emperor and Fan Sizhe's crimes of disregarding human lives. Li Chengqian only saw three crimes in his eyes.Prince, he turned a blind eye to Fan Xian and deliberately pretended to be dumbfounded.

When Li Chengze saw Wang Qinian return to Fan Xian, he realized that he had been fooled. This was carefully arranged by Fan Xian. Wang Qinian pretended to join Li Chengze and gained his trust. After Fan Xian came to Baoyue Tower, Wang Qinian reported the news to Li Chengqian.Li Chengze wanted to convict Fan Xian and persuaded Li Chengqian not to get involved in the matter. Li Chengqian hated the secret collusion between him and Li Yunrui and exposed the relationship between Li Chengze, Yuan Meng and Li Hongcheng in person. Li Chengze used Yuan Meng to secretly controlBaoyuelou tricked Fan Sizhe, and Li Chengqian forced Li Chengze to release Teng Zijin's wife and children. Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Chengze had no choice but to let Fan Wujiu release them. Before leaving, he said a harsh word.

The more Fan Xian thought about it, the more something was wrong. Li Chengze would not give in so easily, and he was always cautious in doing things, so he would not leave such a big loophole for Yuan Meng. Since there was no conclusive evidence, Fan Xian could only wait and see what would happen. He asked Fan Sizhe to tell his bossJin's daughter sold herself and was released on a contract.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Not wanting Li Chengze to continue to do evil, Fan Xian asked Fan Sizhe to lock up Baoyue Tower, and then decided to return to the mission after hearing what Li Chengqian said. Before leaving, he asked Li Chengqian to protect Teng Zijing's wife and children.

The third prince woke up in a daze and woke up Fan Sizhe who was napping on the table. He vaguely remembered that someone knocked him out. Fan Sizhe tried his best to find excuses to cover up and persuade the third prince to leave.Fan Xian accompanied Wang Qinian home to find his wife and daughter. Unexpectedly, they were protected by Chen Pingping. Chen Pingping also asked Mrs. Wang to inform Fan Xian that Teng Zijin's wife and children were sent to Danzhou.

Gao Da followed the mission non-stop and was getting closer and closer to Kyoto. Fan Xian had not yet returned to the team. Gao Gao was anxious, holding a jar of Fan Xian's ashes and muttering to himself. Xie Bi'an led the people and followed the mission step by step.Confirming that Fan Xian's death was true, he immediately led his team back to Kyoto to report back to Li Chengze.

Fan Sizhe hid at home in accordance with Fan Xian's order. He never left the house or left the house. Liu Ruyu curiously inquired about the reason. Fan Sizhe did not dare to tell the truth and could only find excuses to cover it up.

Wang Qinian and Fan Xian chased the mission in a carriage and met Xie Bian head-on. Xie Bian did not expect that Fan Xian was still alive. He rushed forward to assassinate Fan Xian without saying a word. Fan Xian's old injury relapsed. He did not want to fight, so he used the cliff to ask Xie Bian to track him., and asked Xie Bian to bring a message to Li Chengze, and they went to Kyoto to show off.

Wang Qinian and Fan Xian quickly caught up with the mission, and Gundam breathed a sigh of relief. Fan Xian suddenly found that the eldest princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty was leading the team behind him, and then he learned that the little emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty Zhan Doudou had an impromptu plan to let the eldest princess and the eldest prince of Nanqingmarriage.At the same time, the eldest prince briefly handed over the work to the new generals of the border army, and then was ordered to return to Beijing.

Fan Wujiu calculated based on the time that the eldest prince and Fan Xian arrived in Beijing on the same day. He immediately reported to Li Chengze, who came up with a ghost idea to frame Fan Xian.Fan Xian returned to the mission and came to see Yan Bingyun immediately. Yan Bingyun reminded Fan Xian not to be happy too early. Wherever the mission went, people rushed to buy Fan Xian's relics to express their condolences. Fan Xian mustOnly by coming up with a reason that can appease the people can he live legitimately, otherwise it will arouse public anger. Only then did Fan Xian realize the seriousness of the problem. The people who spread the news of his death had sinister intentions, but he was helpless.

Fan Xian suddenly came up with a good idea. It was reasonable for him to use the eldest princess of Northern Qi to fake his own death. Fan Xian easily found out Zhan Doudou's true intention from the eldest princess of Northern Qi. Zhan Doudou asked the eldest princess of Northern Qi toAs the intelligence liaison between her and Fan Xian, he successfully persuaded the eldest princess of Northern Qi to help perform a play with his sharp tongue.

The eldest princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty announced a news in public. In order to protect the mission and the classics left by Zhuang Mohan, Fan Xian started a desperate battle with the grand master who came to hunt them down. In the end, he faked his own death and was able to survive. The eldest princess insisted that sheI saw it with my own eyes, and Gundam was there to help.Fan Xian and Wang Qinian made themselves disgraced and successfully deceived the officials and attendants of the mission, who had no doubts about Fan Xian.Yan Bingyun asked officials to pass the news of Fan Xian's resurrection back to Kyoto, and then asked the envoy to rest for a while before continuing on their way.

Fan Xian and his party hurried on, and soon arrived in the capital. Xin Qiwu, the young minister of Honglu Temple, ran all the way to see Fan Xian outside the north gate of the city. Fan Xian learned that Emperor Qing had not punished him and sent someone to greet them.Heaving a long sigh of relief, Xin Qiwu revealed that the eldest prince was also coming to Beijing today. He quickly arrived with his cavalry team and persuaded Fan Xian to make way for the eldest prince to prevent them from crowding into the city. Fan Xian refused and returnedMove out the eldest princess of Northern Qi to talk about things.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

When the second prince Li Chengze heard that the envoy led by Fan Xian and the cavalry team of the eldest prince Li Chengru returned to Kyoto on the same day, he sent someone to secretly cause Li Chengru and Fan Xian to enter the city at the north gate.The officials of the Ministry of Rites were worried that they would collide and cause crowding at the city gate, so they sent Xin Qiwu, the young minister of Honglu Temple, out of the city to meet Fan Xian and ask Fan Xian to make way for Li Chengru.

Fan Xian came to seek the opinion of the eldest princess of Northern Qi and deliberately hinted that she should not give in. The eldest princess of Northern Qi was ordered to come to Nanqing to marry Li Chengru. This was not only her personal problem, but also represented the entire Northern Qi. She was determined not to give in to her future husband Li Chengru.Give way, Xin Qiwu was soft-spoken, he did not dare to offend the eldest princess, so he had to go back and recover.

Prince Li Chengqian led Li Chengze and the third prince Li Chengping to greet him at the city gate. Fan Xian and his envoy had just arrived when Li Chengru's cavalry galloped from the opposite side. The two teams met outside the city gate, and they refused to give way to each other.Fan Xian took the initiative to dismount and greet Li Chengru. Li Chengru sneered at Fan Xian. He was the prince, but Fan Xian fought with him. The eldest princess asked Li Chengru to give way, but Li Chengru refused. He threatened to kill Fan Xian, but Fan Xian refused.Fear, both sides are at war with each other.

Suddenly a strong wind blew in the sky, yellow sand flew all over the sky, and you could not see your fingers. People were blown around and the scene was in chaos. The two horses in Li Chengru's team were frightened and rushed towards Fan Xian with a roar. Wang Qinian loudly reminded GundamProtect Fan Xian.After the strong wind, calm soon returned. The two frightened horses fell in a pool of blood. Even Li Chengru, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, could not see clearly how the horses died. He couldn't help but sigh at Gundam's agility. Li Chengru died of heartache.The eldest princess hurriedly stood up to support Fan Xian, but Li Chengru refused to give up and drew his sword to kill Fan Xian.

Li Chengqian arrived in time to relieve the siege. He warmly welcomed Li Chengru into the city, but the eldest princess refused to give way. She promised to compensate the soldiers and horses who died in the battle, and Li Chengru was forced to come back for marriage. He did not agree with the marriage, and he did not want to listen to the eldest princess's nagging., I want to find time to chat with her one-on-one.Li Chengqian acted as a peacemaker and asked Li Chengru and Fan Xian to reconcile. Neither of them would bow their heads. Li Chengru felt that Fan Xian was superior to Lin Wan'er and was sarcastic towards Fan Xian. Fan Xian did not show weakness and retorted at him. Li Chengqian hurriedly reconciled and pulled Li Chengru and Fan Xian along.hands into the city together.

Brothers Li Chengping and Li Chengru reunited after a long absence, and their excitement was beyond words.Li Chengping hugged Li Chengru tightly and asked questions.Enemies Li Chengze and Fan Xian were extremely jealous when they met. They started a verbal battle, but Li Chengqian hurriedly interrupted them.Li Chengping recognized Fan Xian as the person who knocked him out in Baoyue Tower, and complained in front of Li Chengru. Li Chengru asked Fan Xian why he poisoned the prince. Fan Xian forced Li Chengping to tell him the specific location, and Li Chengping immediately panicked., he did not dare to tell that he was in Baoyue Tower, and lied that he had admitted the wrong person, and it was inconvenient for Li Chengru to pursue him.

Fan Xian was called to account by Emperor Qing as soon as he entered the city. Emperor Qing then arranged a family banquet, called the four princes to eat together, and asked Eunuch Hou to bring Fan Xian to the banquet.Fan Xian was beaten with a cane and cried out in pain.Emperor Qing acted like a normal person and asked Fan Xian to tell everyone about his experience of his trip to Northern Qi. Fan Xian endured the pain and made a simple statement. Emperor Qing couldn't wait to know the location of the temple. Fan Xian answered truthfully that he should go north in Northern Qi.In the far north, Emperor Qing wanted to destroy Northern Qi first.Fan Xian reported to Emperor Qing that Li Chengze and Li Yunrui had been smuggling with the Northern Qi Jinyiwei for many years, and Emperor Qing became furious.

Li Chengze hurriedly knelt on the ground. He shouted that he was wronged and insisted that Fan Xian had framed him. Emperor Qing asked Fan Xian to provide conclusive evidence, but he was already dead and had no evidence. Fan Xian took out Tisi's waistband and Emperor Qing threw it behind him.In the lake, Fan Xian was stunned.Li Chengze asked Emperor Qing to grant Li Hongcheng a marriage to Fan Ruoruo, but Fan Xian strongly protested. Li Hongcheng was a romantic and Li Chengze's best friend, and he would never let Fan Ruoruo marry Li Hongcheng. But Emperor Qing was true to his word, and he agreed to this.Marriage.

Emperor Qing wanted Fan Xian to serve as an envoy to the Northern Qi Dynasty, so he conferred the title of first-class Nanjue on him, and also asked Li Chengze to marry Ye Ling'er, the daughter of Kyoto garrison Ye Chong. Li Chengze did not agree, but Emperor Qing was determined and resolute.Fan Xian once again begged Emperor Qing to severely punish Li Yunrui and Li Chengze for their smuggling crimes. Emperor Qing scolded Fan Xian for having no evidence and then walked away. Fan Xian then got up and left.

Li Chengze had long seen that Fan Xian was acting in front of them, and Emperor Qing did not hit him at all.Li Chengqian followed closely and caught up with Fan Xian. Fan Xian sat aside and sulked. He hated Li Chengze deeply. Li Chengze not only used Baoyue Tower to frame Fan Sizhe, but now used the marriage between Li Hongcheng and Fan Ruoruo to disgust him. Li Chengqian persuaded FanXian tolerated it for the time being. If they couldn't find conclusive evidence, Emperor Qing would not deal with Li Yunrui and Li Chengze.

Fan Xian found out that Shijia Town was an important smuggling route, but when Li Chengqian sent people to collect evidence, Li Chengze took the initiative to silence Shijia Town and burned Shijia Town to rubble, leaving no clues. The poor local people also becameThe victim, Li Chengqian did not expect Li Chengze to be so cruel and ruthless. The chain of evidence in Fan Xian's hand was broken. He was unwilling to admit defeat. Li Chengqian persuaded him to take back the position of prosecutor of the forensic institute first, and then slowly take revenge.

When the queen heard that Emperor Qing invited Fan Xian to a family dinner, she was very angry. When she saw the picture of a lady painted by Li Chengqian, she became even more angry. She called her son Li Chengqian and asked her hard who was the woman in the picture., Li Chengqian was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

The queen saw at a glance that the person in Li Chengqian's painting was Li Yunrui. She was furious and yelled at Li Chengqian. If this matter spread, not only would it be a scandal for the royal family, but Prince Li Chengqian's status would also be in jeopardy. Li Chengqian realized the problemDue to the seriousness of the incident, he burned all the paintings on the spot and vowed to cut off his feelings for Li Yunrui.The queen was willing to give up and couldn't wait to ask him about the situation in Shijia Town. Li Chengqian had no choice but to admit that he was responsible for such a tragic incident in the town, just to deepen the hatred between Fan Xian and Li Chengze.

Wang Qinian went home and discussed with his wife that as long as Fan Xian gave him generous treatment, Wang Qinian was willing to follow Fan Xian's lead.Fan Xian wanted to use smuggling to bring down Li Yunrui and Li Chengze, but Emperor Qing tried his best to protect them and even threw away his Tisi badge. Fan Xian went through all the troubles to find out the important clue of Shijia Town, but was beaten by Li Chengze again.The fire destroyed them all.Fan Xian felt unprecedented frustration. He had nowhere to vent, so he took a bucket and a rag and washed the stone tablet at the entrance of the inspection institute. This was left by his mother Ye Qingmei during his lifetime.The beautiful wish he made was also Fan Xian's lifelong wish, but now he is struggling.

Wang Qinian has always been by Fan Xian's side, giving him kind words. Fan Xian felt helpless and gave up his job in anger. Wang Qinian cheered him up and vowed to go all out to help him, but Fan Xian still couldn't let go.Chen Pingping witnessed this scene. He returned the Tisi waist card to Fan Xian and encouraged Fan Xian not to be discouraged, but to first find out the opponent's final intention and know himself and the enemy, otherwise he would be completely defeated. Fan Xian vowed to fight Li Chengze to the end, and forPeople like Lao Jintou and Teng Zijin who died in vain seek justice.

Chen Pingping gave Fan Xian some advice. First, he formed a team of his own and asked him to be the host of the inspection institute.Since Zhuge's death, the First Division has been leaderless. The main task of the First Division is to monitor all officials in Kyoto. It involves a wide range of things. It is a place of right and wrong and a place of fierce battles. Fan Xian can make full use of the advantages of the First Division to expand hisThe forces deal with Li Chengze.Fan Xian was immediately moved, and he spoke out all the words he had accumulated in his heart. This trip to Northern Qi made him realize one thing deeply. From childhood to adulthood, his every move was controlled by Chen Pingping. Chen Pingping didn't want to explain too much. He andYe Qingmei has deep feelings, and is even willing to sacrifice his life for Ye Qingmei. He treats Fan Xian as his own son and is willing to arrange everything for Fan Xian. Fan Xian is dubious, knowing that he has something to hide, so he doesn't want to ask more questions.

Fan Jian hurried to the inspection institute and yelled at Chen Pingping. Fan Xian had returned from Northern Qi. He was first called into the palace by Emperor Qing, and now he was called to the inspection institute by Chen Pingping. He has not returned home yet.Fan Jian became more and more angry as he talked. Chen Pingping made it clear that he did not call Fan Xian to the inspection institute. Fan Xian explained that he came on his own and just wanted to wipe the stone tablet. Fan Jian didn't say anything, picked up Fan Xian and got in the car to go home..

Fan Jian had long heard about Fan Xian's experience in the palace and reminded him not to confront Li Chengze head-on, let alone act too hastily. Fan Xian wanted to set up his own team as soon as possible. Fan Jian taught him officialdom secrets, and Fan Xian remembered them one by one.He wanted to get off the bus to see Lin Wan'er, but he didn't want to make Fan Jian sad, so he agreed to go home for two days before talking. Fan Jian asked him to go home and comfort Fan Ruoruo, who was worried about him all day long.

Fan Xian came to see Fan Ruoruo as soon as he got home. Unexpectedly, Fan Ruoruo escaped from the marriage with her luggage, but she came back soon. She believed that Fan Xian would cancel the marriage, and Fan Xian promised to help her at all costs.Fan Jian heard that Fan Sizhe was running a brothel without telling them, so he called Fan Sizhe. Fan Xian told Li Chengze about using Baoyue Tower to frame Fan Sizhe. Liu Ruyu was worried that Fan Sizhe would be accused. She was anxious and wanted to take Fan Sizhe to Dan Sizhe.Fan Xian felt that it was inappropriate to stay in the state for a while, so he wanted to send Fan Sizhe to Northern Qi.

Liu Ruyu was reluctant to let Fan Sizhe go to the distant Northern Qi to suffer. Fan Xian tried hard to persuade Fan Sizhe and explained the stakes to him. Only by leaving Nanqing could he completely get rid of Li Chengze's frame-up. Fan Sizhe thought about it again and again before reluctantly agreeing. He went back overnight to pack his luggage..Fan Sizhe simply packed a few clothes, and Liu Ruyu gave him a lot of instructions. Fan Jian came out to see Fan Sizhe off, praising him for his responsibility for the first time and hoping he would come back soon. Fan Sizhe was so moved that tears filled his eyes, and he knelt on the ground to worship his parents.Say goodbye and leave the house in tears.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and it started pouring rain. Fan Xian prepared a carriage to see Fan Sizhe off. Fan Sizhe looked at Kyoto in the rain through the window. This was the place where he had lived since he was a child. Now that he was going to Northern Qi alone, Fan Sizhe felt a lot of reluctance.He wanted to cry, but Fan Xian gave him a large sum of money to do business. Fan Sizhe's eyes widened when he saw the money, and he immediately smiled. Fan Xian asked him to find Guo Baokun as soon as possible after arriving in Northern Qi.

Fan Xian sent Fan Sizhe to the gate of the city. Yan Bingyun specially selected a few people with good skills from all over the place to escort Fan Sizhe all the way north. Fan Xian watched Fan Sizhe's carriage gradually go away, and then he felt relieved to go see Lin Waner.Lin Wan'er heard about Fan Xian's encounter after coming to Beijing and wanted him to concentrate on dealing with the troubles that followed. She hid away from Fan Xian and asked Ye Ling'er to send him a message to let him work in peace. Although Fan Xian did not see Lin Wan'er,But knowing that Lin Wan'er always had him in her heart, she had no choice but to leave disappointed.

Ye Ling'er envied the relationship between Lin Waner and Fan Xian, and became extremely angry when she remembered that Emperor Qing had proposed her marriage to Li Chengze. She wanted to stay at Lin Waner's house for a few days to relax, and Lin Waner naturally wanted it.Yan Bingyun went to the prison to pick up Yan Ruohai. Yan Ruohai scolded him and complained that he shouldn't follow Fan Xian around. Yan Bingyun felt that he was right. He was very optimistic about Fan Xian. Yan Ruohai revealed that Chen Pingping would investigateYan Bingyun was greatly surprised when the hospital was handed over to Fan Xian.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Fan Xian originally wanted to use the Northern Qi smuggling incident to completely destroy Li Chengze and Li Yunrui, but all the clues he had were cut off.Just when Fan Xian was disheartened, Chen Pingping gave Fan Xian some earnest words, and Fan Xian reluctantly agreed to temporarily take over the First Branch of the Inspection Institute as a chief prosecutor, referred to as %1 Branch, in the bloody Kyoto.The prosperity and peace of the past have also been restored.

Yan Bingyun went to the prison to pick up Yan Ruohai when he returned home. The father and son had a long and heart-to-heart talk. Yan Ruohai conveyed Chen Pingping's instructions and asked Yan Bingyun to go all out to help Fan Xian gain a foothold in the inspection institute.Ruohai felt that he was old and wanted to give Yan Bingyun full authority to take care of everything. He also asked Yan Bingyun to learn from Fan Xian. Yan Ruohai reminded Yan Bingyun to clearly distinguish between work and feelings. Yan Bingyun admitted that this timeIt was a bit reckless to bring his sister back from Beiqi, but he couldn't just ignore her.

Early the next morning, Fan Xian took Wang Qinian to a place to formally take office. Yan Bingyun was ordered by Chen Pingping to wait for him at the gate early.The place was bustling with people, and officials from the six departments of the imperial court sent people to give gifts to the place. Fan Xian secretly vowed to completely rectify the place, and even dragged Yan Bingyun in to watch the excitement.

Officials at one place were busy welcoming and delivering, and no one paid any attention to Fan Xian and the others. The three of them went directly to the yard and saw several baskets of Yunmeng fish newly delivered by the vegetable picker.This fish is unique to the south and is famous for its delicious taste. The ice and snow in the north in the first year must be used to ensure the freshness of the fish, which requires expedited transportation by the Ministry of War 800 miles away.

Fan Xian came to inspect the place and heard that the major organizers had asked for leave but did not come. The staff gathered together to play mahjong, and only the chief secretary, Deng Ziyue, was handling official duties.Fan Xian learned a huge secret from him. The Vegetable Picking Department and the Ministry of War sent the rare Yunmeng fish to one place. The fish was then sold to the Vegetable Picking Department for double the price. They gave the proceeds to the Vegetable Picking Department.The profits were divided, and all the six ministries of the DPRK and Central Government used this method to make huge profits. Fan Xian suppressed the anger in his heart and dismissed those responsible for organizing the affairs on the spot, making Wang Qinian and Deng Ziyue his right-hand men.

Fan Xian gave the staff a lesson and gave them three rules. They were so frightened that they kept saying yes.Fan Xian sent Deng Ziyue to lead people to seal down the vegetable collection department on the grounds that the Yunmeng fish was not fresh. Deng Ziyue was arrogant and worried that he would not be able to convince the public. Fan Xian asked Yan Bingyun to support him. Yan Bingyun did not want to wade into this muddy water, butI couldn't push it away, so I had to bite the bullet and go.

Fan Xian came directly to Li Chengze and deliberately brought an empty bucket of fish to demonstrate to him. When Fan Xian came in and saw Xie Bi'an, he ridiculed him and forced Li Chengze to pick up vegetables and watch the show.Deng Ziyue led his men to surround the vegetable picking department, but Eunuch Dai was unmoved when he learned about the incident. The vegetable picking department was solely under the responsibility of Eunuch Dai. He relied on the fact that Li Chengze's mother, Concubine Shu, was behind the scenes and was domineering, so he did not bother Deng Ziyue at all.This little chief clerk took it seriously, but he didn't expect Fan Xian and Li Chengze to rush to the vegetable picking department. Only then did Eunuch Dai realize that the situation was not good.The young eunuch Hong Zhu who came to deliver the message persuaded Eunuch Dai to go pick up vegetables and find out what was going on. Eunuch Dai found that Hong Zhu was smart and wanted to take him with him. Hong Zhu flatly refused and even brought out Concubine Shu to talk about the matter, so Eunuch Dai had to give up..

Eunuch Dai came to see Fan Xian tremblingly, and secretly bribed Wang Qinian with money, hoping to get information from him. The more Deng Zi saw this, Wang Qinian gave him half of the money.Fan Xian took out the account book to check the handwriting and confirmed that it was Eunuch Dai who did the accounting. He listed one by one the crimes of corruption that Eunuch Dai had committed over the years by using the vegetable collection company to profit from the officials of the Sixth Ministry of the DPRK. Eunuch Dai was worried that being exposed would lead to death.Misfortune, he secretly gave Fan Xian an envelope. Fan Xian opened the envelope on the spot, accepted the three thousand taels of silver notes inside, and asked Deng Ziyue to lift the ban on picking up vegetables. Li Chengze saw that Fan Xian was deliberately demonstrating to him, and left in anger..

Yan Bingyun was puzzled as to why Fan Xian blatantly accepted bribes. Unexpectedly, Fan Xian asked Yan Bingyun to find a few more officials to impeach him at the Supervisory Council.Fan Xian passed by Baoyue Tower and remembered the tragic death of Lao Jintou. He vowed to uncover all the dark forces in Kyoto and seek justice for those who died in vain.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Li Chengze, who left the Vegetable Picking Department and returned to the palace, saw no one on the street. He picked up the jewelry left behind by ordinary merchants due to street cleaning, and deliberately left money.

Li Chengze was puzzled. He didn't understand why Fan Xian called him to the vegetable picking department and deliberately and blatantly accepted bribes from Eunuch Dai in front of him. Xie Bi'an couldn't guess Fan Xian's intentions. It was inconvenient for Li Chengze to step forward to impeach Fan.However, he was unwilling to miss this good opportunity to suppress Fan Xian. Their conversation was heard more and more clearly by Deng Zi who was hiding aside.

Early the next morning, Emperor Qing received a memorial jointly impeaching Fan Xian for engaging in corruption and accepting bribes. Emperor Qing asked Eunuch Hou to hand the memorial directly to Fan Xian. Eunuch Hou reminded Fan Xian to explain the matter to Shu.Fan Xian didn't take it seriously. He didn't react for a long time, and the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate started talking about it.Fan Xian had no choice but to send Wang Qinian to deliver a picture to the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which had the four characters "狋狋Barking" written on it, calling the censors barking dogs. They were so angry that they collectively impeached Fan Xian andEunuch Dai even suspected that Eunuch Dai was Fan Xian's godfather.

When Eunuch Dai heard about this, he complained endlessly and vented his bitterness in front of Hong Zhu. Hong Zhu gave him good words and advice.Fan Xian deliberately made the matter a big deal, hoping to turn the officialdom of Kyoto upside down. Fan Xian asked Yan Bingyun to use his influence to investigate officials outside Beijing. Yan Bingyun didn't want to get involved in this matter, but he couldn't stand it.Wang Qinian and Gao Gao had a rough and tumble battle.When Liu Ruyu heard that Fan Xian was impeached by the imperial censors, she couldn't help but sweat for him. She wanted to go to the palace to talk to her sister Yigui, but Fan Xian had already made careful arrangements and advised Liu Ruyu not to go to the palace.water.

Fan Sizhe went all the way north to Northern Qi, and Li Chengze sent people to follow him closely. They looked for opportunities to capture Fan Sizhe alive.Fan Xian came to inspect a place and saw his colleagues eating meat. Deng Ziyue was eating dry food alone in the warehouse. Fan Xian learned that the money for buying meat was the fifty taels of silver given by Wang Qinian to Deng Ziyue as hush money. Deng Ziyue accidentally saw Eunuch Dai using money.To bribe Wang Qinian, Wang Qinian gave him fifty taels of silver.Fan Xian also learned that Deng Ziyue fulfilled his duties, did not engage in corruption, bribery, or false accounting, and was humble to his colleagues, which made him a good person. In fact, Deng Ziyue was also an upright person back then. He did not expect that he would become so submissive after a few years in office.

Deng Ziyue was born in a poor family in Dingzhou, and he had great ambitions when he was young. At that time, a captain in the border army forged account books and defrauded official silver by buying horse feed. Deng Ziyue fought his way through the siege and sent the evidence to the forensic investigation institute., Chen Pingping thought of his bravery and uprightness, and specially approved him to enter the inspection institute.Over the years, Deng Zi has become more and more aware of the darkness and injustice in the officialdom, but others have spoken softly, so he can only temporarily put aside his talents and become a good man.

Fan Xian offered to be Deng Ziyue's backer and encouraged him to stand up and be his original self. The sooner Deng Ziyue was wiped out, he had no fighting spirit and just wanted to be alone.Fan Xian scolded him, and Deng Ziyue finally woke up from the scolding. He vowed to help Fan Xian change the corrupt officialdom. Fan Xian asked him to ghostwrite a self-defense letter, which only said: "Traitors are in power, so what's the crime?"% eight characters.There were more and more memorials to impeach Fan Xian, and Emperor Qing couldn't stand it, so he decided to let Fan Xian and the censors confront each other in court.Yan Bingyun received evidence of the crimes of officials from outside Beijing collected by his colleagues and handed it over to Chen Pingping as soon as possible. Chen Pingping sent a personal bodyguard shadow to send a message to Fan Xian overnight, so that Fan Xian could go to the palace to defend himself tomorrow.

Li Chengqian was worried that Fan Xian would not be able to compete with those eloquent censors, so he came early to wait for Fan Xian outside the main hall and gave him numerous instructions. Fan Xian already had a plan in mind, and Li Chengqian felt a little relieved.Fan Xian found out that Xin Qiwu was deliberately avoiding him, so he shouted to stop him. Xin Qiwu had to greet Fan Xian with a smile. All the censors mobilized to confront Fan Xian in the court. Unexpectedly, the Privy Council was sending QinYe also arrived early.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Qin Ye was not only the envoy of the Privy Council, but also had military power. He was the number one person in the Nanqing military. All the civil and military officials in the dynasty were waiting to go to court. Emperor Qing only had two chairs prepared, and Qin Ye sat on one of them.He closed his eyes and rested on the chair. The other chair was prepared for the Prime Minister Lin Ruofu, the head of the hundred officials. The prince Li Chengqian and the princes could only stand aside.

Lin Ruofu swaggered to the front of the palace, and all the civil and military officials saluted him. Even Li Chengqian smiled at him. Fan Xian did not expect that Lin Ruofu had such great arrogance.Chen Pingping came to court, and Fan Jian waited outside for a long time. He sent the guards away, pushed Chen Pingping up and left. He suspected that Chen Pingping was supporting Fan Xian behind his back, so Fan Xian dared to act so boldly. Chen Pingping denied it, and Fan JianDon't believe it at all.

When Lai Mingcheng, the censor of Zuodu, saw Fan Xian, he became furious and hurled bad words at him. Li Chengqian was fanning the flames. Fan Xian wanted to rush up and argue with him, but Li Chengqian hurriedly pulled Fan Xian aside and asked them to sit down.Distinguish right from wrong in court.There is a small slope in front of the hall. Chen Pingping's wheelchair is too heavy. Fan Jian tried several times and failed to push the wheelchair up. He was so tired that he was sweating profusely. He suspected that Chen Pingping had hidden something in the wheelchair. Chen Pingping laughed and said that there were thousands of troops hidden in it.Fan Jian only thought he was joking and didn't take him seriously. Fan Jian couldn't push up this slope despite all his efforts.

Li Chengru wanted to see how Fan Xian responded to the impeachment on the bathroom door of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He also came to the main hall to watch the excitement. He pushed Chen Pingping into the main hall without any effort. Li Chengru wanted to see how Fan Xian dealt with the entire Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.Fan Xian already had a plan in mind, but Fan Jian was worried and reminded Fan Xian not to let go for a while.Emperor Qing came later and asked Eunuch Hou to show Fan Xian's eight-character self-defense letter to all civil and military officials to read one by one.

Lai Mingcheng was the first to stand up and impeach Fan Xian, accusing him of accepting bribes and being arrogant and perverting the law. Fan Xian refused to plead guilty and complained that he was wronged. Lai Mingcheng produced witness statements. Emperor Qing sent someone to call Eunuch Dai to go to court for confrontation. Chen Pingping was asked firstWhen talking about Fan Xian's accusations, Chen Pingping suspected that Fan Xian was corrupt and perverting the law, and made it clear that in his eyes everyone looked like a lawless person.Emperor Qing deliberately moved Lin Ruofu out to talk things out. Chen Pingping felt that he was more like a corrupt official, and all civil and military officials were in an uproar.

Emperor Qing asked Qin Ye to express his opinion. Qin Ye supported Fan Xian and was full of praise for him. He even praised him in public for seducing the saint of the Northern Qi Dynasty to strengthen the country. All the civil and military officials covered their mouths and snickered. Fan Xian was so frightened that he kept denying it. Lin Ruofu's expression changed.Big change, but still pretending to be calm.Eunuch Dai was so frightened that the guards had to drag him to the palace. He didn't even know that his boots had fallen off. Hong Zhu was worried that he would be held accountable for his misconduct in front of the palace, so he put on his boots with his own hands.

Eunuch Dai came to the main hall tremblingly. Lai Mingcheng brought out witness statements to accuse Eunuch Dai. Fan Xian persuaded Eunuch Dai to plead guilty. Three thousand taels of silver would not convict him of a felony. Unexpectedly, the Metropolitan Procuratorate had already found out clearly. Lai Mingcheng was one by one.Listed the various crimes of corruption and bending the law that Eunuch Dai had committed over the years in charge of the Vegetable Picking Department, and handed the collected evidence to Emperor Qing for review.Lin Ruofu stood up to object, accusing Lai Mingcheng of jumping to the next level and causing trouble to Emperor Qing. He was worried that in the long run the six departments would slack off and mess up the imperial court. Emperor Qing felt that it was reasonable. Lai Mingcheng and Lin Ruofu argued with each other and asked him to avoid suspicion on the grounds that Lin Ruofu was Fan Xian's future father-in-law.Lin Ruofu had no choice but to make concessions. Emperor Qing asked Eunuch Dai to see the evidence of his crime. When Eunuch Dai saw that the matter was exposed, he had no choice but to arrest him. Emperor Qing ordered him to be beheaded.

Lai Mingcheng begged Emperor Qing to punish Fan Xian, and Fan Xian charged him with framing the prince Li Chengze. Li Chengze was also picking up vegetables on the day of the incident. If he saw Fan Xian accepting the three thousand taels of silver from his father-in-law, he would not know about it.Without reporting it, Lai Mingcheng accused Fan Xian of being guilty, which would be tantamount to falsely accusing Li Chengze and Fan Xian of collaborating.Li Chengze admitted in public that he saw Fan Xian collect the money with his own eyes and concluded that Fan Xian had other motives. Fan Xian made it clear that he collected the money in order to catch a big fish in the long run, and he handed the banknote to Chen Pingping that day. Chen Pingping stepped forward.Testify for Fan Xian.

Fan Xian and Lai Mingcheng refused to give in to each other, and they began to argue with each other. Fan Xian claimed that he was a soft-spoken person and did not dare to continue the investigation, so as not to involve more court officials. Lai Mingcheng actually took the bait, and he vowed that the Metropolitan Procuratorate would spare no effort to investigate.Corrupt officials, Fan Xian was waiting for his words.Chen Pingping took out the lists of corrupt officials in various government agencies and asked the Metropolitan Procuratorate to check them one by one.

Qin Ye asked the Inspection Institute to continue investigating and collecting evidence. Chen Pingping kept claiming that the Inspection Institute did not have enough manpower, and that it was complicated and involved the prince. Chen Pingping handed over the roster to Qin Ye and Lin Ruofu respectively. They both used various excuses to shirk the responsibility, and Lai Mingcheng took the initiative to ask for it.When he came to the roster, he saw that Li Chengze was among them. He ignored the dissuasion of his colleagues and insisted on a thorough investigation, uncovering the corrupt officials one by one, and restoring peace and prosperity to the Qing Dynasty. Several civil and military officials stood up to applaud Lai Mingcheng. FanXian wanted to take back the “狺狺Barking” given to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and he was full of praise for Lai Mingcheng.Emperor Qing asked the Metropolitan Procuratorate to check one by one according to the roster.

After going to court, Fan Xian deliberately waited for Lin Ruofu outside the palace. Lin Ruofu saw that he wanted to use the Metropolitan Procuratorate to investigate Li Chengze. Fan Xian guessed that those officials who contributed to the trouble were arranged by Lin Ruofu. Lin Ruofu denied it, and Fan Xian could not guess who it was.Help him behind the scenes.Li Chengqian pretended to care about Li Chengze, but Li Chengze didn't appreciate it and sneered at him. Xin Qiwu secretly revealed something to Li Chengqian. Those who praised Lai Mingcheng were his disciples. Li Chengqian didn't know about this and he shouted that something was wrong..

Lin Ruofu urged Fan Xian to go see Lin Waner, but Fan Xian excused his busy schedule and never took time out. Lin Ruofu suspected that he had an affair with Haitang Duoduo. Fan Xian was so frightened that he kept defending and promised to go see Lin Waner tonight.Emperor Qing was very satisfied with Fan Xian's performance today. He left Fan Jian and Chen Pingping behind. He suspected that Chen Pingping was supporting Fan Xian behind his back. Chen Pingping refused to admit it. Fan Jian said that even if Fan Xian did something wrong and couldn't end it, he would help Fan Xian.Clean up the mess.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Emperor Qing had long known that Fan Xian's ultimate target was Li Chengze, so he could not stop him. Chen Pingping and Fan Jian not only did not help resolve the conflict between them, but also added fuel to the flames. Chen Pingping felt that Li Chengze was bewitched by officials with ulterior motives and shouldSomeone stands up to eliminate these traitors, and only Fan Xian is the most suitable person to step forward in this matter.

Emperor Qing walked away in anger, leaving Fan Jian and Chen Pingping aside.Fan Jian thought that it was Li Chengqian's disciples who fanned the flames for Lai Mingcheng in the hall. Chen Pingping guessed that these people were arranged by Lin Ruofu. He deliberately let Li Chengqian's subordinates come forward in order to provoke a conflict between Li Chengze and Li Chengqian. Fan Jian was surprised.

Li Chengze couldn't swallow this breath. He came to ask Fan Xian for questioning and admitted that the list of corrupt officials submitted by Chen Pingping was all his subordinates. He suspected that the list was provided by Fan Xian, and Fan Xian was talking about him.Li Chengze took the initiative to reconcile with Fan Xian, but Fan Xian did not buy it. Xie Bi'an then led people to support Li Chengze. Deng Ziyue led his colleagues from the inspection institute to support Fan Xian. Li Chengze threatened to send people to chase Fan Sizhe and arrest him soon.When he came back, Fan Xian was so angry that he was speechless.

The more Li Chengze thought about it, the angrier he became. He sent Xie Bian to Baoyue Tower to create a murder case and put Fan Sizhe to death so that Fan Xian could experience the pain of losing a loved one. Xie Bian took orders to prepare.It rained heavily. After Yuan Meng left Baoyue Tower in the rain, three thugs rushed into Baoyue Tower, dragged Lao Jintou's daughter out of the gate and beat her to death.

Lai Mingcheng led the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to work overtime to investigate corrupt officials. Suddenly he received news that the singer in Baoyuelou was beaten to death in the street. The shopkeeper Yuan Meng fled, leaving a letter before leaving, stating that the big owner of Baoyuelou wasFan Sizhe and Lai Mingcheng immediately wrote a letter to impeach Fan Xian and Fan Sizhe.Fan Xian came after hearing the news. He saw the tragic death of Miss Jin and the letter left by Yuan Meng. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and guessed that Li Chengze was the mastermind behind the incident. Fan Xian sent Deng Ziyue to hunt down Yuan Meng.

Prince Jing had a close relationship with Yuan Meng. He was worried about being implicated and took the initiative to seek help from Fan Xian. He asked Fan Xian not to tell anyone about his relationship with Yuan Meng. He also vowed to treat Fan Ruoruo wholeheartedly. Fan Xian didn't believe it at all and forciblyHe chased him away.When Emperor Qing heard about the Baoyuelou massacre, he asked for Li Chengqian's opinion. Li Chengqian suspected that someone was framing Fan Xian. Emperor Qing casually asked that the person who supported Lai Mingcheng in the court that day was one of his subordinates. Li Chengqian was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy. He said thisWithout knowing anything about the matter, Emperor Qing deliberately gave him a three-legged stool to remind him to be cautious in doing things in the future, and also asked Li Chengqian to go to the queen for advice.

Li Chengqian went to the queen for help. The queen asked in detail what Emperor Qing said, complaining that Li Chengqian should not stand up to support Fan Xian, but should stand aside and stay out of the matter. The queen guessed that Lin Ruofu ordered Li Chengqian's disciples to support Lai Mingcheng in the court, and I believe Emperor Qing also guessed this., but it’s not stated explicitly.Since the incident of Baoyuelou beating the geisha to death, Fan Xian and Fan Jian have excused themselves from going to court due to illness and refused to see guests. Lai Mingcheng was so anxious that he could do nothing.plum

Chengze guessed that Fan Jian and Fan Xian deliberately claimed to be ill, so he sent Xie Bian to call the imperial doctor to see the doctor.Fan Xian was bored at home every day and made all kinds of snacks with his own hands. Wang Qinian ate them happily and praised his craftsmanship. Deng Ziyue wrapped the snacks and wanted to go back and taste them slowly. Fan Xian saw that Deng Ziyue still had doubts.Wanting to confirm whether he was really his backer, Fan Xian reassured Deng Ziyue, not to mention that with Chen Pingping's support behind them, Deng Ziyue still couldn't let go.

Dr. Li came to Fan's house to visit the patient. Fan Ruoruo hurriedly came to report the news to Fan Xian. Fan Xian believed that Fan Jian would not cheat. Seeing that the time was right, he asked Deng Ziyue to find someone to spread the news.

Liu Ruyu deliberately greeted Dr. Li loudly and tipped off Fan Jian in the room. Fan Jian hurriedly lay on the bed and pretended to be sick, taking the poison that Fan Xian had given him in advance. Dr. Li carefully examined Fan Jian and found that he was poisoned., and asked Liu Ruyu to accompany and investigate the people in the house to find the poisoner as soon as possible. Doctor Li went to see Fan Xian again. Liu Ruyu hurriedly led the way and reminded Fan Xian loudly.

Fan Xian had already made careful arrangements. His face was pale and he came to see Dr. Li in a wheelchair. He fainted due to lack of physical strength. Dr. Li found out that Fan Xian was seriously injured, causing qi and blood disorders. Fan Xian was sometimes clear and sometimes confused.He acted so vividly that he successfully deceived Dr. Li.Dr. Li truthfully reported to Li Chengze that Fan Jian was poisoned and Fan Xian was seriously injured. Li Chengze did not believe it at all.

Deng Ziyue summoned many people and asked them to spread the story about the affair between Yuan Meng, the shopkeeper of Baoyue Tower, and Li Hongcheng, the eldest son of Prince Jing. The matter soon spread to every corner of Kyoto.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Dr. Li found out that Fan Jian was poisoned and Fan Xian suffered serious internal injuries. Li Chengze speculated that Fan Jian's poison was caused by Fan Xian. After all, he was the proud disciple of poison expert Fei Jie. Li Chengze suspected that Fan Xian's internal injuries were fake., but Dr. Li's words were unequivocal. He had decades of medical experience, so it was impossible for him to be wrong. Li Chengze couldn't guess who severely injured Fan Xian.

After Dr. Li left, Fan Xian asked Fan Ruoruo to deliver the antidote to Fan Jian. He pretended to be sick in front of Dr. Li, but he did have physical problems. Since returning from Northern Qi, the domineering Qi in Fan Xian's body has become increasingly strong.The more he loses control, and the old injury caused by Yan Bingyun's sword stabbing him in order to fake his death relapses, Wang Qinian advises Fan Xian not to take action easily, lest his true energy will be completely exhausted, and Fan Xian doesn't know how to use the true energy in his body.Comb it well.

Lin Wan'er heard that Fan Xian suffered serious internal injuries and it was inconvenient for her to come forward, so she sent Ye Ling'er to Fan Xian's house to visit him. When Ye Ling'er saw that Fan Xian acted like a normal person, she thought he was pretending to be ill and went back to Lin Wan'er without saying a word.Return to life.Deng Ziyue followed Fan Xian's instructions and arranged for people to spread the affair between Li Hongcheng and Yuan Meng in Kyoto. The matter quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of Kyoto. Official rumors spread that Fan Xian had united with the Metropolitan Procuratorate to deal with Li Chengze's officials. Fan Xian listened.He did not dare to take this matter lightly. If this matter was allowed to continue to spread, all civil and military officials would be in danger, and Fan Xian and the inspection agency would be targeted.

It turned out that the rumors in the officialdom were spread by Li Chengze. He and Fan Xian were fighting overtly and secretly, refusing to give in to each other. Li Chengze thought over and over again and decided to go to Lin Waner.Ye Ling'er was furious when she saw Li Chengze. She didn't want to marry Li Chengze, but this was a marriage granted by Emperor Qing. If Ye Ling'er dared to resist the decree, it would not only lead to death, but also affect the whole family. SheShe rushed forward to fight Li Chengze, but was forcibly stopped by the guards. The more Ye Ling'er thought about it, the angrier she became, so she sat in the yard sharpening her knife.

Fan Xian wanted to establish a good persona in the officialdom and eliminate the wariness of civil and military officials towards him. He decided to marry Lin Wan'er immediately. Fan Xian came to Lin Wan'er and learned that Li Chengze was inside, so he chatted with Ye Ling'er.Sharpening the knife, he wanted to kill Li Chengze again. Fan Xian saw that she didn't dare and was just talking, so he gave her a bottle of highly poisonous pills and asked her to find an opportunity to poison Li Chengze. Ye Ling'er didn't want to kill anyone, but she hid.Without Li Chengze, she followed Fan Xian into the house to see Li Chengze.

Li Chengze claimed to be here to explain to Fan Xian that Baoyue Tower was Fan Sizhe's property and that the matter had nothing to do with Fan Xian. He changed the topic and started making trouble in front of Lin Waner, saying bad things about Fan Xian.Fan Xian heard Li Chengze's words outside the door, picked up a chair and threw it in, almost hitting Li Chengze. Li Chengze was frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

Wang Qinian was waiting for Fan Xian at the door when he suddenly saw the eldest princess of Northern Qi riding a mule to see Lin Wan'er. She couldn't ride and screamed in fright. The mule was frightened and ran away with the eldest princess. Wang Qinian was amused.I couldn't help laughing.Li Chengru originally wanted to bring the eldest princess of Northern Qi to visit Lin Wan'er, but he didn't expect the eldest princess to run away on horseback. He hurriedly followed after him. He recognized Wang Qinian at a glance as Fan Xian's confidant, and couldn't help but think of being killed by him and Gao Da.Li Chengru was very angry. Wang Qinian explained with a smile that this incident was done by one person. Li Chengru was going to chase the princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty. He had no time to chat with Wang Qinian, so he asked his name. Wang Qinian lied that his name was Deng Ziyue and was afraid of Li Chengru.I couldn’t remember, I said it several times in a row.

Lin Wan'er hosted a banquet for Li Chengze, and Ye Ling'er had dinner with Fan Xian. Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian had not seen each other for many days, and their excitement was beyond words. The two confided in each other about their lovesickness. Lin Wan'er felt that Fan Xian had lost weight and greeted him with greetings. Fan Xian admitted that heHe was pretending to be ill and advised Lin Wan'er not to worry.Ye Ling'er was drinking alone next to him. Li Chengze didn't want to continue watching the two of them show off their affection, so he got up and wanted to leave. Fan Xian hurriedly called him and asked him to give an explanation to the golden girl who died tragically in Baoyuelou. Li Chengze didn't know anything about it when asked, and asked FanXian persuaded Fan Sizhe to surrender. Fan Xian was so angry that he gritted his teeth and wanted to seek justice for the innocent people who died.

Li Chengru caught up with the eldest princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and the two of them went to see Lin Wan'er. Li Chengru helped the eldest princess tidy up the hair that was scattered around her temples. The eldest princess blushed with shame. Only then did Li Chengru realize that he was a bit rash, and apologized to the eldest princess repeatedly, even with the blood shed.I swear, the eldest princess was amused by his straightforwardness.

Lin Wan'er invited Li Chengru and the eldest princess to have dinner together. Although Li Chengru was a prince, he had led troops to fight in the north and south since he was a child. He didn't eat like Fan Xian and Li Chengze who were here. He ate big mouthfuls of meat and drank big bowls of wine. The eldest princess happily talked about herAn interesting story about buying war horses just now as compensation for Li Chengru.Ye Ling'er wanted to break off her engagement with Li Chengze under the influence of alcohol, but Li Chengze refused. Coincidentally, the three couples present here all got married by Emperor Qing.

Li Chengru thought about escaping from the marriage, but he gave up the idea when he saw that the eldest princess was so kind and lovely. Fan Xian was glad that Lin Wan'er, whom Emperor Qing granted him marriage to, was his favorite. Ye Ling'er did not dare to escape from the marriage, fearing that it would harm her family, so Fan Xian advised her to escape.When he arrived in Northern Qi or Danzhou, Li Chengze deliberately brought up Fan Xian's scandal in Northern Qi. The eldest princess stepped forward to rescue Fan Xian. Fan Xian and Haitang Duoduo just had the same temperament and had no personal relationship. Lin Waner's expression immediately changed, butIt is inconvenient to have an attack.

Fan Xian hurriedly interrupted the eldest princess and called her out on the pretext that he wanted to see the newly purchased horse. The eldest princess claimed that she was here in the name of the Queen of Northern Qi to help Fan Xian gain a foothold in the Qing Kingdom. Fan Xian hurriedly stopped her.Worried that she would say more inappropriate things.Fan Xian couldn't help laughing when he discovered that the eldest princess had bought a mule instead of a horse. Instead, the eldest princess made fun of Li Chengru for being deceived.

Lin Waner had already seen the purpose of Li Chengze's visit today. When Emperor Qing granted the marriage, he promised to let Fan Xian take over the inner treasury. Li Chengze stirred up trouble in front of her and asked her to break off the engagement with Fan Xian. Fan Xian could not take over the inner treasury. Li Chengze was forced to take over the inner treasury by Lin Waner.Seeing through the secret in his heart, he refused to admit it. Lin Waner made it clear that her engagement with Fan Xian would not change. Li Chengze stood up and left.Fan Xian lied that he had poisoned Li Chengze's wine. Li Chengze was so frightened that he lost his mind. Fan Xian gave him an antidote, picked up Lin Wan'er and left.

The eldest princess watched a good show. She called Li Chengru and left. Li Chengze didn't know whether he should take the pill. He asked Li Chengru for help. Li Chengru advised him to surrender to Fan Xian. Li Chengze was undecided with the pill. YeLing'er suspected that this was poison, which made Li Chengze tremble even more.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Ye Ling'er suspected that the medicine in Li Chengze's hand was poison, but Li Chengze took it anyway. He was worried that no one would collect the body for him, so he asked Ye Ling'er to send him away.

Chen Pingping was concerned about Fan Xian's injury and wanted to see Fan Xian. Wang Qinian drove Fan Xian and Lin Waner in a carriage to Chen Pingping's home, Chen Yuan, in the suburbs.Lin Waner was angry and didn't say a word along the way. Fan Xian tried his best to find topics to resolve the embarrassment. When he mentioned Chen Pingping, Lin Waner was willing to speak. Fan Xian repeatedly explained that Li Chengze's rumors about him and Haitang Duoduo were false., and asked Wang Qinian to testify for him.

Lin Wan'er read the poem about Haitang to her face. Fan Xian explained that the poem was copied. Lin Wan'er didn't believe it at all. When Fan Xian escorted Xiao En to Northern Qi, Hai Tang came to kill Xiao Xiao on the order of his teacher Ku He. Fan Xian was in a hurry.I uttered this poem just to save my life.Lin Wan'er refused to give up and brought up the incident of him and Begonia Duoduo dancing hand in hand at the Queen Mother's birthday banquet. Fan Xian swore that it was just a show of martial arts. Lin Wan'er asked Fan Xian to write a poem for her, which made Fan Xian difficult., all the poems used to be copied, and he had to write the poems for Lin Waner himself. Fan Xian took the opportunity to act coquettishly in front of Lin Waner, and Lin Waner was so angry that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Chen Pingping lives in Chenyuan in the outer suburbs. This is a paradise. Chenyuan is very large and has a panoramic view of strange mountains and rocks.As soon as Fan Xian entered the door, he saw many beautiful girls playing in the garden. Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian were both shocked by the scene in front of them. Almost all the beautiful girls in the world were gathered here, and their laughter and laughterresounded throughout Chen Garden.

A group of women in red clothes were dancing in the garden. Chen Pingping was leaning on a soft couch to admire their graceful dance. There was a young soldier accompanying her. Because he had been sitting for too long, he patted his tired waist from time to time.Fan Xian learned from Lin Waner that the man was Qin Ye's son Qin Heng. The Qin family has led troops on the battlefield for generations. Qin Heng will definitely be the mainstay of the army in the future. Qin Heng nodded to Fan Xian and Lin Waner. Chen Pingping watched with gusto., Fan Xian didn't want to disturb him, so he and Lin Wan'er sat down in the pavilion next to them.

At the end of the song, an old man came onto the stage holding a pipa. He played and sang the poem that Fan Xian had written at the Prince Jing's Mansion Poetry Conference.Qin Heng took the initiative to greet Fan Xian. Upon seeing this, Chen Pingping hurriedly called Lin Wan'er to her side and asked Qin Heng to beg Fan Xian himself.Fan Xian talked about Qin Ye who was napping in front of the main hall. Qin Heng revealed that Qin Ye couldn't sleep at home and went to court just to catch up on his sleep. Fan Xian felt that Qin Ye was a wonderful person.The old man got up and left after singing a song. Chen Pingping still had more to say, but he never forced the old man, so he asked Lin Waner to accompany him to the room to drink tea.

Ye Ling'er escorted Li Chengze home. Li Chengze survived after taking the antidote given by Fan Xian. He had mixed feelings and was afraid of Fan Xian.Qin Heng explained his purpose of coming. Although the Qin family had contacts with Li Chengze, they had never participated in the dispute between the princes. He asked Fan Xian not to hurt the Qin family. Fan Xian stated on the spot that as long as the Qin family was not corrupt, they would not be implicated. Qin Heng left with peace of mind..

Fan Xian originally wanted to use Li Chengze to thoroughly investigate the corruption of officials in the court, but he did not expect that all civil and military officials would be in danger. He truthfully told Chen Pingping his hidden worries, and Chen Pingping asked Fan Xian to eradicate this huge corruption first, and finally give him toFan Xian was given a wheelchair so that he could continue to pretend to be sick, and he also gave Lin Waner a box of priceless jewelry.

After many days of covert and covert investigations, Deng Ziyue finally found the three people who committed the murder in Baoyue Tower, arrested them all, and then sent someone to report the news to Chen Pingping. Fan Xian vowed to seek justice for the dead old Jintou and Miss Jin.Chen Pingping couldn't wait to know if Fan Xian had poisoned Li Chengze. Fan Xian wanted to poison Li Chengze, but Ye Ling'er's words reminded him. He decided to punish Li Chengze with the laws of the Qing Dynasty and restore peace and prosperity to the people. This is Ye QingmeiFan Xian wanted to fulfill Ye Qingmei's last wish as written on the stone tablet.

Fan Xian hurried back to a place, but he didn't expect that the three people insisted that Fan Xian was the mastermind behind the scenes. Fan Xian guessed that they were the dead soldiers raised by Li Chengze. They were caught deliberately in order to frame Fan Xian and the governor of Kyoto.Someone was sent to take the three people away, and they revealed that Fan Xian was the mastermind.Li Chengze had a close relationship with the governor of Kyoto. He did not want to confirm the facts, so he sent someone to send the three people to the Ministry of Punishment.

Lin Ruofu heard about this and was worried for Fan Xian. He sent someone to call Fan Xian home. Dabao saw Fan Xian again and cheered happily.Lin Ruofu asked Fan Xian to put the blame on Fan Sizhe, but Fan Xian firmly refused. If he could sacrifice Fan Sizhe now to protect himself, how would he protect Dabao in the future? Lin Ruofu no longer forced it. Fan Xian had already figured out a way to deal with it. He found out thatThe three people are murderers with a lot of blood debt.

People from the Ministry of Punishment took the three suspects away, and they were all silenced as soon as they left Kyoto Prefecture. Officials from the Ministry of Punishment only caught one killer, and that person was Fan Wujiu, Li Chengze's retainer.Li Chengze was dumbfounded when he learned about this. Ye Linger suspected that Li Chengze framed Fan Xian and even killed people to silence him.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Fan Xian had just sent someone to take Fan Sizhe to Northern Qi for refuge. Li Chengze sent Fan Wujiu to secretly follow Fan Sizhe, hoping to find an opportunity to capture Fan Sizhe. Although Fan Wujiu was not at the ninth level, he was also a first-class master. Before he could wait for himWhen he attacked Fan Sizhe, he was knocked unconscious on the spot by Haitang Duoduo, a powerful ninth-grade expert, who asked people from the inspection agency to escort him back to Kyoto.

Li Chengze arranged for three dead men to go to Baoyue Tower to kill Miss Jin, and they were deliberately captured alive. The three people insisted that Fan Xian was the mastermind behind the scenes. Li Chengze wanted to use this case to completely defeat Fan Xian and Fan Sizhe, but he fell into Fan Xian's trap.In the dragnet set up, Fan Xian played the Fan Wujiu card and forced Li Chengze into a desperate situation.Li Chengze did not dare to tell Fan Wujiu about chasing Fan Sizhe, and he did not want him to send people to kill the three dead men. This round ended in a disastrous defeat for him.

Lin Ruofu was originally suspicious of the relationship between Fan Xian and Haitang Duoduo, and Fan Xian asked Haitang Duoduo to take action to catch Fan Wujiu. While he admired Fan Xian's careful layout, he felt uneasy and worried about Lin Wan'er.After handing it over to Fan Xian, Fan Xian repeatedly explained that he and Haitang Duoduo only cooperated for a win-win situation and had no emotional entanglements, so Lin Ruofu felt relieved.

Xie Bian came to the prison overnight to see Fan Wujiu and reminded him not to confess Li Chengze. Fan Wujiu knew that he would definitely die. His only regret was that he could not participate in the Spring Science Examination. Fan Wujiu did not want to give up his studies. Li Chengze had already guessed what he was thinking.Ask Xie Bian to bring him a book.

Haitang Duoduo took Fan Sizhe to the capital of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Fan Sizhe witnessed her incredible martial arts skills, doing everything possible to please her, and shamelessly calling her sister-in-law. Haitang Duoduo became angry and gave Fan Sizhe a hard lesson, making it clear that she had nothing to do with Fan Xian., just because Fan Xian wanted to take over the inner treasury, Fan Sizhe was so scared that he had to shut up.

Haitang Duoduo sent Fan Sizhe to Nanqing's intelligence liaison station in Northern Qi - the oil shop. Guo Baokun was on duty there. He boasted in front of Fan Sizhe about his important contribution to the Northern Qi intelligence network. Fan Sizhe was not interested in this.He just wanted to take over the oil shop as soon as possible. Guo Baokun couldn't wait to inquire about Fan Xian's rescue of his father. Fan Sizhe had no idea about this and asked Guo Baokun to find Fan Xian to find out.

Guo Baokun and Fan Sizhe packed their luggage early in the morning, and the two quietly left Shangjing in a carriage. The Northern Qi spies reported the matter to Lang Tao, and Lang Tao and Haitang Duoduo sent people to follow their carriage quietly.The young emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Zhan Doudou, was a fan of Red Mansions. She asked Haitang Duoduo to write to Fan Xian to urge him to update as soon as possible, hoping to catch a glimpse.

Fan Wujiu put all the blame on himself and tried his best to distance himself from Li Chengze. He confessed that Li Hongcheng and Yuan Meng were old acquaintances. After Yuan Meng took over Baoyue Tower, he helped sign several deeds of sale without telling Li Chengze.After the incident was discovered, he hired a murderer to kill him. Unexpectedly, the murderer was caught, so he had no choice but to kill him to silence him and deliberately framed Fan Xian.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate received Fan Wujiu's confession, and the censors investigated the matter separately. In the end, they found Li Chengze and could not continue the investigation.Lai Mingcheng personally came to Fan Xian for help. He wanted to borrow files from the Institute of Inspection and Examination for reference. He bought some red dates for Fan Xian to nourish his body. Fan Xian agreed to cooperate with him and asked him to go to the Institute to check relevant information.Lai Mingcheng saw the luxurious style and magnificence of Fan's mansion, and suspected that Fan Jian and Fan Xian were corrupt. He immediately decided to impeach the father and son in front of Emperor Qing after reading a file. Fan Xian was amused by him and couldn't laugh or cry. He admired him from the bottom of his heart.He is such an honest official.

Two days later, Lai Mingcheng wrote a letter to impeach Fan Jian and Fan Xian. All civil and military officials came to watch the fun. Emperor Qing summoned all civil and military officials to the imperial study. Fan Xian reported Chen Pingping's corruption in public and took out the rare treasures presented by Chen Pingping.certificate.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Chen Pingping was neither humble nor overbearing in the face of Fan Xian's accusations. The jewelry he gave to Fan Xian were all gifts from Emperor Qing. Fan Xian revealed that Chen Pingping had used money from corruption and bribes to build Chen Garden into an extremely luxurious place. The garden was full of rare treasures., Chen Pingping explained that Chen Garden was not his private property, but belonged to the Qing royal family, and he only had the right to use it. Emperor Qing vetoed Fan Xian's disease control.

Lai Mingcheng listed Fan Jian and Fan Xian's crimes one by one. Fan's family opened a brothel privately, which was unreasonable. Fan Jian was incompetent in educating his children, which was detrimental to his official reputation. Emperor Qing heard that Baoyue Tower had beaten people to death, so Lai MingchengHe made it clear that this matter was related to Li Chengze and that he wanted to report it one by one.Fan Jian admitted that he was not good at educating his son. It was inappropriate for Fan Sizhe to open Baoyue Tower privately but it was not against the law. He had already asked Fan Sizhe to close Baoyue Tower and sent Fan Sizhe to a bitter cold place for rehabilitation. Lai Mingcheng insisted that Fan Sizhe should accept a heavy punishment., and also severely reprimanded Fan Jian and Fan Xian for their demotion.

Emperor Qing asked Lin Ruofu for his opinion, and Lin Ruofu suggested intervening in the Baoyuelou murder case first, and then holding Fan Jian accountable for his lax tutoring. Qin Ye supported Lin Ruofu's idea.Lai Mingcheng revealed that Li Chengze ordered Fan Wujiu to kill people and silence them. Li Chengze hurriedly knelt down to admit his mistake, insisting that he was deceived by Fan Wujiu and that Fan Wujiu was responsible for both the murder and the silence. Lai Mingcheng found out that there were fifteen people in the court.All officials had a large amount of unexplained money, and they were all closely related to Li Chengze. Lai Mingcheng begged Emperor Qing to thoroughly investigate their smuggling. All civil and military officials were in an uproar. Emperor Qing refused on the spot because there was no evidence, and Lai Mingcheng suggestedRe-examination of Fan Wushu.

At the same time, Fan Wujiu opened the interlayer of the book that Li Chengze had given him, and found a packet of poison hidden inside. Fan Wujiu understood everything immediately, and he committed suicide by taking poison on the spot.Li Chengze agreed to retry Fan Wujiu, and also made the Fan family responsible for the girls and miscellaneous personnel in Baoyuelou. Fan Xian agreed wholeheartedly, and Emperor Qing issued an order to ban Li Chengze for half a year and fined Fan Jian and Fan Xian half a year's salary as a warning to others.

Lai Mingcheng believed that the punishment was too harsh and insisted on demoting Fan Jian and Fan Xian. Emperor Qing advised him not to be too serious.Lai Mingcheng impeached the entire Inspection and Inspection Yuan with unclear laws and overwhelming power. He suggested that the files of the Inspection and Inspection Yuan should be handed over to the six departments respectively and let Chen Pingping resign and return to her hometown. All civil and military officials were shocked and dumbfounded. Emperor Qing got up to leave on the pretext of being tired, but Lai Mingcheng knelt down.On the ground, he was the last one to visit the Qing Emperor himself, and he kept claiming that the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked. All civil and military officials stood up to condemn Lai Mingcheng and criticized him verbally and writing. The Qing Emperor suddenly became angry and Lai Mingcheng vowed to die unyielding. He was criticized by all civil and military officials.Beaten.

Li Chengqian pinched his thigh hard, and suddenly he burst into tears, accusing Lai Mingcheng of not understanding Emperor Qing, and singing praises to Emperor Qing at the top of his lungs.Well, Qin Ye and Lin Ruofu felt that Lai Mingcheng was also sharing the country's worries, and asked Emperor Qing to treat him leniently. Emperor Qing gritted his teeth and praised Lai Mingcheng for doing the right thing, and wanted to reward him. Chen Pingping proposed to give the box of jewelry to Lai Mingcheng, and Emperor Qing gave an order.Lai Mingcheng was executed with a stick. Fan Xian stood up to plead for Lai Mingcheng. Emperor Qing asked Fan Xian to supervise the execution.

The heavens were furious at Emperor Qing's unfair verdict. Suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and it started pouring rain. Fan Xian was forced to accept the order to be the prison officer. He ran all the way outside the imperial city in the heavy rain and saw Lai Mingcheng being beaten.His flesh and blood were bloody, and Fan Xian couldn't bear to see Lai Mingcheng die so unjustly. He wanted to go to Emperor Qing to intercede, but it was too late, and Lai Mingcheng was beaten to death.

Fan Xian took the carriage home. He didn't say a word all the way. When the carriage passed by the inspection institute, Chen Pingping was waiting for him at the gate. Fan Xian didn't want to see anyone, so he asked Wang Qinian to speed through the inspection institute.Shadow forcibly stopped the carriage and took Fan Xian to see Chen Pingping.Chen Pingping took Fan Xian to a secret room, which was the command center of the Inspection and Inspection Institute. Chen Pingping issued instructions here. The secret room and institutions were left behind by Ye Qingmei during his lifetime.

Fan Xian was puzzled as to why Emperor Qing would beat to death Lai Mingcheng, who was dedicated to serving the country. Chen Pingping made it clear that Lai Mingcheng had touched Emperor Qing's evil side.It only belonged to Emperor Qing, and because of his reputation, he became an investigator and consulted the files of the Inspection and Examination Institute. This was tantamount to swaying Emperor Qing's rebellion. Fan Xian wanted to take over the Inspection and Inspection Institute. From then on, all the censors in the Inspection and Examination InstituteFan Xian regarded him as an enemy.Fan Xian shuddered. For the first time, he felt the coldness and ruthlessness of Emperor Qing. He couldn't help but think of the tragic death of his mother Ye Qingmei. Chen Pingping told him to be careful in the future.

Fan Ruoruo is smart and studious. He not only reads ancient literature and books, but also teaches himself medical skills.Fan Xian was upset and came to Fan Ruoruo to complain. Fan Ruoruo gave him kind words and vowed to protect Fan Xian. Fan Xian taught her step by step starting from dissecting a duck.Deng Ziyue was ordered by Fan Xian to burn all the prostitution contracts of the girls in Baoyue Tower, allowing them to choose whether to stay or go voluntarily. From then on, they would only perform arts and not sell themselves. The girls cheered happily. Sang Wen wanted to continue to stay in Baoyue Tower.The girls all asked to stay.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

The third prince, Li Chengping and Fan Sizhe, two cousins, jointly owned the Baoyue Tower. All the high-ranking young men in Kyoto went there to have fun.After the death incident in Baoyue Tower, Fan Xian closed down Baoyue Tower in anger. After various investigations, Lai Mingcheng, the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, confirmed that the mastermind behind the death incident was Li Chengze. Emperor Qing punished Li Chengze with a six-month grounding. Li Chengze deliberately turned Baoyue Tower into a mess.Throw it to Fan Xian.

After Fan Xian took over Baoyue Building, he carried out comprehensive rectifications and burned all the girls' prostitution contracts. They could only perform arts without selling their bodies. The girls' personal and rights were protected, and they were willing to continue to stay in Baoyue Building.Those young masters chased and intercepted Fan Xian, forcing Fan Xian to return the Baoyue Building to Li Chengping. They also spoke rudely to Fan Xian and fought violently. Wang Qinian advised Fan Xian not to provoke these people. Their fathers were all dignitaries of the Qing Kingdom.

Fan Xian guessed that these young men were bewitched by Li Chengze, and Li Chengze wanted to use this to provoke a conflict between Fan Xian and Li Chengping. Fan Xian effortlessly knocked those young men who were usually pampered to the ground. Deng Ziyue heard the news and came over.Capture all those young masters.

When Li Chengze heard about this, he wanted to add fuel to the fire and push Fan Xian into a desperate situation, but he was grounded and couldn't go out, so he sent Xie Bi'an to call Ye Ling'er.Li Chengze waited for Ye Ling'er on the roof and told all the secrets hidden in his heart. Li Chengze originally did not want to be an enemy of Fan Xian, but it was Emperor Qing who forced him to where he is now. Emperor Qing regarded him as a whetstone for the crown prince Li Chengqian., not only gave him a mansion outside the palace, but also allowed him to make friends with civil and military officials, making his power more and more powerful. Ye Ling'er was shocked and stunned.Li Chengze asked Ye Ling'er to send a memorial to Emperor Qing, and he wanted to recommend Fan Xian to be the examiner for this spring scientific examination.Every spring imperial examination, the civil and military officials of the DPRK and China would do everything possible to get their favorite students to be named on the gold medal list. Li Chengze wanted to take this opportunity to accuse Fan Xian of cheating for personal gain.

Fan Xian was worried that the fathers of the young masters would complain to Emperor Qing, so he went to Yigui concubine for help first. When Yigui concubine learned that Li Chengping secretly opened a brothel, she beat him up without any explanation. Li Chengping was in pain.After complaining endlessly, Fan Xian stood up to intercede for Li Chengping and told Yigui concubine exactly what Li Chengze had done. Only then did Yigui concubine know that Li Chengze used Baoyue Tower to frame Fan Sizhe and Li Chengping, and she asked Fan Xian to discipline him.Li Chengping.

Chen Pingping was worried that the fathers of the young master who had been beaten would file a complaint with the Inspection Commission. He hid in the palace to find Emperor Qing, and told Emperor Qing about Li Chengping's beating. Emperor Qing was very angry, but he did not expect that Chen Pingping knew what was going on in the palace before he did., was afraid of the inspection institute, Chen Pingping laughed with her smile.

The Ye family and Li Chengze jointly recommended Fan Xian to be the examiner of Chunwei. When Emperor Qing received the memorial, he first asked Chen Pingping for her opinion. Chen Pingping knew the importance of Chunwei, but he didn't know anything about it.Emperor Qing conducted an experiment with explosives and ended up blowing up his face. Chen Pingping couldn't help but laugh.Since Ye Qingmei's death, Emperor Qing began to develop indestructible armor and explosives that could destroy everything. Back then, he saw Ye Qingmei killing two princes with a sniper rifle, so that he could successfully succeed to the throne.

As soon as Fan Xian was about to leave the palace, Eunuch Hou sent him a message. Emperor Qing named him a Fourth-Rank Juzhonglang, taking full charge of the Spring Scientific Examination.Fan Ruoruo studied medical skills with Fan Xian. She was bold and careful, and quickly mastered the essentials of dissection and suturing.Fan Xian came to see Lin Waner overnight. Lin Waner heard that he beat up those young masters, and instead advised him not to take it to heart and was willing to come to apologize for him. Lin Waner knew that these young masters were arranged by Li Chengze, which made Fan Xian mistakenly think that his revenge method was onlyLimited to this, Chunwei is actually the important means used by Li Chengze to retaliate against Fan Xian.

Chunwei is a feast for literati students all over the world. They study hard in the cold window and wear stars and moon, all in order to turn a carp into a dragon in the Chunwei scientific examination and rise to the top.Lin Wan'er reminded Fan Xian to be more careful and not to fall into Li Chengze's trap. If Fan Xian loses, she is willing to follow Fan Xian and travel around the world. Fan Xian is deeply moved. She has already made complete preparations and is just waiting for Li Chengze to take action.

When Lin Wan'er wanted to get married, she gave Fan Xian a handkerchief embroidered by her own hands. She worked overtime to learn embroidery skills, but she was not good at female craftsmanship and made the mandarin ducks look like water ducks. Fan Xian was moved by her sincerity and promised to show her all the things after getting married.Lin Wan'er naturally couldn't ask for the beautiful scenery in the world.

Spring is coming, candidates from all over the world gather in Kyoto, and the Kyoto inn is overcrowded. Candidate Shi Chanli comes to attend the Spring Festival. He goes through all kinds of troubles to find a room for four people to share, but all his money is spent. The innkeeper checksI found out his identity and asked him to find the examiner through the back door.He Zongwei wanted to be named on the Chunwei Gold List, so he personally visited Fan Xian to become his teacher. Fan Xian remembered that He Zongwei once helped Guo Baokun in a lawsuit. He Zongwei claimed that he was forced by the Guo family, and he could not kneel down and begged Fan Xian to accept him.Xian was so frightened that he ran away quickly.

Wang Qinian reported important news to Fan Xian. The candidate Shi Chanli was the only survivor of Shijia Town.Shijia Town was an important passage for Li Yunrui and Li Chengze to smuggle to the Northern Qi Dynasty. Li Chengqian sent people to burn Shijia Town to ashes, and finally put the blame on Li Chengze. He wanted to deepen the hatred between Li Chengze and Fan Xian. Fan Xian had no idea about this and had beenI thought Li Chengze sent people to massacre the town.

Xie Bian heard that Shi Chanli was the only survivor in Shijia Town and wanted to kill him to silence him. Li Chengze firmly disagreed. He did not set fire to the town and wanted to know who burned Shijia Town.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

When Wang Qinian learned that Shi Chanli was staying at Tongfu Inn, he asked Deng Ziyue to take people to the inn to protect Shi Chanli, fearing that he would be silenced.He Zongwei couldn't afford to kneel before Chief Fan, and wanted to accept Fan Xian as his teacher but was rejected. He shamelessly wanted to recognize Fan Xian as his godfather, just to gain fame in the Chunwei scientific examination. Fan Xian was disgusted with his condescending expression and forcibly removed him.He drives away.

Fan Xian took Wang Qinian to Tongfu Inn to find Shi Chanli. Deng Ziyue reported in detail Shi Chanli's every move, and also inquired about the three candidates in the same room, namely Yang Wanli, Cheng Jialin and Hou Jichang. The four of them are nowFan Xian was curious about the wall being built in the Examination Yuan, so he took Wang Qinian and Deng Ziyue to the Examination Yuan.

Guo Zheng, the Minister of Rites, gave the work of renovating the courtyard wall to the candidates, so that the candidates from poor families could earn some money. Shi Chanli also came to work to earn living expenses. Guo Zheng came to the construction site every day and even carried wood to let the painter paint his portrait.Fan Xian pretended to be an examinee and came to work. He took the initiative to greet Shi Chanli. Shi Chanli introduced Hou Jichang to Fan Xian and revealed to Fan Xian that the quality of the new bricks was very poor and not as strong and durable as the old bricks. Yang Wanli also discovered that the bricksThere was a problem and he wanted to go to Fan Xian to report that they were shoddy. Hou Jichang advised Yang Wanli to focus on the overall situation and not to delay his future because of this matter. Yang Wanli left in anger.

Hou Jichang and Shi Chanli revealed to Fan Xian that all the candidates who came here to work were recorded. They wanted to leave a good impression on Guo Zheng. If they could talk to Guo Zheng, their examination papers would be given priority for review.Hou Jichang also told the shady story of Chunwei. The high officials in the court, the palace and the imperial college would recommend a few famous students every time. The candidates with rich and powerful families would go through the back door and rely on connections to hope to become the disciples of these people.There are some literary celebrities to take care of, and there are only a few places left for thousands of candidates. They are just decorations to accompany the exams. Yang Wanli also provided Fan Xian with many clues.

Fan Xian learned the inside story of Chunwei from Hou Jichang, Yang Wanli and Shi Chanli. He was stunned. Fan Xian came to Guo Zheng to learn about the situation of shoddy goods. Guo Zheng swore that he was an upright official. He took the replaced woodThe materials and stones were all recorded and stored in the warehouse of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Guo Zheng took out the list of candidates who came to work in the examination hall today and insisted that they were all opportunistic people. Fan Xian declared on the spot that every candidate would be given fairness and justice.Just, burn the list.

Fan Xian was walking on the street and saw the candidates who had not stayed in the inn sitting on the floor. They were studying hard. Fan Xian felt very uncomfortable when he thought that they would all be the victims of Chun Wei.Li Chengze asked Xie Bian to send people to follow Fan Xian, but nothing unusual was found. He did not dare to take it lightly and asked Xie Bian to send people to monitor Shi Chanli.

Fan Xian saw from a distance that there was a crowd of people outside his house. He and Wang Qinian got out of the car to see what was going on. Civil and military officials sent people to send gifts to Fan's house, hoping that Fan Xian would take care of their disciples. Among them was Xin Qiwu, who was wearing casual clothes.Xian pulled Wang Qinian and hid aside. Fan Jian guessed the purpose of those officials and turned a blind eye to them. They had no choice but to leave the gifts and the list and leave.Li Chengqian led people into Fan Mansion through the back door and brought generous gifts.Fan Xian was not at home. Li Chengqian was very interested in the waterwheel he developed and played with it curiously, but accidentally broke it apart.

Fan Xian then rushed home. Li Chengqian took out the list of disciples and asked Fan Xian to use the back door when copying.Lin Ruofu sent someone to call Fan Xian and asked Fan Xian to help him pull out his beard and help Dabao pick red fruits. Fan Xian was puzzled.Lin Ruofu reminded Fan Xian to be careful in this spring, otherwise he will be in catastrophe. He asked military advisor Yuan Hongdao to strictly screen the list of candidates received by the Fan Mansion, and finally selected a few people for Fan Xian to take more care of.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Lin Ruofu handed over the carefully selected list of candidates to Fan Xian and asked Fan Xian to give them a back door. Fan Xian resisted. He wanted to give millions of candidates in the world a fair chance to compete and let them gain fame based on their ability. Lin Ruofu advised him not to do it.If Fan Xian stands out, he will become the target of public criticism. As long as Fan Xian follows the rules of the Spring Science Examination in previous years and allows all the candidates recommended by the high officials to be named on the gold list, his official career will be limitless.

Lin Ruofu knew that Fan Xian looked down on Guo Zheng, so he asked him to study hard with Guo Zheng. Guo Zheng was well versed in the ways of being an official. After Guo Youzhi, the former Minister of Rites, was arrested, he stood out from many imperial envoys and became the acting Minister of Rites. Lin Ruofu persuaded Fan.Xian sized up the situation and lectured him on the hidden rules of officialdom and the ways of the world. Fan Xian knew that Lin Ruofu was doing it for his own good, but he despised this set of official rules.

Li Chengze also had several candidates who were following him wholeheartedly. He didn't want to hand it over to Fan Xian for the time being. He used Chunwei to dig holes for Fan Xian. If Fan Xian engaged in personal fraud as usual, Li Chengze would write a letter to impeach Fan Xian and completely defeat Fan Xian..fanIt was his old father-in-law, he had to help his family.

Fan Xian complained bitterly to Wang Qinian, but Wang Qinian didn't know how to persuade him.Fan Xian didn't want to join the others, but he couldn't refute the reputation of Lin Ruofu and Li Chengqian. He went to the inn overnight to find Shi Chanli and others. He saw Yang Wanli sitting at the door of the restaurant, eating cold steamed buns and studying hard by the light of the store. Fan Xian was very surprised.Feeling sad, I ordered meat and vegetables for him.Yang Wanli hadn't had a full meal in a long time, let alone meat. He ate heartily and his chatterbox opened up. He talked endlessly about his ambitions.Fan Xian was deeply touched and rushed directly to the forensic institute to understand the inscription left by his mother Ye Qingmei during her lifetime.

Shi Chanli spent all the money he brought and could only make ends meet by washing dishes in a restaurant.Fan Xian held a lantern and read the inscription outside the entrance of the inspection institute again, thinking of those ambitious candidates who came to take part in the Chunwei exam. He wanted to realize his mother's wish to change the world during her lifetime, but he could not achieve it on his own.Chen Pingping came over after hearing the news and asked Fan Xian to do things according to his own ideas. She also cheered Fan Xian up, and Fan Xian was immediately full of confidence.

Fan Xian decided to go to the palace overnight to seek support from Emperor Qing, but foreign ministers could not enter the palace at night. Chen Pingping knew that Fan Xian was causing trouble, but he still supported him without hesitation. Even if Fan Xian made an irreparable mistake, Chen Pingping would help him.Emperor Qing agreed to allow Fan Xian to enter the palace for an audience. Eunuch Hou took Fan Xian into the palace, but was stopped by Gong Dian, the deputy commander of the imperial guard. Gong Dian questioned him carefully and found out that this was the permission of Emperor Qing before he let him go.

Fan Xian heard that Emperor Qing failed to develop explosives and was injured, so he specially brought burn medicine and prepared some medicine to calm the nerves and replenish energy.Emperor Qing knew that he would not come to see him late at night for a visit, so Fan Xian told him everything about the list of officials who had come to the DPRK in the past few days and wanted him to cheat in the Chunwei scientific examination. He wanted to do this.The next spring, Wei asked for justice, but others spoke softly. He was worried that he would not be able to bear the consequences of the matter, so he could only come to Emperor Qing for help.

Emperor Qing agreed to act as a shield for Fan Xian and asked Fan Xian to help him apply ointment.Gong Dian immediately informed Li Chengze about Fan Xian's late-night meeting with Emperor Qing. Because the two of them were talking alone and no one knew the content of the conversation, Li Chengze couldn't guess what Fan Xian and Emperor Qing said, so he asked Xie Bian to tell Gong Dian not to talk anymore.Ask about this to avoid revealing your identity.

Emperor Qing's support gave Fan Xian the confidence to return the list to Li Chengqian and refused to help his protégé go through the back door. Li Chengqian had no choice but to tear the list to pieces in front of him.Qin Heng took the initiative to approach Fan Xian and took out a list of candidates, begging Fan Xian to let them name their names on the gold medal list. Fan Xian flatly refused, and Qin Heng had no choice but to give up.Fan Xian returned the list intact to Lin Ruofu. Lin Ruofu reminded Fan Xian not to take it too seriously, so as not to cause public anger. Emperor Qing would not offend the civil and military officials because of him. Fan Xian only wanted to be fair and just in this spring scientific examination., he didn’t think about the consequences.

Lin Ruofu suddenly became angry and scolded Fan Xian, and was angry that he would not marry Lin Wan'er to him. Fan Xian hurriedly said good things to his smiling face. He just wanted to give thousands of candidates in the world a relatively fair chance to change their destiny. Lin Ruofu was beaten by Fan Xian.Xian was moved by his sincerity and agreed to help him this time, asking him to go to Guo Zheng to ask for advice on the rules and taboos of the Spring Science Examination to avoid any oversights.

Fan Xian went to Guo Zheng for advice. Guo Zheng compiled the detailed rules of Chunwei's scientific examination into a book and handed it to him. He also gave him face-to-face instructions. Fan Xian was grateful to him.Xie Bian came to see Guo Zheng on Li Chengze's order. He hid aside and eavesdropped on the conversation between Guo Zheng and Fan Xian. Only after Fan Xian left did Xie Bian dare to show up. Li Chengze had in his hands the evidence of Guo Zheng's fraud in the previous Spring Science Examinations.As long as Guo Zheng cooperates with him to completely destroy Fan Xian, he will destroy all the evidence. Guo Zheng promises that Fan Xian will not make an unforgivable mistake in the Chunwei scientific examination, and Xie Bian can return to his hometown with confidence.

Fan Sizhe and Guo Baokun rushed back to the capital of Nanqing from the Northern Qi Dynasty. When Fan Sizhe saw Fan Xian, he recounted their experience of avoiding Northern Qi spies along the way. Wang Qinian called Fan Sizhe aside.Guo Baokun gave Fan Xian the diary of lurking in the Northern Qi Dynasty. Fan Xian was worried that there were discrepancies in the booklet about the detailed rules of the Spring Palace written by Guo Zheng. He wanted to go to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment to ask Guo Youzhi, the former Minister of Rites, about the taboos of the Spring Palace scientific examination. He was also worried that Guo Youzhi would not believe him, so he wanted toTake Guo Baokun to the prison.

Guo Baokun begged Fan Xian to rescue his father Guo Youzhi as soon as possible, but Guo Youzhi committed a serious crime of forming a party for personal gain. Fan Xian could not rescue him directly. He wanted to transfer him to the prison of the Inspection Institute first, and then find a way to let him out.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Fan Sizhe came to see his mother Liu Ruyu. Liu Ruyu was praying in front of Fan Sizhe's spiritual tablet. She thought she was daydreaming. Fan Sizhe repeatedly stated that he was really back. Liu Ruyu still couldn't believe it and slapped Fan Sizhe hard. If Fan Sizhe felt pain,It was true. Fan Sizhe kept moaning in pain. Liu Ruyu was sure that she was not dreaming, so she cried with joy and pulled Fan Sizhe to greet him.

Fan Xian brought Guo Baokun to the jail of the Ministry of Punishment. Guo Youzhi thought he was going to be beheaded. He was dumbfounded when he saw Guo Baokun. He thought that Guo Baokun had also been taken to the jail. Unexpectedly, Fan Xian was not here to send him away, and Guo Baokun was now working under Fan Xian., Guo Youzhi was so excited that he burst into tears and expressed his gratitude to Fan Xian.Guo Baokun boasted in front of Guo Youzhi about his intelligence collection in Northern Qi. Guo Youzhi still did not believe that Guo Baokun had such ability and thought that Northern Qi was going to perish. Guo Baokun was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry.

Fan Xian asked Guo Youzhi for advice on spring palace taboos and rules. Guo Youzhi read the detailed rules written by Guo Zheng from beginning to end. Guo Zheng only wrote down the taboos within the spring palace rules and did not mention any other rules. Fan Xian was slightly careless.You will fall into a situation of no return.Guo Youzhi reminded Fan Xian not to approach any candidates. Fan Xian went to see Yang Wanli, Shi Chanli, Cheng Jialin and Hou Jichang without revealing their identities, but in the eyes of others, these four people were already Fan Xian's disciples.Their names on the gold list confirmed Fan Xian's accusation of corruption for personal gain. Fan Xian couldn't help but take a breath. Only then did he realize the seriousness of the problem.

Liu Ruyu waited until very late before Fan Xian returned home. She begged Fan Xian to let Fan Sizhe stay in Kyoto. Fan Sizhe didn't want to stay with his parents and wait to die. He wanted to make a difference with his own ability, so he volunteered to go to Beiqi again.After taking over the inner treasury, Fan Xian will definitely do business with Northern Qi. Fan Sizhe will be the person in charge of the trade between Nanqing and Northern Qi. Fan Xian asked Fan Sizhe to wait until the Spring Festival is over to attend his and Lin Waner's wedding before going to Northern Qi. Fan Sizhe agreed wholeheartedly..

The Spring Science Examination lasts for three days, and candidates must prepare enough food.Today is the first day of spring, and candidates carrying large and small bags are rushing across the Longmen Bridge to seek good luck for their names on the gold list.Fan Xian arrived at the Examination Institute early, and Guo Zheng arrived shortly after. He posed various inspirational poses in a serious manner and asked the painter to draw them as a souvenir.

The candidates came to the examination hall. Fan Xian had been waiting for a long time. He cheered the candidates and wished them the best. Fan Xian reminded the candidates to put all the books, cheat sheets and other items that they should not bring outside the door. Once they are investigated, they will be dealt with.Cancellation of exam qualifications.Fan Xian was sitting in the examination hall. Chunwei staff checked the candidates' identities one by one and searched them. Guo Zheng stood aside to supervise.One candidate who brought cheat sheets was kicked out of the examination room on the spot. The candidates were too frightened to come out.

Shi Chanli and Yang Wanli lined up to enter the examination hall, and immediately recognized Fan Xian sitting on the high platform as the person chatting with them. Shi Chanli and Yang Wanli waved to Fan Xian.Li Chengze learned that Fan Xian had gone to meet four people and determined that they were Fan Xian's disciples. He asked Guo Zheng to do something on one of them.

Chunwei staff checked the identities of Yang Wanli and Shi Chanli, then searched them and found a note between the two vegetable cakes prepared by Yang Wanli. Guo Zheng insisted that Yang Wanli had cheated and wanted to expel him from the examination room. Yang Wanli shouted loudlyClaiming injustice, Shi Chanli stood up to testify for Yang Wanli.Guo Zheng didn't believe it at all and forced Fan Xian to make a verdict against his protégé Yang Wanli.

One of the guards stood up and admitted his mistake. He had not been to school since he was a child. He was jealous that the candidates could participate in the Spring Festival, so he secretly put a note in Yang Wanli's vegetable cake. Guo Zheng refused to give up and insisted on disqualifying Yang Wanli from taking the exam., Fan Xian asked him to open the note in front of everyone and read out the words on it. It was just a pie price list.Guo Zheng was stunned. He hurriedly helped Yang Wanli up and let Yang Wanli go in to take the exam. The guard volunteered to accept the punishment. Guo Zheng's elaborate plan to frame Fan Xian's disciple failed, and he had to leave in anger.

Lin Ruofu guessed that Li Chengze would frame Fan Xian about the Spring Science Examination, and specially arranged for the guards to stand up and rescue Fan Xian at any time. Wang Qinian asked Deng Ziyue to lead people to secretly escort Yang Wanli and the four of them to the examination institute, and saw Xie Bian sneaking on Longmen Bridge.They stuffed notes into Yang Wanli's vegetable cakes. Thanks to them finding out and wrapping the notes in time with the price of the cakes, Yang Wanli was spared.Fan Xian knew that Li Chengze would not give up and Guo Zheng would definitely have other tricks in the next three days. Fan Xian secretly vowed to compete with Guo Zheng.

Fan Xian rode a horse and patrolled the examination hall. When he saw all the candidates in their seats, he loudly announced that the examination had officially begun.The huge examination hall was silent, and the sounds of candidates studying ink and writing could be clearly heard.Fan Xian dismounted and went to inspect each room. He saw Hou Jichang, Yang Wanli and Shi Chanli one after another. However, Shi Chanli was not seen during the siege. Wang Qinian quietly told him that Shi Chanli was in another examination room.

The staff came to deliver candles to the candidates. Fan Xian remembered that Guo Youzhi reminded him that fire prevention was the top priority in Chunwei. Once someone tampered with the candles, it would cause a fire in the room. Fan Xian would not be able to escape the blame. He carefully inspected the candles., and found that there was a smell of kerosene on them. He and Wang Qinian checked the remaining candles one by one and found that the candles all had the smell of kerosene.Thanks to Fan Xian, who had asked the inspection institute to prepare a batch of candles in advance and replaced all the candles filled with kerosene, Fan Xian asked Guo Zheng to reimburse the bill for the candles and deliberately increased the price. Guo Zheng knew that he was being charged.It's a trap, so I can only bite the bullet and do it.

Fan Xian followed Guo Youzhi's reminder to check the second most important water in Chunwei. Several large tanks of water were placed in the examination hall for the candidates to drink.Fan Xian took a sip and found that the water had become stale after being left for too long. He was worried that the candidates would get sick after drinking it, so he asked the Examination Institute to prepare clean water.Fan Xian carefully laid out the dangers caused by water and fire, leaving only La and Sa. The latrine is a place that candidates cannot avoid. Fan Xian was worried that someone was up to something there, so he asked Wang Qinian to investigate carefully.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

The invigilator took the candidates to the latrine. Fan Xian was worried that the latrine was being tampered with, so he sent Wang Qinian to take a look. Wang Qinian found that there was kerosene in the latrine. Once the candidates went to the latrine with a candle, a fire would break out if they were not careful.Can explode.Fan Xian asked Guo Zheng to send people to rebuild the latrine. Guo Zheng was furious. He replaced all the candles and water prepared by the Ministry of Rites. Now he wanted to attack the latrine. Fan Xian had already guessed that Guo Zheng would object, so he asked Deng Ziyue to lead him.Guo Zheng was asked to take out the golden nanmu and high-quality stones that had been used for the renovation of the Examination Yuan and build a hut from the warehouse. Guo Zheng had no choice but to do so due to the pressure from the Examination Yuan.He secretly vowed to find another opportunity to dig a hole for Fan Xian.

Fan Xian made careful arrangements and asked people from the Appraisal Institute to be on standby at the examination institute to ensure that each candidate successfully completed the three-day exam.Li Chengze learned about this and asked Xie Bian to tell Guo Zheng to stop. He was puzzled. Fan Xian had just come to Kyoto and could not know the taboos of the Examination Yuan so clearly. He suspected that an old man from the Ministry of Etiquette was giving Fan Xian advice.Fan Xian went to inspect and inspect, and paid special attention to Shi Chanli, Yang Wanli, Cheng Jialin and Hou Jichang. Yang Wanli had outstanding literary talent and neat and beautiful handwriting, which he felt inferior to.

The three-day Spring Science Examination was finally over. The candidates handed in their examination papers. The next step was to transcribe the names of the candidates. First, the names of the candidates were affixed one by one. The Ministry of Rites sent staff to transcribe the examination papers again to prevent the markers from judging based on the handwriting.Take the back door.Fan Xian was worried that the staff might be up to something in the last step, so he had been supervising their work on site. Due to the large number of candidates, the staff had been busy until dark and had not finished the work. Guo Zheng advised Fan Xian to go back and rest first.

Fan Xian learned from Guo You that in previous spring exams, some people cheated by using the length of paper with their names on it, or they made marks on the exam paper when transcribing.Guo Zheng pretended not to know, and Fan Xian reminded the staff not to cheat, otherwise they would die.Guo Zheng originally wanted to identify Li Chengze's disciples when he was writing anonymously, but he didn't expect that Fan Xian gave the order to kill him. The staff did not dare to slack off and completed the anonymous transcription work in an orderly manner.

The grading work was carried out in a completely closed state. Fan Xian still did not dare to take it lightly. He persisted until the grading was completed before leaving the examination hall. Except for Shi Chanli, who unfortunately failed to pass the exam, the other three people were all successful. Fan Xian breathed a sigh of relief.He hadn't slept for several days and was already exhausted. Wang Qinian drove a carriage to send Fan Xian back to his house. He fell asleep due to overwork.

After the exam, the candidates were all exhausted mentally and physically, so they went back to catch up on their sleep.Cheng Jialin slept all day and night without waking up. Yang Wanli and Shi Chanli woke up and continued studying. Hou Jichang brought them roast chicken, advised them to relax, and discussed with them a visit to Fan Xian.

Fan Xian went home and fell asleep without even bothering to eat. Wang Qinian picked out the meat from the dishes and wanted to take it back to his daughter Wang Ba. Deng Ziyue sent Fan Xian the list of candidates, and happened to see Wang Qinian picking out the meat from the bowl.Meat, Wang Qinian was worried that he would complain, so he let him eat and drink.Fan Xian woke up later, and Deng Ziyue hurriedly handed him the list. Fan Xian found that Yang Wanli, who was both good in character and academics, had failed the list. He felt something was wrong, so he called Wang Qinian and Deng Ziyue and went to the Ministry of Rites to find out the reason.

Fan Xian went to the Ministry of Rites to check the examination papers. Except for Yang Wanli who was impostered, there was nothing unusual about the other examination papers. Fan Xian clearly remembered the content of Yang Wanli's policy theory during the inspection. He did not expect that someone was playing tricks while concealing his name. Yang Wanli was impostered by Li Chengqian.The disciple pretended to be someone else.Fan Xian couldn't swallow this breath. He wanted to investigate the matter thoroughly and give justice to Yang Wanli. Deng Ziyue persuaded him to think twice. He and Li Chengze were already sworn enemies. Now that his friend had offended Li Chengqian, Fan Xian couldn't care so much. He wanted to make this springIn order to be fair and just, Fan Xian asked Deng Ziyue to lead people to seal down the examination institute, and no one was allowed to release the results without his order.

Fan Xian took Wang Qinian and rushed directly to the East Palace to discuss with Li Chengqian. He went straight to the point and explained his purpose. Li Chengqian asked Fan Xian to admire the clothes he designed. Fan Xian was not in the mood and just said a few random words. He was just curious about who he designed so many clothes for. Li Chengqian paid attentionTo put it bluntly, he admitted that the person impersonating Yang Wanli was his disciple, but he had no idea about it. Fan Xian guessed that Li Chengze was up to something, just to sow discord between him and Li Chengqian.Li Chengqian didn't want to let it go, so Fan Xian decided to make the matter bigger. The two of them went to the palace to complain to Emperor Qing.

Li Chengze learned that Fan Xian had sent people to seal off the examination institute and called Li Chengqian to go to the palace to complain. Li Chengqian was worried and felt a little worried. He felt that he had been tricked by Fan Xian.Fan Xian and Li Chengqian came to the palace, and Hong Zhu, the new eunuch in charge of the Vegetable Gathering Department, led them. Hong Zhu was full of gratitude to Fan Xian. If Fan Xian had not ousted Mr. Dai, he would not have been able to take over the Vegetable Gathering Department. Hong ZhuZhu also guessed that Fan Xian entered the palace to seek justice for the candidates, and Fan Xian couldn't help but look at Hong Zhu in a different light.

Chen Pingping was reporting work to Emperor Qing, and also brought files on Chunwei's private fraud over the years.Li Chengqian couldn't wait any longer and reported to Emperor Qing that someone had impersonated him and framed him. Emperor Qing didn't have the energy to deal with this, so he dug up the files on the Chunwei fraud case. Fan Xian took the initiative to ask Ying to investigate the matter thoroughly, which Emperor Qing naturally wanted.

Fan Xian left the palace with the file in his arms. Hong Zhu waited outside the palace for a long time. He pulled Fan Xian aside and suddenly knelt on the ground and burst into tears of gratitude to Fan Xian. Fan Xian was confused by him.It turned out that Hong Zhu was from Yingzhou. The magistrate of Yingzhou killed his whole family. Hong Zhu had a chance to escape because he was not at home at the time. After entering the palace, he changed his surname to Hong after being photographed by Mr. Hong's public relations. No one in the palace knew his life experience. Fan XianjieThe list of corrupt officials given to the Metropolitan Procuratorate included Yingzhou Zhizhou, who had been executed. Hong Zhu regarded Fan Xian as his benefactor, and Fan Xian also regarded him as one of his own.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

The queen heard that the impostor Yang Wanli was Li Chengqian's protégé, and that Li Chengqian followed Fan Xian to file a complaint. She was anxious for Li Chengqian, so she sent someone to call Li Chengqian to ask why, only to find out that Li Chengqian had been framed.The queen learned that Emperor Qing had handed over the cases of favoritism and fraud in the past years to Fan Xian. She was afraid of Fan Xian, but she couldn't say it clearly. Li Chengqian regarded Fan Xian as his best partner.

Fan Xian asked Wang Qinian to be responsible for revising the list. Wang Qinian thought that it would be enough to erase the imposter and replace him with Yang Wanli. Unexpectedly, Fan Xian asked him to copy a list by hand. Wang Qinian looked at the dense list and complained in his heart.Deng Ziyue was making sarcastic remarks on the side, and Wang Qinian was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he did not dare to disobey Fan Xian's order, so he had to copy it hard, for fear of making a mistake and having to start over again.

Fan Xian sent someone to take Guo Youzhi to the prison of the Inspection Institute. Guo Baokun accompanied him in the prison. He was worried that Fan Xian would cross the river and demolish the bridge to kill Guo Youzhi and silence him. Fan Xian came to the prison to ask Guo Youzhi about the Chunwei fraud case and promised to release him as soon as possible. Guo Baokun thenRelax.Guo Youzhi provided Fan Xian with important clues and asked him to start investigating the victims of previous Chunwei scientific examinations.

Lin Ruofu sent Yuan Hongdao to invite Fan Xian. Lin Dabao missed Fan Xian very much and clamored to go with Yuan Hongdao. Dabao saw Fan Xian cheering happily. Yuan Hongdao left on the pretext of going to do something. Before leaving, he reminded Fan Xian to protect him in the future.Dabao.Fan Xian agreed without hesitation, and went home with Lin Dabao without thinking too much.

Lin Ruofu heard that Emperor Qing handed over the case of favoritism and fraud in Chunwei to Fan Xian. He knew that Emperor Qing had intended to cultivate him and wanted him to use Chunwei to achieve political achievements and prepare for taking over the inner treasury.Fan Xian would become the target of public criticism. Lin Ruofu thought twice and asked Fan Xian to operate on him. Fan Xian was grateful to him.

Lin Ruofu wanted to play chess with Yuan Hongdao, only to find out that he had gone to do something. Lin Ruofu suspected that Yuan Hongdao had an affair, and pointed the finger at Fan Xian, bringing up the scandal between Fan Xian and Haitang Duoduo. Fan Xian was so frightened that he kept explaining.Wang Qinian spent a lot of effort to copy the list. He was so tired that his back ached, and Fan Xian even laughed at him.

Fan Xian was puzzled as to why Emperor Qing handed him the Chunwei favoritism case. Wang Qinian felt that Emperor Qing wanted to train Fan Xian into a literary leader.Chen Pingping found the evidence and witnesses of Chunwei's fraud case through the powerful strength of the forensic institute. Emperor Qing asked him to hand these over to Fan Xian to facilitate Fan Xian's investigation.Chen Pingping and Emperor Qing both had high hopes for Fan Xian, but they had different ideas. Although Fan Xian was Emperor Qing's biological son, he wanted to use Fan Xian to find the secrets of the temple and stabilize the imperial power. Chen Pingping wanted Fan Xian to take over Ye Qingmei's legacy.Under the inspection agency.

Emperor Qing asked Chen Pingping to throw an arrow. Chen Pingping missed nine times in a row. Emperor Qing asked him to throw an arrow again, and this time he had to hit it. Chen Pingping had no choice but to put the arrow into the tube when Emperor Qing was not paying attention, and took the opportunity to shoot the arrow.Emperor Qing expressed his loyalty, and Emperor Qing was very satisfied. He once again confirmed that he had the supreme royal power, and after Chen Pingping left, he smashed the quiver into pieces with one palm.

Today is the day when the results are released in spring. The candidates came to the entrance of the examination hall early. In the past, the Ministry of Etiquette released the results in spring, but this year it was done by the Examination Institute. The candidates were all talking about it, saying that Yang Wanli was impersonated, and Fan Xian personallyHe went to Emperor Qing to file an imperial complaint and seek justice for Yang Wanli, so the release of the results was postponed.

The staff of the Examination and Inspection Institute hung out the list, and the candidates were mixed. Yang Wanli, Hou Jichang, and Cheng Jialin were all named on the gold list. Only Shi Chanli failed to win. Shi Chanli was very depressed. Yang Wanli and Hou Jichang gave him good words and encouraged him to go next year.Come again.Hou Jichang wanted to ask Cheng Jialin to visit Fan Xian together, and Shi Chanli also wanted to go with him. Cheng Jialin was injured when he was looking at the list and could not get off the ground. The three of them came to worship Fan Xian as their teacher and were willing to serve Fan Xian.After finishing the work, Fan Xian prepared a apprenticeship ceremony for Hou Jichang and Yang Wanli. On it were written "be a good person, be a good official" and they left happily.

Fan Xian left Shi Chanli behind and took out the notice issued by the government. Only then did Shi Chanli learn that Shijia Town had been burned down and that no one in his family was spared. Shi Chanli was so heartbroken that he left his hometown early to attend the exam in Beijing.Unexpectedly, his hometown suffered such a disaster, and Shi Chanli became homeless.

He Zongwei accompanied a woman wearing sackcloth and mourning to complain to Fan Xian. Yuan Hongdao secretly went to see this woman, and Fan Xian had no idea about it.The woman's husband was impersonated by Lin Ruofu's disciples during the Chunwei scientific examination, and was brutally murdered by Lin Ruofu afterwards. He Zongwei claimed to have given up Chunwei in order to uphold justice for the examinees.Fan Xian brought Yan Bingyun to discuss countermeasures. Yan Bingyun was worried that Fan Xian was seeking favoritism and wanted to take over Lin Ruofu's fraud and murder case. Fan Xian insisted on investigating it personally, so he rushed directly to the Prime Minister's Mansion to find Lin Ruofu.Yuan Hongdao came to eat at a restaurant on Linjie Street and asked the waiter to open the window facing the river.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

When Fan Xian came to see Lin Ruofu, Lin Ruofu had already heard that He Zongwei had come to Fan Xian to accuse him of murdering people after committing fraud last spring. Fan Xian was in a dilemma. If Lin Ruofu was indeed guilty, he had favored his own interests and was sorry for his own conscience. If Lin Ruofu was arrested, what would happen?I'm sorry for my fiancée Lin Wan'er.

Lin Ruofu had been the prime minister of the Qing Dynasty for many years and had many disciples, but he could not recognize them all. He seemed to remember that there was an imposter in the spring of last year, but he had never sent anyone to kill people. Lin Ruofu took out the list of the four people who did this last year and asked him toFan Xian asked them to find out the situation.The more Lin Ruofu thought about it, the more something was wrong. Fan Xian had just taken over the Chunwei personal fraud case, and someone came to accuse him. Lin Ruofu concluded that someone was behind it, and that the four people had been bribed long ago, so he burned the list on the spot.

Yan Ruohai and Fan Jian both came to negotiate with Chen Pingping. They both felt that Lin Ruofu's case should not be investigated by Fan Xian, but this was Emperor Qing's order and Chen Pingping could not change it.Yan Bingyun asked He Zongwei to go to Dali Temple to file a complaint, and personally led the guards of the Inspection Institute to escort He Zongwei and the woman there.

Yuan Hongdao deliberately set an ambush at a hotel on the way to Dali Temple. The front of the hotel faced the street and the back faced the river. Yuan Hongdao also asked the waiter to open the windows facing the river to facilitate evacuation.Yan Bingyun and his party passed by this restaurant. Yuan Hongdao suddenly stood up and shouted angrily at He Zongwei and the woman, wanting to seek justice for Lin Ruofu. Yuan Hongdao pulled out his dagger and flew towards the woman in the carriage. Yan Bingyun gave an order,The guards from the Inspection Institute rushed into the hotel to arrest him, and Yuan Hongdao jumped into the river from the back window and escaped.

Yan Bingyun recognized Yuan Hongdao as Lin Ruofu's disciple, guessed that he was bribed, and secretly mocked the person who used Yuan Hongdao to frame Lin Ruofu for being stupid.Lin Ruofu was very sad to learn about this matter. Yuan Hongdao had followed him for many years, but he did not expect to kill him at the critical moment. Fan Xian deeply sympathized with him. Lin Ruofu took Fan Xian to the palace to meet Emperor Qing. Along the way, he gave Fan Xian a thousand warnings.Wan asked.

After Yuan Hongdao escaped, he took a carriage to Xinyang, Li Yunrui's fiefdom. Fan Jian did not expect that Yuan Hongdao was Li Yunrui's man, so he asked Chen Pingping to send a black cavalry to capture Yuan Hongdao back. Chen Pingping advised Fan Jian to wait patiently for Fan Xian and Lin Ruofu to see Qing.The result of the emperor.When Lin Ruofu saw Emperor Qing, he knelt down and admitted his mistake, saying that he was suffering from various illnesses and wanted to retire and return to his hometown. Emperor Qing didn't believe it at all and asked Fan Xian to check Lin Ruofu's pulse.

Although Fan Xian could not detect any fatal illness in Lin Ruofu from his pulse, Lin Ruofu insisted on resigning.Emperor Qing tried to persuade him to stay, but Lin Ruofu had already decided to leave. Emperor Qing praised him for his hard work and great achievements, but he couldn't find anyone to take over for him. Lin Ruofu knew that he was irreplaceable, so he asked Emperor Qing to choose slowly. Emperor Qing asked him to recommend a few disciples.Lin Ruofu knew that Emperor Qing wanted to use this list to weaken his power in the court.Lin Ruofu refused to take the bait. He claimed that he was an upright official and had no disciples suitable to be prime minister. Emperor Qing asked Lin Ruofu to wait until Lin Waner and Fan Xian got married before leaving. Emperor Qing asked him to retire and return home alone. Lin Ruofu entrusted Lin Dabao to Lin Ruofu.Fan Xian, Emperor Qing was relieved to let him leave.

Lin Ruofu took Fan Xian away from the palace. Thinking of what Emperor Qing had done, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh.All this was carefully arranged by Emperor Qing. Emperor Qing had wanted to oust him for a long time, but he couldn't find a suitable excuse. Emperor Qing asked Fan Xian to preside over this year's Chunwei and handed over the Chunwei fraud case to Fan Xian.Taking this opportunity to bring him down, he didn't expect that Li Chengze had someone pretend to be the leader, so Emperor Qing used his strength to force him to resign.

Fan Xian witnessed the no-fire game between Emperor Qing and Lin Ruofu with his own eyes. Emperor Qing was aggressive and Lin Ruofu was neither humble nor overbearing. He lost in the end, but he kept the final bottom line and refused to hand over the list of disciples, thinking that one day he would return to Kyoto and make a comeback.Lin Ruofu also saw through Emperor Qing's trump card. Emperor Qing forced him to leave in order to make Fan Xian a lonely minister. Fan Xian felt Emperor Qing's coldness for the first time.

Yan Bingyun and his party escorted He Zongwei and the woman to Dali Temple to complain. Eunuch Hou suddenly came to deliver the order. He Zongwei was unusually appointed as the censor of the Inspectorate and took office immediately. He Zongwei was so happy that he knelt down and swore to celebrate.Yan Bingyun was immediately shocked when he pledged allegiance to the emperor. He Zongwei did not attend the Spring Festival and went directly to the Inspectorate to serve as censor.Yan Bingyun urged He Zongwei to get on the road as soon as possible. He Zongwei gave up the prosecution, picked up the woman and left. Yan Bingyun sneered at him. He Zongwei threatened to plead guilty in front of Emperor Qing, and Yan Bingyun left in anger.

Chen Pingping asked Yan Ruohai to change the wheels of the wheelchair, and Yan Ruohai asked Fan Jian to help hold the wheelchair.When Fan Jian learned that Lin Ruofu was forced to retire and return to his hometown, he was worried that his status would not be preserved and Fan Xian would be left alone. Chen Pingping was optimistic. He firmly believed that Fan Xian could handle the officialdom with ease. Fan Jian could not defeat him, so he had to leave in anger.

Lin Ruofu was going back to his hometown. Before leaving, he called Lin Dabao to his side and told Lin Dabao to learn to protect himself. Apart from Lin Waner and Fan Xian, he should not trust anyone else. If one day they left Lin Dabao alone, he would still be Lin Dabao.With strong backing, Lin Dabao's IQ is comparable to that of a child. He couldn't understand Lin Ruofu's words, but he remembered them all in his heart.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Fan Xian and Wang Qinian picked up Lin Dabao. Lin Dabao held Lin Ruofu in his arms until he dried the hawthorns in the sun, and kept saying "Father is an exception". Lin Ruofu did not tell Lin Dabao about retiring from old age and returning home.He lived a carefree life. Lin Ruofu looked at Lin Dabao's retreating figure with mixed feelings in his heart.

Shijia Town was captured and all the people were killed. Shi Chanli failed the exam and became homeless, so Fan Xian took him home. Shi Chanli thought about his family members who were burned to death and was in pain. He did not believe that the fire was caused by dry weather.Caused by this, but that's what the official document said. Shi Chanli suspected that someone deliberately set fire to his hometown. Fan Xian could not tell the truth, but only revealed that this person was of high authority. Shi Chanli begged Fan Xian to find out the truth.Unfortunately, Fan Xian promised to find out the truth and accepted Shi Chanli as his disciple. Shi Chanli vowed to work for Fan Xian.

He Zongwei went to the Inspectorate to take office and prepared snacks for his colleagues. They did not appreciate it and ignored He Zongwei.He Zongwei knelt in front of Lai Mingcheng's seat and cried bitterly. He also burned incense to worship. His colleagues came forward to comfort him. He Zongwei learned that Lai Mingcheng was sentenced to death for impeaching Fan Xian, and threatened to go to Fan Xian to settle the score.

Shi Chanli took He Zongwei to see Fan Xian. He Zongwei knelt on the ground to plead guilty to Fan Xian and asked Fan Xian to beat him. He would then gain the trust of his colleagues in the Inspectorate. In the future, he could act as an informant for Fan Xian. Fan Xian did notThinking that He Zongwei was so shameless, he forcibly drove him away.Chen Pingping came to see Fan Xian. He happened to see this scene and was disdainful of what He Zongwei did.

Shadow came with Chen Pingping. He couldn't wait to compete with Wu Zhu. Fan Xian didn't know the whereabouts of Wu Zhu, so Shadow asked Fan Xian to compete. Chen Pingping hurriedly stopped Shadow and handed over the command of Black Cavalry to Fan Xian. Black CavalryIt is an independent existence that is not controlled by the Qing Kingdom's military. This team is brave and invincible. Only Chen Pingping and Emperor Qing can mobilize the Black Cavalry.Before leaving, Chen Pingping gave him a manual for black cavalry material allocation and troop mobilization, and reminded Fan Xian to pay more attention to officials who had recently retired and returned home.

Fan Xian was puzzled and did not understand the meaning of Chen Pingping's words. He tried to find the answer from the booklet, but found nothing.Lin Ruofu left the capital early in the morning, and Fan Xian came to see him off. Lin Ruofu learned that Lin Dabao was living happily in Fan Mansion, so he felt relieved. Fan Xian asked Lin Wan'er to wait in front with Lin Dabao, hoping that the two brothers and sisters would see Lin Ruofu off.Cheng, Lin Wan'er and Lin Dabao knelt down and said goodbye to Lin Ruofu. Lin Ruofu was extremely excited.

Fan Xian got out of the car to enjoy flowers and play with Lin Dabao. Lin Dabao gave Fan Xian his favorite hawthorn. Lin Ruofu was deeply relieved to see their happy faces.Fan Xian dug out the booklet Chen Pingping gave him, but still couldn't find any clues, so he asked Lin Waner to help look for it. Lin Waner repeatedly emphasized that the transfer of Black Cavalry was top secret, and Fan Xian was awakened by one sentence.

Fan Xian learned from Wang Qinian that Yin Mei of Kyoto Prefecture was intercepted and killed by horse bandits when she was returning to her hometown to pay her respects. The book recorded that the black horsemen were ordered to go out to the camp to perform the mission on that day. Fan Xian was frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He was worried that Emperor Qing would send gangsters.He intercepted and killed Lin Ruofu on the way.Fan Xian called Wang Qinian to rescue Lin Ruofu. On the way, he encountered Li Chengru leading the imperial army to practice here. Fan Xian borrowed his troops to intercept the black cavalry.

The black knights were ordered to ambush halfway. Lin Ruofu's carriage passed by and they rushed out to kill people.Wang Qinian used his super light kung fu to arrive at Lin Ruofu's carriage. Fan Xian arrived with his troops and ordered the black cavalry to return to camp, and they left obediently.Jing Ge, the deputy commander of the Black Cavalry, was a fan of Fan Xian. He took out a book of poems for Fan Xian to sign. Fan Xian had no choice but to do so. His handwriting was ugly. Jing Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly. He held the signed book of poems and rode on.Whip away.

Lin Ruofu thought that Emperor Qing sent a black knight to kill him, but he found that he was wrong. Emperor Qing only wanted to abolish the position of prime minister, a position below one person and above ten thousand people. Lin Ruofu gave the list of disciples to Fan Xian and asked him to forward it to Qing.emperor.Lin Ruofu promised to write a letter when he returned to his hometown, asking Emperor Qing to abolish the post of prime minister. Fan Xian was still worried and wanted to escort Lin Ruofu back to his hometown. Lin Ruofu believed that Emperor Qing would not let him die, otherwise it would not be recorded in the history books.

Lin Ruofu has followed Emperor Qing for many years, but he has never been able to see through Emperor Qing's thoughts. He is a secretive person. Emperor Qing contributed to the fight between Li Chengze and Emperor Qing, which led to the Chunwei fraud, and because of his involvement in this matterGet rid of him, then force him to resign and return to his hometown, and then let him propose the abolition of the prime minister.Lin Ruofu reminded Fan Xian never to completely trust Emperor Qing, and never to feel that he has seen through Emperor Qing until the last step.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Fan Xian specially arranged for Lin Wan'er and Lin Dabao to see Lin Ruofu off. Lin Ruofu saw that Lin Dabao was living a carefree life, and he was relieved to hand over Lin Dabao to Fan Xian. Before leaving, Lin Ruofu taught Fan Xian the ways of officialdom and warned him.He wanted to treat Lin Wan'er well.

After Fan Xian sent Lin Ruofu away, he expressed his gratitude to the eldest prince Li Chengru for lending him the imperial army to rescue Lin Ruofu. The eldest prince brought the imperial army to practice outside the city, and happened to encounter Fan Xian going to intercept the black knight.When Lin Waner saw Fan Xian and Li Chengru together, she learned that Fan Xian stopped the black knight in time and saved Lin Ruofu's life. Lin Waner was grateful to Fan Xian.

Emperor Qing heard that Fan Xian had mobilized the black cavalry without authorization, and immediately sent a message to Fan Xian and Li Chengru to go to the palace to meet him. Li Chengru advised Fan Xian not to show off in front of Emperor Qing, and he was willing to bear all responsibilities.Fan Xian and Li Chengru rushed to the palace and happened to see Hong Zhu. Hong Zhu secretly revealed to Fan Xian Emperor Qing's attitude towards Fan Xian's rescue of Lin Ruofu, so that Fan Xian could respond early.Chen Pingping punished Wang Qinian to wipe the stone tablet at the entrance of the inspection institute. Wang Qinian wiped it clean, but Chen Pingping was still not satisfied and asked him to continue wiping it. Wang Qinian complained endlessly.

Emperor Qing first called Li Chengru in for questioning. Li Chengru made no secret of his admiration for Fan Xian. Among all the civil and military officials in the court, only Fan Xian valued love and righteousness. Emperor Qing knew that he had an upright temperament and was out fighting all the time, so he did not understand officialdom.He was full of intrigues and complimented him without saying much.When Fan Jian heard that Emperor Qing had called Fan Xian into the palace, he was worried that Fan Xian would be punished, so he immediately came to the palace to support Fan Xian.

Emperor Qing called Fan Jian and Fan Xian in together. Fan Xian handed Emperor Qing the list of Lin Ruofu's disciples. Fan Jian took out a ruler and wanted to hit Fan Xian in front of Emperor Qing. Emperor Qing did not stop him. Fan JianHis words were vicious, but his actions were gentle. Emperor Qing saw that he was deliberately acting and hurriedly stopped him.

Chen Pingping received a secret report from the palace and learned that Fan Xian was out of danger, so he was willing to let Wang Qinian go. Wang Qinian wanted to go back to Fan Mansion to wait for Fan Xian, so Chen Pingping sent him to perform a task. Agents from the Sixth Division of the Inspection Institute were in the southern suburbs of Kyoto.was killed thirty miles away, Chen Pingping sent Wang Qinian to investigate the matter.

Emperor Qing informed Fan Xian that he would get married to Lin Wan'er in three days. Fan Xian naturally wished for it. Fan Jian was worried that the time was too short to make preparations. Emperor Qing specifically approved him to get money from the Ministry of Rites to make up for it first and then make up for it later. Fan Jian felt that this was inappropriate.According to the rules, Emperor Qing was resolute, Fan Xian cheered happily, and Hong Zhu immediately went to tell the world.

Fan Jian went home and announced the good news of Fan Xian's marriage. The whole family was very happy. Fan Sizhe learned that Fan Xian's marriage was paid for by the palace and handled by the Ministry of Etiquette. This was an unfunded business.Fan Sizhe firmly believed that all the civil and military officials in the court would come to Fan's house for a banquet. He could make a lot of money by clearly marking the price on the invitation letter to the wedding banquet.

Yuan Hongdao used He Zongwei to oust Lin Ruofu, and he fled to Xinyang to join Li Yunrui.Li Yunrui wanted to give the account books of the inner treasury to Fan Xian as a wedding gift. There were many accounts in the inner treasury, and they were all confidential. Li Yunrui didn't have enough people on hand, so he called together the accountants from all the shops in Xinyang and asked them to sort out the accounts day and night.Li Yunrui wanted to wait until the accounts were sorted out to silence all the accounting gentlemen.Yuan Hongdao took a deep breath when he witnessed Li Yunrui's cruelty with his own eyes.

Wang Qinian came to the southern suburbs to investigate the case. He carefully examined the bodies of his colleagues from the Sixth Division. Jing Ge led the black cavalry to escort him.Ye Ling'er was worried that Li Chengze would cause trouble at the wedding of Fan Xian and Lin Waner, so she came to negotiate with Li Chengze overnight. Li Chengze was choosing gifts for Lin Waner, and he swore that he would not cause trouble at Lin Waner's wedding.Li Chengze told Fan Xian that Ye Ling'er had revealed to Fan Xian that Lin Gong was the mastermind behind the Niulan Street assassination, and that he promised not to tell the story. Only then did Ye Ling'er admit that she saw Lin Gong and the Northern Qi female spy with her own eyes.Plot to assassinate Fan Xian on Niulan Street.

Wang Qinian returned to the Inspection Institute to report to Chen Pingping. Six colleagues in the department were killed with sharp weapons. The killer was agile and fatal with one knife. Chen Pingping remembered the serial murders that occurred in Jiangnan. Fei Jie went to Jiangnan to investigate the case in person. The murderer was highly skilled in martial arts, and Fei Jie actually followed him.Lost. Based on the information sent by Fei Jie Fei Ge, Chen Pingping suspected that the murderer came all the way from Jiangnan and has now arrived in Kyoto. These deceased people died in the same way as Lin Gong. Chen Pingping suspected that Wu Zhu was responsible for this.He asked Wang Qinian to go back and inform Fan Xian.

Li Chengze suspected that Lin Gong was killed by Fan Xian. Xie Bian persuaded Li Chengze to tell Lin Wan'er about the matter. Lin Wan'er would never marry Fan Xian, who killed his brother. If their marriage fell through, the inner treasure would not need to change hands.Wang Qinian truthfully reported to Fan Xian the Jiangnan serial murder case and the murder of Lin Gong was caused by Wu Zhu.That night, Fan Xian heard something strange in the yard. He thought Wu Zhu was back, but he turned around and couldn't find Wu Zhu.

When Fan Xian woke up early in the morning, he was pulled by Fan Ruoruo and Liu Ruyu to try on wedding clothes. Fan Xian was so frightened when he saw several large boxes full of clothes that he ran away without eating.Lin Wan'er had already guessed that Fan Xian didn't have the patience to try on clothes, so she refused to try them on out of anger. When Fan Xian heard about this, he had to go home and try on clothes.Lin Wan'er was trying on wedding clothes one by one. Her back and legs ached from exhaustion, so Ye Ling'er hurriedly came to see her.

《Joy of Life 2》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

Lin Wan'er saw Ye Ling'er who was trying to tell her that she had leaked to Fan Xian that Lin Gong was the mastermind behind the Niulan Street assassination. Seeing that Ye Ling'er was coughing and unable to speak, she went to get medicine, but when she returned, Ye Ling was gone.The figure of the child.

Li Chengze felt that Lin Gong's incident could not completely bring down Fan Xian. He was worried that Ye Ling'er would tell Lin Wan'er about Fan Xian's murder of Lin Gong, so he sent someone to kidnap Ye Ling'er.Ye Ling'er suspected that Li Chengze was going to reveal the incident at the wedding, causing Fan Xian and Lin Waner to turn against each other in public. Li Chengze denied it and kept claiming that he would not return his sister Lin Waner.

Fan Xian tried on clothes bravely, and he didn't finish trying them on until dark. Fan Ruoruo and Liu Ruyu were still enjoying it, but Fan Xian was already impatient.

Fan Jian sent Fan Sizhe to call Fan Xian. Fan Xian took the opportunity to free himself for a while. He complained bitterly in front of Fan Jian. He obviously looked at similar clothes, why did he try them on one by one? Fan Jian advised Fan Xian that good things are hard work.This is how he got through it when he got married.Fan Sizhe persuaded Fan Xian kindly. Ordinary people don't have such grand ostentation when getting married. Fan Xian's trouble is their elusive happiness. Fan Xian found that Fan Sizhe had grown up overnight and became mature and sensible. Fan Sizhe went north to study this time.Qi deeply felt the suffering of the people. He vowed to open more shops to make more money and solve the food and clothing problems of more people. Fan Jian did not expect that Fan Sizhe had such an ambition at a young age, and was deeply relieved.

Fan Jian reminded Fan Xian to carefully select the officials who came to the wedding banquet. If he was not careful, he would offend many people. Fan Xian felt so annoyed that he only held a family banquet and did not invite outsiders to attend.Li Yunrui arrived in Beijing in an oversized carriage filled with flowers. She also asked the girls to scatter flowers all the way from Xinyang to Kyoto. People took to the streets to watch, and Lin Dabao also ran up to watch the excitement.

The float slowly drove to Fan's Mansion. Fan Xian was waiting at the gate for a long time. Li Yunrui waved Fan Xian to the float and handed him a large box of internal treasury account books. Li Yunrui knew that returning to the capital without authorization was a capital crime, and he was expected to do so.Fan Xian did not dare to report her in front of Emperor Qing. Li Yunrui wanted to see Lin Wan'er, and she and Fan Xian had a temporary truce during the wedding, and they would fight to the death in the future.

Fan Xian took the box of account books and went directly to Chen Pingping. Chen Pingping read the account books carefully and couldn't help being surprised.Neiku is the number one store in the world, with branches all over the world. Ye Qingmei used these shops to become the richest man in the world during his lifetime. Li Yunrui has been in charge of Neiku for many years, and the deficit has reached more than 20 million silver. Fan Xian knows very well that this is what Li Yunrui gave him.A big hole was dug that could not be filled.Chen Pingping gave an order to the Eighth Department of the Inspection and Inspection Institute, asking Fan Xian to use the secret passage left by Ye Qingmei before his death. Chen Pingping also gave Fan Xian a letter and asked him to open it after he got married.

Li Yunrui sent the account books to Fan Xian with great fanfare. News of the internal treasury deficit soon spread throughout Kyoto and other countries. The Queen was worried about Fan Xian, worried that no one would dare to do business with Fan Xian again. If it happened in half a year,If Fan Xian cannot make up for the shortfall, he must hand over the inner treasury obediently. Li Chengqian is willing to help Fan Xian.

Today is the wedding day of Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian. Fan Xian did not make any grand arrangements. He only invited the two princes and Prince Jing's son Li Hongcheng to the banquet. All the civil and military officials could only look forward to it and sigh.

Li Yunrui came to see Lin Waner secretly. Lin Waner learned that she had returned to Beijing without permission and was worried that she would be held accountable. Li Yunrui didn't care and just wanted to fulfill her duties as a mother for the last time. She helped Lin Waner dress up.Lin Waner begged her not to be an enemy of Fan Xian anymore. Li Yunrui was left with nothing by Fan Xian. She was unwilling to give in and hoped that Lin Waner would forget her as a mother. Lin Waner looked at Li Yunrui's back and burst into tears sadly.

Li Chengze released Ye Linger and took her to the Fan Mansion to attend the wedding.Li Hongcheng and Li Chengru arrived early and congratulated Fan Xian. Li Hongcheng begged Fan Xian to fulfill his marriage to Fan Ruoruo, and swore that he would never have anything to do with Yuan Meng again. Fan Xian promised to forgive him, but Fan Ruoruo still would not marry.he.

Li Chengqian came to Fan's Mansion with generous gifts, and the Northern Qi Emperor and Doudou sent a 800-mile rush to deliver a letter to Fan Xian.In the letter, Zhan Doudou urged Fan Xian to update Dream of Red Mansions as soon as possible, and also asked Fan Ruoruo to be a disciple of Grand Master Ku He. Fan Xian sent Wang Qinian to give the letter to Emperor Qing for review. Li Hongcheng was immediately dumbfounded. The four great masters were above the dynasty., Fan Ruoruo went to Northern Qi to study under his master, and their marriage was completely ruined. Fan Xian tried his best to appease Li Hongcheng and dragged him to the wedding banquet.

Li Chengze took Ye Linger to Fan Mansion, and Ye Linger repeatedly reminded him not to talk nonsense at the wedding banquet, otherwise he would not be lenient.Li Chengqian wanted to share Fan Xian's worries, but he didn't have so much money. He saw that Fan Xian and Beiqi were very close, and reminded Fan Xian not to use Beiqi's money to fill the internal treasury deficit. Li Chengqian was glad that Li Chengze was grounded, and he could not come to Fan's house to cause trouble..Unexpectedly, Li Chengze brought Ye Linger to the Fan Mansion for a banquet, and Li Hongcheng quietly hid after seeing this.

Li Chengze prepared 500,000 taels of silver notes as a wedding gift and wanted to solve Fan Xian's urgent need. Li Chengqian was not willing to lag behind and also scrambled to win over Fan Xian. Li Chengqian and Li Chengze refused to give in to each other and competed to recruit Fan Xian to join the team. Li Chengru sat asideSilently, he watched the two brothers bickering.Fan Xian only accepted a silver check and thanked Li Chengze for his kindness. Fan Xian also declined Li Chengqian's invitation and invited them to watch the ceremony together.

The wedding officially started. Fan Ruoruo accompanied Lin Waner to the hall and handed the other end of the red hydrangea to Fan Xian. Fan Xian and Lin Waner came to the hall to salute Fan Jian and Liu Ruyu.Li Chengze stepped forward to watch the excitement. Ye Linger was worried that he would cause trouble and hurriedly grabbed his sleeve.Lin Dabao suddenly appeared and asked Lin Wan'er to go out and say a word. Everyone present was stunned.Lin Dabao conveyed Lin Ruofu's words, “Lin Waner took good care of Lin Dabao”, Lin Waner agreed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.