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《heir to the throne》Episode 25 Synopsis

Episode 25

Zhu Liqi and Dai Qiting were about to die together. Zhu Liqi drank wine with sleeping pills and fell asleep. Dai Qiting struggled to save herself. When Qiu Shouren and Qiu Zhitong arrived, both of them had fainted. Qiu Shouren broke the glass door and threw the two of them.Sent to the hospital, after Dai Qiting woke up, she was determined to make Zhu Liqi pay the price. Qiu Shouyi said that he would talk to Qiu Shouren. Qiu Shouren hoped that they would let Zhu Liqi go, but Qiu Shouyi said, had he ever thought that Zhu Liqi had other reasons for marrying him?As for the picture, Qiu Shouren was about to ask him in detail what he meant. Qiu Zhitong came with the police and said they wanted to investigate in detail. Dai Qiting was unwilling to say anything. Qiu Zhitong said that the aunt's mental state was not very good now and that she would come back tomorrow to record a statement.The police agreed.

Episode 25

Qiu Shouyi sent the others out. Dai Qiting asked him why he didn't let him tell the truth. Qiu Shouyi said that Zhu Liqi did these things because Dai Qiting released her bed photos and caused her miscarriage. If Qiu Shouren knew about it, he would definitely not let her go.Dai Qiting was afraid of her. Qiu Shouyi asked Dai Qiting to treat the matter as an accident, and she reluctantly agreed.Qiu Haoer was also exhausted because of Zhu Liqi's incident. He Meiying felt sorry for her, but she was still very surprised as to why Zhu Liqi wanted to drag Dai Qiting to die together. Qiu Haoer also felt that this matter was not that simple.

Qiu Zhibin got the money and was very happy. He asked Ma Xiaoling to celebrate on the yacht. Ma Xiaoling came to the yacht in advance to decorate it and kicked something under the dining table. When she picked it up, she found it was Qiu Zhilan's mobile phone. She suddenly panicked. At this time, Qiu Zhibin came and she hurriedStuffed the phone into the bag.Ma Xiaoling made an appointment with Qiu Haoer and asked her secretly how the investigation of Qiu Zhilan's case was going. Qiu Haoer told her that the police found that Qiu Zhilan had been to the yacht dock the night of the accident. Ma Xiaoling asked hurriedly, what was she doing there?, have you seen anyone? Qiu Haoer said that the police didn't find it, but the accident must have happened there.At night, Ma Xiaoling was dazed on the bed with Qiu Zhilan's mobile phone. Qiu Zhibin came in and saw it. Ma Xiaoling asked him whether Qiu Zhilan's death had anything to do with him. Qiu Zhibin said that he had never been to the yacht dock that night, and said that he would take the initiative to take it to the marina.The phone was handed over to the police.Qiu Zhibin really handed over his mobile phone to the police, but Gao Jun still firmly doubted him.Shao Jiabi asked Qiu Zhibin about her mobile phone. Qiu Zhibin told her that she had indeed seen Qiu Zhilan at the yacht dock, but Qiu Zhilan fell into the sea because of her emotional excitement. She went into the sea to save her, but it was too dark and she could not be rescued. Shao Jiabi felt very guilty., felt that he had killed his daughter, and asked Qiu Zhibin what he wanted to do now that the police were suspicious of him. Qiu Zhibin said that he would take Ma Xiaoling to leave Hong Kong to live abroad, and hoped that Shao Jiabi would keep it a secret for them.

Gao Cheng met Shao Jiabi in the hospital and accompanied Ma Xiaoling for a prenatal check-up. Gao Cheng was very happy to learn that it was Qiu Zhibin's child.The police found a suicide note written by Zhu Liqi to Qiu Shouren under the seat of the yacht. The police handed it to Qiu Shouren. The letter stated the truth about the death of Zhu Liqi's parents and the bed photos. Qiu Shouren felt sorry for Zhu Liqi and told Qiu Haoer everything.Qiu Haoer wanted Qiu Shouren to avenge Zhu Liqi and regain the inheritance rights. He also told Qiu Shouren that the real culprit in the diamond mall was actually Qiu Zhibin. Qiu Shouren was shocked after hearing this and finally made up his mind to cheer up the family.Qiu Shouyi told Qiu Shouyi that he wanted to return to the Qiu family as the vice chairman of the group. Qiu Shouren showed Zhu Liqi's suicide note to Qiu Shouyi, and told him about the bad things his family had done in the past, threatening Qiu Shouyi and asking him to think about it carefully. Qiu Shouyi was so loyalbroken.

In the evening, Qiu Shouyi called Qiu Zhibin to the study, slapped him, and asked him what happened with the diamond mall fire. Qiu Zhibin wanted to explain, but Qiu Shouyi interrupted him directly, saying that it was because of him that Qiu Shouren used this incident now.Qiu Zhibin came to threaten him to return to the Qiu family as vice chairman. Qiu Zhibin said that he had already taken care of Annie. They had no evidence. Qiu Shouyi was still very angry and said that if he was not his biological son, he would have kicked him out of the Qiu family.