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《The Fool of the End》Episode 11 Synopsis

Episode 11

On the 62nd day before the end, people welcomed the last Christmas in despair.Although the children are sensible, they can't hide their anticipation for the gifts.Sister Cai Huan tried her best to bring joy to the children, even on this sad Christmas, the children gave each other cookies as gifts.

Episode 11

On the other hand, Mei Ling and Da Gen came to the beach to scatter Min Ho's ashes into the sea and tried to accept the pain of losing their son.They camped in the wild for a few days, reminiscing about the good times during Min Ho's lifetime.

Back in Wuzhen, community members united to take care of the sick Ms. Jin.She showed symptoms of dementia and was unable to keep up with current events.The news of her son's actions and death devastated her.She is also reflecting on her life.Community members tried to comfort her as she was torn between reality and her past.

Father Park was also affected by the D-Day incident. He was so shocked that he could not speak and fell ill.Sun Jae advises him to at least get better and apologize to the people he hurt.Zheng Zai fasted for several days out of shame and decided to give up the priesthood.He could not forgive Father Park for his betrayal.Mingyu and Sister Chae-hwan try to convince him to come back.

Meanwhile, Soo-geum is addicted to gambling and alcoholism, and Ha-yul runs away from home.When he was penniless, he found Sergeant Kim.The scoundrel exchanged River Law for a ticket on the last boat.Unfortunately, Ha Yool is in a bad mental state and is on the verge of collapse.The last thing she needs is for her father to sell her to a human trafficking ring!

As time went on, the army encountered difficulties collecting the remains of the victims.Most of the bodies were stored in freezers.Mingyu and many others fear that In-ah will lose her career as the military tries to scapegoat her for the D-Day incident.

Unfortunately, Mingyu's efforts to get closer to her daughter are thwarted.In Ah completely shuts her out.This may be due to In-ah feeling that her mother did not support her when she came out and the trauma she suffered as a child.Her mother was more focused on her deceased brother than on her.After countless attempts, Renya finally faced her mother and began her healing process.

Supplies are running low in the town, and they can’t even afford to catch a cold because there is no medicine.Despite this, they still rely on each other to get through the difficulties together.Jung Jae still can't accept Father Park's betrayal.Everyone was disappointed in him because they had considered him a spiritual pillar and had fond memories of him.

As for Se Kyung and Yoon Sang, they hug each other tightly and hope they have at least 60 days left.They finally got married, giving the community a reason to celebrate.Precious memories like these keep residents going.Yunsang is also busy with his time capsule project, which allows residents to record their lives in the hope that one day these records will be discovered.

Ji-eun decided to keep her child, even though she had no hope for her child's future.She lost her mind and told her husband all the things she had been suppressing.In another place, Yingzi received unfortunate news about Yinghan's condition.Doctors were unable to operate on him because there was no medication.Hyun Tae always cared about her and she remembered and thanked him.Unfortunately, Yinghan passed away, and Yingzi fell into deep guilt and sadness.

Ms. King continued to lose her memory and became lost in the woods.Thankfully, Se Kyung finds her and rescues her.Unfortunately, Ms. Kim isn't the only one who's lost; Ha-ryul has also alienated her friends.They spent much of Christmas looking for her.Thankfully, they found her and she was safe.

After losing all her money and making a deal with Sergeant Kim, Soo-geum sells Ha-yul to a human trafficker.Sergeant Kim and his men set out to find Ha-yul, but luckily, she's safe with the other kids.Xiuqin committed suicide out of shame.Communities continue to hold memorial services for the dead and bury all bodies together.

During the memorial service, Sergeant Kim and his men interrupt the ceremony and demand that Ha Yool be taken away.The gang caused chaos in the church and the children escaped and hid.It's then that Se-kyung realizes she has to take action.She pulled out her gun and shot one of the gang members in the leg.Even though the gun jammed, she kept firing.

In Ah is frightened and takes Se Kyung away to calm her down.Se-kyung insists that she must save Ha-yul and refuses to explain how she got the gun.After calming down, she felt very remorseful and Yun Sang handed the gun to In Ah.In Ah orders Yoon Sang to take Se Kyung home while she handles the situation herself.It's hard for Yun Sang to see Se Kyung like this, but he still comforts her.