Home TV Sweetheart detective
《Sweetheart detective》 Summ

Nan Yu was originally the protagonist of a Mary Sue game, and lived in the pursuit of men all day long.However, when she woke up today, she found herself in the Republic of China and became a forensic doctor examining corpses.Just when Nan Yu was confused, a mysterious will controlled her body.Nan Yu learned that he must solve a mysterious murder case in order to return to the original game world.Not only that, Nan Yu also needs to compete with Gao Han, the male protagonist Al from another detective game of the Republic of China, for control of the body. Only one of the two can return to his own world.

One of them studies love all day, and the other studies murder cases all day. Nan Yu knows that she can't win against Gao Han in a head-on confrontation, so she must take the wrong approach.However, the case was not as easy as she imagined.All the settings in Al's world are imitated in real time and space, vividly showing the weirdness of the society of the Republic of China.The deceased had a special status, and various forces were secretly wrestling with each other, trying to get a piece of the pie after the murder.Gao Han is not the only opponent Nanyu needs to face.

In desperation, Nan Yu asked to join forces with Gao Han, and Gao Han found that Nan Yu's help was needed to solve the case.The two put aside their past suspicions for the time being and worked together to solve the case, clearing the fog and getting closer to the truth.In the process, the ruthless warlord Jiang Junsheng, one of the suspects in the case, pursued Nanyu.Gao Han therefore discovered that he had been attracted to Nanyu for a long time.As the case approaches the final truth, the emotional trends of the three people become confusing and increasingly difficult to figure out.

《Sweetheart detective》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Gao Han woke up from his coma and saw Nan Yu lying tiredly beside his bed, and a warm current surged in his heart.He stroked Nan Yu's hair. Nan Yu suddenly woke up and slapped his hand, blaming him for taking too many risks and even risking his life.She firmly stated that Gao Han would never be allowed to behave like this again.

Gao Han was full of doubts. He didn't understand why Zhang Zhiran had to plead guilty since he was not the murderer.Just as he was deep in thought, Jiang Junsheng walked in and said with a relaxed expression that Gao Han must be fine.Gao Han held Jiang Junsheng's hand tightly, seeming to want to find the answer from him.Jiang Junsheng gently shook off his hand and said half-jokingly: “ is here again.”

Jiang Junsheng told Gao Han that the Marshal's case had been closed, but he always felt that something was wrong, especially Wang Ming.When Gao Han heard this, he immediately wanted to leave the hospital to investigate.The two sat in the car and discussed the case while driving to Wang Ming's residence.Gao Han mentioned that Wang Ming had known about the relationship between Feng Qianhong and Zhang Zhiran for a long time, but never revealed it. There must be something fishy in this.

They came to Wang Ming's residence and unexpectedly found that the Japanese Hatoyama was also here.Wang Ming was pointing a gun at Jiu Shan, forcing him to hand over the so-called “blood jade treasure”.Jiang Junsheng walked into the room, and Wang Ming turned to threaten him, but was eventually subdued by Gao Han and Jiang Junsheng.Jiang Junsheng warned Hatoyama not to deliberately introduce them into danger again.

At the same time, Gu Mengqiu woke up from a nightmare. She dreamed that she was forced to drink with guests, and then witnessed Zhang Zhiran dying in front of her.This nightmare left her feeling frightened and unable to calm down.

《Sweetheart detective》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Next to Gu Mengqiu's bed, there was a man sitting. She revealed the news to him: Wang Ming had been arrested and the others were dead, so they should be safe for the time being and no one would suspect them.However, Gu Mengqiu has been having nightmares frequently recently, and it is obvious that he is not at peace inside.While they were talking, the bedside phone rang. It was Zhang Zhiran's apprentice, saying that he had brought clothes for Gu Mengqiu.Gu Mengqiu asked the men in the room to leave first, and then Zhang Zhiran's apprentice arrived with clothes.Zhang Zhiran had obviously prepared these clothes for Gu Mengqiu in advance, as if he had a premonition that he would encounter misfortune.

Gu Mengqiu opened the box. In addition to clothes, there was also a sachet and a letter.After she read the letter, she lost control of her emotions and became hysterical.It turned out that the letter revealed Zhang Zhiran's sibling relationship with her, as well as the sacrifices he made to protect her.

At the same time, the state of Gaohan is also extremely unstable.Nan Yu came to visit him, and both of them were confused.According to the game's settings, they should be able to go back after the case is solved, but now that they are still here, it is obvious that the case has not really been solved.There are two other people who have not been investigated, namely Gu Mengqiu and Jiang Junsheng.So Nan Yu and Gao Han decided to go to them separately to understand the situation.

Nan Yu asked Jiang Junsheng to go out for a walk, and the two tasted delicious bean paste buns together.However, Jiang Junsheng understood that the purpose of Nanyu's trip was not just a walk.When Gao Han went to find Gu Mengqiu, he found that the door to the room was locked but the window was open.He jumped into the room from the window, only to find that Gu Mengqiu was missing.Jiang Junsheng and Nan Yu were also attacked on the street. Jiang Junsheng's palm was hit by a bullet and he was bleeding.The murderer was in hot pursuit, but Nan Yu protected him and hid.At this time, Gao Han heard the gunfire, and he rushed towards Nanyu regardless of his safety.Although his condition was not stable, he still bravely stood in front of Nan Yu and blocked the bullet with his body.Seeing Gao Han fall in front of him, Nan Yu screamed in horror.

《Sweetheart detective》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Gao Han sacrificed his life to protect Nan Yu, but was shot and fell into a pool of blood.Nan Yu's screams broke the tranquility of the air. Just as she was about to rush towards Gao Han, the masked killer pointed his gun at her.At this critical moment, Jiang Junsheng's subordinate Ajun arrived in time. He aimed at the killer and knocked down the opponent's pistol with one shot.When the masked killer saw this, he understood that the situation was not good and quickly fled the scene.

Nan Yu anxiously ran to Gao Han to check his injuries.Gao Han destroyed the system many times to save Nan Yu, causing himself to be contaminated by the system, and his life was passing quickly.Nan Yu couldn't help but shed tears when he learned that it was all because of him.She couldn't accept the fact that Gao Han was about to leave her, and was determined to find a solution.

Gao Han and Nan Yu discussed this incident together, and they believed that the figure of the masked killer was quite similar to Gu Mengqiu.But even if Gu Mengqiu is the real murderer, why does she still pursue the two of them after Zhang Zhiran has taken the blame for her?There must be something fishy about this.In order to find out the truth, they decided to split into two groups. Nan Yu went to the orphanage to find the director of Gu Mengqiu's background, while Gao Han went to Jiang Junsheng to ask for more clues.

Gao Han came to Jiang Junsheng's residence, and Jiang Junsheng admitted that he didn't know Gu Mengqiu well because her acting style was very different from his own.He handed Gao Han a pistol and said that it was left by the killer at the scene, and that the gun was originally given to Gu Mengqiu by the marshal before his death.When Nan Yu returned to his residence, he saw only Gao Han's clothes, mistakenly thinking that he had left, and was heartbroken.She touched the clothes and expressed her deep affection for Gao Han.At this time, Gao Han walked out of the back room and heard indescribable joy in his heart when he heard Nan Yu's true confession.When Nan Yu saw him, he burst into tears and laughed, accusing him of being a liar.

《Sweetheart detective》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Gu Mengqiu dialed the number of a mysterious person. She claimed that she had the whereabouts of the blood jade and said that she could only get it in exchange for her life.She revealed that the young marshal, Nangong Xin and others were in hot pursuit. If the other party did not help, she would hand over the blood jade to Jiang Junsheng.After weighing the situation, the other party agreed to her request, and the two agreed to meet tomorrow night.

Later, Gu Mengqiu suddenly visited Nanyu and told her that he was about to leave Rongcheng.She hopes to hold a farewell dinner to invite friends to gather together, and specially entrusts Nanyu to invite Gao Han to attend.At this moment, Gao Han was hiding behind the curtains and nodded to Nan Yu, who agreed to her request.

Jiang Junsheng led his men to search the antique store and found fake antique paintings made by Gu Mengqiu using purchased ancient paper, which made him suspicious.When he received Gu Mengqiu's invitation and came to her apartment, he saw Jiang Junsheng with a bandage on his hand. Gu Mengqiu pretended to be surprised and asked what happened. Jiang Junsheng asked her if she really didn't know.

Gao Han and Nan Yu arrived on time. Gu Mengqiu sensed that they were coming with bad intentions, so he preemptively asked them what their intentions were.Gao Han bluntly pointed out the fact that she purchased ancient paper to make fakes, but Gu Mengqiu aggrievedly claimed that the commander forced her to do so.Gao Han further took out a piece of blood jade from the flowerpot and revealed that the so-called blood jade was also forged by her.Gu Mengqiu firmly denied it and once again claimed that it was the curse of the blood jade that had found him.

Gao Han sarcastically asked Gu Mengqiu to continue performing, revealing that the blood jade curse she wrote and directed has killed many people, including those closest to her.Nan Yu took out the information he found in the orphanage and told Gu Mengqiu that Zhang Zhiran had also gone to find her and that he was the person closest to her.This news was like a bolt from the blue to Gu Mengqiu, and she could no longer continue to pretend.

《Sweetheart detective》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Gao Han ruthlessly exposed the brother-sister relationship between Zhang Zhiran and Gu Mengqiu. This truth caused Gu Mengqiu to collapse instantly.She was hysterical and stopped Gao Han from continuing, but everything was irreversible.

In fact, Gu Mengqiu already knew that Zhang Zhiran was her biological brother.That day, Zhang Zhiran's apprentice brought her clothes from four seasons and a letter written by Zhang Zhiran.In the letter, Zhang Zhiran confessed his identity to her. He told her that he was the sister who disappeared when the commander bombed the mountain. He had been silently guarding her for so many years.He knew that Gu Mengqiu was no longer the innocent little sister she once was, but he was still willing to pay the price of his life for her.He hoped that Gu Mengqiu could live happily forever.

After reading the letter, Gu Mengqiu realized that Zhang Zhiran had committed suicide to protect herself, and she burst into tears.However, she did not reflect on her mistakes. Instead, she placed the blame on Gao Han, Jiang Junsheng and others, believing that they had forced Zhang Zhiran to death.

In anger, Gu Mengqiu picked up the phone and called the Japanese Hatoyama. She decided to hand over the blood jade to him, but the condition was that Hatoyama must help her get rid of Gao Han and others.Gu Mengqiu no longer concealed her true intentions. She clapped her hands and let Hatoyama and others, who had been prepared, come in.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Gao Han, Jiang Junsheng and others quickly analyzed the situation.They realized that Hatoyama was the mastermind behind all this, and he used Gu Mengqiu to send those fake ancient paintings back to Japan as national treasures.Hatoyama had been preparing for this day for a long time. He even placed a spy He'er beside Gu Mengqiu.He also tried to buy Ajun with money, but Gao Han and Jiang Junsheng exposed his conspiracy together.

Gao Han told Jiu Shan that there is no blood jade treasure in this world.However, Hatoyama didn't believe it.Gu Mengqiu confirmed on the sidelines that the so-called blood jade treasure was actually dyed by the commander who forced him to dye it.This news made Hatoyama feel like he was falling into an ice cellar, and his ambitions and plans instantly came to nothing.

《Sweetheart detective》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Hatoyama refuses to admit defeat, but Ajun walks in and reports to Jiang Junsheng that Hatoyama's men have been subdued.Jiang Junsheng ordered Jiu Shan to be taken down for careful interrogation, asking him to hand over everything he had taken away before.Hatoyama angrily wanted to negotiate terms with Jiang Junsheng, but Jiang Junsheng waved his hand with disdain and asked people to take Hatoyama away.Nan Yu was confused. It was now clear that Gu Mengqiu was the murderer of the commander, so why was the game not over yet?Gao Han explained that it was because they still didn't know how Gu Mengqiu killed the commander.

Gao Han had fallen from a building before, but was rescued and sent to the hospital.When he woke up, he found Nan Yu sleeping beside his bed.He caressed Nan Yu lovingly. After Nan Yu woke up, he beat him angrily and blamed him for taking too many risks and not caring about his own life.She was determined not to allow Gao Han to take such risks again.Gao Han was confused about Zhang Zhiran. He didn't understand why Zhang Zhiran had to plead guilty, even though he was not the murderer.

At this time, Jiang Junsheng walked in. He had already expected that Gao Han would be fine.Gao Han held Jiang Junsheng's hand tightly, but Jiang Junsheng gently shook him off and said with a smile: "Here we go again".

Gu Mengqiu calmly began to tell her story.She described how she entered the handsome man's house in a daze. She thought she would live a happy life, but she didn't expect that it would be the beginning of a nightmare.The commander treated her as a plaything, humiliated her in every possible way, and even forced her to make fakes.What she thought about day and night was how to escape from this place.On the day when the goddess performed the ritual, the commander ordered her to take off her clothes as a sacrifice. She refused, so the commander stepped forward to insult her and tore off her clothes with his own hands.Until Zhang Zhiran appeared, the two worked together to kill the commander.

After listening to Gu Mengqiu's story, everyone knew that the girl she was talking about was herself, and they all fell into deep thought.

The game is finally over, and both Nan Yu and Gao Han are sent out by the system.However, the programmer did not let Gao Han leave because he destroyed the system many times in the game to save Nan Yu.Now, he must stay and help the programmers fix the system.Nan Yu said that she also wanted to stay with Gao Han.For this reason, she gave Gao Han a gift: the Fish Cake Detective Agency.This way, they can stay and wait for the opportunity while solving the case.Jiang Junsheng also came with congratulatory gifts, and the trio continued to move forward together.