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《Run off the tracks》Taglines

1. Of course you are not alone. We are all afraid. Who can guarantee that he is always right?We are all mortals, and it is not easy for mortals to insist on one thing. They question themselves every moment. Some people will fail after questioning two or three times, but there are always people who question themselves a thousand times.Still made it to the end.

2. I often doubt myself now. I think about giving up every day. I think about it every day, once in the morning and once in the evening. I am not so diligent in doing serious things.I'm always worried that if I go down this path, I will regret it one day. My life is like walking through a landmine, one step deep and one step shallow, and I am always on tenterhooks.

3. Everyone can only live once, and there is not even a rehearsal, so every time I make a decision, I will be trembling for a long time. I don’t know if others are like this - anyway, I waste a lot of time every day on fear, always thinking about it.I asked someone who has experienced it to tell me their opinions, but people who have experienced it either have different opinions from me or are confused.So I want to ask my future self, if I can get her guarantee of a Dan Shu Iron Coupon, I won’t have to worry about it in the future and I can concentrate on doing my own thing.

4. The person I want to travel through time and space to meet and say a few words to is myself decades from now.I just wanted to ask her, after living for so many years, had she ever doubted herself, had she ever wanted to give up, or had she ever regretted it? She just said 'yes' or 'no', and she didn't need to tell me any specific incidents.

5. If all the noises raised in this way make them happy to resolve their grudges and have children, that would be great - whoever you like wants to have children, then you should offer a bowl of wine to whomever you like, no.If you like someone but want to have a child, it will take four days to have a gong and a drum in front of you, and it will take four days to have a fight with each other if you follow your heart.

6. You must be responsible for the path you have taken, because there may be countless “selves” who have parted ways and are watching you silently.

7. Your overreaction to the world does not mean that you are strong or fierce.

8. If the world slaps you, you will jump up and curse. If the world slaps you every day, you will be molded into a cursed person.Do you remember what you are going to do?Do you remember who you are?You are such a pathetic little person who doesn’t know what to say.

9. The journey of the stars and the sea has been going on for half of the country. I am old and the character of the husband is also easy to learn from the people of Xiyuan Ruxiang who cut down the wood and opened the boat like Ruxiang.

10. Only when I see my next generation doing better than me can I feel that I have worked hard and achieved success throughout my life.Without such a reference, I would not be able to see the value of my hard work. In the future, when I see my children growing up and becoming prosperous, I will be able to say to myself, "This is all earned by my father."When I came, it was as if I myself had become famous.