Seji Ai (played by Kudo Mio), who is studying at Aizhi University, meets the beautiful and incredible woman Kotonoha Furuhashi (played by Otsuki Maka) who was abandoned in a garbage dump.Ai invites the unsure Kotonoha to her home, but the next day she witnesses Kotonoha and Murata Manabu (Hashimoto Ryo) kissing at the university.
Kotonoha lives in the homes of various people and changes partners every once in a while. Ai tells Kotonoha not to do this, but Kotonoha says that if she is not a friend but a lover, she will be obedient.Then he also proposed a “guessing name game”...?
“Hey, Keiko, do you want to date us?”
The story of a girl's love story bursting with sadness begins on the first night.