Home TV Game of Thrones Season 5
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《Game of Thrones Season 5》Episode 2 Synopsis

House of Black and White

In the suburbs far away from the hustle and bustle, Arya came to the outside of the solemn church.Her heart was full of expectation and anxiety, because here, she hoped to find a place to stay and temporarily escape the disturbances of the outside world.However, the church door was coldly closed in front of her.An old man with a stern face and frosty eyes ignored the coin in Arya's hand - it was a token given by Jia Kun, symbolizing some unknown promise.

Arya's mood suddenly hit rock bottom.She came all the way here just to seek a little shelter, but she never expected to encounter such indifferent rejection.The coin in her hand seemed to have lost its original magic, and Arya threw it helplessly into the distant lake, letting it sink into the bottomless darkness.

At the same time, Pod followed Brienne to a lively inn.At the inn, Littlefinger and Sansa are also present.Brienne knows her mission - to protect Catelyn's children, and Sansa is her eldest daughter.She tried to persuade Littlefinger to allow her to take Sansa away, but was rebuffed.Not only that, Sansa herself also showed resistance to Brienne.

A conflict is inevitable.Under Littlefinger's command, the knights drew their swords and pointed them at Brienne.Faced with such a dangerous situation, Brienne decisively chose to retreat.She used her agility and wit to successfully escape from the inn.Pod had already prepared his horse outside the inn, and the two of them got on the horse and galloped away.

However, the knights did not give up. They followed closely, chasing after him.In the chaos, Pod was unfortunately thrown to the river by the frightened horse.The two knights quickly chased after him, intending to kill Pod.At the critical moment, Brienne appeared in time. She brandished the weapon in her hand and bravely started a fierce battle with the knights.After a fierce battle, Brienne finally knocked down the two knights and saved Pod.

In the whirlpool of power, the little devil's escape life is full of hardships and challenges.Although he was once the prime minister of King's Landing and possessed extraordinary wisdom and leadership abilities, at this moment he could only hide and linger.Wallis spoke highly of him. He believed that the little devil's wisdom and courage were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Meanwhile, Gray Worm and Darius are also busy dealing with the rebels.They successfully captured one of the rebels and escorted him to a cell to await execution.However, Missandre, a former slave, urged Daenerys to kill the rebel as a warning to others.But Daenerys did not make the decision lightly. She knew that the use of power required caution and wisdom.

Cersei and Jaime are also worried about various matters.The death of their eldest son Joffrey made them heartbroken, their younger son's marriage made them worried, and the safety of their younger daughter kept them awake at night.In Game of Thrones, everyone is fighting for their own interests, and Cersei and Jaime are no exception.

Bronn and his fiancée Loris are enjoying a rare quiet time at the seaside castle.However, the arrival of James broke this tranquility.He shows Bronn the paperwork authorizing Lolys' marriage to another lord, much to Bronn's anger and disappointment.Jaime took the opportunity to ask Bronn to go with him to the south to perform the mission, trying to resolve the conflict.

On the Great Wall, the savage attack was successfully repelled by the Night's Watch.However, the vigil commander died in the battle.With everyone's recommendation, Snow became the new supreme commander.He shoulders a heavy responsibility and is determined to protect the safety of this land and its people.

But things seem to be turning around for Arya.It turns out that the old man in the church is actually Jia Kun pretending to be a man.He tore off the mask from his face in front of Arya, revealing his true face.Under the guidance of Jia Kun, Arya was finally able to enter the church and start her new journey.

Elsewhere, Daenerys faces a more serious challenge.Missander executed the rebels privately, causing dissatisfaction and anger among the slaves.Daenerys had to take action to calm the storm.She coldly executed Missander in front of all the slaves in the city as a warning to others.However, this move failed to completely calm the emotions of the slaves, and they began to become suspicious and dissatisfied with Daenerys.