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《RIPE TOWN》Episode 7 Synopsis

Episode 7

The mysterious man suspected that the monkey demon was a cover for the murderer. He told Zhang Yaozu that the murderer might not be killing the two people he was targeting. Zhang Yaozu suspected that the mysterious man was the target of the murder and said that he and his senior brother came back to protect him. We are trying to understand him.In the dark, this way the murderer can kill those two people with peace of mind.

Episode 7

The mysterious man put a knife on Cheng Yizhi's neck and forced him to write something. There was a big pot behind him.Qu Sangeng won the bet, and Xia Captou returned to Taitai with the monkey demon at this time. He would definitely use the punishment to pin all the crimes on the death case of Leng Wuji and Mrs. Wang on this monkey demon. If he wrongly accused others, he would have no motive.And the monkey demon is the most suitable candidate.

Song Dianshi handed the list of antiques collected by the Monkey Demon to Qu Sangeng. The records were detailed, and each family had records of what antiques they had. However, the dormant list leaked out in Taiping Zao, and Qu Sangeng did not find anything suspicious. Song Dianshi told himThere are no antiques on these lists according to the suffering owner's explanation. Maybe this “antique” is something. Qu Sangen guessed at this moment that this list is to attract the monkey demon, but what is the purpose? The list is a bearded man with a big beard.A man in a bamboo hat.

The Taoist priest in the temple opened the door and found Cheng Yizhi's body lying in a large pot with nails fixed on his chest and a note.An autopsy revealed that Wu died of poisoning. Shopkeeper Liu of the Security Hall said that the dregs of medicine in the cauldron were poison, and the prescription was fine, but decoction of dozens of prescriptions together was poison.It turned out that Cheng Yizhi was forced to write down the prescription and then kidnapped, and the man mixed the prescription together and cooked it.

Shopkeeper Liu said that if you mix all the medicines in it, you will definitely die.Confucius lamented that Ran Boniu could also suffer from this disease.Master Xie saw what the county magistrate meant and had already prepared a report and was waiting for the county magistrate to sign it.

Qu Sangen handed two prescriptions from 20 years ago to shopkeeper Liu. He found out that Chen Wang could take the two prescriptions together, but Lu Yuan would vomit blood.​

Twenty years ago, when Lu Yuanbao was ill, Cheng Yizhi told Lu Zhi to take it at the right time and before taking it to dissipate the disease.When Lu Zhi went to Baochongxu, he discovered that Cheng Yizhi was stealing. Lu Zhi told Master Zhong about this. Since he was the most famous doctor, he later exchanged worthless antiques and put them in the house, and recorded what Cheng Yizhi had stolen.down.Lu Zhi suddenly remembered whose skull was buried in Mr. Wang's yard.

Xiaobao was going to pay homage to a friend named Qiao Gouer. At that time, Xiaobao was bullied and thrown into the water, but it was Qiao Gouer who saved him.Xiaobao envied Qiao Gouer when he was studying in school, but he learned from his mouth that the master often beat people.

Xiaobao saw the steamed buns in front of the grave and learned that his relatives had come.During the days when he disappeared, his father searched frantically. Later, he found his head chopped off at the backstage of the theater. His father identified Qiao Gouer from the scar on his back. It happened in October. Lu Zhi said that Qiao Gouer was not killed in the theater troupe., because there was no performance during the festival, so he dumped the body there. His classmates asked him to go to school with him at that time, but he never came.

Qiao Gouer's skull was brought to Leng Wuji by Lu Zhi, and an autopsy found that the occipital bone was broken, indicating that something had broken the skull, and that the head fell off after being chopped many times.Lu Zhi wanted to sue Mrs. Wang, but Leng Wuji objected because there was insufficient evidence and the other party was a highly respected scholar.

Lu Yuanbao and Zhao Juren opened a store together, but Lu Zhi guessed all the accounting problems and advised Lu Yuanbao to pretend not to see it, otherwise the other party would be more polite.Zhao Juren got drunk at Lu's house, Lu Zhi arranged the guest room, and Zhang Gui returned from doing errands for Lu Yuanbao dressed in night clothes.

During the dinner, Lu Yuanbao deliberately asked how much the interest on the four thousand three hundred taels was, but Zhao Juren pretended to be stupid and relied on his status as a juren to not be afraid of Lu Yuanbao's complaint. When Lu Yuanbao saw that he was angry, he went out of his way to apologize. On the surface, the two reconciled, but in the endLu Yuanbao gave Zhao Juren a bronze-rod white pigeon, which was Zhao Juren's beloved pigeon.At this time, Zhao Juren realized that it was easy for Lu Yuanbao to take things from his house. He immediately knelt down to apologize and signed an IOU, and the four thousand three hundred taels had become five thousand taels.

The next day, Liu Shiqi was seriously injured and went to look for his junior brother Zhang Gui. The Lu Mansion could not allow outsiders, not to mention that Liu Shiqi had a backlog of cases. In order not to implicate the Lu Mansion, Zhang Gui asked Lu Zhi for advice. When Lu Zhi knew that Liu Shiqi was in the business of killing people, he was panicked.Standing up, he was in a dilemma in the friendship between Lu Jiazhong and Zhang Gui. The nursing home Bao Sheng and Zhao Liang were afraid that they would not be fooled. In order to conceal Lu Zhilai's purpose, they deliberately pretended to write letters home for them.

Finally Liu Shiqi was discovered, and Lu Zhi lied that he was Zhang Gui's senior brother, but his deeds and identity were recognized by Bao Sheng and Zhao Liang.Lu Zhi asked the two of them to be more accommodating and heal their injuries before dealing with it.Bao Sheng and Zhao Liang disagreed and insisted on reporting to the official. At this time, Zhong Ye asked the two to watch Zhang Gui, and Lu Zhi handed it over to Lu Yuanbao. The two readily agreed. When Zhong Ye closed the door and left, he killed Bao Sheng and Zhao Liang behind his back..