Home TV Thousands Of Years Of Love
《Thousands Of Years Of Love》Episode 16 Synopsis

Episode 16: Killed Chen Xi’s father and mother

After that night of love, Yin Moting's departure undoubtedly brought deep pain to Chen Xi.He told her that he was going to fight in Li country and it might take several months before he could come back.Chen Xi's heart was filled with worry. She was afraid that something might happen to him on the battlefield, but she also understood Yin Moting's determination.He had to do this in order to reduce Yin Moxuan's power.He comforted Chen Xi and told her not to worry. When he comes back, they will watch the fireworks together and enjoy the peace and beauty.

Episode 16: Killed Chen Xi’s father and mother

However, Yin Moting left for several months, and the morning sun was waiting painfully in the palace.Her thoughts surged like a tide. Gradually, she became indifferent and her body became thinner and thinner.On this day, Zixia brought a letter from Yin Moting.Her heart was full of expectations, but she was afraid that the letter would bring bad news.Zixia told her that she could only read the letter after eating first.After Chen Xi agreed, she opened the envelope.

Yin Moting told her in the letter that he had won a great victory on the front line and would return to the DPRK soon.Chenxi's heart was filled with joy. Her waiting had not been in vain, Yin Moting would return safely.However, this joy did not last long, because the conspiracy of Yin Moxuan and Lin Qianyu was quietly unfolding.

Yin Moxuan and Lin Qianyu are actually Mo Haoli and Nangong Xinlan from the Qingxu realm. Their purpose is to destroy the relationship between Yin Moting and Chen Xi.Yin Moxuan told Lin Qianyu that Feng Ruoyao (Chen Xi) would kill Mo Chenyuan (Yin Moting) soon.When the time comes, he will sit on the throne. Lin Qianyu will not only be in the middle palace, but also the Yuanjun of Qingxu Realm, and this day will be realized when Yin Moting comes back.

Chen Xi was writing poems in the palace to express his longing for Yin Moting.Suddenly, Yin Moxuan came to visit.He told Chen Xi that Yin Moting did not go to fight in Li State at all, but to attack her country, Chen State, and also killed Chen Xi's father and mother.Chen Xi couldn't believe what Yin Moxuan said, but Yin Moxuan found Chen Xi's wet nurse.The wet nurse cried with tears in her voice. It was Yin Moting who killed innocent people in Chen Kingdom and killed the emperor and queen mercilessly.After hearing this, Chen Xi had to believe that Yin Moting treated her like this.

Her heart was broken and her world collapsed.The person she once loved betrayed her so much.The world in the morning light has lost its color since then.Her smile faded and her tears dried.Her heart was as cold as death.