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《Fallout Season 1‎》Episode 1 Synopsis


Nuclear war breaks out and the shelter plan is launched!

Cooper Howard works at a children's party.

Cooper told his daughter that when he was in the army, someone told him: If you see a bomb explode and the mushroom cloud is smaller than your thumb, you should run quickly. If it is larger than your thumb, you don’t have to run.Because there is no hope anymore.

Just as everyone returned indoors to share cakes and watch TV comfortably, an unprecedented explosion occurred in downtown Los Angeles.

Not long after, huge sparks erupted in the nearby city. Although I said, there was no need to run away from the fireball, which was bigger than my thumb!But the instinct of life still drove him to take his daughter and start a futile escape.

Nuclear bombs exploded one by one, killing a billion people, the political system collapsed, and most of the earth's surface was contaminated by Fallout Season 1‎.

Some people entered the underground shelter Vault and lived a life of isolation.There are still some people left on the surface, lingering.

The story switches to 219 years later.

In the safe house of Evacuation No. 33, a real wedding was held.She also consummated her marriage with the man.

But his younger brother Norm discovered the poor and bleak conditions of Safe House No. 32, the burned-out granary, and human bodies on the chairs. The overwhelmed younger brother quickly ran back.

It turns out that the place has long been occupied by a group of predators on the surface. They pretended to be residents here and came to attend the wedding ceremony.A bloody riot ensued, and the protective door of the safe house was also breached.Eventually Hank was taken away by the predators.

Below is Maximus of the Brotherhood, an aspirant of the Brotherhood of Steel that protects the wasteland. He and his friend Dane saw the T60 armor model for the first time in the base warehouse.

This is the most advanced power armor left before the war. At this moment, the Brotherhood has received a very important task of finding someone. It is said that this person can save the world.

Although Maximus really wanted to participate in this mission, the opportunity finally gave his brotherDane, and no one knows who is Dane put razors in his shoes,An accidental injury helped Maximus become his replacementDane goes on a mission,Become the new squire of Knight Titus.

The story begins here...