Home TV Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty
《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》 Summ

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Adapted from the original work of the same name by writer Wei Fenghua, it tells a series of strange things that happened in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. General Lu Lingfeng, the general of the Jinwu Guards in Chang'an, and Su Wuming, a disciple of Duke DiThe story of working together to solve a mystery, protect the people, and take on the mission of saving the country from crisis.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

In the second year of Jingyun in the Tang Dynasty, Wei Wu Daqi of Chang'an County died mysteriously. Su Wuming, a disciple of Di Renjie, took office and became the captain of Chang'an County under the recommendation of Minister Pei.Lu Lingfeng, the prince's close confidant, General Jinwu Wei Zhonglang, thought Su Wuming was the princess's lover, and the two did not get along well with each other.The bride Dou Cong married Song Chai, and his younger brother Dou Yulin was very dissatisfied.Dou Yulin deliberately frightened the horse, and the bride was killed after being taken into the wild forest by a carriage.The face of the corpse was branded with a photogenic mask.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Dou Yulin hanged himself.Su and Lu believed that Dou Yulin committed suicide.The groom of the Dou family told Dou Yulin that he had done something to the horse that was given to him as a bride.The maid Ling'er said that Dou Yulin must have been killed by Yin Julang.Su Wuming and Su Qian came to the black market to track down the mystery of Bufu, and Lu Lingfeng also came to the black market to track down Yinjuro.Su Wuming came all the way to Yin Julang's shop, but fell into the trap set by Lu Lingfeng.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Based on the investigation of the files at Lu Lingfeng's place, Su Wuming concluded that the body of the missing bride was probably hidden in four locations in the city.Sure enough, eight bodies were found one by one.Lu Lingfeng is on the verge of a storm as he aggressively investigates Chang'an Black Tea. The general hints that Lu may lose his career if he continues to investigate.Lu insisted on continuing, and the general ordered him not to call the Jinwu Guard.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Master Fei Ji skillfully rescued Lu Lingfeng who was poisoned by an arrow, and sent the two of them away from the ghost market.With the help of Master Feiji, Su and Lu quickly confirmed that the soul-returning incense came from the backyard of Kang Yuanli of the West City Department.Lu's haunted city angered the general, and Lu was stripped of his military power and punished to shut up and think about his mistakes.Su Wuming deduced that Chang'an black tea contained magic grass from the Western Regions, and that it might be planted in some courtyards in Chang'an.Lu went on an adventure alone, just as Su said.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

On July 15th, Pei Xijun was dressing up and getting ready for the underworld wedding, while Lu Lingfeng quietly escorted the sedan chair.Su Wuming drank and chatted with the magistrate of Chang'an at night. Even when the magistrate was drunk, Su Wuming guarded his bedside.The sedan passed by the ghost market, and everyone encountered an illusion again. Lu Lingfeng fought to the death, but Pei Xijun was kidnapped.The county magistrate wanted to get rid of Su Wuming's entanglement, so he splashed Su Wuming with blood, causing him to faint immediately.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

The county magistrate knew that he had been tricked and ordered Eleven Niang to wake up the only two remaining monsters of Youli. Lu Lingfeng led everyone to kill the enemy. Seeing that the situation was over, Eleven Niang fled in a hurry. The county magistrate wanted to kill Xi Jun, but Lu Lingfeng stabbed him with a gun.The county magistrate is dead and the victory is determined.At this time, General Jinwu Guard came and arrested Lu Lingfeng and Su Wuming and sent them to Jinwu Prison.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Lu Lingfeng was deposed, and Guo Zhuang carried him out of the capital with a serious injury. The two met Master Fei Ji in the mountains, and Master Fei Ji healed Lu Lingfeng.The next day, Su Wuming and Su Qian walked to the mountains and forests, but were intercepted by Eleven Niang. Su Qian died to protect Su Wuming.At the critical moment of life and death, Lu Lingfeng appeared in time to kill Eleven Niang and protect Su Wuming Zhouquan.After some persuasion by Su Wuming, Lu Lingfeng agreed to join the army as his private soldier. At this point, Su Wuming, Lu Lingfeng and Fei Jishi went all the way south to take up their posts.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

At the Gantang Inn, Su Wuming and his wife were arranged to stay in the right wing room by Liu Shiba. Lu Lingfeng was dissatisfied with Liu Shiba's arrangement and secretly sneaked into the upper room to sleep.Half asleep and half awake, a red robe fell from the air, and a red-clothed fierce ghost pressed down on Su Wuming.In the blink of an eye, Su Wuming was placed on the big table, with pieces of bloody flesh hanging above the table.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

The officers and soldiers broke into the door and found that except for Pei Xijun and Xue Huan, there was no one else in the post.When everyone was shocked, an unpleasant smell filled the kitchen of the post house. When they saw it, the heads of Captain Yu and Cui Wuji were boiling in the pot in the kitchen.Liu Shiba summoned countless giant pythons, which shocked everyone, and the county lieutenant arrested Liu Shiba and brought him to justice.Su Wuming and others continued south and arrived at the Governor's Mansion.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Lu Lingfeng was afraid of affecting Pei Xijun's reputation and wanted her to return to Beijing, but Xijun refused to leave. Su Wuming came up with a plan - the two became adopted brothers and sisters. Lu Lingfeng was very helpless about this.On that day, Lu Gongfu died of a sudden illness, and his Three Kingdoms Guqin disappeared.Lu Lingfeng felt something strange and wanted to open the coffin for an autopsy, but was opposed by Leng Ji and others.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Xue Huan was ordered to capture Lin Bao, but Lin Bao fled in a panic. A masked man came out halfway to take his life. Lin Bao was intercepted and subdued by Lu Lingfeng as he fled.In the execution room, Lu Lingfeng interrogated Lin Bao. Lin Bao confessed that he killed Lu Gongfu out of revenge, but did not admit to stealing the piano.The masked man confessed that he was employed by Leng Ji and Zhong Boqi.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

It happened that the two sons of Nanzhou Township Xie Gong were admitted to the Jinshi. Xie Gong hosted a banquet for guests on the island in the middle of the lake. The young masters of the Xie family took a boat to the island in the middle of the lake. The boatman suddenly knocked the two of them into the lake, and then committed suicide by taking poison..It turns out that the son of the boat master once died to save Mr. Xie's family.Xijun discovered that both the Xie family's son and the boat master appeared in the stone bridge picture.The woodcutter who appeared in the picture also accidentally fell off a cliff and died.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

In the mountains of Shiqiao Mountain, Su Wuming invited Governor Xiong and Governor Luo to go with him. The two survivors, Zhong Boqi and Leng Ji, had their own feelings.During the journey, Zhong Boqi coughed violently and claimed to be terminally ill. After diagnosis, Master Fei Ji told him that the disease was curable.At this point, Su Wuming has grasped all the clues. The real culprit is Zhong Boqi. Zhong Boqi, who was crazy about painting, mistakenly believed that he was terminally ill, and tried to go to hell with the other three sons, so he committed a murderous attack.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Lu Lingfeng and Su Wuming disguised themselves as generals and Taoist priests who did not know each other, and knocked on the door of the post house one after another. The person who opened the door was actually the arrested Liu Shiba“.It was night, and Su Wuming, who was pretending to be asleep, was transported into the cellar by ”Liu Shiba“ and the weirdo in red. It turned out that this ”Liu Shiba“ was Liu Shiqi, and the weirdo in red was Liu Shijiu, who had been arrested earlier.”Liu Shiba% and them are triplets.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Uncle Duguya returned home in the rain and found Qinghong resting at home. Uncle Duguya asked Qinghong about her whereabouts, but Qinghong suspected that Uncle Duguya and Liu Youqiu had an affair.That night, Uncle Duguya strangled Qinghong to death and stabbed Liu Youqiu to death in his dream.On that day, Liu Youqiuzhen died. Su Wuming interrogated Uncle Duguya. Uncle Duguya's words were flashy. Su Wuming tried to catch him and secretly sent someone to observe.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Su Wuming went to the Confucian Temple to investigate, and Jixiang and Donglang revealed that Uncle Duguya had threatened to kill Liu Youqiu.Su Wuming went to Uncle Duguya's house to investigate, and his neighbor revealed that Uncle Duguya sharpened his knife in the middle of the night and killed Qinghong.Su Wuming interrogated Uncle Duguya again, and Uncle Duguya denied the murder. The ancestral silver ingot hidden under the rice vat in the kitchen was also missing.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Lu Lingfeng put Fei Jishi in jail and locked him in the same cell with Uncle Duguya.Master Fei Ji used acupuncture to treat Uncle Duguya's nightmare syndrome. Pei Xijun made a painting based on the scene in Uncle Duguya's mind. In the painting, the murderer of Qinghong was Liu Youqiu.Uncle Duguya revealed the secret - two months ago, Qinghong went to the Confucian Temple to give Uncle Duguya a change of clothes. Uncle Duguya saw Liu Youqiu behaving frivolously towards Qinghong and left angrily.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Ji Xiang confessed his crime - it turned out that he was Lingjian the Snitch, who hid in the Confucian Temple many years ago. Because he coveted the beauty of light red, he set up a trap to make him misunderstand that Uncle Duguya and Liu Youqiu had a habit of cutting sleeves, and killed Liu Youqiu.At that time, he accidentally killed Qing Hong and blamed all the crimes on Uncle Duguya.The case was solved, and Uncle Duguya went to Chang'an to obtain fame.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Lu Lingfeng went straight to the west hall to handle the case. Old cases were piling up like a mountain. Recently, there have been a lot of rape and murder cases. It is said that white-haired ghosts commit crimes at night.The public house was renovated, and Lu Lingfeng rented the Hall of All Living Beings, which is said to have ghosts, at his own expense.Another rape and murder case occurred. The family members angrily accused Lu Lingfeng of being a waste. Lu Lingfeng vowed to catch the murderer within seven days, otherwise he would be stoned.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Body bags appeared in many temples, which were similar to the dismemberment case 40 years ago. The only widow in Orange County resigned in fear after the autopsy.Lu Lingfeng's attempt to perform an autopsy on his own failed.The basket of oranges brought back by Xue Huan made Su Wuming, Xijun and his party rush to Orange County quickly. Su Wuming did an autopsy with Lu Lingfeng without saying a word.Su Wuming took over the autopsy work, and Lu Lingfeng was able to investigate other clues and found out that one of the deceased might be Huiniang, the concubine of Qian Xiaoyi, the owner of Fujia Pawnshop.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Lu Lingfeng visited the Hall of All Living Beings again, but Master and Disciple Zhai Liang denied that Huiniang had been there. Xijun saw from the ink color that the medical practice diary had been tampered with.Zhai Liang confessed that he was lying just to cover up his affair with Huiniang, and the clues were broken again.Master Fei Ji smelled that there were eight kinds of medicine mixed in the shroud. Only Mr. Meng Dong could use it in this way. The portrait painted by Xijun actually looked similar to Mr. Meng Dong. Everyone was shocked.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Su Wuming was transferred to Sima Ninghu and asked Lu Lingfeng to go to Ninghu with him, but Lu Lingfeng refused.Xijun and Lu Lingfeng went boating in the rivers and lakes together, and Lu Lingfeng embraced him.Su Wuming rushed to Ninghu with Xijun and Xue Huan. They encountered heavy rain in the countryside and went to the temple to take shelter.Behind him, a large crocodile was crawling in the grass.Su Wuming and the other three came to the Temple of the Goddess. The temple felt eerie, and they saw a huge statue covered with red silk.Lu Yong led people to search the Temple of the Goddess, and Su Wuming and the other three were hiding behind the statue and bumped into Yingtao.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Su Wuming and the other three came to the Temple of the Goddess. The temple felt eerie, and they saw a huge statue covered with red silk.Lu Yong led people to search the Temple of the Goddess, and Su Wuming and the other three were hiding behind the statue and bumped into Yingtao.Lu Yong wanted to set fire to the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God, the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the God of the Snake, was ordered to be driven away by Lu Yong.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

When Li Qishi was buried, Su Wuming wanted to open the coffin for an autopsy, and Yingying discovered that the body was indeed not his father's.Su Wuming offered to help He Xi re-investigate the case. Zeng Sanyi believed that the Shangsi Festival was about to focus on the God-viewing Ceremony. Su Wuming promised to solve the case within ten days.Lu Lingfeng took advantage of the burial opportunity to investigate and found that the secret passage led to a huge tomb with a stone coffin in the center.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

Everyone went to Hanshan Mountain, but failed to find the person but were assassinated by the people of the Tai Shrine. At the time of crisis, everyone escaped with the help of Tianzhu Incense.Xijun once met Li Di and concluded that Li Di could not have a daughter as big as Tao Ying.Faced with questioning, Cherry began to reveal the truth.Su Wuming and Lu Lingfeng found the fake Li Quan in disguise in front of Li Si's tombstone, who was Chu Xiaosheng, Yingtao's biological father.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Su Wuming and other officials took a boat to Shen Shen Island with Shen Chong. Master Fei Ji was revealed to have stolen the sacred wine, and Su Wuming asked Shen Chong to handle it on his own.Lu Lingfeng observed the island's topography and features, and waited for the opportunity to follow Su Wuming's instructions to find the blood silkworm tree that attracted the slugs.With the secret help of Mo Le, Lu Lingfeng got rid of the control of the Tai Shrine and successfully found the Blood Silkworm Tree.At the God-viewing Ceremony on Goddess God Island, Su Wuming exposed the true face of the so-called God God in public. It turned out to be Zeng Sanyi, who seemed to be upright!

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Su Wuming received the urgent letter and immediately set off for the Eastern Capital!Su Wuming took Lu Lingfeng, Pei Xijun and others and set off for Luoyang, the eastern capital. Tao Tao, who cared about Su Wuming, also followed him. Su Wuming was embarrassed on the surface, but he was also happy in his heart.As soon as they entered Luoyang City, Su Wuming and his party encountered a murder case. A woman's face rotted rapidly and she died on the spot. Everyone was shocked.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Su Wuming and Lu Lingfeng arrived at Qiansui Inn, and they split up. Su Wuming secretly went to the guest room where the corpse was found to investigate, while Lu Lingfeng went to inquire about the news from the proprietress Hu Shisiniang, who had a crush on him.Hu Shiiniang claimed to be from the previous dynasty, and she had a human face flower in her hand.Lu Lingfeng wanted to investigate further, but accidentally fell into the trap and was poisoned by the landlady. A bronze ghost appeared in the inn, holding a giant axe.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Su Wuming suggested that Lu Lingfeng go to Chongnian Temple. After seeing another side of the princess, Lu realized Su's intentions and strengthened his determination to investigate the case thoroughly.Su and Lu came to the Qiansui Inn where they were in danger again. At night, the bronze ghost arrived as expected.The secret of Su Wuming's bronze ghost, Yingying, Fei Jishi and others who had already been ambushed, worked together with Lu Lingfeng to subdue the ghost.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

As the day when the princess was poisoned gradually approached, Master Fei tried to develop an antidote by starting from the composition of the poison, but one of the drugs, called Leopard Yellow, was banned.Su and Lu followed the clues obtained from interrogating Hu Shiiniang and found Shangshanfang Yaoshengtang, which used to sell leopard yellow.According to the confession of the Yaoshengtang shopkeeper, the suspicion was fixed on Li Yue, who was left behind in Dongdu.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

The princess and the prince came to Li Yue's residence one after another, and the exposed Li Yue finally revealed his true colors. He turned out to be a descendant of the Xue Yantuo Kingdom. Because it was a small country in the Western Regions, it had long been destroyed due to regional battles, and he tried every means to restore the country. HeThe princess and prince of the Tang Dynasty must be put to death here.At the critical moment, Lu Lingfeng, Cherry and others came with their troops to wipe out the alien race, but the princess's poison was about to break out!

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

For the sake of Xue Huan's future, Lu Lingfeng reluctantly sent Xue Huan to Chong Nian Temple to study literature and martial arts.Shi Duming, the governor of Yongyong, and Yuwen Mukai, the young craftsman of the general, accompanied the envoys from Japan, Silla, Kang and Bohai to visit the Tower of Towers. The envoys learned that there was a sky above the Tower of Heaven.The sage of the Tang Dynasty stood outside the sky and announced that on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival a few days later, an illusion conference would be held to celebrate the completion of the towering tower.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 33 Details

Episode 33

The princess sent someone to lure Lu Lingfeng to Towering Tower and asked him to keep an eye on Wei Fenghua.It turns out that Wei Fenghua is a remnant of the Wei family's rebellion. He wants to take advantage of the conflict between the princess and the prince to avenge his own people. The princess uses her plan to eliminate this hidden danger around her.Based on the clues from the princess, Lu Lingfeng followed Wei Fenghua to find Shasi, but it was Hu Shahu disguised as Hu Shahu. His subordinate Guo Zhuang easily killed the rumored number one illusionist, which made Lu Lingfeng suspicious.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 34 Details

Episode 34

Through various clues, they identified a person who was a current official named Wang Yuantong.As a result, Su Wuming and Lu Lingfeng split up again. Su Wuming went to meet Wang Yuantong. Wang Yuantong was evasive after hearing the purpose of his visit. Su Wuming bluntly said that Wang Yuantong was the author of "The Biography of SARS".Lu Lingfeng was ordered to track down He Lanxue's whereabouts.With Xijun's help, Lu Lingfeng learned that He Lanxue might be hiding in the Youyuan Building in the ghost market, where old and faded singers gathered.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 35 Details

Episode 35

Lu Lingfeng told Su Wuming that they were not the only ones staring at He Lanxue, but also Chief Shi Duming.Lu Lingfeng tested He Lanxue, but found that this woman was very scheming and quickly saw through his intentions, so he had no choice but to resign.Lu Lingfeng originally planned to ambush and take the opportunity to kill SARS who might come here, but was used by SARS and almost succeeded in taking He Lanxue away. Chief Shi Duming, who had ambushed in advance, shot He Lanxue but failed to capture SARS.

《Horror Stories of Tang Dynasty》Episode 36 Details

Episode 36

In the towering tower, above the sky, the illusion conference was held as scheduled. The saint came in person, accompanied by the princess and the prince. Various illusionists competed in the same field and showed off their skills. The saint was very happy and rewarded them generously.Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened at this time, and a large number of strange birds attacked, heading straight for the saint, the prince, and the princess. Fortunately, Su Wuming and Lu Lingfeng were well prepared and commanded the Jinwu Guards to stand in formation. The defense was airtight, and Lu Lingfeng cleverly used the mechanism., killing the real Shas in one fell swoop.