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《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》 is a suspenseful crime TV series that tells the story of prosecutors tracking teenagers to fight against bullying. In the dark reality, how everyone uses their own efforts to let the injured people get what they deserve.lesson.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Lei Xu had been in the Provincial Court for more than ten years and had numerous achievements. He did not expect that when handling Zong Youliang's bribery case, the suspect Zong Youliang fell to his death.After the accident was investigated, Lei Xu was notified by Liu Liming, Deputy Procurator-General of the Provincial People's Court, to report to the newly established Ninth Procuratorial Department (Minor Prosecution Department) in Xianhu District, Jiping City, and serve as the director of the Ninth Department.​

Lei Xu originally thought that leaders at all levels paid so much attention to uninspected work, and the newly established Department Nine must be a department with high staffing, but what made him unable to explain was that this was a “women's army” combination: Du Ziyu, who worked with Lei Xu, had a special status, she was not only a newly recruited prosecutor, but also the original candidate for the director of the Ninth Department, but her director position was taken away by Lei Xu%.​

Other members of the Nine Departments include Xu Zhangli, a bailiff who is good at martial arts but prone to impulsiveness; Yang Tian, ​​who is about to retire but has an excellent memory; and Liu Liu, an assistant prosecutor who is cheerful, smart and motivated.

As soon as Lei Xu reported for duty, the four female generals gave him a warning. Lei Xu had a premonition of the heavy pressure in his future work.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Lei Xu, a workaholic, came to Jiubu and suddenly became free. After watching other people busy, he took the initiative to handle a few trivial cases with Sister Yang that others did not bother to handle.

However, Lei Xu discovered in actual work that the law enforcement concepts he had always adhered to in the past did not apply to today's uninspected work. Several seemingly simple small cases were handled by him to a fault.

Lei Xu felt deeply that he was not suitable for uninspected work and applied to Deputy Prosecutor General Chen Tingyi for transfer to other departments. However, Chen Tingyi had full confidence in Lei Xu.In desperation, Lei Xu had no choice but to accept Sister Yang's suggestion and go to the private school Linghua Middle School to implement the "rule of law into the campus" law popularization activity. The result was that he also hit a soft nail. Even if he had to take some extraordinary measures, he had little effect.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaojie, a sophomore at Linghua Middle School, was hiding a huge secret in her heart that she had nowhere to tell.Just when Lei Xu was worried about his current job, he didn't know that there seemed to be more unknown secrets hidden and involved behind Zong Youliang's unexpected death.Zong Youliang's ex-wife Sun Yundi and his younger brother Sun Yunxiao have been secretly paying attention to Lei Xu's movements.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Lei Xu's unfamiliarity and discomfort with the uninspected work were clearly revealed. Especially when he was interviewed by a provincial TV reporter and could not even answer the “pain points and difficulties” of the uninspected work, his embarrassment and frustration reached a freezing point., Du Ziyu took the initiative to enlighten Lei Xu.

Lei Xu quickly realized that he had entered a period of frustration due to job transfers. The more frustrated he became, the more courageous he became. He quickly adjusted his thinking: In order to alleviate the impact of business scope, he must make changes in the shortest possible time. In actual work,Explore a set of law enforcement concepts that are more suitable for uninspected work.

When Lei Xu was rejected at Linghua Middle School, he accidentally learned that girls from the school often went to Fox Light Bar, a place where minors were strictly prohibited.So he led members of the Nine Departments to disguise themselves and go to the Fox Bar to conduct a secret investigation. He found that both the Fox Bar and the Nightcap Internet Cafe were illegally hosting minors. Lei Xu worked closely with the members of the Nine Departments and called the police in time to let the parents take back their children., two merchants were ordered to make regular rectifications.

The members of the Nine Departments looked at Lei Xu with admiration.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Lei Xu's car window was smashed when he was buying breakfast. Chen Tingyi suspected that Lei Xu was retaliated for the seizure last night, and reminded Lei Xu that uninspected work was not as simple as he thought. He should not only do a good job, but also protect himself.

Lei Xu was thoughtful and couldn't help but suspect that the smashed car window was related to Zong Youliang's case.Lei Xu's efforts were not in vain. Linghua Middle School finally agreed that Lei Xu, as the vice principal of the rule of law, would carry out the "Rule of Law into Campus" publicity campaign.

Lei Xu and Xu Zhangli gave a lively legal education class to the students. Jiang Xiaojie in the audience finally opened her guard and asked Lei Xu to meet alone in the school auditorium and told him that she had been sexually assaulted.

But when Lei Xu was about to take her to call the police, Jiang Xiaojie suddenly disappeared.Lei Xu and Xu Zhangli searched unsuccessfully, and immediately reported Jiang Xiaojie's situation to the police. Jiang Xiaojie's parents had met Lei Xu alone before learning that their daughter was missing, and misunderstood what Lei Xu said to scare away their daughter.

At the same time, a hot search suddenly broke out on the Internet that the student disappeared for no reason after the prosecutor had a conversation with the student alone. Chen Tingyi ordered Lei Xu to find Jiang Xiaojie as soon as possible.Xu Zhangli was implicated by Lei Xu, who acted privately, and had a greater objection to him.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Under the strict control of her mother, Jiang Xiaojie could only come to Binhai Park to paint during the summer. The police arranged to check the summer surveillance video of Binhai Park, the place where the crime Jiang Xiaojie mentioned to Lei Xu, and found some clues.Lei Xu, Du Ziyu, and Xu Zhangli went to the scene to recreate the scene and concluded that the suspect did not have enough time to commit the crime.At this moment, a “Linghua Middle School bullying video” was exposed on the Internet. In the video, the person bullying classmate Zhang Yunyun was actually Jiang Xiaojie.Lei Xu and Du Ziyu split into two groups: Du Ziyu took Xiao Liu to find Jiang Xiaojie's mother, Li Xiaoyan, to learn about the situation. Li Xiaoyan was only worried about her daughter's safety and was extremely impatient with “campus bullying”'s inquiries.At the same time, Lei Xu took Xu Zhangli to visit Zhang Yunyun's home. On the way, he saw Zong Youliang's ex-wife Sun Yundi and Shijie Group Chairman Zhu Jie getting into the same car. Lei Xu followed him in the car, but was thrown away by the astute Zhu Jie..Lei Xu and Xu Zhangli rushed to Zhang Yunyun's aunt's house and learned that Zhang Yunyun, who had been bullied, was also missing.For safety reasons, the Ninth Department coordinated with the public security to conduct temporary control over minor Zhang Yunyun's ID card.Lei Xu and Du Ziyu found Jiang Xiaojie's father, Jiang Linhai. Jiang Linhai was a cowardly housewife who seemed to know nothing about what happened to his rebellious daughter.The two found several depressing paintings in Jiang Xiaojie's bedroom, took photos and archived them, and left Jiang's house.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Through surveillance video, Jiubu discovered that Jiang Xiaojie took a handbag from a supermarket locker after leaving school.Lei Xu asked Xu Zhangli to follow the clues and find the person who put the handbag.At the same time, Jiang Linhai found that his daughter was hiding in the Jiang family's old house that was about to be demolished. He was worried that his daughter would run away after seeing him, so he had to ask Lei Xu for help.Lei Xu and Du Ziyu rushed to the Jiang family's old house and found that Jiang Xiaojie was indeed hiding there.Jiang Xiaojie remained silent. Du Ziyu enlightened Jiang Xiaojie and tried to open up her defenses. Jiang Xiaojie was so emotional that she suddenly fainted when she accused her mother of controlling her.Lei Xu and Du Ziyu immediately sent Jiang Xiaojie to the hospital for rescue. They learned that Jiang Xiaojie had suffered sudden uterine bleeding due to taking a large amount of emergency contraceptive pills.Li Xiaoyan arrived and learned from the doctor that her daughter had had sexual intercourse.Lei Xu recalled that he was in a hurry when he sent Jiang Xiaojie to the hospital, so he took Xu Zhangli back to the Jiang family's old house to look for clues. As a result, he found 98,000 yuan in cash in Jiang Xiaojie's schoolbag, and met Zhou Qiao, the hair boy who came to look for Jiang Xiaojie. After careful questioning,Only then did Zhou Qiao leave.At the same time, Zhang Yunyun's ID card was used in a private plastic surgery hospital. When Du Ziyu and Xiao Liu rushed to the hospital, they learned that Zhang Yunyun, who was about to undergo plastic surgery, fell into a coma due to an allergy to anesthetic drugs. The situation was very critical, and everyone rushed to Zhang Yunyun.Yunyun was sent to a large hospital for rescue.Zhang Yunyun's aunt was shocked that Zhang Yunyun wanted to have plastic surgery, and she didn't know where Zhang Yunyun got the huge sum of 100,000 for the surgery.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Zhou Qiao said that he helped a disabled person with limited mobility put the bag in the locker, and knew nothing else.Lei Xu led members of the nine departments to sort out the doubts: first, the bullying case happened to happen under the school surveillance camera; second, is there any connection between the 98,000 yuan in Jiang Xiaojie's bag and the 100,000 yuan that Zhang Yunyun is planning to have plastic surgery?Third, is the money in Jiang Xiaojie’s bag the same as that in the locker bag?Fourth, are the three children Jiang Xiaojie, Zhang Yunyun and Zhou Qiao related in other ways?Lei Xu and Du Ziyu led colleagues from nine departments to separately question Jiang Xiaojie and Zhang Yunyun. They learned that Jiang Xiaojie had misunderstood that Zhang Yunyun had spread about her taking emergency contraceptive pills, and beat Zhang Yunyun in anger. Zhang Yunyun's aunt took the video of Jiang Xiaojie bullying Zhang Yunyun.Li Xiaoyan asked Li Xiaoyan for compensation. Li Xiaoyan was worried about causing trouble at school, so she quietly compensated Aunt Zhang Yunyun 200,000 yuan.Li Xiaoyan was shocked when she saw Zhang Yunyun's aunt, saying that this aunt was not the aunt she had met before. After Lei Xu and Du Ziyu checked, they found that Zhang Yunyun had defrauded Li Xiaoyan of 200,000 yuan with a fake aunt.Everyone was shocked.Zhou Qiao learned that the fake aunt was exposed, and finally admitted that he had invaded the intranet of Linghua Middle School and stolen the video of Jiang Xiaojie bullying Zhang Yunyun.Zhou Qiao is Jiang Xiaojie's childhood friend, so why did she help Zhang Yunyun steal the bullying video?Lei Xu realized that Jiang Xiaojie and Zhang Yunyun had not told the truth. Members of the Nine Departments asked the two separately again. When Jiang Xiaojie learned that Zhang Yunyun almost died due to an allergy to anesthetics, she finally told them.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Lei Xu accepted Du Ziyu's suggestion and decided to conditionally not prosecute the three children, but to provide severe criticism, education and psychological counseling.The bullying case came to an end, and members of the Nine Departments looked at Lei Xu with admiration, and everyone continued to investigate the sexual assault case of Jiang Xiaojie.Through the light show logo on the building in Jiang Xiaojie's painting, Lei Xu discovered that the light show was a warm-up light show for an e-sports competition. The warm-up time was from September 14th to September 19th. From this, it can be inferred that Jiang Xiaojie not onlyCome paint in Marina Park during the summer.In order to further search for clues, the Nine Departments collaborated with the public security agencies to re-examine the crime scene - the park cabin. A special screw was found under the movable floor of the cabin. After many consultations, Xu Zhangli discovered that the screw was the screw on mid-to-high-end glasses..When Lei Xu and Du Ziyu went to visit Jiang Xiaojie, they carefully observed Jiang Xiaojie's glasses and found that the screw was not from her glasses.At the same time, the police detected footage of Jiang Xiaojie entering Binhai Park on September 17. Jiubu deduced that this might be the real date when Jiang Xiaojie was sexually assaulted. After calling up the surveillance, they found that an e-sports team member named Su Da appeared in theThe scene of the crime and the inference of the time of the crime are completely reasonable.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

The police summoned Suda for the first time, but had to let him go because there was no key evidence.Su Da asked Sun Yunxiao, the owner of his e-sports team, for help. At Sun Yunxiao's suggestion, he blocked Jiang Xiaojie on her way home from school and threatened her to agree to be his girlfriend. However, she was caught by Lei Xu who was passing by, and Su Da ran away.Li Xiaoyan collected a lot of information about studying abroad and wanted to send Jiang Xiaojie to go abroad to fulfill her dream of art. However, Jiang Xiaojie said that she was no longer prepared to pick up a paintbrush in the future. Her daughter's experiences and changes made Li Xiaoyan shed tears of self-blame. She changed her mind.Past Attitude found Lei Xu and provided the prosecutor with the key physical evidence that Jiang Xiaojie had not handed over: the spectacles leg.With important physical evidence in hand, the police summoned Suda again.Under repeated questioning by the police, Su Da admitted that he had followed Jiang Xiaojie, but claimed that he was protecting Xiaojie and did not harm her, and the case entered a stalemate.With the efforts of his family and Jiubu, Jiang Xiaojie lowered her psychological defenses and handed over key physical evidence. In the face of conclusive evidence, Su Da confessed to the crime of sexually assaulting Jiang Xiaojie.The Ninth Ministry approved the arrest of Su Da and set a date for the trial.Sun Yunxiao approached Chen Tingyi and asked him, semi-threateningly, to prevent the trial of Jiang Xiaojie's case. However, in the face of conclusive evidence and the firm stance of Lei Xu and Du Ziyu, Chen Tingyi had no reason to request non-prosecution.The first criminal case since the establishment of the Nine Departments is about to go to trial. Everyone attaches great importance to it. Everyone is united as never before and is looking forward to tomorrow with confidence.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

The Su Da case was scheduled to go to trial on a different date. Lei Xu and Du Ziyu made full preparations, and Jiang Xiaojie also decided to appear in court in person to accuse Su Da.But what Lei Xu and Du Ziyu didn't expect was that Su Da overturned his previous confession in court and said that he was wronged.Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xiaojie also overturned the accusation against Su Da, saying that she and Su Da were lovers, and the two secretly tasted forbidden fruits in the park cabin.In view of the major reversal between the victim's statement and the suspect's confession, Lei Xu and Du Ziyu disagreed: Du Ziyu suggested adjourning the trial. She firmly believed that there must be problems behind the two men's simultaneous retraction of their confessions, and more evidence needed to be added.Lei Xu believes that Jiang Xiaojie and Su Da obviously confessed in collusion. It is difficult to find new evidence in a short period of time. There is no point in delaying the trial. It is better to use the trick to lure the snake out of the hole and find out the person behind the scenes.Because there was no new evidence, Sudha was acquitted and released.After the trial, a large number of reporters appeared on the scene to cover the case. The scene of the fake reporters collecting % of the remuneration was seen by Lei Xu. He was worried that there would be unfavorable public opinion to the parties. Sure enough, there was a wave of unfavorable public opinion on the Internet.Following Jiubu's remarks, Jiang Xiaojie also disappeared from her home.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Under the deliberate manipulation of bad self-media, Lei Xu and Jiubu were pushed to the forefront of public opinion, while Su Da and Jiang Xiaojie also fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.Jiang Xiaojie committed suicide by being attacked by the Internet. Fortunately, Lei Xu and Du Ziyu arrived in time. Lei Xu jumped into the sea and risked his life to save Jiang Xiaojie.Lei Xu learned from Zhou Qiao that Zhou Qiao and Jiang Xiaojie met before the trial. At that time, Jiang Xiaojie originally wanted to identify Su Da in court.However, Zhou Qiao did not tell Lei Xu that Su Da had a video of Jiang Xiaojie being sexually assaulted on the day of the incident. Zhou Qiao called Su Da to threaten Su Da to hand over the video and followed him to an abandoned factory in the suburbs.On the other side, Su Da was suspended by the e-sports association and his future was ruined. He went to Sun Yunxiao, the owner of the e-sports team who had promised to keep him safe, to seek explanation. He threatened Sun Yunxiao and asked Lei Xu to expose him.After receiving Su Da's call, Lei Xu hurried to the abandoned factory for an appointment, but fell into a trap and was attacked and knocked unconscious before he saw Su Da.At the same time, Jiang Xiaojie's case reminded Du Ziyu of the Shen Yuer case he handled many years ago. The two cases had many similarities, and the suspect in this case was Sun Yunxiao, the boss of Su Da's e-sports team.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Lei Xu, who woke up in severe pain, found that Su Da had fallen to his death.Lei Xu immediately called the police, but because the scene of the fall had been cleaned up in advance without leaving any traces, and there was no third person present to prove Lei Xu's innocence, Lei Xu could not clear himself of the incident and was forced to take coercive measures.This incident caused quite a stir on the Internet, and Lei Xu and the Ninth Procuratorate were pushed to the forefront by unscrupulous self-media.Chen Tingyi was forced to stop Lei Xu's work due to pressure from public opinion.

Du Ziyu never believed that Lei Xu would do anything to harm others. She searched for evidence to prove Lei Xu's innocence.Zhou Qiao's father Zhou Long died at home. Zhou Long's wife Qiao Li surrendered, claiming that she accidentally killed Zhou Long.The police found Zhou Qiao, originally wanting to know his whereabouts on the day of the incident, but Zhou Qiao opened his mouth and asked if it was about Su Da. The police realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately contacted the Ninth Department to intervene in advance.During the interrogation process, Zhou Qiao became emotional and refused to admit that he had arrived at the scene of Su Da's death. However, the testimony of the scavengers and the forensic examination at Zhou Long's home proved that Zhou Qiao was at the scene when the two cases occurred.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Qiao Li's liver was ruptured due to domestic violence by Zhou Long and she was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.Zhou Qiao then learned that his father Zhou Long had died unexpectedly.Both Qiao Li and Zhou Qiao insisted that they accidentally pushed Zhou Long, causing him to hit the corner of the table and die.After experiencing a series of blows such as his father's death and his mother's critical illness, Zhou Qiao decided to tell the truth about what he saw: On the day Su Da fell from the building, he followed Su Da to get back Jiang Xiaojie's video. As soon as he arrived at the unfinished building, he discovered that Lei Xu had also arrived., so I secretly hide in the dark.

When he reached the top of the building, he found that Lei Xu had been knocked unconscious, and the man in black threw Su Da, who was also unconscious, from the top of the building.According to Zhou Qiao's statement and the few seconds of captured video he produced, Lei Xu was cleared of wrongdoing and released from the detention center.On the other side, Sun Yunxiao was dissatisfied with the life of looking at Zhu Jie's expression everywhere. Chen Tingyi was worried every day that he and Sun Yunxiao were secretly chatting in the car and was caught by Yang Tian. Security guard Zhao's grandson Xingxing was almost abducted by traffickers. The case of Zhou Long's death has not yet been revealed.New clues... Jiping and Kube are enveloped in an atmosphere of danger and uneasiness.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Through on-site investigation experiments and the confessions of Zhou Qiao and Qiao Li, the police ruled out the possibility that Qiao Li pushed Zhou Long. The traces of the third person at the crime scene can basically confirm that it was Zhou Qiao. Zhou Qiao was listed as an important factor in Zhou Long's death case.suspect.However, because Zhou Qiao was a minor, and in order to protect his mother Qiao Li, who had been subjected to domestic violence for a long time, and after ruling out the possibility of intentionally causing Zhou Long's death, the opinion given by the Ministry of Justice was to release Zhou Qiao on bail pending trial.

Yang Tian, ​​who is usually cheerful, disagrees with the decision to grant Zhou Qiao bail pending trial. Under Lei Xu's arrangement, by getting along with Zhou Qiao, Sister Yang slowly unties the knot that has been hidden deep in her heart for many years.At the same time, Qiao Li was in critical condition and suffered from liver failure. She urgently needed a liver transplant to save her life. The source of the liver and the operation fee of 300,000 yuan troubled Zhou Qiao and held the hearts of everyone in Jiubu.In desperation, Zhou Qiao asked the team manager for an advance salary of 300,000, but in exchange for stealing a tape from Lei Xu's house.I got the tape, but not the money.Fortunately, Lei Xu and Jiubu coordinated multiple departments to help Qiao Li apply for rescue funds and find a matching liver source.The man in black who stole the tape was also arrested and brought to justice. He was the murderer of Su Da.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

When the case came to an end, Dali and Xiaoliu proposed to have a dinner at Du Ziyu's house, but due to an unexpected situation, the dinner became a dinner for Lei Xu and Du Ziyu.The embarrassed two people recalled the past because of a phone call from Du Ziyu's mother. It turned out that Lei Xu and Du Ziyu were classmates at Binhe University of Political Science and Law, and they were also an enviable campus couple. However, due to a debate competition, they also...Because of different choices for the future, the two people parted ways.

At the dinner table, Lei Xu and Du Ziyu reorganized the clues of several cases and found that the cases of Jiang Xiaojie, Zhou Qiao and Su Da were inextricably linked. Du Ziyu thought of a sexual assault case 13 years ago., saying that Su Da's professional way of evading guilt in court must be guided by an expert, which was very similar to the way in which %Shen Yuer was raped.When he heard that the defendant in Shen Yuer's case was Sun Yunxiao, Lei Xu was stunned. He quickly thought of Zong Youliang's wife Sun Yundi, and immediately ordered Xiao Liu to investigate all the assets of Shijie Group.Sister Yang had a serious car accident on her way to Du Ziyu's house and fell unconscious.Sun Yunxiao was ruthless in doing things, and Chen Tingyi knew that he had something to do with it, so he secretly returned to the office and tore up the book where Sister Yang had written down Sun Yunxiao's license plate number, trying to destroy all connections between himself and Sun Yunxiao.On the other hand, Qiao Li finally told the truth about the Zhou Long case when she woke up after the operation. In the end, Zhou Qiao was sentenced to probation, accepted community corrections, and began to welcome a new life.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

When Chen Tingyi learned that Lei Xu and Du Ziyu had begun investigating Shen Yuer's old case, he couldn't sit still and immediately pointed the finger at Du Ziyu: saying that it was the key evidence that Du Ziyu discovered when they re-examined the scene.The Shen Yuer case was the first case that Du Ziyu assisted her master Chen Tingyi as an assistant prosecutor: the suspect reversed his confession in court and was acquitted.The victim, Shen Yuer, suffered from mental illness after refuting her statement in court. Now she is about to get married, but she cannot escape the shadow of the past.

Her fiancé encouraged Shen Yuer to tell the truth: Someone paid Shen Yuer to refute his statement.Several seemingly unrelated cases are inextricably linked, as if they are being secretly manipulated.Sun Yunxiao, in particular, was involved in an old case that Lei Xu had never given up: Prosecutor Ding Yonggang drowned out of fear of guilt.Lei Xu and Ding Yonggang are strangers, but he firmly believes that they have a common belief in the rule of law.Du Ziyu accidentally awakened Lei Xu. Over the years, he has been tracing who killed Ding Yonggang, but made no progress. Now he should change his thinking and trace who is the biggest benefit recipient behind Ding Yonggang's death.After Sister Yang regained consciousness, she lost her memory. Security guard Zhao revealed that Chen Tingyi had instructed him to secretly observe Lei Xu's every move.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Through the investigation of Department 9, it was found that Sun Yunxiao, the defendant in Shen Yuer's case, transformed into Mr. Sun after he was released. During that time, Chen Tingyi's mother was seriously ill and was hospitalized, and had used a high-priced drug that was difficult for ordinary people to buy.Du Ziyu went to Chen Tingyi with the evidence.Chen Tingyi was ashamed and confessed to his apprentice that he was instructed by Zhu Jie to help Sun Yunxiao take the blame. Zhu Jie's business has been booming since then.This case has become a knot in his mind for many years and a stain on his career.Lei Xu noticed clues about “车” in the tape recording left by Ding Yonggang, so he went to the Ding family's old house and struggled to find the SD card evidence of Zhujie's collusion between officials and businessmen that had been hidden by Ding Yonggang among many car models.Zhu Jie sent someone to steal the SD card and wanted to put Lei Xu and Du Ziyu to death. Fortunately, colleagues from the Jiu Department and the police arrived in time.

Chen Tingyi redeemed himself and helped capture Sun Yunxiao.Zhu Jie’s white-glove Zhang Hongtu opened his mouth and threatened Zhu Jie with the truth about Shen Yuer’s case.Lei Xu, who woke up in severe pain, found that Su Da had fallen to his death.Lei Xu immediately called the police, but because the scene of the fall had been cleaned up in advance without leaving any traces, and there was no third person present to prove Lei Xu's innocence, Lei Xu could not clear himself of the incident and was forced to take coercive measures.This incident caused quite a stir on the Internet, and Lei Xu and the Ninth Procuratorate were pushed to the forefront by unscrupulous self-media.Chen Tingyi was forced to stop Lei Xu's work due to pressure from public opinion.Du Ziyu never believed that Lei Xu would do anything to harm others. She searched for evidence to prove Lei Xu's innocence.Zhou Qiao's father Zhou Long died at home. Zhou Long's wife Qiao Li surrendered, claiming that she accidentally killed Zhou Long.The police found Zhou Qiao, originally wanting to know his whereabouts on the day of the incident, but Zhou Qiao opened his mouth and asked if it was about Su Da. The police realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately contacted the Ninth Department to intervene in advance.During the interrogation process, Zhou Qiao became emotional and refused to admit that he had arrived at the scene of Su Da's death. However, the testimony of the scavengers and the forensic examination at Zhou Long's home proved that Zhou Qiao was at the scene when the two cases occurred.

《FOR THE YOUNG ONES》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Combining clues from several cases, Department Nine began to work hard. Lei Xu and his colleagues used a recording clip and an identification report of old blood stains to identify Sun Yunxiao and Zhu Jie behind him.Sun Yunxiao admitted that he was ordered to kill Ding Yonggang and framed him for the crime.Lei Xu decided to play a big game and find out the person behind Zhu Jie.The escaped Zhu Jie was arrested, and a video of Shen Yuer being sexually assaulted was found in his home. The perpetrator turned out to be Liu Liming's son Liu Guo.

It turned out that Liu Guo committed violence at Zhu Jie's KTV while drunk. Zhu Jie found Liu Liming with the video evidence he accidentally recorded and promised to help him settle the matter.Zhu Jie worked hard and successfully helped Liu Guo escape the crime.From then on, Zhu Jie joined forces with Liu Liming and Zong Youliang to start collusion between government and business.Lei Xu and his colleagues from the Nine Departments used unexamined cases as clues to dig deep into the crimes under the sun, track down the conspiracy and conspiracy behind the unexamined cases, and bring the criminals to justice.Protected and saved minors such as Jiang Xiaojie, Zhou Qiao and Zhang Yunyun with the sword of justice.Soon after, Lei Xu was transferred back to the Ninth Procuratorate Department of the Provincial Procuratorate and established the “Lighthouse Uninspected Team”. Together with the uninspected prosecutors across the country, he devoted himself to the work of implementing the "Two Laws" and strengthening the "Six Major Protections" to jointly build aThe Great Steel Wall to protect minors.Their hope is that one day there will be no case left.