Home TV And Then There Were None
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《And Then There Were None》 Summ

The story took place in August 1939. Eight people who were in different parts of the world and did not know each other received a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Owen at the same time. The letter warmly invited them to visit Soldier Island near the coast of Devon.Here, the couple owns a very luxurious villa.Soon, the eight people set off separately, but when they arrived at the island, they were told that the Owens were not at home, and they were received by two housekeepers from the island.

In this way, eight people entered the villa one after another in excitement and confusion.While dining that night, a gramophone in the restaurant suddenly rang, and a mysterious voice began to accuse the eight people present, claiming that they had all committed murder.To make matters worse, it didn't take long for the first victim to appear.

《And Then There Were None》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

On a sunny summer day, Ms. Emily, Dr. Armstrong, Judge Wargray, female secretary Vera, Inspector Blore, mercenary Philip, General MacArthur and playboy Marston, these eight elements...Strangers who did not know each other received an invitation letter signed by “Mr. Owen”.The content of the letter was simple and mysterious, only mentioning an isolated island called Soldier Island located off the coast of Devon, England, and a summer vacation manor on the island.

Episode 1

Although they didn't know each other, they were very interested in the invitation.After all, life always needs some adventure and excitement, right?So, they set off one after another and arrived at Soldier Island one after another.However, when they arrived at the resort, they found that only Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were responsible for receiving them, and the mysterious owner, Mr. Irving, had not yet appeared.

Episode 1

During dinner, the gramophone in the dining room suddenly sounded, and a serious and cold voice came from it, accusing everyone present, including Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, of murder.For a time, the atmosphere in the restaurant became depressing and terrifying, and everyone felt panicked.

However, something more terrifying is yet to come.Just when everyone was panicking, one of the guests suddenly fell to the ground and died.This sudden change shocked and panicked everyone, and they began to realize that this isolated island resort might be a trap, a death game from which they could not escape.

As night falls, a creepy nursery rhyme begins to circulate in the manor: Ten little Indian boys ran for food, one choked to death and could not be saved, and only nine out of ten were left.Nine little Indian boys were so sleepy late at night that they fell asleep and died, leaving only eight of the nine.“This nursery rhyme seems to be foreshadowing something, which makes people shudder.

That night, Mrs. Rogers and Marston also died mysteriously.The circumstances of their deaths were exactly the same as those of the previous guests, and they were clearly staged murders.

Faced with the ensuing deaths, the remaining guests began to despair.They were trapped on this isolated island, surrounded by the vast sea, but the mysterious owner Mr. Owen never appeared.They began to wonder, had they really committed murder before being invited to this isolated island to stand trial?

However, in desperation, they also began to look for a way out.They began to analyze each person's background, looking for possible clues, hoping to find the identity of the murderer and his purpose.In the process, they not only have to face external threats, but also inner fears and guilt.

As the investigation progressed, they discovered some shocking facts.It turns out that the owner of this isolated island resort, Mr. Owen, is a dead man.He was a famous detective during his lifetime, and his last wish was to create a unique ”Death Game“, allowing those accused of murder to come here and find out the real murderer through a series of tests and reasoning.

And the truth of this ”death game% is hidden in those bizarre deaths and nursery rhymes.Guests must solve these mysteries in order to find a way to survive, otherwise, they will never be able to leave this isolated island.

《And Then There Were None》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Early the next morning, as guests on the island gathered for breakfast in the restaurant, a startling discovery made everyone stop what they were doing.Two of the 10 exquisite Indian boy statues originally placed in the center of the dining table were missing.For a moment, the atmosphere became tense, and everyone's eyes were searching secretly, trying to find the two missing statuettes.

Vera suddenly remembered the strange nursery rhyme in her mind: “Eight little Indian boys went to Devon City to hunt for wonders, but one of them died and returned to the West, leaving only seven of the eight.”This simple children's song, at this moment, seems to have become an inescapable curse, heralding death one after another.

Fear is like an invisible shadow that hangs over everyone's heart.Every word of the nursery rhyme seems to become a sharp blade, piercing people's hearts silently.

Episode 2

Every word in the nursery rhyme seems to be surprisingly consistent with the truth.Whenever someone dies mysteriously, the number in the nursery rhyme will decrease by one, as if there is an invisible force controlling everything.

The wind and waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger, as if they are also lamenting the doom of the island.Vera attempts to leave the island on her own, but is discovered by the butler who persuades her to return.They now have no way of contacting anyone outside the island, and they can't leave the island.The only hope now is to find the murderer.

The murderer is hidden among them. Everyone is suspicious of each other, but they are unable to determine who the real murderer is.The survivors began to fall into panic and chaos, their sanity began to collapse, and fear and despair spread among the crowd like a virus.

The number of guests on the island decreases one by one, and every time someone leaves, the curse of the nursery rhyme will weigh more heavily on everyone's heart.They seemed to be trapped in an inescapable nightmare, and could only watch their fate being pushed into the abyss step by step by that nursery rhyme.

《And Then There Were None》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

The few remaining people felt that they could not sit still and wait for death, and began to think of ways to escape from Soldier Island, but the methods they came up with were of no avail.

“The three little soldiers were in trouble in the zoo.The bears suddenly fell from the sky, and only two of the three were left.”This ancient nursery rhyme seems to predict their fate.When Philip and Vera walked to the edge of the cliff, they discovered a shocking scene - Armstrong's body was lying under the cliff.

Vera has always been suspicious of Philip, and she suspects that he killed everyone.Driven by fear and despair, she took up the gun and ended Philip's life.However, what she didn't know was that Philip had been looking for a way to escape and his death was unjust.

Episode 3

Vera's behavior stems from her desire for money and her persistence in love.In order to let her lover Hugo get the inheritance, she did not hesitate to sacrifice the innocent Cyril.Cyril, a weak boy, was deliberately pushed to the brink of death by Vera.When Cyril struggled in the water, Vera pretended to be helpless and watched him drown.

Hugo seemed to be aware of what Vera had done, and he broke up with her, which undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Vera.The love in her heart turned into hatred, and she chose suicide and ended her life.

However, at the moment Vera hangs herself, the judge who fakes his death walks in and reveals the truth.He told Vera that Philip had actually been looking for a way to escape and that his death was unjust.Vera was shocked when she heard the news. She couldn't accept the fact.Under great grief and guilt, she also chose to commit suicide and left this world with Philip.