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《Presumed Innocent Season 1》 Summ

The play is adapted from the novel of the same name written by Scott Durrow. After a horrific murder occurred in the Chicago prosecutor's office, one of the prosecutors, Rusty Sabich (Gyllenhaal), became a suspect.people.Explore obsession, sex, politics, and the power and limitations of love as the defendants struggle to maintain their families and marriages.

Female prosecutor Caroline Bolsch was raped and murdered, and her colleague Rusty Sabich was ordered to investigate the case.Rusty Sabich and the deceased were once lovers, and his wife, Barbara Sabich, also knew that they had had an affair, so she often accused him of being too involved in the case.

During the investigation, Rusty Sabich discovered that a file B in the hands of Caroline Bolsch was missing. This file related to the investigation of bribery of a government official.

Rusty Sabich was soon accused of being the murderer of Caroline Polsch after a glass with Rusty Sabich's fingerprints was found in her apartment.

As the case develops, the situation becomes increasingly unfavorable for Rusty Sabich.Detective Liplanzer, Rusty Sabich's friend, took pity on him and destroyed the incriminating glass.

He also learned that the bribery case involved Judge Little in the case, and at the time, Caroline Polsch happened to be Little's assistant and lover.In court, Rusty Sabich's lawyer Sandy Stern cleverly talked about the secret of File B and successfully controlled Judge Little, and Rusty Sabich was acquitted.

However, when he returns home, he discovers evidence that incriminates his wife, Barbara Sabich, as the murderer.

《Presumed Innocent Season 1》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Rusty Sabich, an outstanding prosecutor, was enjoying baseball with his son at home when a phone call broke the tranquility.On the other end of the phone, District Attorney Raymond's voice came, bringing shocking news: Caroline Polemath, a well-known female prosecutor, was brutally murdered.

Episode 1

Rusty drove to the scene of the crime without delay - Caroline's home.The sight before him made him heartbroken. Caroline's body was tied with rope in an extremely embarrassing position.Back in the office, Raymond officially names Rusty as the lead investigator on the case.Rusty lived up to expectations and successfully defeated his rivals Tommy Molteau and Nick de la Guardia, who was running against Raymond for state prosecutor, and quickly invested in the investigation of the case.

At home, Rusty's wife Barbara also learned of Caroline's death.As an equally excellent prosecutor, Barbara expressed firm support for her husband's work.However, at the memorial service, she was unable to attend for some reason, which made Rusty feel a little regretful.At the memorial service, Raymond angrily accused someone of using Caroline's death for political manipulation.

During the investigation, Rusty learned important information from Raymond: Caroline had a son.The news had a huge impact on Rusty, who felt heavy-hearted and even left the scene at one point.Later, in a conversation with Raymond, Rusty reveals a possible clue that a case that Caroline had prosecuted may be related to her death.

After returning home, Rusty began poring over information about the case, including photos and autopsy reports.The next day, he visited the medical examiner Kumagaya, who told him that there was no sign of sexual assault.This discovery raises more questions for Rusty about the nature of the case.

As the investigation progresses, Rusty discovers a court case that bears striking similarities to the case surrounding Caroline's death.In this case, Caroline had accused Liam Reynolds of drugging and kidnapping a young woman.Rusty and his colleague Rigo visit Liam in prison to try to get more clues from him.However, while Liam admitted that Caroline had caused him great pain, he did not reveal any more information about the case.

In front of the media, Raymond publicly stated that Caroline had imprisoned many criminals during her career, and some of them may have targeted her out of revenge.Nick took this opportunity to promise the public that once elected as state prosecutor, he would be committed to ensuring the safety of the people.During the investigation, Rusty also came into contact with Caroline's ex-husband and son Michael, trying to learn more about Caroline's life from them.

However, as the investigation deepens, Rusty's family life begins to suffer.Barbara begins to worry that Rusty and Caroline's past will be revealed, affecting their marriage and family.Rusty knows that he has a great responsibility. He must firmly pursue the truth while also working hard to maintain the harmony and stability of the family.

During the investigation, Rusty couldn't help but recall his extramarital affair with Caroline.That past relationship haunted his heart like a nightmare, making him unable to let it go.With the help of a therapist, Rusty began to face his past, trying to find the strength and courage to face reality.

Finally, thanks to the unremitting efforts of Rusty and his team, the case finally achieved a breakthrough.However, when Tommy reveals that Rusty's fingerprints were in Caroline's bedroom, the entire case is once again shrouded in mystery.Rusty firmly denied that he had any connection with the case, but this discovery undoubtedly brought greater obstacles to his investigation.

At this moment, Tommy dropped another shocking news: Caroline was pregnant before she was killed.This discovery shocked Rusty and the entire investigation team, and they began to re-examine the entire case, trying to find the real murderer hidden behind it.

《Presumed Innocent Season 1》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Tommy asked Russ about his complicated relationship with Caroline, but Rusty suddenly stood up and hurriedly left the room.Then Raymond storms in and accuses Rusty of ruining his career.When it comes to the paternity test, Rusty tells Tommy to take the formal route and apply for a search warrant to find the answer.

Episode 2

Back home, Rusty confesses to Barbara that he is a suspect in the murder.Barbara was confused because Rusty had said before that they had broken up a long time ago.But Rusty had to admit that they had secretly spent a few days together recently.At the same time, Raymond's wife was also complaining about how he knew nothing about what was happening under his nose.

As Rusty studied the autopsy report, he discovered some details that had been overlooked.He hurried to the painless place and asked them why they concealed the two sperm samples in the Rabbit Davis case.Painless explained that Caroline knew it herself, but Rusty was angry and felt that this was obviously a deliberate attempt to conceal evidence.He tried contacting Detective Rigo for help, but no one answered the phone.

On the other side, Tommy begins to doubt Rusty's mental state, but Nico advises him not to make blind guesses and to focus on finding evidence.Barbara accidentally saw the photo of Caroline's body and was frightened to death.Rusty was anxious because he couldn't contact Rigo, and finally decided to go home for dinner.During the meal, Barbara persuaded Rusty to tell the truth to the children, but the children were very sad and ran away.

We also see a flashback to Caroline and Rusty's breakup.She said firmly that she didn't want anyone to get hurt again.At night, his daughter Jayden asked Rusty what happened, but he was speechless and filled with guilt.In the early hours of the morning, he was awakened by the sound of his son Kyle practicing baseball, and his thoughts were racing.Just then, the police arrived with a search warrant, searched the entire house, and took DNA samples.

Afterwards, Rusty rushed to the office to confront Nico and Tommy, but the argument only got worse.In couples therapy, the therapist criticized Rusty for not coming clean about them being together again.Rusty admitted that there was evidence on his phone and computer that could lead to his arrest.But he still wanted to save his marriage to Barbara.

At the press conference, Nico said that all efforts would be made to track down Caroline's murderer.Rusty privately approached Raymond to be his lawyer, but Raymond felt he didn't know him well enough and refused.Later, Rusty finally contacted Rigo. Although she was angry with him, Rusty felt that there was a key clue in the Liam Reynolds case and asked her to arrange another meeting.

Rigo finally arranged the meeting.Rusty made a condition for Liam: if he confessed to being accomplices, he would be spared a few years in jail.But Liam ignored him and laughed at him.After the meeting, Rusty and Rigo got back into the car together.Although Rigo was still angry, he decided to help him.But she warns Rusty not to lie to her again.There was a quarrel at Raymond's house, and he finally decided to side with Rusty.

Rusty returned home and received a call from Rigo, saying that the paternity test results came out and he was indeed the father of Caroline's child.He was in a worse mood.When the police car arrived, Rusty told his daughter that he loved her and went out to face the police.Eventually Rusty was arrested and his future was left in doubt.

News of Rusty's alleged murder spread.He walked determinedly into the courtroom, Raymond following behind him.They decided to tell the judge directly that they wanted the trial to begin as soon as possible.The judge agreed, and a trial date was quickly set.

Luckily Rusty was able to post bail and go home.He was confident in the case and felt it would prove his innocence.On the way home, he thanked his family for supporting him.But at this moment, he received a strange text message: “You are there.I see you.” Rusty began to wonder if someone was spying on him, or maybe even the mastermind behind the case.This text message made the whole case even more confusing.

《Presumed Innocent Season 1》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Rusty received an anonymous text message that pointedly stated: “Rusty, I know you were there that night.”Barbara was keenly aware of something unusual about Rusty, and he showed her the disturbing text message.Rusty freely admitted that he had visited Caroline's house on the night of her misfortune.This fact was undoubtedly a huge shock to Barbara, so she chose to leave alone to calm her inner turmoil.

Episode 3

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Raymond wakes up from a nightmare about Rusty's alleged murder of Caroline.His wife Lorraine watched him worriedly, fearing that the case would bring too much mental pressure to him.Early the next morning, Rusty's cell phone rang again, and a new text message came into view: “Damen Silos, three o'clock.”He shows this message to Raymond, who is angry that Rusty hid his whereabouts that night.Raymond firmly advises Rusty not to risk meeting the sender, but Rusty is eager to uncover the truth behind the text.

Barbara works at an art gallery and has been forced to take a break from her job due to continued media attention.She chose a quiet bar as a safe haven and confided her troubles to the understanding bartender.The bartender's handsome appearance also left a certain impression on her, which she mentioned in her conversation with Lorraine, who encouraged her to pursue her own happiness with an open mind.Back at the DA's office, Agent Rigo encounters strong opposition from Tommy and Nick, who insist that she stay out of Rusty's case.

This is because Rigaud has been obsessed with investigating the relationship between Liam Reynolds and Bonnie Davis, and they believe that the focus should be on Rusty.As he left the office, Rigaud placed a call and asked for detailed files on the Bonnie Davis case.In the end, Rusty couldn't resist his inner impulse, and he followed the instructions in the text message and went to Damen Silos's address.Unexpectedly, waiting for him was Caroline's son Michael.

Michael claimed to have photo and video evidence of Rusty at Caroline's home that night and had turned the material over to the district attorney.He admitted that he had called Rusty here just to see his reaction, which confused Rusty.The prosecutor, attorney, Rusty, and the judge came together for an in-depth discussion of the available evidence in the case.Raymond was surprised to find that he was listed as a prosecution witness, a change that caused quite a stir in the court.

Raymond then mentioned the photo evidence Michael had, and the judge immediately ordered Tommy and Nick to hand over relevant materials immediately.As night falls, Jayden asks Rusty about the specific evidence the prosecution has.Rusty explained the current situation in detail, but he emphasized that the evidence is mostly circumstantial.Kyle further asked Rusty if he had considered the possibility of pleading guilty, as he thought it would be much shorter than the jail time he would face if he lost the case.

Upon hearing this, Rusty panics, mistakenly believing that his son also thinks he is the murderer.Barbara stepped in just in time to calm him down, assuring him that Kyle just didn't want to lose him.Kyle later apologized to Rusty, and the misunderstanding between the two was resolved.In a dark bar, Nick and Tommy had a heated discussion about the direction of the case's investigation.They decided to abandon pursuing the obstruction of investigation charge and instead devote all their efforts to the murder charge.

Tommy appears determined to make Rusty pay for his actions, while Nick expresses concern about his enthusiasm.At the same time, in order to strengthen the defense of the case, Raymond hired another experienced defense lawyer, Mia.In the process of reviewing the case materials, Mia keenly asked Rusty whether his feelings for Caroline were out of love or pure lust.Rusty admitted it was both.When Mia presses him about when he first developed deep feelings for Caroline, Rusty recalls a sexual assault case they worked on together.

During that incident, he witnessed Caroline treat the victim, a young girl, with an unprecedented tenderness and kindness.At that moment, his feelings for Caroline changed profoundly.Elsewhere, at Kyle's baseball game, Barbara felt the eyes of those around her focused on her.After the game, Rusty and Raymond went to Caroline's residence to investigate.As Rusty walked through the familiar rooms, he couldn't help but think of the good times he had spent with Caroline.

Raymond reminded Rusty to give up pursuing the Bonnie Davis case and finding other suspects, and focus all his energy on the current case.When Rusty returned home exhausted, he received an email from Michael.Attached to the email were photos and videos, mostly records of the fun times they had spent together.However, in several of the photos, a mysterious figure wearing a hood appeared - it was Rusty's son Kyle, standing outside the house, seemingly monitoring something.This discovery made Rusty's heart suddenly heavy, and he began to wonder whether his son was also involved in this complicated case.

《Presumed Innocent Season 1》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Rusty and Barbara talked to Kyle.Rusty tells Kyle that he saw a photo of Kyle outside Caroline's house.Kyle admits that he already knew about Caroline's affair.He went there because he wanted to know why Rusty kept looking for Caroline.But Rusty wasn't satisfied with the answer and became angry, and Barbara finally let Kyle leave.After Kyle left, he remembered practicing his testimony with Caroline.

Episode 4

When Kyle returns home, Barbara scolds him for interrogating Kyle like a prosecutor.Then they had a fight and Barbara left angrily.Elsewhere, Tommy Molteau is practicing how to question the coroner, but it doesn't go well because the coroner doesn't like being told what to do.

Back at work, Raymond and Rusty ponder what to do next.Rusty is frustrated that Barbara says she's had enough.Raymond reminded him that he was the one causing the trouble, and suggested that Rusty was being selfish.

At the prosecutor's office, Rusty's secretary Eugenia is unhappy to find that she is on Molteau's witness list.Molteau chatted with Michael, who said he saw Rusty going to Caroline's house that night.But he also revealed that Caroline told him over lunch that she was afraid of a colleague at work, but did not say who.

Barbara returned to the bar and met a handsome bartender.This time he introduced himself as Clifton and sat next to Barbara.Meanwhile, Rigo tells Rusty that she found a match in the second DNA in the case, a man named Brian Ratzel.They went to Ratzel's house but left without asking anything.Rigo blamed Lars for asking too harsh questions.

At night, Rusty has an unsettling dream about Caroline.When he wakes up, he finds Barbara frantically washing Kyle's bike, worried that Kyle will become a suspect.After all, Kyle was black, and Barbara felt Rusty had forgotten that.

Kyle's parents sent him to a therapist, but they didn't make much progress.The therapist told Barbara that she could not treat all three of them at the same time and that it would be best if they each had their own therapist.Also, Nick tells Molteau not to be so harsh on the witness and says that Raymond has a meeting, which is not good for them.

Later, Rusty chats with Mia, who asks him what happened the night of the murder.Rusty said he texted Caroline and was frustrated when she didn't respond.Then he went to the bar to have a few drinks, and Caroline texted him again asking him to come over.

We watched some clips and flashbacks from the night of the incident.Rusty says they just had a fight and he wants to get back together but Caroline doesn't agree.But she kissed him, gave him hope, and he went home.Mia was curious why an argument took 51 minutes and Rusty was at Caroline's house for 51 minutes.

Mia and Raymond discuss the case and decide not to let Rusty testify.Meanwhile, Rusty continues to look up Ratzel, and Ratzel searches for Rusty online.

After returning home, Rusty called Barbara to apologize, but Barbara went back to the bar and sat across from Clifton.Clifton even gave her his phone number.But it was Rusty who ended up having sex with Barbara.

Raymond came to the prosecutor's office and first met Eugenia, who said she did not want to testify against Rusty.Then he met Nick and Molteau again, and he criticized the case they presented for being poorly structured, with mostly circumstantial evidence.He offers a plea deal in exchange for not pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Rusty, which would save Rusty's life and Nick's political reputation.Nick then threw him a file, which looked shocking to Raymond.

After Barbara and Rusty had sex, they started having an affair.They admit they've grown apart, and the sex now is just an attempt to prove there's something more between them.At this time Raymond called and told Rusty a shocking news - his DNA was found under Caroline's fingernails.Rusty was furious as someone started banging on the door.

While Jayden and Barbara were panicking and Raymond was still on the phone, Rusty realized it was Brian Ratzel.He seems to be out to get revenge on Rusty for calling and harassing his family.Now Rusty was so angry that he threw open the door and started hitting Ratzel.

《Presumed Innocent Season 1》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Barbara expressed strong dissatisfaction with Rusty's behavior and accused him of being too harsh on Brian.Meanwhile, elsewhere Eugenia is bewildered by Tommy Molteau's summons, asking the reason for it.Tommy reassures her, saying she just needs to tell the truth.However, when Tommy suggested that she had some kind of inappropriate relationship with Rusty, Eugenia angrily retorted.Raymond wakes up from a nightmare in which his head explodes in his office.

Episode 5

Lauren reminded him again that the case was difficult and needed to be handled with caution.In what appears to be an unwise decision, Rusty followed Brian Ratzer, watched him drive away with his wife, and then showed up at their door.Unfortunately, Rusty's whereabouts are discovered by Brian.Although Rusty tries to convince him to cooperate, Brian steadfastly refuses.Rusty then attempted to reveal to Raymond and Mia the truth that Liam Reynolds may have hired an outside party to kill Caroline, hinting that it had something to do with Ratze.

Despite the reservations of the other two attorneys, Rusty was confident Ratzer would visit them the next day.At home, Jayden becomes suspicious of Barbara and asks her about rumors that her father killed Caroline.Barbara was adamant that despite her father's anger, he did not commit the murder.Later, Barbara talks to Rusty and admits that she is worried about him.Meanwhile, Tommy recalls the days when Caroline refused to work with him.

She explained that as chief deputy prosecutor, she preferred to work with Rusty because it would be better for her career.However, Tommy seemed to take the matter as a personal vendetta.Nick asks Tommy for a clue about Liam Reynolds, but Tommy says the clue has lost its value.After drinking in a bar, Barbara impulsively dialed Clifton's number, but then regretted it.After Clifton's persuasion, Barbara changed her mind and decided to meet with him.

Clifton shows her a beautiful light art installation and the two then engage in a passionate kiss.Brian Ratzer visits Rusty, Raymond and Mia as scheduled.He admitted that he sometimes hired prostitutes and said that Bonnie Davis looked familiar to him.When Mia showed him a picture of Liam Reynolds, he couldn't identify it.Tommy, who was mobbed by reporters outside the courthouse, made a statement saying that in this country, the powerful once had impunity, but that was no longer the case.

Nick is angry at Tommy's actions, but Tommy insists that he must win over the jury.He insists he is a representative of justice and says he is always trying to win the trust of others.After a busy morning at the Sabich home, the atmosphere gradually relaxed.Rusty compliments Barbara on her beauty and goes out.However, he became suspicious when he found Kyle's bike abandoned next to a trash can.After questioning Kyle, Rusty learns that the bike is damaged and decides to take it back for repairs.

He silently put the bicycle into the trunk of the car and prepared to find a better home for it.During the course of treatment, Barbara disclosed her affair with Clifton to Dr. Rush.She initially tried to downplay the relationship, calling it just a kiss, but later honestly admitted that the relationship was filled with romance.She explained that Clifton's cravings gave her a sense of relief and a temporary escape from the stresses of real life.Barbara also mentioned her concerns about her daughter Jayden.

She felt Jayden might judge her for her choice to stay with Rusty and forgive him for his past.So, during her brief time with Clifton, she had naively thought it would make Jayden proud of her.Meanwhile, Raymond discusses strategy for the case with Rusty.Raymond stressed that the focus of the case should be on proving Rusty's innocence.He suggested that Barbara take the stand and use her testimony to demonstrate her firm belief in Rusty's innocence.Raymond thinks this will have a positive impact on the case, but Rusty isn't enthusiastic about the proposal.

The next day, the intense trial finally began.Rusty and his family were chased by the media as they made their way to court.In court, Tommy made his opening statement.He subtly mentioned his acquaintance with Caroline and expressed his nostalgia for her in an attempt to touch the jury's emotions.He passionately called on the jury to seek justice for Caroline.However, it all seemed so ridiculous and infuriating to Rusty.

《Presumed Innocent Season 1》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Dr. Kumagai testified in court that Caroline was killed by a thin, blunt object and that Rusty's DNA was found under one of her fingernails.Under Tommy's questioning, Kumagai said that Rusty looked strange when he came to the morgue, but Raymond quickly proved that Kumagai didn't like Rusty in the first place.

Episode 6

Nick blames Tommy for forcing Kumagai to act aggressively.He then asked why Rusty's DNA under Caroline's fingerprints wasn't in the initial report.Tommy said it was because there was too much backlog.

Meanwhile, Raymond and Mia suggest that Rusty and Barbara use their body language to convey that Barbara trusts Rusty.Barbara insists on being true to herself and letting the truth impress the jury, not the show.

Next it was the forensic pathologist's turn to testify.He said Rusty's DNA was found under Caroline's fingernails and his saliva was on her body.He also said the killer went to great lengths to clean up the scene.

Raymond tried to bring up the Bonnie Davis-Liam Reynolds case, which the pathologist was also involved in, but the judge told Raymond to stop because of the lack of evidence that had any relevance to the case.Instead, Raymond suggested that Rusty's skin and saliva were discovered simply because of their intimate relationship and nothing more.

Barbara returned home and looked through her old paintings.

Eugenia testified in court.She described how she saw Rusty and Caroline kissing and another time they argued.She thinks Rusty is being eaten by Caroline.When it was Mia's turn to confront Eugenia, the answer revealed that Caroline had never complained about Rusty to HR, but she did complain about Tommy Molteau.Molteau asked her again and she had no further information, other than to say that Caroline didn't want to work on the case with Tommy.

Jayden comes to Rusty and talks about how she learned that people can be separated from their memories to protect themselves.Rusty assures her that he has a good memory.As he prepares for bed, Barbara confesses to him the kiss she and Clifton had in his apartment.

He was angry because Barbara kept asking him and Caroline about everything.She says it's different and they argue.Rusty grabbed her arm angrily, then suddenly realized what he was doing.Barbara walked away.

The next morning, Barbara says she won't be in court with Rusty that day and heads out to meet Lorraine.Jayden suddenly hugged Rusty and apologized for pissing him off the night before.At Lorraine's house, Barbara says the exchange between Rusty and Caroline will be heard in court and she can't stand it.

In court, the judge tells the attorneys and Rusty that Caroline's son will be allowed to testify, but they must proceed with caution.

It was Michael's turn to testify.He said he went to see Caroline at her house because she didn't want him in her life.He said he goes there once or twice a month and often sees Rusty there.Tommy takes Michael through his photos and videos, as well as his meetings with Rusty.

He also admitted that Caroline said she was afraid of a man in the company.Raymond begins to question Michael, but suddenly, he falls to the ground.Paramedics arrived, paramedics performed CPR, and Lorraine rushed to his side.

《Presumed Innocent Season 1》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Not long after the beginning, Lao Sa suffered a heart attack during a tense trial, which caused the trial to be interrupted.His team used this to apply for a mistrial, trying to use this unexpected incident to gain a favorable legal position for him.

In the plot, the witness protection program becomes a focus of contention, hinting at the credibility of witnesses and possible manipulation behind the case, which reflects part of the defense strategy while also exposing the complexities of the legal process.

Lao Sa's family life is intertwined with the case, and the tension in the mother-son relationship reveals how external pressure affects the inside of the family, especially when the similarities to the kidnapping case are mentioned, adding to the emotional level of tension.

During the trial, he showed both calm analysis as a lawyer and loss of personal emotions as a defendant. The conflict between this dual role is a reflection of the depth of his character.He skillfully guided public opinion, and despite his high personal mood swings, he strategically successfully induced the key witness Liam to confess more information.

During the trial, the relationship between Lao Sal and Carlo became the focus. He was questioned about the nature of the relationship between the two and whether there was violence. These questions deepened the audience's understanding of the complexity of the case, and the text messages served as key evidence, intensifying the proceedings in the court.of confrontation.

Faced with Tommy's pointed questioning, Sarah had to face her relationship with Caroline and the alleged violence.After a fierce battle of wits, the text message in Tommy's hand became conclusive evidence, putting Lao Sa's defense into a passive position.

Although the trial ended in Tommy's victory, his home was broken into, his personal safety was threatened, and he was even at risk of bankruptcy and losing custody of his children.As the plot develops, the real murder weapon appears, further placing Tommy in a winning position, and the plot of Tommy's house being searched indicates that the story is far from over and is full of suspense.

《Presumed Innocent Season 1》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Rust discovers a suspected murder weapon hidden in his home, which not only threatens his freedom, but also hints at the hidden betrayal and carefully planned frame-up.

The metaphors of the undiscovered murder weapon and water glass indicate that the framer is among those close to the protagonist, adding to the tension and unpredictability of the story.This reveals the fragility of trust and the potential dark side of close relationships.

The wife's confession is the shocking point of the plot. She walks out of the shadows and admits her crime, and then disappears into the darkness. This scene symbolizes the brief revelation and concealment of the truth, as well as the character's inner struggles and contradictions.

Rust faces an extreme conflict between law and personal emotions.Although he was legally found innocent, the truth revealed put him in a moral dilemma and he was unable to deal with the crimes within the family through legal means.

Through the subsequent dialogue between the couple and the protagonist's confession, the film completes the closed loop of the story.