Home TV Flowers in the Mirror
《Flowers in the Mirror》Episode 6 Synopsis

Qingqing is secretly in love

On that moonlit night, the green heart was like a string plucked by the wind, playing a moving melody.She finally realized how superficial and one-sided her misunderstanding of Shangguan Muyun was.The man who once scared her was actually a man with tenderness hidden in his heart.

Qingqing is secretly in love

In order to make up for her mistakes, Qingqing decided to cook herself and prepare a sumptuous dinner for Shangguan Muyun.She was busy in the kitchen, and every movement of her hands revealed her intentions and expectations.In the breath of fireworks, she seemed to see the misunderstanding between the two disappearing.

When dinner was put on the table and Shangguan Muyun walked into the restaurant, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.He looked at the delicious dishes, and then looked at the expectant smile on Qingqing's face, and he couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart.

At the dinner table, the two seemed to have returned to their first acquaintance, and the bickering was filled with a sweet atmosphere.The servants looked on and were happy for them.They may not know what happened between the two, but they can feel the warmth and sweetness.

Qingqing observed Shangguan Muyun eating, and every little movement he made made her heart flutter.She suddenly discovered that he was not as vicious and terrifying as she had imagined before, but instead had an irresistible charm.

After the meal, Qingqing wanted to apologize to Shangguan Muyun, but unexpectedly had close physical contact with him in the bathroom.At that moment, both of their hearts beat faster.This close contact brought their relationship closer and made Qingqing more clearly aware of her feelings for Shangguan Muyun.

Under the light, Qingqing saw the bullet crater on Shangguan Muyun's chest, which was the scar he left to save himself.Looking at the crater, Qingqing's heart was filled with guilt and gratitude.She suddenly understood how ridiculous and childish her previous misunderstanding and fear of him was.

After experiencing getting along at the dinner table and in the bathroom, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up.Qingqing began to face up to her feelings for Shangguan Muyun. She found that she was becoming more and more dependent on him and cared more and more about his feelings.

When Shangguan Muyun walked toward Qingqing, Qingqing felt a strong emotion in her heart.She looked at him with love and anticipation in her eyes.She knew that she had fallen deeply in love with this man, and he also loved her deeply.

On that night, the relationship between Qingqing and Shangguan Muyun was sublimated.The misunderstanding between them has been cleared up, replaced by deep love and endless warmth.