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《solemn commitnebt》Episode 9 Synopsis

Episode 9: Last place in the assessment

At the evaluation summary meeting for safety construction in Fuchun New District, the problems of Hongyi Group caused the district to rank last in the evaluation.Cheng Haijiang used this as a warning to members at the meeting not to slack off and to assume their due responsibilities.

《solemn commitnebt》第9集分集剧情介绍

In the comprehensive center of the conference, Zhang Fengjiao took the initiative to take responsibility, believing that Xiao Liming had just taken office and did not understand many things, so she herself did not follow the rules and set an example.Different departments held different views. Xiao Liming suggested to find out the core of the problem, so he gave this task to Chen Mo.

However, two days have passed and Chen Mo has not dealt with the back-investigation matter. His passive inaction aroused Xiao Liming's anger, but Zhang Fengjiao expressed disapproval and said that Chen Mo was about to retire and he should still understand everyone's situation.Xiao Liming inquired about Chen Mo with Guoran and Yang Mingan and learned that he used to be a selfless judge, but now he has become particularly lazy.

Single mother Li Mei became an online ride-hailing driver and happened to be driving a slightly famous male anchor.Because the male anchor Wang Xiaotian was in a hurry to rush to the airport, he forced Li Mei to drive in the opposite direction and used his mobile phone to film her and her children, which resulted in a car accident.

The Comprehensive Treatment Center received several civil disputes involving online ride-hailing, so Xiao Liming personally visited and investigated the cases and became an online ride-hailing driver for a few days.However, after in-depth understanding, Xiao Liming found that the quality of these drivers varied, and some of them drove tiredly for a long time, which was very prone to danger.

Li Biao invested in Dada’s ride-hailing service, and it didn’t take long for him to start seeing returns.Although the rise of the online ride-hailing industry has made Mr. Song a lot of money, he has also ignored potential safety issues.Xiao Liming personally experienced a full day's work as an online ride-hailing driver and found that every passenger has their own pickiness after getting in the car.

Xiao Liming met Fang Shuran and learned all kinds of chaos about online ride-hailing drivers from her.Many online ride-hailing drivers will deliberately take long detours in order to make more money. Even if passengers complain, it is useless. The platform will only deduct points without any restrictions.These behaviors have caused the reputation of online ride-hailing drivers to gradually deteriorate, and passengers have a low sense of security, but they still choose online ride-hailing just because it is cheap.

Xiao Liming came to Zhang Fengjiao and expressed that he wanted to interview the online car-hailing platform, but Zhang Fengjiao opposed this approach. She believed that the interview was beyond the capabilities of the comprehensive treatment center, and there were many other cases waiting to be processed.After reading the traffic department's report, Ma Le confirmed that Li Mei bore the main responsibility. Although Li Mei repeatedly emphasized that she was forced to drive in the opposite direction, she did not have enough evidence.

Considering Li Mei's family situation was not good, Ma Le decided to go to the hospital in person to see Wang Xiaotian.However, Wang Xiaotian actually asked for one million yuan in compensation. Ma Le reminded Wang Xiaotian that he must undergo a disability appraisal. Only by appraising the disability level can corresponding compensation be given.As for Li Mei, who can only spend tens of thousands of dollars, I hope he can consider it.

At this time, Xiao Liming took the initiative to go to Mr. Song, handed him an investigation report on online ride-hailing, and proposed to suspend rectification. Mr. Song said that he would discuss with senior shareholders before giving a reply.Although Wang Xiaotian has not identified the level of disability, he is still insisting on exorbitant compensation.In the end, after repeated persuasion and reminders from Ma Le and Yang Mingan, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and agreed to let Li Mei pay 30,000 yuan.Li Mei was deeply grateful for everything Ma Le could do for her. She felt grateful and moved.However, for her, she knew that everything Ma Le did was only superficial help and could not really solve her inner troubles.

Xiao Liming's attempts to go to Mr. Song with Guoran failed time and time again. Every time he went there, he could only be received by Manager Li.And every time, Manager Li always lied that Mr. Song was on a business trip and could not determine the exact time of return.Knowing the pain in his heart, Xiao Liming had no choice but to accept these excuses.

Although he knew that Mr. Song was not willing to see him, Xiao Liming had no choice but to put it aside and celebrate the birthday of Ma Le's child.This may be the only thing she can do now.