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《Enforcement Department》 Summ

Qi Lin is a judge of the Qinggang Intermediate Court. He was transferred from the Criminal Court to the Enforcement Bureau by accident. His leader is Chu Yun, who was quite prejudiced against him due to work misunderstandings.At first, Qi Lin did not cooperate well with the team.However, after experiencing the “ luxury car hit-and-run case, ” divorce house vacation case, “ shared bicycle deposit case, ” college student naked loan case, % 10,000 tons of grain execution case, etc.He had a profound understanding of the emotions, principles, and laws in the world, and gradually developed a love for Chu Yun.

The Qinggang Intermediate People's Court decided to hand over the difficult problem of the development of the Global International Center, a key municipal project, the Changsheng Village vacation case to Chu Yun's team.Behind the scenes, there is a conspiracy: Developer Chen Qilun illegally occupied several houses in the village, and forcibly vacated them by corrupting the mayor's secretary, coercing the deputy director of the court, etc., in order to achieve his goal of rapid development.business purposes.

All this was noticed by Qi Lin, and no matter what methods Chen Qilun used, he did not stop Qi Lin's investigation.In the end, Chen Qilun died under gunfire while madly kidnapping Chu Yun. Other lawless elements were punished by party discipline and national law, and the demolition of Changsheng Village was also resolved.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

With the gradual improvement and improvement of the country's rule of law, courts in various places have experienced difficulties in enforcement.The People's Court of Qinggang City, Jiangnan Province has a small number of case-handling personnel and a large backlog of cases, making enforcement particularly difficult. The Party Committee of the court decided to use the Second Enforcement Department as a pilot to form a youth team composed mainly of young judges.

“Yucheng Pig Knuckle Rice” The restaurant is located at No. 5 Zhongren Road. The owner is named Qi Runyu. Her son Fang Qiang mortgaged the restaurant to Kuaisang Financial for a loan, but failed to repay the loan when it was due. Kuaixiang Financial filed a lawsuit with the court. Qi Runyu and Fang Qiang did notIn court, Judge Zhang Li of the First Civil Court issued a judgment in April, but they have not fulfilled it. The court wants to seal up the hotel and auction it.

When Chu Yun, the president of the Second Execution Court, learned of this, she personally took the bailiff to find Qi Runyu.Colleague Yan Anyang persuaded Chu Yun to say hello to Qi Lin, the criminal court judge. Qi Runyu was Qi Lin's biological aunt. Qi Lin's parents died when he was young, and Qi Runyu raised him. Chu Yun didn't listen at all, and led his people to rush to Yucheng Zhu.Foot restaurant.Chu Yun explained his intention, and Qi Runyu found out that Fang Qiang secretly transferred the ownership of the hotel without telling her, and then took out a mortgage. Fang Qiang failed to repay the loan as scheduled and failed to fulfill the court's judgment. The judge Ye Xuan read out the judgment and Qi Runyu must wait for seven days.Evacuate the hotel within the city, otherwise the court will enforce it.

Qi Runyu and her husband Fang Dacheng were dumbfounded. They had no idea about this. Qi Runyu couldn't get through Fang Qiang's call, and she was very worried.At the same time, the Party Committee of the hospital decided to implement a job rotation system in all departments of the hospital, and allocate outstanding judges to perform the work of the second court on a half-year basis.After repeated screening, the leaders of the court finally selected Qi Lin, a young and powerful judge, as the first judge to perform the rotation of the second court. Zhou Lei, director of the Enforcement Bureau, couldn't help but smile happily.

Today Qi Lin appeared in court to hear Zhou Youmin's injury case. Zhou Youmin came to ask Zheng Xiaonie for payment. The two had a disagreement and Zhou Youmin stabbed Zheng Xiaonie with a dagger.Qi Runyu kept claiming that Qi Lin bought the hotel for her, and that this matter had nothing to do with Fang Qiang. She also brought up Qi Lin and Chu Yun to get close, but Chu Yun didn't buy it at all, and took out Fang Qiang's forged mortgage contract signed by Qi Runyu, and she wanted to be held accountable.Fang Qiang's criminal liability, Qi Runyu realized the seriousness of the problem. Fang Dacheng was worried that Fang Qiang would go to jail, so he lied that the signature on the mortgage contract was Qi Runyu's. Qi Runyu was determined not to vacate the house or sign the notice. Chu Yun gaveShe gave an ultimatum and asked Ye Xuan to put a seal on the door of the hotel.

Qi Runyu became so angry that she yelled at Chu Yun, picked up a broom and waved it at the judge and bailiff handling the case, and was finally caught in the car.After the trial, Ma Wenjun, the president of the criminal court, sent someone to call Qi Lin. Fang Dacheng hurriedly came to Qi Lin for help. Qi Lin briefly understood the whole story. Qi Runyu had heart disease and high blood pressure. Qi Lin was worried that her body could not bear it, so he went to Ma Wenjun.He asked for permission to visit Qi Runyu. Ma Wenjun agreed and called Chu Yun on the spot.

Chu Yun had business matters and Qi Lin was not allowed to visit Qi Runyu. Qi Lin argued with her, but Chu Yun did not show weakness and used legal provisions to explain the matter. Qi Lin had no choice but to leave in anger. Chu Yun asked Yan Anyang to go to the community to find a doctor for treatment.Qi Runyu checked her body and asked the police in the detention room to inform Qi Lin that she could visit Qi Runyu.Qi Runyu had a bad attitude and refused to cooperate with the judge's investigation. She was put in a detention room.

Qi Lin hurried to the detention room to see Qi Runyu. Qi Runyu complained to him. Qi Lin explained the stakes to Qi Runyu. Qi Runyu didn't know when Fang Qiang secretly transferred the ownership of the hotel, and she had been unable to contact Fang Qiang.Qi Lin looked around for Fang Qiang. Fang Qiang was playing games in an Internet cafe. He had a disagreement with the people next to him. There were five people on the other side. They beat Fang Qiang together. Thanks to Qi Lin, who came to the rescue in time, they managed to calm down the fight.strife.

Chu Yun asked Ouyang Lulu to notify Shao Jun, the bailiff, to keep Li Ren under strict supervision, but Li Ren still ran away secretly. Shao Jun led the bailiffs to pursue him. He had no choice but to hide in an abandoned building. The bailiffs took him away.He was surrounded by people. He was lying on the railing unable to move. Chu Yun shouted at him with a loudspeaker. Li Ren threatened to die, so Chu Yun had to ask Shao Jun and the others to hide aside.

When Fang Qiang learned that his mother Qi Runyu had been arrested, he thought it was Qi Lin's fault and cursed Qi Lin as a white-eyed wolf. Qi Lin told him the truth and forced him hard before Fang Qiang told the truth. Yongkang FitnessDong Ming, the director of the equipment factory, helped Fang Qiang transfer the ownership of the hotel, and asked Fang Qiang to apply for a financial mortgage loan, promising to give him shares after the company went public. Only then did Qi Lin realize that Fang Qiang had been cheated.

Fang Qiang sneaked away while Qi Lin was not paying attention. He started to mutter after hearing Qi Lin's words. Fang Qiang called Dong Ming. Dong Ming's call was not answered until Fang Qiang realized the seriousness of the situation.Li Ren went to Macau to gamble and lost more than 300,000 yuan. He was unable to repay the debt and was sued. Faced with the court's enforcement, he refused to perform. Chu Yun tried to persuade Li Ren, but Li Ren refused to let go. He was very thirsty and asked Chu Yun to give him a drink.Bottle of water.

Dong Ming's factory was insolvent and he mortgaged his girlfriend Dai Lande's beauty salon. Dai Lan came to settle the score with him. Dong Ming found out that the judge in charge of Zhou Youmin's case was Qi Lin. If he bribed Qi Lin to give Zhou Youmin a light sentence, he would be punished.I can get a lot of money from Zhou Youmin's father.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Li Ren was standing outside the railing. He wanted to kick the bottle of water over with his foot, but accidentally stepped on it and slid down. He held on to the railing desperately, and the bailiffs rushed to save him.

Judge Wei Gang, his senior brother, invited Qi Lin to dinner, and Qi Lin told Fang Qiang about Fang Qiang's 2 million hotel loan mortgage. Wei Gang promised to lend him 400,000, but Qi Lin politely declined.Wei Gang took him to meet his old classmate Zhao Lingnan, whom he had not seen for many years. Unexpectedly, Zhou Youmin's father Zhou Zhi was also present. Qi Lin suddenly understood everything, and he turned around and left in anger.

Zhao Lingnan then chased him out and persuaded Qi Lin to be open-minded to Zhou Youmin, but Qi Lin flatly refused. Zhao Lingnan advised Qi Lin not to rest on his laurels, but Qi Lin didn't want to hear him continue to talk, so he left in anger.Wei Gang thought that Zhao Lingnan was just letting his old classmates get together, but he didn't expect that he wanted Qi Lin to go through the back door. Wei Gang was disappointed and said goodbye to Zhao Lingnan.

Zhou Zhi was frustrated and called Dong Ming to scold him. Dong Ming found out that the judge in charge of Zhou Youmin's injury case was Qi Lin, so he asked Zhao Lingnan to put in a good word with Qi Lin, but failed.Zhou Zhi gave Dong Ming an ultimatum. If Zhou Youmin is given a lighter sentence, the money owed by Dong Ming will be written off, otherwise not a penny will be lost including the principal and interest.

Dong Ming called Qi Lin to meet to discuss Fang Qiang's affairs. Qi Lin came to the appointment on time. Dong Ming explained his purpose. If he gave Zhou Youmin a lighter sentence, the two million owed by Fang Qiang would be waived. Qi Lin guessedThe loan to Fang Qiang was obtained from Zhou Zhi's company. Dong Ming confessed to this, but Qi Lin flatly refused.

Wei Gang reported to Dean Ma that Zhao Lingnan found Qi Lin through the back door. Qi Lin also truthfully told the relationship between Fang Qiang, Dong Ming and Zhou Zhi. He applied to avoid Fang Qiang's case, and Dean Ma asked him to explain to the Second Enforcement Tribunal.Condition.The second enforcement tribunal had the highest complaint rate among the entire hospital. Yan Anyang, Zhang Tianyi and others were full of complaints. They did thankless work all day long and had to be complained by the parties. Chu Yun reminded them not to complain.

Qi Lin came to Chu Yun to explain the situation. Chu Yun charged him with violating regulations and disciplines. Qi Lin didn't want to explain too much, so Chu Yun asked him to take Qi Runyu home.Dean Ma reported Qi Lin's matter to the hospital leaders and the Disciplinary Inspection Commission, and they unanimously agreed that Qi Lin should continue hearing Zhou Youmin's case.

Qi Lin opened a court to hear Zhou Youmin's case. Zhou Youmin was found guilty of intentional injury and sentenced to seven years in prison. Zheng Xiaonie was given more than 600,000 yuan in compensation.Qi Lin took Qi Runyu home, and Qi Runyu agreed to vacate the hotel. Fang Dacheng resisted, but Qi Runyu was resolute, so he had no choice but to comply.

Dong Ming called Qi Lin to talk about Fang Qiang, but Qi Lin ignored him.Fang Qiang went home in despair, and Qi Runyu yelled at him. Qi Lin asked Fang Qiang to sue Dong Ming, but he might be sentenced.Dong Ming called Qi Lin again and asked Qi Lin to meet him, but Qi Lin had no choice but to go see him.

Qi Lin revealed in person that Dong Ming had seduced Fang Qiang into forging a real estate transfer contract, and also used company shares as bait to trick Fang Qiang into using a hotel mortgage loan. Dong Ming would go to jail for fraud. Dong Ming was dumbfounded. He weighed and decided to cancel Fang Qiang's loan.contract.Fang Dacheng prepared a large box of daily necessities for Fang Qiang. Qi Lin brought two pieces of good news. Qi Runyu's hotel was saved, and Fang Qiang no longer had to go to jail. Qi Runyu, Fang Dacheng and Fang Qiang were all happy from ear to ear and aligned.Lin was grateful.

Qi Lin applied to Dean Tang not to go to the second court of execution. He didn't want to work with Chu Yun. When Zhou Lei learned about this, he hurriedly went to Dean Tang to ask for someone. Only after talking hard did Dean Tang agree to arrange Qi Lin.Go to the second execution court.Chu Yun learned that Qi Lin was going to be transferred here for a rotation, and she was determined not to associate with Qi Lin, who violated laws and disciplines. Zhou Lei persuaded her kindly, and Chu Yun reluctantly agreed to let Qi Lin serve as a probationary member of the second court for one month.It could be heard clearly outside the door.Zhou Lei asked Chu Yun and Qi Lin to shake hands and make peace, and they were forced to do so.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Qi Lin is young and promising, high-spirited. He is the judge with the highest case closure rate in the criminal court. The leaders of the court sent him to the second execution court for rotation. Qi Lin does not want to do these mother-in-law jobs. In addition, he and Chu Yun, the president of the second court, are because of Fang Qiang.There was a fierce conflict over the case, and Chu Yun was unwilling to accept Qi Lin. Zhou Lei, director of the Executive Bureau, was eager for Qi Lin, so Chu Yun had to give up.

Qi Lin bit the bullet and reported to the Second Execution Court. Zhou Lei personally hosted the welcome meeting. Qi Lin stated on the spot that he would cooperate with their work in the next six months. Please forgive me for any shortcomings. Chu Yun achieved Qi Lin's achievements.He was full of praise for his achievements and wished he could finish his rotation and leave the Second Execution Court as soon as possible.Zhou Lei saw that Chu Yun had personal emotions and privately advised her to put aside her prejudice against Qi Lin.Qi Lin greeted and exchanged greetings with his colleagues one by one. They all saw that Chu Yun did not welcome Qi Lin and Qi Lin avoided him. Qi Lin felt very awkward.

Chu Yun came home worried, and her father noticed that something was wrong with her. Chu Yun told Qi Lin about his rotation at the Second Enforcement Court. His father believed that Qi Lin was an excellent judge, otherwise the court leaders would not be the first to do so.After choosing him, Chu Yun felt that Qi Lin had his own way of doing things and was worried that they wouldn't get along, so her father gave her good advice.As soon as Qi Lin got off work, he locked himself in his room and exercised hard. He didn't eat or drink, and didn't say a word. Fang Dacheng was very dissatisfied with Chu Yun and wanted to persuade Qi Lin. Qi Runyu stopped him, believing that Qi Lin could think of it himself.Pass.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to work early and cleaned the office cleanly. Chu Yun thought he wanted to express himself, so he told him about the two executive courts taking turns to clean.Dong Ming originally wanted to use Fang Qiang's mortgage to repay Zhou Zhi's debt, but failed. He had no choice but to go to lawyer Cui Tiancheng from Tiancheng Law Firm for help. He wanted to withdraw the 10% share transfer contract from the factory to Fang Qiang. Cui TianchengNot wanting to go through this muddy water again, Dong Ming promised to give Cui Tiancheng a generous reward when the project was completed, and he reluctantly agreed.

Li Ren promised to repay the loan, but the first payment has not yet arrived. Zhang Nan went to Li Ren to collect the debt and was detained. The hospital leaders asked the second court to enforce Li Ren and even remotely monitored the action in the command center., Yan Anyang was not feeling well and could not participate, Qi Lin offered to perform the task for him.

Chu Yun personally led the team to find Li Ren. Li Ren and his team were waiting at the door of Kunpeng Equestrian Club early, insisting that Zhang Nan was here to cause trouble and asked Chu Yun to take Zhang Nan away. Zhang Nan found out that Li Ren spent a lot of money to buy four ponies. He cameThe horse farm asked Li Ren for money, but Li Ren not only refused to pay back the money, but also sent people to arrest him.Chu Yun ordered Li Ren to release Zhang Nan, but Li Ren refused to cooperate. Qi Lin stepped forward and held Li Ren's hand tightly, asking the bailiff to keep an eye on Zhang Nan and ensuring that Zhang Nan would not run away. Only then did Li Ren agree to release Zhang Nan.

Zhang Nan handed the evidence to Chu Yun. Chu Yun read it from beginning to end, and asked Ye Xuan to take photos of the racecourse workers as evidence, and to detain the troublemakers for fifteen days. He also asked Ouyang Lulu to contact the police to assist in handling the case. Ouyang LuLu was worried that the bailiffs would not arrive in time. Qi Lin took out his walkie-talkie and asked Captain Liu of the police force for help. He suspected that Li Ren organized a gangster to resist law enforcement. Workers stood up one after another to explain that they were not gangsters. Chu Yun took the opportunity to persuade them to evacuate the scene as soon as possible, otherwiseHe would be detained for fifteen days for obstructing official duties. When the workers saw this, they dispersed and Li Ren was dumbfounded.

Chu Yun took out the search warrant, and Li Ren obediently opened the gate of the racecourse. Chu Yun led people to search, but no horses were found. Li Ren lied that all the newly purchased horses were dead. Qi Lin found out that the fodder was delivered today.Li Ren was asked to tell where the horses were hidden. Li Ren suddenly became angry and threatened with a mower. The bailiff rushed up and subdued Li Ren. Li Ren was so angry that he smashed the mower at Chu Yun and others. Qi Lin rushed forward regardless of his own safety.Block with a shield.

Dean Tang was sitting in the command center, and Zhou Lei was always by his side. They watched the actions of Chu Yun and his party throughout the whole process. Seeing that the danger was lifted, Zhou Lei ordered Chu Yun and the others to evacuate the scene as soon as possible. He took the opportunity to replace him in front of Dean Tang.The Second Enforcement Tribunal begged for mercy, but the complaint rate of the Second Enforcement Tribunal remained high. Dean Tang saw with his own eyes the dangers of the work of the Second Enforcement Tribunal and agreed that complaints made within three months would not be counted in the assessment.

After the mission, Ouyang Lulu and Ye Xuan greeted Qilin and comforted him with various snacks. Chu Yun criticized Qilin's risky approach and asked him to memorize all the regulations for executing the case, and he could not say a word.Wrong, otherwise he would not be arranged to go out to work. Chu Yun was concerned about whether Qi Lin's arm was injured, but Qi Lin did not appreciate it.

The daughter of Cui Caiyan, Cui Caiyan, returned to China with her boyfriend Mu Zifeng. The two went to the law firm to see Cui Tiancheng. Cui Tiancheng sent Cui Caiyan away and thanked Mu Zifeng for persuading Caiyan to return to China. He had high hopes for Mu Zifeng.Zifeng thanked Cui Tiancheng for winning his exchange student spot and wanted to come to work at the law firm tomorrow. Cui Tiancheng asked him to rest for a few days.Qi Lin recited the regulations word for word. Qi Runyu called Qi Lin to go home and eat roast goose. Qi Lin overheard Fang Dacheng putting things in the closet, and he suddenly thought that Li Ren would hide the horses in the closet.

Fang Dacheng complained that Qi Runyu was too partial to Qi Lin and ignored Fang Qiang. Qi Runyu wanted Fang Qiang to come back and eat roast goose, but he couldn't get through Fang Qiang's phone call.Qi Lin worked overtime until very late. He drew a sketch of the closet of stable No. 2. Yan Anyang took the initiative to help and quickly drew the drawings based on the video taken at the scene. Qi Lin calculated that the area difference was fifty square meters, so he went there overnightThe Yard Club investigated and found out that Ouyang Lulu happened to be going there, so she asked Qi Lin to drive there with her.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Ouyang Lulu accidentally saw the sketch of stable No. 2 drawn by Qi Lin. She also suspected that Li Ren had hidden the horses in the secret room, so she accompanied Qi Lin to take a look.Qi Lin asked Ouyang Lulu to wait at the door. Ouyang Lulu insisted on following him to the stable. Suddenly she heard a dog barking inside. She had been afraid of dogs since she was a child, so she asked Qi Lin to go to the stable to investigate alone.

Qi Lin climbed over the wall and came to the racecourse. He escaped the patrols of the workers and successfully entered the No. 2 stable. He found the secret room where the horses were hidden behind the hay pile.Ouyang Lulu waited for a long time but did not see Qi Lin come out. She called Chu Yun to report, and Chu Yun drove to the racecourse overnight.Qi Lin moved the fodder away and found several horses hidden inside. He immediately took pictures of them.

Two patrol workers saw the lights on in the stable and hurried over to investigate. They saw Qi Lin when they entered the door and suspected that Qi Lin had come to steal the horse. They beat and kicked him without any explanation. Thanks to Chu Yun and his people, they arrived in time to rescue Qi Lin.Qi Lin admitted his mistake to Chu Yun, but Chu Yun didn't buy it at all and taught him a lesson.Ouyang Lulu apologized to Qi Lin. She didn't want to be a traitor, but was just worried that Qi Lin was in danger. Qi Lin thanked Ouyang Lulu for reporting it in time, so that he could escape.

Dong Ming asked Cui Tiancheng to help sell the shares of Yongkang Machinery Factory, and promised to give Cui Tiancheng a generous reward when the matter was completed. Cui Tiancheng had to ask Shen Sifang, director of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, for help.Shen Sifang went to see Chen Qilun of Qilun Group in person and revealed to him the news that the city was going to build Chenguang Plaza. Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory was within the planning area. Chen Qilun hosted a banquet for Shen Sifang.Chu Yun complained to Zhou Lei and strongly demanded that Qi Lin be transferred back. Zhou Lei was very optimistic about Qi Lin and tried his best to appease Chu Yun and made peace with him. Chu Yun refused to do it. Zhou Lei pretended to be unwell and tried to persuade Chu Yun to do so.Yun persuaded him to leave.

Qi Lin admitted his mistake to Chu Yun and admitted that his action was too reckless. Chu Yun did not appreciate it at all and gave him a death order. He was not allowed to go out in the field unless he memorized the regulations.After the meal, Mr. Li, the vice president of Qilun Group, personally sent Shen Sifang home and gave him an antique. He repeatedly told Shen Sifang to take care of the antique.

Qi Lin admitted his mistakes in public, Ouyang Lulu also made a self-examination, Ye Xuan criticized Qi Lin's actions, Yan Anyang stood up to defend Qi Lin, Ye Xuan had complained about him for a long time, and Yan Anyang found all kinds of excuses.In the field, the two people quarreled when they disagreed. Chu Yun stopped them loudly. Qi Lin admitted his mistake again. Chu Yun refused and punished Qi Lin and Ouyang Lulu to write an inspection.

Shen Sifang was solely responsible for the development of Chenguang Plaza. He revealed the news about Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory to Chen Qilun. Chen Qilun knew that the news was worth one billion. He asked Mr. Li to give Shen Sifang a priceless antique and decided to give it to Shen Sifang within a month.to acquire this factory.Mr. Li came to Cui Tiancheng to discuss the acquisition of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Cui Tiancheng was in a dilemma. Mr. Li was determined to win at all costs.

Qi Lin went out early and came back late every day when he was in the criminal court. He went to and from get off work on time recently. Qi Runyu was worried that Chu Yun was wearing small shoes for Qi Lin and wanted to complain to the hospital leaders. Qi Lin tried his best to persuade Qi Runyu to comfort him.Cui Tiancheng took Dong Ming to see Mr. Li. They agreed on a selling price of 20 million. Dong Ming learned that Qilun Group was going to acquire his factory, so he took the opportunity to ask for 30 million. Mr. Li couldn't make the decision and had to go back to find it.Chen Qilun discusses it.

Cui Tiancheng complained that Dong Ming was too greedy. Dong Ming wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, and promised that he would not treat Cui Tiancheng badly after the success.Dong Ming went to Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory for an inspection. The workers chased him, arrested him, and forced Dong Ming to default on their wages. After receiving the news, Chu Yun immediately took people there. Qi Lin was eager to give it a try, but he could onlyAble to stay in the office and memorize specifications up to 390 pages long.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Chu Yun learned that Dong Ming was detained by workers asking for wages, and immediately took Ouyang Lulu, Zhang Tianyi, Shao Jun and Ye Xuan to the Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. The workers asked Dong Ming to return the arrears of wages to them, otherwise they would neverChu Yun knew the situation of the workers in advance and was well aware of the difficulties faced by everyone. Dong Ming had no money. The workers were angered and excited and wanted to retaliate against Dong Ming. Chu Yun shouted loudly.Stop them.

Qi Lin stayed in the office and recited the regulations. At noon, he went to the cafeteria to eat and saw an old man with gray hair sitting in the hall waiting for someone, with a cold steamed bun in his hand. Qi Lin hurried to the cafeteria to buy food for the old man..Mu Zifeng hurried over after hearing the news. He was entrusted by Chen Qilun of Qilun Group to come to Dong Ming to discuss the acquisition. Mu Zifeng persuaded the workers to calm them down. Chu Yun asked Chen Qilun and Dong Ming to talk alone.

Qi Lin learned that the old man's name was Zhang Jianguo, and he had been waiting for Chu Yun in the court all morning.Dong Ming originally wanted to ask Chen Qilun for 30 million, but Mu Zifeng offered 10 million, but Dong Ming refused. He bargained to 25 million. Mu Zifeng called Chen Qilun for instructions. Chen Qilun knew that Dong Ming had no way out, so he refused to give in.With only 100,000 added to the 10 million, Dong Ming had no choice but to sign the transfer contract.Mu Zifeng announced in public that he would pay 3 million to Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory within three days. Chu Yun promised to repay the workers' wages in time, and the workers were overjoyed.Chu Yun asked bailiff Shao Jun to take Yang Wen, Li Fuming and Jiang Youguang, who led the trouble, back for investigation.

Mu Zifeng and Chu Yun are old classmates. They haven't seen each other for many years. Chu Yun thanks Mu Zifeng for his timely help. Mu Zifeng wants to treat Chu Yun to dinner to reminisce about the past. Chu Yun agrees to wait until Dong Ming's case is over.Qi Lin asked Ouyang Lulu about Zhang Jianguo. His son Zhang Rui paid for Zhang Jianguo to buy a house. Later, the house was demolished, and Zhang Jianguo gave all the demolition money to his daughter Zhang Qing. Zhang Rui sued him in anger, and the court asked Zhang Jianguo toAfter returning the demolition money to Zhang Rui, he gave all the money to Zhang Qing and had to use his salary to pay back the money in installments.

Chu Yun returned to the court very late. Zhang Jianguo had been waiting for her. Chu Yun asked him to fill out the form and make an appointment according to the procedures. Zhang Jianguo kept claiming that Qi Lin promised to help him handle the matter. Chu Yun was very angry and sent Zhang Jianguo away in a few words.Qi Lin came directly to Chu Yun, questioning her unfair judgment on Zhang Jianguo's case, and applied for a re-investigation of the case. Chu Yun was already angry, and Qi Lin bothered her with the closed case. She complained to Qi LinHu Xiaoyao warned Qi Lin not to meddle in other people's business.

Qi Lin couldn't bear it anymore and vented all the dissatisfaction he had accumulated in his heart. Chu Yun disliked him everywhere, and the two of them had a quarrel whenever they disagreed. Chu Yun agreed that Qi Lin should re-investigate Zhang Jianguo's case, and Qi Lin was not allowed to take up work time.Lin was so angry that he wanted to complain to Zhou Lei.Ouyang Lulu chased out to persuade Qi Lin, and Yan Anyang also handed over important evidence in Zhang Jianguo's case to Qi Lin.Zhang Jianguo's monthly salary was only 1,000 yuan. Zhang Qing was lazy and had nothing to do all day, and even forced Zhang Jianguo to go to the court to make trouble. Zhang Rui ran a seafood restaurant, leaving early and returning late every day, and was extremely busy.

The more Dong Ming thought about it, the more something went wrong. He suspected that someone was behind the scenes and encouraged workers to ask for wages while he was negotiating the acquisition with Qilun Group. He was forced to sell the factory for more than 10 million.As expected by Dong Ming, Mr. Li personally went to the homes of Yang Wen, Li Fuming and Jiang Youguang to deliver money.Cui Caiyan was uneducated and only played games with his friends every day. Mu Zifeng thought of Chu Yun, who was vigorous and resolute in his work, and dismissed Cui Caiyan. However, he treated Cui Caiyan in vain for the sake of Cui Tiancheng.

Qi Lin learned that Zhang Rui and his wife went to the seafood market to buy fish in the early morning. He went to the market to find out the situation at two o'clock in the middle of the night. Zhang Rui spent all his money to buy a house for his father Zhang Jianguo. Unexpectedly, Zhang Jianguo gave all 3 million to Zhang Qing., he was very worried about this.Qi Lin helped Zhang Rui move the fish. Zhang Rui learned that Zhang Jianguo was not feeling well and was very anxious. Zhang's wife took a bag of fish and asked Qi Lin, Guohe and Zhang Jianguo to deliver it.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Qi Lin took Ouyang Lulu to find Zhang Jianguo at home. He learned from his neighbor that Zhang Rui was very filial. He had broken the window glass at home some time ago. Zhang Qing did not allow Zhang Jianguo to replace the glass. Zhang Jianguo was caught between Zhang Rui and Zhang Qing's brother and sister.Occasionally affected by splint gas.

Qi Lin and Ouyang Lulu came to Zhang Jianguo. Zhang Qing refused to cooperate and kicked them out. Qi Lin reminded Zhang Jianguo to replace the glass as soon as possible to avoid danger when it rains. Zhang Qing did not appreciate it, and Ouyang Lulu was shocked.Out of anger, Zhang Qing couldn't help scolding Zhang Qing. Zhang Qing was completely irritated, yelled at Ouyang Lulu, and forcibly drove them away.Qi Lin advised Ouyang Lulu not to be impulsive and to ask Zhang Qing to speak out what was on her mind in order to figure out their housework.

Fang Qiang learned from a friend that Qilun Group had acquired Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. The friend offered to pay Fang Qiang to buy the 10“ share Dong Ming promised. Fang Qiang was immediately tempted.After get off work, Qi Lin took Ouyang Lulu to Zhang Jianguo again. Ouyang Nana took the initiative to apologize to Zhang Qing and bought him a green glass. Qi Lin hired a glass replacement master and volunteered to pay for a glass replacement for him.After seeing the window glass, Zhang Qing gradually softened her attitude and asked Qi Lin to cancel the execution and unfreeze Zhang Jianguo's salary card.

Qi Lin persuaded Zhang Qing to go out to find a job. Zhang Qing kept claiming that she could not go to work and had to stay at home to take care of Zhang Jianguo. Qi Lin persuaded Zhang Qing to understand the difficulty of Zhang Rui and his wife. They started working at three o'clock in the morning. Zhang Qing was irritated.She picked up the vase and wanted to smash the glass. She and Zhang Rui were at odds with each other and asked Zhang Rui to take Zhang Jianguo away, but Zhang Jianguo tried his best to stop him.

Fang Qiang came to the company to negotiate with Dong Ming. He wanted 10” of the shares of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. He gave Dong Ming a deposit of 500,000 yuan on the spot and asked Dong Ming to give him a receipt.Ouyang Lulu drove a blue Porsche sports car to work. She parked the car in the most inconspicuous place every day, but was still discovered by Chu Yun. Chu Yun reminded her not to drive a luxury car to work to avoid being criticized. Ouyang Lulu was not convinced., she relied on her own ability to buy a car, but she didn't dare to drive it to her work openly.

Dong Ming went to Chen Qilun to argue, but Chen Qilun left him alone. Dong Ming waited for an hour, but Chen Qilun didn't show up. Dong Ming rushed into the office to find Chen Qilun, insisting that Chen Qilun was secretly doing something and asked the workers to go to him to ask for wages.Lowering the purchase price, Chen Qilun denied it. Dong Ming guessed that the factory land was going to appreciate in value, and threatened to find the media to expose the matter. Chen Qilun refused to admit it. Dong Ming wanted to re-sign the acquisition agreement with Chen Qilun on the grounds that the factory shares were not clear, and asked for 30 million., Chen Qilun learned that 10“ of the factory's shares were in the hands of others.

Qi Lin came to Zhang Rui's seafood restaurant for dinner. Zhang Rui and his wife entertained him warmly. Qi Lin asked Zhang Rui about the conflict between him and Zhang Qing.During her lifetime, her mother spent 50,000 yuan to rent a stall for Zhang Rui, and also taught Zhang Rui the secret recipe for making seafood porridge. Zhang Qing asked her mother for 200,000 yuan to study acting, but her mother could not afford that much money, so Zhang Qing held a grudge.He never took one last look at his mother until he died.Zhang Qing was angry and refused to go to school or work. Now she is occupying the house bought by Zhang Rui and asked Zhang Rui to buy another house for Zhang Jianguo. Qi Lin persuaded Zhang Rui kindly.

Chen Qilun sent Li Bo to investigate the shares of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory and learned that Fang Qiang held 10” of the shares and that Qilun Group had transferred three million to Dong Ming.Chen Qilun sent Li Bo to find Cui Tiancheng to argue. Cui Tiancheng gave Dong Ming a hard lesson and accused him of not doing things well. Mu Zifeng found out that Fang Qiang's share contract was not effective and suspected that Dong Ming was using this matter to blackmail him and promised to deal with the matter as soon as possible.Cui Tiancheng did not want to lose Qilun Group, a major customer, and ordered Mu Zifeng to handle it properly, otherwise he would not be able to explain to shareholders.

According to the prior agreement, Qilun Group will make the second payment today. Ye Xuan has not found the transfer record. The workers are waiting for the remaining wages. Ye Xuan reported the matter to Chu Yun.Mu Zifeng came to Dong Ming and asked him to deal with the shares as soon as possible. Dong Ming insisted on re-signing the acquisition contract.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Qi Lin invited Zhang Qing and Zhang Jianguo to Qi Runyu's restaurant for dinner, and specially sent a car to pick them up. Zhang Rui cooked seafood porridge with his own hands, and Zhang Jianguo ate it with the first bite. This was a craft inherited from his wife. Zhang Qing guessed that Qi Lin wanted toShe reconciled with Zhang Rui and suddenly became angry. She shouted Zhang Rui out of the kitchen, forced Zhang Rui to cancel the execution, unfrozen Zhang Jianguo's salary card, and cursed her dead mother for being partial.

Zhang Rui couldn't stand Zhang Qing's arrogant and domineering look and rushed to beat her. Qi Lin hurriedly stopped Zhang Rui and asked him to talk to Zhang Qing calmly. Zhang Rui was very sad. He didn't want to continue to have trouble with Zhang Qing.What's more, his wife Xiaoya was about to give birth. Zhang Jianguo learned that he was going to be a grandfather, and he burst into tears with excitement. Zhang Qing became furious when he saw this, and asked Zhang Jianguo to follow Zhang Rui's family. The more Zhang Qing talked, the angrier he became, and he filled the table withThe dishes fell to the ground.

Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng came out after hearing the news and saw this scene. They were stunned.Zhang Jianguo wanted to hit Zhang Qing, but Qi Lin hurriedly stopped him. Zhang Jianguo knew that it was not easy for Zhang Rui and his wife to get up early and stay late all day long, so he accused Zhang Qing of going too far. Zhang Rui took Zhang Jianguo home with tears in his eyes. Zhang Qing vented all his anger on Qi Lin.Qi Lin wanted to reconcile the brothers Zhang Qing and Zhang Rui, but it ended up in a mess.

Li Bo tried hard and soft on Dong Ming, but Dong Ming refused to give in and insisted on demanding 30 million. Li Bo found out that fitness equipment factory workers Shi Guangxing and Wu Xingbing were injured on the job. They wanted Dong Ming to seek compensation but failed, so they took him to court., but later the case was inexplicably withdrawn. Li Bo personally went to Shi Guangxing’s house to learn about the situation. Shi Guangxing listed Dong Ming’s crimes of passing off substandard goods and bribing workers to give false testimony one by one. Li Bo recorded them all.

Zhang Jianguo offered to live with Zhang Rui's family. Zhang Rui went home to pack Zhang Jianguo's things. Zhang Qing was rude to Zhang Rui. Zhang Rui didn't want to argue with her and let her take care of herself.Qi Lin came to Zhang Qing's house and brought her seafood porridge. Qi Lin persuaded Zhang Qing earnestly and persuaded her to reconcile with Zhang Rui. Zhang Qing was speechless. She picked up the bowl of seafood porridge and tasted it.The familiar smell made Zhang Qing feel very uncomfortable.

Qi Lin came to the seafood restaurant to see Zhang Jianguo and brought the cordyceps bought by Zhang Qing. Zhang Jianguo didn't believe it at all, so Qi Lin called Zhang Qing over. Zhang Qing admitted her mistake to Zhang Rui and Zhang Jianguo. It was the first time that Zhang Jianguo saw Zhang Qing so calm.He burst into tears with excitement, and Zhang Rui and his wife were also moved by it.When Qi Lin saw that the family was reconciled, he left with peace of mind.

Li Bo handed over the testimonies of Shi Guangxing and others to Chen Qilun, who asked him to provide financial compensation to the victims and urged him to get Fang Qiang's shares as soon as possible.Li Bo came to Dong Ming to negotiate with evidence and threatened to put him in jail. Dong Ming had to make concessions after repeated considerations. Li Bo transferred the remaining 7.1 million balance to Dong Ming and asked him to leave Qinggang as soon as possible.

The city leaders were very concerned about the matter of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory and sent Shen Sifang to deal with it as soon as possible. Shen Sifang urged Chen Qilun to transfer the balance to the fitness equipment factory. Chen Qilun made every possible excuse on the grounds that the factory shares were unknown.Zhang Rui went to the court to cancel the execution. Zhang Jianguo wanted to thank Qi Lin in person. Qi Lin gave the credit to Chu Yun. Chu Yun admitted that she had neglected Zhang Jianguo and apologized to Zhang Jianguo.Zhang Rui sent the banner to the Second Execution Court. Yan Anyang, Ye Xuan and others were very happy and couldn't wait to hang the banner. Chu Yun asked them to hang it in the most conspicuous position.

Chu Yun apologized to Qi Lin and asked for the regulations back so that Qi Lin no longer had to memorize them. Chu Yun and Qi Lin settled their differences and laughed away their grudges. Chu Yun invited everyone to have a dinner to celebrate after get off work.Chu Yun invited his colleagues to eat at Zhang Rui's seafood restaurant. Zhang Qing worked as a waitress in the restaurant. She was busy serving tea and water to Chu Yun and the others.Dai Lan came home from get off work and found that Dong Ming had stolen all the money she had stored in the safe.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Chu Yun invited his colleagues to dinner, and specially chose Zhang Rui's seafood restaurant. Chu Yun expressed his gratitude to Qi Lin in public. The complaint rate of the Second Enforcement Tribunal has always been high. Since Qi Lin came, this situation has completely changed. HeLaw enforcement with principles and temperature won the respect and trust of the masses. The Second Enforcement Court received the first ever banner. Chu Yun called on everyone to learn from Qi Lin, and colleagues raised their glasses to pay tribute to Qi Lin.

Dong Ming took away all the money from the family and then disappeared. Dai Lan kept calling him, but he not only refused to answer the phone, but finally turned off his phone. Dai Lan was anxious until the buyer came to urge him to pay the rent.Knowing that Dong Ming sold the house they lived in a few months ago and signed a two-year rental contract with the buyer, Dai Lan had no idea about this. Thanks to her cousin Qin Hong, who came to the rescue in time, she paid another half-year rent.The rent was paid, and the buyer was sent away.

Liu Zeguang drove a luxury sports car and hit Ren Xue, a dance teacher at the Qinggang Art High School, into a fifth-degree disability. The traffic control department found that he was mainly responsible. The court ordered him to pay more than 900,000 yuan in compensation. Liu Zeguang only paid 120,000 yuan for treatment.There was no news, Ren Xue applied to the court to enforce Liu Zeguang, and the Second Enforcement Division took over the case. Chu Yun handed over the case to Qi Lin, Ye Xuan assisted him in his work, Ouyang Lulu took the initiative to participate in the case, Chu YunYun disagrees.

In order to make up for the shortfall of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory, Dong Ming took away the money from Dailan Beauty Salon, which caused the beauty salon to be short of funds. Dong Ming bought a batch of special-priced skin care products. Many customers suffered from allergies and poisoning reactions. TheyTaking Dai Lan to court, claiming more than 8 million yuan, Qin Hong asked Dai Lan to sell the factory to compensate customers. Unexpectedly, Dong sold the factory to Qilun Group tomorrow morning, and only sold it for 10 million yuan. Qin Hong had already heard about itYongkang Fitness Equipment Factory is within the planning scope of the city. This land is very hot, with more than 10 million. Qin Hong concludes that Dong Ming has been plotted.

Liu Zeguang has been lazy since he was a child and spent money like water. His mother, Zhang Yan, indulged him in every possible way. Not only did she sell the real estate in her name, she even sold her wedding ring to Liu Zeguang for squandering. However, he was not satisfied and continued to idle around. Zhang Yan had no choice but toShe asked her husband Liu Chuan for help.Liu Chuan ran a logistics company called “Chuanliu” and was extremely busy every day. He couldn't stand what Liu Zeguang did and refused to give him money.Zhang Yan had no choice but to call Liu Zeguang to ask Liu Chuan for money. Liu Zeguang threatened to never recognize Liu Chuan as his father again.

Qi Lin sent Ye Xuan to investigate Liu Zeguang's property status and found that he only had the sports car in his name.Liu Zeguang borrowed 400,000 yuan from a loan shark and couldn't pay it back. The creditor couldn't contact him, so he went to the company to ask Liu Chuan for 1.31 million. Qi Lin arrived in time with someone and asked Liu Chuan to call the police. Liu Chuan didn't want to call the police, so Qi Lin had to lend money to the moneylender.leave.

Qi Lin took out the court's judgment, but Liu Chuan refused to pay back the money for Liu Zeguang. Zhang Yan came in and heard Liu Chuan's words, and yelled at Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan had already been heartbroken by Liu Zeguang, and he was determined not to care about Liu Zeguang.When Qi Lin saw this, he had to leave silently.Dong Ming absconded with the money, and the workers could not get their second salary, so they went to the court to cause trouble. Mayor Chu was furious and ordered Shen Sifang to resolve the matter immediately. Shen Sifang could not find Dong Ming, so he had to come to Chen Qilun. Chen Qilun was worriedWhen the matter got serious, he was implicated and promised to help the workers with their wages.

Qi Lin couldn't find Liu Zeguang and found out that Liu Zeguang had been in contact with Sun Xinxin. Qi Lin sent Ye Xuan to follow Zhang Yan and quickly found where Liu Zeguang was hiding. Zhang Yan wanted to sell the car to pay back part of the money for Liu Zeguang. Liu Zeguang naturally wanted it, so heWhen he learned that Liu Chuan refused to pay, he felt indignant.The workers went to the court to cause trouble, and Zhou Lei tried his best to comfort him but to no avail. Chu Yun called Chen Qilun. Mu Zifeng accompanied Chen Qilun to the court. Chen Qilun stated on the spot that he would repay the workers more than 1.3 million yuan in wages. Mu Zifeng did not understand why Chen QilunBeing so generous, Chen Qilun asked him to wait at the court, and the finance department would transfer the money to the court's account within an hour.

Chu Yun thought that Mu Zifeng persuaded Chen Qilun to help the workers solve their problems, and expressed his gratitude to him, but Mu Zifeng did not explain.Qilun Group transferred the money on time, and the workers lined up to receive their wages. They were full of praise for the Executive Board.Qi Lin and Shao Jun led people to arrest Liu Zeguang. Liu Zeguang tried to escape and was caught on the spot. Liu Zeguang admitted that he hit Ren Xue with his car, but he was penniless. Qi Lin wanted to seize his car. Liu Zeguang kept claiming that his car had been scrapped., and also took out a notice. Qi Lin found that the notice was issued after the court ruling. He suspected that Liu Zeguang had transferred property and wanted to take him back for investigation.

Zhang Yan tried her best to stop him, but Qi Lin explained the stakes to her, and then took Liu Zeguang away.Qi Lin conducted an in-depth investigation into Liu Zeguang and found out that Zhang Yan sold a house worth millions every year to subsidize Liu Zeguang. Liu Zeguang did not take drugs and did not buy famous watches or luxury goods. Qi Lin could not guess where he spent the money and decided toThe investigation started with Sun Xinxin and the vehicle that caused the accident.Chu Yun suggested that Ouyang Lulu participate in the case.After Liu Zeguang was arrested, Zhang Yan came to the company to find Liu Chuan, and Liu Chuan hid in a friend's house in the suburbs.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

The Chenguang Plaza project went through ups and downs because it occupies an old and shabby small community and the company was finally decided at the municipal party committee office meeting. Shen Sifang publicly praised Qilun Group's acquisition of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory, and Mayor Chu decided to personallyGo to Qilun Group for research.

Qi Lingen found Liu Zeguang's sports car at the address on the scrap sheet. The car had been dismantled. The staff took Qi Lin, Zhang Tianyi and Ouyang Lulu to the disassembly workshop. The sports car had already been dismantled into scrap metal, and the three of them split up.Looking for sports car engines.At the same time, Ye Xuan and Tian Jia came to see Sun Xinxin. When Sun Xinxin was delivering food to Liu Zeguang, he saw the judge and bailiff coming to arrest Liu Zeguang. He was frightened and fled in a hurry. Shao Jun and Tian Jia blocked Sun Xinxin.

Shen Sifang immediately informed Chen Qilun, specifically stating that Mayor Chu was an upright official and must not engage in treating guests or giving gifts.Ouyang Lulu found the engine of the Maserati sports car from the piles of discarded engines, but the number was different from that of the vehicle that caused the accident. Ouyang Lulu therefore concluded that Liu Zeguang's scrapped sports car was not the one that caused the accident.

Sun Xinxin told the truth about what happened between him and Liu Zeguang. Liu Zeguang once paid for his grandmother's medical treatment. Since Liu Chuan and Liu Zeguang severed their father-son relationship, Liu Zeguang had no money and was being chased for debts. Sun Xinxin used his identity toSun Xinxin rented a house for him and got a phone card. Liu Zeguang also parked a scrapped car at his house. Liu Zeguang drove the car away after hitting someone. Sun Xinxin confessed that Liu Zeguang had two identical sports cars, and he also helped Liu Zeguang give it to Qian Da.After transferring more than 1.3 million yuan, Liu Zeguang wanted to buy jewelry for his mother Zhang Yan.

Liu Zeguang refused to admit that he owned two Maserati sports cars. Ouyang Lulu presented conclusive evidence, and Liu Zeguang was dumbfounded.Qi Lin found out that Liu Chuan had advanced Ren Xue's medical expenses for Liu Zeguang, and never paid again. Qi Lin quickly found out that Liu Chuan was in the suburbs, and came to the suburbs to verify the situation with him.Liu Chuan was very sad. Liu Zeguang was idle and lost a lot of money in online gambling. He had given up completely and asked Qi Lin to put Liu Zeguang in jail. He was willing to pay for Ren Xue's treatment. Qi Lin felt that Liu Chuan was evading responsibility.

Shen Sifang accompanied Mayor Chu to visit Qilun Group. Chen Qilun accompanied him personally and gave him a special gift, which contained soil from Qinggang and seeds of various crops. Mayor Chu happily accepted this souvenir.Qi Lin followed the clues provided by Liu Zeguang and found the Maserati sports car at Changxi Trading Company. When he saw that Chanda's car was also there, Qi Lin wanted to find out about the situation from Chanda, but the staff lied that Chanda was not there.

When Qianda heard that Liu Zeguang had been arrested, he was worried about getting himself into trouble, so he immediately packed up his things and prepared to escape. However, Qi Lin and the others caught him on the spot. Qianda resisted desperately and the two sides fought fiercely. Tian Jia was once the runner-up in college free fighting, and she effortlesslyChanda and others were arrested and brought to justice.

When Zhou Lei learned about this, he reprimanded Chu Yun severely. As a judge of the Enforcement Bureau, he actually started a group fight and punished all those involved in the fight to write an inspection. Chu Yun tried his best to put in good words for them, but Zhou Lei refused to give up and punished Chu.Yun Yiyi wrote the inspection, and Chu Yun stopped all responsibilities.

Tian Jia helped Zhang Tianyi bandage his wounds, Zhang Tianyi took the opportunity to act coquettishly, and Qi Lin couldn't help but make fun of him.Liu Chuan paid Ren Xue's compensation and brought Zhang Yan to the hospital to visit Ren Xue. Together they bowed and apologized to Ren Xue and promised to compensate Ren Xue accordingly. Ren Xue's parents promised not to pursue further charges.

Qin Hong wanted to seek justice for Dai Lan. She learned from Dai Lan that Fang Qiang had 10% of the shares, so she asked Dai Lan to call Fang Qiang, but no one answered Fang Qiang's call.Tian Jia challenged Shao Jun to compete in martial arts. Qi Lin, Chu Yun and others came to watch. Tian Jia was agile and skilled. Although she lost to Shao Jun in the end, she made her colleagues stunned.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Ma Wenjun and his wife Shen Ting have been married for many years. Shen Ting has never been pregnant. Her mother-in-law found a folk remedy for Shen Ting. Shen Ting insisted on taking it every day. Ma Wenjun felt very sorry for her.

Ex-girlfriend Qin Hong suddenly called Ma Wenjun to reminisce about old times. As a judge, Ma Wenjun was unable to go out for dinner, so he agreed to have tea with her.Cui Tiancheng, Cui Mu Zifeng and Cui Caiyan got married as soon as possible. Cui Caiyan arranged for Cui Caiyan to try on a wedding dress this weekend. Mu Zifeng had to attend a class reunion and could not go. Cui Caiyan was angry and left the party before finishing the meal. Cui Caiyan was very angry.

Dai Lan went through all the troubles to find Fang Qiang and wanted to buy 10“ of his shares for 500,000 yuan. Fang Qiang refused. He heard that the land of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory was within the scope of the Chenguang Plaza project.He offered four million but didn't sell it, so Dai Lan had no choice but to leave in frustration.After dinner, Cui Tiancheng came to the study to read. His wife followed him and said a lot of bad things about Mu Zifeng in front of him. He also mocked Mu Zifeng as their dog. When Mu Zifeng passed by and heard these words, hisI felt very uncomfortable.

Mu Zifeng accompanied Smiley Face and said goodbye to Cui Tiancheng and his wife. He and Cui Caiyan went home together. Cui Caiyan suspected that he wanted to renew his relationship with Chu Yun, and even dug out their chat records to talk about it. Mu Zifeng was completely angered and turned the backlogAll the resentment in my heart was vented, and I left Cui Caiyan in the middle of the road and drove away alone.

Ma Wenjun came to the appointment on time. He and Qin Hong had not seen each other for many years. Qin Hong claimed that she divorced her husband and returned to China to develop alone. Qin Hong wanted to develop real estate and take her children back when she made enough money. Ma Wenjun introduced him to Director Wu of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau.The customer's use of inferior whitening essential oil caused disfigurement. The court ordered Dai Lan to pay more than 8 million yuan. Dai Lan had no money to pay. They came to the beauty salon to denounce Dai Lan. Dai Lan was so scared that she hid in the room and did not dare to show her face. Qin Hong asked her to call the police.

The police came after hearing the news and wanted to take Dai Lan back for investigation. The customers were excited and someone threw sulfuric acid at Dai Lan. Dai Lan dodged in time and the sulfuric acid burned her arm. Qin Hong sent Dai Lan to the hospital.Zhou Lei handed Dai Lan's case to the Second Enforcement Tribunal. Qi Lin sent someone to check the accounts of the beauty salon. The balance of membership fees was as high as more than three million, but Dai Lan was penniless. Qi Lin called Dai Lan to understand the situation., Dai Lan insisted that all her money had been taken away by Dong Ming.

Ye Xuan quickly found out that before Dai Lan's Lanxin Beauty Salon was sealed, Dai Lan transferred 5 million to Xingcai Beauty Salon, and Xingcai Beauty Salon was registered only ten days before Lanxin Beauty Salon was sealed. The legal person is WuQian, Qi Lin and Chu Yun suspected that Xingcai Beauty Salon was opened by Dai Lan after transferring assets.As expected, Dai Lan was worried that her money would be seized, so she opened a Xingcai Beauty Salon to transfer her property. She was worried about being found out by the court, so Qin Hong advised her not to worry.

Qin Hong called Ma Wenjun for help, but Ma Wenjun refused on the spot.Ye Xuan, Tian Jia, Yan Anyang and Zhang Tianyi racked their brains, but could not think of a way to find out the authenticity of Xingcai Beauty Salon. Ouyang Lulu came up with the idea to go to the beauty salon to apply for a card, and asked Qi Lin and Chu Yun to pretend to be a couple to find out the news.

Qi Lin and Chu Yun specially changed into casual clothes, borrowed Ouyang Lulu's sports car, and rushed to Xingcai Beauty Salon together.Chu Yun asked Qi Lin to hold her waist and enter. The front desk clerk Xiao Sun warmly welcomed their arrival. Qi Lin kept shaking his legs because of nervousness. Chu Yun held his hand tightly to help him stabilize his mood.Chu Yun wanted to organize a pre-wedding beauty package. Xiao Sun introduced her various beauty programs in detail and asked her to pay a membership fee of 200,000 yuan. Chu Yun fully agreed.

Qin Hong came to Chen Qilun under the guise of Director Wu of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and promised to help him get 10” of Fang Qiang's shares. After that, Qin Hong would follow up with Chenguang Plaza.Chu Yun wanted to find out who the owner of the beauty salon was while paying. Cui Caiyan came out for a beauty salon last night and recognized Chu Yun at a glance. Cui Caiyan took the initiative to let Chu Yun use her membership card and accidentally said that Chu Yun was from the court.President, Xiao Sun immediately became alert.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

When Xiao Sun heard that Chu Yun was the president of the court, she immediately put away the payment QR code and lied about going to the dean to apply for a bigger discount on Chu Yun's behalf.Cui Caiyan enthusiastically took Chu Yun and Qi Lin to do some household chores and took photos. Chu Yun and Qi Lin had no choice but to accompany them, while Xiao Sun took the opportunity to report to the dean Wu Qian.

Shen Sifang tipped off Chen Qilun, just as Chen Qilun was sending Qin Hong away. Shen Sifang felt that Qin Hong looked familiar, and learned from Chen Qilun that she was introduced by her brother-in-law Ma Wenjun. Shen Sifang revealed to Chen Qilun that there were seven companies participating in the Chenguang Plaza bidding this time.The company, all of them are strong, let Chen Qilun be prepared.

Cui Caiyan sent photos of Chu Yun and Qi Lin to Mu Zifeng, and specifically stated that they were about to get married. Mu Zifeng felt sour when he heard the news. He liked Chu Yun very much because Cui Tiancheng was kind to him.He had no choice but to date Cui Caiyan.Wu Qian suspected that Chu Yun came to check out the beauty salon, and asked Chu Yun to experience the beauty project and apply for a membership card next time. Qi Lin knew who the boss was behind the scenes and insisted on paying 200,000 yuan to apply for the card, and asked Wu Qian to turn the boss overWhen called, Chu Yun saw that Wu Qian and the others were on guard and quickly pulled Qi Lin away.

In fact, Chu Yun had already photographed the QR code for payment, but it was too far away to see clearly. Chu Yun sent the QR code to the group and asked Yan Anyang, an expert in image processing, to restore it.Yan Anyang quickly repaired the QR code. The payee of Xingcai Beauty Salon was Dai Lan's mother Peng Ling. Before Dai Lan's Lanxin Beauty Salon was sealed, she transferred 5 million to Xingcai Beauty Salon. This is howIt can be confirmed that Dai Lan transferred property.Qi Lin brought someone to find Peng Ling to understand the situation. Peng Ling asked questions and didn't know anything. She wanted to call Dai Lan, but Ouyang Lulu stopped her on the spot. Qi Lin wanted to take Peng Ling to the court.

Dai Lan and Qin Hong discussed getting the shares from Fang Qiang, and then went to bargain with Chen Qilun. Dai Lan suddenly received a call from the nanny and learned that her mother Peng Ling had been arrested in court. She was stunned. If her mother Peng Ling told herAfter transferring her property, she would have nothing. Qin Hong advised her not to panic.Qi Lin and Chu Yun conducted a surprise interrogation of Peng Ling, but she refused to cooperate. Qi Lin presented conclusive evidence, and Peng Ling had to admit that Dai Lan secretly transferred property.

Qi Lin explained the stakes to Peng Ling. If Dai Lan did not hand over the money, he would be subject to legal sanctions. Peng Ling had no choice but to agree to transfer 5 million to the account designated by the court. Peng Ling called to inform Dai Lan that Dai LanShe didn't dare to answer the phone, so she asked Qin Hong to answer the phone for her. Dai Lan learned that her money was going to be transferred to the court account, and she was so anxious that she couldn't do anything.

Fang Qiang brought a lot of high-end tobacco, alcohol and supplements back to see Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng, and showed off his shares in front of them. Qi Lin happened to be there, and he persuaded Fang Qiang to hand over the shares of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory.Otherwise, Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng would be implicated. Fang Qiang smashed the famous wine to pieces in a fit of anger, and also spoke harshly to Qi Lin. Qi Runyu cursed Fang Qiang, and Fang Qiang kept claiming that Qi Lin was his parents' biological child and that he was redundant. After saying this,, he slammed the door and left in anger.

Today is Saturday. A good friend came to Chu Yun early in the morning to attend a class reunion. Chu Yun was still sleeping, so she pulled Chu Yun up from the bed without any explanation and left.Fang Dacheng secretly sorted out the gifts that Fang Qiang brought back, and they turned out to be as high as hundreds of thousands. Fang Dacheng felt uneasy, and Qi Runyu was also worried that something might happen to Fang Qiang.Qi Lin came to the restaurant early to help with the work. Qi Runyu urged him to find a girlfriend to get married as soon as possible, but Qi Lin hurried away.

Chu Yun was absent from her classmates twice because she was busy with work. Her classmates asked her questions. Mu Zifeng also came to the party. He saw Chu Yun from a distance.Cui Caiyan was a student in the lower grade. She came uninvited and announced in public that she would marry Mu Zifeng next month. The classmates congratulated them together and invited Chu Yun to be the bridesmaid, and Chu Yun wholeheartedly agreed.

Ma Wenjun went home alone to see his mother. His mother once again asked Shen Ting to have a child as soon as possible. Ma Wenjun did not want to affect his and Shen Ting's relationship as a couple at this time. His mother was unwilling to accept it and found a Chinese medicine expert for her.Fang Qiang and his friends went to the bar to relax. Qin Hong paid for him. Fang Qiang guessed that Qin Hong was responsible for the 10% of the shares. Qin Hong confessed to this. She found out that Yu Bo gave Fang Qiang 500,000 to let Fang QiangHe transferred the shares to her and promised to give Fang Qiang fifteen times the income after the deal was completed. Fang Qiang made a rough calculation of about 30 million, and he was immediately tempted.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Qin Hong persuaded Fang Qiang to hand over 10“ of the shares of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory to her as agent, and then came directly to Chen Qilun to negotiate. She wanted to participate in the development project of Chenguang Plaza. Chen Qilun smiled and did not answer, and Qin Hong left with her harsh words..Chen Qilun sent Li Bo to Fang Qiang many times to buy the shares but failed. As a result, Qin Hong took advantage of the situation. He vented all his anger on Li Bo and cursed Qin Hong. Qin Hong could hear clearly outside the door.Chu.

Li Bo was distraught and went to the bar to get drunk alone. Unwilling to give up, he found someone to kidnap Fang Qiang.Fang Qiang was put in an iron cage. Li Bo came to see him wearing a mask and threatened to let the dogs bite him to death and then destroy his body. Fang Qiang was so frightened that he begged for mercy and promised to give the shares to Li Bo. Li Bo asked him to do it tomorrowGo up to Qilun Group to sign the transfer agreement at ten o'clock.

Dai Lan has been unable to get through Fang Qiang's phone calls, and Qin Hong suspects that someone is still concerned about Fang Qiang's shares.Qin Hong came to Qilun Group early in the morning, and Fang Qiang came later and wanted to sell the shares to Chen Qilun. Qin Hong guessed that he was being threatened, but Fang Qiang denied it. Qin Hong didn't believe it at all. Fang Qiang handed the share agreement to Li Bo, and Li Bo gave it toHe asked him to pay back half a million yuan to Yu Bo and give him a reward of 50,000 yuan. Li Bo warned Fang Qiang not to mention this matter to anyone, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

Li Bo sent Fang Qiang away and came to see Qin Hong. Qin Hong suspected that Chen Qilun was behind the scenes and defrauded Fang Qiang of his shares, and insisted on an interview with Chen Qilun. Li Bo repeatedly emphasized that the shares in Fang Qiang's hands were not confirmed and had no legal effect. DongMing sold the factory to Chen Qilun, Fang Qiang should give the shares to Qilun Group, remind Qin Hong not to think about it anymore, and then walk away, leaving Qin Hong aside, Qin Hong was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Fang Qiang returned 500,000 yuan to Yu Bo. Yu Bo originally wanted to make a fortune from the shares in Fang Qiang's hands, but he didn't expect that he secretly sold the shares to Qilun Group. Yu Bo forced him to return those gifts, and Fang Qiang took Yu Bo with him.They came to Qi Runyu Hotel. Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng hurriedly took out the gifts. Fang Qiang smashed two bottles of Moutai. Yu Bo claimed that each bottle of Moutai was 30,000 yuan. Fang Qiang took out the 50,000 yuan that Li Bo had just given him, and Fang Dacheng took out all the gifts in the hotel.After giving Yu Bo more than 8,700 yuan, he took the people away.

Qi Runyu gave Fang Qiang a hard lesson. Fang Qiang was already angry, and Qi Runyu scolded him. Fang Qiang felt that Qi Runyu only had Qi Lin in his heart. The mother and son had a fierce argument when they disagreed, and Fang Qiang turned around and left in anger., Qi Runyu fainted on the spot due to the anxiety attack, Fang Dacheng immediately called Qi Lin, and Qi Lin immediately rushed to the hospital. The doctor thought Qi Lin was Qi Runyu's son, and gave him a scolding without asking any questions.

The Second Enforcement Tribunal took over two cases. The painter Yan Di and the female college student Lin Mengqiu were put on the list of dishonest people because they failed to pay the money. They went to investigate separately.Yan Di runs a studio. Today is the day to display her new works. Her boyfriend Simon personally hosted the opening ceremony for her. Chu Yun brought Zhang Tianyi and Ye Xuan to see Yan Di. Yan Di was concentrating on creation, and Simon took them to see him.Yan Di.

Yan Di and her ex-husband Shi Jianjiang divorced. Yan Di cheated on Simon mentally. The court ordered her to give Shi Jianjiang 5 million. The studio auctioned 800,000 yuan. Chu Yun wanted to sell her paintings to pay back the money. Yan Di had already given the paintings to Simon., and she had burned all the eighteen works. Simon also photographed this scene as a commemoration and named it ”Rebirth%. Yan Di did not want to give Shi Jianjiang any more money, and Chu Yun insisted on coercing her in accordance with the court ruling.implement.

Qi Lin came to Lin Mengqiu's class teacher to understand the situation and learned that she had not come to school for seven months and did not even participate in her graduation defense. Qi Lin also found out that Lin Mengqiu and Lu Wenwen had a good relationship.Qi Lin came to Lu Wenwen to inquire about Lin Mengqiu's whereabouts. Lu Wenwen only said that Lin Mengqiu was working hard to pay back the money, and did not mention anything else.

Fang Qiang came to the bar to get drunk. He drank a lot of wine in one go. He had no money to buy wine. He wanted to drink from She, but the waiter refused to give it to him. After hearing the news, the boss came and asked him to beat the tall Dabao. He agreed.Let him drink freely, Fang Qiang picked up a bottle and hit Dabao on the head. Dabao was enraged and rushed towards him, punching and kicking him. The boss hurriedly stood up to dissuade Dabao.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Lin Mengqiu worked odd jobs from dawn to dusk in order to pay off the debt. She delivered food and drove as a driver. She was extremely busy every day.Late at night, Lin Mengqiu sent a drunk guest home. The guest got interested and touched her. Lin Mengqiu struggled desperately and wanted to call the police, but her phone was out of battery. Lin Mengqiu wanted to leave on an electric bike, but the electric bike also ran out of battery., the street was empty, and the man raped her.

The boss Fei Ge gave Fang Qiang a lot of wine, and Fang Qiang drank to drown his sorrows. He soon became drunk and passed out. Fei Ge asked someone to send Fang Qiang to him tomorrow.Lin Mengqiu pushed the electric car home, and Lu Wenwen had been waiting for her. Lin Mengqiu told her what happened last night, and Lu Wenwen expressed deep sympathy for her.

Qi Lin took good care of Qi Runyu. Fang Qiang didn't show up for several days. Fang Dacheng was very worried. Qi Lin promised to find Fang Qiang as soon as possible.When Fang Qiang woke up early in the morning, he was taken to see Brother Fei. Brother Fei was very optimistic about him and wanted to get him to join the gang. Fang Qiang fully agreed, and Brother Fei sent Fang Qiang to look after the shrimp farm.

The Chenguang Plaza bidding meeting is about to open. Mayor Chu personally attended the mobilization meeting. Mr. Shang, who participated in the bidding, expressed his determination in public. After the meeting, Chen Qilun took the initiative to show his goodwill to Mr. Shang, but Mr. Shang had a cold attitude towards him.Lu Wenwen was curious and asked how much Lin Mengqiu owed, but Lin Mengqiu kept silent. Lu Wenwen gave her 20,000 yuan of her savings, but Lin Mengqiu politely declined.

Chu Yun suspected that Simon was helping Yan Di transfer property and sent someone to investigate Simon's foundation. She wanted to find Shi Jianjiang to find out the situation.Qi Lin found out that Lin Mengqiu owed a total of 60,000 yuan, and the repayment period was two months. He also interviewed insiders and found out that Lin Mengqiu's creditor was Tan Wen. Ouyang Lulu and Tian Jia had been following Qi Lin to investigate the case.They all admired Qi Lin and wanted to become their disciple, but Qi Lin refused their request on the pretext that he had already accepted Shao Jun.

Chen Qilun was unsure. He hosted a banquet for Shen Sifang and wanted to get inside information about the bidding from him. Shen Sifang kept silent to him. Li Bo asked Shen Sifang privately about the situation, but Shen Sifang avoided talking.Chu Yun persuaded Shi Jianjiang to lower the compensation, but Shi Jianjiang refused. He spent his whole life trying to complete a novel. Yan Di suddenly filed for divorce, which completely destroyed his faith. A mere five million yuan could not make up for the loss of his soul.Chu Yun tried hard to persuade him, but Shi Jianjian's female student stood up to fight against his injustice.

Tan Wen found out that Lin Mengqiu was living at Lu Wenwen's house, so he came to Lin Mengqiu to pay back the money. Lin Mengqiu's father was ill and needed money urgently. She begged Tan Wen for another half month, but Tan Wen refused. He offered to let Lin Mengqiu be a surrogate mother, as long as she couldShe was given a reward of 300,000 yuan for giving birth to a son for Mr. Li. Lin Mengqiu flatly refused, and Tan Wen threatened and intimidated her.Lu Wenwen got up early in the morning and found that Lin Mengqiu was missing. She left a suicide note. Lu Wenwen immediately called Qi Lin and Qi Lin and others went to find Lin Mengqiu separately.

Lin Mengqiu was desperate. She stood on the Fengze Bay Bridge and wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river. Chu Yun received a notification from the police and called his colleagues from the Second Enforcement Court to the scene.Qi Lin tried his best to persuade Lin Mengqiu, but Chu Yun took advantage of her unpreparedness to sneak up on Lin Mengqiu from the other side. Lin Mengqiu was about to jump into the river, but Chu Yun rescued her in time.

Ouyang Lulu sympathized with Lin Mengqiu's experience. She felt that the court's enforcement had caused Lin Mengqiu to commit suicide. Ouyang Lulu felt heavy and even began to doubt herself. She wanted to pay back the money for Lin Mengqiu. Ye Xuan advised her not to be emotional and to present facts and reason to her, butShe couldn't listen at all. Ye Xuan made it clear that the Executive Board had to collect more than 100 million yuan every year. If everyone was like Ouyang Lulu, the work would not be able to continue. Ouyang Lulu accused Ye Xuan of being too cold-blooded.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

When Fei Ge met Fang Qiang for the first time in the bar, he thought he was stupid. Later, he found out that his cousin Qi Lin was a judge in the court, so Fei Ge kept him by his side.Li Bo came to the racing track to find Brother Fei, and Fang Qiang found out that Li Bo was an investor in the racing track. He had experienced Li Bo's ruthlessness and treated Li Bo in a disrespectful manner.Shang Yongdao, the president of Shangguang Group, attended the Chenguang Plaza bidding mobilization meeting. He delivered an impassioned speech at the meeting. Chen Qilun was determined to win the Chenguang Plaza project. He was worried that Shang Yongdao would interfere with it and asked Li Bo to investigate the Shangguang Group.At the end of the bid, Li Bo handed over this task to Fei Ge.

Qi Lin conducted a thorough investigation into Lin Mengqiu's case and found that the person in charge of campus loans was Tan Wen. Many students who could not repay their loans were forced to embark on a road of no return. The public security organs had long targeted Tan Wen, but they were late due to lack of evidence.He has not yet been arrested.In order to treat his old father, Lin Mengqiu borrowed 60,000 yuan from the Oujin Credit applet. The money was Jiang Yuxia's investment. Jiang Yuxia and Lin Mengqiu had never met. They signed a loan contract through the middleman Tan Wen. Lin Mengqiu arrived.When the money was not repaid, Jiang Yuxia filed a lawsuit against Lin Mengqiu in court.

Qi Lin suspected that Tan Wen forced Lin Mengqiu to work in the sex industry to repay the money. Lin Mengqiu could not bear the humiliation and chose to commit suicide. Suffering from the lack of conclusive evidence, Chu Yun listened to Qi Lin's report and felt that this was no longer a simple repayment case and should be handed over.Ouyang Lulu didn't want to leave the matter to the police, so Chu Yun warned her not to meddle in other people's business.

Li Bo accompanied Shen Sifang to visit the newly developed real estate of Qilun Group. Shen Sifang took a fancy to the house 803. Li Bo made the decision to give the house to him on the spot.Ouyang Lulu wanted to take Tian Jia as her teacher and learn free fighting from her. Tian Jia agreed wholeheartedly. Ouyang Lulu studied very seriously, and she took this opportunity to vent her depression.

Chu Yun came to the studio again to find Yan Di and wanted to seize all the works in the studio. Yan Di strongly opposed it and angrily auctioned her paintings for one yuan. Chu Yun didn't buy it at all and wanted to sell her future paintings to pay off Shi Jiankang's debt.Yan Di was so angry that he picked up a hammer and hit her right hand hard. She would rather harm herself than make money for Shi Jianjiang. Chu Yun was stunned.

Chu Yun went to Uncle Jiu's bar to relax alone and drank a lot of wine in one go. Mu Zifeng saw the news online that Lin Mengqiu committed suicide by jumping into the river due to excessive law enforcement by the Second Enforcement Court. He called Chu Yun overnight to learn about the situation. Chu Yun borrowed the wine toJin vomited his bitterness to Mu Zifeng.Mu Zifeng was worried and put down the phone and rushed to the bar. Chu Yun told in detail what happened to Yan Di and Lin Mengqiu. It was the first time that she was confused about the implementation of the work. Mu Zifeng gave her good words to persuade her.

When Chu Yun was in college, he fell in love with Mu Zifeng. Mu Zifeng went to study abroad and broke up with her. After Chu Yun fell out of love, he often went to Uncle Jiu's bar to relax. Uncle Jiu knew everything about them. He called Jingjing to tell her.Called to pick up Chu Yun, he took Chu Yun away without any explanation and reminded Mu Zifeng not to pester Chu Yun again.

Tan Wen came to Lin Mengqiu overnight, forcing Lin Mengqiu to give birth to a child for Mr. Li, otherwise she would be ruined. Tan Wen also threatened to ask Lu Wenwen to help Lin Mengqiu pay off the debt. Lin Mengqiu was forced to agree to Tan Wen's unreasonable request.Fei Ge pretended to be a cleaner and sneaked into the Shangqi Group building, kidnapped the president's secretary, Shang Yongdao, secretly photographed the Shangqi Group's tender documents, and threatened the life of the secretary's family to prevent him from leaking the secret to Shang Yongdao.

Yan Di injured his right hand. Simon asked the attending doctor to understand Yan Di's injury. When he learned that Yan Di could not paint within a short period of time, Simon was furious. If Yan Di could not paint, his foundation would suffer heavy losses. Chu YunWhen I came to the hospital to see Yan Di, I happened to see Simon yelling at the doctor.

Chu Yun came to the ward. She apologized to Yan Di and advised Yan Di to continue painting. Yan Di refused to paint to repay Shi Jianjiang until his death, which tarnished her original intention of painting. Shi Jiangan was sanctimonious and spent Yan Di's life.Qian had an ambiguous relationship with a female student in private, and Yan Di hated him deeply.Li Bo reported the Shangqi Group's reserve price to Chen Qilun. Chen Qilun was worried that Shen Sifang was wavering and would not stand on his side obediently, so he sent Li Bo to invite Shen Sifang. He wanted to beat Shen Sifang.

Qi Lin came to see Lin Mengqiu and persuaded Lin Mengqiu to tell the truth. Lin Mengqiu did not want to implicate Lu Wenwen, so Qi Lin encouraged her to bravely stand up and testify against criminals to prevent more people from being harmed.Li Bo took Shen Sifang into the company, and he and Chen Qilun used hard and soft tactics to make it easier for Shen Sifang to bid for Qilun Group.

Ouyang Lulu was worried that Tan Wen would harass Lin Mengqiu again, and wanted to protect Lin Mengqiu with Tian Jia. Qi Lin advised her not to get involved in the matter, and the police would handle the matter properly.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Chu Yun witnessed Yan Di going berserk in the hospital and became suspicious of him, so he sent Ye Xuan and Yan Anyang to investigate Simon. Ye Xuan found out that Simon had asked a top student from the Academy of Fine Arts to copy eighteen of Yan Di's works, and Yan Anyang investigatedTo Simon's wife Chen Xinyu, who now lives in Malaysia, Simon sent Chen Xinyu a painting. Chen Xinyu exhibited this painting called “Sunset” in his personal account. It was one of the eighteen works burned by Yan Di..

Chu Yun deduced that the eighteen works burned by Yan Di were imitations by students from the Academy of Fine Arts. Simon subcontracted Yan Di's works. As long as it is found out that the painting exhibited by Chen Xinyu is authentic, Simon can be proven to have tampered with others.Li Bo called together the bosses who participated in the bidding, but did not invite Shang Yongdao. Li Bo revealed that Chen Qilun was determined to win the Chenguang Plaza project and hoped that they would cooperate with the Qilun Group in bidding. Chen Qilun promised to hand over the follow-up work of the project after the success.To them, Mr. Tian guessed that Chen Qilun's move was aimed at Shang Yongdao, and Li Bo confessed to this.

Yan Anyang found out that Chen Xinyu handed over the sunset painting to the auction house and priced it at 1.4 million. Yan Anyang also asked a friend in Malaysia to confirm that the painting was authentic. He immediately reported it to Chu Yun, who sent people to keep an eye on it 24 hours a day.Simon.Mr. Tian told Shang Yongdao about this, and Shang Yongdao was sure of victory. He didn't care about what Chen Qilun did. Shang Yongdao sent Mr. Tian downstairs, and someone secretly took their photos.

Shen Sifang held a bidding meeting for Chenguang Plaza and showed several photos to the judges. The first one was of Shang Yongdao and Mr. Tian, ​​as well as other bosses together. Shen Sifang insisted that Shang Yongdao had secretly colluded with the bosses., and the bids of these companies were consistent, the judges decided to disqualify these companies from bidding.

Chen Qilun got the M&G Plaza project as expected at the bidding meeting. He was very happy. Shang Yongdao scorned what he did and vowed never to cooperate with him.Chu Yun got hold of Simon's criminal evidence, and she showed it to Yan Di immediately. Yan Di was very sad. She finally escaped from Shi Jianjian's clutches, but ended up falling into Simon's scam again. Yan Di trusted Chu Yun to protect her and left herSeventeen paintings, Simon must not be allowed to take these abroad.

Ouyang Lulu practiced free fighting with Tian Jia whenever she had time. She used the excuse to defend herself, but in fact she wanted to go deep into the tiger's den and thoroughly investigate the truth behind Lin Mengqiu's murder.Ouyang Lulu lied about wanting a loan, so she took the initiative to contact Oujin Credit.Chu Yun sent people to closely monitor Simon and discovered that Simon was preparing to transport the paintings to Thailand by ship. Chu Yun immediately led people to the dock.

Simon was worried that the matter would be exposed, so he decided to ship the paintings a month in advance and pay the ship owner a large reward. Chu Yun and his people arrived in time to expose Simon's crime of cheating Yan Di in person. Simon made excuses in every possible way, and Chu Yun asked Shao Jun toHe led the bailiff to capture Simon and the captain together. They were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. Shao Jun led the bailiff team to chase them and quickly caught them.

Seventeen of Yan Di's works were recovered. Chu Yun couldn't bear to auction these works. She wanted to use Simon's foundation to pay back the money for Yan Di.Chen Qilun wanted to invite Shen Sifang to drink to celebrate, but Shen Sifang didn't want to cause trouble and asked Chen Qilun to come to his hometown to drink.Qin Hong took the initiative to come to Shang Yongdao to cooperate with Chen Qilun, and Shang Yongdao revealed the biggest obstacle to Chen Qilun from Changsheng Village.

Chen Qilun brought Li Bo to Shen Sifang's hometown and specially brought a bottle of priceless wine. He thanked Shen Sifang for his help. Shen Sifang reminded Chen Qilun not to take it lightly. Changsheng Village is the hardest nut to crack. The city has launched the Chenguang Plaza project twice.Because this village died without a cure.

Chu Yun and Shi Jianjiang discussed many times. Shi Jianjiang lowered the compensation to 3 million, but Yan Di still refused to sell the paintings to repay the money. Chu Yun found out about the foundation that Simon had set up using Yan Di’s identity document. Yan Di could ask for it.The court applied to recover his property, and the money was enough to repay Shi Jianjing. Yan Di was grateful to Chu Yun.

Tian Jia noticed that something was wrong with Ouyang Lulu recently. She was always absent-minded and preoccupied, so he paid special attention to her. After get off work, Ouyang Lulu dressed up carefully, and Tian Jia guessed that she was going to see Tan Wen.Chu Yun wanted to go home with Qi Lin to see Qi Runyu, but Qi Lin agreed wholeheartedly.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Since Lin Mengqiu's repayment case involved criminal crimes, the court handed the case over to the police. Ouyang Lulu sympathized with Lin Mengqiu's experience and wanted to seek justice for her. Ouyang Lulu decided to go deep into the tiger's den to investigate the shady story of Ou Jin Credit. She liedShe said she was a college student who contacted Tan Wen, the owner of the campus loan, and Tan Wen asked her to meet tonight.

Tian Jia discovered that something was wrong with Ouyang Lulu recently, and inferred from various signs that she wanted to see Tan Wen. Tian Jia was worried and wanted to accompany Ouyang Lulu. She discussed countermeasures with Ye Xuan, Zhang Tianyi and Yan Anyang in advance.A careful plan was made.Tian Jia accompanied Ouyang Lulu to meet Tan Wen. Yan Anyang and Zhang Tianyi stayed in front of the computer, paying close attention to their whereabouts. Ye Xuan wanted to report the matter to Chu Yun, but Yan Anyang and Zhang Tianyi disagreed, so he had to give up.

Chu Yun heard that Qi Runyu was ill and wanted to visit him in the name of his work unit. Qi Lin went to Chu Yun to go to Qi Runyu's hotel. Chu Yun apologized to Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng for sealing up the hotel last time. Qi Runyu knew that was her responsibility.Qi Runyu held Chu Yun's hand and asked about her family situation in detail, and even invited Chu Yun to stay and have dinner together. Qi Lin saw that Qi Runyu wanted to bring them together, and quickly found an excuse to send Qi Runyu away..

Ouyang Lulu and Tian Jia came to the agreed fast food restaurant. Tan Wen had been waiting for a long time. Ouyang Lulu turned on the monitoring equipment and connected with Yan Anyang and the others. She couldn't wait to sign the loan contract. Tan Wen registered according to the procedure and wanted to verify themWhether Tian Jia has the ability to repay the loan or not, Tian Jia is worried about revealing the truth and urges Tan Wen to complete the procedures as soon as possible. Tan Wen wants to take them to the company to sign the contract.

Qi Lin overheard Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng talking about Chu Yun in the kitchen and wanted him to date Chu Yun. Qi Lin quickly explained that he and Chu Yun were colleagues. Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng didn't listen at all, and kept claiming that Chu YunHe was lucky enough to have a son in the future. Qi Lin was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry.

Tan Wen took Ouyang Lulu and Tian Jia to the downstairs of a residential building. Two people were waiting for them downstairs. Ye Xuan, Yan Anyang and Zhang Tianyi drove to stay nearby.Tan Wen took Ouyang Lulu and Tian Jia to Room 211, took out the loan contract for them to sign, and took nude photos of them as evidence. Ouyang Lulu turned to leave, and Tan Wen threatened and lured her.

Yan Anyang heard that Ouyang Lulu and Tian Jia were in danger and asked Zhang Tianyi to call the police immediately.Tian Jia rushed up and punched and kicked Tan Wen. The two men rushed into the room and besieged Tian Jia. Ye Xuan, Zhang Tianyi and Yan Anyang arrived later, and the two sides started a melee. The police arrived in time and captured Tan Wen and the others.

Chu Yun received a call from the Criminal Police Team and learned that Ouyang Lulu and others acted without authorization. She and Qi Lin immediately rushed to the Criminal Police Team.Zhou Lei learned about this and taught Chu Yun a lesson. Chu Yun smiled and said good things, and asked Ouyang Lulu and others to write a review.Ouyang Lulu was examined in public, but Chu Yun didn't buy it at all and reprimanded Ouyang Lulu. Yan Anyang, Tian Jia and Zhang Tianyi stood up to plead for Ouyang Lulu. Chu Yun refused and asked Qi Lin to review theirAfter all the books were collected, Ye Xuan explained that he wanted to report to Chu Yun, but they did not agree. They were attacked by Yan Anyang and Zhang Tianyi. Qi Lin scorned Ye Xuan's traitorous behavior.

The Chenguang Plaza project was stranded twice because the villagers of Changsheng Village, a village in the city, refused to relocate. Chen Qilun knew that this was the hardest nut to crack. He did not dare to take it lightly and went to Changsheng Village to find the village director Huang Yaozu in person.Li Bo drove Chen Qilun to the entrance of Changsheng Village. Several burly men were guarding the entrance of the village. A man pushed a motorcycle in the middle of the road. Li Bo had no choice but to blow his whistle. The man threw the porcelain bottle on the ground and asked LiBo paid 800 yuan. Chen Qilun saw that they were deliberately extorting money. He didn't want to have an external reproductive organ, so he asked Li Bo to pay that person 800 yuan.

The police found out the criminal facts of Tan Wen's nude loan on campus and asked the court to continue the execution. Qi Lin learned that Tan Wen forced Lin Mengqiu to pay back the money as a surrogate mother. Lin Mengqiu did not agree. Tan Wen threatened and intimidated her. Lin Mengqiu was desperate and wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river. Chu Yun sent Qi LinLin continued to follow up on the case.Li Bo and Chen Qilun successfully entered Changsheng Village. Chen Qilun went to see Huang Yaozu alone. Huang Yaozu had not returned from the meeting, so he had to wait patiently in the yard.

Li Bo saw Huang Yaozu's son playing games with several children. He offered to compete with Huang Yaozu's son and gave him a lighter as a prize. Li Bo deliberately lost to him and gave him the lighter.Qi Lin discussed with investor Jiang Yuxia, and Jiang Yuxia agreed to Lin Mengqiu’s six-month extension of repayment, and would repay two thousand yuan a month in the future. Qi Lin also applied to the school to allow Lin Mengqiu to return to school and resume classes. Lin Mengqiu was grateful to Qi Lin and paid the loan back on the spot.After signing the loan contract, she vowed to study hard and strive to pay back the money as soon as possible. The judges of the second enforcement court also collected 8,000 yuan for Lin Mengqiu. Ouyang Lulu handed it to Lin Mengqiu, and Lin Mengqiu was moved to tears.

When Huang Yaozu returned home from the meeting, he warmly welcomed Chen Qilun and invited Chen Qilun to drink the best tea. Chen Qilun explained the purpose of his visit, and Huang Yaozu complained to him. The villagers just wanted reasonable compensation, but there was no reply from his superiors.Huang Yaozu's son rushed home happily, playing with a lighter in his hand. Huang Yaozu saw at a glance that the lighter was very expensive, so he scolded his son. Huang Yaozu casually mentioned that he was worried about his son's admission to Qinggang No. 1 Middle School. Chen Qilun one by oneKeep it in mind.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Qi Lin asked Qi Runyu to make a list. He went to the market to buy vegetables. Fang Qiang rushed home happily. Qi Lin wanted to take him to buy vegetables. Fang Qiang showed off that his friend gave him a good car. Qi Runyu suspected that he was out again.Provoking unscrupulous people, worried that he would cause trouble, couldn't help scolding him. Fang Qiang slammed the door and left in anger, threatening to rent a house. Qi Lin hurriedly chased Fang Qiang out to appease Fang Qiang.

Qin Hong came to visit Ma Wenjun's mother at home. Ma Mu asked her questions, regretting that she and Ma Wenjun were not together. Qin Hong revealed that she has three children and is now divorced. Ma Mu felt sorry for her.Ma Wenjun came to visit his mother. When he entered the house, he saw Qin Hong also there. He wanted to drive her away with a few words. Ma Wenjun was very dissatisfied. Qin Hong hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Huang Yaozu invited Chen Qilun to dinner, specifically at his brother's restaurant. Chen Qilun and Li Bo came to the restaurant early and ordered the restaurant's signature dish - ginger duck. Huang Yaozu didn't show up, so they had to pay and leave. Huang YaozuHis younger brother Shi Xiang asked for 2,800 yuan for meals. Chen Qilun did not want to cause trouble and asked Li Bo to pay the full amount.

Huang Yaozu hurried over, complaining that his brother should not collect their money and rushing to pay the bill. Chen Qilun saw that the two of them were acting and had to leave angrily.When Li Bo was about to drive, he found that the wheel was locked. The man called himself the parking attendant and asked Li Bo to pay 50 yuan to unlock the car. Li Bo was not convinced, so Chen Qilun asked him to pay.

Zhou Lei invited Ma Wenjun and Dean Tang to guide the work of the Second Enforcement Tribunal. Ma Wenjun pointed out one by one the wrong practices of the Second Enforcement Tribunal in executing the two repayment cases of Lin Mengqiu and Yan Di and criticized them. Dean Tang affirmed the recent results of the Second Enforcement Tribunal.Qi Lin also praised Qi Lin for his achievements over a period of time. Qi Lin said that he only truly realized the importance of execution work and the hard work of his colleagues when he was rotated in the second execution department. His speech was unanimously echoed by his colleagues.

Dean Tang asked Chu Yun to talk about Qi Lin's performance in the second execution court. Chu Yun was full of praise for Qi Lin. Qi Lin enforced the law without being dogmatic. He was not afraid of hardship or tiredness and was willing to listen to the voices of the people being executed. Chu Yun followed Qi Lin.Lin saw a high degree of integration of high-level and warm law enforcement, and everyone present applauded Qi Lin.The superior department affirmed the court's implementation of the rotation system, and also named Qi Lin to participate in the rotation experience symposium. Zhou Lei thanked Dean Tang for his recognition of the work of the Second Division.

Qin Hong took Dai Lan to the village to look for treasures. They were interested in one of Huang's four great wood carvings, Dhritarashtra. The other four have been lost. The seller offered 30,000 yuan, but Qin Hong only gave 10,000 yuan. The seller added another 2,000 yuan., Qin Hong bought the wood carving on the spot and smashed the wood carving to pieces in public, which puzzled Dai Lan.

Qi Lin wanted to treat Chu Yun to dinner to express his gratitude. Chu Yun took him to Uncle Jiu’s bar. She came here to relax when she was unhappy in college. Chu Yun asked Qi Lin for advice on the direction of future work, but Qi Lin only suggestedTwo, the applicant and the person subject to execution should be treated equally, and especially the person subject to execution should be treated with empathy. Chu Yun benefited a lot. Qi Lin took the opportunity to plead for Ouyang Lulu and Tian Jia. Chu Yun thought about it again and again before reluctantly agreeing.

Ma Wenjun took Shen Ting home to see her mother. Ma's mother once again urged Shen Ting to have a child. Shen Ting was noncommittal. Doctor Xu, a Chinese medicine doctor, suddenly came to the door. Qin Hong invited him to treat Shen Ting.Shen Ting bit the bullet and asked Doctor Xu to take her pulse. Doctor Xu concluded based on the pulse that the chance of Shen Ting becoming pregnant was slim. Ma Mu was unwilling to give up and asked Doctor Xu to do his best to help. Doctor Xu prescribed some medicine to Shen Ting. Ma Mu was very disappointed.But she didn't want to give up. Shen Ting stated on the spot that she would take the medicine well and even if she couldn't get pregnant in the future, she would divorce Ma Wenjun.

Uncle Jiu saw that Chu Yun liked Qi Lin, so he inquired about Qi Lin's family situation in detail, and also wanted to find a partner for Qi Lin. Qi Lin laughed and said that he was looking for someone like Chu Yun, but Chu Yun quickly interrupted their conversation.Jingjing saw that Chu Yun was interested in Qi Lin and tried her best to bring them together.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Li Guizhi stayed in Qinggang Second Hospital for three and a half years and owed a large amount of hospitalization fees. She had no money to pay. Her sons Chen Wen and Chen Wu had never been to the hospital. The hospital party committee decided to take Li Guizhi to court. The court made a decision.The judgment shall be handed over to the Second Enforcement Tribunal for disposal.

People who did not know the truth criticized the hospital on the Internet for not saving lives and disregarding human lives. This incident caused a very bad impact. The leaders of the municipal party committee attached great importance to this matter. Dean Lu Xueling was worried that the implementation time would be too long and would bring more trouble to the hospital.He personally came to the court leaders to apply for enforcement against Li Guizhi.Zhou Lei insisted on following the procedures. Ma Wenjun felt that Li Guizhi should be enforced, otherwise the hospital would be overwhelmed. Zhou Lei gave Chu Yun a death order. Chu Yun gave Li Guizhi's case to Qi Lin with full authority to handle it, and he could enforce it if necessary.

Qin Hong spent 30,000 yuan to buy Huang's unique wood carving - King Chiguo. She deliberately broke the wood carving, and then went to Huang Chunxiang to help repair it. Huang Chunxiang was the daughter of the author of this wood carving. She hadI haven’t seen this wood carving in thirty years.Qin Hong lied that this wood sculpture was collected by her father for many years and accidentally broke it when moving. Qin Hong asked Huang Chunxiang to carve an identical wood sculpture. Huang Chunxiang flatly refused, but she couldn't stand Qin Hong's insistence, so she reluctantlyAgree.

Qi Lin brought Zhang Tianyi and Ouyang Lulu to the hospital to see Li Guizhi and specially brought her pig's trotter rice. Li Guizhi was afraid of being forcibly driven away and chained herself to the hospital bed every day. Qi Lin gave her pig's trotter rice.She guessed Qi Lin's purpose and determined not to eat the food he brought and never leave the hospital.

Doudou, a minor patient, came to see Li Guizhi. Li Guizhi immediately became amiable and asked Doudou to greet him. Qi Lin gave Doudou rice with pig's feet. Li Guizhi knocked the food to the ground in anger and forcibly drove Qi Lin and the others away.After hearing the news, Doudou's mother rushed to apologize to Qi Lin. Doudou was diagnosed with leukemia as soon as she was born and has been in the hospital for treatment. Li Guizhi liked Doudou especially when they first met. They both had the same birthday. Doudou's illnessShe had to eat sterile rice, and Li Guizhi knocked over the food out of desperation. Doudou's mother didn't want Li Guizhi to be discharged from the hospital, otherwise Doudou would be too lonely.

Qin Hong came to see Ma Wenjun's mother whenever she had time. She tried her best to please Ma Mu. Ma Mu casually mentioned that Ma Wenjun was on a business trip to Xinzhou and Qin Hong wanted to have a romantic encounter with Ma Wenjun.Qi Lin and the others hit a snag with Li Guizhi and had to go back and report to Chu Yun. Chu Yun decided to enforce Li Guizhi.

Ma Wenjun and Zhou Lei came to Xinzhou Court for a meeting. The court leaders wanted to send several young judges to Qinggang Court to study, and Zhou Lei agreed.Chu Yun brought the bailiff to the hospital. Qi Lin wanted to talk to Li Guizhi first and asked Chu Yun and the others to wait outside for a while.Li Guizhi became furious when he saw Qi Lin, smashed the bottle in his hand at him, and yelled at him. Seeing that the situation was not good, Chu Yun asked Shao Jun to bring the bailiff in to control Li Guizhi. Doudou came to see Li Guizhi and saw Li Guizhi being pressed.On the bed, he screamed in fright, and Doudou's mother hurriedly took him away. Li Guizhi suddenly fainted on the bed, and Qi Lin and Chu Yun had to leave first.

Qi Lin complained that Chu Yun was too impulsive in doing things. Chu Yun insisted on waiting until Li Guizhi recovered before enforcing the execution. Qi Lin wanted to talk to Li Guizhi's two sons.Ma Wenjun invited Zhou Lei to taste Xinzhou specialties. Zhou Lei had already made an appointment with his comrades, so Ma Wenjun went to the restaurant alone and ordered some of his usual dishes. This was a restaurant he frequented when he was in college.Qin Hong came later, and she ordered the exact same dish. Ma Wenjun thought they were destined, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Chen Qilun helped Huang Yaozu's son contact Qinggang No. 1 Middle School. Li Bo came to inform Huang Yaozu that Huang Yaozu was grateful to Chen Qilun and wanted to treat him to dinner. Li Bo specifically stated not to go to his brother's restaurant to avoid being cheated.Ma Wenjun and Qin Hong chatted happily. Qin Hong revealed that she wanted to do art business. Ma Wenjun thanked Qin Hong for visiting his mother frequently.

After the meal, Ma Wenjun wanted to take a taxi to take Qin Hong back. Unexpectedly, Qin Hong and he lived in the same hotel. The two of them walked back and chatted while walking. Coincidentally, Qin Hong lived in the room next to Ma Wenjun. Ma Wenjun thought they were destined, but in fact theyIt was carefully arranged by Qin Hong.Qin Hong invited Ma Wenjun to her room to reminisce about the past, but Ma Wenjun was so kind but had to agree. Qin Hong and Ma Wenjun chatted happily over wine, and the more they talked, the more they became more and more attracted to each other. Qin Hong hugged Ma Wenjun tightly and took the opportunity to confess to him that she wanted to start over with him. Ma Wenjun was attracted by herFascinated, he forced himself to calm down.

Qin Hong thought Ma Wenjun had taken the bait, so she hurried to the bathroom and changed into a sexy dress. Unexpectedly, Ma Wenjun had already left, and Qin Hong felt even more disappointed.Qi Lin took Ouyang Lulu to find Li Guizhi's second son, Chen Wu, and asked him to persuade Li Guizhi to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible. The hospital gave Li Guizhi a physical examination every six months. She had completely recovered. Chen Wu insisted that the hospital had misdiagnosed. Chen Wu's daughter-in-law revealed that Li Guizhi had spent all the money.It was given to Chen Wu's younger brother Chen Wen.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Chen Wu ran a printing factory and faced bankruptcy due to poor management. He had no choice but to sell the factory at a low price to pay the workers.Chu Yun came to the printing factory and learned that Chen Wu had sold the factory. Chen Wu's wife had been bedridden for a long time due to pneumoconiosis. Chu Yun asked Chen Wu to take Li Guizhi back. Chen Wu was willing to cooperate with the court, but he was too busy to take care of himself and had no ability at all.and energy to take care of Li Guizhi.

Ye Xuan found out that Chen Wen paid for two houses, one of which was given to Chen Wu. Because the factory was in recession, Chen Wen sold his house, but the factory still did not improve.Chen Wu drives an online taxi and his wife works in a supermarket. Li Guizhi and Chen Wu's wife have conflicts. Neither Chen Wen nor Chen Wu can take Li Guizhi in. Chu Yun insists on enforcing Li Guizhi. Qi Lin suddenly realizes that he has overlooked one thing.He immediately rushed back to the hospital to find Li Guizhi.

Chen Qilun came to see Huang Yaozu as scheduled. Huang Yaozu thanked Chen Qilun for helping his son find a school. Chen Qilun took the opportunity to ask Huang Yaozu to cooperate with his work and persuade the villagers to demolish as soon as possible. Huang Yaozu kept claiming that the villagers of Changsheng Village cared about Feng Shui and were worried that the demolition would bring trouble to the village.Wanting to strive for more benefits for the villagers, Chen Qilun saw Huang Yaozu's little thoughts and asked him to come forward to talk to the villagers. Huang Yaozu wanted to take the opportunity to make a big fortune, and naturally he couldn't get it. Chen Qilun asked Huang Yaozu to be a shareholder of the demolition company, and Huang Yaozu also wanted to bring him with him.The two went to work at the demolition company. Chen Qilun agreed and Huang Yaozu couldn't help but smile happily.

Qi Lin came to the hospital again and saw Doudou practicing boxing in the hall, so he came over to practice boxing with him. Qi Lin wanted to worship Doudou as his teacher. Doudou invited him to drink sugar water. Qi Lin and Doudou chatted, and he started to practice boxing with Doudou.Doudou learned that Li Guizhi taught him Nanquan to strengthen his body. Doudou wanted to see Ultraman. Qi Lin promised to see him after he was discharged from the hospital. The nurse came to take Doudou back to the ward to sleep. Qi Lin carried Doudou to Li Guizhi's bed.on the bed.

Li Guizhi settled Doudou, and she was full of hostility towards Qi Lin. Qi Lin apologized to Li Guizhi and claimed to be Doudou's friend. Li Guizhi saw his sincerity and relaxed her vigilance against him. Doudou spent a lot of money on treating his illness.Doudou's parents went to work during the day, so Li Guizhi helped take care of Doudou. Qi Lin persuaded Li Guizhi to give up the hospital bed. Li Guizhi suddenly became angry and yelled at Qi Lin, lying that she had a headache, and forcibly drove Qi Lin away.

Qin Hong came to Huang Chunxiang again. Huang Chunxiang was going to the mountain to find wood. Qin Hong accompanied her up the mountain.Huang Chunxiang walked quickly on the mountain road. Qin Hong was exhausted. He accidentally stepped on the air and sprained his foot, but he still managed to follow Huang Chunxiang.Huang Chunxiang came to the mountain to find ranger Huang Sen. Huang found a boxwood root for her. Huang Chunxiang carried the root on her back and went down the mountain, asking Huang Sen to find a wooden stick for Qin Hong to use as a walking stick.

Qin Hong limped back to Huang Chunxiang's residence on crutches. She and Huang Chunxiang said goodbye and Huang Chunxiang gave her safflower oil to heal her injuries.Zhou Lei could not bear the pressure from his superiors and ordered Chu Yun to solve Li Guizhi's case within ten days.Qi Lin came to Chen Wen again to learn more about Li Guizhi's situation. Chen Wen told the whole story. Li Guizhi had been following his master. He and Chen Wu lived across the street, and the two families got along harmoniously. Later, the business of Chen Wen's printing factory was bleak, and Li Guizhi's temper became worse.It got worse and worse. On her birthday, she got angry for no reason and beat up Chen Wen and Chen Wu. Li Guizhi loved her grandchildren very much.

Qin Hong came to see Ma Wenjun's mother at home and showed Ma's mother photos of her children. Ma's mother was very envious and regretted that Ma Wenjun never had children. Ma Wenjun came home from work. Qin Hong hurriedly found an excuse to leave. She almost fell down because of her foot injury.Her mother asked Ma Wenjun to see her off.Ma Wenjun helped Qin Hong downstairs and greeted her. Qin Hong told her that she had sprained herself when she went up the mountain to find wood. Ma Wenjun was moved by her persistent spirit and agreed to find the leader of the cultural department to smooth things over.

Qi Lin learned from Chen Wen that Li Guizhi's birthday was coming soon, so he went to find Chen Wu. Chen Wu agreed to take his mother home, but his wife refused and threatened to divorce him.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Qi Lin went to the brothers Chen Wen and Chen Wu to discuss taking Li Guizhi home. Chen Wen sold his house and factory, and his wife was suffering from severe pneumoconiosis. He was really unable to raise Li Guizhi. Chen Wu wanted to take Li Guizhi home.However, his wife disagreed and wanted to divorce him. Qi Lin hit a wall again and had to leave in disappointment.

Chen Wu's sons Chen Junping and Chen Junan had long wanted to visit their grandma Li Guizhi in the hospital, but their mother wouldn't let them. When they heard that Qi Lin was coming to the house, they had been waiting for him downstairs and asked Qi Lin to hand over the certificates of their martial arts competitions.Li Guizhi asked Qi Lin to take pictures of her martial arts performance on the spot, and begged Qi Lin to hide it from their mother, and Qi Lin agreed wholeheartedly.

Ma Wenjun helped Qin Hong meet the director of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism. Qin Hong donated money and materials to Sanqing Temple, which was praised by the director of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism. Qin Hong took the opportunity to propose supporting folk craftsmen like Huang Chunxiang, and the director fully supported her decision.Doudou's birthday was coming soon. Qi Lin bought Ultraman as a gift and asked Yan Anyang to disinfect it repeatedly with alcohol. Doudou couldn't put it down.Qi Lin gave Chen Junping and Chen Junan's certificates to Li Guizhi and played a video of them. Li Guizhi couldn't help but smile happily.Qi Lin took the opportunity to ask Li Guizhi to leave the hospital, but Li Guizhi refused. If she left, there would be no one to take care of Doudou during the day.

Huang Yaozu held a village meeting, fiddling with the lighter that Li Bo gave to his son. He called on everyone to cooperate with the demolition office and open the door to the Chenguang Plaza project. The villagers agreed to the demolition as long as the demolition office provided sufficient compensation., Huang Yaozu vowed to strive for greater benefits for the villagers, and even doubled the amount requested by the villagers ten times. As long as they gave half of the money to the village committee, the villagers naturally wanted it, and they rushed to register their houses.area and associated property.

Tomorrow is the deadline for enforcement of Li Guizhi's bed-stealing case. Qi Lin went to Chen Wen and Chen Wu respectively and asked them to go to the hospital tomorrow.Chu Yun will enforce the law against Li Guizhi tomorrow. Qi Lin wants to wait until Li Guizhi celebrates her birthday before talking about it. Chu Yun agrees to wait until 6 p.m. before going to the hospital.

Huang Chunxiang was working at home, so he asked his grandson Huang Chi to go to the meeting. Huang Chi told Huang Chunxiang truthfully what Huang Yaozu had done.Qin Hong came to see Huang Chunxiang. Huang Chunxiang had already repaired the wood carving. Qin Hong praised her craftsmanship and advised her to carry forward her wood carving skills. She also helped her build a wood carving culture museum. Huang Chunxiang thought it was troublesome to go through the procedures and just wanted toWorking hard on carving, Qin Hong didn't expect that Qin Hong had already applied for the procedure, and Huang Chunxiang only needed to make the decision.

Qin Hong approached Chen Qilun to cooperate in developing the Chenguang Plaza project, but was rejected by Chen Qilun face to face. Qin Hong was unwilling to give up. She established a relationship with the director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau through Ma Wenjun, and used the wood carving to get close to Huang Chunxiang. Huang Chunxiang agreed to cooperate with her to open a project in Changsheng Village.Museum, Qin Hong wants to use the museum to compete with Chen Qilun. She is only one step away from victory and can't wait to go home to celebrate with Dai Lan. Dai Lan is worried that she will not be able to raise so much money, but Qin Hong is already confident.

Huang Yaozu went to Li Bo with the list of houses and properties registered by the villagers. Li Bo rejected it face to face, produced a real quotation, and also played Huang Yaozu's speech at the village meeting. Huang Yaozu's conspiracy was exposed on the spot, and he agreed to follow the instructionsThe quotation provided by Li Bo, Li Bo asked him for his lighter and took out a bug from it. Huang Yaozu was dumbfounded. Li Bo tore Huang Yaozu's quotation into pieces, and then went back to report to Chen Qilun. Only then did Chen Qilun realize that ChangshengThe real reason why the village's two demolitions failed to proceed was Huang Yaozu, who praised Li Bo's work.

Qin Hong applied to Shang Yongdao for two million to build Huang Chunxiang's wood carving museum, and Shang Yongdao agreed without hesitation.Shen Sifang heard that Qin Hong was going to build a museum in Changsheng Village, and reminded the director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau not to approve it, so as not to affect the development project of Chenguang Plaza.Qi Lin and his colleagues worked separately to prepare a birthday party for Li Guizhi and Doudou. They made elaborate arrangements in the hospital lobby and asked Ye Xuan to pick up Chen Wen and Chen Wu. They performed martial arts for Li Guizhi and gave Doudou a birthday gift., Chen Wen’s daughter Chen Junyi also came to celebrate Li Guizhi’s birthday, and Li Guizhi was moved to tears.

At the same time, Chen Wen, his wife and Chen Wu came to the hospital to pack their things. Chen Wu's wife hurried over and offered to let Li Guizhi move to her house. Chen Wen and the others packed their luggage and came to report to Chu Yun. Chu Yun took the bailiffStand ready.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Zhang Tianyi performed for Li Guizhi and Doudou. They were grinning from ear to ear. Qi Lin prepared a birthday cake. Li Guizhi and Doudou blew out the candles together. Qi Lin also specially prepared a sterile cake for Doudou. Doudou suddenly became ill.After getting worse and fainting, Qi Lin carried him to the emergency room. Li Guizhi waited anxiously outside, beating her chest in anxiety.

After the medical staff tried their best to rescue him, Doudou finally regained consciousness. He tried his best to say a few words to Li Guizhi with his last breath, and then closed his eyes forever. Li Guizhi was so heartbroken that everyone present was moved by it.Li Guizhi begged the doctor to save Doudou, but the doctor was unable to do anything.

Chu Yun kept an eye on the hands on the watch. Just after six o'clock, she brought the bailiff to the ward and met Li Guizhi head-on. Chen Wen and his wife and Chen Wu came to pick up Li Guizhi. Li Guizhi apologized to Chu Yun and Qi Lin respectively.After apologizing, Qi Lin followed his son and daughter-in-law home. Looking at Li Guizhi's lonely back, Qi Lin felt very uncomfortable.

Li Guizhi's bed-stealing case was successfully solved. Zhou Lei affirmed the work of the Second Enforcement Tribunal. They were sad because of Doudou's death. Zhou Lei understood their feelings and gave all the staff of the Second Enforcement Tribunal a day off.The Chenguang Plaza Demolition Company was officially established. Shen Sifang personally presided over the opening ceremony. Huang Yaozu publicly stated that he would cooperate with the demolition office.Zhou Lei reported in detail to Dean Tang the hard work of the Second Enforcement Tribunal in the Li Guizhi bed-stealing case, and hoped that Dean Tang would understand their difficulties.

Qin Hong came to see Ma Wenjun's mother. Ma Wenjun casually asked about the museum and learned that the procedure was stuck in the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, so it had not been approved yet. Ma Wenjun agreed to go to the director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau to find out the situation.Early the next morning, Ma Wenjun called the director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau and learned that Shen Sifang was responsible for the matter. He decided to go find Shen Sifang.

Five years ago, Lian Bing brought his sick wife to Qinggang for medical treatment. Unfortunately, he was involved in a car accident. Lian Bing's wife died of her injuries. Lian Bing's leg injury was classified as an eighth-level disability. The court sentenced the driver Zhao Yong to pay 1.2 million yuan in compensation. Zhao Yong only paidHe paid tens of thousands of yuan for medical expenses and ignored him. Lian Bing could only come to ask for money. Zhao Yong made various excuses and only gave him a few thousand yuan each time. Lian Bing traveled back and forth to Qinggang for four years and had to pay a total of 18Wan, there was a disaster in Lian Bing's hometown this year, and he lost money on the vegetables he grew. Lian Bing borrowed travel expenses from relatives to come to Qinggang to find Zhao Yong.The Second Enforcement Tribunal took over the case, and Chu Yun immediately decided to resume execution and asked Zhao Yong for an interview.

Lian Bing came to the court early in the morning and met Qi Lin at the door of the court. Zhao Yong drove up after him in a Mercedes-Benz. He swore at Lian Bing. Lian Bing was so frightened that he hid behind Qi Lin. Qi Lin asked them to have an interview together.Chu Yun ordered Zhao Yong to pay back the money as soon as possible. Zhao Yong kept claiming that he had no money. Qi Lin was curious about whose BMW and Mercedes-Benz Zhao Yong drove. Zhao Yong claimed that they belonged to his friends. Qi Lin asked Zhao Yong to borrow money from his friends. Zhao Yong did not want to add money to his friends.trouble.

Lian Bing exposed Zhao Yong's lies to his face. He usually spends money lavishly, smokes good cigarettes, and drinks good wine. Zhao Yong made excuses in every possible way and was very convincing. Chu Yun saw that Zhao Yong was deliberately making excuses and asked him to think of a solution. Zhao Yong took out three items from his pocket.Zhao Yong gave more than 100 yuan of crumpled money to Lian Bing. Lian Bing was furious. Zhao Yong also took 10 yuan to pay the parking fee and walked away. Lian Bing put the 300 yuan away and wrote it down in his notebook.After coming down, Qi Lin and Chu Yun were both angry and speechless by Zhao Yong's shameless behavior. Qi Lin sent people to keep an eye on Zhao Yong.

Ouyang Lulu, Ye Xuan, Yan Anyang and Tian Jia witnessed Zhao Yong's rogue appearance, and they were so angry that they gritted their teeth.Qi Lin settled Lian Bing and asked Chu Yun to apply for free accommodation in the courtyard.Tian Jia and Ye Xuan drove to follow Zhao Yong and quickly found Zhao Yong's other residence. They immediately reported it to Chu Yun.

Huang Yaozu truthfully reported the list of villagers' houses and properties to Li Bo. Li Bo knew the situation of each house very well. Huang Yaozu couldn't help but take a breath. He suspected that Li Bo had also hidden bug lighters for the villagers.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Zhao Zhengde was the deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress before his retirement and was also Zhao Yong's biological uncle. Zhao Yong's parents died when he was young. Zhao Zhengde raised him as his own son.Zhao Yong went to see Zhao Zhengde. He deliberately changed into an old car, wore work clothes, and deliberately sprinkled some dirt on his clothes to pretend to be poor. Zhao Zhengde thought that he was busy making money every day to pay off debts.Zhao Yong agreed to help him pay it back together. Zhao Yong thanked him for his kindness and insisted on paying it back himself.

Lian Bing came to the warehouse to ask for money from Zhao Yong. Zhao Yong was very impatient and said harsh words to him. Lian Bing knelt down and begged Zhao Yong. Zhao Yong angrily took him into the warehouse. Tian Jia and Ye Xuan were squatting outside. They saw Lian Bing.Bing was arrested and immediately called Chu Yun to report. Chu Yun was worried that Lian Bing was in danger, so he, Qilin and others took the bailiff to the warehouse.

Lian Bing begged Zhao Yong to give him another 100,000 yuan and not give up the remaining more than one million yuan. Zhao Yong cursed him. Lian Bing promised that he would never come to Qinggang to ask for money from him again. Zhao Yong went to the safe and took out the money.For one hundred thousand yuan, according to the rules, Lian Bing was allowed to drink a large glass of white wine, and he was not allowed to spill a drop of wine. Lian Bing was forced to drink it all in one gulp.

Zhao Yong threw the money into the boiling hot pot soup and asked Lian Bing to fish it out with his hands. Lian Bing endured severe pain and fished the money out of the soup. His hands were red and swollen from the burn, while Zhao Yong laughed on the sidelines.Chu Yun and Qi Lin arrived in time and stopped Zhao Yong's crazy behavior on the spot. Qi Lin hurriedly took the company to the hospital. Chu Yun ordered Zhao Yong to be arrested. Zhao Yong resisted desperately and was subdued by Shao Jun on the spot.The doctor bandaged Lian Bing's wound. Because the burn was severe, the doctor recommended that he be hospitalized for observation. Lian Bing did not want to spend money and insisted on going home to recuperate. Qi Lin had no choice but to do so.

Chu Yun sent someone to check Zhao Yong's account, but there was no money in the account. Chu Yun suspected that Zhao Yong had made false accounts and asked Qi Lin to investigate in depth.Ma Wenjun invited his brother-in-law Shen Sifang to his home for dinner and asked him to approve Qin Hong's opening of a folk museum. Shen Sifang saw that Ma Wenjun still had lingering feelings for Qin Hong. Ma Wenjun repeatedly explained that he and Qin Hong were classmates and ordered Shen Sifang to approve it. Shen Sifang reminded him that thisIt's the last time.

Chu Yun asked all the colleagues of the Second Execution Court to join the battle, wash the money soaked in hot pot soup one by one, and hang it in the office to dry. Zhou Lei thought they were showing off their wealth, but Chu Yun explained the whole story, and he would not pursue it.Huang Chunxiang lives in a 150-year-old red brick house left by her ancestors. The Cultural Heritage Bureau has listed her house as a key protection object. When Li Bo learned about this, he came to Huang Chunxiang in person to negotiate and promised to give Huang Chunxiang more.In exchange for compensation, Huang Chunxiang was reluctant to demolish her old house. Her old house was on the boundary line of the Chenguang Plaza project and could be avoided. Li Bo was tough on Huang Chunxiang, and Huang Chunxiang forcibly kicked him out.

The judges of the Second Enforcement Tribunal put in too much effort and effort in the Li Guizhi case of bed-stealing and the case of Zhao Yong defaulting on accounts. Zhou Lei was very distressed and worried that they were under too much psychological pressure, so he said all his good words in front of Dean Tang. Dean TangAgreeing to provide psychological counseling to the judges of the Second Enforcement Tribunal, Zhou Lei invited Dr. Fan, a psychologist. Dr. Fan wanted to provide psychological counseling to Chu Yun first. Chu Yun hid out under the pretext of having something to do. Others also found various reasons to refuse psychological counseling.Counseling, Dr. Fan had to leave disappointed.

Jia Xiaofei sent Fang Qiang to take care of the shrimp fishing farm. Fang Qiang renovated the shrimp fishing farm and attracted many customers to come here to relax. Jia Xiaofei thought he spent too much money and praised his approach full of praise, making him the owner of today's customers.Fang Qiang complained endlessly because he had to pay the bill.Zhao Zhengde came to the law firm to find Cui Tiancheng to defend Zhao Yong, asking him to rescue Zhao Yong first, to investigate the violent law enforcement by the judicial police, and to bring out his student, Vice Governor He, to talk about the matter. Cui Tiancheng wholeheartedly agreed.

Yan Anyang and Qi Lin came to the guest house to see Lian Bing, returned the dry money to him, and persuaded Lian Bing to tell the truth about that day and cooperate with the police in punishing Zhao Yong. Lian Bing was tortured until he was mentally and physically exhausted, so he decided not to let Zhao Yong pay the money., Qi Lin was puzzled.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Qin Hong used the relationship between Ma Wenjun and Shen Sifang to get the approval of the Folklore Museum as she wished. She deliberately chose Changsheng Village and personally sent Chen Qilun the opening invitation. Chen Qilun had already seen through her tricks. Qin Hong did not hide her thoughts. SheUsing the Folk Museum as a bargaining chip to cooperate with Chen Qilun in developing the Morning Plaza project, Chen Qilun was so angry that he gritted his teeth and pretended to be nonchalant on the surface.

Li Bo heard that Huang Chunxiang's nephew Huang Chi was a driver in a racing club. He came to the singing room to find Jia Xiaofei all night. Jia Xiaofei and his friends were having a good time. When everyone saw Li Bo coming in a menacing manner, they fled in fright.Jia Xiaofei was still unsatisfied and complained that Li Bo was too disappointed. Li Bo had no time to talk to him, so he gave him a lesson and ordered him to find Huang Chi to get the demolition contract of Huang Chunxiang's old house, otherwise he would not be lenient.

The court received letters from many people complaining to the Second Enforcement Tribunal and asked the Second Enforcement Tribunal to suspend the enforcement of Zhao Yong. Zhou Lei was very dissatisfied and complained in front of Dean Tang. Dean Tang persuaded him kindly, and Zhou LeiChu Yun and Qi Lin truthfully told Chu Yun and Qi Lin about the hospital's decision. They were unwilling to give up and vowed to investigate Zhao Yong's matter thoroughly. However, the company's soldiers escaped and refused to come out. Zhou Lei reminded Chu Yun and Qi Lin that they could spare the company's life.Bing continued to investigate.

Yan Anyang conducted a close investigation into Zhao Yong's account and found that he had borrowed more than three million from friends. Qi Lin felt something was wrong and asked Ouyang Lulu to inform the police that he would interrogate Zhao Yong again. Zhao Yong had already been released on bail pending trial.Zhao Zhengde brought Cui Tiancheng and Mu Zifeng to the hospital to see Zhao Yong. Zhao Yong pretended to be pitiful in front of him, claiming that he drove cars day and night to make money to pay off debts, and was also ill. The bailiff actually beat him. Zhao Zhengde believed it.He also had to accompany Zhao Yong in the hospital. Zhao Yong cried bitterly and tried to persuade Zhao Zhengde to go back and rest first. Cui Tiancheng promised to investigate the matter carefully and give Zhao Yong justice.

Mu Zifeng checked Zhao Yong's medical records and found that he was not sick at all. Mu Zifeng warned Zhao Yong to take care of himself. Zhao Yong suddenly became angry and spoke harshly to Mu Zifeng. After Cui Tiancheng sent Zhao Zhengde away, he walked in and saw Mu Zifeng and Zhao Yong arguing.Feeling overwhelmed, he quickly pulled Mu Zifeng out. Zhao Yong called his men to teach Chu Yun and Qi Lin a lesson. Mu Zifeng could hear clearly outside.

Mu Zifeng came to Chu Yun to understand the situation. Chu Yun played the video of Zhao Yong violently resisting the law and deliberately hurting people, reminding Mu Zifeng not to defend Zhao Yong as a scheming agent.Jia Xiaofei promoted Fang Qiang to be the director of the club. He took the initiative to see Fang Qiang's parents. Fang Qiang came to the hotel and saw his parents being beaten by a group of people. He rushed to protect his parents. Jia Xiaofei learned that the thugs were Zhao Yong's people.Zhao Yong called Zhao Yong on the spot. Zhao Yong knew that Jia Xiaofei's strength should not be underestimated, so he apologized to Jia Xiaofei on the phone.

Fang Qiang learned that Qi Lin had offended Zhao Yong and caused his parents to suffer this disaster. He was very dissatisfied with Qi Lin. Qi Runyu tried her best to defend Qi Lin. She could tell at a glance that Jia Xiaofei was not a good person and did not allow Fang Qiang to follow him around. Fang QiangHe didn't listen at all, and even had a big quarrel with Qi Runyu, and then walked away in anger.

Qi Lin came home from work and learned that Zhao Yong had sent people to beat Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Qi Runyu comforted him instead. Mu Zifeng was worried that Chu Yun was in danger and called Chu Yun to wait for him in the parking lot. Chu YunDriving home, he was attacked with a dummy on the way, and Mu Zifeng came to the rescue in time.

Qi Lin came to Fang Qiang to understand the situation, and Fang Qiang poured all his anger on him. Qi Lin promised that Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng would never be harmed in the future, and persuaded Fang Qiang to leave Jia Xiaofei.Zhao Yong came to the karaoke room to apologize to Fang Qiang, but Fang Qiang didn't buy it at all, and Jia Xiaofei didn't forgive him. Zhao Yong complained bitterly in front of Jia Xiaofei, and apologized to Fang Qiang repeatedly.Forced to secretly film this scene.Cui Caiyan had nothing to do all day long, playing games with his friends in a group. Mu Zifeng couldn't bear it, so he packed up his things and left home overnight.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Fang Qiang secretly filmed the conversation between Zhao Yong and Fei Ge. Zhao Yong boasted that he had faked a heart attack and was paroled for medical treatment. Fang Qiang gave the video to Qi Lin and asked Qi Lin to report Zhao Yong. Qi Lin immediately handed over the evidence to the police.

In recent days, the judges of the Second Execution Court have encountered many strange things. Ouyang Lulu’s tire was punctured for two consecutive days, Zhang Tianyi’s bicycle tire was punctured, and he was followed when he went home. Ouyang Lulu wanted the court to send a car They all suspected that Zhao Yong sent someone to take them to and from get off work, but Ye Xuan firmly opposed it.

Lian Bing decided to cancel the execution and would never come to Qinggang to ask Zhao Yong for money again. Before leaving, he left a letter to the judges of the Second Execution Court.Qi Lin received the letter from Lian Bing and rushed to the station with Yan Anyang. Lian Bing had already bought a ticket and got on the train. Qi Lin persuaded him to go back. In the past four years, Lian Bing went back and forth to Qinggang many times to ask for money. Zhao Yong said to himLian Bing was exhausted mentally and physically after being humiliated in every possible way.Qi Lin persuaded him earnestly and encouraged him not to be discouraged and to believe that the law is fair and just.

Mu Zifeng couldn't stand Zhao Yong's arrogant, domineering and arrogant attitude, so he asked Cui Tiancheng to resign. Cui Tiancheng advised him to tolerate it for the time being. Mu Zifeng did not want to join forces with people like Zhao Yong, and he would rather resign than compromise.Cui Tiancheng explained the stakes to him and advised him to think carefully and think about the future of the law firm. Mu Zifeng had made up his mind. He no longer wanted to be a dog in Cui Caiyan's eyes. Cui Tiancheng was so angry that he rushed to Mu Zifeng.He yelled and yelled, forcing Mu Zifeng to pay 10 million in liquidated damages. Mu Zifeng had 3 million in hand, and he would pay back the remaining money slowly.

Mu Zifeng resigned from Tiancheng Law Firm and handed Zhao Yong's fake medical records of forged heart disease to Chu Yun.Qi Lin learned from Fang Qiang that Zhao Yong and Jia Xiaofei had financial contacts, so he asked Jia Xiaofei to find out about Zhao Yong. He learned that Zhao Yong had made millions of dollars by reselling car parts through his connections. Qi Lin was curious to find out how Jia Xiaofei and Fang Qiang knew each other., Jia Xiaofei vowed that they were friends.

Qi Lin played the murder committed by Zhao Yong's men at Qi Runyu Restaurant and the conversation between Zhao Yong and Jia Xiaofei. Chu Yun took out Zhao Yong's forged medical records and announced that he would continue to enforce the law against Zhao Yong.Chu Yun personally led a team to the hospital to enforce the law on Zhao Yong. Zhao Zhengde thought they were here to apologize to Zhao Yong, but he did not expect Chu Yun to detain Zhao Yong. Zhao Zhengde suddenly became angry and refused to allow anyone to take Zhao Yong away. Qi Lin asked Qi Lin to take Zhao Yong away.He took Zhao Yong away, but Qi Lin showed no weakness and asked Shao Jun and the others to take Zhao Yong away by force.

Jia Xiaofei came to rent the racing track to find driver Huang Chi and wanted to find time to discuss with him. Huang Chi was very cold towards Jia Xiaofei. The boss revealed that Jia Xiaofei was the owner of this large racing track and they just rented Jia Xiaofei's venue.Zhao Zhengde angrily came to the court to file a complaint with Dean Tang, asking the judges of the Second Enforcement Division to hold him accountable. Dean Tang called Zhou Lei, and Zhao Zhengde kept claiming that Zhao Yong worked hard and drove the car to pay back the money. The judges of the Second Enforcement DivisionViolent law enforcement, Zhao Yong was forcibly taken away. Zhou Lei played a series of videos on the spot, including Zhao Yong forcing soldiers to get money from the boiling hot pot soup, Zhao Yong beating the judge, sending people to make trouble at Qi Runyu Hotel, and Zhao Yong making nonsense in the bar.Realizing that he had been deceived by Zhao Yong, he wrongly blamed the judges of the Second Enforcement Tribunal. He apologized to Zhou Lei and Dean Tang, hoping that they would enforce the law impartially to Zhao Yong.

Zhao Zhengde came to the guest house to see Lian Bing, apologized to him for Zhao Yong, supported him in reporting Zhao Yong to the police, and promised to help Zhao Yong pay back the money. Lian Bing was moved to tears. Then, Zhao Zhengde came to Qi Runyu's restaurant and bought herAfter receiving a lot of condolences, Qi Runyu asked Qi Lin to return the things to Zhao Zhengde. Qi Lin persuaded her to accept them. Qi Runyu felt sorry and wanted to send pig's trotter rice to Zhao Zhengde tomorrow.

Zhao Zhengde gave Lian Bing a sum of money, promising to give him 7,000 yuan a month, and also urged Zhao Yong to repay the money as soon as possible. Lian Bing's long road to collection finally came to an end. Before leaving, he came to enforce the Second Court's order.The judges took their leave and thanked them with tears in their eyes. Lian Bing vowed that his son would also be a judge when he grew up.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

When Cui Caiyan learned that Mu Zifeng resigned from the law firm, she invited Mu Zifeng to have dinner with her and specially ordered a large table of dishes. Mu Zifeng only drank a glass of Coke. Cui Caiyan suspected that Mu Zifeng had been using her and never loved her at all., Mu Zifeng didn't want to explain too much, Cui Caiyan decided that Mu Zifeng couldn't let go of Chu Yun, and yelled at him.

Li Bo and Huang Chi were racing. He easily defeated Huang Chi with his superb driving skills. Huang Chi learned from the consumer that Li Bo was the boss behind the racing track. Jia Xiaofei asked Fang Qiang to find a way to recruit Huang Chi.The 9th Judicial Police Competition was held as scheduled. Shao Jun participated in the free fighting event. The judges of the Second Enforcement Division came to watch the battle. Shao Jun lost the first game. Tian Jia came to the stage to cheer him up. Shao Jun lost again.Come, Qi Lin took the lead and shouted cheers for Shao Jun, and his colleagues responded together. Shao Jun became more courageous as he fought, and finally won.

His mother came to see Mu Zifeng and urged him to marry Cui Caiyan as soon as possible. Mu Zifeng felt bitter and couldn't express it. He made various excuses to shirk the blame. His mother asked him to give 100,000 yuan to support his second uncle's daughter to study abroad, as well as other relatives.He also wanted to borrow money, which cost a total of two hundred thousand. Mu Zifeng couldn't bear to refuse, so he reluctantly agreed.

Qi Lin has been rotating at the Second Execution Court for more than five months. He will return to the Criminal Court next month. Zhou Lei is reluctant to let him go. Chu Yun does not agree with Qi Lin leaving and begs Zhou Lei to keep Qi Lin. Zhou Lei isHave this intention.Li Bo persuaded Huang Chi to transfer to his club and promised to give Huang Chi the best car. Huang Chi was immediately tempted.Jia Xiaofei encouraged Huang Chi to participate in the racing competition. Huang Chi's club was not qualified to participate. Jia Xiaofei advised him to participate as an independent individual and provide him with the best racing car. If Huang Chi wins the championship, he must join his club, which Huang Chi naturally desires.

Miao Shuangqing and Miao Xiaorui rented a house in Hong Ming's house. They defaulted on rent and refused to move out. Hong Ming applied to the court for enforcement. When Miao Shuangqing and his daughter moved out, Hong Ming locked the door.But two months later, Miao Xiaorui lied about leaving something behind in the rental house and asked the agent for the key. The father and daughter moved back in and changed the door locks. Hong Ming applied to the court again.

Chu Yun handed over the house occupation case of Miao and his daughter to Qi Lin, and Qi Lin asked Yan Anyang to assist him in his work. The last execution was done by Yan Anyang, and Chu Yun agreed.Yan Anyang and Ouyang Lulu came to the real estate agency Manager Xie to understand the situation. Miao Xiaorui used to be a staff member here. Manager Xie felt that Miao Xiaorui was a persistent person. She had borrowed money from every colleague through hard work.Later, she was fired as a miner and made a scene in the store. Manager Xie tried every means to get her out.

Zhou Lei applied to the court leaders to keep Qi Lin in the Second Enforcement Tribunal. Since Qi Lin took a rotation at the Second Enforcement Tribunal, the judges' enthusiasm for work has increased and the complaint rate has been greatly reduced. Ma Wenjun firmly disagreed. Zhou Lei argued with him based on reason.The two people quarreled fiercely when they disagreed. Dean Tang sat aside in silence. He wanted to hear Qi Lin's opinion.

Yan Anyang and Ouyang Lulu came to the rental house to wait for Miao Shuangqing and Miao Xiaorui. They didn't go out all day. The delivery man came to deliver the food. Yan Anyang wanted to take the opportunity to come in and talk to Miao Xiaorui, but was turned away., Yan Anyang had to leave angrily. Ouyang Lulu invited him to Qi Runyu's restaurant for dinner, and Yan Anyang ate happily.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Yan Anyang properly handled the house-occupying case of Miao Shuangqing and his daughter. Two months later, Miao Xiaorui defrauded the intermediary of the key and returned to Hong Ming's house again. Yan Anyang assisted Qi Lin in enforcing the case against their father and daughter., was rejected by Miao Xiaorui, Yan Anyang was very frustrated, Ouyang Lulu persuaded him kindly, and invited him to eat at Aunt Qi Lin's restaurant, hoping to seek help from Qi Lin.

Qi Runyu felt that Ouyang Lulu was a very nice person and wanted to bring her and Qi Lin together, but felt that she was too young, so she still felt that Chu Yun and Qi Lin were more suitable.Ouyang Lulu complained to Qi Lin and told him everything Miao Xiaorui had done, and Qi Lin gave him advice.

Huang Chi will participate in the national racing trials tomorrow. Jia Xiaofei hosted a banquet in his honor. Huang Chi thanked Jia Xiaofei for his help and support. Jia Xiaofei also found a beautiful woman to drink with him. Huang Chi drank a lot of wine in one breath.Fang Qiang went out to relax and accidentally saw someone secretly tampering with the garage. He shouted a warning. The person was so frightened that he ran away. Fang Qiang hurriedly chased him, but the person had already disappeared without a trace.

Huang Chi came to the competition with confidence. His car had not been approved by insurance because the modification fee was too high. Huang Chi was anxious and begged Jia Xiaofei for help. He wanted to prove his strength through this competition so much that Jia Xiaofei promised to change it for him.a car.

Qi Lin's six-month rotation was about to expire. Zhou Lei wanted Qi Lin to stay in the Second Enforcement Court, but Ma Wenjun refused. The two had a fierce quarrel over Qi Lin. Dean Tang told Qi Lin about the matter and also advised himContinuing to stay in the Second Execution Court, Qi Lin was in a dilemma.At the beginning of the race, Huang Chi passed all the tests and soon took the lead. The brakes of the car suddenly lost control. Huang Chi couldn't control it. The car spun around for a few times and then crashed into the roadbed. Fang Qiang was watching from the sidelines. He felt sorry for Huang Chi.

Yan Anyang, Ouyang Lulu and others came to see Miao Shuangqing and Miao Xiaorui again. They refused to open the door and kept talking plausibly. Yan Anyang wanted to break in, so Miao Shuangqing let him and Ouyang Lulu enter to negotiate. Yan Anyang andAs soon as Ouyang Lulu entered the door, she was punched and kicked by Miao Shuangqing and Miao Xiaorui. They tried their best to dodge. Miao Xiaorui knocked the law enforcement recorder to the ground with a rolling pin. Miao Shuangqing suddenly fell to the ground.Xiaorui insisted that they beat Miao Shuangqing out of the hospital and she would never be done with them.

Photos of Miao Shuangqing fainting were posted online. People who didn't know the truth mistakenly thought that the judge was violent in enforcing the law. Chu Yun asked Zhou Lei to explain the matter, and Zhou Lei asked Yan Anyang to continue handling the case.The doctor gave Miao Shuangqing a comprehensive examination and found that everything was normal. Miao Xiaorui asked the doctor to make Miao Shuangqing's condition more serious, but the doctor flatly refused.

Yan Anyang came back defeated again, and he felt very sad. Qi Lin scolded him indiscriminately, and Yan Anyang almost cried sadly. Ouyang Lulu, Ye Xuan and others cheered for Yan Anyang.When Mu Zifeng came home from get off work, he saw Cui Caiyan cooking in the kitchen. He became furious and forcibly kicked her away. He also reminded the property staff not to let Cui Caiyan in again.

Huang Chi's car was crashed, but fortunately he was safe and sound. Huang Chi apologized to Jia Xiaofei and promised to compensate for the money spent on the car. Jia Xiaofei roughly calculated that the car cost more than three million yuan. Huang Chi didn't have that much money, so he gave Jia Xiaofei a shot.An IOU.Mu Zifeng asked for help everywhere, but encountered obstacles everywhere. He learned from his classmates that because he had offended Cui Tiancheng, no law firm in Qinggang City dared to take him in.

Hong Ming's business failed and he wanted to sell the house as soon as possible. Miao Shuangqing and his daughter occupied the house and refused to move out. Hong Ming went to the hospital to find Miao Shuangqing and saw him and Miao Xiaorui eating and drinking in the ward. Hong Ming was very angry., had no choice but to come to Yan Anyang for help. Yan Anyang took people to the hospital to argue with Miao Shuangqing and his daughter.

Mu Zifeng had no choice but to go to Chen Qilun. He wanted to be the legal consultant of Qilun Group. Chen Qilun also came to a big city from a small place to develop. He understood Mu Zifeng's difficulties and encouraged him to open a law firm and promised to provide him with capital.Mu Zifeng naturally couldn't ask for it.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Miao Shuangqinglai pretended to be ill in the hospital. Hong Ming came to see him and brought him supplements and a pot of tiger orchid. Not only did Miao Xiaorui not appreciate it, she even said bad words to Hong Ming. Hong Ming smiled and said good things to persuade Miao Shuangqing.They moved away as soon as possible. Miao Shuangqing became so angry that she yelled at Hong Ming and forcibly drove him away.

After Qin Hong's hard work, Huang Chunxiang's folk museum was finally completed. Ma Wenjun and Shen Ting came to congratulate them. Shen Sifang also came to cheer. Qin Hong warmly welcomed their arrival. Shen Sifang deliberately brought up what happened when Qin Hong and Ma Wenjun were in college. Ma Wenjun hurriedlyChange the subject.

Chen Qilun came to attend the opening ceremony of the Folk Museum and also sent an antique Tang Sancai. Qin Hong just wanted to pick it up. Chen Qilun deliberately threw the Tang Sancai on the ground and broke it into pieces. Qin Hong's face changed with anger. Ma Wenjun suspected that Qin Hong chose the museum in ChangshengQin Hong denied that the project was for the Chenguang Plaza project, and also defended it in every possible way.

Hong Ming installed a miniature camera in the tiger orchid pot and secretly filmed every move of Miao Shuangqing and Miao Xiaorui. He also called Yan Anyang over. Miao Shuangqing told Miao Xiaorui what he wanted to do.The people from the Second Court came to them to apologize, so they took the opportunity to demonstrate in front of Hong Ming's house. In this way, they only had to pay three months' rent to live in for three years, and by analogy, they could settle down once and for all. Hong Ming andYan Anyang heard it clearly from the surveillance camera.

Jia Xiaofei came to Huang Chi to ask for money and brought an IOU signed by Huang Chi. Huang Chi quickly pulled Jia Xiaofei aside. Huang Chi found that the repayment period was added to the contract, and the date was today. Huang Chi clearly remembered that the IOU was not repaid.Jia Xiaofei insisted that he didn't see the date clearly.Huang Chunxiang asked Huang Chi to find out the whole story, and Huang Chi wanted to tell her in detail after clarifying the matter.

Fang Qiang revealed to Jia Xiaofei that someone had tampered with the car in advance, causing Huang Chi's racing accident. Jia Xiaofei promised to find out the matter as soon as possible and reminded Fang Qiang not to contact Huang Chi again to avoid him being hurt. Jia Xiaofei asked Fang QiangMove back home instead of living in a car dealership. Fang Qiang doesn't want to be scolded by his parents when he goes home. Jia Xiaofei gives him a bonus of 200,000 yuan. Fang Qiang is happy from ear to ear.

The video evidence taken by Yan Anyang Hongming was handed over to Chu Yun, and Qi Lin happened to come to Chu Yun. Chu Yun persuaded Qi Lin to stay in the Second Execution Court, but Qi Lin did not answer in person.Miao Shuangqing and his daughter were eating and drinking in the ward. Miao Xiaorui suddenly saw the judge from the second execution court coming to the hospital. She hurried back to the ward to put away the food and asked Miao Shuangqing to pretend to be terminally ill.

Qi Lin brought Yan Anyang and others to the ward and wanted to take Miao Shuangqing and his daughter back for investigation. Not only did Miao Xiaorui not cooperate, Qi Lin yelled at the pest. Qi Lin took out the video evidence and exposed Miao Shuangqing in person.Qing's father and daughter were immediately dumbfounded by their conspiracy. Shao Jun and the bailiff took the father and daughter away.

Yan Anyang played the video of Miao Shuangqing and his daughter feasting and drinking in the hospital, and plotting to occupy the house for three years with three months' rent. The two of them refused to repent in the face of ironclad evidence, and kept claiming that the Hongming house facedIt was not good and caused him to suffer from arthritis. Qi Lin scolded him loudly.

Chen Qilun funded a law firm for Mu Zifeng. Mu Zifeng was grateful to him, and Li Bo handed him the case of Huang Chi's debt.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Fang Qiang saw someone tampering with Jia Xiaofei's car. Huang Chi drove that car to participate in the competition. The car crashed due to brake failure and the car was completely scrapped. Jia Xiaofei took the opportunity to demand 3.5 million yuan in compensation from Huang Chi in order to force his grandmotherHuang Chunxiang handed over the museum.

Jia Xiaofei gave Fang Qiang 200,000 hush money. Fang Qiang rushed to the hotel to tell his parents the good news and bought supplements for them. Qi Runyu suspected that the money had an unknown origin. The other party forced him hard and called Qi Lin back to question Fang Qiang., Fang Qiang renovated the shrimp farm and brought huge profits. This was the bonus given to him by Jia Xiaofei. Qi Lin asked about the whole story in detail and believed in him. He tried his best to say good things for Fang Qiang. Qi Runyu still couldn't let go. Qi Lin wanted to invite the whole familyThey were having dinner, but Fang Qiang was angry and didn't want to go. Qi Lin kept smiling and said good things, so he reluctantly agreed.

Before Niu Feng retired, he was a judge of the criminal court of Jinhui Court. His wife Zhou Huifang made a lot of money from stock trading and was well-known in the community. Twenty-two neighbors gave her 1.87 million to trade stocks on their behalf, but she lost everything until Zhou Huifang died.Later, the neighbors came to Niu Feng with Zhou Huifang's IOU, and Niu Feng found out about it. He had no money to repay, so the neighbors took Niu Feng to court.Zhou Lei handed the case to Chu Yun. Chu Yun went through the case file from beginning to end and found that the IOUs of twenty-two people were signed on the same day, but Zhou Huifang borrowed the money half a year before the IOU.

Jia Xiaofei applied to the court for compulsory execution. Qi Lin was fully responsible for the case. He came to Huang Chi to understand the situation. Huang Chi suspected that someone had tampered with the car beforehand. Unfortunately, there was no conclusive evidence. Huang Chi clearly remembered the IOU he wrote.There was no repayment date marked at all. It was suspected that someone had added it after the fact. Fang Qiang was also there when Huang Chi issued the IOU.Qi Lin admitted that Fang Qiang was his cousin, but Huang Chi insisted that Qi Lin and Fang Qiang worked together to defraud him, and threatened that he would not repay a penny. He also cursed Qi Lin, and Huang Chunxiang slapped Huang Chi in anger to stop him from talking nonsense.Badao and Qi Lin saw this and had to leave first.

Chu Yun took people to find Niu Feng, and saw twenty-two neighbors making a fuss downstairs, forcing Niu Feng to pay back the money as soon as possible. Niu Feng had become accustomed to this. Zhao Zirui, the owner of the community, was Niu Feng's friend for many years. He couldn't bear it and carried a stick.Go downstairs and argue with the neighbors.Chu Yun arrived in time to persuade them, but they refused to give up. Chu Yun persuaded them earnestly and explained the stakes to them, and then those people went home.Niu Feng persuaded Zhao Zirui to apologize to his neighbor. Chu Yun informed Niu Feng to pay back the money within the specified time limit, otherwise he would be enforced. Niu Feng was once a judge and he knew the legal terms clearly.

Huang Chunxiang also knew that Huang Chi had been tricked, but there was no evidence. Huang Chunxiang wanted to call Huang Chi's father to discuss countermeasures, but Huang Chi flatly refused. He wanted to pay back the money on his own.Qi Lin asked Fang Qiang to find out about the sudden failure of the brakes on the car driven by Huang Chi. Fang Qiang asked questions and did not know. Qi Lin also asked about the repayment period of Huang Chi's IOU. Fang Qiang admitted that he was present when Huang Chi issued the IOU, but Jia Xiaofei was notIt is stipulated to be repaid within three days.

Qi Lin went through the whole story and felt that there was something fishy about Huang Chi's case. He applied to Zhou Lei to go to Huang Chi to understand the situation. Zhou Lei suggested asking the police to investigate the matter.After Huang Chi got drunk, he went to the parking lot to vent his anger and threw paint on the walls and doors. He was arrested by the police.The more Fang Qiang thought about it, the more something was wrong. He took the initiative to find Qi Lin to provide clues. Someone had tampered with Huang Chi's car the night before the competition.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Qi Lin learned from Fang Qiang that the IOU written by Huang Chi did not specify the repayment date, and that someone had tampered with Huang Chi's car the day before the game. Fang Qiang told Jia Xiaofei about this, and Jia Xiaofei gave him 200,000 yuan.Fang Qiang didn't touch a penny among the dividends, but Qi Lin praised him for doing a good job.

Huang Chunxiang was anxious about Huang Chi. She refused to eat or drink. Qin Hong tried to persuade her, but she just couldn't let go.Li Bo brought Mu Zifeng to find Huang Chunxiang. If Huang Chi could not repay the loan in time, he would be in danger of going to jail. Huang Chunxiang only had a deposit of 200,000, but this was far from enough. Li Bo persuaded Huang Chunxiang to use other methodsTo pay back the money, Qin Hong saw that Li Bo wanted to use Huang Chunxiang's museum to pay off the debt, so she called Li Bo out for a private chat and exposed Li Bo's conspiracy in person, but Li Bo ignored her.Mu Zifeng persuaded Huang Chunxiang to sell the museum and leave more than one million for retirement.

Yan Anyang found out that there was only 600,000 in Zhou Huifang's stock account. Niu Feng had no other property except the house where he lived now. Chu Yun went to discuss with one of the applicants, Aunt Zhao, and wanted to wait for Zhou Huifang's stock to rise before repaying the money. SheResolutely refusing to agree, but promising not to make trouble downstairs at Niu Feng's house, Chu Yun decided to go door to door to work for the other twenty-one applicants. She wanted to come to Zhao Zirui to find out about Niu Feng's situation.

Ten years ago, Zhao Zirui and his friends went to Guangzhou to buy mobile phones at a low price. He borrowed a large sum of money. As soon as he gave the money to the seller, he was arrested by the police for smuggling. After Zhao Zirui came back, he was forced to pay by his creditor. Niu Feng helped himHe filed a lawsuit and begged his creditor to extend his repayment. Later, Niu Feng introduced Zhao Zirui to a supermarket, and he opened a supermarket in the community. Zhao Zirui was grateful to Niu Feng, and the two became friends every year.

Zhao Zirui also revealed that Zhou Huifang made a lot of money from stock trading. Neighbors asked her to help with stock trading, but Zhou Huifang reluctantly agreed. After the stock plummeted, neighbors went to Zhou Huifang to ask for money. Zhou Huifang didn't want Niu Feng to know about it, so she was forced to do so.He had no choice but to write an IOU to them. Soon after Zhou Huifang died of illness, the neighbors forced Niu Feng to pay back the money.

Twenty-two applicants came to the downstairs of Niu Feng's house again. They beat gongs and drums and shouted slogans, forcing Niu Feng to pay back the money as soon as possible. Chu Yun came after hearing the news and persuaded them to leave.Huang Chi was released and Huang Chunxiang came to the detention center to pick him up. Huang Chi apologized to her and vowed to learn the ancestral wood carving craft from now on. Huang Chunxiang knew that he liked racing and was not interested in wood carving craft, so he decided to sell the house to replace Huang Chi.Chi paid back the money and also contributed money to support Huang Chi's racing. Huang Chi was moved to tears.

Qi Lin called Mu Zifeng to discuss Huang Chi's debt case, but he did not expect that Huang Chi and Jia Xiaofei had reached a settlement.Mu Zifeng met Chu Yun when he went out. Chu Yun learned that he had opened a law firm and congratulated him. Mu Zifeng wanted to treat Chu Yun to dinner. Chu Yun felt that it was not appropriate now, so Mu Zifeng broke up with Cui Caiyan.Tell Chu Yun about it.

Zhao Zirui called Liu Nan, the husband of one of the applicants, Wang Lingyun, to testify. Liu Nan and Zhao Zirui went to Guangzhou to purchase goods together. Niu Feng not only helped them find creditors to apply for deferred repayment, but also helped Liu Nan find a store to open a clothing store.Just when Liu Nan was about to tell Wang Lingyun about asking Zhou Huifang to trade stocks, Wang Lingyun hurried over and forcibly took Liu Nan away. Chu Yun asked Zhao Zirui to find Liu Nan privately.

Qi Lin came to Huang Chunxiang to understand the situation and learned that Li Bo wanted to acquire Huang Chunxiang's ancestral home.Huang Chunxiang disagreed. Her ancestral home was located next to the Chenguang Plaza project and could not be demolished. Huang Chi had an accident and was called for debt. Huang Chunxiang was sure that Huang Chi was framed, but there was no evidence.

Zhao Zirui learned from Liu Nan that Wang Lingyun asked Zhou Huifang to trade stocks on her behalf, but later she got back an IOU. Liu Nan asked hard about the reason, but Wang Lingyun did not allow him to inquire blindly.Chu Yun wanted Liu Nan to appear in court to testify, confirming that the applicant did not ask Zhou Huifang to trade stocks on his behalf, and it was not a loan at all.

Chu Yun called Niu Feng and the applicant together, and they insisted that Zhou Huifang had borrowed money from them to speculate in stocks. Liu Nan came later. Under pressure from Wang Lingyun, he suddenly changed his mind and falsely claimed that Zhou Huifang had borrowed money from his family to speculate in stocks. Zhao Zirui was furious.He had to grit his teeth and force Liu Nan to tell the truth. Liu Nan insisted that Zhou Huifang borrow money. The applicants pointed the finger at Niu Feng and criticized him verbally and in writing, but Niu Feng never said a word.Chu Yun shouted to stop them and forced them away. Chu Yun thought twice and decided to open a gap through Liu Nan.

Qi Lin came to Li Bo as Fang Qiang's cousin and asked him to acquire 10% of the equity of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory from Fang Qiang. Huang Chi's matter was also inseparable from Fang Qiang. Qi Lin suspected that Li BoBo deliberately involved Fang Qiang in order to drag him into the water. Li Bo made excuses in every possible way. Qi Lin wanted to find Jia Xiaofei, but he had disappeared.

Li Bo reported Qi Lin's arrival to Chen Qilun. Chen Qilun reminded Li Bo to be careful. Once Qi Lin found conclusive evidence, they would all be in danger. Only then did Li Bo realize the seriousness of the matter.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

Under the pressure of his wife Wang Lingyun, Liu Nan temporarily changed his testimony and insisted that Zhou Huifang borrowed money from his family to speculate in stocks. Chu Yun saw that he had something to hide, so he secretly called him to Zhao Zirui's small supermarket. Liu Nan admitted that he was a strict wife., if he told the truth, his wife would divorce him. Liu Nan thanked Niu Feng for his help and support. He secretly squandered more than 20,000 private money and asked Chu Yun to give it to Niu Feng to meet his urgent needs.

Chu Yun firmly believed that Niu Feng would not ask for the money. Niu Feng was an upright and honest judge before he retired. He had helped many people and had countless letters of thanks from his family.Twenty-two applicants came to make trouble, but Niu Feng remained silent. He guarded his last dignity with silence. Chu Yun returned the bank card to Liu Nan, who immediately decided to testify for Niu Feng in court.

Wang Lingyun hurried over and threatened to divorce Liu Nan. Liu Nan was not afraid and asked Chu Yun to record his testimony. Zhou Huifang did not borrow his family's money to trade stocks, but they begged Zhou Huifang to help trade stocks. The IOU was also after the stock price plummeted.They forced Zhou Huifang to sign it.Aunt Zhao called the applicants together and called on them to stick to the end and never become a traitor like Liu Nan.Niu Feng wanted to sell the house and ask Zhao Zirui to help rent the house, but Zhao Zirui tried his best to dissuade him, but to no avail.

Mu Zifeng privately negotiated with the clients of Tiancheng Law Firm, persuading them to terminate their contracts with Tiancheng Law Firm and promising them better legal services. Some clients signed contracts with Mu Zifeng on the spot, while others were waiting and watching. Chen Qilun gave Mu ZifengFeng came up with the idea to find out the problems of these clients and believed that they would switch to Mu Zifeng's Qifeng Law Firm.

Huang Chunxiang was forced to sell her old house to Li Bo. Qin Hong's folk museum had to be moved from the old house. Unwilling to accept it, she came to Cui Tiancheng for consultation. Cui Tiancheng did not want to go into this muddy water, and Qin Hong's pleading was of no avail..Two old customers came to Cui Tiancheng to terminate their contract. Cui Tiancheng was so angry that he gritted his teeth when he learned that Chen Qilun was behind the scenes.

Zhao Zirui couldn't bear to see Niu Feng living on the street. He secretly took out Niu Feng's real estate certificate and immediately came to Chu Yun for help. He asked Chu Yun to take him to see Niu Feng's apprentice, Dean Tang Kaiming. Chu Yun could not make the decision.He had no choice but to report to Zhou Lei. Niu Feng had already told Zhou Lei not to reveal his master-disciple relationship with Tang Kaiming, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to his work.

Niu Feng couldn't find the real estate certificate and guessed that Zhao Zirui had taken it. He then rushed to the court to find Zhao Zirui and couldn't wait to sell the house to pay back the applicants. Chu Yun asked Niu Feng to apply to the court for a retrial. Niu Feng didn't want to bother anymore.Regarding this matter, even if Zhou Huifang did not lend them money during his lifetime, he just wanted to feel at ease. Chu Yun felt very uncomfortable, but he couldn't force it.

Cui Tiancheng's clients were poached, so he had to come to Chen Qilun to discuss cooperation. In order to show his sincerity, he also brought the list of important clients of Tiancheng Law Firm. Chen Qilun refused in person and forcibly kicked Cui Tiancheng away.Cui Tiancheng came to Qifeng Law Firm to find Mu Zifeng and ridiculed him. Mu Zifeng did not want to explain too much, so Cui Tiancheng scolded him for having no conscience, and then left in anger.

After careful consideration, Cui Tiancheng decided to take Qin Hong's case and signed a five-year contract with Qin Hong. Cui Tiancheng came up with the idea to have Qin Hong and Huang Chunxiang sign a twenty-year lease contract. The date should be changed to before the museum opened, because the Civil Code stipulated that“Business does not break the lease”, Qin Hong was immediately elated, and went directly to Huang Chunxiang to sign the contract. As long as they signed the lease contract, Huang Chunxiang would not have to give her old house to Li Bo. Huang Chunxiang did not want to cheat, Qin Hong explained the interests to her, and guaranteedHuang Chunxiang was immediately tempted to keep the old house and help her find a suitable successor.

Chu Yun came to the bar to relax, and Qi Lin came later. Uncle Jiu wrote down Chu Yun’s preferences one by one and handed them to Qi Lin. Chu Yun complained to Qi Lin. She defended Niu Feng, and Qi Lin persuaded Chu Yun to put it down temporarily., Niu Feng wants to live with peace of mind, and his approach is understandable.Yan Anyang paid close attention to the stocks left by Zhou Huifang during his lifetime. Unexpectedly, the stocks soared and now have a market value of more than 1.4 million. Yan Anyang immediately called Chu Yun to inform Chu Yun.Chu Yun was worried that the stock would fall again and wanted to discuss with Niu Feng to sell the stock.Uncle Jiu saw that Chu Yun and Qi Lin had a crush on each other and tried his best to bring them together.

Niu Feng sold the stock and returned the 400,000 yuan from selling the house to the applicant. He used the remaining money to buy a small house. Zhou Lei reported the matter to Dean Tang Kaiming, who was deeply moved.Li Bo brought Mu Zifeng to collect the house, and Qin Hong showed him the lease contract. Mu Zifeng could tell at a glance that the contract was fake, and Qin Hong kept claiming that she forgot about the contract because she was busy.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

Li Bo asked Jia Xiaofei to set up a trap to frame Huang Chi. Huang Chunxiang was forced to sell her old house to pay back the money for Huang Chun. Li Bo took possession of the house according to the time agreed in the contract. Qin Hong came up with a twenty-year lease contract, and the signing date was before the transfer of the house., the Civil Code clearly stipulates that sales do not violate leases. Mu Zifeng knew that Qin Hong was making false claims, and also guessed that Cui Tiancheng was behind it. Suffering from the lack of conclusive evidence, he had to go back and report to Chen Qilun. Chen Qilun was very angry, and he went through all the troubles to get it.Huang Chunxiang got the house, but Qin Hong's contract made him lose everything. He got angry at Li Bo, and Li Bo vented all his anger on Mu Zifeng.

Mu Zifeng suddenly came up with a good idea. If there is any illegal behavior during the lease period, the buyer has the right to take back the house. Li Bo sent someone to install a surveillance camera outside Huang Chunxiang's house to monitor Huang Chunxiang's every move at any time.Qi Runyu was very optimistic about Chu Yun and tried his best to bring Qi Lin and Chu Yun into a relationship. Qi Lin repeatedly explained that they were just colleagues, but Qi Runyu didn't listen at all.

Huang Sen found a piece of good wood and brought it to Huang Chunxiang. Two young people working outside came to see Huang Chi at home. Huang Chi was not at home because of something, so they waited at home and asked Huang Chunxiang to play mahjong.The kindness was difficult but they had no choice but to agree. They didn't want to go inside and insisted on playing mahjong in the yard.Huang Chunxiang just wanted to relax by playing mahjong. The two young men placed a thick wad of money on the table, and Huang Chunxiang didn't think much about it.The police then arrived and arrested Huang Chunxiang and others for gambling. In fact, this was all arranged by Li Bo, who just wanted to get the house back.

Qi Lin's six-month rotation is about to expire, and the court has finalized the judge for the next rotation. Chu Yun and his colleagues in the Second Enforcement Division are reluctant to let Qi Lin go, but they have no choice. Chu Yun suggested giving Qi Lin a farewell party.The banquet was scheduled at Qi Runyu's restaurant. Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng helped them hang banners and decorate the scene.Qi Lin came back from get off work, Zhang Tianyi performed a show to cheer up, Yan Anyang pulled Ye Xuan, Tian Jia and Ouyang Lulu sang and danced, Ouyang Lulu left the show midway because she was in a bad mood, and the show was forced to stop, and Yan Anyang performed in order to liven up the atmosphere. When he asked for the name of the dish, Ouyang Lulu stopped him loudly.

Colleagues were reluctant to let him leave. They forced a smile to hold a farewell party for Qi Lin. Ouyang Lulu didn't want to act, so she was reluctant to let Qi Lin leave. Chu Yun also didn't want Qi Lin to leave. She forced herself to say goodbye to Qi Lin and welcome him.Qi Lin returned to the Second Execution Court at any time. Qi Lin was deeply moved. He declared on the spot that he would stay in the Second Execution Court. His friends burst into tears when he came, and other colleagues cheered happily.Fang Dacheng was very excited when he witnessed this touching scene, but Qi Runyu couldn't be happy. She advised Qi Lin to return to the criminal court, and he would definitely make great achievements in the future. The people facing the second execution court were all those old scoundrels, and Qi Runyu would never forget Qi Lin.While their father was working in the Executive Bureau, the couple took risks to save people and both died accidentally.

After Qi Lin came to the Second Enforcement Court and witnessed the efforts of every colleague, he deeply realized the hardship and significance of the execution work. He wanted to stay, but Qi Runyu had to give up.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

Qi Lin is the first to come to work every day. He cleans the office and other talents arrive one after another.Today, Qi Lin came to work early as usual. Zhang Tianyi, Ouyang Lulu and Tian Jia also made an appointment to come early. The four of them rushed to clean up.

Li Bo set a trap for Huang Chunxiang to play mahjong at home, and deliberately called the police to arrest the gambler. Because of Huang Chunxiang's illegal behavior, Li Bo had the right to take back his house. After hearing the news, Qin Hong rushed to the police station to go through the procedures and took Huang Chunxiang out.She called Cui Tiancheng for help. Cui Tiancheng knew that Huang Chunxiang had been tricked, but he could do nothing.

Li Bo specially found young people who had gone out to work from Changsheng Village and sent Jia Xiaofei to entertain them well. He asked them to drag Huang Chunxiang to play mahjong in the name of looking for Huang Chi. He also deliberately placed a lot of money on the table to pretend to be gambling capital.Huang Chunxiang was accused of gathering people to gamble. Jia Xiaofei hid in the shrimp fishing ground and did not dare to show up. He was worried that Qi Lin would catch him back for questioning. He cooked the shrimps and entertained the two young people. Li Bo asked him to hide for a while.

Li Bo guessed that Cui Tiancheng helped Qin Hong forge the lease contract, so he came directly to Cui Tiancheng to question him and threatened him. Cui Tiancheng called Qin Hong to terminate cooperation.Huang Chunxiang vacated the house for Li Bo, and she took Huang Chi out to rent a house. Huang Chi felt very guilty. Huang Chunxiang had no choice but to sell the old house for him. Huang Chunxiang comforted him instead.

The court studied and decided to send Judge Liu Wei from the First Civil Court to the Second Enforcement Court to start the second rotation. Unexpectedly, Qi Lin decided not to join the Criminal Court and wanted to stay in the Second Enforcement Court. Ma Wenjun was very dissatisfied with this matter, but Zhou LeiHappy from ear to ear.Since Qi Lin came to the Second Enforcement Tribunal, the mental state and work enthusiasm of the judges have been high, and the complaint rate of applicants has been greatly reduced. He would rather keep Qi Lin without commenting on his progress. Ma Wenjun immediately decided not to implement the rotation system.Zhou Lei also wanted Liu Wei to strengthen the team of the second executive court. Ma Wenjun accused Zhou Lei of being too greedy. Zhou Lei tried hard to persuade him, but Dean Tang Kaiming couldn't resist him, so he had to agree to Liu Wei's rotation for half a year in the second executive court.

In order to protect the Chenguang Plaza project, Mayor Chu convened a special meeting of the political and legal department, explicitly prohibiting power-seeking and violent demolition during the demolition process, and also reminded leaders of relevant departments to behave themselves.The Second Enforcement Tribunal received the reputation infringement case of applicant Wang Youzhi. Zhong Qing is the chief trainer of Dashan Goat Fitness Club. She and member Wang Youzhi signed a weight loss training contract to lose 30 pounds in two months. Wang Youzhi failed to lose weight after the expiration date.He believed that Zhong Qing had breached the contract. Zhong Qing posted a video of Wang Youzhi secretly adding extra food to the Internet. Wang Youzhi was bullied by the Internet. In a fit of anger, he posted the video of Zhong Qing's violent weight loss. He also sued Zhong Qing to court, demanding compensation of two dollars.Zhao Quan was asked to pay 10,000 yuan for mental damages and publicly apologize, but Zhong Qing refused to comply.

Yan Anyang played a video of Zhong Qing leading Wang Youzhi to lose weight. Wang Youzhi was exhausted from exercising and panting. Zhong Qing attacked him personally and called him a pig. Ye Xuan defended Wang Youzhi.In order to avoid disputes, Zhong Qing made it clear that there would be verbal stimulation when signing a weight-loss contract with each student. Wang Youzhi claimed that he could bear it and chose the most severe training method. Zhong Qing even took photos to keep the certificate.

Qi Lin called Wang Youzhi to understand the situation. Wang Youzhi kept eating hamburgers and large buckets of Coke in his hands. Qi Lin persuaded him to reconcile with Zhong Qing. Wang Youzhi refused and insisted that Zhong Qing pay money and publicly apologize online., and the public account must be shut down, Wang Youzhi said while eating, the burger was sprayed all over the floor, Qi Lin and others couldn't help but laugh.

Qin Hong wanted to seek justice for Dai Lan, but failed miserably. She wanted to leave Qinggang, but Dai Lan begged her to stay. Qin Hong came up with a good idea and hoped that Dai Lan would cooperate fully.Qi Lin and Yan Anyang came to the gym to find Zhong Qing. Zhong Qing refused to fulfill the court's judgment. She was willing to pay but refused to apologize. She also suspected that Wang Youzhi was an undercover agent sent by her colleagues. Qi Lin advised her to step back.Bao Bao was almost depressed, but Zhong Qing didn't buy it.

Qin Hong called Ma Wenjun and asked Ma Wenjun to celebrate her birthday. Ma Wenjun declined on the excuse that she was busy at work. Qin Hong kept claiming that she was leaving Qinggang and wanted to see Ma Wenjun before leaving. Ma Wenjun couldn't bear to refuse and had to agree.Qi Lin and Yan Anyang went to see Wang Youzhi. Wang Youzhi dug out a malicious comment on the Internet by Zhong Qing about a video of him secretly adding food, and also brought out the fact that he fell out of love because he was fat. He was very angry. Yan Anyang asked Zhong Qing to confirm it.Zhong Qing had no knowledge of this matter.

Wang Youzhi burst into tears and insisted that Zhong Qing make a public apology. Yan Anyang went to find Wang Youzhi's girlfriend Dong Siting. He learned that Wang Youzhi had trouble finding a job after graduating from college, so he overeated at home, causing his weight to soar.Dong Siting and Wang Youzhi had many quarrels and finally broke up. Shortly after the breakup, Wang Youzhi went to the gym to sign up to lose weight.Qi Lin came to see Zhong Qing again. Zhong Qing was running for exercise, so Qi Lin ran with her and asked her about online videos.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 33 Details

Episode 33

Qi Lin persuaded Zhong Qing to publicly apologize to Wang Youzhi, but Zhong Qing refused. Qi Lin ran with Zhong Qing while trying to persuade her, but Zhong Qing refused to let go. Qi Lin was exhausted and had to stop.Come down.

Qi Lin couldn't persuade Zhong Qing, so he had to call Wang Youzhi again and encourage Wang Youzhi to lose weight. Not only would he be healthier, but he might also be able to win back the heart of his ex-girlfriend Dong Siting. Wang Youzhi was said to be a pain point, and he was very angry.Hu Xiaoming insisted on making Zhong Qing apologize publicly. Qi Lin offered to help Wang Youzhi lose weight, but Wang Youzhi flatly refused.

Qi Lin came up with a compromise. He came to the gym again to discuss with Zhong Qing. If he could help Wang Youzhi lose weight in a happy way, he hoped that Zhong Qing could fulfill the court's decision. Qi Lin tried his best to say good things to Zhong Qing.Zhong Qing reluctantly agreed. As long as Wang Youzhi lost fifteen pounds in three days, she would apologize to Wang Youzhi. Before leaving, Qi Lin arranged for Yan Anyang to lose weight with Zhong Qing.

Wang Youzhi came to Qi Lin to complain. He was made worse by the malicious comments on the Internet, but he couldn't help but want to eat. Qi Lin wanted to help him lose weight. Wang Youzhi had no confidence, so Qi Lin cheered him on.Yan Anyang practiced with Zhong Qing for a day. He was so tired that his back and legs ached and he couldn't even go up the stairs. Chu Yun helped him up the stairs.

Yan Anyang got the weight loss recipe and training program list from Zhong Qing. He immediately handed it over to Qi Lin. Qi Lin took Wang Youzhi to do weight loss training and asked Yan Anyang to buy spinach and eggs according to the recipe. Wang Youzhi ate them continuously.After five bowls of weight-loss meals and still not full, Qi Lin asked Yan Anyang and Shao Jun to exercise with him. Wang Youzhi was so exhausted that he was sweating profusely, and Qi Lin encouraged him.

Ma Wenjun came to Qin Hong's birthday party as promised and gave her a gift. Qin Hong couldn't put it down. Ma Wenjun was curious about why she left Qinggang. Qin Hong felt bitter and couldn't express it. Dai Lan secretly added sleeping pills to the wine and invited Ma Wenjun to have a drink.Ma Wenjun was a public official and could not drink. Dai Lan tried hard to persuade him and explained that today was the weekend. Ma Wenjun accompanied Qin Hong and Dai Lan to have a drink.Ma Wenjun drank a lot of wine in one breath. He was about to get up and leave when he fainted due to the effects of the drug. Dai Lan helped Ma Wenjun to the bedroom. Qin Hong closed the door gently and showed an imperceptible sneer.

Shen Ting prepared dinner, but Ma Wenjun didn't come home. She called Ma Wenjun, but no one answered Ma Wenjun's call.When Ma Wenjun woke up and found that he and Dai Lan were sleeping together, he was so frightened that he quickly got up and got dressed.Qin Hong waited in the living room for a long time, letting himself and Dai Lan explain. Ma Wenjun was speechless and had to leave silently.

As soon as Ma Wenjun went out, he called Shen Ting and lied that he had worked overtime and slept in the office last night. Shen Ting called the office last night, but the person on duty did not see Ma Wenjun at all.In the blink of an eye, three days passed. Qi Lin and Wang Youzhi went to the gym to weigh themselves. Wang Youzhi lost eleven pounds. Zhong Qing recorded a video to apologize to Wang Youzhi and encouraged him to work hard to lose weight. Wang Youzhi forgave Zhong Qing and offered not toPost the video online and become Zhong Qing’s student.

Dong Siting came to Wang Youzhi to get back together and congratulate him on his initial success in losing weight. Wang Youzhi happily opened his mouth from ear to ear and vowed that he would succeed in losing weight.Shao Jun wanted to take the law exam and become a judge. Qi Lin helped him with legal knowledge in his spare time. Shao Jun studied very seriously.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 34 Details

Episode 34

When Ma Wenjun heard that Qi Lin had brought the applicant Wang Youzhi to lose weight, he was very angry. He reprimanded Zhou Lei severely and asked the judges of the Second Enforcement Tribunal to devote their main energy to the case of the demolition of Chenguang Plaza to ensure that the projectConstruction started smoothly.Zhou Lei tried his best to put in a good word for Qi Lin. Chu Yun repeatedly explained that Qi Lin and the others were using weekend time and did not affect their normal work. Ma Wenjun handed over Zheng Zhixia's case to Chu Yun. This was the first case encountered during the demolition process..

Huang Yaozu and his younger brother Huang Yaozong went from house to house to do work for the villagers, and they visited Zheng Zhixia's house again.Zheng Zhixia is an Internet celebrity anchor in Changsheng Village with a fan base of 500,000. He actively cooperated with the demolition work and signed a vacation contract very early. However, he has not moved out yet. He has an entire wall worth 3 million.The precious orchids could not be moved away, so they asked Zhuiguang Demolition Company to hire experts from Beijing to help remove the flowers, or move the flowers and the wall as a whole. Zhuiguang Demolition Company took him to court and demanded enforcement against Zheng Zhixia.

Chu Yun handed Zheng Zhixia's case to Qi Lin and asked him to persuade Zheng Zhixia to move within a week.Qi Lin brought Tian Jia and Zhang Tianyi to Zheng Zhixia to learn about the situation. They learned that after the demolition company signed the vacation contract with him, they agreed to find experts to evaluate and then sign a supplementary agreement. However, the demolition company has not sent anyone for a long time, and they stillHe filed a lawsuit. Zheng Zhixia and his fans witnessed the growth of Orchid. He used this to promote the national style. Qi Lin felt that the demolition company was committing fraud. He ignored Chu Yun's dissuasion and called Mu Zifeng, the legal consultant of the Zhuiguang demolition company.

Mu Zifeng admitted that the demolition company had promised to sign a supplementary agreement with Zheng Zhixia, but after they asked experts to evaluate it, Zheng Zhixia's flower wall did not meet the conditions of the supplementary agreement. He agreed to find someone to move the orchids, but there was no guarantee of life and death. Qi Lin pointedly pointed out that the demolition company was inTo evade the responsibility of huge compensation and ask the demolition company to sign a supplementary agreement with Zheng Zhixia, Mu Zifeng refused to let go.

Qin Hong originally wanted to make a fortune from the Chenguang Plaza project, but Chen Qilun and Li Bo completely destroyed her dream. Qin Hong was unwilling to give up, so she decided to rely on Ma Wenjun to make a last ditch effort.Qin Hong lied about Ma Wenjun's birthday and asked Dai Lan to drug Ma Wenjun's wine. He locked the unconscious Ma Wenjun and Dai Lan together to make it look like Ma Wenjun was having sex after drinking. Afterwards, Qin Hong went to the hospital to see a doctor.She issued a false pregnancy certificate and falsely claimed that Dai Lan was pregnant with Ma Wenjun's child.Qin Hong made arrangements and went to Ma Wenjun's mother with Dai Lan's test results.

Mu Zifeng reported Zheng Zhixia's matter to Chen Qilun. Chen Qilun refused to give Zheng Zhixia a penny and asked Li Bo to find a way to deal with the matter.Li Bo called Jia Xiaofei to help. Jia Xiaofei came to Zheng Zhixia's house while it was dark and asked people to pour boiling water on all the orchids on the wall.Zheng Zhixia woke up early in the morning and found that all the orchids were dead. He was so sad that he wished to live.

Zheng Zhixia believed that people from the demolition company had killed Lan Hua. Since there was no conclusive evidence, he called the Huang Yaozu brothers. Mu Zifeng came after hearing the news and pretended to comfort Zheng Zhixia and persuaded him to move out as soon as possible.Zheng Zhixia went to Qi Lin for help, but Qi Lin had no choice but to call the police first. Qi Lin persuaded Zheng Zhixia to make concessions, and Zheng Zhixia asked the demolition company to compensate two million.

Qin Hong gave the results of Dai Lan's pregnancy test to Ma Wenjun's mother. Ma's mother immediately called Ma Wenjun back. She only wanted a grandson and forced Ma Wenjun and Shen Ting to divorce. Ma Wenjun felt sorry for Shen Ting and he was determined not to divorce. MotherPush him hard.Mu Zifeng guessed that Li Bo sent someone to water Zheng Zhixia's flowers to death, and persuaded Li Bo to pay Zheng Zhixia two million in compensation. Li Bo refused and reprimanded Mu Zifeng. Mu Zifeng was not afraid., he and Li Bo argued hard.

The more Li Bo thought about it, the angrier he became. He directed all his anger at Jia Xiaofei, blaming him for not eradicating the roots. Mu Zifeng pointed his nose at him and scolded him. Jia Xiaofei wanted to teach Mu Zifeng a lesson, and Li Bo forced him to deal with Zheng Zhixia's matter as soon as possible.clean.Fang Qiang wakes up early every day and helps the restaurant buy vegetables and sell meat. Fang Dacheng is very happy and tries his best to say good things for him in front of Qi Runyu. Qi Runyu is worried that Fang Qiang has no character. As expected by Qi Runyu, Jia Xiaofei calls Fang Qiang and Fang QiangHe put the dishes down and left.

Qi Lin reported Zheng Zhixia's flower wall to Chu Yun. Chu Yun talked to Mu Zifeng and reminded him not to collude with Li Bo and others. Mu Zifeng vowed to go all out to help Zheng Zhixia fight for his interests.Jia Xiaofei brought Fang Qiang and others to Zheng Zhixia's house and forced Zheng Zhixia to move out tomorrow, but Zheng Zhixia flatly refused.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 35 Details

Episode 35

Jia Xiaofei informed Zheng Zhixia that he would move out tomorrow. Zheng Zhixia guessed that they were sent by Zhuiguang Demolition Company and refused to agree. Jia Xiaofei took out a baseball bat and threatened Zheng Zhixia. Fang Qiang tried his best to stop him. Jia Xiaofei beat Zheng Zhixia hard.hand before leading people away.

Ma Wenjun didn't want to divorce Shen Ting, but his mother was forcing him hard. Qin Hong called Ma Wenjun to negotiate and asked Ma Wenjun to help her join the Chasing Light Demolition Company. Only then did Ma Wenjun realize that Qin Hong's real purpose in approaching him was the Chenguang Plaza project. He completelySeeing Qin Hong's true face clearly, Qin Hong kept claiming that Dai Lan would give Ma Wenjun a son, but Ma Wenjun didn't buy it at all. Qin Hong threatened him with intimate photos of Ma Wenjun and Dai Lan, and Ma Wenjun was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Mayor Chu heard that Zheng Zhixia's orchid was watered to death and was injured. He came directly to Shen Sifang to hold him accountable and ordered Shen Sifang to supervise the actions of the Zhuiguang Demolition Company.Qi Lin heard that Zheng Zhixia was injured. He came to his home early in the morning to find out about the situation. Zheng Zhixia concluded that this was done by someone sent by the demolition company again, but he had no evidence. Zheng Zhixia revealed that Mu Zifeng had come to threaten him.

When Chu Yun learned about this, she called Mu Zifeng. Mu Zifeng denied that he had threatened Zheng Zhixia and suspected that Qi Lin had accused him in front of Chu Yun. He was very sad.Chu Yun conveyed Mu Zifeng's words to Qi Lin, and Qi Lin vowed to find conclusive evidence against Mu Zifeng.Late at night, Jia Xiaofei came to Zheng Zhixia's house again and threatened to destroy his face with sulfuric acid. Zheng Zhixia was so frightened that he begged for mercy. Jia Xiaofei turned out Fang Qiang's photo and asked Zheng Zhixia to frame Fang Qiang for the murder.

Zheng Zhixia reported to the police that Fang Qiang had assaulted him, and even took the initiative to write a letter of reconciliation. Qi Lin heard the news and rushed to the police station to pick up Fang Qiang. Fang Qiang lied that his girlfriend always gave Zheng Zhixia rewards, and he beat Zheng Zhixia in anger.After a while, Qi Lin realized that he was lying and forced him to tell the truth.Fang Qiang had no choice but to admit that there were five people who went to see Zheng Zhixia that night, and all four of them testified that he had done something to Zheng Zhixia. Fang Qiang could not defend himself and could only bow his head and confess. Qi Lin explained the stakes to him, but Fang Qiang did not listen at all.Jia Xiaofei later asked Fang Qiang to take the blame for him, but Fang Qiang had no choice but to agree.

Qi Lin saw that Fang Qiang was taking the blame for kicking someone, and suspected that Mu Zifeng was behind the matter, so he came to Mu Zifeng to hold him accountable. Mu Zifeng had no idea about this, so he retorted to Qi Lin and asked Qi Lin to come up with conclusive evidence.Qi Lin gave him evidence and mocked him. Qi Lin punched him hard and walked away.

Ma Wenjun came to Qilun Group under the banner of a city leader to inspect the work. Chen Qilun hosted a banquet for him. Ma Wenjun asked Qin Hong to participate in the Chenguang Plaza project. Chen Qilun could not refuse because Ma Wenjun was a member of the political and legal team of the Chenguang Plaza project.Chu Yun learned that Qi Lin had beaten Mu Zifeng and taught him a lesson. Qi Lin could not just watch his cousin Fang Qiang being framed. He told his face that Chu Yun and Mu Zifeng were lovers and reminded himChu Yun should not protect Mu Zifeng.

Chen Qilun took the initiative to call Qin Hong and promised to give her 10“ of the shares of Zhuiguang Demolition Company and asked Li Bo to sign a cooperation agreement with her. Li Bo ignored Qin Hong and Qin Hong didn't care at all. She had gotten what she wanted.Chen Qilun wanted to give Qin Hong 10” of the shares in Changsheng Village. Li Bo came to inform Huang Yaozu. Huang Yaozu was very reluctant, but he couldn't defeat Li Bo.

Zheng Zhixia agreed to move out as soon as possible, and the case finally came to an end. Qi Lin knew that Zheng Zhixia was forced to do this. He couldn't swallow this breath and asked Zhou Lei to go to Ma Wenjun to apply for re-examination of Zheng Zhixia's case. Ma Wenjun reminded QiLin did not want to cause trouble. Qi Lin insisted on re-investigating the case. Ma Wenjun was angered by the rejection and announced on the spot that Qi Lin would not be allowed to participate in such cases again.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 36 Details

Episode 36

Zheng Zhixia's case ended with his compromise. Chu Yun invited Mu Zifeng to dinner and apologized to him on behalf of Qi Lin. Mu Zifeng did not want to be suspected by Chu Yun anymore, so he decided not to participate in the Chenguang Plaza project case anymore and not pursue the case.Chu Yun, the lawyer representing the demolition company, supported his decision and felt sorry for him to lose such a generous remuneration.

Qi Lin was upset and came to Shao Jun for a boxing competition to vent his dissatisfaction. Shao Jun was going to take the law exam tomorrow. He saw that Qi Lin was depressed and took the initiative to stay with him to relax.Jia Xiaofei came out of the bar very drunk. Because his subordinates drove a little slower, Jia Xiaofei yelled at him and used the strength of the drink to say that his subordinates had touched the brakes of the car, causing Huang Chi's brake failure and accident during the race. Fang Qiang hid in the car.While filming this scene.

Mu Zifeng asked Chen Qilun to resign and wanted to send other lawyers to follow up on the project to prevent Qi Lin from entangled with him. Chen Qilun agreed to his withdrawal and let him do behind-the-scenes work. Mu Zifeng revealed that Qi Lin was investigating the Guang Demolition Company.Remind Chen Qilun to be more careful.Li Bo was worried that Qi Lin would find out about Jia Xiaofei and ordered him to leave Qinggang immediately.

Qi Lin was suspended, and he felt aggrieved. Chu Yun advised Qi Lin to write a good examination so that Qi Lin could resume work as soon as possible. Qi Lin insisted on continuing to pursue Zheng Zhixia's case. Chu Yun persuaded him sincerely and let him return to work first., only then could he have the opportunity to investigate the series of cases involving Huang Chunxiang and Zheng Zhixia. Qi Lin suddenly opened his eyes and went to write a review obediently.

Jia Xiaofei didn't want to leave Qinggang. He wanted to take revenge on Qi Lin, so he called Fang Qiang. He kept claiming that he wanted to apologize to Qi Lin in person and asked Fang Qiang to pull the strings.Fang Qiang knew that Jia Xiaofei wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate against Qi Lin, so he explained the truth to Qi Lin. Jia Xiaofei injured Zheng Zhixia, and he only took the blame for Jia Xiaofei. Fang Qiang followed Jia Xiaofei for several days and took photos of the evidence that he framed Huang Chi. Fang QiangAs soon as the video was handed over to Qi Lin, Jia Xiaofei and his people arrived. Fang Qiang covered Qi Lin's escape, and Jia Xiaofei and his people pursued them.

Fang Qiang and Qi Lin ran to a dead end. Jia Xiaofei led people to block them. Qi Lin asked Fang Qiang to go first. He stayed to negotiate with Jia Xiaofei. Fang Qiang offered to accompany Qi Lin to advance and retreat. Jia Xiaofei threatened and intimidated Qi Lin to let him go.Qi Lin and Fang Qiang died together. Jia Xiaofei gave an order and his men surrounded Qi Lin and Fang Qiang. Qi Lin fought with them.Jia Xiaofei drew his knife and stabbed Qi Lin. Fang Qiang rushed forward to block Qi Lin's knife regardless of his own safety. The police came after hearing the news. When Jia Xiaofei saw this, he immediately fled with his men.

The city leaders studied and decided to set aside a part of the Chenguang Plaza to build a green space, named it “Qinggang Eye”, and handed over the project to Shang Yongdao of Shangqi Group. Shangyongdao publicly stated that it would go all out to complete the project.Chen Qilun was very worried about this.After the full rescue efforts of medical staff, Fang Qiang finally turned the corner, and Qi Lin stayed by his side every step of the way.

Dean Tang sent a bailiff to protect Qi Lin, but Qi Lin felt it was unnecessary.Chen Qilun did not want to give the big fat piece of the Chenguang Plaza project to Shang Yongdao, and Shen Sifang tried to persuade him to no avail. Chen Qilun asked Shen Sifang to apply to the city leaders to kick Shang Yongdao out, or else he would be given another piece of land.If he wanted to build a commercial center or increase the demolition fee by 100 million, Shen Sifang could only apply for 30 million on his behalf. Chen Qilun did not accept it, and Shen Sifang reminded him to take care of himself, otherwise he would be eliminated.Chen Qilun didn't want to give up. He wanted the villagers of Changsheng Village to cause trouble.

After get off work, Ouyang Lulu and Ye Xuan asked Qi Lin to take them to Qi Runyu's restaurant for dinner. Qi Lin knew that they wanted to protect him and found an excuse to decline. Chu Yun wanted to drive Qi Lin home, but Qi Lin declined politely. He swore I want to open a gap in Jia Xiaofei and investigate the cases of Zheng Zhixia and Huang Chi to the end.Chu Yun asked Mu Zifeng to find out about Jia Xiaofei's situation. Mu Zifeng guessed that he was here for Qi Lin. Chu Yun suspected that Mu Zifeng gave Li Bo an idea to frame Huang Chunxiang, and insisted that he add fuel to the flames of Zheng Zhixia's case. Mu ZifengKeeping claiming that he was for the benefit of the client, Chu Yun reminded him to voluntarily surrender.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 37 Details

Episode 37

Ma Wenjun drove Dai Lan to the hospital for a prenatal check-up. While Qin Hong waited in the hospital for a long time, she took Dai Lan and prescribed a lot of miscarriage pills.Shen Sifang followed Ma Wenjun and saw him carrying Dai Lan into the hospital. He also learned about Dai Lan's miscarriage medicine from the hospital pharmacy.Shen Sifang thought that Dai Lan was pregnant with Ma Wenjun's child. He stood up for his sister Shen Ting and went directly to Ma Wenjun to settle the score. He had always suspected that Ma Wenjun and Qin Hong had an ambiguous relationship. Unexpectedly, Ma Wenjun and Dai Lan had a child. Shen Sifang gave Ma Wenjun a hard lesson.Ma Wenjun listed Shen Sifang's corruption and bribery incidents one by one. Shen Sifang vowed that he would never let Ma Wenjun go in this life. Ma Wenjun was angry and wanted to fight him to the death. Shen Sifang was dumbfounded.

Shao Jun successfully passed the legal exam. He was about to become a judge. He invited the judges of the Second Enforcement Tribunal to have a meal to celebrate. He specially invited them to his home for dinner. Shao Jun announced on the spot that he had passed the legal exam. Everyone congratulated him. Shao JunHe revealed that his daughter has autism and that he wanted to prove his ability to her as a judge. Chu Yun and Qi Lin were very optimistic about him and cheered him on.

Shen Sifang went to the Zhuiguang Demolition Office for a meeting and found that Qin Hong was also present. He went to Chen Qilun for a showdown and asked Chen Qilun to drive Qin Hong out of the Demolition Office. Chen Qilun could not make the decision and asked him to go to Ma Wenjun. Shen Sifang had no choice but to leave in anger.The city allocated a piece of land to Shang Yongdao to build a commercial center. Chen Qilun was very worried about this matter. He wanted to use the villagers of Changsheng Village to cause trouble for Shang Yongdao. Li Bo asked Huang Yaozong and Huang Yaozong brothers to mobilize the villagers to ask for eight times more demolition money.After forcing Shang Yongdao to abandon the commercial center project, Huang Yaozu once again realized Li Bo's ruthlessness and vowed to follow Li Bo and work hard in the future.

Shen Sifang mustered up the courage to go to Shen Ting and tell him about Ma Wenjun's affair with Dai Lan and the child. Shen Ting didn't believe it. Shen Sifang showed the photo of Ma Wenjun taking Dai Lan to the hospital for a prenatal checkup as evidence. Shen Ting was dumbfounded.Huang Yaozu and Huang Yaozong came to the home of villager Yongnian. Yongnian's wife had just given birth and he did not want to move for the time being. Huang Yaozu asked him to live in a down-to-earth manner and also sent two boxes of supplements, suggesting that Yongnian should strive for more compensation.

Shen Ting went to her mother-in-law's house to complain. She saw that the table was filled with milk powder and baby products. She was sure that what happened to Ma Wenjun and Dai Lan was true. Her mother-in-law tried her best to cover it up and lied about using these items to recruit children for her. Shen Ting knew that her mother-in-law was lying., or bite the bullet and go to the kitchen to cook.When Ma Wenjun came home from work, Shen Ting took out the photos of him and Dai Lan. Ma Wenjun had to admit that she had done something wrong. Shen Ting was very sad. She loved Ma Wenjun deeply, but she did not expect that Ma Wenjun would betray her. She wanted to divorce Ma Wenjun.Ma Wenjun didn't want to leave, but Shen Ting had made up her mind. Ma Wenjun brought up the matter of Shen Sifang accepting bribes and asked Shen Ting to go to her old house to see what happened.

Shen Ting came to the old house and saw that the house was filled with various antiques and cultural relics. The safe was full of money and gold and silver jewelry. Shen Ting went to settle the account with Shen Sifang. Shen Sifang lied that the bottles and jars were all fakes. Shen TingShe had already seen those inspection certificates, and each antique was valuable. Shen Sifang had long seen that Ma Wenjun was unreliable. All he did was to leave a way out for Shen Ting, but Shen Ting did not appreciate it and persuaded himSurrender yourself.Fang Qiang was discharged from the hospital today. Qi Lin took him home and apologized to Qi Runyu. Fang Qiang was stabbed by Jia Xiaofei in order to save him.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 38 Details

Episode 38

Qi Runyu was worried that Qi Lin was in danger and wanted to take him to and from get off work. Qi Lin was deeply moved. He promised to protect himself, and Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng were relieved.Qi Lin came to see Fang Qiang and greeted him. After this life and death test, Fang Qiang and Qi Lin's relationship became deeper and deeper, and he promised to give Qi Lin half of his property.

Huang Yaozong went to Li Bo privately. Li Bo encouraged him to work hard and rewarded him for his merits. Huang Yaozong was so happy that he called together the villagers who had not been demolished without telling Huang Yaozu and encouraged them to ask for more demolition money.They responded unanimously. Huang Yaozong unfurled a banner at his home, sealed the doors and windows, refused to fulfill the previously signed demolition contract, and demanded a substantial increase in the demolition payment.

The Second Enforcement Tribunal was ordered to enforce enforcement against Huang Yaozong and others. Chu Yun personally led the team and called Qi Lin together. Before leaving, Ma Wenjun cheered them on and invited the police to assist them in their work. Ma Wenjun and Zhou Lei were in the command centerSit down.Chu Yun and his party came to Huang Yaozong's house and shouted to Huang Yaozong with a loudspeaker. Huang Yaozong insisted on increasing the demolition payment, but Huang Yaozong refused to cooperate. Ma Wenjun ordered Chu Yun to enforce the law against Huang Yaozong.

Shao Jun led the bailiffs to rush into Huang Yaozong's home. Huang Yaozong was fully prepared. He prepared 300 bottles filled with gasoline in advance and placed a lot of flammable objects at the door of his house. He lit the gasoline and threw it at the flammable objects., the fire spread like a wall of fire. Qi Lin was worried about the danger and advised Chu Yun to evacuate temporarily. Ma Wenjun ordered to continue. Huang Yaozong took out a large box of bottles filled with gasoline and threw it outside the door. The fire became bigger and bigger. Qi Lin againAdvise Chu Yun to withdraw his troops.

Huang Yaozu was worried that Huang Yaozong would go to jail, so he hurriedly came to Li Bo for help. Li Bo wanted to see Huang Yaozong make the matter bigger.Huang Yaozong threatened that he had taken four people hostage and prepared eighteen gas tanks at home. Chu Yun reported to Ma Wenjun, who insisted on continuing the execution. Zhou Lei persuaded him hard, and Ma Wenjun agreed to rescue the hostages first.

Qi Lin ignored Chu Yun's dissuasion and decided to take risks alone to rescue the hostages. He negotiated with Huang Yaozong to replace the hostages with himself. Huang Yaozong thought twice before reluctantly agreeing to let him in. The bailiff took the opportunity to put out the fire.Yongnian and the other four were worried that the matter would become too big to end, so they wanted to leave. Huang Yaozong refused to allow them to leave and threatened them with eighteen gas tanks. They were so frightened that they hurriedly hid.

Qi Lin came to Huang Yaozong's house through many obstacles. Huang Yaozong opened the gas tank and held a lighter in his hand. Qi Lin persuaded him to turn off the gas first. Huang Yaozong forced Qi Lin to turn off the law enforcement recorder.At the same time, Shao Jun and his colleagues quietly sneaked into Huang Yaozong's house and climbed over the wall.

Qi Lin and Huang Yaozong discussed releasing Yongnian and others first. Huang Yaozong refused and wanted to increase the compensation. Shao Jun broke into Huang Yaozong's house through the back door and rescued Yongnian. When Qi Lin saw this scene, he deliberately delayed time.Jun covered the last person to evacuate, but that person accidentally knocked the bottle to the ground. Huang Yaozong rushed to stop him, but Qi Lin desperately grabbed him and knocked the lighter in his hand to the ground.

Qi Lin and Huang Yaozong were entangled. Shao Jun rushed forward to subdue Huang Yaozhong and pushed Qi Lin out of the door. Huang Yaozong lit the lighter and the gas tank exploded instantly. Shao Jun died in the sea of ​​​​fire trying to save Huang Yaozhong. Huang Yaozong fell into a coma due to extensive burns.Waking up, Qi Lin witnessed Shao Jun's sacrifice, and he was so sad that he wished to live.

Qi Lin and Chu Yun came to the rental house to see Shao Jun's wife and daughter. Shao Jun's daughter Hanghang was silent because of autism. Chu Yun and Qi Lin bought toys to coax her, but she still didn't speak. Qi Lin asked their mother toThe two women live in this rented house steadily. Shao Jun has paid the rent for a year. Shao Jun's wife asked Qi Lin to return the rented house. She wanted to take Hanghang back to her hometown, but Qi Lin couldn't force her.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 39 Details

Episode 39

The leaders of the court convened a meeting of all the judges of the Second Enforcement Tribunal to conduct an internal investigation into Huang Yaozong's violent resistance to the law. Chu Yun knew that Qi Lin was aggrieved that Shao Jun could not ratify the martyrdom, and reminded him in advance to speak carefully at the meeting.

Dean Tang personally presided over the meeting. Ma Wenjun took the initiative to bear all the responsibilities. Dean Tang asked the judges of the Second Enforcement Tribunal to speak. Everyone was silent. Dean Tang asked Qi Lin to speak by name. Qi Lin said bluntly.Ma Wenjun's command error led to an avoidable accident. Shao Jun sacrificed his life to save him, but he cannot be recognized as a martyr. Ma Wenjun advised Qi Lin to focus on the overall situation. If the explosion is found to be an accident, Shao Jun cannot be recognized as a martyr.martyr.

Qi Lin insisted on applying for the title of martyr for Shao Jun, and even brought out the terms to compare. Chu Yun stood up to support Qi Lin, and the judges of the second execution court petitioned for Shao Jun's life.After the meeting, Zhou Lei came to Dean Tang to admit his mistake. Instead, Dean Tang complained that he did not stand up to support Qi Lin and Chu Yun. Dean Tang wanted to apply for the title of martyr for Shao Jun. Zhou Lei was moved to tears and bowed deeply.Thank him.

When Ma Wenjun came home from get off work, Shen Ting cooked him the last meal. She suspected that Ma Wenjun was using power for personal gain for Qin Hong. Ma Wenjun felt bitter in his heart and could not tell. Shen Ting took out the divorce agreement and asked him to sign it. Ma Wenjun did not want to separate, but Shen Ting's feelingsIt was decided that Ma Wenjun voluntarily left the house and asked Shen Ting to change the terms and he would sign.

Shao Jun was posthumously recognized as a martyr. Zhou Lei took the judges of the Second Execution Court to the rental house and personally handed the certificate to Shao's wife. Zhou Lei also raised funds for their mother and daughter. Shao's wife politely declined because she has autism.Hanghang suddenly said "Father is a hero", Shao's wife was extremely excited, and everyone present was moved by it.Shao's wife packed her luggage and left holding Shao Jun's ashes. Zhou Lei, Qi Lin and others saw her off.

Chu Yun called Yongnian and others to understand the situation. They regretted listening to Huang Yaozong's instigation and confessed that Li Bo was behind the matter.Qi Lin came to Huang Yaozu to understand the situation. Huang Yaozu repeatedly explained that he had no knowledge of Huang Yaozong's violent resistance to the law. Li Bo asked the two brothers to encourage the villagers to ask for more compensation, and also told Qin Hong about the shares obtained by using Ma Wenjun's relationship. Qin HongHalf of the shares were also given to Ma Wenjun’s mother, Zhu Qingfen.

Qi Lin was shocked after hearing what Huang Yaozu said. Qi Lin suddenly received a notice from the police and was relieved to learn that Jia Xiaofei had been arrested.The police conducted a surprise interrogation of Jia Xiaofei. Jia Xiaofei refused to confess any crime. The police showed the video taken by Fang Qiang, and Jia Xiaofei had no choice but to plead guilty.

Qi Lin prepared the reporting materials overnight and wanted to report Ma Wenjun to his superiors in real name. He invited Chu Yun to Jiu Shu Bar to tell him about Ma Wenjun's abuse of power for personal gain. Chu Yun ignored Qi Lin's obstruction and signed his name on it. Qi Lin did not want to be implicated.Chu Yun, Chu Yun insisted on advancing and retreating with him.

Ma Wenjun heard that Qin Hong gave 5% of the shares to his mother, Zhu Qingfen. He went to Qin Hong to argue and drove Dai Lan away. Qin Hong admitted that she had given the shares to Zhu Qingfen. Ma Wenjun was worried that the matter would be revealed and would affect his future. Qin Hong was willing to take responsibility.Ma Wenjun asked Qin Hong to take Dai Lan to the hospital for an abortion. He did not want his child to be born without a father. Qin Hong had to admit that Dai Lan was not pregnant at all. He had drugged the wine in advance. Ma Wenjun did nothing. Those intimate photos wereShe staged the photo, and she even asked a doctor to issue a fake certificate.

When Ma Wenjun learned the truth of the matter, he was furious. Qin Hong not only did not repent, but also spoke plausibly. Ma Wenjun slammed the door and left in anger.Qin Hong didn't want to implicate Dai Lan and asked her to leave Qinggang as soon as possible.Mayor Chu is Chu Yun's father. Chu Yun went home and reported several cases about the Morning Plaza project to him, and also told him about Ma Wenjun's abuse of power for personal gain. Chu Yun handed Qi Lin's reporting materials to his father.

《Enforcement Department》Episode 40 Details

Episode 40

Shen Ting got up early in the morning, made breakfast and left a letter for Ma Wenjun. She went directly to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to report Ma Wenjun and Shen Sifang.When Ma Wenjun saw the letter, he hurriedly drove to chase Shen Ting, but it was too late. Shen Ting had already reported in detail the crimes of Ma Wenjun and Shen Sifang to the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Mayor Chu talked to Shen Sifang, who denied using power for personal gain and accepting bribes.Staff of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection approached Qin Hong to learn about the situation. Qin Hong told her to give the shares to Zhu Qingfen, but Ma Wenjun had no knowledge of this.The police stopped Li Bo halfway. Li Bo knew that the matter was exposed, so he obeyed and was arrested.The staff of the Discipline Inspection Commission wanted to conduct a comprehensive investigation into Ma Wenjun. Dean Tang fully cooperated with their work and sent a secretary to take them to Ma Wenjun. At the same time, Chen Qilun voluntarily surrendered to the police.

Dean Tang held a team meeting to remind everyone to take Ma Wenjun as a warning, and also praised Qilin and Chu Yun.Zhou Lei was promoted to vice president, and Chu Yun was transferred to Xinzhou as the director of the Executive Bureau. Chu Yun did not want to leave Qinggang, but she could not disobey the organization's appointment. She bid farewell to Zhou Lei with tears, and Zhou Lei was not willing to let her leave. The two of themSay goodbye with tears.Chu Yun returned to the Second Execution Court and was deeply relieved to see her colleagues working in an orderly manner.

Chu Yun came home from get off work and told her parents about her promotion. Her mother saw that she liked Qi Lin and tried her best to bring her into a relationship with Qi Lin. She encouraged Chu Yun to pursue her boldly and asked her husband, Mayor Chu, to find Dean Tang to arrest Qi Lin.He was also transferred to the Xinzhou Court, but Mayor Chu flatly refused. He could not use his power for personal gain. Chu Yun blushed with shame and hurriedly hid in his room.

Fang Qiang's injury gradually improved. He wanted to renovate his parents' hotel and carefully drew the design. Qi Lin supported his decision. Fang Qiang urged Qi Lin to get married and have children as soon as possible to fulfill his parents' wish. Qi Lin hurriedly changed the subject.Liu Wei of the First People's Court was assigned to the Second Enforcement Court for rotation. He publicly stated that he would learn from Qi Lin. The court leaders decided to appoint Qi Lin as the president of the Second Enforcement Court.Qi Lin felt very unhappy when he learned that Chu Yun had been transferred.

Chu Yun is going to Xinzhou tomorrow to take office. Before she leaves, she comes to Qi Runyu's restaurant for dinner. Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng see that Chu Yun is here for Qi Lin, and they discuss to finalize the relationship between Chu Yun and Qi Lin today.Ye Xuan applied to be a post judge. He volunteered to be Qi Lin's assistant and would be the deputy president of the court in the future. Qi Lin cheered him on.

Qi Runyu and Fang Dacheng said a lot of good things about Qi Lin in front of Chu Yun, and tried their best to bring Chu Yun and Qi Lin into a relationship. Chu Yun was going to Xinzhou to take up a post. She thanked Qi Lin for his constant help. Chu Yun liked what Fang Dacheng did very much.I wanted to pack some pig's feet and take them back to my parents. Qi Runyu promised to send pig's feet to his parents regularly.

Zhou Lei applied to Dean Tang to add another rotating judge, and Dean Tang asked him to keep Liu Wei.Fang Dacheng lied that he was feeling unwell and called Qi Lin back, wanting him to have a good talk with Chu Yun. Qi Lin hurried back to the restaurant and realized that Fang Dacheng was lying to him.

Qi Lin asked Chu Yun to say goodbye to his colleagues. Chu Yun did not want to cry in front of everyone. Qi Lin found that Chu Yun had changed and did not expect Chu Yun's gentle side.Chu Yun handed Qi Lin a notebook in which the preferences of each colleague were recorded in detail. Chu Yun and Qi Lin shook hands and said goodbye.