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《oracicedynasty》 Summ

《oracicedynasty》 is a six-episode documentary produced by China Central Television that explores in depth the cultural heritage of the Shang Dynasty, especially the mystery of the ancient oracle bone inscriptions and its profound impact on Chinese civilization.Each episode revolves around a specific aspect of the Shang Dynasty, giving a comprehensive portrait of this ancient dynasty.

Cultural Territory: This episode introduces the geographical scope and cultural influence of the Shang Dynasty, shows how oracle bone inscriptions recorded the political territory and cultural expansion of the time, and reveals the role of oracle bone inscriptions as a writing system in unifying cultural identity.

Social life: Through the oracle bone inscriptions, the daily life, customs, beliefs and social structure of the people of the Shang Dynasty are revealed, allowing the audience to have a glimpse of the world of fireworks more than 3,000 years ago.

Divination system: An in-depth discussion of the divination culture of the Shang Dynasty. Oracle bone inscriptions, as the carrier of divination records, reflected the people of the Shang Dynasty’s reverence for nature and gods and the decision-making process, and reflected the spiritual belief system of the society at that time.

The Prosperity of Wu Ding: Focusing on the most glorious period of the Shang Dynasty, King Wu Ding's rule shows his statecraft, military conquests and cultural prosperity through the records of oracle bone inscriptions.

Production technology: Showcasing the development of agriculture, handicrafts and technology in the Shang Dynasty, records in oracle bone inscriptions provide valuable information about production activities at that time and reflect the scientific and technological achievements of ancient civilizations.

Reasons for its demise: Explore the social conditions at the end of the Shang Dynasty and the possible reasons for its eventual demise. The clues in the oracle bone inscriptions help historians speculate on historical events and provide an important perspective for understanding the end of the Shang Dynasty.

Through the unique perspective of Oracle, the entire documentary not only shows the full history of the Shang Dynasty, but also explores new interpretations of Oracle with the assistance of modern technology, especially artificial intelligence, such as the AI ​​project of the Huawei Cloud team, which not only deepens our understanding ofThe understanding of ancient civilizations also demonstrates the innovative combination of technology and historical research.《oracicedynasty》Through the integration of rich archaeological discoveries, historical documents and modern technology, a vivid historical picture of the Shang Dynasty is presented to the audience.

《oracicedynasty》Episode 1 Details

The birth of a dynasty

《oracicedynasty》 Episode 1 of the documentary, titled “The First Day of the Dynasty”, delves into the early history of the Shang Dynasty, specifically the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions and their extraordinary significance in understanding this ancient dynasty.Through the unique historical window of oracle bone inscriptions, this episode leads the audience into the cultural territory of the Shang Dynasty, revealing all aspects of social life in that era, including the political system, divination customs, and the social background of the Shang King Wu Ding.

In this episode, viewers learn about the first discovery of the Oracle and its subsequent significant impact on academia.As the earliest mature writing system in China, oracle bone inscriptions not only record the daily and major events of the Shang Dynasty, but also show the stories of Shang kings such as Wu Ding and their queens, including their lives, wars, and divination of the future.Through these words carved on tortoise shells and animal bones, historians and archaeologists can reconstruct the history of the Shang Dynasty and understand the beliefs, social structure and technological development of the people of that era.

In addition, Episode 1 also explores the central role of divination in Shang Dynasty society, how to predict good and bad luck and guide decision-making through oracle bone inscriptions, and how these inscriptions become important information for future generations to understand the history of the Shang Dynasty.Through the interpretation and analysis of modern experts, the audience can have a dialogue across time and space with the Shang Dynasty civilization across three thousand years, and experience that ancient era that is both mysterious and full of wisdom.

《oracicedynasty》Episode 2 Details

Fireworks world

《oracicedynasty》The second episode of the documentary "Fireworks in the World" focuses on the daily life of the Shang Dynasty society. Through the precious historical data of oracle bone inscriptions, it reveals the living conditions and cultural customs of ordinary people in that era.This episode explores in depth how oracle bone inscriptions recorded all aspects of Shang Dynasty people’s daily life, such as their diet, clothing, family, and entertainment, and showed the fireworks of Shang Dynasty society.

In this episode, viewers can learn about the organization and research of oracle bone inscriptions collected by Peking University by scholars such as Li Zongkun. This work is crucial to understanding the details of social life in the oracle bone inscriptions.Through oracle bone inscriptions, we can get a glimpse of the agricultural activities, handicraft techniques, market transactions of the Shang Dynasty people, as well as their dependence on and utilization of the natural environment.

In addition, this episode will explore family relationships, marriage customs, children's education, etc., which are important elements that formed the structure of ancient society.

Episode 2 of 《oracicedynasty》 shows the Shang Dynasty people's attitude and pursuit of life through specific examples in oracle bone inscriptions, such as prayers for food, divination of weather, and concerns about fertility and health.

These contents not only enrich our understanding of ancient society, but also allow us to see the common life concerns of mankind across time and space.Through these delicate descriptions, the documentary makes the audience feel as if they have traveled back three thousand years, experiencing the life of that era and feeling the warmth of history.

《oracicedynasty》Episode 3 Details

Zhenren Group

《oracicedynasty》The third episode of the documentary “Zhenren Group” focuses on the divination system of the Shang Dynasty and the core role in it - Zhenren.The Zhenren were a group of priests who were responsible for communicating with the gods and performing divination activities. They played an extremely important role in the society of the Shang Dynasty.

This episode uses oracle bone inscriptions to reveal the Zhen people's working methods, social status, and how they influenced the decision-making process of the Shang Dynasty.

In this episode, the audience will learn how Zhen people interpret the will of God by observing the cracks that appear after heating oracle bones. These interpretations have a significant impact on war, agriculture, royal decision-making, etc.

The Zhenren Group was not only a religious organization, but also a center of knowledge and power. Their existence reflected the Shang Dynasty's reliance on supernatural forces and the maintenance of order.

Episode 3 of 《oracicedynasty》 shows how this special group formed an influential group in the Shang Dynasty society through in-depth analysis of the Zhenren activities in the oracle bone inscriptions.

The decisions and interpretations of Zhen people are not only related to personal destiny, but also related to the rise and fall of the entire country. Their roles reflect the close integration of ancient religion and politics.Through this episode, the audience can have a deeper understanding of the religious beliefs, social structure and power operation mechanism of the Shang Dynasty.

《oracicedynasty》Episode 4 Details

king's woman

《oracicedynasty》The fourth episode of the documentary “The King's Women” focuses on the female roles of the Shang Dynasty, especially those royal women recorded in oracle bone inscriptions, such as the famous queen Fuhao.

This episode explores the status and role of women in politics, religion and daily life in the Shang Dynasty through oracle bone inscriptions, revealing their unique influence in that male-dominated society.

The audience will learn that Fuhao is not only a queen, but also a female general who is good at fighting. She has participated in many military operations and played an important role in national affairs.

Through the oracle bone inscriptions, we can see that she presided over sacrifices, managed the territory, and may even participate in decision-making, which shows that women in the Shang Dynasty could have considerable power and influence under certain circumstances.

Episode 4 of 《oracicedynasty》 shows another side of Shang Dynasty society through the perspective of women such as Fu Hao, challenging the traditional single understanding of gender roles in ancient society.

It emphasizes that in the Shang Dynasty, despite the strict social structure, there were still women who were able to break through the norms and demonstrate their extraordinary talents and leadership.

Through historical fragments, this episode reconstructs the glorious images of these "King's Women" in the long history, and presents the audience with a more comprehensive and three-dimensional picture of Shang Dynasty society.

《oracicedynasty》Episode 5 Details

carriage era

《oracicedynasty》The fifth episode of the documentary “The Age of Carriage” focuses on the innovation of transportation and military technology in the Shang Dynasty, especially the impact of the emergence of horse-drawn carriages on Shang Dynasty society.

This episode explores how horse-drawn carriages transformed the Shang Dynasty's warfare patterns, social structure, and the convenience of daily life through Oracle records and archaeological finds.

In this episode, viewers will learn that the introduction of horse-drawn carriages marked an increase in the military power of the Shang Dynasty, making rapid maneuvers possible and thus giving them an advantage in war.

Horse-drawn carriages not only played an important role on the battlefield, but also promoted the expansion of the Shang Dynasty's territory and foreign exchanges, and strengthened the connection between the central government and the frontiers.

In addition, the use of carriages also reflected changes in social class and aristocratic lifestyles, becoming a symbol of power and status.

Episode 5 of 《oracicedynasty》 demonstrates the role of horse-drawn carriage technology in promoting the social progress of the Shang Dynasty by analyzing the records of horse-drawn carriages in oracle bone inscriptions and the physical evidence from archaeological excavations.

This is not only a story of technological progress, but also an important milestone in the development of civilization in the Shang Dynasty, reflecting ancient China's innovation and application of transportation and military technology.Through this episode, the audience can understand the profound impact of the horse-drawn carriage era on the Shang Dynasty and even subsequent dynasties.

《oracicedynasty》Episode 6 Details

A night of singing

《oracicedynasty》The sixth episode of the documentary "One Night of Chaoge" focuses on the late Shang Dynasty, especially the history of King Zhou, and the demise of the Shang Dynasty.

This episode depicts the final glory and decline of the Shang Dynasty through oracle bone inscriptions and historical documents, focusing on King Zhou's rule, his luxurious lifestyle, and the tragic ending of his self-immolation in Lutai.

This episode provides an in-depth analysis of the social conflicts, political corruption, and how external pressure and internal decline jointly led to the end of this ancient dynasty in the late Shang Dynasty.At the same time, it also explores the changes in divination culture during this period, as well as the anxiety and uneasiness of the people of the Shang Dynasty about the future.

Through the review of historical figures such as Fuhao, in sharp contrast to the rule of King Zhou, it shows the transition of the Shang Dynasty from the glory of Wu Ding to the decline of King Zhou.

Episode 6 of 《oracicedynasty》 not only tells the story of the end of the Shang Dynasty through detailed historical narrative, but also explores how oracle bone inscriptions help us understand this period of history and its profound impact on later generations of Chinese civilization.

Through the story of King Zhou, the audience can feel the vicissitudes of history and changes in civilization, while also reflecting on the complex relationship between power, human nature and social order.