Home TV Sherlock Season 2
《Sherlock Season 2》Character Info
  • Una Stubbs

    Mrs. Hudson

    Actor:Una Stubbs

    The landlord of 221B Baker Street sometimes takes care of Sherlock and Watson's daily life.Like Watson, although he complained constantly about Sherlock, he had a deep affection fo ...

  • Lapert Graves


    His Christian name is Greg, a police officer in the London Police Department and Sally and Anderson's boss.He often asks Sherlock for help, and he is the one whom Sherlock recogniz ...

  • Mark Gatiss

    Mycroft Holmes

    Actor:Mark Gatiss

    Sherlock's brother, a senior British government official (MI6).He has a relatively cold relationship with Sherlock, but in fact he still cares about his smart but rebellious brothe ...

  • Andrew Scott

    Jim Moriarty

    Actor:Andrew Scott

    The final villain claims to be a “consulting criminal”.He is smart and cunning, acts low-key and cautious, and has countless subordinates.Consider Sherlock Holmes a powerful enem ...

  • Martin Freeman

    John H. Watson

    The other protagonist of this work is a retired military doctor who once served in the former Fifth Northumberland Fire Regiment. He is Sherlock Holmes's roommate, best friend and ...

  • Benedict Cumberbatch

    sherlock holmes

    The first protagonist of this work, who claims to be “Consulting Detective” by profession, shares an apartment at 221B Baker Street with Dr. Watson. He usually stays in the apart ...