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《Sherlock Season 2》 Summ

The first episode of the second season opens with a thrilling bomb and sniper threat, and the first official meeting between Sherlock, Watson and Moriarty is tense and suspenseful.The suspense of last season is continued at this moment, and the new plot also kicks off at this moment.

Sherlock, the world-famous detective, once again faces a challenge.He accepted an important commission from Buckingham Palace. However, this time his opponent was not a simple criminal, but a mysterious woman who was both good and evil-Irene Adler.She is smart, cunning, on par with Sherlock, and she is a woman who makes his heart beat.Her appearance makes Sherlock's life once again full of unknowns and variables.

However, a bigger crisis is quietly approaching.Moriarty, the genius criminal who has always been an enemy of Sherlock, began to plan an unprecedented conspiracy.He cleverly convinces the public that all of Shylock's deeds are fiction, turning him from a respected detective into a disgraced pseudo-hero.This strategy is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Shylock.

In order to completely defeat Sherlock, Moriarty set a seemingly unsolvable trap.He forces Shylock to jump off a building in an attempt to end his life.However, just when Sherlock was in desperation, Moriarty suddenly committed suicide by swallowing a gun.This ending is unexpected and makes people wonder, has Sherlock fallen into his trap?

《Sherlock Season 2》Episode 1 Details

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《A Scandal in Bohemia》adapted.

During the tense moment of Holmes and Moriarty's life-and-death struggle, the arrival of a mysterious phone call changed the situation of the battle.On the other end of the phone, a voluptuous woman's hand appeared on the screen, holding something that Moriarty desperately desired.At the same time, Sherlock Holmes and Watson returned to Baker Street and continued to deal with various cases.Sherlock became an Internet celebrity because of Watson's blog, attracting more people seeking help, but most cases seemed extremely boring in their eyes.

One day, a fainted man was welcomed to Baker Street, and the case he brought was about the death of a travel companion.Sherlock decided that the case was not worthy of his personal involvement, so Watson went to the scene to investigate on his behalf.However, during the video communication between the two, uninvited guests suddenly appeared on Baker Street. They asked Sherlock to put on formal clothes and go to a certain place.At the same time, Watson also received a helicopter pickup invitation.

It turns out that all this was arranged by Sir Mycroft, and they were invited to Buckingham Palace to meet with a high-ranking client.The client is in trouble when indecent photos fall into the hands of Irene Adler, and Mycroft wants Sherlock to retrieve them.At this time, Irene also received Sherlock's photo, and a contest about wisdom and courage quietly began.

Sherlock sneaks into Irene's house pretending to be robbed and witnesses the naked Irene.Irene unabashedly pointed out Sherlock's purpose, and Watson triggered the fire alarm at the door, causing Irene to look in the mirror in the room in panic, allowing Sherlock to discover the location of the safe.Just as Sherlock was about to crack the code, several Americans with guns broke into the room and forced Sherlock to open the safe.

Faced with the crisis, Sherlock, Irene and Watson teamed up to subdue the enemy and took the opportunity to steal the secret mobile phone in the safe.However, they are soon discovered, and Irene injects Sherlock with a coma agent and escapes.Although Sherlock suffered a loss in this confrontation, when he chatted with Irene about the death of his friend, he felt that heroes cherish heroes“ and developed a good impression of her.

After Mycroft discovered that the US Intelligence Agency was involved in the matter, he warned Sherlock not to interfere with Irene's affairs.At Christmas, there was a party in Baker Street, and Sherlock received a gift from Irene - the mobile phone.In the morgue, Sherlock found Irene's disfigured body and was very depressed.However, Irene suddenly appeared and took Watson away, telling Watson that she was not dead, hoping that Watson could get her phone back from Sherlock.Sherlock followed Watson and found that Eileen was still alive. After returning to Baker Street in a daze, he found that American intelligence agents had kidnapped the landlord Mrs. Hudson and asked him to hand over his mobile phone.Sherlock realizes that the contents of the phone are not just pornographic photos, he cleans up the gangsters and rescues Mrs. Hudson.

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Erin came to Baker Street in distress. The password setting on her mobile phone was ”I'm_ _ _ locked“ (I was _ _ _ locked), and she needed to fill in the password in the middle.Sherlock tried several times without success, so he had to hand the phone to Irene.Irene had an email password from the National Security Agency, and Sherlock cracked it for her. It turned out to be the flight number where the terrorists wanted to put a bomb on the flight.Irene secretly sent the message to Moriarty, and then Moriarty sent a text message to Mycroft mocking the British Intelligence Department.After Mycroft knew that the plan was exposed, he asked Sherlock out.

It turns out that both the United Kingdom and the United States have undercover agents at the top of the terrorist hierarchy who leaked the bomb plans to the intelligence department.But in order to protect the safety of the undercover agents, they could not directly prevent the terrorist attack, so they used corpses to disguise themselves as passengers to confuse the terrorists.However, after this plan was cracked by Sherlock, Irene revealed it to Moriarty, who had connections with terrorists, causing the plan to fail.Erin used the remaining secrets in her phone to blackmail Mycroft into exchanging a large sum of money and her own safety. She admitted that she was playing tricks on Sherlock.

However, Sherlock understood Eileen's feelings for him through the way her pulse quickened and her pupils dilated when they spoke.So he solved the code ”I'm sher locked% (I was trapped by Sherlock), revealing that Eileen was in love with Sherlock.Irene knew that her life was in danger without the secret in hand. She asked Sherlock to help her, but Sherlock left without saying anything.A few months later, Mycroft came to Watson and told him that Irene had been beheaded by terrorists. He hoped that he would not tell Sherlock the truth and that Irene was being protected as a witness in the United States.Watson told Sherlock this, and Sherlock asked to keep Eileen's camera phone for him to keep as a souvenir.

There are many text messages from Eileen to him on the phone, most of them are "Let's have dinner together", and the last one is to say goodbye to him.The scene shifted to the scene where Irene was beheaded. Irene sent her last text message to say goodbye to Sherlock and then resigned to her fate and closed her eyes.But then she heard the special text message tone she had set for Sherlock, turned around and saw Sherlock killing people disguised as a terrorist, and said to her: "When I say run, you run."“Sherlock will always remember Irene as ”that woman% - the only woman who has defeated him.

《Sherlock Season 2》Episode 2 Details

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Based on The Hound of the Baskervilles.

On a quiet afternoon at the Sherlock Holmes Detective Agency, Sherlock Holmes fell into deep boredom.With no major case to solve, he is struggling to display his talents.Despite Dr. Watson's constant dissuasion, Holmes's craving for nicotine seems to have reached an unbearable level.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.A young man named Henry walked in, his face full of anxiety and uneasiness.Henry comes from the Baskerville area, a town shrouded in mysterious rumors.It is said that the local military base is conducting some kind of ulterior biochemical research, and there are even rumors that some genetically modified giant hounds have escaped from the laboratory, causing great panic to the local residents.

Henry came here in the hope that Holmes could help him uncover the truth of all this.His father mysteriously disappeared in the Baskerville valley and was said to have been killed by a giant hound.However, in Holmes' view, this is just a memory distortion in the shadow of Henry's childhood, and he does not have high hopes for it.

However, just as Henry was about to leave, Holmes suddenly changed his mind.He decided to go to Baskerville himself to find out.After all, there's nothing more engaging for a detective than solving a mystery.

The landscape of Baskerville is very different from Henry's description, and the town is full of rumors about giant hounds, and these rumors also attract a large number of tourists to come to explore.Holmes soon learns some information about the giant hound from an enthusiastic tour guide, but this information doesn't seem to be enough to solve the mystery.

At the same time, Henry's mental state gradually deteriorated.His psychotherapy did not seem to make much progress. Instead, he kept recalling two words-“free” and “inside”.What secrets are hidden in these two words?

Holmes decided to investigate further.He used the documents stolen from his brother Mycroft to sneak into the Baskerville military base.However, he found nothing suspicious.By chance, he discovered that Dr. Stapleton, the mother of the little girl who once asked him for help, was actually a researcher at this base.This discovery made Holmes realize that some kind of ulterior research was indeed being conducted at this base.

The Hound of the Baskervilles

However, just when Holmes is nearly discovered, Dr. Frankland appears.He claimed to be a friend of Henry's father and a fan of Sherlock Holmes, and promised to help him.Under the cover of Dr. Frankland, Holmes was able to escape.

Holmes and Watson decided to go to Henry's house again, hoping that they could uncover the truth in person.However, while they were waiting in the valley for the giant hound to appear, something unexpected happened.Henry is frightened out of his wits, but Holmes claims he did not see the giant hound.What's going on?

After returning to the hotel, Holmes confessed his feelings to Watson.He admitted that he saw the giant hound, but the fear he felt was beyond words.Although he was frightened, his mind was still clear.During the conversation, Holmes revealed the fact that he had no friends, which made Watson feel very disappointed.

As Henry's mental condition worsens, Holmes asks Watson to speak to Henry's psychiatrist, Mortimer.However, their plans are interrupted by Dr. Frankland.During the conversation, Holmes noticed Watson's depression. He explained to Watson the reason why he had no friends and praised Watson sincerely.

Just then, Officer Lestrade appeared.He was sent on vacation by Mycroft, but he was actually here to assist Holmes.Watson asks Lestrade to help investigate a vegetarian restaurant where he discovered a large order of meat.It turned out that in order to attract tourists, this restaurant secretly raised a big dog and let it leave footprints everywhere, pretending to be a genetically modified giant hound.However, when they found the dog, they found it dead.

Holmes and Watson sneaked into the military base again with Mycroft's help.They discovered some secret files about giant hounds, and it turned out that it was all Dr. Frankland's conspiracy.20 years ago, he participated in a drug development project called H.O.U.N.D., which can induce fear and stimulation in people. It was originally expected to become a biochemical weapon, but it was canceled because it would cause too much harm to the experimenter.However, Dr. Frankland was obsessed with his research and conducted experiments in secret.Henry's father discovered all this, and in order to stop Dr. Frankland's crazy behavior, he was unfortunately killed by drugs.All this was seen by the young Henry, but his mind could not bear the truth, so he changed the memory to say that his father was attacked by a hound.

In order to cover up the truth, Dr. Frankland kept hinting that Henry would return to the valley and force him to take drugs that can drive people crazy.The rumors of giant hounds were also deliberately spread by him in order to cover up the truth.

After the truth was revealed, Dr. Frankland took advantage of the chaos to escape, but accidentally walked into a minefield.He felt so guilty that he eventually committed suicide by detonating a landmine.With the help of Holmes, Henry finally got out of the shadow of childhood and faced the reality bravely.

《Sherlock Season 2》Episode 3 Details

Reichenbach Falls

Based on the final case.

Behind the bustle of London, Jim Moriarty, the Napoleon of the criminal world, never stopped.In the Tower of London, the Bank of England and London's Bentonville Prison, a series of major events happened almost simultaneously, as if announcing the coming of a century showdown.However, for Moriarty, this is just the prelude to his little game with Sherlock.

Moriarty's goal is to make Sherlock a false hero and discredit him.He orchestrated a series of events that brought Shylock's reputation into serious doubt.In the public eye, Shylock's deeds became suspicious and even labeled a hoax.

Reichenbach Falls

However, in the final showdown between Sherlock and Moriarty, things developed beyond everyone's expectations.On the top floor of the building, Moriarty used Sherlock's friends as hostages, forcing him to make a choice.Sherlock is faced with a difficult choice. He must decide between his reputation and the lives of his friends.

At this moment, Moriarty, who had fallen into madness, chose to commit suicide to force Sherlock to jump off the building.This scene shocked everyone present.And at the critical moment when Sherlock was about to jump off the building, John suddenly appeared downstairs.Sherlock called Watson, admitted that he was a liar, and asked him to make the truth known to the public.However, Watson firmly believed that Sherlock was innocent and begged Sherlock to stop jumping off the building.

For the life and safety of his friends, Sherlock chose to sacrifice himself.He jumped to his death in front of Watson, and his last words were "Goodbye, Watson".

Watson recounted their past in front of Sherlock's grave and recalled Sherlock's various deeds.He praised Shylock as the best man and the most humane person he had ever met.Although Sherlock had deceived him, Watson could not accept this fact.He begged Shylock to create another miracle and not die for his sake.