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《Stranger Things Season 3》 Summ

In 1985, the town of Hawkins was in the hot summer, and the children were on summer vacation. During this summer vacation, the most important event in the town was the official opening of a new shopping mall, and the protagonists of this group of HawkinsThey have also begun to enter adolescence, and romantic feelings are also spreading and growing along with the strange atmosphere of hidden crises.

Unprecedented threats appear along with existing dark forces.Little Eleven and his friends know that the power of evil will never end, and she begins to evolve.They must unite to survive, because friendship can overcome fear.

《Stranger Things Season 3》Episode 1 Details

Susie, can you get it?

Summer, for the small town of Hawkins, should be a season full of laughter and hope.The town comes alive with new job opportunities, budding love, and the kind of mischief and laughter that only comes on a hot summer day.However, all peace is shattered when Dustin's radio picks up a mysterious Russian-language broadcast.

Will, the town's guardian, senses something is wrong.He learned that scientists as far away as Russia were trying to break through the boundaries of dimensions, but their experiments seemed to have failed.Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and in an instant, they were taken to the summer of 1985.

Hawkins looked different than usual, surprisingly normal and not in mortal danger.Xiao Shiyi, a girl with super powers, also behaves more like an ordinary teenager this summer.Instead of saving the world, she uses her powers to cause mischief, slam doors, and laugh with her friends.

Star Court Shopping Center has become a new favorite among children, even though it seems a bit sparse in the city center.Steve got a job here and the kids went crazy about it.For Nancy, however, this summer isn't all about the mall.She feels the pinch of sexism in her new job at The Hawkins Post, where her editors treat her like a maid and give photographer Jonathan more respect.

Susie, can you get it?

Meanwhile, Hopper is struggling with how to raise Eleven and Mike.He seeks advice from Joyce, but Joyce is still reeling from the loss of Bob and doesn't seem ready to start dating again.Hopper's frustration eventually takes out on Mike, and their relationship becomes strained.

The rush of hormones makes Will and Dustin feel sick.Dustin met a girl named Susie at science summer camp. She was smart and independent, which made Dustin's heart beat.Although his friends were suspicious of her existence, he built a radio tower to communicate with her.However, what he didn't expect was that he unexpectedly received a mysterious Russian message, which made his mood more complicated.

During the Reagan Cold War, the small town of Hawkins was also on high alert.Frequent power outages, the failure of Joyce's magnet, and the unusual behavior of rats all make the town residents uneasy.The rats begin running toward the abandoned Brimbourne Steel Works, exploding in a sickening scene.Will felt the presence of this mysterious force, and goosebumps appeared on his neck.

Just this summer, the Mind Flayer found a new target - Billy.He had been working as a lifeguard at the community swimming pool and was trying to seduce Mrs. Wheeler.However, on his way to meet Mrs. Wheeler at Motel 6, Billy encountered a car accident near the steel plant.He was drawn to the mind flayers and ended up in the steel mills.

The emergence of the Mind Flayer puts Hawkins in crisis.It has found a new host, and now, nothing in the town is immune to its control.Faced with this dilemma, our heroes must band together to uncover the Mind Flayer's secret and protect their home.

《Stranger Things Season 3》Episode 2 Details

mall rat

In the shadow of Hawkins Laboratory, Nancy and Jonathan follow a lead about Mrs. Driscoll, while Steve and Robin carry out a secret mission of vital importance.At the same time, Max and Eleven's shopping trip is full of unknowns and variables.Billy's panic foreshadows the coming storm, and his visions and painful experiences gradually reveal his close connection with the Mind Flayer.

Billy survives the Mind Flayer's attack, but his life is never what it once was.Reality is distorted, violence intertwines with illusions, and his inner biological fear of heat is revealed.His job as a lifeguard becomes dangerous, and skin burns from the sun become an external manifestation of his inner pain.However, Billy was not the only one to be controlled by the Mind Flayers, and his experience was only part of the secrets of Hawkins Lab.

Nancy, bored with her mission, takes Jonathan with her to explore Mrs. Driscoll's clues.They capture a crazy, sick rat in a cage, however, before they can study it, the rat explodes and escapes from the cage.This incident made the two more convinced that Mrs. Driscoll was inextricably linked to the secrets of Hawkins Laboratory.

On the other hand, the lives of Xiao Eleven and Max are also full of twists and turns.Eleven is confused by Mike's weird behavior, and Max tries to help her find answers through a shopping montage straight out of an '80s movie.However, Eleven was doubly disappointed by Mike's broken appointment, and she finally accepted Max's suggestion, broke up with Mike and chose to escape.

mall rat

Hopper's romantic journey also suffered setbacks.Although he successfully persuaded Joyce to join him for dinner, he was ultimately let go.The frustrated Hopper was drunk in a bar, but on his way home, he accidentally bumped into a Terminator-like person.The appearance of this mysterious figure seems to indicate that the secrets of Hawkins Laboratory are about to be revealed.

Meanwhile, Steve and Dustin are trying to decode a message from Russia.However, Robin's intervention complicates things.She succeeds in deciphering the message, but Steve realizes it's a secret message not from Russia, but from Stargardt itself.This discovery made them even more convinced that there was some ulterior connection between Hawkins Laboratory and the Star Chamber.

《Stranger Things Season 3》Episode 3 Details

Missing lifeguard case

In the small town of Hawkins, Al and Max are anxiously searching for signs of Billy, while Will declares that he will live a girl-less life and enjoy his own time.Steve and Dustin were tasked with monitoring the town for unusual activity, while Joyce and Hopper returned to Hawkins Laboratory, hoping to find more clues about the Mind Flayer there.

After Eleven broke up with Mike, she felt deeply about her impulsiveness and recklessness.She decided to use her superpowers to monitor Mike again, but unexpectedly found that his behavior had become extremely childish, as if he had returned to his teenage years.This confused and disturbed her.Therefore, Eleven and Max decided to use Billy as a new target and use super powers to reveal his true face.

However, the results of this surveillance were horrifying.Eleven witnessed Billy kidnapping lifeguard Heather and heard her screams.Back at Max's house, they find a bathtub filled with melted ice packs and a blood-stained lifeguard whistle, clues left behind by Billy.

Meanwhile, other parts of the city are conducting their own investigations.At the Star Court, Steve, Dustin, and Robin discover coded words in a Russian message that relate to various locations in the mall.Nancy seems to have discovered something, but her discovery was ignored by editor Tom.In order to avoid being fired, Jonathan followed Nancy to investigate, but accidentally discovered Mrs. Driscoll's abnormal behavior of eating fertilizer like a crazy mouse.

Missing lifeguard case

Hopper ventured into the blocked Hawkins Laboratory, trying to prove to Joyce that those who endangered Will had left.After an earlier argument, they have an affectionate conversation in which Hopper admits that he has been trying to make Joyce feel safe, and Joyce reveals her plans to leave town.Just as they realize they are not alone, Hopper is ambushed by the mysterious Russian Grigory.

As Will rides his bike home in the rain and passes Byers Castle, he feels a strong presence of the Mind Flayer.In anger, he destroyed the castle.Later, when Mike and Lucas arrive to apologize, Will tells them that the Mind Flayer has returned.

Eleven and Max continue their detective work, only to discover that Heather is not at the pool as usual.They find Billy and Heather at Heather's house, only to find that they are having dinner with Heather's parents, one of whom turns out to be Nancy's boss Tom.Billy tries to act normal and tries to get the two girls to leave.However, Heather's parents began to fear that they were the Mind Flayer's next targets.

《Stranger Things Season 3》Episode 4 Details

sauna test

The red alert suddenly sounded in the silent night, breaking the tranquility of the town.This terrible evil force is approaching again, making it impossible for people to ignore.Karen and Nancy, two brave sisters, join forces again, determined to dig out the truth.Meanwhile, Robin holds a map in his hands that seems to be the key to their fight against evil.

Although Billy is temporarily freed from Max and Eleven's tracking, his danger level has not decreased.The tragic scene of Heather's parents being skinned once again made people realize the terrifying power behind Billy.The girls want to alert everyone, but the boys have already set off a red alert based on Will's feelings.

The relationship between Mike and Eleven becomes awkward as Will describes what it's like to be the master of a mind flayer.Despite the distance between them, everyone realizes that Billy remains their greatest threat.Tom was also controlled by the Mind Flayer, but injured, he still fired Nancy and Jonathan, who had been investigating Mrs. Driscoll, who was also harmed by the Mind Flayer.

sauna test

Nancy begins to realize that while she faces sexism, Jonathan is also troubled in a different way.He comes from an uncomfortable family and knows how difficult it is to get opportunities.Under the guidance of Mrs. Wheeler, Nancy decided to move forward on her own and no longer rely on others.

The shopping mall blueprint that Robin found became everyone's hope.They recruited Lucas's sister, Erica, to enter the loading dock through the duct system.However, they accidentally discover a glowing green goo, and the room they're in turns out to be an elevator.

Steve stalks Billy at the community pool and the gang decides to trap Billy in the sauna while the pool is closed.They knew the mind flayers hated the heat, so they turned up the temperature in the room.However, all plans go haywire when Billy escapes.

Billy knows that Eleven is the only thing stopping the Mind Flayer from taking over, so he tries to choke Eleven.At the critical moment, Mike appeared in time and saved Eleven.Eleven used his last bit of strength to throw Billy into the brick wall.However, this doesn't stop Billy, who quickly escapes and rejoins Heather, back at the steelworks.

《Stranger Things Season 3》Episode 5 Details

The person whose heart was taken away

In Hawkins, a series of mysterious events are gradually emerging.The secrets hidden in the old farm and under the Star Court Mall are chilling, and the power of the Mind Flayer is constantly building up, shrouding the entire town in an inexplicable fear.

Nancy and Jonathan, two young detectives, begin to realize that there may be a deeper connection behind a series of seemingly unrelated events.When Nancy recalls that the terrible thing that happened to Will last year is exactly the same as what is happening to Mrs. Driscoll now, she realizes that this is no accident.She and Jonathan moved quickly to find children who might have been affected by the mind flayers to ensure their safety.

During the course of in-depth investigation, they discovered that the time when Mrs. Driscoll went crazy coincided surprisingly with the time when Billy had strange changes in the sauna.This leads them to suspect that Billy and Mrs. Driscoll may not be the only ones possessed by the Mind Flayer.Heather, Tom and others also came into their sights because they had encountered similar mind-stealers in the past.

The person whose heart was taken away

The young men soon realized that simply stopping the Mind Flayer's actions would not solve the underlying problem.They must find the source of the Mind Flayer and stop its evil deeds from the source.So they decided to return to the hospital, hoping Mrs. Driscoll could lead them to the answer.

However, when they arrive at the hospital, they find that Mrs. Driscoll has escaped and the hospital is in chaos.Many staff members are unfortunately killed, and a possessed Tom and Bruce are causing even greater trouble.In a thrilling fight, Nancy and Jonathan bravely face the two mind-flayer-controlled monsters.After a fierce battle, they finally defeated Tom and Bruce, but what was shocking was that the two monsters merged into a creepy physical monster after death.

Meanwhile, Hopper and Joyce are trying to escape Hawkins.While inspecting all the locations sold to the Star Court by the Mayor, they unexpectedly discover the secrets hidden beneath the Hess Farm.Two Russians are working in a secret underground bunker and seem to be inextricably linked to the Mind Flayer.After fighting off the Russian hunk, Hopper and Joyce manage to capture Alexei, an engineer.They hope to get more information about the Mind Flayer through Alexei, and then escape from this dangerous place as soon as possible.

However, their car broke down in the middle of the woods.Faced with language barriers and pursuit, they fell into a desperate situation.At this moment, Steve, Robin and others also walked out of the elevator and found themselves in a maze of a secret facility.Their goal is to find the broadcast communications room in hopes of contacting people in the outside world.During the search, Steve bravely knocked down a Russian officer, giving them a chance to escape.

《Stranger Things Season 3》Episode 6 Details

e pluribus become one

Deep in the secret depths of Russia, Dr. Alexei has been conducting little-known research.His laboratory is filled with a variety of advanced equipment, each pointing to a common goal: to create a new, unprecedented technological weapon for Russia.However, the genius scientist's plan was accidentally revealed by two Scoop Ahoy employees.

Dustin and Erica are a pair of witty and brave partners who accidentally entered Alexei's laboratory during an accidental expedition.Not only did they witness the Russians opening a door to the unknown world, they also accidentally discovered the Doctor's spy code and successfully cracked it.This discovery led them inadvertently into a huge underground facility full of advanced technology and unknown dangers.

At the same time, Dustin and Steve also learned of the existence of this secret laboratory.They know that in order to survive and reveal the truth, they must leave the bunker as soon as possible and tell the secret to others.During the tense escape process, Steve and Robin heroically sacrificed themselves, providing Dustin and Erica with a valuable opportunity to escape.

e pluribus become one

In the chaos, Dustin and Erica escape back to Hawkins with important information.They told Hopper everything, and the responsible leader immediately recognized the seriousness of the situation.He secretly contacted Dr. Owens to request military support, but Joyce insisted on returning to Hawkins herself to save their children.

At the same time, Eleven also showed her super powers.She manages to find Billy and decides to try to access his memories to get more information about the lab and the Russians.Through her efforts, they discovered a shocking fact: In the steel factory, a group of mind-snatchers were gathering together, preparing to carry out a dangerous mission.

Faced with such a threat, the people of Hawkins must unite and formulate a bold and careful rescue plan.Dustin, Erica, Eleven and other brave warriors prepare to launch an unprecedented operation not only to expose Dr. Alexei's secrets, but also to protect their homes and loved ones.

《Stranger Things Season 3》Episode 7 Details


As the clock ticks ever closer, so does the threat to Hawkins from the Assassins.Hopper and Joyce rush back to the town at the last minute, while Al and the children are nervously preparing for the battle.They have only one goal: to destroy the machine that is opening the star gate, thereby preventing the invasion of alien forces.

Alexey, this seemingly ordinary Russian, has become everyone's hope.He knows how to destroy the machine, and Hopper and Joyce become key figures in carrying out this mission.The two nervously turned the key, preparing to completely destroy the machine that threatened the entire town.

At Hawkins Playground, Joyce and Hopper anxiously search for their children.However, their return did not escape the mayor's eyes.The mayor immediately summoned his Russians and prepared to hunt down the Hoppers.


A thrilling gun battle unfolded in the entertainment room.Alexei was unfortunately shot dead by the mayor's men, but his sacrifice bought valuable time for Hopper and others.Meanwhile, Eleven enters Billy's memory, which also lets the Mind Flayer know her location.In order to eliminate this potential threat, the mind flayers sent huge flesh monsters to find and kill Eleven.

Faced with many difficulties, the group decided to go to the grocery store to search for bandages and other possible resources.Dustin and Erica bravely sneaked into the secret underground base and successfully rescued Steve and Robin from coma.However, they had to face the Russians in the mall alone.

At this critical moment of life and death, Eleven showed her superpowers.She uses her powers to find Dustin, and the grocery store team arrives just in time.At this critical moment, Eleven decisively threw a car across the mall lobby, wiping out all the Russians in one fell swoop.

《Stranger Things Season 3》Episode 8 Details

Battle of the Star Court

In the small town of Hawkins, fear looms like an invisible shadow.The arrival of the mind flayer brought unspeakable panic and despair.In the dark underground world, it seems that the future of the world is in danger.Hopper, Joyce and Murray rush to Star Court Mall with one goal - to stop the Mind Flayer's evil plan.

At this moment, Hopper witnesses a heartbreaking scene: his daughter, Eleven, bravely confronting the Mind Flayer.Tears blurred Hopper's eyes, but he knew he couldn't stop.After a tearful farewell to the children, the adults shouldered a more important mission - to go to the Russian base to blow up the machine and cut off the connection between the Mind Flayer and its monsters.

Nancy drove the vehicle and took them to their destination.However, just as they were about to reach the safe area, they accidentally discovered that the ignition cable had been stolen.And this person turned out to be the Billy they were familiar with.Faced with this sudden change, everyone had to return to the mall.

Battle of the Star Court

In the mall, the monster's figure gradually appeared. It broke through the ceiling of the star court and revealed its ferocious face.In a fit of desperation, Hopper shot several police officers and took their uniforms to disguise himself.With the help of Dustin and Erica, Murray completes his mission.However, when Hopper and Joyce arrived at the vault with the key, they discovered that Murray did not have the correct Planck constant to open the vault door.

Just when everyone was in despair, Dustin's girlfriend Susie called.She told them the correct Planck constant over the phone.This news rekindled everyone's hope.

Meanwhile, Billy captures Eleven and summons a monster to end her life.At this critical moment, Nancy and her companions used Lucas' fireworks to throw at the monster.As for Xiao Eleven, although she has no superpowers, she uses the power of her mind to remind Billy of his mother's memory and let him re-recognize himself.This trick worked, and Billy began to protect Eleven. In the end, he sacrificed himself to save Eleven.

Three months later, the Byers family was ready to leave Hawkins.And Xiao Eleven decided to follow them and leave this place that was once full of fear and despair.In the new journey, Xiao Eleven will continue to move forward with courage and hope.

The town of Hawkins also gradually returned to its former tranquility after this incident.People began to rebuild their homes and regain hope for life.And those days of fighting against the Mind Flayer will be forever engraved in the hearts of every Hawkins person.