Home TV The Spirealm
The Spirealm

The Spirealm

Infinite flow supernatural adventure
《The Spirealm》 Summ

Ling Jiushi is a game master, but he has never played games in life.He was a game designer who wanted to make a Chinese game that would change the world. However, he was unable to realize his dream due to capital grabs and his boss's pursuit of profit. He quit the company angrily and pursued his own dream.

The popular overseas game (Spiritual Realm) was originally developed by Chinese designers and contained temporary life lessons. However, it was modified by foreign capital to add blood and violence. It is similar to a spiritual drug. Players are depressed, insane, and even commit suicide.Now this game has penetrated into China, and Ling Jiushi is involved in it. If you want to destroy it, you must understand it.

Lin accidentally entered the game. There are 12 gates in the tour. Ling Jiushi made a close friend in the gateRuan Lanzhu, experienced various possibilities of life, as gorgeous as a spiritual realm, unforgettable.FinallyLing JiushiOnly then did he realize that his encounter with Ling Jiushi was actually to say goodbye for the last time.

《The Spirealm》Cast
Huang Junjie/ | Ling Jiushi summer light/ | Ruan Lanzhu
《The Spirealm》Character Info
《The Spirealm》Stills
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  • The SpirealmStills

  • The SpirealmStills

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  • The SpirealmStills

  • The SpirealmStills

  • The SpirealmStills

  • The SpirealmStills

  • The SpirealmStills

《The Spirealm》Ep Summ
《The Spirealm》Ending

Back in the rental house, Ling Jiushi decided to study virtual reality technology after careful consideration.Thirty years have passed, and virtual reality technology has been used in people’s daily lives.Ling Jiushi, who was in his 50s, finally completed his experiment. He excitedly put on the virtual device and pressed the start button.Ling Jiushi saw those friends from the past.Ling Jiushi watched Ruan Lanzhu walking towards him with tears in his eyes and said to him: Long time no see.

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