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《Seven or nine rivers open》Episode 21 Synopsis

Episode 21: Mainland China tries to retain Manzhu

Dalu asked Manzhu to come out and wanted to make one last effort to restore their relationship.However, Manzhu once again firmly chose to go through hell with the Pistons, and advised the mainland to find another good girl and forget about herself.About to completely cut off their past love, both of them could not hide their sadness and cried blood in their hearts.

《Seven or nine rivers open》第7集分集剧情介绍

Piston's brain showed signs of hemangioma, which deeply disturbed Manzhu.For the sake of Piston's health, she and Weidong decided to persuade him to go to the county hospital for a comprehensive examination.Weidong even planned to sell off the small restaurant and go out to work to raise money for the Pistons' medical expenses.

Gatou was about to be released from prison. Before he was released from prison, he specifically asked the inmates in the cell to get along well with the mainland.Dalu's mother also came to visit him. She intentionally or unintentionally inquired about what happened when Manzhu came to visit the prison, and warned Dalu sincerely that even if Manzhu could not wait eight years, she could not blame him.

Manzhu came to Piston's hospital bed and told him that they would get married when he was discharged.Not allowing Piston to argue, Manzhu stated that she had gone to the hospital to get a certificate, and now everyone in the hospital knew that she was getting married.If Piston doesn't marry her, no one will want her.

Lu Lu's mother called Lu Lu and Weidong to discuss Piston and Manzhu's marriage.She comforted the two brothers that the tumor on Piston's brain could not wait. Manzhu did not dislike Piston, and no one had any reason to object.Dalu was silent in response, but Wei Dong was unconvinced.

After Piston was discharged from the hospital and returned home, Lu's mother took out the dowry she had already purchased.After all, the mainland failed to win back Manzhu's heart. With her mother's persuasion, she repaired the holes in the old house for Manzhu and Piston to live in after their marriage.However, the hole in his heart could not be mended, so Dalu moved to a watchtower and drank to drown his sorrows all day long.Wei Dong and Hong Ying had a quarrel over this, and Wei Dong sought a settlement with the Pistons for the mainland, and the rift between the brothers deepened.

In order to make a living, Lu Da found Gatou, who had been released from prison. Unexpectedly, Ga Tou's condition disappointed Da Lu.Gatou smiled and asked Lu Lu to earn money by working shifts with him, Lu Lu happily accepted.While out of the car, Lu Lu and Ga Tou met Man Zhu and Pi Xiang.Lu Lu endured his heartache and asked the two of them to go home for dinner. Ga Tou saw the clues and comforted them.Wei Dong couldn't accept all this, so he packed his bags and rushed to Ranhe again.