If there are ten thousand different forms of love, this story is probably the most %misplaced one.What is calm for one person is rough for another.Seven years ago, she appeared in his originally lonely and monotonous world, but suddenly disappeared completely. The only outlet left was the Internet mailbox, but there was no reply to the letters he sent one after another. His unrequited love was thus clear.It's light yet unforgettable, and it ends with regret.

Seven years later, she met many people, but she was still alone. She accidentally opened a social networking site from her student days, and letters and memories that spanned time and space came flooding back, but everything had passed.When she followed the boy in the letter back to the place where she had been, an old photo connected everything in the past. This spring love letter was finally sent to each other, and the love that was not considered love that was misplaced in time and space was finally achieved.