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If there are ten thousand different forms of love, this story is probably the most %misplaced one.What is calm for one person is rough for another.Seven years ago, she appeared in his originally lonely and monotonous world, but suddenly disappeared completely. The only outlet left was the Internet mailbox, but there was no reply to the letters he sent one after another. His unrequited love was thus clear.It's light yet unforgettable, and it ends with regret.

Seven years later, she met many people, but she was still alone. She accidentally opened a social networking site from her student days, and letters and memories that spanned time and space came flooding back, but everything had passed.When she followed the boy in the letter back to the place where she had been, an old photo connected everything in the past. This spring love letter was finally sent to each other, and the love that was not considered love that was misplaced in time and space was finally achieved.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Lin Xiwen, a returnee master's degree student, returned to his hometown of Huzhou on a business trip, but was forced to get married by his parents and had no choice but to stay in a hotel.Lin Xiwen learned from her blind date that someone had written a love letter to him in a tweet in the tree hole of his alma mater seven years ago.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Lin Xiwen returned to work in the hotel and recalled that she once had a social platform account. After logging in, she received 133 letters from strangers.Her thoughts about work were disrupted, and she opened up these memories.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

When Lin Xiwen was a girl, she was studying hard in the library, but she didn't know that she was already being watched silently.The cold medicine that suddenly appeared on the table when she had a cold turned out to be from the boy who had not been noticed by her.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Tian Yinan was encouraged by his brother Ma Yuteng to write a letter to strike up a conversation, but did not wait for Lin Xiwen's reply.In the library, the scene that impressed Tian Yinan was that one afternoon when he was awakened by the dazzling sunshine, Lin Xiwen, wearing a blue skirt in the backlight, closed the curtains, which was particularly dazzling.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

The librarian always threw Lin Xiwen's schoolbag away when cleaning her desk, but one day when she came back from the cafeteria, her schoolbag was still there.During lunch time, Tian Yinan sat in Lin Xiwen's seat and occupied a seat. When Lin Xiwen came back, he found that she was watching some pornographic video.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

It was raining in Huzhou that day. Tian Yinan quietly lent his umbrella to Lin Xiwen, but she used it to protect the kitten from the rain.When Tian Yinan borrowed an umbrella again, he found that Lin Xiwen had already run into the rain.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Tian Yinan gave up the agreement with his brother to see Jay Chou and spent the whole day in the library with Lin Xiwen.Lin Xiwen still didn't notice him, but Tian Yinan got a photo with her.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Lin Xiwen no longer goes to the library, and her usual seat has been empty all day.Tian Yinan couldn't see Lin Xiwen, so he took the kitten she had been feeding back to the dormitory and named it “Lin Xiwen”.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Tian Yinan ate alone in the restaurant, surrounded by people who were just as lonely as him.Tian Yinan thought that he could write to Lin Xiwen after returning home, and instantly felt that it was not so bad.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Tian Yinan began to imitate Lin Xiwen and worked hard in the library like her.Tian Yinan began to no longer fear loneliness and went to many places in Huzhou alone.Tian Yinan met the short giraffe Xiaoliu at the Giraffe Manor and sent the photo to Lin Xiwen with the letter.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Before Tian Yinan could wait for Lin Xiwen to reply to Tian Yinan's letter, he learned that Lin Xiwen was going abroad soon.Lin Xiwen, 28, went to the Giraffe Manor restaurant and met Xiaoliu, the short giraffe that Tian Yinan mentioned in his letter seven years ago.
《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Tian Yinan's love letter to Lin Xiwen was sent to the tree hole tweet by Ma Yuteng, and he expected Lin Xiwen to see the tree hole tweet.28-year-old Lin Xiwen finally opened the love letter that had been written seven years ago. The love of the boy once moved Lin Xiwen now.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Tian Yinan still didn't wait for Lin Xiwen's reply, and the waiting made him a little decadent.Tian Yinan looked at the scenery of Huzhou, but Lin Xiwen's figure was all in his mind.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Tian Yinan finally met Lin Xiwen on the day of taking graduation photos, but unfortunately Lin Xiwen didn't recognize him at all.Tian Yinan shouted Lin Xiwen's name with joy, but was too shy to face Lin Xiwen's face.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Tian Yinan stayed in Huzhou during the summer vacation and chose to work in a milk tea shop.When Tian Yinan has nothing to do, he rides his bicycle and wanders in the alleys of Huzhou, and adopted the kitten Lin Xiwen.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

28-year-old Lin Xiwen looked at Tian Yinan from seven years ago at the cafe window across time and space.The grandmother who had taken care of Tian Yinan since childhood passed away, and parting always made him feel rushed.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Tian Yinan, a senior who was busy with his internship, began to slowly understand how Lin Xiwen had felt.Thinking of Lin Xiwen's alarm clock that couldn't wake her up when she was sleeping in the library, Tian Yinan went over and quietly pressed it.Lin Xiwen's earnest efforts always encouraged Tian Yinan.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Tian Yinan stood in front of the library and asked his friend Ma Yuteng to take a graduation photo to freeze the memories of these years in the library.Tian Yinan wrote his last letter to Lin Xiwen, telling her that he would start a new life in the future.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

After reading these 133 letters, Lin Xiwen went to the place where Tian Yinan had walked.Lin Xiwen imagined Tian Yinan's appearance. After thinking about it for a night, she called the school library.

《SPRING LOVE LETTER》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

28-year-old Lin Xiwen returned to the library, and everything seemed to be the same as before.The librarian returned the expired cold medicine and a photo to Lin Xiwen, and the boy in the letter clearly appeared in front of her for the first time.