Home TV The Blood of Youth
《The Blood of Youth》 Summ

The fledgling young knight Lei Wujie accidentally stumbled into Xueluo Villa on his way to Xueyue City, the largest city in the world.The first time he acted as a hero, he was asked to pay compensation for smashing the owner Xiao Se's inn. He had no choice but to take Xiao Se on the road with him to Xueyue City to borrow money and pay off his debts.On the road, he happened to meet Tang Lian, a disciple of Xueyue City who was escorting the golden coffin, and was accidentally involved in an incident that shocked the entire world.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Emperor Xiao Yi of Tianwu rose up with his sword in the troubled times and founded the country to the north.Later, the state of Zuo lasted for more than 200 years until the reign of Emperor Mingde. The country became strong and powerful, and people from all over came to worship.Emperor Mingde had a son named Xiao Chuhe, who was originally the best candidate for the crown prince. However, four years ago, Emperor Mingde's brother Langya Wang was suspected of treason and was sentenced to death. Xiao Chuhe argued for him in court, which angered him.Long Yan was turned into a commoner and exiled to Qingzhou.The position of the crown prince is unresolved, and the remaining princes in the court are constantly fighting, causing turmoil in the court and unrest in the world.However, Xiao Chuhe, who was exiled, disappeared and his whereabouts have been unknown for many years.At this time, in the Hanshui Temple, the abbot Wangyou was kneeling down to worship the Buddha, when the beads suddenly broke.In the autumn of the 20th year of Mingde, Master Wangyou passed away, which kicked off the golden event that shocked the entire world.

Xiao Se was drinking tea by the cold window when a cold wind blew by. The waiter told the boss Xiao Se that he had better repair the leaky house. However, Xiao Se refused directly and said that what the inn wanted was the feeling of the elegant road. The waiter told him that he had better repair the leaky house.He was even worried that Xiao Se wanted to sell the inn, after all, there had been no business for several months.The two waiters were both talking about the boss Xiao Se. They felt that it was because they were in different realms that they experienced different feelings.Xiao Se was actually thinking that the business of the inn was sluggish now, so he might as well sell the inn. At this time, someone happened to come over wearing thin clothes. Xiao Se could tell at a glance that it was Yuxiufang's good material. Although it looked thin, it couldProtect yourself from the cold.Xiao Se quickly asked the waiter to pick up the customer. Xiao Se took the initiative to greet the customer at the door. The man's name was Lei Wujie, but he didn't pay attention to Xiao Se at all. Looking at Lei Wujie's dress, Xiao Se guessed that he must be rich. The waiterHe asked Lei Wujie what he wanted to order, but Lei Wujie said that he only wanted a bowl of Yangchun noodles. The waiter recommended plum blossom pork, but Lei Wujie thought about it for a while and refused.

At this time, a group of men directly knocked open the door of the inn, and several men walked in with fierce looks. Xiao Se knew at a glance that these people were rude, and the waiter was also very scared.This group of people asked the waiter to bring the best wine. Xiao Se knew that the other party was not friendly, so he went over and asked the waiter to leave first. He went over and argued with them that if he wanted to eat, he had to pay.The other party cut the dining table in half, and Xiao Se asked him to pay for two taels of silver. At this time, Lei Wujie heard them saying they were going to rob, so he hurriedly took two bites of noodles and went over to take care of the matter.However, this group of people had never heard of Lei Wujie's name, and then they fought together. Lei Wujie used the Lei family's housekeeping skills, and Xiao Se watched everything from the side. In the end, this group of bad guys were killed by Lei Wujie.He ran away in a matter of seconds.After dinner, Lei Wujie packed up his luggage and prepared to leave, but was stopped by Xiao Se.

Lei Wujie asked Lei Wujie to compensate for all the things that were destroyed by Lei Wujie, but Lei Wujie said that he had no money. He said that he was going to Xueyue City to get the money. Xiao Se thought for a while and agreed. After all, he also had plans to go to Xueyue City.Yuecheng, Xiao Se decided to go to Xueyue City with Lei Wujie after thinking about it.Tang Lian from Xueyue City followed him all the way. Tang Lian's martial arts was also very good. He naturally knew who was following him.Tang Lian was helping his senior brother transport things, but there were people chasing him all the way. It seemed that the things he had to transport this time were not trivial.At night, Tang Lian was about to sleep in an abandoned temple. Xiao Se and Lei Wujie also came over. Tang Lian quickly put out the fire, but Lei Wujie didn't care if there was anyone around, but raised the fire to keep warm.At this time Lei Wujie smelled the fragrance of roses, and Xiao Se immediately smelled it.

It turns out that these two people are Yue Ji and Ming Hou, both of whom are ranked ninth on the killer list. Their purpose is to kill people.Yue Ji said that she came here to kill people. At this time, Tang Lian also came out. Tang Lian knew that they were targeting her. Lei Wujie quickly said that he was Tang Lian's senior brother.Minghou took a knife and stabbed Tang Lian. Both of them were injured, so they were not in the best condition. After Lei Wujie knew Tang Lian's identity, he went to help Tang Lian. Lei Wujie and Yue Ji fought together., although Lei Wujie had kung fu, he was defeated by Yue Ji. Lei Wujie wanted to use the fire candle technique. Ming Hou saw the situation and was about to leave with Yue Ji. Lei Wujie wanted to stop Ming Hou and punched Lei Wujie directly.in the room.Tang Lian noticed that someone was rummaging through her things, and it turned out to be junior sister Sikong Qianluo. Sikong Qianluo also sneaked out, but Tang Lian saw through it and left quickly.At this time, something in the carriage fell out. Xiao Se went over and touched it with his hands and knew that it was pure gold.The next morning, Xiao Se and Lei Wujie left with Tang Lian.

Tang Lian said that the master asked him to transport this pure gold coffin, and the master had warned him never to try to open the coffin.Xiao Se guessed that the gold coffin transported was once rumored to contain a large amount of gold and silver treasures and martial arts secrets, but according to Xiao Se's guess, it should be the body of Master Wangyou.Tang Lian didn't expect Xiao Se to know so much.Then Xiao Se followed Tang Lian to the Beauty Village of the casino. Their main purpose of coming here was to find a contact.At this time, a woman danced and fell from the sky. Tiannu Rui appeared in front of them. Tiannu Rui also asked Xiao Se to make a bet. Tiannu Rui quietly told him that the contact person had not come yet while she was holding Tang Lian.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

A white-haired man appeared, and a group of people were surrounding Xiao Se and Tang Lian to ask them to hand over the treasures in their hands. The white-haired man only said a word of noise and killed everyone in two or three strokes.This person has great kung fu. If you want to deal with him, one Tang Lian may not be enough.The white-haired man knew what they were transporting, and Xiao Se invited him to participate in the life-and-death game. The white-haired man said that if he won, he would give them one more day to escape.

The white-haired man decided to win or lose in a game with Xiao Se. The man in white shook the dice. Tang Lian quietly told Xiao Se to buy big for five, five and six. After Xiao Se finished speaking, the man in white gently shattered the dice with his fingers. EveryoneEveryone arrived and the situation was not good, but Xiao Se still insisted on the five-five-six he just said. When he opened the lid, although the dice had been shattered, there were still five-five-six on the table.Xiao Se had already guessed that the white-haired man was from Tianwaitian. Although Xiao Se didn't know martial arts, he could tell that this man's kung fu was based on the tricks of the Demon Cult.The white-haired man said that what he wanted was the contents of the coffin. The white-haired man had the upper hand, and a man named Wushuang also came out to confront the white-haired man. The white-haired man knew that he was no match for Wushuang and his group and left quickly.Lei Wujie is still guarding the gold pipes. A group of men in black want to snatch the gold pipes. Lei Wujie is also injured. Fortunately, Tang Lian comes to help you.

Although Lei Wujie used the fire technique, this kind of skill could hurt someone eight hundred and damage himself a thousand. Lei Wujie still wanted to confront the opponent, but the opponent had already taken the opportunity to leave. Tang Lian told him to be careful next, everythingIt will all be an illusion.Tang Lian closed her eyes to identify the location of these black ghosts. At this time, Sikong Qianluo also came over. She also guessed that Tang Lian might be controlled by some kind of formation. Sikong Qianluo remembered that as long as he could destroy Xiao Sheng, he could destroy it.In this situation, Sikong Qianluo broke the formation in one go.At this time, Yue Ji and Ming Hou also came over. They also wanted to snatch the coffin. The two sides fought together. Ming Hou took the coffin, but the two parties were not sure and suddenly threw it on the ground. The lid of the golden coffinIt was also opened, and a monk named Wu Xin walked out of it. Someone wanted to kill him, but Wu Xin killed the man in black who wanted to sneak attack him with just one look.

Minghou walked over and saluted Wuxin. He said that he had met Master Wangyou. Wushuang took one look at Minghou and knew his feelings. Minghou also said that in return he could take Wuxin away, but Wuxin said that it was his own.The calamity can be overcome by oneself.A group of people were looking for Wushuang. His subordinates thought Wushuang was dead, but it turned out that he just went looking for him because he was too sleepy.Wu Xin controlled their minds without using his hands at all. At this time, Wu Chan from Jiulongmen tapped Wu Xin's acupuncture points and he passed out. Tiannu Rui came over and told Tang Lian that Wu Xin was their contact person.

The next day, Wu Chan also left with Wu Xin and Tang Lian. Wu Chan told them that the reason why they used the golden coffin was because Wu Xin had practiced the thirty-two secret arts. They must use the golden coffin for escort, otherwise many people would be harmed..Xiao Se knew that Master Wangyou also mastered the method of mind reading, and Wuxin also mastered Wangyou's spells. In order to suppress this spell, Wuxin learned evil arts.At this time, the white-haired man stood on the carriage again. He asked everyone to hand over Wu Xin. Even if these people were together, they would not be the opponent of the white-haired man.The white-haired man used a special move and everyone fell to the ground. The white-haired man saw Wu Xin and wanted to touch him with his hands. Tang Men wanted to resist, but was knocked to the ground again by the white-haired man.At this time, Wu Xin told Tang Lian the trick against the white-haired man through mind reading. Unexpectedly, this step actually defeated the man in white, and Wu Xin woke up again.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Tang Lian successfully pushed the white-haired man off the cliff, and Wu Xin woke up. He told He Xiao Se that he wanted to go somewhere. Xiao Se originally refused, and Lei Wujie also stood in front of Xiao Se, but Wu Xin learned through mind reading.Lei Wujie also wanted to go and left directly with the two of them.A man was paying homage to Wangyou. This man was Xiao Se's master and the master of Baixiao Hall. Ji Mingfeng put on the mask and said to himself that he should meet Xiao Se.Lei Wujie saw Wu Xin taking a bath next to him at night, and he wanted to drag Xiao Se away with him. Xiao Se did say that Wu Xin was so good at Qinggong that there was no way they could escape.

Lei's kung fu is also very good, but Lei Wujie has not fully mastered this martial arts recently, and what he has learned now is only superficial. Xiao Se also talked about Lei Wujie's master. Lei Wujie's master was expelled from the master at the beginning.Lei Wujie quickly denied it.Xiao Se suddenly mentioned Lei Wujie's sword. Lei Wujie was frightened and wanted to go over to get it, but his injury had not yet recovered.While Wuxin was taking a shower, he remembered the scene when his master took him in, and he was very angry about it.Tiannu Rui was still helping Tang Lian heal her injuries. After the white-haired man's fight, everyone was seriously injured.Wuxin told Xiao Se that he wanted to go somewhere, and after learning that Lei Wujie was injured, he offered to help him heal. Lei Wujie wanted to refuse, but Wuxin didn't expect that Wuxin would directly use Qinggong to lead Lei Wujie away.When he got into the water, he first stunned Lei Wujie. Lei Wujie didn't know how to swim, but he could walk in the water. Unintentionally, he just punched Lei Wujie. After Lei Wujie woke up, he discovered his injuries.It's indeed much better.

Tang Lian learned from her senior brother that Wuxin was actually the son of Ye Dingzhi, the great sect leader of Tianwaitian. At that time, he was also taken as a hostage to Beili. Wuxin was a child of the demon sect after all. Wangyou's purpose was to remove the evil spirit from Wuxin.Remove.The next morning Wuxin still said that he would leave with Xiao Se and Lei Wujie. Xiao Se didn't want to take Wuxin with him, but Lei Wujie readily said that he would take Wuxin with him.Wuxin was naturally happy. Wuxin said that the reason why he wanted to be with them was because he had no money. Lei Wujie quickly introduced Xiao Se to be rich, and the fur coat he wore was the most valuable.A man named Jinxian in the Zhangxiang Supervisor reported to the Holy Lord that the White-haired Fairy had been haunting, and the twelve-year agreement had expired, and he was told that he must find the White-haired Fairy.Xiao Se and his party came to the market. They were all hungry, and the only one with money was Xiao Se. Under Lei Wujie's plea, Xiao Se still took them to eat. While Lei Wujie went to get things, Xiao Se asked Wu XinWhy go to Dafanyin Temple? Wuxin said that he just did one thing in the past. Although Wuxin didn't say what it was, Xiao Se could guess that it was definitely not simple.

After dinner, the three of them were noisy and wanted to go on their way. At this time, a group of strong men on horseback surrounded the three of them. Unintentionally, they recognized their flags. They were the so-called Hundred Ghosts and Horse Thieves.After Lei Wujie learned their identities, he went over to fight with them, but he kidnapped Lei Wujie in two seconds. Lei Wujie thought Xiao Se and Wuxin would save him, but the two left directly.Lei Wujie also met a man in the prison. The man took the initiative to give his wine to Lei Wujie. The man asked Lei Wujie why he was caught by the horse thieves. Lei Wujie sighed and said that he was raped by a friend..Wuxin also told Xiao Se that many people thought he was a big shot, but in fact he was just a little monk in the temple.The man who drank with Lei Wujie also said that he wanted to be the emperor, and Lei Wujie also said that he wanted to be the sword god.

In fact, the man next to him was the leader of the horse thieves. In the evening, Xiao Se and Wu Xin came to the dungeon to rescue Lei Wujie. Lei Wujie also said that a man was rescuing him just now. Xiao Se saw the wine next to him. Such high-grade wine was in the dungeon.It should not appear here, so this man is not ordinary.Lei Wujie and his group were almost discovered when they came out. Fortunately, he used the bomb in his hand and the three of them escaped successfully.Wuxin and his party walked for half a day without seeing anyone. Lei Wujie climbed up a tree and saw an inn not far away. The three of them hurried over to have a rest. Xiao Se suddenly saw a mark left on the table, and this mark wasExclusively for the master.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

The horse thief did not expect that Lei Wujie could be rescued under their noses, and he also guessed where this group of people should go.Xiao Se found the mark left by his master while sitting on the seat, and he immediately remembered the scene when he first met his master.At that time, a masked man was ordered to kill Xiao Se. Xiao Se knew how to fight with him, but he was no match after all. His entire lifeline was shattered in a few blows, so this was also the reason why he lost all his martial arts.Wuxin could see that Xiao Se had something on his mind, but he didn't say anything.At night, Xiao Se liked to go out after everyone was asleep, but Wu Xin did not fall asleep. Instead, he knew that Xiao Se saw the mark of his master Bai Xiaosheng, so he went to the appointment.Bai Xiaosheng already knew that Xiao Se was going to Xueyue City. On the surface, Xiao Se was going to ask for five hundred taels of silver. In fact, Xiao Se had other purposes. Bai Xiaosheng also knew that neither of them had revealed it.

Xiao Se wanted to know who wasted his effort back then. Xiao Se had actually guessed the two suspects, but Bai Xiaosheng told him not to make random guesses anymore, since some things had been decided.Bai Xiaosheng gave the Wuji Stick to Xiao Se. Although Xiao Se no longer knew martial arts, he could still use it as a crutch.Xiao Se and his party were going to Mu Liang City next. After hearing this, Lei Wujie was very excited and wanted to go and see the situation immediately. Luo Qingyang was also one of the people who made everyone in the world very curious.Tiannurui also deliberately fed Tang Lian fruits with her mouth. In fact, Tiannur Rui had already fallen in love with Tang Lian. Just when the two were about to kiss, Sikong Qianluo suddenly opened the carriage curtain and accidentally saw this scene, and the two quickly separated..Lei Wujie also went to inquire about the news, and happened to see Fu Hengxing talking to his subordinates. Lei Wujie accidentally trampled a branch and he was immediately discovered.In fact, the reason why Xiao Se cared about Lei Wujie going to Muliang City was because it was here that he was deactivated from martial arts, so he was also worried that Lei Wujie would be in danger.

Wuxin saw Xiao Se's thoughts. Xiao Se was actually very scared, but he was still pretending to be calm.Wuxin has actually known about Xiao Chuhe since he was a child. Xiao Chuhe is obviously the best in the world. In fact, Wuxin has guessed that Xiao Se is Xiao Chuhe, but he doesn't know what Xiao Chuhe has experienced.Xiao Se naturally also knew the relevant news about Wu Xin. Wu Xin was very angry after hearing it. Although the two did not use martial arts, they still fought together.In fact, both of them have their own secrets in their hearts. Wu Xin said that Lei Wujie was brought here by him no matter what, so he must rescue Lei Wujie.Now that Wu Xin has passed, Xiao Se will not sit still and wait for death. He recognizes Fu Hengxing in the past, and Fu Hengxing also recognizes Xiao Se. He knows that Xiao Se has been expelled from Tianqi City. When Xiao Se is about to be beaten, Wu Xin appears in time.Drive Fu Hengxing and his party away.Lei Wujie was still curious that since Xiao Se and Fu Hengxing knew each other, Xiao Se didn't give any explanation and the three of them continued on their way.

Someone has already found out that Wuxin and two teenagers want to come to Dafanyin Temple.Wu Xin and the other three suddenly saw a monk drinking wine on the road. Wu Xin recognized at a glance that this was the man he was looking for, Wang Rensun. Wang Rensun suddenly saw something and left quickly, Wu Xin followed closely.They followed them to the Dafanyin Temple. It turned out that Wang Rensun also returned to the Dafanyin Temple. Wang Rensun was so drunk that he didn't expect that he could play the sword so well.When the man got off the bus, he also found someone putting it on the roof, so he had no choice but to get down.Wuxin knew this man named Eunuch Jinxian. Wang Rensun liked the man who killed Eunuch Jinxian, but was stopped by Wushuang. Wushuang said that Eunuch Jinxian was looking for him, so he told Wang Rensun not to get involved.Eunuch Jinxian pulled out the sword in his hand, and Wuxin also used his own kung fu to fight against him. Eunuch Jinxian just wanted Wuxin to leave with him, but naturally Wuxin was not willing. Wuxin originally wanted to use his inner demon to fight against him, but in the end the inner demon turned against him.Eunuch Jinxian is of no use at all.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Although Eunuch Jinxian and Wu Xin are the same age, their experiences are completely different.Eunuch Jinxian has been training hard for a long time to get rid of Wu Xin's inner demons. Both Wang Rensun and Wu Xin were injured and left desolate.Eunuch Jinxian also asked Xiao Se and Lei Wujie on the roof if they wanted to come down. Lei Wujie was stopped by Xiao Se just as he was about to rush out. Eunuch Jinxian recognized Xiao Se at once. He just warned Wuxin that someone was there before leaving.Chase him and let him escape as soon as possible. Although people without a heart can escape, the heart cannot escape after all.Wuxin told Wang Rensun about the scene when he was five years old. Wuxin knew that Wang Rensun betrayed his father back then.

Wang Rensun sat cross-legged on the ground. He had actually been thinking for twelve years about what he would do when Wu Xin came to kill him. The only thing Wang Rensun could do was to hand the sword to him when Wu Xin came to kill him.Wuxin remembered that when he first saw Wang Rensun, he recognized him as the person who killed his father. Wuxin put down the sword in his hand again. He told Wang Rensun that he would not kill him. Wang Rensun actually wanted Wuxin to kill him. After all, there would be moreMore people will come to kill you.Unintentionally not killing Wang Rensun, he just asked Dafanyin Temple to perform a ceremony for him, and Wang Rensun agreed.Wuxin said that he would come back to Dafanyin Temple to find him in three days, and before leaving, he told Wang Rensun that Wang Rensun could leave after doing the ritual.Seeing that Xiao Se and Lei Wujie hadn't followed yet, Wu Xin asked them to leave quickly.

In the evening, Lei Wujie cooked some vegetables and ate them. Xiao Se had no appetite at all, but Lei Wujie found them very delicious.Wuxin said that Master Wangyou taught him how to cook. Master Wangyou adopted him back then, and Wuxin also revealed his identity. His real name was Ye Anshi, and his father was Ye Dingzhi, the leader of the Demon Cult.The twelve-year period has expired, and Wu Xin should logically return to Tianwai Tian, ​​but some people don't want Wu Xin to go back.Wuxin said that many people wanted Wangyou to call him out, but Wangyou did not hand Wuxin over even if he forced himself to death, and Wuxin's current purpose was to avenge Master Wangyou.Xiao Se didn't understand why Wu Xin chose him and Lei Wujie. Wu Xin's excuse was that the two of them looked rich. In fact, Xiao Se also knew that he must have other reasons.

Wu Xin said that he chose the two of them because they were not controlled by Wu Xin's inner demons. He wanted to teach the two of them martial arts, and Lei Wujie was very happy.Wuxin then began to teach Lei Wujie Kung Fu, and Lei Wujie learned the boxing technique in just a few strikes. On the surface, it was just Arhat Fist, but in fact, it was the trick behind it.Next, Wu Xin said that he wanted to teach Xiao Se. Xiao Se said that he had no martial arts, but he was very interested in water floating kung fu. Wu Xin said that Xiao Se was too preoccupied to learn it, and what Wu Xin wanted to teach was the inner demon guide.Li Hanyi in Xueyue City left a chess game, and Baili Dongjun was also playing chess beside him.Baili Dongjun said that Tang Lian failed this time and Wuxin was not taken away but went to Dafanyin Temple alone.Li Hanyi was going to go in person. This time Tang Lian missed her, but she couldn't let her miss again.

Baili Dongjun said that he had already sent a letter to Tang Lian, and Tang Lian must know what to do after seeing the letter.In fact, the letter Baili Dongjun left behind only had four words: "Poor and moved", and he also wanted Tang Lian to do things with his own heart.Tang Lian talked about his experiences over the years, but he still couldn't understand the meaning of these four words. Tiannurui was comforting Tang Lian. There were still many things they had to do next. Tiannurui said that she would leave tomorrow.Yes, she kissed Tang Lian before leaving. Tang Lian actually also liked Tiannur Rui, but there were more important things to do now, so the personal relationship between her children could only be put aside.Three days later, Wuxin came to Dafanyin Temple. At this time, the monks were helping Wuxin perform rituals. When Wuxin came to the main hall, he put the relic on the table, and this relic was the last thing that belonged to Wangyou. Since Wangyou could not return,When he came, Wu Xin wanted to take him back.Wuxin thought of the scene where he and Wangyou were together. Wangyou told Wuxin that he should go back to where he belonged, and Wuxin couldn't help but shed tears.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Wangyou still let Wuxin go home, but Wuxin knelt in front of Wangyou's soul and said that he was not going anywhere. Wangyou said that they were not actually master and disciple, they just accompanied each other on a journey, and now it was time for Wangyou to goAfter leaving, Wangyou also told Wuxin that no matter what decision he made, as long as he didn't forget his original intention, Wuxin could only kneel down and say goodbye to his master.Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo were still transporting the golden coffin, but they happened to see a wisp of yellow smoke floating over the temple. Sikong Qianluo guessed that he left unintentionally to give his master salvation and let him return to his roots.After Wuxin played with Chaodu, he asked Shangxiasou'e and Lei Wujie to prepare to leave. Wuxin prepared to walk the next road alone, but Xiao Se also said that he and Lei Wujie could accompany him on the next road.

Wuxin also agreed. Although he knew that the road ahead was dangerous, he still had to face it bravely.As soon as the three of them came out, they met a group of people blocking their way. Lei Wujie confronted them. Lei Wujie also deliberately said a false name. He said the name wrong three times. Xiao Se and Wu Xin were speechless by the side..Lei Wujie still told his real name. Xiao Se and Wu Xin were still making a bet to see if Lei Wujie could break the precepts. Xiao Se could feel that the other party did not take Lei Wujie seriously, and Lei Wujie was beaten in a few seconds.Knocked down, Wu Xin saw that they had changed their formation and hurried forward to help. Xiao Se was also there to stop Lei Wujie from forcing him.Many people want to rob Wuxin, and Wushuang is also involved in this matter this time. The biggest purpose of Wushuang City now is to rob Wuxin.

Wuxin recognized the other party as the leader of Dajue, and Wuxin controlled the seven people in a few moments. Wuxin also said that if Dajue didn't open his eyes, his junior brothers would all die, so the leader had no choice but to open his eyes and use the method.The force broke Wu Xin's formation.Head Dajue talked about the first time he and Wu Xin met, and Da Jue also admitted that he wanted to kill Wu Xin when he first met him.The martial arts used by Xiao Seren to become Master Dajue was the Vajra Body. Wuxin did not expect Master Dajue to be able to cultivate the body of Vajra. Although this skill was great, Wuxin would not give in easily.Tang Lian and Situ Qianluo were still at the door and had not entered. As a result, Wang Rensun came over. Wang Rensun also said that they did not actually know the purpose of coming here. Wang Rensun reminded Tang Lian that it was better to have what was in his heart.

Wuxin and Master Dajue were still fighting. Wuxin wanted to know why his master died. Just when Master Dajue knocked Wuxin down and was about to kill him, he was stopped by Wuchan. Lei Wujie also wanted to go.Wu Xin stood up while confronting Master Dajue. Since he couldn't defeat Master Dajue with ordinary strength, he didn't expect that Tang Lian and his party also came to help.Tang Lian begged Master Dajue to let Wuxin go. After all, Wuxin was not a real demon. However, Master Dajue felt that anyone who was a remnant of the demon sect would have to die. He used the Vajra Body again and saw everyone knocked to the ground., Unexpectedly, Wuxin went over and resisted Master Dajue. Since it was his father's fault, Wuxin was ready to understand with him. Master Dajue's power was gradually dissipating, and Wuxin also fainted to the ground. Fortunately,You Xiaose quickly hugged Wuxin.

'After a long time, both Master Dajue and Wu Xin recovered a little. Master Da Jue expressed his gratitude to Wu Xin. If Wu Xin hadn't helped him, Master Da Jue would never have been able to get rid of his inner demons. He said that he was veryI made a bet two years ago. I thought I was going to win, but now I know that this bet has never been established.The head of Dajue had just left, but he didn't expect the people from Wushuang City to come too. Naturally, they wanted to get Wushuang. Wushuang used all his swords to fight with Qi, while Wuxin kept chanting "One thought becomes a devil, one thought becomes a Buddha%", allEverything is my own momentary thoughts.Seeing that Xiao Se was about to be hurt by the Wushuang Sword, Wuxin came over and blocked all the swords. Although Wuxin and the head of Dajue jointly abolished the skill, it was precisely this that allowed Wuxin to master the six-pass skill that he had never mastered before.Lei Wujie looked at Wuxin a little frustrated, feeling that he could not fight alone. Although Wuxin was able to fight, he was seriously injured. Seeing that Wuxin was about to be stabbed to death by Wushuang's sword, Lei Wujie went over and blocked all the swords, and Wushuang also did notDidn't hurt them.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Although Wu Shuang let Wu Xin go, his senior brother didn't want to do this.At this time, Sikong Changfeng from Xueyue City suddenly appeared. Lei Wujie didn't know who this person was yet, but luckily Xiao Se was there to help introduce him.Lei Wujie didn't expect that this person turned out to be Sikong Changfeng, and it was his first time to see a very powerful person.Sikong Changfeng stopped Wushuang's senior brother and said not to target a child. Sikong Changfeng ranked third. Although his swordsmanship was not as good as that of the second senior brother, he could still show his skills in front of these young people. Sikong Changfeng usedHis name was Zhuque, and Lei Wujie's eyes bulged out.Sikong Qianluo was very happy to see his father. Sikong Qianluo also took the initiative to admit his mistake to his father. Tang Lian wanted Sikong Qianluo to leave with his father, but Sikong Qianluo always wanted to be with Tang Lian.

Wu Chan was also nearby to introduce Wu Xin to Sikong Changfeng as his junior brother. Sikong Changfeng told everyone that he was late because he met an old acquaintance called Baifaxian.At this time, Baifaxian also came. In fact, Wuxin knew him and called Uncle Mo. Uncle Mo told Sikong Changfeng that he would take him away. Seeing that Wuxin was about to be taken away, Lei Wujie stepped forward to stop him.Xiao Se also saw that Wuxin didn't want to go back to the outside world. The twelve years of protons really prevented Wuxin from going anywhere, but now that the twelve years have passed, Wuxin belongs to him. He can go wherever he wants without being restricted by anyone.Lei Wujie also said that he could help Wuxin stay and would be willing to accompany him as long as he wanted to stay. Xiao Se also agreed with Lei Wujie's words.But at this time, Uncle Mo knelt on the ground and begged Wuxin to go back. Wuxin finally agreed to return to Tianwaitian with Uncle Mo. After all, he was the sect leader of Tianwaitian.

Before Wuxin left, he briefly explained to Lei Wujie and Xiao Se. Xiao Se said that Wuxin could help him if he wanted to stay, but Wuxin still refused, and finally left with Uncle Mo.Qi Tianchen was playing chess with Xiao Yujin. Xiao Yujin also asked Qi Tianchen about Proton's unintentional departure. Qi Tianchen felt that this was the best ending now.Now only Xiao Se and Lei Wujie are left to continue moving forward. At this time, Feixuan in Xueyue City is looking for his uncle Li Fansong. Li Fansong was listening to the play beside him and was fascinated by it. Feixuan left in anger.Xiao Se and Lei Wujie finally arrived at Xueyue City. Lei Wujie saw Dengtian Pavilion and was about to break in. However, he happened to be seen by Li Fansong. Since the person who wanted to create Dengtian Pavilion must not be an ordinary person.

Lei Wujie quickly broke into the fourth floor. More and more people were outside the Dengtian Pavilion. The people were clapping and applauding. Everyone was also curious about who the person who broke into the Dengtian Pavilion was.Lei Wujie met Luo Mingxuan upstairs. He thought he was going to have a fight with Luo Mingxuan, but it turned out that Luo Mingxuan was different from the people below. What he was competing against was not martial arts but some chess and card related things. In the endLei Wujie and Luo Mingxuan competed to see the size of the dice. Lei Wujie tried a game and found that he could not win the opponent. He quickly went to Xiao Se for help. Xiao Se offered money as a deal, and Lei Wujie agreed.Later, Lei Wujie told him about Luo Mingxuan's dice competition. Xiao Se told him the secrets in the dice, and also told Lei Wujie that if he wanted to defeat Luo Mingxuan, just beat him.At this time, Xiao Se happened to hear the conversation between Li Fansong and Fei Xuan and knew that they were people in the spider web of Xueyue City's secret organization. In fact, he and Lei Wujie were targeted just after they came to Xueyue City.Lei Wujie continued to compete with Luo Mingxuan. He discovered the trick used by Luo Mingxuan. The two fought together, but Lei Wujie still won.When Sikong Qianluo learned that someone had climbed to the thirteenth floor, he wanted to go over and have a look. When Xiao Se saw it, he went over to stop Sikong Qianluo. Although Xiao Se didn't know martial arts, he was more than enough to stop Sikong Qianluo.Lei Wujie went up to the next floor and saw Tang Lian. The two also fought together. Lei Wujie naturally wanted to break Tang Lian's spell. Lei Wujie quickly defeated Tang Lian because he knew the fire technique..

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Although Xiao Se had no kung fu, he could still compete with Sikong Qianluo through light kung fu, but in the end he was controlled by Sikong Qianluo.At this time, Lei Wujie had already passed the fourteenth floor, and the people downstairs were very surprised when they saw him.Tang Lian also gave Lei Wujie a glass of ice water. If ordinary people took it, something would definitely happen, but Lei Wujie's body was of fire nature, so there was no need to be afraid.Tang Lian still asked Lei Wujie to go back and rest today and continue to break through the level tomorrow morning.Eunuch Jinxian went to see the Imperial Preceptor. He originally thought that the Imperial Preceptor was going to reveal some information to him. In fact, both the Imperial Preceptor and Xiao Se were good at calculating luck. At this time, Xiao Se was also calculating tomorrow's fortune.

Xiao Se wanted to make the final calculation, but after thinking for a long time, he still didn't see the ending. He felt that it was up to him to do it.When Lei Wujie came down, he saw Xiao Se, and the two of them were going to find a place to have a good rest first.Xiao Se took Lei Wujie to an inn. Lei Wujie took the initiative to say that he had no money, but Xiao Se said that there was no need to spend money on accommodation tonight.After they entered, they saw a man drinking on the roof. Although the man was drunk, he could still buy them a drink.Xiao Se picked up the bowl and took a sip. The wine was indeed good.After taking a sip, Lei Wujie felt uncomfortable all over. Lei Wujie asked the other person who he was. The other person did not say his name but asked Lei Wujie to continue drinking the second bowl. Lei Wujie drank several bowls in succession, but heThe whole person's skills seemed to be stimulated, and the other party fainted as soon as his words came out.

Xiao Se helped Lei Wujie aside to rest. After three glasses of wine, Lei Wujie had already refined his fire technique to the third level. Xiao Se was talking to the man next to him. Although he didn't know who the other person was, Xiao Se could alsoI guessed that this person was Baili Dongjun.Baili Dongjun also gave this restaurant to Xiao Se. Baili Dongjun said that he now wants to make Meng Po soup, but this soup is not that easy.It was already the next morning when Lei Wujie woke up. Lei Wujie still wanted to find Baili Dongjun. Xiao Se said that he had already left, and Lei Wujie should be grateful to him. After all, he helped Lei Wujie open the triple fire.The art of burning.Lei Wujie continued to create light, but the opponent on this floor turned out to be Lei Wujie's uncle Lei Yunhe. Lei Wujie was still very surprised to learn that Lei Yunhe was here. Tang Lian just told Lei Wujie to let him go by himself.Ask Lei Yunhe why.

Lei Yunhe learned that Lei Wujie came to challenge, so he also used his special skills. Lei Wujie used his own fire technique, but he couldn't break the precepts at all, so Lei Yunhe asked Lei Wujie to use other moves., Unexpectedly, Lei Wujie lost, but Lei Wujie did not admit defeat and insisted on confronting Lei Yunhe. Lei Wujie seemed to suddenly see the shadow of Lei Wujie's master Lei Hong, but Lei Wujie was still defeated.Defeated.Lei Wujie still didn't want to admit defeat. He said that as long as he was alive, he would win back one day. Lei Wujie's whole body's internal energy was so excited that he didn't expect that Lei Yunhe was knocked to the ground directly. Lei Yunhe also lost.Take it heartily.Xiao Se also saw Lei Yunhe downstairs, but he didn't expect that the person on the fifteenth floor was actually Lei Yunhe. Back then, there were rumors that Lei Yunhe had been seriously injured and died, but he didn't expect that he was still here.At that time, Lei Yunhe was only seriously injured and his skills had not recovered. Now, after Lei Wujie's stimulation, Lei Yunhe's skills have also recovered, and Lei Yunhe is ready to leave.

Lei Wujie was about to reach the top to see Li Hanyi. Lei Wujie stood on the roof and kept shouting to see Li Hanyi, but no one came. The common people asked Lei Wujie to come down.At this time, Li Hanyi also came over. She put on a mask and asked Lei Wujie to use his sword to show her. Unexpectedly, all Lei Wujie's sword skills were seen through by Li Hanyi. Li Hanyi directly killed Dengtian Pavilion with one sword.It was cut in half. Lei Wujie also felt the power of the sword of the Sword Immortal. Li Fansong also saw it and went up to say hello to Li Hanyi. As a result, Li Hanyi cut the other side of Dengtian Pavilion to death again. Li Fansong couldn't beat Li Hanyi after all..Li Fansong also asked Lei Wujie to come with him, and the two wanted to fight Li Hanyi together.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Li Hanyi directly knocked Lei Wujie and Li Fansong to the ground with one move. The two of them were indeed unable to defeat Li Hanyi.When Li Hanyi came from Dengtian Pavilion, he asked Li Fansong what the name of the sword in his hand was. Li Fansong said that he hadn't named it yet, but was knocked down by Li Hanyi with a punch. Li Fansong came here just to see Li Hanyi's style. NowI had no choice but to leave after seeing them.Li Hanyi asked Lei Wujie why he wanted to see him. Lei Wujie said that he wanted to see Li Hanyi and then he could see his master Lei Hong. Li Hanyi had a fist in his hand. Lei Wujie still hadn't noticed that Li Hanyi was a child.The sister who taught me martial arts.

Li Hanyi asked Lei Wujie to get the sword before agreeing to take him to see his master Lei Hong. Lei Wujie accepted Li Hanyi as his master at Xiao Se's reminder, and Li Hanyi asked him to come to him tomorrow.Sikong Changfeng invited Xiao Se to live in Xueyue City for a while, but Sikong Changfeng actually wanted to accept Xiao Se as his disciple. Xiao Se asked Sikong Changfeng why, and Xiao Se naturally would not agree easily. Sikong Changfeng proposed to play chess on his ownIf he wins, Xiao Se will promise him.The two sat aside and started playing chess. Not only that, Xiao Se also wanted money. He asked for eight million cars. Sikong Qianluo heard this and thought it was incredible. However, he did not expect that his father Sikong Changfeng actually agreed.

Wuxin followed Uncle Mo back and started to deal with things. Uncle Mo also told Wuxin about the recent situation of Lei Wujie and Xiao Se. Now Lei Wujie has become Li Hanyi's first disciple, and Xiao Se has also become Sikong Changfeng.Wuxin is a disciple who is looking forward to the day when the three of them will meet again.Lei Wujie woke up early in the morning and learned from Xiao Se that he had slept all day and night. At this time, Tang Lian also came over. Tang Lian also introduced Xiao Se as his junior brother. Lei Wujie did not expect that he and Xiao Se could still be together.After becoming fellow seniors, they would travel together in the world. Xiao Se felt that Lei Wujie was a bit naive.

Tang Lian asked Lei Wujie if it was really because of money that he stayed in Xueyue City. Naturally, Xiao Se would not tell his true purpose of staying.At this time, Sikong Changfeng came over and called Xiao Se away. He also found that Xiao Se didn't seem to like him. Xiao Se felt that Sikong Changfeng didn't even think about taking him as his disciple.Sikong Changfeng actually knew Xiao Se's identity. He also said that the reason why he stayed here was because Uncle Wang had asked him to stay in Xueyue City. Sikong Changfeng used his internal power to check Xiao Se's condition and found that Xiao Se had indeed been abolished in martial arts. HeThe advice to Xiao Se is to exercise more.Lei Wujie went to find Li Hanyi early in the morning. Li Hanyi asked Lei Wujie to quickly perform the apprenticeship ceremony for him. Lei Wujie obediently did so. Li Hanyi asked Lei Wujie why he drew his sword, but Lei Wujie didn't know what to do.answer.

The reason why Lei Wujie chose to practice swordsmanship was because he saw his master Lei Hong was very handsome when he was practicing swordsmanship. Li Hanyi told him that practicing swordsmanship and drawing swords were two different martial arts. Lei Wujie did not want to talk about life and death, and then Li Hanyi told him thatHe gave the Tingyu Sword to Lei Wujie, but Lei Wujie couldn't pull out the sword no matter what. It seemed that the sword had not let Lei Wujie be his master.No matter how much Li Hanyi prodded Lei Wujie during this period, Lei Wujie still couldn't pull out his sword.After Lei Wujie came down the mountain, he met Yin Mingxuan, and soon Xiao Se also came over. After seeing Lei Wujie, Sikong Qianluo fought with each other. Sikong Qianluo said that Xiao Se could not succeed and threw the weapon in his hand, but was killed by Sikong Chang.The wind stopped.

As soon as Lei Wujie and Xiao Se left, Lei Wujie had a nosebleed, and Xiao Se had to take Lei Wujie back first.As a result, as soon as he returned, he saw a woman playing the piano. When the girl turned around, it was Ye Ruoyi. Xiao Se recognized Ye Ruoyi immediately. Lei Wujie was confused by Ye Ruoyi's beauty, and Lei Wujie was a little embarrassed., by this time Sikong Qianluo had come over, and Ye Ruoyi asked them to hide in her room.Sikong Qianluo asked Ye Ruoyi if he had seen Xiao Se and Lei Wujie. After learning that they were not there, Sikong Qianluo left first.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

In fact, Li Hanyi met a boy a long time ago. At that time, she was wearing a mask and discussing swords with him. The other guy split her mask with a sword, and it turned out to be a beautiful girl. Li Hanyi said that she would talk to him in three days.Sword, but the man had been waiting for his subordinates for a long time but never saw her again.It wasn't until Li Hanyi found him again three months later that the two officially began to discuss swords, but the boy refused to draw the sword. The premise was that Li Hanyi should take off his mask. There was no way Li Hanyi had to take off his mask, and the two beganAfter a formal sword discussion, surrounded by peach blossom petals, the two officially began to duel, and the skills of both sides were equally comparable.

In the end, the winner was not decided. Li Hanyi wanted to let him go down the mountain, but he said that the master did not let him go down the mountain because he said that many people would die after going down the mountain. In this case, Li Hanyi had to wait a year and compete with him up the mountain.Lei Wujie asked Tang Lian why Zhao Yuzhen, who was not going down the mountain, did not go down the mountain. Xiao Se gave many explanations in the world. Xiao Se thought that Zhao Yuzhen should be waiting for someone, so he did not go down the mountain.Tang Lian also said that his master had been asking him to wait for someone in Xueyue City for six years, but he felt that he had not waited for the right person.Tang Lian also asked Xiao Se what he wanted to do with so much money. Xiao Se said that he would be able to recruit troops and go back when the time came. After Lei Wujie learned about it, he was naturally willing to help Xiao Se do things together.At that time, Lei Yunhe also heard that Lei Hong once said that there was a man named Zhao Yuzhen in Wangcheng Mountain who was very powerful in swordsmanship. Lei Yunhe wanted to go over and compete, but one of his arms was chopped off by Lei Yunhe. Lei Yunhe was very angry., a few years later came to Wangcheng Mountain again to prepare for a showdown with Zhao Yuzhen.Xiao Se and Tang Lian had already drank a lot of wine. When Lei Wujie went to get the last bottle of wine and came back, he saw that they were drunk.

Lei Wujie suddenly saw someone passing by, and he hurriedly chased after him. Unexpectedly, the other person knew that Lei Wujie was Li Hanyi's disciple. The other person came here to see Li Hanyi. Lei Wujie said that the master was still in retreat and could not see him for the time being.The man took out the sword that was cut off by Li Hanyi. Lei Wujie immediately recognized the man as Song Yanhui, the lord of Wushuang City. Lei Wujie thought Wushuangchun was going to attack Xueyue City, so Lei Wujie tried to pull it outLi Hanyi gave him the sword. Unexpectedly, Lei Wujie actually pulled out the sword this time, but he still failed to fight Song Yanhui. Fortunately, Li Hanyi came over and Lei Wujie fainted.

Li Hanyi also knew that Song Yan had taken back a disciple. Song Yanhui had tried Li Hanyi's sword three times and failed three times. Song Yanhui was very confident this time, but Li Hanyi still felt that Song Yanhui could not defeat him.Li Hanyi still defeated Song Yanhui with a sword. At this moment, a woman came over and quickly asked Li Hanyi to show mercy. Li Hanyi then took Lei Wujie back to recuperate.Song Yanhui was taken back by the woman. He also said that he had collected a flute and would definitely be able to defeat Li Hanyi.Song Yan went back to meet Wu Shuang, who also guessed that the master had lost again this time. Wu Shuang also said that she would definitely be able to help him win back in the future.Song Yanhui talked about Lei Wujie. Now Lei Wujie is Li Hanyi's apprentice. Li Hanyi even said that Lei Wujie can become a swordsman in only three years.

Wushuang will naturally not admit defeat. Since Lei Wujie will become a swordsman in three years, he will become a swordsman in one year. Song Yan is very pleased to see Wushuang so confident.Lei Wujie was very happy now that he could finally draw his sword smoothly, but he always felt that something was wrong.At this time, Xiao Se and Tang Lian also came over, and Lei Wujie asked Tang Lian to compete with him. Lei Wujie had indeed made great progress.Tang Lian also talked about Ye Ruoyi. Ye Ruoyi was the daughter of the general. Lei Wujie suddenly felt like a nymphomaniac when he thought of Ye Ruoyi's beauty.Three days later there will be the Hundred Flowers Meeting in Xueyue City, which will be attended by some young disciples. Tang Lian also asked Lei Wujie not to tell Li Hanyi, otherwise it will cause a big disturbance in Xueyue City.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

On the day of the Hundred Flowers Fair, many people came. Tang Lian and Xiao Se also saw Duan Yixuan, the young master of the Duan family, who also came to attend the Hundred Flowers Fair. Situ Changkong chatted with Xie Xuan, whom they had not seen for many years.At this time, Xiao Se also saw Ye Ruoyi coming, but Lei Wujie hadn't come yet. Lei Wujie was very interested in Ye Ruoyi.Xie Xuan also met Ye Ruoyi. Ye Ruoyi was indeed a charming person, so everyone would go and take a second look.

When Duan Yixuan saw Tang Lian, he wanted to go over and compete, but was stopped by Lei Wujie who came over. Lei Wujie naturally wanted to show off in front of Ye Ruoyi, but he could hardly control his sword.During the skill, Ye Ruoyi unexpectedly came over to help. Lei Wujie was completely fascinated by Ye Ruoyi, while Xiao Se played the piano and played accompaniment beside him. Xie Xuan also took out his Xiao and played a song, and Tang Lian playedReciting poems next to them, I have to say that the sword dance between Ye Ruoyi and Lei Wujie is indeed very beautiful. Lei Wujie's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Ruoyi, Xiao Se and Tang Lian were both speechless, and Lei Wujie was completely lustful.Forget friends.Xie Xuan also gave some things to Ye Ruoyi, Lei Wujie, Tang Lian and Xiao Se respectively. These are some of the things they are using now.Xie Xuan also knew Xiao Se's true identity, and then Xie Xuan was about to leave. Li Hanyi came over, and Xie Xuan left first without meeting each other.Lei Wujie was very scared after seeing Li Hanyi. He knew that he would be criticized by Li Hanyi again today.

On the way back, Lei Wujie and Li Hanyi also talked about Xie Xuan's gift to him. Li Hanyi could tell that Lei Wujie liked Ye Ruoyi, but Lei Wujie was a little embarrassed.Li Hanyi said that good-looking women would lie. Li Hanyi remembered what she had said to Zhao Yuzhen, so she took the time to let Lei Wujie try the sword. After all, she made a bet with Song Yanhui that Lei Wujie would become a swordsman within three years.Fairy.Xiao Se gave the book that Xie Xuan gave him to Sikong Changfeng, but Sikong Changfeng still warned Xiao Se that he must cure his heart disease. Only by curing his heart disease can he regain his power.At this time, Sikong Qianluo also came over and pestered his father to teach him marksmanship. Sikong Changfeng healed and gave the secret book to Sikong Qianluo.Song Yanhui returned to Wushuang City. Since Song Yanhui could not be the city leader yet, he elected Wushuang to be the city leader. The senior brother saw that Wushuang was a little brat and didn't take it seriously. As a result, Wushuang's swordsmanship really convinced the senior brother to lose.oral.

But the great elder was still unconvinced. Wushuang was also very mature in mind. Since his name was Wushuang, he should sit in this position.The great elder was naturally unconvinced, but Wushuang finally conquered the great elder with his own swordsmanship.Three months later, Lei Wujie went to an appointment to test the sword with his master Li Hanyi. Sikong Changfeng also told Xiao Se and Tang Lian that Lei Wujie had gone to test the sword and told them to hurry over.Lei Wujie and Li Hanyi started to fight, but Lei Wujie took the first sword, and Li Hanyi had the next two swords. Lei Wujie suddenly remembered that Li Hanyi was the sister who taught him swordsmanship, and Li Hanyi was the one who taught him swordsmanship.After taking off the mask, Lei Wujie actually knew that Li Hanyi was the sister who taught him kung fu. Lei Wujie couldn't help but shed tears.On the side, Sikong Changfeng also told Xiao Se and Tang Lian that Li Hanyi was actually the remaining child of the Li family and the Lei family, and Li Hanyi was Lei Wujie's biological sister. Li Hanyi told Lei Wujie what happened back then.My mother had predicted it a long time ago.When King Langya was stabbed to death by Emperor Mingde, their mother appeared at the moment of beheading.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Li Xinyue came over to rescue King Langya, but the Holy Lord was naturally unwilling, but all the soldiers were beaten by Li Xinyue. Li Xinyue also handed over the order in his hand to King Langya and said that he would let him do whatever he wanted. Li Hanyi also came to rescue people.However, King Langya just quietly told Li Xinyue to let him live well, and then committed suicide.Lei Wujie was very angry after learning this. The Holy Emperor has always attached great importance to Xiao Chuhe. Before his death, King Langya also said that he would protect Xiao Chuhe.Li Hanyi handed the token to Lei Wujie, and their mission was to protect Xiao Chuhe and become a saint.Lei Wujie wanted to know the whereabouts of Xiao Chuhe. Li Hanyi did not tell Xiao Se's true identity, but just told Lei Wujie that Lei Wujie would definitely appear by his side when Xiao Chuhe needed him.There is also a prince beside the Holy Emperor, but this prince has an eye problem.

The Holy Sage has found Xiao Chuhe hanging out with people from the Demon Cult. The Holy Sage's purpose is to let his son find out the truth of this matter. The Holy Sage also said that as long as Xiao Chuhe comes back, he will restore his throne. After hearing this, his son naturally agreed to help.Lei Wujie stopped practicing sword practice after he met Li Hanyi. Xiao Se was not surprised that Lei Wujie was Li Hanyi's younger brother. All this was within the scope of Xiao Se's understanding.Lei Wujie was very happy to have found his sister now. Sikong Qianluo was still training his junior brothers. At this time, Tang Lian also came over. Xiao Se knew that Sikong Qianluo had encountered a big problem now, but she did not intend to help. After all, Sikong QianluoYou still need to handle this yourself.Xiao Se and Sikong Qianluo started fighting again.Seeing that Sikong Qianluo was about to compete in a competition to find a bride, Sikong Changfeng also wanted to choose a son-in-law for Sikong Qianluo that she liked.Sikong Changfeng received a letter and learned that a distinguished guest was coming, and the blind son of the Holy Sage was also preparing to go to Xueyue City to meet Xiao Se.

Xiao Se was attacked as soon as he entered the house, but he quickly realized that this person was Tang Lian, so he did not resist at the last moment. The so-called reason was that his sleeves were very precious, and if he moved the clothes even a little bit, they would be damaged..The blind son of the Holy Emperor came to Xueyue City and learned that today was the day when Sikong Qianluo competed in martial arts to find a bride, so he naturally wanted to go and have a look.Lei Wujie saw that there was no one at the wedding contest, so he wanted Xiao Se to give it a try. When Xiao Se was about to go out, he was beaten by Luo Mingxuan. Luo Mingxuan actually followed the instructions of his master Yin Luoxia. After all,Yin Luoxia still didn't want Sikong Qianluo to marry someone she didn't like, and when the time came, Luo Mingxuan could just lose to Sikong Qianluo.

Luo Mingxuan defeated the younger brother of the Duan family, but was poisoned by the younger brother of the Duan family, so Luo Mingxuan had to admit defeat first.At this time, Xiao Se also came down. Everyone present was very surprised. Although Xiao Se had no martial arts skills, these young people were very good at it. Xiao Se used the unique weapons of the Lei family and the hidden weapons of the Tang family to successfully defeat the eldest son of the Duan family.Sikong Qianluo didn't expect Xiao Se to win. At this time, Sikong Qianluo also came down from upstairs. The blind prince must have wanted to know what the ending was.After Sikong Qian fell, Xiao Se actually said in public that he had given up. However, some people were naturally unconvinced and said that they were cheating the game. At this time, the blind prince also came in. Everyone knelt down and even Sikong Changfeng was very respectful. Only Xiao SeLei Wujie originally wanted Xiao Se to kneel down as he stood still, but Xiao Se simply stood there and remained indifferent.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Sikong Changfeng made tea for the blind Prince Bai, who also talked about the scene when he saw Sikong Changfeng when he was a child. Sikong Changfeng was also very grateful to His Highness Bai for taking action today.His Highness Prince Bai said that he had an oral message to pass on here today. He was not sure about Xiao Se's identity yet, but after meeting him today, he would be more sure of Xiao Se's identity.Lei Wujie blamed Xiao Se for not beating her more, and Sikong Qianluo became Xiao Se's wife. Sikong Qianluo quickly went up to defend her, and Sikong Qianluo was also very grateful to Xiao Se for his rescue today.Tang Lian was on the side to smooth things over. When Lei Wujie arrived, he said that His Highness King Bai was very powerful. Everyone knelt down when they saw His Highness Bai Wang. Everyone also asked Xiao Se why he didn't kneel down today. Xiao Se just made an excuse and said that his legs and feet hurt.

Lei Wujie was curious about the purpose of His Highness Prince Bai coming here. Xiao Se told everyone that His Highness Prince Bai had never been seen. Even when he was a child, even if he sought medical treatment from many doctors, it was of no avail.Then His Highness Bai Wang called Xiao Se over. After Xiao Se passed by, he just called His Highness Bai Wang. His Highness Bai Wang also said that Xiao Se didn't speak like before.His Highness Bai Wang wanted Xiao Se to call him second brother like the same person, but Xiao Se said he was Xiao Se.At this time, His Highness Prince Bai said that the Holy Father had ordered him to pardon Xiao Chuhe for all his crimes and reward him with ten thousand taels of gold. Xiao Se refused directly.After all, he has been deprived of martial arts and has yet to find out who the murderer is. His Highness Bai Wang gave Xiao Se three days to think about it carefully and give him an answer after three days.The subordinates felt that His Highness Bai Wang was not worth it. His blindness was also related to Xiao Se. However, His Highness Bai Wang felt that everyone was still young and ignorant.

Sikong Changfeng and Li Hanyi were talking about Prince Bai's visit. At this time, Ye Ruoyi had been eavesdropping at the door for a long time. In fact, Ye Ruoyi and Xiao Se had known each other a long time ago, so they would be happy to hear anything related to Xiao Se.Listen carefully.As soon as Ye Ruoyi was about to leave, she met His Highness King Bai. Although His Highness Bai Wang couldn't see, he could smell the unique fragrance of Ye Ruoyi's body.His Highness Bai Wang deliberately said that he came to find Xiao Chuhe, and Ye Ruoyi was also smart and did not say that Xiao Se was Xiao Chuhe's identity. In fact, the two of them felt the same as Ming Jing.The Holy One is still talking to General Ye about whether the sixth son Xiao Chuhe will come back. The Holy One also knows that he has really felt guilty for Xiao Chuhe in these years, and General Ye has not been said much.Soon Eunuch Jingxian also learned that the Holy Emperor wanted to pardon Xiao Chuhe. All the brothers were discussing this matter. At this time, the Great Immortal came over. Now the competition in the court is not over yet, and the competition in the world has begun again.The Great Immortal knew that each had their own thoughts, but the five great eunuchs had to follow the Holy One's orders.

When he was young, Xiao Chuhe had a very good relationship with his second brother, His Highness Bai Wang. However, Xiao Chuhe was always very naughty. Baiwangdi and his beloved were also very kind to Xiao Chuhe. Xiao Chuhe gave the fruit that someone gave him to his second brother, and the second brother also ate it because of it.This fruit made him blind, which was also a knot in Xiao Chuhe's mind.His Highness Prince Bai found Ye Ruoyi beside him, and the two of them had a brief chat.Lei Wujie still wanted to ask Xiao Se to accompany him to see Ye Ruoyi. Lei Wujie was now completely fascinated by Ye Ruoyi.His Royal Highness Bai Wang learned from Ye Ruoyi that she had met Xiao Se, but she could feel that Xiao Se was a little different from Xiao Chuhe back then. At this time, Lei Wujie happened to come over. When he saw someone sitting next to Ye Ruoyi, he became jealous.Xiao Se just stood aside and waited for Lei Wujie, and Lei Wujie was not polite. Ye Ruoyi had no choice but to pour a cup of tea for Lei Wujie.Lei Wujie was very surprised when he learned that Ye Ruoyi went to see Xiao Se yesterday, and Xiao Se could only find excuses to get over.His Royal Highness Prince Bai sat for a while and then left. Lei Wujie began to show off his achievements in breaking through obstacles. In fact, he just wanted to impress Ye Ruoyi.Sikong Changfeng passed the token to Sikong Qianluo, and also told her that their duty was to protect the sixth prince Xiao Chuhe, but Sikong Qianluo said that the person he wanted to protect was the person he cared about most.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Sikong Qianluo returned the token to his father. In fact, his father also knew that Sikong Qianluo began to care about Xiao Se, but he did not tell his daughter that Xiao Se was Xiao Chuhe.After Xiao Se and Lei Wujie left, Lei Wujie asked about Xiao Se's hometown. Xiao Se said that his hometown was Tianqi City, but he didn't want to go back for the time being.In the evening, Sikong Changfeng still mentioned that the purpose of Prince Bai's visit to Xueyue City this time was to bring Xiao Se back. Xiao Se asked Sikong Changfeng his opinion. In fact, Sikong Changfeng felt that it would be a good idea for Xiao Se to return to Tianqi City.choose.Xiao Se saw Wu Xin in his dream. In fact, he was now hesitant about whether to go back. Wu Xin could only give him some guidance, but it was Xiao Se himself who ultimately made the decision.

His Highness Prince Bai actually wanted to know whether Sikong Changfeng would support Xiao Chuhe as he had supported the Holy One. Sikong Changfeng was very smart and did not directly tell His Highness Prince Bai his answer.Three days are coming. His Highness Bai Wang asked Xiao Se about his final decision. In fact, Xiao Se also knew that if he went back with his second brother, he would have enough food and clothing without having to worry about money. His Highness Bai Wang said that as long as he could return to Apocalypse City, no matter whatAnything is fine.Xiao Se clearly told Prince Bai that he was unwilling to go back. The knot in Xiao Se's heart had not been untied yet, and he did not want to be bound like this.Xiao Se also said that no one can change his decision unless he dies.His Highness Bai Wang asked his subordinates to take Xiao Se away forcibly. Sikong Qianluo also came out to help, but Xiao Se was still hit by a sword.In fact, all of this is a conspiracy between His Highness Bai Wang and Xiao Se, so that he can go back and do business.Since Xiao Se was unwilling to leave with His Highness Bai Wang, he had no choice but to go back and recover first.

Someone came to see Wuxin. This man was the seventh-generation prince Xiao Yu. The purpose of Xiao Yu's visit to Wuxin was to form an alliance with him.In fact, Wuxin and Xiao Yu are half-brothers, and Xiao Yu is also Wuxin's elder brother.Xiao Yu just wanted to avenge his mother, Wu Xin said that he could not be the emperor, but it would be a good choice to help Xiao Yu become the emperor, so Wu Xin readily agreed to cooperate with Xiao Yu.The first thing Xiao Yu asked Wu Xin to do was to kill Xiao Se. Wu Xin said that he could ensure that His Highness the White King would not get Xiao Se, but Xiao Se was his friend after all, and he must not let Xiao Se die.Sikong Changfeng and Tang Lian hurried over to inquire about the situation after learning that Xiao Se was injured. Lei Wujie wanted to compete in the ring again. Sikong Changfeng said that Xiao Se was busy preparing Xueyue City's account books, but they did not expect Xiao Se to agree.Prince Bai arrived at Wushuang City, and saw young Wushuang sitting in the highest position. He thought he was just a yellow-haired kid, but Wushuang said that he was now the city lord of Wushuang City.

Li Hanyi was about to leave, but Sikong Changfeng agreed. He said that Xiao Se would accompany Lei Wujie to win the championship, but he actually agreed.Sikong Changfeng knew that he could not persuade Xiao Se, so he could only agree.Sikong Changfeng actually knew where Li Hanyi wanted to go most, and hoped that Li Hanyi would think about it for him when he had time.Lei Wujie and Xiao Se were about to say goodbye to Xueyue City. Lei Wujie was still facing the door to say goodbye. At this time, Tang Lian and Ye Ruoyi also came to see them off. Lei Wujie saw Ye Ruoyi and became a little shy again. The four of them said a simple farewell.After Lei Wujie and Xiao Se set off on the road to leave, Sikong Qianluo was watching all this upstairs. Sikong Changfeng knew that his daughter was still worried about Xiao Se, so he told her that Xiao Se would come back eventually.Li Hanyi directly knocked Lei Wujie and Li Fansong to the ground with one move. The two of them were indeed unable to defeat Li Hanyi.When Li Hanyi came from Dengtian Pavilion, he asked Li Fansong what the name of the sword in his hand was. Li Fansong said that he hadn't named it yet, but was knocked down by Li Hanyi with a punch. Li Fansong came here just to see Li Hanyi's style. NowI had no choice but to leave after seeing them.

Li Hanyi asked Lei Wujie why he wanted to see him. Lei Wujie said that he wanted to see Li Hanyi and then he could see his master Lei Hong. Li Hanyi had a fist in his hand. Lei Wujie still hadn't noticed that Li Hanyi was a child.The sister who taught me martial arts.Li Hanyi asked Lei Wujie to get the sword before agreeing to take him to see his master Lei Hong. Lei Wujie accepted Li Hanyi as his master at Xiao Se's reminder, and Li Hanyi asked him to come to him tomorrow.Sikong Changfeng invited Xiao Se to live in Xueyue City for a while, but Sikong Changfeng actually wanted to accept Xiao Se as his disciple. Xiao Se asked Sikong Changfeng why, and Xiao Se naturally would not agree easily. Sikong Changfeng proposed to play chess on his ownIf he wins, Xiao Se will promise him.The two sat aside and started playing chess. Not only that, Xiao Se also wanted money. He asked for eight million cars. Sikong Qianluo heard this and thought it was incredible. However, he did not expect that his father Sikong Changfeng actually agreed.Wuxin followed Uncle Mo back and started to deal with things. Uncle Mo also told Wuxin about the recent situation of Lei Wujie and Xiao Se. Now Lei Wujie has become Li Hanyi's first disciple, and Xiao Se has also become Sikong Changfeng.Wuxin is a disciple who is looking forward to the day when the three of them will meet again.Lei Wujie woke up early in the morning and learned from Xiao Se that he had slept all day and night. At this time, Tang Lian also came over. Tang Lian also introduced Xiao Se as his junior brother. Lei Wujie did not expect that he and Xiao Se could still be together.After becoming fellow seniors, they would travel together in the world. Xiao Se felt that Lei Wujie was a bit naive.

Tang Lian asked Lei Wujie if it was really because of money that he stayed in Xueyue City. Naturally, Xiao Se would not tell his true purpose of staying.At this time, Sikong Changfeng came over and called Xiao Se away. He also found that Xiao Se didn't seem to like him. Xiao Se felt that Sikong Changfeng didn't even think about taking him as his disciple.Sikong Changfeng actually knew Xiao Se's identity. He also said that the reason why he stayed here was because Uncle Wang had asked him to stay in Xueyue City. Sikong Changfeng used his internal power to check Xiao Se's condition and found that Xiao Se had indeed been abolished in martial arts. HeThe advice to Xiao Se is to exercise more.Lei Wujie went to find Li Hanyi early in the morning. Li Hanyi asked Lei Wujie to quickly perform the apprenticeship ceremony for him. Lei Wujie obediently did so. Li Hanyi asked Lei Wujie why he drew his sword, but Lei Wujie didn't know what to do.answer.The reason why Lei Wujie chose to practice swordsmanship was because he saw his master Lei Hong was very handsome when he was practicing swordsmanship. Li Hanyi told him that practicing swordsmanship and drawing swords were two different martial arts. Lei Wujie did not want to talk about life and death, and then Li Hanyi told him thatHe gave the Tingyu Sword to Lei Wujie, but Lei Wujie couldn't pull out the sword no matter what. It seemed that the sword had not let Lei Wujie be his master.

No matter how much Li Hanyi prodded Lei Wujie during this period, Lei Wujie still couldn't pull out his sword.After Lei Wujie came down the mountain, he met Yin Mingxuan, and soon Xiao Se also came over. After seeing Lei Wujie, Sikong Qianluo fought with each other. Sikong Qianluo said that Xiao Se could not succeed and threw the weapon in his hand, but was killed by Sikong Chang.The wind stopped.As soon as Lei Wujie and Xiao Se left, Lei Wujie had a nosebleed, and Xiao Se had to take Lei Wujie back first.As a result, as soon as he returned, he saw a woman playing the piano. When the girl turned around, it was Ye Ruoyi. Xiao Se recognized Ye Ruoyi immediately. Lei Wujie was confused by Ye Ruoyi's beauty, and Lei Wujie was a little embarrassed., by this time Sikong Qianluo had come over, and Ye Ruoyi asked them to hide in her room.Sikong Qianluo asked Ye Ruoyi if he had seen Xiao Se and Lei Wujie. After learning that they were not there, Sikong Qianluo left first.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

His Highness Prince Bai did not expect that the Lord of Wushuang City he met this time was actually a young boy. Now he was going to find his ninth brother, but he found out that the ninth prince had gone to the dark river.At this time, the Ninth Prince Xiao Jinxia was by the dark river. There was a man named Su Muyu waiting for Xiao Jinxia at the intersection.Su Muyu took Xiao Jinxia to meet the so-called patriarch, whose name was Su Changhe. Su Changhe asked Xiao Jinxia what news he had brought to them this time. Xiao Jinxia said that he could make the river in the dark flow into Tianqi..In fact, Su Changhe had received the news a long time ago and already knew the purpose of Xiao Jinxia's coming here. Xiao Jinxia did not reveal his identity this time, but said that he was Xiao Chuhe, the sixth prince of Beili.

Lei Wujie and Xiao Se came to the mountain together. Zhao Yuzhen heard the sound of Lei Wujie's sword and thought it was Li Hanyi coming, but it turned out to be a man. Then Lei Wujie used the trick given to him by his sister Li Hanyi. Zhao YuzhenHe thought Lei Wujie was Li Hanyi's apprentice, but he didn't expect Lei Wujie to be Li Hanyi's biological brother.Xiao Se said on the sidelines that Li Hanyi did come when Zhao Yuzhen was healing his injuries, but he didn't tell Zhao Yuzhen about it at that time.At this time, Master Zhao Yuzhen also came over. In order to help Zhao Yuzhen practice, he had not allowed anyone to go up the mountain. Li Hanyi was also blocked outside the door. Everyone knew what happened next.Lei Wujie asked Zhao Yuzhen if he was willing to go down the mountain with him. Zhao Yuzhen said something and then asked Lei Wujie to leave.

In fact, no one knew what Zhao Yuzhen was thinking. When Lei Wujie was still guessing, Xiao Se told him not to think too much. The most important thing about whether Zhao Yuzhen came down the mountain or not was Li Hanyi.Next, Xiao Se and Lei Wujie continued to move forward. Lei Wujie even said enthusiastically that he remembered the road to Leijiabao. However, Xiao Se looked at the map and found that Lei Wujie had gone the wrong way again. Lei Wujie had to follow Xiao Se obediently.Let's go together.Xiao Se and Lei Wujie were just walking on the road, but they were blocked by people from Anhe. It seemed that these people came with bad intentions. This time they could only rely on Lei Wujie alone.Xiao Se remembered that his master once told him that if he couldn't beat him, just run away, which would only delay the matter.Seeing that Xiao Se had exhausted some of his abilities, he didn't expect Sikong Qianluo to show up and help Xiao Se get rid of two people from Anhe.Lei Wujie was still fighting with the opponent at this time. Lei Wujie naturally would not admit defeat. Sikong Qianluo and Xiao Se quickly passed by. Xiao Se directly used grenades to deliberately distract the people in Anhe, and the three of them fled quickly.

Lei Wujie was also curious about why Sikong Qianluo found them. Sikong Qianluo didn't dare to say that he had been following them, so he made excuses and left first.Su Muyu met Li Hanyi. Li Hanyi was a famous swordsman. The two of them were bound to have another confrontation when they were together.Xiao Se and his party came to Jiuxiao City, but Lei Wujie found that he had accidentally dropped his money during the fight. Sikong Qianluo also said that he had no money. When everyone was at a loss, Lei Wujie took the initiative to leave and said he would go on his own.Find a way.Sikong Qianluo was left with Xiao Se, and there happened to be children selling flowers. Sikong Qianluo said that she had no money, but Xiao Se still took a bunch and gave it to Sikong Qianluo. Although she didn't say a word, she felt very sad.happy.The children forgot to ask for money while watching the fireworks and left first. In order to make money, Lei Wujie even used gunpowder to perform and got some money. Now they didn't have to worry about having no place to eat and stay at night.Tang Lian's master Tang Lianyue received the news and learned that Xiao Chuhe had gone to Anhe, when Tang Lian returned with Ye Ruoyi.

Ye Ruoyi said that she came today just to see Tang Lianyue. In fact, the purpose of Ye Ruoyi's coming this time was to help Xiao Chuhe get back what belongs to her.Tang Lianyue handed over the Xuanwu Order to Tang Lian. At this moment, a group of people came out to kill Tang Lianyue. Tang Lianyue asked Tang Lian to leave with Ye Ruoyi, but as soon as she went out, she met the old man. Tang LianyueAsking the old lady to let them go, the old lady naturally agreed.Lei Wujie and the others were still eating, but they were attacked by people from Anhe. All three of them were poisoned. Xiao Se quickly took out the antidote and gave it to them. However, the three of them still couldn't use their internal strength, and everyone was helpless.Xiao Se didn't expect Xiao Se to be able to use Nei Li. Although he didn't know how to use it, he could pass it on to Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo.In fact, Li Hanyi met a boy a long time ago. At that time, she was wearing a mask and discussing swords with him. The other guy split her mask with a sword, and it turned out to be a beautiful girl. Li Hanyi said that she would talk to him in three days.Sword, but the man had been waiting for his subordinates for a long time but never saw her again.

It wasn't until Li Hanyi found him again three months later that the two officially began to discuss swords, but the boy refused to draw the sword. The premise was that Li Hanyi should take off his mask. There was no way Li Hanyi had to take off his mask, and the two beganAfter a formal sword discussion, surrounded by peach blossom petals, the two officially began to duel, and the skills of both sides were equally comparable.In the end, the winner was not decided. Li Hanyi wanted to let him go down the mountain, but he said that the master did not let him go down the mountain because he said that many people would die after going down the mountain. In this case, Li Hanyi had to wait a year and compete with him up the mountain.Lei Wujie asked Tang Lian why Zhao Yuzhen, who was not going down the mountain, did not go down the mountain. Xiao Se gave many explanations in the world. Xiao Se thought that Zhao Yuzhen should be waiting for someone, so he did not go down the mountain.Tang Lian also said that his master had been asking him to wait for someone in Xueyue City for six years, but he felt that he had not waited for the right person.Tang Lian also asked Xiao Se what he wanted to do with so much money. Xiao Se said that he would be able to recruit troops and go back when the time came. After Lei Wujie learned about it, he was naturally willing to help Xiao Se do things together.At that time, Lei Yunhe also heard that Lei Hong once said that there was a man named Zhao Yuzhen in Wangcheng Mountain who was very powerful in swordsmanship. Lei Yunhe wanted to go over and compete, but one of his arms was chopped off by Lei Yunhe. Lei Yunhe was very angry., a few years later came to Wangcheng Mountain again to prepare for a showdown with Zhao Yuzhen.

Xiao Se and Tang Lian had already drank a lot of wine. When Lei Wujie went to get the last bottle of wine and came back, he saw that they were drunk.Lei Wujie suddenly saw someone passing by, and he hurriedly chased after him. Unexpectedly, the other person knew that Lei Wujie was Li Hanyi's disciple. The other person came here to see Li Hanyi. Lei Wujie said that the master was still in retreat and could not see him for the time being.The man took out the sword that was cut off by Li Hanyi. Lei Wujie immediately recognized the man as Song Yanhui, the lord of Wushuang City. Lei Wujie thought Wushuangchun was going to attack Xueyue City, so Lei Wujie tried to pull it outLi Hanyi gave him the sword. Unexpectedly, Lei Wujie actually pulled out the sword this time, but he still failed to fight Song Yanhui. Fortunately, Li Hanyi came over and Lei Wujie fainted.Li Hanyi also knew that Song Yan had taken back a disciple. Song Yanhui had tried Li Hanyi's sword three times and failed three times. Song Yanhui was very confident this time, but Li Hanyi still felt that Song Yanhui could not defeat him.Li Hanyi still defeated Song Yanhui with a sword. At this moment, a woman came over and quickly asked Li Hanyi to show mercy. Li Hanyi then took Lei Wujie back to recuperate.Song Yanhui was taken back by the woman. He also said that he had collected a flute and would definitely be able to defeat Li Hanyi.Song Yan went back to meet Wu Shuang, who also guessed that the master had lost again this time. Wu Shuang also said that she would definitely be able to help him win back in the future.

Song Yanhui talked about Lei Wujie. Now Lei Wujie is Li Hanyi's apprentice. Li Hanyi even said that Lei Wujie can become a swordsman in only three years.Wushuang will naturally not admit defeat. Since Lei Wujie will become a swordsman in three years, he will become a swordsman in one year. Song Yan is very pleased to see Wushuang so confident.Lei Wujie was very happy now that he could finally draw his sword smoothly, but he always felt that something was wrong.At this time, Xiao Se and Tang Lian also came over, and Lei Wujie asked Tang Lian to compete with him. Lei Wujie had indeed made great progress.Tang Lian also talked about Ye Ruoyi. Ye Ruoyi was the daughter of the general. Lei Wujie suddenly felt like a nymphomaniac when he thought of Ye Ruoyi's beauty.Three days later there will be the Hundred Flowers Meeting in Xueyue City, which will be attended by some young disciples. Tang Lian also asked Lei Wujie not to tell Li Hanyi, otherwise it will cause a big disturbance in Xueyue City.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Lei Wujie had the inner strength to defeat the opponent, but in the end Xiao Se fainted due to overexertion.Lei Wujie could only carry Xiao Se on his back and leave. Sikong Qianluo was about to send a signal to his companions. Xiao Se told them to leave quickly in a weak voice. Fortunately, Lei Wujie and his group left earlier, so they were not caught by Anhe.People catch.Lei Wujie happened to see Luo Mingxuan after he passed by. When the old man saw Luo Mingxuan, he said that the sword his master wanted had been made and was given directly to Luo Mingxuan.The old man recognized the sword in Lei Wujie's hand at a glance. Luo Mingxuan immediately recognized the old man as King Li Su. Lei Wujie immediately knew that King Li Su was his grandfather. Lei Wujie quickly knelt on the ground and saidDue to his identity, King Li Su was naturally very happy to see his grandson.

A girl named Hua Jin is healing Xiao Se. On the surface, Xiao Se seems to be fine, but his pulse is very messy. It is not easy to completely cure Xiao Se.Tang Lian and Ye Ruoyi were about to leave, but they were chased by people from the Tang Clan. The Tang Clan asked Ye Ruoyi to go first, but the other party still used a hidden weapon at Ye Ruoyi. Fortunately, Wuxin appeared in time to stop everything.Tang Lian didn't expect Wu Xin to show up to help them.Li Suyu called Lei Wujie and introduced to Lei Wujie some of the most powerful swords in the world, all of which were made by the Li family.Li Suyu passed on to Lei Wujie the sword that Lei Wujie's mother had been equipped with. To control this sword well, the sword and man must be integrated into one.Back then, Lei Wujie's mother met Lei Wujie's father and fell in love. The two even talked about going out in the world together. Her father Li Suyu had no choice but to agree. Li Suyu still blamed herself if she had left them behind in the first place.Nothing will ever be the way it is now.

It is not easy for Lei Wujie to obtain this sword. He must influence this sword with his heart in order to become one with the sword.Lei Wujie closed his eyes and felt like he saw his mother. His mother kept telling Lei Wujie not to give up. Lei Wujie said that he wanted to hold the sword because he had someone he wanted to protect. Lei Wujie said that he wanted to protect.The person he wanted to protect was soon touched by the sword. Now Lei Wujie could completely control the sword. Li Suyu was very happy.Li Suyu also introduced the remaining three most powerful swords to Lei Wujie one by one. The most powerful sword had nothing on the surface, but Li Suyu had never seen this sword named Tianzhan, so naturally he couldn't draw it..Xiao Se finally woke up and happened to see Sikong Qianluo falling asleep next to him.Sikong Qianluo was very happy to find that Xiao Se had woken up. She quickly gave Xiao Se medicine. Sikong Qianluo was also very concerned about Xiao Se.Later, Hua Jin told Xiao Se that he was a disciple of Xin Baicao, and Hua Jin wanted to heal Xiao Se's injury.

Xiao Se also went to meet Li Suyu. Li Suyu asked Xiao Se about his thoughts on the underground river chase. Xiao Se guessed that there was another conspiracy, perhaps related to Leijiabao where they were going. The top priority was that Xiao Se must get to Leijiabao.Li Suyu told Xiao Se that he would help them fight off the people in Anhe tonight, and they would leave quickly tomorrow morning.In the evening, Li Suyu went to meet Su Muyu. At this time, Lei Wujie, Xiao Se and Sikong Qianluo came over. Lei Wujie pulled out his heart sword and fought against Su Muyu. After all, Su Muyu couldn't resist Lei Wujie's heart sword. They used it.Escape Technique quickly left.Li Suyu knew that Lei Wujie's swordsmanship was still too conservative, which would ultimately lead to him being unable to protect himself and easily suffer losses.Li Suyu begged Xiao Se to protect Lei Wujie. His daughter died four years ago, and now she only hopes that her daughter will come back well.

Xiao Se and Sikong Qianluo chased Lei Wujie. Lei Wujie was kind-hearted by nature, so he was always unwilling to kill people. As a result, he killed two people last night. Lei Wujie still couldn't accept it.Xiao Se comforted Lei Wujie on the side. In fact, Jianghu is a mirror, and they will eventually face themselves no matter what.On the day of the Hundred Flowers Fair, many people came. Tang Lian and Xiao Se also saw Duan Yixuan, the young master of the Duan family, who also came to attend the Hundred Flowers Fair. Situ Changkong chatted with Xie Xuan, whom they had not seen for many years.At this time, Xiao Se also saw Ye Ruoyi coming, but Lei Wujie hadn't come yet. Lei Wujie was very interested in Ye Ruoyi.Xie Xuan also met Ye Ruoyi. Ye Ruoyi was indeed a charming person, so everyone would go and take a second look.When Duan Yixuan saw Tang Lian, he wanted to go over and compete, but was stopped by Lei Wujie who came over. Lei Wujie naturally wanted to show off in front of Ye Ruoyi, but he could hardly control his sword.During the skill, Ye Ruoyi unexpectedly came over to help. Lei Wujie was completely fascinated by Ye Ruoyi, while Xiao Se played the piano and played accompaniment beside him. Xie Xuan also took out his Xiao and played a song, and Tang Lian playedReciting poems next to them, I have to say that the sword dance between Ye Ruoyi and Lei Wujie is indeed very beautiful. Lei Wujie's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Ruoyi, Xiao Se and Tang Lian were both speechless, and Lei Wujie was completely lustful.Forget friends.

Xie Xuan also gave some things to Ye Ruoyi, Lei Wujie, Tang Lian and Xiao Se respectively. These are some of the things they are using now.Xie Xuan also knew Xiao Se's true identity, and then Xie Xuan was about to leave. Li Hanyi came over, and Xie Xuan left first without meeting each other.Lei Wujie was very scared after seeing Li Hanyi. He knew that he would be criticized by Li Hanyi again today.On the way back, Lei Wujie and Li Hanyi also talked about Xie Xuan's gift to him. Li Hanyi could tell that Lei Wujie liked Ye Ruoyi, but Lei Wujie was a little embarrassed.Li Hanyi said that good-looking women would lie. Li Hanyi remembered what she had said to Zhao Yuzhen, so she took the time to let Lei Wujie try the sword. After all, she made a bet with Song Yanhui that Lei Wujie would become a swordsman within three years.Fairy.Xiao Se gave the book that Xie Xuan gave him to Sikong Changfeng, but Sikong Changfeng still warned Xiao Se that he must cure his heart disease. Only by curing his heart disease can he regain his power.

At this time, Sikong Qianluo also came over and pestered his father to teach him marksmanship. Sikong Changfeng healed and gave the secret book to Sikong Qianluo.Song Yanhui returned to Wushuang City. Since Song Yanhui could not be the city leader yet, he elected Wushuang to be the city leader. The senior brother saw that Wushuang was a little brat and didn't take it seriously. As a result, Wushuang's swordsmanship really convinced the senior brother to lose.oral.But the great elder was still unconvinced. Wushuang was also very mature in mind. Since his name was Wushuang, he should sit in this position.The great elder was naturally unconvinced, but Wushuang finally conquered the great elder with his own swordsmanship.Three months later, Lei Wujie went to an appointment to test the sword with his master Li Hanyi. Sikong Changfeng also told Xiao Se and Tang Lian that Lei Wujie had gone to test the sword and told them to hurry over.Lei Wujie and Li Hanyi started to fight, but Lei Wujie took the first sword, and Li Hanyi had the next two swords. Lei Wujie suddenly remembered that Li Hanyi was the sister who taught him swordsmanship, and Li Hanyi was the one who taught him swordsmanship.After taking off the mask, Lei Wujie actually knew that Li Hanyi was the sister who taught him kung fu. Lei Wujie couldn't help but shed tears.On the side, Sikong Changfeng also told Xiao Se and Tang Lian that Li Hanyi was actually the remaining child of the Li family and the Lei family, and Li Hanyi was Lei Wujie's biological sister. Li Hanyi told Lei Wujie what happened back then.My mother had predicted it a long time ago.When King Langya was stabbed to death by Emperor Mingde, their mother appeared at the moment of beheading.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Xiao Se always thought that the world was ambition, but it wasn't until he met Lei Wujie and Wu Xin that he realized that the world was a mirror. Xiao Se also told Lei Wujie to remember why he entered the world in the first place, so that he could not forget his original intention.Ye Ruoyi was seriously injured and Wuxin helped to heal the injury. Wuxin couldn't help but laugh when he learned from Tang Lian that Ye Ruoyi was Lei Wujie's dream lover.Wu Xin said that he had discovered the carrier pigeon, and Wu Xin discovered through the carrier pigeon that the whereabouts of Lei Wujie and Xiao Se had been leaked by Ye Ruoyi, so the two of them were still in great danger.At this time, two more people came and wanted to stop Wu Xin. Wu Xin asked Tang Lian to leave first with the injured Ye Ruoyi. Then Wu Xin confronted the opponent. Soon he recognized the opponent as the fifth-ranked Sword Immortal, Furious Sword Immortal., this man knew that Wu Xin was Ye Dingzhi's son. Since Ye Dingzhi was dead, he would definitely have to confront Wu Xin. Wu Xin knew that he could not defeat the other party, so he ran away quickly.

His Royal Highness Prince Bai arrived at Anhe. The leader of Anhe already knew that the ninth prince had assumed the name of Xiao Chuhe and wanted to unite Tangmen and Anhe to attack the Lei family. Anhe could help them, but the prerequisite was to destroy Anhe.The whole world.At this time, the Ninth Prince came over. His Highness Bai Wang slapped his younger brother and asked him to quickly apologize to the parents. His Highness Bai Wang knew that many problems would inevitably arise when cooperating with An He.His Highness Prince Bai brought his ninth brother back. The Ninth Prince was still a little unconvinced, but His Highness Prince Bai began to admire Xiao Chuhe. Only Xiao Chuhe had such courage.What His Highness Bai Wang has to do now is to prevent An He from cooperating with the Tang Sect. Only in this way can a tragedy be avoided.Tang Lian had already learned that Xiao Se and Lei Wujie were coming, and he hurried out to greet them. Lei Wujie was very happy to learn that Ye Ruoyi was very happy after that, but Tang Lian told them that Ye Ruoyi had been seriously injured, and Xiao Se hurried toYe Ruoyi conducted a simple inspection, and then Xiao Se told them that he and Ye Ruoyi had known each other for a long time. Both Sikong Qianluo and Lei Wujie were very surprised.

Tang Lian told Xiao Se about their encounter with the Wrath Sword Immortal. The next step might be a tough battle, but they had to handle it well no matter what.Xiao Se is worried whether this matter may be controlled by his second brother, Prince Bai. Xiao Se cannot tell now.Li Hanyi was surrounded by the three masters of the Tang Sect. They wanted to kill Li Hanyi. Naturally, Li Hanyi was not afraid. Then he started a contest with the three masters of the Tang Sect. Zhao Yuzhen suddenly felt that Li Hanyi was in trouble.He also had to go down the mountain now.At this time, all the apprentices were standing outside Zhao Yuzhen's door. Zhao Yuzhen prepared to go down the mountain despite the dissuasion of his master and other apprentices. After all, the apprentices could not stop Zhao Yuzhen. In fact, everyone knew that Zhao Yuzhen must be very dangerous when going down the mountain, but Zhao Yuzhen stillHe insisted on going down the mountain to help Li Hanyi.

When Li Hanyi was fighting against the three masters of the Tang Sect, they claimed that they had suppressed Li Hanyi's skills. However, Li Hanyi was not afraid at all and was ready to die with him. Just after Li Hanyi was injured, Zhao Yuzhen appeared.Li Hanyi also hadn't seen Zhao Yuzhen for a long time, and she was very happy when she saw Zhao Yuzhen again.After Zhao Yuzhen learned that they had injured Li Hanyi, he naturally wanted to help Li Hanyi take revenge.These people were not Zhao Yuzhen's opponents at all, but they still refused to give up and even tried to sneak attack Li Hanyi. Although several needles were intercepted, one needle still penetrated Li Hanyi's body. Zhao Yuzhen arrived and the situation was not good and he quickly took care of him.Li Hanyi left first.Li Xinyue came over to rescue King Langya, but the Holy Lord was naturally unwilling, but all the soldiers were beaten by Li Xinyue. Li Xinyue also handed over the order in his hand to King Langya and said that he would let him do whatever he wanted. Li Hanyi also came to rescue people.However, King Langya just quietly told Li Xinyue to let him live well, and then committed suicide.Lei Wujie was very angry after learning this. The Holy Emperor has always attached great importance to Xiao Chuhe. Before his death, King Langya also said that he would protect Xiao Chuhe.

Li Hanyi handed the token to Lei Wujie, and their mission was to protect Xiao Chuhe and become a saint.Lei Wujie wanted to know the whereabouts of Xiao Chuhe. Li Hanyi did not tell Xiao Se's true identity, but just told Lei Wujie that Lei Wujie would definitely appear by his side when Xiao Chuhe needed him.There is also a prince beside the Holy Emperor, but this prince has an eye problem.The Holy Sage has found Xiao Chuhe hanging out with people from the Demon Cult. The Holy Sage's purpose is to let his son find out the truth of this matter. The Holy Sage also said that as long as Xiao Chuhe comes back, he will restore his throne. After hearing this, his son naturally agreed to help.Lei Wujie stopped practicing sword practice after he met Li Hanyi. Xiao Se was not surprised that Lei Wujie was Li Hanyi's younger brother. All this was within the scope of Xiao Se's understanding.

Lei Wujie was very happy to have found his sister now. Sikong Qianluo was still training his junior brothers. At this time, Tang Lian also came over. Xiao Se knew that Sikong Qianluo had encountered a big problem now, but she did not intend to help. After all, Sikong QianluoYou still need to handle this yourself.Xiao Se and Sikong Qianluo started fighting again.Seeing that Sikong Qianluo was about to compete in a competition to find a bride, Sikong Changfeng also wanted to choose a son-in-law for Sikong Qianluo that she liked.Sikong Changfeng received a letter and learned that a distinguished guest was coming, and the blind son of the Holy Sage was also preparing to go to Xueyue City to meet Xiao Se.Xiao Se was attacked as soon as he entered the house, but he quickly realized that this person was Tang Lian, so he did not resist at the last moment. The so-called reason was that his sleeves were very precious, and if he moved the clothes even a little bit, they would be damaged..

The blind son of the Holy Emperor came to Xueyue City and learned that today was the day when Sikong Qianluo competed in martial arts to find a bride, so he naturally wanted to go and have a look.Lei Wujie saw that there was no one at the wedding contest, so he wanted Xiao Se to give it a try. When Xiao Se was about to go out, he was beaten by Luo Mingxuan. Luo Mingxuan actually followed the instructions of his master Yin Luoxia. After all,Yin Luoxia still didn't want Sikong Qianluo to marry someone she didn't like, and when the time came, Luo Mingxuan could just lose to Sikong Qianluo.Luo Mingxuan defeated the younger brother of the Duan family, but was poisoned by the younger brother of the Duan family, so Luo Mingxuan had to admit defeat first.At this time, Xiao Se also came down. Everyone present was very surprised. Although Xiao Se had no martial arts skills, these young people were very good at it. Xiao Se used the unique weapons of the Lei family and the hidden weapons of the Tang family to successfully defeat the eldest son of the Duan family.Sikong Qianluo didn't expect Xiao Se to win. At this time, Sikong Qianluo also came down from upstairs. The blind prince must have wanted to know what the ending was.After Sikong Qian fell, Xiao Se actually said in public that he had given up. However, some people were naturally unconvinced and said that they were cheating the game. At this time, the blind prince also came in. Everyone knelt down and even Sikong Changfeng was very respectful. Only Xiao SeLei Wujie originally wanted Xiao Se to kneel down as he stood still, but Xiao Se simply stood there and remained indifferent.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Zhao Yuzhen took Li Hanyi away. At this time, a doctor came to the inn. The doctor said that the pear blossom needle must be forced out, otherwise even the gods would not be able to save Li Hanyi in half an hour.Zhao Yuzhen also helped. Although he forced the needle out, it penetrated Zhao Yuzhen's body.Zhao Yuzhen felt that he was fine, as long as he could save Li Hanyi.Zhao Yuzhen stayed with Li Hanyi, and Li Hanyi finally woke up. This was the first time the two met in many years. When they met again, they still loved each other very much.Zhao Yuzhen also said that he wanted a yard and hoped to be with Li Hanyi for a long time. Li Hanyi also agreed to be Zhao Yuzhen's wife.

The house was covered with red festive silk and satin. Li Hanyi walked slowly to Zhao Yuzhen in a wedding dress. Zhao Yuzhen felt very good when he saw Li Hanyi's appearance, but Zhao Yuzhen fell into Li Hanyi's arms without knowing it.Zhao Yuzhen knew that he was about to die, but in Zhao Yuzhen's opinion, being able to meet Li Hanyi in this life was enough.In this way, Zhao Yuzhen died in Li Hanyi's arms. Li Hanyi thought that the beautiful life between the two had just begun, but it ended as soon as it started.Zhao Yuzhen's sword also returned to Wangcheng Mountain. Everyone also guessed that Zhao Yuzhen had passed away. His uncle and junior brothers all vowed to take revenge.

His Highness Prince Bai took his ninth brother back with him. His Majesty also knew that their journey was not easy. Xiao Chuhe was still unwilling to come back in the end. His Majesty just asked if Xiao Chuhe was okay recently. His Majesty Prince Bai originally wanted to say that Xiao Chuhe was very worried about His Majesty, butThe Holy Father immediately guessed that these were definitely not words that Xiao Chuhe would say.As soon as the Holy Emperor came out, he was shot by another prince with an arrow and almost injured the Holy Emperor. He said that he just didn't want to go to court. When the Holy Emperor found out, he was still very angry. Since he didn't want to go to court, he promised not to let his son go to court.The Holy Father still thought of Xiao Chuhe, and he also knew that Lei Wujie was now with Xiao Chuhe, so he asked his younger brother to help him run to Lei's house. If he saw Xiao Chuhe and Lei Wujie, he would tell them that he was sorry.Li Hanyi wanted to seek revenge on Su Changhe of the Tang Sect. After all, it was Su Changhe who caused Zhao Yuzhen's death. At this time, the leader of Anhe was also cooperating with the Tang Sect to continue to dominate the world. Li Hanyi must seek revenge on Su Changhe.Just fine.

The Lei family welcomed many guests. At this time, people from the Tang Sect also arrived, and Lei Qianhu went out to greet them personally.Lei Wujie and his party were rushing to Lei's house, but they met Anhe's killer again on the way. At this time, Lei Wujie's senior brothers just came back. The senior brothers came and stopped Anhe's people. Lei WujieJie and his party left, but in the end Lei Wujie's senior brother was killed by the people from Anhe.Lei's hero banquet officially started. Everyone fainted after drinking. Everyone around Lei Qianhu was poisoned. Only Mr. Tang was not poisoned. Lei Qianhu must have guessed that Mr. Tang did it.At this time, the spider woman from the dark river came over. Lei Qianhu also guessed that everyone must have been poisoned by spiders. Lei Wujie and his group also felt that something was wrong. They kept rushing to Lei's house. Xiao Se also suspected that they had been poisoned after all.It's a step too late.

Sikong Changfeng made tea for the blind Prince Bai, who also talked about the scene when he saw Sikong Changfeng when he was a child. Sikong Changfeng was also very grateful to His Highness Bai for taking action today.His Highness Prince Bai said that he had an oral message to pass on here today. He was not sure about Xiao Se's identity yet, but after meeting him today, he would be more sure of Xiao Se's identity.Lei Wujie blamed Xiao Se for not beating her more, and Sikong Qianluo became Xiao Se's wife. Sikong Qianluo quickly went up to defend her, and Sikong Qianluo was also very grateful to Xiao Se for his rescue today.Tang Lian was on the side to smooth things over. When Lei Wujie arrived, he said that His Highness King Bai was very powerful. Everyone knelt down when they saw His Highness Bai Wang. Everyone also asked Xiao Se why he didn't kneel down today. Xiao Se just made an excuse and said that his legs and feet hurt.

Lei Wujie was curious about the purpose of His Highness Prince Bai coming here. Xiao Se told everyone that His Highness Prince Bai had never been seen. Even when he was a child, even if he sought medical treatment from many doctors, it was of no avail.Then His Highness Bai Wang called Xiao Se over. After Xiao Se passed by, he just called His Highness Bai Wang. His Highness Bai Wang also said that Xiao Se didn't speak like before.His Highness Bai Wang wanted Xiao Se to call him second brother like the same person, but Xiao Se said he was Xiao Se.At this time, His Highness Prince Bai said that the Holy Father had ordered him to pardon Xiao Chuhe for all his crimes and reward him with ten thousand taels of gold. Xiao Se refused directly.After all, he has been deprived of martial arts and has yet to find out who the murderer is. His Highness Bai Wang gave Xiao Se three days to think about it carefully and give him an answer after three days.The subordinates felt that His Highness Bai Wang was not worth it. His blindness was also related to Xiao Se. However, His Highness Bai Wang felt that everyone was still young and ignorant.Sikong Changfeng and Li Hanyi were talking about Prince Bai's visit. At this time, Ye Ruoyi had been eavesdropping at the door for a long time. In fact, Ye Ruoyi and Xiao Se had known each other a long time ago, so they would be happy to hear anything related to Xiao Se.Listen carefully.

As soon as Ye Ruoyi was about to leave, she met His Highness King Bai. Although His Highness Bai Wang couldn't see, he could smell the unique fragrance of Ye Ruoyi's body.His Highness Bai Wang deliberately said that he came to find Xiao Chuhe, and Ye Ruoyi was also smart and did not say that Xiao Se was Xiao Chuhe's identity. In fact, the two of them felt the same as Ming Jing.The Holy One is still talking to General Ye about whether the sixth son Xiao Chuhe will come back. The Holy One also knows that he has really felt guilty for Xiao Chuhe in these years, and General Ye has not been said much.Soon Eunuch Jingxian also learned that the Holy Emperor wanted to pardon Xiao Chuhe. All the brothers were discussing this matter. At this time, the Great Immortal came over. Now the competition in the court is not over yet, and the competition in the world has begun again.The Great Immortal knew that each had their own thoughts, but the five great eunuchs had to follow the Holy One's orders.

When he was young, Xiao Chuhe had a very good relationship with his second brother, His Highness Bai Wang. However, Xiao Chuhe was always very naughty. Baiwangdi and his beloved were also very kind to Xiao Chuhe. Xiao Chuhe gave the fruit that someone gave him to his second brother, and the second brother also ate it because of it.This fruit made him blind, which was also a knot in Xiao Chuhe's mind.His Highness Prince Bai found Ye Ruoyi beside him, and the two of them had a brief chat.Lei Wujie still wanted to ask Xiao Se to accompany him to see Ye Ruoyi. Lei Wujie was now completely fascinated by Ye Ruoyi.His Royal Highness Bai Wang learned from Ye Ruoyi that she had met Xiao Se, but she could feel that Xiao Se was a little different from Xiao Chuhe back then. At this time, Lei Wujie happened to come over. When he saw someone sitting next to Ye Ruoyi, he became jealous.Xiao Se just stood aside and waited for Lei Wujie, and Lei Wujie was not polite. Ye Ruoyi had no choice but to pour a cup of tea for Lei Wujie.Lei Wujie was very surprised when he learned that Ye Ruoyi went to see Xiao Se yesterday, and Xiao Se could only find excuses to get over.His Royal Highness Prince Bai sat for a while and then left. Lei Wujie began to show off his achievements in breaking through obstacles. In fact, he just wanted to impress Ye Ruoyi.Sikong Changfeng passed the token to Sikong Qianluo, and also told her that their duty was to protect the sixth prince Xiao Chuhe, but Sikong Qianluo said that the person he wanted to protect was the person he cared about most.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Mr. Tang came out to destroy the Lei family, and Lei Wujie's sword was summoned away by his master. It seemed that Lei Wujie and his party were still a step too late. The Tang Sect and Anhe had already joined forces.The people in Anhe also discovered that Lei Qianhu had been holding on. Indeed, Lei Qianhu's condition was very serious, but even so, Lei Qianhu planned to fight against him.Lei Qianhu's injuries became more serious because he forcibly used his skills. The three masters of the three brothers of the Lei family had given them these skills. At this time, Lei Tianhu passed his position to Lei Hong. After speaking, Lei QianhuHe died.The three brothers had a very good relationship back then, and Lei Qianhu had been guarding the Lei family, but he didn't expect that it would still be where it is today.Mr. Tang and the elders of Anhe fought against Leimen's efforts. At this time, Lei Wujie and his party came over.

Mr. Tang saw Tang Lian with them. Xiao Se recognized Su Changhe, the patriarch of Anhe, at a glance. Lei Wujie planned to avenge the Lei family. Xiao Se told Lei Wujie that he must try his best. Lei Wujie accepted it.Despite Xiao Se's encouragement, he still fought against him, but in the end he was no match for Mr. Tang. At this time, Sikong Qianluo continued to take the attack, and Sikong Qianluo was also punched to the ground hard.Ye Ruoyi quietly told Xiao Se to let her leave, and then Ye Ruoyi fought against Old Mrs. Tang. Of course, they couldn't hurt Old Mrs. Tang even if they fought against him. Tang Lian wanted Old Mrs. Tang to stop, but Old Mrs. Tang used a hidden weapon to kill Tang Lian.Wounded.Ye Ruoyi asked Xiao Se to leave, and Xiao Se's six meridians were opened. It turned out that Sikong Changfeng taught him the twisting technique. Although Xiao Se can use his spell, if he is not careful, all his previous efforts will be wasted.

Mrs. Tang discovered that Xiao Se's internal power was very powerful, and if they were not careful, they would all die.Su Changhe also came out to help Mr. Tang. In the last lesson, Mr. Tang was knocked to the ground. Su Changhe wanted to avenge Mr. Tang, so he rushed towards Xiao Se, but luckily Wuxin appeared in time. Su Changhe was about to slip away, and then LiHan Yi also appeared, and Li Han Yi must help Zhao Yuzhen take revenge.Lei Hong and his party also came out. Xiao Se was seriously injured. Li Hanyi was still chasing after him. Lei Hong also hurriedly chased Li Hanyi.The Tang Sect still had a secret, hoping that the Lei family would not tell anyone what happened today, or even reverse the facts, otherwise the antidote would not be given to them. In order to get the antidote, the Lei family could only agree to their request.After Lei Wujie woke up, he found that Tang Lian was lying next to him. Lei Wujie was very worried about Tang Lian's injury. Now after this incident, the situation in the world will also change. After all, Lei Qianhu and Mr. Tang have both passed away.The influence of Jianghu will also be very large.

Lei Wujie wanted to see Xiao Se's condition. Xiao Se's forced movement this time had already hurt his inner being. Wuxin and Ru Jianxian tried their best but it was not satisfactory. At present, they can only suppress the injury temporarily. Sikong Qianluo saidThey also have three-day pills in their hands.Sikong Changfeng was very worried when he learned that Lei Wujie and his party were in trouble. Hua Jin received the news and was ready to go and treat Xiao Se immediately.At night, Ye Ruoyi asked Lei Wujie to go to rest early, but Lei Wujie was still worried about Xiao Se's situation.Now many people also know that something happened in Leijiabao.Hua Jin kept on going but the horses couldn't keep running. Hua Jin was very worried.Lei Wujie fell asleep after waiting outside the door for a while. Ye Ruoyi and Sikong Qianluo came over and woke Lei Wujie up.At this time, a group of officers and soldiers surrounded Leijiabao. Lei Wujie went out to meet the general. Unexpectedly, the general also knew Lei Wujie's parents.At this time, the uncle came over and told Lei Wujie that this person was General Ye. Lei Wujie immediately spoke to him very respectfully. After all, General Ye was Ye Ruoyi's father. Lei Wujie naturally wanted to please Ye Ruoyi if he liked Ye Ruoyi.General.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

The uncles on the side didn't expect Lei Wujie to change his attitude immediately. General Ye came here because he knew Ye Ruoyi was here. Lei Wujie's uncle also saw that he liked Ye Ruoyi.General Ye felt relieved when he saw that his daughter was fine, and then he took his daughter in with him. However, Uncle Lei Wujie felt that General Ye's arrival was not just about seeing his daughter.Wu Xin and Ru Jianxian discovered that Xiao Se had the power to return to the light after taking the Sanri Pill. When Xiao Se was about to lose all his skills, Hua Jin came over and the three of them worked together in the hope of curing Xiao Se's condition as soon as possible.

Now, Leijiabao was very lively. General Ye and the Marquis looked at each other, and Lei Wujie couldn't understand their conversation at all.Lei Wujie also learned from Lord Hou that Xiao Se turned out to be Xiao Chuhe. Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo were both very excited. Lei Wujie quickly prepared to tell Tang Lian the news.Sikong Qianluo went to find Tang Lian. Tang Lian had already guessed that Xiao Se's identity was definitely not simple. As expected, it was not much different from now.At this time, Wu Xin came out, and Lei Wujie quickly told him Xiao Se's identity. When Wu Xin arrived, he said that Hua Jin was indeed very powerful and pulled Xiao Se back from the hell gate in a few seconds.General Ye also wanted to see Xiao Se, but was stopped by Lei Wujie.Lei Wujie showed his identity and said that he could not get out of the way. General Ye wanted to leave with Xiao Se no matter what. The Marquis and General Ye quarreled. Just when the two were about to confront, Tang Lian andSikong Qianluo came over, and they all stood together with Lei Wujie, preparing to protect Xiao Se.

At this time, Hua Jin came over. Hua Jin said that after taking away Xiao Se, he would die in a few days, and even he could not cure him.Next, everyone is worried about Xiao Se's illness. Now only Baili Dongjun has been to Tianshan overseas, and maybe Xiao Se's illness can be cured in Tianshan overseas.Xiao Se walked in slowly and said that as long as he could unlock his own veins, he would give it a try no matter what.The Marquis wanted to take Xiao Se back. Xiao Se said that his hands could not even hold a stick tightly, and he was completely different from Xiao Chuhe back then. Xiao Se said that as long as the condition was cured, no matter who he was, he would be waiting for everyone in Xueyue City..The Marquis only hoped that Xiao Se would appear as Xiao Chuhe. Before leaving, the Marquis also said that Xiao Se would be at home no matter what, and hoped that Xiao Se could go back as soon as possible.

General Ye had no choice but to leave with Ye Ruoyi. Lei Wujie was very reluctant to leave, but he could only watch Ye Ruoyi leave.Wu Xin also wanted to see Xiao Se when he came back this time. Now that Xiao Se was going to get treatment, Wu Xin asked Lei Wujie to protect him.His Highness Prince Bai also got the news. He thought that Xiao Chuhe's skills had recovered. Now the Tang Sect and Anhe's cooperation has indeed dealt a fatal blow to Leijiabao. His Highness Prince Bai always felt that there was a pair of hands behind this controlling everything..Tang Lian wanted Sikong Qianluo to return to Xueyue City and report the situation to Sikong Changfeng, but Sikong Qianluo seemed to be with Xiao Se all the time.Xiao Se knew that the entire Tang Sect would now regard him as an enemy. While the two were still talking, Lei Wujie took the initiative and said that he would take Xiao Se around here.

Wuxin returned to Hanshui Temple, and now only his senior brother was left here. In fact, Wuxin brought Minghou who had lost his mind this time, hoping that Minghou could be treated well here.What Wuxin has to do now is to find Li Hanyi. Now that Li Hanyi has gone crazy because of Zhao Yuzhen's death, Wuxin's main purpose is to find Li Hanyi.After the Marquis returned, he went to meet the Holy Sage. He reported to the Holy Sage that he had indeed seen Xiao Chuhe, but someone kept blocking him.The Lord was very angry when he learned about it. The Marquis quickly explained that Xiao Chuhe said that he didn't want to come back yet. Xiao Chuhe was seriously injured, so it would be very difficult to come back.The Holy Master was relieved to know that the imperial master could save Xiao Chuhe's life.Lei Wujie wanted to go to the beach to buy some food, but he learned from a passing girl that the market at the beach was closed, and the girl took the initiative to take him to another market.Xiao Se saw that Lei Wujie had not come back yet, and Tang Lian began to worry about whether something would happen to Lei Wujie. At this time, Lei Wujie came back with crabs and said that he had seen very big turtles and ships.Lei Wujie learned that there was a cedar longboat that could go deep into the sea.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Now only Lei Wujie, Tang Lian and Xiao Se were left together. Lei Wujie saw the girl Zhenzhu introduced to him that day, and the two hurriedly said hello.Lei Wujie also introduced his good friend to Zhenzhu. Zhenzhu had already helped inquire about it and was willing to sail the ship if he gave more money.Then Pearl took them there, and happened to see a man teasing the money snake. It turned out that this was an assessment, and only those who passed the assessment could stay.At this time, the money snake suddenly rushed towards Lei Wujie, and Lei Wujie directly subdued it with a hidden weapon.Then the boss said that their boss wanted to meet Lei Wujie and the others, so they had no choice but to agree.

The other party's name was Mu Chunfeng, Xiao Se didn't say his real name, Lei Wujie and Tang Lian had no choice but to name it casually, but Mu Chunfeng saw through it, so Xiao Se had no choice but to tell his real name.Mu Chunfeng now needs three colored snake gallbladders, and hopes Xiao Se and the others can help.Xiao Se immediately understood that what Mu Chunfeng wanted to make was an aphrodisiac. Mu Chunfeng just said that the person who was sick was his brother, and he did these things to treat his brother's illness.Xiao Se and the others were willing to agree, but only if they needed a ferry. Mu Chunfeng said that as long as they could get snake gall, they would naturally be willing to help them.Now that the boat for the trip has been found, the three of them are ready to treat themselves to something to eat in the evening.Now Li Hanyi has gone crazy and even regards Lei Hong as a bad guy. She feels that if it wasn't for Lei Hong, Zhao Yuzhen would not have died.

Just when Li Hanyi was about to kill Lei Hong, Wu Xin came over to help. Wu Xin covered Lei Hong with a golden bell. Wu Xin asked Lei Hong to help him hold Li Hanyi back. He needed a chance, and then Li Hanyi recovered.Lost consciousness.After Li Hanyi woke up and learned that Wu Xin was Ye Dingzhi's son, they all felt that Wu Xin was nothing like his father. From Li Hanyi's words, he could tell that Ye Dingzhi and Li Hanyi were very familiar with each other, and Wu Xin deliberately asked Li Hanyi if he had killed him.Her father, Li Hanyi, naturally did not kill anyone. After she told Wu Xin that a woman had said a few words to Ye Dingzhi, Ye Dingzhi committed suicide.After Wuxin found out, he left. Li Hanyi met Lei Hong by the river. Lei Hong had actually always liked Li Hanyi. Li Hanyi also felt sorry because Lei Hong missed a good opportunity because of a promise. Li Hanyi still thought about it in his heart.It was Zhao Yuzhen who was waiting for him. Although Li Hanyi had gone crazy, everything seemed to be destined, and some things were destined to be unchangeable.

Sikong Changfeng had no news about Li Hanyi, and he couldn't help but feel worried.Everyone is a pawn in this chess game, but the player has already left.Mu Chunfeng told Xiao Se and the other three that now that everyone had gathered, they were ready to set off.At this time, Eunuch Jinwei stopped in front of them. Xiao Se recognized Eunuch Jinwei at a glance and knew that he was here to take him back. Mu Chunfeng thought that Xiao Se would be purified when he returned, and Mu Chunfeng also planned to help him to the end., Lei Wujie and Mu Chunfeng confronted Eunuch Jinwei at the same time, Xiao Se asked everyone to stop, and he wanted to talk to Eunuch Jinwei alone.Xiao Se said that it would not be easy for Eunuch Jinwei to take him away. Xiao Se needed to ask Eunuch Jinwei to give him three days, and then come to the dock to fight with him. Eunuch Jinwei naturally agreed.

As soon as the three of them got on the boat, Sikong Qianluo came over. Sikong Qianluo even accused Xiao Se of not waiting for him. Mu Chunfeng also came over. It turned out that Mu Chunfeng invited Sikong Qianluo to get on the boat.Mu Chunfeng now wants to ask who they are. Mu Chunfeng actually determines their identities through everyone's surnames.Mu Chunfeng guessed that Xiao Se came here to treat his illness. Unexpectedly, Mu Chunfeng said that maybe they had found someone who could cure Xiao Se's condition here, and it was actually Mu Chunfeng.Mu Chunfeng briefly examined Xiao Se. Mu Chunfeng took a look at Xiao Se's condition and found that the other party was already very powerful. No matter how much he did to control Xiao Se's condition, it would be in vain.Sikong Changfeng received the news and learned that Li Hanyi was back. Li Hanyi said that he had unintentionally solved his inner demons. Sikong Changfeng simply checked Li Hanyi and told her that she was very weak now and must take good care of herself now.Recuperate here and return to the position of Sword Immortal after three years.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Mu Chunfeng was naturally very excited after learning that Xiao Se was Xiao Chuhe. He wanted to continue moving forward with Xiao Se and his group. Sikong Qianluo also told Mu Chunfeng not to be too excited. The most important thing was to see if Xiao Se was willing to be the emperor.Mu Chunfeng is just a businessman, so he naturally focuses on profit.Everyone then started to continue drinking, and everyone praised the wine as very good.After Mu Chunfeng learned that Tang Lian was very knowledgeable about wine, Mu Chunfeng asked Tang Lian to show him the book. Mu Chunfeng praised her when he saw it.After Lei Wujie drank the good wine, he went out and started dancing with the sword. It seemed that Lei Wujie was also happy with the drink.

Sikong Changfeng saw the disciples of Bai Xiaotang coming over. Now a stop at Laijia Fort was a new beginning. Then he began to announce that the five great sword immortals had become the four great sword immortals. Luo Mingxuan was very happy when he saw his name., this time there were two second placers but no first place, and there was also one who topped the list, and they were not Luo Qingyang and Baili Dongjun. Everyone was surprised who could be above the two. ThisWhen the first person's name was announced, Mo Yi, no one expected that it would be Mo Yi, and this name was rarely heard, so everyone was a little curious about this name.Mu Chunfeng saw Xiao Se and his party arriving at Kui'an, and Tang Lian also said that they would definitely help catch Yao Yin. However, Mu Chunfeng learned that Xiao Se's most important thing now was to cure his illness, so he told them not to find Yao Yin for the time being.

Mu Chunfeng said that he had brought a stargazer with him when he came out. Unexpectedly, the stargazer Mu Chunfeng mentioned was Ye Ruoyi. In fact, Ye Ruoyi also came here because of Xiao Se's condition. Lei Wujie saw Ye Ruoyi naturally.He was very happy, and then Mu Chunfeng said that he would pick them up in seven days, and hoped that they would come back on time in seven days.After getting off Mu Chunfeng's boat, everyone passed through an undercurrent. Everyone on the boat was very worried. At this time, the strong wind and rain would cause them to fall if they felt the slightest discomfort.Fortunately, after passing through the undercurrent, the sky cleared up after the rain, and a pair of otherworldly fairy swords emerged.Xiao Se and the other five came to the island together. Lei Wujie was panting from exhaustion. He said that he just wanted to find a place to sleep well.At this time, a man in white came over. The man was actually Mo Yi. Mo Yi also said that few people came to visit. Ye Ruoyi always felt that there was a very familiar aura on Mo Yi, and Mo Yi also knew about them.They had traveled a long way to get here, and then everyone was relieved of their fatigue. Everyone felt very relaxed after Mo Yi woke them up.Mo Yi could feel that Ye Ruoyi and Xiao Se were the ones who were seriously ill, and Mo Yi could also feel that Ye Ruoyi had a familiar feeling.

Mo Yi said that he was willing to help cure the disease, but the premise was that Xiao Se and his party would help him find someone to leave this world.Tang Lian asked about the whereabouts of Baili Dongjun, and Mo Yi also said that as long as they find what they need in three days, he will also cure Xiao Se and Ye Ruoyi's illness.After Mo Yi finished speaking, he left. Everyone felt that this Mo Yi was a bit strange. Mo Yi never said what he was looking for, so it was up to everyone to guess.Xiao Se suspected that Baili Dongjun had also been here. In fact, he met Baili Dongjun when Mo Yi was a teenager. At that time, Mo Yi wanted to sell himself on the street to bury his late sister. Baili Dongjun promised to help Mo Yi, the premise is that Mo Yi wants to become his disciple, Mo Yi naturally agreed.

Ye Ruoyi guessed Mo Yi's identity. If Mo Yi wanted to change his name, it would be because he wanted to save his late sister. Mo Yi's sister was too hungry and gave the last big cake to her brother, but she was killed alive.Starved to death.Tang Lian went to see Mo Yi alone. Tang Lian felt the master's breath, and Mo Yi trapped Tang Lian in the cave in a fit of anger.Tang Lian kept walking forward with a fire stick, and she did see the master, but the master drank a lot and fell asleep.The woman Baili Dongjun once loved the most died. Baili Dongjun drank Meng Po soup and kept dreaming. However, her lover kept telling Baili Dongjun that she was dead and she still wanted Baili Dongjun.Can wake up as soon as possible.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Baili Dongjun's beloved woman still hopes that he can come out as soon as possible. After all, they can meet again. The woman hopes to let Baili Dongjun wake up, but Baili Dongjun doesn't want to wake up. The other party keeps trying to persuade him, Baili DongjunJun still woke up.Over the years, she has never forgotten the scene with her lover. At this time, Tang Lian quickly told Baili Dongjun that it was very dangerous to be lonely. He did not expect that everyone came, and Baili Dongjun and Tang Lian went out directly.

Sikong Qianluo and his party did not find Tang Lian, but they unexpectedly met Mo Yi in the woods. Mo Yi said that the person he wanted was Ye Ruoyi. Xiao Se quickly asked Sikong Qianluo, Lei Wujie and Ye Ruoyi toPeople formed a formation to fight against Mo Yi, and Mo Yi also forcibly brought Ye Ruoyi in front of him. Everyone was controlled. Lei Wujie used his own trick to save Ye Ruoyi, but Lei Wujie finallyNot Mo Yi's opponent.Just when Mo Yi was about to kill Ye Ruoyi, Baili Dongjun appeared in time. Baili Dongjun knew that Mo Yi wanted to use Ye Ruoyi to resurrect his sister. Baili Dongjun wanted to persuade Mo Yi to acceptMo Yi naturally refused to give up, and the two started a battle. Mo Yi's skills have indeed improved greatly over the years, and Baili Dongjun found it difficult to fight against him.

At this time, a strong wind began to blow, and Baili Dongjun was also seriously injured, but he snatched the Meng Po Tang from Mo Yi's hand and asked Xiao Se to drink it quickly to save him from death for the time being.Then Baili Dongjun and Mo Yi started fighting again. At this time, Qi Tianchen also came over. Xiao Se recognized Qi Tianchen at a glance. Qi Tianchen came here using the dragon-seeking formation. In fact, Qi Tianchen and Mo Yi were fellow seniors.Then Mo Yi and Qi Tianchen started to fight. Mo Yi also said that he let Qi Tianchen make three moves first, but Mo Yi was unscathed after the three moves. Baili Dongjun proposed to join forces with Qi Tianchen. After the two reached a consensus, they began to fight against Mo Yi.Lei Wujie saw such a wonderful duel but he could only watch from below. Lei Wujie still wanted to try it. Lei Wujie used the trick that Wuxin taught him. Lei Wujie also told everyone not to be sad if he died.

Lei Wujie used the demon-subduing boxing technique to fight against Mo Yi. Qi Tianchen and Baili Dongjun also came to help in the hope of defeating Mo Yi. Xiao Se asked Sikong Qianluo and Tang Lian to generate their own weapons, and then Xiao Se used his mind toAfter entering Mo Yi's body, with everyone's cooperation, everyone controlled Mo Yi. In fact, Mo Yi's biggest enemy is his inner demon.Mo Yi closed his eyes and seemed to see his sister, who was begging for food on the street. Mo Yi watched his sister put the cake in his arms. Mo Yi felt very sad and blamed himself.But her sister said that she wanted her brother to live well. Mo Yi's biggest concern was her sister.Baili Dongjun only tied up Xiao Se for a moment, and Mo Yi took Xiao Se away after he woke up.Mo Yi also told Xiao Se that the person who hurt Xiao Se was a woman. If he wanted to completely eradicate Xiao Se's disease, he could only disperse all the internal power and the opponent's power. In fact, Mo Yi had already come to his senses. It was Xiao Se who woke him up.He will also save Xiao Se.

Mo Yi saw the injured Ye Ruoyi. The reason why Mo Yi felt that Ye Ruoyi was very close was because she was very similar to her sister. Mo Yi told Ye Ruoyi that her body was very weak and she needed a good rest.Mo Yi told Baili Dongjun that he needed to take a good rest for a while. He asked Baili Dongjun to help him stay here, and Baili Dongjun readily agreed.But Tang Lian hoped that the master would go back as soon as possible. After all, Xueyue City needed Baili Dongjun. But Baili Dongjun said that Xueyue City had Sikong Changfeng, and the next thing would depend on the young people of their generation. Baili Dongjun stillTell Tang Lian that they will meet again one day.

Tomorrow is the ceremony, and His Highness Bai Wang is still wondering whether his father will write Xiao Se's name on it.Seven days later, Mu Chunfeng also came to pick them up on time. This time, Xiao Se's condition was temporarily cured. Mu Chunfeng also said that he was very happy to meet Xiao Se and his group. They were also teenagers, and there were dangers ahead but they didn't know what to do., when a friend was in the room, he wanted to get drunk and sing. Sikong Qianluo also said that they all have one thing in common: they are good-looking, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.Lei Wujie asked Xiao Se if it was a coincidence that they met at Xueluo Villa.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Lei Wujie asked Xiao Se if the meeting at Xueluo Villa that day was intentional. Xiao Se said it was indeed a coincidence. Xiao Se just told Lei Wujie that he would tell him if he had the opportunity in the future.The sacrificial ceremony was approaching, and the emperor's uncle saw that General Ye had not come over yet. At this time, the Holy Emperor came out, but he fainted within two minutes of standing.His Royal Highness King Bai also learned that the Holy One had sudden heart palpitations and that the Holy One had issued three secret edicts. In fact, when they reached the ears of the ministers, the three meanings were Huo Guo, Preventing Chaos and Shocking People's Hearts.Although it can temporarily suppress people's hearts, it also means that the Holy One must be seriously ill.General Ye also learned about this and guessed that it must be caused by the Holy Emperor's serious heart disease.

General Ye also knew that the Holy Emperor would not completely believe him, so the imperial edict did not clearly state what it meant.The Marquis wanted to see the Holy Sage but he was not given a chance, so he had to leave first.Sikong Changfeng also learned that Bai Xiaotang was investigating them, and soon they also learned about the fainting of the Apocalypse City Saint, and Xiao Se must also know about it.When Xiao Se said he wanted to go out to explore the world, his father severely scolded him. As soon as Xiao Se went out, he was attacked by a sneak attack, which is why he became like this.When Sikong Qianluo learned that Xiao Se was back, he went to find Xiao Se. Sikong Qianluo wanted to accompany Xiao Chuhe to Tianqi City. At this time, Xiao Langya King Xiao Xiaochen came over, and Xiao Se asked Sikong Qianluo to leave first.Xiao Chenchen said what happened to Che that year, and that his father was falsely accused of rebellion. Xiao Chenchen naturally did not believe that his father would be guilty of treason. Xiao Chenchen said that he still lacked a fire, and Xiao Se was willing to help his brother deal with this matter.

Sikong Changfeng knew that his daughter was very disappointed. Sikong Changfeng knew that Xiao Se must have his own reasons for not answering Sikong Qianluo. The Holy Emperor was actually a good emperor, and he just wanted to give Xiao Se some encouragement.His Highness Bai Wang felt that Tang Lian's incident should also reveal the news that Baili Dongfeng was back, and he had recovered now.Tang Lian asked Baili Dongfeng about his current choice, but Baili Dongjun said that Tang Sect had no choice yet, but Tang Lian already had his own ideas.Tang Lian told the master that she was learning winemaking recently. King Langya also liked winemaking in the past. In fact, drinking wine could not completely improve his skills. What was more important was his own thoughts.The Marquis took the female medical doctor next to Mr. Lei back to treat the Lord. She told the Marquis that it would take another month for the Lord to fully recover.

Wuxin sneaked into the palace quietly, but was discovered as soon as he arrived. Wuxin was seriously injured, so he had to leave first.Wuxin is still waiting for Xiao Se to come back. Wuxin has helped Xiao Se for so many times, and Wuxin needs Xiao Se's help now.Xiao Se still left Xueyue City without taking anyone with him. Sikong Changfeng was also watching Xiao Se's road to Tianqi City. There might still be many people blocking him on this road.Naturally, some people don't want Xiao Se to go back, but killing a prince still requires a lot of responsibility.Wushuang received the entrustment from His Highness Bai Wang and hoped that he could protect Xiao Se. Sikong Changfeng knew that his daughter really wanted to go back with Xiao Se. This time Sikong Changfeng did not stop his daughter, not only because the Sikong family had the obligation to protect Xiao Se, but also because of the obligation of the Sikong family to protect Xiao Se.The important reason is that Sikong Qianluo likes Xiao Se.

After Sikong Changfeng saw his daughter leaving, he was also going to meet Luo Qingyang, his old friend for many years.Although Xiao Se didn't call anyone this time, Tang Lian and Lei Wujie were ready to protect Xiao Se after they learned that Xiao Se was going back alone. This is the brotherhood between Xiao Se.Ye Ruoyi also led troops to protect Xiao Se. Everyone was ready. It seemed that Xiao Se's way back was very difficult and dangerous.The Marquis is also preparing to lead his troops out of the city.Mr. Tang came out to destroy the Lei family, and Lei Wujie's sword was summoned away by his master. It seemed that Lei Wujie and his party were still a step too late. The Tang Sect and Anhe had already joined forces.The people in Anhe also discovered that Lei Qianhu had been holding on. Indeed, Lei Qianhu's condition was very serious, but even so, Lei Qianhu planned to fight against him.Lei Qianhu's injuries became more serious because he forcibly used his skills. The three masters of the three brothers of the Lei family had given them these skills. At this time, Lei Tianhu passed his position to Lei Hong. After speaking, Lei QianhuHe died.

The three brothers had a very good relationship back then, and Lei Qianhu had been guarding the Lei family, but he didn't expect that it would still be where it is today.Mr. Tang and the elders of Anhe fought against Leimen's efforts. At this time, Lei Wujie and his party came over.Mr. Tang saw Tang Lian with them. Xiao Se recognized Su Changhe, the patriarch of Anhe, at a glance. Lei Wujie planned to avenge the Lei family. Xiao Se told Lei Wujie that he must try his best. Lei Wujie accepted it.Despite Xiao Se's encouragement, he still fought against him, but in the end he was no match for Mr. Tang. At this time, Sikong Qianluo continued to take the attack, and Sikong Qianluo was also punched to the ground hard.Ye Ruoyi quietly told Xiao Se to let her leave, and then Ye Ruoyi fought against Old Mrs. Tang. Of course, they couldn't hurt Old Mrs. Tang even if they fought against him. Tang Lian wanted Old Mrs. Tang to stop, but Old Mrs. Tang used a hidden weapon to kill Tang Lian.Wounded.Ye Ruoyi asked Xiao Se to leave, and Xiao Se's six meridians were opened. It turned out that Sikong Changfeng taught him the twisting technique. Although Xiao Se can use his spell, if he is not careful, all his previous efforts will be wasted.Mrs. Tang discovered that Xiao Se's internal power was very powerful, and if they were not careful, they would all die.

Su Changhe also came out to help Mr. Tang. In the last lesson, Mr. Tang was knocked to the ground. Su Changhe wanted to avenge Mr. Tang, so he rushed towards Xiao Se, but luckily Wuxin appeared in time. Su Changhe was about to slip away, and then LiHan Yi also appeared, and Li Han Yi must help Zhao Yuzhen take revenge.Lei Hong and his party also came out. Xiao Se was seriously injured. Li Hanyi was still chasing after him. Lei Hong also hurriedly chased Li Hanyi.The Tang Sect still had a secret, hoping that the Lei family would not tell anyone what happened today, or even reverse the facts, otherwise the antidote would not be given to them. In order to get the antidote, the Lei family could only agree to their request.After Lei Wujie woke up, he found that Tang Lian was lying next to him. Lei Wujie was very worried about Tang Lian's injury. Now after this incident, the situation in the world will also change. After all, Lei Qianhu and Mr. Tang have both passed away.The influence of Jianghu will also be very large.Lei Wujie wanted to see Xiao Se's condition. Xiao Se's forced movement this time had already hurt his inner being. Wuxin and Ru Jianxian tried their best but it was not satisfactory. At present, they can only suppress the injury temporarily. Sikong Qianluo saidThey also have three-day pills in their hands.

Sikong Changfeng was very worried when he learned that Lei Wujie and his party were in trouble. Hua Jin received the news and was ready to go and treat Xiao Se immediately.At night, Ye Ruoyi asked Lei Wujie to go to rest early, but Lei Wujie was still worried about Xiao Se's situation.Now many people also know that something happened in Leijiabao.Hua Jin kept on going but the horses couldn't keep running. Hua Jin was very worried.Lei Wujie fell asleep after waiting outside the door for a while. Ye Ruoyi and Sikong Qianluo came over and woke Lei Wujie up.At this time, a group of officers and soldiers surrounded Leijiabao. Lei Wujie went out to meet the general. Unexpectedly, the general also knew Lei Wujie's parents.At this time, the uncle came over and told Lei Wujie that this person was General Ye. Lei Wujie immediately spoke to him very respectfully. After all, General Ye was Ye Ruoyi's father. Lei Wujie naturally wanted to please Ye Ruoyi if he liked Ye Ruoyi.General.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

The uncles on the side didn't expect Lei Wujie to change his attitude immediately. General Ye came here because he knew Ye Ruoyi was here. Lei Wujie's uncle also saw that he liked Ye Ruoyi.General Ye felt relieved when he saw that his daughter was fine, and then he took his daughter in with him. However, Uncle Lei Wujie felt that General Ye's arrival was not just about seeing his daughter.Wu Xin and Ru Jianxian discovered that Xiao Se had the power to return to the light after taking the Sanri Pill. When Xiao Se was about to lose all his skills, Hua Jin came over and the three of them worked together in the hope of curing Xiao Se's condition as soon as possible.Now, Leijiabao was very lively. General Ye and the Marquis looked at each other, and Lei Wujie couldn't understand their conversation at all.Lei Wujie also learned from Lord Hou that Xiao Se turned out to be Xiao Chuhe. Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo were both very excited. Lei Wujie quickly prepared to tell Tang Lian the news.Sikong Qianluo went to find Tang Lian. Tang Lian had already guessed that Xiao Se's identity was definitely not simple. As expected, it was not much different from now.

At this time, Wu Xin came out, and Lei Wujie quickly told him Xiao Se's identity. When Wu Xin arrived, he said that Hua Jin was indeed very powerful and pulled Xiao Se back from the hell gate in a few seconds.General Ye also wanted to see Xiao Se, but was stopped by Lei Wujie.Lei Wujie showed his identity and said that he could not get out of the way. General Ye wanted to leave with Xiao Se no matter what. The Marquis and General Ye quarreled. Just when the two were about to confront, Tang Lian andSikong Qianluo came over, and they all stood together with Lei Wujie, preparing to protect Xiao Se.At this time, Hua Jin came over. Hua Jin said that after taking away Xiao Se, he would die in a few days, and even he could not cure him.Next, everyone is worried about Xiao Se's illness. Now only Baili Dongjun has been to Tianshan overseas, and maybe Xiao Se's illness can be cured in Tianshan overseas.Xiao Se walked in slowly and said that as long as he could unlock his own veins, he would give it a try no matter what.The Marquis wanted to take Xiao Se back. Xiao Se said that his hands could not even hold a stick tightly, and he was completely different from Xiao Chuhe back then. Xiao Se said that as long as the condition was cured, no matter who he was, he would be waiting for everyone in Xueyue City..

The Marquis only hoped that Xiao Se would appear as Xiao Chuhe. Before leaving, the Marquis also said that Xiao Se would be at home no matter what, and hoped that Xiao Se could go back as soon as possible.General Ye had no choice but to leave with Ye Ruoyi. Lei Wujie was very reluctant to leave, but he could only watch Ye Ruoyi leave.Wu Xin also wanted to see Xiao Se when he came back this time. Now that Xiao Se was going to get treatment, Wu Xin asked Lei Wujie to protect him.His Highness Prince Bai also got the news. He thought that Xiao Chuhe's skills had recovered. Now the Tang Sect and Anhe's cooperation has indeed dealt a fatal blow to Leijiabao. His Highness Prince Bai always felt that there was a pair of hands behind this controlling everything..Tang Lian wanted Sikong Qianluo to return to Xueyue City and report the situation to Sikong Changfeng, but Sikong Qianluo seemed to be with Xiao Se all the time.Xiao Se knew that the entire Tang Sect would now regard him as an enemy. While the two were still talking, Lei Wujie took the initiative and said that he would take Xiao Se around here.Wuxin returned to Hanshui Temple, and now only his senior brother was left here. In fact, Wuxin brought Minghou who had lost his mind this time, hoping that Minghou could be treated well here.

What Wuxin has to do now is to find Li Hanyi. Now that Li Hanyi has gone crazy because of Zhao Yuzhen's death, Wuxin's main purpose is to find Li Hanyi.After the Marquis returned, he went to meet the Holy Sage. He reported to the Holy Sage that he had indeed seen Xiao Chuhe, but someone kept blocking him.The Lord was very angry when he learned about it. The Marquis quickly explained that Xiao Chuhe said that he didn't want to come back yet. Xiao Chuhe was seriously injured, so it would be very difficult to come back.The Holy Master was relieved to know that the imperial master could save Xiao Chuhe's life.Lei Wujie wanted to go to the beach to buy some food, but he learned from a passing girl that the market at the beach was closed, and the girl took the initiative to take him to another market.Xiao Se saw that Lei Wujie had not come back yet, and Tang Lian began to worry about whether something would happen to Lei Wujie. At this time, Lei Wujie came back with crabs and said that he had seen very big turtles and ships.Lei Wujie learned that there was a cedar longboat that could go deep into the sea.

The Marquis gathered eight hundred soldiers to support Xiao Se. The road must be very dangerous, but no one wanted to back down.Xiao Se was still rushing forward desperately, and at this time, the people who were chasing Xiao Se also set up an ambush here.The men from Wushuang City came over, but Lei Wujie blocked their way, and they also saw the Heart Sword in Lei Wujie's hand.Lei Wujie complained about Wushuang City, but Lei Wujie was not in a hurry and prepared to confront the opponent.The other party saw that Lei Wujie was just stalling for time. Lei Wujie knew that no matter how many people wanted to kill Xiao Se, some would want to save Xiao Se.Sikong Qianluo also blocked a group of soldiers on another road. No matter how many soldiers there were, they were no match for Sikong Qianluo.On the other side, Ji Xue from Baixiaotang also came over. Unexpectedly, Sikong Changfeng was already waiting here. The place was already deserted. Ji Xue handed the wine to Baili Dongfeng and left.Tang Lian encountered a heavy rainstorm on the road, so he could only rest at the inn temporarily. Then he asked the waiter to get him a bottle of wine. After taking a sip, Tang Lian didn't know if it was the same as the Xueluo Villa.

Tang Lianzhi opened the shop as a waiter. In fact, he was here waiting for someone who wanted to kill someone to show up. As soon as the waiter left, a group of men in black also appeared.Lei Wujie defeated the opponent. At this time, the old city master of Half-step Sword Immortal also appeared. Lei Wujie also said that the opponent was just cheating. They wanted to use Lei Wujie's blood to pave their own way. Lei Wujie naturally did notWill agree.Lei Wujie wanted to decide the outcome with a sword strike against the old city lord. The old city lord also said that Lei Wujie was a bit arrogant. Unexpectedly, Lei Wujie still defeated the old city lord. In fact, after the old city lord went through so much, the meaning of drawing the sword also changed.Changes have forgotten the original intention, and Wushuang City has surrendered.Sikong Qianluo was still fighting against him. After defeating these soldiers, Ye Ruoyi also led troops to rescue him in time. The other general was also killed. All the soldiers ran away after seeing it.Xiao Se still met the man from Anhe at the intersection. The other person said that he didn't want to kill Xiao Se yet because his apprentice still wanted to have a fair fight with Xiao Se.The reason why Xiao Se went very smoothly on the road was actually because his friends helped to block the obstacles.

Tang Lian used Xiaoyao Tianjing to fight against them. These people were naturally no match for Tang Lian. After drinking, Tang Lian's skill greatly increased and reached a state of perfection, and finally defeated these people directly.Xiao Se saw the Marquis on his way back. The Marquis did not block Xiao Se's way. Ye Ruoyi and Sikong Qianluo came over soon after Xiao Se left.The Marquis said that they could not take away Xiao Se, but they could support Xiao Se. Ye Ruoyi told Sikong Qianluo that he could not believe anyone named Xiao. Soon Lei Wujie also rushed over. At this time, Tang Lian was still talking to the last person.In the confrontation, although Tang Lian was seriously injured, the opponent's sword was also broken. Even though Tang Lian knew that he would definitely die after drinking the last glass of wine, he had no choice but to protect the people he needed to protect and confront the killer. In this way, the opponent wasTang Lian was stabbed to death with a sword, and Tang Lian was already dying.Tang Lian remembered the time when his father and parents left him. He originally said that they would come back in one day, but he waited for a long time and did not see his parents come back.Tang Lian felt that she was lying in a deserted place waiting to die quietly. Unexpectedly, Baili Dongjun found Tang Lian. Baili Dongjun saved Tang Lian with his own wine. Baili Dongjun also saidFrom now on, Tang Lian will have one more master: herself.Tang Lian remembered that Ruier liked each other, but because Tang Lian had a heavy responsibility, she had to leave her beloved woman.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Tang Lian drank all the wine and her life was about to end. On the other hand, Xiao Se came outside the gate of Tianqi City. At this time, her good friends Lei Wujie, Sikong Qianluo, and Ye Ruoyi rushed over.Tang Lian just lay in the rain.Xiao Se was going to go back to Tianqi City and wait for Tang Lian to come over.When Xiao Se comes back, there must be someone in Apocalypse City who has been keeping an eye on Xiao Se. The second prince, His Highness Bai Wang, is also prepared to say that Xiao Se will have many opportunities to confront him head-on after he comes back.

Xiao Se had just come back and asked Uncle Xu to take Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo to rest first. At this time, the Marquis came over and learned that Xiao Se was back and asked him to rest before going to the palace.Now Xiao Se has been back for a day, but they have not taken any action. In fact, Xiao Se is still waiting for Tang Lian. At this time, his subordinates came over and informed Tang Lian that she had died. Naturally, Lei Wujie and his party couldn't believe this.Knowing that Tang Lian had used his own power to kill the people in Anhe, Lei Wujie still refused to believe this fact. Now the enemies were all people from Anhe, and Lei Wujie also vowed to kill the people in Anhe to avenge Tang Lian.Xiao Se said that Tang Lian died because of him, and he had to bear this hatred.Tang Lian was taken back to Tangmen, and Sikong Changfeng also came to visit Tang Lian. He is also tracing the whereabouts of Suchanghe. Now that he thinks about it, he feels that King Langya is very powerful. Only King Langya can bring them all together.At night, Xiao Se saw Sikong Qianluo crying alone outside the room. Sikong Qianluo said that he dreamed of his senior brother. They all missed Tang Lian so much, but Tang Lian never came back. Xiao Se told Sikong Qianluo that senior brother'sYou will definitely avenge yourself.

Ye Ruoyi came to Xiao Se to discuss countermeasures. Ye Ruoyi said that she did not represent her father. What Ye Ruoyi had to do was to help Xiao Se make suggestions. Xiao Se's first step was to let everyone in Apocalypse City know that he was back.Ye Ruoyi has prepared everything and is now waiting for Xiao Se to hold a banquet. Xiao Se comes back to hold a banquet this time not only to announce that he is back, but more importantly to let the people hiding in the dark appear, and he has to prepare for the banquet.Tang Lian takes revenge.Xiao Se temporarily appears in his current identity.Xiao Se brought Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo to find Master Jiu. Master Jiu quickly asked Xiao Se to rest upstairs. Xiao Se introduced Master Tu to Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo.He came here today to ask Second Master Tu to do something. Xiao Se said that he just asked Second Master Tu to cook a meal. Second Master Tu opened it and saw that it was a royal banquet. Xiao Se said that he could give Xueluo Villa to Second Master Tu in return.In fact, the Xueluo Villa that Xiao Se mentioned was the place hidden in the mountains, and Tu Erye quickly agreed.

The Marquis also learned that Xiao Se was going to hold a banquet at Qianjin Terrace, and everyone invited was wondering whether to go to the banquet. It seemed that this banquet was going to cause another big disturbance.In the evening, Xiao Se began to worry that no one would come tomorrow. Master Jiu overturned Tianqi City and couldn't find anyone to take over the post. Xiao Se knew that the other party was already here, but he just hadn't taken over yet.Ye Ruoyi was also worried that half of the people would not go to tomorrow's banquet. At this time, Ye's father came over and looked at the list. Ye's father also said that there was one person missing from the list, but he was not very sure about inviting this person., Father Ye actually thinks that he can go to Mr. Hou for help.On the other side, Xiao Se also gave a sword to the Marquis, hoping that the Marquis would give it to that person. Although the Marquis felt it was not worth it, he still agreed to Xiao Se's help.Seeing that the banquet started in an hour, but not a single guest arrived yet, Lei Wujie was very worried. Unexpectedly, Master Jiu came over at this moment. If only Master Jiu came over, it would prove that Xiao Se's power was only the gangsters on the street..

At this time, Mu Chunfeng also came over.When Mu Chunfeng arrived in Tianqi City, he was very generous and gave some benefits to the people. Mu Chunfeng's purpose was to make everyone remember him.Now only Lei Wujie, Tang Lian and Xiao Se were left together. Lei Wujie saw the girl Zhenzhu introduced to him that day, and the two hurriedly said hello.Lei Wujie also introduced his good friend to Zhenzhu. Zhenzhu had already helped inquire about it and was willing to sail the ship if he gave more money.Then Pearl took them there, and happened to see a man teasing the money snake. It turned out that this was an assessment, and only those who passed the assessment could stay.At this time, the money snake suddenly rushed towards Lei Wujie, and Lei Wujie directly subdued it with a hidden weapon.Then the boss said that their boss wanted to meet Lei Wujie and the others, so they had no choice but to agree.The other party's name was Mu Chunfeng, Xiao Se didn't say his real name, Lei Wujie and Tang Lian had no choice but to name it casually, but Mu Chunfeng saw through it, so Xiao Se had no choice but to tell his real name.

Mu Chunfeng now needs three colored snake gallbladders, and hopes Xiao Se and the others can help.Xiao Se immediately understood that what Mu Chunfeng wanted to make was an aphrodisiac. Mu Chunfeng just said that the person who was sick was his brother, and he did these things to treat his brother's illness.Xiao Se and the others were willing to agree, but only if they needed a ferry. Mu Chunfeng said that as long as they could get snake gall, they would naturally be willing to help them.Now that the boat for the trip has been found, the three of them are ready to treat themselves to something to eat in the evening.Now Li Hanyi has gone crazy and even regards Lei Hong as a bad guy. She feels that if it wasn't for Lei Hong, Zhao Yuzhen would not have died.Just when Li Hanyi was about to kill Lei Hong, Wu Xin came over to help. Wu Xin covered Lei Hong with a golden bell. Wu Xin asked Lei Hong to help him hold Li Hanyi back. He needed a chance, and then Li Hanyi recovered.Lost consciousness.After Li Hanyi woke up and learned that Wu Xin was Ye Dingzhi's son, they all felt that Wu Xin was nothing like his father. From Li Hanyi's words, he could tell that Ye Dingzhi and Li Hanyi were very familiar with each other, and Wu Xin deliberately asked Li Hanyi if he had killed him.Her father, Li Hanyi, naturally did not kill anyone. After she told Wu Xin that a woman had said a few words to Ye Dingzhi, Ye Dingzhi committed suicide.

After Wuxin found out, he left. Li Hanyi met Lei Hong by the river. Lei Hong had actually always liked Li Hanyi. Li Hanyi also felt sorry because Lei Hong missed a good opportunity because of a promise. Li Hanyi still thought about it in his heart.It was Zhao Yuzhen who was waiting for him. Although Li Hanyi had gone crazy, everything seemed to be destined, and some things were destined to be unchangeable.Sikong Changfeng had no news about Li Hanyi, and he couldn't help but feel worried.Everyone is a pawn in this chess game, but the player has already left.Mu Chunfeng told Xiao Se and the other three that now that everyone had gathered, they were ready to set off.At this time, Eunuch Jinwei stopped in front of them. Xiao Se recognized Eunuch Jinwei at a glance and knew that he was here to take him back. Mu Chunfeng thought that Xiao Se would be purified when he returned, and Mu Chunfeng also planned to help him to the end., Lei Wujie and Mu Chunfeng confronted Eunuch Jinwei at the same time, Xiao Se asked everyone to stop, and he wanted to talk to Eunuch Jinwei alone.Xiao Se said that it would not be easy for Eunuch Jinwei to take him away. Xiao Se needed to ask Eunuch Jinwei to give him three days, and then come to the dock to fight with him. Eunuch Jinwei naturally agreed.As soon as the three of them got on the boat, Sikong Qianluo came over. Sikong Qianluo even accused Xiao Se of not waiting for him. Mu Chunfeng also came over. It turned out that Mu Chunfeng invited Sikong Qianluo to get on the boat.Mu Chunfeng now wants to ask who they are. Mu Chunfeng actually determines their identities through everyone's surnames.Mu Chunfeng guessed that Xiao Se came here to treat his illness. Unexpectedly, Mu Chunfeng said that maybe they had found someone who could cure Xiao Se's condition here, and it was actually Mu Chunfeng.Mu Chunfeng briefly examined Xiao Se. Mu Chunfeng took a look at Xiao Se's condition and found that the other party was already very powerful. No matter how much he did to control Xiao Se's condition, it would be in vain.Sikong Changfeng received the news and learned that Li Hanyi was back. Li Hanyi said that he had unintentionally solved his inner demons. Sikong Changfeng simply checked Li Hanyi and told her that she was very weak now and must take good care of herself now.Recuperate here and return to the position of Sword Immortal after three years.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Mu Chunfeng also said that soon the news of his coming here would cause a sensation in the whole city. When Mu Chunfeng came to the city and saw everyone, everyone was very happy.Xiao Se also saw Mu Chunfeng, and Sikong Qianluo also complained that Mu Chunfeng only greeted Xiao Se and not himself when he saw Xiao Se. Mu Chunfeng said that he was also here to do business. Unexpectedly, Mu Chunfeng brought four wealthy businessmen.In fact, he also knows that Xiao Se is not short of money now, just for the sake of face.Seeing more and more people, Lei Wujie thought it was about to start, but Ye Ruoyi said that the guests Xiao Se was really waiting for hadn't arrived yet.The people coming now are all businessmen, but there are no people from the court, which means that Xiao Se's return has not been recognized by everyone.At this time, the Marquis also came over. Unexpectedly, the person he brought was the Grand Master. Xiao Se used King Langya's sword to make a deal with the Grand Master, so the Grand Master also came over.Xiao Se went to greet the grand master in person.The Grand Master was naturally very happy to see Xiao Se. Now seeing the Marquis and the Grand Master coming, and the dignitaries from the court coming one after another, Xiao Se was naturally very happy as well.

His Highness Prince Bai didn't expect that the Grand Master would come back. This was actually a situation for Xiao Se. He didn't expect that Xiao Se would always be able to come out with great strength.His Highness Prince Bai was also considering whether to go. In fact, Xiao Se still wanted to wait for the Imperial Master to come. The banquet was about to begin, but he did not expect that the Grand Master would come over anyway.The Imperial Master and the Grand Master were very happy after meeting each other. At this time, they both asked each other why they came back. In fact, they were all doing it for friendship.Their friends all had a good relationship with Xiao Se, so they all had no choice but to come. Soon His Highness the White King and His Highness the Red King came. Xiao Se also guessed that the two of them would definitely come. When His Highness the Red King saw Xiao Se, he started to ridicule Xiao Se.He also deliberately said that he thought the two of them would not come.His Highness the Red King also said that he would definitely come, but he was delayed because of something at home. Finally, Xiao Se announced the banquet. It looked like a happy place, but in fact everyone had their own thoughts in their hearts.The Marquis guessed that Xiao Se would ask someone to come up and talk soon. The purpose of the conversation was the biggest purpose of holding the banquet.

His Highness the White King and His Highness the Red King had not eaten together for a long time. At this time, Xiao Se raised his wine glass to toast everyone. Unexpectedly, Xiao Se threw the wine glass on the ground as soon as he held it. He opened the stone wall behind him. On the stone wall was carvedMingzi, at this time, Xiao Se and his party were all covered in white clothes, Ye Ruoyi played the piano and Sikong Qianluo played the drums, Xiao Se, all of this was to pay tribute to Tang Lian.At this time, Xiao Se also announced that the last dish was served, which was bean soup and rice. Even if everyone wanted to refuse, everyone present did not dare to refuse. Everyone picked up the bean soup and rice and started eating.His Royal Highness the Red King naturally wanted to leave without wanting to eat. Xiao Se rushed out to stop him, but the Holy Lord had actually arrived. Everyone knelt down to greet the Holy Lord, but Xiao Se stood still.The Holy One also asked if there was any other food left. Xiao Se said that there was only a bowl of bean soup and rice left. The Holy One actually took the rice and started eating.The Holy One did not stop Xiao Se this time. The Holy One left after eating. His Royal Highness the Red King was also very angry. He did not expect that his father would not give him face. In fact, the Holy One's arrival was enough to show that Xiao Se was recognized by everyone.

In fact, when Xiao Se set up such a big feast, many people thought that Xiao Se was going to do something earth-shattering, but they didn't expect that Xiao Se would just turn it into a funeral.Mu Chunfeng was naturally very excited after learning that Xiao Se was Xiao Chuhe. He wanted to continue moving forward with Xiao Se and his group. Sikong Qianluo also told Mu Chunfeng not to be too excited. The most important thing was to see if Xiao Se was willing to be the emperor.Mu Chunfeng is just a businessman, so he naturally focuses on profit.Everyone then started to continue drinking, and everyone praised the wine as very good.After Mu Chunfeng learned that Tang Lian was very knowledgeable about wine, Mu Chunfeng asked Tang Lian to show him the book. Mu Chunfeng praised her when he saw it.After Lei Wujie drank the good wine, he went out and started dancing with the sword. It seemed that Lei Wujie was also happy with the drink.Sikong Changfeng saw the disciples of Bai Xiaotang coming over. Now a stop at Laijia Fort was a new beginning. Then he began to announce that the five great sword immortals had become the four great sword immortals. Luo Mingxuan was very happy when he saw his name., this time there were two second placers but no first place, and there was also one who topped the list, and they were not Luo Qingyang and Baili Dongjun. Everyone was surprised who could be above the two. ThisWhen the first person's name was announced, Mo Yi, no one expected that it would be Mo Yi, and this name was rarely heard, so everyone was a little curious about this name.

Mu Chunfeng saw Xiao Se and his party arriving at Kui'an, and Tang Lian also said that they would definitely help catch Yao Yin. However, Mu Chunfeng learned that Xiao Se's most important thing now was to cure his illness, so he told them not to find Yao Yin for the time being.Mu Chunfeng said that he had brought a stargazer with him when he came out. Unexpectedly, the stargazer Mu Chunfeng mentioned was Ye Ruoyi. In fact, Ye Ruoyi also came here because of Xiao Se's condition. Lei Wujie saw Ye Ruoyi naturally.He was very happy, and then Mu Chunfeng said that he would pick them up in seven days, and hoped that they would come back on time in seven days.After getting off Mu Chunfeng's boat, everyone passed through an undercurrent. Everyone on the boat was very worried. At this time, the strong wind and rain would cause them to fall if they felt the slightest discomfort.Fortunately, after passing through the undercurrent, the sky cleared up after the rain, and a pair of otherworldly fairy swords emerged.Xiao Se and the other five came to the island together. Lei Wujie was panting from exhaustion. He said that he just wanted to find a place to sleep well.At this time, a man in white came over. The man was actually Mo Yi. Mo Yi also said that few people came to visit. Ye Ruoyi always felt that there was a very familiar aura on Mo Yi, and Mo Yi also knew about them.They had traveled a long way to get here, and then everyone was relieved of their fatigue. Everyone felt very relaxed after Mo Yi woke them up.Mo Yi could feel that Ye Ruoyi and Xiao Se were the ones who were seriously ill, and Mo Yi could also feel that Ye Ruoyi had a familiar feeling.

Mo Yi said that he was willing to help cure the disease, but the premise was that Xiao Se and his party would help him find someone to leave this world.Tang Lian asked about the whereabouts of Baili Dongjun, and Mo Yi also said that as long as they find what they need in three days, he will also cure Xiao Se and Ye Ruoyi's illness.After Mo Yi finished speaking, he left. Everyone felt that this Mo Yi was a bit strange. Mo Yi never said what he was looking for, so it was up to everyone to guess.Xiao Se suspected that Baili Dongjun had also been here. In fact, he met Baili Dongjun when Mo Yi was a teenager. At that time, Mo Yi wanted to sell himself on the street to bury his late sister. Baili Dongjun promised to help Mo Yi, the premise is that Mo Yi wants to become his disciple, Mo Yi naturally agreed.Ye Ruoyi guessed Mo Yi's identity. If Mo Yi wanted to change his name, it would be because he wanted to save his late sister. Mo Yi's sister was too hungry and gave the last big cake to her brother, but she was killed alive.Starved to death.Tang Lian went to see Mo Yi alone. Tang Lian felt the master's breath, and Mo Yi trapped Tang Lian in the cave in a fit of anger.Tang Lian kept walking forward with a fire stick, and she did see the master, but the master drank a lot and fell asleep.The woman Baili Dongjun once loved the most died. Baili Dongjun drank Meng Po soup and kept dreaming. However, her lover kept telling Baili Dongjun that she was dead and she still wanted Baili Dongjun.Can wake up as soon as possible.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Xiao Se also guessed that everyone might feel stupid for preparing such a big feast just for a funeral. Xiao Se could also feel that the people hiding in the night could no longer hold back, so he would definitely do something.action.King Chi was very angry after he returned, but he didn't expect that the Holy Lord would come, so he could only bow his head. This time, King Chi really felt very uncomfortable.His Royal Highness King Bai also knew that there was a little miracle doctor by his side, and perhaps he could use this little miracle doctor to help him.This time Mu Chunfeng came here to talk about some business. He wanted everyone not to hinder Xiao Se's journey. The businessmen were naturally unwilling, but Mu Chunfeng said that he could bankrupt them, so all the businessmen were still afraid.Mu Chunfeng breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he came out. After all, he was pretending all this just to make the other party scared.After Mu Chunfeng came out, he hurried to find Hua Jin and wanted to become Hua Jin's teacher. Then Mu Chunfeng also gave his own conditions. Mu Chunfeng's house had many precious medicinal materials, which made Hua Jin very interested. Hua Jin fainted.Dizzy and became Mu Chunfeng's master.

At this time, the Marquis came over and asked Hua Jin to return to the palace quickly. The Marquis was still a little dissatisfied.Chi Wang learned that the emperor's condition had improved, but the man in black told him that the emperor's illness was caused by force, which meant that he was strong on the outside and weak on the inside.Now the whole Tianqi City is talking about Xiao Chuhe. It seems that his feast has indeed caused quite a stir. The Red King also ordered that no one can help Xiao Chuhe or he will be killed without mercy.Unexpectedly, Brother Jiu was also assassinated at night. Xiao Se was very angry and must help Brother Jiu take revenge.King Chi felt that the death of Brother Nine was just that of a gangster. What he wanted was for the entire Tianqi City to be in chaos. It seemed that he also wanted to kill people.His subordinates thought he was going to kill the Holy Lord, so he quietly told his target's name, and then waited for Anhe to help kill him.Tianqi City is a bit cold now, and Sikong Qianluo asked Xiao Se to accompany him for a walk. In fact, Sikong Qianluo knew that Xiao Se was still looking for the mastermind behind the scenes, and all Sikong Qianluo could do was to stay with Xiao Se.In the past, Sikong Qianluo had Tang Lian by his side, but now without Tang Lian's protection, they were left alone.In fact, the current Apocalypse City looks calm on the surface, but in fact it is full of undercurrents, and everyone has their own thoughts.The person Su Muyu from Anhe wanted to assassinate this time turned out to be the Grand Master. At this time, Li Tian came to stop Su Muyu. Li Tian and Su Muyu were mostly together. At this time, another man from Anhe came over and wanted to attack the Grand Master. Fortunately, Sikong QianAppear in time.However, after this incident, the Grand Master also guessed that Xiao Se should know who was behind the scenes.

Xiao Se was still talking about the choices of their brothers back then. Xiao Se was talking about his childhood. Ye Ruoyi still felt like Lei Wujie, when a letter came from the palace.Mu Chunfeng had been following Hua Jin all day long. When Lei Wujie arrived, he found Mu Chunfeng's flattering look very funny.Hua Jin said that he discovered that there should be a miracle doctor in the palace. He was treating the Holy Sage, and someone was sabotaging it behind him. Xiao Se was preparing to attack with Lei Wujie.Ye Ruoyi also told Sikong Qianluo about the scene when she met Xiao Se when she was a child. Ye Ruoyi was not in good health when she was a child, and Xiao Se took the initiative to say hello to Ye Ruoyi.Xiao Se came to find six iron-faced officers and asked for information. Ji Xue is the daughter of Master Xiao Se. She also received an order from her father to come and help Xiao Se. Xiao Se wanted to find the person who harmed him back then. Xiao Se still wanted to see where the scroll was.The second thing is to find the most powerful poisoner. The third thing is a friend of his. He has come to Tianqi City but has not come to him yet. Xiao Se wants to investigate clearly.

In fact, the friend Xiao Se mentioned was Wu Xin. Wu Xin met Eunuch Jingxian. Wuxin was seriously injured but luckily escaped with Eunuch Jingxian.Wu Xin came here because he wanted to meet his biological mother, Concubine Xuan.Eunuch Jingxian advised Wuxin to leave here as soon as possible. Wuxin had just come out of seclusion and was planning to meet Xiao Se when he had time after learning that Xiao Se was also back.King Chi found his mother and concubine and talked about Xiao Se's return, but her mother and concubine didn't seem to care.King Chi also talked about Concubine Xuan's other son and asked her if she wanted to know, but the other son mentioned by King Chi was actually Wu Xin.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Hua Jin asked Xiao Se if he would agree to treat his eyes. Xiao Se told Hua Jin that he could treat the eyes, but asked Hua Jin to remember to say that he asked him to go.When Sikong Qianluo saw Ji Xue sneaking around, he thought he was from Anhe. Fortunately, Xiao Se came over and quickly kept the two away from each other. When Mu Chunfeng saw Ji Xue, he took the initiative to say hello. Mu Chunfeng was very interested in beautiful women, but JiXue ignored Mu Chunfeng at all.Sikong Qianluo also asked about the relationship between Ji Xue and Xiao Se. Ye Ruoyi told Sikong Qianluo that Xiao Se must be different to her.Ji Xue helped find the person Xiao Se needed, but she didn't expect that Wu Xin was actually near Xiao Se.

Xiao Se met Wu Xin. Wu Xin said that he had been in seclusion some time ago. He felt Wu Xin's pulse and found out that he was injured. In fact, Xiao Se guessed that Wu Xin entered the palace this time to find his biological mother, Concubine Xuan. Xiao Se still told Wu Xin to be vigilant. After all,There are many masters in the palace now. In fact, I didn't want to go to the palace to find Concubine Xuan just to get an answer.Concubine Xuan has always cared about her son. Xiao Se also mentioned that Concubine Xuan was very different in the palace. She didn't like to compete for favor and just lived her own ordinary life.Xiao Se told Wu Xin that these were all his calamities, and it was better to let Wu Xin take care of himself.Wu Xin didn't know what the purpose of his trip was. If Wu Xin just wanted to see Concubine Xuan, only Xiao Se could help him. Xiao Se asked Wu Xin to solve his troubles as soon as possible while causing trouble for himself.

Xiao Se found Eunuch Jingxian and needed his help. Xiao Se knew that Eunuch Jingxian's purpose was to leave the palace, so Xiao Se would naturally help.Soon, Wuxin came to the palace in the name of his father-in-law. With the help of Eunuch Jingxian, it went very smoothly. Unexpectedly, the eunuch came over. Eunuch Jingxian was still a little nervous, but fortunately the eunuch didn't have too much.doubt.Following the guidance of Eunuch Jingxian, Wuxin came to the palace of Concubine Xuan. Wuxin finally met his biological mother after many years, but he did not dare to tell his biological mother his identity. Wuxin saw that Concubine Xuan's heart was in chaos, and heIt's better to open up Concubine Xuan.At this time, King Chi came to say hello, and Concubine Xuan asked Wu Xin to wait here.King Chi saw the person lighting incense in the room. He always felt that this person was very familiar, so Concubine Xuan told his son not to think too much.

King Chi also talked about his mother's other son. King Chi was also ridiculed because of his mother. Concubine Xuan did not let King Chi touch her other son, and King Chi left very angry.Wuxin saw Concubine Xuan feeling depressed and went out to talk to Concubine Xuan. Wuxin actually wanted to know the truth about that year.Concubine Xuan said that she was willing to leave with Ye Dingzhi. Someone deliberately separated the two of them back then. In the end, Concubine Xuan told Ye Dingzhi that she wanted him to leave.Concubine Xuan was also worried about the child in the palace at that time. In fact, she could only let go of the other child when she came back.Wuxin asked the name of the other child, and Concubine Xuan said his name was Ye Anshi.Concubine Xuan also wanted to hear Wu Xin's story. Wu Xin said that there were many people in her memory, but her relatives left her one after another, and she finally came to Tianqi City.Concubine Xuan was a little sleepy and asked Wu Xin to come and chat with her. As a result, Concubine Xuan fainted. Wu Xin smelled the tea and found that King Chi had poisoned the tea. Wu Xin couldn't care less and quickly gave it to her mother.To detoxify, the Red King came over at this time. He deliberately lured Wu Xin out. Wu Xin introduced all the poison to himself because he helped his mother detoxify.Xiao Se was also looking for a poison master. A poison master named Ye Crow came to Tianqi City. Xiao Se suspected that this person might be used by the Red King to frame Wu Xin.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

Wu Xin was brought back to Ye Ya by the Red King. When Ye Ya saw Wu Xin's appearance, he said that he was his most proud work.There has been no news about Wu Xin from Xiao Se. Ye Ruoyi also received news from Eunuch Jingxian and learned that she could not contact Wu Xin. Perhaps Wu Xin still wanted to bring Concubine Xuan out.Just when Hua Jin was about to go to treat His Highness Prince Bai, Ji Xue sent the golden list.Lei Wujie finally saw that he was in third place, while Xiao Se was only in first place on the Good Jade List, and now the remaining three people all had a bad relationship with Xue Yuecheng.Ji Xue still thinks it's best for Xiao Se not to go to Prince Bai's Mansion. After all, if Prince Bai recovers his eyes, his strength may not be underestimated, but Xiao Se feels that he still has to help anyway.

Mu Chunfeng followed Hua Jin to prepare to go to Prince Bai's Mansion, but King Chi found out about it. King Chi now wanted to join forces with An He to get rid of Hua Jin first.His Highness Bai Wang also guessed that the seventh brother Red King might be colluding with Anhe. At this time, Hua Jin came over, and Yan Zhantian happened to be here too. Hua Jin said that he did not want too many people to see his treatment, so Yan ZhantianThen he left first.Hua Jin checked His Highness Bai Wang’s eyes and said they could be cured. His Highness Bai Wang was naturally very excited. Before Hua Jin left, His Highness Bai Wang asked if Xiao Se had asked him to help. Hua Jin said that Xiao Se had indeed asked him to help, and Hua Jin said that Xiao Se had indeed asked him to help.The other person is the Holy One.Mu Chunfeng also reminded His Highness Bai Wang not to associate the treatment of eyes with profit. In fact, the pastries in His Highness Bai Wang's hands were also snatched from Xiao Se's hands. His Highness Bai Wang's treatment had a grudge against Xiao Se. Everyone hoped that Bai WangHis Royal Highness can feel relieved.

Yan Zhantian only cared about whether he could cure his apprentice, His Highness Bai Wang, but it was His Highness Bai Wang who saved him when he was dying.When Hua Jin and Mu Chunfeng were about to leave, they told His Highness Bai Wang and his subordinates that the only way was to exchange eyes for eyes. The subordinates took the initiative to say that they were willing to help His Highness Bai Wang change his eyes.King Chi brought Suchanghe to his secret room. Yeya said that he could destroy his own heart, and then Wuxin would become the most powerful person.Ye Ruoyi told Xiao Se that Huajing had found the eye to treat His Highness Bai Wang, and that three days later would be the day to treat His Highness Bai Wang. Xiao Se knew that the people from Anhe would take action in three days, and then kill Hua Jin and King Bai.If he puts the blame on himself, Xiao Se will naturally not let such a thing happen, so it will definitely be a vicious battle in three days.

Lei Wujie sent Ye Ruoyi home. After all, he was still worried that Ye Ruoyi would encounter danger on the way back. Ye Ruoyi thought Lei Wujie was a stupid boy.Three days later, Hua Jin and Mu Chunfeng went there together. Today was the day to treat His Highness Prince Bai. After Hua Jin and Mu Chunfeng entered, Lei Wujie also stood guard outside the door.Hua Jin told Prince Bai that he would be able to see the light again when he wakes up after being pricked with several needles, and his subordinates were also prepared.The Holy Emperor felt relieved when he learned that Hua Jin had gone to see His Highness Prince Bai. Then he asked his subordinates to inform the Marquis to guard outside His Highness Prince Bai's residence. Naturally, the Marquis came over very early.The people from Anhe also mobilized, and a fierce battle ensued.The Red King was preparing to watch a good show. At this time, Xiao Se and Sikong Qianluo also came over. Xiao Se also saw Su Changhe and naturally knew that they must be fully prepared today. Xiao Se actually called Yan Zhantian. It seems thatIt's very lively tonight.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

Chi Wang and Xiao Se were sitting together. Xiao Se made a bet that he believed Hua Jin could cure His Highness Bai Wang's eyes, and if he won the bet, he would ask Chi Wang to reveal the whereabouts of his good friend Wu Xin.At this time, there was a fight outside the door. The Marquis was fighting with the people in Anhe at the door, and Lei Wujie was also fighting with him inside. Lei Wujie was fighting with the people in Anhe, and the group of people suddenly vomited blood.King Chi asked people to kill the people in Prince Bai's Mansion. Unexpectedly, Su Changhe sent Wu Xin who had lost his consciousness at this time. Fortunately, Xiao Se arrived in time, and Lei Wujie and the four stood in front of Wu Xin.

Xiao Se called Wu Xin's name and he seemed to have come back to his senses. Wu Xin felt a severe headache. At this time, the Red King also came over, and the Red King asked Wu Xin to step back.The Red King also said that he had sent people to the side of His Highness the White King. He thought he would kill His Highness the White King, but was injured and killed by Xiao Se's hidden weapon that had been hidden deep in the depths.So it was not Xiao Se who failed this time but the Red King.Now the true face of the Red King has been exposed, but Hua Jin and Mu Chunfeng have been seriously injured in order to protect His Highness the White King. Xiao Se feels that this matter cannot be known to everyone for the time being.Ru Jianxian went to see the national master. He said that he met Wu Xin in the rivers and lakes. If he came, he would definitely cause a storm in Tianqi City. The national master also knew that Wu Xin was coming, but he disappeared after a while..

Xiao Se happened to come over and saw Ru Jianxian here. After learning that Hua Jin was injured, Ru Jianxian hurried over.Xiao Se and Lei Wujie told the Imperial Preceptor that someone should be controlling Wu Xin. The Imperial Preceptor immediately guessed Ye Crow and learned from the Imperial Preceptor that if they want to save Wu Xin, they must find Concubine Xuan. Concubine Xuan’s blood may be able to awaken Wu Xin.consciousness.The Holy One also discovered that Hua Jin did not come today, and Mu Chunfeng was just trying to smooth things over. However, the Holy One also guessed that Hua Jin’s injury must be because of the second prince’s affairs, and the general dared to deceive him. He could only say that the Red King was controlling everything from behind. The Holy One heard thatVery angry afterwards.Soon, His Highness Bai Wang also learned that his brother wanted to kill him, but His Highness Bai Wang still couldn't believe it.After Ru Jianxian treated Hua Jin, everything was fine and everyone was relieved.Ru Jianxian also asked Lei Wujie if he had read the books he gave him, but Lei Wujie only read a little bit.Xiao Se told the Marquis that he wanted to go to the harem to see Concubine Xuan. Concubine Xuan had been in the harem for many years. Concubine Xuan would be very worried if he told her that something had happened unintentionally.

The Marquis could only send them in, and then meet them at the door.Lei Wujie didn't expect that the Marquis had prepared clothes for palace ladies. After all, they could only get in by dressing up as palace ladies.From then on, Xiao Se and Lei Wujie saw Concubine Xuan. Concubine Xuan was indeed very beautiful. Concubine Xuan discovered her identity before Xiao Se could speak. Xiao Se came over and said that he only wanted a drop of Concubine Xuan's blood to save his friend.Xiao Se said that the person he wanted to save was Ye Dingzhi's son Ye Anshi, and Xiao Se hoped that Concubine Xuan could help.In fact, Concubine Xuan had already guessed that Wu Xin was her son. Seeing that time was running out, Concubine Xuan gave him her blood.As soon as Xiao Se and Lei Wujie left, the Red King came over. At first, the Red King lied to his mother that he took her blood for sacrifice, but he didn't expect that the Red King actually used blood to repay his brother.Lei Wujie and Xiao Se met someone from Anhe as soon as they came out, and this man wearing a mask was the one who seriously injured Xiao Se back then.Lei Wujie and Xiao Se were naturally no match for him. At this time, Eunuch Jingxian came to help them leave. Eunuch Jingyu recognized that the other party's palm technique was his master, but the master had already passed away.The other party directly beat Eunuch Jingyu to death with one blow, and Xiao Se guessed that this incident must have been done by the five eunuchs in the palace.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

Eunuch Jingxian guessed that the person who killed Jingyu might be among them. At this time, His Highness Prince Bai also came to pay homage to Eunuch Jingyu. Jingyu was His Highness Prince Bai's master, and he was still very sad that his master passed away.His Royal Highness King Bai said that he may not want the throne, but revenge must be avenged.In fact, the chief eunuch is another chess piece next to the Red King. The red king just wants to inherit the throne, but the chief eunuch told His Highness Bai Wang not to worry that he has found an heir to the throne who can be used.

Eunuch Jin Yan left General Ye very early. Now that the Holy Emperor is seriously ill, it is natural that someone would pay homage to the throne. Eunuch Jin Yan wanted to hear General Ye's choice. General Ye said that he had already chosen one, Xiao Chuhe.Eunuch Jinyan said that he could give him another choice, and this person was the name of the person General Ye wanted.Eunuch Jinyan said that General Ye's two good brothers had passed away, but he still wanted General Ye to seek revenge. As long as he gave an order, he could get what he wanted.Xiao Se also guessed that the person who hurt him might be the eunuch. Ye Ruoyi also said that Sikong Qianluo actually liked Xiao Se. Unexpectedly, Xiao Se had known about it for a long time. Xiao Se also deliberately said that Lei Wujie liked Ye Ruoyi. In fact, Ye RuoyiYi also likes Lei Wujie.

Hua Jin took Concubine Xuan's blood back to refine the medicine, but it would still take half a month and several days to refine it, but during this time, the Red King might be interested.Hua Jin knew that Shengshang was ill because he had always had a heart problem. Shengshang said that what he regretted most was the death of his good brother.The Holy Lord said that his greatest wish was to prevent his brother and himself from being looked down upon by others. His younger brother also became the Grand Governor in Beili, but he was killed by the Holy Lord himself.The prince received a letter asking him to return to Apocalypse City as soon as possible. Perhaps this is the last fire in Apocalypse City.In the evening, Xiao Se learned from Ji Xue that his good brother was coming back, and Ji Xue also told Xiao Se about the situation back then.In fact, the emperor at that time may not have been the Holy One. King Langya tore up the edict, but a few years later someone still took out the scroll and said that King Langya should inherit the throne, but no one expected that King Langya would die in the execution ground.Xiao Se also guessed that General Ye had already cooperated with the supervisor. After all, General Ye's best friend back then was King Langya.

When Ye Ruoyi came home, she saw her father writing. His father talked about how he had achieved what he is now step by step. When he almost died, King Langya saved him.General Ye is now compromising on the surface, but in fact he is waiting for an opportunity.General Ye also said that he would send his daughter away as soon as possible. Ye Ruoyi didn't understand why her father originally wanted to help Xiao Se, but now he has returned.Ye Ruoyi and her father had differences, but General Ye still felt that these children were too innocent after all.Ye Ruoyi told Xiao Se the next day that she was going to move here. She told Xiao Se what her father told her yesterday. Xiao Se also guessed that General Ye would want to love and start a rebellion. General Ye's conceitedness might harm him.Eunuch Jinyan reported the recent situation to King Chi. General Ye had already agreed to the matter. King Chi was actually just using General Ye and would eventually be sidelined.The Marquis and Xiao Se played chess together. Even though both of them knew about the case four years ago, they still sighed. In fact, few princes in history ended well.Xiao Se said that Tianqi City was in danger when troops arrived in the city in fifteen days. General Ye would then become the Langya Army and take over Tianqi City.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 33 Details

Episode 33

Xiao Se didn't expect that General Ye would help the Langya army now. In fact, King Langya's son Xiao Lingchen was still there, and he was now waiting for General Ye's men to come and fight with him.At this time, General Ye has left the city to prepare to meet the new King Langya. Now King Langya is heading north all the way to Apocalypse City. A fierce battle will follow in Apocalypse City.The Red King also learned that Xiao Lingchen was coming back, and Xiao Se and the Marquis were also ready to come together when the time came.His Highness Bai Wang is also ready, and now he sees Xiao Lingchen coming back.Xiao Se and Sikong Qianluo were playing chess, but Sikong Qianluo couldn't beat Xiao Se. Sikong Qianluo was still complaining next to him, and Xiao Se told him not to worry.

At this time, Ye Ruoyi came over very anxiously and was a little angry when she saw the two playing chess, but Sikong Qianluo knew that Xiao Se must have a plan.Ji Xue has also learned from Xiao Lingchen that he will definitely destroy the entire Apocalypse City. It seems that the next step will indeed be a fierce battle.Ye Ruoyi also told Mr. Hou about the situation, and Mr. Hou was also prepared.The Red King's subordinates were also worried about whether Xiao Lingchen would be able to resist when the time came, but the Red King was not afraid at all.General Ye has already met Xiao Lingchen, and the next step is for them to return to Tianqi City together.Soon they had arrived at the gate of Tianqi City. At this time, the Holy Sage happened to hear the sound of the trumpet blowing. It seemed that the next step was really a fierce battle.The Marquis also left with his army at this time, and the Red King naturally would not miss this opportunity.

Then he called the mindless Wu Xin over, so that if an accident happened, Wu Xin would be able to save him.Mu Chunfeng and Hua Jin did not expect to encounter such a scene again. Mu Chunfeng also said that he would never let Hua Jin get hurt.At this time, Xiao Lingchen and General Ye had already gathered outside the gate of Tianqi City. Even if the Langya Army came over, it would take two days to capture it. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the city gate was suddenly opened. General Ye and Xiao Lingchen felt like thisThe posture is definitely unusual.The Holy Master also knew that Xiao Lingchen and General Ye had arrived. He got up from the bed and said that he was going to stand here and wait for General Ye and Xiao Lingchen to come over.All the people in the city have gone into hiding, and everyone is afraid of participating in the war. The current Apocalypse City is no longer the original Apocalypse City. Xiao Lingchen told Ye Ruoyi that he had to go somewhere first.The first thing Xiao Lingchen did when he came back was to go to his great-uncle to pay homage to his father. Everything Xiao Lingchen did now was to put down the rebellion and reshape the court for his father.

Xiao Lingchen met the Imperial Master as soon as he came out. The Imperial Master felt that if King Langya was alive, he would definitely not do such a thing, but Xiao Lingchen felt that he should help his father to avenge him. His father was not wrong back then, but he still died after all.Xiao Lingchen did not listen to what the Imperial Master said. It seemed that this war was unavoidable.At this time, Xiao Se, the Red King and the White King were all guarding the Holy Lord. Xiao Se said that he would definitely protect his father's comfort, but the Red King was talking empty words beside him. The Langya Army had already come over while the two were still arguing.The Holy One ordered the palace gate to be opened. At this time, Xiao Lingchen and General Ye had already passed through with an army of 200,000 people. His Highness Bai Wang took the initiative to talk to Xiao Lingchen. Xiao Lingchen said that he felt like he was home.At this time, Eunuch Zhuoxin also came over, holding the Dragon Seal Scroll in his hand, and said that it was King Langya who ascended the throne back then, not the current Holy One. The Holy One felt panic in his heart, and His Royal Highness King Bai was also helping the Holy One speak.Eunuch Zhuoxin said that the scroll in his hand would not change, and asked Xiao Lingchen to open the scroll to see who should be on the throne. Xiao Lingchen took the scroll from Eunuch Zhuoxin, but after reading it, he tore up the scroll.And killed Eunuch Zhuoxin.This shows that the person on the scroll is not King Langya.Later, Xiao Lingchen came to Xiao Se's side. Unexpectedly, the two of them were in a cooperative relationship.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 34 Details

Episode 34

Ye Ruoyi and Hou Ye are still rushing to Tianqi City, and now the war in Tianqi City has begun.Naturally, some of the five chief eunuchs dissatisfied with them, and what followed was indeed a fierce battle.Unexpectedly, Xiao Se actually played this game correctly. Lei Wujie and Xiao Lingchen both stood up and asked all the soldiers to retreat, but no one was willing to retreat. General Ye was still very concerned about this matter.At this time, the Holy Lord asked Xiao Se to declare the decree. The Holy Lord admitted in public that what happened to King Langya back then was framed. In doing so, the Holy Lord also admitted his own mistakes and also wanted General Ye to stop leading troops to attack.

The Holy One said that he accidentally killed King Langya, and that he would go to the Ancestral Temple every three days. Xiao Lingchen also accepted the order and said that he would accept the order, and then the Holy One fainted directly.Although General Ye helped rehabilitate King Langya, he was still unwilling to admit it. He still felt unworthy of King Langya. Since this was the ending now, he could only accept it. It was King Langya's choice back then and he couldn't change it.General Ye also told Ye Ruoyi that he was getting old, and the soldiers who fought together on the battlefield had all left. He was relieved, and now he was relieved to see his daughter's condition improving.General Ye asked his daughter if she still had a good impression of Xiao Se, but Ye Ruoyi said that she and Xiao Se were just friends, but Ye Ruoyi's heart was Lei Wujie.General Ye knew that after this incident, he would definitely not stay in the court anymore. He was still worried about whether anyone would take care of Ye Ruoyi in the future.Xiao Se and Xiao Lingchen went to see the Holy Lord together. This time, thanks to Xiao Se's strategy, huge losses were not caused, otherwise everyone would have been fooled by the Red King.

The Holy One also said that he has been blaming himself for these years. Xiao Lingchen also said that his father had made many achievements in the court. In fact, the Holy One could find out the important officials of the court who were sowing discord, but the Holy One chose to turn a blind eye. In the end, the Holy One still did it for himself.He did not make any excuses for his position, and the Holy Spirit now knew that he had done something wrong.Xiao Lingchen said that his father always remembered his father's feelings for the emperor, but the emperor forgot all about it because of his own interests.The Holy Emperor asked Xiao Lingchen what choice he should make next, but Xiao Lingchen said that he would let whichever minister he hated the most inherit the throne.Xiao Se was still asking if the situation was really that urgent back then. Xiao Se said something that Xiao Lingchen did not dare to say. The Holy Sage said that he immediately ordered the killing of King Langya because even though he was tied to the throne, he could notDon't make a choice.

Xiao Se left after getting the answer from the Holy Sage. Xiao Se did not expect that the Holy Sage's answer was like this.The Red King originally wanted to reap the benefits of this rebellion, but he did not expect that there was no damage this time. The Red King was very angry.Now that Eunuch Jin Yan has escaped, there are only three people left in the five prisons.The eunuch has now taken refuge with the Red King. In fact, Jin Yan has been hiding with Jin Yu. He also has a list in his hand. Jin Yan uses this list to save his life.Now His Highness Bai Wang is also preparing to go out to investigate the matter of the scroll. Now that the matter is left to His Highness Bai Xiao Se, it is difficult for Xiao Se to continue to participate. Sikong Qianluo also wants Ji Xue to investigate, but Xiao Se thinks it is best not to let Bai XiaotangGet involved. After all, Xiao Se's current situation cannot be too public. Xiao Se needs to make long-term plans.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 35 Details

Episode 35

Now many people were staring at Xiao Se's every move. Eunuch Jinxian went to find His Highness the White King and told His Highness what he knew. Although everyone stood still at this time, everyone's hearts were actually filled with secret thoughts.Now everyone is looking for the whereabouts of Eunuch Jin Yan, and now some people have gone to Bai Xiaotang for help.Eunuch Jin Yan now wanted to see His Highness the White King and the Red King. Soon Bai Xiaotang had sent invitations to the two of them. The Red King and the White King were naturally very interested. Ji Xue told Xiao Se everything., then Xiao Se asked Ye Ruoyi to go out with him tomorrow when he was free.The Red King was ready to go to the banquet. At this time, His Royal Highness the White King also came over. Ji Xue invited the two of them to go in together. Unexpectedly, there was Eunuch Jinxian inside. The Red King was still a little agitated when he saw Eunuch Jinxian.He was surprised, but Eunuch Jinyan was eavesdropping on everything from behind the curtain. Jinxian said that his junior brother just wanted to live. King Chi also knew that Eunuch Jinyan was behind the curtain, and he deliberately said a lot of words to irritate Eunuch Jinyan.Later, His Highness Prince Bai also came over. In fact, Eunuch Jinyan just wanted to see what kind of escape plan the two princes had arranged for him, so he finally made a choice.

When it was time for Eunuch Jinyan to make a decision, Eunuch Jinxian told him that he could not choose the Red King, but Eunuch Jinyan did not want to go to the heavenly prison.At this time, Xiao Se also came over. Eunuch Jinxian did not expect that Xiao Se would come. Xiao Se said that he had a way to let Eunuch Jin Yan live openly. Although Xiao Se could not make a decision, he brought the Holy Emperor's handwriting. Xiao Se asked Jin Yan toThe father-in-law went to meet the Holy Lord with the most important things. Naturally, Eunuch Jinxian would not let go easily. After Eunuch Jinxian thought for a long time, he agreed to cooperate with Xiao Se. In order to ensure that Eunuch Jinxian entered the palace smoothly, he promised to let himLei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo acted as protection.After Xiao Se came out, King Chi was very angry when he learned that Eunuch Jin Yan had chosen Xiao Se and left. In fact, the Holy Sage initially handed over this matter to His Highness Prince Bai, but Xiao Se always thought one step more than His Highness Bai Prince, so he couldGet the oracle.This time Xiao Se must fight against His Highness the Red King fiercely.

In the evening, Xiao Se took Eunuch Jinxian and Eunuch Jinyan to leave together. At this time, the atmosphere on the road was particularly cold. Eunuch Jinyan just wanted to live well, but as soon as he walked on the road, he was attacked by a man in black.Thinking that the eunuch was still blocking him on the road, fortunately Xiao Se reacted quickly, and with the help of Sikong Qianluo and Lei Wujie, Xiao Se successfully brought Eunuch Jin Yan to the Holy Lord.Eunuch Jinyan handed over the secrets in his hands to the Holy One. The Holy One did not read it but directly burned the list of rebels.The Holy Emperor did not punish Jin Yan, and Jin Yan and Jin Xian left with peace of mind.Xiao Se took the opportunity to say that when the eunuch attacked on the road, the Holy Master was very angry when he found out. In fact, Xiao Se just wanted to break off one of the Red King's arms.In fact, there will be differences between His Highness Bai Wang and Xiao Se when doing things. After all, they are not the same person.Recently, Hua Jin has been staying with the Holy One. In fact, the Holy One also knew the crimes committed by his son, but when it came time to take action, the Holy One still hesitated. After all, they were all his own sons. Now he just begged Hua Jin to let him go.If you live a little longer, you can take advantage of this time to do more things.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 36 Details

Episode 36

Hua Jin has been staying with the Holy Sage. The Holy Sage wants Hua Jin to use his medical skills to let him live for a few more days. If he leaves now, Apocalypse City will inevitably be disrupted. He is just trying his best to help the three of them.son.Xiao Se's most important goal now is to get Wu Xin back. The Red King is completely stunned now. He just wants to kill Xiao Se.Hua Jin made a medicine in the hope of saving Wu Xin, but the most important thing now is to know where Wu Xin is.Lei Wujie felt that Xiao Se was a little strange recently. He seemed to always avoid others and only let Lei Wujie follow him.Xiao Se said that he already understood his wish back then, but he still didn't want more people to be involved in the remaining matters, so he only called Lei Wujie.

Lei Wujie was curious as to why he only brought himself with him. Lei Wujie thought he was very strong.At this time, people from the dark river also came over. Lei Wujie was very angry that he had participated in the strangulation of his sister. Xiao Se stopped Lei Wujie. In fact, he was still a person with a trace of conscience in the dark river.In fact, Xiao Se knew that what Su Changhe was doing now had violated Anhe's main purpose. Xiao Se wanted to cooperate with him this time, but Su Muyu finally agreed.After Lei Wujie and Xiao Se went back, Ye Ruoyi also asked where the two of them had gone. Lei Wujie didn't know what Wanhua Tower was about, and said that he went to Wanhua Tower. Afterwards, he learned that it was a brothel and hurriedlyExplain to Ye Ruoyi.After going out, Ye Ruoyi said there was a good place that she wanted Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo to go with, and Sikong Qianluo naturally agreed.

His Highness King Bai saw that Apocalypse City had been very quiet recently, but he always felt a little uneasy. His subordinates also asked His Highness Bai Wang to go and see the beautiful scenery of Apocalypse City when he had time. After all, His Highness Bai Wang had been blind for a long time, so he had never seen Apocalypse City.beautiful scenery.Ye Ruoyi was shopping nearby, but found that she had no money. Unexpectedly, Xiao Se was right behind Sikong Qianluo. After learning that Sikong Qianluo had no money, he took the initiative to pay for everything.Lei Wujie and Ye Ruoyi also went shopping together. Ye Ruoyi also asked Lei Wujie that the matter in Tianqi City should be over. She asked Lei Wujie where he wanted to go. Lei Wujie said a lot about the places he yearned for. Unexpectedly,Ye Ruoyi actually said that she wanted to go with Lei Wujie, and Lei Wujie was naturally very happy.Xiao Se was also about to call Lei Wujie to go to Jiuxiao City. Ye Ruoyi deliberately took Sikong Qianluo away. At this time, Su Muyu also came over. Xiao Se called Lei Wujie and they should take action.

Now that the Red King has left the house, now is their best chance to take action.Rui'er looked at everything on the street and thought of Tang Lian. In fact, she and Tang Lian had agreed to visit Xueyue City together, but this wish never came true.The Red King met the assassin on the road, and Su Changhe also met Xiao Se and Lei Wujie on the other side. Xiao Se naturally wanted to kill Suchanghe.But Su Changhe didn't expect that Su Muyu and Xiao Se would become friends. In this case, they were destined to be rivals. Su Muyu and Su Changhe confronted each other. Su Muyu asked Xiao Se to leave first and leave this place to them first.Ye Ruoyi and Sikong Qianluo couldn't find Xiao Se and Lei Wujie, and they speculated that they might have to rescue Wu Xin.Sure enough, Xiao Se came to the Red King's dungeon. He saw that Yue Ji had also been made into a medicine man, and Wu Xin was locked in the deepest place. Xiao Se was about to give Wu Xin the medicine to take, but someone triggered the mechanism, and Wu Xin's formation broke.Xiao Se didn't react at all to all the iron chains.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 37 Details

Episode 37

With the cooperation of Rui'er and Su Muyu, they successfully stabbed Su Changhe. Su Muyu said that he just wanted to save all the Anhe children. Su Changhe knew that he would definitely not be able to survive today. In the end, Su Muyu sent Su Changhe away.The last journey to Changhe.Wu Xin began to regain his sanity, but at the last moment the Red King appeared, but His Highness the White King and Sikong Qianluo came over and took Xiao Se away due to illness.

After returning, Xiao Se was scolded by Sikong Qianluo. After all, it was still very dangerous for him to take risks alone.Xiao Se almost succeeded, but was taken away by Sikong Qianluo. Sikong Qianluo was actually more worried about Xiao Se's danger. Sikong Qianluo felt that it didn't matter whether he could return to Xueyue City, and as long as he could be with Xiao Se, he wouldEnough.King Chi was very angry when he learned that Su Changhe was dead. His next plan was to send the letter to Muliang City. Ji Xue soon received the message from his father and learned that Luo Qingyang had left the city. Ji Xue soonAfter telling Xiao Se the news, it seemed that Luo Qingyang must have been called over by the Red King. Luo Qingyang's strength did not allow him to rest. Since His Highness the White King's eyes were cured, he also began to help Xiao Se. After all, Xiao Se was againstHe is gracious.

Wushuang came to Xueyue City, and Sikong Changfeng's computer controlled Wushuang. Wushuang used all his swords. He just wanted to see his strength, and then wanted Fairy Luoxia to leave with him, but Fairy Luoxia still refused..Wushuang went to the inn to look for food, but learned that it was sold out. Wushuang saw someone eating nearby, so he took the initiative to strike up a conversation. Wushuang was not afraid of being poisoned and started eating with the person directly.At this time, Su Muyu also came over. Su Muyu also said that he could provide Wushuang with the best sword. Wushuang was a little excited when he arrived.There are also undercurrents surging in the world now. Some people support Xiao Se, and others will naturally oppose Xiao Se.At this time, Luo Qingyang had arrived outside Tianqi City, and he threw the card handle directly on the ground.

Luo Qingyang came to Tianqi City. His main purpose of coming here was to kill people, but at this time Yan Zhantian also came over.Luo Qingyang's main purpose of coming here this time was to kill Xiao Se. Everyone came to watch the excitement. The next step was a contest between sword immortals. Lei Wujie was very curious.Xiao Se knew that Luo Qingyang was here to kill him and was not worried. The next step was to see the battle between Yan Zhantian and Luo Qingyang.Soon the two were fighting together. Now was the time when Yan Zhantian was at his most angry. Everyone saw that it was a wonderful showdown, but in the end Luo Qingyang won. His Highness the White King and the Red King also came over. TheyI also came to watch this exciting duel. As the master of His Highness Prince Bai, Yan Zhantian had to leave first because he lost the game.

At this time, Wushuang also came to ask for advice. Xiao Se did not expect Wushuang to come over. His Highness Bai Wang said that he invited Wushuang to come over, and Wushuang City was also missing a chance.Luo Qingyang naturally didn't take it seriously when he saw that Wushuang was a child, and soon the two of them were fighting together. Luo Qingyang just regarded Wushuang as a child. At this time, Wushuang used the Ming Dynasty Vermillion Bird Sword Technique, but the Red King was not interested in this.Very interested in the sword.Luo Qingyang also used his national sword. Sikong Qianluo always felt a little desolate after seeing it. In fact, Luo Qingyang also had his own helplessness.Wushuang and Luo Qingyang fought together. They thought it was a tie, but Wushuang still vomited blood. This time Wushuang City was defeated after all. Just when he was about to kill Wushuang at the last moment, Xiao Se appeared in time and said that he would notLet Luo Qingyang kill Wushuang.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 38 Details

Episode 38

Luo Qingyang knocked Wushuang down. Fortunately, Xiao Se appeared in time. Xiao Se also said that he would definitely not be able to hurt Wushuang today. Luo Qingyang learned that the person in front of him was Xiao Chuhe, so he said that Xiao Se could not kill him, and Lei Wujie came out on his own initiative.Talking to him, and Lei Wujie didn't give Luo Qingyang the time to speak. In fact, he just wanted to delay time. At first, Sikong Qianluo thought that Lei Wujie must die, but he didn't expect that Lei Wujie actually wanted to let Luo Qingyang.Qingyang Li's character design was gone. After Ye Ruoyi's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that Lei Wujie still had his own ideas.Lei Wujie knew that he couldn't defeat Luo Qingyang, but it was good news to delay him for a while.In the evening, Xiao Se asked Xie Xuan to help Wushuang treat him. Everyone hoped that Wushuang could recover as soon as possible. Lei Wujie also wanted Wushuang to continue competing with Luo Qingyang. Wushuang said that Luo Qingyang's swordsmanship was indeed very superb, and it would not be easy for him to defeat him.things.

Lei Wujie was still very angry. He planned to confront Luo Qingyang with curses. Everyone was speechless. Everyone knew that Lei Wujie's words were not feasible.Swearing is only a auxiliary function, the main thing is to have superb martial arts.Lei Wujie also told Xiao Se that he should concentrate on raising the sword. Lei Wujie's sister once won by raising the sword in one move for seven days, so Lei Wujie also wanted to try it.Ye Ruoyi and Sikong Qianluo were both worried about Xiao Se and Lei Wujie. After all, Luo Qingyang came here mainly to target Xiao Se.After Li Hanyi also woke up, Li Hanyi always saw his beloved in his dreams. Now everyone is worried about the situation in Tianqi City.At this time, Xiao Se learned the good news. Unexpectedly, someone wanted to take the opportunity to invade Tianqi City. Xiao Se was preparing to break into Tianjian Pavilion. Xiao Se told the Grand Master about it. The Grand Master was still worried about Xiao Se's safety. ThisShi Sikong Qianluo came out and said that he would always protect Xiao Se, so the grand master was relieved.

The Grand Master brought Xiao Se and Sikong Qianluo to Tianjian Pavilion. Next, Xiao Se had to use his own strength to challenge successfully.Then Sikong Qianluo helped Xiao Se block the sword outside the door. Xiao Se went to the room and took the sword. In a daze, he saw the Holy Lord in front of him. In fact, the Holy Lord was the father in Xiao Se's memories. It turned out that Xiao Se's inner demon was his father. The Holy LordHe also asked Xiao Se why he didn't confront him that day. The Holy One has been asking Xiao Se to kill him, but Xiao Se has been reluctant to do it. In fact, it's not that Xiao Se is afraid. Xiao Se said that he did hate his father, but he also had regrets. Xiao SeHe took out his knife to kill the opponent, but Sheng Shang suddenly disappeared. Although Xiao Se defeated the inner demon of Sheng Shang, Luo Qingyang suddenly appeared again. Luo Qingyang killed all Xiao Se's good friends, and Xiao Se failed to defeat him in the end.The inner demon was ejected.

Xiao Se returned to reality. The sword guard told Xiao Se that if he kept insisting like this, the people outside the door might not be able to hold on for long. Xiao Se hesitated and gave up holding the sword. At this time, Sikong Qianluo was already scarred. Although in Xiao SeIt may have only been a moment, but three hours had passed outside the door, and Xiao Se understood a lot.The three days came soon. Luo Qingyang had been waiting for Lei Wujie to come and fight. Unexpectedly, it was Xiao Se who came. Luo Qingyang was surprised when he arrived. Xiao Se used the splitting sword technique to fight with Lei Wujie.Luo Qingyang resisted. Luo Qingyang thought that Xiao Se only had this move. Xiao Se actually used the Dragon Shocking Technique. Luo Qingyang knew that Xiao Se was difficult to deal with. At this time, Xiao Se used Lei Wujie's curse to make Luo QingyangQingyang was distracted, Luo Qingyang couldn't use the sword normally at all, and Xiao Se was injured in the end. Luo Qingyang was about to use his last trick to fight against Luo Qingyang, but at this moment Lei Wujie came over.Unexpectedly, there were not only Lei Wujie, but also Sikong Qianluo and Ji Xue. They all came to help Lei Wujie. Even if they were injured, they would not back down. They just wanted to show off with Luo Qingyang..

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 39 Details

Episode 39

Xiao Se saw that his friends were protecting him, and he must not retreat. Xiao Se said that he was not convinced and then stood up to confront Luo Qingyang. The sword in the Sword Immortal Pavilion suddenly began to waver and was about to reach Xiao Se's hand.Seeing that Xiao Se was about to be defeated, at the last moment, the top ten famous swords came to Xiao Se's side. It seemed that it had recognized Xiao Se as its master. Everyone present did not expect that Xiao Se would still have the courage to confront Luo Qingyang., and Luo Qingyang was also seriously injured.Luo Qingyang took advantage of the chaos to assassinate the Holy Lord. Hua Jin and his party had been guarding the Holy Lord. At this time, the eunuch who had been placed beside the Holy Lord made a fuss saying that the Holy Lord had passed away.Originally, the Marquis wanted to catch him and ask who was behind the scenes, but the other party directly committed suicide by taking poison.Luo Qingyang had gone crazy at this time. Xiao Se's biggest worry was Tianqi City. At the last moment, Concubine Xuan called Luo Qingyang. Luo Qingyang did not go crazy. Concubine Xuan just said that Luo Qingyang came a little late.Luo Qingyang left directly.After Luo Qingyang left, Xiao Se's hanging heart was relieved. He fainted directly. Everyone was very worried about Xiao Se's condition.Fortunately, Hua Jin's superb medical skills did not let the Holy Master pass away, and now the situation in Apocalypse City was stabilized.The Red King knew that Luo Qingyang could no longer control him, so he prepared to activate the last chess piece Wu Xin. The purpose tonight was to kill Xiao Se.

Concubine Xuan knew that Luo Qingyang had gone crazy, so she helped Luo Qingyang detoxify. After this incident, Luo Qingyang also understood a lot. In fact, all of this was his own will. Luo Qingyang came here to take Concubine Xuan away.However, Concubine Xuan didn't know where she was going. Luo Qingyang felt that as long as she left Tianqi City, she would be free.Concubine Xuan said that she could leave, but she had to take her son with her, and Luo Qingyang naturally agreed.Sikong Qianluo had been staying by Xiao Se's side. Xiao Se was still unconscious at this time. Sikong Qianluo talked about what they had experienced together, hoping to wake Xiao Se up as soon as possible.Lei Wujie and Ye Ruoyi were guarding the door. Lei Wujie also thought about the scene when he met Xiao Se for the first time. He originally thought that this road was easy to walk, but his senior brother Tang Lian also passed away, and Xiao Se was often injured., Lei Wujie felt that he was useless, and Ye Ruoyi was always comforting Lei Wujie.At this time, the Red King pretended to come over and brought Wu Xin, Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo to confront Wu Xin. Unexpectedly, Xiao Se woke up. It turned out that Ji Xue had given all her skills to Xiao Se, andJi Xue also passed out.The Red King is just not convinced why Xiao Se is always better than him. Only by getting rid of Xiao Se can he become the number one in his father's mouth.The Red King even said that Xiao Se was going to die soon. Lei Wujie took the opportunity to sneak attack the Red King, but was stopped by Wu Xin. Xiao Se suddenly remembered that he and Lei Wujie might be the ones who could stop Wu Xin.

Xiao Se and Lei Wujie had been desperately trying to wake up Wu Xin, but Wu Xin regained his mind. They took the opportunity to knock Wu Xin out, and now the Red King had no helper.Seeing that Xiao Se had no helpers, he didn't expect Wu Xin to wake up.Concubine Xuan and Luo Qingyang also came over. Concubine Xuan originally wanted to leave with her son, King Chi, but Xiao Se disagreed. After all, King Chi killed Tang Lian.The Red King even did not hesitate to hurt his mother for his own benefit, and all this was seen by Wu Xin. Luo Qingyang did not expect that the Red King would become like this. The Red King would always feel that he was the one left behind, butConcubine Xuan still loves him the most.The Red King actually had a lot, but he didn't care at all. Only now did he understand that it was too late.King Chi laughed and it turned out that his life was the biggest joke. After saying this, King Chi committed suicide. Concubine Xuan stayed by her son's side all the time, but she didn't expect that the ending would be like this.

Ye Ruoyi and Hou Ye are still rushing to Tianqi City, and now the war in Tianqi City has begun.Naturally, some of the five chief eunuchs dissatisfied with them, and what followed was indeed a fierce battle.Unexpectedly, Xiao Se actually played this game correctly. Lei Wujie and Xiao Lingchen both stood up and asked all the soldiers to retreat, but no one was willing to retreat. General Ye was still very concerned about this matter.At this time, the Holy Lord asked Xiao Se to declare the decree. The Holy Lord admitted in public that what happened to King Langya back then was framed. In doing so, the Holy Lord also admitted his own mistakes and also wanted General Ye to stop leading troops to attack.The Holy One said that he accidentally killed King Langya, and that he would go to the Ancestral Temple every three days. Xiao Lingchen also accepted the order and said that he would accept the order, and then the Holy One fainted directly.Although General Ye helped rehabilitate King Langya, he was still unwilling to admit it. He still felt unworthy of King Langya. Since this was the ending now, he could only accept it. It was King Langya's choice back then and he couldn't change it.General Ye also told Ye Ruoyi that he was getting old, and the soldiers who fought together on the battlefield had all left. He was relieved, and now he was relieved to see his daughter's condition improving.

General Ye asked his daughter if she still had a good impression of Xiao Se, but Ye Ruoyi said that she and Xiao Se were just friends, but Ye Ruoyi's heart was Lei Wujie.General Ye knew that after this incident, he would definitely not stay in the court anymore. He was still worried about whether anyone would take care of Ye Ruoyi in the future.Xiao Se and Xiao Lingchen went to see the Holy Lord together. This time, thanks to Xiao Se's strategy, huge losses were not caused, otherwise everyone would have been fooled by the Red King.The Holy One also said that he has been blaming himself for these years. Xiao Lingchen also said that his father had made many achievements in the court. In fact, the Holy One could find out the important officials of the court who were sowing discord, but the Holy One chose to turn a blind eye. In the end, the Holy One still did it for himself.He did not make any excuses for his position, and the Holy Spirit now knew that he had done something wrong.Xiao Lingchen said that his father always remembered his father's feelings for the emperor, but the emperor forgot all about it because of his own interests.The Holy Emperor asked Xiao Lingchen what choice he should make next, but Xiao Lingchen said that he would let whichever minister he hated the most inherit the throne.

Xiao Se was still asking if the situation was really that urgent back then. Xiao Se said something that Xiao Lingchen did not dare to say. The Holy Sage said that he immediately ordered the killing of King Langya because even though he was tied to the throne, he could notDon't make a choice.Xiao Se left after getting the answer from the Holy Sage. Xiao Se did not expect that the Holy Sage's answer was like this.The Red King originally wanted to reap the benefits of this rebellion, but he did not expect that there was no damage this time. The Red King was very angry.Now that Eunuch Jin Yan has escaped, there are only three people left in the five prisons.The eunuch has now taken refuge with the Red King. In fact, Jin Yan has been hiding with Jin Yu. He also has a list in his hand. Jin Yan uses this list to save his life.Now His Highness Bai Wang is also preparing to go out to investigate the matter of the scroll. Now that the matter is left to His Highness Bai Xiao Se, it is difficult for Xiao Se to continue to participate. Sikong Qianluo also wants Ji Xue to investigate, but Xiao Se thinks it is best not to let Bai XiaotangGet involved. After all, Xiao Se's current situation cannot be too public. Xiao Se needs to make long-term plans.

《The Blood of Youth》Episode 40 Details

Episode 40

Hua Jin has been taking care of Shengshang, and Shengshang finally woke up.Wu Xin had already woken up, and he was about to leave Tianqi City. Wu Xin said that he would come back to join them after handling the matter.Xiao Se still couldn't let go of Wu Xin. Xiao Se said he wasn't worried but in fact he was still very worried about Wu Xin. Wu Xin said that now Xiao Se was only one step away from the throne and only Xiao Se could decide for himself.Although everyone was very reluctant to leave Wu Xin, it was time to say goodbye after all, and they still had to separate. Xiao Se believed that they would eventually meet again.Xiao Se went to see his father, but he didn't expect that the eunuch would be released. Xiao Se was very angry when he saw him, and the emperor only asked him to let the eunuch go.

The Holy Master learned from Hua Jin that he could still hold on for another year, but he could do nothing but lie in bed. The other option was that he could only live for three hours.The Holy One naturally chose the latter. The throne has not yet been decided. The Holy One even knows that the Heavenly Sword has appeared. Xiao Se is the chosen one. The Holy One does not want to see the world in chaos. It states that the Holy One will inherit the throne to the second prince.Your Highness, King Bai, the Holy One knew that Xiao Se had never been interested in the throne, so he did not teach it to him.The Holy One held Xiao Se's hand. The father and son had not had a good conversation together for a long time. The Holy One was still talking about the hardships of the past. The Holy One's words seemed to be his last words to Xiao Se.Xiao Se said that when he was a child, he felt very at ease when he saw the Holy Sage beside him. Xiao Se always wanted to use the weapons in his hands to protect his father. Now the Holy Sage is still worried about Xiao Se's marriage.

Xiao Se also said that Concubine Xuan had left, and the Holy Emperor seemed to have known about it for a long time and didn't pay much attention to it.Xiao Se knew that once he made a choice, there would be no turning back. The Holy Spirit said that he was a little tired and asked Xiao Se to go back. In fact, Xiao Se could feel that his father was leaving. As soon as Xiao Se left, he turned around and saw his father falling. Xiao Se knelt on the ground and gave him a hand.The father gave a big salute.On the day of the emperor's death, Langya's army was also defeated.Xiao Se was about to leave, but his second brother, Prince Bai, did not want Xiao Se to leave. After all, Xiao Se was the future king of a country. Xiao Se decided to go to the North Kingdom alone. Sikong Qianluo wanted to leave with Xiao Se, but Xiao Se refused.The eunuch found His Highness King Bai and handed the scroll to him. He did not expect that his father would leave the throne to him. The eunuch said that he saw it with his own eyes, and his name was His Highness Bai Wang. Even if Xiao Se returned from a victorious battle,To no avail.His Highness the White King knew that the eunuch wanted to form an alliance with him, but His Highness the White King felt that he was once a member of the Red King. If Xiao Se returned from a victorious battle, they would have no chance of winning.However, His Highness Bai Wang felt that if Xiao Se did not come back, they would have no way out.

His Highness Prince Bai said that he had been waiting for the eunuch. In fact, before his father died, he told the second prince that if the eunuch came to find him, he would definitely kill him. The Marquis and his party also broke in. The eunuch knew that heThere is definitely no way out.Soon, Xiao Se also came back, and Lei Wujie and his party greeted Xiao Se at the city gate.Everyone was waiting for Xiao Se to come back and inherit the throne. Xiao Se did not sit on the throne. Xiao Se did not understand why so many people wanted to take this position. The Marquis also said that he did not know. Then Xiao Se sat in this position. Xiao Se thought of Wu Xin.He once said that when he sits in this position, what he is thinking right now is what he is thinking right now.Xiao Se then asked the Marquis to read out the imperial edict to everyone. Unexpectedly, the emperor he chose was His Highness the White King.Everyone present did not expect that Xiao Se would leave so casually.When Lei Wujie saw Xiao Se coming back, he quickly asked him to pack his things and prepare to leave. In fact, Xiao Se planned to leave Apocalypse City after handling the matter. All his friends in Apocalypse City came to say goodbye to Xiao Se. Although everyone was very reluctant to leave Xiao Se, in the endWhen it was time to say goodbye, before Xiao Se was about to leave, His Royal Highness the White King gave Xiao Se an imperial edict, which stated that Xiao Se was the emperor. In fact, the Holy Emperor wanted the two of them to choose by themselves, and Xiao Se also made what he thought was the most correct decision.choice.Now many people were staring at Xiao Se's every move. Eunuch Jinxian went to find His Highness the White King and told His Highness what he knew. Although everyone stood still at this time, everyone's hearts were actually filled with secret thoughts.

Now everyone is looking for the whereabouts of Eunuch Jin Yan, and now some people have gone to Bai Xiaotang for help.Eunuch Jin Yan now wanted to see His Highness the White King and the Red King. Soon Bai Xiaotang had sent invitations to the two of them. The Red King and the White King were naturally very interested. Ji Xue told Xiao Se everything., then Xiao Se asked Ye Ruoyi to go out with him tomorrow when he was free.The Red King was ready to go to the banquet. At this time, His Royal Highness the White King also came over. Ji Xue invited the two of them to go in together. Unexpectedly, there was Eunuch Jinxian inside. The Red King was still a little agitated when he saw Eunuch Jinxian.He was surprised, but Eunuch Jinyan was eavesdropping on everything from behind the curtain. Jinxian said that his junior brother just wanted to live. King Chi also knew that Eunuch Jinyan was behind the curtain, and he deliberately said a lot of words to irritate Eunuch Jinyan.Later, His Highness Prince Bai also came over. In fact, Eunuch Jinyan just wanted to see what kind of escape plan the two princes had arranged for him, so he finally made a choice.When it was time for Eunuch Jinyan to make a decision, Eunuch Jinxian told him that he could not choose the Red King, but Eunuch Jinyan did not want to go to the heavenly prison.At this time, Xiao Se also came over. Eunuch Jinxian did not expect that Xiao Se would come. Xiao Se said that he had a way to let Eunuch Jin Yan live openly. Although Xiao Se could not make a decision, he brought the Holy Emperor's handwriting. Xiao Se asked Jin Yan toThe father-in-law went to meet the Holy Lord with the most important things. Naturally, Eunuch Jinxian would not let go easily. After Eunuch Jinxian thought for a long time, he agreed to cooperate with Xiao Se. In order to ensure that Eunuch Jinxian entered the palace smoothly, he promised to let himLei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo acted as protection.

After Xiao Se came out, King Chi was very angry when he learned that Eunuch Jin Yan had chosen Xiao Se and left. In fact, the Holy Sage initially handed over this matter to His Highness Prince Bai, but Xiao Se always thought one step more than His Highness Bai Prince, so he couldGet the oracle.This time Xiao Se must fight against His Highness the Red King fiercely.In the evening, Xiao Se took Eunuch Jinxian and Eunuch Jinyan to leave together. At this time, the atmosphere on the road was particularly cold. Eunuch Jinyan just wanted to live well, but as soon as he walked on the road, he was attacked by a man in black.Thinking that the eunuch was still blocking him on the road, fortunately Xiao Se reacted quickly, and with the help of Sikong Qianluo and Lei Wujie, Xiao Se successfully brought Eunuch Jin Yan to the Holy Lord.Eunuch Jinyan handed over the secrets in his hands to the Holy One. The Holy One did not read it but directly burned the list of rebels.

The Holy Emperor did not punish Jin Yan, and Jin Yan and Jin Xian left with peace of mind.Xiao Se took the opportunity to say that when the eunuch attacked on the road, the Holy Master was very angry when he found out. In fact, Xiao Se just wanted to break off one of the Red King's arms.In fact, there will be differences between His Highness Bai Wang and Xiao Se when doing things. After all, they are not the same person.Recently, Hua Jin has been staying with the Holy One. In fact, the Holy One also knew the crimes committed by his son, but when it came time to take action, the Holy One still hesitated. After all, they were all his own sons. Now he just begged Hua Jin to let him go.If you live a little longer, you can take advantage of this time to do more things.