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《Game of Thrones Season 6》 Summ

《Game of Thrones》 Season 6 opens with a heartbreaking tragedy. Jon Snow's body% is found on the Great Wall of Ice, and his direwolf howls, as if to tell the story of endless sorrow..Snow's eyes were open, full of despair, as if he wanted to tell the world about his unfinished mission and regrets.Such a picture not only shocked the audience, but also foreshadowed the complexity and tension of this season's plot.

At the same time, in the eerie Black Castle, Ramsay Bolton's behavior is even more frightening.His mourning for his lost love Miranda is short-lived and he soon reveals his ruthless side by ordering her body to be fed to dogs.Such behavior undoubtedly deepened the conflict between him and the people around him, and also paved the way for the subsequent plot.

And in Sansa Stark and Theon who escaped, we saw the hardship and hope of survival.They ran hard in the snow, avoiding the pursuit of hounds, and finally escaped with the help of Brienne and Pod.As a noble, Sansa still maintains her tenacity and temperament despite being in trouble. She accepted Brienne's surrender and swore her sovereignty, which indicates that she will play a more important role in future plots..

In King's Landing, Cersei Lannister's expectations contrast sharply with her disappointment.She originally thought that the return of James and Myrcella would bring her joy, but what was waiting was the body of the child.Such a blow undoubtedly made her psychological defense more fragile and paved the way for her subsequent behavior.

On the other side of the Narrow Sea, the rule of the dragon mother Daenerys Targaryen is also facing huge challenges.The people of Meereen are panicking. Other city-states in Slaver's Bay have resumed slavery, and her hard work is about to be destroyed.To make matters worse, she has also lost control of the dragon, putting her dominance in jeopardy.After being captured by the Dothraki, she was whipped and insulted, but she remained silent and stoic.She did not reveal her identity until she met the leader Kaomolo, but she was still sentenced to live in the temple for the rest of her life.Such an encounter was undoubtedly a major blow to her, but it also strengthened her beliefs and goals.

What's even more deadly is that ancient legends and long-extinct creatures are returning to this land.The emergence of these creatures not only brings new threats and challenges to various forces, but also heralds a huge change in the fate of the entire continent.The power and influence of these creatures will have a profound impact on the entire plot.

《Game of Thrones》The main storyline of season 6 is more complex and tense, with each character facing tests and choices on the edge of life and death.At the same time, the appearance of ancient creatures also adds more mystery and uncertainty to the entire plot.Against this background, how each character will respond to challenges and achieve their goals has become the biggest highlight of this season.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 1 Details

red witch

In the biting north wind, in the wolf den of Castle Black, a direwolf scratched anxiously at the cold door.It sensed the danger faced by its master Jon Snow, but this sense could not pass through the thick stone wall and pass the warning to Jon.Ser Davos Seaworth and his men were alerted by the sudden noise and walked out of the room to check the situation.

In a dark corner, they found Jon lying in a pool of blood.His body had stiffened, and the final shock and unwillingness were solidified on his face.Not far away, a wooden board was nailed to the wall, with the word "traitor“" written on it in rough handwriting.This was obviously the work of the Night's Watch who were dissatisfied with the wildlings entering the North, and the mastermind behind it was probably Ser Alliser Thorne, the Chief Ranger.

With heavy hearts and anger, everyone carried Jon's body back into the house.Eddie, Jon's loyal friend, could only painfully touch his friend's eyes that refused to close.Jon's death not only means the departure of a good friend, but also symbolizes the breaking of the oath of the Night's Watch.In this moment of betrayal and conspiracy, except for a few of Jon's friends in the house, no one else can be trusted.

After Thorne took over the leadership of the Night's Watch, he began to eliminate dissidents and consolidate his position.His behavior caused division and chaos within the Night's Watch. Some people supported his actions and believed that Jon led the wolf into the house and put the Night's Watch in danger; while other people were angry and sad about Jon's death and believed that JonEun's actions violated the oath of the Night's Watch.

At this time, the arrival of the red priestess Melisandre brought new variables to this chaotic situation.She had foreseen that Stannis Baratheon would take Winterfell, but the result was that his army would be annihilated.She had seen Jon fighting at Winterfell in the flames, and now she could only face his cold body.Melisandre's prophecies failed one after another, causing her to doubt her abilities.

In the gathering hall, Thorne sat on the stage and looked coldly at the noisy night watchmen below.He admits to the fact that he killed Jon and is forthright about why.Jon allowed the wildlings to enter the Wall, which indeed put the Night's Watch in danger.These words caused many Night Watchmen to fall into silence. After all, they had been enemies of the savages for many years, and no one wanted their former enemies to be looking at their backs.

At the same time, a thrilling hunt is also taking place in Winterfell.Ramsey Bolton stood next to the body of his lover Miranda, filled with anger.He vowed to find Sansa Stark and ”Reek% Theon who betrayed him and punish them severely.Sansa and Theon encountered many dangers during their escape, but with the help of their tenacious will and Brienne's help, they successfully escaped capture.

red witch

In Dorne, a power struggle within the family is also secretly unfolding.Ellaria Sand, with the cooperation of her daughter, assassinated Prince Doran, triggering turmoil within the family.Doran's bodyguards resented his failure to avenge House Martell, and were indifferent to the assassination.The helpless Doran hoped that his son Tristan would avenge him before he died, but what he didn't know was that Ellaria's other two daughters had already pierced Tristan's head with a spear.

In the distant city of Meereen, the disappearance of the dragon mother Daenerys Targaryen has plunged the city into crisis.Food is in short supply, followers of the Harpy are causing chaos everywhere, and the whole city seems to be in a doomsday panic.The little devil Tyrion Lannister and the eunuch Varys put on the clothes of ordinary merchants and inspected the situation in the city, trying to find solutions to the problems.However, a sudden fire destroyed their hopes. The sailboat docked in the port was engulfed in flames, and their hope of returning to Westeros was also dashed.

On the streets of Braavos, Arya Stark was reduced to a beggar after her sight was taken away by the Many-Faced God.She helplessly asked for alms from passers-by, and at the same time heard all kinds of news from passers-by.Veve, the maid who once served the Many-Faced God in the Black and White Hall, appears again and challenges Arya.Although Arya is blind, she relies on her tenacity and past training to successfully resist Veve's attack.The appearance of Veve may mean that the Many-Faced God has not given up on Arya, and she may be about to usher in a new turn.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 2 Details

Jon's resurrection

In the fantasy world of "A Song of Ice and Fire", every character is struggling in the torrent of fate and seeking their own way out.Bran relived the good times of his childhood in the fantasy world under the weirwood trees in the cave. However, the cruelty of reality made him long to stay in this fantasy land forever.Meera's worries reflect the cold reality of the approaching winter, and the threat of the White Walkers puts the order of the world in jeopardy.

At the same time, the power struggle in King's Landing intensified.Queen Cersei's indifference and selfishness, and the Kingsguard's brutal suppression, all reveal the darkness and corruption behind this castle.Outside the Red Keep, Daenerys's hard work is at stake in the turmoil of Slaver's Bay. Although Tyrion and others are extremely resourceful, they are helpless in the face of such a complicated situation.

Jon's resurrection

Arya's tenacity and unyieldingness on the streets of Braavos are her resistance and struggle against fate.She doesn't want to tell her real name because she has decided to take a different path and become a Faceless Man to change the world in her own way.

The power struggle at Winterfell is equally intense.The father-son relationship between Roose Bolton and Ramsay was full of suspicion and betrayal, which eventually led to Ramsay's crazy revenge.Although his behavior is cruel, it also reflects the cruelty and ruthlessness of the power struggle to a certain extent.

Davos and Melisandre in Castle Black represent another kind of hope and faith.Davos's loyalty and belief in Jon led him to seek a way to resurrect Jon at all costs.Although Melisandre's faith collapsed, with the encouragement of Davos, she still decided to give it a try.Ultimately, Jon's resurrection seems to herald a new hope and possibility.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 3 Details


At the door of the cold room, Davos and Melisandre witnessed Jon Snow's miraculous recovery.The shock in their hearts was no less than Jon's own doubts about survival.Jon, who was seriously injured, once fell into the abyss of death. However, he tenaciously broke away from the shackles of death and returned to this world full of unknowns and challenges.

Ollie's fatal knife was supposed to be the end of Jon's fate, but fate, in its own unique way, allowed Jon to stand up again after wandering on the edge of death.This experience not only allowed Jon to experience the fragility and tenacity of life, but also gave him a deeper understanding of life and death.

Priestess Melisandre firmly believes that Jon's resurrection is not an accident, but the mission given to him by the Lord of Light.She is convinced that Jon is the rebirth of the legendary hero Prince Azor Ahai who was prophesied in the ancient book of Asshai.This belief not only provides a mysterious explanation for Jon's resurrection, but also paves a mysterious and hopeful path for his future.

Outside, the forces led by Tormund and Eddie have wiped out Thorne's remaining forces.Their success not only provided safety for Jon's resurrection, but also laid the foundation for him to resume his position as Commander of the Night's Watch.Jon's return shocked everyone and delighted his brothers.The brotherhood between them was most profoundly reflected at this moment.


However, Jon's path did not become smooth.Not only does he have to face the internal disputes and threats from the outside world, he also has to face his own inner struggles and contradictions.He knows well that he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and he must fight for the honor and dignity of the Stark family.

At the same time, Sam and Gilly's journey is slowly unfolding.They face different challenges and difficulties, but their goal is the same - to find a place where they can live in peace.Sam's concern and Gilly's understanding form the most moving parts of their relationship.Their journey is not only an exploration of the unknown world, but also a deepening and sublimation of each other's emotions.

Under the guidance of the Three-Eyed Crow, Bran traveled through time and space and witnessed the vicissitudes and changes of history.He saw the thrilling battle between Eddard and Arthur Dayne, and also saw his father's bravery and wisdom in defeating powerful enemies.This experience gave Bran a deeper understanding of his family's history, and also gave him a clearer plan for his future.

And Daenerys, as the unprotected Dosh Kalim, faces unprecedented challenges in the Dothraki capital of Vaes Dothraki.She must adapt to new rules and circumstances, while also dealing with threats and provocations from other Dothraki tribes.Her path was full of unknowns and dangers, but she moved forward step by step with firm faith and determination.

In the House of Black and White in Braavos, Arya is being trained by the Faceless Men.She lost her vision, but her senses of hearing, smell and touch became sharper.She became stronger with the sticks day after day, and gradually peeled away her past life and hatred under the beatings.She has only one goal - to become the true Faceless One.

As for Jon, as the protagonist of this story, his path is full of twists and challenges.However, he always sticks to his beliefs and principles and fights for the honor and dignity of his family.His story is not only a story about survival and revenge, but also a story about faith, responsibility and honor.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 4 Details

Book of Strangers

Jon stood at the door of Castle Black, packing his heavy luggage, his heart filled with complicated emotions.The former commander of the Night's Watch now faces the alienation of his brothers and inner confusion.He decided to leave the place that once held his honor and dreams to find his true belonging.

Just as Jon was about to step out of the castle gate, Eddie's voice sounded behind him, trying to retain him.However, a horn interrupted their conversation. The gate of the castle slowly opened, and Brienne escorted Sansa to the Great Wall.The brother and sister finally reunited here after experiencing the tragic fate of their family being destroyed.They hugged each other tightly, as if they wanted to incorporate each other into their lives.

Next to the warm fire, Sansa drank the tasteless soup, but her heart was full of expectations for the future.She recalled all the past experiences, and her heart was filled with guilt and gratitude to Jon.She decided to take back Winterfell and restore the glory of the Stark family.However, Jon has not yet made up his mind.Ollie's betrayal and the experience of hanging him with his own hands left a huge shadow in his heart, and he was tired of the life of fighting and killing.

Just then, Priestess Melisandre appeared in front of them.She firmly believes that Jon is the prophesied prince and will return to Winterfell and gain the honor of King of the North.She encouraged Jon to face his fate bravely and fight for the future of the Stark family.

Book of Strangers

However, Jon's heart is full of contradictions and struggles.He didn't know if he really had enough courage and strength to take on such an important task.At the same time, Brienne's appearance also brought them new challenges.As Renly's bodyguard, she has a deep grudge against Melisandre and Davos.She vows to expose Stannis' crimes and avenge Renly.

On the other side of the Narrow Sea, the continent is also undergoing tremendous changes.Tyrion tried to change the tradition of dialogue by force on the continent. He invited representatives of slave owners from other cities in Slaver's Bay to negotiate in Meereen to gradually abolish slavery.This move caused a strong response from the people of Meereen, but Gray Worm and Missandei chose to side with Tyrion and support his ideas.

Jorah and Daario are also struggling to track down Daenerys' whereabouts in the steppes.After many hardships, they finally reached Vaes Dothraki.Here, they discovered that Daenerys was facing threats from Khals.Jorah and Daario decide to rescue Daenerys and fight with her against the khals who want to usurp her power.

In the Red Keep, King Tommen and Cersei are also worried about dealing with the High Sparrow.Although they both wanted to destroy the High Sparrow's power, Tommen was afraid of angering the religious forces and harming the Queen.Cersei is more decisive and ruthless, and she will stop the High Sparrow's ambition at all costs.

Meanwhile, Theon returns to Pyke City, but his sister Yara doesn't welcome his arrival.Theon knew he had failed his family, but he still hoped to assist his sister in leading the Iron Islands.Their relationship is full of complex emotions and interest entanglements, making people worried about their future.

In the halls of the holy city of Vaes Dothraki, Daenerys faced a group of ferocious Khals.Undaunted, she walked up to the brazier, knocked it over and started a fire.The fire spread quickly and engulfed the entire hall, and the khals rushed to the door in panic.However, the door has been locked from the outside by Jorah and Daario, who watch as the fire consumes those who once threatened Daenerys.Daenerys emerges from the flames unscathed, her courage and determination winning the awe and loyalty of the Dothraki.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 5 Details


In the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, the destinies of Sansa and Bran seem to be pulled by an invisible force, leading them to their respective ends.Sansa, the former Princess of Winterfell, is now in the process of sewing the cloak, her heart is filled with nostalgia for the past and determination for the future.And Bran, while pursuing the truth of history, accidentally uncovered the secret of the White Walkers and faced an unprecedented crisis.

Sansa's needle and thread danced in her hands, and she used the memory of her father's clothes to sew a large cloak for Jon.The logo of the family direwolf is clearly printed on the leather armor, as if it is a nostalgia for the past and a kind of trust in Jon.However, her heart was filled with complicated emotions.Her anger was reignited when she received Petyr's letter.The encounter in Mole Village and Ramsay's torture all made Sansa's hatred for Petyr even deeper.Even though Petyr had intended to lead the knights of Arryn Vale to Winterfell, it could not alleviate the anger in her heart.Accompanied by Brienne, Sansa met the man who had betrayed her. There was only determination and the flame of revenge in her eyes.


At the same time, Bran traveled to ancient times under the guidance of the Green Seer.He witnessed the conflict between the First Men and the Children of the Forest, and also witnessed the birth of the Night King.This discovery shocked him and made him realize the heavy responsibility he shouldered.The original intention of the Children of the Forest to create the White Walkers was to stop Bran's ancestors, but it brought about huge disasters beyond their control.Bran knows that he must stop the Night King or the entire world will fall into darkness.

However, the Night King seems to have noticed Bran's presence.When Bran tried to enter “vision”, he saw the Night King and the White Walkers approaching him on zombie horses.The Night King grabs Bran's arm, and the touch makes the greenseer realize that the cave is no longer safe.Bran has the Night King's mark on his arm, which means the Night King has found him.The cave's barrier is broken, and Bran and everyone must leave immediately.However, before that, Bran must become a new generation of Green Seers and shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the world.

Meanwhile, Sansa is preparing for Jon's departure.She gave the sewn cloak to Jon, hoping that he could lead the wildling army out of Castle Black as majestically as his father.However, parting is always sad, especially for Sansa.She knew that this separation might mean that she and Jon would never see each other again.However, she still firmly supports Jon and hopes that he can complete his mission and protect the world.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 6 Details

the blood of my blood

In the biting wind and snow, Meera dragged Bran forward with difficulty.Her face was full of perseverance, but her eyes could not conceal her despair.The army of corpses behind him surged forward like a tidal wave, and every step seemed heavy and slow.Bran, the boy she desperately protected, was unable to save himself at this time and could only let Meira hold him, silently waiting for the unknown outcome.

Just when the last bit of strength was almost exhausted, a man in black rushed out of the snow and wind on a tall horse.He held a flaming hammer and trampled the approaching corpses under the hooves of his horse one by one.The man in black decisively grabbed Bran and placed him in front of the saddle, while Meera followed closely and jumped onto the horse.The three of them and one horse disappeared into the depths of the blizzard in an instant.

At the same time, on the other side of the Sunset Sea, Sam and Gilly were riding in the Tully family's carriage, escorted by guards to Horn Hill.Gilly looked out the window at the continuous green trees, her heart filled with novelty and joy.This was the first time she had seen so many trees, which was completely different from the desolate scene in the north.Sam kept explaining next to him, even though his heart was full of nervousness.Ever since he was deprived of his title and inheritance by his father, he never thought he would return to this land again.But now, he returned with his wife and children, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

At the gate of Horn Hill, Sam's mother and sister warmly welcomed them.Seeing little Sam, they were even more happy than words could express.Gilly curtsied, imitating Southern etiquette, though she was still filled with uneasiness.She knows that if she wants to gain a foothold in this family, she must hide her true identity.

the blood of my blood

In the distant King's Landing, King Tommen lit the candles in front of the statue of the Virgin in the chapel of St. Belle's Cathedral, silently praying for the coming of peace.His heart was filled with worries about Margaery, fearing that she would suffer the same humiliation as his mother.With the permission of the High Sparrow, he met Margaery, who had been imprisoned for many days.She seems to have accepted the teachings of the High Sparrow, abandoned her former hypocrisy, and converted to the faith of the Seven Gods.This surprised and pleased Tommen.

On the other side of the city, the Tyrell army has entered the city, rose flags fluttering in the wind.Mace Tyrell's fat body is even more conspicuous under the armor inlaid with rose marks.Together with Jaime, he led the army to St. Baelor's Cathedral to prepare for the upcoming challenge.

At the Twins, Walder Frey was furious at the loss of Riverrun.He vowed to take back this fiefdom from Blackfish.In the square of Braavos, Joffrey's death wedding banquet is being staged in the theater.Arya in the audience has a mission in mind. She sneaks backstage and injects venom into Mrs. Crane's special rum bottle.However, when she was about to leave, she was stopped by Mrs. Klein.Mrs. Crane saw her as a child with a passion for performing, which brought a surge of mixed emotions to Arya.She ends up knocking over Mrs. Crane's wine glass, exposing the actress who hired the murderer.She knew that this move would completely break her relationship with the Faceless Men.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 7 Details

broken man

In the whirlpool of power, everyone is fighting for their own beliefs and mission.Margaery, the descendant of the Tyrell family, did not have an easy life after she took off her dirty linen, put on gorgeous clothes, and wore the queen's laurel crown.Although she is at the center of power, she still remembers the mission given by the Seven Gods and does not forget to study the Seven Star Bible at St. Belle's Church.This persistence in her faith made the High Sparrow full of admiration for her.

However, the High Sparrow doesn't entirely trust her.He knew that the combination of power and faith required the love of mortals to maintain, and created successors for both.So, he made a request to Margery, hoping that she could follow God's instructions.Margaery accepted this request respectfully, because she knew that only in this way could she survive this palace struggle.

But Margaery's life was not all about court struggles.Her grandmother, Olenna Tyrell, Queen of Thorns, is an emotional connection to her heart that she cannot let go of.In the eyes of the Holy Court, Olenna is a stubborn sinner, but Margaery knows that she is just an old man who loves her family deeply and does not want to see her descendants being manipulated.Accompanied by Sister Unnia, Margaery returned to the Red Castle, but her heart was full of worries.She knew that if she made the slightest mistake, the High Sparrow would incite the parishioners to storm the Red Keep.

In another land, Jon Snow is also fighting for what he believes in.He is looking for like-minded allies in the north, and the Savage Tribe is his first place to consider.Despite Tormund's support, the other tribes remained on the sidelines.Jon knew that if he could not persuade them to join, his revenge plan would be difficult to realize.With reason and emotion, he finally succeeded in convincing the tribal leaders to join his revenge army.

broken man

Jaime Lannister led Bronn along the Red Fork to Riverrun.Their goal is to negotiate with Blackfish Brynden to end this endless feud.However, Walder Frey's two stupid sons led a ragtag group of people to call the city and try to solve the problem with violence.James felt ridiculous about this demoralizing approach, and decided to personally negotiate with Blackfish to end this chaos.

At the same time, Yara led the iron fleet towards Volantis on the other side of the ocean.After a long sea voyage, crew members need to relax.However, Theon fell into deep inferiority and depression because of his past experiences.Yara saw his plight and decided to help him get back on his feet.She wants Theon to regain his dignity and confidence, and work hard with him to regain the glory of the Iron Islands.

At the dock market in Braavos, Arya tied her hair back flatly like Jaqen, with her hands behind her back, seemingly not worried about the pursuit of the Faceless Men.She was ready and waiting for what was about to happen.She knew that only by facing it bravely could she survive this struggle.

After the hound Sandor Clegane was seriously injured by the beauty Brienne, he was once devastated.However, a group of kind-hearted villagers saved him, not only his body, but also his soul.However, fate did not give him the life he wanted.The fall of the Brotherhood Without Banners and the massacre of the villagers rekindled his rage.He knew that he had to stand up and seek justice for the innocent villagers.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 8 Details

unknown person

In the dark corner, a trace of blood is like a silent clue, leading the faceless man deep into this dark tunnel.At the end of the corridor, the weak candlelight swayed, reflecting a painful woman - Arya. She was kneeling on the ground, covering the wound tightly with her hands, blood seeping from between her fingers, staining her palms red.

The Faceless Man, the killer known for his mystery and ruthlessness, approached step by step, his eyes shining with the light of completing his mission.He thought that Arya in front of him had no power to fight back, but he didn't know that this seemingly fragile woman was brewing a reversal.

Arya finally stood up. Although her movements were shaky, her eyes shone with determination.She pulled out the dagger - “Sewing Needle” - from under her body. This weapon that had accompanied her through the years of blindness had now become a weapon for her to fight back.

unknown person

Months of blindness taught Arya how to fight in the dark.She no longer relies on vision, but relies on hearing, smell and intuition to perceive everything around her.She cut off the burning candle with a sword, and instantly, the corridor fell into darkness.For Arya, this darkness is not a source of fear, but another invisible weapon.

Jaqen the Faceless Man witnessed all this, and he saw the blood trail extending towards the Thousand Faces Hall. At the end of the blood trail was the face of the Faceless Man that was enshrined to the Thousand Faces God.However, Arya's dagger behind him did not frighten him.Because he knew that Arya had passed the test. She was no longer the weak woman, but had become a true warrior.

However, faced with the Faceless Men's invitation, Arya refused.She refused to become a member of the Faceless Men because she knew that she did not belong to this mysterious organization. She belonged to Winterfell and the Stark family.Her heart is filled with longing for and loyalty to her family, and no one can stop her from returning to her family.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 9 Details

Battle of Bastards

In the smoke of Meereen, the slavers' ships bombarded the city indiscriminately, showing the cruelty of war to the world.Although Tyrion, who is in charge, cannot absolve himself of the blame, during his reign, the trade volume of Meereen City increased significantly, and the people's lives also showed unprecedented prosperity.All these changes made slave owners feel threatened. They did not want to see the rise of a non-slavery city-state. Therefore, war became a means for them to safeguard their interests.

Daenerys, the heroic queen, is determined to impose severe punishment on the slave owners.She not only wanted to execute these cruel slave owners, but also burned their ships and eliminated the soldiers who were responsible for them.She even planned to raze those slave city-states that refused to surrender as a warning to others.However, Tyrion reminded her that such an approach was no different from the Mad King's atrocities in King's Landing, and would bring serious disaster to innocent people.

So Daenerys chose another way.She rode Drogon and took the two dragons Rhaegal and Viserion to the sea outside Meereen.Facing these three giant dragons, the crew members who had never seen a real dragon were stunned.When Daenerys gave the order, the three dragons breathed out flames and destroyed the battleships in an instant.Seeing this, the other ships surrendered one after another and no longer served the great lord of the city-state.

At the same time, in distant Winterfell, another decisive battle is brewing.Sansa and Jon came outside the city together and faced Ramsay Bolton, whose strength was several times their own.Ramsay occupies the location of Winterfell and has Rickon as a hostage. He is dismissive of Jon's motley army.However, Jon knew that to avoid unnecessary deaths and injuries, he must exploit Ramsay's ego.

Battle of Bastards

Sure enough, in order to show his strength, Ramsay gave up the strategy of defending the city and chose to confront Jon.However, he did not expect that Jon's cavalry team arrived in time and blocked the impact for him.The two armies fought together, and the wildling troops led by Tormund also joined the battle group.Although Ramsay desperately ordered the archers to shoot, the casualties in the melee also gradually depleted his troops.

Just when Jon was surrounded by spears on three sides, with a mountain of corpses behind him, and was about to fall into despair, a cavalry suddenly rushed over. They were the Arryn Valley cavalry led by Petyr and Sansa.They surrounded Bolton's shield formation from behind, instantly crushing the unsuspecting shield bearers and spear bearers.Seeing that the situation was over, Ramsay hurriedly fled back to Winterfell.

However, the walls of Winterfell cannot stop Jon's determination.Giants braved their arrows and smashed down the city gates. Wildlings swarmed in and took control of the entire Winterfell.Jon walked up to the seriously injured giant. Before he could thank his loyal friend, an arrow shot into the giant's right eye.Jon looked at Ramsay angrily, and he decided to personally avenge the giant, Rickon, and Sansa.

Finally, Jon grabbed a shield and walked towards Ramsay step by step.He blocked one flying arrow after another, walked up to Ramsay, and knocked him down with all his strength.Then, he kept punching Ramsay in the face, seeking justice for those innocent lives.

Sansa stopped what she was doing when she saw this.She knew that the pleasure of revenge could not really calm the anger and grief in her heart.She wanted Ramsay to experience the pain he had caused to others, so she locked him in the kennel where he had killed his mother Vatan and her newborn brother.Hunger inspired the hounds' instincts, and they no longer paid attention to Ramsay's orders, biting their former masters.Sansa watched all this motionless, enjoying the pleasure of revenge amidst Ramsay's screams.

Winterfell once again hoists the direwolf flag. This is a victory for Jon and Sansa, and a victory for justice.They used their courage and wisdom to liberate this enslaved city and seek justice for those innocent lives.Melisandre was pleased to see that her prediction finally became a reality.In this world full of war and revenge, justice and courage will eventually defeat evil and cruelty.

《Game of Thrones Season 6》Episode 10 Details

cold winter wind

The bells of St. Baelor's Cathedral are melodious and solemn, echoing in every corner of King's Landing.This bell is no longer a symbol of peace and tranquility, but a warning of an upcoming judgment and bloody shame.Cersei stood high on the Red Keep, looking through the layers of clouds and staring at the church in the distance.There was the starting point of the shame in her heart, and now it will also be the end point of her revenge.

The High Sparrow, the representative of the divine power, will judge Ser Loras today.His decision was undoubtedly a provocation and insult to the royal power.Although King Tommen and Queen Margaery were royals, they had to succumb to the pressure of divine power and put on their costumes to prepare to attend this humiliating ceremony again.Around the temple, the dignitaries of King's Landing City have already gathered. They may be whispering or watching indifferently, but they are all waiting for the outcome of this trial.

Mace Tyrell stood in the crowd, worried.His son, Ser Loras, faces an uncertain fate.Queen Margaery on the side looked absent-minded. She looked around in the crowd, seeming to be looking for something.She didn't understand why King Tommen hadn't appeared yet. Did he also lose his courage in this battle between divine power and royal power?

cold winter wind

At the same time, Maester Pycelle also hurried to the sept.He walked tremblingly, as if he had a premonition of something ominous.Suddenly, a child's voice stopped him.After a few whispers, Pycelle was taken to the basement.At this time, he was shocked to realize that it was not the king who called him, but the Qyburn who had been hiding in the dark.Forced by the cold light blade, Pycelle, who had always been cautious, became Cersei's first victim.

In the distant Twin River City, another storm is brewing.Walder Frey is celebrating his victory in retaking Riverrun, but his heart is not entirely filled with joy.Edmure's betrayal made him deeply disappointed. Although Edmure was his son-in-law, Walder did not give him any preferential treatment and instead imprisoned him.

Jaime Lannister, the former Kingsguard, was in no mood to celebrate at the moment.All he wanted to do was rush back to King's Landing as soon as possible to face the upcoming storm.He had no intention of talking to the conceited and sensitive Walder, and he had no intention of enjoying the party.After the banquet, he hurriedly left with a large group of people, leaving Walder alone in the banquet hall to continue eating and drinking.

Just as Walder was chewing the fragrant meat pie and complaining that his sons did not come to the banquet, a young maid came forward and served him freshly baked meat pie.However, this maid is not as harmless as she appears.She is Arya Stark, the former wolf girl who has now grown into a vengeful assassin.

She stood quietly in front of Wade, the meat pie in her hand exuding an alluring aroma.However, behind this fragrance, there is endless murderous intent hidden.Arya has killed all the members of the Frey family, ground their corpses into minced meat, and baked them into this plate of meatloaf.In this way, she wanted to let Walder Frey taste the evil fruits he had sown, and let him taste the taste of death in her feast.