Home TV Fireworks of My Heart
《Fireworks of My Heart》 Summ

Fire station chief Song Yan and emergency doctor Xu Qin reunited after ten years of separation. The two were forced to separate in their youth due to family opposition. When they met again, they had grown and changed a lot.Due to the nature of their work, Song Yan and Xu Qin gradually met.

Song Yan led the firefighters in Shilitai to fight heroically to protect the safety of people's lives and property, and they remained true to their original aspiration even after experiencing countless life and death tests of blood and fire.His persistence infected Xu Qin, and the knot that had troubled them for many years was gradually untied.

The two overcame family resistance and finally came together again, encouraging each other, making progress together, and using their respective expertise to protect this beautiful city.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Song Yan, the chief of Shilitai Fire Station in Yanbei District, is handsome, talented, and a well-known tough man in the fire station. No matter how urgent the disaster is, as long as he is there, the whole team will have a spiritual support.On weekdays, when they were not on duty, they would train with their comrades from all over the world, eat and sleep together. This time when Chufu arrived, they gathered together to make dumplings and talk about the traditions of their hometowns. Suddenly they heard the alarm bell, and everyone quicklyGrab your clothes and run downstairs to gather.

Xu Qin is a doctor in a hospital. She is always very efficient when performing surgeries. Not only is she good at work, but she is also very beautiful. She had just completed an operation that day. When she was eating, she found that the fast food noodles were already lumpy.At the same time, hours of intense work had made her lose her appetite.

At this time, a group of fire officers and soldiers brought their teammates to see the dentist. They usually received emergency calls at night. Xu Qin suggested that they go to the dental clinic the next day. Song Yan was wearing a mask at the time. When he saw Xu Qin at the first sight, heSomewhat panicked, the comrades around him begged Xu Qin to show him first. Song Yan was worried that Xu Qin would recognize him if he took off his mask, so he just shook his head and left.

Xu Qin returned to her seat and continued to eat noodles. Suddenly she felt that the face that was wearing the mask was very familiar. The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. She quickly chased after the fire truck. The fire truck had already gone far away. Several comrades were wondering why the doctor was chasing after him.

Life continues every day. Xu Qin continues to save lives and heal the wounded, and Song Yan still goes to work every day for rescue work. On this day, the two people met at the same fire scene. Xu Qin, as a doctor, rushed into the disaster site out of professionalism to rescue the injured., Song Yan rushed into the fire scene to put out the fire and rescue.

Whenever firefighters rescued a life from a fire, Xu Qin did his best to help the injured recover their vital signs. This time the fire occurred in an old residential area, and every house used ordinary gas tanks. The situation was very serious. Song Yan broughtWearing an oxygen mask, he went from house to house looking for trapped people. The captain called him several times on the intercom. The fire was getting bigger and bigger. Once there was an explosion, so many gas tanks would not be enough for ten lives. But Song Yan discovered that there was a child in the next room.Calling for help, his cries became weaker and weaker. He ignored the danger and rushed into the fire to take the child out. At this moment, an explosion occurred.

The window glass shattered everywhere. The fire captain called Song Yan, but there was no response. He rushed in to save people. Xu Qin was working hard to help the injured with cardiopulmonary resuscitation. He saw the fire officers and soldiers rushing in one after another.When she went in, she felt extremely nervous. The lives of the trapped people were precious, and the lives of the firefighters were also alive.Fortunately, Song Yan finally ran out with the trapped child in his arms, and Xu Qin hurried over to check the child's physical condition.

The fire was finally put out, and the fire officers and soldiers packed up the water pipes and were about to return to the team. At this time, a troublemaker broke in and angrily asked him who had overturned the car parked at the fire escape. Song Yan and the captain stood up and solemnly reminded him,It is illegal for a private car to occupy a fire exit. Just because he illegally parked the car, the disaster that should have taken half an hour to put out the fire was extended by an hour. Thirty-six families were trapped. This loss is not small.The perpetrators were told their pain points and stood aside angrily, and all that was left was their bluff.

Xu Qin recognized Song Yan. The two were high school classmates ten years ago. That was the first classmate she met when she transferred to another school. Song Yan at that time was still as fearless as he is today. I remember the first time they met, it was Song Yan.Song Yan, who was made to stand outside the classroom after being made to stand by the teacher and saw a new student in the class, put his head out of the window with great interest to listen to Xu Qin introduce herself.From time to time, he would interject a few words and make the whole class laugh. This was what Song Yan was most proud of. Under his kind invitation, Xu Qin became his deskmate and remembered Song Yan's name.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Song Yan's good friend Suo Jun saw his comrade talking to Xu Qin during the day and immediately felt that there was something wrong with the two. During the chess game, he asked if the two knew each other. Song Yan immediately denied it, but the expression on his face betrayed the fact. Song YanNot only are Xu Qin and Xu Qin classmates, but they also have a sweet and unforgettable past.

Xu Qin and Song Yan sat at the same table. Song Yan often shared snacks with her on weekdays, read together in class, and acted as a bodyguard to escort her after school. Xu Qin was in a bad mood when she transferred to another school, but with Song Yan's jokes, Xu QinQin's mood actually improved a little.

Song Yan bravely put out the fire, which was also a great achievement in Wufang Street, but some unscrupulous owners complained repeatedly, saying that the fire officers and soldiers moved the vehicles without permission, increased the training load for the newly recruited fire officers and soldiers, etc. Fortunately, LiMeng, because of his position, often put in kind words for Song Yan in front of the Gao detachment and explained the ins and outs of the fire scene, so the matter was settled.

Xu Qin's professional abilities were quickly recognized by patients, and her leaders quickly promoted her and assigned her some important surgeries.This aroused dissatisfaction among some old employees in the same unit. They whispered to Xu Qin privately, saying that Xu Qin got here based on her background. They also said that her family was well off, her father was Meng Huaijin, and her family had a car and a driver to pick her up.

Xu Qin no longer asked the family driver to pick her up, and her brother immediately bought a car for her. Even though her father was famous, Xu Qin worked very hard in her studies and never complained at work.

When we came to Wufang Street, which we often visited ten years ago, the English words Song Yan left on the wall were still there. At that time, he excitedly wrote with quick-drying spray paint “As long as you smile, the city will be filled with sunshine”. At that time, Xu Qin was stillIt was a joke that Song Yan wrote the wrong English word and wrote “city” instead of “son”.Anyway, when I was with Song Yan, the clouds were white, the sky was blue, and the air was fragrant.

Xu Qin unknowingly came to Song Yan's house again. She knocked on the door. When Song Yan's sister Zhai Miao saw the visitor, she became very angry and wanted to close the door to thank the guests. Xu Qin wanted to ask if Song Yan was at home., Zhai Miao said angrily that Song Yan only lived in the fire brigade and rarely went home. At the end, he added that if he hadn't met her, Song Yan would have gotten married long ago.Zhai Miao's attitude was understandable to Xu Qin. After all, it was her fault first.

Song Yan's mother saw Xu Qin leaving and asked Zhai Miao if they were rude just now. Zhai Miao didn't like Xu Qin's cold and cold attitude all day long.Okay, but then Xu Qin went abroad without saying a word, and there was no news for several years. This kind of person must be too cruel. Now that she returns to China, she may not meet a boy as easy to talk to as her brother, so she thinksGet up and apologize.Zhai Miao feels sorry for her brother every time she thinks about it.

On this day, Song Yan escorted his comrades to the hospital for burn treatment. Xu Qin prescribed some medicine for the previous patient. Because the other patient's burn was not serious, he just prescribed ointment. The patient's family disagreed and accused Xu Qin of treating the patient differently.But so cautious about firefighters.The other party kept chattering, and the man wanted to find trouble and hit him. Fortunately, Song Yan was there and directly pulled back the other party's gesticulating arm. Many people just bullied the weak and feared the strong. Knowing that some people like to fight against injustice, the unreasonable patient's family members immediately shut up.

After treating the firefighters, Xu Qin chased Song Yan out to thank Song Yan for his righteousness and invited him to drink coffee with him. Song Yan refused directly, saying that there were too many people inviting him to drink coffee and that he needed to make a reservation.Back at the fire brigade, Song Yan took out the lighter Xu Qin gave him ten years ago from his pocket. Now he regretted it. He had never forgotten her, but he refused to admit it.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

When Xu Qin returned home, she found that her wood carving was missing. She immediately went downstairs to ask her mother. Her mother said that she had thrown it away. She didn't like Xu Qin playing with the wood carving all day long. She was also opposed to studying medicine at first and felt that she had to work overtime all day.Plus, there will be no time for husband and children in the future.Xu Qin has become accustomed to this harsh mother. She and her brother have been studying and living according to their mother's standards, and it seems that they no longer have the courage to resist.

Xiao Yixiao went to Xu Qin's house as a guest. He had a bold personality and invited Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen to sit in his bar. When having dinner with his aunt, he started chatting as usual, and Meng Yanchen quietly touched his elbow.He changed a pair of chopsticks to eat. After a while, Xu Qin's mother told him not to talk while eating. Xiao Yixiao scratched his head and shut up quickly.

When Xu Qin's mother saw that her children had not found a partner yet, she gave Meng Yanchen and Xu Qin some photos of the opposite sex. She reminded them of her own standards for choosing a mate. The most important thing for Xu Qin's mother was family status.Wouldn't agree at all.Meng Yanchen frowned when he heard his mother's standards. There were several photos on the table. He didn't like any of them. He was used to being repressed. The girls in the photos looked the same as in the photos., making him feel lifeless.

Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen were bored at home, so they went to Xiao Yixiao's bar together in the evening. Xiao Yixiao was usually very rough and casual, but the bar was decorated in a very stylish way. It can be seen that he is also a person with pursuit and taste.people.Xiao Yixiao's bar often recruits part-time workers. This time, a part-time worker accidentally spilled the wine in the glass on Meng Yanchen. She quickly apologized. Meng Yanchen didn't care at all, but she thought this waiter was different from what she had seen before.no the same.

After coming out of the bar, Xu Qin couldn't help but go to the fire station to find Song Yan. He conveyed the news to the communication room. Song Yan deliberately said that he was not in the dormitory. Xu Qin was about to leave in disappointment, but saw the training ground opposite from a distance. Song YanThere with the police dogs.

Suo Jun saw Song Yan's thoughts and asked him why he had started to be absent-minded in doing things recently, and he was so stubborn even though he clearly cared. Was the pendant on his neck a gift from Xu Qin? He had been wearing it for several years and could not bear to take it off. Song Yan was very emotional.He knew that Xu Qin's family attached great importance to the concept of family status. Over the years, he had been working hard to earn honors and advance, but he was still a grassroots person, as if the distance between the two people was far away.Suo Jun understood his difficulty and patted him on the shoulder to enlighten him. The reality is actually very cruel. If he really feels that it is out of reach, he should give up completely or start a new life again.

It has been raining heavily in the past few days, and the hospital has admitted many patients. Because there is not enough manpower, the leader asked all medical staff to come to work. Xu Qin received the news and had no choice but to drive out. The water on the road became deeper and deeper.When they reached a culvert under a bridge, the car suddenly stalled and the water on the road became deeper and deeper. Xu Qin could not start the car and could not even open the cab door. She was very scared and immediately called Xu Qin 9.

The torrential rain kept washing the ground, and the water in the car had reached Xu Qin's chest. She was breathing hard, and the window glass could not be opened. It was almost to the peak of fear. At this moment, the fire truck arrived, and Xu Qin wasWhen she was desperate, she finally saw a beam of light shining on her. The fire fighters moved her car with their bare hands to reduce the water accumulation, then cut through the car window and stretched out their hands to pull Xu Qin out.

When Xu Qin saw that it was Song Yan who saved her, she cried excitedly. However, Song Yan reprimanded her for not going out in such a heavy rain. When Xu Qin explained that it was an emergency notice from the hospital, Song Yan stuffed two life jacketsTo Xu Qin, he turned around and waved to leave. Xu Qin asked him anxiously if he knew he was trapped in the car so he ignored the danger. Song Yan calmly responded that even if there was a dog trapped in the car, he would not hesitate to save it..

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Xu Qin rushed to the hospital and found that a patient had very serious pericardial effusion and was in critical condition. The most important thing was to remove the effusion as soon as possible. However, this operation was very difficult. Xu Qin was not qualified to perform this kind of operation due to his current position. The doctor on the sideIt was suggested that she wait until the chief physician arrived before performing the operation, but time waited for no one and the chief physician was still rescuing people in other operating rooms, so Xu Qin decided to complete the pericardiocentesis operation independently.

She defied all opinions and was even willing to bear all the consequences independently. The assistant on the side carefully assisted in delivering the surgical instruments. Xu Qin had received systematic clinical practice abroad and finally removed the pericardial effusion with her superb medical skills.The patient's little daughter is still waiting anxiously outside. The father and daughter depend on each other on weekdays. It is unimaginable that if the rescue is not successful, the little girl will be even more helpless in her future life.

Xu Qin sensitively discovered that the child seemed a little autistic. After the operation, she returned to the office and wrote down the precautions for the patient's discharge. She also introduced the little girl to a psychiatrist. The little girl's aunt was very moved after receiving the recommendation letter.Xu Qin successfully completed the pericardiocentesis operation, but the hospital leaders still called her to the office and accused her of making the decision without permission. Although Xu Qin had performed similar operations as an intern abroad, after all, it was in China. If the operation failed, there would be consequences.Unthinkable.

Zhai Miao was worried that her brother would become a leftover man, so she invited several of her friends to visit her home. The girls were all very satisfied when they saw Song Yan's jade tree facing the wind and his heroic spirit.When Song Yan came home and saw that scene, he knew what his sister was thinking and advised her to find a boyfriend quickly and stop worrying about his affairs and asking a lot of friends to go home and treat him like a monkey.

Several girls were eating together. Song Yan saw Ye Zi sitting next to her. Her profile looked very similar to Xu Qin's. She had a similar temperament to Xu Qin, so she couldn't help but take a second look at Ye Zi.

Everyone asked Song Yan a lot of questions, including where he worked and why he didn't have a girlfriend despite being so outstanding. Song Yan was not interested in these questions and left after eating half the meal.Zhai Miao thought her brother was interested in Ye Zi, so she immediately helped Xu Qin and Ye Zi pull the string, but Song Yan decisively refused.He was about to go out when he met Xu Qin. Xu Qin came here to return his clothes and was grateful for his life-saving grace on that rainy night.Song Yan leaned against the door frame angrily and told her not to come here again. It was his professional requirement to save people.Xu Qin's eyes were red and she asked for reconciliation. After Song Yan heard this, although his nose was a little sore, he immediately said that he had already forgotten her.

Song Yan returned to the fire station and began to wipe the trophies one by one to calm down. The instructor advised him to update his training methods. Many new soldiers now feel that Song Yan's training standards are too harsh, and everyone has opinions.Song Yan disagreed. He felt that as firefighters, they must keep up with the speed so that they can save lives at critical moments.Song Yan looks cold on the surface, but in fact his comrades know that he is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Xu Qin's hospital recruited people from various departments to conduct fire prevention knowledge drills. Many people did not want to go, so Xu Qin successfully got this opportunity.During the fire prevention publicity, the person in charge of the publicity was a girl named Li Meng. Xu Qin saw a photo of Song Yan in the PPT. He heard people around him jokingly asking if Song Yan in the photo was Li Meng's boyfriend. Xu Qin sawWhen Li Meng blushed, he realized that Li Meng probably liked Song Yan very much.She looked for an opportunity to chat with Li Meng and found out that both of them worked in the fire department, one was responsible for on-site rescue and the other was responsible for fire prevention propaganda. In fact, they were quite a match.

It was almost time to get off work that day, but Xu Qin received an emergency notification. There was a car accident on a nearby highway. Several people were injured. The situation was urgent. Xu Qin and Song Yan arrived at the scene of the accident at the same time. Several cars were hit and rolled over. The driverTrapped in the car with the passengers and unable to get out, Xu Qin quickly opened the medical kit and tried his best to rescue every injured person.

Every time I came to the scene of the accident, it was so sad. There were blood stains everywhere, groans, and the sound of machine cutting. It was harsh and harsh. Those who were not strong enough to bear it would have been scared out of their wits. Xu Qin calmly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the injured.Song Yan arranged for the team members to relieve their difficulties in a tense and orderly manner, and the two of them cooperated tacitly.

Song Yan was injured in the process of rescuing Xu Qin. The iron piece on the machine penetrated into Song Yan's muscles, and his flesh and blood soon became bloody. All the injured at the scene were placed in the ambulance. Xu Qin immediately asked Song Yan to go with her.The hospital accepted treatment, but Song Yan refused to go. The instructor ordered him to seek medical treatment quickly, so Song Yan had to follow Xu Qin back to the hospital.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

In the clinic, Song Yan's wounds have been sutured, and Xu Qin once again made the request to get back together. Song Yan asked her if it was a whim or if she had already considered it. The two had a good relationship at the beginning, but Xu Qin said they would break up and go abroad directly.No news.

Xu Qin explained that they were still in school at that time and had no right to decide their future. Song Yan did not want to continue to be Xu Qin's doll. Ten years ago, she said she could let it go. Ten years later, the same tragedy might happen.Song Yan was heartbroken and walked out of the ward. Li Meng had just brought him a pair of dry shoes. She had already guessed that Xu Qin was Song Yan's ex-girlfriend, so she took the initiative to ask Song Yan if the doctor was not suitable for him, could he consider her?.Song Yan shook his head, he would not easily start a relationship without results.

The test results of the injured person in the afternoon accident have come out. The person has AIDS, and the medical staff who performed the surgery on the injured person are all at risk of being infected. The nurse took the test results and kept silent. Xu Qin immediately called the fire station and contacted all the people who had been in contact with him.All firefighters at the scene of the car accident were notified to go to the hospital for blood tests.

Song Yan's wound was the most serious at the time, and he was also the one who had the closest contact with AIDS patients. Xu Qin remembered that Song Yan had been in direct contact with the blood of AIDS patients, and was very worried. The hospital's emergency medicine was missing, but Song Yan took the only remainingSeveral portions of the medicine were distributed to his comrades. Xu Qin knew that he would do this and immediately drove to another hospital to transfer the medicine.She felt relieved after personally supervising Song Yan to pay for the isolation medicine. She didn't want to burden Song Yan. Xu Qin said that she understood very well and would respect Song Yan's choice.

The blood test results of several fire fighters came out, and everyone was negative. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the side effects of the medicine still did not subside. Everyone vomited until their waists softened. Song Yan accidentally saw the transfer of instructor Suo Jun.The two of them were used to working together. Song Yan didn't understand Suo Jun's choice. They were used to working at Shilitai Fire Station and had long regarded this place as their home. Suo Jun admitted that he could earn more than a thousand more wages by going to other fire stations.It's the same rescue operation, just in a different place.

Xu Qin's hospital received a critically ill patient. The patient had a cardiac arrest, was confused, and was in a severe coma. Xu Qin immediately led the team members to prepare for rescue. Although Xu Qin is usually serious about words, his professional ability is not good.It is very exquisite. After Xu Qin's wonderful rejuvenation, the patient was finally snatched back from the gate of hell.

The fire station is not idle either. When not on duty, it conducts various arduous training at the station, carrying water guns, climbing, and drilling through various complex obstacles. The new team members are not strong in professional skills and cannot even hold the water guns steadily. SongYan was very angry when he saw it, and accused them of not paying attention to training. According to such standards, how would they enter a fire scene to save people and put out fires in the future.It was the first time that the team members saw Song Yan getting so angry. Suo Jun knew that Song Yan was affected by him and was reluctant to let him go.

Xu Qin's performance in the hospital was quickly recognized by the patient's family. Every time the operation was successful, Xu Qin just smiled and nodded at the patient, and then continued to work. She was very steady in her work at such a young age, and the director never praised her.Xu Qin has gotten used to the results, and this should be the best state without praise or criticism.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Colleagues are always not shy when they see Xu Qin. She is very curious about how Xu Qin treats the doctor-patient relationship and asks her how she can remain indifferent to the gratitude of the patient's family. Xu Qin thinks it is normal, and the family members are only grateful for a moment and say some words of appreciation.In fact, it is their duty to treat patients and save lives. The gratitude or lack of gratitude of the patient's family has nothing to do with them.Xu Qin's answer left his colleagues speechless. He didn't expect anyone to think like this.

Xiao Yixiao went to play with Meng Yanchen in his spare time. He sympathized with Meng Yanchen and Xu Qin for having such a strict mother who often encouraged them to go out and relax. On this day, Meng Yanchen asked Xiao Yixiao to invest, and the two were chatting.Oh my god, Xiao Yixiao lamented that Xu Qin had grown up and rarely whispered to him anymore, and asked Meng Yanchen to take her out to relax more when she was free.

In the evening, Meng Yanchen took Xu Qin to Xiao Yixiao's bar for a drink. Xiao Yixiao also introduced his ex-girlfriend Jiang Xiaorao to them. Jiang Xiaorao was as famous as she was, and she spoke carefreely, and she quickly got along with everyone. Xu Qin was raped by SongYan refused and felt a little sad, so she drank with Jiang Xiaorao. Xu Qin drank a lot that night. Meng Yanchen drove Xu Qin home, carried her into the bedroom and bed, and took off her shoes to let her sleep well.One sleep.

Meng Yanchen was lying on the sofa, and she couldn't help but think of the first time she met Xu Qin. At that time, Xu Qin's parents were gone, so Meng Yanchen's parents went to the orphanage to go through the adoption procedures. From then on, she had this sister., but he really liked this sister. When he saw his mother throw away Xu Qin's dirty bear, he quietly picked up the bear and gave it to Xu Qin.In the blink of an eye, both of them grew up, and in Meng Yanchen's eyes, he never met a girl as outstanding as his sister.

A few days later, Xu Qin heard a knock on the door at home. Firefighters said that her neighbor's child climbed out of the balcony and got stuck in the pipes on two floors. The situation was urgent. Several firefighters came from Xu Qin.Climbing over the balcony to catch the child, it was going smoothly. But when the child was pulled into the room, an emergency suddenly occurred. The fire officer's foot slipped, and the child and the fire officer were hanging outside together. Xu Qin was terrified and couldn't take his eyes away.Staring at the firefighters, I prayed ten thousand times in my heart.

Finally, the trapped little boy was successfully rescued. The parents burst into tears with excitement and immediately promised that they would never leave their children alone at home again.Xu Qin treated Song Yan's wounds and asked him if he was free this weekend. Song Yan looked at her with doubt in his eyes, and finally went back without saying a word.

Xu Qin got Song Yan's WeChat account from Song Yan's comrades during the day. Fortunately, Song Yan passed the friend application, and the two started to contact each other through WeChat. Xu Qin was in a good mood, and the spring breeze was blowing every day.

Although Meng Yanchen's family has a big business, he is young and mature, and he is very calm in making decisions in the company. This time he denied the aggressive plans of other shareholders of the company. Although the current development of real estate is going well, he has smelled some crises and decided to interrupt the huge investment.Capital investment.Originally this was a decision he made in the company, but he received a call from his mother not long after. Her mother asked about Meng Yanchen's current situation, and asked insinuating whether the emotions of other shareholders should be taken into consideration. Meng Yanchen had already guessed that someone in the company was involved.Leak.He never had disdain in his eyes, and he quickly found out his mother's spy in the company. When the spy heard that he was going to be transferred to Meng Yanchen's mother's company, he was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

Xu Qin took the initiative to look for Song Yan at the fire station when he was off duty. A team member informed Song Yan that someone was looking for him. Song Yan thought it was his sister who came to deliver cotton-padded clothes, so he handed over the work. After Song Yan left, the team members whispered that it was the female doctor who came., they excitedly tiptoed over to explore the situation.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Xu Qin personally went to the fire station to invite Song Yan to dinner. Song Yan refused and did not want to go. Xu Qin then suggested that Song Yan invite her to tea. Song Yan asked why. Xu Qin had an idea and said that yesterday she provided a rescue site for fire officers and soldiers.There should be some reward.After being unable to resist Xu Qin's repeated requests for dates, Song Yan finally agreed to treat her to dinner.

In order to keep up with the appointment, Xu Qin specially asked her best friend to do makeup for her. Seeing that Xu Qin's house was spotless, her best friend was very puzzled that she was an adult and still didn't know how to put on makeup, and advised her to learn more.Xu Qin explained that because of work, the hospital does not encourage the use of cosmetics.

Song Yan was about to go out and saw that his hair had grown longer in the mirror. His comrades also encouraged him to cut his hair to be more energetic. Usually Song Yan's hair was cut by Suo Jun. Their eyes met and Suo Jun looked at him and smiled.He picked up the clippers again and helped Song Yan cut his hair.

When they arrived at the appointed place and saw Xu Qin, Song Yan felt that the girl in her heart was still so beautiful. Xu Qin ten years ago had not changed much from what she is now.Xu Qin took Song Yan to the place where they had dinner together ten years ago. They ordered the same meal. Xu Qin was surprised that the taste here was the same as ten years ago, the same shop, and the same people.Song Yan deliberately said that the taste had changed. After all, it has been a long time and it is normal for things to change. Song Yan had a cold face throughout the whole process and deliberately disagreed with Xu Qin. Xu Qin didn't care and continued to eat seriously.

Song Yan received a call from his sister and heard that she was at the Fuming Police Station and immediately went to rescue people. Xu Qin heard that and quickly drove her car to take her there.His sister was taken to the police station by the police for selling fake goods. Song Yan asked her to tell the supplier of the goods, but her sister refused to listen. Song Yan was so angry that he wanted to contact the school leaders of his sister. Xu Qin immediately dissuaded him. Once the report came to the school, he wouldThere was a danger of dropping out of school. She pulled Zhai Miao aside and solemnly reminded Zhai Miao that now that she had arrived at the police station, she must not take any chances and must cooperate with the police investigation. What's more, Song Yan was a very upright person.He will make lies to cover up, and the top priority is to find his employer as soon as possible to prove his innocence.Zhai Miao listened to Xu Qin's advice this time and gave out the contact number of her previous family.

According to previous cases, Zhai Miao needed to be fined and administratively detained. He sold so many products on weekdays. After three times, the fine was even more. Xu Qin only had 100,000. In order to get Zhai Miao to withdraw from the police station as soon as possible, Xu QinQin then dialed Xiao Yixiao's phone number. Meng Yanchen was also at Xiao Yixiao's place at that time. When they heard that Xu Qin was at the police station, they both went to rescue people.

Meng Yanchen knew Song Yan, and when he saw Xu Qin and Song Yan together at the police station, he became very angry. Due to Xu Qin's face, Meng Yanchen still helped to smoothen the relationship, and the fine was paid on the same day, and Zhai wasMiao was fished out from the police station.Song Yan did not express his gratitude to Meng Yanchen, but directly whispered to Xu Qin that he would pay back as soon as possible, and then pulled Zhai Miao away.

Xu Qin took Xiao Yixiao's car back. Meng Yanchen and Xu Qin quarreled on the way. They both said that each other was immature. Meng Yanchen reminded Xu Qin not to have true feelings for Song Yan, as his mother would not accept Song Yan.Homura's kind of family environment, they started to quarrel as they talked.Xiao Yixiao drove the car to Meng Yanchen's company, asked him to get out of the car, and then chatted with Xu Qin alone.

Xiao Yixiao also felt that Xu Qin and Song Yan were not suitable. Their family backgrounds were very different and the resistance was too great. What's more, Song Yan was a very proud person. He knew that Xu Qin's family could not accept them. Today, Meng Yanchen came again.Humiliating him in public will lead to many conflicts in the future, which is unfair to Song Yan.Xu Qin knew Xiao Yixiao had good intentions, but every time she was with Song Yan, she really felt happy.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

On this day, the firefighters received an alarm. A girl was so angry that she wanted to jump off the building because her mother said something bad about her work. Suo Jun rushed over immediately. He kindly advised the girl to be strong, and the fact was not what she imagined.It was so unbearable, the girl heard it in her heart, and she had already changed her mind, but suddenly a spectator on the side made a sarcastic comment, saying that raising such a child would be in vain, he would act like a child, and he would be a burden to society. After hearing this, the girl was completely desperate.Jumping directly from the floor, Suo Jun rushed over and fortunately hugged the girl in time. Suo Jun had a safety rope tied to his body, and finally the girl landed safely under his protection.

Suo Jun got up from the air mattress and angrily scolded the people watching next to him for being inhumane. Everyone has their moments of vulnerability. Why don't they have any sympathy for such a child? What if one day the woman who lost her footing becomes their relative, will she still be there today?Are you saying such unscrupulous things?The world is bleak, and Suo Jun is extremely disgusted with the spectators' mentality of fearing that the world will not be chaotic. How many people ended their lives tragically because of the violence of public opinion.

In the evening, Song Yan chatted with Suo Jun. Suo Jun talked about his current life. His fiancée has been helping him take care of his sick parents. The family cannot make ends meet. If this continues, there is no telling when he will get married, so he has to bow to reality.I hope to earn more to support my family. In addition, I hope to move to a fire station closer to home, which can also help my fiancée share some housework.Song Yan suddenly understood Suo Jun's difficulties, and he supported Suo Jun's choice.Suo Jun thought for a long time and finally called his fiancée. He asked his fiancée to give him another year, and he would return to his hometown after one year.

On this day, the fire station invited Jiang Yu to do firefighting technology training. Jiang Yu is a master of the National Fire Protection University and has a very advanced rescue method. This time he brought a rescue robot and talked about the intelligence and convenience of the robot. Song Yan couldn't help butI agree with Jiang Yu’s point of view. The situation in the fire scene is critical, and the robot only obeys the orders. Therefore, in the critical situation, the robot cannot replace the fire officers and soldiers to rescue and rescue people.Song Yan is a famous fire fighter, but Jiang Yu found this person very interesting and even took the initiative to add him on WeChat.

After listening to the training, Song Yan heard the news that Suo Jun was in danger on his way back to the fire station. He rushed back as quickly as possible. His comrades outside the ward pulled him and said that Suo Jun's arm was probably disabled. Song Yan walked into the ward.Seeing that the right side of Suo Jun's face was almost burned, he shed tears sadly.Not long ago, he refused to let Suo Jun be transferred from the fire station. If he had agreed with Suo Jun's decision, maybe something like this would not happen today. Suo Jun is not married yet, so what will happen in the future.Song Yan tried to control his emotions, but Suo Jun was still calm. He asked the fire scene if the girl he saved was safe. He finally felt relieved after hearing the news brought by Song Yan.

Now Song Yan is very regretful. He should not have participated in any training in the first place. If he had been there, Suo Jun might not have been in danger.

The deal was done, Suo Jun was transferred to the local Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. On the day he was discharged, all the soldiers in the fire station saw him off. The leader personally awarded him a military medal. Looking at the bright five-star red flag, the man shed tears of excitement.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Since becoming a fire officer, everyone has shouldered the mission to serve the people. They almost risked their lives every day when going to rescue. However, no one regretted putting on those clothes. Everyone said goodbye to Suo Jun, and suddenly the alarm bell came., something happened again, the fire officers and soldiers hurriedly changed into fire-proof clothing and quickly dispatched the police.

Suo Jun waved to them and told them to pay attention to safety during the rescue. He took a final look at the dormitory, helped his comrades make the beds, and finally packed up and left with his luggage.At the gate, he met his fiancée who came to pick him up. The minister sent a car to pick her up. The fiancée's eyes were red and she smiled and took Suo Jun's luggage to take him home.

Suo Jun was transferred away. There was a period of time when Song Yan was very unaccustomed to it, and the leadership noticed it. Suo Jun and Song Yan had been together for eight years, and the comradeship was understandable. The leadership encouraged him to relax, as there is no such thing as a feast that never ends., this is an ironclad camp, and future training must keep up.

Xu Qin's mother gave her several photos of young men and asked Xu Qin to choose one among them. Xu Qin knew her mother's character, so she chose Jiang Yu.Xu Qin’s mother also likes this young man very much and said that she would recommend WeChat to him.

The girl Suo Jun risked her life to rescue was named Xiaomin. Thirteen percent of her body was burned, and her face was also burned, almost disfigured. She was originally a young girl, but it was her face that was injured. It was difficult for the girl to accept it for a while., seeking death all day long.Doctor Yang went to enlighten her and said that the doctor would try his best to help her relieve some pain, but the girl just couldn't think about it. She used to be a female anchor, but now she was disfigured. She would not be able to work in the future, so she was naturally desperate.

Xu Qin walked into the ward. She told Xiao Min that she was so self-destructive, how could she be worthy of the firefighter who saved her. The firefighter had been disfigured and missing an arm because of her. Xiao Min asked about Suo Jun. She knew that she was like thisIt's very bad, but it just hurts in my heart. I don't know how to face my life in the future.Xu Qin could understand the girl's mood. She encouraged the girl to cheer up and get through this period. Looking back, she felt that it was nothing. With Xu Qin's empathy, Xiao Min's mood gradually calmed down.

Xu Qin's mother discovered that there was a fine of 100,000 yuan in her son's bank statement, so she called Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen to go home. Meng Yanchen lied and said that he helped a friend pay the fine. When her mother saw his expression, she understood and let her go home.Xu Qin asked Jiang Yu out in front of her, and Xu Qin did so.

When Xu Qin went upstairs, Xu Qin's mother accused Meng Yanchen of not helping her sister without telling her. It turned out that her mother knew about it, so she specifically asked Xu Qin to start contacting Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu's family background was similar to theirs, so sheEncourage Xu Qin to take more initiative.

Jiang Yu's previous appointments with Xu Qin were always unsuccessful. Xu Qin used busy work as an excuse. This time he received an invitation from Xu Qin. He was very happy. He waited at the coffee shop early in the morning and finally met Xu Qin. Jiang Yu was very excited.But before they chatted for a few words, Xu Qin's text message rang. It was Song Yan's transfer reminder. Xu Qin excused himself that there was an emergency in the unit, so he stood up and left.

Xu Qin went to see Song Yan and told him not to worry about paying back the money. The two chatted tepidly. Xu Qin knew his concerns.When she got home, her mother asked Xu Qin how her chat with Jiang Yu went today. Xu Qin said that she had met her, but there was something temporarily unoccupied at the hospital. After hearing this, her mother felt that the job in the hospital was not suitable for Xu Qin, so she wanted her to go to university to do some academic work.Xu Qin did not agree to the type of job. She tried to communicate with her mother and asked if she could fall in love with Song Yan. After all, that was her favorite person. Her mother did not speak for a while. Just when Xu Qin was about to go back to her bedroom,Her mother stopped her and asked Xu Qin not to let her be a bad person again. Xu Qin immediately understood what her mother meant.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Xu Qin's relationship was not supported by her mother. This time she did not give up and went to her father to discuss it. When her father heard that Xu Qin wanted to continue dating Song Yan, although he had no objection, he said that his mother would definitely not agree, and he understood.The reason for my mother's objection is that she doesn't want the family to be in disharmony due to this incident.In short, her parents were not optimistic about her being with Song Yan. Xu Qin thought about her mother's strict education in everything she did when she was a child. She had to be strict about her eating and sitting postures. Growing up, she never dared to disobey her mother, let alone when it came to marriage.Thinking of her mother's sharp eyes, Xu Qin felt a chill go down her spine.

Song Yan had asked Song Yan several times before but had not agreed. This time Song Yan agreed very readily. He specifically asked for two hours off to have dinner with Xu Qin.Xu Qin saw that he had changed into casual clothes and had specially washed himself. He was handsome and handsome. Recalling the chat with his parents, Xu Qin was frightened and hesitated to speak. Song Yan saw her eyes dodge and suddenly understood, he letXu Qin need not worry, no matter what Xu Qin's decision is, he can understand and accept it.

The two of them were eating in silence. Suddenly, the back kitchen of the restaurant they were in caught fire. Song Yan immediately ran into the back kitchen at a sprint speed of 100 meters. When he saw that the chef was on fire, he immediately grabbed a bottle of Coke next to him and opened the bottle cap to kill the chef.Put out the fire on your body.Just after rescuing the chef, he suddenly heard a girl's scream. Song Yan ran into the fire to save people, and then opened the fire hydrant. Xu Qin cooperated with him to open the valve. Because of his speed in putting out the fire, he saved a lot of losses for the restaurant..

Coincidentally, the girl Song Yan rescued this time was named Zhan Xiaorao. She had just met Xu Qin not long ago. Song Yan saved her life. Zhan Xiaorao had a particularly good impression of him and immediately begged Xu Qin to pass her WeChat account to her.Xu Qin said that Song Yan was an ordinary friend of hers, but when she heard that Zhan Xiaorao was pursuing Song Yan, she still felt very uncomfortable.

Xu Qin went to Xiao Yixiao's bar to drink. When he heard that Song Yan had agreed to Zhan Xiaorao's invitation, he drank at the bar to relieve his worries. After a few glasses of wine, Xu Qin felt that he had the courage, so he staggered out.Meng Yanchen saw Xu Qin's state and immediately asked Xiao Yixiao to drive after her. He knew that his sister was not sad, but drinking to strengthen her courage.

Sure enough, Meng Yanchen's guess was correct. Xu Qin went straight to Song Yan's house. Taking advantage of her drinking, she asked Song Yan whether he had made any efforts for their relationship in recent years.He has a sociable personality and has chosen to major in medicine, hoping to support himself with excellent skills so that he won't have to be controlled by others in the future.But Song Yan, Xu Qin asked Song Yan if he remembered their agreement and if he made an effort to get closer to her.Xu Qin cried and fussed, pulling Song Yan's collar and asking him if he never liked him enough. Zhai Miao felt very uncomfortable when he saw the two of them at the side.

Xiao Yixiao saw Xu Qin squatting on the ground, pulling Song Yan's clothes and crying. She had obviously lost her composure. Xiao Yixiao immediately carried Xu Qin on his back and took her away. Xu Qin's sadness was seen by Song Yan. It turned out that not only had sheHe was the only one working hard, and Xu Qin never forgot him.Song Yan rushed out of the yard and chased after him to express his love, but Xiao Yixiao had already carried the drunk Xu Qin into the car. Meng Yanchen blocked the car door and looked at him indifferently, with eyes full of accusations. Song Yan had no choice but toHe watched helplessly as Xu Qin got into the car and was taken away.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Song Yan had seen Meng Yanchen's eyes full of hostility. In high school, Meng Yanchen discovered that Xu Qin had the same expression when she was in love with him. With a boy's intuition, Song Yan could tell that Meng Yanchen also cared about her.Xu Qin, although the two are brother and sister, they are not related by blood.

Xiao Yixiao drove Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen home. Meng Yanchen asked Xiao Yixiao to take them home. Xiao Yixiao was a little surprised, thinking that Xu Qin just drank and went crazy. At this timeIt’s not good for your parents to see it.Meng Yanchen looked at the time. His parents had gone to bed at this time. He couldn't bear Xu Qin to be hurt again, so it was safer at home.

Finally settled down and looking at Xu Qin sleeping soundly on the bed, Meng Yanchen couldn't help but recall that when he was a child, Xu Qin was always very timid and would often sneak into his bedroom and sleep with the two of them. In short, Meng Yanchen also liked it very much.I liked this sister very much when I was a child, and I still do so when I grow up.He still remembered that in high school, Song Yan always came to pursue Xu Qin, and Meng Yanchen often wiped away Song Yan's graffiti on Xu Qin's windows. He didn't understand how painful it was for Xu Qin to break up, but nowAfter finally completing his studies and returning to China, he was still disconnected from Song Yanou.

The next day, Song Yan got up and was about to go out. His sister asked him if he was going to see Xu Qin. She also told Song Yan that Xu Qin was just drunk and crazy last night, and he might change his mind when he wakes up today. Song Yan decided to go and visit.Xu Qin, I felt so uncomfortable when I saw her yesterday. If I don't go to find her today, I may never have another chance in the future.

Before leaving, Song Yan's aunt also returned home. His uncle told Song Yan that he could go and have a look, but as a man, he could not fall into the same pit twice and let Song Yan hold on to his last bit of dignity.Song Yan nodded and left.

Xu Qin brought Song Yan to his residence. Hearing that Xu Qin wanted to drink porridge, he cooked porridge for Xu Qin himself. While cooking porridge, Song Yan asked Xu Qin if what he said last night was true. Xu Qin responded that he did.I remember, some can’t remember clearly.Song Yan then further reminded Xu Qin of crying why Song Yan couldn't get close to her. If Xu Qin's feelings for them were sincere, Song Yan would consider really getting closer. Once close, he would not leave easily, but Xu Qin would not leave easily.Qin should think carefully. If he is not sure, he should not intrude into his life unscrupulously. From then on, they can return to their peaceful lives without disturbing each other.Song Yan promised Xu Qin that if she wanted to, he would do his best to be good to her, but he didn't know if his kindness would satisfy Xu Qin's family.

Xu Qin looked into Song Yan's eyes, which were full of sincerity. Now that Song Yan is willing to take this step, the key to the question is whether Xu Qin is firm enough. As long as Xu Qin makes a decision, he will carry it out without hesitation.Xu Qin couldn't make a choice. Song Yan saw Xu Qin's hesitation. After the porridge was cooked, he went back silently.

After dinner, Xu Qin was about to go home. She met Meng Yanchen downstairs. Meng Yanchen drove her to work in person. Xu Qin knew that Meng Yanchen was worried about him, so she couldn't help saying that she was too greedy and wanted to go home.Her parents weren't worried about her, but they didn't want to leave the family, and they still wanted to be with Song Yan. It was because she wasn't worthy of Song Yan, but it wasn't that Song Yan wasn't worthy of him.Meng Yanchen had already noticed that his sister was in a low mood. He asked Xu Qin if she wanted to go abroad with him and never come back again. Xu Qin did not agree.

Xu Qin wanted to participate in the interview for an assistant physician, but her mother was afraid that she would work too hard, so she secretly called the director of the hospital. Xu Qin was unaware of her mother's little tricks. When she heard that Director Zhang did not agree to her interview application, she was very surprised and immediatelyI submitted another interview application the next day.Director Zhang was dissatisfied with Xu Qin's behind-the-scenes actions, thinking that Xu Qin just liked to use connections to go through the back door. He saw Xu Qin persevering in submitting an interview application and asked Xu Qin why she wanted to study medicine in the first place. Xu Qin bit her lip and she answered sincerely.At first I thought that doctors would not lose their jobs.This answer was beyond Dr. Zhang's expectation, and Xu Qin finally succeeded in the interview.Now he will be in a group with the equally arrogant Yang Sijia.

After Suo Jun left, a new instructor was quickly appointed. Comrades at the fire station whispered that the new leader who was originally scheduled to report in the afternoon came early in the morning, and it was Jiang Yu!He once taught Song Yan high-end fire-fighting and rescue skills. In that training session, Suo Jun had an accident while fighting a fire. Looking back now, Song Yan was still worried about it. Naturally, he didn't like Jiang Yu's arrival.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Meng Yanchen had been drinking, so he found a driver on the platform. Unexpectedly, the girl who came this time was Xiao Yixiao, the girl who worked part-time at the bar. I remember the first time I met her, the girl accidentally spilled the wine in his glass.clothes, so Meng Yanchen was deeply impressed by this girl.Back at the destination, Meng Yanchen knew that the girl had just entered her senior year and was working so many part-time jobs just to pay off her student loan early, so he asked for her payment code and gave her a hundred yuan to take a taxi back..

Song Yan returned to the dormitory and found that the chessboard Suo Jun had given him had been moved. He was in a bad mood and immediately moved the chessboard that Jiang Yu had moved back.Jiang Yu kept trying to find a topic and asked him if he liked to play checkers. He also took the initiative to say that he also liked playing checkers and asked him to play together when he was free. Song Yan did not respond.The next day, Jiang Yu discovered that Song Yan had nailed the checkers board to the wall. Apparently he missed the person who gave him the board.

Jiang Yu just came to the fire station and found that even during the break, the firefighters in the fire station were still doing physical training, lifting barbells and sweating profusely on the treadmill. Jiang Yu felt that this kind of training was unscientific, so he went to find Song Yan and himAfter discussion, it was suggested that there should be some relaxation and not such heavy training volume.Song Yan disagreed. Every second counts for disaster relief. It is the bounden duty of fire fighters to put out fires and save people as quickly as possible. If they train more regularly, they can save lives at critical moments.Song Yan's words left Jiang Yu speechless. He could only shake his head, and then tried to find some scientific data to prove his point of view.

In order to please Song Yan, Zhan Xiaorao specially sold a lot of cold drinks and barbecues to the fire officers and soldiers. Everyone was very happy. While everyone was feasting, when Song Yan knew who delivered the food, he immediately changed his face and reminded everyone that according to discipline, he was not allowed to accept food from the crowd.Everyone was embarrassed by the preferential treatment, and could neither take nor put the snacks in their hands. Jiang Yu immediately calmed down the atmosphere and said that discipline also prohibited wasting food, so just pay attention next time.

Song Yan called Zhan Xiaorao, and he once again explained that he already had someone he liked, and she also knew this person. When Zhan Xiaorao heard that Xu Qin was Song Yan's first girlfriend, it was like having ice water poured on her head, and she finally realized what was going on.And retreated.

In the evening, the firefighters couldn't help but chatter in the dormitory. Song Yan seemed to be not at odds with the captain. In fact, Suo Jun and Song Yan had a good relationship. It was almost time to turn off the lights. Captain Yang Chi asked everyone to stop talking and take a rest.When Song Yan checked his bed, he also heard his comrades talking outside the dormitory door.

A few days later, the fire brigade carried out outdoor training as usual, running 20 kilometers with a load of 20 kilograms. Jiang Yu wanted to integrate into this large group, so he took the initiative to join the training team. Some well-meaning comrades reminded him that today's training task was not easy. Jiang YuBut he felt that he could do it. He tried hard to integrate himself, but found that he was really different from them. It suddenly rained that day, and he still ran so far with such a heavy thing on his back.

The run was supposed to be finished at four o'clock in the afternoon, but it was already dark but Jiang Yu was nowhere to be seen. Song Yan was worried that something would happen, so he asked his comrades to drive to find Jiang Yu. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yu staggered back, apparently already.I was so exhausted that my legs started to feel shaky while running.Jiang Yu finally insisted and ran back. He sat down on the ground and asked his comrades next to him if he was not like them. No one was as embarrassed as him.Jiang Yu didn't usually come to the fire station. He felt good about himself. When he finally came here, he found that he seemed to be talking on paper.He had heard that the position of instructor he took over once belonged to Suo Jun, a very outstanding fire officer. It was no wonder that Song Yan looked down on him. Indeed, the gap between him and Suo Jun was not even small.

Jiang Yu limped back to the dormitory and saw some aerosols for relaxing muscles and activating blood circulation on the bedside table. Song Yan had obviously prepared them for him. Although Song Yan did not speak, Jiang Yu still said thank you.

The two gradually became familiar with each other. Song Yan knew that Jiang Yu's family was well off. He didn't understand why people from Jiang Yu's family returned to the fire station to do such dangerous work. Jiang Yu was surprised by the question raised by Song Yan. He felt veryIt's normal, because he likes this career, and his mother also supports it. Although his father doesn't agree very much, he always teaches Song Yan to be an upright person.Song Yan nodded. He was very envious of Jiang Yu for being able to control his own life. He was born to be a lucky person.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Song Yan heard Jiang Yu say that his father taught him to be an upright person since he was a child. He smiled bitterly and said that his father taught him the same way.At night, lying in bed, Song Yan recalled what happened in 1999. When his father saw that his colleagues were laid off, he couldn't help but persuade them to be more relaxed. However, when he got home, he saw his wife with heavy makeup and getting ready to go out again. Song Yan's fatherHe knew that his wife would definitely go to the cabaret to dance again, so he begged her not to go to that kind of place where people and people were mixed up. Not only did his wife not listen to him, she also accused Song Yan's father of not wanting to make progress. Other husbands of the same level were too good at it.When he got angry, he became more and more cowardly.Song Yan was speechless by his wife, so he could only accompany his son to eat fruit at home.

A few days later, Song Yan's father was framed by a traitor and was laid off because of something at work. Song Yan's mother packed her things without hesitation, got into another man's luxury car and drove away. From then on, Song Yan's father began to be depressed and depressed all day long.He drank heavily and fell asleep leaning against the door of his house on a winter night.Young Song Yan woke up in the middle of the night and fumbled for the door to open the door to look for his father. He found his father with his head hanging down and leaning against the door with a wine bottle motionless. Snowflakes fell all over him. Song Yan called the neighbors to help carry his father into the house. Only then did he realize thatMy father had frozen to death.After that, he lived in his aunt's house. Her aunt had been very good to him over the years, but when she saw other families enjoying themselves, Song Yan would always feel a little sad.

Song Yan and other comrades in the fire station rescued a hornet's nest together and were accidentally stung by a wasp. The comrades took Song Yan to the hospital. Xu Qin happened to be the one who treated Song Yan. The stung area was his buttocks. Song Yan was a little embarrassed.But Xu Qin's identity was a doctor, so he still took off his clothes in an awkward manner.

Meng Yanchen brought a box of milk to the hospital to visit Xu Qin. He met Song Yan and several fire officers and soldiers. Meng Yanchen couldn't help but stop Song Yan. He reminded Song Yan to pay attention to his identity, and also praised Xu Qin and Song Yan.There was already an insurmountable wall between them. Song Yan mocked Meng Yanchen for not overestimating his abilities. He said that what he was best at was tearing down walls, so all the obstacles between Xu Qin and him were nothing.This time Song Yan looked directly into Meng Yanchen's eyes and reminded him that he should learn to look at himself. He is very good at blaming others and never expresses his inner feelings. Since he is Xu Qin's brother, he should be measured and not be so strong towards Xu Qin.desire for control.

Today was Meng Yanchen's birthday. Xu Qin went home early to celebrate his brother's birthday with his parents. Everyone blew out candles. Her mother couldn't help but say that Meng Yanchen was raised as a child. The child was very sensible and never made her angry.Hearing his mother's words, Meng Yanchen felt very uncomfortable. He had lived in a very controlling family since he was a child. He had learned to watch people's actions and accept them.

Xu Qin knew that her brother liked butterflies very much, so she gave him a gift. It was an extremely colorful butterfly unique to the Panama rainforest.Meng Yanchen saw the lifelike butterfly in the box and told his sister that if he wanted to get the most brilliant colors when making this kind of butterfly specimen, he would start before the butterfly was alive and remove its internal organs bit by bit until the butterfly had the most desire to survive.moment that seals it forever.

Xu Qin lamented the cruelty of the specimen, and the two of them talked about their family. Song Yan wanted to persuade his sister not to continue to be entangled with Song Yan. His mother would not agree to their being together, but Xu Qin would never compromise this time. Meng Yanchen was excited.Then he blurted out: If Xu Qin and Song Yan can do it, then why can't they.Xu Qin immediately told Meng Yanchen to shut up, saying frankly that she would convince her mother to support her decision, and that Meng Yanchen would always be her brother.

After Meng Yanchen was rejected by his sister, he went to a bar to drink. This time he encountered a male customer who sexually harassed the waiter. Ye Zi defended his colleagues and was slapped by the customer. Meng Yanchen was depressed and couldn't bear to see these dirty things, so he just picked up a bottleThe drink hit the other person, but since he was rich, he was not afraid of causing trouble at all.In the evening, Meng Yanchen called for a driver, and it was still Ye Zi who took the load. Ye Zi drove Meng Yanchen home. Meng Yanchen suggested that she stop working in the bar and introduced her to a new job.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

The fire station received another rescue mission. This time there was a fire on the outskirts of the city. Originally it was a demolition site and there should be no one there. However, after Song Yan investigated it, he found that there was a lot of garbage inside and there should be temporary residents, so he rushed in with the fire fighters.

Song Yan found a little girl at the fire scene who had fallen into a coma. He immediately took off his breathing mask and put it on her face.Outside the fire scene, firefighters began to put out the fire desperately. Some people exclaimed that the time was too long and the air pressure was not enough. The walls of the department began to collapse. If they did not come out, there would be greater danger.While working hard to extinguish the fire, firefighters used walkie-talkies to call their teammates to pay attention to safety.

Finally, Song Yan and his comrades rescued two people. An old man showed no signs of life on the spot. The little girl Song Yan rescued from the fire was still in the rescue room. Jiang Yu was very sad when he heard that the old man had not been saved. Reality hit him.After drinking a lot of cold water, he finally understood that daily physical training was very necessary.Everyone went through a fierce battle. Song Yan took his comrades to eat fried chicken nearby to replenish energy. At this time, several beauties passed by the fried chicken restaurant. Some young firefighters were stunned. After the beauties passed by, some firefighters reported the bigPeng had just fallen in love with a beautiful woman, and he was at the age where he was in full swing. Of course, everyone wanted to fall in love. Some people in the team laughed at themselves because they didn't have a car, a house, or time. How could any girl fall in love with them?This sentence touched Song Yan's pain point. It was more like his current situation. When he met a girl he liked, he became the moon in the mirror because of his poor family background.

Xu Qin worked hard to treat the comatose little girl. According to normal cases, immediate surgery is needed to remove the abdominal effusion. Xu Qin carefully examined the little girl and ruled out all objections. He recommended conservative treatment. The little girl was too young and would remain in hospital after the operation.The scars will cause psychological trauma in the future.This time Xu Qin personally took care of the little girl, and the hard work paid off, and the girl finally regained consciousness.Xu Qin sent a WeChat message to Song Yan to report that he was safe. After hearing the news, Song Yan was finally relieved.

Jiang Yu told Song Yan that the little girl rescued from the fire was called Xiao Juzi. Her life experience was very poor. She was abandoned by her parents when she was a child, and was later raised by an unrelated grandmother. During the fire, the grandmother also died to save the girl. Now it’s reallyBecame a helpless person.Song Yan was moved in his heart. Isn't this who he was when he was young? Fortunately, he still has an aunt.

Song Yan brought some daily necessities to visit Little Orange, and met a reporter to interview Xu Qin. The reporter asked Xu Qin what he thought of her mother who was looking for Little Orange. Xu Qin did not hesitate to say in the interview that it was her mother who abandoned her in the first place., what's the use of getting this mother back now.Song Yan recognized this sentence very much.

Xu Qin's mother called her and said that Jiang Yu's mother wanted to come to her home to meet her. Xu Qin was originally going to refuse, but when she heard that her mother was bringing someone to the hospital to visit, she immediately said that she had time.

Jiang Yu's parents and Xu Qin's parents are old friends, and their families are very well matched. Xu Qin's father has a very good impression of Jiang Yu. Xu Qin chatted with Jiang Yu and admitted that he already had someone he liked, but he was...His parents objected, but Jiang Yu was also a very enthusiastic person. When he heard that Xu Qin was interested in a famous woman, he immediately deliberately tried to screw him up in the next “interview”, saying that he had no ideals and no sense of responsibility, etc., which made Xu QinQin's mother gave him a very low rating.

Ever since Xu Qin clearly told Meng Yanchen her decision, the two of them hadn't spoken to each other for several days. This time Xu Qin went to Xiao Yixiao's bar to drink, and Xiao Yixiao accidentally mentioned Meng Yanchen's birthday.That day, I went to a bar to get drunk and hit someone with a bottle. It really refreshed my understanding of Meng Yanchen.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

At the breakfast table, Song Yan's cousin Zhai Miao asked him if he had been dumped by Xu Qin recently. She blamed her brother for his poor memory. He fell into a pit once and let it go. He persisted in pursuing her, but he was not touched in the end.A gray nose.

Song Yan disagreed with his cousin's assessment of Xu Qin's arrogance and aloofness. He felt that Xu Qin was actually very timid. He clearly wanted freedom but always wronged himself for the sake of his family.When Zhai Miao heard that her brother was still defending Xu Qin, she was so angry that she couldn't eat the buns. She blamed Song Yan for being born in a blessing and not knowing how to be blessed. Li Meng at the fire station was such a good girl, but Song Yan couldn't see it.Aunt Shi also added that Li Meng is more suitable for Song Yan, and both families are very consistent. Besides, Li Meng is straightforward and enthusiastic, and is a very good girl.

In the morning, Song Yan went to work at the fire station, and happened to meet Li Meng. Li Meng drove Song Yan to work. The two of them were chatting, but they met Xu Qin while waiting for a red light. The two looked at each other, and Xu Qin originallyHe wanted to say hello to Song Yan, but when he saw Li Meng on the driver's seat, he had no choice but to take back his hand and silently rolled up the window glass.

The fire station received a call for help. Several college students went to the back mountain to climb, but they did not come back. Jiang Yu and Song Yan immediately went to the scene. Several parents of the students begged the fire fighters to rescue people now. The environment in the back mountain was complicated., the rescue work is very arduous. Parents are very anxious to ask the fire officers and soldiers to rescue people now. Jiang Yu comforts the parents' emotions. Those lovelorn “tour” are every life, and the lives of the fire officers and soldiers are also lives. After emergency deployment, the fire officers and soldiersI found someone who was very familiar with the terrain of the back mountain to lead me up the mountain. After four hours of trekking, I finally found the missing travel companion%.

One of the girls had a broken leg and the wound was bloody and in very bad condition. Song Yan immediately called Xu Qin and asked about first aid for the broken leg. Xu Qin received the call and immediately gave detailed instructions.At that time, Meng Yanchen came to pick Xu Qin up from get off work in person. Seeing Xu Qin's nervous look after receiving the call, he guessed that the caller was Song Yan.On the way down the mountain with those traveling friends, Junping accidentally drifted into the canyon and his feet got stuck in a stone seam and could not get out. The tourists who were rescued on the mountain were very impatient at this time and asked the firefighters to send them back first.There were no rescue tools around, and the surrounding signal was not good, so Song Yan had to ask the fire officers and soldiers to take these people back first, while he stayed to guard Junping.

Jiang Yu escorted the tourists back. He originally thought that they were seriously injured. He took special care and tried to support them throughout the process. Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the fire station, the tourists recovered and immediately ran into the arms of their parents. Jiang Yu was very surprised. It turned out that they did notIt happened, but just now the firefighters fell into the canyon to save them, but these tourists all cold-bloodedly urged them to be sent away first. It was simply too selfish.

Xu Qin returned home and couldn't receive a call from Song Yan. She was always worried. Firefighters and soldiers would encounter various accidents every day during rescue operations. Xu Qin was very anxious when there was no news from Song Yan.

Song Yan stayed by Junping's side, holding him and helping him keep warm. Later, the comrades from the fire station returned and rescued him immediately.On the way back, Jiang Yu was a little disappointed with human nature. Song Yan was not surprised and comforted him by saying that he had been living in a glass dome for too long. If he worked in this industry for a long time, he would encounter anything.Jiang Yu lamented that in fact, he came to the fire station out of love. He didn't expect that when he got involved, he found that there were so many things.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Through the last rescue experience, Jiang Yu reported to his superiors and planned to set up a fire medical rescue team. The next time he encounters an emergency, he will know how to care for the wounded. The leader saw that Jiang Yu had made a detailed plan and felt that Jiang YuYu is very concerned about his current work, and this suggestion is very reasonable, so he asked Jiang Yu to communicate with the hospital.

Jiang Yu also took Song Yan with him when he went to the hospital. Xu Qin accompanied his brother Meng Yanchen to the hospital for a physical examination. They happened to meet each other. Jiang Yu didn't know the relationship between Xu Qin and Song Yan, and introduced Song Yan to Meng Yanchen.flame.Both parties said they didn't know each other, and Jiang Yu was willing to be their introducer.

The hospital received an invitation from the fire station to cooperate and assigned this task to Xu Qin's team.Jiang Xiaorao came to Xu Qin's house as a guest and asked her about her recent progress with Song Yan. Xu Qin smiled bitterly. He once thought that uncertain love would hurt Song Yan, but now it seems that both sides are hurt.There was an intersection. Xu Qin said frankly that he didn't know whether Song Yan would have changed ten years later, and Song Yan was no longer in front, so they were stumbling with each other. Jiang Xiaorao couldn't help but be happy. It was rare to hear that someone wasWhen they fall in love like this, they clearly have each other in their hearts but they still can't get close.

The medical staff came to the fire station to train some emergency treatment skills. At the same time, the fire officers and soldiers also taught the medical staff some precautions when entering the scene. Xu Qin and several medical staff were taken by the fire officers and soldiers to visit the dormitories and each training venue. JiangYu noticed the subtle reaction between Xu Qin and Song Yan, and quickly guessed that Song Yan was Xu Qin's ex-boyfriend.Jiang Yu can sometimes be very nervous and talk nonsense, but sometimes he is also quite attentive and understands the ways of the world. Through long-term interactions, Jiang Yu gradually got to know Song Yan and established a comrade-in-arms relationship. Now the two of them can talk and communicate much more smoothly.

Xu Qin has been training at the fire station recently, so there are naturally more opportunities to meet. Song Yan saw Xu Qin still eating very little in the restaurant, and couldn't help but remind her not to waste food. Besides, the training workload is so heavy now, and she doesn't replenish her energy.How to keep up with physical fitness.Song Yan was still nagging, so Xu Qin sat down opposite Song Yan angrily and ate all the food in the lunch box.

There are more gay men in the fire station. This time there are many new female doctors in the fire station. The soldiers are very excited and clean up one after another, trying to leave a good impression on the doctors. The medical staff saw that they were stacked like tofu cubes.The bedding was ordinary, and I immediately felt that the fire officers and soldiers did a better job than the girls' dormitory.Zhan Dapeng immediately opened their storage cabinet honestly and said that some messy items had been hidden. One nurse saw a “Panpan” posted in the storage cabinet and immediately had an impression of Zhan Dapeng. See you next time.Dapeng came to Zhan to give him training uniforms and blurted out “Panpan” as a greeting, which made Dapeng extremely embarrassed.

There were no bathrooms for girls in the fire station, so the medical staff had to wash up first. To prevent anyone from entering without knowing it, fire officers and soldiers also posted people to stand guard outside the door.The two medical staff couldn't help but laugh when they saw the soldier on guard stammering his words and being very shy. Every soldier here was so shy.

In the evening, Jiang Yu and Song Yan discussed the training plan for the next day together. They both felt that they should learn from each other. They taught the medical staff some emergency rescue skills, and the team members must also be proficient in some emergency rescue knowledge. This time the two successfully reached an agreement.Opinion.

Zhai Miao is about to graduate. Because the major he studied is not good, employment is equal to unemployment. Zhai Miao thought of live streaming to sell goods. It happened that Ye Zi in the dormitory was very photogenic, so Zhai Miao asked Ye Zi for help.

When Xu Qin was training firefighters, Song Yan was recommended to be a mannequin. Looking at Xu Qin up close, he was a little distracted. Every comrade came to him and followed Xu Qin's instructions to find human body joints. Song Yan was very embarrassed., and soon took the initiative to quit being a mannequin.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Firefighters and medical staff began to train in first aid and rescue cooperation. Jiang Yu divided everyone into groups. Firefighters and medical staff partnered up and cooperated with each other to complete the entire rescue in the shortest time.Jiang Yu deliberately put Xu Qin and Song Yan in the same group, but Song Yan directly changed their positions and asked his comrades to train for him.

During the training, the fire officers and soldiers were able to do those climbing up and down movements with ease, but when it was the turn of the medical staff, it was not so smooth. Yang Chi saw the girl crying because she was afraid of heights. He didn't know if his voice was too loud during the training, and what happened?I don't know how to coax people, and I feel at a loss at first.After climbing training, Song Yan met Xu Qin in the physical training room. Xu Qin ignored him and increased the intensity of training. Song Yan was also training on the side. Xu Qin couldn't help but ask him why he was unwilling during training.Being in a group with her, Song Yan admitted that if the two of them trained together, it would distract other comrades. It turned out to be the case, and Xu Qin quickly forgave him.

Xu Qin sprained her foot on the treadmill, and Song Yan helped her set her bones. The two were talking, and at some point, their comrades gathered around them, staring blankly at the two of them without blinking an eye.They are very concerned about the personal life of the webmaster. After finally hearing that the iron tree is blooming, they all want to stop by to learn from it and get some luck.

On this day, the fire station received an alarm call. A traffic accident occurred on a bus. The medical staff happened to be there, so everyone went to the police together. The scene was very tragic. The bus hit the guardrail and fell directly from the cliff. There were still people inside the bus.Children and passengers who did not escape in time.It was still late at night, and the light was blurry at all. Firefighters tied safety ropes around their waists and went down to the cliff one by one to search and rescue trapped people from vehicles.

The low visibility and the dangerous terrain made the search and rescue work more difficult. Firefighters searched one by one and pulled up each trapped person with temporary mats.After they were almost pulled up, a girl cried and said that her friend Chen Yu was still down there. The firefighters searched one by one again and finally found the trapped person Chen Yu at the bottom of the cliff. However, his vital signs were very weak.Dare to act rashly, Xu Qin received the task and took the initiative to apply to go down the cliff for search and rescue.

The situation was complicated now, and it would be dangerous for Xu Qin to be placed under the cliff. Song Yan went down with Xu Qin. Fortunately, Xu Qin was there. She immediately gave Chen Yu a shot in the arm, encouraged him not to sleep, and then bandaged it carefully.With the bleeding wound, the fire officers and soldiers carried him up on a stretcher.Thanks to the participation of medical staff in this rescue, they rescued all the passengers in the car in the shortest possible time and achieved great success.

Wherever there is danger, there are firefighters and soldiers. In peacetime, there will be accidents, and firefighters are the angels of light. When the wounded or victims lose hope in life, the firefighters will promptly help them solve their problems and save lives.Hope is delivered to them without hesitation.

In this traffic accident, the most seriously injured patient was named Chen Yu. According to the passenger's oral account, after the vehicle rolled over, Chen Yu used his suitcase to smash open the window glass, and then removed the trapped people in the car one by one.The children and women were transported out of the car, and they should have been praised by the media and the public, but they never expected that there were two other girls in the car who were very worried about Chen Yu himself. When they saw the media reporters interviewing them, they immediately called Chen Yu a fraud, defrauding money and sex, several girls were deceived by him. Later, several girls jointly invited Chen Yu out and prepared to arrest him and take him to the police station. At this time, a car accident happened, so these deceived girls denied that Chen Yu was“Rescuing Hero”.

After seeing the media reports, Jiang Yu lamented that in the vast world, Chen Yu is a Buddha on one side and a devil on the other. He can both save and harm people. It is really difficult to judge.

When Li Meng saw that reporters were coming to interview fire officers and soldiers, he immediately called Song Yan over and gave him a chance to show his face and claim credit. However, Song Yan modestly pushed Xu Qin in front of the camera and said that the rescue was thanks to the efforts of the medical staff.Help.There is such an unknown fool, Li Meng glared at Song Yan.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

When Xu Qin saw the unusual relationship between Li Meng and Song Yan, he felt as if he was jealous, and his words also had a sour taste. Song Yan reminded Xu Qin that since Xu Qin had made a decision, he fully supported it and no longer forced it.After a few days, he will bravely leave the past behind, marry another girl, have children, and start a happy family. Looking at Song Yan's back, Xu Qin knows that Song Yan is serious this time. It seems that if he doesn't hurry up,The man in front of her might no longer belong to her.

Fire officers and soldiers put out fires and rescue operations, and also identified the cause of the fire. This time Li Meng and Jiang Yu went to the fire scene to find out the cause of the fire. The workshop leader diligently led the way and invited Li Meng and the others to go to other places. Li MengFound traces of oil at the fire point, they immediately asked Jiang Yu to take a sample. Seeing that something was wrong, the workshop leader quietly called for foreign aid. After a while, a group of street gangsters came from society. They also brought murder tools and surrounded the firefighters.After threatening him to keep the evidence, Li Meng immediately told Jiang Yu to protect the evidence.

When the other party saw that the firefighters had obtained the evidence and refused to hand it over no matter what, they showed their fierceness and waved the dagger in their hands. Jiang Yu immediately stopped the comrades around him and reminded them that there were rules in the team and they could not fight with the crowd.Originally, the opponent was armed with sharp weapons, and because he could not fight back, the firefighters were naturally at a disadvantage. Fortunately, Song Yan and several firefighter comrades came over for reinforcements, and Jiang Yu was finally rescued.

In order to protect Jiang Yu, Yang Chi got cut on his palm, and there were other injured people. After Xu Qin treated the wounds of other people, Xu Xi quietly stopped Yang Chi. When she saw that Yang Chi was also injured, she took the initiative to clean his wounds., Yang Chi once cooperated with Xu Xi to complete the climbing action. At that time, Xu Xi shed tears because of fear. Now seeing that Yang Chi’s wound was so deep, she couldn’t help but shed tears. It was the first time that Yang Chi saw a woman.The child shed tears for him, feeling some different emotions in his heart.

Every time Jiang Yu saw Xu Qin in the team in danger, he was obliged to do so. This time, he talked to Xu Qin a few more words when closing the team. Song Yan was sitting in the passenger seat and heard Jiang Yu and Xu Qin talking. They looked very familiar.The comrades on the side immediately understood Song Yan's thoughts and urged Jiang Yu to prepare to withdraw the team.

Finally, the technical department conducted inspections and confirmed that the fire in the factory was caused by someone who set the fire wantonly for the purpose of defrauding the insurance company. After the investigation results came out, those who assaulted the fire officers and soldiers were successfully convicted. Not only were they guilty of provoking trouble and endangering social security, they were also charged with assault.Fireman's Felony.

At night, Jiang Yu was lying on the bed tossing and turning. During the day, he did not let the fire fighters fight back against the gangsters on the street, which resulted in several firefighters being beaten with bruises and bruises. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't bear it, and he also felt that several of his comrades had done something to him.After hearing his opinion, he discussed with Song Yan what to do.Song Yan pretended to be asleep and turned his back to rest. Jiang Yu was also very interesting. When he heard that Song Yan didn't speak, he began to ask and answer questions. In the end, he shouted his name to encourage him to work hard tomorrow.These things will be taken care of.Hearing Jiang Yu's words, Song Yan couldn't help but feel happy.

A few days later, the police called several firefighters who were beaten that day to identify the murderer. When several street gangsters heard that the police said that those who beat firefighters would be sent to jail for at least three years, they panicked and cried bitterly.Speak good words to the firefighters. This time they have a better memory. They gave the people's soldiers two blows and will have to spend at least three years in prison. They will regret and cry a lot. Some of them even knelt down to beg for mercy. Seeing those villainsAfter receiving the fate he deserved, the firefighter finally relieved himself.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

After training all day, Jiang Yu and Xu Qin fed stray cats together at night. The firefighter couldn't help but ask Xu Qin why she didn't keep some pets at home. Xu Qin admitted that although her home was large, the pets were keptThere was no freedom at all at home, and pets generally had shorter lifespans than humans. She didn't want to waste her feelings, so she simply stopped keeping pets.

Some of the comrades did not agree with Xu Qin's point of view. They said that the stationmaster had a dog and was very affectionate. Song Yan reluctantly said that he was also going to give the dog away.Xu Qin was very surprised. Zhan Dapeng immediately explained that Song Yan was sending the dog to the military camp to be a police dog. He had been training the dog in his spare time. Now the dog has very strong detection and rescue capabilities. Besides, it can also be found as a police dog.Like companions.

In the blink of an eye, it was late autumn, and Jiang Yu arranged time for the firefighters to visit relatives. There were many accidents in autumn, so there was not enough time. Jiang Yu and Xu Qin worked together to find a way to help contact the families of each firefighter, knowing that there was no time to go back to visit relatives., the families of these soldiers made food that the firefighters liked to eat at home and then delivered it by courier.The soldiers ate meals cooked by their families and saw videos of greetings recorded by their families. Everyone was very excited.

Soon, the firefighters received an alarm call. Someone was trapped under a wardrobe at home and could not move. Xu Qin and the medical staff went to the rescue. The man who called the police was named Wu Xuanyang. He rarely went out and kept some weird things at home every day.He has lizards and snakes as pets, and even more bizarrely, he also has an alpaca. This time it was the alpaca that knocked over the wardrobe and other storage shelves, and he was crushed under the heavy object.Firefighters broke down the door and moved him out from under the heavy objects. Wu Xuanyang unconsciously covered his chest and said he was feeling suffocated.Song Yan quickly called Xu Qin, and Xu Qin and several medical staff rushed over to make a preliminary diagnosis.After the diagnosis, Xu Qin felt that the patient's condition was very serious and immediately suggested that Wu Xuanyang go to the hospital for further diagnosis and treatment, but Wu Xuanyang did not agree.He pushed the medical staff out of the bedroom.

Now that Wu Xuanyang had been rescued from under the heavy object, the rescue was successful. Xu Qin was driven out by Wu Xuanyang and could have walked away. She sensed something was wrong and went back to knock on the door again. At this time, there was no sound from the bedroom.Fortunately, the firefighters opened the door in time and sent Wu Xuanyang to the hospital, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Outside the operating room, the patient's family received a call and rushed over quickly. They didn't understand the situation and thought it was the firefighters who had brought the patient to the hospital. They questioned the fire fighters' accompanying doctors for delaying treatment, and shamelessly accused the firefighters.The media filmed the live broadcast. The patient's family stopped Xu Qin and asked for an explanation. At this time, Song Yan came over. He pulled Xu Qin behind him and faced the patient's family. He said that if there were any problems, he would take full responsibility, and then told the whole process of receiving the police.I have said it again, thanks to the accompanying medical staff at that time, Wu Xuanyang's illness would not have been discovered otherwise.After hearing the firefighter's explanation, Wu Xuanyang's family members no longer dared to talk nonsense.

The medical staff had been training at the fire station for some time, and the hospital was also short of manpower, so Xu Qin and several colleagues prepared to leave the fire station.Song Yan bought a fish tank and put some tropical fish in it for Xu Qin. The bonsai was very beautiful and had a self-made ecosystem in it. It did not require additional feeding. Xu Qin was very happy to receive the gift.A few days later, Song Yan found a turtle on his desk with a note on it, wishing Song Yan would live longer than the turtle. This was a gift from Xu Qin, and Song Yan accepted it happily.

Meng Yanchen went to the hospital to visit Xu Qin with gifts. When the nurse said that Xu Qin had gone to the fire station to study, he was unhappy and tried to persuade his sister not to work in the hospital. Their family had a business and had channels in all aspects., there is no need to work so hard in the hospital. Meng Yanchen was very happy to hear that his sister finally had time. He also accompanied his sister to the supermarket for shopping, and also persuaded her to do some sales promotion of medical equipment. This kind of job pays well and is usually very relaxing., and more importantly, there will be fewer opportunities to come into contact with firefighters in the future.Although Meng Yanchen has thought about several pharmaceutical companies that Xu Qin can work for in the future, Xu Qin has no intention of resigning yet.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

As the saying goes, the road between enemies is narrow. Xu Qin and Song Yan happened to meet each other in the supermarket. At that time, Song Yan took Dapeng to the supermarket to buy things. They met Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen who were also shopping in the supermarket. Meng Yanchen and Song YanTheir eyes met, with sparks in their eyes.In order to lighten the atmosphere, Xu Qin quickly took a bag of potato chips from the shelf next to her. Meng Yanchen deliberately insinuated that potato chips were harmful to health and that it was best to stay away from junk food in the future.This was obviously a provocation, and Song Yan was not afraid at all. He took three or five packages of chips from the side and put them into the shopping cart, and then walked away with his comrades.

Xu Qin's mother heard that her daughter had recently received firefighting training at the fire station. She guessed that she would rekindle her old relationship with Song Yan. She immediately called the hospital director and asked him to withdraw the nurses from the fire station immediately.Just when Meng Yanchen came home, Xu Qin's mother asked Meng Yanchen if he also knew that his sister was at the fire station. Meng Yanchen didn't say anything. He hesitated to help his sister hide it, so he explained that Xu Qin and Song Yan were not together..The mother angrily accused Meng Yanchen of favoring his sister, thinking that she gave them too much free time.

The captain of the fire station reminded Song Yan that he had recently received a report that the medical team should not set up a joint team with the fire station. Jiang Yu was also very surprised. Who wanted to complain about this?Song Yan had already guessed that it must be related to Xu Qin's mother. He had seen Xu Qin's mother's methods many years ago. When he knew that she knew that her daughter was in love with Song Yan, she made the matter even more jealous and reported it to the school, almost bringing Song Yan to school.Yan's academic status was ruined. At that time, Song Yan's uncle knelt on the ground and begged Xu Qin's mother to show her favor. At least Song Yan was still young and had a long road ahead. Every time he thought of his relatives kneeling in front of Xu Qin's mother because of him, Song YanFlame clenched her fists with hatred.

Sure enough, within a few days, Xu Qin's mother came to see Song Yan. Song Yan had already guessed the purpose of the meeting. He faced Xu Qin's mother directly and reminded her not to go too far, let alone to take advantage of his relatives. JiangShe is still too old. Xu Qin's mother deliberately said that people should live with dignity. He approached Xu Qin twice like this to ensure that he had no other purpose. She hoped that she would not be greedy for wealth like his mother.These words were very harsh. Xu Qin's mother mentioned Song Yan's pain point. He did not hesitate to fight back. He became a firefighter. He never looked down on anyone or looked down on anyone, but he never looked down upon her..After saying these words, he paid for the coffee on the table with his mobile phone and walked away.

Xu Qin and several colleagues saw the firefighters conducting fire-fighting training. They saw them holding the hoses easily. The medical staff really wanted to try, but when they turned on the faucet, they became confused and the water in the pipe splashed Xu Qin all over., Song Yan saw it from afar, but he did not step forward to help.

In the dressing room, Song Yan knew that Xu Qin's clothes were soaked, so he specially found a firefighting suit and sent it to her. Xu Qin had taken a bath, and Song Yan helped dry her hair.This scene reminded Xu Qin of a time when two people were caught in the rain outside in high school. Song Yan took Xu Qin to his aunt's house, found a hair dryer for her, and asked her to dry her hair quickly, otherwise she would catch a cold the next day..Although so much time has passed, the two of them still have not forgotten.At this moment, although she had good memories in her heart, Song Yan resolutely proposed breaking up. Xu Qin was very heartbroken, but she had no choice. There was still opposition from her mother at home, and there seemed to be several mountains between them.

It was time to say goodbye soon. Xu Qin sat alone in the passenger seat of the fire truck where Song Yan often sat. Feeling Song Yan's breath, Song Yan sat there to direct the on-site rescue when performing tasks every day. Xu Qin kept praying to Song Yan.Yan was able to return from the mission safely. She accidentally saw the lighter on the seat. This was a gift she gave to Song Yan ten years ago. It turned out that Song Yan had always carried it with her. Thinking of this, Xu Qin couldn't help crying.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Before every border defense mission, soldiers must write a letter to their families. Border defense missions are very dangerous. They are called letters but they are actually wills. Many of Song Yan's comrades have already written them, but he is still hesitating - at home.His mother had remarried and his father had passed away. He believed that there would be no one to worry about anymore, but the only person Song Yan couldn't worry about was Xu Qin, so he only wrote a letter to Xu Qin.

The border defense mission was brutal, and several comrades encountered accidents. Song Yan was also hit by several bullets. The most fatal bullet hit the lighter in his chest pocket, and just like that, Song Yan escaped from the gate of hell.At that time, he woke up from the hospital bed, saw the lighter, and thought that if he could go back, he would marry Xu Qin, but five years have passed and this wish has not been realized.Song Yan knew that this matter was not just wishful thinking. If Xu Qin broke up with his family, he would not want to see it.

Xu Qin's mother began to arrange blind dates for her two children. Knowing that the two children were busy, she even brought a blind date girl to her home. Meng Yanchen was originally going to see an art exhibition, but couldn't resist his mother's invitation, so he had to take the blind date girl with him.Girl watching art exhibition.

At the art exhibition, Meng Yanchen fell in love with a painting. In the painting, two children were sitting on the light cyan wall of the courtyard. There were peach blossoms and green leaves in front of them. The childhood sweethearts looked very beautiful, but it looked like they were just the painter.Meng Yanchen stood there blankly in the memory and longing of people. I don't know when Ye Zi stood next to it. She also saw this painting and did not suggest that Meng Yanchen buy it back at a high price. In Ye Zi's opinion, sinceThey are beautiful memories, just keep them in your heart, not necessarily hang them on the wall.Ye Zi's advice was very pertinent. Meng Yanchen appreciated Ye Zi's straightforwardness and he could feel that the two of them were on the same wavelength.

The girl on the blind date was not interested in the art exhibition, and Meng Yanchen did not show any special care. The girls on the blind date soon broke up.Meng Yanchen drove back when it suddenly started raining. He happened to meet Ye Zi on the road and invited Ye Zi to get in the car again.

Xu Qin left the fire brigade and didn't contact Song Yan for a long time. Song Yan didn't think about food or food these days. He picked up the phone again and again and finally plucked up the courage to call Xu Qin. When the call was connected, he heardHearing Xu Qin's voice, Song Yan was speechless, and he immediately covered up that he had made the wrong call.Xu Qin couldn't help but laugh. She admitted that she had a very high IQ, and even though she made the call, she pretended to be reserved.The two chatted about work for a while, and Song Yan found an excuse to hang up the phone.

Finally, the opportunity came for Xu Qin and Song Yan to meet. The hospital was going to conduct a fire drill, and Xu Qin was chosen to play the role of a trapped person who was alone.Each participant in the fire drill also had their own role and script.Xu Qin got her role and played the trapped person in the pharmacy.The fire alarm rang for a long time, and Xu Qin sat bored in the ward, waiting for rescue by firefighters.Half an hour passed and no one came in. Xu Qin stood up bored and was about to pack up and go home.At this time, the door opened. It turned out that Song Yan checked the staff in each ward and found Xu Qin. He was surprised and asked Xu Qin why he didn't call for help when he was trapped in the fire. Xu Qin was also surprised. There was no written call for help in the script.Or make other emergency plans and just wait for someone to come to rescue you.

Suddenly the ceiling light began to shake, and then the glass bottle of medicine in the cabinet was shaken down and shattered on the floor. It was obviously an earthquake.Song Yan quickly used his own body to block Xu Qin in the triangle safety zone to prevent Xu Qin from being hurt. Finally, when the amplitude of the vibration was smaller, Song Yan walked out of the door with confidence. Someone outside started shouting that an earthquake was coming, and Song Yan went to rescue.Turning around to say goodbye to Xu Qin, she saw broken glass in front of Xu Qin, striding toward her, and carried Xu Qin directly to a safe area before putting her down.Seeing Song Yan's back, Xu Qin was very excited. Every time she saw Song Yan in a crisis, Xu Qin felt particularly safe. She couldn't help but run towards Song Yan to rescue people with him.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

An earthquake suddenly occurred in the city, and the hospital was in chaos. Medical staff rushed to move the injured patients to a safe place. It was reported in the news that there were earthquake-stricken areas nearby. Firefighters received the news and immediately rushed to the disaster area for rescue.

Rushing to the disaster area for disaster relief is inherently risky. The director of the hospital asked those who wanted to volunteer for disaster relief to raise their hands. Xu Qin, the director of the department, was the first to stand up and sign up. In times of crisis, doctors are kind-hearted. Xu Qin also raised his hands to sign up. SheHe hurriedly spoke to Meng Yanchen and his father on the phone, and then got into the car without hesitation.

Xu Qin and all the officers and soldiers of the fire station have arrived in Wangxiang. The disaster here is more serious than imagined. Many houses collapsed in the earthquake. Xu Qin immediately reported to the organization and tried to send reinforcements. If there is a collapse, there will be injuries.In the following days, before large rescue machines were in place, fire officers and soldiers moved a large amount of earth and stones with their bare hands to rescue the trapped people.

The weather was very hot. Firefighters wore thick firefighting suits and searched each area one by one to see if there were injured people, and then used hydraulic jacks to pry open the rocks.The fire officers and soldiers discovered that there were injured people under the cement slab, and the hydraulic roof was of no use at all. Several firefighters used big rocks to smash the cement slab open with their bare hands, and then rescued the injured people.

One of the trapped persons rescued by the firefighters was a surgeon. He usually held a scalpel in the operating room. This time when he saw the firefighters working so hard to save him, he couldn't help crying. He knew that he couldn't save his hands. He thoughtIn the future, he was confused and sad. Song Yan was desperately supporting the cement board to reduce the harm to the trapped people, while comforting the injured that it was a big deal to be alive. If he didn't become a doctor, he could do other things.So many people died today, and so many people are still missing. Those who remain cannot give up on themselves.

Xu Qin personally performed trauma repair surgery on the trapped man whose hand was severely smashed. Knowing that he was also a surgeon, and there was sympathy among colleagues, she also tried her best to help her colleagues save the hand.The colleagues around him were a little surprised. In recent days, they had never seen Xu Qin chatting with a patient during surgery. Today was the first time. In addition to focusing on connecting the patient's nerves and blood vessels, he also told the other party to cheer up.

There are still aftershocks in the disaster area. In addition to constantly removing rocks from the ruins and looking for trapped people, firefighters also have to be careful about the potential collapse risks caused by aftershocks. Xu Qin and Song Yan occasionally encounter them at work, and each time they are in a hurry, theyTo save themselves, they looked at each other, their eyes full of concern and advice.

These days, medical staff have seen too many people who have died suddenly. They lamented that they were caught off guard by their bad luck. They all said that they must cherish the opportunity to be together when they meet their loved ones. Xu Qin couldn't help but be moved after hearing this. The person he loved was obviously there.In front of her, she rejected her lover because of various prejudices, and she had missed her lover for ten years. Xu Qin firmly believed and did not want to miss her easily again. If this rescue could go back smoothly, she would stand by Song Yan's side and never leave.Don’t give up.

This time late at night, the fire officers and soldiers found a sign of life. They immediately hurriedly opened up the rubble. There were many large cement blocks that two people could not move. However, with limited manpower, the fire officers and soldiers gritted their teeth and persisted. Among these firefighters, there were stillThere was a soldier named Jiang Yi. His home was near the hardest-hit area. During the earthquake, he had been unable to contact his mother and aunt. He was anxious and scared. He kept looking for the trapped people.Song Yan saw that he had been working for two consecutive days and nights without rest, and his life would be in danger if he continued like this. He tried his best to pull Jiang Yi aside and brought him water and instant noodles. Only by replenishing his physical strength could he have the strength to rescue more people.There were so many people, Song Yan wrote down the names of Jiang Yi's aunt and mother, and gave them to his liaison officers to help them find them.

During the search, Xu Qin and the firefighters found a pregnant woman. The pregnant woman had no vital signs, but the fetus in her belly still had a heartbeat. Without further ado, Xu Qin immediately opened the medical box and prepared to perform a caesarean section to take out the baby. Generally speaking, the mother died.Four or five minutes later, the fetus will also die.Time was urgent. Xu Qin was racing against death. Song Yan stood aside to protect the medical staff and rescued people. Seeing that Xu Qin was sweating profusely but his hand movements were skillful and steady, he understood Xu Qin's persistence. She was usually soft and weak.Girls, in the disaster area, are as tough and brave as soldiers.Thanks to Xu Qin's superb medical skills, the fetus in the pregnant woman's belly successfully survived.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

After Xu Qin helped the pregnant woman who died to deliver the baby, she carefully sewed up the wound. Seeing the pregnant woman desperately protecting her child in the rubble, and probably holding on until the firefighters discovered that they were no longer breathing, Xu Qin couldn't help but shed tears.At this time, she finally realized what the chief physician always told them: life is priceless and doctors are kind.

Song Yan hadn't had a good rest these past few days and had eaten very little. He began to show symptoms of hypoglycemia. Seeing that he was unsteady on his feet, Xu Qin told him to eat more and rest every five or six hours.Only in this way can you conserve your physical strength, and overexertion can lead to sudden death.Every fire fighter is very tired, but they are facing the ruins and there are still so many lives to look for, and there is no way to stop and rest.

Li Meng contacted the earthquake site and followed the location and name provided by Jiang Yi. Because it was at the center of the earthquake, Jiang Yi's sister accompanied her mother in the clinic for infusion. The house collapsed severely and no survivors have been found so far.Jiang Yi was most worried about hearing the news. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still extremely sad when he heard the news brought by Li Meng.The superior leader asked the fire officers and soldiers to go to other places for rescue operations. Li Meng asked his comrades not to notify Jiang Yi, but Jiang Yi got in the car without hesitation after hearing the rescue mission.

When the firefighters were digging through the rubble, they suddenly encountered an aftershock. Song Yan used all his strength to push away his comrades who might be in danger, but he was pressed into the rubble by the aftershock.Firefighters and soldiers suddenly disappeared and Song Yan was very nervous. They searched desperately for every possible place around them.Song Yan's domesticated puppy immediately noticed signs of life and started barking in one direction.

Everyone quickly brought the life detector and finally discovered Song Yan's location. The situation under the ruins was very dangerous. Jiang Yu asked someone to open a gap from the side to see if they could get in and pull Song Yan out.When Song Yan received the news of reinforcements, she immediately carried the medical kit. When she found out that it was Song Yan who was smashed into the rubble, she was so frightened that she cried immediately. She begged her comrades to use ropes to hang her down first, as it was important to save people.

Xu Qin came to Song Yan through an extremely narrow crack and found that his abdomen had been pierced by a steel bar and was surrounded by blood. Song Yan was also hit on the forehead and was unconscious. Xu Qin gave Song Yan a beatingShe kept trying to stay with him in the ruins, but her colleagues kept calling her, and there were rescued patients who needed surgery, so Xu Qin had to say goodbye to Song Yan with tears in her eyes.

The comrades went down to the ruins and broke the steel bars inserted into Song Yan's abdomen. They prayed silently, hoping that God would favor their station commander. After all, it was not easy. He had been through life and death many times. Song Yan had unknowingly become everyone's spirit.pillar.

There was also a battalion commander named Jiang Yi who came for reinforcements. He accidentally saw Xu Qin and felt that he looked very familiar at first sight, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.Jiang Yi has met countless people and never forgets them. He always felt that Xu Qin seemed to be very important. Finally he remembered that this girl was related to Song Yan. He and Song Yan once went on a border defense mission together. Song Yan was shot at that time. Fortunately, he had a chestA lighter helped him stop the bullet.The sticker on the lighter was none other than Xu Qin. I finally knew why. There were a lot of things going on at the time, and Jiang Yi didn't have time to tell Xu Qin these past events.

Jiang Yu saw Song Yan who was unconscious with blood all over his face. He ran to a corner and couldn't help crying. Normally, he was only interested in the profession of firefighter. But now in the face of a disaster, his comrades around him paid the price with their lives., facing the line of life and death every day, made him both moved and sad.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Xu Qin ran to the surgery tent and heard that a colleague had already performed surgery on the patient on her behalf. The hard work of the past few days made Xu Qin a little dizzy. She held on to the tent and suddenly heard a bark. It was Song Yan's domesticated Xiao Meng.“, ”Xiao Meng% stood guard in front of the tent where Xu Qin worked. Xu Qin understood its intentions and couldn't help but burst into tears.

This rescue gave Xu Qin a new understanding of her work. She felt guilty about her previous understanding of her profession. Now she is performing operations in an orderly manner while silently reciting the oath in the medical classics that she will treat life kindly, save lives and heal the wounded, and give life to others.The utmost respect.After the operation, Xu Qin had no time to rest and immediately ran to the critical illness tent. She was going to visit Song Yan. Suddenly she saw an injured person with a white cloth on his head in front of the critical illness tent. Xu Qin trembled all over. She opened the white cloth and lay down in tears.It was not Song Yan who was there. Xu Qin cried excitedly. As long as Song Yan was still alive, she only hoped that Song Yan would be alive.Not only Xu Qin, but also the comrades saw the way Song Yan came out from under the ruins. The whole team felt heavy and couldn't eat at all.

Finally, after rescue, Song Yan was out of danger. His comrades were very excited to hear the news.After days of sleeplessness, Xu Qin finally collapsed from exhaustion. The medical staff placed Xu Qin on the bed near Song Yan so that Xu Qin could see Song Yan when he opened his eyes.I don't know how long it took, but Xu Qin woke up. She used the hand without infusion to move closer to Song Yan, and brought the two hospital beds closer. Even closer, Song Yan also opened his eyes, and his eyes met, with a smile on his face.She was smiling with tears and had endless words in her eyes, but they could all understand her.

Xiao Yixiao heard about the disaster and specially used his car to deliver a lot of infrared detection equipment to the disaster area. Before leaving, he called Meng Yanchen. Before Xiao Yixiao came, Meng Yanchen had quietly transported several pieces of infrared detection equipment to the disaster area.batch of medical supplies.Xiao Yixiao took Meng Yanchen to visit Xu Qin. When he saw the haggard and thin Xu Qin lying motionless on the temporary hospital bed, Meng Yanchen felt very distressed and immediately pulled up the quilt and tucked the corners of the quilt tightly to prevent Xu Qin from moving.Qin catches cold.Seeing Song Yan lying on the hospital bed beside him, Meng Yanchen knew that he could only be Xu Qin's brother.Putting the nutritional supplements for Xu Qin next to her, Meng Yanchen went back with Xiao Yixiao.

When the fire officers and soldiers heard that Song Yan was getting better, they used their rest time to visit him one after another. They told Song Yan that the baby rescued that day had found his father. It turned out that the baby's father was also a firefighter. He ran to rescue him that day, but he failed.I didn’t know that my wife had been hit. When I saw the media video, the fire officers and soldiers on the side were moved to tears. Fortunately, the child was saved, which could be considered as some comfort to their comrades.

Song Yan's comrades also told him about the situation during the earthquake. The ruins where Song Yan was buried were in complicated conditions, but Xu Qin insisted on asking the fire fighters to put her in. He also said that Song Yan was her life, regardless of life.Being in front of Song Yan in danger is enough to witness this feeling.Song Yan was moved by the deep affection. When he could finally get off the ground, he went to see Xu Qin on crutches. Xu Qin was very happy to see Song Yan who was gradually recovering, because he had to rescue the injured. When they parted, Xu Qin asked Song Yan excitedly,Let’s meet him after he recovers!Song Yan nodded with a smile.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

The rescue mission was over and everyone came to say goodbye.Song Yan threw a bouquet of flowers to Xu Qin, and Xu Qin was very happy.

At home, Xu Qin sent a message to Song Yan asking how his injury was. Song Yan replied that he was much better and asked her to pay more attention, and asked her to come out to meet him.So Song Yan went downstairs to wait for him, and the two took the subway to watch a movie to avoid traffic jams.Xu Qin looked at the subway line and lamented that two parallel lines could intersect, and lamented the ten years they had missed. Song Yan said that this was a false proposition, because the two lines themselves were not parallel lines.

The two came to the cinema. Song Yan bought popcorn and Coke and asked Xu Qin what snacks she wanted. Xu Qin said that she doesn't like snacks much anymore, nor does she like chocolate anymore.While watching a movie, Song Yan suddenly left his seat. He saw that the fire escape door was locked and immediately called the staff to deal with it.After returning to her seat, Song Yan asked Xu Qin what the movie was about just now, but Xu Qin said that she didn't watch the movie just now, but paid attention to what Song Yan was doing.The atmosphere between the two is delicate.

It was snowing heavily outside. Song Yan sent Xu Qin home. Xu Qin wanted Song Yan to have a meal before leaving, so the two of them went to the supermarket to buy things. They bought the vegetables and went home. Song Yan cooked and Xu QinI thought it was delicious, and mentioned that Song Yan couldn't cook before, and felt that he had changed a lot.Song Yan answered that it was because his uncle and aunt sometimes traveled far away, so he learned to cook.

After the meal, Song Yan washed the dishes. Xu Qin looked at him silently and asked him to have a cup of tea, but Song Yan said it was too late and left.Xu Qin chased downstairs but couldn't find Song Yan, her eyes were red. Song Yan suddenly appeared behind her and confessed to her that she hoped to be together.Xu Qin asked him if he still liked her, and Song Yan replied that even if her preferences and personality had changed after ten years, he still liked her.Xu Qin lowered her head. Song Yan told her to think about it before she came back to him and leave. Xu Qin was a little anxious and rushed over to hug Song Yan and agreed to him.The two are officially together today.

In the fire station, a colleague had been running, and several people discovered him. Jiang Yu said that this was traumatic stress syndrome, which could only be solved with companionship and time.

At home, Xu Qin hugged Song Yan from behind, and the two looked at Xue.Song Yan urged Xu Qin to go to work. The two were having breakfast. Xu Qin asked Song Yan if he would be bored at home alone since he went to work. Song Yan said that he was going to see Li Gong in the afternoon.The two took the elevator downstairs, and Xu Qin suddenly asked Song Yan if Li Gong liked him.Song Yan said no.Xu Qin asked Song Yan if he liked her again. Song Yan was helpless, kissed Xu Qin, asked her what time she would get off work, and wanted to meet her for dinner.Xu Qin replied that she was busy due to surgery today, so Song Yan asked her to call him after get off work.

In the fire station, two colleagues asked Xiao Ge to eat, but Xiao Ge said he was not hungry and lay down on the table, so they left.Another colleague reassured him that it would be better if he talked about something.

Li Gong was preaching about traumatic syndrome to the firefighters. Jiang Yu asked a question about the solution to this disease, and Li Gong answered him.Then a ten-minute break was announced.

At the hospital's commendation meeting, the leader invited Xu Qin to speak on stage. Xu Qin humbly said that he was also a rescued person because he saw a patient not breathing and planned to leave to rescue others. It was the firefighter who dug the patient out.Only when the medical staff discovered that the patient was a pregnant woman could he save the baby and avoid a major work error.Everyone was deeply moved after hearing this.

When Li Gong returned to the podium, he found an extra note and the kettle was filled with water. The content of the note asked her to pay attention to rest.

Director Xu called Xu Qin to the office, gave her a medal as a souvenir, and encouraged her to keep working hard.Xu Qin put the medal on her chest and admired it. A colleague told her that it was given to him by a health station director when Director Xu was assisting Africa. The director would wear it every Doctor's Day. Xu Qin said that he would also wear it every Doctor's Day.Take this medal with you.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Song Yan returned home and was having dinner at home. Miaomiao said that Song Yan was a bad learner and would not take her with him when he went out to play.Song Yan thought the food was delicious, and his aunt said it was specially cooked for him.Song Yan looked at the two of them, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and told them that he and Xu Qin were together.Miaomiao was very surprised. Her aunt kept stuffing food into her mouth because she was afraid that Miaomiao would say something unpleasant.

In the fire station, Jiang Yu and another team member discussed asking a professional to provide treatment. Gong Li from the detachment was very suitable, so Jiang Yu prepared to contact Gong Li.

On the other side, the leader was preparing to promote Song Yan, but Song Yan did not want to leave Shilitai. The leader was very anxious, saying that Song Yan was old and needed to start a family, so he had to seize the opportunity to go to the agency.

Song Yan came to Li Gong and took the initiative to help her get the brochure. Li Gong asked about Song Yan's injury, and Song Yan said it was much better.Song Yan mentioned the PTSD of several people in the team, and Li Gong said she would pay more attention.Li Gong gossiped about Song Yan and the doctor again, and Song Yan admitted that she was already his girlfriend.Li Gong immediately congratulated him and teased him about being eaten up by Xu Qin, but Song Yan said that Xu Qin could not live without him.

Xu Qin was in the hospital. She picked up her phone and didn't see Song Yan's message. She felt a little disappointed and took off her clothes to get off work.

Jiang Yu and Jiang Yi were playing basketball. Jiang Yu asked Jiang Yi if something was okay, and he said it was really okay.During the intermission between the two, Jiang Yu mentioned that he hoped to help Jiang Yi as an instructor. Jiang Yi felt heavy and sighed and said that after eight years of being a firefighter, this time was different because his mother was also in the disaster area.He felt sad that he couldn't protect his family in the first place. He didn't dare to think about what he would do if his mother died. He felt that he was not a qualified son.Jiang Yu comforted him, and Jiang Yi said that he was fine and his original intention for firefighting had not changed, allowing Jiang Yu to care more about the new arrivals.The two played basketball again.

Xu Qin was at home and opened Li Gong's Moments to look at it. She wanted to send a message to Song Yan and asked him why he hadn't been to her for a day, but in the end he didn't send it and only asked what he was doing.Song Yan felt that she missed him and came to see Xu Qin.Xu Qin was very happy and went downstairs to greet him. Song Yan asked Xu Qin if he missed him. Xu Qin insisted that she came to see him after not seeing him for too long and was afraid of forgetting what he looked like. Song Yan joked and wanted to leave.Song Yan gave Xu Qin a life-saving hammer and fire extinguisher to use in the car, but hoped she would never need them.

In the fire station, Li and Jiang Yu were providing psychological counseling to help Jiang Yi and several team members overcome PTSD as soon as possible.No one dared to watch videos from disaster areas, but Yang Chi encouraged them to continue watching.

When the New Year arrived, Jiang Yu gave Li Gong a greeting card, and Li Gong recognized his handwriting.

Song Yan did not take the initiative to find Xu Qin. Xu Qin was a little angry and refused to let him in on the pretext that he had work. Song Yan left and she was unhappy again. Unexpectedly, Song Yan did not leave and came back to coax Xu Qin, saying why now?She didn't say anything directly.Song Yan knew in her heart that Xu Qin was angry that he didn't take the initiative to find her, but she didn't want to ask.This will make him feel hypocritical.But Song Yan felt that they couldn't do this if they wanted to get married, and didn't want Xu Qin to have any worries.

Xu Qin saw a scar on Song Yan's shoulder and thought it was a bullet hole, but Song Yan said it was not.Xu Qin smiled from time to time. Everyone guessed that she was in love and started gossiping.Meng Yanchen came to buy Xu Qin's favorite cereal, but couldn't find it. After asking the salesperson, he learned that the cereal manufacturer was about to close down, so Meng Yanchen planned to acquire the cereal factory.Meng Yanchen called Xu Qin. She was about to go find Song Yan for dinner and hung up the phone in a hurry.The two met Xiaoxiao in the shopping mall. Xiaoxiao knew Meng Yanchen and almost accidentally told him about Xu Qin and Song Yan.Meng Yanchen asked Ye Zi if she had been working part-time recently and learned that she had become an Internet celebrity.

Zhai Miao and Ye Zi were carrying goods and wanted to donate the money they earned to the disaster area. They met Meng Yanchen.Ye Zi took the initiative to say hello, and Meng Yanchen found out about their donation.

The company's performance has been very good recently, but Meng Yanchen doesn't want to care about it at all.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Meng's father was complaining that Meng Yanchen and Xu Qin had not returned home recently. Meng Yanchen was a little worried about Xu Qin. After coming out, Meng Yanchen sat in the car and wanted to call Xu Qin, but in the end he did not make the call.He went directly to the downstairs of Xu Qin's house and met Xu Qin and Song Yan. The atmosphere was tense for a while. Xu Qin called out "brother" and Song Yan asked Xu Qin to go upstairs. Xu Qin obeyed obediently.

Meng Yanchen looked at Song Yan and said that as long as his parents disagreed, there was no way they would have any results, and Song Yan was not worthy of Xu Qin. He told Song Yan that if he had the guts, he should work hard in the past ten years to make himself worthy of Xu Qin.Xu Qin.Song Yan said that no one in the Meng family was qualified to say "worthy" to him, and accused Meng Yanchen of not understanding Xu Qin at all. The Meng family gave Xu Qin many material conditions, but Song Yan asked Meng Yanchen if he wanted to take Xu Qin.Business marriage.Meng Yanchen said that he would never do it. Although his parents had their own set of rules, they sincerely treated Xu Qin as their own daughter.Song Yan said that Xu Qin was very depressed in that home, suffered from chronic insomnia, and needed sleeping pills to fall asleep, but he was very happy with him.Meng Yanchen felt ashamed when he said that. Song Yan looked up at the building and said that Xu Qin might jump down one day from such a high building.After that, he went upstairs.

When Xu Qin heard the doorbell, she quickly opened the door for Song Yan and asked if they had quarreled. Song Yan asked her to go down and take a look, and Xu Qin closed the door.

Meng Yanchen was drinking alone when Xiaoxiao came. It would be better for him to tell him what was on his mind.Meng Yanchen said that there are two caterpillars living in the darkness and struggling together. Now one caterpillar is about to turn into a butterfly and fly away. There are many butterflies and the former caterpillar cannot be found.Xiaoxiao immediately recognized that this was talking about himself and Xu Qin, so he began to comfort him, saying that Xu Qin was braver than Meng Yanchen.

Meng Yanchen ordered another bottle of wine, and Ye Zi obediently gave it to him, but his friend stopped him and asked Ye Zi why he was still working part-time and not going to work. Ye Zi answered all of them one by one, but his friend said that Ye Zi must be self-aware and notHe had other thoughts, saying that Ye Zi was similar in appearance but not in spirit, so he asked Ye Zi to go to the finance department to settle accounts today and not come tomorrow.Ye Zi was stunned, and his colleagues started talking about it for a while.

His friend brought Meng Yanchen a glass of water and said it was vodka. Meng Yanchen said that he was not stupid. His friend asked him to rest. He had something to do and couldn't stay long. He asked the waiter to call a driver for Meng Yanchen and then left..

When Meng Yanchen left, Ye Zi acted as a driver. Meng Yanchen said he didn't know she was still doing this, and Ye Zi replied that she was working hard to make money.Ye Zi saw that Meng Yanchen was worried and asked him if he was in a bad mood. He said that Meng Yanchen had self-control and was very restrained in drinking. Meng Yanchen replied that there might be an exception today, so he couldn't control himself and got out of the car and vomited on the roadside., and apologized to the cleaner.Ye Zi comforted him, but he muttered to himself that he would never be happy again.

On the other side, Song Yan and Xu Qin were at home. Xu Qin said that relatives cannot just talk about right and wrong.Xu Qin also compared himself and Meng Yanchen to caterpillars, saying that his brother was just not used to it yet and that he was about to fly away, making his brother very insecure.Song Yan said that he would be Xu Qin's sense of security from now on.

Pippi, Dapeng, Xiaoge and others went out. It turned out that a lady said there was a spider. They rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find a spider, but it turned out to be a small spider. On the way back, they met Xiaoge's girlfriend directing traffic, and several people made noises.Saying that this trip was not in vain, Xiaoge gave his girlfriend two bottles of Yakult, which made her feel warm in her heart.

Meng Yanchen woke up and saw that he was in a strange room. He walked out of the room and met Ye Zi who was coming back from buying breakfast. He asked her why he was here. Wasn't there an address on the order?Ye Zi said that rich people thought they were individuals and were plotting evil intentions. Last night in the basement, Meng Yanchen refused to get out of the car and go home. He said he didn’t want to go home no matter where he went.Meng Yanchen immediately apologized after hearing this, saying that he really didn't remember.Ye Zi didn't care and let him have breakfast before leaving. He bought him toothpaste and toothbrush. Meng Yanchen simply washed and tidied up and had breakfast with her.

Song Yan made breakfast when Xu Qin got up. Xu Qin asked Song Yan if it was time to return to the team next Monday. Song Yan said yes, but he would be back next Monday. Xu Qin teased that the team was quite humane. Song YanHomura said there is something more humane, with local married team members taking more time off.At this time, Meng's mother suddenly called and said that Xu Qin had not responded for more than a month. Xu Qin asked if it could be done tomorrow. He was at work today. Meng's mother refused and said that she would call the leader. Xu Qin could only agree., telling Song Yan that Meng’s mother urged her to go home tonight, and she couldn’t come back to stay tonight.

Xu Qin went out to rescue, and a bus caught fire. Xu Qin heard at the scene that a little girl took a fire hammer and saved everyone. It turned out to be Zhai Miao. Zhai Miao called Xu Qin's sister-in-law, saying that she had a bad attitude before, but now she isThe family hoped to put aside the past grudges. Xu Qin saw that her clothes were burned and wanted to give her those clothes, but Zhai Miao said that he would not cause any trouble to her and left.

In the office, colleagues were teasing the development of Li Nan and Zhan Dapeng. Because he was several years older than Dapeng, there might not necessarily be results. Xu Qin expressed his opinion for the first time, saying that at least the process was important.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Song Yan wanted to drive Xu Qin home, but Xu Qin refused because she was worried that Fu Wenying would ask her why she didn't drive back. Song Yan said that she would miss Xu Qin, and Xu Qin was very happy.Zhai Miao came to Song Yan and showed Song Yan a photo. The photo was a portrait of Ye Zi and asked him to evaluate it from a straight man's perspective. Song Yan looked at it and said, aren't they all the same person? Zhai Miao said he is a straight man.The man asked if Xu Qin had never sent him photos. Song Yan said that Xu Qin never sent them, and Zhai Miao said that he was treated as an outsider. Song Yan wanted to drive Zhai Miao away.Zhai Miao said that she could earn more than 10,000 yuan a month by selling goods. Song Yan pretended to open the window and called auntie. Zhai Miao quickly begged for mercy and stopped him, saying that she would buy a bag for Xu Qin and begged him to keep it secret. Song YanHe took the opportunity to ask Zhai Miao to rub his shoulders and legs.

When Xu Qin returned home and had dinner with her parents, Fu Wenying said that her brother looked unhappy and asked Xu Qin to ask him, and Xu Qin agreed.Xu Qin put down her chopsticks and confessed that she had been dating her boyfriend. Fu Wenying asked how long it had been, Xu Qin answered that it was more than a month, and Fu Wenying told her to break up immediately.Xu Qin felt suffocated and mustered up the courage to talk to her boyfriend whom she had known for more than ten years, the former Song Yan. Fu Wenying was very angry and put down the bowl and chopsticks and said that she knew something was wrong if Xu Qin didn't come home for more than a month.Wen Ying and Meng Huaijin both felt that Song Yan was a high achiever and that he could save himself decades of hard work. They also said that their conditions were completely different and they were not suitable.But Xu Qin was determined to be with Song Yan.Fu Wenying and Meng Huaijin said that Song Yan was taking advantage by being with her, and Xu Qin was the one taking advantage.Seeing that they still objected, Xu Qin silently opened her bag and left the house and car keys, saying that she was grateful to the Meng family for raising her, and that even if they disowned her in the future, she would still come back and be filial to her parents.Meng Huaijin and Fu Wenying became even more angry, accusing her of abandoning her parents and brother for a man. Meng Huaijin said that Xu Qin had let her down so much, so she went upstairs.

Song Yan's family was about to have dinner when they received a call from Xu Qin and found her on the overpass. Xu Qin said she didn't want to go back to that home, so Song Yan took Xu Qin back to her home and gave Xu Qin the key to her home at the door., one for the door, and one for her room. Song Yan said that her aunt knew that Xu Qin didn't like to talk, so she didn't need to go out of her way to please her uncle and aunt.When they got home, the whole family was waiting for them. Their aunt specially added two dishes, which made Xu Qin feel very warm.Zhai Miao said that she could go back to school early and let Xu Qin sleep in her room.Her aunt quickly covered her mouth, and Zhai Miao realized that she had said the wrong thing.Auntie prepared two quilts for the night, and the two of them slept. Song Yan said that his back was itchy and asked Xu Qin to scratch it for him.

My uncle designed a dressing table and wanted to make one for Xu Qin. My aunt said it would be better to buy one. I was worried that Xu Qin wouldn’t like it and would not be able to refuse. Later, after looking at the pictures, I thought it looked pretty. My uncle said that he would also make one for his aunt.Qin felt very warm.

Song Yan and Xu Qin went to choose a bed together. It took a long time to choose the one they liked, but the delivery would take two weeks. Song Yan said they would move it themselves and called people from the fire station. When the team members saw Xu Qin, they immediately shoutedXu Qin“sister-in-law”, Xu Qin is very happy.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

When Xu Qin returned home, she was just in time for dinner. Her uncle and aunt enthusiastically served her rice and vegetables, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Meng Yanchen was working overtime at the company, and Ye Zi sent a message saying that Meng Yanchen broke her vase last time.Meng Yanchen took Ye Zi to watch the concert. After it was over, Meng Yanchen calmly told her that he didn't break the vase. Ye Zi was a little embarrassed and got up and planned to take a taxi home. Meng Yanchen said that there were too many people outside and he couldn't take a taxi.Will send her back.Ye Zi said that the vase was not worth one-tenth of the price of the concert. Meng Yanchen replied that it had nothing to do with him because he was not the one who broke it.Ye Zi asked him why he invited him to the concert. Meng Yanchen said that the person he originally invited was not coming. Ye Zi mustered up the courage to ask him who he had invited, but he did not answer.Ye Zi asked him to go to the live house again, but Meng Yanchen expressed that he was not interested. Ye Zi used provocation and was noticed by him, so Meng Yanchen got up and left.

In the car, Ye Zi was arranging her hair and accidentally saw a photo of Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen. She silently pretended not to see it.Ye Zi asked Meng Yanchen if he knew any musical instrument, and Meng Yanchen told her that he knew piano and cello.Ye Zi said that he was very envious. He had no conditions to learn when he was a child, and people always long for something they have never gotten, even if it is not so beautiful.Meng Yanchen's face darkened, and Ye Zi quickly asked himself if he had said the wrong thing, but he answered no.

Xu Qin and Song Yan were on the phone. Xu Qin was lying on the bed and said that his smell was all over the house. Song Yan said that he was not used to leaving her alone at home.

The next day, Xu Qin had no choice but to run to work without a car. Meng Yanchen stopped in front of her and asked her to get in the car.In the car, Meng Yanchen said that his mother called him to tell him that Xu Qin broke up with the family for Song Yan.Xu Qin denied it and said that she would go home to see her parents.Meng Yanchen sneered and told her that this would never happen to her mother.Meng Yanchen asked Xu Qin if he was happy during this time. Xu Qin said angrily that he was happy just being with Song Yan.There was tension between the two.When they arrived at their destination, Xu Qin asked Meng Yanchen to help her intercede with her mother, but Meng Yanchen said that her mother would not listen, and he would not help her.Xu Qin was so angry that she got out of the car and asked Meng Yanchen if she was happy to see her embarrassed. Meng Yanchen replied that she had got the person she liked, so why should she be embarrassed.On the way Meng Yanchen drove away, he received a message from Xu Qin. Xu Qin told him that she hoped he could be happy too and not live so depressed.

Meng Yanchen worked until late at night and received another text message from Ye Zi inviting him to play.The two were chatting in a noisy environment. Meng Yanchen told the truth that he didn't like this kind of place very much.The two were walking by the river. Meng Yanchen mentioned that there were many insect specimens at home. Ye Zi asked her if she could go see them. Meng Yanchen said that it was her home and she couldn't go there.Ye Zi was a little helpless.She mentioned her major and said that she studied biology, but if she didn't study well, the school wouldn't recruit her. Even though she really wanted to work in a related job, there was nothing she could do.Ye Zi said that she could already earn 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month, but in this industry, she would be very concerned about her appearance and wanted to have plastic surgery. She approached Meng Yanchen again and asked him if she needed plastic surgery. The two looked at each other for a long time., Meng Yanchen distanced himself from her.

Back in the dormitory, Zhai Miao was very angry with Ye Zi for not answering calls and messages for a long time. She felt that she was the only one worrying about this account. Ye Zi kept apologizing, explaining that it was too noisy and she didn't hear it, so it wasn't intentional.Ye Zi said that she would quit her job, but Zhai Miao still ignored her.

In the fire station, Song Yan was training the team members. After the training, Song Yan sent a video to Suo Jun showing the trophy, saying that the trophy was due to his contribution.

Song Yan and Jiang Yu were playing chess, and they planned to finish the last game.

Song Yan and Xu Qin are both working hard at their respective positions and can only communicate by mobile phone.

In the hospital office, everyone speculated whether Xu Qin would be selected by Director Xu. Some people said that her strong background was the default choice.Doctor Yang said at this time that Xu Qin worked hard in this rescue and she deserved it.

Meng Yanchen was in the coffee shop and heard someone discussing that the more Internet celebrities get plastic surgery, the more fake their faces become. He was thinking a lot and asked Ye Zi to have dinner with him.

Zhai Miao and Ye Zi discussed in the dormitory whether the number of fans and data were increasing. When she was matching clothes, she found the concert tickets and found out that Ye Zi was attending a concert that day.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

Meng Yanchen invited Ye Zi to have a big dinner. During this period, someone came to Meng Yanchen. Meng Yanchen introduced Ye Zi as his friend's sister. The person said that he happened to meet Meng Yanchen here and had never met him before.Why don't we talk about the business today? Meng Yanchen asked him what his business was. The man said it was a one-stop service for signing up with Internet celebrities, plastic surgery, and loans.Meng Yanchen thought for a while and asked Ye Zi what he thought of this project. Ye Zi said that it could make money but was immoral.The man was unhappy and wanted to persuade Meng Yanchen, but Meng Yanchen said that he had a strict upbringing and his father would break his legs if he did this. The man was very angry and called the waiter to pay and leave.But the waiter said it was already done, so the man could only leave angrily.Zi Zi asked Meng Yanchen if he was reminding himself today. Meng Yanchen said that Zi Zi was just being sentimental, and Zi Zi didn't care, saying that she would not have plastic surgery.

Just as they were about to eat, Meng Yanchen received a message from Xu Qin, asking him to bring the medicine to his parents. Meng Yanchen told Ye Zi that he was in an emergency and was leaving, but Ye Zi tried to persuade him to stay but failed.Meng Yanchen came to the hospital to get medicine and asked Xu Qin how he could go to work without a car. Xu Qin said to take the subway. Meng Yanchen knew that Song Yan's home was some distance from the subway station, but Xu Qin said that he was already learning to ride a bicycle. Meng Yanchen said that he was already learning to ride a bicycle.Yanchen was surprised to be riding a bicycle in such a cold weather. Xu Qin said that he was not afraid of the cold because he had a hat, scarf and gloves.Meng Yanchen was helpless and told Xu Qin to tell him if he had any difficulties.

When Meng Yanchen returned home from delivering the medicine, Meng's mother was arranging flowers. Meng Yanchen put the medicine on the table and went upstairs. After thinking about it, he came back and tried to persuade his mother, telling her that Xu Qin was an adult and had what she wanted.It’s better to just let him live his life.Meng's mother asked Meng Yanchen whether he was talking about Xu Qin or himself. Meng's mother said that as a mother, she had a far-sighted view than they did. She believed that Xu Qin would definitely see the true face of the family and come back, and she was patient.

Meng's mother took Xu Qin to the mall for shopping. She took Xu Qin to sit in a high-end store and enjoy other people's services, hoping to let Xu Qin know the gap between them.When leaving, Meng's mother told Xu Qin that she would not be soft-hearted.At this time, Song Yan and Miaomiao happened to be in the mall. Song Yan bought donuts for Zhai Miao to bring to Xu Qin, and also bought a lot of lipstick.When they arrived at the entrance of the shopping mall, Meng's mother asked the driver to pick up her brother, and called Han Yan to take them home. Unexpectedly, she met Song Yan and Zhai Miao at the door. Zhai Miao called Xu Qin's sister-in-law, and Meng's mother quickly explained,He said that Xu Qin didn't have a boyfriend because he was an ignorant child and his family didn't agree, so they had already broken up.Zhai Miao asked if this was true. Xu Qin walked towards Song Yan and confessed his love to Song Yan in public.Song Yan pulled Xu Qin and told Meng's mother that she would visit her another day. Xu Qin said that she would not go home because it was too late tonight.Meng's mother was very angry, didn't want to say a word, got in the car and left.Song Yan hugged Xu Qin tightly, and Zhai Miao was embarrassed.

The fire station called the police, and Song Yan asked the person in charge. There was no flammable material, and the fire was caused by the board.The team members used water guns to control it. Jiang Yu took the lead in opening the door, but was rushed downstairs by the sudden fire. Song Yan was very anxious when he saw it and kept calling Jiang Yu. Fortunately, Jiang Yu woke up.Song Yan questioned the person in charge and found out that there were paint and flammable materials in the warehouse.

That night, Jiang Yu and Song Yan sat and talked. Jiang Yu said that he was very scared.After Jiang Yu's mother learned about it, she said she was so worried that she couldn't sleep every day. Jiang Yu's father also opposed it at first, but he also felt that he couldn't give up halfway. They reminded Jiang Yu to pay attention to safety.

Dr. Yang received Li Rong and told her family that the patient needed rescue and there was still half a chance of surviving. They needed to sign for surgery. Li Rong’s husband and mother-in-law knew that the rescue would cost tens of thousands of yuan and that it might be in vain.The patient's brother came and signed for the operation.But Dr. Yang failed to rescue her, and she collapsed on the ground sadly.Li Rong's mother-in-law and her husband were sitting on the roof of the hospital making a fuss, saying that Dr. Yang had killed Li Rong and wanted the hospital to pay compensation.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

On the rooftop, the patient's husband and mother-in-law were making trouble, demanding justice from the hospital. The hospital staff and police were panicked and worked together to calm them down. The firefighters chose to go around the corner.Xu Qin also came up, she thought they couldn't dance.So she said that the hospital would not pay or let Dr. Yang's life be a stain.She went on to say that this man was trying to extort money, so what kind of man was he?The man was so stimulated that he rushed towards Xu Qin, but was stopped by Song Yan.

Xu Qin was called to the office by the vice president and criticized. He said that it was a good intention to be prompt, but a doctor is just a doctor. If this matter spread online, Xu Qin would be attacked, but the vice president ultimately did not impose any punishment.

Jiang Yu's parents found out about his injury and asked him to change jobs. Although Jiang Yu had made up his mind to stay at the fire station, he deliberately acted for Song Yan, hoping that Song Yan would say he needed him.

When Xu Qin got off work in the evening, her uncle and aunt came out to wait for her at the entrance of the alley. Because the alley was dark and she was afraid, they hurried over when they saw her.As Xu Qin walked, she told them that Song Yan encountered an explosion yesterday, but Song Yan was fine, but she was still worried. Her uncle and aunt comforted her and said that Song Yan had to protect herself.Xu Qin suddenly asked his uncle and aunt why Song Yan wanted to be a firefighter. His uncle couldn't explain, so he could only evade it and said that he didn't mention it when he was in the army, so he became a firefighter.Auntie wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by uncle.

Xu Qin had a nightmare.Song Yan called Xu Qin and told her that she had two days off this week. Xu Qin said that she had also changed shifts in advance to free up the two weekend days.

Jiang Yu repeatedly watched the video of Song Yan saving him and was very moved.Li Nan asked Xu Qin how he could be so calm as a firefighter's family member, but Xu Qin knew that he was not calm at all.

Three factory workers were taken to the hospital after being poisoned by a leak at their factory.The fire station was immediately dispatched. Song Yan came to the scene and they quickly closed the valve.After another test, the index dropped, but when they were about to retreat, they found that the valve leaked again, and the two hurriedly stepped forward to repair it.

In the hospital, none of the three workers could be revived.Song Yan fainted from poison gas because his protective suit was torn, and was sent to the hospital. Xu Qin was very panicked.Finally, Song Yan regained consciousness, and Xu Qin collapsed on the ground. After he recovered, he was very angry and wanted Song Yan to change his job.

In the fire brigade, everyone was also worried about Song Yan. Yang Chi's girlfriend Xixi saw what happened today and cried for a long time. She was very worried about Yang Chi. Although Xu Qin didn't cry, she was also worried.

When Song Yan returned home, his uncle and aunt were very worried about him.Song Yan said that he was useless, and his uncle and aunt mentioned Song Yan's mother. Song Yan was unhappy and found an excuse to leave.He was waiting for Xu Qin to get off work at the entrance of the alley. Xu Qin was very happy.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

Xu Qin and Song Yan sat together, Xu Qin took a beer to drink, and Song Yan opened the beer for her.Xu Qin used alcohol to ask him why he liked his current job. Song Yan said no, but he couldn't give up halfway.Xu Qin said that his family was very good, and his family members were all very good. He was just worried that Song Yan would have an accident one day, and Xu Qin would be the only one left.Xu Qin said that one day something happened to Song Yan, and she would not be alone.Song Yan told Xu Qin that he might be transferred to another position.Xu Qin was somewhat relieved.On the way Song Yan carried her home, Xu Qin fell asleep, and Song Yan used a towel to wipe her hands and feet.

During the day the next day, it snowed heavily. Xu Qin cheered and pulled Song Yan up and ran outside to watch the snow.My uncle and aunt were very happy to know that the two did not quarrel.In Wufang Street, Song Yan and Xu Qin looked at the bustling crowd. Xu Qin felt that this was like fireworks in the world.The two bought some fish and went home.

The New Year is here. At Song Yan's house, Xu Qin and her uncle and aunt are preparing for the New Year together. The three of them make dumplings together with the door god.

In the fire station, everyone was eating dumplings, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

At home, only four people, Xu Qin, uncle, aunt, and Zhai Miao, celebrated the New Year together. All four of them felt very warm eating dumplings.Jiang Yi rushed home and his mother was very happy.The fire brigade received a call on New Year's Eve. It turned out that an old man living alone was trapped at home. Everyone opened the door for him and posted Spring Festival couplets for her. Grandma gave them fruits and candies.Song Yan couldn't refuse, so he peeled an orange and gave it to them.

In the Meng family, everyone is having New Year's Eve dinner, but there is an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks on the table.Song Yan went home and saw Xu Qin sleeping on the sofa.Song Yan guessed that Xu Qin was homesick and sent Xu Qin back, but Song Yan was worried that Meng's mother would be angry and did not go in.When Xu Qin arrived home, Meng's mother didn't want to pay attention to her. In order to lighten the atmosphere, Meng Yanchen took Xu Qin to play tennis.Meng Yanchen asked Song Yan if he had bullied her, but he knew in his heart that Xu Qin and Song Yan would be together sooner or later.Xu Qin was at home, but she was worried about Song Yan. She sent a message to Song Yan asking where he was, and Song Yan replied that he was in the museum.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 33 Details

Episode 33

Meng Yanchen's friends came to the house and said that Song Yan was waiting for Xu Qin outside.Xu Qin was very scared and told Meng's mother to leave first, but Meng's mother asked her to finish eating before leaving.Xu Qin didn't listen this time and left home.Song Yan was waiting for her outside and was very happy to see her coming.

Meng's mother was angry because Meng Yanchen helped Xu Qin. Meng's mother asked him if he wanted to resist his parents, but Meng Yanchen hoped so and hoped that he was not their son.

Song Yan came to the office to find the director and prepared to transfer posts. The director was very happy to hear this.

Xu Qin might have to go back to the outpatient department because of what she said on the rooftop last time, but she felt that it was Meng's mother who said hello, because this incident was just an excuse.

Everyone was surprised to hear that Song Yan was being transferred away. Jiang Yu thought that Song Yan shouldn't leave, but he was also very happy for him because he could go to a better place.

Director Xu went against the norm this time and insisted that Xu Qin join the scientific research team, saying that she was very qualified.Only then did Xu Qin realize that it was the vice-dean who was blocking it before.Xu Qin was very angry and sent a message to Meng's mother, saying that she was interfering with her. She had not relied on her family before going to the hospital, but relied on her own abilities, and asked Meng's mother not to interfere.

Zhan Dapeng was going on a date and came to the hospital to find Li Nan, but Li Nan was still struggling.Xiao Ge also went to find his girlfriend.Li Nan here rejected Zhan Dapeng, saying that they were not suitable because he was much older than him and his parents would not agree. Zhan Dapeng refused to give up. Li Nan was moved and said to think about it.

On the construction site, everyone was celebrating the completion and set off fireworks, which caused a fire.The fire station sent out the police, and Song Yan and others went to rescue people, but the fire was too strong. Song Yan said to retreat, but it was too late.Song Yan didn't see Zhan Dapeng, so he went to look for him and found that he was injured.Everyone put Zhan Dapeng into the ambulance and continued to put out the fire.

Jiang Yi and Zhan Dapeng, the guardians, went to the hospital together. Xu Qin learned that a firefighter was injured and was very scared.After putting out the fire, Song Yan rushed to the hospital and found that Zhan Dapeng had died.Everyone was sad and shed tears.Li Nan rushed over and broke down crying.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 34 Details

Episode 34

Song Yan felt that there was a ghost at the construction site and rushed over immediately.Xu Qin followed him, and Song Yan told Xu Qin that he could no longer fulfill his promise, and Xu Qin could do nothing but look at him.Song Yan returned to the fire spot and seemed to feel sad when he saw Zhan Dapeng shouting again.In the fire hall, Jiang Yu and Song Yan put up Zhan Dapeng's clothes and photos.At the memorial service, Zhan Dapeng's parents also attended and saw what Zhan Dapeng wrote in his family letter. He wanted to be as powerful as Song Yan and also wanted to fall in love with Li Nan.Zhan's parents were very sad because none of this could be achieved. They cried bitterly, and the team members also cried when they saw it.

Several Guokun Group employees who were burned during the fire were sent to Xu Qin's hospital. Doctors were treating them. Guokun Group's special assistant was ordered to come to check the situation. He wanted to see the operating room, but was stopped by the doctor., because this is not compliant.The special assistant used the excuse that he was familiar with Vice President Liu, but was still rejected.At this time Xu Qin came and rejected their request. The special assistant recognized her and wanted Xu Qin to use a back door. Only then did Xu Qin find out that she was from the Guokun Group.

This incident caused a stir on the Internet, and everyone was discussing Guokun Group. Meng Huaijin was very distressed, but Fu Wenying didn't care about the temporary comments on the Internet. She said that it could be solved with money.Meng Huaijin had a splitting headache because of this incident and almost forgot his cell phone when he left. Fortunately, Fu Wenying reminded him and expressed concern for him. Meng Huaijin told her not to worry.

This incident was posted on the hot search, and the death toll in the fire reached three people, including a firefighter. But everyone felt chilled and angry after reading the comments of netizens in the comment area. The instructor Jiang Yu comforted him and said, Black and White isIt won't be reversed. Just don't read these remarks and wait for a fair result.When Song Yan wrote the report, he truthfully filled in the issue of fireproof materials, but Guokun Group found some connections and asked several of Song Yan's leaders to put pressure on Song Yan. Song Yan did not compromise and insisted on writing the true reasons. Jiang YurangSong Yan brought himself with him when signing.

Song Yan and Jiang Yu came to Gao Zhi's door, but couldn't knock on his door. They then understood that Gao Zhi had also been greeted by%. Li Meng walked out of the opposite door and told them that Gao Zhi supported them butCan't see them now.A commissioner came to investigate this incident. A cadre was bribed to speak for Guokun. Song Yan argued hard to provide evidence. The chiefs of other fire stations also stood up and told the truth. The commissioner took it very seriously and attended the meeting.Later, he made a special appointment with Song Yan and Jiang Yu.

People from Guokun Group went to the hospital to find the injured and wanted to use money to settle the matter.Xu Qin knew Song Yan's principles, but she was in a dilemma. She had Fu Wenying and Meng Huaijin on one side, and Song Yan on the other. She also felt pity for Zhan Dapeng's sacrifice.Xu Qin felt bored when she heard the nurse say that people from Guokun Group and their families had asked for compensation.

In the Meng family, Fu Wenying was worried about Meng Huaijin being investigated, but she still calmly ate her meal, forcing Xu Qin to eat too. She also said that Song Yan was wrong, saying that he did not ease the relationship between the two families and was looking for trouble behind his back.Take Xu Qin seriously.Meng Yanchen was a little bored and felt that three lives were worthless in the eyes of his mother.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 35 Details

Episode 35

Song Yan handed over a bunch of RMB to Director Yu. It was obvious that someone wanted to frame him.The investigation team went to check the materials and said that the materials were in compliance. Song Yan felt that someone was operating behind the scenes.The injured family members ignored Xu Qin's instructions and refused to cooperate with the hospital's inspection because the compensation was paid.

Song Yan was suspended. Everyone was unconvinced and wanted to be suspended along with Song Yan.

At home, Zhai Miao was furious, feeling that the Meng family was behind it again, just like when Song Yan suddenly had problems with his physical examination when he was a soldier, and now again.Song Yan said there was no need for the Meng family to do this.

Xu Qin woke up at night and couldn't find Song Yan. She got up and found him on the roof, sitting there drinking.Song Yan told about his suspension, and Xu Qin also thought it was the Meng family.

In the fire station, one after another things happened, and everyone was lifeless. Pippi also said that he dreamed of Zhan Dapeng.

Song Yan and Xu Qin said that he did not want to change jobs, and being a firefighter was already half his life.Xu Qin had no choice but to say that she hoped he was safe.

Li Dalong's family members spent all the compensation money in the hospital, but it was still not enough. They had to prepare for discharge, but Xu Qin paid it all for them.Li Dalong's family accidentally learned that a firefighter had died trying to save people in the fire. They were shocked for a while. After a while of confusion, she still told Xu Qin the truth.

In the warehouse, the unqualified materials were about to be transported away when the police arrived and caught the person involved.Song Yan's matter has come to an end, but he hopes that the organization can do its best to take care of Zhan's parents.Yang Chi and the others were being treated in the hospital. Li Nan saw it and was very sad. She bought two movie tickets. She felt as if Zhan Dapeng was still there.

In the Meng family, Meng's mother said that Song Yan was causing trouble behind the scenes and the trouble was out of control. However, Meng Yanchen felt that Song Yan was right and it was Lao Gu's problem. Meng's mother asked Meng Yanchen to take over the company.Xu Qin was worried that it would affect Meng's father, but she still called him.

Song Yan finally chose to stay in Shilitai and set up a special fire rescue station.It just so happens that today is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the fire station, and they were awarded the “Yancheng Guards” military medal.

Xu Qin was angry that Song Yan stayed in Shilitai and did not go to the detachment, and asked a series of questions.Song Yan just told her to believe in him.The two had a disagreement and started to quarrel.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 36 Details

Episode 36

Xu Qin and Dr. Yang were not close, but Xu Qin had no other place to live, so Dr. Yang accepted her. Xu Qin was still angry and pressed many of Song Yan's phone calls.

Xiaoxiao knew that Meng Yanchen had contacted Ye Zi, and he opposed Meng Yanchen and Ye Zi's development.Meng Yanchen said it didn't matter to Ye Zi, but he just didn't want her to take detours.

Ye Zi felt depressed when Meng Yanchen didn't reply to him.Zhai Miao and Ye Zi formed a partnership, but their incomes have not been very optimistic recently, and Ye Zi is not thinking about it, so he completely ignores it. Only Zhai Miao is worried.Ye Zi accompanied Zhai Miao to the hospital where Xu Qin was staying to check her back because she said her back hurt. After the examination, Xu Qin said it was fine and prescribed some medicine to her.Ye Zi went to help her get medicine and met Meng Yanchen. It turned out that he was here to deliver food to Xu Qin. Meng Yanchen told Xu Qin not to wrong herself and not to accommodate Song Yan.While Xu Qin was busy, Ye Zi came over and wanted to invite Meng Yanchen to dinner, but Meng Yanchen refused.

Song Yan asked Xiao Ge for advice on how to coax his girlfriend. The team members made a fuss and asked Song Yan to apologize.Under the instigation of Song Yan, he sent a message to Xu Qin and asked her if she had eaten. Xu Qin replied that he was eating. Song Yan actually replied and asked her to eat more. Xu Qin became even more angry when he saw the message.

Dr. Yang was in trouble. During the consultation, the patient asked her to prescribe Demerol, but Dr. Yang didn't listen. The patient took out a knife and wanted to threaten Dr. Yang. At the critical moment, Xu Qin stepped forward to protect Dr. Yang, but her ownThe hand was injured.Hands are the most important thing to a surgeon. Director Xu was very angry and felt that she didn't care about him, but he still softened his heart and asked her to go back to rest and come back when the scientific research team participated in the evaluation.Xu Qin was very happy to hear this.

Xiaoxiao waited for Xu Qin to come out in the hospital. Xu Qin came, but she was still angry, so she didn't want to talk more.Xu Qin expressed that he felt that Song Yan was hiding something from him.Xiaoxiao said that Xu Qin was insecure because she had put all her money on Song Yan. Xiaoxiao cared about Xu Qin and asked for her WeChat account.

Yang Chi told Song Yan that Xu Qin was injured. Song Yan called Xu Qin to confirm that they had not broken up. Xu Qin said that they were just quarreling.Song Yan came to her, bought her a lot of delicious food, and sincerely apologized, but still refused to mention the past, so Xu Qin did not forgive him.Song Yan felt that he could not let Xu Qin know the truth.In the past, when he was about to quit, he was provoked by someone's plan and beat someone. He had to be transferred to the fire department, but the deal was already done and he was determined to start over here.

Xu Qin didn't return for two days. Song Yan's family guessed that he was angry. Zhai Miao ran to the hospital to find Xu Qin. Xu Qin frankly felt that Song Yan was not sincere.Xu Qin deliberately provoked Zhai Miao, but Zhai Miao couldn't stand the stimulation and told the truth.Only then did Xu Qin learn that Meng's mother bribed the doctor and falsified Song Yan's physical examination results. His uncle even went to seek help from Meng's mother, but Meng's mother did not relent.Meng's mother also reported Song Yan. He was working as a special forces soldier at the time. When he got a chance to be promoted, he was reported and fired, and he finally became a fire fighter.Xu Qin collapsed and cried.

After getting off work, Xu Qin immediately left the hospital.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 37 Details

Episode 37

In the living room of the Meng family, Xu Qin returned home. Meng's father and mother were at home. Xu Qin asked them if they had ruined Song Yan's ten years.Meng Mu admitted it, and Xu Qin broke down emotionally, saying that she regarded Meng Mu as her mother, but she destroyed the person she loved.Meng's mother said that she was not a perfect mother, but Xu Qin was not a perfect daughter either. She only remembered their bad things but not their good things.Xu Qin called her hypocritical and said that he had always listened to her. Is there anything that could disappoint Meng's mother just because she fell in love with someone?Xu Qin said that he would not pursue the past matters, but that he would have nothing to do with this family in the future, so he smashed the family photos and left.

Meng Yanchen heard everything on the stairs and walked down to leave the house. Meng's mother wiped away her tears and refused to allow Meng Yanchen to leave.Meng Yanchen asked Meng's mother to open her eyes and see the pain she had suffered for so many years, and then left without listening to her.Meng's father asked her to stop forcing the child. Meng's mother felt that she did it for the family and the child without regrets.

Xu Qin was sitting at the door of Song's house. Song Yan ran back in a hurry. Xu Qin stopped him, rushed up and hugged him, and proposed reconciliation, saying that he should not quarrel with Song Yan. Song Yan said that they had not separated to talk about reconciliation.good?The uncle and aunt saw that the two had reconciled, and the uncle also stopped the aunt who wanted to go upstairs.

Meng Yanchen was drinking at Mr. Xiao's bar. The bar staff tipped off Ye Zi. Ye Zi was reviewing the situation with Zhai Miao and came over after receiving the call.Meng Yanchen was drunk, woke up and saw Ye Zi, and compared Ye Zi and Xu Qin to moths and butterflies. Ye Zi admitted that he just liked Meng Yanchen and asked him if it was necessary to treat him like this. Meng Yanchen asked her about her student assistantRegarding the loan, she said that she was not stupid and knew what she wanted to do.Meng Yanchen asked Ye Zi to go away.Feeling humiliated, Ye Zi rushed out of the door, sat in the corner and cried. He came up with a plan and walked back to the box to find Meng Yanchen.

Meng's mother couldn't sleep. She called Meng Yanchen several times but didn't answer. She called again. Ye Zi picked up and kept crying. Meng's mother and Meng's father realized something was wrong.Ye Zi called the squad leader again for help.Meng's parents hired a lawyer, and Ye Zi sent a text message asking for five million. Meng Yanchen woke up and stopped her, saying that if she sent her card number, it was blackmail and she would go to jail immediately.Ye Zi threatened to call the police, but Meng Yanchen deliberately provoked him to call the police.

When Meng's parents didn't receive a text message for a long time, they received a call saying that Mr. Meng had been taken away by the police.The two brought their lawyer to the police station to see their son. Only the lawyer could go in, but the police said it was useless to go in. Meng Yanchen did not deny it.

Song Yan hurried home, just as Xiaoxiao called Xu Qin to tell Xu Qin that something had happened to her brother, and drove to pick her and Song Yan up to the police station.Xu Qin arrived, and Meng's father asked her lawyer to tell Meng Yanchen what she had to say. Xu Qin said that she had to go home to solve something.But Meng Yanchen still refused to say anything after hearing her words.

This matter was posted on the Internet. Xiaoxiao was anxious to find a solution at the door of the police station. Song Yan asked him if there was no surveillance in the bar. Xiaoxiao said that there was only one in the corridor, and he had photographed the witness but could not find the person. Song Yan sawHe took the photo and hurried home to find Zhai Miao, but she held a grudge against the Meng family and was unwilling to help the Meng family.Song Yan said that they would not do anything harmful to others and hoped that she would provide evidence.Zhai Miao said that Song Yan didn't care, but he couldn't do it, and asked Song Yan if he was admitted to a prestigious university, but someone ruined his grades, would it really be okay?Song Yan persuaded her earnestly, and Zhai Miao finally said that she would hand over the evidence, but Song Yan didn't have to worry about what she wanted to do before that.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 38 Details

Episode 38

Xiaoxiao came to Meng's house and said that she had found a witness and that she had video evidence to prove Meng Yanchen's innocence. Meng's mother asked her how much she wanted, and Xiaoxiao said she didn't want money.

Zhai Miao was cleaning at home. Meng's parents came to Zhai Miao's home. Zhai Miao said that they should just talk about what they had to say at home. Meng's mother said that she had made mistakes in the past, but Meng Yanchen was a good boy, so if anything happened to them,By herself, her classmates framed him online, trying to make her understand how she felt as a mother.Zhai Miao said that she could understand it very well and had been doing this for more than ten years.Zhai Miao asked her to return the kneeling that her father had given her. Zhai Miao said that she represented the family and could afford ten of them.Meng's father stopped her, but Meng's mother decided to take charge of her own affairs.When she was about to kneel down, Zhai Miao stopped her because she wanted to get along with Xu Qin in the future. She asked Meng's mother to take responsibility for what she had done before, so that her children would not have to bear it.

After obtaining the evidence, Meng Yanchen was released.Meng's mother went to surrender herself. In the corridor, Meng's mother saw that Meng Yanchen was very excited and angry, so she beat him and asked why he was forcing herself like this.Xu Qin and Meng's father watched all this outside the door. Meng's mother said that everyone said that they were heinous and they would be free from now on.

With the evidence, Ye Zi was arrested. After the police explained clearly to the students, they were very angry and had no choice but to leave.Meng Yanchen looked at Xu Qin and asked Xu Qin to go back first.Xu Qin said that people still have to be responsible for what they do.Meng Yanchen met Ye Zi and gave up pursuing her criminal responsibility.Xu Qin left the police station and rushed to Song Yan, saying that his brother was fine.Meng Yanchen told Ye Zi that if he wanted money, he could tell him directly.Ye Zi was very angry and asked Meng Yanchen why he came to provoke her. Meng Yanchen just didn't want her to take a detour and left after saying that.

Due to Meng's mother's surrender, Vice President Liu was taken away. Meng's mother was released on bail pending trial because of her surrender and her own illness, and was in Xu Qin's hospital.Xu Qin secretly looked at the door and saw Meng's father coming, so she left quickly. Meng's father was helpless when he saw her.Meng's father told Meng's mother that Xu Qin and Song Yan would not be separated, saying that he had tacitly approved of these things and did not want Meng's mother to be trapped in grudges alone.

Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen met on the rooftop. Xu Qin said that if there were no witnesses, his life would be ruined.Meng Yanchen said that he understood that Xu Qin still chose Song Yan after so many years, because Song Yan also firmly chose her.

At school, Ye Zi was packing her things in the dormitory, and her two roommates were irritated with her. She could only say sorry, and the classmates left.Zi Zi said that he was sorry for Zhai Miao, and even the public account was gone. Zhai Miao asked whether Zi Zi would hate herself. Zi Zi said that she was glad that she could stand up, otherwise she would not be able to look back.After saying that, he picked up his luggage and left.

Meng's father had dinner with Xu Qin and told her that if Xu Qin was the one in trouble, Meng's mother would still do all this.Xu Qin talked about Song Yan's character. For Xu Qin's sake, he never mentioned a word for so many years. After all, the Meng family had so many opponents.

Xu Qin came to Meng's mother's ward and found that she had been discharged.

At the uncle's house, everyone was packing things. The uncle asked Song Yan how the new house was going. Song Yan said that he wanted to give Xu Qin a surprise and the decoration was almost done.Song Yan carried Xu Qin home and bumped into Meng's father at the door. Xu Qin jumped down quickly. Meng's father came home and saw his uncle, aunt and Zhai Miao.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 39 Details

Episode 39

Meng Huaijin came to visit the Song family. His uncle and aunt were a little surprised, but they still warmly invited him to have dinner with him. The atmosphere in the Song family was very good, and Meng's father also liked the atmosphere very much and felt very warm.

The house of his uncle and aunt was about to be demolished. Song Yan secretly decorated the new house and wanted to give Xu Qin a surprise. As everyone knew, Zhai Miao almost said it, but Song Yan kicked her and interrupted her, but Xu Qin feltNo, I noticed it.At night, Xu Qin asked Song Yan if there was anything he was hiding from him, but Song Yan said nothing.

The next day, Song Yan said he wanted to rent a house and took Xu Qin to see how the house was. When Xu Qin saw the house, he liked the romance of the house and wanted to move in right away.The rooftop of this house had the same layout as the original house. Xu Qin was even happier and told Song Yan that she liked it here very much.Song Yan said that whether he could decide on this place would depend on whether the landlady agreed, so he picked up his cell phone to make a call, but Xu Qin's cell phone rang. Seeing that his cell phone rang, Xu Qin was confused, but Song Yan said that the landlady wasXu Qin herself understood and agreed to live here with Song Yan for the rest of her life.Song Yan knelt down and proposed, and Xu Qin agreed.

In the hospital, Xu Qin took off her diamond ring in advance and was seen by Xu Xi. Everyone knew that Xu Qin was getting married and started to make noises.

At the fire station, the team members also knew that Song Yan was getting married.Xu Qin came to Song Yan after get off work and said that he had put on the lipstick given by Song Yan. Song Yan kissed Xu Qin.The team members stood in two rows in advance to greet Xu Qin. Song Yan introduced Xu Qin as their sister-in-law.Seeing that Song Yan's proposal was successful, Yang Chi wanted to ask for advice on how to pursue Xu Xi.

Xu Qin was too busy in the hospital and had no time to try on wedding dresses, so Zhai Miao had to go. Zhai Miao was exhausted and chose three outfits, and then went to choose toast clothes. Zhai Miao felt very tired but also very happy for them.

Meng Yanchen gave Xu Qin a hair crown studded with diamonds and told her that he was about to take over Guokun because Meng Yanchen realized that his parents were old.When the two said goodbye, Xu Qin sent a message to Meng Yanchen, saying that he was very happy to be Meng Yanchen's relative, and Meng Yanchen was relieved.

Song Yan, Xu Qin and Xu Qin were both too busy. They were late for taking wedding photos for a long time. The photographer was a little impatient and said it would be another day. Zhai Miao quickly explained that Xu Qin and Song Yan had a special profession, so the photographer had to wait.At this time, Song Yan and Xu Qin walked out in suits and wedding dresses. They were so beautiful that the photographer immediately started taking pictures.

The typhoon came, and Song Yan had no vacation. There were strong winds and heavy rain in the city. There were garbage everywhere, and people were injured. There were many people in the hospital. Xu Qin received an injured person whose pupils had collapsed, and Xu Qin carried out rescue operations.

Meng Yanchen was stopped while driving on the road. He was kind-hearted and let the uncomfortable person get in the car.While driving, I bumped into Ye Zi, standing on the side of the road, guarding a well without a manhole cover, fearing that someone would get hurt.

《Fireworks of My Heart》Episode 40 Details

Episode 40

Ye Zi stood by the shaft and reminded people passing by that someone who collected shared bicycles was driving a truck. This man was called Zhao Qianjin. He wanted to help Ye Zi because Ye Zi was already very cold. He piled the bicycles into a triangle and usedA rope secures the shaft.When he turned around, he found that there was no rope and the bike had been blown away by the wind. He hurried over to find the bike, but he drowned.Ye Zi heard the sound and turned around to help. Song Yan happened to drive by and helped Ye Zi. Zhao Qianjin drowned seriously and lost his breath.Xu Qin came to the rescue, but Zhao Qianqian's blood pressure was too low and he needed to be sent to the hospital. However, the road was blocked. Song Yan contacted the headquarters and started to command, even if Zhao Qianqian was sent to the hospital.

Due to the typhoon, the Fengshan Tunnel collapsed and many people were injured.Fu Wenying was also in the tunnel, and the driver, Lao Wu, had been pinned down and unconscious.Fu Wenying was scared and shouted for help, but no one heard her.

After Song Yan rescued the people, he rushed to the tunnel. When the people trapped in the tunnel saw the firefighters, they felt that they were saved. Many people were rescued and sent to the hospital.The tunnel collapsed for the second time, and Fu Wenying could no longer hold on. Finally, she turned on the light. Song Yan found the distress signal and went to rescue immediately. She found that it was Fu Wenying, and Fu Wenying also found out that it was Song Yan, but in the end she stillHolding Song Yan's hand, Song Yan carried her out and carried her to the rescue vehicle.People in the car asked Fu Wenying if she knew Song Yan, and Fu Wenying said he was her daughter's boyfriend.

The typhoon left and the city began to restore order. In the hospital, Xu Qin told Song Yan that Zhao Qianjin woke up.

Li Meng was pleasantly surprised when she found that the plants given by Jiang Yu were blooming, so she sent a message to Jiang Yu. She also discovered that the language of flowers is to cherish the present, and finally decided to find Jiang Yu.Li Meng drove to Jiang Yu's home and found a book she wanted to read, but she was not tall enough. Jiang Yu helped her take it down and the two got very close.Jiang Yu bought the storybook from Mingcheng Bookstore. Li Meng asked why she had never met him before. Jiang Yu said it was just right now, and Li Meng smiled knowingly.

Xu Qin came to find Yang Sijia, and Yang Sijia sent her away with a guilty conscience. Xu Qin saw her men's shoes and discovered that it was Xiao Yixiao. Xiao Yixiao generously said that he was in love with Yang Sijia.

When Xu Qin returned home, Fu Wenying was uncharacteristically asking how she and Song Yan could not hold a wedding in a hotel, but Meng Huaijin supported Xu Qin.Xu Qin was very happy that her family finally accepted Song Yan.