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《just in time》Episode 19 Synopsis

Episode 19

Li Lin knew that Xu Meng'an was most afraid of drinking Chinese medicine, so he helped to cover up and let Xu Meng'an go to work quietly to avoid danger. When the eldest sister saw that Li Lin was also helping Xu Meng'an escape, she left Li Lin at home and solemnly gave him “politicsThe lesson” asked him to take the matter of having a second child into his mind. Since ancient times, birth, old age, sickness, death, and birth have been the first priority. Moreover, their family connections are weak, so they must not waver in their thoughts.When Li Lin and Xu Meng'an hesitated to have a child at first, Lan Xiang must have tipped them off. Now that their sister-in-law knows about it, everyone must know that they are expecting a second child.

Episode 19

When Xu Mengxin got better, she went to the incubator to see the child. When she heard Jia Haowen call her daughter “Little Watermelon”, she pouted. How could a little princess be called “Little Watermelon”? Jia Haowen admitted that she was named after the eldest son.The name is good for making a living.

Chen Wanzhen's real estate company began to sell some financial products. During the house selling stage, Chen Wanzhen's performance was very good, and she was often the sales champion. However, since the company promoted financial products, Chen Wanzhen has not placed any orders for a long time, and some colleagues have started gossiping about it.Her joke, the sales director also made it clear that Chen Wanzhen must seize the time to develop customers, and she can also make use of friends who have bought houses before.Chen Wanzhen did not agree. She knew very well that financial products were risky, and soliciting relatives and friends to buy them would be overdrafting her network resources.

Some clerks in the sales department also started to pay attention to financial management products. They heard that Chen Wanzhen studied finance before, so they quietly asked Chen Wanzhen whether they could buy the financial products of Chen Wanzhen's company. Chen Wanzhen's pertinent suggestion was to buy as few financial products as possible because of the risks.larger.At the same time, these heartfelt words are also used by some people with impure minds.

Li Lin's eldest sister went to the hospital to visit her younger brother's father-in-law. She came from a family of traditional Chinese medicine. Seeing that his father-in-law was in a typical stroke state, she also began to prescribe Chinese medicine to help him recover. The eldest sister Li Jing spoke loudly and babbled.Hu shocked the sick old man.After visiting her younger brother's father-in-law, Li Jing heard that her younger brother's sister had just given birth, so she brought some fruits and gifts to the hospital, hoping to get closer to her.

At that time, Xu Mengxin was angry because of the pain from the incision. Jia Haowen tried to coax her to eat more food, but Xu Mengxin refused to listen. Her mother-in-law was also worried at the side, and the milk had not come down yet. The two prolactinologists who had been hired before were also worried.After being driven away, she was anxious and didn’t know what to do. Zhao Jing came. She had never seen Jia Haowen’s mother before, so she recognized her as a confinement nanny and gave Jia’s mother the fruit basket to wash.Give the fruit to Xu Mengxin.