Home TV Outer Range Season 2
《Outer Range Season 2》Finale

Joey's appearance broke the original calm.She stood on the edge of the cave and decisively shot through the tires of Luke's car, forcing them to stop.When Luke stepped forward to question, Joey knocked him down mercilessly and asked Audrey to come out and face him.Although Audrey complied, she pointed a gun at Amy, which made the situation more complicated and dangerous.Audrey claimed that everything was in order, but Joey's bullet hit her chest mercilessly, stopping her from speaking.In the chaos, Amy accidentally fell into the cave... and then the cave closed.

Audrey left a puzzling sentence before passing out: “Many people will follow.”Subsequently, she was rushed to the hospital by medical staff.Unfortunately, however, doctors were unable to save her and Audrey was pronounced dead.But things don't seem to be that simple. Somehow, Audrey miraculously wakes up...

Equally surprising is that Amy also wakes up in the wilderness, and her memory seems to be confused.Two hikers show up and ask Amy for her name, but Amy is unable to remember it and ends up naming herself Audrey.