Home TV Always On The Move
《Always On The Move》Episode 10 Synopsis

Episode 10

Always On The Move Episode 10 Synopsis: Wang Xin made a mistake in catching a trafficker

Episode 10

When Hacheng Station arrived, Xiao Wenzhou suddenly claimed that his blue and white striped woven bag was missing. Wang Xin learned that he was looking around, and suddenly thought of something, so he took him out of the car to search.Wang Xin saw the panic-looking thief in the crowd at a glance, and shouted at him. When he saw that the other person was about to run away, he hurriedly chased after him. Fortunately, he was very skilled and quickly restrained the thief.In order to thank Wang Xin, Xiao Wenzhou forcefully gave him a pair of sunglasses that he wanted to sell, and then turned around and left, leaving him with no choice but to keep them.

Ma Kui was originally very pleased with Wang Xin's pursuit of the thief, but saw that he had accepted Xiao Wenzhou's sunglasses. Although he did not want them himself, and the other party forcefully gave them to him, their status as police officers was there, but what should they do?Passengers' belongings cannot be collected.After hearing this, Wang Xin said that he would never do it again and would give money to Xiao Wenzhou next time.

The anonymous love letter appeared again, with the time and place written on it to watch a movie together. Yao Yuling and Niu Dali were both excited and happy, and they dressed up when going out.When Niu Dali went to the entrance of the cinema, he saw that Yao Yuling had been waiting for a long time, so he handed her the food he just bought and asked her what movie to watch next.Yao Yuling was a little dissatisfied. She always thought that the love poem was written by Wang Xin, but it turned out to be Niu Dali and left on the spot angrily.When Niu Dali saw it, he rushed to catch up. He also thought that the love poem he received was written by Yao Yuling, and even thought that the two were in love.

After returning to the compound, Yao Yuling asked Wang Xin to inquire clearly. When she learned that it was not him, she mistakenly thought that it was written by Ma Yan, so she came to inquire about it.Ma Yan claimed that she had never done this, but Yao Yuling still didn't believe it. It wasn't until Ma Kui showed up to take a look at the love poem and recognized Cai Xiaonian's handwriting that the truth came to light.Everyone went to find Cai Xiaonian, who claimed that he had good intentions, especially after seeing that Niu Dali liked Yao Yuling for a long time, so he took this step.Yao Yuling was so angry that she didn't want to speak, so she turned around and left. Wang Xin did the same, but Ma Yan watched the excitement from the side.

Yao’s mother came to visit her daughter Yao Yuling and shared special food with her daughter’s colleagues.Yao Yuling specially asked Wang Xin to eat with her. She couldn't stop smiling on her face. Mother Yao also saw her daughter like this and couldn't help but think deeply.In the evening, Niu Dali took the initiative to come to find Yao Yuling and even greeted Yao's mother, but Yao Yuling drove her away without saying a few words.Yao's mother asked about the work of Wang Xin and Niu Dali respectively, and persuaded her daughter to have more contact with Wang Xin. She also asked about Wang Xin's parents, which made Yao Yuling a little embarrassed.

Hearing that a child was missing on the train, Wang Xin first asked Yao Yuling to report the characteristics of the missing child. He was a four-year-old boy wearing a white undershirt, and then led his colleagues to search for the child.Since it was time to get off the train, there were many people standing in the aisle of the carriage. It took a lot of effort for Wang Xin to find the child with the mole on his face.

The train was about to start moving soon. Wang Xin hurriedly gave the child to the aunt and got on the train with his colleagues.Colleagues praised Wang Xin's action one after another. Even the leader came to him to praise him and said that he would publicize this matter everywhere.Just when Wang Xin was very proud, his colleague brought a notice for co-investigation, which stated that a four-year-old child was lost on Guandong Street not long ago. Wang Xin felt something was wrong, and only after looking at the photo of the document did he realize that it was the same as the one found on the train.The children are exactly the same, but there is a big gap in their hearts.

After get off work, Wang Xin went to Ma Kui to talk about the matter and wanted to know the most serious consequences.Ma Kui quickly analyzed the pros and cons. Wang Xin returned the child to the trafficker without knowing it, which might make the incident of catching the trafficker unfavorable.Not only that, Ma Kui also expressed his willingness to intercede for Wang Xin to see if his punishment could be reduced.

Because of this incident, Wang Xin became depressed and lay at home unwilling to go out.Coincidentally, Ma Yan came in front and Yao Yuling came in behind. Both of them approached Wang Xin to say yes and almost quarreled over him.Wang Xin was very confused and drove them both away.At night, since Wang Xin and Yao Yuling grew up together, they could sketch her appearance even without looking at her.It's just that Yao Yuling mistook friendship for love, and fell even more into Wang Xin.