《CHANGGE XING》on Mar 31, 2021 broadcast.《CHANGGE XING》 broadcast platform :WeTv.《CHANGGE XING》 update cycle is :“Members will be able to watch it first from March 31st, while non-members will have 2 episodes updated at 20:00 on the first Thursday and Friday, and 2 episodes will be updated every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 20:00 starting from the following week.The advance on-demand finale will be on May 3, and the member finale will be on May 19”.

Updated on March 31: Episodes 1-8

Updated on April 1st: Episodes 9-10

Updated on April 2: Episode 11-12

Updated on April 5: Episodes 13-14

Updated on April 6: Episodes 15-16

Updated on April 7: Episodes 17-18

Updated on April 12: Episodes 19-20

Updated on April 13: Episodes 21-22

Updated on April 14: Episodes 23-24 (Episodes 25-30 available on demand in advance)

Updated on April 19: Episodes 25-26 (Episodes 31-36 available for advance viewing)

Updated on April 20: Episodes 27-28

Updated on April 21: Episodes 29-30

Updated on April 26: Episodes 31-32 (Episodes 37-42 available on demand in advance)

Updated on April 27: Episodes 33-34

Updated on April 28: Episodes 35-36

Updated on May 3: Episodes 37-38 (Episodes 43-49 on demand in advance)

Updated on May 4: Episodes 39-40

Updated on May 5: Episodes 41-42

Updated on May 10: Episode 43-44

Updated on May 11: Episodes 45-46

Updated on May 12: Episodes 47-49

Updated on May 17: Episode 43-44

Updated on May 18: Episodes 45-46

Updated on May 19: Episodes 47-49 (finale)