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《My Secret Love》Episode 1 Synopsis

Episode 1: Recovering Soi

In a heavy rain, Khonprot and his friends Pi and Tum witnessed Pluem, a senior at the School of Engineering, being slapped hard by his 20th girlfriend Soi in the rain. Since Khonprot had been My Secret LovePluem for a long time before, his friends suggested that Khonprot take this opportunity.Take advantage of the opportunity to enter the world of seniors.However, this suggestion was rejected by Khonprot, because he believed that the senior would have a new relationship soon, so he chose to retreat without a fight and would only watch everything from a distance silently.

KhonprotMy Secret LovePluem must start in high school. The two of them started talking for the first time because they were hit by a ball kicked incorrectly by Pluem while passing by the sports field. Out of guilt, after Pluem confirmed that Khonprot was okay, he ran errands for him to pay the money he was about to pay.Submit homework to your advisor.Because this move made Khonprot secretly fond of him, Pi and Tum also supported Khonprot all the way after learning about Khonprot's intentions, and always worked hard to help Khonprot create opportunities for him to come forward to chat and throw water.However, as their seniors graduated, the two of them could only watch as Khonprot never dared to take the last step to confess his love. With regret, Khonprot followed Pluem's footsteps and went to the same university after entering high school, and he stayed like this for seven years.My Secret Love that seems to have no end...

Pluem was depressed after falling out of love, but because he was a cadre of the society, he had to be dragged to meetings by his friends even if he had no intention of doing anything.At the meeting, the principals asked the students in the audience for their opinions on activities. Khonprot proposed going to a remote village to do charity work. This opinion was unanimously approved by everyone after the vote. Pluem also noticed for the first time at the meeting that he had met several times.Small transparent Khonprot.

Khonprot left in a hurry as soon as the meeting was over because his mother, who was sick at home, needed him to buy food home regularly. After preparing food for his mother, Khonprot then rushed to work in a restaurant opposite to his home.Before starting work, I was criticized by my boss because I was often late for work.While Khonprot was working, little did he know that Jess, the senior in the department, was following him and observing him. After seeing Khonprot working so hard, he felt sorry for him...

Pluem didn't want to be separated from Soi like this. He blocked the road where Soi was passing the next day and asked the two to re-interview, but Soi thought that he had nothing to say and asked Pluem not to continue to entangle.Seeing that Pluem was unwilling to give in, Soi threatened to slap him again before Pluem gave in. After Soi left, her best friend Froi next to her persuaded Pluem to let go, saying that no matter how Pluem changed himself, he could not save the relationship. After hearing this, FroiAfter saying this, Pluem replied angrily that he would never give up on recovering Soi!

After class that day, Pi and Tum invited Khonprot to go out for a drink with them in the evening to relieve stress. Khonprot originally declined on the grounds of taking care of his mother. After hearing this, Pi directly offered to help Khonprot deliver food to his mother, so that Khonprot would notThey had no choice but to agree to go to the appointment; on the other hand, Pluem was angry because Soi refused to talk to him. Seeing that he was in an extremely unhappy mood, the friends decided to have a drinking party at night so that Pluem could drink away his sorrow. Little did they know that the store they decided to go to was exactlyThe place where Khonprot meets friends...