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《rose and gun》 Summ

Tang Xin, an independent woman, is a workaholic and never thinks that marriage is a necessary thing in life. At the strong request of her father, she meets Wu Si, her blind date.Wu Si is an excellent military officer, and his personal life is extremely monotonous. He takes exams, enlists in the army, and gets married in a step-by-step manner, and his life is planned to perfection.

The two young men, who seemed to be a perfect match to outsiders, disliked each other from the beginning, and finally became lovers after experiencing a ridiculous and tortuous story.Very different from the workaholic Tang Xin is Lan Yangyang, who has just graduated from medical school. She fell in love at first sight with the handsome military officer Zong Qing and bravely got married.

Career differences, conflicting values, the grinding of trivial life, and even the tolerance and sacrifice caused by the particularity of their lovers' careers, made the two young girls hesitate for a while.But after truly getting to know the group of military wives, they understood this nobler and more powerful emotion of resilience from the bottom of their hearts.After experiencing the sorrow and laughter of youth, the two young couples steadfastly joined hands for the rest of their lives, and the love in the military camp continued.