Home TV You Are My Hero
《You Are My Hero》Episode 8 Synopsis

Episode 8

Shu Wenbo escapes Ruan Qingxia, Mi Ka and Xing Kelei work together to save him

Episode 8

Mi Ka said that she would definitely be able to stay in the emergency room. Director Wei was very satisfied with Mi Ka's attitude and asked her to work hard, saying that Shao Yuhan must have his own reasons for doing things. As soon as Director Wei left, Mi Ka met Shao Yuhan.The director's words let her know Shao Yuhan's expectations for her, so she invited Shao Yuhan to have dinner together. Shao Yuhan happened to be free, so he agreed. This scene was seen by Yanshan. Yanshan saw that Mi Ka and Shao Yuhan had a good relationship, and she feltSomewhat unpleasant.Mi Ka took Shao Yuhan to a street shop, ordered another dish of raw brain flower, and asked Shao Yuhan about glioma surgery. After asking the questions, he started to eat.After dinner, Shao Yuhan drove Mi Ka home. Xing Kelei was having barbecue near Mi Ka's house, just to wait for Mi Ka to come home and meet her.

Shu Wenbo's mother came to see Shu Wenbo. Shu Wenbo did not pick up his mother at the train station, but after a while he received a message from Ruan Qingxia. Ruan Qingxia picked up Shu's mother and took her to the shopping mall to buy something.After getting dressed and dressed up, Shu Wenbo went to the mall to find Ruan Qingxia and pulled her aside, not wanting her to mind her own affairs anymore, but Ruan Qingxia didn't listen. In addition, Shu's mother liked Ruan Qingxia very much, so Shu Wenbo had no choice but to do anything.Shu's mother saw Ruan Qingxia's thoughts about Shu Wenbo, and asked Shu Wenbo to take advantage of it while Ruan Qingxia was parking the car, but Shu Wenbo said that he didn't like Ruan Qingxia's sizzling energy.

The emergency department of Renxin Hospital received a patient, Mu Mu, who accidentally drank dichlorvos. Mu Mu also fell down the stairs. Director Wei quickly asked people to prepare the operating room and rescue Mu Mu. Although Mu Mu had already woken up, she was still alive.Because the poisoning was too deep, follow-up treatment and continuous injection of atropine were required, but the dose of atropine was too small. The emergency department summoned everyone to break the glass bottles by hand, but the dose was still not enough. Xing Kelei happened to pick up Xiao Chao from the hospital and left before leaving.After greeting Mi Ka and learning about Mi Ka's condition, he took the initiative to contact his colleagues to deliver medicine to Renxin Hospital. With everyone's efforts, Mu Mu's condition finally stabilized and was out of danger. Everyone in the emergency room cheered.When he got up, Mi Ka saw Xing Kelei, hugged him excitedly, and happily said thank you to the police officer. Everyone in the emergency room also bowed to Xing Kelei, and then said thank you to the police officer. After finishing his work, Xing Kelei sent Mi Ka home..

Xing Kelei's sister Xing Keyao suddenly returned to China and asked Xing Kelei to pick her up at the airport. Although Xing Kelei was reluctant, he still went to the airport to pick up her sister. Xing Keyao said that her return this time was for business and the company had a new product to be released in the country., she came back and took a look.Xing Keyao went to a banquet in the evening, and after the banquet, she ran into Shao Yuhan. The two used to be lovers, and they drove exactly the same car. They exchanged a few awkward words and left.

Although Mu Mu was out of danger, Mu Mu's follow-up treatment still required a large amount of money. Mu Mu's father borrowed all kinds of money and couldn't get the money together. Mi Ka happened to see Mu Mu's father's difficulties and hesitated to give up his own money.The money was lent to Mumu's father.As a result, Mi Ka had no money to pay the rent. She could only work in the hospital's duty room for a few days while looking for a house.Ruan Qingxia came to the police station to look for Shu Wenbo, but did not find Shu Wenbo but ran into Xing Kelei. Ruan Qingxia said that Shu Wenbo had ignored her for several days, and also talked about Mi Ka's move.