Home TV Falling Before Fireworks
《Falling Before Fireworks》 Summ

The play tells the story of Si Qing's 20th birthday, when she spent all her savings to celebrate her birthday and photographed Jingchen's graduation work - Winter Solstice -, just because of the fireworks accompanying her parents in - Winter Solstice -.It was her biggest desire when she was a left-behind child. In reality, her parents still forgot her birthday after all, but Jingchen made up for it in another way. The two had never met, but he became her heartbeat.She also became his salvation...

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Episode 1: Si Qing and Jingchen first met

Si Qing is an account manager at Nan Commercial Bank, and her work ability is first-rate. She has reached the position of account manager within three years of joining the industry. She also recently bought a pretty good car, which makes her colleagues a little envious.Because Zhao Feng, a loan customer, ran away. He borrowed 500,000 yuan from the bank in the name of opening a lantern factory. Now that he has not repaid the loan on time and cannot contact the person, Si Qing had to go out to find the person in person.Si Qing found Jingyuan according to the address in the contract. She didn't expect that this place turned out to be a scenic spot with an admission fee of 80.

Under Jingchen's guidance, Si Qing found the house where Zhao Feng's wife, Ms. Chen, lived. Ms. Chen opened a tea shop. Si Qing did not explain her purpose at first, but Ms. Chen was smart and tested her with tea leaves.Si Qing said he wanted to buy Dahongpao, so Ms. Chen deliberately brewed Longjing tea, saying it was Dahongpao, and asked Si Qing to taste it. Si Qing really didn't understand tea and couldn't tell the difference at all.Jingchen then came to the store to get the medicinal tea for his grandfather. While Ms. Chen went to get it, Si Qing developed an occupational disease. She took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Jingchen and let him try Dahongpao. By the way, she introduced her occupation.He showed the WeChat QR code and wanted to add WeChat with Jingchen, but Jingchen was not interested.He told Si Qing that the tea he drank was green tea and Longjing. Si Qing realized that Ms. Chen was deliberately testing him. It seemed that she knew the purpose of his visit.When Si Qing was fiddling with her hair, one of her hair fell on Jing Chen's teacup. Jing Chen insinuated that she was unprofessional, as bank staff were required to wear their hair in a bun.In this way, the first acquaintance between the two was not pleasant.

Episode 1

When Ms. Chen came back from fetching herbal tea, Si Qing directly explained the situation to her. If Zhao Feng did not show up to repay the loan, and Ms. Chen acted as the guarantor, the bank would have the right to auction the property under her name. Ms. Chen did not understand and thought this matter had nothing to do with it.He had nothing to do with it. He was deceived by Zhao Feng when he signed the contract. Si Qing only acted in accordance with the contract.Jingchen told Si Qing that this was rural collective land and could not be auctioned. Si Qing looked at him and was so angry that he could not speak.

In order to recover the loan, Si Qing went to work at Ms. Chen's home and took videos as evidence of clocking in at work. While taking the video, she accidentally discovered the man's shoes, cigarettes and lighter. Ms. Chen was worried that Si Qing would find out the secret, so she pretended to beg her., took the opportunity to push her to the cabinet. Things on the cabinet fell and a piece of jade broke. Ms. Chen told Si Qing that this jade was an ancestral treasure worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, but as long as Si Qing stopped coming every dayIf she collects the money, she will find a way to pay the interest, so she won't need to compensate for this piece of jade.Si Qing could tell that this was an honest affair, so she had no choice but to leave first.She recalled the cigarettes and lighters captured in the video and guessed that Zhao Feng might have returned but was just hiding. Si Qing thought Jingchen's house was a very good place, so she went to find Jingchen.

Episode 1

Si Qing saw Jingchen mending a cup and his skills were pretty good, so he wanted him to mend the jade pendant.Jingchen didn't want to pay attention to her at all, so Si Qing stalked her. He took Jingchen's mobile phone and added his WeChat account to transfer money to repair the jade pendant.Si Qing stayed until Jing Chen repaired the jade pendant. Jing Chen saw that the jade pendant had been broken for more than 10 years. Knowing that Si Qing was recording, he grabbed Si Qing's phone and deleted it.recorded.Jingchen knew that Sister Chen was a good person. He didn't want Si Qing to frighten Sister Chen with the recording, and Jingchen was not interested in the dispute between them.

Si Qing was working in the yard. Because it was winter, she was a little cold. When she stood up and walked around, she realized that the scenery here was so beautiful. She leaned her phone against the door to take pictures. Jingchen didn't pay attention and dropped her phone when she opened the door., Si Qing's face changed drastically, she thought Jingchen did it on purpose.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Episode 2: Si Qing takes the initiative to propose to Jingchen

Si Qing stayed until the evening and did not leave. It was relatively remote and there was no way to order takeout. Jingchen was not hard-hearted either. He made roasted sweet potatoes for Si Qing to eat and asked Si Qing to leave after eating. He had to go out to do errands.Si Qing finished the roasted sweet potatoes on her plate, but didn't eat any chestnuts. She packed up her computer and left.

Si Qing received a call from the park security on his way home. It turned out that Zhao Feng was back. Si Qing returned the same way and happened to meet Ms. Chen giving money to Zhao Feng. Ms. Chen helped her husband stop Si Qing. Si Qing told Ms. Chen that Zhao Feng was there.There was a woman outside, and she had evidence in her hand. During the process of pulling each other, Ms. Chen saw the lipstick mark on Zhao Feng's collar.Zhao Feng wanted to take the money and leave quickly, but Si Qing refused to let go and wanted to beat her in anger. Fortunately, Jing Chen appeared in time.

Everyone went to the police station to handle the matter. Ms. Chen gave the money to Si Qing. Si Qing took the money and was about to leave, but found a note left for her by Ms. Chen's mother in the jacket containing the money.In order to repay Zhao Feng's loan, Ms. Chen got the 80,000 yuan by threatening her parents with suicide. Her parents were not rich either, and all the money was for the coffin.Ms. Chen's mother gave her daughter 100 yuan alone and asked her to buy a new dress to wear.Si Qing was moved and decided to return the money to Ms. Chen.Si Qing turned around and saw Jingchen. She threw the money to Jingchen and asked him to hand it over, and then drove away.The corners of Jingchen's mouth raised slightly. It turned out that Si Qing was not as cold-blooded and ruthless as he had seen.

Si Qing was reprimanded by the president for this bad loan. In order to make up for it, Si Qing decided to contact Zhou Zhu. She knew that Zhou Zhu had funds and could persuade him to buy the new financial products launched by the bank.The president believes that this is a sought-after piece of meat and bones, and many banks should be eyeing it, and Si Qing will try his best to fight for it.

Si Qing dressed up carefully to meet the client. She is a very talkative workplace person. She knows that things need to be discussed over drinks. After meeting with the client’s boss, she drank a large glass of red wine to show her sincerity., and later drank liquor.Si Qing also risked his life to win this customer.Si Qing drank so much that she vomited, and suddenly she felt a stomachache. After checking the mobile app, she realized that it was her menstrual period.Today is Si Qing’s birthday, but no one remembers it. She just received a bunch of text message blessings from the bank. Suddenly she saw her mother’s WeChat message. It turned out to be a WeChat message from her mother to her marriage partner. Si QingNo reply, just looking at the phone screen and crying silently.

On the way back to the company, Si Qing received a call from a colleague asking about her cooperation. Si Qing briefly explained the situation and went back to report to the president later.Some colleagues are jealous of Si Qing's rapid promotion, and even think that she is just a social butterfly, and they may not necessarily use any means to win many big clients.Unexpectedly, before the call was hung up, Si Qing heard their conversation and became angry. Just when she was about to lose her temper and curse, the other party quickly hung up the phone.Jingchen then called, but Si Qing didn't see it clearly and cursed when she picked up the phone. Jingchen didn't know why she suddenly became angry with him, so he hung up the phone and deleted Si Qing from his address book.Si Qing was so angry that he changed hands and called back, but no one answered. Si Qing decided to find Jing Chen in person, so he asked the driver to drive to Jingyuan.

Si Qing pushed open the door of Jingchen's house angrily and asked him if he meant to see her joke. Jingchen didn't answer. He looked at the sky and said it was snowing. He also invited Si Qing to sit down, looked at her bare feet and took care of her.Out came cotton slippers.Jingchen took out a box and gave it to Si Qing. Si Qing mistakenly thought it was Jingchen's birthday gift to him, took the initiative to tell Jingchen about his financial situation, and then hoped that he would marry him.Jingchen was stunned by her operation and knew that she must have misunderstood, so he explained that the box contained a repaired jade pendant. Si Qing opened the box and looked at the jade pendant and became even more angry, but she could not let herself be unhappy alone.He kissed Jingchen and left with his shoes.Jingchen was left standing there at a loss.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Episode 3: Jingchen proposes to Si Qing

Si Qing walked out of Jingchen's house. It was already late. The place was a little remote and she couldn't get a taxi. She could only ask for help from her friends. Her best friend couldn't leave because of work. She looked through her address book, but she didn't expect to find anyone who could count.Meet familiar friends.At this time, Jingchen put a coat on her and wanted to take Si Qing home. Jingchen went to the security guard to pick up a scooter and took Si Qing to a place where he could reach the car.Si Qing quickly got a taxi. When she got into the car, she found that Jing Chen's scooter was out of gas and was asking passers-by where there was a gas station. There was no need to go far nearby, so Si Qing decided to let the driverSend Jingchen off for a while.

When Si Qing returned home, her friends had prepared a cake to celebrate her birthday. With tears in her eyes, she blew out all the candles angrily.Si Qing told his friend that his proposal to Jingchen was rejected today. His friend was a little surprised and could only comfort her that the next one would be better and the next one would be better.

Si Qing decided to resign. She didn't want to face her colleagues gossiping behind their backs. She wrote a long resignation letter and sent it to the president's mailbox. As soon as she sent it, she received the message that she had to repay the loan this month. She immediately withdrew the message. Since then,After she bought a house and a car, her balance after excluding personal expenses was less than 100 yuan, and she still did not have the qualifications to be willful.

Jingchen received the news that his grandfather was missing and hurried to the hospital. His grandfather had been very unclear recently and often recognized the wrong people. Jingchen was very worried and began to search near the hospital. Fortunately, his grandfather could not walk far in a wheelchair, and soon JingchenChen then found his grandfather.Grandpa looked at Jingchen and kept calling Ah Tao's name. Jingchen shouted that I was not him, but seeing his confused look, he said nothing and pushed his grandfather back.

Jingchen's grandfather has always been worried about the half-painted painting that was lost that year. It was a treasure collected by his grandfather and was an antique, so his grandfather has been looking for it. It just so happened that Jingchen discovered the news from his grandfather's WeChat antique group and looked at the photos and records sent by the other party.The half of the paintings they lost were very similar, so Jingchen decided to meet each other.Coincidentally, this half of the painting was in the hands of Si Qing's father. Si Qing's father contacted Si Qing and wanted his daughter to meet him first, near the bank where she worked, so that his daughter could help him check.See if the other person is a liar.Si Qing promised to help his father.

In order to help Sister Chen sell the semi-finished lanterns squeezed in her hands, Jingchen continued to complete the making of the lanterns.Jingchen is a versatile person. He painted on the lanterns and the whole lanterns looked very beautiful.He chose two to hang in front of his house. The lanterns blended well with the overall layout.Si Qing and Jing Chen met at a coffee shop near the bank. Si Qing deliberately made things difficult for Jing Chen and said that the painting was his dowry. Jing Chen understood what she meant and said he would consider it.Si Qing looked at him in shock, suddenly confused about the man in front of him.

A lantern festival was going to be held in the scenic area. Jingchen and the people in the village helped Sister Chen a lot. Sister Chen made some money by selling lanterns. She went to the bank to find Si Qing and wanted to pay back part of the money first.Sister Chen was very sorry for what she had done to Si Qing before, and Si Qing was not the kind of person who would be unforgiving. The matter has passed, and now Sister Chen is working hard to repay the money, so there is no misunderstanding between the two parties.

New Year's Day is coming soon. Before the holiday, the president invited everyone to have dinner together to celebrate the New Year. Si Qing worked overtime at the bank. After work, she opened the takeout and found that she could no longer eat it and had to throw it away. In the bathroom, she met the cleaning lady.Knowing about the president's treat, it seemed that she was isolated by everyone.After returning home, Si Qing received a call from her father. Her father thought of her birthday. Si Qing was a little touched. Later, when she looked at Moments, she realized that it was the birthday of her father’s daughter from a remarriage. Only then did he remember that his father had sent her a message.After entering WeChat Moments, Si Qing looked at the happy family in the photo and burst into tears.

Jingchen's grandfather's health was deteriorating, and he went through a rescue operation on New Year's Eve. The doctor asked Jingchen to prepare for the worst. His grandfather told Jingchen that if he couldn't find the half painting, he would have no shame to see his ancestors.Grandpa felt regretful and decided to go to Si Qing. This time he wanted to get back the half of the painting no matter what.

The two thought of going together. Si Qing took the paintings to Jingyuan, and Jingchen went to find Si Qing where she worked.Jingchen saw a small model of Jingyuan in Si Qing's office. He seemed to remember something and rushed back to Jingyuan.Here he saw Si Qing. Si Qing said it was a joke that the painting was her dowry before, but now she chooses to return it to its original owner.Jingchen sent a marriage request to Si Qing, and Si Qing looked at him blankly.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Episode 4: Si Qingjingchen’s flash marriage and divorce

Si Qing and Jingchen went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the marriage procedures. Jingchen got the painting, and then he wanted to take Si Qing to see his grandfather. Si Qing was worried about having a meeting at night, so he decided to sacrifice his lunch break to accompany him to see his grandfather.Si Qing went to work at the bank. When she was getting her work permit, her marriage certificate accidentally fell out of her bag. It was seen by a meddling colleague. The colleague was angry at her for marrying so quickly. Did she become a stepmother for someone else? Si Qing ignored her.Colleagues started gossiping and asked Si Qing about the other person's conditions, what he did for a job and what kind of car he drove, but Si Qing didn't say much.

Chi Zhongyu is Si Qing's apprentice and Jingchen's good friend. He is a truly rich second generation. When he goes out to drive, he can choose from the garage at home. Jingchen asks him to help pick up things. He always drives a convertible sports car.Unfortunately, the two seats were equipped with Jingchen's new bedding, so there was no room for him, so Jingchen had to ride his own bicycle.

Mr. Xiao had always wanted to pursue Si Qing, so he bought tickets for the concert of Si Qing's favorite singer and wanted to invite her to watch it with him. Unexpectedly, he learned about Si Qing's marriage.Si Qing's colleagues were still singing along, saying that Si Qing's husband was handsome and rich.At this time, Jingchen came to Si Qing, and Mr. Xiao took this opportunity to treat everyone to dinner. Si Qing was very uncomfortable in this situation and wondered how Jingchen would deal with his customers and colleagues.

Sure enough, Jingchen couldn't adapt to this kind of scene, and he didn't like Si Qing's bragging to save face in front of his colleagues. He made an excuse to go to the bathroom, and Mr. Xiao followed him. He deliberately said bad things about Si Qing to Jingchen in the bathroom, sayingIn order to win over customers, Si Qing did whatever he could to win customers. Jingchen deliberately got water all over Mr. Xiao and warned him to respect his wife.

Si Qing's colleagues deliberately ordered a bottle of expensive wine. Jingchen just came back from the bathroom. He told them that he had already paid the bill. The wine they ordered was indeed beyond their affordability. If they wanted to drink it, they would have to pay for it themselves..After saying that, he left. Si Qing chased him out and blamed him for not giving him face, so that he would become the laughing stock of the whole bank the next day. Jing Chen didn't understand why Si Qing loved face so much, and he couldn't cooperate with her acting..Si Qing talked about the divorce together. She believed that Jingchen wanted to marry her just because of the painting. If he hated herself so much, there was no need to force it. There would be no happiness in a makeshift marriage.Si Qingjingchen went to apply for divorce on the same day after receiving the divorce certificate. It happened to be the divorce cooling-off period. They had no choice but to come back 30 days later to go through the formalities. If they did not go through the process according to the agreed date, the system would automatically cancel their divorce application.

Si Qing walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau and saw Mr. Xiao and two colleagues watching the fun. They were sarcastic and sarcastic. Si Qing couldn't bear it anymore. Since they were curious about Jing Chen's family background, he would satisfy their curiosity.Si Qing forcibly dragged these colleagues into the car and drove them to Jingyuan.

Jingchen went to the hospital to deliver meals to his grandfather, only to find out that Chi Zhongyu was also in the hospital after an unfinished surgery. He went to the ward to see Chi Zhongyu and learned that Si Qing had indeed become the laughing stock of his colleagues. Everyone deliberately posted something to vilify Si Qing.The emoticon mocked her for marrying a stingy ex-husband. Jingchen also knew that Mr. Xiao just now was a nouveau riche and had ill intentions towards Si Qing from the beginning. In the beginning, because Si Qing didn't come to him alone to handle business,Unexpectedly, Si Qing took Chi Zhongyu with her because she had long been aware of Mr. Xiao's intentions towards her.Although Chi Zhongyu didn't like Si Qing, as a disciple, he really admired Si Qing. Si Qing was not the kind of person his colleagues in the group said he was.The reason why she was able to win clients was not because of her beauty, but because of her determination to not give up even if she wanted to die.

Jingchen saw the message from Si Qing's colleague on Chi Zhongyu's mobile phone. She was going to live broadcast a rural love story for everyone. Jingchen guessed that Si Qing might have taken them to Jingyuan.He decided to go back and take a look. Chi Zhongyu asked Jingchen to help him drive back the car parked on the roadside, but Jingchen did not refuse.

When they arrived at the scenic spot, Si Qing asked them to buy tickets on their own. The ticket sales lady recognized Si Qing as Jing Chen's wife and told her to just go in. Si Qing specifically told his colleagues and Mr. Xiao to buy tickets quickly so as not to delay the eldest sister from getting off work. She did not let her go at all.They enjoy their own benefits.Si Qing did not let them enter Jingchen's house, but only introduced the situation and showed them Jingchen's two-wheeled convertible sports car - a bicycle.Then he was about to take them away, and happened to meet Jingchen coming back in a sports car.Jingchen decided to give Mr. Xiao a ride and transferred 3,000 yuan to him as money to buy his shirt.

Jingchen drove Mr. Xiao to the mountain. There was no signal here. He asked Mr. Xiao to get out of the car. Seeing Mr. Xiao's cold look, he deliberately asked him if it was colder than the night he asked Si Qing to wait downstairs.Only then did Mr. Xiao realize that something was wrong.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Episode 5: Si Qing was misunderstood when buying family planning supplies

Jingchen did not hurt Xiao Fei, but only cut off the two sleeves of his shirt. Then he took out the prepared electric balance car and went home, leaving Xiao Fei alone on the mountain.On the way Si Qing drove back, her colleague Ai Li kept nagging her. After this incident, Si Qing decided not to endure it any longer, so she left the two colleagues beside the bus stop.Si Qing regretted that she actually asked Jingchen to cooperate with her in acting for two people who were not even friends, and even divorced them on the day of their wedding. It was funny when she thought about it.

Si Qing drove back to Jingyuan. When she arrived at the gate of Jingyuan, she hesitated whether to go in. After thinking about it, she decided to go to Jingchen. It was probably because the two of them had a common understanding, and Jingchen happened to be at the gate of Jingyuan.Si Qing doesn't want to give up on this marriage just like that. She hopes Jingchen can give her a chance. Even the law has a cooling-off period for divorce. Si Qing said that she will change herself during the cooling-off period.Jingchen told Si Qing that there was no need to change it, that was it, it was just right.The two looked at each other and smiled.Jingchen gave Si Qing a specially customized access card. On the card was the image of Si Qing leaving Jingchen's house on the winter solstice.

Jingchen took Si Qing into the house. He had already packed Si Qing's room. Si Qing misunderstood and thought Jingchen wanted to sleep with him, but thought that they were legal in the first place, even during the divorce cooling-off period.of.Si Qing bought family planning supplies on a food delivery platform, and then took the home clothes prepared by Jing Chen to take a shower. When he came out of the shower, he realized that Jing Chen had answered the call from the delivery man for him, and the delivery man also sent a message to Si Qing.Qing was extremely embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a moment.Jingchen smiled slightly and said: Let's take our time.

Early the next morning, Jingchen went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and prepared a sumptuous breakfast for Si Qing. Si Qing drove Jingchen to the city. He happened to be at work and Jingchen went to the hospital to see his grandfather.Jingchen originally prepared lunch for her, but Si Qing got out of the car in a hurry. Before Jingchen could give it to her, she had already walked into the bank.

When they arrived at the bank, Aili began to sarcastically mock Si Qing. Si Qing did not save any face and insulted Aili.The president gave Si Qing the trophy to be handed over to Director Wu for safekeeping temporarily until Director Wu came to give it to him.Ai Li watched Si Qing printing a document and tried to trick her by pouring coffee on the document. Si Qing saw her trick and grabbed her arm.It happened that this scene was seen by Jingchen, who was delivering food to Si Qing. When Ellie saw Jingchen, she didn't dare to make trouble. It was a good thing, but she accidentally knocked the trophy away.Seeing that Director Wu was about to arrive, everyone panicked. Si Qing and the others could only think of a way to quickly glue the trophy up.

Jingchen looked at their anxious looks. At this time, he finally had something to show. However, it was not practical to stick the trophy. He asked Si Qing and the others to find a white wall in the conference room. According to the angle of the sun, on the white wallThere was a trophy drawn on it. In order to deliberately mess with Ellie, he deliberately asked Ellie to take out her own perfume bottle as the bottom of the trophy. It was the new perfume that Ellie bought. Although she was reluctant to part with it, there was nothing she could do about it.Si Qing saw Jingchen's thoughts, but he didn't expect him to be quite sinister.

Director Wu arrived at the bank and was very happy to see the trophy. Si Qing took Director Wu and his colleagues to take a photo in front of the trophy. Fortunately, Jingchen was there, otherwise Si Qing would have been scolded to death by the president.

In the evening, Si Qing arrived at the hospital earlier than Jing Chen to chat and play games with his grandfather. When Jing Chen arrived, Si Qing suggested that everyone play together. Grandpa was also happy. Jing Chen didn't know how to play mahjong, so Si Qing asked him to learn. Unexpectedly,Jingchen learned quickly.Si Qing turned in Chi Zhongyu to play with him online. Si Qing and Grandpa couldn't defeat Jingchen even though they teamed up.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Episode 6: Si Qing learns about Jingchen’s life experience

In order to make his grandfather happy, Si Qing hurriedly sent a message to Jingchen after knowing that his grandfather had listened to the cards. The last sentence made his grandfather win, and his grandfather would also be happy.Jingchen understood what Si Qing meant, and according to her wishes, he let his grandfather play tricks.It was late and Grandpa needed to rest, so Jingchen sent Si Qing to leave the hospital.Jingchen wanted to meet Si Qing's parents so that Si Qing could communicate with them.

When he got home, Si Qing was worried about his phone, not knowing how to tell his parents about his marriage.At this time, it was time for her best friend to take action. Si Qing called his best friend Jian Jian to his home. Seeing Si Qing's hesitation, Jian Jian simply started a group and added Si Qing's mother to the group.I wish Si Qing a happy marriage.Si Qing's mother saw the news and called directly. Si Qing answered the phone. Unexpectedly, her mother didn't say a word of concern or inquiry. She just told her schedule and asked Si Qing to take someone to have a meal with her. By the way,She called her boss Qing Daddy because she didn’t want to waste her time a second time.

Si Qing sent a message to Jing Chen and asked him to have dinner with his parents at 12 noon the next day. Jing Chen had no problem and asked Si Qing to arrange it, and he would arrive on time.Things are unpredictable, and Grandpa Jingchen almost left that night, but fortunately the doctor rescued him.After a night, I didn't expect that grandpa would still leave the next day.When the appointed time arrived, Jingchen didn't come and didn't answer the phone. Si Qing lied that he was stuck in traffic and planned to order food for his parents to eat first.Si Qing's mother was very angry, thinking that this person was unreliable, and even persuaded Si Qing to get a divorce, and to go through the divorce procedures early while there were no children and no property disputes.

Si Qing didn't expect her mother to say such things. She couldn't bear it anymore this time and told her parents directly that they had been meddling in her own affairs since she was a child and had never respected her wishes, but they didn't treat her the same way.He really cared about her and didn't even remember her birthday. Once, they only remembered it after he reminded her again and again. Finally, they were able to celebrate her birthday together, but their parents left halfway because of something else.Si Qing told them that there was no need to interfere in her own affairs in the future, as she had grown up and no longer needed it.

Si Qing was about to leave when he saw Jingchen standing at the door. Jingchen looked at her without saying anything, then took her hand and went in to greet the elders. Jingchen brought the marriage letter and betrothal gift written by his grandfather in advance. Si QingMom took it and kept it. She looked at the money on it and didn't blame Jingchen for being late.They wanted to find time to visit Jingchen's grandfather, but Jingchen told them that his grandfather had left just now.Si Qing grabbed Jingchen's hand. She knew that when her grandfather left, Jingchen would be the only one left.

According to the custom in the countryside, when an old man over 80 years old passes away, there will be a funeral. Si Qing has never seen it and thinks that everyone disrespects the deceased and there is a misunderstanding. Fortunately, Jingchen helps her to solve the problem.Everyone knew that Si Qing was Jing Chen's wife, so they coaxed her to sing a song. Si Qing was not in the mood, so Jing Chen took the initiative to take the microphone and said he would come.Jingchen played the harmonica, and Si Qing could hear the sadness in his music.Sister Chen came to help Jingchen, and she took this opportunity to tell Si Qing about Jingchen's life experience. It turned out that he was an orphan in the village, and his grandfather adopted him because he saw how pitiful he was.

At Grandpa's funeral, his grandson Jingmu Sheng also came back. Grandpa had been waiting for him for many years, but he didn't even see him for the last time.The villagers began to gossip, speculating that their grandson came back to fight for the inheritance. Although Jingchen was filial, he was not his biological blood after all.Si Qing felt more and more sorry for Jingchen when he heard what the villagers said.

Jingchen cooked wontons all night. When he was a child, his grandfather often took him to eat wontons. This is how he missed his grandfather.Si Qing looked at Jingchen from a distance. He knew that Jingchen needed some peace and quiet at this time, so all she could do was look at him from a distance, watch him cry, and cry with him.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Episode 7: Si Qing was beaten by a client and Jingchen felt very distressed

It's the end of the year, and Si Qing's performance pressure is also coming. It's not easy for her to achieve KPIs.Jian Jian asked her to ask Jingchen for help. Si Qing felt that Jingchen's grandfather had just passed away, and she didn't want to bother him with her own affairs.Sister Chen, Aunt Qian and the others all liked Si Qing quite a lot. After the funeral of Grandpa Jingchen's death, Si Qing personally took the return gift money and delivered it door to door. At first glance, he seemed to be a very knowledgeable person.I don’t know where Jingchen learned about Si Qing’s performance, so he took the whole village to the bank to deposit money. Si Qing didn’t expect everyone to be so willing to help.Jingchen thought about going back to her hometown with Si Qing to visit her parents during the New Year. Si Qing felt that she did not have the right status to go back. After all, her father had a new family. She wanted to stay for the New Year. Jing Chen followed her wishes and went there.The two of them spent the Spring Festival at home.Si Qing had a holiday on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, so she asked Jingchen to prepare in advance and help her bring her luggage to Jingyuan.

Chi Zhongyu's senior sister Yunpian is back. She opened a Hanfu studio and needed to apply for a loan. The account manager she originally appointed was Aili. Because Aili was in a hurry to catch a flight, she gave Si Qing a gift and wanted toSi Qing helped receive Yun Pian, and Si Qing didn't care about the past grudges. Since he didn't need to rush, he would help her once.Si Qing still doesn't know the story of Yunpian and Jingchen.

Si Qinggang met Yunpian, and before he started handling business, he encountered an old lady making trouble. The old lady had encountered a telecommunications fraud, but she didn't know the situation and believed that Chi Zhongyu had defrauded the money in her account.Si Qing helped Chi Zhongyu to rescue him, but was slapped by the old lady.Si Qing asked Chi Zhongyu to call the surveillance camera to check the situation, and then asked other colleagues to call the police. The old lady had encountered telecommunications fraud and needed to be handed over to the police.Yunpian's loan business failed to be processed, but she witnessed the whole process of Si Qing's handling of the matter. She thought she was a professional account manager and decided to apply for a loan when she had time in the future. She also reminded Si Qing that the girl's face was very ugly.Most importantly, Si Qing thanks Yunpian for his concern and understanding.

In the evening, Jingchen asked Si Qing if he would go home for dinner. Si Qing finally had someone who cared about him in a strange city.Si Qing walked into the house, stumbled and almost fell. She threw away her shoes in anger. Jingchen appeared and picked her up, worried that she would catch a cold.Si Qing saw the photo wall Jingchen had prepared for him, which was all photos of himself when he was a child.It turned out that Jingchen secretly went to Si Qing's hometown without telling her, and got these photos from Si Qing's father. Si Qing had no sense of existence from his father, and even the photos were not worthy of a place in the album, so they were piled up casually.Clamped in the photo album, Jingchen came back with these photos, put each one in a photo frame, and nailed it to the wall. This will be where he and Si Qing live from now on. He wants to give Si Qing the feeling of his home.

Jingchen took advantage of Si Qing's bathing time to cook soup for her. When he was feeding her the soup, he noticed Si Qing's red and swollen face. Si Qing had been covering it with his hair when he came back, so he didn't notice it. Jingchen asked in a panicWho hit her?Si Qing downplayed it, saying that he was affected during the fight in the afternoon and was not serious.Jingchen told her that if she was bullied in the future, she would take it back. If it was not possible, she could still use Chi Zhongyu as a meat mat. No matter she was his master or his eldest sister-in-law, she could do this.Listening to Jingchen's words, Si Qing felt comforted in her heart, but she told Jingchen that no matter what, don't say anything to make her give up her job, and don't feel guilty because she can't help herself. He can cook for Si Qing,Si Qing was very satisfied.

Jingchen guessed that Si Qing was beaten because of Chi Zhongyu, so he asked Chi Zhongyu to play basketball the next day to verify his idea. Sure enough, he guessed it, but he didn't expect that Chi Zhongyu also said the second half., that is, he also mocked Si Qing. Jingchen was very angry and threw a ball directly at him.Chi Zhongyu didn't agree with the two of them being together. In his eyes, Si Qingcheng was younger than Yunpian and didn't need to be good at anything. He really didn't know what Jingchen liked about her.

This sentence made Jingchen fall into memories. When he was about to graduate from college, Yunpian wanted to study abroad with him. A top international team happened to send them an invitation, but Jingchen decided to give up in order to return to his grandfather and inherit the traditional crafts.This opportunity.He put the defective model “Winter Solstice” he made at the exhibition hall for auction. As long as he could sell it, he would return to his grandfather. Yunpian asked to bid in person, and she bid 9999 yuan, which was regarded as a buyout.The price of the rest of Jingchen's life was also here where Jingchen met Si Qing for the first time.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Episode 8: Si Qingjingchen buys wedding rings for each other

Six years ago, it was Si Qing who bought the model made by Jing Chen. Jing Chen saw Si Qing holding her model at the train station. She knew it was a charity fundraiser, so she bought the model at a high price without hesitation.Chen remembered this girl from then on. He knew that his way home was the result of Si Qing standing on the green train for 42 hours.Yun Pian said that the price of that model was the price to buy out Jingchen for the rest of his life. By chance, Jingchen met Si Qing again. It happened that Si Qing wanted to get married, so he just delivered it.

On New Year's Eve, after Si Qing helped Yunpian handle the loan business, it was officially a holiday. Chi Zhongyu came to Si Qing and asked if the old lady's money had been recovered. Si Qing told him that the money had not been recovered, but the person had been caught..She also comforted Chi Zhongyu not to blame himself too much. In the final analysis, this matter was not his fault. It was the old lady's son who had not contacted his family for two years. The old lady thought something had really happened and fell for the scammer.Chi Zhongyu bought Si Qing some medicine as an apology and wrote “sorry” on the medicine box.Si Qing gave Chi Zhongyu a questionnaire and asked him to hand it to him after the vacation. Chi Zhongyu thought it was work content, but he did not expect it to be information about Jingchen.Chi Zhongyu didn't expect that Jingchen hadn't even told Si Qing about his glorious history. Si Qing didn't ask any more questions and just asked him to fill in the questionnaire. As for why Jingchen didn't take the initiative to say it, it was just a little thing between their husband and wife.Chi Zhongyu, don't worry about it.

Si Qing returned home and found that Jingchen had arrived home early to help her clean up. Jian Jian was also at home. She told Si Qing about the call Jingchen received from a girl just now. She even guessed the girl's height and weight. Si QingQing didn't expect Jian Jian to have such a skill.Si Qing still didn't know that the person contacting Jingchen was his client Yunpian.

During the Chinese New Year, Jingchen took Si Qing to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Si Qing rarely went to places like this. At first, she was not used to it at all and was wearing high heels. But with Jing Chen, she quickly integrated into this place.In this environment, he bought a pair of flat shoes and wore them at the vegetable market. The things sold at the stalls felt very fresh. Jingchen was very happy to see Si Qing so happy.

Jingchen prepared a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner. He didn't know anything about romance, he just wanted Si Qing to have a happy meal.Si Qing transferred several red envelopes to Jingchen, each with words. Si Qing thanked Jingchen for giving her the beauty of the garden.After dinner, Jingchen took Si Qing outside to watch the fireworks, and took the opportunity to take out a custom-made wedding ring. He knew that Si Qing liked money, so he specially customized a dollar-shaped gold ring.He took the opportunity to bring it to Si Qing. Unexpectedly, Si Qing also bought the ring in advance. It was specially customized. Si Qing knew that Jingchen liked mortise and tenon joints, and specially customized rings in the shape of mortise and tenon joints.There was no way to return the ring, so Jingchen had an idea. He would wear the mortise-and-tenon one, and Si Qing would wear his own customized one, so that they could keep each other with them.

Si Qing had never felt so happy. She took a photo of the ring before going to bed at night. After lying down, she found the red envelope Jingchen had placed under her pillow.Although the two moved in together, they still did not sleep together. According to Jingchen, they took their time.Jingchen and Si Qing communicated on WeChat at night. Just as Jingchen finished replying to Si Qing's message, he saw a call from Yun Pian. The smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He didn't know whether he should answer the call.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Episode 9: Si Qing sends a bouquet of US dollars to Jingchen

Jingchen didn't answer Yunpian's call. Yunpian sent him a message saying that there would be cold air in a few days and asked him to protect his wrists.Jingchen looked at the scar on his wrist thoughtfully.Si Qing casually scrolled through her circle of friends and saw that everyone was celebrating Valentine's Day. She was stunned as she looked at Jingchen who was cleaning up on the side. Jingchen guessed that she might be a little bored, so he asked her to go watch a movie with her.

Si Qing dressed up carefully and went out. Before going out, she didn't know why Jing Chen moved two chairs. When she got there, she found out that it was an outdoor outdoor cinema. Si Qing turned around and went home to change clothes.When she reappeared, she was wearing a red cotton pajamas, holding a facial mask, and carrying a blanket. She seemed to blend in with the countryside, without the sophistication of an urban beauty.While she was away, Jingchen borrowed a stove and carefully prepared a barbecue. Si Qing happily picked up a bunch and ate it. At this time, she finally felt the romance of human fireworks.

Si Qing was so happy watching the movie that Jingchen didn't react at all, because he had been silently taking care of Si Qing, giving her food and drink, and his eyes seemed to be on Si Qing's body, always paying attention to her every move., for fear that some care might not be taken care of properly.After watching the movie, Jingchen went to throw out the trash. Originally, he had prepared a Valentine's Day gift for Si Qing. There were two handmade little figures, and there was also a word - my poem - projected on the big screen, but Si Qing didn't see it.This romantic, she fell asleep leaning on the chair.Jingchen put the two little people in Si Qing's arms and took a picture. Looking at Si Qing's expression, the corners of Jingchen's mouth rose slightly.Finally, Jingchen took Si Qing home.

Yunpian saw a house for rent in Jingyuan and planned to rent it. She planned to sign the contract as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, she felt a stomachache on the way, so she had to contact Si Qing. Si Qing went through the hospitalization procedures for Yunpian and stayed with her in the hospital..The two became friends.Yun Pian saw the wedding ring on Si Qing's hand. She guessed that Si Qing's other half was not as financially well off as Si Qing. Although the ring was exquisite, the price might not be as high as one of Si Qing's bags, and she gave it to Si Qing at the time.The caller is already in the suburbs, and Si Qing is nearby, which means that her husband's house should be in the suburbs. For an independent career woman like Si Qing, the partner is most likely to be her classmate, the kind of person she wants very much.Otherwise, Si Qing would consider economic conditions when choosing his partner.Si Qing was shocked by Yunpian's words. She didn't expect artists to view marriage in this way, and thought they were all romantics.

Jingchen received a verbal reminder, asking him to urge his wife to go home for dinner. On the last day of the holiday, Jingchen called Si Qing and asked her what she wanted to eat. Si Qing asked her to do whatever she wanted and go home soon. When Si Qing saidWhen he was in the hospital, Jingchen was obviously nervous. Later, he felt relieved when he found out that she was in the hospital with a friend.Yun Pian thought of Jing Chen. She was originally going to meet Jing Chen today, but she didn't expect that she had a health problem. She planned to meet her first love Jing Chen again during the school anniversary.Si Qing didn't know that Yunpian's first love was her husband, and wished her success.

Chi Zhongyu also went to attend the school anniversary. He and Si Qing played cards online with the voice on. Si Qing heard someone deliberately mocking Jing Chen. In order to make Jing Chen look good, she went to FlashShip and gave him a bouquet made of US dollars.Hua also asked Chi Zhongyu to let everyone know that he was Jingchen's admirer.Jingchen accepted the flowers and introduced the other party to everyone as his wife and a bank account manager. If necessary, you can go to her to handle business.

Next, Jingchen received flowers, and the school girl asked her to go to the art hall, saying there was a big surprise.Jingchen thought this was also Si Qing's handiwork, and there was always a sweet smile on his stern face.When he arrived at the art hall, he found that Yun Pian was waiting for him.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Episode 10: Si Qing plays board games and Jing Chen becomes jealous

Jingchen saw the smile on Yun Pian's face disappear immediately. He didn't expect that the flowers he received along the way to the art hall were arranged by Yun Pian. He put the bouquet down and held the bouquet sent by Si Qing in his hand., told Yunpian that he had misunderstood.Yunpian wants to start over with Jingchen. She believes that only she and Jingchen are the most suitable people for each other.Jingchen saw Yun Pian's painting of himself. He praised the lines of the work, but it was missing important parts. He sat down and added a few strokes.He added the ring on his ring finger and deliberately painted it with his left hand.Yunpian didn't expect Jingchen to get married. She didn't expect Jingchen to get married. Yunpian tore up the painting. She seemed unable to accept such a tacky Jingchen.

Jingchen's teacher has always been very kind to him, but he didn't expect that Jingchen would be willing to be a craftsman in the countryside. Jingchen is very determined in his choice. No matter how many temptations there are outside, he will remain indifferent.Si Qing asked Jian Jian to watch a movie together after get off work. She took the initiative to report it to Jing Chen. Jian Jian was very happy to see how sweet they were. When she knew that Si Qing and Jing Chen hadn't consummated their marriage yet, her decision was too baffling. She reminded Si Qing that during the cooling-off period of marriage, the two of them must not be too calm.

Before the movie started, Yunpian called and invited Si Qing to play board games together. Jian Jian also liked playing, so he went with Si Qing.There were some little boys at the scene. Yun Pian took a short video of everyone playing together. Chi Zhongyu saw it and showed it to Jing Chen. Jing Chen didn’t know how Si Qing met Yun Pian, but his attentionThe point is not this, but the boys who play with Si Qing.Jingchen was a little jealous, so he asked Chi Zhongyu to ask Yunpian the address of their store.Jingchen was sulking alone, hammering nails into the wooden piles at home.Chi Zhongyu has never seen Jingchen so angry.Jingchen's method of resolving anger was taught to him by his grandfather. His grandfather told him that losing his temper in anger hurts others and himself.Jingchen hadn't been angry for more than ten years, and he didn't expect to be angry again because of Si Qing. Chi Zhongyu thought he was jealous, but Jingchen neither admitted nor denied it.

When Si Qing came home at night and saw a depressed Jing Chen, she took the initiative to explain. Unexpectedly, Jing Chen's answer was just “um”. Si Qing was a little angry and pulled Jing Chen, but failed to stand firm and fell into Jing Chen's arms.Jingchen couldn't help but laugh. Si Qing turned around and left. Jingchen grabbed her and made a push. He told Si Qing that he also had the possessiveness of men, and it was even darker than she imagined.Si Qing told Jingchen that if he put on gold glasses and said this to him, he would be defenseless.Si Qing is really a man of action and immediately placed an order for gold-rimmed glasses online.

The next day, Jingchen found a pair of glasses among his many glasses. Unexpectedly, he was laughed at by Chi Zhongyu. He still couldn't find the right glasses. Chi Zhongyu happened to be carrying a pretty good one.He grabbed it and put it on himself.Si Qing happened to see it. She didn't know what the two grown men were doing so close. She coughed. Chi Zhongyu saw that the momentum was not good, so he could only tell Jingchen to take care, and turned to leave.

Yun Pian came to Jingyuan. She called Si Qing. Si Qing came out to see her. Jingchen and Chi Zhongyu also came out. Chi Zhongyu opened his mouth and called the senior sister. He wanted to drag the senior sister out of here first to avoidThe misunderstanding between Si Qing and Jing Chen deepened. At this moment, Si Qing finally knew that Yun Pian was Jing Chen's first love.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Episode 11: Si Qing knows that Yunpian is Jingchen’s first love

Si Qing didn't expect that the three of them were schoolmates and Yunpian was Jingchen's first love. She couldn't accept this fact for a while and was still very angry.She is also very generous. Since she has something to say between her first loves, she is willing to set aside this time.Si Qing gave Yunpian 10 minutes, because the bank had to work overtime at night, so she would take Yunpian back to the city.Yunpian didn't expect Si Qing to be so generous, and she admired her more and more.Si Qing deliberately took off Jingchen's gold-rimmed glasses. This was a benefit that she could only enjoy. How could she let other women see it?

Si Qing and Chi Zhongyu were waiting for Yun Pian in the car. Si Qing regretted a little, feeling that he had left too much time for Yun Pian, and was worried about what big move she might make.As for Yunpian, she told Jingchen that she had a bottom line and would not be a third party. Although she did not need marriage, she needed to have feelings. If she wanted to renew her relationship with Jingchen, she would wait for Jingchen.After divorcing Si Qing.

Jingchen has no feelings for Yunpian anymore. Yunpian is too confident. She feels that she is the only one who understands her best in the world. However, after many years, Jingchen is no longer the same Jingchen. Ever since he met Si Qing, JingchenSi Qing is the only one in Chen's world.He doesn't need outsiders to judge his marriage. Yun Pian wants to make a bet with Jing Chen. She bets that Jing Chen will divorce.Jingchen looked at the time and told Yun Pian that 10 minutes were up and he didn't need to bet with Yun Pian.

Yun Pian came out. Si Qing put on lipstick and signaled Chi Zhongyu to get out of the car. She would have a tough battle with Yun Pian. Si Qing deliberately played her ex's music in the car. She fully demonstrated her status., but Yunpian didn't seem to care about this. She told Si Qing that all she wanted was Jingchen's feelings. She analyzed the relationship between Jingchen and Si Qing from an artistic point of view. The two of them had no common language, and only she could be with Jingchen.Produce a collision of ideas and an exchange of souls.Yun Pian said that he would not do anything to challenge the marriage law, and would not even look for Jing Chen in private during their divorce cooling-off period.Si Qing did not expect Yunpian to make such a decision. She even questioned what Yunpian was trying to do.Yunpian didn't know what she was after. She told Si Qing that she was sexually unrequited and what she wanted was Jingchen's affection.

Yunpian told Si Qing that when she was in school, Jingchen was not an emotional person. The teacher said that his works would not work without emotion, so she decided to try to fall in love with Jingchen and stimulate Jingchen's emotions..Yunpian and Si Qing are different. They both lack love, but the love that Yunpian needs does not require response, while Si Qing does.Yun Pian saw the receipt for buying sanitary napkins on Si Qing's car. She knew that the two of them did not have sex last night, and Si Qing was a little embarrassed.

After being stimulated by Yun Pian, Si Qing decided to take the initiative. She asked Jian Jian for some “ learning materials”. If she could win the man, she was watching the video in the car when she was seen by Jing Chen who ran back at night.She quickly put away her phone and went home with Jingchen.

Si Qing planned to consummate her marriage with Jing Chen tonight. She carefully found a pair of pajamas and went to Jing Chen's room. Jing Chen understood what she meant and told Si Qing that her husband could take the initiative in these matters.Jingchen asked Jingchen to wear glasses. Jingchen did not expect that Si Qing would also ask him to wear glasses at this time, but he respected his wife's wishes, so Jingchen took the initiative to put on glasses.Si Qing jumped on Jingchen's bed and covered himself with the quilt, feeling a little embarrassed with his head exposed.Jingchen looked at Si Qing and couldn't wait to kiss her.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Episode 12: Si Qingjingchen finally lives in the same room

The two of them were about to end before they started, because Si Qing felt that her menstrual period was coming, so she returned to her room. Jingchen went to the kitchen to drink a glass of ice water to calm down, and then began to prepare brown sugar water for Si Qing.Si Qing wrapped himself in the quilt, feeling so embarrassed.Jingchen went to Si Qing's room and took her back to his room, and the two finally slept on the same bed.At night, Si Qing couldn't sleep listening to the cat meowing outside. Jingchen hugged her, but Si Qing still didn't fall asleep. She watched Jingchen fall asleep, so she secretly took his arm away and started to check something on her mobile phone.It was unrequited love. After reading the popular science on the Internet, Si Qing felt relieved that it was not sexual unrequited love.

The next day, Jingchen got up early and prepared breakfast for Si Qing. Si Qing finally felt at home and lived a life of being cared about and cared about.Jingchen planned to open an exhibition hall to display some handicrafts. For this matter, he looked for help from old masters and followed Master Zhong to the mountains to chop bamboo. Master Zhong knew that times had changed and he could not keep up. Fortunately,There are people like Jingchen who want to show China's traditional handicrafts to the younger generation. Otherwise, their craftsmanship will be lost.

Si Qing received a customer, Master Teng, who specialized in handmade wood carving. He wanted a loan to save his mother, but he deceived Si Qing in order to get the loan.Fortunately, Master Teng met Yunpian in the hospital. Yunpian was looking at the decoration design drawings of the studio. She was very dissatisfied with the existing plan. Master Teng happened to see it and expressed some humble opinions. Yunpian decided to let Master TengI made a wood carving screen for myself, and the price was quite high.

Master Teng went to the bank to find Si Qing, apologized to her, and told her that he had taken on a job, and as long as he completed it, he would be able to repay the loan as soon as possible.Si Qing asked about his progress. Master Teng was a professional craftsman, but he was not good at drawing. He was thinking of recruiting a student part-time at the entrance of the Academy of Fine Arts to help him draw.Si Qing thought of Jingchen, and decided to ask Jingchen before giving an answer to Master Teng.When Si Qing returned home, she found that there were many lights on the road she was walking home. After confirming it, she realized that it was specially made by Jing Chen, so that Si Qing would have lights on when she went home every night, so she would no longer walk in the dark.path.

Si Qing showed Master Teng's work to Jingchen, which was well received by Jingchen. Moreover, Jingchen was willing to help Master Teng draw pictures, which made Si Qing very happy.While the two were chatting, Yunpian stood in front of their house wearing Hanfu and told them that he had moved here and was now their neighbor.Yun Pian just came to say hello, and he came when Si Qing came home. Si Qing gave a look and Jing Chen returned to the kitchen.Yunpian knew that Master Teng had asked Si Qing for help. When she returned home, she specifically asked Master Teng how the situation was. Master Teng told her that Si Qing's husband had agreed, and Yunpian showed an expression as if he had achieved his goal.

At night, Si Qing had insomnia. She started to look at Yunpian's Weibo and found Jingchen in one of Yunpian's photos. Jingchen happened to be awake too. She wanted to take a photo with Jingchen.Jingchen hesitated and said that he had never taken photos. Si Qing became unhappy and turned off the light and continued to sleep.

Jingchen went for a morning jog and met Yun Pian, who was also running in the morning. The two ran together, but Si Qing saw it. She took a video and complained about Yun Pian's scheming.After looking at herself, she turned around, dressed up carefully, and stood at the door of her house waiting for Jingchen to come back.Si Qing asked Jingchen to wake her up in the morning, and Yun Pian said that she could cooperate with their time, which left Si Qing speechless.

Jingchen knew that Si Qing had not slept all night and was worried that it was unsafe for her to drive, so he took the initiative to drive her to work. On the way, the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit subtle.Si Qing disliked Jingchen for driving slowly, and the two almost had a quarrel in the car.When they arrived at the place, Si Qing got out of the car angrily and forgot to take the lunch box. Jingchen got out of the car and gave the lunch box and car keys to Chi Zhongyu and asked him to give them to Si Qing.

Si Qing finally had lunch with Chi Zhongyu. Si Qing took the opportunity to ask where the scar on Jingchen's wrist came from. Chi Zhongyu said it happened at the beginning. Si Qing heard Chi Zhongyu say that Yunpian was the first to know about it.The person who saw the scar became even more angry, mistakenly thinking that it was Jingchen who had done something to hurt him out of love.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Episode 13: Si Qing misunderstands Jing Chen

After listening to Chi Zhongyu's words, Si Qing mistakenly thought that the scars on Jingchen's wrists were self-mutilation after breaking up with Yun Pian. Unexpectedly, he was quite affectionate and felt a little unhappy.Jingchen found Master Teng's address, where he began to help Master Teng draw pictures. He saw the wood carvings at hand and couldn't help but carve a few times. Master Teng looked at his technique and knew that he had learned it before, and asked him to continue trying.try.Jingchen looked at the scar on his wrist and thought about being injured while doing manual work when he was a child. He still felt a little shadowy in his heart. His hands were shaking when he picked up the tools. In the end, he gave up.

Si Qing simply complained to his best friend, but he didn't expect that Jing Chen would cut his wrists and commit suicide for a woman, and he sent her three messages without replying. Si Qing was so angry just thinking about it now.Jian Jian gave her some advice. The more generous Si Qing was now, the more Jing Chen would feel guilty about her, so he would hold him back.Si Qing didn't want to pay attention to him at all now, just thinking that the divorce was coming soon. If Jingchen was willing, she would accompany him at any time.

Yunpian had a broken quilt and wanted to find Jingchen to repair it. Unexpectedly, Si Qing was not at home. She promised Si Qing not to meet Jingchen alone, so she put the cup and left. She waited for Si Qing the next morning.Come back when you're here.Jingchen wanted to ask Si Qing when he would come home. He opened WeChat and took a picture of Si Qing. He saw that the other party was typing. He was looking forward to Si Qing's reply, but he didn't expect a new message to pop up.

When Si Qing came back in the evening, she saw Jingchen taking the initiative to serve herself a meal and making a computer stand, so she wasn't that angry anymore. But when she saw Yunpian's circle of friends and the broken cup she sent, she thoughtWhen Jingchen repaired the cup with gold foil, he thought that no wonder Jingchen repaired it with such expensive gold foil. It seemed to be something for his first love.Si Qing asked Jingchen why he didn't use traceless repair. Jingchen explained that marks are also a kind of beauty. Si Qing became even more angry and told Jingchen that he was busy with work tonight, so he slept in the guest room.Jingchen didn't understand why she was so angry.

The next day Yun Pian wanted to go to the exhibition, but he couldn't get a taxi. He happened to see Jing Chen riding his bicycle and wanted him to take him for a while. Unexpectedly, Jing Chen actually asked the security guard to take Yun Pian with him and rode by himself.With the car behind him, Yun Pian really didn't expect that Jingchen could avoid suspicion like this.Yun Pian was in a hurry to get the goods, but Master Teng couldn't do it all by hand. Yun Pian suggested that he use machine carving. Master Teng recalled that he couldn't see a doctor for his family because he had no money, so he could only watch his father die and he suffered.Having had enough of this kind of life, he came to Jingchen to discuss it. Because it was the design drawn by Jingchen, Master Teng hoped that Jingchen would agree. He even threatened Si Qingxiang that if he did not receive the order, he would not be able to give it to him.Si Qing paid off the loan.Jingchen did not expect Master Teng to give up hand carving. He did not agree to use machine carving and left with the design drawing.Master Teng told Si Qing about this, and Si Qing decided to talk to Jing Chen.

When Si Qing returned home, she hoped that Jingchen could help Master Teng for her own sake, which could be regarded as helping herself, because the loan was indeed her fault. If Master Teng failed to repay the loan, she would be fired by the bank. She turned around and saw JingchenChen tore up the design drawings, and then she understood that Jingchen was just unwilling to make some so-called compromises for himself.Si Qing felt that she and Jingchen might have ended here. This marriage had started very casually, and she was a layperson who didn't understand these artists. Jingchen was unwilling to tell her what was in her heart, so she could only...It feels very uncomfortable to know about your husband's past from other people's mouths.Before Si Qing finished speaking, she received a call from the president. She planned to go back first and wait until she came back in the evening.

Halfway through, Si Qing calmed down. She regretted why she took out her anger on Jingchen. When she returned to the door, she saw Yun Pian holding Jingchen's hand and looking at the scar.Si Qing began to feel ridiculous and turned around and left.

In fact, Jingchen had already guessed that it was Master Teng who Yunpian was looking for. Although he tore up the hand-engraved drawings, it did not mean that he would not help. He re-drawed drawings suitable for machine engraving. He told Master Teng that he andSi Qing admired him as a craftsman. In such an impetuous environment, he still persisted, and others were not qualified to comment.Jingchen is willing to help Master Teng, partly for the traditional craftsmanship and partly for his wife.Yun Pian was a little disappointed when she looked at the drawings. She wanted to know why Jingchen broke her own principles because of Master Teng, but Jingchen told her that she never had principles in front of Si Qing.

Si Qing looked at the gift she bought for Jingchen and recalled Chi Zhongyu's words. She felt that the matter should be over. She threw away the gift and sent a message to Jingchen, telling him that she would apply for divorce when she returned from the business trip.formalities.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Episode 14: Si Qingjingchen is not divorced

Jingchen panicked after seeing the news. He kept calling Si Qing, but no one answered, so he went to find Chi Zhongyu and learned that Si Qing was attending training in Beicheng.He used Chi Zhongyu's phone number to contact Si Qing's colleagues, and Jingchen told Si Qing that he did not agree to the divorce.Jingchen wanted to explain about the drawings, but Si Qing suddenly felt ringing in his ears and didn't listen to Jingchen's explanation. Jingchen still hasn't figured out why Si Qing was angry. A call happened to come in. Si Qing explained to Jingchen and waited for herWe'll talk about it when we go back to Nancheng, Jingchen agreed.

Chi Zhongyu was anxious as he listened. He didn't expect that Jingchen really didn't know how to coax girls. He planned to go back and compile a short essay and tell Si Qing emotionally when he saw her on Monday..

Yun Pian went to the Civil Affairs Bureau early on Monday to queue up and help Jingchen and Si Qing get their numbers, fearing that they would not be able to arrive in time and delay their divorce.Sure enough, something happened to Si Qing on the way back. She had been dizzy for the past two days and couldn't see clearly. She called Jing Chen, who happened to be sick. She suddenly stopped the car, and the car behind her rear-ended her. Si Qing went to the hospital.During the examination, she was a little panicked and worried that something was wrong with her body, so she checked online while waiting for the examination.

Jingchen hurried over and accompanied Si Qing for examination. Jingchen stood aside obediently and listened to Si Qing describe his symptoms to the doctor. Only then did Jingchen realize that he didn't care enough about her.Si Qing was worried that she would have a big problem this time, so she began to explain her funeral arrangements to Jingchen. She hoped that Jingchen would take care of their relationship as a couple and occasionally visit her parents, and wait until she finished her examination.So I went to go through the divorce procedures with him. Although I liked him and couldn't let him go, I didn't want to force him to stay with me.Si Qing also mentioned cutting his wrists and committing suicide. Jingchen was shocked, but later he found out that it was Chi Zhongyu who was talking nonsense.Jingchen called Chi Zhongyu and attacked him.Jingchen almost lost Si Qing because of Chi Zhongyu's words. Chi Zhongyu didn't expect that he would be the one at the crematorium in the end.Yun Pian sat next to Chi Zhongyu. Hearing Jingchen's words, knowing that he would definitely not leave this marriage, Yun Pian stood up and left the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Jingchen explained to Si Qing that the scar on his wrist was left from the mortise and tenon work, so he had a shadow in his heart and later chose the sculpture major.Si Qing asked Jingchen if he would not have helped Master Teng in the past. Jingchen nodded and said that he was very unkind before. Si Qing asked him why he changed.Looking into Jingchen's eyes, Si Qing knew that he was doing it for himself.In fact, Jingchen has always loved Si Qing, but Si Qing and everyone else didn't notice his love.

Si Qing's test results came out. It was nothing serious. It was just caused by lying down and playing with his mobile phone and staying up late.Jingchen finally breathed a sigh of relief.After returning home, Jingchen kept a close eye on Si Qing and began to control the time she spent playing on her mobile phone. Si Qing was suffering like an Internet-addicted teenager who just started quitting the Internet.Jingchen thought of the toys he had when he was a child, ancient building blocks made of mortise and tenon. They were his treasures when he was a child and he has always treasured them.Now it seems that it can be taken out to kill Si Qing's time.

Jingchen took Si Qing to the back mountain to see the little pets he had adopted. Si Qing liked puppies very much and was very excited to see them.She applied to take pictures with her mobile phone, and Jingchen took out his mobile phone. Si Qing thought he did it on purpose, but it didn't matter, so he took Jingchen's mobile phone and started taking pictures, and posted it on Jingchen's Moments.This was Jingchen's first circle of friends, and his friends all started interacting with him after seeing it.

Jingchen saw his eldest brother Jingtong and thought of how he bullied him when he was a child. He felt uncomfortable and simply blocked him.Jing Tong also planned to add Si Qing's WeChat account, but Jing Chen stopped her.Jing Tong is now working for Mr. Xiao. He took Si Qing's business card and asked Mr. Xiao about Si Qing.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Episode 15: Jingchen lets Chi Zhongyu pursue Yunpian

Master Teng gave up the order, sold his handmade root carving, and paid off the bank loan in one go.Si Qing knew that the order Master Teng took did not cost that much, and wondered where he could get so much money.At this time, Master Teng was visiting Jingchen's exhibition hall. He told Jingchen that he had sold the root carvings. He did not want to go against his heart, so he rejected the order.Master Teng also does this to set an example for the younger generation of craftsmen, hoping that traditional handicrafts can continue.Jingchen was not as good as Master Teng thought. He learned mortise and tenon joints not because he liked it, but because he wanted to stay in his grandfather's house. After all, he was an orphan and he wanted to have a family, so he pretended to do it in order to please his grandfather.Love the look of the mortise and tenon joints.Master Teng also told Jingchen that his generation, and even the previous generation, did not learn handicrafts out of pure love at first. Many people just did it to make a living. It was only after many years that they discovered that these things had been integrated into their bones and blood, and he shoutedLet go, but I will never let go in my heart.

Jingchen and Si Qing were walking in the evening and met Yun Pian. Jingchen was very conscious and took the initiative to go home first. The relationship between Yun Pian and Si Qing was not incompatible. Now the two of them can still sit together and chat.Yunpian originally wanted to take Si Qing to play board games. Unexpectedly, the board game store was complained and rectified, so Yun Pian took Si Qing to his home.The two drank and chatted until late at night. Yunpian told Si Qing about his own experience. Si Qing understood why Yunpian hated marriage so much. Her mother committed suicide because of her father's cheating. One month after her mother's death, her father died.Returned home with his new wife and son.Yunpian no longer believes in men and marriage.She now only hopes that Si Qing can make a rational and clear choice from a girl's perspective.

Si Qing was indeed affected by Yun Pian's words. She received the news that her husband had harmed his wife again. Recalling the plot in the hidden corner, she was a little scared. She just received Jing Chen's mountain climbing invitation tomorrow morning. She did not plan to go home now.He has been at Yunpian's house.The next day Si Qing came home and found that Jingchen had gotten up early and started cleaning up. Jingchen didn't say anything and asked her to play games with Chi Zhongyu. He decided to wait for a day when the weather was good and take Chi Zhongyu and Yunpian with him.barbecue.

In order to let Yun Pian move away, Jingchen decided to let Chi Zhongyu confess to Yunpian. He almost got divorced because of Chi Zhongyu, but now he asked Chi Zhongyu to do something for him, and he would not refuse.Sure enough, Chi Zhongyu was ashamed of Jingchen. He didn't want to, but in order to make up for it, he had to agree to Jingchen's request.Jingchen knew very well that Yun Pian would not like Chi Zhongyu. As long as Chi Zhongyu kept checking in for a week, Yun Pian would move out if he couldn't stand it.

Jingchen signaled Chi Zhongyu to start from now on, and sure enough, Chi Zhongyu confessed to Yun Pian and scared Yun Pian away.Jian Jian felt that Chi Zhongyu was a good person, he was cute and cute, and asked Si Qing to push WeChat to him. Si Qing thought it was unnecessary, so Jing Chen took the initiative to push it to Jian Jian.Jingchen told Si Qing that Chi Zhongyu would not be like this for more than 7 days. Only then did Si Qing realize that it turned out that Jingchen had deliberately set up today's game and had deliberately invited Yun Pian to come.Si Qing was a little impressed by her husband.

Jing Tong went home to find Jing Chen. He came here and put on a demonstration. It seemed that he wanted to declare his sovereignty. After all, he was the real Jing family.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Episode 16: Si Qing remembers what happened 6 years ago

Jingtama picked up the building blocks that Si Qing had put together. Jingchen did not allow anyone to destroy what Si Qing had made, so he snatched them away. Jingtama saw how much he cared about Si Qing, so how could he care about Si Qing?I am getting more and more curious.After coming out of home, Jing Zhu went to Jing Chen's exhibition hall. There were many craftsmen's works here. Standing here, his heart was suddenly touched. It turned out that Jing Chen had been persisting in this matter and even found the things he had lost back then.Some calligraphy and painting, but as a Jing family member, I did very little.

Si Qing was on a business trip and called Jing Chen. Jing Chen answered the phone and didn't know what to say. He just said that the plums were ripe. Si Qing thought he wanted to eat bayberries, so he bought a box and looked at the price on the receipt., I felt distressed for a long time.She didn't like to eat it herself, but since Jingchen wanted to eat it, she bought it for him.Jingchen took a photo of Meizi and posted it on his WeChat Moments. Yunpian saw his WeChat Moments while drinking in a bar, and mistakenly thought it was Jingchen who missed the time with him. Unexpectedly, he was being sentimental. Chi ZhongYu's words woke up Yunpian. It wasn't that the plums were ripe, but that someone missed his wife.

Yunpian mistakenly connected Jingtai's Bluetooth in the bar. The first time the two met, they were a little unhappy. At first, Yunpian thought that this strange man was trying to flirt with a girl, so she didn't give him a good look at all. Now she still doesn't know that this man isJingchen’s brother.

Jingchen saw that Si Qing had bought so many bayberries and couldn't eat them himself, so he thought about making bayberry wine for them.Jian Jian saw Yun Pian's reply to Jing Chen, and she quickly sent it to Si Qing, telling Si Qing that her plums were green.Si Qing misunderstood again. Could it be that Jingchen really missed the people he had picked plums with back then.She wanted to ask Jingchen about the plums in the back mountain. Jingchen said that if she wanted to eat them, he could take her to pick them. Si Qing said he didn’t like sour food and wouldn’t go, but she didn’t know how to ask him. Jingchen failed to understand Si Qing.Qing means, since she doesn't like sour food, then put more sugar in the bayberry wine, and then put in two spoons.Si Qing was alone in the room thinking about it. Although she was jealous, she was still rational. Yun Pian was already his ex, and she and Jing Chen also had a marriage certificate, so there was no need to be upset about what happened back then.

Si Qing wanted to listen to music before going to bed at night. She took out a CD. Jing Chen was a little nervous. The more this happened, the more curious Si Qing became. As soon as the music played, she realized that this was what she sang in the singing bar. Unexpectedly, Jing ChenIt was actually burned into the disc.Jingchen took out the photos taken that year, and Si Qing recalled what happened 6 years ago.Si Qing then remembered that she had met Jingchen 6 years ago and had spent huge sums of money to photograph his works.It turns out that their fate started as early as 6 years ago.

At that time, Si Qing was singing in a singing bar before she finished singing. She was forced to stop because she ran out of money. When she was about to leave, she heard Happy Birthday being played next door. There was no one inside, but there was a bowl of instant noodles with the picture she had just taken.That handicraft, she ate instant noodles and sang while having a special birthday without anyone around her.

Si Qing didn't expect that Jingchen had known her identity for a long time, but she was still jealous of Meizi. Jingchen used his actions to tell Si Qing that Meizi was mature. He took the initiative to kiss Si Qing, and the two finally consummated their marriage.Jingchen wrote many words in his notebook, all bearing Si Qing's name. There was a bookmark in it that read: When the plums are ripe, I realize that spring is gone, and I feel deep love.It turns out that what Jingchen told Si Qing that Meizi was ripe meant that he missed her and wanted to marry her.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Episode 17: Mr. Jing and Xiao team up to bully Jing Chen

Yun Pian woke up from the park bench, with Jing Tao standing beside her. She drank too much last night and no longer remembered how she got here. She only remembered that she drank too much and met Jing Tao at the bar.Jingtama didn't remember that he knew her, but she kept calling his name last night. Yunpian told him that his name was Jingchen, and Jingtama guessed that she should be his brother's ex-girlfriend.

Jingchen got up in the morning to prepare breakfast for Si Qing and fed the puppies. He happened to meet Yun Pian. Yun Pian guessed that Chi Zhongyu's pursuit of him was Jing Chen's instigation. Jing Chen told Yun Pian that she deliberately made things difficult for Master Teng.He found it disgusting. It was really unnecessary for her to disrupt his marriage again and again. Jingchen hoped that Yun Pian would focus on their youthful friendship and stop wasting time and energy on him and Si Qing.

Jingchen came to pick up Si Qing from get off work, and happened to see Jing Zhu stopping Si Qing. Jingchen ran over and asked him to stay away from Si Qing, fearing that he would bully Si Qing. Jingchen was relieved after Si Qing explained.Jingchen and Si Qing visited the scenic spot together. Si Qing told Jingchen that when he spent so much money to buy his works, it was not because it was his birthday, but because it was the family in the yard. Si Qing longed for his family to be together.Warmth, even on the coldest day of the year, the winter solstice, as long as the family is together, they will not feel cold.Jingchen holds Si Qing's hand. From now on, he will be Si Qing's family and will spend every winter solstice with her.

Jingtama has been bullying Jingchen since he was a child. He felt that Jingchen had taken away everything that belonged to him. At that time, Jingtama let go of the harsh words. As long as it was something Jingchen liked, he would destroy it, just like when heJust like destroying that model.Si Qing met Mr. Xiao again because of work. Sure enough, Mr. Xiao deliberately made things difficult for her and made her wait in the rain for two hours without talking. He also deliberately embarrassed her by asking her to change her shoes and threw her a pair of very expensive shoes.Worn workman's shoes.It was impossible for Si Qing to compromise. She would not let Mr. Xiao humiliate herself like this if she took off her shoes, smashed the heels and put them on.This scene happened to be seen by Jing Tao. As the chief engineer of the company, Mr. Xiao still respected him very much. Jing Tao did not treat him politely because he was the boss of the company. Instead, he humiliated Mr. Xiao in front of Si Qing.Fan, this was unexpected by Si Qing.

Si Qing hoped that Jing Zi would not tell Jing Chen what happened today. Jing Zi felt that Si Qing had found a good-for-nothing husband and could not vent her anger on her.Si Qing told Jing Tong that when women are bullied, they don’t need to rely on men to stand up, but have to deal with it themselves.Jing Tong looked at this girl Si Qing with admiration, no wonder he could win over his younger brother.

Mr. Xiao was very strange. He didn’t know what the relationship between Jingtama and Jingchen was, so he asked his assistant. Jingtai happened to hear him. Jingtai took the initiative to tell him about his relationship with Jingchen. He guessed that Mr. Xiao should be with Jingchen.The younger brother has some old grudges and plans to work them out with him to see how to deal with Jingchen.

Jingchen and Chi Zhongyu were playing basketball in the gym, and they met Jingtong and Mr. Xiao. It couldn't be regarded as a chance encounter, but rather as if these two people took the initiative to find trouble.Jingtama called two more people, and they had a 3v3 competition. In the end, Jingchen and the others won. In fact, Jingtama didn't do it to win, but to test whether Jingchen's hand was useless.Since Jingchen's hands are not useless, why can't he touch the mortise and tenon joints? It seems that he still has some obstacles in his heart.

Jing Tong deliberately added Chi Zhongyu's WeChat account and sent a voice message to Yun Pian in front of them. Chi Zhongyu was too naive and thought it was fate that they had common friends, and even agreed to eat together.Only Jingchen felt that his brother did this on purpose, because he wanted to slowly attack the people around him.Mr. Xiao couldn't afford to lose and felt that he couldn't let Jingchen go just like that. He planned to ask Jingtai to invite him to the construction site and punish him. When the time came, it would be up to them to decide which of Jingchen's hands they wanted to destroy.Jing Tao looked at Mr. Xiao and said nothing.

Yun Pian saw Jing Tzu's voice and called him. Jing Tzu asked Yun Pian if he wanted to take revenge on Jing Chen. Yun Pian changed his face and asked him what he wanted to do.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Episode 18: Jingchen decides to give up Jingyuan

When Chi Zhongyu was revising his notes, he realized that the name was very familiar. It turned out that this person was Jingchen's eldest brother. He suspected that Jingchen might be fighting for inheritance when he came back at this time, so he asked Jingchen to pay more attention.Jingchen reminded Chi Zhongyu, a silly boy, not to be instigated by Jingchen.

Jingchen came home and saw Si Qing washing his hair in the yard. He thought the water supply was cut off, but it turned out that the sewer was blocked. After he helped Si Qing wash his hair and wrap it up, Si Qing shared with him his happiness today, which was that his hair was growing.A lot of little fuzz was removed and her hairline was saved.Jingchen is a man who can solve his problem of hair loss and singleness. In return, Si Qing has a gift, which is to apply for a loan for the beneficiary, with no mortgage or guarantee, a loan of up to 500,000, and installments over 4 years.The approval has come down.Jingchen looked at Si Qing lovingly and kissed her forehead.

The president saw Si Qing's potential. She wanted to give Si Qing a chance to be promoted. However, in Beicheng, the amount of information was a bit large. Si Qing hadn't thought about it yet. When she came out with the information, Chi Zhongyu happened to look at it.When he arrived, Si Qing told Chi Zhongyu not to publicize the matter first.Chi Zhongyu knew that Si Qing would not suffer at all from outsiders, but he would always feel wronged by his own people. He felt that promotion was a good opportunity, but there was a possibility that Si Qing would give it up for Jingchen.

The repair work of Yanfu Temple has been passed down from generation to generation. Grandpa handed over the repair work to Jingchen. Jingchen was worried that he could not do it. Si Qing also saw his efforts to repair Yanfu Temple, and she suggested to JingchenChen went to find his elder brother. Maybe this was what grandpa wanted to see. After hearing Si Qing's words, Jingchen fell into deep thought.

Mr. Xiao saw Si Qing working in his building and hatched a plan. He knew Si Qing would work overtime, so he deliberately locked the door when no one was around. It rained heavily at night, and Si Qing could not leave or fight.When she got to the car, she didn't want to bother Jingchen at this time. When Jingchen called, she deliberately said that she would work overtime until very late. At this time, Jingchen was already driving on the way to pick her up.Si Qing called his best friend Jian Jian, but didn't get through. Fortunately, Jian Jian called back after taking a shower. She hurried to the building to borrow Si Qing's money. Jing Chen happened to arrive as well, but he was across the road. Si Qing didn't see him, so he hurriedly got on Jian Jian's door.The car left.Jingchen saw Si Qing, and when he got out of the car and chased after him, Jian Jian's car had already driven away.Jingchen called Chi Zhongyu and asked him to ask Si Qing's colleagues what time Si Qing and the others got off work tonight.

Jingchen learned about the situation and knew that this was Mr. Xiao's trick. He deliberately waited in front of the building and deliberately hit Mr. Xiao's car, so they entered the public security bureau. Jingchen's compensation was not enough because the card was stuck in Si Qing's car., he could only call Jing Tong and ask him to pay the compensation.Mr. Xiao deliberately provoked Jingchen at the door of the public security bureau, and Jingchen couldn't help but want to take action. Fortunately, Jingtama showed up in time with his lawyer, and Jingtama gave Mr. Xiao a kick, which prevented his brother from intentionally hurting anyone.Jing Tong went to his younger brother. He brought several lawyers and played the recording of Mr. Xiao saying that he wanted to deal with his brother. Now he asked the lawyer to talk to Mr. Xiao.

Jingchen's mentor recommended him a job with good salary and development. Jingchen decided to go for an interview and left Jingyuan and Yanfu Temple to Jingchen.Jing Tong didn't expect Jing Chen to give up so quickly. He was really angry.

Si Qing knew that Jing Chen was at the police station and hurried over to find him. He was relieved to see that he was not injured. When he returned home, Si Qing explained to him what happened last night and hoped that Jing Chen would not be angry.Jingchen would not be angry with her, nor would he be angry with her. He was angry with himself. He had the ability to prevent Si Qing from having to work so hard.

Jingchen was very capable and naturally won the interview easily. He and his boss met his brother Jingtong at a party.Jingtong decided to teach his younger brother, who was just entering the workplace, a lesson.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Episode 19: Jingchen and Jingzhu fight

Jing Tong deliberately asked Jing Chen to drink, but Jing Chen did not refuse. After all, he was Party B and needed the necessary entertainment for Party A.The scene of Jingchen toasting was seen by Yun Pian who was passing by. She never thought that Jingchen would socialize at the wine table one day. This was not the Jingchen she knew at all.Yun Pian broke into the private room and called Jing Chen away, but she didn't forget to step on Jing Chen.

Yunpian didn't want Jingchen to become like this. Jingchen told her that he was about to turn thirty and had responsibilities that he had to bear. From school to now, every decision he made was based on his own selfishness. YunpianPian was completely disappointed. She felt unbearable and worthless because she fell in love with such a person. This time, Jingchen's filter in her heart was broken, and she decided to let go completely.

Yun Pian sent Si Qing the hotel where Jingchen was staying, and Si Qing had been waiting at the door of the hotel for him to come out.Jingzhu saw Si Qing's car first. Jingchen was very nervous and worried about what his elder brother would say to Si Qing, so he ran to Si Qing before his elder brother. Seeing Si Qing, Jingchen felt a little aggrieved and said that he had been raped.The eldest brother drank a lot of liquor and felt sick to his stomach.Si Qing was very experienced and specially brought him medicine and asked him to sit in the car and wait while Si Qing went to chat with Jing Tong.Jingchen kept looking at them, as if he was always worried that his elder brother would tell some secrets and make Si Qing abandon him.Fortunately, Si Qing was not angry with Jingchen even after talking to his elder brother, and even gave Jingchen medicine himself.When he got home, Si Qing got angry at Jingchen and threw the pillow and quilt to him, telling him not to sleep in the same room as him. Jingchen walked out of the room obediently holding the quilt in his arms.

Si Qing has been able to avoid Jingchen these days. He doesn't have a good look towards him. He even blocks his WeChat and asks him to call him if something happens. This makes Jingchen panic and doesn't know why Si Qing is angry.Chi Zhongyu came to the house to have a meal, and came with a task assigned by the old man. Grandpa Jing gave their old man a stool, which he used for many years. However, he accidentally broke it while fishing some time ago, so Chi ZhongyuYu specially brought it to Jingchen to help repair it.While the two were chatting, Chi Zhongyu accidentally revealed that Si Qing was about to be transferred to Beicheng, and Jingchen was shocked.

Jingchen worked hard to help Chi Zhongyu make a stool, but he didn't expect his eldest brother to take the first step and make the stool. Chi Zhongyu told Jingchen about it via video call, and Jingchen felt that his eldest brother was provoking him.July 20 was Jingchen’s birthday. Si Qing originally set a reminder on his mobile phone and was busy getting information for clients. When the reminder rang, his colleague Ai Li turned it off.In the evening, Jing Zi came to Jing Yutang to celebrate his brother's birthday. Jing Chen thought it was Si Qing. When he saw his eldest brother appear, his eyes became sharp.

The reason why Jingchen is afraid of what his eldest brother will say to Si Qing is because his eldest brother knows the unknown side of him.When they were young, their grandfather left homework for them and asked them to make a model of Jing Yutang. As a result, the eldest brother quickly made it. Jingchen worked very hard, but he couldn't do it well. He thought of his grandfather's words, if before he came backIf you can't do it well, don't call it your grandson. Jingchen wanted to have a family so much. He looked at his eldest brother's works and had evil thoughts in his heart, destroying his eldest brother's model bit by bit.This scene was seen by Jing Chen outside the door, and it became a secret between them from then on. Jing Chen was always worried that his eldest brother would tell this to the person he cared about most.It's better now. Grandpa passed away and Si Qing ignored him. Jingchen felt that he had nothing left. The two brothers fought. This scene was seen by Si Qing.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Episode 20: The two brothers Jingchen and Jingtai reconciled

All of this was a birthday surprise that everyone prepared for Jingchen, and it was just a so-called desensitization therapy used to untie his knot.Si Qing felt very distressed when she saw Jingchen like this and didn't plan to act anymore. She told Jingchen that there was no need to label herself as a heinous criminal because of what happened when she was a child.Si Qing took Jingchen to the birthday party they had prepared in advance, and they were finally able to sit down and have a good meal.

Yun Pian explained to Jingchen that what she said at the door of the hotel were all angry words, but one sentence was true, and she really let go, so now she sincerely wishes him and Si Qing the best.Jingchen asked them who planned this birthday surprise. Everyone pretended not to hear and deliberately diverted their attention.In fact, a few of them got together just a few days ago to give Jingchen a birthday surprise. Jingchen told them about his childhood. In fact, he didn't hate this younger brother, but he really wished he had a younger brother. He was his model back then.After being destroyed, he just had the opportunity to leave. He had a different concept from his grandfather. He wanted more people to know about mortise and tenon, so he needed to go to the outside world.Just when he left, Jingyuan and grandpa belonged to Jingchen. He only wanted to increase his presence when he bullied Jingchen.In fact, this birthday surprise was Si Qing and Yun Pian's idea, but Chi Zhongyu didn't dare to say it, and everyone tacitly pushed the matter to their eldest brother Jingtong.

Jingchen knew that everyone didn't seem to be telling the truth, but he didn't say anything. He went to the kitchen to cut potatoes, and Jingzhu followed him.The two brothers finally resolved their misunderstanding. Jing Tong told Jing Chen that his grandfather did call him before he died, but it was about him, so that he could continue to be his family member and not let him feel that he was abandoned..Jing Tong and his grandfather both blamed themselves for adopting Jing Chen but failing to take good care of him.In fact, Jingchen knew that they had always regarded him as family. When he was a child, he was bullied in an Internet cafe. It was his elder brother who helped him teach those gangsters a lesson.

Si Qing began to struggle with whether she wanted to work in Beicheng. She couldn't make up her mind and sought the opinions of Yun Pian and Jian Jian. Jian Jian meant that the cost and risk of stepping out of the comfort zone were too high. Yun Pian didn't think so. SheI feel that I would rather try and give up than have any regrets when the time comes.As for the relationship between husband and wife, those who are tired of being together all day long may not last forever.

Jingchen, Jingtong and Chi Zhongyu were playing games together in an Internet cafe. They met Tutu, a big internet celebrity, and took a photo together. Jian Jian saw Chi Zhongyu’s Weibo updates and was really speechless about the boys nowadays. SiQing and Yunpian rolled their eyes.When Chi Zhongyu saw the goddess, he really couldn't control it, and he couldn't even imagine that his goddess would invite him to play games together.Jingchen was thinking about going home to cook at 7 o'clock, so he left. Tutu felt that it was boring to be alone, so he planned to leave. Chi Zhongyu became anxious and begged Jingchen not to leave so early. Jingchen said that they would stay overnight.Letting Tutu have fun, Jingchen began to morally kidnap his younger brother. When he was a child, he was beaten because of his younger brother in a bar. At that time, Jingchen probably lost his USB flash drive with study materials in order to get revenge on him. In order to shut up his brother, Jingchen had no choice but toDecided to spend the night with them.

Unexpectedly, Si Qingyun came to the bar together with Pian Jian and stood quietly behind them. The brothers were immersed in the game and did not notice a hint of coolness behind them.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Episode 21: Jingchen and Siqing start living in a different place

Si Qing and the others were scared away by Sister Tutu as soon as they arrived. Jingchen did not dare to make his wife angry, so he wanted to take Si Qing home. Si Qing and the others thought that since someone invited them to spend the night, they could all play together. Yun Pian had also been there for a long time.I have never experienced the feeling of youth.Si Qing has decided to go to work in Beicheng. Jingchen supports her decision. Now Jingchen also has his own career. Living together means both parties grow together. As Jingchen said, the value of women is never limited to marriage and marriage.love.

Si Qing went to the bank to pack her things. Before she left, she looked at this place. This was the place where she had struggled. She had both happiness and sadness. She was still a little reluctant to say goodbye.Jingchen came to pick up Si Qing. Although he couldn't accompany her to Beicheng, he still wanted to give her a ride.Under Yunpian's recommendation, Jingchen signed a contract with phip company, and everything seemed to be going smoothly.Si Qing and Jing Chen also started a long-distance relationship, maintaining their relationship and expressing their longing through online chats.Si Qing was very busy and could only find time to report her itinerary to Jingchen every day. Jingchen only knew what she was doing and asked her step by step what she was doing every day.Autumn is a season suitable for longing.

Jingchen played mahjong with everyone, but Yun Pian felt that Jingchen was not good at sweet words, which would affect their relationship.At this time, Si Qing called Jingchen, and Jingzhu asked him to answer the call in public. When the two answered the phone, they were talking about work. Everyone tried to think of sweet words for Jingchen, but Jingchen couldn't say it at all. Chi ZhongyuI originally wanted him to say earthy love words, the one I lost a lot of fluids tonight and I miss you.Jingchen really couldn't say anything, so he finally said that he had lost many times in mahjong tonight.Chi Zhongyu and the others were speechless, feeling that Jingchen was really hopeless.

Si Qing knew that it was his eldest brother Jingchen who won, so he decided to avenge his husband. He played mahjong with Jingtama in the middle of the night, but he lost all night and failed to win.Jingtama complained to his younger brother, but Jingchen knew about it and just smiled and said nothing.Si Qing gave Jingchen a red envelope with all the money he won last night, telling him to play with confidence and not be afraid if he loses, as his wife would help him win it back.Jing Tao looked at them and extended his thumb to express his admiration.

Jingchen and the others had problems in their cooperation with phip. The other party deliberately discredited the image of the model in the poster and blatantly claimed that Chinese products were from their own country.Jingchen and Yunpian went to negotiate with the person in charge. The other party emphasized that this was just a brand marketing method. Now their products are selling very well on the official website. If sales drop due to Jingchen and his actions, they will only end up hurting them.Both parties suffer losses.

The other party said something very heartbreaking but realistic, that is, China does not have its own national brand, and there is no internationally certified luxury brand. If they are labeled as insulting to China, they can only issue an apology statement and then treat them coldly.Months later, there will still be many celebrities vying to endorse their products, and many people will still buy their products. In the end, only the craftsmen will be affected.

Jingchen decided to file a lawsuit with the brand. Once he lost the lawsuit, he would face huge compensation, but for the sake of traditional Chinese handicrafts, he decided to win again.Jing Tong decided to take his younger brother to find his stepfather, Mr. He, who used to be a pork seller and later made a fortune by selling land.Mr. He told them that they would lose this lawsuit and had no chance of winning, but it didn't matter if they lost. He just gave the foreigners a sum of money and he could contribute the money.Jingchen is very smart. He knows that the money will not come in vain. As expected, He always likes Jingyuan.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Episode 22: Jingchen decides to sell Jingyuan

Mr. He planned to rent Jingyuan, build a hotel, and renovate it, so as to maximize the commercial value of Jingchen. However, Jingchen was not willing. Mr. He told him not to rush to answer him, and he would make the final decision before the trial.Just tell yourself a good decision.Chi Zhongyu's parents refused to give him money. In order to help Jingchen, Chi Zhongyu sold his gaming equipment, but it was only a few hundred thousand, far short of several million.Jingchen won't accept his money. He will find a way to solve the money matter himself and can't drag his friends down.

Si Qing came back from Beicheng and gave Jing Chen a surprise. She came back mainly to inspect the house and finally got her own house in a foreign country. Si Qing called Jing Chen to the house and the two of them made do with each other in a rough house.In the evening, Si Qing has been checking the decoration reference. Fortunately, there is a designer beside him, so he doesn't have to worry too much, he can just make a request.

Si Qing looked at the house reluctantly, and it turned out that she had sold the house.In fact, after returning from Beicheng, she returned to Jingyuan first and heard the conversation between Jingchen and Chi Zhongyu at the door. It seemed that Jingchen had encountered something and needed money. She deliberately did not enter the house. When she turned to leave, she met Yun Pian.She motioned Yunpian to keep quiet.Later, Si Qing went to an agent and decided to sell the house.

Jingchen went to his grandparents to discuss the lawsuit, but everyone felt that if he lost, they would not be able to afford the compensation. He was already old, so he should not cause trouble for his children.Only Grandma Chen supports Jingchen. Although she has never been to school, she understands that there is nothing in what she makes that her own girls cannot memorize. Grandma Chen is illiterate and only learned to write her own name after marrying her husband. This time,Finally got a chance to write my own name.Jingchen looked at grandma, his eyes were a little red. He knew that he might do it this time. Grandma took out the deposit and gave it to Jingchen, asking him to do it boldly.

Jing Tong likes Yun Pian, and Yun Pian doesn't necessarily have feelings for Jing Tong. Sometimes it's easier for enemies to fall in love.Jingchen and Si Qing also began to bring them together, creating opportunities for them to be alone together.Jingtama was afraid of dogs. Yunpian deliberately brought him to his home and asked him to try to touch the puppy. Jingtama mustered up the courage to touch the dog, but he was still afraid. Yunpian looked at him and smiled.happy.

Si Qing returned to Beicheng and asked Yun Pian to help her handle the sale of the house. Yun Pian took the agent to see the house. When she called Si Qing to explain the situation, she did not expect that Jing Chen heard their conversation at the door.Jingchen told Yunpian that this house was very important to Si Qing and had a sense of security that even he could not give him, so he would not let Si Qing sell the house.Yun Pian was really defeated by their love. She, who had always been afraid of marriage, actually had a yearning and longing for marriage.

Saving Si Qing's house meant that Jingchen had to sell Jingyuan, but Si Qing didn't stop her. She believed that Jingchen had his own reasons for doing so.The only thing she did was to tell Jingchen to make an offer and not to let Mr. He take advantage of the situation.Also, it doesn't matter if he loses the lawsuit, Si Qing can afford to support Jingchen.

The court date has arrived, and everyone is accompanying Jingchen. Although they know that this lawsuit will be lost, everyone is fighting for it. Traditional Chinese handicrafts will not admit defeat. Although these items are not luxury goods, they have been passed down for several generations.Centuries of craftsmanship.Jingchen is willing to return the payment, but will never compromise and admit defeat.

《Falling Before Fireworks》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Episode 23: Jingyuan is saved, Jingchen and Siqing celebrate the winter solstice together

Si Qing came to the court with the grandparents in the village. They all supported Jingchen. The things he made in the future would only be used by Chinese people. They were not afraid of losing money, but they could not lose their original intention and the backbone of the Chinese people..Jingchen was very grateful to everyone and to Si Qing for everything he had done for him.The verdict came out, the contract between the two parties was terminated, the brand side removed the remaining products from the shelves, and Jingchen and others returned the compensation according to the number of products returned.

After this incident, everyone is more united. They are about to lose Jingyuan, and each of them is reluctant to let go.Especially Si Qing, this place has a more special meaning to her. Here, she found someone she loves and loves her, and felt the warmth of home for the first time. Although this place is remote, it is full of fireworks. SheCan't bear to leave here.

Chi Zhongyu couldn't hide his inner sadness, so he sat on the steps outside the door and cried. Jian Jian could understand his sadness and sat beside him silently to accompany him.Jingtama and Yunpian were also officially together, and Yunpian took the initiative to kiss Jingtama.Adult love is direct. As long as you recognize it, you can love boldly.

Si Qing and the others were packing their luggage. Jian Jian and Chi Zhongyu came over to help. After they all packed up, Jingchen and his eldest brother brought them good news.That is why Mr. He planned to build the hotel in the back mountain and treat Jingyuan as a park that hotel customers can visit for free. He did this because he saw the video of the court hearing and remembered that when he was selling pork, there was always an old man.The master sharpened his knife for free. He admired those craftsmen, and in return for his kindness, he wanted to keep Jingyuan and make it into an intangible cultural heritage business card.

Jingchen and Si Qing returned to Zunnan to meet their parents. Jingchen was very nervous. Unexpectedly, Si Qing's mother broke the appointment because she was busy with work. She called Si Qing to tell her, and at the same time, she also reminded her that strong women and weak men cannot last long. Si QingIgnoring it, she ate with Jingchen and went to visit her father after dinner.Father loves his daughter very much. When they parted, Si Qing's father was a little reluctant to leave her, his eyes were red. He also knew that he owed Si Qing back then.Jingchen drove out to reassure his father-in-law that he would take good care of Si Qing. He knew that Si Qing would be in a bad mood. In order to divert her attention, Jingchen deliberately took out the prepared games for her to play.

Jingchen planned to surprise Si Qing by reenacting the scene as a commemoration of their first meeting.He sent Si Qing a location, which was the art museum where they first met. In the singing bar, Jingchen placed the model of Jingyuan during the Winter Solstice, as well as everyone's post-it notes.

On the winter solstice of another year, Si Qing agreed to go home to celebrate his birthday. Because the bank had a meeting, he had to inform Jing Chen that he might not be able to go home.Jingchen was preparing today's dinner with his friends at home. He was still disappointed knowing that Si Qing could not come back.While they were eating, Si Qing came back, and Jingchen was the first to run out to greet the mistress of the house.Everyone had dinner together in the evening, and snow started to fall from the sky. Everyone was very happy and went to the yard to watch the snow.Jing Tong finally plucked up the courage and proposed to Yun Pian. The winter solstice was a very important day for the Jing family brothers.So many things have happened this year, both good and bad, but they have passed. We will spend many winter solstice together in the future. Jingyuan carries the memories of too many people. No matter how remote it is, it is what everyone yearns for.place.