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《House of Cards Season 1》 Summ

The new US President Garrett Walker finally stands at the pinnacle of power.His success was inseparable from the help of Francis Underwood, the House Majority Whip who called himself a plumber.However, the politician who was strategizing behind the scenes did not ascend to the throne of Secretary of State as he wished, which made him dissatisfied and determined to remove Walker, who had betrayed him.

Francis Underwood is a name that has caused an uproar in American politics.He is arrogant, well versed in Machiavellian tactics, and is good at finding breakthroughs in complex political situations.When his political ambitions are thwarted, he decides to use the comprehensive education reform law proposed by new President Garrett Walker to pave the way for his revenge.

He carefully planned a public opinion offensive against the new government and assigned his subordinates to manipulate Zoe Barnes, a female reporter from the Washington Herald, so that she would exaggerate the shortcomings of the education reform law in her reports.Once Zoe Barnes's article was published, it aroused widespread attention from all walks of life, and Francis Underwood's plan was successful in the first battle.

However, his ambitions did not stop there.After successfully arousing public doubts about the education reform law, he quickly assigned his subordinates to launch a new campaign against the new government.They spread rumors and sow discord in an attempt to undermine the unity and stability of the new government.At the same time, Francis Underwood also deftly defused open and covert attacks from political opponents, demonstrating his superb political wisdom and Machiavellian tactics.

In this political storm, Francis Underwood is like a poisonous snake from the Garden of Eden, with a eloquent tongue that can change everything.He preys on everyone's weaknesses and applies constant pressure to achieve his political goals.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

In the maelstrom of Washington politics, Frances Underwood, also known as Frank, has served in Congress for 22 years as House Majority Whip.Frank's job is to promote and maintain the operation of the House of Representatives with a Democratic majority. He considers himself like a plumber who unblocks sewers, working quietly and only for the benefit of the party.

Frank's wife Carlisle is a beautiful and thoughtful woman who has her own ideals and career, but always puts her husband's career first.Throughout Frank's political career, Carlyle was not only his spiritual support, but also an important driving force behind him.However, when Frank's political ambitions were thwarted, cracks began to appear in their relationship.

At the 2013 New Year's dinner, the next elected president Garrett Walker and Vice President Jim Matthews were the center of attention.But in Frank's eyes, these politicians are just tools for his advancement.His carefully planned political layout was shattered by Garrett's betrayal, which made Frank deeply angry and disappointed.

Linda Vasquez, Garrett's chief of staff, was seen by Frank as little more than a White House watchdog.However, it was this seemingly inconspicuous character who exposed Frank's political conspiracy at a critical moment, causing him to fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Episode 1

Frank originally planned to consolidate his position by manipulating the soon-to-be-appointed new Secretary of State Michael Cohen, but unexpectedly encountered a setback.Faced with a dilemma, he chose the strategy of taking a step back and looking for new replacements.In the process, Katherine Durant became his target.This congressman who once opposed Garrett became Frank's best candidate.

Meanwhile, Zoe Barnes, a first-time reporter at the Washington Herald, is hard at work digging into politics.She longed to write in-depth political news, but was constrained by newspaper rules.In order to get the exclusive inside story, Zoe took the risk to watch a performance at the National Performing Arts Center with a government employee.However, at the show, Zoe accidentally caught Frank staring at her butt.This allowed her to see an opportunity and decided to use her beauty and intelligence to get close to Frank.

Driven by Chief of Staff Linda, the education reform bill became an important issue in Congress.Frank was fully aware of the bill's importance and that the leftist stance of its author, Donald Bryce, might cause trouble for the bill.However, he did not directly intervene in the drafting process of the bill, but chose to operate behind the scenes to try to get the bill passed at the vote.

However, things didn't go according to Frank's plan.Sonko's company canceled its donation plan because Frank failed to serve as Secretary of State, leaving Carlisle to lay off employees and try to develop overseas projects.At the same time, Frank also faces the threat of Zoe and the scandal of Peter Russell.In this political whirlpool, Frank began to feel unprecedented pressure and challenges.

In the end, in Frank's carefully planned political game, he succeeded in pushing Katherine Durant to the throne of Secretary of State.However, this process also cost him a huge price.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

By discovering editorial articles in the school newspaper, Frank became acutely aware of the political opportunities they contained.He used the inappropriate remarks about Israel in the article to construct a situation that seemed to oppose the US-Israel alliance, thus pointing the finger at the then editor-in-chief Cohen.This strategy not only demonstrated Frank's keen political sense, but also revealed his deep understanding of how to use the media and public opinion to his own benefit.

Frank is asked to clean up Donald's mess in Chief of Staff Linda's office.This incident became an opportunity for Frank to fight back.He took this opportunity to demonstrate his ability and value to President Garrett and further consolidated his position in the White House by recommending six of the smartest people in education to prepare an education reform plan.

Frank's attacks on Cohen also intensified.He approached Zoe and used the editorial article to question Cohen.Cohen's embarrassing performance in the television interview further deepened the negative impression of him by the media and the public.Subsequently, the media made a big fuss about Cohen's ridicule of US-Israel relations, and even labeled him as an anti-Semitic racist.This series of attacks has seriously damaged Cohen's image.

Episode 2

However, Frank didn't stop there.He then found Roy, the editor who worked with Cohen, a drug addict.With Peter's help, he succeeded in persuading Roy to publicly claim that the editorial was written by Michael Cohen.The move completely destroyed Cohen's credibility and career, bringing him into public disrepute.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Frank and the teachers union discussed the education reform bill item by item. The teachers union expressed opposition to the new performance appraisal items, which they believed was disrespectful to the teaching profession.And Frank, as a promoter of reform, must face this reality and find a solution to the problem.He understands the union's concerns but is also convinced that reform is necessary.Therefore, he tried to communicate and negotiate with the teachers union, hoping to find a solution acceptable to both parties.

While Frank was busy with educational reform, a tragedy occurred in his hometown of Gaffney County.A young girl died after she lost control and hit a giant water tower while texting while driving.This incident was exploited by the local Sheriff Olin, who accused Frank of causing the tragedy by advocating to retain the water tower and tried to pin the blame on him.Frank understood that this was not just a personal attack, but Olin's attempt to prevent educational reform.He must respond to this crisis quickly, otherwise he will not only be trapped in endless lawsuits, but may also delay the progress of education reform.

Meanwhile, Frank faces other challenges.He must deal with newspaper editor Tom's dissatisfaction with Zoe's frequent TV interviews, as well as the company of new bodyguard Ed Meacham.These seemingly trivial matters test Frank's wisdom and determination.

Episode 3

However, even in the face of many difficulties, Frank did not give up.He insisted on rushing to Gaffney County to deal with the crisis and face unknown challenges with his new bodyguards.He held in-depth discussions with teachers union representative Marty Spinella to try to find a solution to the problem.He also used his influence to raise funds to set up warning signs, build protective fences, establish scholarships and other measures to commemorate the unfortunate girl.

In Gaffney County, Frank's negotiations with Olin did not go well.But Frank was not discouraged. He turned to the pastor for help, hoping to solve the problem through communication with the community's congregation.His efforts eventually paid off when the girl's parents dropped the lawsuit and agreed to establish a scholarship in their daughter's memory.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

The conflict between Speaker Bochy and President Garrett about the education reform bill, the power struggle between Frank and the President, the professional ethics conflict between newspaper editor Tom and reporter Zoe, and the conflict between Frank and Sanko representative RemyThe old grievances and new hatreds together construct a vivid and profound political picture.

Speaker Boch's insistence on the anti-collective bargaining provisions in the education reform bill reflects his defense of specific interest groups.However, when President Garrett compromised for political purposes, this incident not only reflected the realistic transaction of political power, but also hinted at the flexibility and strategy in the power struggle.Frank's criticism of the president's compromise demonstrates his ambition to control power and his desire for personal authority.

At the same time, the conflict between newspaper editor Tom and reporter Zoe is a battle between professional ethics and personal interests.As editor-in-chief, Tom has strict requirements for the newspaper's reputation and stance, while Zoe pays more attention to personal ideals and pursuits.The differences between the two are not only reflected in their different attitudes towards work, but also in their different philosophies about the journalism profession.

Episode 4

The past between Frank and Sanko's company representative Remi reveals the complex relationship between politics and business.As a former political spokesperson, Remy later switched to the business camp. What behind this is the exchange of interests and the competition for power between politics and business.Frank's rejection of Remy also shows his clear understanding of power struggle and personal interests.

In addition, the role of Senator Umack cannot be ignored.As a member of the black caucus in the Democratic Party, he not only represents the interests of a specific group, but also becomes a pawn in Frank's power struggle.Frank's Machiavellian tactics made Umack an important force in promoting Frank's political goals while preserving the interests of his own constituency.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

After the news broke that Zoe had decided to resign from her original position, major media outlets have offered her olive branches.However, at Frank's suggestion, Zoe chose a different path. She decided to join the little-known but potentially unlimited Toutiao Network and become a freelance writer.This decision undoubtedly paved a new path for Zoe's future and allowed her to take a new step in her career.

Meanwhile, Frank returns home.His wife Carlisle was not surprised by his return and it seemed to have been a way of building rapport and trust between them.However, Frank's world is not peaceful.Newspaper editor-in-chief Tom was forced to resign due to foul language, which once again proves that in the world of power and media, the influence of speech is huge.

Not only does Frank have to deal with personal matters, he also has to deal with pressure from the teachers union.At first, when dealing with the Gaffney County water tower incident, he made concessions on performance reviews.However, when the amendment entered the legislative process, Marty, a representative of the teachers union, discovered that Frank did not intend to keep his promise.This made Marty so angry that he planned to call teachers union members to strike in protest.

At the Democratic National Committee’s summit meeting, Chairman Patricia Whitaker was very concerned about the three swing states of Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania.To gain votes in Pennsylvania, they selected then-Vice President Jim Matthews as their running mate.Now, however, they need to find a replacement for Matthews as governor of the state.Frank immediately thought of Peter Russell.

Despite Peter's past record, Frank believes his transformation and determination to turn a new leaf is just the hype they need.However, life was not easy for Peter.The closure of the shipyard resulted in massive unemployment and made him lose face in front of his hometown elders.His good friend Paul tried to communicate with him, but Peter could only use the excuse of being coerced by someone in a powerful position.He wanted to explain to those who had supported him, but he couldn't.

Episode 5

Carlisle has been preparing for a charity auction, but despite the help of Adam's works, the income is still far less than the rejected donation from Sanko.This distressed Carlisle, and she could only talk to Adam.The strike organized by Marty did not go well. Frank took advantage of the gap between the National Education Association and the United Teachers Association to lobby the education association not to participate in the strike.Not to be outdone, Marty used his union connections to cancel venue reservations for Carlisle's charity auction.However, Carlisle decided to move the auction to a vacant lot outside the hotel.

That night, many congressmen and celebrities from all walks of life attended the auction.Barbecue food, free drinks, and DJ music added to the relaxed and casual atmosphere of the auction.However, across the road, hundreds of people held signs to protest against the education reform plan.In the middle, various media outlets competed to report on it.What was unexpected was that when the auction was about to end, Carlisle and Frank took the guests with them to deliver the remaining food and drinks to the demonstrators.Many demonstrators, who had stood for hours cold and hungry, accepted the food.The demonstration became a complete laughing stock in the media.Zoe, who experienced the entire process on site, attracted attention again with the topic of “clean water washing away the union”.

After the auction, Frank and Carlisle met a distraught and alcoholic Peter on their doorstep.Peter was angry that Frank would not allow him to defend the shipyard, and regretful that he had agreed to this decision.After hearing Peter's complaints, Frank told him that he had originally planned to run him for governor of Pennsylvania.However, Peter's current performance disappoints Frank.He advised Peter to commit suicide if he really couldn't face it.These words revived Peter, who had already lost confidence, and he was willing to participate in the gubernatorial campaign.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

The nationwide teachers' strike has been going on for several weeks, and this strike has aroused attention and discussion from all walks of life.At this critical moment, in order to control the situation, the President decided to compromise and cancel the performance appraisal amendment.However, the decision did not completely quell the strike, but instead opened up opportunities for some.

Frank, an influential political figure, saw the opportunity.He asked for a week to resolve the strike to restore the president's confidence in him.In the process, Frank demonstrates his resourcefulness and strategy, using various means to advance his agenda.

In the early morning, Carlisle invited the bodyguard Meacham who was guarding the door to come in for coffee.This scene seems ordinary, but it foreshadows the next plot.When a brick smashed through the window and flew into the house, Meacham immediately chased him out of the house and aimed at a fleeing man not far away and shot, but missed.The incident triggered police protection and left Frank thinking about how to use the incident to further his own agenda.

At this critical moment, Frank learned that his former bodyguard Steve had terminal pancreatic cancer and only had a few weeks to live.This news leads Frank to consider how he can use the situation to further his plans.He immediately instructed Zoe to write an article directed at Marty and the teachers union below him.The article attempted to pave the way for Frank's agenda by placing the blame for the strike on Marty and the teachers union.

Episode 6

Marty didn't buy it. He thought he had a clear conscience and didn't want to waste time explaining it.However, Frank has no intention of letting him go.He stepped up the intensity, having a group of student parents who opposed the strike hurl foam bricks at Marty.After the scene was broadcast live by the media, Marty could only agree to debate Frank on television.

During the debate, Frank attempts to get Marty to apologize to Carlisle in order to gain sympathy and establish guilt for the violent attack by the teachers union.However, Marty's counterattack disrupted Frank's position. He accused Frank of using his wife to win the debate and it was very shameful.This counterattack put Frank into a dilemma. He responded in a hurry and was full of loopholes, almost losing his composure.

At this critical moment, Frank did not give up.He continues to look for opportunities to advance his agenda.He asked Peter to join Alcoholics Anonymous and to pursue a project to improve the river basin near the shipyard.These actions were all intended to increase Peter's votes and influence, thereby paving the way for his own agenda.

Finally, an unexpected event provided Frank with a turning point.Frank sees an opportunity when a boy is killed by a stray bullet during a gang fight.He immediately asked Zoe to comment on Twitter, placing the blame on Marty.In a subsequent television interview, Frank called on teachers to stop the strike and allow children to attend school, and invited Marty to the congressional office to discuss ending the strike.

Marty was forced to interview Frank under pressure from public opinion.However, Frank did not intend to negotiate with him but rather to provoke him.He took out the bricks he smashed into the house that day and told Marty that the whole thing was designed by him to frame Marty.Marty loses control and punches Frank before realizing he has been tricked again.In order to avoid being prosecuted for the felony of assaulting a congressman, Marty could only stop the strike movement.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

In the solemn atmosphere of the President's Office, a signing ceremony on the education reform bill is going on nervously and orderly.The media and high-level officials gathered together, and their eyes were focused on President Garrett, waiting for him to officially sign the bill and implement this far-reaching policy.However, in this solemn and solemn occasion, only Vice President Jim Matthews looked particularly serious.

Matthews, who worked his way up from being the governor of Pennsylvania, once had his own ambitions and dreams of power.However, as time went by, he gradually felt that he had become just a pawn on someone else's political chessboard, and his status was even inferior to that of the new Democratic Party leader, Congressman Umack.This gap from the center of power to the edge filled him with helplessness and unwillingness.

At the same time, Matthews was also dissatisfied with President Garrett's regard for Frank.He was angry that Frank had asked Peter Russell to run for governor in his hometown without consulting him, but Frank brushed it off as if it was none of his business.What made Matthews even more angry was that Frank actually suggested that he promote Peter's campaign to win more votes.However, in Matthews' view, Peter is just a junior congressman, and he is unwilling to stand and support such a person.

Episode 7

Peter Russell, on the other hand, faces his own dilemma.Before officially announcing his candidacy, he needs to explain his past misconduct so that the campaign team can prepare.The process of having his scars dug out was not pleasant, and Peter even wanted to give up the campaign.However, with the encouragement of Frank and Christina, Peter regained his courage and decided to face his past bravely.The Pennsylvania Rivers Bill he worked hard to promote also received support from most district members, which gave him a considerable advantage in the election.

In addition, the plot is also interspersed with the story lines of characters such as Zoe and Janning.As Frank's little lover, Zoe has always kept a distance and wary of his power games.However, at Frank's request, she wrote a story for Peter advocating his resurrection.Janning encountered setbacks at her job at the Washington Herald. She took the opportunity to jump to Toutiao.com and conducted an exclusive interview with Peter under Frank's arrangement.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Frank spent four years of his life full of challenges and opportunities at Santino Military Academy, the best military school in South Carolina.This academy not only taught him military skills, but also allowed him to experience the ups and downs of life.Recently, Frank was invited to attend the inauguration ceremony of the library of his alma mater. This was also a rare opportunity for him to return to campus.

Thinking back to his days at school, Frank couldn't help but feel emotional.He was almost expelled for volunteering for a Senate campaign, which affected his studies.However, it was this experience that strengthened his political ideals.Today, he has become an influential politician and donated a large sum of money to the school to build a library.The library will be named after Frank, witnessing his transformation from student to politician.

At the school dinner, Frank accidentally met Remy Denton, a representative of Sanko Company.Sancor has a pivotal position in the natural gas business, but the Pennsylvania Basin Act advocated by Peter Russell has had a big impact on Sancor's mining operations in the state.Remy came here to seek help from Frank, hoping that he could change his mind.However, Frank did not respond directly, but just excused himself by saying that he would not discuss official matters during the recess.

After the dinner, Frank went on an adventure with his three best friends from that year and entered the closed old library.They couldn't help but sigh with emotion as they recalled every bit of the past.At the same time, Carlisle, who was alone, could only chat with Adam on the phone to relieve his worries.Peter was preparing for his first battle in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, lobbying unemployed shipyard workers to support his new bill.His lobbying was not going well. Not only was his mother unwilling to talk to Peter, but his former friend Paul was also not interested in his new bill.

Episode 8

Frustrated, Peter returns to his childhood house and unexpectedly sees Christina.With Christina's support and comfort, Peter resolves to give it a go at a community meeting the next day.In the morning, Peter reviewed the key contents of the speech with Christina's help.At the conference, however, Peter's watershed bill received a lukewarm response from unemployed shipyard workers.They are more concerned about immediate livelihood issues than long-term planning two or three years from now.Faced with everyone's doubts and protests, Peter was temporarily in trouble.

At the same time, Frank, who had been fooling around in the library all night, was woken up by Carlisle's phone call.He hurriedly woke up the others and returned to the hotel to take a rest before attending the opening ceremony of the school library.During the ceremony, Frank's impromptu speech received a round of applause, but Carlisle heard that Frank had other things on his mind, but he was unwilling to tell outsiders.

After Peter won the first battle, he took Christina to visit his mother who lived in a nursing home.Although my mother is still reluctant to talk more, her attitude has improved.Before leaving, Peter used a strong attitude to ask the staff who had been lazy to replace the light tubes in his mother's house.Now he is full of confidence and full of expectations for the future.

After the ceremony, Frank said goodbye to everyone one by one.Looking at his name on the library, Frank wondered whether this building would be replaced by other buildings many years later, and whether the power in his hands would suffer the same fate as it.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Peter's campaign was officially launched, but he faced not only obstacles from Remy Denton, but also his own lack of experience and qualifications.At the same time, in order to maintain his power and status, Frank had to adopt various means to ensure Peter's victory.

First, Frank's warning to congressional committee chairs demonstrated the tense atmosphere in the Democratic Party's power struggle.To maintain their majority, Democrats must ensure passage of Peter's watershed bill.This internal power struggle manifests itself not only in the position of committee chair, but also in support and opposition to the bill.

Peter showed a calm attitude when facing the media to expose his misdeeds.This kind of frankness and confidence has won the favor of media people, which also shows that in political struggles, the ability to deal with the media is equally important.At the same time, in order to improve Peter's qualifications, Frank arranged for Vice President Matthews to accompany Peter on a speaking tour, which also reflected the power and strategy in political struggle.

Episode 9

Matthews' performance in the speech was disappointing.Not only did he not help Peter expand his influence, he actually stole Peter's limelight.This reflects personal ambitions and conflicts of interest in political struggles.Although popular in his hometown, Matthews' goal was not just to support Peter, but to maintain his own status and influence.

Zoe and Janine's reporting on Peter's campaign also reflects journalism's professional ethics and personal choices.In order to get more inside information, Zoe did not hesitate to trade her body for news, but Jan Ning reminded her of the risks of doing so.This reflects the journalistic struggle and choice between pursuing the truth and maintaining professional ethics.

Frank showed his toughness and cunning when facing Zoe's demands.Not only did he reject Zoe's request, he also used the opportunity to teach her a lesson.This reflects the principle of supremacy of power and interests in political struggle, and also reveals Frank's ruthlessness and ruthlessness as a politician.

The reversal of the voting results brought a climax to the entire plot.Peter's watershed bill failed to pass by two votes, leaving Frank and the Democrats in a difficult position.This is not only a political failure, but also a strategic mistake.This also foreshadows the upcoming plot, indicating that more power struggles and political strategies will unfold.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

President Garrett was furious over the failure of the watershed bill, which not only marked a defeat for him but also revealed his concerns about possible divisions within the Democratic Party.The failure of the bill that he originally thought would be passed smoothly with Linda's support highlighted the gradual weakening of the White House's influence in Congress.

Linda's absence in this incident serves as a critical turning point.She was originally expected to attend the canvassing event, but she was absent to deal with her son's school enrollment.This decision not only affected the passage of the bill, but also triggered a conflict between the president and Frank.Linda's absence made President Garrett begin to doubt Frank's ability, and Frank had to take on all responsibilities in order to maintain his position and try to save the situation by solving Linda's problems.

In the process, Frank showed his wit and maneuverability.He keenly seized the opportunity of Linda's son's enrollment problem and tried to win Linda's support by solving this thorny problem.However, he also faces the problem of internal traitors.On this issue, Zoe provided key clues, revealing that it was Carlisle who manipulated the MPs to oppose the passage of the bill.This discovery shocked Frank, but he was forced to face reality and take action to solve the problem.

Episode 10

The quarrel between Carlisle and Frank becomes another climax of the episode.During the argument, Carlisle vented long-standing grievances, while Frank tried to emphasize that their common goals were more important than the clean water plan.Although this reason was difficult for Carlisle to accept, she finally chose to compromise.However, this did not end the conflict between them, but instead paved the way for the subsequent plot.

The appearance of Peter Russell brings a new twist to the plot.He threatened Frank to fix the bill or expose Cohen's editorial.This puts Frank in a difficult position, and he has to take action to solve this time bomb.In the process, Frank showed his decisiveness and resourcefulness. He solved Linda's problem by finding Gillian and recommending Linda's son to the provost, and also resolved Peter's threat by proposing a cooperation plan.

However, the plot does not end there.The smooth agreement at the dinner and Peter's failed interview became a new turning point in the plot.Rachel's appearance puts Peter in a difficult position, and Zoe seizes the opportunity to publish an article about the failed interview, thus ending Peter's political career.In the end, Frank succeeded in getting Vice President Jim Matthews to appear, paving the way for the subsequent plot.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Frank's close cooperation with Vice President Matthews, as well as President Garrett's entanglement, together paint a complex picture of political struggle.

Peter's departure undoubtedly brought huge changes to the entire political landscape.Frank quickly seized the opportunity and discussed a replacement with Matthews.The conversation between the two not only reveals Frank's desire for power, but also reveals Matthews' inner balance between power and responsibility.Matthews ultimately decided to give up the position of vice president and run for governor of Pennsylvania. This decision was both a turning point in his personal political career and an important step in Frank's power game.

This power play has not been easy.President Garrett is troubled by this decision and is worried that outside speculation will damage his relationship with Matthews.As a bystander, Linda was keenly aware that Frank had other intentions.This plot not only increases the tension of the plot, but also highlights Linda's keen insight in political struggles.

Episode 11

At the same time, what Christina discovers in Peter's home further demonstrates Peter's decadence and despair.Peter's escapism is not only his inability to accept the failure of the election, but also his denial of self-worth.The strength and determination shown by Frank in solving the hidden dangers left by Zoe once again proved his absolute desire to control power.

In addition, although Carlisle and Adam lived a free life away from the intrigues of political struggle, she could never get rid of the desire for political power in her heart.This plot not only enriches Carlyle's character, but also foreshadows the subsequent plot development.

Peter's death in the garage undoubtedly pushed the plot to a climax.Frank's ruthlessness and determination once again proved his ruthlessness and cruelty in political struggles.Carlisle's choice is not only a give up on love, but also a compromise on power.This plot not only provides impetus for subsequent plot development, but also profoundly reveals the complexity and cruelty of human nature in political struggles.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

With the failure of the vice presidential candidate list carefully planned by Frank and Linda, the plot entered a more complicated and confusing stage.The two people who originally seemed to be in control of the situation unexpectedly encountered President Garrett's unexpected decision to nominate billionaire Raymond Tasker as the vice presidential candidate.This change not only frustrated Frank and Linda's plans, but also made the development of the plot full of uncertainty.

In this episode, we see Frank's complex psychological changes.From his initial disappointment, to his strong support of Raymond in front of the president, to his later initiative, Frank demonstrated the adaptability and foresight of a political veteran.He clearly knows that whether internally or externally, he must maintain a firm position so that he can take the initiative at critical moments.

Meanwhile, Linda's character is further developed in this episode.Although she did not show strong support in front of the president like Frank, her presence and the tacit understanding between Frank made people believe that she was still Frank's indispensable partner in the political struggle.

Episode 12

On the other hand, Janning's investigation gradually revealed the truth behind the Peter Russell incident.From her brief interview with Paul, she was keenly aware of the existence of a certain high-ranking and powerful person.As the plot progresses, the identity of this mysterious figure gradually emerges.This not only shakes Janning and Zoe's trust in Frank, but also foreshadows the subsequent plot.

In addition, Carlisle's cooperation with Sanko has also become a focus of this episode.In order to cooperate with Sanko Company, Carlisle did not hesitate to sacrifice Gillian's hard work - the “Well of the World” project.This decision not only triggered dissatisfaction and protest from Gillian, but also caused the audience to question Carlisle's motives and purposes.

In this episode, we also see the battle between Frank and Raymond.Although Frank initially had doubts and dissatisfaction with Raymond, he showed great political wisdom and adaptability when facing Raymond.Not only did he succeed in making Raymond think that his property was threatened, he also took the opportunity to engage in in-depth negotiations with Raymond.

《House of Cards Season 1》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Frank found Remy and tried to persuade Sanco to join his plan to fight against the powerful Raymond Group.The core of the plan was for Sonco to pretend to be a hostile takeover of Raymond Group's subsidiaries, particularly those involved in the nuclear power generation business.Such actions were intended to create pressure on Raymond, making him feel so threatened that he would be too distracted to accept the president's appointment.

Remy did not immediately agree to Frank's request. He needed to return to Sanko Company to discuss with the senior management.Meanwhile, Frank's meeting with President Garrett is also full of tension and strategy.They discuss the current situation, but Frank admits that there's no way of knowing exactly what Raymond is really thinking.Therefore, he suggested that the president meet with Raymond in person to find out his true position.

However, just as Frank was laying out his plan in full swing, the Raymond Group took action unexpectedly.They began to acquire Sanko's stock, a move that completely disrupted Frank's plans.What shocked him even more was that when he received an invitation to meet Raymond in private, he found that Remy had defected to the Raymond Group.This means that all his plans have been mastered by the other party.

In his meeting with Raymond, Frank once again showed his determination and wisdom.He rejected Raymond's proposal, insisting that he cooperate with Raymond as an equal rather than be controlled by him.This attitude made Raymond admire him with admiration.

Episode 13

Eventually, Raymond strongly recommended Frank to President Garrett in his White House office.Although Garrett knew nothing about it, he proposed the appointment of vice president.Frank pretended to be surprised and accepted the appointment, but his heart was already in turmoil.

At the same time, Carlisle is also facing tremendous pressure.Gillian took her to court over the clean water scheme.Although her lawyer suggested settling out of court, Gillian insisted on going to court.This put Carlisle in a difficult position.However, at a critical moment, she decided to find Jillian in person and try to apologize in exchange for reconciliation.

On the other hand, Zoe, Janine and Lucas are also working hard to investigate Peter's affairs.They hope to find out what happened the day Peter was arrested for DUI.During the course of their investigation, they discovered some shocking things, including an inside story involving the police chief.The news came as a surprise to Lucas.