Home TV Kuaguzhou Hutong
《Kuaguzhou Hutong》 Summ

In the mid-1980s, Wang Xiaoqing and Du Mantang were childhood sweethearts, but Zhang Zezhong took advantage of Wang Xiaoqing's mother's objections. However, Zhang Zezhong married the daughter of the vice-principal's family for the sake of his future, and Du Mantang came together with Wang Xiaoqing.

Zhang Zezhong, who clings to powerful people, is despised by his wife and family. He has repeatedly failed in his career and plans to start a business in the south. Without start-up capital, he can only sell his house.In order to raise the house price, he fabricated a rumor that there was a treasure buried under the house. The soaring house price made him lose his mind and started digging for the treasure. As a result, his house almost collapsed and he left lonely.

Thirty years later, Du Mantang and Zhang Zezhong were both alley housekeepers. Zhang Zezhong planned to profit from the decommercialization of the alley, but Du Mantang tried his best to block it.So Zhang Zezhong focused on Taibeile's courtyard house and occupied the magpie's nest in the name of a joint company.

Under the leadership of Du Mantang, Wang Xiaoqing and others, all the residents worked together, and Zhang Zezhong was eventually imprisoned.Zhang Zezhong's daughter Zhang Ting begged in every possible way, crying that her father was amassing money crazily to prevent her mother from immigrating with her.Everyone chose forgiveness, but Zhang Zezhong was still sentenced to three years' probation and five years' probation.When Zhang Zezhong returned home, he sincerely apologized and was forgiven by his neighbors.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Someone from the TV station came to interview someone from Hipbone Axis Alley, and Zhang Zezhong was responsible for connecting with him to complete the interview.Wang Xiaoqing was cooking at home. She saw the sisters in her circle of friends going out to play and the water in the pot came out.Du Mantang said that Zhang Zezhong returned to his hometown. Zhang Zezhong said that he would no longer be in charge of the door, but that he would be in charge of the library.He is no longer allowed to live in the staff dormitory. Du Mantang said that now that he has been promoted, he will be in charge of this alley.Zhang Zezhong didn't believe it, so Du Mantang said that Aunt Zhang had told him to take care of it.Zhang Zezhong said that he had just seen Wang Xiaoqing. He asked Du Mantang if they were okay, and Du Mantang said they were fine.He asked Zhang Zezhong how he was doing now, and Zhang Ze said that he was alone.

Du Mantang was just wondering why there were two of him, when Zhang Zezhong said his son and him.As soon as the two people were talking, they saw someone moving in the alley, and Du Mantang was directing the moving of things.When Du Mantang and Wang Xiaoqing had dinner together, he said that Wang Xiaoqing's bean paste factory was really good, but it was too busy.After dinner, Wang Xiaoqing was washing clothes. She told Du Mantang that Zhou's husband had taken her out to play again.This time they went to Sydney. Wang Xiaoqing said that there are really no mosquitoes on the beach in Sydney.Du Mantang said there must be no mosquitoes anymore. Sydney is in the Western Hemisphere of Australia.

Du Mantang asked whether she had lied to Wang Xiaoqing and whether she had really gone to Sydney.Du Mantang told Wang Xiaoqing that he thought Zhang Zezhong might be squatting at home soon. Wang Xiaoqing asked whether he was gloating about his misfortune.Du Mantang said that he did not take pleasure in others' misfortune. He could see that Zhang Zezhong would brag, but not when he encountered the real thing.Du Mantang said that something Zhang Zezhong did before has made him feel uncomfortable until now, and it was because of him that Wang Xiaoqing lost his job.If it weren't for Wang Xiaoqing, she wouldn't know how to run a soybean factory. When Wang Xiaoqing heard this, she became angry.She asked Du Mantang if he said this to express his displeasure with himself or with Zhang Zezhong. Wang Xiaoqing angrily poured water from his clothes onto Du Mantang's flowers.

A person from a variety show is telling everyone that their variety show is going to be filmed here. Du Mantang is here, Aunt Zhang, let him say a few words.Zhang Zezhong said that this variety show would allow everyone to make money, so Du Mantang pulled him out.Aunt Zhang asked Zhang Zezhong to continue talking, and Du Mantang pulled him out and told him that everyone was an honest person.Don't let him lead everyone into thinking that something bad will happen. Zhang Zezhong asked Du Mantang if he had provoked him.The two brothers hadn't seen each other for more than half a year, so why did Du Mantang start to squeeze on him when they met.Du Mantang talked about Wang Xiaoqing's work back then. If it weren't for Zhang Zezhong, Wang Xiaoqing would not be able to work and move to Hebei.

Zhang Zezhong said that he really didn't intend to trick Wang Xiaoqing back then. If he had done it on purpose, he would have died badly.Zhang Zezhong said that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and he did not expect that the docking unit would be in Hebei.Du Mantang asked him if he asked everyone to do this again this time, who would take care of it if anything happened.Section Chief Zhang came from behind them and told them what was going on.Section Chief Zhang and Xiao Qin called Du Mantang over and asked him how he made money. Du Mantang said he made money from sightseeing fees.Du Mantang woke up in the morning and saw Wang Xiaoqing stewing ribs. Wang Xiaoqing told him to tell Du Lishao to go out and give the ribs to her father. She had to go to work quickly.

In order to allow the program crew to enter the alleys for filming, every household began to decorate their homes.Lei Zi smashed a hole in his head just to decorate his home. Aunt Zhang sent him to the hospital, and his whereabouts are unknown now.Du Mantang picked up the microphone and told the residents in the alley not to let them listen to some people's nonsense and give random advice.Zhang Zezhong has already rented out several houses in the alley through the reputation of celebrity Liu Xingyu.Du Li fell down as soon as he returned to the alley carrying his guitar. Zhang Youting happened to see it. He greeted Du Li, and Du Li told him to pull himself up quickly.Wang Xiaoqing went all the way to buy a coffee table and even knocked off a piece of it.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Du Li saw the coffee table when she got home. She said that Wang Xiaoqing worked hard and bought a coffee table all the way back.And a piece fell off, so she said she wouldn't cook anymore and would order takeout.Wang Xiaoqing took her mobile phone and asked her how she knew what she wanted to do even if she didn't listen to the voice she sent.Du Li said that her father Du Mantang said that as long as Wang Xiaoqing made a lot of voices, all they had to do was agree.Wang Xiaoqing asked her if she had anything to do with Du Mantang, and while saying that, she watched the two people chatting.Du Mantang said that Wang Xiaoqing was menopausal, and he asked Du Li not to get along with her.Wang Xiaoqing said that he was really in menopause, and Du Mantang was still thinking about demolition. They had never lived in a new house in their lives.

Du Mantang came back as soon as he finished talking. He asked Wang Xiaoqing how he got such a big table tennis table. Wang Xiaoqing was so angry that he didn't want to talk to him.Du Mantang was preparing to move his flowers upstairs, and he asked Wang Xiaoqing to help him.Wang Xiaoqing was angry and she was unwilling to help.Du Mantang asked her if the matter could not be let go, and Wang Xiaoqing said she couldn't let it go.Du Mantang asked her why she was buying that crap now, and Wang Xiaoqing said it was not a toy, but a coffee table.Du Mantang said that buying one would have no room to store it at home and it would be a waste of money. Wang Xiaoqing said that he would buy it if he liked it.Du Mantang felt that she had no plans, so Wang Xiaoqing said that she would not marry him if she had plans.

The program team's variety show has already started filming, and they didn't come to the Hipbone Axis Alley to film.The residents in the alley came to the program crew and asked why he didn't go. Wasn't everything they prepared in vain?The person in charge told them that it wasn't that they didn't want to go, it was just that they had a good talk about going there that day, but suddenly a man came out and became very angry and refused to let them do this or that.As soon as they heard this, they asked who the person was, and the person in charge told them it was Du Mantang.Zhang Zezhong thinks it is understandable. After all, Du Mantang is now the person in charge of the Hutong, and this is also his responsibility.

Du Mantang called Wang Xiaoqing and asked Wang Xiaoqing if the coffee table was really a nuisance at home and if he could help deal with it.Wang Xiaoqing was talking about work and let him handle it. Du Mantang turned the coffee table into a ping pong table.Wang Xiaoqing's leader asked her to go on a business trip. She asked Wang Xiaoqing to look after herself because she represented the company's image.Wang Xiaoqing was not happy at first, so when she returned to the office, her colleagues told her that the Mid-Autumn Festival benefits had been distributed.This time it was no longer pickled beans. Wang Xiaoqing opened it with great expectation and found that they were pickles. She thought they were really salty. It took a long time to get a bottle of pickles.Wang Xiaoqing was taking the subway home from get off work when she saw two girls in dance costumes, and she thought of herself.

I think Wang Xiaoqing was also a dancer at first, but she stopped dancing because of an accidental injury.Wang Xiaoqing returned home and told Du Mantang that he was going on a business trip. Du Mantang didn't care. He said he would go on a business trip.Wang Xiaoqing said that he didn't even ask where she was going on her business trip. Du Mantang then asked her where she was going. Wang Xiaoqing said to Qingdao.Du Mantang said Qingdao was good. When Wang Xiaoqing returned home, she saw that the coffee table was missing. She asked Du Mantang where the coffee table had gone.Du Mantang said that he had told her that he had dealt with it, and Wang Xiaoqing asked him how much he had paid for it.Du Mantang said he didn't ask for money, and Wang Xiaoqing was just about to make a fuss with him.

Lao Ai, a resident in the alley, brought everyone to see Du Mantang. They asked Du Mantang to give them an explanation today.Who knew that just as he was about to say that everyone had left, Lao Ai was left alone.Zhang Zezhong was drunk and lay on the sofa to sleep. Early the next morning, Zhang Youting couldn't wake him up no matter how hard he shouted.He quickly called the police and called 120. Aunt Zhang and the others thought Lao Ai's father was gone, but unexpectedly it was Zhang Zezhong.Du Li asked Du Mantang to see off Wang Xiaoqing at the airport, but Du Mantang just took a taxi for her.Du Li rushed to the airport to see Wang Xiaoqing off, and Zhang Zezhong was sent to the hospital.He dreamed that he was still enjoying the sun on the beach, and the doctor shouted to him.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Wang Xiaoqing had just arrived at the hotel front desk and was about to check in, but unexpectedly the wheels on his suitcase suddenly fell off.Just then, a man walked by and asked if he needed help.Wang Xiaoqing declined, and at the same time raised her foot, it turned out that there was a screw on the sole of her foot.Seeing this, the man asked her half-jokingly if she was good at dancing. Wang Xiaoqing just responded softly.Later, the hotel attendant came up to ask about check-in, and she left with him.

On the other side, Du Mantang announced in the alley group that he would treat guests to Fatty Restaurant, but only Lao Ai attended the appointment.Lao Ai came with a large thermos bucket and asked Fatty to pack the remaining meals, intending to take them back.

Lao Ai criticized Du Mantang's move as not being kind enough, and mentioned that although Zhang Zezhong was dissatisfied by Du, he spent his own money to solve the problem.He also revealed that Du Mantang opposed the filming of variety shows in Hutong, but did not realize that this was the reason for the move.Lao Ai even praised Wang Xiaoqing for being better than Du in blocking Du's drink, and mentioned that Wang Xiaoqing was tired the day before his business trip, and Du Mantang suddenly realized it.Lao Ai left with the food, while Fatty comforted the disappointed Du Mantang.

The director was busy setting up the scene when Sister Chang suddenly arrived and pointed out that a certain scene needed to be reshot.The director wanted to call the resting artists, but Sister Chang urged him to go in person.In order to find out why Hutong was not filmed, Du Mantang tried to argue with the director, but failed. Instead, he waited outside the hotel and unexpectedly met a drunk Liu Xingyu.

Liu tried to borrow the phone but failed, and was extorted by his boss at a high price.Du Mantang couldn't stand it anymore and lent Liu his mobile phone. Unexpectedly, Liu suddenly fainted and was rushed to the hospital.I met Zhang Zezhong by chance in the hospital, recognized Liu Xingyu's identity, and praised Du for his great contribution.After Liu woke up, he was extremely hungry, so the two took him to Fatty's Restaurant for a hearty meal.

After the meal, Zhang Zezhong planned to use Liu Xingyu to help Mr. Sun open his business, but Du Mantang insisted on ensuring his safety.Liu Xingyu tried to contact Zhang to no avail, but found out that the date was still early, and agreed with Zhang Zezhong to send him off to the airport the next day. Du Mantang firmly opposed Zhang Zezhong's stay at Zhang's house and decided to take care of him personally.

Liu Xingyu moved into Du's house and had a great time with Du Li, but Du Mantang was worried.He tried to report the situation to the director, but accidentally damaged the other person's phone.Later, he explained to his neighbors, but found that Liu Xingyu and the old man were missing, leaving a series of mysteries behind.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Zhang Zezhong was deeply upset that Du Mantang's chance of winning was ruined.At this time, he accidentally witnessed the old man mistakenly identifying Liu Xingyu as Du Mantang's younger brother Du Yiyi, and took him out.After asking, I learned that the destination was the airport.Zhang Zezhong took advantage of the situation and took the two of them away. This scene happened to be witnessed by Du Mantang through surveillance.Recalling that Zhang Zezhong once mentioned that he could make money by letting Liu Xingyu speak on stage, Du Mantang instantly understood Zhang Zezhong's plan.

Zhang Zezhong took Liu Xingyu to Mr. Sun's chicken farm, lied that it was a friend's property, and asked Liu Xingyu to come on stage to say a few auspicious words.Faced with the sudden request, Liu Xingyu raised concerns that he had not put on makeup in time, but Zhang Zezhong responded easily and promised to have a professional makeup artist help.Later, Zhang Zezhong handed over the prepared lines, but Liu Xingyu expressed his preference to express his gratitude through singing and dedicated a song to Du Mantang and his companions to make up for the recent interruption.

Hearing this, Zhang Zezhong looked bitter, worried that Liu Xingyu's singing would not be able to obtain the ideal reward.Despite this, he still urged Liu Xingyu to prepare to take the stage.Liu Xingyu's appearance aroused enthusiastic response from the audience, and his singing video quickly spread on the Internet.My mother, Sister Chang, witnessed this scene and urgently asked her assistant to confirm the time, then rushed to the scene.

Du Mantang asked Zhang Zezhong about the whereabouts of Liu Xingyu and the old man. Zhang Zezhong pretended to be relaxed and suggested that Du Mantang spend more time with the old man to enhance his relationship.When asked whether he charged a fee, Zhang Zezhong denied it and looked slightly flustered in his behavior.At this time, the siren sounded, and Sister Chang arrived with the police, accusing Du Mantang of kidnapping his son.After some explanations, the misunderstanding was clarified, and Sister Chang left with Liu Xingyu. Du Mantang did not forget to remind Liu Xingyu not to forget the appointment with fried noodles.

Sister Chang remained silent while driving, while Liu Xingyu obediently promised to obey his mother's wishes in the future.Unexpectedly, Sister Chang took Liu Xingyu to the airport and urged him to start work on time the next day.Liu Xingyu walked into the airport with joy, while Du Mantang and Zhang Zezhong returned home to have dinner.During the dinner, Zhang Zezhong mentioned Wang Xiaoqing's sacrifices and changes for the family, which triggered Du Mantang's emotion about the past years.

At the same time, Wang Xiaoqing met a man named Jiang downstairs, and the two had a pleasant conversation.Back in 1987, Du Mantang and Wang Xiaoqing jointly drew a blueprint for the future in the Forbidden City. At that time, they never expected the changes in their lives today.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

When Du Mantang invites Fatty to dinner, he reveals his self-doubt and asks if he is worthless.The fat man comforted him and pointed out that although Wang Xiaoqing had sharp words, he was kind-hearted.Du Mantang clarified that his troubles did not stem from Wang Xiaoqing, but that Aunt Zhang's suggestion about filling the cellar made him feel embarrassed.He felt that he was old and did not need to deliberately establish his prestige. He just wanted to live a stable life.He ironically suggested that Aunt Zhang might think he lacked prestige, while Fatty encouraged him that as a manager, it was necessary to establish prestige.

Talking about the inspection team, Du Mantang said he knew nothing about the demolition and would wait and see what happens.He teased the fat man that if the demolition was imminent, he would be financially well-off and share a leisurely life with Wang Xiaoqing.Fatty really looked forward to spending quality time with Wang Xiaoqing after the demolition, and revealed Wang Xiaoqing's yearning for building life.

Later, Aunt Zhang and Du Mantang went to Lao Ai's house to check the cellar. Aunt Zhang insisted that it was an illegal construction and needed to be filled in immediately.Lao Ai was dissatisfied with this and questioned why it was only targeted at him, mentioning that other illegal buildings in the alley had not been dealt with, especially Fatty’s canteen.Du Mantang knew it, but did not respond.Under Lao Ai's incitement, the three of them went to Fatty Hotel. Lao Ai publicly accused the canteen of illegal construction.In order to avoid escalating the dispute and protect Du Mantang's position, Fatty resolutely demolished his canteen.When Lao Ai saw this, he fled in panic.

Du Mantang and Aunt Zhang went to Lao Ai's house again and asked him to fill the cellar, but Lao Ai stayed behind closed doors.At this time, Wang Xiaoqing called to tell him to change his reservation, come back early, and suggested dining out.Du Mantang felt guilty about Fatty, so he gave him 2,500 yuan to express his gratitude. Fatty declined, and Du Mantang finally accepted it in the name of "top up".

Wang Xiaoqing returned and happily prepared to go out with Du Mantang, but found that the money had been used by the fat man.Although she was unhappy, she still showed off the shirt and tie she bought for Du Mantang, which were valuable.The two quarreled because of their different consumption concepts. When the rain came, water leaked in the house. Du Mantang went to the house for repairs. Wang Xiaoqing accidentally fell down and the gift was damaged, so she returned to her parents' home angrily.On the other hand, Lao Ai's father unfortunately passed away due to filling in the cellar, which added to the tragedy.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Lao Ai's father passed away, and his wails penetrated the entire alley, making it difficult to rest at peace.Neighbors complained that this seriously affected their rest, and even suspected that Lao Ai's family did it intentionally.Du Li was indignant and wanted to argue with them, but Wang Xiaoqing dissuaded her and suggested that she endure it for one night and stay at her grandma's house temporarily the next day.At this moment, Du Li saw a video of a fat man smashing a canteen on her mobile phone. She hurriedly asked Wang Xiaoqing to watch it together. Wang Xiaoqing helplessly lamented that these days were really unpeaceful.

On the other side, Wang Xiaoqing and Du Mantang were having an argument. The two were lying on the bed, and the atmosphere was tense.Du Mantang tried to ease the relationship with physical contact, but Wang Xiaoqing pushed him away indifferently, causing Du Mantang to accidentally hit the wall.Afterwards, Wang Xiaoqing said lightly, turned around and prepared to rest.

Early the next morning, Du Mantang called the police in the alley and reported the problem of Lao Ai's funeral disturbing the people.The police expressed understanding, but also hoped that he could understand the difficulties faced by each family.Although Du Mantang expressed his understanding, he believed that Lao Ai's actions were indeed excessive and constituted a disturbance to the people.At the same time, Wang Xiaoqing was about to pay the deposit for the house. She wanted to call Du Mantang to inform her of the matter, but Du Mantang kept talking to the police and the phone could not be connected.

On the other side, Zhang Zezhong received a call from the school principal and hurried to the school.On the way, Aunt Zhang invited Du Mantang to go out with her. Du Mantang wanted to take this opportunity to avoid the disturbance of Lao Ai's family, so he readily agreed.However, when they saw the police and Lao Ai not far away, Du Mantang looked a little embarrassed.Aunt Zhang explained that they just went to the community to deal with some new work arrangements.

After arriving at the school, Zhang Zezhong mentioned to everyone he met that the principal was looking for him, which aroused considerable attention.In the principal's office, Zhang Zezhong received a warm reception, and the principal also made him a cup of tea.When the principal offered to give him the tea, Zhang Zezhong declined because he thought it was valuable.However, the principal revealed that the tea was actually very cheap. He bought it online and bought one for 38 yuan per pound.This made Zhang Zezhong feel a little embarrassed.

The principal then talked with Zhang Zezhong about the work of the school library.Facing the principal's inquiry, Zhang Zezhong expressed his love and expectation for the work of library janitor.However, Zhang Zezhong's enthusiasm seemed to be dampened when the principal mentioned that the school would introduce an automated book lending system and reduce personnel needs.Still, he said he would work hard to do a good job.However, the principal's reaction made him realize that he might have misunderstood the principal's intention.

At the same time, Du Mantang accidentally met his apprentice Xiao Bian during a meeting in the district.What surprised him even more was that Xiao Bian was the host of this meeting.After the meeting, Du Mantang returned to the alley and wanted to communicate with Lao Ai about the issue of funerals that disturbed the people, but Lao Ai avoided him.Instead, he showed great enthusiasm for Zhang Zezhong, whom he met by chance.

On the other side, Du Li confided to his friend Zhang Youting about his parents' Cold War worries.Zhang Youting suggested that she follow the way Du Mantang coaxed Wang Xiaoqing to solve the problem.So, after Du Li returned home, he persuaded Du Mantang to put down his posture and take the initiative to show his kindness.After hearing this, Du Mantang decided to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and prepare a sumptuous dinner for Wang Xiaoqing to ease the relationship.In the vegetable market, he unexpectedly met Fatty.The fat man told him that Lao Ai's family bought a large amount of ingredients for the funeral, causing a shortage in the market.At the same time, Fatty also revealed a key figure who may help Du Mantang solve the problem of Lao Ai's family - Zhang Zezhong.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Du Mantang cooked a large table of dishes, but Wang Xiaoqing never moved his chopsticks.Du Mantang asked her to eat quickly, and Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Mantang if this was the life they wanted. She said she was worried about leaks when it rained, so she only dared to take off her cotton shoes when going to bed in winter.Moreover, the neighbors would drag him over to discuss anything and everything, and the noise would keep them awake.Their daughter Du Li was so old that she didn't even have a window for ventilation. He asked Du Mantang if he thought Du Li was willing to wander outside for so many years.And Du Mantang's father has always used that basin. Does it make him feel comfortable?Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Mantang whether he really didn't understand or what, and Du Mantang said that this is how life is lived.

Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Mantang if he would go with him if he went to live somewhere else.Du Mantang asked her what she meant by saying this. She thought she was acting in a Korean drama and left immediately.Wang Xiaoqing took out the contract to buy his house and gave it to Du Mantang. Du Mantang became angry when he saw it.When he asked Wang Xiaoqing about such an important matter as buying a house, she didn't discuss it with her family. Wang Xiaoqing said that she had called him so many times and he didn't answer, so how could she discuss it with him.After discussing with him whether he could agree, Du Mantang said he disagreed.Wang Xiaoqing said she would take Du Li to live in a new house in Hebei. Du Mantang said she dared, and Wang Xiaoqing said she dared.

Wang Xiaoqing was sleeping on the sofa and posted a message on WeChat about starting a new life. Du Mantang turned off his phone after reading it.In order to welcome the inspection team, Aunt Zhang and Du Mantang brought Zhang Zezhong to discuss with Lao Ai how to solve the problem of the cellar and the funeral. Aunt Zhang and the others wanted Lao Ai to fill up the cellar and postpone the funeral for a few days.God will do it.Lao Ai disagreed, and he started to cheat on Aunt Zhang and Du Mantang angrily.Zhang Zezhong couldn't listen anymore. He asked Lao Ai not to say that, and Lao Ai said that he had two requests.If they help him solve it, then he will do as they ask.

Lao Ai said that he had many bottles of wine in his cellar, and if they placed his wine well, he would agree to fill the cellar.The second request was that his father be cremated just two days after his death, which made him very embarrassed in front of his relatives.Aunt Zhang said that the wine would be arranged for him by herself, and the funeral would be carried out but it would be blocked by a set.Xiao Bian came as the leader of the inspection team. They came to the door of Lao Ai's house and saw the scenery and asked what was going on.Aunt Zhang and the others prepared to trick her, but the onlookers behind the set knocked the set down.The inspection team's affairs were messed up again, and Du Mantang had to complain again.He angrily told them that he would no longer be the Hutong housekeeper. When he returned home, he saw Wang Xiaoqing cooking a large table of dishes.

Du Mantang thought that Wang Xiaoqing had calmed down so quickly, so he began to tell her about how he was angry because of the complaints.Wang Xiaoqing said that she wanted to have a drink with him today. She asked Du Mantang when the last time the two of them drank, but Du Mantang did not remember.Wang Xiaoqing kept talking to Du Mantang about his thoughts, but Du Mantang kept talking about his neighbors.Wang Xiaoqing couldn't bear it anymore, so she took out the divorce agreement and gave it to Du Mantang.She told Du Mantang that she had already signed and asked him to sign quickly.Du Mantang felt that she was making a fuss, no matter how old she was, she still did this.

Wang Xiaoqing said that Du Mantang never cared about what he said. The water heater had been broken for three years and had not been replaced.Du Li happened to witness all this. She pulled Wang Xiaoqing and refused to let him go. Wang Xiaoqing asked her to go to her grandmother's house to find her.Wang Xiaoqing took the suitcase and went out. Du Li took the ring and told Du Mantang that Wang Xiaoqing did not take it away.Du Mantang recalled that when he proposed to Wang Xiaoqing, Wang Xiaoqing kept walking in the alley until dark and did not wait until Du Mantang came to find him.She returned to her parents' home in despair. Du Mantang sat on a stool in the alley and thought about every moment of her time with Wang Xiaoqing.He thought of Wang Xiaoqing's father who had taken care of him for so many years, and he just spent the night thinking about it.Zhang Zezhong met the principal and the three people he had spoken ill of before at school, and the three people ridiculed him.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Wang Xiaoqing lay in her mother's house and sighed. Her mother told her that she could no longer hold her breath.She told Wang Xiaoqing that she was not allowed to go back and that she would leave him alone for a few days and that she must calm down.Wang Xiaoqing asked her to stop nagging, she was not in the mood to think about him now.Du Mantang was about to go home and met Zhang Zezhong. Zhang Zezhong asked him what was wrong with his head hanging down.Du Mantang said there was nothing wrong with him, and Du Mantang asked him if he had trouble with Wang Xiaoqing.Du Mantang said there was no quarrel, and Zhang Zezhong said there was no quarrel, so his eyes went blank.Zhang Zezhong told Du Mantang that their school had laid off employees, and Du Mantang asked him if that was not a good thing.

Zhang Zezhong said that it would be fine if he was the one being cut. Du Mantang thought that would be fine too.He told Zhang Zezhong that he was still young and could continue to find a job, and the school would also give him a sum of money.Wouldn't it be good if he could still find a job now that he had money? Zhang Zezhong didn't think so. Du Mantang picked up the broom next to him and asked Zhang Zezhong to go find the principal.Du Li was a little worried about his parents, so she came to Zhang Youting to have barbecue and drink beer together.Du Li asked Zhang Youting what he should do. Zhang Youting said that she was not the little sunshine in the family. He asked Du Li to coax her parents.Du Li said that neither of them gave in and listened to her.

As she spoke, Du Li took a swig of beer and saw a pregnant woman walking over next to her.Du Li's eyes suddenly lit up, and she asked Zhang Youting if they were good buddies.Zhang Youting nodded, and Du Li asked Zhang Youting to be the father of his child.In this way, when Wang Xiaoqing heard that she was pregnant, he would definitely be anxious to come back. Once she came back, she would have the opportunity to reconcile the two of them.Zhang Youting asked her why she wanted him to be the father of her child, and Du Li said that the two of them were good buddies.Zhang Youting actually liked Du Li, so Du Li asked him if he could help him pretend to be the father of his child.Zhang Youting said that as long as it was her business, he would definitely help.

Zhang Zezhong came to Leizi's canteen and bought some wine and cigarettes.Zhang Zezhong asked Leizi to send it to school for him tomorrow, saying that it was a gift from Teacher Liu and three other teachers to the principal.Zhang Zezhong told Leizi that they wanted to give gifts to the principal, but they couldn't save face.He asked Lei Zi never to mention his name. Zhang Zezhong was afraid that Lei Zi wouldn't remember it, so he wrote it down on a piece of paper.He told Leizi to just read on the paper, and the most important thing was not to mention the three words Zhang Zezhong.Du Li called Wang Xiaoqing and told him that she was pregnant. Wang Xiaoqing stood up immediately after hearing it.Du Mantang happened to also hear it, and he asked Du Li who the grandson was and whose child he was.Du Li said that he was making it up, and Du Mantang said that what he just heard was true.

Du Li said that she made it up in order to get Wang Xiaoqing to come back. As she said this, she received a text message from Wang Xiaoqing. Wang Xiaoqing said that she didn't want to see Du Mantang and asked Du Li to go out to meet him.Leizi went to give gifts to the school leaders as Zhang Zezhong said, and he also read out the sentence "Don't mention Zhang Zezhong."The principal called Zhang Zezhong into the conference room. He told the school library that the technology introduced was suitable for young people, and he asked Zhang Zezhong to plan for his future.Zhang Zezhong sat dejectedly in the corridor. Zhang Youting sent him a message telling him that he had won a large prize abroad.Zhang Zezhong was very excited, and he happened to see the three school leaders.

Zhang Zezhong told them that he had a son and that his son had won the grand prize. Now it was not they who resigned from him, but he who resigned from them.After Zhang Zezhong said this, he breathed a sigh of relief and left. After returning home, Zhang Zezhong asked Zhang Youting how much money he would get from withdrawing so much money.Zhang Youting said there was no need to take it out, he would send it to Zhang Zezhong now.When Zhang Zezhong saw the total of 40,000 yuan, he asked Zhang Youting why he didn't send it out. Zhang Youting said that 10 million Korean won was more than 40,000 yuan.Zhang Zezhong said that after he ruined his job, he started calling to find a job.As a result, he found nothing, so Zhang Zezhong decided to rent a house and go out.Aunt Zhang was worried that there was no one to serve as housekeeper in the alley, and Zhang Zezhong happened to arrive. She asked Zhang Zezhong to think about it.Lao Fang came to drink with Zhang Zezhong, and he thought Zhang Zezhong could be the housekeeper.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Lao Fang asked Zhang Zezhong to be the town housekeeper because it would be good for him.If there was any benefit, he would give Zhang Zezhong some money, and Zhang Zezhong agreed.Because Wang Xiaoqing was worried about Du Li, she wanted to go home and have a look, but she hesitated as soon as she reached the door.She happened to see a rental sign posted on the door of Mendu Mantang.Just when Zhang Zezhong came back, Wang Xiaoqing asked him why he wanted to rent out the house.The two of them don't live well. It would be too crowded to rent a room.Zhang Zezhong said that Zhang Youting was so old that he had to save some money for him, and it would cost a lot of money to get a wife.Du Li and Zhang Youting were eating ice cream together, and Zhang Youting told her to tell him if she had anything unhappy.

Zhang Zezhong asked Wang Xiaoqing where she was going and wanted to drive her, but Wang Xiaoqing said she didn't know where she was going.Zhang Zezhong said that besides going to her mother, there was nowhere else she could go but she couldn't just spend one night at his place.It wouldn't be appropriate to let Du Mantang know that. Wang Xiaoqing said that she didn't care about him.Zhang Zezhong asked her if she was really at odds with Du Mantang, and he said that she couldn't live with him anymore.With that said, Zhang Zezhong started walking towards the entrance of the alley, preparing to see Wang Xiaoqing off.Du Li said that there was a bug in Zhang Youting's eye, and she helped Zhang Youting blow it out. The two of them were very close to each other.

Wang Xiaoqing and Zhang Zezhong happened to walk to the entrance of the alley and saw this scene, and they were questioned.Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Li and Zhang Youting angrily when the two of them happened, and Du Li said it was two months ago.Wang Xiaoqing said that he didn't ask her, but she asked Zhang Youting.Zhang Zezhong hurriedly helped Zhang Youting to catch Zhang Youting. Wang Xiaoqing asked Zhang Zezhong if he had known about it for a long time, so he rented out the house to help Zhang Youting save money to buy a house.Did he say this just to inoculate Wang Xiaoqing? Zhang Zezhong quickly said that he really didn't know, and Zhang Youting also quickly told Wang Xiaoqing that Zhang Zezhong really didn't know.

Wang Xiaoqing asked Zhang Youting and Du Li what their future plans were as they were about to become fathers and mothers.She asked Zhang Youting where he worked now. Zhang Zezhong quickly said that he was now an account manager in an educational institution. Wang Xiaoqing asked him how much he paid per month.Zhang Zezhong started talking again. Wang Xiaoqing told him to shut up and let Zhang Youting talk. Zhang Youting said that he had three thousand a month.When Wang Xiaoqing heard this, she started talking again. She felt that three thousand yuan a month was enough to support herself.What will happen to Du Li and the child after this? Zhang Zezhong said that there is a difference between raising children in poverty and raising them in wealth.Wang Xiaoqing didn't want to and asked if the child would have to be raised poor after birth. Zhang Zezhong said that was not what he meant.

Du Li didn't want to hear it anymore. She stood up and said she was going home to sleep.Wang Xiaoqing asked her to stop, and she said they would live here today.Du Li and Wang Xiaoqing lived in Zhang Youting's room. Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Li to be more careful in the future and use less cosmetics and play with his mobile phone less.Zhang Zezhong and Zhang Youting lived in the same room. Zhang Zezhong said that he usually kept silent, but he didn't expect to do important things in silence. He asked Zhang Youting to sleep first and then think about the child's affairs.Zhang Zezhong went to buy breakfast early the next morning. During the meal, Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Li and Zhang Youting to go back to the room to eat. She had something to say to Zhang Zezhong.

Wang Xiaoqing asked Zhang Zezhong what his plan was, and Zhang Zezhong said that he should not let the two of them get the certificate first.Wang Xiaoqing felt that this was unfair to Du Li, so Zhang Zezhong said that he would not let Du Li take away the child.Wang Xiaoqing was furious when she heard this. She asked Zhang Zezhong to give up the idea or else she would die in his house.Zhang Zezhong said that he was just trying to find out what she was talking about. Even if Wang Xiaoqing was willing to do it but he was not willing to do so, he was his eldest grandson.Wang Xiaoqing was going to let Du Li live in the house she bought to give her a guarantee, but when she found two people, she came to the sales department and found out that she had been cheated.Zhang Zezhong came to Du Mantang's house. During the chat between the two, Du Mantang knew that Wang Xiaoqing stayed at Zhang Zezhong's house last night, and he was angry.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

As soon as Zhang Zezhong heard that Du Mantang was divorcing Wang Xiaoqing, he said that Du Mantang could not divorce Wang Xiaoqing no matter who he divorced.She was a good woman who could not be found even with a lantern. He said that the people chasing Wang Xiaoqing were lined up from Tian A Gate to Marco Polo Bridge.When Du Mantang heard this, he told Zhang Zezhong to go to Marco Polo Bridge, but Zhang Zezhong asked him not to say that.He asked Du Mantang to consider the child's feelings, and Du Mantang repeatedly told him that Du Li's child was fake.But Zhang Zezhong just didn't believe it. He kept talking about the child, so Du Mantang said that he should live with Wang Xiaoqing and his family of four.Du Mantang said that it would be meaningless for him to say this, and Zhang Zezhong and him were in the process of quarreling.

Aunt Zhang brought a woman and said she was here to see Du Mantang. Zhang Zezhong said he could do it and he understood.Du Mantang asked him not to say that, and the woman gave a postcard to Du Mantang.He recognized the woman at first glance as his elementary school classmate Guo Zi, and Guo Zi hugged Du Mantang.Zhang Zezhong said that he was very good at it, and Guo Zi told him that he was used to it abroad.Zhang Zezhong said that he was not used to it in China, and left after saying that. Aunt Zhang also saw this scene. She also pointed at Du Mantang and said that Wang Xiaoqing went to work. He is really good.Du Mantang was left with a confused face. Aunt Zhang would not have brought that woman here if she had known this was the case.

Guo Rong told Du Mantang that he actually wanted to interview his father this time. After all, he was a famous chef.When Du Mantang's father heard Guo Rong ask him about the cake, he was able to tell him immediately.Wang Xiaoqing made an appointment for Du Li to have a prenatal check-up. Du Li was a little panicked when she heard that she was afraid that her secret would be revealed.Just after dinner, Wang Xiaoqing took Du Li to go for a prenatal check-up, which frightened Du Li. She immediately told Wang Xiaoqing that she was not pregnant. She said this to let Wang Xiaoqing go back. Wang Xiaoqing asked her if she had joined forces with Du MantangLie to her together.Du Li swore that this matter was her idea alone and had nothing to do with Du Mantang.

Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Li if Du Mantang really didn't know. Du Li asked her to go home and ask herself.Wang Xiaoqing said she thought she didn't dare, so she came to Leizi's house and bought two bottles of Arctic Ocean to take home.As soon as they got home, they saw Du Mantang and Guo Rong chatting happily. Wang Xiaoqing told Du Mantang that Du Li had gone to the hospital for a prenatal check-up and everything was fine. After that, he left and said he would stay at Zhang Zezhong's house.Du Mantang was left with a confused face. Guo Rong asked him if that was his wife and he had caused trouble for him.Wang Xiaoqing came to tell Zhang Zezhong that he had rented the house, and gave the money to Zhang Zezhong.Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Li if Du Mantang knew about her fake pregnancy, and Du Li said he didn't know.

Wang Xiaoqing asked her not to tell Du Mantang, but to let Du Mantang know how to worry and take care of her.Du Li thought of Du Mantang saying the same thing to her, and she began to be in a dilemma.Du Li told Wang Xiaoqing that Du Mantang's food had been shabby in the past few days since she was away, and Wang Xiaoqing felt that he deserved it.Zhang Zezhong wanted Zhang Youting to take over the project of Mr. Sun's chicken farm sculpture. He told Zhang Youting that if he wanted to succeed, the two of them must act in a play.Zhang Youting asked him how to act, and Zhang Zezhong said to pretend that he was not his father.He asked Zhang Youting to ask in front of Mr. Sun that he should be called Teacher Zhang, and he asked Zhang Youting to call him Neil Zhang.

Zhang Youting and Zhang Zezhong came to see Mr. Sun smoothly, and Mr. Sun also agreed to leave the sculpture design to Zhang Youting.When Zhang Zezhong was about to raise the deposit, Mr. Sun blocked their mouths by giving them some chickens and eggs.Zhang Zezhong returned to the alley and shared some eggs with his neighbors. The neighbors all exaggerated Zezhong's ability to do things.When Zhang Zezhong went home, he happened to bump into Wang Xiaoqing. The two were chatting and walking, and they happened to be seen by Du Mantang who was going out.Wang Xiaoqing and he were angry at each other again. Aunt Zhang came to Zhang Zezhong and told him to leave it to him to fill the cellar with Lao Ai. Lao Ai still wanted to make money from the wine in the cellar.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

When Du Mantang was bathing his father, he thought that he should also find a job. Just being idle like this was not an option.Du Mantang began to rummage through the cabinets and found his shirts and suits. He remembered that Wang Xiaoqing had ironed these clothes for him before.Du Mantang began to tie his tie in a hurry. When Wang Xiaoqing was packing her things, she saw the tie she was going to give to Du Mantang, and she thought of the scene at that time.Wang Xiaoqing happened to see Zhang Zezhong, and she asked Zhang Zezhong to give the tie to that person.Zhang Zezhong asked her who that person was. In fact, he knew in his heart that the person Wang Xiaoqing was talking about was Du Mantang.

Zhang Zezhong came to Du Mantang's house with his tie. Du Mantang was dressed energetically and ready to go out. Zhang Zezhong told him that he was becoming the alley housekeeper.Du Mantang said he should take it, and asked Du Li to hand him the bag. He took the bag and went out happily.Zhang Zezhong asked why he was so high-spirited even after getting divorced, and Du Li said that her father had always been like this.Wang Xiaoqing received a call saying that the factory director asked her to come over quickly. The call was hung up before she understood what was going on. Wang Xiaoqing thought about taking a few days off.Zhang Zezhong came to see Lao Ai, and Lao Ai asked him to try his new snake gall wine.Zhang Zezhong said that he would become a grandfather soon if he stopped drinking.

Lao Ai asked him what he said, and Zhang Zezhong said that Zhang Youting was getting married soon.Zhang Zezhong wanted to pour some tea, but there was no water in the teapot.Zhang Zezhong took out Fatty's video for Lao Ai to watch. Lao Ai asked him why he was allowed to watch this video, and he became angry when he saw it.Zhang Zezhong told him that it was because of this video that Fatty was now popular, and a lot of people went to eat in his restaurant that day.Lao Ai said of course he knew. He said that 90% of the money the fat man made now was due to him. After saying that, Lao Ai was going to go to the fat man to ask for money.Zhang Zezhong asked him to sit down quickly and stop being so priceless.

He told Lao Ai that he could do the same, and even more. Didn't Lao Ai have a cornucopia at home?Lao Ai said he didn't understand what it meant, so he asked Zhang Zezhongming to explain.Zhang Zezhong told him to make a video of the process of filling the cellar and upload it to the Internet. Lao Ai asked if anyone could watch it. Zhang Zezhong told him that there was still wine in the cellar.Wang Xiaoqing came to the factory and the director told them that the factory had been acquired. Wang Xiaoqing knew that they were going to be laid off.The factory director told them that he had applied for benefits for them and would also pay their pensions, and each of them would receive 300,000 yuan.Wang Xiaoqing and the others felt that they could not find other jobs now that they were so old. The factory director said that he would apply for another 100,000 yuan more for them.

Wang Xiaoqing and the others were very happy and jumped up excitedly.Lao Ai started to fill the cellar and shoot videos. He also wanted to be an internet celebrity.Du Mantang came to the restaurant owned by his colleague who worked together before. He asked his colleague if he was busy and if he still needed anyone.His colleague told him that he was not busy. There were enough people for the two of us, including his son and daughter-in-law, sometimes.Du Mantang thought about it as soon as he heard this. His colleague told him where his former Xiao Gao could recruit people and asked Du Mantang to go and take a look.Wang Xiaoqin and two other women in the factory, all three of whom had 400,000 yuan, began to go shopping and get manicures.Wang Xiaoqing said that she wanted to see the lives of other people, and a colleague suggested that she open a B&B.

Zhang Zezhong took Zhang Youting to show Mr. Sun the completed draft of the first design. When they returned, the tram had no electricity.The two people pushed it to a canteen, and the boss asked them to spend money before charging them.Du Mantang came to find Xiao Gao looking for a job, and Xiao Gao became arrogant.The two of them met Teacher Guan while they were walking. Xiao Gao wanted to shake hands with him and flatter him.Unexpectedly, when Teacher Guan saw Du Mantang, he immediately stepped forward to shake his hand. It turned out that the two people had known each other before.Wang Xiaoqing was taken to a B&B by her colleagues. She thought it would be great if she could have one like this.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Wang Xiaoqing and his colleagues returned to the alley drunkenly, and Du Mantang happened to be back too.The two people met, and Wang Xiaoqing said that she had something good going on, but she didn't want to tell him.Especially not wanting to tell him, Wang Xiaoqing wandered back to the house he rented.When she got home, she saw Du Li playing the guitar. When Du Li saw her coming back drunk, she quickly stopped to get Wang Xiaoqing some water.Wang Xiaoqing asked her to continue playing, and Du Li asked her if she was in a bad mood and missed Du Mantang.Wang Xiaoqing said that she had no time to think about him, she might as well think about her future happy life.Wang Xiaoqing told Du Li that she had made a fortune. Du Li asked her if she had won the lottery. Wang Xiaoqing stretched out her hand and made a sign of forty.

Du Li asked her how much it cost to drink like this.Wang Xiaoqing said it was 400,000. Du Li was very excited when he heard it and said he should drink more.Wang Xiaoqing calculated that the house was refunded for 250,000 yuan, plus the 400,000 yuan.She now has 650,000 yuan, and Wang Xiaoqing said she wanted to open a B&B.Du Li felt it was unreliable, so Wang Xiaoqing said that he would keep 100,000 and give the rest to Du Li.Du Li felt that she was too righteous. Wang Xiaoqing said that one hundred thousand yuan would be enough for her to travel across half of China, and she might even meet a twilight lover.As soon as Du Li heard about Dusk Love, she immediately said that she should open a B&B. When Wang Xiaoqing heard about it, she immediately said to open a B&B.

Du Mantang was sewing clothes at home and watching TV. The news on the TV said that a shooting occurred in a place in the United States.When Du Mantang heard that wasn't the place where his brother Du Mansheng was, he immediately called Du Mansheng.Du Mantang was worried when he didn't get through. When the phone rang, he thought he was satisfied and immediately answered the call.Unexpectedly, it was Xiao Gao who was looking for a job during the day. Xiao Gao called and asked Du Mantang to go to work tomorrow.Du Mantang was worried about being satisfied, so he hung up the phone after saying yes.After posting the video, Lao Ai became obsessed with checking the number of likes he received, but since he couldn't get any, he started asking everyone in the alley to like him.

When Aunt Zhang saw the video, she thought Zhang Zezhong was really good, and Lao Ai's cellar was really filled.Du Mantang came to work in the hotel, and he asked Xiao Gao what he did specifically. Xiao Gao told him that he had no special job, but that Teacher Guan was a very important customer of theirs, and he hoped that Du Mantang could help them maintain this relationship.Zhang Zezhong started to come for the wedding banquet. He called Zhang Youting and asked him how many months Du Li had been there.Zhang Youting told him that he didn't have to do this. Zhang Zezhong said no, so he told Zhang Youting to leave it alone.Du Mantang walked around the hall and saw a handkerchief messed up on the table.Relying on his previous experience in hotels, Du Mantang became proficient in folding flowers.

As soon as he folded it, a staff member came to tell him that this was the latest theme of their hotel. Du Mantang awkwardly took it apart again.When Zhang Zezhong returned home, he told Zhang Youting that he had booked a hotel, a five-star hotel.Zhang Youting asked him how much it was, and Zhang Zezhong said it was more than 20,000 yuan as a deposit.Zhang Youting asked him to back out because he didn't want to hold a wedding. Zhang Zezhong thought it was Zhang Youting who felt sorry for him because he had no money.He told Zhang Youting not to worry about this. He had spent hundreds of thousands to go abroad, so he was not afraid of this. Besides, he would have completed his mission after he got married.

Zhang Zezhong came to Mr. Sun's chicken farm to ask for a deposit. Unexpectedly, Mr. Sun's chicken farm was sealed.On the way back, Zhang Zezhong thought of what Wang Xiaoqing said about the child, and he almost bumped into someone.Zhang Zezhong returned to the alley in annoyance. As soon as he arrived in the alley, Lao Ai stopped him and said that his likes could not be increased.Lao Ai said that Zhang Zezhong could no longer ignore him. Zhang Zezhong said that he would park the car and chat with him.Lao Ai followed him to his home, and Zhang Zezhong told him that he could invite Fatty to have dinner together.Add some people to cook the mutton together, let him and the fat man record a video together, and it will be enough to get some traffic.Lao Ai thought it was okay when he heard it, but he said that he had been having difficulties recently and asked Zhang Zezhong to pay for the mutton.Du Mantang was complained about in the hotel.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Du Mantang was complained for breaking into the guest's room, and Xiao Gao told him that sometimes he shouldn't be too serious.Du Mantang said that what they filmed in the hotel room was immoral, and Xiao Gao told him that times are progressing.It's no longer the old man's life 20 years ago. As long as he doesn't commit crimes in his room, he has no right to control others.Xiao Gao asked him to think about it by himself. Don't do this again next time. If the hotel loses stars, it will be serious.As soon as Wang Xiaoqing arrived at her mother's house, her mother quickly asked her to help thread the needle.Her mother asked Wang Xiaoqing if she knew why she wore a cheongsam. It was to show off her beauty.

Wang Xiaoqing asked her to show it slowly. He had to take a shower quickly. He was very tired after walking for a day.Her mother asked her what she was doing. Wasn't she going on a date?Wang Xiaoqing said how could it be possible? Her mother said that Du Mantang was unreliable and Wang Xiaoqing should consider finding another one.Wang Xiaoqing said what the hell, she wasn't divorced yet.Xiao Wang, who is engaged in pyramid schemes, came to Kuaguaxian Alley and asked his neighbor if there were many elderly people in this alley.Their company mainly provides elderly care, and he wanted to distribute the company's products, polenta and rice, to everyone.The neighbor asked him to go to Courtyard No. 3 to find Zhang Zezhong. He was the alley housekeeper and could take him around.

Susu brought her friends to the Fatty Restaurant for dinner. Her friend started a live broadcast, and the number of people in the live broadcast room continued to increase.But her friend said that the belly pops in Fatty’s shop were low-end stuff, and Fatty happened to hear it.He was not happy, so the fat man said what kind of friends were Susu and the others? He told them not to come because they thought they were low-class, but he didn't invite them.Lao Ai came to see Fatty, but Fatty didn't want to pay attention to him, and the two of them were arguing.The fat man said that he had already dismantled the pavilion, so what else did he want to do? Lao Ai said that he came here to ask him to eat hotpot mutton.The fat man still refused to go, and the two of them were chatting with each other. Just when Susu came to talk to the fat man about something.

Lao Ai asked Susu to come with him. Susu said that Fatty should go with him, and Fatty agreed.The fat man said that Zhang Zezhong's mutton was too little, and he could finish it with only one chopstick.Zhang Zezhong called Zhang Youting and asked him to come back and bring another two pounds. Everyone thought it was mutton, but when Zhang Youting came back, they found that it was burned.Lao Ai asked Zhang Zezhong why it was sesame seed cakes.Zhang Zezhong said that he was trying to save money for him, and he couldn't afford to buy two kilograms of mutton now.While everyone was eating, Zhang Zezhong talked about Lao Ai and Fatty, and Lao Ai also apologized to Fatty.Fatty also forgave Lao Ai, and Zhang Zezhong asked Fatty to help forward Lao Ai's video. If that didn't work, they would make another one.

Du Li told Du Mantang that Wang Xiaoqing was going to open a B&B. Du Mantang felt that it would be too much to open a B&B with Wang Xiaoqing's brain.When Zhang Zezhong and others were eating, Xiao Wang came and they welcomed him very much.Zhang Zezhong said that today is a day of three joys. The first is to welcome Xiao Wang, and the second is that Lao Ai and Fatty have reconciled.He said that the third happy event was a happy event for their entire hutong. Everyone thought that the hutong was going to be demolished, but Zhang Zezhong said that Zhang Youting was getting married.Zhang Zezhong took the opportunity to collect some contribution money, and Xiao Wang took the lead in transferring 6,600 yuan.In fact, this was an agreement between him and Zhang Zezhong in advance. He helped Zhang Zezhong act, and Zhang Zezhong helped him get acquainted with the people in the alley.

Zhang Youting once again told Zhang Zezhong not to hold a wedding, but Zhang Zezhong didn't listen and Zhang Youting hadn't told him the truth yet.Du Li told Wang Xiaoqing that Du Mantang had found a job. He said that when he made money, he would hire a nanny for the old man.Wang Xiaoqing became angry when she heard this. She said that she had been a nanny for their Du family these years.When Du Mantang was working, he encountered more than 20 people sharing a room. He felt it was very unreasonable.There was a quarrel after a while, and Du Mantang saw Susu when he went there. Susu told him that this was a luxury suite they opened jointly, and everyone went in to take pictures for twenty minutes just to post on WeChat Moments.Zhang Zezhong was still watching the wedding and confinement center. Zhang Youting and Du Li said they wanted to confess to Zhang Zezhong.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Zhang Youting asked Du Li to go with him to explain clearly to Zhang Zezhong, and Du Li said she wanted to go with Wang Xiaoqing.She told Zhang Youting not to look at his father who was usually cheerful. If he really lost his temper, her mother Wang Xiaoqing would be the only one in the whole alley who could hold him down.As he said that, Du Li quickly called Wang Xiaoqing and said that he would explain it to Zhang Zezhong at night. Wang Xiaoqing said that he should explain it quickly. She was always thinking about this matter.Zhang Zezhong only bought a piece of bread for lunch at the canteen, thinking that he could save a little.As soon as he drove into the alley, Lao Ai stopped him. Lao Ai said why his likes still couldn't be added.

Zhang Zezhong told him that he wanted to get likes on the video he had just recorded. He asked Lao Ai to see if Fatty's store had a long queue a few days ago and that there was no one there now.Zhang Zezhong said that Zhang Youting was getting married soon, and he still had a hole of hundreds of thousands to fill.He asked Lao Ai to get himself a hundred or eighty thousand yuan first when he got rich. Lao Ai said how could he have any money?He said why Zhang Zezhong was so kind to persuade him and Fatty to reconcile. It was for his own sake. Lao Ai already knew that Zhang Zezhong and the newcomer Xiao Wang were acting together.Zhang Zezhong said that he really had no choice but to ask Lao Ai if he could lend him money.Lao Ai said that if he wanted to borrow it, he should have it. Lao Ai said that in this alley, who has money and who does not have money? Zhang Zezhong is not a well-known person.

Zhang Zezhong came to Teacher Guan's house to borrow money. The nanny told him that Teacher Guan and his family were traveling to Xiamen.Du Li and Zhang Youting were waiting for Wang Xiaoqing to come over. They went to explain to Zhang Zezhong, but they didn't expect that Wang Xiaoqing had something to do and couldn't come.Du Li told Zhang Youting to wait until tomorrow. If Wang Xiaoqing didn't come tomorrow, she would kowtow to Zhang Zezhong and apologize.The electricity meter in Lao Fang's rented house kept rising. The tenant bought his own air conditioner and hid it in the closet. Lao Fang went to check and found no abnormalities.Zhang Zezhong came to Lao Fang to borrow money again, but Lao Fang said he had no money at all.

Seeing that the wedding was coming, Zhang Zezhong was very anxious. He searched all over the alley to borrow money, but he didn't borrow much money.Lao Fang told him that it was not possible in the alley, then there were still his colleagues, and there must be thousands of them in the school.Du Mantang saw that the driver was feeling unwell and had taken medicine, but he had to go to the airport to pick someone up in the afternoon, so Du Mantang said he would go for him.Aunt Zhang asked Zhang Zezhong to go with her to donate money to a child with leukemia in the alley. Zhang Zezhong said that he had no money to donate, but Aunt Zhang said it was voluntary.Du Mantang came to the airport and picked up Mr. Jiang, the man Wang Xiaoqing met on a business trip to Qingdao. The two chatted happily.

As soon as Zhang Zezhong and Aunt Zhang came out of the oncology department after seeing the child with leukemia, they met Yi Yi, a student from Zhang Zezhong's previous school, and asked him how he got out of the oncology department and if he was in any trouble.Zhang Zezhong thought of what Lao Fang said about asking him to find his former colleagues, and he immediately said that he had an incurable disease.So that he wouldn't be sad and let him know if there was anything he could do to help.Wang Xiaoqing was just about to come and tell Zhang Zezhong about the fake pregnancy, but her mother called her again and asked her away.Zhang Youting told Du Li that he must explain clearly to Zhang Zezhong today, otherwise he would really go bankrupt.

Du Li was still too scared to go. She said she wanted to go home to see her grandfather, but she didn't expect to find that her grandfather was missing when she returned home.Du Li quickly called Du Mantang to tell him about the incident, and the neighbors also came out to help them find it.Finally, he was found in Houhai, Shichahai. The old man said Wang Xiaoqing's name and asked her to take him home because it was getting cold.Zhang Zezhong was sleeping when he received a call from his former colleague asking him how he was sick. Zhang Zezhong was confused and his colleague asked him to stop pretending. Chen Yiyi had already started donating money at school.As soon as he hung up the phone, the principal called to ask which hospital he was in and that they wanted to see him. Zhang Zezhong hurriedly went to find Lao Ai and his wife and asked them to pretend to be his doctors and nurses.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Zhang Zezhong quickly asked Lao Ai and his wife to change into the doctor's and nurse uniforms he borrowed. Lao Ai's wife smeared Zhang Zezhong's face white, making him look dull.As soon as Principal Niu was done, he came with the other two principals. When they saw Zhang Zezhong, they asked him when it happened.Zhang Zezhong said that not long after he left school, Principal Niu said that if he had known this, they would not have adjusted him.Zhang Zezhong told Principal Niu that those behind him were his attending doctors and nurses. Principal Niu asked Lao Ai to save their colleagues.Principal Niu asked why Zhang Youting was not there. Zhang Zezhong said that Zhang Youting was out raising money because of his illness.

Principal Niu told him not to worry, their school was also mobilizing everyone to donate, and the first payment would arrive soon.When Lao Ai heard this, he said he still had money, and he immediately asked how much it was.Principal Niu said that it was enough to treat Zhang Zezhong. If it was not enough, they would find a way.Zhang Zezhong asked Principal Niu and the others to leave immediately. The hospital was not a good place. He asked Principal Niu to just transfer the money to his card when the time came.As soon as Principal Niu and the three of them walked out, Principal Ma asked him if he thought it was strange.Principal Niu told him not to make false assumptions about others. The female principal said that doctors and nurses were too weird, and Zhang Zezhong was like that. The two of them were still joking heartlessly.

When Zhang Zezhong returned home, he saw Zhang Youting and Du Li waiting for him. He told them that he had raised enough money for them to get married.The two of them were told to travel wherever they wanted. Zhang Zezhong said he was going to take a nap when he was tired.As soon as he turned around, he saw Du Li kneeling on the ground with a plop, and he quickly asked Du Li to get up.Du Li told him that she was not pregnant, nor was she in a relationship with Zhang Youting. She made all this up to prevent her parents from getting divorced.Zhang Zezhong was very angry when he heard this. He felt that Du Li and the others should not treat him like this.He found the best wedding and confinement centers for them, and even pretended to be sick to get people to donate.

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened the door and saw the headmistress bringing her classmates to visit him. They also heard everything Zhang Zezhong said.Everyone knew that Zhang Zezhong pretended to be ill and cheated money. Newspapers posted in the alleys wrote that he cheated money and was morally corrupt.As soon as Zhang Zezhong walked out of the door, he was laughed at by his neighbors. He said that Du Li had lied to them about this matter.Du Mantang happened to hear it. He didn't want Zhang Zezhong to talk about his daughter, so the two had a big quarrel in the alley.Du Mantang asked him to meet in Houhai tonight, but Zhang Youting stopped Zhang Zezhong from letting him go. Du Li also said that it was his fault and would not let Du Mantang go.But neither of them listened, and they came to Houhai.

Zhang Zezhong handed Du Mantang a brick and asked him to hit his head.Du Mantang said don't think he didn't dare, Zhang Zezhong asked him to listen to what he said before smashing.Zhang Zezhong said that if they want to divorce, they should divorce, and don't let Zhang Youting take the blame.Zhang Zezhong felt that Wang Xiaoqing had worked hard as a nanny for the Du family these years. If he were Wang Xiaoqing, he would really divorce Du Mantang.As Du Mantang was about to hit Zhang Zezhong, the police just arrived.It turned out that Zhang Zezhong called the police in advance, and both of them were taken to the police station.The two were locked in the police station room and still quarreling. Zhang Zezhong asked Du Mantang if he would be happy if the matter about their two children was true.

Du Mantang was speechless, and Zhang Zezhong said that there was a restaurant outside the police station that was very authentic and he would go out to eat later.Du Mantang asked what time it was, and he was still thinking about eating.The police contacted the people in Kuaguaxian Alley, and Aunt Zhang took Lao Ai, Fatty, Du Li, and Zhang Youting to the police station.They explained the situation to the police and informed Du Mantang's unit.Aunt Zhang felt there was no need to inform her. The police said this was their procedure.Zhang Zezhong and Du Mantang saw Xiao Gao from the hotel at the door as soon as they came out. Du Mantang knew that he had lost his job.Zhang Zezhong and Du Mantang started arguing again, but he let go as soon as he turned around and saw Zhang Youting and Du Li.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Zhang Zezhong received the money from Zhang Youting, and he said that he was in trouble in this alley.As soon as she finished speaking, Aunt Zhang came with Chief Chen. Both Aunt Zhang and Chief Chen said that Zhang Zezhong was now more than an ordinary citizen.He is also an alley steward who needs to lead and set an example.Zhang Zezhong heard that the two people did not want him to be the butler of the alley, but Zhang Zezhong pretended not to know.He kept saying that he would do a good job as the housekeeper of this alley. Alley Chief Chen and Aunt Zhang looked at each other, and they stopped talking and said that they would hold a meeting tomorrow to see what happened to the big guy.Comment.

Du Mantang came to see Teacher Guan. Firstly, he wanted to thank Teacher Guan for finding him a job in the hotel, and secondly, he wanted to apologize to Teacher Guan.Teacher Guan found him a job. He lost his job due to his own reasons and felt very sorry for Teacher Guan.After hearing this, Teacher Guan thought it was nothing. He said that he had a job a long time ago that he thought would be suitable for Du Mantang, but he was afraid that he would not want it, so he never mentioned it.Du Mantang asked him to just say it. Teacher Guan said that he had a friend with a good family, but he was short of an assistant.Du Mantang asked him what he did specifically, and Teacher Guan said that he helped in daily life and so on. He was an assistant, but not a nanny.

Teacher Guan asked Du Mantang to try to work for a few days, but he would not go if he felt a little uncomfortable.Du Li and Wang Xiaoqing were at her grandmother's house. Her grandmother said that Du Mantang was a bad person.Du Li said that he was also venting his anger on himself. Her grandmother felt that Du Mantang was not very smart. She felt that Zhang Zezhong was not a good person but had a better mind than him.Wang Xiaoqing told her that he wanted to open a B&B, and she supported Wang Xiaoqing very much.Du Mantang came to the place introduced by Teacher Guan, and Mr. Liu was his boss this time.Du Mantang asked him what his main job was, and Mr. Liu told him that he was his personal assistant, responsible for daily life and work.

After the two chatted for a while, Mr. Liu's wife came. She asked Du Mantang what his zodiac sign was and what his zodiac sign was.Du Mantang was a little speechless when she asked him. Mr. Liu was just about to talk about salary.His wife directly said that the probation period was 15,000 yuan for one month, and after the probation period was 50,000 yuan for one month, Du Mantang was extremely happy.Wang Xiaoqing came to apologize to Zhang Zezhong. She gave Zhang Zezhong the money to book the hotel, and Zhang Zezhong said that Du Mantang had already given it to him.The two of them had agreed on the matter, and Wang Xiaoqing ran into Du Mantang as soon as he walked out of the door.Du Mantang asked her what she wanted from him. Wang Xiaoqing said that she was not looking for him, but that she came to apologize to Zhang Zezhong.

Du Mantang felt that there was no need to apologize to Zhang Zezhong. Wang Xiaoqing said that he was a very energetic person. If she had not helped maintain relationships in these years, Du Mantang would not have had a single friend.In order to regain the trust of Hutong people, Zhang Zezhong rented a van and drove them to buy groceries every day.And some changes have been made in the alley, which has made it convenient for many people in the alley.Zhang Youting took another job without telling Zhang Zezhong, just to help him reduce his burden.Du Mantang was discussing the work process with Mr. Liu. Mrs. Liu said there was a work conflict and she sneered at Du Mantang.Mr. Liu told Du Mantang not to care, that's just how she was, and told him that Xixi must be picked up and dropped off by him personally.

Leizi ran over to find Zhang Zezhong, and Zhang Zezhong said he wouldn't pay for gas until the end of the month.Leizi said that he was not doing it for this, and asked Zhang Zezhong to help him line up for a lottery to buy a pair of sneakers in the afternoon.Zhang Zezhong said that he could just help him buy the shoes, but Leizi said that he could only buy shoes if he won the lottery.If you buy a pair of shoes, you can earn thousands. He told Zhang Zezhong that if he won the lottery, he would not need gas money next month.Teacher Guan asked Du Mantang how his work was, and he told him that rich people think that money can solve everything. Du Mantang said that he was fine and could accept it.He watched Mr. Liu play and draw with Xixi.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

When Zhang Zezhong was queuing up to buy sneakers for Leizi, he met a scalper. The scalper thought Zhang Zezhong was also a scalper.He came over and got close to Zhang Zezhong, who said that he was not a scalper.The man said that his temperament was really like that of a scalper. He asked him if he was queuing up to buy sneakers for his son. Zhang Zezhong nodded.The scalper said that there were so many people in line today, but they only gave out more than a hundred tickets.He told Zhang Zezhong that he couldn't wait in line, and he opened his clothes to let him see.Zhang Zezhong saw that there were many tickets, and the scalper told him that he would definitely win for 5,000 yuan a ticket.Zhang Zezhong felt it was not worth it, so a security guard happened to come. He told the security guard that there was a scalper and asked him to take care of it.

Mr. Liu asked Xixi if she was happy here. Xixi said she was very happy but would not be happy when the red wolf came.The red wolf in his mouth refers to Mrs. Liu, and Mrs. Liu came as soon as he finished speaking.Du Mantang quickly pulled Xixi away. On the way back, Du Mantang asked Xixi how Mr. Liu bathed him.Xixi said to just put some shower gel and rinse it with water, and there was no other way to take a shower.A foreigner came to Fatty's fried belly shop. He asked Fatty what fried belly was. Fatty made him a plate and let him eat it.He told the foreigner that this was a cow's stomach. The foreigner didn't know what it was, so the fat man took out a whole cow's stomach and showed it to him.

Du Mantang sent Xixi back to Teacher Guan's house. When Xixi saw his mother, he stepped forward and hugged her.Du Mantang asked Teacher Guan if Teacher Liu was too kind to Xixi. Teacher Guan thought it was nothing, as they were both teachers and friends and they all had feelings.Du Mantang thought that was great. Teacher Guan said that they had no children, so this was normal.Teacher Guan said that he was very grateful to Du Mantang for telling him the news. Du Mantang also found it boring and left.Wang Xiaoqing asked Fatty to help her keep an eye on a place where she wanted to open a B&B.The fat man asked her if Du Mantang knew about this. Wang Xiaoqing said that the two of them were free now. The fat man said that was right, and he had never discussed it with Du Mantang before.

Wang Xiaoqing asked him what he meant. She asked Fatty to pay attention to her, and then left.Liang Xin and Xixi were talking about how stressful studying was, and they wanted to run together.Before they could make a plan, both of them were caught by their parents.Fatty and Wang Xiaoqing walked around for a whole day without finding a suitable store. As soon as they came back, they met Du Mantang pushing the old man for a walk.When the old man saw Wang Xiaoqing, he called her. Wang Xiaoqing asked the fat man to go back first and walked with the old man for a while.As the two of them walked, Wang Xiaoqing told Du Mantang that she was going to open a B&B. Du Mantang told her that she could make money by opening a guest house near Beijing Station.

Du Mantang told her that it mainly depends on the location. The two of them were talking about a sudden power outage in the alley.Zhang Zezhong drove Aunt Zhang and the others to buy groceries in a van again, but unexpectedly they met the scalper from last time.He brought some people to find trouble with Zhang Zezhong, and a boy wearing a panda suit happened to pull Zhang Zezhong away.Zhang Zezhong discovered that this panda was his son Zhang Youting. He knew that Zhang Youting had been doing this when he came home late these days.Wang Xiaoqing rented the shop in their alley, and Du Mantang took Xixi to Mr. Liu's house.Halfway through, Xixi said he was going to poop, and Du Mantang had no choice but to stop.

Liang Xin was walking with his mother. When he reached the entrance of the burger shop, he also said he wanted to go to the toilet.Du Mantang and Liang Xin's mother couldn't wait for the child, so they hurried to find it.Du Mantang went to Teacher Guan's house to ask if Xixi was back, and happened to meet Liang Xin's mother who also came to ask if Liang Xin was here.They thought the two children might have agreed upon it, so they went to the police station together to report the matter.Zhang Zezhong happened to drive in front of the big car that was about to hit the two children, and Zhang Zezhong also became Xixi's savior.Mr. Liu specially invited him to dinner to thank him, and Du Mantang also submitted his resignation at the dinner table.Teacher Guan told him that Xixi actually belonged to Mr. Liu and his ex-wife. Because of his current wife and the fact that he and his wife had no children, they kept Xixi at home.Zhang Youting said Zhang Zezhong was too brave, but Zhang Zezhong said it was because his brakes were broken.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

After Du Mantang resigned from Mr. Liu, Zhang Zezhong immediately recommended himself as soon as he heard about the high salary.Wang Xiaoqing was renovating his B&B when a foreigner took photos all over the alley with a camera.He came outside Wang Xiaoqing's B&B and happened to see Wang Xiaoqing working. He thought it looked good and took a photo.Foreigners came over and wanted to help Wang Xiaoqing with work. Wang Xiaoqing said it was so embarrassing.He said that when the B&B opened, he could stay here for free for a few days. Wang Xiaoqing told him that was no problem.As the foreigner said this, he took off his coat and started working. Just when Su Su came to Wang Xiaoqing and saw the foreigner, she was immediately attracted.

Susu told Wang Xiaoqing that she would also come to help tomorrow. The foreigner said that her name was Wang Xiaoqing, and he introduced his name as Pierre.Susu fell in love with Pierre at first sight, and she asked Wang Xiaoqing to create some private space for the two of them.Wang Xiaoqing said that judging from her performance, the two of them were talking about Pierre's arrival.He said that the light at this time was the best, and as he said that, Pierre picked up the camera and started taking pictures.After the B&B was set up, Wang Xiaoqing, Susu and Pierre were chatting on the rooftop. Pierre showed them many places he had visited.Wang Xiaoqing was deeply inspired after reading it. She said she wanted to build a swing in the B&B.

Pierre came to Du Mantang's courtyard again. He thought the courtyard was very beautiful, like a coffee shop.Du Mantang said it was not a coffee shop, but there was coffee and he could get him a cup.Susu praised Pierre in the bathhouse for knowing many things. She said that he had also photographed large airplanes and warships. Aunt Zhang immediately became alert when she heard about warships.Early the next morning, Aunt Zhang followed Pierre to see what he was doing. She followed him to the bathroom door and happened to meet Lao Ai coming out.Aunt Zhang asked Lao Ai to go in and see what Pierre was doing. Lao Ai said what else could be done in the toilet.Just as he was talking, a large number of reporters came. They asked Aunt Zhang if she knew Zhang Zezhong. They came today to interview him.

Aunt Zhang brought reporters to Zhang Zezhong's home and gave them advice on how to conduct interviews.Aunt Zhang said that she had been interviewed many times before and was very familiar with these things.The reporter began to film Zhang Zezhong's daily life in the alley, and asked him what he thought about netizens calling him “Shi Shen Ge”. Zhang Zezhong said that it would be more appropriate to call him “Shishen Uncle”.During the interview, Mr. Liu's driver came to pick up Zhang Zezhong. Zhang Zezhong said that although he wanted to chat more, time did not allow his driver to pick him up.As soon as the reporter heard that he had a driver, he immediately let the camera follow Zhang Zezhong.

Du Mantang made coffee at home, and the courier boy came to deliver the courier to him. Du Mantang asked people to taste his coffee.The courier boy didn't understand coffee at all. He thought it was too bitter. Du Mantang thought he didn't know the goods and asked him to get out quickly.Du Mantang made another cup of coffee for the old man to try. He asked the old man if he was satisfied with it, and the old man said he was satisfied.Du Mantang took the coffee and asked everyone in the alley to taste it. He came to Wang Xiaoqing's B&B and let them taste it too.It happened that Pierre was also there, Du Mantang asked him how he was doing, and Pierre told him that he had a secret weapon.After Du Mantang left, Wang Xiaoqing asked Pierre how his coffee was and whether it was reliable. Pierre said that he could make him reliable.

Aunt Zhang has been following Pierre since she heard that he had photographed a warship. Aunt Zhang followed him to Du Mantang's house.She asked Pierre if they were good in China, and Pierre said that some of them were bad.Aunt Zhang said that any place is good. China is a vast country with abundant resources.She also told Pierre that there is a saying in China that when friends come, they are greeted with fine wine, but when bad guys come, they are greeted with shotguns.Pierre said he knew what it meant, and said he had something to do and had to go out.Aunt Zhang began to follow Pierre again. After following for a few days, she went to find Du Mantang and asked him to go with her to catch Pierre. Aunt Zhang said that she had seen their meeting.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Aunt Zhang took Du Mantang to arrest Pierre. Du Mantang said that he was taking classes with foreign teachers.Pierre then taught Argentinian to others and charged a fee per class hour. Du Mantang knew this, and it was also for this that Pierre brought back the coffee beans.Aunt Zhang just didn't believe it, so she stopped the man and took him back to interrogate his relationship with Pierre.The man said that he was going abroad next month and wanted Pierre and himself to teach some foreign languages.But Pierre didn’t want to pay with his mobile phone, so he gave him cash.Aunt Zhang was speechless after hearing what he said. Zhang Zezhong was working with Mr. Liu.

Zhang Zezhong told him to attend an art exhibition on Saturday and then rush to Guangzhou. Mr. Liu said that he would give lessons to Xixi on Saturday.Zhang Zezhong said that he would ask Mrs. Liu again. Mrs. Liu came as soon as he finished speaking. She told Mr. Liu that this was reasonable.It’s enough to take a photo together to attend the art exhibition. We still have at least two hours to go to Guangzhou.Mr. Liu said that it was not a matter of taking a photo together. Mrs. Liu asked him not to teach the child who was not close to him.She said that Mr. Liu is now a great painter, and his wings have become stronger, right?She said that if it hadn't been for her, Mr. Liu wouldn't have known which bridge hole he was sketching under.How could she be equal to Teacher Guan now? She asked Mr. Liu what the relationship was with Xixi.

Why was he more anxious than Teacher Guan when Xixi got lost? Zhang Zezhong happened to hear what the two said.Zhang Zezhong went to ask the kitchen what to cook today. The kitchen told him that they would cook steak today, but he didn't eat it because he had no appetite.Zhang Zezhong took out the packing box and packed all the steaks, and asked Mr. Liu to come to him after packing.He told Zhang Zezhong that his husband and wife's quarrel made him laugh. Zhang Zezhong said that it was normal for husband and wife to quarrel.Mr. Liu said that his career was inseparable from his wife, so he had little say in the family and did not have free money. Zhang Zezhong asked him if he had never thought about saving some private money.

Mr. Liu said that he had thought about it before. As soon as Zhang Zezhong heard this, he told Mr. Liu that he could help him.He told Mr. Liu that there was a painting village, which was full of paintings. He told Mr. Liu that if it was inconvenient for him, he could help him to sell the paintings, and then the two of them would cooperate.When Mr. Liu heard that their products were commodities, he thought they were art.Zhang Zezhong asked everyone in the alley to watch his interview. While everyone was watching, there was a sudden power outage.Aunt Zhang was sitting on the massage chair. When the power went out, she was stuck in it.Aunt Zhang shouted loudly to Du Mantang to pull her out, but Du Mantang couldn't pull her out.Du Mantang asked her how to get out, and Aunt Zhang said she had to have electricity.

Du Mantang quickly went out to repair the circuit with a flashlight. He followed the burning wires to the homes of three tenants who had installed air conditioners without permission.Du Mantang asked them if they knew how dangerous it was to do so. Their alley had already had power outages several times this month.The little fat man said that they knew they were wrong, and Du Mantang called Aunt Zhang to deal with the matter. He repaired the electricity in the alley.Aunt Zhang asked the three people to help her transfer the photos on Pierre's computer so that they would not be held responsible for stealing electricity.Zhang Zezhong privately changed Mr. Liu's formation arrangements. He felt that it was necessary for Mr. Liu to give a lecture at the school. Mr. Liu and the two of them argued for a while.

Aunt Zhang came to Shi Suo with a photo of the warship taken by Pierre, and she asked Shi Suo to look at the photo.After a quick look, I realized that the photo was taken in a theme park, and Pierre had reported it.Aunt Zhang said that she was overthinking it. Shi said that she had a very good ideological consciousness, but this was a normal photo.Zhang Zezhong wanted Mr. Liu to give lectures at the school so much because it turned out to be the school where he was fired from his previous job.The principal of the school asked Zhang Zezhong to talk to Mr. Liu and ask him to take some time to come to the school to teach children art. Zhang Zezhong pretended to have a very good relationship with Mr. Liu, and he began to talk to Principal Ma about Mr. Liu's personal affairs at home.Unexpectedly, the radio happened to be on, and all the teachers and students in the school heard it, including Mr. Liu. Zhang Zezhong was also expelled.Pierre thought Du Mantang could open a coffee shop, but Du Mantang said he would think about it again.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Du Mantang asked Pierre how he was doing with the little girl at the entrance of the alley. The little girl he mentioned was Su Su.What Pierre was thinking about was Wang Xiaoqing. He said that she really wanted to have him but was not interested in him.Du Mantang said that everyone was looking at him, and Pierre said that this was good news he heard.Wang Xiaoqing took a bath in her B&B. She said it was the most enjoyable bath she had ever had in this alley, and it was more comfortable than at home.Du Li asked her why she didn't go home if she knew she had a family.Wang Xiaoqing asked Du Li not to interrupt her. Du Li asked her if she had ever thought about having a guest like her, taking a bath for two hours at a time.

Then how should they calculate the cost? Wang Xiaoqing said there should be no such thing.Du Li asked her if she had set a price. Wang Xiaoqing said a price, but Du Li calculated that she couldn't even cover a year's cost.Du Li felt that they should hire a professional as a consultant, but Wang Xiaoqing told her not to do this because her own funds would not be able to circulate.Du Li said, don't they have free services? Who was working in a big hotel before?When Wang Xiaoqing heard what she said, she immediately thought of Du Mantang. She and Du Li came to invite Du Mantang to dinner.Du Mantang said he couldn't eat at home, so he had to spend money.Wang Xiaoqing said she didn't want to go to his house to eat rubber bands, but the two of them were quarreling again.

Du Li quickly asked Wang Xiaoqing to eat mutton, and also gave Du Mantang a piece of mutton.Just as she sat down to eat, the phone rang. When Du Li saw that it was Zhang Youting calling her, she realized that she had let Zhang Youting out.Du Mantang took out a two-page note about hotel accounting that he had written. Du Li said that he had worked hard as soon as he saw it.Du Mantang said that he had to stay in the B&B as a customer and experience it for three to five days or a week before he could give more prepared opinions.Du Li thought this was a good idea, and she agreed with both hands.Du Li asked the two of them if this was a family meeting. Speaking of family meetings, Du Mantang thought of the family meeting he had with Wang Xiaoqing before.

Du Mantang said that he would take Wang Xiaoqing to see all the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, but Wang Xiaoqing remembered them all.Du Mantang was ironing his shirt, and Du Li said he could just come back and get whatever he needed.When Du Mantang said he wanted to stay in a B&B, it should be treated as if he was on a business trip.In order to have a good experience, Du Mantang asked Du Li to bring Wang Xiaoqing's suitcase.Du Li brought all the slippers to Du Mantang. Du Mantang said that the B&B did not have slippers and he felt that Wang Xiaoqing's service concept was not good.Zhang Zezhong came to Teacher Guan's house to apologize. He made Teacher Guan embarrassed because of what happened to Mr. Liu.

Zhang Zezhong said that he would definitely not be able to go to his job at Mr. Liu's place, and he would not be able to go back to school.He said that he should be an assistant next to Teacher Guan. Zhang Zezhong said that they were neighbors and knew each other well.Before Zhang Zezhong could finish telling Teacher Guan to let him go back, he gave Zhang Zezhong a picture of words.And told him to experience the strokes and strokes of the human character. Zhang Zezhong went out and opened the calligraphy and painting but couldn't understand what it meant.While walking, Mrs. Liu came to see him. Mrs. Liu said that Mr. Liu had signed a divorce agreement and wanted to divorce her.She feels that Mr. Liu is rich now and does not need to rely on her, but she does not want a divorce.

Mrs. Liu asked Zhang Zezhong to get a batch of fake paintings into the market, so as to ruin Mr. Liu's reputation. If his reputation is ruined, he will naturally have no money.Zhang Zezhong was originally unwilling, but when he heard that his wife offered him a thousand yuan for a painting, he immediately agreed.Du Li came to urge Du Mantang to go to Wang Xiaoqing quickly, and the two of them bumped into Guo Rong just after taking a few steps.She wanted to chat with Du Mantang alone. Guo Rong thanked Du Mantang for helping her before. She invited Du Mantang to try a very good coffee.Wang Xiaoqing happened to see the two people, and Wang Xiaoqing followed the two people all the way to a hotel.I happened to meet Mr. Jiang in this hotel, and the four of us drank coffee together.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Seeing Guo Rongrong keep getting closer to Du Mantang, Wang Xiaoqing felt very uncomfortable.After returning home, scenes of the two getting close appeared in her mind from time to time.Du Li saw his mother deep in thought and immediately guessed that she was jealous because of Aunt Guo, but Wang Xiaoqing refused to admit it.The two were talking when Pierre suddenly came over.

After arriving at the B&B, Pierre waved to Wang Xiaoqing and said he had something to do with her.Before coming to see Wang Xiaoqing, Pierre made sufficient preparations. He not only bought a bouquet of roses, but also wrote a confession to Wang Xiaoqing.While Wang Xiaoqing came over, he was still reviewing his confession. Because Wang Xiaoqing came too quickly, he stuffed the note with the confession into his mouth.Wang Xiaoqing asked Pierre what he wanted from her.

Pierre held the note in his mouth and didn't dare to speak for a long time, then he held the rose in front of her.Looking at the beautiful roses, Wang Xiaoqing couldn't help but praise Pierre and said that they foreigners really know how to live.After saying this, she turned around and went back to the house, ready to find a vase to put the flowers in.Pierre followed into the room and mustered up the courage to confess to Wang Xiaoqing.Wang Xiaoqing was almost amused when she heard Pierre say he liked her, so she quickly reminded him that she was more than ten years older than him, but Pierre believed that age was not a problem.

Seeing that Wang Xiaoqing firmly refused to accept him, Pierre had no choice but to say goodbye to her.Du Li went to find his father and told him about Pierre's visit to his mother with the roses.Du Mantang confidently told Du Li that her mother could not look down on anyone but herself.After saying this, the interaction between Wang Xiaoqing and Mr. Jiang flashed in his mind.What made him most uncomfortable was that the plaid shirt and tie Wang Xiaoqing bought for him were exactly the same as Mr. Jiang's.

Pierre came to Du Mantang and saw a photo of Du Mantang and Wang Xiaoqing, and then he realized that Wang Xiaoqing and Du Mantang were once husband and wife.After Pierre said this, Du Mantang specifically corrected him. He and Wang Xiaoqing were also husband and wife now.The purpose of Pierre coming to Du Mantang was to open a cafe in partnership with Du Mantang.Seeing Du Mantang's hesitation, he advised him to learn from Wang Xiaoqing and have the spirit of not admitting defeat.

Zhang Zezhong found several students from the Academy of Fine Arts and asked them to help with painting for 300 yuan. The students felt that the price was too low, and they all ran away within a few days.Zhang Zezhong came up with an idea and decided to mobilize all the old men and women in the community and let them use their spare time to paint oil paintings.In order to increase their enthusiasm, he also spent hundreds of dollars to buy some things as prizes.

In order to save costs, Zhang Zezhong even made the drawing boards himself. Although Zhang Youting didn't understand what his father wanted to do, he saw that his father injured his finger while driving nails, so he took the initiative to help.Du Li came to Zhang Youting to eat at her house. Zhang Youting learned that Uncle Du was going to open a cafe. He agreed with both hands and decided to help Uncle Du design and decorate for free.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Zhang Zezhong told Mrs. Liu that he bought a total of 35 paintings, 28 of which were pretty good, and 7 of which were defective, which were considered his own losses.Mrs. Liu asked for all the paintings and asked him to buy more.Mrs. Liu wanted to transfer money to Zhang Zezhong's mobile phone, but Zhang Zezhong insisted on cash.

The renovation of the cafe was completed, and Du Mantang and Pierre were celebrating when they accidentally discovered Mr. Jiang walking into the B&B opposite. Du Mantang's joy immediately disappeared.Mr. Jiang was going to Europe to discuss a business deal, and he specially bid farewell to Wang Xiaoqing. Seeing that Wang Xiaoqing was worried about having no customers after opening, Mr. Jiang advised her to take it one step at a time, and not to worry about tomorrow or today.

Guo Rongrong came to the coffee shop, and Pierre looked at her with admiration. Du Mantang was introducing the two of them, and Aunt Zhang came over to notify Du Mantang of a meeting.Guo Rongrong wanted to attend the community meeting, and Pierre also wanted to join in the fun, so Du Mantang took them there.Wang Xiaoqing was sitting in the conference room, talking happily to his neighbors about the B&B. When he saw Du Mantang and Guo Rongrong coming in together, the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

After all the neighbors arrived, Zhang Zezhong announced a good thing to everyone. Because the first oil painting competition was relatively successful, the community decided to hold a second one.When Ai Xinsheng heard that the prizes for the second session had shrunk, he couldn't help complaining. In order to promote the cafe, Du Mantang offered to sponsor the third prize and provided some free coupons to everyone.Not to be outdone, Wang Xiaoqing stood up to offer sponsorship and promised to let everyone try it out for free for three days after the opening.

Du Mantang's coffee shop and Wang Xiaoqing's B&B opened at the same time. Someone mistakenly delivered the flower basket sent by Mr. Jiang to the coffee shop, so Du Mantang tore off the name card and delivered it to the door of the B&B.The two stores were crowded with people, and there was a joyful atmosphere. A naked man, covering his private parts with a cardboard box, suddenly appeared in the crowd. Du Mantang was surprised to find that the man turned out to be his younger brother.Du Mantang took a bath with Satisfaction, and then took him to see his father. Satisfaction cried and held his father's hand, but Lao Du asked him who he was.

When Du Li was distributing promotional advertisements, he accidentally saw Zhang Youting's classmate coming to Beijing. Now he was a big boss, so he gave the advertisement in his hand to Su Su and ran to Zhang Youting's house.With Du Li's encouragement, Zhang Youting sent a message to his classmates, and the two even made an appointment to meet at a place.Du Li accompanied Zhang Youting to the agreed hotel. Seeing that Zhang Youting was backing down because he didn't know what to say, Du Li asked him to ask his classmates directly if there was any job suitable for him.

In order to strengthen Zhang Youting's determination, Du Li loudly told him that if he did not take this step, he would look down on him for the rest of his life. Only then did Zhang Youting muster the courage to walk into the hotel.The Taoist played by Roaring Sky Dog comes to Wang Xiaoqing's B&B. The Taoist's name is Li Songnian. Li Songnian can not only read faces, but also cure all diseases.As a miracle doctor in the alley, Ai Xinsheng was naturally a little unconvinced.Aunt Ai was fooled by Li Songnian and bought medicine from him.When Ai Xinsheng learned about this, he put on the clothes of a banner man and came to the B&B to challenge Li Songnian.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Ai Xinsheng came to the B&B and wanted Wang Xiaoqing to drive Li Songnian away. When Wang Xiaoqing disagreed, he went straight to Li Songnian's residence.When the camera turned, I didn't know how the two were fighting. I saw Li Songnian lying on the hospital bed and vomiting, and Ai Xinsheng was also reprimanded by the police.After the police reprimanded Ai Xinsheng, they came to question Li Songnian. Li Songnian wanted to conceal his identity, but the police easily saw through it.In the end, Li Songnian was punished according to law for illegal medical practice, while Ai Xinsheng returned triumphantly.Du Mantang asked Yang Yi why he came back suddenly. Yang Yi's answer was that he missed his home and his father.

Du Mantang remembered the scene when he came back naked, and knowing that he was lying, he asked him to tell the truth, but Satisfied insisted that everything went well for him abroad, but he was robbed when he returned to China, and he planned to go back in a few days.Seeing that he refused to say anything, Du Mantang didn't continue to ask.Du Mantang went to the restroom and found that the door of the men's restroom said "under maintenance". There was only one women's restroom available, and there was a long queue in front of the restroom.Many people who couldn't hold it in any longer went to bed and breakfasts and some to Lao Guan's house.

Seeing their anxious looks, Xixi couldn't help laughing.Only then did everyone realize that he was playing a prank.Lao Guan was so angry that he slapped Xi Xi on the hand. Liang Xin found it very funny when he learned about it.The two of them put it together and decided to play again.When Ai Xinsheng returned home, he unexpectedly saw big words “开” written on the wall.In addition to his house, the same words were written on the wall of Grandma Jin’s house.The news of demolition quickly spread in the alleys.Grandma Jin is in the yard, measuring the length of the house with steps.

When I saw Zhang Zezhong passing by the door, I asked him if he had a tape measure.Zhang Zezhong understood what Grandma Jin meant, and gave her a rough estimate of the area of ​​the main house and the side house. He felt that the demolition would compensate her at least 20 million yuan.When Grandma Jin heard such a large sum of money, she was so excited that she fainted.Lao Guan was apologetic and went from house to house to apologize to everyone.Liang Xin was also severely beaten by his mother.After school was over the next day, the two children didn't want to go home and planned to take a boat to Shanghai Disneyland.

However, before their plan could be implemented, a group of people came over and called their names while looking for them.In order to prevent the adults from finding them, Xixi and Liang Xin ran to a boat.Liang Xin lost his footing and fell into the lake.Pierre heard the cry for help and jumped into the water to save others.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Liang Xin was fine.Aunt Zhang also changed her view of Pierre and even invited him to dinner.

Three men came to Du Mantang's house and said they were satisfied with the money they owed them.Du Mantang wanted to know how much he owed, but the other party wouldn't tell him.After Satisfied came back, Du Mantang wanted him to tell the truth, but Satisfied told him that if he didn't want to sell the house, he should stop asking.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

When Zhang Zezhong went to get the oil painting from the car, Satisfaction suddenly came over.Knowing that Zhang Zezhong was not profitable, he asked him how much money he could make by selling fake paintings. He also asked Zhang Zezhong if he knew that this would devalue a painter's paintings.Naturally, Zhang Zezhong would not tell him that Mrs. Liu's purpose was just to lie that she did not make money.When Lao Du celebrated his birthday, he was satisfied with giving three sticks of incense to his deceased mother and reminded Du Mantang to do the same.

Du Mantang saw that the table where the incense burner was placed was dirty. While cleaning the table, he accidentally found his father's will behind his mother's portrait.After reading the will, he couldn't help but think of the time when the whole family pooled together money to pay for Satisfied's trip abroad.After offering incense to his mother, Du Mantang returned to the dining table and greeted Satisfied for dinner.Satisfied without eating, he answered a phone call. After hanging up the phone, he said happy birthday to his father and left.

Du Li finished dinner at his grandfather's house and returned to the B&B to be with his mother.A message came from Wang Xiaoqing's mobile phone. Du Li saw that his mother was busy and took the phone to check it for her.After reading the information, Du Li was shocked.The information was sent by Du Mantang.Du Mantang told Wang Xiaoqing that if he didn't come back after four hours, he would call the police.When Wang Xiaoqing learned of the incident, he called Du Mantang to inquire about the situation and planned to call the police immediately.

Du Mantang told Wang Xiaoqing that someone had called him just now and said that he was satisfied with their hands and asked him to use the money to redeem the person.In order to prevent Wang Xiaoqing from calling the police, Du Mantang pretended to be very relaxed and said that maybe Satsang was playing a prank and he would go over first to see the situation.Following the kidnapper's instructions, Du Mantang took three taxis and arrived at a wasteland in the suburbs.Satisfied, his arms were tied by three kidnappers, and a ping pong ball tied with a rope was stuffed in his mouth.

Seeing Du Mantang coming, Satisfied shouted at him to run away.Du Mantang held a bag in his hand, which contained weapons for self-protection.He walked up to the kidnappers and asked them to let him go. When he saw that the kidnappers refused, he suddenly attacked them and took advantage of the kidnappers' opportunity to evade. He grabbed Satisfied and ran away.After running to a safe place, Du Mantang untied the rope for Satisfaction, took out a table tennis ball, and asked him how much he owed.

Satisfied, he held up five fingers and said, "I owe 5 million in gambling debts."Wang Xiaoqing and Du Li rushed over and were relieved to see that they were fine.With the help of his classmates, Zhang Youting found a job with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan.When he was happy, he invited Du Li to dinner and asked Du Li to help pick out a suit for his father.He also bought gifts for both Du Li and Du Mantang.After shopping, the two were about to leave when they accidentally saw Zhang Zezhong with a woman.Mrs. Liu already knew that Xixi was Lao Liu's son. In order to get rid of this scourge, she wanted Zhang Zezhong to trick Xixi out.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

Zhang Zezhong looked at Mrs. Liu in embarrassment and made it clear that he was unwilling to do such an immoral thing.Mrs. Liu sneered and asked him if he had done too many immoral things, and tempted him by introducing Zhang Youting to a job.Zhang Youting was Zhang Zezhong's weakness. In order to prevent his son from posting advertisements on the streets again, Zhang Zezhong was cruel and promised Mrs. Liu that he would consider it.Du Mantang came to the agency with the real estate certificate. The agency estimated that his house could be sold for more than 4.9 million.After returning home, he began to sell valuable things at home, preparing to make up the change first.

When Du Li saw her father selling things, she guessed that he wanted to pay back the money to her second uncle, so she angrily went to his second uncle, who told her not to meddle in adults' affairs.After leaving his second uncle, Du Li went to see his mother and told him about Du Mantang selling things to pay off his debts.Even if Du Li didn't say anything, Wang Xiaoqing would have guessed that this would happen. Since returning from Satisfaction, she found Du Mantang frowning and sighing.But all her money was invested in the B&B, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Susu called Du Li and said that a design company was recruiting people and wanted to go with her.Du Li saw that her mother's B&B was on track and that her mother was enough. She wanted to earn more money to help her father, so she accepted her Su Su's invitation.When Du Li said goodbye to her mother, Wang Xiaoqing saw the silk scarf tied on her pants and thought she had a boyfriend, so he deliberately asked her who she was going with.That silk scarf was a gift from Zhang Youting.

On the way to the design company, Su Su also noticed the silk scarf. Du Li was worried that she would get to the bottom of it, so he said “mix and match” and changed the subject.Zhang Zezhong came home and heard that his son had found a job. He was even happier than if he had won five million, so he cooked a few dishes and toasted to his son.Zhang Youting took this opportunity to persuade his father to find a wife.Seeing his son being so considerate, tears flashed in Zhang Zezhong's eyes.

The next day when his son went to work, he went to follow him and quietly took photos of his son at work.Zhang Youting talks freely in the company, and everyone in the company has a good impression of him.The manager told him that their company was a Sino-foreign joint venture.There was a large foreign client who was very interested in Zhang Youting after reading his resume and was willing to spend an hour to meet with him.The manager asked Zhang Youting to prepare well and try to use this hour to achieve cooperation with customers.

After Du Li and Su Su got off the bus, they were divided into two groups and started studying.Du Li noticed something was wrong with the way they chanted slogans, so he ran to the toilet to send a message to Zhang Youting.Before she could send the message out, she was discovered by someone who claimed to be a parent.Knowing that she just wanted to assure her boyfriend that she was safe, her parents sent her a message and then confiscated her phone.When Du Li left the bathroom, he quietly tied the silk scarf to the protective fence outside the window.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

When Zhang Youting was greeting guests, he received a message from Du Li, calling him "Baby%" and not answering her call. He realized something was wrong, ignored the manager's obstruction, and followed Du Li's location.Seeing the silk scarf upstairs, he knew Du Li was inside, so he quietly leaned over and eavesdropped.

After confirming that it was a pyramid scheme, I called the police.Du Li's parents decided to punish her for sending secret messages.A man with a dull look in his eyes hesitated to hit Du Li under the orders of his parents.Du Li yelled "How dare you", which scared him again.Zhang Youting heard Du Li's roar and was worried that she would suffer a loss, so he kicked the door hard outside.Du Li heard Zhang Youting's voice and suddenly ran over and opened the door.Zhang Youting pulled Du Li and ran out of the building, but several thugs blocked their way.

Zhang Youting stopped them and told Du Li to run quickly.Du Li ran out, first borrowed the phone to call the police, then grabbed a passerby's Tai Chi sword and rushed back to rescue Zhang Youting.Not long after Du Li returned, police sirens were heard downstairs. By the time the police arrived, Zhang Youting had been seriously injured.Satisfied called Du Mantang in front of him and learned that he wanted to borrow a loan shark, so Du Mantang took out his father's will.Satisfied, he tore the will into pieces and was unwilling to accept it at first. Later, he was grateful to his brother and promised Du Mantang that when he made a lot of money, he would buy them a better one.

Du Mantang discussed with Wang Xiaoqing about selling the house. Wang Xiaoqing asked him to discuss with the old man and asked him to be more cautious.Pierre learned that Du Mantang was selling his house because their cafe had just started to improve, and he was so angry that he almost started a fight with him.Satisfied and Du Mantang were discussing the sale of a house, and Du Li called Du Mantang.Hearing that something had happened to his daughter, Du Mantang rushed out before the phone was hung up.Satisfaction was so angry that the call came at the wrong time.

Du Mantang rushed to the hospital and was relieved to see that his daughter was fine.Zhang Zezhong learned that his son had multiple fractures and was almost disfigured, so he couldn't help but quarreled with Du Mantang.It wasn't until the police told him that Zhang Youting acted bravely and Du Mantang agreed to pay for the medical expenses that he felt better.Du Mantang and Yiyi brought their father to the notary office.It went smoothly at first. No matter what the notary office asked, Lao Du just nodded.

Later, while picking up ice cream, I accidentally fell to the ground.When he hugged Du Mantang and cried bitterly, Du Mantang realized that his father had always regarded him as satisfied.After returning home, Du Mantang rubbed his father's legs and muttered: My father's fall caused two things. One was that the house could not be sold, and the other was that he was satisfied but was no longer dissatisfied.

Someone sent a courier to Zhang Youting. When he learned that his son had been fired, Zhang Zezhong made up his mind and agreed to Mrs. Liu's request.When Xixi was finishing school at the small dining table, Zhang Zezhong offered to take him home.Because they were all acquaintances, the teacher did not become suspicious.Mrs. Liu stirred the ice cream in her hand and saw a sneer on her face when she saw Zhang Zezhong leading Xixi over.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Zhang Zezhong planned to take Guan Xi to see Mrs. Liu, but Guan Xi suddenly asked that he need to go to the bathroom.After Zhang Zezhong agreed, Guan Xi accidentally fell down on the way home, and Zhang Zezhong quickly stepped forward to help him.Guan Xi comforted Zhang Zezhong that she was fine. This scene reminded Zhang Zezhong of the similar strength of his son Zhang Youting when he was a child.Therefore, Zhang Zezhong decided to take Guan Xi away immediately.Faced with Mrs. Liu's threat to Zhang Youting's employment contract, Zhang Zezhong firmly stated that his son was capable of being independent and warned Mrs. Liu not to do anything unjust.At the same time, he suggested that if Mrs. Liu did not want a divorce, she should communicate with her sincerely and returned all the money related to the fake paintings.

Later, Zhang Zezhong met Du Yiyi in a restaurant and had a conversation with his friends. The content involved Du Yiyi's self-kidnapping and the despicable behavior of defrauding his brother into selling his house.Du Satisfied admitted that this move was actually forced to repay a huge debt, and he felt deeply guilty about his father's wrestling.After leaving the restaurant, Zhang Zezhong was stopped by Aunt Zhang in the alley for an interview.On the other side, Du Mantang took his father to the bathhouse. The bather noticed that Mr. Du's physical condition was not as good as before, and mentioned Mr. Du's recent wrestling incident, but Du Mantang avoided talking about it.

In the bathhouse, Zhang Zezhong met Du Mantang by chance and told him about Du Mantang's deception. Du Mantang was furious after hearing the news. After returning home, he ordered Du Mantang to reflect in front of his mother's portrait.Zhang Zezhong visited the hospital, talked about Zhang Youting with Du Li, and spoke highly of his work ability. He was very pleased to see Du Li taking good care of Zhang Youting.Later, he received a call from Mr. Guan, thanking him for taking care of Guan Xi, and revealed that the relationship between Guan Xi and Teacher Guan was getting increasingly harmonious.

Zhang Zezhong encouraged Teacher Guan to communicate more with the children, but he regretted not being able to spend more time with Zhang Youting.At the same time, Du Mantang's coffee shop welcomed two tour guides who planned to deceive tourists by unfair means. Du Mantang sternly refused and reprimanded them.Unexpectedly, this scene was secretly videotaped by one of them and maliciously edited and uploaded to the Internet.Zhang Zezhong summoned everyone and asked Su Su to elaborate on Zhang Youting's injury and dismissal, aiming to unite everyone to support Zhang Youting and strive for fair treatment.At this time, Du Mantang and Wang Xiaoqing were listening to Aunt Zhang's story. Fatty suddenly broke in and showed the maliciously edited video, which shocked everyone.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Du Mantang's harsh words to the two tour guides that day were unfortunately maliciously edited and posted online. Only the clips were intercepted and the context was ignored.The next day, someone came directly to his store for a live broadcast and asked him why he looked down on outsiders.Du Mantang quickly clarified, pointing out that he had no regional bias. It was the behavior of the two tour guides that made him dissatisfied, but his original words were quoted out of context.This explanation did not seem to calm the storm. Du Mantang had no choice but to consider temporarily closing the business and told his partner Pierre that all losses would be borne by him.Unexpectedly, in the dead of night, graffiti was painted on the door of Du Pi's Cafe. Du Man Tang sat alone on the threshold with a heavy heart.

Du Li asked Wang Xiaoqing if he knew about the turmoil on the Internet. Wang Xiaoqing sighed that Du Mantang had been framed.Leizi suggested cleaning up the graffiti on the door, but Du Mantang insisted on ignoring it.When the fat man saw this, he was furious and asked who was so rude, he should be responsible for cleaning up on his own, and questioned the intention behind this move.

Du Mantang did not give up hope. He found several teenagers who were good at technology and asked if the original video could be restored.Fortunately, they answered in the affirmative.So, while the two tour guides were busy at work, Du Mantang came directly to the door and demanded the return of the complete video, otherwise he would confront them on the spot.In the end, the other party returned the original materials under pressure, and Du Mantang immediately made the truth public.After the truth came out, many netizens came to seek verification. Du Mantang took this opportunity to sincerely express his welcome to all foreign friends.

He introduced the rich and colorful culture and life in the hutongs, which include not only the aroma of coffee, but also the excitement of pubs and the warmth of B&Bs. There are also many indescribable pleasures hidden there.Du Mantang also introduced Pierre in particular, emphasizing that he had worked closely with him and would never have the idea of ​​discriminating against outsiders.Pierre also expressed his happiness and contentment here.Aunt Zhang and others deeply agreed with Du Mantang's remarks. Soon, the video was widely circulated on the Internet, attracting more tourists to come and experience Kua Guaxian Hutong.Pierre even became the target of tourists vying for photos, and even Teacher Guan was full of praise for Du Mantang's approach.

On the other side, Du Manyi woke up early in the morning and received a debt collection text message, feeling heavy.Zhang Zezhong was about to deliver fried noodles to Zhang Youting, when he happened to meet Du Yiyi at the door.During the dispute between the two, the debt collector suddenly appeared. Du Manchu was quick to act in a hurry and used Zhang Zezhong as a shield to stage a debt repayment drama.The debt collector saw that the situation was not good and left in a hurry.After the crisis was resolved, Du Yiyi confessed his plight to Zhang Zezhong and thanked him for his help.Although the two had some misunderstandings over this matter, they eventually settled their differences.

When Zhang Zezhong was taking care of Zhang Youting in the hospital, he accidentally discovered that Du Li and Zhang Youting were wearing the same socks, and secretly speculated in his heart.He asked Du Li about his feelings, but Du Li deliberately pretended to be stupid.Seeing this, Zhang Zezhong followed the trend and asked Du Li to stay and take care of Zhang Youting.After returning home, Zhang Zezhong informed Wang Xiaoqing of the incident and asked her for her opinion.Wang Xiaoqing said that he regards Zhang Youting as his own child and has nothing to be picky about.Zhang Zezhong then decided to discuss the matter with Du Mantang. When Du Mantang saw the photo, he happily said that they were a perfect match.Zhang Zezhong mentioned his son's tolerance, and Du Mantang also laughed and said that although his daughter has a strong temper, some people can tolerate it.The two met a dancing crowd while walking hand in hand, and Du Mantang also encouraged Wang Xiaoqing to join them and enjoy life.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Du Mantang casually reprimanded the two tour guides that day. Unexpectedly, these words were maliciously edited and posted online. The store became lively the next day, and someone went on the air to ask why he looked down on outsiders.Du Mantang was so anxious that he stamped his feet and explained that he didn't mean that. He was scolding the two tour guides, but they didn't listen to him. The video was cut off from beginning to end and nothing could be explained clearly.He was so angry that he wanted to close down and told Pierre that all the losses would be his.At night, graffiti was painted on the door of the cafe. Du Mantang felt aggrieved and sat there in a daze.

Du Li saw the online video and quickly asked Wang Xiaoqing if he knew about it. Wang Xiaoqing sighed and said that Du Mantang was being plotted.Leizi proposed to erase the graffiti on the wall, but Du Mantang was very stubborn and refused to erase it. Let's see who dares to bully people like this.

The fat man was so angry that he jumped up and down and asked who wrote this word and who would erase it!Du Mantang had no choice but to find a few technical geeks to see if they could retrieve the complete video.The guys were really good at helping him restore the video.Du Mantang immediately rushed to the two tour guides, asked for the original video, and made it public.Now, the truth came out and everyone understood what was going on. They all came to apologize to Du Mantang and praised him for his magnanimity.

Du Mantang took the opportunity to say that he actually welcomes friends from out of town to visit. Their alleys not only have the aroma of coffee, but also the aroma of wine, the warmth of B&Bs, and the invisible fun, which are often the most attractive.He also pulled Pierre out and introduced him to everyone, saying that this was his partner. If he really discriminated against outsiders, how could he possibly work with Pierre?Pierre also cheerfully said that he was very happy here.

This story spread from ten to ten, and Du Mantang's reputation became even more famous. More and more tourists came to the alley, and even Pierre became a popular figure for taking photos.Teacher Guan also praised Du Mantang for handling it well, not only clarifying the misunderstanding, but also publicizing the alley.

On the other side, Du Yiyi received a debt collection text message as soon as he got up. While he was annoyed, Zhang Zezhong went out with fried noodles, and the two met unexpectedly.Du Chengyi said angrily that Zhang Zezhong was still in the mood to eat noodles, and the whole house was in a mess.Before he finished speaking, the debt collector came to the door. Du Manyi was so anxious that he pulled Zhang Zezhong into a show and scared the debt collector away.Afterwards, Du Chengyi burst into tears of gratitude and said that Zhang Zezhong saved his life and the two were even.

Zhang Zezhong went to the hospital to see Du Li taking care of Zhang Youting, and found that the two of them were wearing the same socks. He felt like a mirror, and started gossiping with Wang Xiaoqing when he returned home.Wang Xiaoqing was happy when she heard this, saying that she couldn't make the decision regarding the two children and had to ask Du Mantang.Du Mantang looked at the photo and said cheerfully: These two children are a perfect match.% Zhang Zezhong took the opportunity to propose marriage, saying that although Du Li had a bad temper, his son could be tolerant.Finally, Du Mantang and Wang Xiaoqing came together and decided to let the children develop on their own, and they arranged to go for a walk together. They met a dancer on the road, and Du Mantang even encouraged Wang Xiaoqing to dance. The atmosphere was so lively.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

After the matter was settled, Satisfied took Zhang Zezhong to see the boss named Guo, and introduced Zhang Zezhong to Boss Guo as a professor at a technical school.Boss Guo seemed to have poor hearing and actually called Zhang Zezhong Professor Zhao.Zhang Zezhong corrected it twice before correcting it.After leaving Boss Guo, Zhang Zezhong deliberately left his cell phone on the table to avoid being satisfied and talking to his boss alone.

But Manman realized his intention and quietly helped him put his phone into his pocket.Zhang Zezhong wanted to know how much benefit Satisfaction got from it, and Satisfaction answered vaguely, saying that he only received a small introduction fee.Zhang Youting put on a headlamp for Du Li and took her to a building that had not yet been completed, saying that it would be their home in the future.

Du Li heard that he was going to propose to her, and after even saying no, she felt that the procedure was wrong.Zhang Youting suddenly kissed her and made up this procedure for her.Du Li felt sweet in her heart as she recalled her past with Zhang Youting.Zhang Youting sent Du Li home, and the two reluctantly separated.Zhang Zezhong was alone at home, thinking about how to tell his son that he was going to have a fake marriage.

Because the woman was about the same age as his son, it felt like a dream to him.Zhang Youting returned home and told him that he wanted to marry Du Li. Seeing his son so happy, Zhang Zezhong swallowed back what he wanted to say.The next day, Zhang Zezhong accompanied the bride to choose a wedding dress.After the bride left, he found the owner of the bridal shop. He knew that wedding photography was a one-stop service and could not be discounted, so he asked them to buy one and get one free.

Wang Xiaoqing was chatting with the guy from Taiwan. Zhang Zezhong handed her a business card and proudly said that he had already arranged the wedding photography, which was a 300,000 package.When Wang Xiaoqing heard this, his eyes widened in surprise and asked him if he was crazy or if he suddenly got rich.The Taiwanese guy left his pocket watch in Du Mantang's yard.Du Mantang returned the pocket watch to him, and found out through chatting that there was a portrait of his wife in the pocket watch. He wanted to take his wife's portrait with him to travel around the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

The words of the Taiwan guy made Du Mantang fall into deep thought. In order to find the mood of life, he picked up Pierre's camera and began to look for the beauty in life.Zhang Zezhong came to the Civil Affairs Bureau and saw that he was about to back down again, so he was satisfied and deliberately asked him for a deposit.As expected, Zhang Zezhong was manipulated by him and walked in bravely.Seeing the two of them starting to go through the formalities, he called Boss Guo with a satisfied smile.But what he didn't expect was that the woman was worried that Boss Guo would dump her after getting the certificate with Zhang Zezhong, so she suddenly changed her mind.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

On the way home from trying on a wedding dress, Wang Xiaoqing told Du Li that the future life should be negotiated together. She would decide on small matters and follow Zhang Youting's opinion on big matters.Du Li curiously asked what was a big deal, and Wang Xiaoqing laughed and said that it was a big deal if it had nothing to do with him.Du Mantang echoed from the sidelines, claiming that they had been like this for many years, but in the end they all listened to Wang Xiaoqing in all matters big and small.As soon as the group returned to Wang Xiaoqing's B&B, they saw Mr. Jiang standing at the door. He requested to stay at the B&B for a few days due to business failure.Wang Xiaoqing happily agreed, and Du Mantang asked Zhang Youting to buy cigarettes, but Wang Xiaoqing stopped him. She urged everyone to invite Mr. Jiang into the house.

Wang Xiaoqing personally cooked a bowl of noodles for Mr. Jiang and asked him what happened.Mr. Jiang revealed that the company had collapsed, he had become a person subject to execution, his funds had been frozen, and he did not want to disturb his business friends anymore.Wang Xiaoqing comforted him and asked him to stay in peace.Later, Wang Xiaoqing went home and took two of Du Mantang's shirts to Mr. Jiang. Although Du Mantang was reluctant to part with them, Wang Xiaoqing insisted that he rarely wore them.She returned to the B&B to tidy up the room for Mr. Jiang. Du Li wanted to help but was dissuaded by Wang Xiaoqing, who only asked her to tell Mr. Jiang to speak at any time if he needed it.

Du Yiyi went home excitedly with Pai Cha, claiming that he was about to make a fortune and his debts would be resolved.Du Mantang was worried that he would act recklessly and gave a stern warning.Du was dissatisfied with his father's attitude and enjoyed Pacha alone.Du Mantang originally wanted to go to Wang Xiaoqing's place, but then turned back and snatched Du Yiyi's grilled pork chops, and came to the B&B on the pretext of delivering grilled grilled pork to the guest Mr. Jiang. However, he was dissuaded by Wang Xiaoqing because the guest had already rested and it was inappropriate to give the grilled grilled pork to him at the right time.

Du Mantang encounters the exquisitely dressed Su Su and learns that she wants to visit Mr. Jiang in the B&B, mistakenly thinking that he is the person who pursued Wang Xiaoqing.At this time, he heard movement in the old yard and found that Lao Fang was leading people to dig for suspected cultural relics, and suspected that Yuan blue and white flowers were found.Du Mantang left without staying long. The aunts in the alley talked a lot about Mr. Jiang, thinking that he was more stylish than Du Mantang.

Du Mantang invited Lao Fang to Fatty's belly shop, warned him that reselling cultural relics was illegal, and persuaded him to surrender.Lao Fang revealed in an understatement that he had sold Yuan Qinghua at a very low price, and claimed that it was a trap he had laid.Although Du Mantang knew that the courtyard had no archaeological value, it was of great significance to them and carried the memories of several generations.

After the wedding photos of Du Li and Zhang Youting were completed, Du Mantang showed them to Mr. Du. Du Satisfied commented that although Zhang Youting was a good person, his family had misbehaved and mentioned the issue of bride price.Du Mantang believed that betrothal gifts were outdated, and Mr. Jiang, a guest at the B&B, was mistaken for Wang Xiaoqing's new boyfriend and was praised by everyone.Du Manyi privately revealed Zhang Zezhong's inappropriate behavior and his plan to ask for high betrothal gifts. When Du Mantang pressed for details, Du Manyi fled with a guilty conscience.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

In Du Man Tang's coffee shop, a woman walked in pushing a slightly old stroller, and the children in the car looked curiously.Du Mantang noticed that the car showed strong signs of age. The lady explained that her father-in-law had personally built the car because he was worried about formaldehyde in the outside world.Upon seeing this, Pierre admired its unique sense of age and expressed his intention to buy it and put it in his electronic collection.However, the woman declined, fearing that the move would spark family strife.

At this time, Du Mantang's express delivery arrived, and the sender turned out to be Wangbei No. 1, a cyclist he had helped in the past.When I opened the package, a retro radio came into view. Wangbei No. 1 came across it during my trip to Shenyang. I thought Du Mantang would like it, so I sent it back carefully.Du Mantang stared at the stroller on the ground and the radio in his hand, thinking a lot.

After returning home, he dug out the stroller he and his sister Du Mantang rode in when they were children. Du Mantang was curious and asked its purpose. Du Mantang said lightly: "These are our memories."% Later, Du Yiyi went to Zhang Zezhong's office, but was urged by Mr. Guo on a video call, asking them to get married as soon as possible.Amanda's frequent requests for money put Zhang Zezhong under pressure, and Mr. Guo warned that if the marriage did not progress, the 500,000 deposit would be withdrawn.Zhang Zezhong was shocked to realize that the deposit amount was huge and he only received 20,000 yuan. He promised that if he received 5 million yuan in the future, Du Yiyi would get a bigger share of the pie.Du Yiyi was worried about Zhang Zezhong's debt problem and reminded him to prioritize.

Lao Ai brought an old teapot to the coffee shop to get water. Du Mantang saw this and gave him a new teapot as a gift.Later, he revealed his new plan to Aunt Zhang: to collect old objects from the neighborhood to prevent these objects carrying memories from being thrown away casually.Although Aunt Zhang cherishes her trophy, she also supports Du Mantang's idea and agrees to display her trophy.

Du Mantang's collection action has received responses from many residents, and Grandma Liang is particularly happy. Her collection was once ignored due to the opposition of her children.On the other side, Du Li wanted to go on a trip with Zhang Youting, but gave up because Zhang Youting was busy with work.She turned to visit Wang Xiaoqing, but unexpectedly saw Wang Xiaoqing treating Mr. Jiang for losing his voice.Du Li playfully asked for the same treatment, but Wang Xiaoqing refused with a smile.The next day, Mr. Jiang covered his throat with high-collared clothes. Wang Xiaoqing advised him to relax, but Mr. Jiang acted cautiously because he was concerned about the gossip of his neighbors.

Du Mantang's coffee shop became more cozy with the addition of old objects, while Zhang Youting encountered setbacks in the workplace. After learning that the job opportunity was obtained by Zhang Zezhong, he angrily resigned.At this time, good news came from the alley. Du Mantang, Wang Xiaoqing and Fatty were selected as outstanding entrepreneurs and will soon receive commendations.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 33 Details

Episode 33

Zhang Youting shared his study experience abroad with Du Li, saying that although he may not be the best at home, he worked hard to perform well abroad and did not want foreigners to look down on Chinese and Beijingers.After hearing this, Du Li felt that Zhang Youting was particularly masculine today, but Zhang Youting explained that he had always been like this and just didn't want to cause trouble to Zhang Zezhong.Du Li expressed his envy for Zhang Youting's ability to do what he loves. Zhang Youting asked Du Li if he was also doing what he loved, but Du Li realized the gap between work and interests.

Du Li felt at this moment that being able to sing without restraint was also a kind of happiness. She sighed to Shichahai, even if it is not the best, it doesn't matter.Zhang Youting expressed his love to his partner affectionately, and the two hugged each other and cried.On the other side, Du Mantang looked at the old objects in the room and discussed with Pierre whether he had collected too much. Pierre laughed and said that he had sacrificed two tables for this, emphasizing that the meaning of collection is not accumulation.

Zhang Zezhong and Amanda went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register their marriage, but were told that Zhang Zezhong had not yet divorced. Amanda left angrily, and met Du Yiyi sending flowers to congratulate her, but was slapped in the face.Zhang Zezhong suspected that he was divorced. Du Chengyi reminded him that he needed a divorce certificate as proof. Zhang Zezhong suddenly realized that he did not keep the certificate.Zhang Zezhong decided to find Mary Su to resolve the matter.

Zhang Zezhong tried unsuccessfully to contact Su Mary and later reported to the police that he had been missing for many years. The police expressed surprise.Zhang Zezhong approached Du Mantang to discuss the marriage of his children and suggested inviting Zhang Youting's mother. Du Mantang suggested using Du Mantang's video account to find her.At this time, Du Li and Zhang Youting met Mr. Jiang who was distressed by the network failure of the B&B. Du Li suggested that he go to Du Mantang's coffee shop for help.

In the coffee shop, Mr. Jiang proposed to Du Mantang a unified coffee taste in order to stabilize the customer base and promote the brand, but Pierre objected.Pierre emphasized that it is more important to enjoy communication with neighbors, while Du Mantang insisted that diversified coffee can bring freshness and hope.Du Mantang encouraged Mr. Jiang and believed that his business would turn around.

Zhang Zezhong learned the news of Zhang Youting's resignation when he woke up. He was then taken away to a high-end restaurant by a Japanese-speaking woman, and only then did he recognize it as Su Marie.On the other side, Du Mantang and Wang Xiaoqing met and had a cordial conversation.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 34 Details

Episode 34

Wang Xiaoqing was about to clarify that she had nothing to do with Mr. Jiang, but Du Mantang told her that she didn't need to say anything because he already knew it.Wang Xiaoqing was puzzled and asked why he was still jealous because of this, but Du Mantang responded on the grounds that the two things were incomparable.Although he was proud that Wang Xiaoqing was favored by others, he found it difficult to accept flowers being presented to her, especially when the flowers had "her name" written on them.After a conversation in the market, Du Mantang mentioned going home to cook and told Wang Xiaoqing to speak freely at the commendation meeting.

Zhang Zezhong returned home with a bottle of Maotai. Zhang Youting was curious about why he was so luxurious today. Zhang Zezhong proposed to drink together, but Zhang Youting was busy at work.Zhang Zezhong was hesitant to speak, and finally revealed that he met Su Mary, Zhang Youting's mother, by chance today.After hearing the news, Zhang Youting's expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly ordered Zhang Zezhong to shut up, and then fled to the room to avoid seeing him.Zhang Zezhong turned to bring wine to find Du Mantang. After a brief taste, the latter joked that his wine was a good imitation. Zhang Zezhong insisted that it was the real thing and revealed that he met Zhang Youting's mother by chance.When Du Mantang first heard about it, he thought it was a happy event and that the family would be reunited. However, Zhang Zezhong revealed that Su Mary was no longer what she used to be and had become a strong woman in the business world. He even used the “Huirong Home Appliances” logo on the microwave oven not far away as evidence that she was Su.Produced by Mary Company.

Zhang Zezhong further revealed that Su Mary had changed her name to Su Huirong, which shocked Du Mantang.Zhang Zezhong sighed to himself and lamented that the situation between himself and Su Huirong was very different.In addition to comforting Du Mantang, he also asked about Youting's wedding. Zhang Zezhong was worried that his mother might not attend.Regarding this matter, Du Mantang also found it difficult to comment and suggested that Zhang Zezhong directly ask Zhang Youting's wishes.

The Hutong Entrepreneur Commendation Conference was held. After Wang Xiaoqing and Fatty spoke one after another, it was Du Mantang's turn.He took this opportunity to announce his intention to transform the old Hutong house into a museum, aiming to preserve common memories, inherit history, inspire the fighting spirit of future generations, and build a better Beijing together.This impassioned speech won the full house.

At the same time, Su Huirong sent her assistant Eva to invite Zhang Youting to meet, but she declined until Zhang Zezhong put pressure on her and reluctantly agreed.During the meeting, Su Huirong wanted to get close to Zhang Youting, but was avoided by him.She gave Zhang Youting a diamond, mentioned the 660,000 yuan gift, and informed that she might not be able to attend the wedding for some reason.After hearing this, Zhang Youting hurriedly left, followed closely by Zhang Zezhong.The two of them dined at a mutton soup restaurant, and Zhang Youting seemed extremely disgusted with the mention of Su Huirong.

Inspired by the proposal of Du Mantang Museum, the alley leaders and Aunt Zhang organized a residents' meeting to brainstorm ideas, and finally handed over this important task to Zhang Youting.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 35 Details

Episode 35

Zhang Youting asked Du Li for advice on the style of the museum, and Du Li humbly said that he would listen to his arrangements.Then, Zhang Youting asked Du Li about his evaluation of the B&B he designed for Wang Xiaoqing and the coffee shop he built for Du Mantang. Du Li gave a thumbs up with satisfaction.When the topic turned to whether Zhang Youting had seen his mother, Zhang Youting suddenly fell silent.

Zhang Zezhong recalled to Du Mantang that when Su Mary planned to go out for business, he mistakenly thought she was having an affair and firmly opposed Zhang Youting leaving with her.Looking back now, Zhang Zezhong feels guilty and worries that if Zhang Youting had left with his mother, he might have lived a good life instead of suffering in this alley.Du Mantang comforted him and emphasized that his hard work in raising Zhang Youting was well known to the neighbors.Zhang Zezhong lamented that if Zhang Youting followed Su Mary, he might have become a corporate executive.Du Mantang suggested asking Zhang Youting about his wishes and praised his quality, thinking that this was also the reason why Du Li chose him.Zhang Zezhong always cares about Zhang Youting's happiness.

On the other hand, Xiao Wang organized the elders in the alley to go on a trip, and they enjoyed it.Xiao Wang's colleague Xiao Li took the opportunity to promote the company's housing-based retirement plan. Although Xiao Wang verbally stopped him, he actually acquiesced.During the trip, everyone came to a beautiful building. Xiao Wang revealed that this was a nursing home cooperated by the company. The service was considerate and attracted the interest of the elderly. However, he was unable to visit immediately because he did not make an appointment.

In the old courtyard, Du Li chatted with Zhang Youting and mentioned interesting stories from his childhood, which inspired Zhang Youting's design inspiration.Mr. Du appeared alone on crutches. Du was happy that his mental state had improved, but soon discovered that the old man no longer recognized him and urged him to take medicine.Pierre happened to capture the moment of the old man, and was caught by Lei Zi, who reminded Pierre that the word "voice and appearance" does not apply to living people.

Du Manyi suspected the true intentions of Xiao Wang and others and tried to expose them. Unexpectedly, Xiao Wang called the police and accused him of blackmail, which ended in embarrassment. The old man was even more angry.Du Mantang insisted on his opinion and thought Xiao Wang was a liar, but Du Mantang didn't believe it and punished him to stand at the door.At this time, Zhang Youting showed Du Mantang the first draft of the museum design, but Zhang Zezhong ignored it because he was angry.Du Mantang persuaded Zhang Zezhong to hope that his son would succeed, and hinted that Zhang Youting would understand this painstaking effort when he becomes a father in the future.

At the dinner table, Zhang Zezhong told Zhang Youting his past of being trapped in an alley due to lack of help from noble people, and encouraged him to admit his mistakes in exchange for his mother's help and a better future.At this time, Su Huirong appeared and provided Zhang Youting with two career path options: one is to become her assistant and is expected to become executive chairman in the future; the other is to own an office building in Lujiazui and start his own business.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 36 Details

Episode 36

Su Huirong proposed a very tempting condition to Zhang Youting, which was enough to save him twenty years of struggle, but Zhang Youting resolutely refused to go with Su Huirong for Zhang Zezhong.Su Huirong promised that Zhang Youting could go home to visit Zhang Zezhong at any time even if he was traveling together.However, Zhang Youting declined because he was used to Zhang Zezhong's cooking, especially fried noodles.When Su Huirong proposed hiring a five-star chef, Zhang Youting admitted that although Zhang Zezhong was good at many dishes, he had a special liking for fried noodles because they were economical and affordable.Zhang Zezhong is even more frugal. He will take the risk to pick up a piece of steel whenever he encounters it on the road, no matter how much traffic there is.

Faced with Zhang Youting's stubbornness, Su Huirong left in disappointment. Zhang Zezhong wondered why he was so stupid and missed such a good opportunity.Zhang Youting firmly said that he was willing to spend twenty years of struggle just for the familiar taste of fried noodles.Hearing the words, Zhang Zezhong touched his heartstrings, recalling the past with Zhang Youting, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

At the same time, Su Huirong met his old friend Mr. Jiang. During the brief conversation between the two, Su Huirong revealed his understanding of Zhang Zezhong and his intention to help.Mr. Jiang left in a hurry due to business, but did not forget to express his gratitude to Wang Xiaoqing and told him to keep his watch.

On the other side, when Du Mantang was watering the flowers in the courtyard, he was startled by Mr. Du's sudden awakening. He sensed an ominous premonition and hurriedly called his family home.Mr. Du was full of praise for Wang Xiaoqing, thinking that she was kind to his son, and mentioned the marriage between Du Li and Zhang Zezhong's son, hoping that Du Mantang could preside over the wedding.After saying that, Mr. Du passed away peacefully. Du Li was heartbroken and cried on Zhang Youting's shoulder.

Du Mantang was immersed in the pain of losing his father, recalling the past with mixed feelings in his heart.Facing his father's portrait, Du Manyi felt regretful and cried for his deception.At this time, the elderly people in the alley were talking a lot about the huge profits that Grandma Liang had obtained from participating in the housing-based pension project, and they all asked Wang Xiaoqing for details.

Du Manyi saw things at home and missed people. When he received the Itchy Courier package purchased for his father, he felt even more sad. He also gave the courier his treasured wooden knife to relieve the pain in his heart.Grandma Liang's success story aroused the interest of her neighbors, who asked Wang Xiaoqing for details on housing for the elderly.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 37 Details

Episode 37

Du Manyi firmly believed that the housing-based pension model advocated by Xiao Wang was pure fraud, so he secretly placed his mobile phone by the window and recorded all of Xiao Wang's remarks.Later, he urgently visited Lao Ai and tried his best to dissuade him from trusting such pension plans.Before he finished speaking, Lao Ai returned home and heard his wife mentioning that she wanted to mortgage the property.Lao Ai firmly opposed it and regarded this as a family inheritance and there was no room for failure.When Lao Ai's wife heard this, she was furious and protested. She bluntly said that the couple had no children and were over sixty years old, so they should plan a retirement plan.Lao Ai firmly believes that his medicinal wine sales will be enough to support his life in his later years.The wife retorted, pointing out that they had rarely been invited to neighborhood gatherings over the years, implying that Lao Ai's low-key behavior may have shortcomings.

Lao Ai insisted on his opinion, thinking that it was all because he was low-key and an ordinary citizen.The wife decided to carry out the "housing for retirement" plan on her own, and she couldn't stop crying.Du Manyi stared at the portraits of his family ancestors, with mixed feelings in his heart, and couldn't help crying while holding the photos in his arms.Upon seeing this, Du Mantang comforted him not to let his thoughts get too entangled, and explained the meaning of "knocking on the door in the middle of the night without being surprised", which means to maintain inner peace and determination.

Lao Ai was kicked out of the house by his wife and met Uncle Ma by chance in an alley.Uncle Ma revealed that he had estimated through Xiao Wang and others that he could receive a monthly subsidy of 20,000 yuan by participating in the "housing-based pension plan". In addition to the pension, he would have a monthly income of 30,000 yuan, and he looked forward to a worry-free future life.Lao Ai met Zhang Zezhong by chance and mistakenly thought that he was frustrated in his job search. He encouraged him not to lose his dignity and mentioned the achievements of Zhang Zezhong's ex-wife. Zhang Zezhong clarified that the two were no longer related and were independent.

Lao Ai brought the medicine and wine to the Food and Drug Administration for verification, and he was accompanied by his third master.The guard told him that it needed to be approved by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau first. Lao Ai was unwilling to go all the way in vain, so he ordered the third master to promote the medicinal wine with Allegro at the door.This caused a commotion, and eventually the police intervened and Lao Ai was arrested again.Police officer Shi Suo took over the case and teased Lao Ai for causing trouble in his spare time, pointing out that his behavior constituted provoking trouble.

Xiao Wang once again organized the elderly in Hutong to participate in a one-day tour of "Housing for the Elderly", and Du Yiyi followed closely, intending to collect criminal evidence.Xiao Wang exaggerated the superiority of the elderly care environment, and the elderly were confused by his words.Du Yiyi sneaked into the office to secretly photograph documents, but was unfortunately caught on the spot.Uncle Ma and Aunt Zhang were deeply disappointed with his behavior. The former blamed himself, while the latter accused him of stealing.Du Satisfied and defended his grievance, Aunt Zhang begged the dean for mercy, and Xiao Wang also agreed.Du Satisfied angrily and punished himself, but Ma Bo scolded him for being shameless.

Du Mantang returned home depressed. He was expected to be blamed by Du Mantang, but he was relieved.Du Mantang stated that good people will also encounter misunderstandings and grievances, and reminded that the truth of this matter has yet to be verified.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 38 Details

Episode 38

Zhang Zezhong was about to send a message to Su Huirong to discuss matters. Unexpectedly, Su Huirong's assistant Eva immediately called and told him that he would be picked up personally to go somewhere.After arriving, Zhang Zezhong was surprised to find that the house was full of people. It turned out to be Su Huirong's personal lawyer team. The purpose of their trip was to discuss divorce matters with him on behalf of Su Huirong.Faced with the unexpected situation, Zhang Zezhong directly asked about the amount of financial compensation and learned that after signing, he would receive 20 million, but the condition was that his relationship with Su Huirong be kept secret.In addition, he learned that Su Huirong's permission was required to see Zhang Youting, which made him firmly refuse to sign.Over the years, Zhang Zezhong has scrimped on food and clothing in order to raise Zhang Youting, even spending every penny wisely, just to support his study abroad.Now, Zhang Youting is about to start a family and start a business. Zhang Zezhong is unwilling to compromise because of money. He told the other party that if Su Huirong really wants a divorce, he can go directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for it.This conversation was accidentally overheard by Su Huirong who was hiding in the dark, and she fell into deep thought.

Zhang Zezhong suffered many setbacks on his job search. By chance, he took an online car-hailing ride, and the driver turned out to be Mr. Sun, the former chicken farm owner.Mr. Sun asked about his current situation with concern, but Zhang Zezhong laughed and said that he was here for recruitment, alluding to the shortcomings of today's young people.Mr. Sun bluntly pointed out that it was difficult for them to be in the job market at their age, but encouraged him not to give up hope and shared his experience of opening an online store with his wife and regaining a new life.His words were full of optimism and confidence for the future.

On the other side, while brothers Du Mantang and Du Yiyi were dining, Du Yiyi received a call asking about the results of the investigation.Although he was surprised when he learned that the identity of the director of the nursing home was correct, he still insisted that Xiao Wang and others were deceitful.He proposed to transfer all shares of the property to Du Mantang to avoid debts involving his family.Du Mantang firmly opposed it and used the 300,000 he raised to pay off Du Satisfaction's debt, emphasizing the mutual support between family members.Later, Du Mantang informed his wife Wang Xiaoqing of the matter. She expressed her support and readily accepted Du Mantang's travel plan.However, their “travel” was just simple activities near home, and Du Mantang even fell asleep during the movie.

In the alley, an online ride-hailing driver needed to sell his vehicle for some reason, and Zhang Zezhong offered to help contact the buyer.Later, Zhang Zezhong also joined the ranks of online ride-hailing drivers.One day, he returned to the alley and found Lao Ai holding a piece of paper in his hand and looking in a trance.It turned out that his medicinal wine suffered a heavy blow because it did not meet national standards.Lao Ai's daughter-in-law came to Du Yiyi, hoping to introduce him to a job, but Du Yiyi said that he was actively changing.At this time, Lao Ai returned in despair and destroyed all the medicinal wine in anger.At the same time, other residents in the hutong, such as Aunt Zhang and Grandma Jin, are also actively discussing the issue of housing for retirement with their families, and Lao Ai is also considering joining the ranks.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 39 Details

Episode 39

Lao Ai asked Aunt Zhang about the reliability of something, and Aunt Zhang suggested that he attend an upcoming on-site briefing session.The next day, Grandma Liang entertained the neighbors at a breakfast shop. She proudly shared that she received a monthly subsidy of 12,000 yuan and lived very comfortably.Encouraged by this, Lao Ai approached Xiao Wang and proposed the only condition - to live with his wife. After Xiao Wang agreed, Lao Ai happily signed the contract and hosted a banquet for Grandma Liang and other persons in charge of the housing-based elderly care project.During the banquet, people from Xiao Wang's company asked Lao Ai if he had received the money. Lao Ai checked his mobile phone and found that 16,000 yuan had been received. Du Yiyi, who was beside him, was full of worries and reminded everyone to pay attention to potential risks, but no one took it seriously.

Du Yiyi was deeply worried. After returning home, he revealed to Du Mantang what he thought was the nature of the scam, believing that Xiao Wang and others were setting up a trap.He estimated that the total value of the properties signed in the hutong was as high as 40 to 50 million, and believed that this group of young people must have an agenda.Du Mantang didn't take it seriously at first, but at Du Satisfaction's insistence, he began to become suspicious and consulted the police about the situation and learned that the matter had been monitored.

One day, while Du Mantang was helping Wang Xiaoqing's family to repair the sewer, he ran into Uncle Yu who had also suffered a scam, and his property was also damaged due to the housing-based pension project.Uncle Yu described in detail how the scammer used the nursing home as bait, gradually defrauded the trust, and finally escaped with the money. Du Mantang thought of the behavior of Xiao Wang and others, and became more convinced of Du Satisfaction's concerns.

Lao Ai was immersed in the joy of moving into a nursing home. Not only did he give homemade wine to his neighbors, he also expressed to Zhang Zezhong his relief from being slighted in the past and his expectations for the future.However, a sudden fire broke the tranquility. Lao Ai showed his heroic side by rescuing the trapped Liang Xin and Guan Xi regardless of his personal safety.

Afterwards, Du Mantang and Du Satisfied discussed countermeasures and decided to seek help from Zhang Zezhong. Although Zhang Zezhong initially expressed his inability to do anything, the two did not give up.They turned to reveal false information to Uncle Ma, trying to use Uncle Ma's greed as a breakthrough to expose the true face of Xiao Wang and others.

《Kuaguzhou Hutong》Episode 40 Details

Episode 40

Hearing Uncle Ma mention the price increase, Xiao Wang and others suddenly felt that the old man had a dark heart, and most residents in the alley had already signed the contract.They discussed evacuating, but Xiao Wang kept his boss's target of 50 million in mind and was unwilling to give up easily.Although Zhang Zezhong pretended to be evasive, he actually used the name of registration to inspect Xiao Wang's team.Just as he was about to escape, Xiao Wang was caught off guard by Zhang Zezhong's visit and appeared in a hurry.Xiao Wang was eager to see off the guests, fearing that he might be exposed, but Zhang Zezhong insisted on investigating.When they entered, they saw five people getting ready to go. Xiao Wang urgently ordered Xiao Li to serve olive oil to cover up the situation.

Zhang Zezhong pretended to have lost his property and caught a glimpse of the luggage when he bent down. He immediately revealed the matter to Du Mantang, fearing that he would abscond.Du Mantang was alert and kept a close eye on Xiao Wang's team with his camera.Xiao Wang and Xiao Li went to see Uncle Ma for further discussion and reached a consensus on a monthly rent of 50,000 yuan, but Uncle Ma's son insisted on 60,000 yuan.Xiao Wang thought the price was high, but Ma Bozi just said it would be fine without signing it, and there was no need to worry about Ma Bozi's old age.

Ma Bo urgently called Du Mantang and lamented that the price had risen to 60,000 yuan.Du Mantang insisted not to sign unless the price was met, which coincided with the return of Xiao Wang and others.At this time, Du Mantang received good news about the museum's investment. The investor was actually Mr. Jiang, whose real name was Jiang Yifan. Du Mantang was surprised that he had made a comeback, and ridiculed him for being so rich.Wang Xiaoqing tried to dissuade him, but Mr. Jiang showed up at the right time.

Wang Xiaoqing returned Mr. Jiang's watch, and everyone talked about it. Du Mantang invited him to visit Beijing often.As night fell, Du Mantang, Du Yiyi, Zhang Zezhong, and Wang Xiaoqing were cooking hot pot on the rooftop of the B&B while monitoring Xiao Wang's team.Xiao Wang suspected that Uncle Ma was a bait, and felt that Du Mantang and the others had exposed their flaws, so he decided to evacuate overnight. Unexpectedly, he was intercepted by Du Mantang and the others as soon as they went out.

Du Mantang asked about his whereabouts, and a woman lied that she was going back to her hometown to get married.When pressed for details, Xiao Wang bluntly said that everyone was not a good person and asked to be let go.Du Mantang refused, and Xiao Wang wanted to use money to clear the way, but Du Mantang warned the police to follow.When a conflict broke out, Xiao Wang ordered his accomplices to break out with money, and the three of them were beaten. Fortunately, the police stopped them in time, and the neighbors came out after hearing the news.Director Shi revealed the secret. He had already joined forces with his brother units to conduct surveillance, aiming to capture the fraud gang and keep it secret to avoid alerting the snake.

Shi Suo reassured the people that their property was safe, but Du Mantang and three others were hospitalized due to injuries.Zhang Zezhong was interviewed by the media again. When Wang Xiaoqing asked about marriage, Du Mantang mistakenly thought that he was talking about divorce. Only then did he realize that he was urging him to witness his children's wedding, so he happily agreed.The Hutong Museum was completed, and the investor was actually Su Huirong, not Jiang Yifan.Su Huirong recalled her past time in the alley. Although it was bitter, it was full of family warmth.Du Mantang was the first director of the museum, and his words were inspiring.