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《My Strawberry Film》 Summ

In this seemingly ordinary high school, the youth of four people are intertwined, forming a beautiful picture.Ling (Ryuuo Fukada), Hikari (Rei Yahana), Chika (Mizuki Yoshida) and the mysterious film girl (Rika Taganabe), their stories unfold quietly at the moment when the film rolls are intertwined.

Ling, a sophomore in high school, has deep emotions hidden under his seemingly cold appearance.He had been silently paying attention to Guang, that young man who was full of curiosity and always had a smile on his face.As for Guang, his world completely changed the moment he discovered that roll of 8mm film.He was deeply attracted by the beautiful girl reflected in the film. His pure and warm emotions made his life colorful.

Qianhua is a classmate of Ling and Guang. She protects them silently. Her heart is full of love for Guang, but she chooses to remain silent because she knows that Guang only has the girl in the film in his heart.As for the mysterious film girl, her existence is like a mystery, elusive.Her image gradually became clear in the interlacing of films. Her smile and her eyes were unforgettable.

The eyes of the four people are always passing by each other anxiously. Their moods and emotions are quietly fermenting in this seemingly ordinary high school.Their youth is like that roll of 8mm film, intertwined and beautiful.Their stories, like the pictures projected by the projector, are full of color and vitality.

《The Secret of Film: Quartet of Youth》is a TV series depicting youth, love and friendship.It allows us to see the beauty of youth, the innocence of love, and the depth of friendship.In this seemingly ordinary high school, the youth of four people are intertwined, forming a beautiful picture.Their stories allow us to see our own shadow and remind us of our youth.

The relationship between Ling, Guang, Qianhua and the film girl is complicated, but it is this complex relationship that constitutes the unique color of their youth.Every encounter and every intersection between them is full of emotions and expectations.Their youth is like that roll of 8mm film, full of stories and memories.

《The Secret of Film: Quartet of Youth》is not only a TV series depicting youth, but also a work depicting human nature.It allows us to see the complexity of human nature and the beauty of human nature.It makes us understand that youth is not only a period of time, but also an emotion, an attitude, and a way of life.

《My Strawberry Film》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1: Discovering the old school building

Qianhua brought Guang to the old school building to dig for treasures, but Guang felt that this was a fraud.But Qianhua doesn't think that empty things are a waste. She prefers to make the best use of them, so why put them here to take up space.Guang found a box in the cabinet. Unexpectedly, when he opened it, it turned out to be an eight-millimeter film. Fortunately, they also found a projector.Fortunately, Qianhua's grandfather taught her how to show it, but the scenery inside turned out to be their school.What makes people even more curious is that after watching the entire movie, I felt completely elated because a girl appeared in the second half of the movie!

Episode 1: Discovering the old school building

Guang said that the girl couldn't jump from the roof, which made Qianhua turn around in fright. She had been waiting for Guang's reaction.Unexpectedly, Guang was dumbfounded, looking ahead stupidly.Because his heart was still pounding, the girl in the video made him fall in love at first sight.

Guang curiously asked his friend Ling about his love experience.Unexpectedly, Ling said, no, because he already had someone he admired.But if you don’t believe it, how could such a handsome person not exist?But Ling was curious about who Guang liked!

Guang begged Qianhua to play the video again so that he could see the girl again.I saw the light and kept taking pictures. I wanted to take a picture of the girl's beautiful figure with my mobile phone.I just ask people everywhere, but I always hit a wall!

Until the teacher recommended him to ask another teacher, but the teacher's response was very indifferent.It feels like she should know it, but she pretends not to know!

Guang discovers the old school building, a corner of which was transformed into a warm corner by Ling and Qianhua.Qianhua went to the club, and Ling came back with his laptop, only to find Guang sleeping on the sofa.Looking at Guang Tian's sleeping face, Ling couldn't help but reach out to touch her, but for the loud noise that interrupted Ling's thoughts.He quickly retracted his hand, pretending not to care about what just happened, woke up the sleeping light, and went home together.

Qianhua quickly retreated. She originally wanted to come back to see her friends, but she didn't expect her to see this scene!

《My Strawberry Film》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2: Searching for the Mysterious Girl

On a quiet night, Qianhua accidentally heard the music composed by Ling.The music is like a trickle, gentle and profound, and like stars, shining with mysterious light.Qianhua was deeply attracted. She seemed to have seen another world, a world full of unknowns and explorations.At that moment, a strong idea came to Qianhua's mind - to make Ryo's voice into a movie, so that more people can hear it and look for the mysterious girl.

Qianhua began to prepare for the filming of the movie.She found a group of like-minded partners, including Liang, who has been silently by her side.They discussed the script together, selected the actors together, and prepared the filming equipment together.During this process, Qianhua and Liang spent many happy times together, and their feelings for each other also quietly grew.

However, just as the filming of the movie was coming to an end, Qianhua discovered a shocking secret.On her way home from a club event, she happened to pass by a warehouse.Under the moonlight, she saw Liang and Guang together, their actions were intimate, as if they were a pair of lovers.Qianhua's heart sank suddenly, she couldn't believe her eyes.She couldn't accept this fact because she had fallen deeply in love with Liang.

Qianhua fell into pain and confusion.She begins to doubt her decision. Should Ryo's voice be made into a movie?Should we keep looking for the mysterious girl?However, just when she was hesitant, she thought of Ling's music and the world full of unknowns and explorations.She understands that she cannot give up her pursuit of art because of her personal feelings.

So Qianhua cheered up and decided to continue making movies.She poured her emotions into her creations, blending Ryo's voice with the story of a mysterious girl.In the end, the film was successfully shot and released in major theaters.The audience was moved by the music in the movie and searched for the mysterious girl.Qianhua also found her own direction and pursuit in this process.

She understood that even if life is full of setbacks and difficulties, as long as she persists in her beliefs and pursuits, she will be able to find her own light.And that mysterious girl may be not far away, waiting for her discovery and pursuit.

Qianhua and Liang finally solved their misunderstanding, and their relationship became deeper.Together they continue to explore the path of art, using their talents and passion to create more beautiful works.Qianhua's film has also become a classic, spread throughout the world, allowing more people to feel the charm and power of art.

《My Strawberry Film》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3: Identity of transfer student

Chika, Ling, and Hikaru, these three transfer students, suddenly appeared in Minami's life with their unique charm.They are like thousands of flowers in spring, gorgeous and short-lived, bringing different colors to Minami's daily life.

Minami is an introverted girl. Her life is as plain as water. She studies day after day and has few friends.However, the appearance of these three people was like a stone dropped on a calm lake, causing ripples.

Qianhua is a sunny and cheerful girl. Her smile is like the spring sunshine, warm and bright.Ling is a calm boy, his eyes are deep, as if he can see into people's hearts.Guang is a lively boy, his enthusiasm is like the summer sun, hot and strong.

Their enthusiasm for Minami made Minami a little overwhelmed.They took Minami to the warehouse and showed the movie to see her reaction.However, the content of the movie made Minami feel a little depressed.It was a movie that depicted the pain of youth. Watching the characters on the screen experience struggle and pain, Minami's heart became heavy.

However, Hikaru was happy.He told Ryo that he and Minami went to a coffee shop near the school.He thought Minami liked that kind of atmosphere and that kind of life.But Ryo felt something different. He felt that Minami's reaction in the cinema was not her true feelings.

Ryo began to observe Minami, and he found that Minami actually preferred a quiet environment and read alone.The bustle and bustle brought to her by Qianhua, Ling, and Guang, although it made her feel novel, also made her a little tired.

Liang realizes that everyone's lifestyle is different and cannot be imposed on others.He decided to find an opportunity to tell Qianhua, Ling, and Guang so that they could understand Minami's feelings.He hoped that they could respect Minami's choice and let her live her life on her own terms.

In the process, Minami also began to reflect on herself.She began to understand that she did not reject the new experiences Qianhua, Ling, and Guang brought to her, but she also needed her own space and time.She decided to take the initiative to communicate with them and tell them how she felt.

《My Strawberry Film》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4: Supporting Light’s Love

Ling and Guang met during their freshman year of high school.The deck in front of the enclosed roof was their gathering place, and Ling liked to build walls around others, and he was open to the friendly nature of light.

However, Ling's feelings were disturbed by the appearance of Minami.Qianhua understands Ling's feelings and supports Guang's love...

《My Strawberry Film》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5: Going on vacation

Ling, Hikaru, Minami and Chika are going on vacation.He watched with sadness as Minami and Hikari happily filmed on the beach in the same frame as the movie.

At this time, Qianhua caught Ling's gaze.The hearts of the four people passing by are lonelier than the winter sea...

《My Strawberry Film》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6: Revenge for Her Strawberry Parfait

In the classroom after recess, Ling could not talk to Qianhua who was lying on the table.Qianhua, who had been monitoring the two of them, told Ling the truth in the warehouse after school.Hikaru invites Minami to a coffee shop and tries to avenge her strawberry parfait, but...

《My Strawberry Film》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7: Friendships may have changed

Guang, who realizes Ling's feelings for the first time, recalls the time when they met.Ling, who is devoted to music creation, is a dazzling presence for Hikaru, who is easily bored.Chika worries about a change in friendship after discovering the film, while Minami has mixed feelings.