Home TV stand or fall
《stand or fall》Introduction to the original work

The play is adapted from the cartoonist Bilibili, which is nothing more than this cartoon - Ben San Year -.

Introduction to the original work

Comic introduction:

Management, graduated from a key university, worked in a foreign investment bank, and had a moderately successful career.She accidentally jumped to 29 and was still single. She received enthusiastic help from her parents, relatives and friends.Who says women must get married when they are 30? Watch how Guan Wen and his good partners and gay friends overcome five obstacles and live a wonderful life.

As an older leftover woman with the Virgo attribute, Guan Wen carries four knives with him - Taobitao, and Taobitao.Graduated from a key university, worked in a foreign investment bank, and had a moderately successful career.I accidentally jumped to 29, and I always miss my boyfriend silently in my heart. I wonder if he is eating well, wearing warm clothes, and whether he is happy or not.I don’t know where he lives, what he looks like, how old he is...%

During this year, her best friend encountered the biggest setback in her life. The perfect man who made her heart beat was still far away from her, and the negative emotions of her married friend deepened her fear of marriage.Under the pursuit of a man, this woman, who will turn thirty in one year, is on a journey called life~