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《stand or fall》Episode 32 Synopsis

Episode 32: Ding Ning decided not to go to Singapore

In the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city, the story of Ding Ning and Guan Wen slowly unfolds.Ding Ning was very happy because Guan Wen admitted her relationship with him in public. This was not only an affirmation of their relationship, but also Guan Wen's official recognition of Ding Ning.In order to meet Guan Wen's family in the most formal way, Ding Ning went out of his way to find a custom-made haute couture suit and carefully selected health products as a meeting gift.These details show Ding Ning's respect and attention to Guan Wen and his family.

Episode 32: Ding Ning decided not to go to Singapore

At the same time, Chen Xuanxuan also began to re-examine her relationship with He Yifei after experiencing a series of twists and turns.She had been worried about the gap between the two, but He Yifei's frankness and understanding made her put aside her worries.The two decided to give each other a chance, and their bravery and honesty made their relationship even deeper.

In the relationship between Ding Ning and Guan Wen, we see a kind of maturity and rationality.Although Ding Ning got the opportunity to study abroad, he did not blindly pursue personal development. Instead, he chose to ask Guan Wen for his opinion, which reflected his importance and respect for the relationship between the two.Guan Wen also gave Ding Ning firm support and encouraged him to pursue his dream.This mutual support and understanding makes their relationship stronger.

However, just when Ding Ning was about to leave, Guan Wen encountered an accident.She was taken away by Mr. Lei and Peter, and this episode brought Ding Ning's worries to a peak.In the end, Ding Ning chose to give up the opportunity to go abroad and stay with Guan Wen.This decision not only reflects Ding Ning's deep feelings for Guan Wen, but also shows his firmness and persistence in love.

After this incident, the relationship between Ding Ning and Guan Wen became even closer.They rely on each other and support each other to face life's challenges together.And Ding Ning also realized that he needed management more than work.This mutual dependence and understanding makes their relationship even deeper.