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《Breaking Bad Season 1》 Summ

In an ordinary high school in New Mexico, Walter White lived an ordinary life.As a chemistry teacher, he faces experimental benches, test tubes and a group of energetic students every day.However, beneath this ordinary appearance, there is an extraordinary story hidden.

Walter was once a top student in the field of chemistry, and his research results even missed the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.But out of his desire for an ordinary life, he chose to give up the path of scientific research and become an ordinary teacher.However, fate struck a heavy blow when he least expected it.

When the doctor told him that the shadow of late-stage lung cancer had enveloped his body, Walter's world collapsed instantly.Not only does he have to face the countdown to his own life, but he also has to think about how to protect his family's future life.At home, the pregnant wife in her forties and the son with mild cerebral palsy were their family's most precious treasure and the deepest concern in his heart. Walter knew that he was the financial backbone of the family.

《Breaking Bad Season 1》Episode 1 Details

pilot episode

On Walter's 50th birthday, he stood at a crossroads in his life, looking back at the past and looking forward to the future.His life is full of complex emotions and challenges. His academic qualifications far exceed those of the high school chemistry teacher he teaches now. He has a rebellious son and a pregnant wife, and his introverted personality often makes him feel out of tune with the world..However, today, he learned that he had lung cancer and only had two years left.

This news was like a heavy hammer, instantly crushing Walter's spirit.He felt the world around him become numb and unable to feel any emotion.He tried his best to hide this fact from his family, but he knew he had to make a choice.

Walter decided to seek advice from his brother-in-law, who worked for the Drug Enforcement Administration.However, while waiting for his brother-in-law, he witnessed a shocking scene: his former student Jesse jumped out of the window of the building and fled to his car.Walter followed immediately, he wanted to know what was going on.

pilot episode

That night, Walt follows Jesse, and a conversation between the two reveals a surprising plan: they intend to make drugs together.Walt was in charge of manufacturing amphetamines, while Jesse was in charge of selling them.This decision put Walter into a deep contradiction. On the one hand, he wanted to leave some wealth for his family, but on the other hand, he knew that this was illegal behavior.

The next day, Walter stole chemicals from the school, and the two hid in the RV together and started making drugs.Walt used his skillful skills to create amphetamines that Jesse was full of praise for.However, their plan didn't go as smoothly as they imagined.

Jesse brought the drugs to the drug dealer. The drug dealer knew that Jesse and Amy Luo had previous criminal records, so he wanted to take risks.He threatens Walt with Jesse and Amylo's lives to get him to hand over the amphetamine formula.Walter reluctantly agreed to the drug dealer's request.However, while demonstrating the amphetamine making process, Walter managed to add the wrong chemicals, creating a gas that successfully trapped the drug dealer and knocked him out.

Walt and Jesse took the opportunity to escape the scene in their RV, but the RV suddenly broke down.At this time, a police car suddenly appeared, and Walter nervously took out his gun and prepared to fight, but in the end it was discovered that it was just a false alarm.They were able to escape the police.

Walter knew they couldn't stay in this place any longer.He drove the RV back to town and hid the drug dealer's body in Jesse's house.He knew it was a dangerous move, but he had no choice.

《Breaking Bad Season 1》Episode 2 Details

Keep it a secret…

Walter and Jesse originally planned to deal with the drug dealer and Amy Luo. Unexpectedly, the drug dealer suddenly woke up. This unexpected incident caught them off guard.To ensure safety, Walter decisively locked the drug dealer into the basement of Jesse's house.They knew that if the drug dealers escaped, their secrets would be nowhere to be found.

When assigned tasks, Jesse is responsible for watching over Amylo, while Walter is responsible for guarding the drug dealer.Although neither of them wanted to take the drug dealer's life, their fear and worry about the drug dealer grew day by day.They were afraid that the drug dealers would expose their plans if they had the chance, so they decided to temporarily place the drug dealers under house arrest.

Keep it a secret…

At the same time, Walter's wife Skyler was in the hospital for a prenatal check-up. When she learned that she was pregnant with a girl, she was filled with joy.When she tried to contact Walter, she accidentally heard Jesse's message to Walter, which mentioned the word "drugs".This worried Skyler, and she immediately questioned Walter.

In order to appease Skyler, Walt spun a lie, claiming that Jesse wanted to sell him marijuana.However, Skylar was not entirely convinced, and her heart was full of doubts.

To dispose of Amylo's body, Walt instructs Jesse to use strong acid to dissolve it in a plastic container.But Jesse chose the bathtub at home for convenience.As a result, the strong acid not only melted the bathtub and floor, but also caused Emilio's undissolved body to fall to the first floor.Walt was very angry when he discovered Jesse's cutting corners and blamed him for not listening to the old man's advice because strong acid can dissolve anything that is not plastic.

《Breaking Bad Season 1》Episode 3 Details

Proper disposal...

After Walter and Jesse teamed up to dispose of Amylo's body, Walter's heart was full of entanglements.Not only does he have to deal with his crime, but he also has to deal with the drug dealer.Although he tried to find a way to get rid of the drug dealer, he could never make up his mind.

Skyler's worries about Walter grew. She was worried that Walter was being entangled with Jesse, so she told her sister Mary and brother-in-law Hank about the situation.After listening to Skyler's description, Mary began to worry whether Walter and his son were both involved in marijuana.

In order to help her sister, Mary decided to let her husband Hank, who worked for the Food and Drug Administration, educate Walter's son.Hank chose a motel frequented by drug dealers and prostitutes, hoping to teach Walter's son a vivid lesson.

Proper disposal...

While Walter was preparing to deliver food to the drug dealer, he suddenly coughed and fell down the basement stairs.When he woke up, he revealed to the drug dealer that he had lung cancer.This was also the first time he had confided this to anyone, which made him feel a little more relaxed.Although he did not have the courage to kill the drug dealer, a drunken conversation between the two made Walter put down his guard.

When Walter returned upstairs and prepared to release the drug dealer, he discovered that the bowl was missing a piece.He suspected that the drug dealer had taken it while he was unconscious, which made him realize that the drug dealer might have a plan to kill him.In anger, he rushed to the basement and killed the drug dealer.

When Walter returns home, Skylar is angry about his recent whereabouts.Faced with Skylar's questioning, Walter bluntly said that the two needed to have a good talk.

《Breaking Bad Season 1》Episode 4 Details

dying person

A few days later, the party between Mary and Walter was held as usual.However, the atmosphere of this gathering was different from usual.Walter, a once strong and determined man, announced news that shocked everyone: he had lung cancer.

This news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the peaceful family.Walter's son Jesse, a young man who was originally smart and smart, fell into confusion at this time.He indulged in his friends and even tried amphetamine, a dangerous drug created by Walter.

Jesse's friends were shocked by the powerful effects of the drug, but Jesse himself was addicted to the hallucinations it brought and couldn't extricate himself.The next morning, still immersed in this hallucination, he rushed excitedly to his parents' home.However, his parents did not welcome his arrival and kicked him out of the house.What shocked Jesse even more was that he discovered that his younger brother was also secretly taking drugs.

dying person

Just when Jesse was in trouble, he received a call and someone was willing to buy the drugs in his hands.On the other hand, Walter's wife Skylar makes an appointment with an expensive oncologist for him.Although Walter thought the cost was too high, he still secretly used his own private money to pay for the diagnosis.

However, Jesse's appearance made Walt very angry.He angrily gave Walter the $4,000 in dividends he deserved.At the hospital, Skylar discusses Walt's condition with the doctor, but Walt doesn't seem concerned.Skyler proposed a $90,000 treatment plan, but Walter was worried that it would bankrupt the family and refused.After their son heard this conversation, he angrily said that if Walter did not receive treatment, he would die.

Meanwhile, Walter meets a businessman named Ken twice at the bank and at a gas station.In Walter's opinion, Ken is a superficial and rude person.At the gas station, Walt even pries off the hood of Ken's sports car, draining the car's battery.

《Breaking Bad Season 1》Episode 5 Details

gray matter

Jesse, a once misguided soul now trying to change his ways, hopes to find a new job in town and start a new life.However, the reality is too cruel for people to look directly at.He found himself unable to do any job, which plunged him into deep despair.

In this desperate moment, Jesse meets his old friend Bager.Bager invites Jesse to return to his old business of making drugs.Faced with this tempting offer, Jesse fell into an inner struggle.He knew this was the wrong path, but he also knew he had no choice in his current situation.

Meanwhile, Walter and Skylar are attending a birthday party for a wealthy friend, Elliot.Walter was Elliot's partner and together they ran a company called “Grey Matter”.However, after Walter left, Elliot became a billionaire.Elliot offers Walter a job, claiming it comes with good health insurance.But Walter refused without hesitation.

Walter angrily asks Skyler if he has told Elliot about his situation.Skylar admits and apologizes to Walt.She admitted that she could not bear the fact that Walter was about to leave, and she must persuade Walter to receive treatment.However, Walter had his own persistence.He does not want to undergo chemotherapy and become a weak medicine pot. He hopes to live with dignity, even if it is short-lived, but also glorious.

gray matter

The next morning, Walter told Skyler that he had changed his mind and wanted to undergo treatment.However, Elliot's wife tries to convince Walter to take the job.Walter still firmly rejected her.

At this crossroads in life, both Jesse and Walt face difficult choices.Jesse is torn between drugs and the righteous, while Walt is torn between life and death.They all need to find the inner strength to face the challenges ahead.

In the end, Walt found Jesse and hoped that he could return to his old career.

《Breaking Bad Season 1》Episode 6 Details

White wolf with empty gloves

In an inconspicuous corner, Walt and Jesse reached an agreement.Walt makes the drugs and Jesse sells them.This division of labor seems clear and harmonious, but behind it lies deep dangers and secrets.

Walter began chemotherapy, which he lied about being paid for by Elliot.However, the side effects of chemotherapy gradually appeared, and he suddenly felt unwell during a chemistry class at school and had to leave the classroom to go to the toilet to vomit.Student Skyler becomes suspicious of his whereabouts, but Walter excuses himself by taking a walk.

During the process of making poison, Walter's health deteriorated.A coughing attack forced him to leave the RV and go outside for some fresh air.Jesse noticed something strange about Walter, and he speculated that the reason why Walter worked so hard to make drugs was to prepare for his wife and children's death.

At the same time, Hank and his colleagues found a mask in the desert and tracked it to Walter's high school.Hank tells Walter that the mask was stolen from the school supply room.They found more items missing from the supply room and suspected someone was stealing and making drugs in the school.Unfortunately, they mistakenly arrest Hugo, the school's janitor.Walter knew Hugo was innocent, but he could not speak out.

White wolf with empty gloves

Jesse gives the dividend to Walter, but Walter thinks the money is too little.He suggested contacting a dealer, and Jesse revealed there was a man named Tuco to contact.Tuco agreed to buy it after inspecting the goods, but required payment and delivery.However, when Jesse handed the goods to Tuco, Tuco became angry and beat Jesse up.After learning about this, Walter decided to meet Tuco in person.

The next morning, Walter shaved his head and found Tuco's hiding place with a bag of things.He demanded $50,000 from Tuco for the amphetamines and Jesse's medical expenses.Tuco refused, so Walter took out a crystal from the bag and told Tuco that it was not drugs, but mercury.Walter threw the crystal out, and it exploded instantly, making everyone in the room dizzy.After threatening to throw away the entire bag, Tuco agreed to pay.

《Breaking Bad Season 1》Episode 7 Details

nonviolent transaction

In a complex triangle, the stories of Walter, Jesse and Tuco are intertwined with greed, betrayal and danger.Jesse's share of the dividends he originally deserved was given to him by Walt, but he was angry at the agreement between Walt and Tuco because he believed that producing such a large amount of drugs in such a short period of time was an impossible task.

When the three met again, Walter admitted that he had encountered technical difficulties and hoped to extend the delivery time.This offer immediately angers Tuco, but Walter takes the opportunity to demand more pay.Jesse thinks this is Walter deliberately creating difficulties and pushing the limits.Walt hands Jesse a list of chemicals that might increase production.

Meanwhile, at Skyler's newborn baby party, Mary gave her a priceless piece of jewelry.However, this seemingly perfect gift hides a dark secret.When Skyler tried to return the gift, she was shocked to discover that Mary had stolen the jewelry from the store.

nonviolent transaction

When Walter learned the news, although he was shocked, he understood that Mary might have made such a choice for the sake of her family.This deep attachment to his family made him decide to move on and face the predicament with Jesse.

So, on a dark and stormy night, Walter and Jesse quietly sneaked into a chemical company's warehouse and stole the chemical that was missing from the list.They return to Jesse's house and continue making drugs regardless.

Eventually, when Walt and Jesse delivered the newly made drugs to Tuco, Tuco was very pleased with the purity of the drugs and agreed to pay them the amount they asked for.