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《Miss Night and Day》 Summ

Lee Hyun-yin plays Lim Soon, a public intern in her 50s during the day, and Lee Meizhen (played by Jung Eun-ji), a 20-something job preparer at night.

Choi Jin Hyuk plays Ji Ji Xiong, a drug investigation prosecutor who is entangled with two women, Lin Shun and Li Meizhen.

The play is a whimsical and sweet romantic comedy about a job-preparing student who is suddenly trapped in old age one day and a prosecutor with her abilities who is confused by her day and night.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Li Weijin is a kind-hearted girl who is filial to her parents. She has no lofty ideals or ambitions, nor any special preferences. She followed her mother's instructions and has been applying for civil servants since graduation. However, things went against her expectations. She failed the exam for seven consecutive years. This year is herThe eighth time she applied, after successfully passing the written test, she once again failed at the interview, while another girl with the same name as her was lucky enough to be admitted.

Li Weijin didn't know how to face her mother, who expected her to be admitted to the civil service examination. She lingered with tears in her eyes for a long time before walking into the house. Unexpectedly, her mother had already called to inquire about her test results. She heard that there was someone named on the admission list.The mother of Li Weijin's girl was very excited because her daughter's years of hard work finally paid off.Her mother's misunderstanding allowed Li Weijin to escape. She didn't want to disappoint her mother, so the next day she took the initiative to contact someone she met outside the exam who claimed to be a civil servant. She was worried about being seen by others, so she deliberately wore ancient fashion.Gong's clothes were still hidden along the way, so that when she entered the coffee shop, she collided with prosecutor Gui Zhixiong, and her forehead hit the door with a big red mark.

The other party vowed to help Li Weijin apply for a civil service job. Li Weijin didn't quite believe it. If this was possible, then what would her more than seven years of hard work mean? But in order to deal with her mother, she could only choose to believe it.Gui Zhixiong on the side paid special attention to the conversation between the two. With many years of work experience, he concluded that the other person was a liar, so he took advantage of the person's opportunity to go to the toilet to borrow the other person's mobile phone and asked his colleagues to investigate the other person's true identity.

Li Weijin transferred the remittance her mother asked her to make to the client into the other party's account. Because there was a limit requirement, she only remitted five million. The other party asked her to go to the bank to withdraw the remaining money. At this time, Gui Zhixiong stepped forward.He spilled coffee on the person as a thank you. After getting the other person's ID card, he immediately asked his colleagues to approve it. The other person found out that the deception had been exposed and scared him to run away. Gui Zhixiong followed closely behind him.After catching up, Li Weijin realized that he had been cheated.

With the assistance of Interpol Quan, Gui Zhixiong arrested the liar. After seeing the lost Li Weijin, he kindly gave her his leather shoes to wear and sent her to the police station to assist in the investigation.Li Weijin became extremely depressed when he heard that the money he had been defrauded could not be withdrawn for the time being, but he could only accept this result.When Gui Zhixiong returned home, he discovered that his information had turned into Li Weijin's personal information. He then remembered that Li Weijin had taken away his information by mistake in the car. He immediately called Li Weijin, but was met by a frustrated Li Weijin.Treated it as a scam call and blocked him.

Li Weijin walked toward home lonely and met a stray kitten. She handed the milk to the kitten and told it about her misfortune. After returning home, her mother prepared delicious barbecue for her, and her father returned it to her.She bought new shoes as a gift, but Li Weijin was not in the mood to enjoy them at all. She took out her years of examination materials and prepared to burn them, but half of them were burned. When she kept thinking about the injustice of God, there was a sudden thunder and lightning.When it started to rain, she had to give up the burning.Li Weijin secretly drank the soju at home, and met the stray cat again when she was drunk. Then the stray cat fell into the wine vat. She ran to save the kitten, as if she had fallen in too.

Early the next morning, Li Weijin woke up from a hangover, but turned into an aunt in her fifties. This caused misunderstandings from her parents. They called the police and took Li Weijin into the police station. No matter how Li Weijin explained, it was of no avail untilShe found out that she looked like an aunt, which frightened her even more.The police officers finally determined that Li Weijin had a mental problem and wanted to find professional medical personnel for identification. Li Weijin was afraid that he would be sent to a mental hospital, so he ran away. The police officers found Li Weijin in a restaurant. It was almost dusk.Li Weijin returned to his original appearance, scaring the police officers so much that they could do nothing wrong.

After Li Weijin came home, he saw his mother making defense preparations, and then told her about an aunt coming to the house, but she didn't know that she was the aunt.In the days that followed, Li Weijin switched between two people with different identities. She became an aunt during the day and turned back to Li Weijin at night. This made her almost crazy. After learning from the painful experience, Li Weijin decided to change this life.As Shun, she signed up for the middle-aged and elderly job search exam and successfully passed the interview. This made her very excited. In any case, she already had a job opportunity.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

In the middle of the night, Li Weijin heard the kitten's cry. Under its guidance, she came to the attic room, where she found relevant information about her aunt Lin Shun. This is also the reason why she took up the job as Lin Shun.Li Weijin clearly remembered that when his aunt disappeared unexpectedly, his mother had been searching for her in many ways, but there was no news about her aunt as if she had disappeared from the world.

Because her body shape changed after becoming an aunt and she couldn't find suitable clothes, Li Weijin had to borrow some clothes from her mother. As a result, her identity was almost discovered by her mother. The mother and daughter had a good fight, and Li Weijin hid under the quilt.Only to escape discovery.

When the day came for registration, Li Weijin didn't even bother to eat. She even knocked her father to the ground because she left home in a hurry. Fortunately, her parents didn't notice her transformation into an aunt.Li Weijin's internship was at the Seohan District Prosecutor's Office. The deputy director attended the meeting on behalf of the official. Li Weijin was the youngest among all the interns. She was just happy for a while. After learning that the internship job was to clean the prosecutor's office,Her mood began to drop again. She wanted to show off her talents, but she could only engage in this career.

Gui Zhixiong was demoted to the Seohan Prosecutor's Office for insisting on justice and convicting the popular star Gao Yuan. Li Weijin's main job today is to clean Gui Zhixiong's new office.Li Weijin calmed down and started working happily. Gui Zhixiong's sudden appearance made her panic. Not only did she knock over the cactus, but she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Gui Zhixiong caught her in time. Li Weijin was curious as to why he appeared there.Here, Gui Zhixiong doesn't even know Li Weijin, who has become an aunt.

Gui Zhixiong was looking for a house, and the landlord of Li's mother's butcher shop sold him an uninhabited ghost house. Li's father failed to stop him, and Gui Zhixiong quickly moved in. Something strange happened in the middle of the night, and Gui Zhixiong finallyHe remembered that the landlord had reminded him intentionally or unintentionally, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, he was quite courageous as a prosecutor.

When Li Weijin was at work, his colleagues quarreled over trivial matters. Li Weijin and his female colleague tried to stop the quarrel. But the female colleague had a way to resolve the issue easily and also got the opportunity to have dinner together.Gui Zhixiong found Li's mother's pork stall from Li Weijin's information. He wanted to find Li Weijin to ask for his information, but was mistaken by Li Weijin's civil servant colleague, so he chatted with Gui Zhixiong from the perspective of mother-in-law.Li Weijin, who was on the phone with his mother, was worried that Gui Zhixiong had leaked his story, so he immediately got on his bicycle and rushed home. When his colleagues saw this, they canceled the dinner party.

Li Wei came to her mother's meat stall, but forgot that she was an aunt. After hearing her mother's strange cry, she recovered and hurriedly rode away. Fortunately, it got dark soon and she was able to return to her original state.appearance.Li Weijin pulled Gui Zhixiong away from Li's mother. She felt relieved when he heard that he did not mention his failure to apply for civil service. The conversation between the two was seen by Li's father and Li's mother, and they speculated that the twoThere must be a very close relationship.

Gui Zhixiong asked Li Weijin for information, but she couldn't find it when she returned home. Then she remembered that she had taken it out and thrown it away that day. It was unknown whether it was burned or not.After learning that Gui Zhixiong's information was very important, Li Weijin took him to a nearby second-hand bookstore to try his luck. Maybe someone had picked up his information and sold it here.After a period of searching, Li Weijin finally found the information, but Gui Zhixiong received a call from Detective Quan and left.

A corpse dismemberment case occurred nearby. Gui Zhixiong's mother was dismembered and killed, so he paid special attention to such cases. Gui Zhixiong conducted a careful investigation at the scene and concluded that the murderer should still be at the scene. He searched everywhere and alerted the murderer.The murderer drove away, but Gui Zhixiong did not catch up because the murderer's route might be the direction Li Weijin went home, so Gui Zhixiong hurriedly took a shortcut and ran over.

Li Weijin was curious about the content of Gui Zhixiong's information. It seemed that he paid special attention to it, so she opened it and checked it. Unexpectedly, she found that it was all information about missing persons. At this time, the murderer drove up in a car. Gui Zhixiong shouted Li Weijin's name. Li WeijinWhen he turned around, it was already too late, and the information in his hand was scattered on the floor.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Li Weijin turned around after hearing the sound of the car. A gust of wind happened to blow over, and the documents in her hand were blown to the ground. One of them happened to be pasted on the window of the driver's seat of the car. Li Weijin was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm sorry."He stepped forward and took down the piece of paper. At this time, the murderer in the car had already picked up the bloody axe. Fortunately, Gui Zhixiong rushed over and the murderer had to drive away. Li Weijin was able to escape.

Li Weijin didn't know why, so Gui Zhixiong had no choice but to tell the truth. When she learned that the person just now might be the murderer, Li Weijin was shocked. Gui Zhixiong asked her if she saw the number plate clearly. Li Weijin shook his head and denied it, but after thinking about it carefully, thatWhen the car door was opened, she smelled a special smell inside the car, but she couldn't tell what it was for the moment.Gui Zhixiong sent Li Weijin home. After seeing it, Li's father and Li's mother hurriedly hid in the door and pretended to be cleaning. They thought their daughter had found a good home.

Li Weijin became famous for her bravery in fighting gangsters who poured acid on the plateau, and was awarded by the Seohan Prosecutor's Office. She also brought collective honor to the interns.A new intern arrived. He was once the director of a hospital, which made everyone doubt the purpose of his arrival.

In order to thank Li Weijin for saving her life, Gao Yuan gave her a lot of gifts and a car. Because Li Weijin wrote her home address to her best friend's house, Gao Yuan's assistant sent it directly to her home, which surprised her best friend so she had toShe called Li Weijin to confirm, but in desperation, Li Weijin had no choice but to run to her best friend's house during the day and tell her the truth, but her best friend refused to believe it no matter what. She felt that Li Weijin was lying, until after dark, Li Weijin turned into his original appearance.Only then did her best friend believe her and agreed to help her find the kitten so that she could return to her original appearance.

Gui Zhixiong found that the clerk was very unprofessional, so he severely criticized her. The clerk angrily resigned because the staff of the District Prosecutor's Office was already very tight, and the deputy chief was temporarily unavailable. He saw the interns and interns on the table.When we took a group photo together, the energetic Li Weijin first came to mind.

The police searched for clues about the murderer by the ditch, but found no traces. Gui Zhixiong refused to give up. He accidentally encountered the silver-gray off-road vehicle, which seemed to be the one driven by the murderer, so he drove after it. Che also realized that someone was chasing him, and the two cars started a chasing game. Finally, a car blocked the way, and Gui Zhixiong lost the car. In order to continue to find vehicle information, Gui Zhixiong thought of Li Weijin, and he immediately called He contacted Li Weijin, but found that he was still blocked on Li Weijin's phone. He had to wait at Li Weijin's house after get off work, but was mistakenly thought by Li's father and mother that they were in love.

Li Weijin's parents forced Gui Zhixiong and Li Weijin into her boudoir. Gui Zhixiong asked about the vehicle information. Li Weijin once again thought of the special smell in the car. She felt that if she found a car with this smell, she could identify the suspect., because of frequent contact with Gui Zhixiong, Li Weijin gradually fell in love with this somewhat dull and serious prosecutor.

After Gao Yuan was released on bail for his sentence, he worked as a volunteer at the prosecutor's office instead. His fans came to watch. Li Weijin took the opportunity of cleaning to find Gao Yuan and returned the gift he gave to him. Gao YuanSomewhat puzzled, Li Weijin said that he could just give himself a cup of coffee every now and then, and there was no need to give such an expensive gift.Soon after, Gao Yuan relapsed due to being frightened by the last incident. He happened to be seen by Li Weijin, who stepped forward to comfort him. His special way of comforting made Gao Yuan like her.

Li Weijin was asked by the deputy chief to talk about her job as assistant to Gui Zhixiong's affairs officer. She was very surprised and pleasantly surprised. The next day, she happily entered her new job wearing the newly bought pink clothes. Gui Zhixiong also feltVery unexpectedly, he approached the deputy commander and wanted to refuse the matter. Unexpectedly, he was rejected by the deputy commander. In desperation, he could only accept this fact.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

When Li Weijin heard that the deputy chief mentioned that she should be Gui Zhixiong's assistant, she deliberately pretended to be reluctant, but in fact she was very happy, not only because she liked Gui Zhixiong, but also because of such a jobBeing a civil servant is something she has dreamed of for many years.After the deputy chief did some work, he was also very happy to see Li Weijin agree. He believed that Li Weijin could handle Gui Zhixiong. Li Weijin immediately shared the news with his best friend after get off work. Her best friend was happy for her, and Li Weijin let She will give herself a beautiful make-up tomorrow, and she will face this job with a new attitude.

Although his best friend tried his best to put on makeup for Li Weijin, the age difference could not be changed. Li Weijin walked into the office happily, but Gui Zhixiong and his colleagues were not happy. The colleague made a bad idea and asked Gui Zhixiong to make things difficult for Li Weijin. He believed that Li Weijin would knowIt is difficult to quit, and you will not work under him for more than a month.

Gui Zhixiong followed the advice of his colleagues and brought a thick stack of information to Li Wei on the first day, asking her to sort it out before getting off work at noon. Moreover, she could not scan it and could only input it manually. Fortunately, Li Weijin had done typing.She had a part-time job, her hands were flying, and she rushed to finish it before getting off work at noon. Gui Zhixiong and his colleagues couldn't believe their eyes. The colleagues confirmed for almost an afternoon and found that the materials compiled by Li Weijin even had the punctuation correct.

A colleague then gave Li Weijin some takeout to embarrass, but she didn't know that Li Weijin had delivered takeout before. This kind of difficulty was just a trivial matter to her. Gui Zhixiong began to look at Li Weijin with admiration, but he also wanted to test her with business matters.The next day, Gui Zhixiong asked Li Wei to go into the mountains to find the client. The mountain road was rugged and steep. Unexpectedly, Li Weijin still completed the task within the time limit. Gui Zhixiong immediately recognized her ability and decided not to embarrass her in the future.

Gui Zhixiong is still very concerned about the corpse case, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of his female colleague who has always had a crush on him. The female colleague asked him not to pay attention to this case because she was responsible, but Gui Zhixiong remained unmoved.Gui Zhixiong analyzed that the murderer returned to the crime scene, probably because he was looking for items or someone. He was worried that it would be detrimental to Li Weijin, so he asked her to meet in a cafe in the evening.When he got off work, Li Weijin rode away quickly, and happened to encounter Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan chased him from behind, but unexpectedly saw Li Weijin with a changed face, which made him feel very puzzled. The person he saw just now was Li Weijin, but he turned out to be someone else.A young man, the two of whom were dressed surprisingly identically, Gao Yuan was puzzled.

When Gui Zhixiong met Li Weijin, he bought her self-defense supplies in advance and set the emergency contact to himself. Li Weijin felt the feeling of being protected, and felt a little more favorable towards him. After returning home, he was still immersed inIn the joy, he accidentally dialed the number, Gui Zhixiong picked up, and Li Weijin had to lie to explain.

Colleagues investigated the case of the suspect taking drugs and learned that a nightclub named Huo Fan was selling the drug, so Gui Zhixiong decided to go check it out at night. Li Weijin volunteered. Gui Zhixiong originally did not want her to participate, but Li Weijin was clear about the nightclub door.Gui Zhixiong thought it would be helpful to the investigation, so he agreed to her participation.

After get off work, Li Weijin asked her best friend to help her put on makeup to look younger, because Huo Fan nightclub had an age requirement, but after all, she had the body of an aunt, and it would be difficult to change it even with makeup. Just when she was discovered by the club staff, at sunset time When she arrived, she turned into Li Weijin again, so that she could use her transformed appearance to enter Huo Fan Club. She deliberately danced on stage to expose herself, attracting the attention of the club people, who took her to the VIP room.

Gui Zhixiong found that he could not contact Li Weijin, so he rushed into the club and had an argument and fight with the security guard. On the other side, Li Weijin was found to be carrying a camera device. The people inside were extremely vicious and wanted to do something to her. Li Weijin was in extreme danger., at the critical moment, Gui Zhixiong rushed in.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Li Weijin panicked after being discovered, and her camera device was also discovered by others, putting her in danger. On the other side, Gui Zhixiong was eagerly looking for Lin Shun who entered the club, and fought with the security guards who came.His assistant was stopped outside the club. He wanted to come in to check but was unable to do anything.

Li Weijin realized that the situation was not good, grabbed the camera device and ran away. As a result, she was thrown to the ground and the camera device was thrown into the water and scrapped. In desperation, she had no choice but to escape empty-handed, but accidentally ran into someone carrying a bag.After destroying the drugs in the box, she hurriedly took out her mobile phone to record the video, but was discovered again. The other party wanted to teach her a lesson. Li Weijin fled into the kitchen and confronted him. Fortunately, Gui Zhixiong heard the scream and ran over. Li WeijinJust escaped a disaster.

Gui Zhixiong asked Li Weijin if he had seen Lin Shun, and then called Lin Shun. Li Weijin hurriedly muted the phone, and then secretly sent a message to Gui Zhixiong, saying that he had a heart attack and had left early. Only then did Gui ZhixiongGive up looking for Lin Shun.The head of security at the club received a call and learned that Gui Zhixiong was a prosecutor and a person not to be trifled with, so he immediately changed his attitude and strategy and respectfully sent him and Li Weijin out of the door.

Gui Zhixiong sent Li Weijin home, but the car fell into a ditch on the way. Gui Zhixiong got out of the car and went to push the cart, and was sprayed with mud. Li Weijin called his parents for help, and Li's father drove a tractor and took them home.Li's mother asked Gui Zhixiong to take a bath at home, and Gui Zhixiong finally returned home wearing Li's mother's clothes. Li Weijin couldn't help but snicker secretly when he saw the funny way he dressed.

Gui Zhixiong investigates the acid-throwing case, and he realizes that the criminal seems to have other motives. He does not want to deal with Gao Yuan alone, because he could have murdered Gao Yuan quietly, but he chose to do it in front of the prosecutor's office with a large number of people. It is obviously not logical.The criminal did not cooperate with the investigation, but Gui Zhixiong had already guessed the answer from his answers.When Li Weijin was at work, she met Gao Yuan delivering coffee. She encouraged Gao Yuan to stick to his ideals because she saw the hard work behind Gao Yuan. After hearing this, Gao Yuan was very moved and decided to stay in the prosecutor's office for a while. He seemed to have met a soulmate.

The criminal suffered a sudden illness. After being sent to the medical room, the doctor injected him with drugs, which led to his death. In fact, a prison guard secretly changed the drugs, and he reported the situation to the mastermind behind the scenes.Gui Zhixiong immediately went to investigate after learning the news. The medical officer's answer was suspicious, but they did not expose it on the spot. Gui Zhixiong told his men that the news of the murderer's death could not be revealed, especially Gao Yuan, who was worried about Gao Yuan.There will be adverse psychological reactions.

Li Weijin did not know why and inadvertently revealed the news of the criminal's death to Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan's mood changed greatly, and he confirmed the accuracy of the incident to Gui Zhixiong.Gui Zhixiong was a little angry. When he learned that Lin Shun had revealed the news, he criticized her angrily. Li Weijin was very sad and felt that he was an insignificant person. He had a good impression of Gui Zhixiong and wanted to develop further with her.The thought evaporated.

After drinking to drown his sorrows, Li Weijin went to see his best friend, but he counted the wrong floor. After pressing the password and getting no response, he knocked on the door of Gui Zhixiong's house. After no one answered for a long time, Li Weijin took out the electric shock stick in his bag and pointed it atThe password lock was output for a while, but the password lock was broken.Gui Zhixiong was taking a shower indoors. He heard the doorbell and went out to check. He found Li Weijin lying at the door, extremely drunk. In desperation, he had to carry Li Weijin into his home.

Early the next morning, Li Weijin was very nervous when she woke up. Seeing the time for sunrise, she couldn't leave because the door lock was broken. In desperation, she had to climb up the guardrail and prepare to go to her best friend's house to take shelter.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Li Weijin saw the sunrise time. If she transformed into Lin Shun at Gui Zhixiong's house, then everything would not be concealed. Although she wanted to tell Gui Zhixiong the truth, it was not at this time, so Li Weijin climbed directly onto the balcony.Gui Zhixiong was worried that Li Weijin would be in danger, so he hurriedly ran forward to stop him. As a result, he was kicked in the face by Li Weijin. At this time, Li Weijin could no longer care about that and hurriedly climbed to the balcony of his best friend's house.Ask her for help.

When her best friend Keying saw Li Weijin suddenly appear on the balcony, she felt a little weird, especially when Li Weijin transformed into Lin Shun. Even though she knew the truth, she was still shocked.After Li Weijin entered the room, he explained to her what happened last night. Unexpectedly, he was drunk and walked to the wrong floor. Keying was concerned about whether anything happened between the two.

Gui Zhixiong found that Li Weijin's backpack and mobile phone were left in the house, so he knocked on the door and delivered the things. This frightened Li Weijin. Li Weijin put on a sunflower hood and went out to get the things in an attempt to fool him, but Gui Zhixiong saw through it, so she had toThey lied that they were Li Weijin's aunt. With Keying's help, they finally escaped. Keying could tell that Gui Zhixiong was interested in Li Weijin.

After going to work, Dean Bai asked Lin Shun about the missing person who worked together. Lin Shun gave a brief introduction and said that the person was fired because of being absent from work without reason.Keying called Lin Shun and told her that the kitten had been found. Someone responded to the cat-finding advertisement she posted. Lin Shun decided to contact her after get off work. If it was really that cat, her sunrise and sunset transformation would be a problem. can be resolved.

Seeing it was raining outside, Gui Zhixiong offered to see Lin Shun off. Lin Shun couldn't refuse, but because sunset was coming soon, she had to forcefully get out of the car halfway.Li Weijin arrived at the agreed place, only to find out that a few gangsters wanted to defraud her by pretending to return the cat. Li Weijin warned her sternly, but those few people ignored her at all and wanted to rob her by force. Gui Zhixiong happened to be passing by, and he againAfter rescuing Li Weijin, he saw a gangster carrying drugs, which happened to be related to the case he wanted to investigate, so he directly contacted his colleagues and brought these people back to the prosecutor's office.

During the interrogation, the suspects thought they did not understand the game language, but they did not know that Li Weijin was a game master. She translated for Gui Zhixiong and his colleagues. Not only were several suspects stunned, but Gui Zhixiong and his colleagues were also stunned.On the other side, Li Weijin's parents showed off to the neighbors because their daughter bought them gifts after receiving her salary. Their daughter's years of hard work were not in vain.

Keying specially called Li Weijin when she was filming the video. She was having a great time in the swimming pool, but Li Weijin was not very interested. Keying took advantage of Li Wei to go in to change clothes and sent a message to Gui Zhixiong to make an appointment.Meeting at the swimming pool, Li Weijin was surprised when he saw Gui Zhixiong's arrival. He didn't understand until he saw Keying's message.On the way back, the two walked like a couple. Li Weijin remembered the scene when he called Gui Zhixiong to sing after drinking last night, and couldn't help but feel shy.

Gui Zhixiong wanted to catch the drug suspect, but his whereabouts had never been found. They decided to use game trading to trade with the suspect's girlfriend. Li Weijin took the initiative to take on this task.After get off work, Li Weijin entered the Internet cafe to perform her task, but no one responded for a long time. When her patience was about to run out, someone made a transaction request. Sure enough, it was the suspect's girlfriend who took the bait.

Gui Zhixiong was worried that Lin Shun would be in danger while performing his mission, so he decided to go into battle himself, and Lin Shun's mission ended.Li Weijin was also worried about Gui Zhixiong. After get off work, she went to the restaurant she had agreed with the suspect's girlfriend to check, and she happened to see the man drugging Gui Zhixiong's wine. She was afraid that Gui Zhixiong would be drunk, so she resolutely broke in to remind Gui Zhixiong. , but Gui Zhixiong didn't understand the gesture she made. He was curious about why Li Weijin appeared here. Under the persuasion of the suspect's girlfriend, Gui Zhixiong picked up the wine glass and wanted to drink it. At the critical moment, Li Weijin took action, and she picked up the wine glass aside. The fried chicken leg hit Gui Zhixiong's wine glass.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Li Weijin saw that she was unable to communicate with Gui Zhixiong. Seeing that Gui Zhixiong was about to drink the drugged wine, she picked up a chicken drumstick and smashed it at Gui Zhixiong's wine glass. Gui Zhixiong dodged and failed to hit the drumstick.Medium wine glass.Everyone was shocked by Li Weijin's actions, and Gui Zhixiong didn't know why.Li Weijin could not tell the reason in person. She quickly said that she was Gui Zhixiong's girlfriend, but the suspect's girlfriend refused to back down. She immediately grabbed Gui Zhixiong's arm and claimed that he would be her boyfriend from today on.

The two refused to give in and began to pull Gui Zhixiong hard. Gui Zhixiong was helpless for a moment. At this time, the suspect suddenly appeared. Gui Zhixiong recognized him as the man who chased Li Weijin in the club, and the other party also recognized Gui Zhixiong as the man who was chasing Li Weijin that day.The prosecutor was so frightened that he ran away. Gui Zhixiong immediately chased him out. Only then did the suspect's girlfriend realize what was wrong. She also turned around and ran away. Li Weijin chased after him and captured him with the help of his colleagues.

Gui Zhixiong asked the suspect to learn his boxing skills, but he could only surrender. Gui Zhixiong asked his colleagues to take the suspect and his girlfriend back for investigation. His task was to send Li Weijin home.Gui Zhixiong was puzzled by Li Weijin's appearance here. Li Weijin had to explain that he happened to see the woman drugging her wine when he was passing by. However, such an explanation obviously did not satisfy Gui Zhixiong. Li Weijin was afraid that he would say too much.A loophole appeared, so he lied that he had something to do and left.

Gui Zhixiong saw Li Weijin sitting on the bus stop, then got up and left, talking about how Gui Zhixiong was doing, but he heard everything.Li Weijin kicked up the can and hit a drunk man on the head. The drunk man turned around and wanted to trouble Li Weijin. Gui Zhixiong appeared in time. When he revealed his identity as a prosecutor, the drunk man immediately changed his attitude.Gui Zhixiong sent Li Weijin home, and he expressed his willingness to share his secrets with her. Li Weijin felt indescribable joy after hearing this. After returning, she asked her parents what Gui Zhixiong's words meant. Her father told her that it meant that the other party trusted her very much.She, this made Li Weijin even more excited.

The next day, Gui Zhixiong interrogated the suspect about the whereabouts of the drugs and learned the unknown evil secrets in the club. At the same time, people in the club also got the news and immediately transferred the drugs. Fortunately, his colleagues planted an insider in the club., letting them know that the drugs had been transferred, but he had no way of knowing where exactly they were transferred.

Someone found Li Weijin at the prosecutor's office and said that she was Lin Shun's former colleague at the bank. Naturally, Li Weijin didn't know about her aunt's past. She could only say that the other party had admitted the wrong person. On the other hand, Gao Yuan also asked people to investigate Li Weijin.Li Weijin was confused about Li Weijin's transformation. After learning that Lin Shun's previous files were blank, his doubts about Li Weijin became even more serious.

The deputy chief prepared to treat a guest, but Li Weijin had the courage to refuse because he could not show up after sunset, causing the deputy chief to advance the party time so that many colleagues could attend.After get off work, Gao Yuan followed Li Weijin and finally confirmed that Lin Shun and Li Weijin were the same person. However, he was very surprised that her appearance would change. This huge secret also made Gao Yuan unable to recover for a while.

At the party the next day, in order to liven up the atmosphere, the deputy director proposed that the singer could receive his coupon if he got full marks. This coupon could satisfy any wish of the singer. Li Weijin went on stage without saying a word and sang loudly.She sang and danced while singing, winning the full house's applause. After finishing singing, Li Weijin drank the water in front of Gao Yuan. In it, Gao Yuan put down the sedative he was about to drink. Gao Yuan was worried that her transformation would be exposed, so he took the initiative to reject the deputy director's request.The next party project proposed, he turned around and left with Li Weijin, but unexpectedly met Gui Zhixiong who came to see Li Weijin. Seeing Li Weijin lying on Gao Yuan's shoulder, Gui Zhixiong felt strong jealousy in his heart.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Li Weijin became confused because she drank Gao Yuan's water by mistake. When Gao Yuan held her in his arms, Li Wei Jin still resisted. Gao Yuan said something in her ear, and it was going to be sunset soon. If she didn't want to beIf people find out, they will obey his command. Li Weijin was stunned at that time and lay obediently on Gao Yuan's shoulder. The next step was that he fainted unexpectedly.

Gui Zhixiong saw Gao Yuan helping Li Weijin into the car. He was very worried and went forward to check. The two sent Li Weijin to the hospital. After the examination, the doctor told Gui Zhixiong that Li Weijin's test result was an overdose, which made Gui Zhixiong feel very sad.It's confusion.When Li Weijin came to her senses, she was eager to find out what Gao Yuan meant before she fell into coma, so she rejected Gui Zhixiong's offer to take her home and caught up with Gao Yuan in the parking lot. Gao Yuan asked her to get in the car and then put herHe told her how he knew the secret of Li Weijin's transformation, and said that he would keep this secret.

Keying came to pick up Li Weijin, looking at Gao Yuan like a little girl, and was forcefully taken away by Li Weijin. After returning home, Keying pestered Li Weijin and kept asking questions. Li Weijin was in distress, not knowing what to do tomorrow.Facing the plateau.Li's father received a letter from the police station replying to Li Weijin. When Li's mother confirmed the remittance with the supplier, he had a premonition that there was something wrong, so he tried every means to cover up the matter for his daughter, and finally made the matter smooth.

Early the next morning, when Li Weijin was at work, he saw a girl standing outside the Procuratorate, holding a sign in her hand that said “My father works in the Procuratorate. He has disappeared. I hope everyone can help find”. Li Weijin remembered that he was missing.Gui Zhixiong's aunt sympathized with her. When Gui Zhixiong checked the murderer's license plate, he accidentally saw the name of Dean Bai who worked in the Procuratorate. This aroused his curiosity, so he consulted Li Weijin. His colleague shouted loudly at the window.Li Weijin was lost in thought. Only then did Li Weijin regain his composure, and then reported the situation of Dean Bai's appointment to Gui Zhixiong in detail.

Li Weijin deliberately avoided Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan stopped Li Weijin who was running away nervously, and then bought the deputy director's coupon from Li Weijin at a high price. Then Gao Yuan took the coupon and asked the deputy director for his assistant secretary position. He now had a crush on Li Weijin.He has a strong interest in the prosecutor's office and does not want to leave the prosecutor's office even if his job has expired.

Under the arrangement of Gui Zhixiong, colleagues investigated Dean Bai's situation and learned that he had started providing medical services after his wife's death, including working in the Prosecutor's Office.When he got off work, Li Weijin comforted the girl at the door, and then he realized that her father was Gao Luoxin, the elderly worker who had disappeared from the prosecutor's office.

A retired criminal police officer is also one of Li Weijin's colleagues. He came to the nursing home of his old boss. The old boss suffered from dementia, but he could not forget the case many years ago. He originally agreed to meet with the witness for a while, but he failed.He was assigned another task by his superiors, but the criminal police officer who went to meet him on his behalf did not see the witnesses, and the witnesses were brutally killed.

Detective Quan took a list of missing persons to give to Gui Zhixiong. Li Weijin turned it over curiously and seemed to see Lin Shun's name, which made her feel very panicked. She was afraid that Gui Zhixiong would see it, so she would take his place.The identity of the aunt was likely to be exposed. At this time, Gui Zhixiong walked in, and she had to put the list on the table.

Li Weijin saw Gui Zhixiong stuffing the list into his briefcase and taking it home. She decided to buy something and go to Gui Zhixiong's house. She took the opportunity to check the list. Li Weijin made an excuse to explain the misunderstanding to Gui Zhixiong. The two chatted while drinking, and Li Weijin finally found the opportunity to check it.After reading the list, she felt relieved when she saw that it was Lin Shu's name instead of Lin Shun's.Li Weijin accidentally broke her finger, and Gui Zhixiong brought a medicine box to clean it for her. Li Weijin had a good impression of Gui Zhixiong, so he kissed Gui Zhixiong directly while he was drunk.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Li Weijin confessed his love to Gui Zhixiong under the influence of drunkenness and took the initiative to kiss him. Unexpectedly, he was blocked by Gui Zhixiong with his hand. This scene made both of them very embarrassed.Later, Li Weijin came to Keying's house and told the embarrassing story of being rejected. Keying laughed endlessly. He didn't expect that such a scene would happen when a woman chases a man. On the other side, Gui Zhixiong was upset. He was not unhappy.He likes Li Weijin, but he has never experienced such a thing, which makes him refuse instinctively.

Gui Zhixiong couldn't fall asleep for a while, so he thought of buying some wine in the supermarket to help him sleep. Unexpectedly, he met Keying and Li Weijin who were also shopping. Li Weijin misunderstood Gui Zhixiong's meaning and thought it was his own actions that made him feel upset. Gui ZhixiongIt was difficult to explain clearly at the moment.After returning home, Gui Zhixiong looked through the missing persons report and remembered that his colleagues pointed out that Bai Tiegui's wife disappeared after having an affair. At that time, he suspected Bai Tiegui but did not find enough evidence. Later, there were successive murder cases, and the victims were all affected.The body was mutilated, and the drug fentanyl was detected in the body. Gui Zhixiong wondered why the murderer reappeared twenty years later, and speculated that he must be looking for someone, probably a witness. However, Gao Luoxin was never found after his disappearance, so heAfter some analysis, Gui Zhixiong locked the search location at the Dahao Reservoir where a murder case had occurred.

The next day after going to work, Li Weijin was still irritated by Gui Zhixiong's rejection of him, so much so that he forgot that he had transformed into Lin Shun during the day, and gave Gui Zhixiong a hard time, claiming that he never worked overtime at night and that it was not important.Don't bother yourself all the time and make Gui Zhixiong confused.At noon, when the prosecutor and Gui Zhixiong had dinner together, they saw Gao Yuan courting Li Weijin. He was very angry because he originally had a good impression of Li Weijin, but he had no reason to hinder him and could only sulk alone.

Gui Zhixiong came to the reservoir site to investigate, and finally came to the conclusion that he applied for a search ticket to the deputy chief. The deputy chief was angry that he always dealt with cases that others were responsible for, but he finally agreed.After get off work, Keying asked Li Weijin to bring back pig's feet. Li Weishi accidentally met the prosecutor when he was buying pig's feet. So the prosecutor and Gui Zhixiong had dinner with Keying and Li Weijin. During the dinner, Keying talked about the plateau. , the prosecutor asked what would be the result if someone like Gao Yuan confessed to them. Of course Keying wanted it, but Li Weijin did not give the answer.

Both the investigator and Keying drank too much. Gui Zhixiong asked Li Weijin the questions that the investigator asked during dinner, hoping to find out Li Weijin's thoughts, but Li Weijin was vague.The next day, Gao Luoxin's body was found from the reservoir by the police. His daughter cried and wanted to see her father. Seeing this scene, Gui Zhixiong remembered the tragic scene of his mother's death.Colleagues who came to work at the prosecutor's office discussed Gao Luoxin's murder. Bai Tiegui left in a hurry. Li Weijin wanted to catch up with him to discuss helping Gao Luoxin's daughter, but unexpectedly saw that Bai Tiegui's license plate ended with the same number as the suspect.6438, which left her stunned on the spot.

Li Weijin immediately ran back to the office and took the search officer to look for clues, but all searches must be carried out according to procedures. The search officer patiently persuaded her. On the other side, Gui Zhixiong, who had already discovered that Bai Tiegui was suspicious, applied to the deputy chief for a search and investigation.East Hospital, but this time the deputy director did not agree.

In order to find clues to the case as soon as possible, Li Weijin came up with a way. She pretended to be sick and was sent to Hedong Hospital by Gui Zhixiong and the investigator. Then the three of them split up to look for clues. Li Weijin accidentally broke into Bai Tiegui's office.After Bai Tiegui came back, he heard the sound coming from the office. He entered the office to search. Just when he was about to find Li Weijin, someone called him in time.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Li Weijin was almost exposed. Someone stopped Bai Tiegui and said that Lin Shun's blood report had come out. So Bai Tiegui gave up searching and turned to look at the blood report. To his surprise, Lin Shun's blood type was the same as that of that year.Lin Shun's blood type was different, and Bai Tiegui fell into deep thought.

Both Gui Zhixiong and the investigator found something in their search. Gui Zhixiong found a laboratory that had been hidden in the basement for a year, while the investigator found a large amount of fentanyl in the pharmacy, but the investigator was locked in the drug room., he had to ask Li Weijin for help. Li Weijin snatched the access card from the staff and finally rescued the investigator.

After get off work, Keying saw Li Weijin's distracted look and thought she was still worried about Gui Zhixiong's matter, teasing her whether she had been reported for sexual harassment by Gui Zhixiong. In fact, Li Weijin was worried about Bai Tiegui's matter.After Gao Yuan learned about Li Weijin's search for the cat, he immediately called on his fans to help find the cat. Keying was surprised when she saw it. She didn't know the relationship between Gao Yuan and Li Weijin.Gao Yuan's action was indeed extraordinary, and there was a response immediately, and the attached photo was exactly the same as the cat Li Weijin was looking for. Li Weijin was so excited that he immediately went to meet her, but the result was that she was very disappointed. The person was a fan of Gao Yuan, and she was falseThe report is just to see the plateau.

Keying met Gui Zhixiong when she came back from shopping. She had the idea of ​​​​bringing her best friend and Gui Zhixiong together, so she invited Gui Zhixiong to her home and talked about Li Weijin, but after all, this was between Gui Zhixiong and Li WeijinNo matter how much others care about the matter, they can only solve the problem in the end.

Gui Zhixiong was still worried about the disappearance case, so he decided to start with the drug fentanyl, and the suspect selling drugs would probably know the clues about the drugs hidden in Huo Fan Club, so he and the investigators began to interrogate the suspect again.Previously, the investigator's informant also provided him with the clue that the place where the drugs were buried was Wufeng Mountain. However, Wufeng Mountain is so big that without knowing the specific location, searching for it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Finally, with the coaxing and cooperation of the two, the suspect saidThe drugs were buried under the lowest tree of the Five Brothers tree in the pavilion on the top of the mountain.

Gui Zhixiong and the investigator came to the bottom of the mountain and saw that it was very difficult to climb the mountain. The investigator remembered a mission that Li Weijin had completed and climbed to the top of the mountain in only three hours. He immediately called Li Weijin.Li Weijin indeed took a shortcut. She prepared a special climbing rope, which was equivalent to climbing from the side of the cliff. The investigator was so frightened that he hid directly. Gui Zhixiong had no choice but to bite the bullet and climb up the mountain with Li Weijin. Finally,With the help of a mountain guard whom Li Weijin knew, they finally found the batch of drugs.

The prosecutor saw Gao Yuan's excessive concern and enthusiasm for Li Weijin. He determined that Gao Yuan wanted to pursue Li Weijin. There was an obvious age gap between the two. The prosecutor met with Gao Yuan alone and patiently persuaded him to start a healthy relationship.In the end, the investigator drank too much, and Gao Yuan had to call Gui Zhixiong and ask him to help get the investigator back.When he went to work the next day, Gao Yuan once again saw a report letter reporting that some middle-aged and elderly interns had concealed their identities. He knew that this must be against Li Weijin, so he dealt with it in the same way.

Gui Zhixiong was entangled in his relationship with Li Weijin. He had no love experience and wanted to confirm Li Weijin's true thoughts, but was misunderstood by Li Weijin again. When Gui Zhixiong mustered up the courage to confess to Li Weijin, he unexpectedly saw Gao Yuan in front of him.The scene of holding an umbrella in the rain and confessing to Li Weijin.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Gui Zhixiong saw Gao Yuan confessing to Li Weijin in the rain, and his heart became a mess. Li Weijin understood Gao Yuan's mood at this time, because she was also suffering from emotional confusion. She expressed her feelings, which was equivalent to rejecting Gao Yuan's confession..

Gui Zhixiong caught a cold due to the heavy rain and was unable to go to work the next day. Li Weijin was very worried after hearing this. After get off work, Li Weijin came to the door of the pharmacy without knowing it. After hesitating for a long time, he bought Gui Zhixiong medicine. She came to the restaurant and wanted to bring him some nutritious soup, but unexpectedly saw the prosecutor there, which scared her and fled. In fact, the prosecutor also wanted to buy Gui Zhixiong some food.Li Weijin didn't know that a car had been following her and captured her movements with a camera.

Li's mother made a large pot of achyranthes soup, and Li Weijin immediately had an idea. She got up in the middle of the night, packed up the remaining achyranthes soup, and sent it to Gui Zhixiong. This scene happened to be seen by Li's father.At the door of Gui Zhixiong's house, Li Weijin hesitated, and the investigator happened to come to visit Gui Zhixiong. He rang the doorbell with great discernment and walked away, leaving Li Weijin at the door. Keying was jealous of the investigator after seeing this scene.Got a good impression.

Gui Zhixiong curled up on the sofa. Li Weijin prepared food for him and wanted to leave. However, Gui Zhixiong held her hand and murmured words not to let her go. He thought of his mother when he was a child.In the scene of preparing food for himself, Li Weijin had to stay and take care of him, giving Gui Zhixiong a warm scene like home.After arriving at Keying's house, Keying asked Li Weijin why Gao Yuan helped her find a cat. He was just a lifesaver. Keying's favorite star was Gao Yuan, but the appearance of the prosecutor made her hallucinate. Photos of Gao Yuan and the prosecutorChanging around in her head, she finally became a person.

The next day, the investigator told Gui Zhixiong about Gao Yuan's love for Lin Shun. Gui Zhixiong remembered Gao Yuan's confession to Li Weijin and became irritable at that time, and got angry at the investigator for no reason.

In the suburbs, Bai Tiegui met the person who followed Li Weijin. It turned out that Bai Tiegui sent someone to follow Li Weijin. The person discovered a strange phenomenon. Lin Shun always went to his sister's house after get off work and basically did not go out at night, and she His niece was dressed almost the same as her, and they always seemed to meet behind the house, which puzzled him.

Li's mother and Li's father had a quarrel, and Gui Zhixiong happened to be passing by. He was worried that Li Wei was involved in something, so he immediately rushed into Li's house. Only then did he find out that it was a misunderstanding, and Li's mother left him to eat.Today is Lin Shun's birthday, but Keying and Li Weijin didn't want Gui Zhixiong to discover Li Weijin's true identity. Keying tried every means to prevent Li's father from telling the truth. Li Weijin came to the kitchen to comfort her mother. Then when sending Gui Zhixiong off, she saidLin Shun's disappearance happened, but Lin Shun's name was not mentioned.

After returning home, Li Weijin was moved to tears when she saw Li's father shining her shoes and giving her pocket money.The next day, Li Weijin received the order from the search officer after going to work. It turned out that the search warrant from Hedong Hospital was issued. They went to Hedong Hospital to search and fix the evidence. When Li Weijin was about to walk out of the hospital with the evidence, he was stopped by a nurse., saying that she didn’t get the test results from her last test. After thinking about it, Li Weijin went with her to get the test results, but the results never came out.

When the investigator was about to leave, he found that Li Weijin was missing and the phone could not be reached. He immediately reported it to Gui Zhixiong. On the other hand, Gui Zhixiong asked Detective Quan who had been waiting at the hospital and learned that Bai Tiegui was still in the hospital and had not come out.He asked Interpol Quan to immediately search and monitor to confirm Bai Tiegui's traces. At the same time, he applied to the deputy chief for a wanted warrant for Bai Tiegui. Gao Yuan heard the conversation between the two, so when Gui Zhixiong left, he asked him about Li Weijin's situation and said that Li WeijinThe call cannot be connected.

When Gui Zhixiong called Li Weijin, he couldn't get through. He found out through the positioning device that Li Weijin was at Hedong Hospital. This shocked him, so he immediately went to Hedong Hospital and searched for Li Weijin like crazy., Little did they know that Li Weijin had been taken into the basement of the hospital by Bai Tiegui.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Bai Tiegui imprisoned Li Weijin in the basement and asked her what happened twenty years ago. He had been searching for Lin Shun for so many years. It turned out that Bai Tiegui's wife Jiang Jingxi disappeared unexpectedly. He asked a detective to find her whereabouts and learned thatShe did not use a bank card and had no life track. She only once stayed alone in the Dahaoli Hotel and often met a man.Bai Tiegui handed his wife's bank account to Lin Shun, who was working in the bank at the time, and asked her to pay attention to who would take the money from his wife's account. However, soon after, his wife was killed and he became an important suspect. Although in the endHe was released with evidence of alibi, but Lin Shun disappeared. All this became a mystery, and finding Lin Shun to understand the ins and outs of the matter became Bai Tiegui's main motivation to survive these years.

Bai Tiegui explained these things to Li Weijin and asked her what happened, but after all, Li Weijin was not Lin Shun. She could not explain what happened that year. Bai Tiegui was so angry that he wanted to kill Li Weijin. Li Weijin saw that the sun was about to set, so he proposedShe could prove to him that she was not Lin Shun, but Li Weijin did not transform when the time was up, which surprised her. Fortunately, Gui Zhixiong arrived in time and rescued Li Weijin, and she escaped, while Bai TieguiHe was also taken away by the police who arrived later.

Gui Zhixiong sent Li Weijin home. Li Weijin remembered what Bai Tiegui said to her. She told Gui Zhixiong that maybe Bai Tiegui was not the murderer of the disappearance, but she could not tell her secret. Gui Zhixiong asked her not to worry about it.Don't worry, just go home and relax.

When he went to work the next day, the prosecutor mentioned to Gui Zhixiong that Gao Yuan and Lin Shun were in love. Gui Zhixiong was overjoyed after hearing this, but Lin Shun happened to hear the rumor and lost her temper. She took the prosecutor out for repairs.Had a meal.The interrogation of Bai Tiegui was not convenient. He said nothing. However, the investigator said that his crime was to kidnap Li Weijin instead of Lin Shunhou. He was surprised, but he still refused to say anything.

The case reached a deadlock. After learning about it, Li Weijin decided to do something. She proposed to interrogate Bai Tiegui herself. The reason was that the two had worked together and were familiar with each other. Maybe this could open Bai Tiegui's mouth. Gui Zhixiong finally agreed.her request.After Li Weijin entered the interrogation room, he cheered up Bai Tiegui with just one sentence: his involvement in the case was due to Li Weijin and not Lin Shun.Later, Li Weijin turned off the microphone in the interrogation room, so that the contents of the speech inside could not be heard outside. Gui Zhixiong and the prosecutor were surprised, but Gui Zhixiong decided to let Li Weijin continue.

Faced with Bai Tiegui's doubts, Li Weijin took out his mobile phone and showed Bai Tiegui the video of himself transforming from Lin Shun into Li Weijin, but Bai Tiegui still refused to believe it. He believed that Li Weishi had used the synthesized video to deceive him. Li Weijin saidIt showed the scene when Lin Shun took her to see a doctor at Bai Tiegui when she was a child. At that time, Bai Tiegui said that the two were very similar. Even if they said they were mother and daughter, he would completely believe it. Then Li Weishi told the story of Lin Shun's disappearance., pulled Baitie Gui into his own camp, saying that this was a problem set by the murderer for them, and they must cooperate to solve the problem and find the murderer.

Although Bai Tiegui was shaken, he still did not immediately propose cooperation. In the evening, after Li Weijin returned home, he received a call from Keying. It turned out that Keying met the investigator on the road and learned about Li Weijin's kidnapping., Keying flew over to visit Li Weijin. Li Weijin was worried that his parents would find out, so he tried his best to prevent Keying from speaking loudly.Li Weijin had a bad feeling because the time it took to come back from her transformation was gradually lengthening, and she was worried that she would grow old forever. Keying suggested that she could not sit still and wait for death, but must do something to prevent such a result.

After careful consideration, Li Weijin finally decided to go to the police station to explain the situation after returning to Li Weijin at night, and asked him to explain the truth after seeing Bai Tiegui. After all, Bai Tiegui had more than one suspect, and Gui Zhixiong immediately rushed after hearing the news.Came over and pulled Li Weijin out of the police station.Gui Zhixiong persuaded Li Weijin not to be too impulsive, and it was up to them to catch the murderer, but Li Weijin pointedly pointed out that they had not caught the murderer until now. Gui Zhixiong hugged Li Weijin into his arms and apologized. At this timeAt this moment, he fully felt his sincerity and his feelings for Li Weijin, so in Li Weijin's surprised eyes, he took the initiative to kiss Li Weijin.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Gui Zhixiong confessed and kissed Li Weijin, which was something Li Weijin had been looking forward to for a long time. However, she could not tell the secret of her transformation now, so she could only let Gui Zhixiong keep the relationship between the two a secret first. Unexpectedly, the scene where they hugged each other and parted wasLi's father saw it, and Li Weijin told his father not to tell the matter after learning about it, so even though Li's mother used strong tactics, Li's father did not tell her about the matter.

The next day, because they were nourished by love, Gui Zhixiong and Li Weijin couldn't help being happy in the office, sending text messages to each other and feeding dog food. The investigator saw the two in such a state. Although he was suspicious, he didn't know what happened to them.What, especially Gui Zhixiong? He felt that he had never seen such a bright smile since he met Gui Zhixiong.Gao Yuan always tried to find ways to get close to Li Weijin and expressed his love for her. Li Weijin did not want Gui Zhixiong to misunderstand, so he decisively refused, but Gao Yuan did not want to give up.

After Li Weijin came home from get off work, she wanted to continue sending messages to Gui Zhixiong, but found that her mobile phone could not be found. Then she remembered that she had forgotten her in the office. He was worried that Gui Zhixiong would discover the secret that he was Lin Shun, so he immediately ran back to the office to get his mobile phone. , it happened that Gui Zhixiong and the prosecutor were working overtime at night. She was almost discovered by Gui Zhixiong, but she still met Gui Zhixiong after going downstairs. Li Weijin had to say that she came to him specifically. Gui Zhixiong was immersed in the joy of love, so there was no He thought too much, but Li Weijin was too familiar with the working environment and even knew where to put the fork, which inevitably made Gui Zhixiong have doubts.When sending Li Weijin home, Gui Zhixiong said that he would wait until she told all her secrets, because she was the only person he could trust. Li Weijin hesitated to speak, after all, now was not the time for her to tell her secrets.

Gui Zhixiong and the investigators investigated the usage records of fentanyl at Heping Hospital and found that the purchase of fentanyl was far greater than the amount used, which showed that fentanyl was flowing out in large quantities. They questioned Bai Tiegui again, but Bai Tiegui was unwilling to say anything.After an old detective who worked as a cleaner in the prosecutor's office found out that Gui Zhixiong was the son of the victim of the disappearance, he immediately told Gui Zhixiong that Bai Tiegui suffered from Alzheimer's disease. After investigation, Gui Zhixiong learned that Bai Tiegui did indeed suffer from Alzheimer's disease.Alzheimer's disease, and Bai Tiegui was hospitalized at the time of Gao Yuanxin's death, which proves that he was not the murderer.

Li Weijin took the initiative to talk to Bai Tiegui, and Gui Zhixiong believed her. Li Weijin used her own unique way to get Bai Tiegui to speak, because she smelled a special smell on the murderer, even if she used her own life as bait.The culprit must be caught.Bai Tiegui's proactive confession brought a new breakthrough in the case, but he was not the murderer, which caused a public uproar. The prosecutor general reprimanded the deputy minister. After all, Bai Tiegui was greeted by the mayor himself, which made him very embarrassed..

Gui Zhixiong invited Li Weijin to meet during the day, but she decisively refused. In addition, she had previously refused to disclose the nature and location of her work. Gui Zhixiong was full of doubts, but could not keep asking. After the prosecutor learned about this, he also feltThere must be something fishy in it.Over the weekend, Li Weijin hid in Keying's house. Keying felt that there was no way for her to continue like this. However, Li Weijin had no good solution at the moment and could only take it one step at a time. The prosecutor came to Keying's house to inquire about it by delivering food.situation, but he got carried away chatting with Keying. After Gui Zhixiong heard that Lin Shun was at Keying's house, his doubts became more serious.

Gao Yuan discovered that the cleaning staff had put the anonymous letter into her office. Li Weijin also learned about this. She went to the cleaning staff to ask, and the cleaning staff had to tell the truth in order not to lose her job. She was also entrusted by others.Gao Yuan sent Li Wei in to find the person who wrote the anonymous letter. The woman claimed that she had been replaced by someone to work as a cleaner in the Procuratorate. Li Weijin suddenly discovered that the person she identified was his cleaning colleague Luo Yuxi.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Quan Jinhua's identity gradually emerged and became the key villain of the story.Not only was she revealed to be an intern impersonating Luo Yuxi, but she was also the real murderer of the series of murders.Quan Jinhua stole their belongings and identities by pretending to be different women, approaching them and killing them after causing them to bleed excessively.Her crimes were so heinous that she killed Mr. Bai's wife and many other women.

As for what happened to Lin Shun (Meizhen’s identity after she transformed at night), although the play did not clearly state whether she was directly killed by Quan Jinhua, Quan Jinhua’s various behaviors and her threat to Meizhen all hinted at it.Lin Shun may have also encountered misfortune.As for why Meizhen turns into an old Lin Shun during the day, this fantasy setting is the core of the plot. It is not directly related to Quan Jinhua's direct behavior, but has something to do with Meizhen's own special physique or some kind of supernatural power..

In the confrontation between Meizhen and Quan Jinhua, Quan Jinhua used Meizhen's father as a hostage and forced Meizhen to go to the reservoir alone, intending to completely eliminate this key witness.However, Meizhen's wit and Zhiyu's tracker become her glimmer of hope.Zhiyu is likely to find Meizhen through the tracker and reveal Kwon Jinhua's true face.

In addition, Zhiyu gradually realized the close connection between Meizhen and Lin Shun during the development of the plot, and may even have deduced that they are the same person.This discovery will have a profound impact on his relationship with Meizhen, and it will also pave the way for the subsequent development of the plot.

Kwon Jin Hwa is revealed as the murderer of the series of murders in Episode 14 of She's Different Day and Night, and her plan is to capture and eliminate Mi Jin, a key witness.Meizhen's fate hangs on a thread, and Zhiyu's timely intervention may be the key to her escaping bad luck.As for Lin Shun's experience and Meizhen's special physique, they will still be important topics to be discussed in the follow-up of the plot.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

What happened to Lin Shun and Zhiyu’s mother?

Meizhen gets into trouble after a confrontation with her pseudonym Na Ok-hee (hereinafter referred to as Ok-hee for ease of understanding).Meanwhile, Jiaying finishes her skin care and realizes that she has missed 12 missed calls from Meizhen.Mi-jin's last message said that Ga-young should call the police if she couldn't be reached, but Ga-young immediately informed Ji-woo because he acted quickly and cared deeply about her friend.

Meanwhile, Ok-hee chases Meizhen through the forest and eventually suffers a nervous breakdown.I think she feels guilty about the real Lim Soon's death because she hallucinated that Meizhen was the real Lim Soon.Eventually, Mi-jin manages to inject Ok-hee with a sedative (the same fentanyl Ok-hee used on her victims) and knock her unconscious.But Meizhen herself was injured.

When Zhiyu arrived, he didn't know where to go and only found Meizhen's father's mobile phone.When Zhiyu tries to find Meizhen, he encounters the orange cat that started it all.Zhiyu remembers that Meizhen once told him that cats always repay what is given to them, so he follows the cat.

The next morning, the cat brought Zhiyu to Lin Shun.Zhiyu found Lin Shun unconscious and picked her up in disbelief.He then told everyone what happened and soon, as he kept saying, several bodies were dug up in the area.Eventually, two bodies were found: Zhiyu's mother and the real Lin Shun.Zhiyu breaks down and realizes that he never had the chance to reunite with his mother.

Meanwhile, Meizhen and her father were taken to the hospital for treatment.She could only look at her father from a distance because she turned into Lin Shun.At night, even though the culprit had been caught, it took her longer to recover, which meant either this was permanent or there was something else she needed to do for her aunt.

It seems Ok-hee killed Lin Soon because she found out that Lin Soon stole money and pretended to be someone else.She tries to tell Baek Cheol-kyu, but we know how that turns out.Zhiyu’s mother saw Okxi dragging Lin Shun’s body.Ok-hee then takes a job where Ji-woo's mother works to see if she will tell what she saw.Ultimately, Zhiyu's mother tried to do the right thing; this led to her eventual death.Before she died, she had begged Ok-hee to spare her life for Zhi-woo's sake, and Ok-hee now told the grown-up Zhi-woo, hoping to anger him.However, Zhiyu never showed any signs of pain in her presence.

He then talks to the detective who is now an intern in the office and basically tells him that he did his best and he doesn't blame him.He also told the lead detective, who had dementia, that they had found the child's mother, which excited him to run to tell the boy.This is a rather sad arrangement.Meanwhile, Meizhen thinks she is the cause of the chaos, and Jiaying comforts her.

Why did Meizhen break up with Zhiyu?

In the evening, after the whole incident was over, Zhiyu showed up at Meizhen's doorstep.While this is usually a happy sight, this time it was bleak as they all learned of the death of a close family member.But more importantly, Zhiyu already knew about Meizhen's situation because he saw the changes in her when he went to find her that day.He's frustrated that Meizhen never told him, but Meizhen tells him that it's not about trust, but that it's hard for her to share something she doesn't like about herself.Finally, she told him that they should break up because she didn't want him to be burdened with her problems and that she should take responsibility for her actions.She also tells him that if she tells him the truth, she will never get the chance to work with him, and that this opportunity only comes when she becomes an old woman.

On the other hand, Lin Shun and Gao Yuan gave statements on the case, and they confirmed each other very well.That made another prosecutor suspicious.Also, Lin Soon turns out to have a stolen identity, so that's a bigger problem.However, Ji-woo protects Meizhen's safety by telling another prosecutor that if she reveals the truth about Im-soon's stolen identity, then he will reveal the fact that Im-soon found the criminal and solved the case on his own.When he learns that Ji-woo will be transferred back to Seoul, his boss gives in, much to his delight.

At the end of episode 15, Mi-jin’s mother can’t believe her sister was murdered.When Meizhen came to talk to her as Lin Shun, she apologized for not recognizing her and hugged her tightly, promising never to let her go again.However, when the sun goes down, Meizhen changes back to her original self, and her father sees it.When Meizhen's mother released her tight hug, she was shocked to see Meizhen instead of her sister Lin Shun, who she thought was dead.

《Miss Night and Day》Episode 16 Details

Episode 1

The finale.The reason why this drama is so fascinating is largely due to its solid script foundation and the superb performances of a group of veteran actors, especially the heroine Lee Jung-eun (who has shown extraordinary acting skills in "Parasite") who plays Lin Shun.The profound interpretation of this character immerses the audience in the emotional world she creates from beginning to end.

《She who is different day and night》tells a story about youth, growth and self-salvation from a novel perspective.Li Meizhen, an ordinary girl, experienced a drastic change in her life because of an unexpected act of kindness - saving a cat that was about to drown. Her appearance grew old overnight.This sudden change not only challenged her physical and mental limits, but also caused earth-shaking changes in her life trajectory.The series cleverly uses this setting to explore profound themes about life, time, love and sacrifice.

As the plot progresses, the audience is slowly led into the final chapter - she is different day and night - which not only reveals the final direction of Meizhen's fate, but also contains the profound meaning that the work wants to convey.At the end of episode 15, Meizhen's identity is revealed by her family. The emotional entanglement within the family is intertwined with the revelation of the truth about the past, creating a complex and touching atmosphere.Although Meizhen's body is still aging irreversibly, she has not given up hope. Instead, she faces life with a positive attitude and makes a “bucket list”, hoping to complete it within the limited time.This move is undoubtedly a profound reflection and cherishment of the meaning of life.

《She is Different Day and Night》The most touching thing is its praise of the value of youth.Meizhen's experience made her deeply realize that youth is so precious and perishable. Only by cherishing the present and living bravely for yourself can you have no regrets.At the same time, the emotional entanglement between her and Zhiyu that spans age and time also makes people feel the power and purity of love. Even in the face of many difficulties and challenges, one must bravely pursue one's own happiness.

In addition, the story lines of other characters in the drama are equally exciting, such as Zhiyu’s emergency transfer and final emotional decision, and the warm but slightly twists and turns love story between Bingde and Jiaying, which all add richness to the entire drama.color and layering.In particular, the scene in which Bingde sticks to his promise in the haunted house and finally proposes to Jiaying under a candlelight dinner is both romantic and heartwarming, and has become a heartwarming highlight of the whole drama.

Meizhen's recovery

Meizhen's dancing under the cherry blossom tree not only symbolizes her new understanding of youth and life, but also her inner yearning and pursuit for a better life.This scene and the reunion with the mysterious cat seemed to be the last lesson left to her by her aunt - cherish the present and live fully of yourself.The conversation with “Linshun” in the dream is a profound reflection on self-identity and growth, indicating that Meizhen is ready to face the future with a new attitude.When she woke up, everything returned to normal, not only physical recovery, but also spiritual rebirth.

Yu Xi’s trial and ending

As the villain in the play, Ok-hee's ruthlessness is in sharp contrast to the final legal sanction.Meizhen attended the trial as a witness and victim, not only to seek justice, but also to comfort the souls of those who were victimized by her.Ok-hee's arrogance and lack of regret eventually earned her severe punishment from the law. This scene is undoubtedly a comfort to all the victims and their families.

Meizhen and Zhiyu’s happy ending

Reunited six months later, Meizhen appeared in front of Zhiyu with a new identity, and their tacit understanding and emotions were revealed inadvertently.Meizhen's rejection of the pursuit of others leaves room for the emotional development between Zhiyu and her. In the end, the two meet again under the cherry blossom tree, which heralds the beauty and happiness of their common future.The voice of “Linshun” that Zhiyu heard under the cherry blossom tree was a kind of nostalgia for the past, but it was more about cherishing the present and the future.