Home TV Blossoms

1. There is no such thing as despair in the world, only desperate people.

2. Life cannot be restarted, but you can start again from every choice point.

3. Your biggest enemy is always yourself.

4. On the road of life, the kind of people you meet will determine the kind of life you will have.

5. The most precious thing in the world is human nature, and the most tragic thing is the distortion of human nature.

6. Time is the best antidote, because time can dilute everything, smooth everything, and change everything.

7. The correct direction of life is not something that will never change once it is determined, but can be adjusted at any time.

8. There are always some people, a period of time, and one thing that we remember deeply and will never forget.

9. Strong people can withstand all storms, but fragile people collapse in ordinary moments.

10. Failure is not the end. Only when you can’t figure yourself out will you choose to give up.